Vol 24 issue 11

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souihwoRcls Vol. 24, No. 11

Maine Township High School South

March 4,1988

Gotta Dance set to open tonight On Friday, March 4 at 7:30 p.m. and Sunday, March 6 at 2:00 p.m., the Orchesis Dance Troupe will be performing a two-act dance show that will include all types of dance, from jazz to modem to oriental. The name of this year's show is "Gotta Dance," taken from the theme of the opening act. The tickets are $3 i>er person and will be sold at the door. Orchesis has previously performed during the year in the Homecoming Parade, V-Show, a girls' basketball game, and the AFS assembly. The officers of Orchesis are the choreographers for these dances. The dance in the Homecoming Parade was choreographed by Ann Hallihan, Vice-President; in V-Show, by "Tanja Pajevic, President; in the girls' basketball game, by Nadine Alosio, Publicity, and Chrissie Albright, Secretary; and in the AFS Assembly, by Yvonne Thomas. Also, Danna Kesala, Treasurer, is in charge of the Junior Orchesis, who will also be performing in the show. Jenny Goble is in charge of costumes. This year's show promises to be one of the best ever. It has much variety, including a polynesian dance with moroccas, choreographed by sophomore Jenny Hagcnaur, an oriental dance choreographed by senior Jenny Goble, a broadway medley choreographed by seniors Kellie Peterson and Ann Hallihan, and, as always, the Finale choreographed by everyone. Peggy Rushford, Orchesis sponsor, feels that "the girls have put a great deal of effort into this show, and we're hoping it will be the best show we've ever done."

Hawk honor card to debut at South On Friday, January 29, Student Council passed a proposal allowing for the creation of the Hawk Honor Card. After several months of revision. Colleen Aylward, Student Rights chairperson, gave a final report on the Card, which affords special jjrivileges and recognition to senior students and selected jvmiors who follow school rules, have good attendance and who maintain a 3.0 grade point average. Applications for the cards are available this week through the counselors. The top portion of the application should be returned to the counselor by March 7. The screening process for the application will begin in the counselor's office. It will be forwarded to the Attendance Office and then to the Dean's Office. If the application meets all the requirements, a small ceremony and breakfast will be held with Dr. Cachur in the cafeteria for those awarded students. Privileges that come with the hawk Honor Card

include 1) entry into lunch periods other than the one assigned, if space is available, 2) a free activity ticket, and 3) freedom to move in the halls without a hall pass. However, this last feature is not applicable iif the card-holder is found loitering or arrives late to class; the card is not intended to take a student away from regularly scheduled class time. Also, use of the card as an activity ticket will not take effect until next fall. Requirements needed to apply for the Hawk Honor Card include that the student 1) must be a senior with a 3.0 cumulative G.P.A. , 2) has an exemplary discipline record (to be determined by the student's dean), 3) has a commendable attendance record (no more than 8 absences and 3 tardies per school year), and 4) obtain a teacher's signature. Students who have received disciplinary action from behavior reports, class or study hall cuts, or suspensions/reassignments are not eligible to receive the Honor Card. Juniors in leadership positions meeting the

above qualifications may also apply, in which case the sponsor's signature is required. The Hawk Honor Card itself is to look exactly like the Maine South student identification card, with a gold background replacing the usual red. Like the I.D. card, the Honor Card must be carried at all times and be presented to staff members upwn request. In addition, the Honor Card will be revoked if a student fails to maintain the necessary qualifications and standards. Assistant Principal Clifford Adamo, who worked extensively with Aylward in revising the Hawk Honor Card proposal, is pleased with the end result. Following the long clearance process through the Executive Committee, ilie Administrative Council, and the Building's Communications Committee, Adamo can now say, "Congratulations to Colleen Aylward and the Student Council students who were able to negotiate and see this process through to its final completion."

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March 4,1988

Jan, Dec students of month named Art: Robert Zumph, Daran Puffer, Laura Brahos, Lisa Maria Heyden, Stephanie Murman, Jennifer Fuguel Business Education: Tim Dohr, Julie Sebastian, Tracy Floeter, Brian Anderson, Micheal Heidkamp, Robin Harris, Kathleen Klancnik, Kristine Gableson, Mary Frances Acuri, Judy Connoly, Aime Daly, Mark Hageli, Steven Kania, Sosamma Mammen Driver Education: Julie Borucki, Debbie Dean, Paul Chartoimi English: Grant Bode, Debbie Eckberg, Kristin Haller, Stash Black, Chris Johnson, Katherine Kamezis, Meg Lobitz, Christine Pater, David Saaverdra, Theresa Sime, Jenine Smith, Robert Sroka, Robert Zumph, Amy Berka, Maria Canafora, Mark Dupke, Kevin Foa, Deborah Gudukas, Paul Hannah, Cindy Koenig, Samantha Malten, Dawn McKerma, Kathryn Metzinger, Todd Sigg, Christopher Szdzelina, Charlene Waladis, Christopher Walton, Christopher Wojtowicz, William Zoellner Foreign Language: Maria Canfora, James Duim, Mark Dupke, James Kowats, Leslie Shewfelt, Elizabeth Ward, Jennifer Wamo, Thomas Bnmet, Michelle Davies, Beth Kubow, Amy

Manning, Julie Pfaff, Maura Scott, Richard Sroka Health: Mary Ellen Ford, Debbie Uselding, Laura Wagner, Kristin Haller

