Vol 25 issue 3

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Volume 2 5 . issue 3 September 30, 1988


Maine "^tui^fh Hiyh School



Homecoming spirit blazes at l\/IS Who will reign

Becky Hanck

Lisa Panzeca

One of the five girls pictured will be chosen Maine South's 25th Homecoming Queen. Who will it be?

Tina Luppino

Cindy Rigali

Syndy Schmitz

The Maine South Class Council, Student Coun- for the football game tomorrow. The Cheerleaders cil, the Administration, and the student body have will help create a high-powered mood for the rest of been preparing for the Homecoming '88 weekend the weekend. Following this event, there will be a since early in the school year. Some of the planned symboUc MS Bum. activities include the Homecoming Carnival, Pep Rally, parade, football game, and the dance. Tomorrow morning, the {jarade will begin at 10:00 a.m. leaving theMS backparking lot, marchThe Homecoming Carnival will take place in ing down Belle Plaine Ave., eventually reaching the fieldhouse tonight from 6 to 9 p.m. The theme uptown Park Ridge. Various clubs and organizais "25 and Still Alive." Many of the clubs and tions will join in the parade, such as Orchesis, organizations at Maine South participate in the Cheerleaders, Hawkettes, the Administration, this event by providing an assortment of games and year's Homecoming Queen Court, as well as last ^booths. Among the highlights are the dunk tank, year's Queen. The Grand Marshalls of the parade "the marriage booth, and "the music of the last 25 are Miss Pierce and Mr. Brady, who will lead the years." Various foods and refreshments, including Hawk spirit Italian ice and pizza, will also be sold. Sponsored by the Senior Class Council, the After the carnival, there will be a Firelight Rally Homecoming Dance starts at 8:00 p.m. and ends at sponsored by the Pep Club to generate school spirit 11:00p.m.; however, nobody will be admitted after

9:00 p.m. and tickets carmot be purchased at the door, A DJ will provide the musical entertainment this year. The Homecoming Dance is much earlier this year than last year, so Senior Class Coimcil hop>es attendance will not be affected. The primary election for Homecoming Queen nominated thirteen seniors, including: Julie Cline, Val Durkalski, Becky Hanck, Holly Heiser, Krista Heitzman, Meghan Kermedy, Tina Lupipino, Kathryn Metzinger, Lisa Panzeca, Kris Pugliani, Cindy RigaU, Syndy Schmitz, and Geli Silkowski. These candidates were reduced to the Homecoming Court pictured above. Final voting today will reveal the Homecoming Queen to be aimounced at the football game's half-time tomorrow. Homecoming is a special time of the school year. There are so many activities on one weekend, all students can take part in the spirited festivities.

N ews

"Spirit of Maine South" unveiled On Friday, September 16, the much-awaited event finally happened. The official unveiling of the bronze "Spirit of Maine South" was a special event for students and faculty both past and present The statue was donated to the school by the Clyde K. Watson Memorial Fund and contributions by the Maine South Student Council. The statue, which stands about 3 ft. high in the center of the Art Cotirt, is dedicated to the memory of Dr. Clyde K. Watson, Maine South's first principal, who served from 1963-1981. Daughter Judy Watson summed up the feelings about the statue when she said, "Now we can all appreciate how he helped the school grow physically and filled it with fine educators." During the unveiling, the Maine South Pep Band played the Ahna Mater while Dr. Cachur removed the red shroud. The statue shall remain a lasting memory to Dr. Watson and the ideals he stood for. The statue may be viewed in the Art Court.

Arena play set The Foreigner is the name of this year's Arena Play to be performed October 13-15 and 20-22 at 8:00 p.m. in the Auditorium. An arena play differs from other theatrical evenU in that the audience is seated on three sides of the stage, and the set is smaller than usual. The play revolves around Charlie Baker, a yoimg man trying to "get away from it all." When his philandering wife winds up in the hospital, Charlie (Matt Krause) seeks help from his buddy, Froggie LeSeur (Frank Stokes) in the English army. Froggie takes him to Georgia to a house run by Betty Meeks (Trish Callahan) and tells everyone in the community that Charlie is a foreigner who speaks no English, thereby allowing him to remove himself from society for awhile. However, things do not work out quite as expected. Charlie becomes embroiled in the townspeople's problems and has a lasting effect on the p)eople he comes in contact with. Other cast members include Mike McGarry, Meg Filkins, Chris Chandler, and Chris Sosnowski. The Foreigner is directed by Mr. Bielak, student-director is Martha Muhlena, and Kris White is the stage manager.

Scholarships offered Attention Seniors: High School seniors can win college scholarships by comp)eteing in the Century IH Leaders Program. The national wirmer earns $10,000 for college expenses. To compete, students complete an application and take a current events exam on events occuring between January and June 1988. Interested students should contact the princijjal's office. Sophomores and Juniors: The CongressBundestag Youth Exchange is a program joindy sponsored by the U.S. Congress and the West German Bundestag designed to bolster GermanAmerican relations by sending American students to West Germany for one year.

Maine South principal Dr. Tliomas Cachur presides over dedication ceremonies as "The Spirit of Maine South," a hawi( sculpted in bronze, is unveiled. The hawk was dedicated to the memory of Dr. Clyde K. Watson, Maine South's first principal.

