Vol 23 issue 8

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8 period day

The controversy continues

After Dr. Cachur's annoucement of the right period day policy for the 1987-88 school year, there were a great many mixed feelings from the students concerning this new schedule. There are a few students who like this idea. They feel that with a eighth period day, they are guaranteed to get out by 3:00 as opposed to having the chance of being scheduled into a ninth period class. On the other hand, a majoority of the students do not like the idea of being "locked in" to this schedule with a mandatory eighth class. They feel that after they schedule their required classes, there won't be room to "experience and explore different course offer-

Vol. 23, No. 8

ings." Secondly, the shorter passing period "reservations about the success" of this will pose a problem to those who must go from policy. Some agree that if the school board one end of the school to the opposite end. To adheres to their plans to keep students in these students a sixth minute makes a dif- school through the eighth period, the policy ference in getting to class on time. Further- might work. more, most students are not exactly enthused Here are some of the many views expressed about being in school for an "early-bird" or a by Maine South students: "late-bird" class. Most agree that their classes "It stinks. They shouldn't have it. I'm going should be scheduled during regular school to be in school longer." Rob Shirley '88 hoiu-s. "I don't think it'll make much of a difThe Fine Arts department will also be af- ference." Steve Ligeza '88 fected by this new schedule policy. The depart"They should just leave it the way it is. ment feels that student enrollment will drop Nobody wants it to change." Tracy Madiand even further. Because this schedule had been '88 tried before some faculty members have "One of the disadvantages of an eight period day is for the students in the Advanced Placement Program who cannot fit elective courses in their schedule." Mr. Brageil continued to page 2

souihwoRcls Maine Township

Student honors for December

The December 1986 Student of the Month awards have been given to the following Maine High School South January 30, 1987 South students: Math: Fouba Alkodi, Mark Hageli, Nancy Hua, Matthew Johnson, Anthony Karnezis, Christina Limperis, Julie Thein, and Kirsten to 50 students in each. His students scored the Fronczak. highest on a standardized English test given English: John Koserzewa, Kristen Beaulast year to 8 million children. mont, Paul Delano, Julie Flynn, Jen Hoff, Although, Mr. An will not be teaching any Darren Modzelewski, Janet Mullen, Joy specific classes at Maine South, he will be Poskozim, Christine Scheer, Amanda Steele. available to go into classes to lecture. Some of continued to page 2 the presentations he has prepared for his trip to the United States are on child care and family life in China; jobs, training and industries in Northern China{Tianjin and Beijing); schools and young people in China; and life during the cultural revolution. He will also be available to attend field trips, speak to civic groups and diurch congregations and to answer any individual questions students may have. Mr. An will be here at Maine South until the end of the school year and will return to Tianjin, China the first of July.

Chinese educator to visit Soutli

Mr. An Feng-qi(Ahn Fung-chi), one of forty high school teachers that the government of China, has been selected to participate in the AFS teacher exchange program this year. Mr. An is an English teacher sponsored by the Park Ridge American Field Service chapter at the Maine Township High School District 207. He has spent the first semester of this year working and lecturing at Maine East and in February he will start here at Maine South. Mr. An is 29 years old and lives in Tianjin, a dty of approximately 8 million people, with his wife and two year old daughter. He attended a special professional foreign language school during his high school years and then studied English at Tianjin Teachers' University. Currently, Mr. An teaches two classes a day in a magnet high school for gifted students with 45

Southwords news in brief

Clinics for this year's Broadway musical Brlgadoon are being held today after school for all those interested in trying out.

This year's annual after finals extravaganza, Beach Party, sponsored by the senior class will be held Sat. night in the Specatator Gym from 7 to 10 pm. No one will be admitted after 8 pm. Beach attire is required, and prizes will be awarded for the best costume.

Tryouts for lead roles in BHgadoon will be held Sat, Jan. 31 beginning at 9AM in the PA wing. Tryouts for the Brtgadoon chorus will be held after school next week. Specific dates will be announced in homeroom.

The Winter Band Concert will be held Sun., Feb. 1, at 3 pm in the Clyde K. Watson Auditorium.

On Sat., Feb. 7, at 7:45 am the ACT vrill be administered in the centers area.

No classes will be held on Thurs., Feb. 12, in observation of Lincola's birthday.

Spirit Queen Katie Lee and her escort Jimmy Sellergren are pictured above at the spirit assembly held on Thurs., Jan. 15. Katie, representing the cheerleaders, was crowned at halftime of the Maine South窶年iles West game Sat., Jan. 17. Other members of the court included Susie Kashul, Carolyn Durkalski, Melinda McCormick, Francine Karris, and Debbie Reinhardt.

page 2


January 30, 1987

Opinions on new schedule vary continued from page 1 "I think it's stupid. What's the use of having three extra minutes." Nathan Codina '89 "I think the passing periods are too short. When I become a senior, I won't be able to get out early." James Dekosta '89 "An eight period day is fine as long as we're not forced to stay. As seniors, we won't need the credits, so why should we waste our day either full of studies or unnecessary classes." Kelly O'Connor '88 "I wish the seniors can get out earlier than sophomores and juniors." Terry Romano '88 "We think it's a crock. We're glad we're outta here." Pam Skafidas and Eileen Bunch '87 "I hate it. It's stupid, imnecessary and it disrupts students' academic schedules." Ann HalUhan '88

