'Moves' for Homecoming start This year's Homecoming, titled All the Right Moves, formally opens tonight at the annual carnival and pep rally . Preparations have been made by the Student Council Homecoming committee, chaired by Amy Nommensen. The carnival will start at 5 P.M. and will last until 9 P.M. A variety of clubs and societies will be represented at different booths. Tickets will be sold for 20 cents each. The pep rally and
fire ceremony will follow the carnival. The parade will be kicked off at 10 A.M. Saturday morning by the Grand Marshals, Dr. and Mrs. Thomas Cachur. The parade will begin here, in the back parking lot, and continue through uptown Park Ridge. Class councils and different clubs will be represented by floats and the band will march. The Sophomore football game will begin at
12 P.M. Saturday against Niles West. The Varsity game will immediately follow. The Homecoming Queen will be crowned between the Sophomore and Varsity games. The Homecoming dance will take place Saturday night between 8 P.M. and 11 P.M. No students will be admitted after 9 P.M. The theme of this year's dance is Bring on the Night and music will be provided by a disk jockey.
Board okays policy On Monday, September 8, the District 207 Board of Education met for the purpose of accepting the new district-wide disciphne policy. The policy, which was drawn up by administrators, deans, teachers, parents, and students from the three Maine schools, is a written document containing disciplinary rules and regulations along with consequences for each infringement. In the summer of 1985, the Illinois Senate passed bill 7030 which was the Education Reform Bill. One of the provisions of this bill is that all students be given a written version of the school's discipUnary policy. All students here at South will receive at school the full document which is approximately twenty pages in length. Parents will receive an abridged version of the policy through the mail. This distribution of the docimient will hopefully bring the school behavior problem home to the parents. Says Dr. Cachur, "We feel the parents and the school should work together." The document is basically different consequences that were decided upon for specific acts of misconduct. There will be several steps toward correction. For instance, there will be a mild consequence for a first offense, a tougher action against a second offense and so on. Some of the more serious offenses will have consequences which lead directly to suspension. The administrators advise all students and parents to read the document thoroughly and to understand that the purpose is to make the school a better place and to also open new means of communication.
News Briefs The Homecoming Carnival will be held tonight from 5 to 9 p.m.. The Homecoming Dance "Bring on the Night" will be held this Saturday at 8 p.m.. There will be no admittance after 9 p.m.. District 207's annual CoU^e Night will be held at Maine South on Wed., Oct. I at 7:00 p.m.. There will be no classes held on Mon., Oct. 13 in observation of Columbus Day.
souihwoRcls Vol. 23, No. 2
Maine Township High School South
September 26, 1986
Candidates await vote
The 1986 Homecoming Queen can(Mdates: standing from left to right are Katy McGarry, Chrlssy Coscloni, Michelle Joesten, Susie Kashul, Lisa Hamel, and Katie Lee. Sitting are Belva Shin, Julie Thien, Marnle Cienkus, Sharie lovino, and Valerie Wllkens. Out of these candidates the Homecoming Court was elected and announced at
the Homecoming assembly. The Homecoming Queen was voted on today and will be announced between the sophomore and varsity football games tomorrow. The queen and her escort will reign over all Homecoming activities closing with the dance tomorrow night, where she will again be presented.
Students elect 5 finalists Julie Thein has t>een very active at Maine South. She has been a member of Student Council for four years serving as Social Com-
mittee Chairperson her senior year. She has also participated in the Cheerleading squad, continued on page 2
September 26,1986
page 2
Homecoming court continued continued from page 1 Ski Club, and the badminton team since her freshman year. Her junior and senior year she has been a member of Class Council. She received awards in both history and art her junior year. Her first three years she was a member of Spanish Club, and she has been in Varsity Club her senior year.