Home Economics: Carrie Kreft, Margaret Metzinger, Michele Dotson, Stacy Gutman, Dawn Blumenthal, Maura Cunningham, Christine Hanson, Jamie Hagedom, Alicia Franchi, Trace Ward, Andy Fronimos Industrial Education: Christopher Bachmann, James Swarbrick, Roger Moore, Paul Anton, Michael Barinek, Christopher Martin, Amery Schmeisser Mathematics: Kelly Schaefer, Stephanie Murman, Gregory Miner, Peter Gayford, Sara Black, Christine Albright, Debbie Bohm, Fritz Schomburg, Laura Erkmanis, Lorma Gay, Kimberly Mundt, Sheryl Brezinski, Debbie Eckberg, Janet Johnson, Gregory Kaulfers, Krysstyna Lenart, Margaret Lobitz, Amy Michel, Frank O'Malley, Lauren Ofenloch, Joe Scalfani, Mary Sheridan, Jane Tully, Susan Wiatr Physical Education: (boys) Troy McLeiman, Thomas Currey, Richard Sheridan, Hyun Shin, Steve Berecz, Andy Irvine, Jack Feiler, Paul Hannah, Gregory Jeffers, Richard Sroka, Todd Sigg

(girls) Nicole Croon, Tammy Dayton, Angela Papassavas, Mary Arcuri, Grainne O'Malley, Jill Maycan Cathy Ciprian, Ann Hallihan, Jennifer Pierce, Sheryl Brezinski, Jamie Danielle Scafa, Dawn Baudek, Noelle Jacoby Music: Dean Westman, Kristen Haller, Kristi Altobelli, Mary Beth Haase Science: Kristin Fleeter, Kristi Frank, Jeniece Wisniewski, Francesca Sigorino, Brian Stavnem, Mary Morman, Jenny Drozd, Laura Wagner, Brad Pawlowski, Andy Hovland, Peter Thomas, Margaret Schaefer, Kirsten Krishke, Meredith Brammeier, Jason Chidester, Jaremy Cobble, John Corthinos, Jacobs Crampton, Joseph Curcio, Karen Feltes, Kimberly Gabelson, Steve Hartwig, James Jacobucci, Joseph Morandi, David Pluska, Trent Agenlian Social Science: GrantBode, Maureen Furlong, Sean O'Leary, Annete Siwiec, MeUssa Thomley, Kristina White, Margaret Zimmerman, Patrick DeMarinis, Frank DeMarinis, Vida Gosrisirikul, Nancy Hua, Grainne O'Malley, Tim Roche Speech/Drama: Karen Bott, Thomas McNally, Wiliam Barker

New offerings and awards at South Of these winter sports athletes, Jennifer Alexovich, Aaron Jackson, William Kuehn, Marcus The Twentieth Century Juniors Club Foimda- Semel, and Steve Vrbancic were named Scholar tion is offering SI,000 scholarships to individuals Athletes for the fall spwrts season as well. residing in Park Ridge or Park Ridge Manor. Students who meet the residence requirement and plan to attend college or vocational school this fall are Maine South just recently acquired a new reencouraged to apply. search tool in the library, the Text on Microform Applications can be obtained from Mr. (TOM). TOM was a gift to the library received by Misevich or the Scholarship Chairperson, Mrs. the Class of 1987. Maria Economos (696-4356). The deadline for TOM is a reference system which indexes over applications is March 31,1988. 5 years of ICX) periodicals on one microfilm. Magazine articles are now available on microfiche and up)dated monthly. TOM is very resourceful in Seniors Mary Gabriel and Scott Duerkop were that with just a push of a button students can namedrecently as this year'srecipientsof the DAR research any topic. Furthermore, students can save lime because of the fact that all entries are interfiled and SAR awards, respectively. The awards, offered by the Sons and Daughters into a single alphabet. of the American Revolution, are presented every Students are urged to ask their librarians to ask spring to one senior boy and one senior girl. The for TOM next time they are in the library. •' criteria for this honor are a reflection of leadership, dependability, service to home and community, cooperation, and patriotism. Mary and Scott were chosen this year by staff On February 16,1988, theMaine South J.E.T.S members and the student body. Both will receive a team competed in the 1988 regional contest at plaque, and both become eligible for a monetary Oakton Community College. But, what is J.E.T.S? award through local, state, and national competi- J.E.T.S. is the acronym for the Junior Engineering tion. Technical Society. The team competes in seven fields of study including English, math, biology, physics, chemistry, computers, and engineering The Scholar Athletes for the 1987-88 winter graphics. The contest consists of grueling fortysports season are; Jennifer Alexovich, Frank Bon- minute tests that make even the most prepared darowicz, Steve Bringas, Maureen Crosson, Eric student quiver in his boots. These tests are so Hibbeler, Aaron Jackson, William Kuehn, Tracy challenging that even the most talented students of Minor, Edward Monroe, Jayant Pinto, Marcus the area can rarely score more than fifty percent. Semel, Sandra Soeder, Steve Vrbancic. and Rama- Indeed, answering all forty questions (or one hundred in English) can be a feat in itself! dan Zenkich.

Scholarship applications

Research tool in library

DAR and BAR awards

Merit finalists named The competition for the honor of being named National Merit Finalists has ended, and each of the three students named semi-finalists earlier this year have aUained this standing. David A. Schwalb, Meredith Brammeier, and Nancy Hua were selected as finalists after the long selection p-ocess. They join 13,500 students from across the United States in the opportunity to receive one of 6,000 scholarships. The fmalists are chosen from the pool of semifmalists through their academic records, SAT scores, and written essays. The written essay centers on personal achievements and goals. The competition is based on PS AT scores, which must be in the top one-half of one percent in each state. As Dave Schwalb stated, "I am honored to have been selected even if I do not win a scholarship." Maine South congratulates you scholars! continued conunuea on o page 6

JETS fly high at Oakton contest

Scholar Athletes named

At Oakton, the team fared well, winning four third-place medals, a four hundred percent increase over last year. Winning members are Jay Pinto in biology, Meredith Brammeier in English, and Tom Spindler and David Oslager in computer fundementals. The rest of the team also made a valiant showing. They include David A. Schwalb, Marcus Semel, Maura Scott, Nancy Hua, Tony Kamezis, Erik Peterson, and David Lazzaro. The team is coached by Mr. Louis Bergdolt who was ecstatic with the results. Next year he hopes the team will again increase their medal count by a factor of four, and eventually become a powerhouse at the event.