It's stupid. I'm glad I'm not going to be here." Julie Lanahan '87 "The school needs an eight period day like a fish needs a bicycle." Jay Pinto '88 "I think it's stupid because the things they they say will improve can't. They don't give you the time to experience different classes with the eight period day." Kelly Schaefer '88 "I don't anticipate any change. We have been, more or less, on an eight period day anyway. The more significant change would be the lack of early dismissal. I see that as being a plus for the serious student." Mr. Beatty "Every year, requirements have been inaeasing so there is not enough time to take all the classes including elective courses." Paul Kubica '89

Speakers compete to

"Boo Hoo, this is not cool. Eight period day should not stay." Freshman '90 "We feel this policy is useless. We think the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages. First of all, with an eight period day, there is no way we will be able to fit in academic classes plus elective classes. We thought high school was a time to experience new areas. Well, we had a hard enough time last year trying to fit in our classes with a nine period day. And we certainly don't want to come in for an 'early-bird' class; it's hard enough to get up in the mornings. Also, the five minute passing period is ridiculous. There is no way we will be able to make it on time to class. It won't be surprising if we have to serve detentions everyday. Think about the filled Re Assignment Rooms!" Katie O'Connor and Kavita Sabnani '88

W i n Letter to the Editor

Team excels in forensic ieague

Dear Editor:

There is something wrong here at good old Members are coached by one of the four teachers who volunteer their time. They are: Maine South, something definitely wrong. It's David Lavelle—Speech/Drama Department the system. Yes, the system here at school. The Head and English teachers: Mrs. Char Lobitz, one headed by the deans and administrators. Way back last year (remember 1986?), in a Mr. Steve Grancyk and Mr. Thomas Kerth. At the Glenbrook North meet Jenine Smith class of mine, there was a private paper of took 1st place in Verse Reading; Katy McGarry mine that the person sitting next to me got a took 4th also in Verse; and Alisa Regas placed hold of. When I went to get the paper back (here comes the teacher), the teacher grabbed 7th in Prose Reading. the paper away from my classmate. (I refrain This week the team will attend the annual from using the teacher's name, since I haven't Maine Invitational which will be held at Maine received my grade yet.) While the teacher had West where they will come up against some of the paper, I thought, I can't afford to have this the toughest competition yet. From there, the teacher read it aloud in class. I then reached team wiU compete in regional competition my arm up and grabbed the paper out of his where the top three people will procede to the hand (saying nothing). The teacher then asked me to come to class after school. I went to see sectional tournament. him and, as expected, he wrote me up. I did ^ologize to him and described what a private matter the paper was. (The paper was a poem continued from page 1 for submission to Graffiti.) Leslie Stentz, and Sandra Walesa. Haller and Allison Hammond. Health: Describing my situation, the dean informed Science: Kevin Fox, Tom Rakowski, Chris Margaret Filkins. Speech/Drama: Craig Mink, me that "when I am in the classroom, the Johnson, Papa Win Chin, Jeffrey Chopich, Ines Marquart, and Kate Ranft. Michael Jill, Maureen Sheehan, Ed Wiederer, Home Economics: Christine Riedel, Jill teacher is Law;" he makes the rules. The dean a^so informed me that I cannot disagree with and Robert Brandenburg. Singow, Mira Park and Thomas Binney. Social Science: Meredith Brammeier, ShanIndustrial Education: Richard Alt, Kenneth the teacher in a matter such as privacy. The non Gill, Scott Gusloff, Amy Karabin, Robert Wagner, William Donzelli, and Thomas teacher can take my property in a situation like this. (Hmmm, I wonder if Amendment 4 of Morrell, Christine Riedel, and Karen Van Liacone. The United States Constitution says anything Spankerin. Art: George Horaitis, Meredith McLain about this?) The dean went on to say that I can Foreign Language: Julie Pfaff, Ana Andreatta, Steven De Cherrie, Elizabeth Cole, Kristin Brainard, Marlaine Wykowski, and disagree and argue all I want with the dean when I'm in his office, that "I have all the conMark Cwiakala, Kristin Jacobs, Heidi Lori Ann Crosson. Neumann, and Christopher Walton. Physical Education(boys): Eric Bratu, Jef- aitutional rights of anyone when I'm in his ofBusiness: James Kallas, Honor Ellsworth, frey Chopich, Brian Fortney,Eric Krischke, fice," but when we are out in the halls, "I, as a student, have no rights." Melissa Muck, Allan Evans, Michael Jozwiak, and Peter Murges. When I received the dean's shp, I again had Amy Nommensen, Joseph Passanante, and Physical Education(girls): Mary Kocik Jeffrey St. John. Chris Ann Komosa, Mary Sheridan, Laura the pleasure of conversing with the dean. I was Music: Barbara Hansen, Darren Bochat, Wagner, Christine Riedel, Lisa Ogorek and sentenced, er, uh, punished to five detentions ' for "Gross Insubordination and Misconduct." and James Falzone. Drivers Education: Kristin Kristin Thorsson. continued to page 3 The 1986-87 Contest Speaking Team attended its fourth meet on January 17th at Palatine High School against approximately 30 other schools. Contest Speakers is a speech and drama team that competes with other schools in various events from DI(Dramatic Interpretation), Prose(storytelling), Verse(poetry reading) and Radio Speaking to oratorical events where competitors write and perform speeches. Team members include: Kevin McAlhaney, Andrea DeFotis, Kate Ranft, Darren Bochat, Katy McGarry, Alisa Regas, Eric Berg, Nelson Paradez, Rebecca Phillips, Dana Lockwood, Melissa Thornley, Jen Welzenbach, Rene Radway, Jenine Smith, and Maura Scott.

