souThwoRcJs Vol. 24, no. 14
Maine Township High School South
April 22,1988
Halls alive with Sound of Music Rehearsals are underway for this year's Spring Musical "The Sound of Music." The Music Booster sponsored show is the original stage-script and there are many notable differences between it and the well-known movie. "The Sound of Music" is the story of yoimg Maria Rainier (played jointly by Maura Scott and Kristin Haller) who decides early in life to become a nun without really being able to accept the life. After many improp>erties at the Nonnberg Abbey, the Mother Abbess (Collelte Puczan, Michelle Schneider) decides to give Maria a taste of the outside world and sends her to the home of Captain Von Trapp (Troy McLennan, Mark Lundell), of the Imperial Austrian Navy, to hold the position of governess for his seven children. On the arrival, Maria finds a house of rules, being run by the Captain like a ship in the Navy since the death of his wife. Slowly, Maria gains the respect and love of the children through her personality and her music. She even gains the confidence of the oldest daughter Liesl (Mary Moore, Kristi Altobelli) by providing advice for Liesl's firstlove, Rolf (Mike McGarry). Her position in the household is threatened on the return of the Captain from Vienna and the company of his fiancde, Elsa Schreader (Dawn Baudek, Val NefO and his friend Max Deitweiler (Matthew Johnson, Jake Crampton). As Maria's love for the children and their father becomes known to her, she goes back to the Abbey but returns, knowing that she must follow her fate. "The Sound of Music" is a poignant story set in the last peaceful days of Austria, 1938, before the Aunschluss—the Nazi takeover of Austria that
Sister Berthe (Margit Johanson), on the left, and Mother Abbess (Colette Pusczyn) rehearse for a scene in which they discuss the problems with Maria Rainer. forces the family Von Trapp to eventually flee to Kohl, Nelson Pared6z), and Louisa (Jenny Drozd). Switzerland. The other children are cast from local grade schools Other cast members include the Buder Franz and junior highs. (Dean Westman, Chip Dunn), Sisters Berthe, Margaraita, and Sophia (Michelle Rante, Margit Show dates are April 29,30, May 6 and 7 at 8:00 Johanson, Meredith Brammeier, Mary Beth Haase, with matinees May 1 andMay 8 at3:00 in the Clyde Meg Filkens, and Nadine Aloisio), Admiral Von K. Watson Auditorium. Tickets are available in the Schrieber (Scott Duerkop), Herr Zeller ("Andrew bookstore and at the door for $4.00.
Brammeier, Pinto sctioiar semifinalist Meredith Brammeier and Jay Pinto have been named Presidential Scholar Semi-finalists. The 500 Semifinalists in the 1988 Presidential Scholars Program were named at the beginning of April. The United States Presidential Scholars Program was established in 1964 by Executive Order of the President to recognize and honor our nation's most distinguished high school seniors. The Program was extended in 1979 to include recognition of students with exceptional demonstrated talent in the visual, creative and performing arts. Annually, 141 students are chosen from among the most outstanding graduating seniors to receive the nation's highest honor awarded to high school students. Those students who become Presidential Scholars are chosen on the basis of their accomplishments in many areas—academic and artistic success, demonstrated leadership, involvement in school and community. The scholars are representative of the achievement of excellence in
education and of the promise of greamess in young jjeople. In honoring the Presidential Scholars, the President of the United States symbolically honors all American graduating high school seniors of high potential. From the 500 Semifinalists, 141 graduating high school students will be selected next month as Presidential Scholars, the Nation's highest distinction bestowed upon exceptional high school seniors. The 500 Semifinalists were selected from some 1,500 students who were identified as potential candidates for the program on the basis of their exceptional test scores. These 1,500 were selected from the pool of nearly three million students who will graduate from U.S. high schools in 1988. The Semifinalists were chosen by a distinguished panel of educators on the basis of their lest scores on eith the Scholastic Aptitiude Test (SAT) or American College Test (ACT), grade point
average, contributions to the school and community, essays, self-assessments, recommendations and transcripts. In early May, the White House will aimounce the names of the 141 Presidential Scholars who will be selected from the 500 Semifinalists. They will include one young man and woman from each state, the District of Columbia, Puerto Rico, and American students living abroad, 20 students selected ttom the creative and performing arts, and 15 students selected ai-large. Final selection of the 141 Scholars will be made by the Commission on Presidential Scholars, a group of 50 eminent citizens appointed by the President. Scholars will be invited to Washington June 12-16 for National Recognition Week, where they will receive the Presidential Scholar medallion at a While House ceremony and participate in activities with their elected representatives, educators and others in public life.
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April 22,1988
South takes accounting honors Maine South was among the 42 schools from Illinois, Wisconsin, and Indiana that competed in ihe Accounting Contest held at University of Wisconsin in Platteville on March 25, 1988. This was the second year that Maine South finished in First Place. Among the six participants. Donna Matz finished in First Place in Accounting H; Pat Demarinis, Second Place in Accoimting II; Kevin Waden, Third Place in Accounting I. Other participants included Eric Carlino, Nea Lindh and Mark Felser. On behalf of the students Mr. Marra is looking forward to the competition at Oakton College to be held on May 6. This will be the fourth year Maine South will be completing at Oakton, and over the past three years Maine South has finished Second, First, and Second with numerous individual winners and finalists. * Mr. Marra commented that he is "very proud of the tradition and quality of the Accounting Program we have always had here at South." However, he is disappHDinted that "with the declining enrollment, the eight period day and the increase in the graduation requirements, the students have difficulty taking Accounting as an elective choice. I would like to see more students taking Accounting I and II. I only wish if the students could hear from the students who have taken Accounting in high school and who come back to tell me how much it has helped them."
Not everyone took a break from academics over Spring Break. Six Maine South students, accompanied by Mr. Bob Marra, traveled to the University of Wisconsin to compete in accounting competitions in wiiich they took first place. They are pictured above (from left to right): top—Mr. Bob Marra, Mark Felser, Kevin Waden, Eric Carllng; bottom— Nea Lindh, Donna Matz, and Pat Demarinis.
