Vol 26 issue 11

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N'ohime 26Jssue II February 2X 199(1


Maine Soulh llijih School

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Hard work pays off for Orchesis Aches and pains. Bruises and scratches. Hard work and sweat. Long hours of dancing til one drops. All have one thing in common, the annual Orchesis show. This year the show is titled "Leaps and Bounds," and the show is definitely bounding with talent not only in dancing ability, but also in outstanding choreography. This year's officers are president, Tracy Peterson, vice-president, Kirsten Bierie, publicity, Jenny Hagenauer, treasurer, Jenny McCabe, secretary, Lauren Siragusa, and costumes. Colleen Gill. These officers have come together to organize a show that is not only pleasing to the sight, but also very pleasurable to the ear. Music ranges from House, to Rock, to New age, to Folk. Not only does the show have a variety of music, but it also has all styles of dance. Krislen Mikol has choreographed a dance which parodies the rich from the poor in "Puttin' On The Riiz." In the dance, "The „etier," Nicole Frenzel has created a concept ^ f a letter that no one wants to open. Oksana Dudyscz has choreographed a traditional Ukrainian dance, and Kirsten Bierie has choreographed a dance which uses smoke to create an esoteric silhouette effect. "This year we thought of u^ying a few different approaches to making the show more interesting," states president, Tracy Peterson. "We've brought back the seniors' dance, which hasn't been done in over two years, we've introduced an officers' dance, choreographed by the officers themselves, and put the Variety Show dance in the show, which also has never been done. In addition, Kirsten Bierie and I have teamed up together to choreograph a dance for the boys' basketball game, which will be put into the show, also."

This year's members of Orchesis anticipate variety in their show in March Tracy also has choreographed a jazz dance titled "Black Cat" by Janet Jackson. Also in the show is an alumni dance, a pop dance by Jenny McCabe, and a dance with the use of scarfs by Jenny Black. The Orchesis members this year are striving for true precision in dance while putting

forth a pure artistic statement. Mrs. Peggy Rushford, the troupe's sponsor, is always there to help them in these endeavors. "Leaps and Bounds" opens Friday, March 2, at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium and continues on March 3 at 7:30 p.m., and on March 4 at 2 p.m. Tickets can be purchased at the door.

Sorry we're so short this issue Last week's snowstorm caught everyone by surprise— including Southwards. When school was canceled on Thursday, the day scheduled for Southwards to go to press, our production schedule was thrown off. The newspaper is printed at Maine East, and since both South and East were closed on deadline day, we were forced to go to six pages this issue rather than our usual eight. While the rest of the school enjoyed a day off, several Southwards editors made it in to school to produce the pages you are reading today.




The devastating effects of gossip by Matt Krause I have often thought to myself, "We go to school for almost 200 days during the year. How in the world do we keep from going completely insane? There must be something that drags us back to this institution everyday, besides the law, ofcourse." Then it occured to me: GOSSIP! Gossip is the hfeblood of every school in the world. Without these rumors that float in the hallways, school life would be incredibly boring and, well, pretty dam quiet. There is a natural urge within every human to talk about the life and times of the people they run into during the day. Unfortunately, this urge could be used to destructable extremes, and this is what gives gossip its bad name. As a result of such gossip, reputations, friendships, and probably much more are at terrible risk and quite often ruined. Why? Because, consciously or not, people are spreading or even making falsehoods that destroy a person's credibility.

During my years at South, I became good friends with a person who is a victim of this circumstance, and will remain anonymous (sorry). This person is probably one of the most friendliest and caring students I know of. And because of this, he/she was made out to be...well... let's say a little too friendly to the male croud. (Yes, she's female) How does she react to this, you may or may not be asking? Besides attempting to be admitted into the local convent, she's taking this pretty well. She's devastated, of course! Unfortunately, she is forced to refrain from maybe doing the things she would like to do in life. I would love to stop false rumors such as the previous, but that's impossible, for everyone is pointing fingers at ever>'one else. There is not much in my life that annoys me as much as this does, save eating tin foil. It is beyond me how a person can ruin reputations for the mere satisfaction of revenge. I do understand that there are many misper-

ceptions that may result in such abuses, and for this, a finger cannot be pointed at anyone. All I have learned and can say is that I'm sure that I, for one, will be much more cautious when it comes to what I say or pass around. You can never be sure how someone may interpret what you have said.

