X'ohinu' 26, issiit' 7 Dt'ioniborS, 1989
M.iiiK' South llisih Sthool
Japan makes impact on U.S. Forty-eight years ago this day, the Congress of the United Slates of America declared war on Japan, one day after the surprise attack on Pearl Harbor. The Sunday morning attack by the Japanese naval fleet desU'oyed much of the United State'sPacific Navy and Air Force, and the U.S. was just plain lucky that they had any air force or navy left on the Hawaiin Islands. From the day of the attack, the U.S. government began to relocate many of the Japanese/Americans working in the United Stales. These people were given a limited time period during which ihey had to leave their jobs, close down all businesses, and pack their bags as they were relocated to camps in remote areas of Wyoming, Cahfornia, Montana, and other western states. These camps were created so that the IPU:nited States government could monitor potentially dangerous citizens. Now that the U.S. government was at war with Japan, the Japanese people within the United States had to be watched because the government feared some kind of internal trouble. So, using their special war powers, the government confined the Japanese/Americans. In fact, it seemed that starting from the attack on Pearl Harbor, many Japanese and other Asian/Americans
within the United States were unjustly discriminated against. To atone for the wrongs committed against them, theU.S. government has passed new laws which will give each Japanese person confined in the 1940's 20,000 dollars. Now, forty-some years after the end of the war, Japan is once again making headlines. Not only are Japanese invesunenis within the U.S. skyrocketing, but they seem to have grabbed the lime-light within the past few years with the purchase of Columbia Pictures and many of the skyscrapers in Manhattan and Chicago. Consequently, the Japanese are being accused of "buying out America." However, even though the Japanese investments are huge, other European countries with more money invested within the U.S. are not even accused of over-investing. Because of the Japanese investments within the U.S., they are often disliked and the United States government has tried to take measures to stem the u^ade imbalance between the two countries. Because of these measures, many Japanese think that the U.S. is discriminating against their country. In a Chicago Tribune article, they quoted Japanese politician Shintaro Ishihara as saying that the real cause of the problems between Japan and the
United States is bigotry. "Americans cannot accept the fact that a nation they once defeated militarily has come back to whip them economically," stated Ishihara, one of the leading politicians in Japan. This view, carried by many of the Japanese citizens, seems to anger the Americans,and now tliat the United Styiie<?. can worry less about the Warsaw Pact nations, it is expected that they will concentrate more time and effort to gain the upper hand over Japan. One reason that the Japanese are so successful is because of what happened right after their defeat in World War II. With a U.S. implemented government and constitution, the Japanese weren't allowed to build up their military power, and so they concentrated on building up their economy, with much success. Consequently, because the Japanese are essentially beating the U.S. in a game that the U.S. set the rules for, many Japanese feel that "there is a sense of superiority and arrogance in Japan unseen since the I930's." Because of that sense of superiority in Japan, and the hemmed in feeling by the United States, it comes to view that some sortof confrontation, certainly not as dramatic as WWII, but a confrontation nonetheless, will eventually occur between the United States and Japan.
Peace essay contest made available Attention all writers! The United States Institute of Peace is sponsoring its annual National Peace Essay Contest This contest is open to any interested Maine South student. The National Peace Essay Contest offers each participant a chance to receive college scholarships ranging from SlOO to $10,000. The winners from each state will win an allexpense-paid trip to Washington, D.C. for an award program in June, 1990, where awards of $10 000, $5,000, and $3,500 will be given to the top finishers. Any student who enters the contest will earn a cerUficate of parUcipaThe essay itself must not exceed 1500 words must be typed (double spaced) with one-inch margins, and on 8.5" xll" unlined paper Each essay must appear man official school publicauon (SouthwordS or Graffiti),
and must be printed in such a publication by February 16, 1990. After the essay is published, either the student or a faculty member must mail the essay and some regisu-ation forms to Washington, D.C. for an official entry. Additional requirements include: one essay per enu-ant, each essay must be an original one and any plagarism found will result in an immediate disqualification from the contest The essay must discuss one instance when the United States efforts made a significant conu-ibution to the prevention or resolution of any type of international conflict. Comments should also be made on the principal circumstances and the lessons which might be learned for future peacemaking efforts. Essays will be judged on their depth of understanding, originality, quality, and style.