March students of the month named Students of the month named for March, listed by department, are: Art: Mary Hannah, Eileen Ford, Kevin Fabian, Erik Peterson Business Education: Caroline Guzaldo, Allison Hammond, Adam Kasper, Robert Martell, Jill Musso, Chris Paschke, Lynne Rauser, Todd Sigg Driver Education: Andrew Hammar, John Coleman, Graham McNally, Douglas Boer English: Shirlee Boharman, Wendy Burgess, William Galus, Keimeth Hriensaitong, Mary Michal, Brian Mongoven, Stephanie Murman, Becky Russo, Brian Stavnem, Kris Stientjes, Ramon Zenkich Foreign Language: Christopher Johnson, Rachel Kelleher, Georgia Lamar, Paul Mulvaney, Tera Siwicki, Patricia Stasiek, William Stmad, Julie Yadgar Health: Jeffrey Chupich, Vida Gosrisirikul Home Economics: Kristen Spatafora, Jon
NEWSBRIEFS Apr 29 Apr 30 May 1 May 2 May 4 May 6 May 7 May 8 May 10
Spring Musical Spring Musical Spring Musical Breaking Away Program Social Science Honors Spring Musical SAT & Ach Tests Spring Musical Spring Musical Art Honors
Greenwald, Darryl Hamel, Courtney Johnson, Mira Park, Elizabeth Ward Industrial Education: James Robbins, Neil Kasicki, Daniel Herzog, Joseph MLka, Charles Schultz Mathematics: Michelle Fonte, Jeimifer Hagenauer, Mira Park Todd Sigg, Brian Thunberg, Lesley Tomko, Yoshikuni Tsukahara Physical Education: Lara Assaf,Tamara Dayton, Sharmon Duffy, Roger Fyke, Kevin Holbrook, Karen Komosa, Samantha Malten, Maura Scott, Chris Such, Ron Wagner, David Wojdyla Music: Leslie Shewfelt Science: Michael Babinek, Vincent Blank,
Richard Bondarowicz, Frank Demarinis, Larry Herring, Ronald Kenyeri, Jolm Kirpanos, Colette Pusczan, Kelly Smith, Randy Visina, Charlene Waladis, Margaret Zimmerman Social Science: Grant Bode, Lance Caldwell, Debbie Dean, Elizabeth DuBrock, Paul Hannah Jason House, Matt Mayes, Nathan Paulson The Maine South President's Club will hold a blood drive on Wednesday, May 4, 1988. Students 17 or older and weighing over 110 lbs. will be permitted to donate blood. Listen for further announcements^
Award winning videos made at MS The Maine South Sp)eech/Drama Department recently entered the Illinois Student Media Festival sponsored by the Illinois Association for Educational Communications and Technology. The purpose of the Student Media Festival is "to provide students with the opportunity to learn and use communication skills." Furthermore, the Festival provided encouragement to "teachers and students to explore the possibilities of communication through audiovisual media productions." Numerous Maine South smdents were awarded for their efforts. Under the video category, Producers, Mark Bielak. Dan Osbom, and Joanne Piccolo were awarded first place for their presentation entitled "Summer Institute for Academic Gifted." Sophomore Frank Stokes finished first place for his
{jresentation, "Adventure of Rick Havoc." Producers Kraig Mackett and Roger Fyke received second place for their production called "Why?". Junior Scott Dummler received third place for his presentation, "In Search For...", and Producer B ill B arker also finished in third place for liis presenta'' entitled "Perfect 2." Entries sent to the Festival Chair by March 29 were judged by a panel of Media Professioaals. The judges considered the contest and organization, technical quaUty, and general effectiveness of each entry. The winning entries were then presented at the Illinois Student Media Festival Presentation on Saturday, April 16. The awards for each of the winning entries were presented after the viewing.
April 22,1988
page 3
Look closely at media influence by Dave Sckwalb Setting: Jerusalem, Israel. It is Easter Morning. There are tourists everywhere within the gates of ihe old city. In the Arab section, a protest has been on all day and the store owners have closed down liieir shops. Their abiUty to survive even with tremendous loss of business illustrates the great desire of the Arabs for liberation and their own country. I imagine this is the story which ajjpeared on the news in countries around the world the day I was in Jerusalem—Easter Sunday. This story would add to sympathy for the Arabs in Israel and to the opposition to Israel's show offeree. However, this is not the real value in the story. The real value to this story is that it is a good "story." A good story will get more viewers or more readers which creates more money and that makes the world-goround. 1 walked on the streets of Jerusalem that morning and walked bv many shops in the busy Arab
section and they were all 0{>en. Suddenly, a reporter arrived on the scene bearing an item worth its weight in gold—a television camera. Immediately, every shop was closed and the fake protest began. The reporter walked the streets and left. Within minutes the stores were open and the streets were once again busy with people.
Media plays an important role in Israel, the Iran-Contra Affair and every other important event. That role is to inform the p)eople about what is happening. The role is not to create a more interesting story, but to tell of an aheady interesting occurrence. Reporters must report the news, not make it.
Such is the case every day in Israel. I had the opportunity to talk to an officer in the Israeli army and told him of my exjjerience. He was disgusted with what had occurred, but not surprised. This officer told me that once a television camera is seen in the occupied West Bank women and children (Israelis will not shoot them) begin to throw rocks at soldiers. Thatnight America sees innocent looking civilians on television throwing rocks at huge soldiers with machine guns. This violence satisfies the hunger for blood for the day on American television and so everybody is happy...except for the Israelis.
This article is not an attempt to take sides on what is happening in Israel. It could have been written about the Iran-Contra Affair or the jwesidential race. This article is an attempt to ask you to think of what you are seeing and reading in the news. We must not believe everything we read because much of it is hyperbolic at best. This analysis of the news can save much trouble which is often caused by a fake or sketched report. Hasty and irrational decisions are often based on these types of false reporting, but with some critical thinking the truth of the matters can shine through the hazy propaganda.