March 4,1988

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Selling out to make it in the strips by Tanja Pajevic While reading the comics the other day, I noticed how one cartoon in particular manages to annoy me almost every time I read iL Why I continue to read it, I do not know; maybe it is to see if this newest addition to The Chicago Tribune wiU be able to survive in the fast-paced world of competition. Entitled Gamin and Patches and created by a man (or woman) named Addison, the series revolves around an appealingly simple boy and his dog. The first few times I read the cartoon, it amused me. I liked the simple, almost obvious (but not corny) himior that was used and the way it fit in so well with the everyday, nonchalant reflections of the boy and his dog. Then one day I happ>ened to notice that the background of one particular scene consisted of an extremely detailed building drawn skillfully in black and white. This puzzled me, for in no way did it fit in with the rest of the colorful, relaxed cartoon. Thinking it was a fluke, I checked the cartoon the following week and was surpn-ised to discover the same situation. Upon further investigation, I

foimd this to be a regular pattern used by the artist and creator, Addison. Looking around at the other cartoons, I came to the conclusion that many, if not all, tended toward a more detailed and complex setting that, at least to me, was used only to indicate the cartoonists' artistic talents. With this in mind, I couldn't help but wonder if the faceless Addison had included these detailed drawings in the spirit of competition, in the spirit of proving that he also had artistic talents but that they were not usually seen in the strip. Broadening this realization to an even wider scale, I realized this to be true of many jjeople— that is, the need to prove they are better than, or at least equal to other jseople. Just the other day, as I was sitting with a friend in a restaurant, a girl happened to saunter by, dangling her Gucci purse and flaunting her expensive leather jacket. On this particular day my friend did not look his usual polished self and must have felt somewhat threatened, for not even a minute had passed before he casually pulled out his own Gucci keychain and slipp>edoff his jacket, display-

ing the usual Polo insignia that was so common to his clothes. Next came the casual fooling around with the keychain, his way of showing her that he at least equalled, if not surpassed, her in comparison. This bothered me, for I realized that it was a scene I had seen before and would see again. Many people, it seems to me, tend to place too much emphasis on the material asf)ects of life, always trying to outdo the other person to show how much more superior they are. Competition, of course, is an everyday part of life, but taken to these extremes, it becomes only a tool for exposing the foolishness present in many people. Tying this in to the case of the cartoon, I saw how Addison had jeopardized the success of his cartoon by succimibing to this sort of materialism. I could only hope that he realizes this soon, for it has already ruined the cartoon in my eyes. If he had just stayed with his simple, original idea, the cartoon would have been unique, and probably more successful. By making it into something it wasn't, though, he only ended up showing off and hurting the cartoon in the process.

Republicans—lean, mean, not too clean by Jay M. Pinto part II ofa twopart series on the 1988 Presidential candidates If the Democratic field of Presidential candidates seems wide and varied, the Republican side might be called lean and mean. With fewer and more homogenous candidates, the Republicans are a quieter group (although this is beginning to change) than the Democrats. Each candidate offers something different A Texan Vice-President. A Kansas Senator. A televangelisL A New York Representative. Motley? More like well spread. They come from legislative and executive branches as community leadership pxjsitions. Leading the list is our faithful (lap dog?) VicePresident, George Bush. Bush seems to favor watered-down Reaganism. He promises not to raise taxes. While feeling better education is a cornerstone to beating the Japanese, AIDS, and poverty, he believes that the federal government should only have a supporting role in educating youth. Criticized for being a wimp. Bush has come out hard and strong against such foes as Dan Rather, the editor of the Des Moines Register, and his main competition, Robert Dole. He denies being at the famous Iran/Contra meeting, a fact that is corroborated by President Reagan but in direct contrast to statements by George Schultz. At any rate. Bush's unscathed escape from blame of the IranATontra scandal appears to have changed as critics continue to plague him with questions on his involvement. He is Ronald Reagan's unspoken favorite choice for nomination. His steady rival is Robert Dole, a Senator from Kansas. Dole has played a key role as minority leader and knows how to work well with the legislative branch. He has changed his image, though.

from Washington insider to local boy, from sharp, ascerbic longued critic to a softer, more restrained orator. His emphasis on problems of minorities and of the pxKjr seems to place him at the center, rather than the right, of the Republican party. Dole also has not escaped some scandal. His wife's finances are undo' some scrutiny because of some dealings of close campaign workers in her blind trust. Dole favors an enlarged federal role in encouraging technological and scientiic training as well as help for the disadvantaged and the gifted. To combat the budget deficit, he supports an oil import fee. He has criticized Bush for his role in the fran/Contra scan-

dal. Dole has offered limited supjxsrt for the INF Treaty. He is known for his sharp wit and his leadership. In actuality, the difference between Dole and Bush is not between positions on issues so much as it is between personal style and characteristics. Dole is quick-tempered and a hard worker, seldomly appearing cheerful and friendly. Bush, on the other hand, is gregarious and practically almost smiling. Pat Robertson may be the most controversial candidate of them all. He is a preacher. He has used the media extensively in his ministry, creating the continued on page 6

It's all just a matter of taste by Jenn Welzenbach Just the other day I was sitting in one of my classes—daydreaming. Suddenly, I got the feeling I was being watched or being made the spectacle of something. I turned my attention toward two girls I knew, or thought I knew. As it turned out my suspicions were correct; these two girls were making fun of me. Don't get me wrong, this did not in any way shock me since you all know as well as I do that this school is full of teasing and ridiculing. It took me awhile to figure out just what they were teasing me about and exactly what their game plan was. The plan was later obvious—they weren't talking directly to me but loud enough for me to hear them. I continued to listen to them and I was puzzled because they were talking about the music I enjoy listening to. Except, they weren't insulting the music itself, they were insisting that I listen to this music because I want everyone else to think I like it, not because I honestly do.