Merit Semifinalists are named
Valerie WUkens has been an active member of the Hawkette squad since her freshman year, serving as a captain her junior and senior years. She has participated in V-show with the Hawkettes all four years. She has also performed in musicals as a member of the dance chorus since her sophomore year. She is involved in the junior/senior leader program. Her freshman and sophomore year she was in Business and Pep Club. Her freshman year she alsomodeled in the Home Ec. fashion show. Susie Kashul has been an active member of the Marching Band, flagging with the Color Guard for four years and serving as a captain her senior year. She has been on the Honor Roll for three years. She has also been involved in the athletic program at Maine South playing with the freshman volleyball team, the basketball team for three years, and pitching for the Softball team for four years. Since her freshman year she has been a member of Class Council serving as this year's senior class president. She is a part of the junior/senior leader I»-ogram and this year she is also participating in Pep Council and Student Council. Lisa Hamel has been played an active role in activities at Maine South. Since her freshman year she has participated as a member of Ski Qub. She was a member of the Cheerleading Squad her freshman year. She was on the Honor Roll her sophomore year . During both her sophomore and junior years she has been a vital competitor for the varsity gymnastics team, and has participated in the intramural program.
Maine South IHigh School semifinalists in the 1987 National Merit Scholarship competition were recently congratulated by Or. Thomas J. Cachur, Principal. Pictured are Suzanne M. Coleman, Barbara K. Hansen, Owen J. McGarry has been active in many different aspects of the school. She has been a member of class council and has participated in the vocal music program since her freshman year. Katy has also perfomcd with the Orchesis dance troup and in V-shows for the past two years. Her sophomore and junior year she was a member of Student Council. Since her junior
vear she has been a vital member of the Contest Speaking team and National Forensic League. The is also a member of Maine South's Thespian troupe as a result of her performances musical her junior year and arena play her senior year. Since her sophomore year she has been a member of the Southwards staff serving as features editor this year.
AP Government/Democracy class begins
Maine South is one of the few high schools Since coming to Maine South, Katy across the nation to be offering an AP Government/Democracy class. This class is a college level course dealing with pohtical science and the American government. The AP Government/Democracy class, since it is on a college level, gives credit toward college, and also reSouthward* I t th« student produced quires the use of the college vocabulary. rwwipapar o4 M*ln« South High School, Park Therefore, this class is basically for a more Rldg«, IL. L«tt»r« to th« •ditor ihould b« mature student. dallvtrad to Room V-130 or glvtn to a mambar of tha adttorlal atafi llttad baiow.Soutftworda For four years Maine South has been fiUing (•aarvat tha right to adit all lattara containing out questionnaires trying to persuade the acobacana or ttbaloua matartal. ceptance of this class. A final proposal was acEdltora-ln-cMa( Allaa Ragat cepted in 1985 explaining the value of this Wayna Qobia course. One can enter college early or at a Nawa Editor Maura Scott higher grade and save tremendously on tuition. Commantary Editor Maradlth Brammalar Mr. Feichter worked last summer in Faaturaa Editor Katy McQarry Sporta Editor Jan RIchtar preparation for this class. He has a degree in Photo Editor Haldl Naumann this subject and is very optimistic. His class contains twenty-six students and is going well.
Hayes III, and Thomas J. Wilkes. The students will now work to advance to finalist standing in order to continue In the competition for 6000 Merit Scholarships, valued at over $21 milllon.to be awarded In the spring of 1987.
Next year this class will be offered again, and in addition an AP Comparitive Government class will be offered second semester. This class will involve comparisons of parliament and assembly governments. Mr. O. Kohler, Social Science Department Chairman, said, "We're one of the few and we are enthusiastic for the potential it holds for our s e n i o r s . "
V-Show applications ou Tiyouts for this year's V-Show, aititkd "Coming AttractJons-Thc Spirit of '87". will be held Sept. 27 Itaough Oct. 10. Act applications can be picked up a the Drama Office(PA 101) where they must be returned by Sept. 22 at 3:30P.M. Tryouts will be heU in the Band Room(PA 107). Act captains are nsponsible for picking up and fUling out the act's apphcation.