Honor cards available Hawk honor cards are being granted to all seniors and junior leaders who apply at their counselor's office and who meet the requirements, annoimced principal Dr. Thomas Cachur. Any senior and all juniors who are serving as leaders in a Maine South organization or club can acquire the honor card by currently holding at least a 3.0 cumulative grade point average, having three or fewer unauthorized tardies for the 1987-88 school year, being absent eight days or fewer in the 1987-88 year, and having no discipUnary action or class cuts for their sophomore, junior, and senior years. The hawk honor card serves as a hall piass and a free activity ticket, and it enables the bearer to go

to lunch during both halves of his lunch/study o r _ study/lunch period. ^^^ Owners of the card may have it taken away i ^ ^ they fail to uphold the requirements that got them the card. Dr. Cachur said that the begiimings of the card grew from members of the student council, who discovered the idea from a similar Maine East plan. Dr. Cachur also said that he expects more card holders this year compared to last year's 33, partly because the attendance requirements have been slightly lessened. He added that students who currently own the card haven't misused their privileges and he doesn't anticipate any problems occurring.

Their acting is no disaster While practicing in a realistic regional disaster drill, six Maine South Drama H students got their big acting "break." September 15, township police, fire, and paramedic teams staged a mock bus/car accident at Axehead Lake. The victims, all volunteers, including 28 Northwestern pre-med students, reported at 1:00 a.m. at Oakton Sports Arena for makeup call. After a half hour of applying mortitian's wax, cow's blood and bones, charcoal, the participants were ready to repwrt to the accident site. To a casual observer, they appeared to be genuinely injured. Once on the scene, they began acting out the "accident" involving a school bus and a car driven by a drunk driver. Rescue help transjwrted the injured victims to the three participating hospitals— Resurrection, Lutheran General, and Holy Family. As Kris Lewis, a Maine South senior reported.

"It was like a real accident. There was no doubt that I was unconscious." The cast went through all of the procedures a real patient would undergo in a similar simation. After a battery of simulated tests were performed, the students were admitted into the hospital. Asked her opinion of the whole ordeal, Lewis replied, "I learned more...[about accidents and hospitals] than I had ever learned in my entire life.

Contest under way A homeroom attendance contestoffers s t u d c n j ^ ^ a chance at an additional lunch period for a w e e . ^ ^ in place of study halls. The award may be earned by students in homerooms with the best full-day attendance percentages. The contest works as an individual contest tor continued on page 7


A bus ride to understanding by Jan Waldron We began the day divided into three groups— Maine South, Maine East, and Maine West. It was 7 a.m. The groups sat apart from each other in East's new "actor's studio," outwardly listening to Mr. Jeffers—East's equivalent of Mr. Martello and inwardly conscious only of the kids around us. All of us were going on this trip to see an outdoor production of Twelfth Night, and for that reason alone we were prepared to spend the day with the others. After Jeffers' sp)eech on the production, we boarded the bus and set out for Springgreen, WI. West sat in the back. East in the center, and South in front. We talked to the people from our own schools, only. I was rather lucky because I recognized a few of them from Contest Speakers and from shows they had been in, but after a rather awkward attempt to

talk to a kid from East about his Humorous Duet Acting piece, and his telling me that he had never done HD A, I gave up socializing with non-Southians. We remained divided by schools for a long time. At about 8:30, someone frojn East put on a tape and we began to sing, and dance, and laugh-but we stayed in our safe little groups, that is until Alan, the Eastian with whom I had jreviously embarrassed myself, came over to tell me that yes, he does do Contest, just not HDA. That broke the ice between East and South. Being warped theater people, we began to talk about shows. Contest, and people. By the time we stopped in Madison for lunch, about 10 a.m.. West had joined us and we were actually having a good time. I can't tell you much about the play—it got rained out after twenty minutes. We again boarded the bus—wet, cold, silly looking—but this time we

boarded together. On the way home I was asked by my seat partner, an Eastian, what had I heard about Maine East. I told him all the rumors I had heard about: bum-outs, and drugs, and how tough the kids were. He laughed and told me that all Souihians are extremely rich, stuck-up, and blonde. This may not have been the most entertaining thing I've ever written here, but it's important. That day, Friday, September 16,1 learned that the three Maine schools really aren't that different—at least the kids who attend them aren't. They have teachers that they make fun of, they insult the administration, they laugh about their Rent-a-Cops, they have drama-freaks, and people who call them drama-freaks. We are really not all that different. The little band of theater-people, who began the day as three separate groups, left, after nearly nine hours on a bus, as friends.