Political ideas will not be taken into consideration when giving awards. Judging will be done at the state level by independent judges under the direction of the U.S. Institute of Peace. All decisions by judges will be final. If you are interested in entering this contest, feel free to submit an essay to V-130 by the end of January. If you have any questions concerning the essay or a general one about the contest ask Mr. Kerlh to show you the Hcket he has concerning the essay contest. Remember, your essay must appear in Southwords or Grafffiti by February 16,1990. Stan soon so you can have an essay that shows you have researched your topic thoroughly. Do not hesitate to discuss you views with a faculty member. Good luck to all who enter!
Q ommentary
Is the expense really worth it? by Matt Krause As you all know, Maine South will be going through some very drastic changes over the next few years. I will not and cannot list all of them, since you've probably already heard about them last week. The major problem, of course, is the asbestos contained mainly in the library ceiling, the auditorium lobby, and in other places in smaller amounts. For the next few years anyway, the fireproofing material will be virtually harmless because it has been "encapsulated", which prevents the spread of the dusty material. As Dr. Cachur explained in the assembly, to avoid encapsulation every ten years or so, the administration decided it would be most wise to remove it for good, which is quite understandable. What really upsets me about this situation is not the administrative move toward this problem at all, but some of the students' attitude toward it. The biggest concern of some of the Junior class members seemed to be whether or not they were still going to have to attend the language lab or not! S ure, the lab is not the most fun aspect of Maine South, but I would think that the welfare of all the people and ourselves in this building would be a
much bigger priority to us. Don't misunderstand me, though. Many of the students in attendance at the assembly showed a lot of serious interest and concern in this situation. Many of the questions posed to Dr. Cachur were very legitimate and relcvent, and in that aspect, I have no qualms. During the assembly, one person asked why the major operation, which will last about a month or two, couldn't take place in the summer when it wouldn't affect the regular school days. This is where the next project comes in the picture. During the summer months, the library, as you know, will be under massive consu^uction. Not only will the library contain more modem conveniences, but also another floor to keep them in. This plan sounded great, until that eternal question was brought up. "How much will it cost, and who'll pay for it?" Well, there went my hope. I don't remember the exact figures, but it is going to cost over one million dollars to complete the remodeling. The next answer is obvious. You guessed it, much of the money will be coming from taxes, which will inevitably raise considerably.
Well hey! I didn't want to go to college anyway! I wonder if this new plan will be worth all the expensive trouble it'11 be. They're going to have to do some work on the library ceiling anyway after they tear it apart for the removal of asbestos, but do we need to change the entire su^ucture of the library? Sure, it'll be very beneficial for the students here at South, and prepare us better for college, but what's the use if we don't have enough money to go in the first place? I know, I'm exaggerating a bit, but for many people, just a penny is worth saving. Personally, I think that the present library is adequate for the moment. I also agree that a little more equipment would be necessary to put us on that same level with college libraries, but can't we use the area we have now, without expanding to two levels? More questions will be asked in the next few months when the administration holds conferences, and we'll keep you in touch with the specific reasoning straight from them, librarians, and other important people involved with these projects.
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LET'S GET B.VD OP TH^ f\$%gSt0S ^AKirfiDP AKtOTHgg USg-ftg-Y^
'wf^rr,wrw hu. OF IHC UilU WME TOUmCVC fi TO GET To CLASS
i. . . It's Still rock-n-roll to me by Amy Huser Music is everywhere, and is a major factor in most of our lives. It affects us in many different ways. It can affect our moods, and put a spring in our step. In a recent music poll distributed in study halls, the library, and lounge, here at Maine South, 100% of students polled could name a favorite type of music. Of the 100 students polled, 37% named "classic rock" as their favorite type, with WCKG 105.9 FM being their favorite station (30%). When asked their favorite groups/singers, the "classic rockers" named Chicago, The Who, Kansas, Reo Speedwagon, Styx, Rush, Peter Gabriel, and Led Zepplin along with other groups. One "classic rocker" attributed this interest in classic rock to the decline of "good" music produced in the 80's. This may be due to the major industrial revolution of music in the 80's. A popular artist or group could make a
few million from one album. Therefore more musicians are aiming toward the commercial product, rather than the meaning behind the music. It can also be said that their appreciation for this particular type of music can be accredited to their parents. They grew up listening to the Doors and Yes, and have grown accustomed to it. Ofall the classes, the freshmen were the only class, as a whole, to name a different type of music as their favorite. The freshmen preferred "Pop Rock," 35% of the freshmen chose this category. The freshmen's preference toward popular rock could have been predicted. The pop rock industry is basically geared toward their younger age group. Groups like The New Kids On The Block, and Bon Jovi were among the freshmen favorites.
