Vol 25 issue 15

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Maine South High School

M<i\ 18. 1W>

Senior week festivities planned

Monday Senior farewell photo

Tuesday Clash day

Wednesday College shirt day

Thursday Hat and boxer day

Friday Camera day

Class of '89 gets "Street Smarts" Last week, on May 10, during seventh and eighth periods, seniors attended a special assembly entitled "Street Smarts." The program was designed to increase awareness of violent crimes and drinking-related accidents on college campuses. Leading the assembly, John O'Shea, a professor of law enforcement at Oakton Community College, cautioned students about involvement with strangers. He emphasized caution, alertness, and that students should always trust their instincts. He said that walking with confidence demonstrates that you are in control, and many times potential ^criminals are taken aback. O'Shea also warned that the best way to avoid a potential crime is to "just [walk] away," not to lose one's temper and try to fight back—most often, the criminal has a weapon, such as a knife or revolver.

Secondly, the assembly stressed the importance of avoiding alcohol and drugs because "when you get high and mellow, your instincts get clouded up." O'Shea's third main point dealt with being aware of clothing and accessories. Certain colors represent different gangs and could be potentially dangerous if worn in the wrong neighborhood. Especially dangerous is the tendency of suburbanites to wear expensive jewelry, even when riding on the El. He pointed out that "you may look good, but you're asking for trouble." On college campuses most violent crimes, such as rape, occur within the first few weeks of freshman year because students seem to wear signs across their chests that read "potential victim." Most alarming is the statistic stating that 72% of the time, rape victims

know their attackers. Rapists most often take advantage of girls who have been drinking, who look vulnerable or intimidated, or seem to be daydreaming. "Date-rape" is the most common type of rape—and the most avoidable. If the girl does not feel uncomfortable, is experiencing uneasiness, or her instincts are telling her that something is wrong, O'Shea emphasized that the girl should end a date immediately, but smoothly. The purpose of the assembly was to try and show the graduating seniors that the world that they are entering, the supposed protected world of a college campus, is not as safe as we think. By keeping students informed, the administration hopes to keep students safe. Many crimes, injuries, and painful experiences can be avoided, if a student is just "Street Smart."

Q ommentary

Welcome to the world of the ME-ples the choice of a new generation by Russ Horvath "What can I do?" This is a popular statement heard around the world today. Kids everywhere are saying, "Our world is falling apart, I wish someone would do something." Welcome to the "ME" generation, a land that is no longer filled with people but a selfcentered wasteland full of "ME-ples." A place where everyone is worried about what will happen to "me" and not, what can I do for "us." A "ME-ple" is usually quite easy to spot, they are the ones sitting in protective huddles with the "cool" hair and the "cool" clothes talking about their "cool" weekends. Never ask a "ME-ple" to stand up for his rights because it will simply reply, "I might get in trouble," or "What if somebody does not like it." It is time for the "ME-ple" to break the chains of conformity and stand up to be counted. The most obvious and deep-rooted problem of the "ME-ple" is ignorance. Some "Meples" are not even aware they have rights or freedoms. This "ME-ple" says things hke, 'That's the way it has always been." and "We have always done it this way." Ignorant "MEples" are extremely harmless and are often taken advantage of by a tyrannical study hall teacher. The second, and widest variety of "MEple" is the escapist. This "ME-ple" is nicknamed "The Unknown Rebel." An escapist will admit there are flaws in the system, but will not make a formal statement of its complaints; instead it will sneak around the existing laws. An example of escapism would be when a student goes out for lunch instead of dining in the cafeteria because it is a beautiful summer day. Or if a student thinks we should not have

GOT A Cftr^ .' UJftUK3F\ GO OUT



school on the Friday of Prom so he has his mommy call him in sick that day. Evasion is a short-term solution, but in Uie long run someone will have to stand up for therightsof today's students and generations to come. This brings us to the most important missing link in the spineless life of a "ME-ple," the leaders. Who will be thefirstto take a stand for their beliefs? Most "ME-ples" have the right ideas, but are quickly silenced by a dim-witted authoritativefigurewaving a book of passes for the Dean. All it takes is one person to get the ball rolling, one "ME-ple" to come forward and invite Dr. Cachur out to lunch during school hours, or call in the Friday of senior prom just to let the Dean's office know that

you're not going to be in school simply because you don't think that seniors should have school that day. Unorganized sneaking about is not the answer. Leaders must arise, plans must be laid, and demands must be made. Who is willing to take the chance? Perhaps someday, some "ME-ple" will break out of the crowd and be a guiding light. It is easy to sit back and wait for someone to take control or be positively satisfied with your life, but when does it change? Will it ever change? Students cannot sit around waiting for the almighty school board (the same one that forces you to take four years of gym, but only requires two of math) to change the rules in our favor. Salvation lies within the "MEples."