Pensive musings on ttie nature of tim uu^

by Matt Krause I was sitting in history class the other day when I began to think heavily about school. You see. when it comes to history class discussions, I have I an attention span of about three minutes, so at the time, I had thirty-seven minutes to spare. Anyway, I was trying to think of a good reason for why everyone keeps turning around to look at the clocks- oh, I know that we all like to see how much time we have until the class is over, but simple physics tells us that if you turn to look at a clock, then turn again less than a minute later, the minute hand will not have moved all that far. Now I'm not pointing fingers, every once in a while I catch myself turning to look at the clock- even when I know exactly what time it is. It must be some primitive instinct, left over from our days in caves, that forces us to turn around constantly whan we get bored, just for the sake of doing something. Or

maybe it's some kind of bizarre magnetic force that pulls at the crystallized parts of our brains that are created during the summer out of what we learned in our courses last year. To further support this hypothesis, I did extensive research using only the most reliable and scientific sources ever printed. Since there was no sign of anything even remotely related to my hypothesis, I also looked in Star Magazine. I didn't find any suppwrt here either, but I did read some pretty interesting articles. As the point of study in class changed, so did my train of thought. I began to wonder why we are all so anxious to leave one class, when all we do upon leaving is lake a five-mile jog to the next classwhere we just watch the clock for another 40 minutes anyway. All these thoughts injustonei>eriod-and you've got to admit, I do a great deal more thinking than the average student. Wow. Just wait till I get to math.

A colorful conspiracy coverup? Soutliwords HouthMordi is the stiident-producrd newspaper o»' Maini' Soiilli Hii;h School, I'ark Ridi;i', IL. Lt'ttcrs to Itio editor stioiild bo dolivored to room V-130 or given to a monilKT ol'the editorial staff below. Southwards reserve.^ the ri|;ht to edit letters coiitainint; nbsi-ene or lityelous malerial. Kditor-iii-ehicf

Melissa Thornley

News editor Coniincntarv editor Features editor Sports editors

Mike McGarry Jan Waldron .\ndrew Martinek Mary Choi Mark Dermes Oiane Worohcc [ini Kowats T. R. Kerth

Photo editor IVtKliietion editor Adviser

by Bill Zoellner The Administration here at Maine South is sneaky. Actually, this is not a new discovery, but it hit me like a giant block of jello, and it becomes more and more obvious the more time I spend here at South. I'm not sure if you've noticed yet, but THEY are trying to change our school colors. I do not think that this is necessarily wrong, but in a recent opinion poll that I justmade up, 98% of the students here at South like our present school colors of red, black, and white. The other 2% of me was loo busy to answer the p)oll. Iguess I wouldn't mind a color change that much, but THEY are changing from strong, aggressive colors to the wimp colors-grey and yellow. The kind of colors, that when emblazoned on a football-player's uniform spell out P-UT-Z. I do not recognize grey and yellow as real

colors, I'd put them in the same color scheme as blue and white-and we all know what those colors do to a football team. THEY have been secretly changing our colors using the same cunning that got us to believe that someone actually liked the ideaof an 8 period day. THEY started out with the spectator gym. I can now picture our gym being used for an add for WNUA-music for a new age. Then they will change the fight song to Don't Worry Be Happy. THEY then redecorated the new Personnel Offices and the Ralph J. Frost Administration Center...in grey. Have you noticed the color of the ramp between the C-wing and the A-wing? THEY had it painted...grey. These little hints have led me to believe that THEY are trying to schnook us.

peatur es Alumni profile

Littel, 7 1 , a Seoul man for U.S by Andrew Crawford

David Littell, class of '71, who played football, as well as letttering in tennis and fencing, is representing Maine South at the 1988 Summer Olympics in Seoul, Korea. After winning state championships in foil fencing his sophomore and senior years under the direction of Ms. Karen Kenyon (now fencing coach at Maine West), Littell was recruited by the University of Ilrnois. Here Littell made All-American his first three years, was a junior national champion and placed sixth at the national fencing championships. The Olympics seemed within reach; however, Littell left the U of I and fencing two weeks into his senior year. Dissatisfied with his field of studyurban planning—and no longer able to bear the pressure of fencing competition, David Littel found himself coaching tennis and playing on the low-level, professional tennis circuit. Teaching tennis came easily. He could see himself in a coaching career, but playing the circuit was rough and required a wiiming attitude that he lacked. In 1978 Littell enrolled at Northwestern to earn a degree in psychology, then proceeded to Boston University to earn a law degree. In the fall of 1983, after taking a job as a pension attorney in Philadelphia, Littell visited a friend who was coaching fencing at the University of Pennsylvania, a visit

which renewed his competitive spirit and his dreams of the Olympics. After a ten-year absence, David Littell was inspired to compete nationally with a small fencing club. The first year he placed sixteenth and since then has placed tenth and then third in the nation. Littell's comeback took quite a bit of work and discipline, to make his high school belief that he would someday make the Olympics come true. After making the finals in three out of four national competitions, scoring World Cup points, participating in the Pan-American Games and winning the foU event at an Olympic qualifying tournament in Los Angeles, David Littell has made the journey to Seoul. Because fencing is a minor sport in the United States, the chances of the U.S. Fencing Team doing well are small, but just being a part of that team is an honor. Five foil, five epee, five saber, and five women will compete for the U.S. Left-handed Littell says that athleticism, strategy, and technique are components of successful fencing. "You can out-think your opponents... you don't have to out-muscle them," says Littell. Although Littell is attending the Twenty-fourth Summer Olympiad, his job as an attorney takes priority. Therefore, his competitive days in fencing are probably limited. However, for now, this Maine South alum's concentration is on fencing.