The predictability of their choice for favorite station was also noted. 35% of freshmen polled chose Z-95 as favorite with B-96 coming in at a close second. Oddly enough, with all the money being poured into developing the technology of compact discs, 51% of students polled preferred cassettes to compact discs. Possibly, this choice was made because of the difference in cost between the two, the latter costing twice the former. Another reason could be the fragility of compact discs. No matter your preferences, music is a large part of your, and everyone's life. Whether humming a tune, singing in the shower, or rolling down the car windows and cranking it up, music surrounds us, and even though we may disagree as to what's the best, and who plays the best, we all must agree that it is a major force in each of our lives.
m^^ *S^S!^^' *^^*^ ^"d soldering irons adolescence," conveyed sophomore Cristen It is 3:02 A.M. and I am awake. For some Coomer. reason I can't fall back asleep. I look and Some of the more bizarre things kept are a Cinnamon, my teddy bear, is on the floor. I yo-yo and a soldering iron, both possessed by grab him, and almost instantly I lull back to junior John Hansen. Or their first cap gun, of sleep. which four people kept. Yes, I am almost 18 years old and I still Sometimes the things we keep can help us sleep with a teddy bear. I also sleep with the blanket that my grandma gave me when I was four. But I am not alone, I am oneof the 32 out of 56 people in a poll who still sleep with their teddy bear. Nineteen people still have baptismal pendants, 12 have fishing tackle (no, not worms), 11 still have hair from their first hair cut, and six have kept their first spoon. The two most popular items that are kept from childhood are Dr. Seuss books and Barbie, with 43 and 29 people, respectively. But if you want to hear something weird, here is a little childhood story from Mr. Kerth: "I had an older brother, and he would always get more money than me from the tooth fairy because he was older. So I saved my teeth to cash them in when I was older. But, of course, I never did so now I have a container full of teeth." Mr. Kerth is not alone. He is one of ^three individuals who have also kept their ^eeth. Reminiscing is the entire reason why we keep things from our past. Why do we do this? "I feel more secure in knowing about my past," stated senior Amy Michel. "I feci that my childhood was better than my
through the rough spots. "When my brother left for college, I carried around his stuffed frog for three days. I miss him very much," expressed Cristen. So when you are laying down to sleep tonight, make sure you have your teddy bear. I know I will.
You may have seen them walking in neat rows down the hall—little folk, four feet tall, with rosy cheeks and bright eyes. No, they're not the class of '94. Stay tuned, and we'll answer the ageless question... Matthew grabs his school bag, jumps out of the car, and heads for the door at Maine South. As he approaches the door, a group of his friends are there awaiting the school day and chatting about many things—parties, favorite TV shows, parents. Sound familiar? Matthew and his friends might be any typical Maine South students, but there's something different about these students. Matthew and his friends are all between three and five years old. These are the Maine South Preschool students, who, under the Child Care Occupations (CCO) program, can attend a high school at such a young age. An ad in the local newspaper every semester seeks out mothers and fathers to apply for the Maine South preschool. Besides being a licensed preschool, it helps junior and senior students who want to go into a career dealing with children.
just who are all those little kids, anyway?
For 20 years, children aged three to five have been attending classes here at Maine Sou±. There are two classes: the morning class attends from second through fourth periods, and the afternoon class attends from fifth through seventh. During the three periods, the children play, eat, read, draw, and still have some free time. As she cleans up the toy money, dolls, and blocks, Mrs. Lois Berry, the afternoon teacher, explains. "This preschool, an enrichment program, specializes in socialization turned onto an education." The main objective is to show the children that learning is fun. They participate in different activities ranging in various areas. Some days they play in the hallways, take walks by the pond, and dance in the dance room. They are seeing more than just the room in the V-wing. The children are not forced to do anything: they learn at their own speed, although they do learn their basic math.