December awards continued..

page 3


January 30, 1987

Walking in Pink Shoes

awaits response (%M-^tid^ Well, it's not happening. I would have thought my last article would have stirred up some changes, but I don't see any. I won't give up. To start this column, I'll begin with the freshmen. Now, don't get me wrong, you guys are fun, and you've got a lot of spirit, it's just, why do you act like "freshmen?" Just the other day, I was sitting in the library, and there was a table of guys in front of me. Now, I didn't want to classify them too soon, but it wasn't hard. Here's an example of what happened. One guy brought over a book about sex, and they laughed like they were in grammar school. C'mon guys, show a little maturity. When I let them know I was writing about them, they didn't believe me and seemed to act tough and push it away. They continued with their antics until one guy tried to get them to shut up. He tried to convince them I really did write for the paper, but they just wouldn't listen. At least there is some hope for you guys! After I talked with them, one said, "It's not fair; you stereotype us before you even know us." (He was mad) I said not to worry, that we all were freshmen once. I don't think he beUev-

ed me. Sophomores, on the other hand, are different. It seems our sophomore girls want all the attention. In my lunch period, for example, if those girls giggle any louder, something terrible might happen! At the sophomore level, everyone is worried about "fitting in." Don't worry, you look fine, your hair is perfect, and you can't put any more make-up on. Be natural, guys, it's a lot more fun. Why is it that I could count more sophomore guys in Guess jeans than any other class? Juniors, I must say, your class is quite laidback. You have the peppiest class by far. You can always tell a junior by a key chain dangling from their middle finger. I guess it is a big thing when you first get your license, but you'll get used to it. And you can just tell a senior, because a senior is "cool." Ha! We try, but it doesn't always work. By the time you're a senior, you'll know who your friends are, you'll know what you feel comfortable doing, and you'll know you've got the feeling of just plain being a senior. But why wait until you're a senior to understand at least two out of the three? Try to


broaden your horizons early in your life. Don't live in a sheltered suburban world forever. Get out and smell the coffee. Do something different than watching a movie at the Pickwick. Go downtown, see a show at Second City, just get out of Park Ridge. I know it's hard, so if you can't get out, try something different. You say Park Ridge needs a place to "hang out?" Well, we've got it. Now we just have to make it work. It's in the basement of the United Methodist Church, 418 Touhy. It's called Park Ridge Teen Center and is open Friday and Saturday nights from 8 to 11 pm. The only way a place like this for the teenagers of Park Ridge to work is for them to get involved. No matter what class you're in here at school, it'll work and you'll enjoy if you get involved. If you're not involved, then don't complain, 'cause you're not doing your part to change what you don't like. Eh, this column was to motivate people and to get them started in participating. I'll have to watch and look around to see if I notice something happening. I hope it's not hard to notice.

Southwards' letters to the Editor Letters to the editor or submissions to the faculty column, "The Other Side" for the next issue of Southwards should be turned in to V-130 by Men., Feb. 2.

M.S. hockey player seeks recognition Dear Editor: I have a problem that must be introduced. This matter has to do with the recognition of high school hockey teams by their peers. In the state of Illinois, high school hockey teams are not recognized in school as are other teams. That is to say that none of our games are printed on the school's athletic schedule that is handed out at the beginning of the year. Also our team's games are not announced like other sports, clubs, or activities that have to do with our school. We do what we can to get people to come to our games, but this we can call "risky business." We draw up photocopies and pass them out to students. When we do this, attendance at our games is outstanding. Without ^ ^ the distribution of these "flyers," we're lucky vf|V if we even get a handfull of spectators. If we're caught distributing these handouts, we find ourselves facing a one day suspension. Fi-eedom of the press has been eliminated. This matter has been brought to the district's board of directors on numerous occa-

sions throughout the years, but somehow we always come up with the short end of the straw. They simply refuse to grant us our longsought recognition. Their reason; "We were strictly given legal advice not to touch it." The story behind this is that several years back a person was injured during a hockey match and filed a lawsuit against the district. In the end, the person was rewarded compensation for damages. Since this time, the hockey teams, in what I believe to be almost all of the districts, have not been recognized. The problem I have is that I would like to see this decision be reversed. I don't see the problem getting any better. If anything, I believe the problem will never be resolved. Is there anyone or anywhere that I can receive help from? I would like to see the wheels to this ix)nflict start rolling in high gear. Sincerely, Tony Sinda '87

what he says goes. He has total control of the class, not even the principal, dean, or administrator can do anything once the bell rings. (And I thought dictatorships did not exist in this country.) I then asked, "So, in a sense, the teacher is sort of like God and I can't mess with him?" The dean answered, "Yes." There are many questions still unanswered. Without citing any example, what is Gross Insubordination and Misconduct? Also, while on the subject of the system, why is it that a student that gets a parking ticket from the city (and pays $10 for it) also has to serve five detentions. Isn't that similiar to double jeopardy? Another question is according to standards at Maine South, what is affection, as in P.D.A. (Public Display of Affection). Maybe they could invent a class similar to U.S. Government called Maine South Government which you would have to pass to graduate from good old Maine South. David Banlcs '87

Banks continues... continued from page 2 What is the classification of Gross Insubordination and Misconduct? Most students don't know what the school's definition of these are. The dean continued to tell me the same things as before, "Teacher is Law in the classroom;"

Today will be the last day that submissions of messages for the Valentine's Day Issue will be accepted. The cost Is one cent per word with the total cost of the submission being rounded to the nearest ten cents. Southwards retains the right to edit any messages containing either libelous or obscene material or remove any such message from the publication without warning or refund.