Community focus

Teen center a place to hang out h} Kara Karax 11 J I. iiri'j.1 of luvmi; nothing so do on Fn<!<i% and '^ itjr.i.iv night'.^ Are you sick of "hdnging«roumi"upi'^*n? ThcTecn Center is th.f solution , c 'Ken cenier was opened two to three ago b; Greg Kak, as a place for young adultf. u. he w hen they hav e nowhere else to go. "It's apiiicei^ here kids can 'h.uigout' and stay out of trouble '\ah[ Dd\c Small, dir«ctt)roFt!ie 111. fi Drop-In Center T he Center iindf is k)i.died m the basen-icnt of the First I initeU Methixiist Church of Park Ridgc, 418 Touh> Ave, Some young adults mav b-a^caredotfbv this location, however, thi?K, not a lehgioiis group. The chirrch is merely supplving a spdce for Lhe center. The Drop m Center i<; open on Friday and Sattaday nights from 7-11 P.M., and admission is free, e\cept when a band or other costly dutivit) r pnvidcd for the young adults of the community. Econamically speaking, iha admi&ion js qimc a deal,considering whaiyou gel. The center offers, a vanet}' of aclivsiies, such a.s pio! Kiurnnnep.b., pm^; pf>ng. video games, and a T V V; all occasion UK rented movifts. The t^-nter aho holds a dance once a month with a li\ c loi ai band Anotncr nn jor event sponsored l:iy the Teen Center is a Teen Sh<iwcase and HiotV Pditv m uotovvn Park Ridge, designed to

showcase the talents of Park Ridge's young adults. Such talents include live bands and skateboardingdcmos- The event was originally scheduled for August 27; however, due tt) ram, all activities were canceled. The center is trying to xesche<lule the event for a future date. Unfortunately, the Teen Center is run on a "shoe-suing budget" and runs off of donations given by different organizations. However, private donations are also helpful. Rec<mt!y, Lou Elliot, a builder in Park Ridge, has promised to match tlie center's funds raised thii ye.w up to S5000.00. According to Dave Smail, 'The major age group that comes to the Teen center is teens between 16-19 years old." However, the center is open to any young adult looking for something different to do. Comments about the teen center are as mixed as teens themselves, and not all find the idea appealing, A sophomore found tlw center beneficial to the young adult community, "The Teen Center is a facility created for tis, the teenagers. We should take advantage of it" However, on the flipside, a junior said he would rather not go out at all. "The Teen Center ts boring. 1 would rather sit home." Pertiaps the Teen Center is not far everyone, but the only way you'll know if ii '$ right for you is if you go.

A club's success by Tom Brunei There are several ways to measure the success^^ of a club, and a fifty-fold increase in memberships^ is one of them. Seven years ago, Maine South's Spanish Club consisted of four people-^the four officers. Since then, it has grown to become the second largest club in the school, second only to Ski Club. From four to 200 members is obviously quite a significant jump. The answer to this sudden swell in Spanish Club participation lies in its many new activities. From early moming breakfasts to a fund-raising candy sale, today's Spanish Club is busier than ever. The candy sale profits are used for such things as Spanish Scrabble, Monopoly, and Trivial Pursuit. These games are used in the Spanish classes as a fun aid to learning. This year's sale will run from October 3rd to the 7th. The Spanish Club is run by five jxiople. Mrs. Gloria De Giorgio is overall coordinator, while Thomas Thein and Ro Wietecha are president and vice president, respectively. Rachel Draewicki is secretary, and Kevin O'Leary is treasurer. One of their duties is to decide where the annual dinner is to be held. The dinner is usually in December and is open to all Spanish Club members. A more routine job of the officers is organizing early-morning meetings, which occur montlily. "Spanish Club goes over and beyond fonnal learning of the language," said Mrs. Di Giorgio. Requirements for membership are minimal^^^ Applicants must be enrolled in a Spanish class, o^^i have taken a Spanish class previously. Additionally, a fee of SI.50 is charged, with the money going toward the rental of movies in both Spanish and English, to help the student acquire an ear for the language.


Maine South's musical tastes by Andrew Martinek

In a recent Southwards poll, of 200 Maine South students, U2 was named the best group or musician. The poll was taken in several areas of school (cafeteria, senior commons, biology class, etc.) and consisted of students from all four classes. The following make-up Maine South's current top ten list. 1.U2 2.INXS 3. Def Leppard 4. Def)eche Mode 5. AC/DC 6. Police 7. New Order 8. George Michael 9. Boston 10. Chicago These results are interesting because they show justhow diversified our tastes are as aschool. In taking the poll, we ended up with about 70 names of various groups and singers. Of course, the newer, popular groups made the list. However, there are also some older bands who have made comebacks, or perhaps never left, such as The Police and Boston. Although The Beatles did not make the list, they ranked eleventh,

The top ten from a dozen years ago The following article is reprinted from the November 19,1976 issue o/Southwords. In the last issue of Southwards, Barry Manilow was voted number one singer. This week we have the results from the selection of the top groups. Chicago took first place by a close margin. Below are the results of the survey: 1. Chicago 2. The Beatles 3. Beach Boys 4. Bay City Rollers 5. Aerosmith 6. Led Zeppelin 7. Paul Mc Carmey & Wings missing tenth by two votes. Malt Krause voted for Chicago. When asked why, he replied, "Because they're one of the only groups in existence today that use a wide variety of instrumental music." Sean Kelley named The Greatful Dead because,"It's like going on a trip to your most favorite paradise." Even some local bands like 8 the Sandbox received several votes. However, these votes