^^mt English, and science. For instance, Mrs. Berry says, "some kids learn faster, some slower. So we go according to their needs." Danny, one of the morning students, says, "I'm more smart than my best friend, but we still play during school together." In another sense, the juniors and seniors learn more than one can imagine by working with these children. They are teachers' assistants who can give the children another outlook on ideas. Through this sort of learning, students and preschoolers alike benefit from the program. "I took this course to become a kindergarten teacher," says student teacher Becky Russo, "and now I would like to teach special education. Although it really hasn't changed, this course ni^jk me feel sorry for the kids who arePRs lucky as your average preschoolers are." Although Becky is a senior, the usual
year for taking the CCO class is junior year, so then their senior year they can work at a daycare center through the HERO program (Home Economics Related Occupations) outside of school. The class is offered for a period and a half and is one credit. The four classes of CCO are 2-3A, 3B-4, 5-6A, and 6B-7. Although not required. Child Development is a recommended course for students who want to take CCO. Each student is assigned to a certain acuvity—for example, art, playtime, storytime, snacks, and more. Every seven days there is something different for the students to do. On Mondays, the day the preschoolers are not there, the students plan out their seven-day week and give the teacher a teacher's plan, which is then evaluated. gj^ "This course gives the students re•^fjorisibility plus ine ability to work as a team," says Mrs. Berry. Even if the students decide to go into a different career, this course is a valuable lesson
On Halloween, junior Carol Brace (left) helps Michael Guidice build a brick wall, while other preschoolers (from left to right) Abby Sapp, Tara Cordaro, Frankie Johnsen, and Allison Pullman show off their costumes.
for parenthood. Mrs. Arm Burger, the morning teacher, adds, "The course is to introduce teenagers to a hands-on experience dealing with children of many personality traits." The fact that there are teachers' assistants gives the children a chance to be able to accept more than just their parents as a helper. The only thing that the CCO class needs more of is boys enrolling in the course. Both Mrs. Berry and Mrs. Burger feel that it would give the children a boy and girl perspective. It would also help the boys to prepare for fatherhood. The preschool has many objectives, but the main one is to teach the children that learning is fun. So many things are accomplished through the preschool, and Maine South students, faculty, and parents are proud of it.
Senior Heather Shields (right) helps Kristin Groh with her artwork, and junior Tracy Flaherty (above right) shares a smile with Kristin.
Bringing Joy to the kids ) "Children arc liit- most fascinating lo be around," i^y Palicki explains with a smile ''"y. a senior, has dreamed of working with children as a career, and ihc CCO program put her one slop closer lo »cr dream. Joy look OliW l^o^iopmcni t,er sophomore j j ^ C C f ^ niorvear, and is now m ih^ HbRO program, where she works live days a week at a :davcarc center. "The preschool Has ta^j^j^j ,^^^, ..^
by Deena Ozzauto
much. It gave me the best slan I could ever ask for," Joy adds. "Working witli the children was the best practical cx}X:ricnce 1 could have. The i'celings tiiat 1 fell were so overwhelming, 1 would get a tingle in my body when I saw their [the children's] smiles." The Maine South preschool has given Joy liie ability to be patient, irusiwonhy, and caring for children. It was a developmenl in her knowledge of childcarc, a step toward her dream.