A French thank you On behalf of the Maine Township French Exchange Program, we would like to thank Mr. Bill Drcnnan for the wonderful tour of Chicago on Monday, February 5. His scholarly explanations along with his usual gentlemanly demeanor were immediately noticed and appreciated. Chicago awed the fifteen students from Strasbourge, but it did no less for us. Mrs. Schreiber Mrs. Nica



FEBRCfiR^ 15,

Out to change the world.... by Natalie Kuehn Not all of us are going to be able to change the world, but, at least we can all do our best to make it a better place. A recent article in the January issue of Sassy magazine lists different ways we, "can save the planet." For starters, we can buy products that use the minimum amount of packaging necessary. They use toothpaste as an example of a product that many brands sell with too much packaging - buy brands with the least amount. The excess cardboard and plastic just create more air and water pollution. The article also stressed "RECYCLING!" You'll be saving trees and preventing pollution, if perhaps you use reuseable containers for lunch sandwiches, maybe even the Maine South cafeteria could recycle aluminum cans. The article also suggests walking or bicycling in place of driving to help control the greenhouse effect. Also, cut back

on the amount of energy you use by merely switching to compact fluorescent light bulbs. You'll be using "75 percent less electricity and preventing 60 pounds of acid rain." Yes, these little things can actually help "save our planet." Listen to the statistics you can be helping to change. The rain forests are being destroyed at a rate of 1(X) acres per minute. Atmospheric pollution could cause huge areas of land to disappear beneath water. The air wc breathe, food and water we eat and drink, and soil in which we grow our food are becoming contiiminated, and we are becoming more and more prone to chronic respiratory infections and degenerative diseases. In 10 years, at the rate we're going, garbage will completely fill half our land fills. Finally, every hour another species of plant or animal disappears from the Earth. Do you think these little sacrifices are worth it?

Southwords S'Hithwimt) is thf stii<U'nl-prtHliict'(.l iic\vs|)aper ul MaineSouth Hii;h School, l>ark Rklge, II;, Uottcrs (i> the cd|-)r shmild he tloliviTMl to rcmii) V-130 or Sivtn to a m n n b t r of (he wlltorial siaH" belo", Souihwordi reserve-; Uic right to edit letters conlainiiiij ohscene or lil)eli>lis tHalerlal. Kditor-Jii-Chicf News editor Assotiate News eilitor ('oinincntarv editors

Natashii SIddlqui Maureen Sht'cha" Imran Siddiqui .....Natalie Knelt" Matt Krause Features editor < Iharis Uimiiels .•\KSociate I'Vatiires editor...thris Sosno^vski Sports editors \m) lliisor loni Lin l'ro<liHtioii editor lini Salsakorii PhotihArt editors Crej.; HairiiijJ;!"" .losli AndOf-"" Adviser T. R. Kirlh


Senior wins DeMolay of year award by Chris Sosnowski Founded in 1919, the order of DeMolay has been a growing organization of many fine young men. Senior Mark Schaetzlein became a member in November of 1985 and since then he has become quite active as a DeMolay.

1989. The Master Councilor's job is to run the meetings. Each Master Councilor serves a term of six months. There are over 30,000 DeMolays in the world and over 12 counffies are represented. The order was started in Kansas, specifically Kansas City. Their annual convention, called the Conclave, is held every year in August. It is at this time that the officers for the next term are chosen. In 1988, Mark received the DeMolay of the Year award. This year he is the State Chaplain. The duties of the State Chaplain are general leadership and giving three sermons a year. Mark's chapter also received Chapter of the Year. After a DeMolay exceeds the age restriction of 21 years old, he becomes a Senior DeMolay. There are many positions a Mason :an hold including advisors, chapter advisors.

sxecutive officer, and the highest positionbeing a member of the ISC(International Supreme Council of the Order of DeMolay). There are two versions of DeMolay for girls that are between the ages of 11 and 20 years. They are "Job's Daughters" and "Rainbow." Mark is quite involved at school. Along with being the president of National Honor Society, he is involved in Orchesis, Marching Band, Orchestra, and many others. He also has appeared in the school musicals since his freshman year. Mark hopes to hear from anyone who is interested in DeMolay or Rainbow. He quotes another Mason by saying that "DeMolay is an organization that inspires young men lo become belter sons, belter men, and belter leaders."