Homecoming through the years This year's Homecoming theme, "Twenty-five 'and Still Alive," echoes a Q-adition that has existed througout Maine South's existence. The tradition of homecoming themes began even before we could come home. In 1964, our school opened with the dedication theme of "Mainly Monsters," which featured a dance theme of "Monster Mash," and our first parade. Not only was this event significant for being Maine South's dedication year, it was also the first time in the history of Maine Township that a an allschool event was broadcast on closed circuit T.V. The following lead appeared in the third issue of Southwards on October 16,1964: Dedication services for Maine Township High School South will be broadcast for the first time over closed-circuit television on October 25 at 2:30 in tlie spectator gym. This first dedication had another interesting twist, withits parade. This was oneof thefew times a Maine South parade featured queens from rival schools. Cheerleaders from Niles West, as well as Homecoming queens from Maine East and Maine West marched alongside those of our own. As the years went on and dedication became Homecoming, our themes became far more elaborate. In 1966 we had the fairy tale theme of "Once Upon a Homecoming." This was followed in 1967 by one of the most elaborate themes in Maine South history, "South's Super Heroes," depicting the .strength of Maine South's athletic teams. What 'made that year's theme so elaborate was the dance theme,"Vallialla," the heavenly kingdom of Norse Gods. For this occasion the entire gym was transformed into a heaven for one night. However, not all Homecoming themes have gone over well. In 1971, the theme of "Rah Rah

8. Boston, Abba (tie) 9. The Eagles, Kiss (tie) 10. K.C. and the Sunshine Band This survey was a lot closer than the one on singer was. The Bay City Rollers beat Aerosmith by one vote. Other groups mentioned in the survey were England Dan and John Ford Coley, Bo Donaldson & the Heywoods, Styx, Hudson Brothers, Captain & Tennile, Yes, and many others. The voting was taken in lounge, study halls and classes. Letters to Ute editor should be sentto V-106. NOTE: We are now located in V-130. commonly came from members of these bands. Other choices were more obscure. Senior Class Council President Jim Demarte enjoys listening to Agnostic Front and said,"I like them because they sing about unity between the races and skinlieads." Due to the choices given us by the music world, it is clear that the music we listen to and enjoy is more a form of self expression than ever before.

Faculty 25 years ago

Guess who?

Previous homecoming booths included a pillow fight arena. Here, two teachers pummel each other. Wonderland" was nullified by student council sponsors and consequently there was no theme that year. At that time, the term "Rah Rah" referred to a specific clique. We now know this clique as "jocks" and "cheerleaders" or "the in crowd." Mr. Norman Anderson, then student council sponsor, was quoted in Southwords Vol. 8, No. 2 as saying "that Rah Rah Wonderland is a 'slap in the face' for the athletics department." Despite that year's cancellation, the tradition continued with the 1972 theme of "Famous Quotes." Year after year, Maine South has created Homecoming themes to celebrate the times, as well as our school and its history of spirit. Remember, whether you're a Rah Rah or a Norse God, Homecoming is for everyone. As Judy Kranz wrote in a column in Southwords Vol. 9, No. 3, "Homecoming is needed to boost the spirit of the entire school."

A quarter of a century ago, this mystery faculty member was a sophomore at a local high school in Elmwood Park. Active in athletics, he lettered in football, wrestling, and track. Today his favorite sport is one wltich was not offered when he was in school. Can you guess who it is? Hint—He still has just as much hair, but not in the same places. The answer to this issue's riddle will be printed in the next issue ot Southwords.

peat ures

F r e s h E y e s : the chronicles of Derek Frapp ^ Episode one—the dreadful reality by Frank Stokes My alarm clock rudely jarred me to my senses at 6:35 this morning- Gone are the days when I could sleep until ten, eleven o'clock and then leisurely get up and loaf around the house for the rest of flie day. I pried my eyes open and stared at the alarm clock in disgust. Horrible, merciless thing. The night before I had strategically placed the alarm clock so I would be forced to get out of bed to turn it off. And, as I do every morning, now I tried desperately to turn it off without completely getting out of bed. I leaned out over the side of the bed, stretching, reaching, until I was perilously balanced on one knee, when the tips of my fingers reached the alarm clock. SudderUy, KA-TUNK! The mattress tipped and I went crashing down on to the wooden floor. The alarm clock flipped up into the air and hit the floor with a crack, but still shreiked p>ersistantly, I pulled the plug out. Then a sudden realization hit me as hard as the cold woodfloor did. As of 8:00 this morning, I was officially a freshman, in high school. I was struck with the strong opinion that I should just stay in bed for the rest of my life. "Derek! Derek Mortimer Frapp, what are you doing?" my mother's far from pleasant voice ascended from the stairs. "Lying on the floor, mother!" I responded. "Well, get up and get ready for school! I laid some clothes out for you and I want you to wear them! You have to make a good impression!" Arguing with my mother about clothes is like playing Ivan Lendl a game of teiuiis with a ping

'Arguing with my mother about clothes is like playing Ivan Lendl a game of tennis with a ping pong paddle.' pong paddle. You're at a slight disadvantage. "Yes, mother." I looked over at the chair where the clothes she put out were. On it was a pair of tan slacks, black socks, and The Shirt. My jaw dropped op«i in horror. Mymotherhad bought The Shirt three months ago and I had hid it at the bottom of my socks and underwear drawer, hoping she'd never find it. I even wore some socks and underwear more than one day at a time, so that the drawer would always be full. But there it was. The Shirt. It was light jjeach with a Peter Pan collar. A large black bow secured the collar in front. There was no use fighting it. My first day of school was going to be a complete nightmare. My mother had seen to that. I took my clothes and went into the bathroom. Twenty minutes later I descended the stairs in the Outfit From Hell. My mother walked into the room.