Views from the other side How do you think the attitudes of this generation of teenagers differ from your own generation? T. Ziemek: "I think kids today, especially younger ones, have no real sense of urgency to improve their grades. A lot of them are still not taking their grades seriously. This isn't true with all kids. The attitude many times is, 'if I get it done, I get it done.' Kids are bright, if not brighter than my generation, but they just don't always apply it."


Mastrolonardo: "I think the attitudes were probably more positive regarding future goals and planning, T. R. Kerth: and with that went a deeper commitment. It "Today's generation is far more practical- disturbs me that committment no longer minded, far less idealistic. That's positive, in seems to be part of that planning. Either the ^k the sense that they're better prepared for real generation today feels that things come in- ^ ^ life and for employment, but they lack a stantaneously or perhaps some feel defeated dream, a vision. I think they'll miss that when before they begin. I'm very concerned that they're older, because there's more to life than priorities become established and practiced work." before they go to college."


•WMTH rocks with experience by Jenn Oschger What has been around since Maine South opened in 1965? It's Maine South's very own radio station, 90.5 WMTH. WMTH radio broadcasts within a 2.5 mile radius. If you tune in to 90.5 FM Wednesdays and Thursdays, you can hear your classmates play anything from classical music to hard rock. In addition to their regular music format, the schools offer live sports coverage. The station often gets some really strange requests. A listener named "Cujo" calls DJ and station programmer Geli Silkowski every time she's on the air. Her program, called People have called in thinking it was a professional radio station.In order to broadcast, the disc jockeys mustfirstpatch into the transmitter at Maine East through the phone lines. The transmitter is shared by all Maine Township high schools so air lime rotates between them. South broadcasts on Tuesdays during the day, every other Wednesday afterschool, and all day on Thursdays. Even though South has the capacity to i \ ^adcast at a full 100 watts, it broadcasts at \ > watts, a merefractionof what professional radio stations broadcast. In 1985, WMTH radio made a jump from 88.5 FM to 90.5 FM, which allows them to be received more easily. A turntable, CD player, and tape deck, all purchased at the end of last year, along with a reel-to-reel and the original mixerfrom1965 comprise the equipment used by the dj's and students in Broadcasting class. They purchase music from Rose Records, and transfer most music over to cartes, a self-rewinding 8-track. Presently, the radio station possesses 500 cartes, one song per carte. The radio station receives money from the alottcd school budget along with profits made from sales of V-Show, Marlin, and musical videotapes. WMTH radio loves to dj school dances, offering them more exposure. The dj's are happy to take requests; you may even get to hear yourself on the air. Over the years, Maine South has occasionally run into trouble. Some of the stations' mistakes are playing the wrong music at the wrong lime (ie: hard rock during the easy hsiemng period, and accidentally swearing.) . ^ '^^y^ also poked fun at the station over the ^•"•^'^ich has also caused problems for ihem. ^ P When they get too far away from their jormat, Maine East can turn off their power, we could be broadcasting for an hour and not be on the air," says Geli Silkowski, who is a member of the WMTH radio executive staff with Scott Schweda and Joe Schwartz.

Experience gained from working on WMTH allows Dennis Frantsve'89 the opportunity to pursue his hobbies in broadcasting.

Art Club—a place where students express creativity by Karen Struck Maine Soulh's Art Club has been extremely busy this year. Every Wednesday a group of about 15 students get together and discuss the various activities that the club participates in throughout the year. The members comefromall backgrounds. In fact, many are not even enrolled in art classes. However, ihey all share a common interest in art. President of Art Club Mary Choi describes it as "a place where people who are unable to take art classes can express their more creative side." Many of you remember Art Club's booth at the Homecoming carnival. It won first place; their parade float won second. "We really put a lot of hard work into Homecoming" said Treasurer Ed Wiederer. "Not only was it a lot of fun, but it taught everyone how to work together, despite minor differences, to achieve one common goal." Another major project that the group worked on was a tripdych-design painting that now hangs in the insidehallway leading to the

Principal's office, and a fiber wallhanging, which can be found in the newly-decorated conference room. Junior Amy Michel described the task as, "amazing—it was the blending of unique and extraordinary ideas from all colors of the spectrum." Throughout the year, club sponsor Mr. Mastrolonardo has been truly supportive and involved with the many activities Art Club has sponsored. "Right now we are in the process of planning a field trip to the Peace Museum, and our second annual picnic at Maine Park," he related. Filled with different events, this year has been truly successful for all students involved in ArtClub. "It'sbeen a great year," explained Lisa Lee, Secretary of the club. "Not only did we learn about art, but we learned about each other. Art Club has provided an opportunity for a unique group of people, who, under normal circumstances would probably never have met, to become friends and share their ideas."