peatu res
South alumna appears in TV movie • If you didn't have too much homework this we had to wear winter clothes, and it took us in a video made for De Vry entitled "Room for Monday night, you might have watched 12 hours—from eight until eight. It was hor- Discovery" currently on file in the CRC. Although she likes the Chicago area, her "Making the Case for Murder: the Howard rible. All we had to do was, we just sat as a Beach Incident" on Channel 5 at 8:00 PM. It family in the courtroom. They did a pan of the career may require a move to California, since starred Daniel J. Travanti as a lawyer in a family once, but we did it for 12 hours. I got much of the hiring for the film industry occurs brutal civil rights case, but if you looked overtime for that. Just to sit on my butt. But on the West Coast. "I think aftercollege I'll go carefully you might have recognized the ac- they could very well cut me out of the court- there for a while," she says. "If not I think I'm room scene." going to do something infilm—productionor tress who played his daughter. In fact, she had no idea prior to the actual direction." "Yeah, but only if you didn't sneeze," In the meantime, she's a very busy freshjokes Carmella Mulvihill, a 1989 Maine showing of the film how much or how little South graduate who is finding her place in the she would appear. "I'll see it along with you," man at Northwestern University, majoring she said four days before thefilmwas due to in—get this—astronomy. world of film making. "I like it," she says simply. Then, unable to "It's really not that big of a deal. It was fun air. Although this is her first network movie, resist the opportunity to play one more part, to do," she says of her three scenes and three speaking lines, a total of about five minutes of Carmella has had considerable film acting she adds in her best Miss-America-candidate film that took two days of shooting, out of a experience, including a major AIDS commer- voice, "If I can't be a star, I'll be satisfied cial. Maine South students may see her work looking at them." total of three months for the entire film. "It was so professional that I felt like an idiot. I go in the morning and they say, 'OK, that's your trailer.' I go, 'Get outta here, I get my own trailer? This is big time!' But it was enjoy this movie. by Mary Moore this shoddy little dirt thing. You get in there In a great number of today's films, the and you can't even move. His trailer When the average person attends a movie, story revolves around relationships between a (Travanti's) was like a mobile home with air emotions such as gladness, sadness, anger, man and a woman. Though a very common conditioning, fresh fruit every two steps, but and fear are sure to come in play. A movie that occurrence, this relationship has been evermine was j ust like a place to keep me so I don' t caused me to feel glad is Shag. A movie of done. It is the bond between friends that is get hit by cars or something. But at least I both youth and adulthood, happiness and truly a point of common interest. Not all have could say, 'I'll be in my u-ailer.'" pain, romance and friendship, it was one with experienced love towards a person of the While most of us might consider a career in which I could relate. opposite sex, but all, it is safe to say, have exacting a glamorous, exciting adventure, Believable characters, stress on friendship, perienced the joy of friendship. Anyone who Carmella is quick to point out that, although and a strong story line are just a few of the has ever held a friend dear would certainly the pay is excellent, the hours and the work are qualities of the movie which I enjoyed. Set in enjoy this movie. Even those who are unfortuoften tedious, frustrating, and sometimes Myrtle Beach, South Carolina, the movie re- nate enough not to know these joys would like downright disgusting. the movie. It is definately a quality film. veals the epitome of a summer getaway. "During the dinner scene, my (film) sister Shag is a movie that, though a bit geared As the four girls in the movie discover the had one of the last lines. All she had to say high points of MyrUe Beach, they also learn toward the younger generation, could be enwas, 'Dad,I feelsorry forthefamilyoftheboy the tribulations of being a true friend. It is joyed by all. This movie made me glad, not who was killed.' It was the next-to-the-last through these challenging times that the girls only because of the friendship aspect, but also line. We would do the whole scene perfect, come to realize how valuable their friendship due to the reality. It relays a message; true and she'd screw up the line fifty million times! really is. It is then, I feel, that I truly started to friendship is far more valuable than romance. We'd have to take the plates, clean them off, every glass had to be reshelved. Everybody had to put their mashed potatoes back into the by Deena Ozzaulo misses a child, the child will always let the bowl, put the green beans back, put the buns What's it like to be away from home, yet mother cater to his every need, so it is all shot back with the nibbled sides down, put the chicken back how you found it. If you bit it, know that home is still there waiting for you? down the drain." College brings more freedom. This freeput it so you couldn't see the bite mark. It was Kathy Watson, a student at ISU, says, "You disgusting, you know? The mashed potatoes learn to be more responsible, but you can still dom, however, gives many college students a feeling of homesickness. Lynda Raffin, a were gray—it was horrible. After a while, be a kid." Adapting to college life is not an easy task. we'd been shooting this scene for about four One has to know how to do laundry, use student at NIU, explains, "College is not a home away from home. At home, you take hours or whatever, and finally I'm like, 'I feel money wisely, adjust to a roommate, and things for granted, like toilet paper, toothsorry for the family...'—I'm like whispering plenty more. College students living away paste, food. It's up to you now to supply all of the line to her. I think what they finally did is from home grow up in many ways, but do they this. It's a pain in the you-know-what!" get a closeup on her or something. She proba- lose it all when they go home for a break? A spice of freedom is what a college stubly just wanted a closeup." In his junior year at St. Norberts College, dent receives living away from home, but all Other scenes were equally tedious, if not Joe Ozzauto replies, "when I come home for three agreed that "a school dorm is not home." just a weekend or three months, I forget eve- Home is where one's heart, memories, and quite so disgusting. "In the courtroom scene, we went all day. rything I learned. My mother does my laun- family exist. College is not a home; it is a place It was the hottest day of the year. We were in dry, she cooks just for me, and supplies me in which one will learn how to build a "home" the studio with no air conditioning, and then with all my basic needs. As long as a mother for oneself.