"Oh, you look so cute! Fix your hair." Then she took a comb and combed it until it was flat against my head. Then, a car horn blared outside. My sister, who was a junior, came rushing down the stairs, holding a book bag. "Oh, my God, you're wearing THAT!" she gasped. "If you see me, like, you don't see me, right?" Then she swept out the door and there was nothing left but the faint whiff of four quarts of hairspray. "Now, ccome cat yotir breakfast," said my mother. On the dining room table was a plate with two eggs, bacon, and a bowl of cereal on it. There was also a half a cantalope, a piece of toast, a blueberry muffin, a glass of orange juice and a glass of milk. "I read that children who eat good breakfasts score twenty percent higher on tests." I wanted to be sick. "Mom, I'm not going to have any tests on the first day of school," I moaned.



"Eat your breakfast," she ordered. I began to nibble on the toast. Then I said I was late, picked up my books, and left. I had six books, one for each class, and they all were over five inches thick. I don't see why we have to go to gym class, carrying those books around the school all day is workout enough. I put my books down at the bus stop on the comer. I was the only one there. Suddenly a bus sj)ed up and skidded to a halt directly in front of me. The door opened and the bus driver peered out. He took acigar out of his mouth and said, "Get the hell up here, kid." The bus driver had the exact shape and size of a walrus. I picked up my books and slowly climbed the steps into the bus. "Ya got fifty cents, kid?" asked the bus driver. I reached into my pocket and pulled out a dollar bill. I had no change. "Hey, a tip!" said the bus driver and took the dollar. As I walked down the aisle he mumbled, "Nice shirt."

The bus started with a jerk and I almost fell down. There was a screen of smoke concealing the back of the bus. The kids sat and stared off into the space with glazed eyes, or lay with their legs up on the seat in front of them and slept. I began to slowly walk down the aisle. Witness Derek Frapp, an average freshman in high school. He thought he was just taking a simple twelve minute bus ride to his school. Little did he know, there was a detour.. ..into the Twilight Zone. I walked through the wall of smoke. Trying to hide my coughing, I looked around for a place to sit. There was one spot at the back of the bus. I walked over and sat down. Next to me in the seat was a kid

'My first day of school was going to be a complete nightmare. My mother had seen to that.' in a black leather jacket. A cigarette dangled from his mouth. He was carving in the seat with a pocketknife. His hair hung down over his face, concealing it. On his left shoulder was a large patch with "The Barfing Cheeseheads" written on it. gtk "'The Barfing Cheeseheads'?" I said, startled.^F The kid didn't look up. "Glad you can read." I looked down at the spot where he was carving. He was writing the word SCAB. "What are you writing?" "My name." "Your name's Scab?" Suddenly he looked me directly in the face. A large scab stretched across his right cheek. "Yeah, so!?" I jumped back, too stunned to speak. He turned away again and finished his artwork. "You know..." he said. "I once beat up a kid with a shirt like that." I began to feel hot around the back of my neck. "Acmally, I only dreamed that I did. But dreams are the key to the future." Igulped. "Uh....I...had a pretty weird dream last night." There was a pause. "Yeah?" "Yeah. I dreamt I was in some sort of medieval torture chamber. I was lying on a table and some guys were piling books up on my chest. Just as it got too heavy, the books tipped over. Then I started to run, but someone tripped me and they all started throwing coins at me. I got up, and someone started hitting me with a ruler. Then I fell down a long tunnel and landed in a big pile of trash. Then I woke up." Scab didn' t say anything for a minute. Then, h e ^ ^ said, "You a freshman?" 1^ "Yeah." _^ -^ "...You ain't seen nuthin' yet."

Next time—First Encounters



Football cruises to early wins Undefeated! Doesn't that sound wonderful? passes of 63 and 23 yards against Highland Park. That's exactly what the Varsity football team was Milka has said that he has "complete confidence" after a 28-7 victoiy over Highland Park. The in himself and Ogorek working as a team and it Hawks were really ready for this game after com- shows. ing off a 28-0 trounce over Deerfield, who were Helping Cecchin on the ground was Jim ranked #10 in state before the game. Kokosioulus, bringing their combined yardage to George Ogorek and John Cecchin led the way 130 for 27 carries. The Hawk kicking squad. Rich Campbell, once again for the twin victories. Ogorek passed for over 100 yards in both games. Cecchin rushed for made all of his extrapoint attempts in the Highland over 100 yards in the game against Highland Park Park game. Rich is unique because he runs crossand received a pass from Ogorek for a touchdown country as well as playing football, even though the seasons coincide. in the Deerfield game. Another key aspect of the Hawk offense players Also on the recieving end of the football was Bob Milka, who pulled down two touchdown has been the wall-like Maine South offensive line;

Swimmers show spirit Although the Hawk varsity swim team lost to Downer's Grove North, the competition was close and Hawk spirit was evident. During this meet, six personal best lifetime limes were bettered along with twenty fotir personal best times of the year. In the 200 yard fi-eestyle competition, Cathy Bilson defeated Downer's Grove by .71 seconds to take first place. Under even more pressure from the Downer's Grove team, Cathy also swam the 500 yard frees\ tyle and came in first place once again, this time with only .04 seconds lead.