September 26,1986
Juke Box Fury
Student sees trivial change As the bell rang, or chime chimed, or w^iatever happens to make that nerve racking noise that signals us to move into the herds of students, I joined the crowd. Walking the halls of Maine South again put a strange numbness into my body. In addition to the lethargic feelings that usually accompany the first few weeks of school, the beginning of this year brought about new and different feelings. I suspect that like myself, most seniors are ready to go to college while at the same time they will savor the year to come. I caught a moment and reflected on all that high school gives us through knowledge, experiences, and just l^ain good times. High school is a very challenging time in our lives. It's up to us to decide whether or not we're going to have a good time with it. As Mr. Martello, my very good friend and Drama teacher told me as 1 wailed in his office about lost Prom dates last year, "Honey, high school is the best time of your life, but 1 wouldn't go back for anything." I had to think about it for a while but I guess, maybe, possibly, he could be right. In highschool, there are plenty of good times: dances, football games, sock hops, battle of the bands, plays, parties, V-Show, soccer games, and prom. Of course, there is no guarantee that everything will come up roses, but you will never have any fun unless you participate. My first few days back at Maine South were enlighted by a few school/faculty trivialities. Perhaps you will derive from them the same
enlightenment that I did. To begin with, the custodians are about to recieve new uniforms, thanks to Mr. Yoshioka. Most of the custodians I've spoken to enjoy the refreshing color change from green to blue. Hey, as long as they are changing uniforms, maybe someone will okay a new design for girl's gym suits. In front of the school, too many of us pesky kids (those darn kids) have jumped and thrashed upon the benches and have broken one too many school windows. Of course, we are all being punished for this action. Those taking the bus must now stand to wait; the benches have been removed. Other benches about the school, specifically in the Performing Arts wing, were painted a glaring color of red. Fortunately, we talked with Mr. Cachur and he had two of them repainted black. Why they had to be painted, I do not understand. Finally, we all know that until a certain day specified by "the board," out door lounge is not open, no matter if it snows in May oi bakes us in February. At the end of last year, while others sweltered indoors, some of us opted to sit in the courtyard area adjacent to the cafeteria. We were warned not to walk over to or sit on the beautiful green grass. More ^jecifically, we were warned not to go beyond an imaginary line which separates the courtyard from the grass. Although "there will be no students frolicing about on the grass creating havoc" is not printed in the student handbook, Mr. Skinner made it quite apparent that no one would pass
Mixed Reviews
^ ^ Get involved and enjoy activities I've just spent the last fifteen minutes of study pressing my finger into my arm, lifting it, looking for the signs of a tan, and dam i t there aren't any. Okay, so 1 should've known it. The scenery changed; instead of mounds of sand, waves, and empty beer cans, we now have stacks of books, desks, and empty milk cartons. But I wasn't done with summer yet. I hadn't seen Ferris Buetler's Day Off. I didn't have a peanut buster parfait at D.Q.. That awful feeling of regret for using sunscreen on the last day at the beach was just beginning to overcome me when— lucky circumstances— the bell rang. I was rushed back to reality and just in time too, because here I was missing fall. There arc so many things to do now that school is in full swing. Activities just waiting for people to get involved in. With everything from football to fishing club, A.F.S. to arena Aow, there is probably something that pro-
motes your interests and people in it who share your interests. High school is the perfect time to get involved, to find out what you're good at and not so good at. Getting involved isn't just activities either, it's enjoying classes (even if the only reason is the girl/guy who sits in front of you), it's writing the best short story, it's asking someone to Homecoming, it's helping a freshman find C-I45, it's working at McDonald's part-time, and it's spending weekends with friends. It's getting the most possible out of high school. Letters to the editor or submissions to "The Other Side" for the next issue of Southwards should l>e turned in to room V-130 by Oct. 6.
the imaginary line. He stood firmly upon that imaginary line as he dictated to us precisely where it was. Well, we no longer have to imagine. An actual line has been drawn in and painted white for all to see. Yes, this is a good thing. While the students this year are tempted to frolic in the beautiful green grass and warm sun, Mr. Skinner can remain indoors drinking coffee. No longer wil he be bothered with trying to convey to us pesky kids (those darn kids) an imaginary line, for Maine South's Great Divide has materialized. Taking into consideration the faculties stand, it is obviously up to us to chuckle a bit to ourselves and overlook the negative aspects of returning to Maine South.