Confused yet? So was I. This whole scene seemed completely absurd to me. As I thought to myself I tried to figure out what was more ridiculous, the fact that I would waste my time trying to be something I wasn't or these girls wasting their time talking about what I like or don't like. Why these two should even care about something that had absolutely nothing to do with them was entirely unknown to me. Needless to say, I was very angry. It's a very annoying thought knowing no matter how much you enjoy something there is always someone willing to make you miserable. After a while my anger turned to sadness. It is a shame that people aren't able to dress or listen to anything and everything they choose without being labeled or challenged. Music should make you feel good, not put you in categories or be the cause of hatred and disbelief. Maybe people should pay more attention to how they feel about what's impwrtant to them, not what everyone else is doing. So we don't all have the same taste in everything; wouldn't the world be boring if we did?


March 4,1988

page 4

A baby's first taste of democracy by Jeff Bauer A shot glass, a dollar bill, and a rosary. This was the choice my baby cousin Douglas was faced with on his first birthday. The exact point of having these three things spread across his high chair, I did not know. All I did know was that my relatives were crowding around the baby with great enthusiasm. So naturally, my curiosity led me to ask a relative nearby what the initiative was behind such an odd setup. Between sips of gin and tonic, my uncle explained that the objects placed in front of the baby each represented a devoted lifestyle—the shotglass, drinking; the dollar bill, money; the rosary, God. Whichever object the baby touched first was to be somewhat indicative of his future. If he touched the dollar first, he would become a miser; the shotglass, a drunkard; or the rosary, a man of God. With that knowledge, I anxiously stood around the high chair with the rest of the family waiting to see the fate that awaited Douglas.

As Douglas's pudgy, soft arms continued to cling to the sides of his high chair, and as his tiny, dwarf-like legs crossed tightly, I knew he was hesitating to act as the vultures were hungrily awaiting his performance. Douglas's mother soon noticed his uneasiness and gave him a comforting kiss. Douglas soon loosened up and relieved his strong grip. His legs kicked out from imder the chair. He was ready to grab one of the objects. A vague idea suddenly started to fog in my head. It was slowly creeping up on me as I observed Douglas's eyes rolling across the objects. I was subconciously trying to put this moment in perspective, to fmd a theme which rejjresented this baby's actions. It got clearer. It was clearest to me now. It was the fact that this baby was, maybe for the first time, ex{>eriencing freedom of choice. TTie true freedom to choose between alternatives. He was just now being motivated to choose, to mold himself into a free human able to recognize the power of his own choice—all of this, truly American. Even though this custom (if in fact it is one) of

choosing between a shot glass, a dollar bill, and a rosary is totally ludicrous, this baby was, in essence, getting a taste of freedom. This custom, on a much smaller scale, projects the true value of a democratic society. I looked at Douglas again in his high chair, and realized that just as easily as he could reach out and touch whatever object he wished, he could, continually between his first and last birthday, be guaranteed the freedom to reach out and touch whatever he believed in. His choice pertained to the definition and meaning, as well as value, of freedom and democracy, and it was no doubt part of the foundation on which this great land thrives and in which it takes pride. You are f>robably wondering what baby Douglas finally did choose. Well, I forgot. Actually I do not know; I was too deeply caught up in my thoughts on freedom to pay any attention to his choice. Anyway, I don't think I want to know. When Douglas is of age to devote his life to something, I would just despise the fact if this ludicrous custom did make an accurate prediction.

South students get government lesson This past summer three Maine South seniors, Trudy Gross, Ed Kinsella, and Ramon 2^nkich, participated in Illinois Girls State and Boys State at Eastern Illinois University. The Boys State was held from June 6-13, while Girls State was held from June 14-20. This program was a week long "compressed course in practical civics" in which the students participate in a mock government at city, county, and state levels. "It's purpose is to help develop in the youth of today constructive attitudes toward the American form of government, and by so doing, to endeavor to transmit to posterity the principles of justice, freedom, and democracy." The program was first established fifty-two years ago by the Department of Illinois American Legion. The three Maine South students were sponsored locally by Mel Tiemey in Park

Ridge. Each day consisted of morning, afternoon, and evening assemblies. Guest speakers included Attorney General Neil Hartigan, Secretary of State Jim Edgar, Comptroller Roland Burris, and Illinois Governor James Thompson. Elections were elected throughout the week. Students were given the opportunity to learn about the Law Enforcement, the Legislative, Executive, Judicial, and the Electoral Process. The program was divided so that each dorm represented a county. Within each county, each floor in the dorm represented a city. There were a total of 8 counties and a total of 32 cities. Trudy participated in city and state elections. She was elected City Clerk; her job was to compile a city book. At the end of the week a governor was

elected from Trudy's city, which brought an exciting end to the week. The experience was very rewarding and Trudy was awarded the best citizen of her city. Ed Kinsella was appointed by the county government for Clerk of the Circuit Court, while Ramon Zenkich was appointed by the Mayor as a Deputy Officer to the Mayor. His duties included helping appoint officials, forming committies, and running the local government. Ramon was elected Citizen of the County and also was a Nominee for the Citizen of Boys State. Furthermore, he ran for the office of Governor where he was able to receive votes from his whole county. All three students enjoyed this unique program. As Ramon adds, "It wasn't like textbook learning. It was being right there, watching and doing."