The Other Side

Irish violence revives faith as teacl^r^elebrates Constitution's bicentennial This year we commemorate the bicentennial of the United Stales Constitution. The Constitution has become our most powerful tradition. It has served our country well, by providing the flexibility which is so necessary to meet the needs of an ever-changing society. In the course of two hundred years we have evolved into a country of laws, not men. Many areas in the world cannot make this claim. This is especially true in Northern Ireland, where the law is being challenged every day by rival Protestant and Catholic factions. This friction has led to a "state of siege" atmosophere throughout this British province. By travehng in Northern Ireland last summer my wife and I were able to gain some insight into the unsettled conditions that prevail in this troubled land. We came away with a greater appreciation of our system of government. I'd like to share some of these experiences with you in hopes that we never take our constitutional system for granted. While driving north along the N-1 motorway from Dublin to Belfast in early July, we visited the city of Armagh. This Spiritual capital of Ireland is the seat of

both Protestant and Catholic archbishoprics. Over the years this city has become a virtual time-bomb. Periodically, violent confrontations between the Loyal Protestant Ulstermen and the Sinn Fein arm of the Catholic IRA (Irish Republican Army) have been waged in this area. Though it was early in the morning, we noticed many British troops wearing bulletproof vests and carrying automatic weapons on the streets. Armored cars patrolled the business section of the city. To Americans this scene was disturbing. However, the daily routine of the inhabitants of Armagh did not appear to be interrupted, despite the fact that they lived in a potential battle zone. Upon arriving in Belfast, we noticed that the traffic was exceptionally heavy in the downtown area. As it turned out, the Schultzes had stumbled into a police-army bomb detonation mission. One square block had been cordoned off because of a bomb scare. All traffic was being rerouted. While we watched this mihtary operation, a robot removed a bomb from one of the buildings in the middle of the block and carried the bomb into the mid-

dle of the street, where the bomb was detonated by remote control. As in Armagh, the people of Belfast did not let this extracurricular activity interrupt their shopping patterns.

senseless deaths and injuries on both sides. Paisley was in Ballymoney to help in the unfurling of a new banner for the local Ulster lodge. The old banner had "supposedly" been stolen and burned by the That night we stopped at Portrush, on Sinn Fein the year before. Protestant the northern coast of Ireland. My wife bands led the march to the parade had read in the "Irish News" that the grounds, where the banner was dedicated Rev. Ian Paisley, the charismatic leader of by the Deputy Grand Chaplain of the the hardline DUP (Democratic Unionist Orange Order. The "highlight" of the Party) was scheduled to deliver a speech at evening was listening to Paisley's twentyBallymoney. So, back into our car and off minute diatribe against the policies of to this Protestant stronghold. It is safe to both the British Prime Minister, Margaret say that we were the only people in Thatcher, and the Irish Republic. The Ballymoney who had red license plates vitriolic words of Paisley reflected the (RepubUc of Ireland) on their car. In DUP's commitment to fight off the enorder to avoid any acts of vandalism, I croachments of Catholicism and any hint parked our car far away from where the of unification with the Irish Republic. The evening activities were scheduled. The central theme of Paisley's speech was pure people of Ulster love parades. In fact, this and simple—hate! As we left the parade was the beginning of the "marching grounds, my wife stopped, telling two season," a period which lasts from July policemen that Paisley scared her. The through September. During this period, constables nodded their heads as if to say violent confrontations between Protestant he scared them too. The next morning we drove to Derry and Catholic extremists usually lead to

What's goin' down


(Londonderry). Upon entering the city, we passed a local police station. The complex looked like a prison, surrounded by a high barbed wire wall with barricades at the entrances. We proceeded to drive into the Protestant section on Castle Street. Here British soldiers were stopping all motor vehicles. The soldiers were ordered to permit only churchgoers to pass through the Bishop's Gate area. Since everything appeared to be calm, I parked our car. For the next half-hour my wife and I carried on conversations with several of the young men who were assigned to this detail. Contrary to the stories we receive in the American newspapers, these men had live ammunition in their automatic weapons. We found them to be candid in their observations about the conditions in Northern Ireland. They left us with the impression that the entire area was a political powder-keg whose fuse had already been lit by extremists on both sides. Following this educational experience, we drove down from St. Col-


Mr. Robert Schultz teaches Advanced Placement and Accelerated American History and Government classes at Maine South.