The weekend's festivities Friday— 6'9:00' PM — Homecoming Carnival Pep Rally to follow. Saturday— S:00AM-}2:00PM — Pancake Breakfast 10:00 AM — Homecoming Parade i2;00PM~~ Football Game 1:30 PM — Homecoming Queen crowned 7:30-10:30 PM — Homecoming Dance

Other varsity swunmers who helped pace the team were sophomore Greta Malten who came in first in the 200 y ard IM and second place in the 100 yard freestyle; Tahira Alag, jimior, who took first in the 100 yard freestyle and second in the 50 yard freestyle; Beth DuBrock, senior, who captured second in an extremely close race in the 100 yard butterfly; and senior Kristina Algminas who took second in the 100 yard backstroke. Ms. Butler, the girls' varsity swim coach, commented that "there is no one that is not working hard" on the team. The team is looking forward to their next home meet against Niles North today.

Norm Osimani, Anders Thorsen and Mark Hageli. Leading the Hawk defense is Matt Duda and Doug Briles, who collectively made more than 20 tackles against Highland Park. Adding intensity to the defensive line were Sean Berry and Kevin Deluia pressuring the Highland Park quarterback with their sacking abilities. This weekend's Homecoming game is against Glenbrook North and the Hawks' first conference game.

Tennis team performs in invite The Girls' teimis team has been working hard for a strong season. The team has done well, winning the Maine Quad by thirteen points and taking fourth place at the Hawk Invitational. Jen Kaleta and Kris Pugliani took first place in the first doubles tournament, beating an undefeated Wheaton Central team in three sets. At fourth doubles, Juliene Britz and Julie Yadgar took second place. The team is hoping to do well in their upcoming meets despite recent injuries. Last year, Jen Kaleta and Kris Pugliani lost in the final round of Sectionals which would have qualified them for state. They're hoping to get further in the state competition this year. The team's next meet is tomorrow against Barrington.

Runners beat defending champs With an undefeated record in conference, the Girls' cross country team has been having an outstanding season. Their excellent record includes defeating last years state champions, Hoffman Estates. The team has been determined and hard working. This has paid off for the team, evident in their strong performances. Lead by senior Krista Heitzman's first place finish, the Hawks won the

Volleyball team still perfect in conference The Hawk Volleyball team is having a great season so far with a 12-3 all-around record and undefeated in conference. Coach George Sherman was very happy with his team's p>erformance against conference rival, Evanston. In the first set against Evanston, the Hawks trailed the Wildkits, 13-2. The Hawks were able to rally and came back to defeat Evanston,17-15. "Any team that can come back from a 13-2 deficit and win 17-15 shows a lot of courage," Coach Sherman said proudly. The Hawks finished off the Wildkits, winning the second set 15-9. Consistant serving was the key to the team's success. The Hawks served 94%, completing 47 of 50 serves. The next meet for the Hawk volleyball team will be today against Glenbrook South in the gym.

Titan Invitational, defeating such teams as New Trier, Resurrection, and host Glenbrook South. However.in a home meet against Lane, Resurrection, and St. Viator, the Hawks came in second place. Due to illness, Krista Heitzman was unable to finish the race. That added to the loss of key members, Nancy S wienton and Lauren Ofen loch, Maine South was still able to hang on as Ressurection won by three points. The Hawks are expecting to do well tomorrow as they host the Co-ed Invitational at 10 a.m.

Contest, continued continued from page 2 each class level in school, miming the length of the quarter. In order to make attendance count, a student must be present during the full day, without being tardy or having early dismissal. The administration of Maine South, working in cooperation with the North Central Association Evaluation Committee, established this unique contest to motivate and recognize students for consistently attending a full day of classes. This contest emphasizes the need to reward students for good attendance rather than creating greater punishments for poor attendance. The committee hopes that students will show more initiative toward good attendance records.

g ports


Golf team aiming for consistency "Conservative golf," is what the Golf team, imder the guidance of Coach Ross, has been trying to attain. Well into their season now, the Maine South varsity golf team is striving for consistency. Every meet has been an adventure, and there seems to be no medium for these Hawks. The team has shot as low as 171, and as high as 181; this 10 stroke swing is unusual for golf teams. After losing a rain-soaked meet to New Trier, the team's record fell to 2-7. However, several of those losses came from the stronger golf teams in the area, including New Trier, Deerfield, and the two Glenbrooks.