A nostalgic glance back by Mary Moore I opened the yellow notebook hesitantly. There were going to be so many memories Senior Mark Schaetzlein receives the award for rushing back at once, was I ready? I looked at DeMolay of the Year. the date in the right hand comer of the first Quoted from Frank S. Land, the founder page: November 14,1985. of DeMolay, "DeMolay is a youth organization for young men whose purpose is the building of better citizens." There are many members of DeMolay throughout the world. Some famous DeMolays here in the United States include John Wayne, Bob Mathias, Walter Cronkite, Walt Disney, and our very own Mr. Gasche (a Senior DeMolay). In order to become a member of DeMolay, one must "petition." This petition includes the basicsname, adress, school, church currendy attending. Some requirements of becoming a DeMolay include being 13 to 20 years old, having a monotheistic god, and a promise to fulfill the seven principles. The seven principles are parental love, reverence for the sacred things in I was in 8lh grade, writing my tirsi entry in life (a god), courtesy, comradeship, fidelity (being truthful to your friends), cleanliness, what I had hoped to become a daily journal. However, as anyone who has ever attempted and pau-iotism. Mark belongs to the Prospect Chapter of to keep a journal knows, it is next to imposDeMolay in Arlington Heights. They usually sible to write daily. This soon became a prob•meet twice a month and follow parliamentary lem with me. The first page told a bit about my life at the ']iroccdure (an organized method of conducting meetings). "This is one of the things that lime. Needless to say, an eighth grader's life makes DeMolay a su-ong organization," says is far from exciting, but I made an attempt. I Mark. He was a past Master Councilor and wrote of who I liked, how much homework I served a lerni from October of 1988 lo April of had, and the like. Knowing it was far from Photo—Rich Chapman, Daily Herald

/ laughed as I recalled those times when everything happening was worth writing down, no matter how dull.

Pulitzer prize-winning writing, I turned the page. Morning, from entry to entry, I discovered something about myself. Besides the fact that my life was pretty dull at the time, I was pretty aware of what was going on. I was just beginning to understand things, how everything fits together. As I read, I couldn't help but smile at how new all of it was then. The boys I had grown up with suddenly looked a lot better, and the girls were growing up a lot, too. At the lime, I was confused by all the changes, but nonetheless, aware. Turning the page once more, I noticed the date had not fallen too close to the previous one. I went from November 25,1985 lo January 20, 1986.1 hadn't changed all that much. I liked different guys and had different problems - but my reason behind the journal remained. I thought it would be so incredible lo have a documentation of feelings, ideas, beliefs. I had hoped lo show my children what their mother was like at their age. That was my purpose behind the journal. I was amazed at how I changed over that period of time. I laughed as I recalled those times when everything happening was worth writing down, no mailer how dull. Now, as I've grown a little older and a little more conscious of what I write, this journal seems a bit U"ivial. Ten years from now, am I really going to show this to my children? I wonder this as I write the dale in the right hand corner of a fresh notebook marked "Journal - 1990."


Witch trials being held this weekend by Charts Runnels Last night marked the opening performance of Arthur Miller's The Crucible, this year's All School Play. Written by Miller in the early 1950's, the play takes place in Salem, Massachusettes in the year 1692. The Crucible chronicles the hope, disgust, and fear revolving around the famous Salem witch trials during which innocentpeople were hanged, drowned, or pressed because they assumedly were witches. The various characters found in the play are molded almost exactly after actual people who lived in Salem at this time. The two-act play begins with Rev. Parris (Frank Stokes) grieving for his daughter, Betty (Molly Kilmer), who has taken sick in a trance-like matter. The townspeople are sure witchcraft is about, for Betty, along with Abigail Williams (Charis Runnels), Mary Warren (Cara Spurrier), Susanna Walcott (Carolyn Chandler), Mercy Lewis (Melissa Phillips), and various other children of the town were caught dancing in the woods by Parris while Tituba (Toya Thompson), his barbadosian slave, was "conjurin' up the dead." To avoid being whipped for dancing, a

practice forbidden during this puritan time, the girls, led by Abigail, begin to tell small lies to the adults about their actions and motives. These small lies grow and grow until the town is in an uproar. The townspeople are afraid that the children will call-out their names as witches, and be brought to trial before Judge Hawthorne (Chris Sosnowski) and Deputy-Governor Danforth (Rich Martwick) for witchcraft, certain to be hanged. John Proctor (Matt Krause), with the support of Rev. John Hale (Matt Martello), tries to oppose this grave injustice, with great antagonism from others in the town that seem so ready to believe in the dark force of witchcraft overpowering Salem. Proctor gets tangled up in the fear of the town when his wife Elizabeth (Jenny O'Malley) becomes one of the many accused. A frightening story of fear, anger, revenge, and adultery unfolds on the stage during this very powerful dramatic classic play. Director Mr. Martello has decided to present the play as it was first performed on Broadway with no sets, save the black curtains for backdrops and a few pieces of bare furniture.