A serious problem in need of a solution The disappointment lies in the blatant disregard It is a well-knowTi fact that a number of people were found intoxicated at the Brotherhood/AFS of common sense, the seeming lack of responsibilAssembly last week. In the past, other students ity, the display of the acknowledged but imseen have been caught in similar circumstances, but problem: the excesses of teen drinking. Drinking is not the main problem here. But these have always been considered isolated incidents and much has been done to sweep them under when teen drinking becomes so overpowering that it threatens school work and other p>eople, and the rug. However, this action by a large group of highly causes students to drink before 8:00 a.m., convisible and influential students cannot be easily ceiv ably to drive while intoxicated to school, and to attend a spirited school assembly in which 2,000 ignored. Reaction to the scandal ranged from shock to people are watching, then there is a problem. disapfX)Lntment, from amusement to dismissal as This display of some highly visible and rean unsp)oken reaUty. That students drink or that spected student leaders in various teams, clubs, and they should or should not drink is not really the activities in varying states of intoxication is disissue here. The fact is that a large percentage of turbing because it raises serious questions about students consume large quanti ties of alcohol. Their the judgment and integrity of these people and, by drinking is only part of the problem. implication, all teenagers.

Drinking is one thing. Drinking in the morning before school is another. Drinking before school in the morning and then attending an assembly of the entire school cannot be explained. Why? Why? Why? This irresponsibility on the part of the students involved raises the ugly shadow of immaturity above them. It seems some people cannot handle alcohol. And that is precisely why it is illegal for minors to even possess alcohol, much less consume it. If some students are mature enough to control their drinking (as they are their driving and other privileges), then they are able to obtain alcohol and drink it. Unfortunately, there is no standard of maturity to judge people by. You are or you aren't mature continued on page 5

March 4, 1988



Alumni profile

Blind Grad Tackles Challenges

by Jan Waldron Imagine going through a typical day with your eyes closed. Imagine showering, getting dressed, eating, and going to school without even a peek at Uie world around you. Im agine walking through the halls, finding your scat, figuring out a way to remember the information you will need for the next test. Imagine going to an after-school activity, like wrestling, and competing againstpeople with their eyes opened. Then imagine going home to do your homework, still with your eyes closed. This is the challenge Bob DeYoung, a 1976 Maine South grad, has had to face every day since early childhood. Bob has been blind since the age of seven, due to a medical procedure attempting to cure retinal blastema, a form of cancer of the eye. Never one to give in to a disability. Bob found a way not only to graduate on time from Maine South, but to continue his education after high school. He currently holds a bachelor of science degree in biology from Augustana College, and he is now living alone in an apartment in Uptown, working on his PhD in psychology at the University of Illinois medical school in Chicago. He also does volunteer work for the disadvantaged, such as helping out in Uptown's soup kitchens. On Friday, February 19, Mr. Bill Drennan's fresliman English class welcomed Bob back to Maine South to speak about what it was like for him as a student at South. While a student here. Bob was on the wrestling team, and he explained that coach Tom Ziemek used him as a "demonstration dummy," and that was how he learned the moves. To condition, he would run laps with a partner, holding a towel or gym shirt between them, and he would have to trust his partner to warn him of obstacles or dangers. In competition, when a blind person is involved, the competitors in a neutral position must maintain physical contact. As it happened, though, contact was often broken, and the referee never called Bob's opponent for the violation.Slill, his wTestling training at Maine South paid off, for he went on to wrestle for Augustana, and he became National Blind Olympic wrestling champion.

Mainu Smitli i;rad Bob DeYoung, '76, speaks to Mr. Drennan's freshman English class on how he has managed to live an active, productive life, despite the blindness that others would call a handicap. usually ten or more. I had crashmates as well as "What do you mean brown and blue don't go together? They used to go together! I depend on my classmates." friends, but how does a sighted person know about And yes, he had to use Warriner's, too—22 volumes of it! "Braille is very bulky." In high fashion? He asks his friends what looks good together. So do I." school he used the usual texts, in Braille, but in college and in graduate school he used tajjes of On the subject of colors. Bob feels that he books and had readers. Talking computers have knows them through associations, such as red for made things easier for him, though he does not like apples, or for fire engines. He also links them with to depend too heavily on too much advanced tech- sounds, such as those from musical instruments. nology, such as talking clocks. His wristwatch is in While some seem "thin," others are "heavy." Braille. Although he once owned a seeing-eye dog, He is not certain whether the mental images he he now gets around on his own. "sees" are recollections from the first seven years Living alone. Bob also does his o>m cooking, of his life when he was sighted, or if they are imaginary images. "I have no way of knowing how by time and texture, and he is proud of recently giving a homemade spaghetti dinner for eight. He accurate they are since I can't remind myself of doesn't mind asking waiters or store clerks for how something looks every now and then." While Bob's success may seem amazing, it help, but he tries to shop with a sighted friend. He also asks for single dollar bills when he is given doesn't to him, for he refuses to think of his change, and when he knows he has a larger denomi- sightlessness as a handicap. "I don't mind people nation, he folds it differently from a single to be asking, 'How do you do that?' but when they When asked about the problems of walking assume that I can't do something because I can't able to tell them apart by touch. though the halls of school, Bob said, "I didn't see—they are the hard ones to deal with. It's hard Friends help when it comes to fashion, too. "It perceive it as hard. The big danger was high school to keep patience and try to educate people." drives me crazy when fashions change," he jokes. girls, who walk in groups of no less than five, and

Serious problem continued continued from page 4 and many people think they are, but who really is? One who can understand the consequences of his/ her actions and live with them can be in control of situations, can know his/her limits and abide by them. The failure of the involved students revolves around their lack of this control and their lack of self-knowledge and their lack of responsibility. The end result is that the school is now aware of |he problem. Too much lime has been spent preach•"8 against alcohol and no energy has been ex-

pended trying to teach high school students to handle alcohol in moderation. Perhaps if this happens, people will not appear at assemblies plastered like wallpaper. In the past these incidents have been viewed as aberrations. It is hoped that now the administration realizes the problem runs deep. The scandal has ended. But the questions have only just begun. And the most troublesome question is; Is this the tip of the iceberg? If it is, something must be done.