Columnist ponders universal questions by Keith Piscitello In a package of M&Ms, which candies are the Ms and which of them are Ms? How does one tell the difference? Why doesn't Maine South have a bowling team? Where do babies come from, Mommy? Can Jesse Jackson be our next president? How many days are left imtil summer v acation? Will the Beatles ever get back together? Why didn 't the Concert Orchestra go to Disney World or the Cotton Bowl?
What ever happened to Mr. T.? Why was there no all school assembly for M.S.'s state champion Science Bowl winners or our state champion Hawkettes? Will the Cubs and Sox win pennants this season? How are rubber balloons made? Where can someone buy a Ferrari? Why did disco die? Tie dyed t-shirts are becoming fashionable again, will bell-bottoms and long sideburns be next?
Student trip to Europe enjoyable French classes from Maine South and Maine East traveled through France over spring break, accompanied by Mr. Stroud, a French and German teacher at South. Highlights of the trip included tours of Diegne, Nice, Aix-En-Provence, Aries, Nimes, Avignon, and Paris during their week-long stay. Famous landmarks such as the Roman baths, and occanographic museum, ancient castles of French Kings, and the Eiffel Tower were among the places visited. A ride on the Paris Metro (Subway), a boat tour, Notre Dame cathedral, and a shopping spree in Paris were favorite attractions as well.
Students found communication with the French not at all difficult, and a learning experience as well. However, prices tended to be higher, while quantities smaller at the many cafes and restaurants visited by the French students. When asked about her experiences, Eden Morris, French 3 student stated that, "The countryside is beautiful, and Paris at night is stunning," A lack of time made the travelers feel rushed as they took in many scenes of France. "It was great. I had lots of fiin, and I learned a lot, too," was another opinion expressed. The only regret was having to come home.
Breaking Away assists college-bound seniors College-bound seniors are invited to attend a special program on Monday, April 25 during second and third periods (2 periods in length) in Lecture Hall C-145 dealing with the problems and issues involved in the transition from high school to college. As the senior year comes to an end, many students have personal, family, and college-related concerns about "BREAKING AWAY." This program is designed to address these concerns by identifying problems students encounter, to offer advice to avoid common pitfalls, and to discuss
issues such as roommaies, budgeting, course selection, leaving home, changing relationships, homesickness, lime management, and social life vs. study time, to name a few. After discussing these issues, participating seniors will have the opportunity to lake part in small discussion groups. Mr. Dan Misevich urges that seniors take advantage of this helpful opportunity. There is only space for 140 seniors, and students may sign up today with their counselor if they wish to participate in this program.
Why are some stop signs in the M.S. parking lots so high up? Which came first, the chicken or the egg? Does Michael Jordon deserve $28 million for 8 years? How come you never see Superheroes like Batman, Superman or Wonderwoman eat, sleep, or continued on page 6
Southwords Sotithwotds is tlu'stiidenl-producod iiowspS" perofMaine South nijifiS<hool. Park Ridg«, IL. lA'tter> to Ihf cillldr should be dt'li\t'red Jo room \'-\M) oi ^ivtn to u nicmbcr of the editorial stalf listed ht-lovv. Sviiihwords reserves the rl;;ljt to edit all icttcrs containing ob.scene or lihckxis mjitiTJa). Editor\-in-Lhiif
MiTfdilh Hianinit'ltT Maura Scott Nuws Kdiior .,..,Kavita iiabnani Comnitntarv i;ditor...«,^.*,.-.jray Pinto IVatures luliior Melis-sa Thornlej' Sports Editor Katit C'Cunnor Photo Kditor Jixi) McCorriiick Pnxiuttion Kdjior lani'llc Slaii^ihtcr Stari:<litisAII)ri};lit,,Jini5auir,Kirstt.'nHi« erie, Frank Bondarowic/.,Mat! lireldcrt, Julienr Hrltz, Michelle Duvies, .Sieve DeCliertiv, Luuru Hansen, .Mark Hermes, Doug Hodapp, Joanne Hwaiijj, Rachel Kelleher, Lisa Kostnieki, Jim Kowats, Me^ Lobjt/, Mike MctJair), Sanii Malteii, Andrew Martinek, Kathtwi Mel/ifij;er, Amy Michel, J e n n j Miller, (Jrej; Miner, Mar(;ie O'Connor, 'laiija Pajevic, Keith Piscitello, Mike Robinson, Chari.s Runnels, Jaishiri Sahnani,Suid> Schtiiit/,, Dave Schwall). Ro Wielecha, Ranxin /eiikich, Hill /.oellniT.