Editorial Board sets new policy Southwords, the student produced newspaper, is published as an informative source as well as an outlet for the viewpoints of Maine South students and faculty alike. The editors and staff of Southwords also provide a publication which enables administrators, teachers, parents, and the community to understand the concerns, interests, and needs of the students at Maine South. The Editorial Board, consisting of the two CoEditors-In-Chief, as well as the four departmental editors, will establish Southwords' editorial position on all issues. All unsigned editorials are a consensus opinion of the Southwords' staff, and any editorials not supported by a majority of the staff will be preceded by the byline of the writer. Southwords will not at any time publish articles attacking personalities but may publish well-researched articles dealing with policies, sotuations, or events. The Southwords staff welcomes and encourages letters to the editor. Letters may be delivered to V-130, the Publications office, or may be given to a member of the Editorial Board. All letters must be signed, and all letters will be checked for authenticity. Letters containing libelous or obscene material will be edited. Southwords operates under the protection of the First Amendment and is intolerant of any efforts to impose censorship or outside control of its content. The Editorial Board bears full responsibility for all copy published in Southwords. The Editorial Board and Southwords staff encourages readers to notify an editor of a printed error so that a retraction and correction can be printed in the next issue.
page 4
September 26,1986
The OtherSide
You can make 'All the Right Moves' Hi, Mr. Marra, how are you? I feel healthy, I feel happy, and I feel great. How are you today? But listen, Jim, stop calling me Mr. Marra. What would you think if I called you Mr. Lonergan? Sorry, Bob. I still see myself as a student nere at South; especially with Homecoming so near. This is one of my favorite times of the year. Do you remember that one year I came back from college for Homecoming? Of course I do. I asked you about your future plans, and you asked me why I had chosen teaching. I told you I was an accounting major with an education minor. I liked working with young people yet would still have an opportunity to do business-related work. I felt then, and still do, that I have the best of both worlds. You know, I feel the same way. People ask me why I don't get out of teaching and get into computers. They have a hard understanding Aat we like working with the kids. We can make a positive difference. / think of that conversation we had at floatbuilding every year when Homecoming comes around. It's fun to be a part of the involvement, the excitement, and the anticipation. We have a great bunch of kids here. That's for sure. We have outstanding students, great athletes, and talented people in the arts here at South. But let's not forget about those who are just plain good kids. You know, the kind of person you like to have in dass. Now's the time of year that I like to get those kids and encourage them to get involved. I like to see other teachers more involved and positive, too. Oh sure, but there's always more that can be done. I'd really like to see kids be more positive; to feel good about themselves. If kids could feel good about themselves, to have good self image, they could overcome so many obstacles in their lives. Being in high school i^ such a great time;
^^-^2*€<_ S^ '^°' Or let's hope that a friend has the guts to take the keys away ij the driver is drunk. To quote SADD "Friends don't let friends drive drunk," and that really says it all. We need to help kids feel better about themselves. We need to tell them more often that they are valuable, important people. And they deserve others' respect. We have to tell them that they are good people, and we're glad to know them. They need to be positive about life, too. They should took forward to and enjoy new challanges. People should have a positive expectancy about reaching their goals and bounce back quickly from temporary setbacks. Many times we see negative expectancies, such as students going into a test, a class, or a social situation saying, "Ican't" or "I won't." You should never say "I can't." You should say "I will." Saying "I can't" is actually saying "I'm qfraid." You know it's not so much what happens to What scares me is going through again what a person, as how they handle it, that deterI once went through. It was right after a mines how they feel about themselves. Homecoming and I went to the wake of a stu- Everyone is responsible for their own hapdent who had graduated the year before. He piness. You can't look for anyone or anything was killed by a drunk driver. It was the saddest dse to make you happy. You have to adopt an wake I've ever been to. attitude of happiness. Say to yourself, looking Jim, I once had one of my students killed into the mirror, "I want to be happy. I deserve over a weekend when he plowed his car into an to be happy. It's okay to be happy." embankment on the Kennedy. He was drunk. Hey, no one said life would be easy. You Seeing the empty desk on that Monday was an have to be your own authority and not be efeerie experience that the class and I had to deal fected by the negative opinions of others. with. And I had to stop for a second when I When it comes right down to it, the ultimate was handing back papers and came across one responsibility of one's actions rests with that of his. individual. It goes back to what we were saying about Kids need to know that they are unique and self-image. And that really applies this special people. No one is no more or less worweekend. I hope the kids will be willing to say thy, or more or less important, than anyone "no" to drinking and not be bothered by what dse. You know. Bob, you and I feel pretty others are saying or doing. Or if the kid can't darn good about ourselves. resist, at least have the guts to give the car keys Yeah, Jim. Now let's see if we can help the to someone who hasn't been drinking. kids make ALL THE RIGHT MOVES. there's so much going on. There's so much to offer. When kids feel good about themselves, it's easier for them to not let some of those opportunities slip past. Before they know it, high school will be over and gone. What worries me is that there are some kids who just exist here. They're not willing to take the risks, to take the chance that they might be embarassed or put down. But if they have a good self image, they can deal with those putdowns. No wonder we have such a problem in this society with drugs. There are so many negative pressures on kids; it's hard for them not to dwell on the negative. The kid who's willing to say "no thanks" when something is handed to him at a party, is a person on the right track. Those kids must have a good self-concept because they're willing to express themselves without worry or concern about how others will react to them. You know, Jim, the whole drug scene truly scares me.