Advice to the sick / - j v ^ ^5<^j''*i-<^

The AaORYmous Coiumnis^. the style you want it to be in. You may never get the stereo? And how it looks? Forget engine or how it toothjwste out without shaving your head (a viable runs. Is it cherry red? option) or using paint thinner. Crest is the preferred •Do you get drowsy during 6th period? brand of course. •Why does our boys' swim team only have 15 •Why do people shave the sides of their heads, members in all? dye their scaJp pink, and then act as though they •Why do all of our boys' teams do so average-ly are normal when they walk down (up? across? and our girls teams do so well? I think it is because through?) the hall with boots that appear to weigh our girls are descended from an Amazon tribe that 234 kg matching their black sleeveless, collared, was transwarped across space and time to Park starched, ripped, inside out shirt and Ridge. olive/brown/rust colored pants? •Tell the truth, did your mom call you in sick last •Is Michael Jackson dead? year for Southfest? No. Oh, I get it. Your dad did. •Do you still have your Atari? Do you care? •Will this column ever end? [You again. POW. •I love those new Choir jackets. Can't you just Hash. Thwap. ZING. ZOWIE. I hate hecklers. Gotta picture this— "Don't mess with that guy. He's var- deal with the riffraff with an iron fist.] sity CHOIR." •The $543,689,834 answer. Yes. Soon. After •Are football players really better lovers? these commercial messages: •Is Park Ridge boring or am I missing NEXT TIME ON "THIS COLUMN": something? "Blake, I'm going to ruin you." "We can run away •Weren't this year's rowdies soooooo boring? to my beach house in L.A. Your husband will never They didn't even growl and bark at each other. But suspect." Will Batman and Robin escape the then again, they were all women. Joker's sinister trap? Tune in next time. Same Bat-j •Do you think I'm sexist for saying that? time. Same Bat-channel. ^ •You just dropped Swiss Miss pudding on this. There, it is done. Finished. Caput. Get outta Wipe it off. What do you mean you're not eating here!!!! You can go copy Jenny's math now. Or Swiss Miss pudding? What are you, a wise guy? •*rite your term paper. But please wipe the Swiss •Isn't the most important aspect of a car the Miss off before you go.

vince are being manipulated by extremists You might ask yourself, this scenario is interesting, but what message are you trying to convey? Simply stated, as we enter the third century under our Constitution, it is imperative that Americans never lose sight of the importance of this fundamentas document; man must never place himself above the law. As Thomas Paine once said, "THE LAW IS KING." If we do not adhere to the principle of constitutionalism, could what is happening in Northern Ireland happen in the United States? Our system of government will continue to be responsive to the needs of the people only as long as we continue to be aware, informed, and constructively participate in the political process. In short, never take the principles in our Constitution for granted!

Time Out


Observations on trivialities of life Observations on life, the universe, Mendelian genetics, and small rodents: •Why do people who drive cars to school shake their keys on their way out of the building? 1 have observed this natural phenomenon and foimd that is due to a recessive gene that is linked to the "I've got a $11,5(X) car in the lot and you have to take the bus" mentality gene. •Does anyone ever "report spills immediately" as the sign says in the waste processing stations—oh, sorry, cafeteria? •Why do Hawkettes walk with their feet at 90 degree angles to each other? Probably because they are always twisting their lower body at angles I cringe even thinking about. •Are plastic bracelets for men in or out? •Why don't the boys' washrooms have doors on the stalls? Is it so teachers can watch? • Why do people spit on the fkx)r of a locker room when they will probably walk through that saliva, chaw, and baaeria solution the next day after the rats have had time to digest it and puke it up again? •Why does the disinfectant used by the janitors in the school smell like toothpaste? •1 heard of one person who uses toothpaste to hold her hair in place. Of course if you want to follow this new trend in hair hold, you better check

umb's Cathedral into the Catholic Quarter, which is located directly below the Pretestant plateau. Here we viewed burned out buildings which had IRA slogans written on nearly all of the exterior walls. We felt strangely uncomfortable. Thankfully, it was a Sunday morning and not a Friday or Saturday night! Irish history from the first Protestant settlements in Elizabethan times to the barricades in Derry and Portadown has been a story of hatred answering hatred. This tragedy has cost more than 25(X) lives in the last 17 years. Many journalists who have visited Northern Ireland immediately say that this area is a terrible place. They complain that it is ugly and that its people are living in another century. Perhaps it is all of these things, but then why have so many men loved it enough to give their lives for it? What disturbed us the most was the way the youth of this British proon both sides. This condition perpetuates hatred and fosters violence.



Well, once again it's that time of year: the big letdown after Christmas when you suddenly realize that finals are coming up and it's almost three months until spring break. This dreary time of year would be almost hopeless for me if it weren't for the fact that it's the cold and fiu season. I don't like this season because I'm one of those superhumans who never seems to get sick a day in his life and likes to see others suffer. In fact, I'll find any excuse I can to get sick, especially during vacations, holidays, weekends, and days off. That's just the way it always seems to work out. But an illness should not be looked upon with dread or dissapointment— on the contrary, it's the perfect excuse to get some muchneeded rest and relaxation. It's also a great way to get other people to do things for you. To start off with, when you're sick, take it easy. Sleep till noon. Or, if that's your normal already, give yourself an extra couple of hours of rest. When you do get up, let everyone know you're sick— it's a good reason for your shower to last 45 minutes and use up all the hot water. My favorite pastime is then to sit in front of the TV for hours on end. Often while doing this it's possible to get things like Kleenex, glasses of Pepsi, and the occasional

movie for the VCR delivered directly to you with little or no effort on your part. The key to getting people to do this for you lies in looking miserable. Wrap yourself in heavy blankets, mess your hair up, and cough loudly and violently. This tactic works best on mothers and other older female relatives who are usually the most sympathetic and, therefore, the most vulnerable. It's important that whenever these people tell you that you don't look too good you downplay it, claiming that "It's not that bad." Immediately after saying this, you should suffer from a sudden and intense fit of coughing or sneezing. Your mother or relative will then be in the palm of your hand. Whenever I'm sick, especially if it means taking time off from school, I hke to promiss myself that I'll use the time to catch up on all my homework. Of course, I then reahze that I'm feehng much too miserable to do anything of the sort, and I put it off until I'm healthy and could be doing something else instead. But staying home sick is a time to relax anyway. If it turns out that you absolutely, positively have to go to school, use as many legal drugs as possible. When you get home, you then have even more ammunition with which to extract sympathy from others, since you had "such a hard day."