Hawk talent hits the cable wires by Jenn Oschger Like the radio station, WMTH TV has been around since Maine South opened in 1963. It, too, is supervised and taught by Mr. Bielak. WMTH television produces programs made entirely by the students. In its own way, the station is run by the students. Once a month on cable channel 82 "Maine South Magazine" is shown on Tuesday and Thursday. The program is filled with tapes created and produced by the students. Anyone who has completed Broadcasting I may become involved in working with the television station. Students learn firsthand about production and what goes into creating a program. They are taught how to use the equipment, various techniques, how to edit the tape, and prepare it for the final piece. What separates WMTH from other schools is their ability to produce more crea-


Southwards Snuih-nttrd^ )>. the studenl-produced newspaper o! \l.»ine >(Kith Hi^h School, Park Ridge, IL. I-ettiT'i to the editor should l>c delivered to room V-l.M) or f;i\en to a member of the editorial staff:; btlow Sotahvortis reserves the riuht to edit lett<rs lont.iining obseene or libelous material. I ditor-iti-chief

Melissa Thornley

N(»s idilor

Miiie McGarry Natasha Siddiqiii Jan Waldron Andrew Martinek Mary Choi Mark Hermes Jim Kowats Mike Babinec T. R. Ktrth

CwJiment^rj' editor Feature-, editor Sports editors I'rodiittlon editor Distiibulion editor Advistr

Staff— Janet lohnson, Rich Campbell, Phil LoSasso, Sttvc DiCherrie, Chris Albright, Carmella Mulvihlll. Kevin O'l^ary, I'addy Driscoll, Martha Muhlena, Ro VViclecha, Gregg CtMimer, Pete Anderson, Josh Anderson, liill '/oellni (.Hrad Richter, Karen Adams, I^aura Hansen, Jenn Oschger, Jenny Miller, Becky llatuk. Matt Krausc, Scott Diimmlcr, Frank Stokes. \ m y Huser, Dom Loise, Jim Saisakorn. David Saavedra, Mike Robinson, Maureen Sheehan, Amy Michel, Lisa Kosmicki, Mari>ie O'Connor, Chip Dunn, ttreg Barrin(;ton, Julienne Brltz, Marilyn CiisyykoHski, Jtwh Anderson, Tom Brunet, Alice RaidI, Jen Johnson, Eric Eichcn, Mary .Morinan, Vlike Nommensen, Greta Malten, RathtJ Ketlchcr, Eden Morris. „ , , , , ,

tive programs. While most school concentrate on news programs and more serious works. South creates short movies, music videos, and talk shows. "We're unique in that aspect," says Scott Dummler, WMTH TV station manager. Scott has been involved in broadcasting since his freshman year. During last summer, he attended the National High School Institute for Radio, TV and Film at Northwestern University, where he will go to school in the fall. The experience he gained from his work at South placed him ahead of many of the students at the workshop. "My experience here helped a lot." Last year Scott and Frank Stokes both won awards in the Illinois Student Media Festival. Against even stiffer competition, both placed second in the International Student Media Festival, which they attended in Dallas. Students working on WMTH TV or are enrolled in the class also have the opportunity to par-

ticipate in a variety of contests. Occasionally, television stations will come and ask for something to broadcast. Most recently, the works of Broadcasting I and II were aired on channel 7 on Saturday mornings. Their equipment allows them to edit, create graphics, and titles. A color switcher fades images on and off the screen as well as changing their color. Recently, they purchased an Amiga 2500 allowing them to create weather maps. Other pieces include their three cameras, two editors, a CD player and a cassette deck. WMTH is given a budget to purchase necessities to keep things running smoothly. The contributions from Broadcasting classes bring out new talent and help keep the Broadcasting department going. Some other key contributors to the department are Missy Barrington, Bill Barker, Dom Loise, and the Young brothers.

Murman honored in art contest • Senior Stephanie Murman recently received an Honorable Mention in the Nationwide Dow Science and Technology Presents Art Contest. This contest is sponsored in order to encourage the combination of two different, but very complementay studies, art and science.