Walking in Pink Shoes
Homecoming: Spirit weekend Ah, well here it is, the "eve" of Homecoming Weekend. Tonight we'll see the whole school (I hope) at the carnival and the parade, game, and dance tomorrow. I think that Homecoming is a great time for the whole school to get together for some fun.But, why do we have to have Homecoming so early in the year? When I talked to some people, the word Homecoming seemed to fit more comfortably in the month of October. Picture it— a cold (not too cold) autumn day, our football team oi a hot streak, and the entire stands wearing
red, white, ana black with war paint on their faces. This was more or less how it was my freshman year, only the football team lost and it was raining cats and dogs. Freshmen, I feel sorry for you in the way that you artually had just one month to scope the school and find a date to your liking. (And not to mention raise enough money to rent a Mmo so your mom or dad wouldn't have to drive you. How embanassing!) If you didn't get "a date" make sure that you go to the carnival and firelight tonight anyway. It's more
like a social gathering with a purpose— to raise spirit. From my experiences, including freshman year, I had a great time being with either friends or a date. Crazy things happen tonight, I remember one year when a guy (who'll I'll leave nameless) swallowed the goldfish that he won at one of the booths. (Did that just help you to lose your appetite for lunch? Sorry.) It was really fun and I know that crazier things have happened. After talking to two former students, Mr. continued on page 6
September 26,1986
To ask or not to ask
The Freshman Homecoming Dilemma by Mike McGarry '90 During the past three weeks, the halls of Maine South have been buzzing with the familiar question, "Are you going to Homecoming?" This question seems especially popular with underclassmen. Many freshmen are excited with prospect of going to their first high school dance. Girls, especially, it seems, are extremely anxious about being asked. A few have even mentioned inviting a guy to go, whether from Maine South or another school. For sample, one freshman girl stated, "I've been asked, but I'm waiting for the guy I really like to ask me. I may ask him if I can get my nerve up."
male ego! Another trouble for freshmen and sophomores is transportation. Now, let's face it, how many couples want their parents driving them to andftx)mthe dance? Some are fortunate enough to have an older brother or sister to tag along with. A few sophomores have decided to splurge, they are "getting a limo to drive us around. It's gonna be a blast!"
That brings us to the one of the big problems for many pecple-money. What's leftfromthat summei job may not be enough to cover all the expenses. That's wiiere Mom and Dad might come in. A small toan perhaps? How about a few extra household chores orfillingup time after school with a partThat example brings up one of the reasons many time job? freshmen guys aren't asking girls-fear of rejecOnce that problem is delt with, a new one arises. tion. After all, these girls can't forget about the What about a group to go with? A lot of people are
the only one of their bunch offriendsgoing. Having nobody to double with can put a damper on plans for a big evening, but as one freshman couple put it, "We'd rather go alone than not at all." Speaking of not going at all, some students admit that, "We're not into school dances. We could have alot more fun doing something else." Others have simply not asked or been asked, and have decided not to attend the dance. Maybe there is still time for the courageous. Now that Homecoming '86 weekend is upon Maine South, each student has made his or her decision whether or not to attend the dance. Even if the decision was no, hopefully all students will attend the football games, carnival, parade, or some sports event this weekend. After all, school spirit is wiiat Homecoming is all about. Come out and support you're school, dilemma or not.