page 4
April 22,1988
The little knife that could do it all
by Jeff Bauer It did everything! I never left home without it. I was always fascinated by the different things it could do. I'm speaking of my pride and joy when I was younger—my Swiss army knife. Boy, did I love that rusty old gadget; I was never without it. I can still vividly remember all the good times my knife and I had together. I am sure, though, that my mother does not want to remember the lime when I tested the built-in can opener ami opened up a year supply of Campbell's soup; nor does my father, when I used it to gouge an immense hole in his favorite La-Z-Boy chair. Cutting and slashing, tearing and gouging, carving and destroying—ah, those were the days! The preceding memories flashed into my head as I recently glanced at a National Examiner magazine. Facing me in big bold letters was the title of a story featured in the magazine—"Swiss Knife a Lifesaver." Hmm...Saving a life was probably one thing I failed to do as a youngster with my knife. I flipped through the pages and found the story—my mouth dropped to my knees. The article read: "Boy scout, 11, does caesarean on mom and delivers healthy 10 lb. twins with Swiss Army Knife." According to the National Examiner's "sources," an eleven-year-old boy scout in Peru
named Jorge Comacho heroically p>erformed a successful caesarean section on his mother, who unexpectedly went through labor. It just so happens that Jorge's father is a doctor and was working at his hospital when the mother went into labor. Jorge called him there when the mother started labor, but the father couldn't get back to the home
because a bridge which cormected the hospital to the main highway leading to the home was blown up! (Mrs. Camacho stated that the bio wn-up bridge was somehow official.) Mrs. Camacho had only one hope—her son had to deliver the baby. After abnormalities occurred in labor, she told Jorge he would have to perform a caesarean section with his Swiss Army Knife. She told him step-by-
step instructions, and sure enough, being the true boy scout that he is, Jorge came through. He delivered twins. Afterwards Jorge replied, "Cutting her open was easy, but I couldn't believe how they were squished in there! It was great!" When I finished reading this, and while I was doubting the veracity of this incident, I started to turn the page. Wait a minute, I thought. I flipped back. I thought that if this story was actually true, then what kind of kid is Jorge really? He must have steel nerves. What does he do for fun? Maybe by now he's used to this stuff. Maybe he performs tracheotomies with the built-in cork screw; maybe he does a lot of amputations with the knife; or maybe he even pulls teeth with the built-in pliers. Whatever happens, I wouldn't be surprised if any of these stories, or ones similar about Jorge, will be featured in next month's National Examiner. As for Jorge, who knows, maybe he is the youngest doctor in Peru with a Ucensed Swiss Army Knife. If he is, I feel sorry for him, because he is probably swamped with patients day and night since his prices are low. I just hop)e some day Jorge puts down his medical bag and does something really useful with his licensed knife like I used to when I was young. Hey Jorge, tear up some draperies or go carve your name in a tree!
A modest proposal for the atomic age by Melissa Thornley
For Preventing the Moral Delinquency and Avarice (tf Powerful Individuals from Destroying the Human Race, and for the Birth of a Stronger People It is a pitiful state in which we live where one cannot help but stumble upon corruption in every comer of society. Refuge from the many vices of our world can no longer be sought through the help of our representatives in office nor in the church nor in our own hometown for this is where demoralization thrives. Instead of striving for their original goal—the preservation of humanity—these institutions promote the use of sinister schemes to obtain self-gratification. I think it is agreed by those of us with a higher sense of morality that the influence monsters who dominate cur planet must be stopped immediately. This task, however, is not so easily completed, and for the individual who conjurs up a feasible plan to rid us of these criminals, a well-deserved title of Saviour of Mankind would be deemed necessary. My intention, however, far exceeds the problems of mere societal vice: it incorporates a solution for numerous other flaws which infect today's world. The persons whom I plan to crush will be astonished at my ability to twist their own scheme, placing them in the victim's chair. With one flip of a switch I have the ability to solve all of our problems, instantaeously. Success is inevitable. I meekly offer a simple plan which allows for the utilization of our biUion dollar anti-creation devices. Why let these precious nuclear warheads sit and collect dust in some forlorn arsenal in the middle of Kansas? We, as taxpayers, should de-
mand to see our dollars put into action where they can be used for their intended purpose—the destruction of the enemy. As it stands, our economy, with at least a 200 billion dollar deficit, is in extremely sad shape. An action such as I have proposed would definitely stabilize the economy and quite possibly improve it by providing a more accessible market with less fluctuation in the Dow Jones—due to a minimal amount of competition. This will greatly benefit the many businessmen of our time. With an improved economy and an empty slate to start from, the time Would be right to start anew, less costly urban renewal plan. The abundance of new construction sites will be immesurable and, with less competion, the cost of housing will be little, not to mention the fact that smaller businessmen will have few problems finding a reasonable price for their new office buildings. It has been my experience that a good economy, cheap housing, and happy businessmen are all that is necassary for a happy race. In the foreign arena, this nuclear enterprise will not only eliminate starvation in underdeveloped countries by curbing overpopulation, but cease the fighting in the Middle East and eliminate antagonism between the Contras and the Nicaraguan government. A sense of unity will flourish throughout the wolrd. Scientists will benefit greatest, however, for they will fianlly be blessed with the ultimate scientific opportimity—to test Darwin's theory of evolution. The strength of the human race will undoubtedly increase with spectacular side effects from heavy exposure to large quantities of radia-
tion. Radical species of the animal kindom will spring up from mutations to our present creatures. Just think of the thousands of transformations possible. What anatomical wonders could be created under such perverse conditions! Only the strongest would be able to survive, leaving the few, theproud, unstoppable creatures to startanewrace, a better race. In the midst of this great change, the ruthless hands of power will be destroyed. Government, politics, and society will be exempt of the corruption we submit to currently. An additional perk in politics will occur with the final resolution of the 1988 p-esidential election. I am completely positive that my proposal will not benefit all of humanity and can see no possible protests or complaints. The many do-gooders of our society will, however, find fault in every aspect of my scheme, which is expected. To them 1 plead simply: Don't waste your precious time and effort fighting against the only feasible solution. Your inadequate intentions: worldwide agricultural and cultural education, increased foreign relations, cutbacks in defeiwe spending, and simple honesty are mere foolishness and a bothersome waste of time. My convictions are not so deep-rooted, however, that I will not consider well thought out plans of action produced through logical means. One must keep in mind my main objective—to preserve humanity—for I have no wish for self-gratification, only the utmost concern for my fellow man. To those of you whose interest I have sparked: if another method superior to mine exists, please act quickly—for we are running out of time.