Murman's colored pencil drawing of a plant earned her a certificate of Honorable Mention, one of50 finalists out of 462 entries. Murman's outstanding drawingfitthe contest requirements perfectly. Stephanie is thrilled to have gained national recognition.

Faculty 25 years aao

Who is it? This issue's mystery faculty member grew up in Elk Grove. One of five kids, whe spent most of her time outside playing with the neighborhood kids. During high school, she was on the softball, volleyball, and basketball teams. In 1981, her basketball team, which she played a guard for, won the state tournament. She also worked at a sporting goods store where she silkscreened T-shirts. After high school, she went to Eastern Illinois University. Hint: Her father, also a teacher at South, used to bring her to B-ball games as a little girl. Last week's mystery faculty member was Mr. Fitzgerald of the English Depart- ^ ment.


^Soccer kicks toward sectionals The girls' varsity soccer team has been having an outstanding season. The team is undefeated in conference, with one tie against New Trier 0-0. The Varstiy team took third in the Peoria tournament and recently shut out both Deerfield and Glenbrook North, 8-0,5-0. The regular season will wrap up soon, with games against Evanston and Conant. Junior Kristen White believes that, "from the beginning of the season till now, the team looks better and works better together." With Coach Tilley, the girls are preparing for the upcoming state playoffs. They will be up

against many tough teams, including highly ranked Palatine, who defeated the Hawks earlier in the season. With only one loss, the JV team has been doing well in their season. Senior Mary Hodur stated that, "the team has been working hard and improving throughout the year. We feel good about our games and hope to do well in the playoffs." The JV team will participate at the Glenbrook South Invitational Friday at 4:30 and Saturday at 9:00. The Varsity Hawks will begin sectional play Monday.

Track teams on winning pace Junior forward Amy Argast slides against a defender to send a centering pass toward tiie goal, wJiile freshman teammate Caroline Hodur (bacliground) races ahead to receive the pass.


Sports profile

Brad Richter As a junior, Brad Richter was a valuable asset to the Varsity boys' tennis team last year; he is making the same important contributions this year as a senior. While playing second doubles along with partner Pat Owens, he captured the Maine South Invitational Championship. The thing that Brad enjoys most about the team is "the guys on the team and the joking around on the court." Though they are only 1:1 in conference play, the team of Richter and Owens is undefeated outside of conference. "The fact that Pat and I are friends has helped us. We started outplaying well from the beginning." Varsity coach Mr. Doherty says, "They have played very well this year...we'll see how far they get. If they concentrate and work hard, they'll have a great year." When asked how he motivates himself, Brad repUed, "You can't really motivate yourself before a match, it's not like soccer where you jump around and yell. The motiva|"on happens on the court during the match." Although Brad Richter may not be the """^^rone player, his contribution is equal to ^1 of his teammates. That is what makes it a ^ . not just one player, but many players workmg together.

The boys' track team has been running hard and doing well in the last month. The Hawks finished second at the Morton Invite and fifth at the Spartan relays. They also finished eithth at the very competitive Schaumburg Invite and the Conant Invite. At Spartans, the field events athletes came through for the Hawks, placing second in the long jump, triple jump, pole vault, and high jump. The Morton Invite was a total team effort in this combined Sophomore-Varsity meet. Running especially well for the Hawks were Scott Dummler in the 400 and 1600 relay, Jeff Beaumont in the 800, 3200, and 1600 meter relay, and Todd Lilleberg also in the 800 and 1600 meter relay. At Conant, the middle distance runners came through for the Hawks. Winning the 800 was Scott Dummler, who is having a fine season, while Bill Keane, Todd Lilleberg, Rich Campbell, and Chris Parks placed in their events. However, leading the way for the Hawks in the month of April has been the 3200 meter relay team of Rich Campbell, Scott Dummler, Todd Lilleberg, and Bill Keane. The relay team won first place medals at Spartans, Schaumburg, and Morton. At Schaumburg, the foursome beat the defending state 3200 meter relay champions on their way to setting a meet and track record of 7:59.1 which surpasses the state qualifying time. As senior Rich Campbell said, "We've made the ultimate sacrifice all for this year. The state meet will be the culmination of over two years of continuous hard work. All you have to do is drop in after practice and see the vomit on the track and the runners stagger off to thetfainingroom to understand we are not just running to qualify for state." Wake up from your post-prom slumber and come see the Hawks at Glenbrook South for Sectionals on Saturday, May 20.