J\ night to remember, maybe not How would it feel to be dancing a slow dance with your Homecoming date, only to be interrupted by one of your friends, frantically trying to locate her shoes? Maybe it wouldn't be so bad, if her shoes weren't on her feet, or if she was sober enough to notice them. Perhaps she should be trying to locate her date, which wouldn't be too hard if she followed her nose and sniffed out the ever apparant smell of alcohol. But then again her nose could probably lead her to any number of students
Hey 3udLAy haoe yea Seem rf\)f
whose night is meeting their "high" expectations. The problem of students arriving at -dances intoxicated is increasing. However, this year Dean Bitta has stated that anyone smelling of liquor or behaving in a suspicious manner will be removed from the dance and parents will be called. The problem of students drinking and driving is also a big concern. Dr. Cachur, our principal stated,"There will be a time and a place for drinking when you're old enough to handle it." And that time is not at a school dance. A dance is a celebration in itself, so >*iiy does anyone have to drink away this night to remember? To forget all the fun they had? The hang-over experienced the morning after will serve as quite a rememberance. As you can see, the ball is in our court. It is our decision whether we want to make our Homecoming a memorable one for only those who don't tend to drink or for all?
Homecoming: Spirited weekend continues on continued from page 4
Lonergan '74, and Bob "Bubbles" ConigUo '81, they both agreed that Homecoming was a great time for friends to get together. When Bubbles was here in 1981, dress was different and he can now see a distinct difference in qjirit. While Mr. Lonergan, on-the-otherhand, had no carnival and firelight ceremony to go to, he now thinks that there is a lot more spirit through out the whole weekend. Both Mr. Lonergan and Bubbles returned to South for Homecoming their freshman year in college but failed to show up any other year. This seems to happen quite often. Only the
freshmen return and even those who do return are few in number. If more did return, don't you think there'd be more spirit? I am personally calling all of my classmates in college next year and reminding them when Homecoming is and that they should be there.
and parents. What we need to do is make this weekend be the best that it can be! With a theme like "All the Right Moves," I'm sure we'll be able to raise enough spirit to psyche out the other team. Even though we're missing October by
(Don't quote me on that!) After all isn't homecoming meant for the alumni? Technically speaking, the definition of homecoming is 1. a return home. 2. the return home of a group
three days and you Freshmen were rushed into this, HAVE A GREAT TIME! Seniors- it's our last one. Get Hyper! Maybe if we all go back to the obnoxious freshmen that we once were, we'll have a weekend never to forget!
of people especially on a special occasion to a pdace formally frequented. So usually it's the college students who return although the stands are sometimes filled with older alumni
Good Luck to the football team and hey ... remember ... We are the Hawks and the Hawks are the best!!
page 6
September 26, 1986
Governor pays visit to surprised M.S On 11, Maine On Thurs., Thurs., Sept. Sept. 11, Maine South South was was honored hv a visit from Governor James lames honored by Thompson. Students and faculty flocked the centers hallway and the front circle trying to catch a glimpse of "The Big Man," our Governor of Illinois.
the biggest problem among young people. This is why whv the the Governor Onvprnnr chose fHr.cÂť t^ .,_ .u_. is to cr^^oi. speak ,N,,. out on that topic, according to Ms. Kathy Breidert, campaign manager. But a few senior Accelerated Government students of Mr. Patton Feichter
feel that Governor Thompson should have Governor Thompson was here at South for diosen a more controversial topic. One stated, the purpose of filming two commercials for his "Drug abuse is a safe topic. Nobody is for re-election campaign. One of these, dealing drug abuse." with drug abuse and prevention, featured Whether the push for control of drug abuse students Larry Falbe, Molly Nelson, Sara Lussenhop, Chris Riedel, Steve Shewfeh, and is good or not, the school's excitement over their parents in their acting debuts. The Governor Thompson's appearance was apGovernor also gave a speech in our T.V. sta- parent. "It's not every day that the Governor tion taped by our own WMTH staff. of lUinois comes up to you in the hall and says, 'Hi, I like your Cubs shirt.' It's exciting," According to Assistant Principal, Mr. Rec- stated Dr. Cachur, principal. Dr. Cachur also zkewicz, most parents feel that drug abuse is atated that this was a "wonderful oppportuni-
ty" for our students to to listen listen tn Governor n ty" -ri for our . .students . "sicu to lu vj Thompson. "In exchange for the use of our facilities, he agreed to talk to the students of Maine South." Governor Thompson did talk and shake hands with everyone he came across. "It was weird seeing him in our school. I was impressed," said Kim Grichnik '87. But a few of our students were not as pleased. One AP Government student felt that Governor Thompson was a "typical politician, shaking hands with everyone." Most students and even some faculty weren't really educated about the issues of the upcoming election for Governor, but meeting Governor Thompson seemed to turn politics into more of a reality than just what is seen on T.V.