page 6

January 30, 1987


Seniors to sponsor a heat wave It may be ten degrees outside with snow covering the ground, but on Jan. 31, this Saturday night, the weather is going to undergo a big change... that is, here at Maine South. Jams, Hawaiian prints, grass skirts and bathing suits are dragged out of storage to dance and party under the warm sun of the Spectator Gym. Beach Party '87, sponsored by the senior class, is the occasion and the atmosphere is warm and "beachy." The gym will transform, for one night only, into a tropical paradise, complete with palm trees, waves, and maybe even a few fish. For those of you who have never experienced Beach Party, it is a great way to unwind after finals and to get into a "hot" frame of mind. Beach Party proves to be all this, as well as a reminder that spring break is only eight weeks away.

By now you have probably seen the 1987 Beach Party Video put together by the Senior Qass Council, and as you can see, this years party is going to be a big hit. So grab your best beachwear and your friends and come experience Beach Party '87 this Saturday night featuring disc jockey, Nick Mitrovitch, a former Maine South student. As usual prizes will be awarded for the best costumes, so get those creative juices flowing. "I hate snow." "Winter is the WORST!" "Only ~ days until summer vacation!" If you are one of the people who are constantly complaining about winter, and wishing for warm weather, close your eyes and imagine a warm beach party in the cold of January with palm trees and all of your friends. Enjoy the thought for 30 seconds and then go to the bookstore and get your tickets for Beach Party '87. It's gonna be hot.

A messy room can suggest creativity Have you ever come home from school only such a simple sense of order?" Or even worse, did you ever try to op)en the to find a terrible catastrophe has occured? Privacy has been violated. The "artistic ar- f'jor to your bedroom and find you can't. It rangement" of your bedroom (parents call it won't budge. After an hour and a half, the mess) has been ruined. In fact, you can't find door finally gets forced open. What was the anything. At least before your mother sup- problem? On, only every piece of paper, posedly cleaned your room, everything was in clothing, book, stuffed animal, and whatever it's own special little place where only you else was in your drawers before your parents dumped them on the floor of your room (I could find it. Now nobody can. mean pig pen). Could this be a subtle hint? "Where did that paper airplane go? Mom It seems today too many kids are slobs, and threw out my Good Luck paper airplane! This too many parents are neat freaks. But the is a terrible mistake, I mean, how can someone balance is necessary...it keeps us slobs on our of my creative caliber be expected to live with toes.

Welcome 1987

First semester in review by Samantha Malten Well, it looks like we finally made it. First semester is officially over and we can kiss 1986 goodbye. Looking back over 1986, it wasn't such a bad year. Our football team improved in yet another season and V-Show "Coming Attractions.-Spirit of '87" was a smash success. We also welcomed a new principal. Dr. Thomas Cachur, to our hallowed halls at Maine South. Dr. Cachur has brought with him numerous welcome changes such as his famous smile and hello in the morning and the new "Student of the Month" program.

semester (which is why it is my personal preference over the first) are: Spring Break,

proms, the 1987 musical "Brigadoon" and of course, graduation. Whether you are sunbathing in Cancun or freezing in Action Ridge, Spring Break is a much-needed vacation from the third quarter. And for the many involved in the musicals, they form close-knit friendships that are fond remembrances of high school years. However, second semester is no bed of roses by any means. It is also the home of the everUNpopular third quarter slump. This is a time Second semester looks quite promising also. when grades hit the ultimate low point and Beach Party is coming on January 31 and is homework takes a back seat to the "Wheel of sure to generate its usual huge 'attendance Fortune." record. It is a great way to release all the anxFor those freshmen about to experience this fcties from finals and also the perfect oppor- academic phenomenon for the first time, get used to it. It happens every year. For you tunity to start the second semester off right. seniors, enjoy it, savor every moment, Basketball games are ideal for a "relaxing" hopefully you'll never have to endure another time with friends. Also included in the second "Third Quarter Slump" again.

Probably the best parent vs. teenager (I mean slob) dispute I've heard of occured when a fellow "creative artist" found his room empty...completely...except for a large box which was filled with every piece of paper, clothing, book, stuffed animal and whatever else was in his drawers, closet, and even under the bed (the ultimate hiding place for pack rats), before his parents tore into his masterpiece. But this creative genius held his own, and didn't speak to his tyrants (I mean parents) for two days. continued on page 8

Southwords Southwordt is th» ttudtnt produced r«w«pap«r of Maine South High School, Park Ridge, IL. Letters to the editor should be delivered to Room V-130 or given to a member of the editorial stafi listed below.Soutfiwords reserves the right to edit all letters containing obscene or libelous material. Editors-ln-chlel News Editor Commentary Editor Features Editor Sports Editor Ptioto Editor

Allsa Regas Wayne Qobie Maura Scott Meredith Brammeler Ksty McQarry Jen RIchter Heidi Neumann

Starr: Saml Milton, K i t l * O'Connor, Mike MoQany, Scott Duarkop, John Humm, Cindy Avino, Qiorga Brant. Rod Barthold, Lynna Naubart, Kita RantI, Kim Oilchnlk, Chrlaay CoaclonI, Chria RIadal, Aahlay Runnala. Danna Kaaala, Edan Mon-la, Luka Kallahar, Kattwyn Malzlngar, Julia Brady, MIka Broanan, Marly Malonay, Rabocca Plillllpa, Qwynn Lockwood, MIka Bablnae, Rob Brandanbarg, Qraf) Batrtngton, Jannller Hallanid, Jody Matouaak.