Siiulhwnrih is tile sliKiinl-piiiduii'iJ tU'»>'!pa)>cr' of M:iiiic SoiiMi Hi^;h SUICH.I, Park Ki<li;u. H.. 1,1'ttii.s to the editor sliiiiiUI tu- (l<li\erv(l to rodin \ -1.^0 111' uiM-n ID ;I iiitriilur of the <'(li(iirl;il stall lislit) t)ilo«. S(>iithwtiiil\ rvMi M's the rij>lil tu islit :ill lottvisi.nntaiiiin<;ol)Miru'or litx-loiis iii»li lial. l^dllorsiii-chiif .Mtri-dilli l!r.iniiiu'ii'r Maur.t Si oil ,Nt'«s I'dilor l\;ivita Sahiiaiii ConinKnl;ir> I.'ditor !,n I'inio IVaturts I'.dltor Mili-.va I'lioiiilij S p o i l s I'dilor Kaliv ()'( oiinnr I'huto r.dilor liid> M i ( oiiniil, IVodiRtioii liditor laiulli' Slaii);lil( r

pajje 6


March 4,1988

Southwards Letters to the Editor Assembly applauded Dear Editor, To whoever is in charge of the assemblies at Maine South, I would like to congratulate you for the last assembly. Brotherhood/AFS. Although it was long, it drew attention to the many groups at Maine South that otherwise go unrecognized. Sports are important, but so are the many other clubs and organizations, and therefore both deserve their own assemblies. Even with its lighting problems, the AFS slide show was interesting. Also, the Orchesis performance and Jenine Smith's poem gave a broader view of what goes on at Maine South. The absence of a guest speaker was compensated by Maura Scott and the many other student speakers. If assemblies in the future are more Uke this last one, Maine South students can look forward to better times. Everyone should be represented for their contributions to the school, whether it be sports, clubs, or organizations, and this last assembly fit the requirements. Don't throw away the mold. Jim Kowats, '89

A man's response Dear Editor, In the last issue of Southwords, Joaime Hwang wrote an article about what she thinks makes the "special guy." This, remember, is just one girl's opinion, and it seems obvious that her past experiences with guys have biased her opinion to the extent that it is ridiculous. She says that the "special guy" can't flirt with other girls when he is going out with a girl. Don't youihinkthat'sa little restrictive? It is up to the guy to talk (flirt) with anybody he wants. It seems that Joanne is expecting her "special guy" to follow her around and not to talk to anyone without her permission.

Secondly, she says the "special guy" must be honest. I agree both the guy and the girl should be honest. But, if the guy has things to do with just his friends, guys or girls, and if he tells her, she might take it the wrong way ("Oh, he's blowing me off.") and suddenly anyone in earshot of her knows about it. Maybe the guy is just saving all the hassle if he did tell her the truth. (This is not true in all cases, though.) Joanne makes it seem that anyone but her "special guy" is not worth the effort of a relationship. Well, Joanne, I hope you find that "special guy." I reahze that guys can't be as perfect as girls are, right? But remember, Joanne, a relationship requires a little give and take on both sides, and all you are doing is demanding. Next time, Joaime, if we want to know your opinion, we'll ask you. Don't write an article. Brian Moore

A woman's reply Dear Editor, Luckily I anticipated that someone would write a sarcastic letter to the editor regarding my article. I do mean sarcastic, ironic or even satirical as it does not even hint at being witty, for it is fleshwrenching. I admit that my article fell far short of its mark in that Mr. Moore found it "biased... to the extent that it is ridiculous." Certainly I did not intend for the reader to be subjected to uncontrollable fits of laughter. Though I missed the boat as the author of that article, could it be possible that Mr. Moore did in his reply? I am quite aware that the article was simply my and only my opinion. But, why shouldn't it be? Wasn't it my name that appeared after the word, and I quote, "by"? Regarding my restrictiveness, when it comes to allowing that "special guy" to flirt, I think Mr. Moore has misinterpreted what I was trying to say.

(Actually, to be honest, Mr. Moore misread the entire article.) I wrote "Don't flirt with other girls when she's around." I sf>ecifically added the condition to avoid confusion. Also I believe there is a world of difference between talking and flirting. Otherwise I myself would be guilty of flirting with Mr. Moore himself in the years I have known him. I would also like to clarify what my "special guy" seems like to Mr. Moore. But first, I realize that it is just his opinion. I did not write the article with an ulterior motive to advertise for a "puppy" as Mr. Moore implied. Again it seems to Mr. Moore that only .00(X)1 % of the world population is worth the effort of a relationship. This time, though, I'd have to agree with him. If he (the special guy) is not special in anyway at all to me, then why should I bother? I was not speaking to everyone. I try not to make too many sweeping generalizations. Since the title of the article was "What a Woman Wants," the scope of the article did not include what a woman should do for the guy; that was Jay Pinto's thesis. As for your parting shot, that was obviously meant to be less than complementary. The commentary section of the newspaper is meant to be a forum for opinion. So, thank you for your opinion. Joanne Hwang

Orchestra concert held continued from page 2 The Concert Orchestra and select members from the Concert Band will hold a concert on Sunday.March 13,1988.The program will include selections by Mozart, Beethoven, and Schubert, as well as light, enjoyable music by other composers. For some expansion of cultural horizons, all students and faculty are invited to attend. The concert will be held in the Clyde K. WaUon Auditorium at 3:00 pm.