Playing in the nimiber one spot for the Hawks this year has been senior Brian Meyer, who has consistently been shooting in the low 40's. However, Brian knows that he must imjjrove to be able to do well in the season-ending tournaments. Also scoring well for the Hawks has been senior Ken Carlson, consistently in the mid 40's. A pleasant surprise for the team has been first-year player Adam Wenz, a sophomore, who has been a close second to Brian Meyer all year. Tom Currey leads the juniors, and Tom has been a vital part of the golf team this season. Although a little inconsistent, Tom has proven himself capable of scoring in the low 40's many times. Rounding out the squad for

the Hawks has been juniors Sal Marino, Bob Stacey and Mark Hermes. Also coached by Mr. Ross is the frosh/soph team. A little consistency would go a long way for the underclass golfers as well. Sean Sivore, the number one player for the frosh/soph squad, has shot as low as 43, and as high as 64. Also respectable has been John Brown, Brian Hibbard, and Jordan Amos. As they head into the final week of their season, the golf team is looking for some drastic improvement in their state regional meet next Tuesday, and with some luck, they could advance to the sectional meet on Thursday.

Soccer back on winning track after losses Despite two heartbreaking losses, the Hawk soccer teams are doing very well so far this season. After losing their third and fourth games, the varsity team won the next four in arow, accumulating an undefeated record in conference. Other levels have met with similar success, with the freshman team holding the best record (one tie). Both varsity losses came by identical 2-0 scores to Palatine and Gordon Tech. Coach Steve Dezurko and the team concur that the losses were due to a "mental breakdown" where the Hawks just weren't playing their game. Palatine was a good club, but the Hawk team sagged on both offense and defense. Against Gordon, the Hawks kept up the tradition of not beating Gordon on Barbecue Day, even though many critics felt the Hawks should have won. After these setbacks, Maine South got back on track with a victory over Waukegan East, winning 3-1. The Highland Park G iants were the next to fall, also by a 3-1 score. After the game, coach Dezurko stated, "Their coach said that no one they've played has taken them apart like .we did. He said they



• a

weren't even on the same field as us." The next game the Hawks played was against a highly acclaimed Libertyville team. Libertyville had been hailed for not allowing a goal yet this season in the state of Illinois (they lost a tournament in Wisconsin.) The Hawks ended that streak by defeating them 5-1. after the Libertyville scored first on a questionable call, resulting in a penalty kick. Cory Lentz had two goals, the first being the tying goal a minute before the end of thefirstjjeriod of play, not more than ten seconds after the Libertyville score. Matt Melendy, returning from a knee injury, tallied one goal, as did Mike Nugent and Mike Defort The Hawks then faced Deerfield, another good team. During the game, rain and high winds lashed the field, blowing over huge metal benches. With shoes and ball caked with mud, the Hawks hung on to win 1-0 on a goal by Mike Defort in the first period. On other levels, the sophomores won against Deerfield, 2-0, and also beat Gorcton Tech, but lost to Libertyville and Palatine. The JV beat Highland


Sgnrte nigmignis sport

Fri. 9/30

Sat. 10/1 M 5 . Invite yyS.'F(G)—10:00

Cross C o u n t r y

Glenbrook N.



Oafe Parfe V/S—4;30


Nilcs Xorth

Tennis Glenbrook S. V/JV/F^S:00

T u e . 10/4

W e d . 10/5

Glenbrook S. V/S/F—4:30 Glenbrook N JV—4:30 Oak Pk/Nites W V/S—3:30



M e n . 10/3

home contest

Regionals Evanston jF/JV|V/S—4:30

Barrington Inv. V—9:30 Libertyville V/F—10:00

Regina V/JV—4:00

Maine East V/JV—4:30 .Maine East V/JV/F—4:30

Park, 3-1, and Libertyville, 2-1. The freshmen tied Niles West but have beaten everyone else they've played. The Hawks' next game is home this afternoon at 4:30 against Oak Park.

Runners set goals for remainder of season Coached by Mr. WilUam Drennan, the 1 9 8 7 - 8 8 ^ boys' cross country team is hoping to finish out tlt(||^B year strong and come into their season-ending meets on a winning note. At their meets, the cross country team runs a three-mile course, and the five lowest times count as the team "score" or time. However, because opposing schools' cross coimtry courses are really practice fields, forest preserves and parks, the distance of approximately three miles varies slightly from course to course. Because of this, times are not consistent from meet to meet The varsity runners run the courses in times from 15 and ahalf to 18 minutes.The fastestrunner for the Hawks all year has been junior Todd Lilleberg, who has been just under 16 minutes all year. Other strong runners this year have been seniors Scott Dummler, Chris Paschke and Rich Campbell, as well as outstanding sophomore Pete Gayford. These five ninners make up the core of the varsity team. According to coach Drennan, "this year's team is the strongest in recent memory. They have been training hard and running strong."The varsity team has set their sights on placing in the top half of the conference. Mr. Jack Marino coaches the freshman and sophomore teams. The sophomores have had a rather weak season. With Gayford running on the varsity level, there haven't been enough sophomores to make a team score. Sophomores on i h e ^ ^ team, including Bill Barker and Mike Robinson.j^^ have been trying their best, though. ^ ^ The freshmen have been running well. So far they are second in conference. Led by Mark Wynne and Karl Stanke, the class of '92 runners have high hopes for their running careers.

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