September 26,1986
Indians to be Homecoming foe by Jenny Richter Tommorow, our Maine South Hawks football team will face this year's Homecoming opponent: the Niles West Indians. According to Coach Phil Hopkins, the Indians will pose a definite challenge due to their improvement as a team and their good overall size. Niles West also threatens with an extremely talented fullback and many good hitters as well. Although the Indians are especially motivated to spoil our Homecoming by defeating the mighty Hawks, Coach Hopkins believes the Hawks can meet the challenge and end up on top by bringing the many fans a Homecoming victory. The Hawks are coming off of a tough defensive struggle against Maine West. The teams battled back and forth until the Hawks finally te-oke the deadlock with 4:24 left in the fourth quarter when Joe Passanante broke free and scored from four yards out. Among the top players for this game was Jim Swanson, who, Miiile playing both offense and defense, recorded three sacks and several key receptions. Following the Homecoming game on the tough Maine South schedule is cross-town rival Maine East, whom the Hawks meet at Maine East on Thursday, October 2 at 5:30 P.M. The team strategy will change a little, as it does for most games, because "each game calls for something different." The team will face a different task in this game, however. Typically, the Demons are taken lightly, underestimating their football team as a whole. Usually, as was the case last year, this attitude does not prove to be a problem, as the Hawks destroyed the Demons 26-0. Coach Hopkins was not proud of the quality of game that was played, however. The Hawks will need to protect themselves from this attitude by playing their "absolute best." As best summed up by Coach Hopkins, "The key is the quality of performance executed."
Cross-country continues infiprovement The Maine South Girls' Cross Country team is once again off to a winning start. Coach George Gabauer hopes to obtain a victory in conference, and perhaps even advance downstate. Consisting of mostly sophomores, juniors, and a few freshmen, the team is constantly improving their times and stamina. Running Varsity for the Hawks are Laurie Anderson, Michelle Donato, Rachel Kelleher, Krista Heitzman, Karen Walker, Kathryn Metzinger, and Carlyn Krystal. By tying Krista Heitzman's all-time course record with a time of 12:05, Laurie Anderson helped the Hawks win their first conference meet against Evanston, a very challenging opponent. The team participates in an invitational
Volleyball to meet New Trier Trevlans The girl's volleyball team faces their toughest competition tonight as they take on the New Trier Trevians. Their new head coach George Sherman believes that if they are able .to bring home a victory from this game, they I will have an extremely good chance at finishing â&#x20AC;˘n first place in their division for the season. The Hawks have already conquered rivals Maine East and Maine West, and their optimism is growing along with their winning record.
Contributing to the wins are key starters Eleen Bunch and Chris Pintz, captains; outstanding players, Christy Ward, Denise Dohr, Kim Komacki, Kristin Pettersen, and setters Janet Johnson and Beth Morandi. The team has improved greatly, largely due to the total involvement in the summer program this year. Overall, team play has been outstanding, and they have "more than surpassed past records and talent."
every Saturday, and are improving every weekend. The Hawks captured second place in their own invitational and sixth in the Lyons Township Invite. The Junior Varsity is another important part of the cross country team. Leading the J. V. are juniors Kelly Good and Chris Pater, sophomore Marilyn Cieszykowski and Colleen Alyward, and freshman Kristen Clark and Beth Hurley. The season promises to be an exciting as well as challenging one.
Guys to take on Demons The boys' varsity cross-country team will face their cross-town rival, Maine East, at home on Tuesday, September 30. The meet will start at 4:30 P.M. Although the team has experienced an extremely slow start, the pieces are beginning to fall together as they drive on to yet another fine season. The team lacks depth, but is led by last year's sophomore MVP, Keith Piscitello, in addition to returning lettermen, seniors Franco Dooley, Owen Hayes, and Luke Kelleher.Their experience and strength, combined with the enthusiasm shown by newcomer Jim KoUross and senior Mark Juiris will lead the team in improving toward a more respectable standing.