April 22,1988
Page 5
Alumni profile
Son of Sig, 76, a sports success by Doug Hodapp Ever wondered how much time and effort go into those sjxirts broadcasts on the radio or TV? Probably not. Barely listening to the car radio or lounging in front of the tube, one merely takes the sports reports for granted. However, 1976 Maine South graduate Adrian Sakowicz gave revealing insights during his Southfest presentation. As a former sports/radio broadcaster and a current pubUc relations executive, his discussion proved helpful to students with interests in both athletics and the media. Adrian first discovered his leaning towards broadcast journalism in 1974 when he enrolled in Broadcasting here at South. Back then, the only audio-visual equipment available was that of the radio station, with no television station yet installed. But this introduction to the media gave him the incentive to enter journalism courses during his college years at Marquette University. He also took classes in business and English literatureâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;classes which helped him later in his career. At Marquette, Adrian received his first big break when he interviewed a top Milwaukee TV producer for a class project; the producer liked Adrian's style and subsequently hired him. During this time and after graduation, Adrian also worked under internship programs and at part-lime jobs before landing a sports news positions at Chicago FM stations WYEN and WWMM (now WSEX). Presendy, he works in the pubUc relations department at Bnmswick Corporation while freelancing as a journalist for the sports cable station ESPN. Although Adrian began his study of broadcasting as a high school sophomore, he has been familiar with the media for most of his life. His
father, Sig Sakowicz, has been a renown Chicago disc jockey and his elder brother, Fr. Greg Sakowicz, hosts a religious program for a local cable station. Of his own radio successes, Adrian attributes his schooling, his on-the-job exjjerience, and a little luck. He discloses that the broadcast business is a highly competitive one: radio station owners weigh ratings above performance, and the job stability factor is low, with employees working under three-month contracts. Despite these drawbacks, Adrian contends that the victories make up for the failures tenfold. On his return to South for the Southfest activities, Adrian praised the school's A-V studios as "magnificent," even better than most college's. However, he notes that some universities have excellent facilities for interested studentsâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; namely. Northwestern, Bradley, Columbia, and Southern Illinois University at Carbondale. Working for Brunswick Corp., Adrian admits that publics relations is more akin to advertising than broadcasting. Yet, PR spots differ from ads in that they are free for the company to air. As Brunswick owns a major chain of bowling alleys, Adrian creates film clips in order to promote the sport. These clips, then, find their way into national sports programs. During one particular spot, he arranged a tournament between the gold and silver medalists in bowling from the 1936 Olympics, when it was a competitive event. With ten years of experience behind him, Adrian can offer advice to students who hope for careers in sports journalism. First, he tells students to gain exposure and hands-on experience, both in high school and college. Also, he recommends internships, especially since many " arc available in Chi-town." Finally, he advises that students "get
Adrian Sakowicz, a South graduate from 1976, attended Southfest to speak of his success as a sports journalist. their feet wet" at smaller stations and markets before moving on to larger pirojects; a city with many spwrts teams is preferable to those with none at all. Yet, perhaps Adrian himself is probably the best source of inspriation to future radio-speakers. As a Maine South graduate who has made it in the realm of journalism, he can be seen as a symbol of hop>e to all the other broadcasting hopefuls.
Immaturity sinks "Sliades" assembly by Melissa Thornley As I stepp)ed through the auditorium doors, both mind and body synchronized into the "assembly" mode, my system whirled into a state of confusion. The chaotic aura which filled the air immediately signalled a discontinuity, someone or something was out of place. A missing link was causing mobs of Juniors to roam about aimlessly through the aisles screaming to friends in the front row amid the shrieks and cries of other friends screaming a response. Then, even surpassing the current bedlam, Mr. Reese's voice rose above the crowd, asking the Juniors to please sit down. No attendance was being taken so students could sit anywhere they pleased, but it still took at least ten minutes with no less than fifteen reminders from Mr. Reese for everyone to sit down. This, however, was only the tip of the iceberg of immaturity that would sink the "Shades" assembly. Unaccustomed to such obnoxious behavior at assemblies, I reassured myself that everyone would quiet down once the assembly started. I was ^^Tong. The decibel level only soared even higher
upon the first second of the presentation. Now it may seem that I'm making a big deal out of nothing, but the manner in which my class conducted itself was far exceeding ordinary teenage obnoxiousness, it was deplorable. In fact, when the assembly (though I never thought I'd say this) had ended, I felt ashamed to be a part of the Junior class. This disturbs me to no end, for normally during assemblies, Maine South students act responsibly and maturely, showing a sense of pride in themselves and their school. On Wednesday, however, I saw none of these qualities repjresented in my peers. What I did see was a crowd of restless, immature teenagers who, realizing that they were not being watched over every second by a teacher, decided to vent their frustration through whoops and hollars, ruining the assembly for those around them. I find it extemely ironic that the assembly's purfjose was to stimulate a desire to find one's own identity and make one's own decisions by over-
coming i)eer pressure, when throughout the film students did the opjpwsite, blending into the crowd and acting foolish to please their friends. Since that time I have been constantly trying to rationalize some explanations for this behavior, but I have yet to find one. Obviously not all of my class was involved in the raucous, demoralizing actions of that morning and I would like to congratulate those who tried to enjoy the Horizons program despite distractions from others. It is a pity that such a spectacular program as "Shades" could not have been enjoyed more easily by the students. In the future, I hope thati will never have to witness such disruptive conduct at an assembly.