The Think Tdnkl The Republican race, cont'd Democratic National Convention 1988




In Case of Emergency: 1. Put on blindfold 2. Pin nomination tail

continued from page 3 Christian Broadcasting Network. He is aconservative believing strongly in school prayer and vigorous anticommunism. He attacked Bush's support for the INF Treaty. And even this charming minister has iwt escaped some scandal. He is involved in a bitter libel suit against a fellow Marine in Korea who claims Robertson had told him that his father, a Senator, was keeping him out of combat. This may blow up in his face, for the marine has found other members of the company to corroborate his account. He was, indeed, stationed in Japan before his ship reached Korea. Also it was revealed thai Robertson's son was conceived out of wedlock and that Robertson has misstated his wedding date to conceal this fact. He has condemned premarital sex. He stated thathe changed the dale to jjrotect his family. In a January 1985 broadcast of the 700 Club (his show) Robertson stated that only Christians and Jews were fit to govern. He claims to have done graduate work at the University of London, but in reality only took a summer course. His defense is that he is "a human being." Jack Kemp wants to be the heir to the Reagan

dynasty. He vigorously supports Reagan's policies. He is a hard conservative. His economic growth policies sound very much like "Voodoo Economics." He supports a return to a modified gold standard. But Kemp is seen as an ideologue. His campaign was shaken when one Christian minister on the staff made some nasty comments about Catholics and Jews. He like Robertson tries to court the ultraconservatives who call for aretum to moral values for the American people as well as for an antiabortion amendment, defense spending, and supply side economics. The crew of Republicans continue to take potshots at each other breaking the cardinal rule of the party: Thou shalt not speak ill of a fellow Republican. This election is not a run-of-the-mill race. Withfi-ontrunners bickering, people already dropping out, and the rest of the pack waiting for a chance to jump past; the Republican side promises to be exciting. It just goes to show that tlie 1988 Presidential election is an important one for the direction of the country as well as for tlie Republican party after the tenure of Ronald Wilson Reagan.

March 4,1988



Girls' b-ball beats expectations

The girls' varsity basketball team may have lost their last game ofthe season, but it is hard for them to be disappointed. Even though the Hawks dropped their final regional contest to Maine West by a score of 71-46, they finished the season with a 20-7 overall record, and their 7-3 conference record was good enough to earn them a second place finish. What made this season's performance even better, was that since the beginning of the season, the Hawks were not even expected to finish above .500. The Hawks can attribute this change in the predicted outcome of the season to several factors, among these the leadership of the team's senior

members. Co-Captains Maureen Crosson and Tracy Minor played well consistently throughout the season, Karen B iedron led the team in steals and recoveries, and Sandra Soeder proved her value as a sixth player, taking on the toughest defensive assignments with a great deal of success. Another important factor which contributed to the Hawks' impressive record was the improvement exemplified by the team's younger members. Junior Cheryl Roma bounced back from an ankle injury to lead the team in rebounds during the final four weeks of the season. Jennifer Kaleta, Erin Roder, Chris Pugliani, and Denise Dohr all demonstrated promise for next years' team. Karen

Walker, who was unanimously elected to the AllConference Team, earned a S jjecial Mention in the Sun-Times All-Area Team recognition. She, additionally, set anew Maine South record for assists in one season. Coach Mike Deines is pleased with the Hawks season, especially because of the tough schedule the team had faced. He notes that the team's only losses were to state-ranked teams. With the ability, attitude, and experience that the girls' basketball team posesses, there is little reason not to predict that the Hawks will once again surpass everyone's expectations.

Girls' runners set their goais As the Maine South girls' track team opened up their season against Niles West, the team had many high expectations for the upcoming season. One team goal this year is to defeat Evanston for the conference title. A short term goal is to finish the indoor season with an undefeated record. The Hawks, who had finished second to Evanston last year, will have even more competition as Glenbrook South joins the CSL South Conference. With only one senior on the team last year, Maine South has many returning veterans from last year, in addition to many promising new runners. Among the veterans are senior co-captains Michelle Donato and Pat Harris. Other returning varsity runners are sophomores Nicole Jacoby and Rachel Kelleher; juniors Laurie Anderson, Krista Heitzman, Carolyn Krystal, AUce Raidl, and Mary Beth Sychangco; seniors Meg Dolan. Kelly Good, j n d Nicole Pasier. .^.^^^^^^-^^

Argue for your limitations, and sure enough, they are yours. —Richard Bach

V The Hawkcttes salute the crowd at a Maine South basketball game. Their recent success in competitions outside the school have ranked them as one of the best drill teams in Illinois. They will be featured in our next issue of Southwords.

Olympic update—the Hawks at Calgary The Maine South Hawks were well represented at the Calgary Olympics, as two alumni represented the United States in speedskating. Mark Greenwald, class of '86, who was profiled in our January 15 issue, skated to a personal best time in the 5,000 meters, finishing ninth. Laier,hc finished eleventh in the 1,500 meters, leaving him excited over his unexpected success. "I kind of figured it was the Olympics and I decided to go all out," he said of his finish in the 5,000. At 19 years old, he is a bright spot for America's skating future. Nancy Swider-Peltz, class of '74, was still waiting to compete as of this writing, but she found the time to enjoy her fourth Olympic appearance, this time with a new fan—her year-old daughter, Nancy, pictured with her at right. Swider-Peltz was featured in our February 10 issue.