January 30, 1987


page 7

Deines-ty: ...the saga continues... On Sat., Jan. 10, the Maine South girls' of the twelve to fourteen games which the basketball team faced rival New Trier at home. Hawks have played a will play against rated Although this was the first competition against teams. Competing in one of the most challengthe Trevians that the Hawks had seen this year, ing schedules the Hawks have faced, they have the team's offensive strategy was not changed. gained control of the thirteenth ranked slot of Defensively, the Hawks concentrated on all Chicago area teams. controlling one of New Trier's main scoring The three varsity senior starters are Beth plays. The Trevians attempted this play four "...the team has progressed to a level without Carroll, Lisa Hennessey, and Kathy Lekan, times in the first quarter of the game. Three of selfishness, with a team attitude, not an individual with juniors Karen Biedron and Tracy Minor those times, junior Karen Biedron broke up one.'' completing the starting lineup. the play by stealing the ball. Junior Maureen Crosson, although not a Coach Mike Deines Biedron proved to be a key element of the starter, concentrates on her scoring and reHawk force as she sunk seven of eight shots bounding as a key player, placing her in the from the free-throw line. at the Hersey Tournament, the Hawks had fac- top five scorers of the team and the top three The home court advantage definately ed Conant and lost 41-43. rebounders. became a factor, as the Hawks triumphed over Senior Kathy Christensen also adds to the Coming off this close game, the Hawks held the Trevians, 35-33. Entering the game. New the lead for much of the beginning of the force by entering the game in short tense situaTrier was 16-1. Now, with this conference loss, game. Yet, by the end of the first half, the tions. By using her quickness and the Trevians will remain neck-and-neck with Hawks had dropped behind by ten points. By agressiveness. Coach Deines states, "whenever the Hawks as the conference championship ap- rallying their strength in the fourth quarter, the Kathy enters the game, we know she's going to proaches. Hawks put the pressure on Conant. Although take charge to make things happen." The Hawks will travel to Trevian country on the Hawks were defeated, Conant had to shoot Rounding out the eleven-player team are Jan. 23 to continue the competition. Along sixty-seven percent in the field to win. Cathy Ciprian, Cheryl Roma, Mary Kay with the rest of the Hawks, Coach Mike Deines The Hawk team has lost five games during Crosson, and Karen Walker, each playing an is expecting a "tough game." this year's season— two to Conant, one to important part of the team as a whole. The Hawks faced Conant away on Jan. 13, Luther North, one to Maine West, and one to Coach Deines commented, "The team has yet lost this tough game, 51-56. Senior Beth Libert yville. progressed to a level without selfishness, with a Carroll led the scoring drive with 26 points, All of these teams, however, are rated in the and added many key rebounds as well. Earlier, top ten in the state. These games are just a part continued to page 8

Swimmers take on Maine East Demons tonight The Maine South boys' swim team recently competed against the top ranked team of Glenbrook North. Although the Hawks lost in the end, times improved for most of the team and many first places were captured. On the varsity level, the Hawks dominated six of ten events. The first victory came in the 200 yard medley relay in which Eric Johanson, Bryan Gillespie, Steve Shewfelt, and Dave Alberts swam a season best time of 1:53.32. Other wins came from Shewfelt and Johanson who won their events of 100 yard butterfly and 100 yard backstoke, respectively. The other first place came from senior Kevin Piscitello. Piscitello, a diver, proved his ver-

satility by swimming an unbelievable 58.21 in "With the practice our team has had, the the 100 yard freestyle. meet promises to be an exciting challenge," Other veirsity swimmers showing improve- commented junior swimmer Jay Pinto. ment were Frank Bondarowicz, Bill Maloney, Matt Sherman, Jay Pinto, Pat Cassata, Jim Swarbrick, and diver Pete Delre. The freshmen level also made an outstanding showing by capturing many victories. One of these victories came in the diving event, when John Overby, a ireshman, won his event with a score of 123.70. With this score, Overby added six points to the total for the team. This Friday at 7:00 the Hawks will face the Demons away at Maine East.


Hawks to conference: injuries a factor The girls' varsity gymnastics team will soon face the conference and regional meets. The team's main obstacle has not been the competition, but injuries. Julie Lanahan has a pulled muscle near her elbow yet hopes to compete in the near future. Lisa Ogorek injured a knee during her floor exercise at the Maine West meet on Jan. 6. As Coach Phyllis GoU stated, "the injury may end Lisa'a season." Both Lisa and Miss GoU remain optimistic, however. Coach GoU's outlook on the conference

meet is clouded with the injuries, but she is keeping a positive attitude. All of the other team members continue to work extremely hard to compensate for the injuries, which is exemplified by the team's victory over Highland Park on January 9th. The team's mental attitude remains optimistic, yet Coach Goll states, "Anything can happen." Maine South is also hosting the Girls' Gymnastics Regionals on Fri., Feb. 6 at 6:30 p.m. in the Field House.

Schedule GYMNASTICS Jan, 30 away 6:30pm Conference Feb 2-6 TBA Regionals Jan. Feb. Feb. Feb.