ReminderMonday, April 25 is the deadline for senior wills, which may be turned in to V-130 or the cafeteria booth. Southwards reserves the right to edit for length or objectionable content,
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April 22,1988
Jackson stirring up '88 election by Jeff Bauer Around 20 years ago a black man was creating quite a stir; he created too much of a stir for one person to handle. The works of the late Martin Luther King and his crusading civil rights tornado whipped through the nation—and ultimately the world—with vibrant eye-awakening force. A man who spoke the truth of all men, he was the iconoclastic force that every black at a critical time in history spiritually took a foothold onto when facing the "superior humans" (otherwise known as the white race) who honestly thought (and many still do) they were above the "lesser race" (blacks). From the middle 1950's until 1968 he led his crusading army through America— pjarticularly the South—constantly striving for equal rights for the black population. Martin Luther King ignited the hojjes and dreams o f the blacks—an ignition that has ever-sofervently inspired other blacks to proceed in the quest for racial equilibrium. This equilibriiun to this day is only in ink according to the law; it is not, though, in practiced ethics. Within the last two decades, our country has been humbled by the racial movement that started back in the middle 1950's. Blacks are becoming— and would have become earlier if given the chance—more relevant in America; tliey are successful in every aspect of life whether it be socially, economically, or pwlitically. Politically... yes! Blacks have unquestionably hit the political scene with great authority; they have emerged from the low oppjressed jjeople to the law-making people. Congress has—though relatively few—black members filling the seats. Big
cities, including Chicago and Los Angeles, have had the position of mayor filled by blacks. Reverend Jesse Jackson, bom a poor black child in South Carolina (ironically bom smack-dab in the time of tremendous black oppression in a white-dominated society) is a presidential candidate. He is not just a presidential candidate but a rather successful presidential candidate, and we all know the odds of being successful in this election are slim. His political embarkment can probably be described by conservative whites as a fluke; by blacks, a blessing; by radical whites, an indoctrinated right; and by all minorities, a step forward. Due to Mr. Jackson, America must now count blacks in on all political matters. Seeing what history has dealt us thus far, it is tremendously difficult to understand—it would have been absolutely unthought of ten years ago— how Jesse Jackson has gotten this far. Though, in all faimess, the question should not be how he has made such an impact but rather why he has. It is not so much the actual issues he speaks; it is how he speaks the issues. Jesse Jackson, plainly and simply, has incredible oratorical abilities—he possesses the tongue of flames. Figuratively sjjeaking, when side by side with rivals, Jackson comes off as lively as a jackrabbit while the others seem to resemble cardboard cutouts. The charismatic Mr. Jackson more plainly can "sjjeak to the people" about hard times, which goes hand-in-hand with his humble beginnings. Jackson can sincerely empathize with the predominantly poorer working class and tells no lies when he claims, "I know what it's like to be where you (blue collars) are."
Democratic voters usually represent the pxaor, the minorities, the working class; Mr. Jackson has rallied the most support from these people throughout his campaign. This support, along with the imexpectedly large pwrcentage of the white vote he has received, has pitted him as a front-runner along with Govemor Michael Dukakis from Connecticut. Not too many experts expected this so late in the primaries. Realistically, even if Jesse Jackson does receive the democratic nomination (which even the democrats themselves do not want) he will probably not fare well against republican George Bush; it might come down to the fact that Jesse Jackson is black and George Bush is white. Whites outnumber blacks by a large amount—almost five times. Even though the black movement has come far, it has probably not come far enough to allow America to accept a black President. All in all, a democratic nomination—or a second place finish to Dukakis—would certainly make Jackson and his campaign a formidable force if he decides to run in the future. Any way you look at it, Jesse Jackson has come a long way. Blacks have come a long way. If indeed Jackson, or any black, does win the Presidency some day, it will most likely create a big stir among certain people. Hopefully, the course of this historic election will not "stir" up anyone quite like it did twenty years ago—namely a white Southerner. Back in Washington in 1963, when Martin Luther King delivered his famous "I have a dream" speech, he never dreamed of a black person in the oval office.
Life, the universe, and everything, cont'd continued from page 3 go to the bathroom when chasing a villain? What is truth? Why do firemen wear red suspenders? What happens to us once we reach the real world? What was George Washington's economic policy during his early years? Did Congree argue over Contra aid?
Oscar contest results Well, folks, the results are in from last issue's Oscar Contest. Our paper's resident film expert, Doug Hodapp, predicted the correct winners in the five major categories: The Last Emperor (Best Picture), Michael Douglas (Best Actor), Cher (Best Actress), Sean Connery (Best Supporting Actor), and Olympia Dukakis (Best Supporting Actress). As for the contest itself. Southwards received a grand total of two ballots, both submitted by senior Mary Gabriel. Taking the two ballots together, Mary accurately predicted the five winners as well as five non-winners. The voting was so close, a recount was demanded by the Co-Editorsin-Chief. Congratulations to Mary for her wiiming guesses and for becoming the contest's sole participant!
Santa lives in the North Pole; where does the Easter Bunny spend his off season? What color is chartruse anyway? Is smoking Marlboro's cool or uncool? Who knows how to do the Heimlich Maneuver? Why doesn'tEddie Murphy ever get nominated for an Oscar?
What is dust and where does it come from? Should jello be chewed or just simply swallowed? If a tree falls in the forest, and there's nobody around, is a sound made? Who is buried in Grant's tomb?
Southwards seeks '88-'89 staff Southwards is looking for year's staff— —editors —reporters —^writers —production workers —cartoonists —photographers
If yo" ^^ interested in being a Southwards staff member for 1988-89, fill out an application and return it to the booth where you picked up lliis issue today, or give it to a current editor or Mr. Kerth, Southwards adviser. Applications may also be turned in to V-130, the publications office. A meeting of all interested students will be held next Tuesday, April 26, in V-130 at 7;40 AM. Mark it on your calendar! Southwards is an award-winner Uiis year, and we're striving to be the best student paper in tlie Chicago area in years to come. We need your help.