and extensive lighting effects. The reason for this is that the words of the play are so vitally important and engrossing, no other devices need be used to distract the audience. Additional cast members include Heather McCabe, Larry Herring, Lisa Kosmicki, Grant Vruels, Tom Carlson, Dave Johnsen, Jim Rogers, Cathy Hallihan, Lynn Lutzer, and Jenny Perterson. The student production staff includes Mike McGarry and Joan Grzenski (student directors), Carrie Morris (prompter), Dave Neisler (stage manager), Pete Altobelli (lighting head), Charley Mefferd (sound head), Karen Neuman (painting head), Pat Mulcrone (consu-ucuon head), Geriann Galas (property head), Kris Floeter (costume head), Maureen Sheehan (make-up head), and Joy Poskozim (publicity head). Faculty production staff includes Mr. Martello, director, and Mr. Sanchez, technical director. Performances will continue tonight and tomorrow night, February 23 & 24th, at 8:00pm m the Clyde K. Watson Auditorium. Tickets will be sold at the door at $2.00 for students and $3.00 for adults.

Project Big offers opportunities for future This year's Project Big promises to be an talk with representatives of the numerous exciting one. Held on Monday, February 26, fields represented. this program is, indeed, BIG enough to be held Maine South graduates and personalities in Maine South's Spectator Gym, as well as in such as Channel 7's Sylvia Perez will be explaining topics ranging from acting to travel the cafeteria. Project Big is an opportunity for students careers, psychology to the military, and eduto explore careers in which they are interested, cation to hotel management. Ms. Feurer, CRC counselor and Project discover new jobs, find various occupations their talents best fit, and most importantly, to Big's school coordinator, feels positive about

this year's program. The approximately 200 careers represented will not only explore the basic careers such as engineering, but also speak of specialized fields such as bio-medical engineering and enviommental engineering, to name a few. As advocated by Dr. Cachur, Project Big will be an experience not to be missed.

Students of the month recognized The students of the month recognized in January are the following: Art Dept.: Eileen Ford, Kathleen Martin, Andrea Berthold, Timothy Biedron and Timothy Connor; Speech/Drama Dept.: Carrie Morris and Andrew Gallios; Music Dept.: Joel Gregie, Lorisa Lutzer and James Pas; Indusu-ial Education Dept.: Gerard Fogarty, John-Paul Heyden, John Barham and Eric Brandon; Business Dept.: Lindsay Bertolino, Shawn Courtney, Julie Lomas, Kelly Shirley, Laura Wagner and Kristin Brainard; Eng. Dept.: Chuck Cycholl, Leslie Halls, Mary Hannah, Jason Ichen, Justine Isbaner, Rob Janas, Charla Johnson, Mcggan Miller, Jeff Morris, Andy Mortiwalla, Michael Nelson, Deborah

Remblake, Nicole Roman, Richard Stasiek and William Brown; Foreign Language: Gregory Manko, Jennifer Rice, Jim Shopoff, Christine Sorquist, Michelle Vianc and Anaslasios Vlachogiannis; Home Economics: Jacqueline Urquhart, Trisha Davis, Jennifer Feiterand Nancy Kenyeri; Math Dept.: Brandon Bowden, Dcsiree Boyks, William Brown, Michael Cimilluca, Jack Sadleir, Kira Simonian, Paul Stanek, Michael Szwed and Anastasios Vlachogiannis; Physical Educ. Dept.: Anne Grain, Joon Han Paul Kim, Lisa M. Heyden, Daniel Schaefer, Michael L. Capper, Steven Currey, Douglas Boer, Jean Bax and Melissa Ponticelli; Science Dept.: Jordan Arnos, Ross Blank, Tim Capper, Dave Cook,

JeanineGerambia, Joel Gregie, Thomas Hoff, Kara Karas, Yasmine Kiss, Tom Lin, JoAnna Siciliano, Natasha Siddiqui, Raymond Sinnappan and Brian Stavncm; Social Science Dept.: Amy Garcia, Leslie Halls, Nathan Hultman, Natalie Kukuruza, Kathleen O'Connell and Maureen Sheehan; Health Dept.: Jennifer Black.