Friendships revealed in Shag
College—is it really a home away from home?
g ports
itWrestling begins with win The Hawk wrestling team opened its season against St. Joseph. The varsity squad crushed their opponent in a 41-24 victory. Wins contributing to the victory were accomplished by: Mike Morandi (103 lbs), Mark Valkennet (130 lbs), Chris Komo (135 lbs), John Kirpanos (140 lbs), Peter Thomas (145 lbs), Paul Mulvaney (152 lbs), John Butera (160 lbs), and Joe Mika (heavyweight). Other Hawk wrestling squads also faired
well against St. Joseph. The freshmen team overwhelmed their opponents with a 54-6 victory, the only loss being a forfeit. In addition, the JV squad battled against a very competitive St. Joe's team,finishingwith a tie. The Hawks continued their success at the Holy Cross Thanksgiving Tournament. The team started out slow, but gradually improved in the second round by advancing one wrestler to the finals and three wrestlers to a third place
match. The outstanding wrestlers for the tournament included Bill Ladra (2nd place), Mike Morandi (3rd place), John Kirpanos (3rd place), Joe Mika (3rd place), and Paul Mulvaney (4th place). The team captured third place overall in the tournament with 75 points. The Hawks' next meet is home tonight against Highland Park. The Hawk varsity squad will also be particpating in the Wildcat Invitational tomorrow.
Gymnasts soar to a 2-0 start
The Maine South Girls' Gymnastics team has gotten off to a great start this year. With the determination of the returning varsity members, Fran Borchers, Melissa Kinder, Annette Pappas, Jean Pavhk, and the two new varsity members, Monica Huettinger and Kristen Neisler, the varsity team has won their first two meets of the season with outstanding
scores from everybody. Against Niles West, the Hawks as a team scored a strong 121.8, and the team score versus Maine West was 130.5. The team is also excited to see the future works of the two new freshmen. Thefi-eshmen/JVteam is continuing to work hard and will shine through their season.
With the continued support of the varsity members, they anticipate an enjoyable season. "(I'd like to) have a winning season, and to hopefully have the girls work up to their potential not only for themselves, but also for the team." said new Girls' Gymnastics Coach, Ms. Cain.
students win American revolution award flp
Just recently, Leslie Shewfelt and James Dunn were elected by the faculty and students to be the recipients of the awards for the Daughters of the American Revolution and Sons of the American Revolution. The DAR/SAR are elected on basis of dependability - truthfulness, honesty, punctuality; service - cooperation, helpfulness, responsibility; leadership - personality, self-control, initiative; and patriotism - the unselfish loyalty to American ideals. The DAR award winner will receive a pen and
ceruficaie and is eligible for state and national awards. The S AR award winner will receive a medal at Senior Honors. To qualify for the award, the winners must display these characteristics. Some of Leslie Shewfelt's qualifications include: Captain of the Maine South Swim Team, President of Marlin Synchronized Swim Team, International Swimming Hall of Fame, Captain of the Flag Team, Junior and Senior Gym Leader, Scholar-Athlete Award, and member of
Brotherhood Society, Operation Snowflake & Snowball, and Student Council. Some of James Dunn's qualifications include: Class President, President's Club President, Hugh O'Brien Youth Foundation Leadership Seminar Alumni, Football Varsity Letter, Football Scholar-Athlete, Junior and Senior Gym Leader, and member of Thespian Society, National Honor Society, Newspaper Staff, M-Club, and Operation Snowball.