With the indoor season coming to an end, the outdoor season is just getting into the full swing of things. The girls' track team is looking forward to the big meets ahead. The team successfully completed an undefeated dual meet indoor season. After an outdoor win against Niles West and Waukegan West, their winning streak was broken with a loss to New Trier. Cocaptains Maribeth Sychangco and Rachel Kelleher hope that this loss will inspire the team to defeat New Trier in the conference meet and run their way to a top threefinishin conference. The athlete of the meet against New Trier was Cara Roames, who runs in the sprint relays. Other individuals turning in strong performances were Mary Michal in the mile relay and mile and Nancy S wienton in the 800 meter run. On the JV level individuals are succeeding, but the team has suffered due to the small amount of members and many people missing. Many JV runners were moved up to the Varsity level, therefore hurting their chances. Success is still found, however, in many of the individuals. Distance runners Joanna Siciliano and Jackie Urquhart ran well, along with the sprinters. Coach Schultze is looking foreward to some strong performances in the upcoming IHSA meet.

Baseball season continued from page 8 score of 3-0. The varsity squad overpowered Waukegan West 14-6. Niles West was also unsuccessful in trying to conquer the Hawks as Maine South came out on top 10-1. Evanston put up a good fight but the Hawks, undaunted, won 13-9. The varsity team beat Maine West by a score of 9-6 to reach their current record.

g ports

Softball rolls toward post season With only two weeks left in the regular season, the girls' Softball team is readying itself for post season play. Thus far the team has compiled many victories. These victories include Libertyville, Glenbrook North, and Maine West. The Hawks' only two losses have come at the hands of conference foe New Trier, whose all-Slate pitcher Carrie Ramenofsky has kept the Hawk bats quiet as no other team has been able to do. Despite a shortened schedule due to bad weather and field conditions, the team's play has remained relatively consistent, and several important wins have boosted hopes for an impressive post-season performance. A recent 9-1 victory over Riverside Brookfield, who beat New Trier, indicates the strength of the Hawks when they are on their game. A major reason for the Hawks' success is the hard work and dedication of the talented seniors. The Hawks are led by senior pitcher Meg Lobitz who has pitched two no-hitters and five shutouts. She is backed by an impressive defensive squad. Denise Dohr and Kris Pugliani are playing almost flawless defense. Karen Walker is nearing the school record for most putouts in centerfield. On the offensive end, Cheryl Roma and Cathy Restivo are hitting 400. Twenty-two key hits have been compiled by the trio of Marilyn Cieszykowski, Colleen Aylward, and Janet Johnson. ^%




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Thur. 5/18

^ ^

Junior Diane VVolt takes a cut from the iefi side ot the piate as Irigid teammates and fans look on in the unseasonably cold weather that has marked much of this Softball season.

The Hawks are not limited with only senior talent. Important contributions, both offensively and defensively, have been made by sophomore catcher Jenny Smith, junior shortstop Jenny Wamo, juniorrightfielderDiane Wolf, and sophomore Emmie Pasier. With this cornucopia of senior and under-

f a

Fri. 5/19

Sat. 5/20

Impressive streak Home contest makes baseball Mon. 5/22 Tue. 5/23 season a winner

Badminton Baseball

State Regionals

Glenbrook N. V/FrB-4:15

Boys' Track

State Sect ional Meet

Girls' Track

IHSASi ate Meet

Gymnastics Soccer

Glenbrook So Jth JV Invite


New Triei^ Frosh Invite Harrington V—10:30



class talent combined, the Hawks are sure to v 7 make a strong showing once the state series begins, and seasoned observers contend that this year's championship game could well feature the Maine South Hawks for the second year in a row.

State Sectionals Regionals

The second half of the season for the Maine South varsity baseball team has been cxu-aordinary. Standing with an overall record of 20-4 and an undefeated conference record of 12-0, the Hawks have had a streak of 16 straight wins. Against Glenbrook South, the Hawks won the game with a score of 13-3. The varsity squad shut out Maine East with a score of 20. The doubleheader against Buffalo Grove proved to be as successful as the previous games. The Hawks won both games, 6-4 and 12-0. Glenbrook North was shut out by the Hawks with a score of 3-0. Against Waukegan East, the varsity team had a victorious game of ^ . 6-1. Highland Park was beaten by Maine ^ South 4-1. This victory placed Maine South with an overall record of 15-4 and an unblemished conference record of 7-0. The next victory was over Deerfield by a continued on page 7

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