Scholar athletes honored The 1989-90 winter sports scholar athletes are Michael Kallas and Paul-Andre Repak for boys' basketball, Julicne Britz, Laura Hanson and Deborah Remblake for girls' basketball and Michael Nelson for boys' swimming.


^Youthful Hawks reaching maturity as season draws to conclusion The youthful Hawk basketball team (1210,4-4) has certainly matured in the past few games with a 3-1 record in their last four contests, their only loss coming from a last second shot by conference leading Evanston. First, the Hawks played conference foe Glcnbrook North and greeted them with some agrcssive defense that forced 24 turnovers in the game, which was the key to the 59-46 Hawk victory. Youth shined for the Hawks as sophomore Roy Johnson (12 pts., 10 rebs., 5 blocked shots) and junior Bill Schmitz (17 pts.) helped lead the team to victory. The following day, the Hawks hosted Hersey and pulled out a tremendous comefrom-behind 51-48 victory. Down by several points the entire fourth quarter, the Hawks trailed by three with only a few seconds remaining. Then, Bill Vrbancic promptly hit a three to tie the game with two seconds remaining. Ii seemed as if the game would go into overtime, but an errant pass by a Hersey player on the ensuing in-bounds play gave the lawks a chance to win. Vrbancic accepted the Challenge by hitting another three-pointer as lime expired. High scorers for the game included Vrbancic (18 pts.) and Jim Rushford (15 pts.). The next weekend ihe Hawks lost a tough game to conference powerhouse Evanston, 43-42. Despite an illness to Roy Johnson and an injury to Paul Repak, the Hawks stayed competitive and led 39-36 with about two minutes remaining in the contest. But the Hawks were called for two fouls, one intentional, in the period of one second, giving momentum to the Wildkils. Down by one, Evanston hit a jump shot with four seconds remaining to win the game. Vrbancic led the

Gotcha! Junior Jim Rushford seems surprised to find a Trevian defender skulking beliind him in a recent game against New Trier. Senior Paul Repak looks on.

Hawks witli 14 points, and Rushford contribulcd 10 points in this hard fought loss. The Hawks bounced back the next night by crushing Wheeling 64-48. Key players coniribuiing to the victory were Vrbancic (17 pis.) and Roy Johnson (16 pts., 9 rebs.).

The Hawks will end their regular season tonight with a conference game versus crosstown rival Maine East. Next week, the Hawks will be battling in slate regionals. Their first regional game will be against Fenton, Tuesday, Feb. 27, at Maine West.

Swimmers end with respectabie record Strong JV and young varsity point to promising future The varsity swim team ended their season with their best record in three years (5-7) and |> fourth placefinishin the conference. The JV team also performed well,finishingwith a 84 record and a fourth place finish in conference. Highlights in ihe conference meet in-

cluded a fourth place finish by the 200 medley relay team (Josh Eskonen, Bill Barker, Matt Malten, Tim Duerkop), sixth place in the 50 free (Karl Flener), and fifth place by the 400 free relay team (Jason Royal, Mike Nelson, Karl Steinke, Flener). But the impressive finish was turned in by B ill Barker, who captured third place as well as all-conference honors in Ihe 100 breaststroke. Some impressive JV performers in the conference meet included Jack Casaccio, who givnercd fourth place in the 50 free and sixth

place in the 100 free, and Damon Harkey, who placed sixth in the 2001.M.. These JV members as well as the 400 free relay team (Doug Schuberth, Norm Busse, Imran Siddiqui, Dave Hartwig) should contribute to next year's varsity squad. Although the stale meet approaching this weekend may not include many Hawks, the season was still a genuine success. Coach Deger concluded, "This was a season of great improvement and progress. Next year should offer the promise of more."