April 22,1988
Girls' soccer kicks off perfect start Maine South girls' soccer team started its season with a bang as it notched three victories in as many games in an attempt to get back on the state championship track. Last year's season ended with an emotional loss to St. Charles in the state quarter finals, and it marked the first time Maine South had lost in four years. This year's team is anxious to get the next four-year streak under way. In addition, the entire team is excited about this season because it will be the first year that girls' soccer is recognized by the Dlinois High School Association. This year's season opener found the Hawks trouncing Glenbrook South, the score 8-0. The Hawks had little trouble with their opening game of the season on Monday, March 28 with the Spartans in the Central Suburban League South division. In the first ten minutes of play, the Hawks tallied goals from Carolyn Seng, Jen Alexovich, EminaZvizdich and KarenBiedron; the Hawks led with a score of 4-0 at the end of the first quarter. By the second quarter it was evident South would win. as additional goals were scored by Amy Argast,
Syndy Schmitz and Jennifer Fitzsimmons. When the third quarter had ended and Seng had scored a second goal, the officials decided to call the game because of the horrible weather conditions. When the game started the field had been alright, but with the steady rainfall and freezing temperaures, the Hawks were forced to scramble for any and all available sweats, blankets, umbrellas, and even a sleeping bag for protection. Coach Tilley summed up the game by saying, "I was very pleased with the way the girls played for the first outing. I had our second team in the game most of the time and they did a tremendous job. I think they only got the ball in our territory a few times during the whole game and our goalie only had to handle the ball once." While the second game proved to be more of a challenge, the result was similar, with the Hawks besting Oak Park, 3-0, on April 13. This time the field conditions were much improved, and so was the play of Maine South, despite the week-long spring break which took most of the players out of town. Clearly the team was beginning to work well
together and the form which brought three unofficial state championships was starting to appear. The following day, Deerfield became the third opponent to fall to the powerful Hawk machine by an identical score of 3-0. The victory was marred, however, by an ankle injury sustained to senior cocaptain Jen Alexovich, an outstanding all-around player who can play forward, halfback, or fullback, and is equally effective on either the left or the right. "We're fortunate to have several players on the bench who can step in and get the job done," said assistant coach T. R. Kerth, "but Jen's an important key to our success this season. We hope to get her back into the lineup as soon as pwssible." The JV team is also off to a strong start, with a record of 3-0. Not only have they notched three shutouts, as have the varsity, the Hawk JV have scored 29 goals in the first three games, and the defensehas kept the opponents from taking a single shot on goal.
Tennis team opens season with wins The Maine South tennis team has gotten off to a successful and promising start. They have won their first two meets, and according to varsity Coach Doherty, have an excellent chance of doing well in conference. The Tennis Team has always had winnmg seasons. Last year, the team broke its long history of state qualifiers, but Coach Doherty believes, "We will have state qualifiers this year." Coach Doherty is confident that this year will be a continuation of their impressive record. This year's team is younger with more underclass players. The varsity team has five seniors: Jeff Burgis, Mike Cieslik, John Conhmos, Rob DiMeo, and Joel Voelkner. There are also eleven juniors: Tom Auer, Jim Hill, Jim Kowats, Cory Lentz, Phil LoSasso, Pat Owens, Tad Pemck, Brad Richtcr, Todd Sigg, Tom Thein. and Yoshikuni
Tsukahara. Finally, there are two talented freshmen: Peter Berka and Bob Zumph. Coach Doherty emphasizes the fact that the team is "still developing" but "moving in the right direction." The team's first meet against Notre Dame was a success. Zumph played first singles, Petrick second singles, Berka third singles, and Voelkner fourth singles. In doubles, Burgis and Tsukahara played first, DiMeo and Cieslik played second, and Richter and Owens played third. Petrick was the only player who lost. The team's second meet against St.Patrick's was also a victory, but the score was much closer. The line-up of players was the same for this meet as for the last. "The first, second, and third singles players all lost, but the fourth singles won in two sets, 6-3 and 6-2. All three doubles games won, but ihey were close matches, esp>ecially the first and
second doubles. Burgis and Tsukahara won in two close sets, 6-4 and 7-6. Cieslik and DiMeo narrowly defeated their opponents 7-5, 4-6, and 6-3. Overall, Coach Doherty was pleased with the team's performance. The fourth singles and third doubles are an addition to this year's tennis meets. This allows more of the players to be involved in competition. Looking to the future. Coach Doherty plans to work the many juniors harder to smooth out the inconsistencies in their playing. If the underclassmen improve their playing now, the team will not lose much next year. The team is planning to continue their already successful season and, hopefully, send players downstate to compete.
Baseball aiming for conference crown The varsity baseball team started off strongly, winning tliree of their first four games. After losing the opening game to Niles North, the Hawks swept a double header against Notre Dame, despite an eighteen degree wind-chill factor. In the first game, senior Dom Zenzola smashed three hits and batted in wto runs. Seniors Rob Migasi and Joe Ciprian each added hits, and freshman Jim Rushford pitched five innings of scoreless relief to earn the run. In the second game, the Hawks won by the score of nine to one behind the bats of seniors Steve Muscarello and Mike Skoczylas, who collected two hits each. Seniors Dave Neswold and BiU Wallace, and juniors Bill Jacobsen and Rob Migasi all had one hit apiece. Junior pitcher Jon Perry also notched his first win of the year.
At Lake Park the Hawks won eight to three behind a strong pitching j)erformance by sophomore Bob Scafa and senior Eric Hibbeler. Scafa went five innings to earn the win, and Hibbeler pitched the last two to get his first save. Offensively, third-baseman Dave Wojdyla had two runs batted in with Zenzola, Migasi, Neswold, Rushford.paddy Driscoll, and Doug Briles adding one hit each. A two to nothing loss to Hersey marked the beginning of a three game skid for the Hawks, wWch included losses to Evanston and Schaumburg. In the Schaumburg game, Migasi had two hits and three runs battled in, and Wallace walloped a home-run in a losing cause. At home against New Trier, the story appeared to be more of the same. The Trevians jumpjed out to
an eight to one lead in the third inning. But the Hawks battled back and tied the bame on Hibbeler's two out, RBI triple in the bottom of the seventh inning. The game was then suspended because of darkness. It was a furious comeback in which Wojdyla and Rushford smacked three hits each, with Wallace, Muscarello, and Hibbeler all adding two hits. Hibbeler also pitched three and two-thirds innings of relief without allowing a baseruimer. The extra irmings will be played when the two teams are scheduled to meet again in May at New Trier. Coach Jerry Romes is very optimistic about this season and feels that with a combination of mental toughness and apositive attitude, the Hawks can be contenders to win the conference championship.