R»uters/upi ptwto

Basketball cont'd continued from page 8 their season; Maine South, additionally, shot 78% from the field. But in order to win, it was a team effort. Although Glenbrook South had their star Lars Anderson on the court that night, senior Marc Semel held Lars to only three points in the first three periods of play. Marc also helped out on the other side of the court with a total of 10 points. Mike Tworek led scoring again with 16 total points and six assists. Keith O 'Shea helped scoring with eight assists and went a tremendous 10 for 10 from the foul line. Junior Kevin Wadenhad one of his best games with 13 total points and eight rebounds. "We played our best game of the year," added Coach Verber. The tremendous effort over the past weeks has boosted the overall Hawk record to 13-10, and has given the Hawks an opportunity to assume a third place finish in the CSL South Conference.



March 4,1988

Boys' b-ball ends on high note The varsity basketball team has been on a rampage during the past month; several conference rivals have fallen during the Hawks' five-game winning streak. After a close loss to conference leading Evanston, with minutes remaining, the determined Maine South team traveled to Niles West on Saturday, January 30, where the Hawks turned their season around. Though they lost a tough game to Evanston, the team was motivated because they had played an extremely good game; seniors Keith O'Shea and Steve Vrbancic rose to the occasion. Keith led the scoring with 22 points, making an outstanding 13 out of 14 freethrows. In addition, Steve helped out with 21 points and many key rebounds to aid in the victory. The game ended with a commanding win over Niles West, 78-65. This victory, along with excellent play, started the Hawks off on the right foot. Having lost to Maine East a month earlier, the Hawks eagerly awaited a rematch. On Friday, February 12 the Hawks came out ready to play, as did the Demons. Scoring was matched throughout the game, but skill and determination prevailed. Senior Marc Semel helped out with a total of 13 pwints and he went 7 for 10 at the freethrow line. "Marc is one of our most improved players," added Coach George Verber. Senior Steve Vrbancic contributed a total of 18 points to the score and demonstrated aperfect freethrow percentage when he went 6 for 6. Steve also had 11 reboimds in addition to junior Matt McLain's seven reboimds. Matt had 13 total points and he went 7 for 10 from the freethrow line. The game ended quite dramatically, however, when with seconds left, the Demons took a 63-64 lead over the Hawks. The time was ruiming out, but junior Mike Tworek ?ot the inbound and quickly

came downcourt. With three seconds remaining Mike drove down the lane to score the winning basket as the buzzer sounded. In addition to scoring the winning basket, Mike led scoring with 18 total points and six assists. Senior Keith O'Shea had eight assists which also contributed to the final victory. These outstanding performances gave the Hawks the upper hand as they defeated the Demons 65-64. With two wins under their belt, the Hawks traveled to New Trier to meet their conference rivals who had, a month earlier, defeated the Hawks. Maine South came out prepared to play and caught the Trevians off guard, running up a quick seven-point lead. Keith O'Shea led scoring with 17 total pwints and made several assists. The Hawks played excellent ball again as they destroyed New Trier 64-50. Then the Hawks came home to a non-conference duel with Hersey on Saturday, February 13. Hersey kept up with the Hawks for nearly the entire game, but Steve Vrbancic and junior Matt McLain played important roles in the game. Steve had 22 total points and seven rebounds; Matt had 17 total points and eight rebounds. Keith O'Shea had 10 points, but his effect was not seen so much in points, as in assists. He had eight assists to further the team effort that went on to defeat Hersey 61 -60. The four wins prepared the team for their game against the Glenbrook South Titans on Friday, February 19. The Titans had been favored along with Evanston to win the conference title, and after Glenbrook defeated Maine South early in the season, it looked like that same fate would occur once more. Furthermore, the Hawks had nearly beaten Evanston. The Hawks knew they would have to play to their full potential that night; they played their best.

Marc SerncI (foreground) and Kevin Waden set up to steal the ball during recent action. The Hawks were fired up and pounced early in the game on the Titans. The Hawks' play was so fierce that the opponent's coach benched all their starters in the first quarter. Coach Verber and the Hawks would not let up, holding Glenbrook South to only 19 points in the first half. The Hawks went on to destroy the Titans by nearly 30 points with a 71-45 score. This was the second highest score of continued on page 7

'Mission impossible' on riglrit tracic Many people wonder, "Can it be done?" Some say no, others, yes. The boys' track and field team is starting to turn some heads and convert some doubters into believers. Another few steps of the "Mission Impossible" were attained on February

10 when the Maine South trackers took down the Glenbrook South Titans with a final varsity score 0 f 81 -35. Fine performances were shown by senior veteran Rob Lentz with first place finishes in the high hurdles, low hurdles, triple jump, and the mile

Sports highlights Sport



Sat 3/12

Tues 3/15 Lake Forest V^J:30

Badminton Maine West V/S/F—6:30


Boys' Track

Wildcat Relays V—4:00

Evanston Inv. F/S—12:00

Girls' Track

Wheeling In v. V-4:30

Buf. Grv. Inv. V—9:00

GBN/HP V/JV-^:30

relay. Other fine efforts were demonstrated by junior Dave Sczlazinski and senior rookie Tony Kamezis in the long and triple jumps. Dave Sczlazinski was also named athlete-of-the-meet. On the freshman/sophomore level Graham Vandenbrink performed well by pole vaulting to a first place finish. Neil Kasicki and freshman Tom Matzen did well in the horizontal jumps. The hurdle races were won by freshman hurdler Mike Schwed. Then on February 17, the Hawk team continued its undefeated streak on both levels by beating both the varsity and frosh-soph teams from Glenbrook North and Fremd. In quantity, the Hawks came out on the short end of the stick, but it was the consistent quality performances in all of the events that left Fremd and the Spartans on the outside looking in. Once again, all team members gave it their all to help the team effort: pole vaulters, shot putters, mile runners, high jimipers, hurdlers, and sprinters alike. Still undefeated, the Hawks and the Lady Hawk track teams travel to Wheeling for the Wildcat Relays today in hopes of coming home with another victory on their "Mission Impossible" march.

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