§ ports

Girls' basketball ends in regionals As the uniforms are returned, the locker South-East games are, but the Hawks were esroom vacated, and as the dust settles on their pecially hungry for this victory after the hearthome court, the girls' basketball team ends breaking loss by two points to the Demons their season. earlier in the season which showed an interBasketball, being the team sport that it is, esting parallel to last year's regional between always develops close team relationships. the two teams which resulted in a42-40 Hawk The team acts as one unit, as a family. loss in the last seconds of the game. The beginning of the end for the Hawks The Hawks were ready this time to avenge was a triumphant win in the regional semifinal last year's defeat. against Maine East. The first two games of the Emotions were running very high during regular season between these cross-town ri- the game. Jane Steffan and Maine East's Lisa vals were split between them, with the Hawks Mosier were involved in some extra-curricutaking the first, and the Demons taking the lar activities in front of East's bench during second. This would be the final showdown. the third quarter. No foul was called, but The Hawks led 9-2 at the close of the first according to East's coach Dave Matkovic, quarter. The Hawks then took a commanding "That was the turning point for Maine South. 14 point lead with 3:42 left in the first half. It gave them momentum." The half closed with the score 22-12. Margaret Zimmermann was the leading This game was very important, as all scorer of the game with 19 points. The final

score, 48-38, was to be the Hawks' last victory of the season. The Hawks went up against #1 ranked Maine West in the regional final. The first quarter score was a dismal 27-7, but the Hawks didn't give up. "They stayed right with us," said Maine West coach Derril Kipp. The scoring remained consistant after South's first quarter twenty point deficit. Although West went on to a 62-41 victory, coach Mike Deines was aware of the tremendous effort put forth by his players; "I'm very proud of this bunch of kids." Senior Debbie Remblake had 14 points, and Margaret Zimmermann had 13 in the final game of the 8990 season. For the seniors of the team a bittersweet moment, for the juniors, a new begining.

Boys' track season begins with success The Hawk varsity track andfieldteam has run off quickly to a tremendous 3-0 start with victories over New Trier, Glenbrook South, and Ridgewood. In the New Trier and Ridgewood meet on January 31, the Hawks captured first place in twelve out of the fifteen events. This near sweep enabled the Hawks to defeat New Trier by 42 points and Ridgewood by 87 points. Tom Matzen and Brian Fennelly were named "athletes of the meet" at the varsity level for their contributions to this victory. Matzen won the triple jump and finished second in the pole vault, long jump, and one mile relay. Meanwhile, Fennelly won the shot put with a

throw of over 50 feet. The Hawks extended their record to 3-0 with their victory over Glenbrook South on February 7. The Hawks dominated once again, winning by a score of 85-29 and capturing first place in twleve out of the fourteen events. Brian Kufner was named "athlete of the meet" for his personal best throw in the shot put competition. In addition, Mike Szwed contributed to the win over Glenbrook South by placing first in four events, and Peter Ward placed first in the high hurdles. The Hawks also swept the triple jump event, with impressive scores by Matt Glarner, Dan Herzog, and Matzen.

home contest season over Mon.2126 Tue.2127 Wed. 2128

Hawk highlights Sport


Sat. 2/24

Gymnastics Boys' Basketball Girls' Basketball Swimming

Maine East V/S—6:00

Sta te Regionals be ;in

State Finals

Wrestling Boys' Track Girls' Track

Ncirc D/MW VyjV-.-430

While the varsity team was enjoying success, the sophomore team was also performing brilliantly. The team won in meets over New Trier, Glenbrook South, and Ridgewood, enroute to a 3-0 start. Jim Bunzol was # named "athlete of the meet" against New Trier and Ridgewood, and the same honors were given to Mike Palac and Jeff Morris in the Glenbrook South meet. The Hawks will be off this week, but be sure to be at the next meet which is Friday March 2.

Hawk grapplers end season with strong regionnal, sectional meets A.ihough the varsity wrestlers did not advance to state, the season ended with a few bright spots. Senior Joe Mika (heavyweight) finished with a 36-1 record and was a sectional qualifier. Other Hawks wlio placed high in regionals and qualified for sectionals included juniors John Kirpanos (140 lb.) and Mike Morandi (112 lb.), and sophomore John Bringas. This group of three, who will be returning next year, should give the Hawks enthusiasm and optimism next year. Coach McCann summed the season up best, "We wrestled lough, but not tough enough to miike it down slate." Hopefully, next year, the Hawks will have a more successful season and qualify for stale.

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