April 22,1988
Gymnasts swing to first victory "The team is getting better everyday, the scores are getting higher, the kids are working harder... we don't smoke and we don't chew, and we don't go with girls who do!" Inspired by their sometime philosopher, and always Head Coach Mr. John Riccitelli, the Maine South boys' varsity gymnastics team earned their first victory on Friday, March 25, in a close meet against conference rival Glenbrook North. Leading the team was junior Mike Barinek, who was competing in his fu^t meet of the year. Mike comjjeted in all events, earning an average score of 5.9. Barinek received outstanding scores on pommel horse with a 6.6 and on high bar with a 4.9. Senior Todd Borck and junior Matt Miller, Maine South's other top all-arounders also contrib-
uted greatly to the Hawk win. Borck scored a4.2 on high bar, a 5.6 in the floor routine, and received an outstanding vault score of 8.4. Matt Miller, who has emerged as the top tumbler for the Hawks again placed the varsity with a 6.6 mark in his tumbling routine at Glenbrook North. Miller also scored well on high bar with a 3.2 and a superb 8.2 on the vault. Many other varsity gymnasts contributed to Maine South's 102.7-100.4 victory. Among them were: Steve Hartwig, with a 6.8 on still rings, Pete DelRe, scoring a 3.8 on high bar and an outstanding 8.2 on vault, and Matt Golliet, with a parallel bar score of 5.3, a 3.9 on pommel horse, and a 5.8 on still rings. At the junior varsity level against Glenbrook North the Maine South squad lost. However, the junior varsity team is very shallow, due to the fact
that whenever a junior varsity gymnast scores well, he is promoted to varsity. Despite this fact, Tom Sklena and Jim Rodgers have led the junior varsity squad to 58.2 total points in that most recent meet. The freshman squad has been a successful team this year. The relatively inexperienced gymnasts have captured three victories and a tie in freshman comf)etition. Once again, at Glenbrook North, the freshmen won with a final score of 61.1-50.9. Allaround gymnast Mike Morandi led the freshman team with 24.9 total points. Morandi's best events were vaulting, where he scored a 7.4, and tumbling where he scored 5.4. Other outstanding gymnasts at the freshmen level have been Joe Witcraft on still rings and vault, Mike Cappeloni on floor and tumbling, and Stacy Macket on high bar.
Runners sprint into outdoor season Although the scenery has changed, the effort put forth by the boy's track team has remained on the same high plane it left off on at the end of the indoor season. The Hawks started off with some internal changes at their first meet against Glenbrook South anbd Maine East on March 30. Some experimenting was made with the team's chemistry in an effort to see if there was any possibility of making the team any stronger than it was before. This lineup change also allowed team members to explore odier events before the big invitationals come. The Hawks varsity team came out of the meet a mere seven points behind Maine East. The scenario was much different at the District 207 meet Wednesday, April 13 when the varsity defeated Maine East and Maine West by 8.5 and 75.5 points respectively. The Sophomore team lost ^%
apOrtS sport
• a
to Maine East by 13 points, but beat Maine West by 19. The man to be admired in the meet was once again Senior Robbie Lentz. He walked away from the meet head held high, and sporting four first place medals. The standout athlete won the 110 meter high hurdles handily with a time of 15.4 seconds. He set a new personal best in the triple jump with a leap of 42'4". As the anchor of the 400 relay, he came from behind to win the race, but the 300 meter low hurdles was his best race in which he broke the 40 second barrier, putting him 1.4 seconds away from the state qualifying time in that race. Other first place finishers were the 2 mile relay team of Rich Campbell, Scott Dummler, Matt Kurten,andBillKeane, thehalf mile by sophomore a
mgnUgmS Frl4/22
Sat 4/23
Evanston Inv V—«:00
Deerfield V/JV-4:30
Buffalo Grv
Waukegan E
10:30 (DH)
Boys' Track
Saxon Inv V—10:00
N'T/Deerrield V.'F-S—1:30
Girls' Track
GBS Inv. V—9:00
Siles/Maine W V/JV—4:30
New Trier V;S''F—6:30
Libert) ville V/JV—1:30
Softball Tennis
V mm
l Home contest Thur4/28
Fri 4/29 Conference V/JV
Highland Pk V Fresh B 4:15 Spartan Relays V—2/4:00
Conference V—7:00 Evanston V/JV—4:30 Glenbrook S V/JV/F-4:30
Glenbr<>t)k N Barrington V;jV/F—4:30 V/JV/F—10:00 Quad Meet V S—9:30
Maine East V/S—4:30
Glenbrook S V7S—4:30
Todd Lilleberg, the mile run by Keane, the 400 relay by Bob Milka, Aaron Modica. Jim DeKosta, and Lentz. The discus was won by Cary Gorski, and the mile relay by Kurtcn, Modica, Steve Vrbancic, and Lilleberg. The Hawks take on Glenbrook North on April 18. Starting April 23, the boys start on a tight schedule in which they have four meets in only eight days. Watch the Hawks keep the "Mission Impossible" running (excuse the pun).
Spring break hampers girls' Softball efforts This past Spring Break was a quiet one for the giris' Softball team. The freshman team did not play at all, but the junior varsity and varsity played Resurrection on April 8. Unfortunately, both teams were defeated by slim margins. The loss may be accounted for by the fact that the teams were unfamiliar with each other; substitutes from the varsity and freshman teams were moved into a higher status due to a shortage of players who were on vacation. The junior varsity played well, but lost in the final inning 6-5. Errors seemed to be the main contributor to the loss. Resurrection led 1-0 in the fu-st inning, but the Hawks batded back and managed to pull out ahead 4-1. Sally Zieger filled in the coachmg position for vacationing junior varsity coach Mike Deines. Even with the valiant efforts on the part of the team, the Hawks felt that if Mr. Deines could have been there, they would have had a better chance of wiiming. The varsity squad also felt unprepared for their game. Because of other spring break activities, the concentration was not there. If they had tried harder and had been more serious about the game they might have won. However, the seventh inning was when the team cam alive, but by that time it was too late to accomplish much. The team rallied, but it was not enough to win their game. The final score was 4-3, a Resurrection victory.