September 26,1986
Varsity Hawks to battle with Warriors This year's varsity boys soccer team is off to a great start with a record of three wins, one loss, and one tie. If play continues as it has, gradually improving with every game, there should be no limits cm the goals set for the Hawks this season. Coach Dezurko is very pleased with the performance of the team thus far, and has set high standards for the Hawks. The team hopes to continue their winning streak of three games as they play Maine West this week for Homecoming. "I think the game will be tough, but in the end we will come out with a victory. I'm happy with the team; they've been showing good progress," commented Dezurko. Tending goal as some of this year's key players are junior Chris Gusloff and senior Matt Kenneally. Adding to the defense are Paul Kitchell, Jeff Burgis, and Chuck Huettinger also adding to the list of key players. On offense, Dan Constantini, Mark Farina, and sophomore Mike Nugent, the team's high scorer, are all doing a great job. The soccer team hopes to see more fans as the season continues, especially this week as the Hawks battle Maine West.
Schedule FOOTBALL Oct. 2 away 5:30 Oct. 11 away 12:00 Oct. 18 home 12:00
Maine East Highland Park GBN
SOCCER Sept. 30 Oct. 2 Oct. 7 Oct. 9 Oct. 14 Oct. 16
home 4:30 away 4:30 away 4:30 away 4:30 home 4:30 away 4:30
Waukegan West Waukegan East Maine East Highland Park GBN Evanston
TENNIS Sept. 30 away 4:30 Oct. 2 away 4:30 Oct. 7 home 4:30
Maine East Highland Park GBN
SWIMMING Oct. 4 away 2:00 Oct. 9 away 5:00 Oct. 17 away 6:00
Lake Forest Maine East New Trier
VOLLEYBALL Sept. 30 Oct. 2 Oct. 7 Oct. 8
home 5:00 away 5:00 home 5:00 away 5:00
Evanston Maine East GBN Highland Park
Discussing strategies at halftime, the Maine South varsity soccer team prepares for G.B.S.. The Hawks defeated the Titans on Sept. 16 with a goal scored
by Pete Murges In the last four minutes of play. This shutout of 1-0 was added to the strong Hawk record this season.
Hawks to swim against IHighland Parl< The girl's swim team take on the Highland Park Giants here this evening at 5:00 p.m. The Hawks officially started Aug. 18, a week before the start of school. The team is a young team consisting of nine new varsity swimmers, four of which are freshmen. The team is headed by senior Kathy Lake, who placed fifth in state in both Individual Medley and breastroke last season, and junior Margit Johanson who narrowly missed qualifying in backstroke. Other returning varsity members include Carolyn Riedel, Kris Algminas, and Beth DuBrock
The Maine South girls' tennis team, led by captain Michelle Joesten, is well into their rigorous season. Upcoming meets include Maine East on Tues., Sept. 30, Highland Park on Thurs., Oct. 2, and the Barrington Invitational on Sat., Oct. 4. Starting at first singles is Katie Clark, who at the start of the season was named by the Chicago Sun-Times as the twelfth ranked singles player in the Chicago area. She is followed by Sherry Specht at second, Michelle Joesten at third, and Erin Roder and Erica Risner sharing the fourth singles position. In doubles teams, Kris Gill and Kerri Owens
Returning to the varsity diving team are juniors Suzanne Frazier, who placed in state last season; Mary Buckley, and Mary Gabriel, wiio, according to coach Dawn Butler, "shows real potential." The Hawks will face some tough competition this year but expect to win more than fifty percent of their meets. Among the team's goals are to place two girls in individual events in state and to qualify a medley relay. For the Maine South girls' swim team,optimism as well as talent combine to form the keys of success.
pair up, as well as Jennifer Kaleta and Kris Pughani, Shannan Gill and Laura Stein, and Amy Webb and Kelly Gill. Their record as of now is one and one in dual meets. Now that the season is in full swing, practices are giving way to more and more meets. According to Miss Joanne Barnes, overall the team needs to work on their ground strokes and volleys, and it is her attitude that they are playing well, but there is still room for improvement. "We're trying to get over the plateau we're on at the moment," Coach Barnes states, "but we certainly show alot of promise."