GIRLS BASKETBALL away 1:00 pm Maine East away 6:00 pm Barrington home 6:00 pm GBN Regionals

Jan. 30 Jan. 31 Feb. 6 Feb. 7

BOYS BASKETBALL home 6:00 pm Maine East away 6:00 pm Hersey home 6:00 pm Highland Park away 6:00 pm Oak Park

WRESTLING Jan. 30 home 6:00 pm Feb. 6-7 TBA

New Trier Regionals

SWIMMING Jan. 30 away 5:00 pm Maine East Feb. 4 away 5:00 pm Highland Park



January 30, 1987

Hawks take on Demons tonight The Maine South boy's varsity basketball team pushed their overall record to eight and four following the three-game East Aurora tournament and a January 9th game vs. Glenbrook North. The Hawks earned a win and two losses in the non-conference tournament played over Christmas break. Game one pitted the Hawks against East Leyden. Despite outstanding performances by Gary Francis and center Jim Swanson, the Eagles came out on top 69-66. The Hawks' victory came in the second game against Oswego with a final score of


75-51. The high scorer of that contest was Jim Kallas, who contributed 24 points. Rockford East proved a worthy opponent in the consolation championship, the last game of the holiday tournament, when they defeated Maine South 66-63. The Hawks seemed unphased, however, as they crushed Glenbrook North 54-45, earning a 3-0 conference record in the process. Coach George Verber attributed the home victory to excellent defense. Verber feels that the toughest part of the varsity schedule is from Jan. 16 to 31 when the Hawks are challenged by such teams as Elgin,

continued from pg. 6 Helpful Hints to Keep the P's Happy

Conference tourney to start tonight The Maine South Hawk's wrestling team will square off against conference rivals Evanston on Jan. 23, and New Trier on Jan. 30. Coach Tom Ziemek feels these two matches will be extremely tough competition, especially since the Hawks must surrender 18 team points right off the bat as a result of having to forfeit 3 weight classes. However, Coach Ziemek stated,"rm more concerned with how we do on the mat than the total point scores."

with how they wrestled." He continued,"I felt it was a total team effort; they showed a lot of spirit and did the best they could."

So far, the Hawks have faired well against the few New Trier wrestlers that they met in the Prospect Tournament in which they won most of their matches. In the Prospect tournament, Mr. Ziemek was "extremely pleased

Looking ahead to the regionals, which will take place Feb. 6-7, Hawks will depend on wrestlers Jim Jacobucci, Tom Gonzales, Mike Kusibab, and Karl Faldetta to pull them through.

Deines... continued from page 7 team attitude, not an individual one."

New Trier, Oak Park, and Evanston as well as Central Suburban League members Maine East and Niles West. Explains the coach, "We're not as big as most teams we play so we have to make up for it with a positive attitude and lots of hustle and desire." He adds that the team is emphasizing rebounding and defense, and that constant work is needed to improve on passing skills. Despite the outcome of the East Aurora tournament, both coach and players feel that their work has paid off and are positive about upcoming games no matter how challenging.

The Hawks again pleased their coach against Highland Park where Coach Ziemek stated they did "extremely well." The following match against Rolling Meadows, the Hawks collapsed as they were unable to win a match. "They did a terrible job," added Mr. Ziemek.

An abbreviated top ten list from the home office in V-130. 1.) Start by making your bed. 2.) Invest in "Roach Motels," No-Pest Strips, and family-size cans of either Raid or D-Con. 3.) Quarterly, set-off a bug-bomb in your room. Be sure to close your door, and make sure your pets are out of the house. 4.) Take a petri dish sample of the mold that is colonizing on your mirror. It could be the bacteria which holds the key to curing AIDS, cancer, or the third-quarter slump. 5.) Enter that black hole formerly known as your closet and remove any and all living or, sniff, extinguished, rodents from the floor and call in Orkin for any other extermination needed. ^


Where's the spirit?

The junior varsity team, coached by Don Kerr, has also improved. A main factor of their season is the balanced scoring of the team— two-thirds of the team members have scored over thirty points for the season. Also, the defense has been outstanding, with the Hawks holding their opponents to under eight points per quarter thirty times. The JV Hawks are now looking ahead to the challenging tournament which will be held on Feb. 13-14.

Recently, a spirit assembly was held to recognize those clubs and organizations that support the boy's Fall and Winter sports teams. Two elements of this assembly seemed seriously overlooked, however.

With Regionals in the near future, namely the week of Feb. 9, the varsity Hawks remain optimistic. Maine West is ranked number one in the pairings, with the Hawks number two. In the first round, Maine South will face Prospect, which they beat at home earlier in the regular season. If the Hawks beat Prospect, they will then face challenging Maine West as Regional play will continue.

Secondly, the teams represented seemed a bit one-sided. For some reason, the accomplishments of the girls' athletic teams have gone virtually unsupported and unnoticed. The girls' teams have no one to inspire the crowd to cheer the team on to victory, and no one to bake them cookies,

First of all, the school spirit exhibited was imderwhelming. Specifically, nobody stood up during Pep Song.

"TP" their houses, or leave colorful signs on their front doors. One group remains an exception, however, as the Pep Band is often well represented at the home games. While the guys deserve ail the credit, support, and attention they are receiving, in all fairness, shouldn't the girls receive the same spirit and support? After all, who was named the un-official champion of Illinois' NCni-State Soccer Tournament for the past few years? Who brought home regional and sectional titles last year in basketball? More important than the titles and championships, however, is the fact that these goals were accomplished solely by their own talents, spirit, and support.

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