Southwards Sotilhmirdi is the studenf.prticiuit'd i)cvy.',(>dper of Mainu Sooth Hinh Sihool, Park RWRC, 1L, Letters tu tht.' eililor should be dt'livtrt'd iv room V-l?Oor);i\cn to a mcmhcr or the rtUtorialsttff bt'Uiv*. Southwards reserves (he rij^'ht to edit letters coiitalninf; obscene or hbelous ni»h!rtkl. Editor-in-chief. Ndtash* Siddiqui News editor Maureen Sheehan Associate News CKlitor Iniran .Niddiqui Commenlarj editor* \atalle Kuehii Mutt Krause Features editor (~hari<i Runnels AssiK,ialc I'Vatuu'S editor.. Thris Sosnowski S[Kirts iKlitors ,>Vn)y Hiiser I(im LHI Production edtloi Iiiii Sais.ikorn Photo .Art etlitots <wej; Karrintjlon .losh .Anderson
„„T, K. Kerlb
g ports
Future of collecting Is in the cards* It is rapidly becoming one of the biggest hobbies in America. Millions of people collect these cardboard squares with a baseball player's photo printed on the front and his statistics emblazoned on the backside. The hobby is baseball card collecting. Non-collectors tend to look at them just as "cardboard squares," but to the many collectors they represent hours of enjoyment, generous profits, and a way to divert spare time. Baseball card collecting is popular with the young and the old, just like the sport of base-
ball. Many adults have always fantasized about becoming major league players. The hobby can also give adults a chance to own a part of the favorite childhood hero and to reflect on their childhood. Youngsters worship the stars of today, and they feel that they must own one card of their favorite player from each of the three major card producing companies: Fleer, Topps, and Donruss. Some of the most popular stars of today whose baseball cards are in popular demand are Jose Canseco, Mark McGwire, Kirby Puckett, and
Girls open vs. tough competition This group of girls are not only atheletes, but are also scholars. They have the highest grade point average of any team in the history of Maine South Girls' Basketball. This assists the players in learning intricate plays, and retaining signals and gestures that enable them to call such a play .They have aquired a chemistry that helps them to think and play as a team. Together the Varsity Girls' Basketball team is anticipating one of their most difficult seasons, and looking forward to great success in the future.
Girls' Basketball
The beginning of the Girls' Basketball season has been a tough one. They played in the Buffalo Grove Tournament and although they didn' t defeat the opponent, they became more aware of their stenghts and weaknesses; their ability and their potential. Coach Mike Deines stated, "In order to become better you must play the best competition you can find." On Tuesday, November 28th, the Hawks began their season against one of the most reputable teams in the state, Maine West. "Although in the past our fan count hasn't Boys' Basketball been staggering, we are keeping good faith that there will be packed stands at all of our home games, and there will be enthusiastic Once again the annual Thanksgiving tourcheers to lift our spirits when the clock is nament proved to be the perfect way to start ticking down." said varsity member Beth the season for the Hawks. On opening day, the Buckley. Hawks prepared themselves to challenge The team has shown its strength in both Buffalo Grove. This tough match up, full of first, and sec6nd suings, keeping fresh athe- action down to the very last second in overletes on the court at all times without having to time, concluded with a 61-58 score in favor of the Bisons. Outstanding performances were doubt those players' abilities.
Kevin Mitchell. However, with all of its positives, baseball card collecting has numerous downfalls. First of all, it can be quite expensive to collect everything that you want. Just as tlierc is a great demand for cards, companies start reducing their supply so they can get a higher price for the cards. This has led to ouu^agcous prices for some sets and single players. The greatest factor in the rising price of baseball cards is greed. People, particularly adults who have more money available, are looking at this hobby from one aspect only. That is the money-making aspect. These people arc only in the hobby to make a profit, and they could care less about the fun and integrity of the hobby. These greedy people take advantage of ignorant youth and fluctuate the baseball card market in gigantic proportions. The future for collecting looks dim if these greedy adults are allowed to conu-ol the prices and supply of cards. Kids, the life and blood of the hobby, will be turned away, and honest adults will refuse to pay the exuberant prices which will have come about. On the other hand, if people start to think of baseball card ^ ^ collecting as a hobby and not a business, it will | | P certainly flourish and grow bigger in the upcoming years.
Hawks win Buffalo Grove tourney
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nBWn. inuiinuinz> Sport
Sat. 12/9
Mon. 12/11 Tue. 12/12 Wed. 12/13 Maine East V/JV—5:30
Gymnastics Boys' Basketball Girls' Basketball Swimming Wrestling
i home contest
Glenbrook S. V/S—7:30 Glenbrook S. V/JV/P_7:30 xSchaumburg ;:.V/F-S—4:30 Highland Park ;:3 lev._6:00
Jr. High Tovm. 9:00 AM' Lake Park JY/S-^:30 Maine West V/F-S-4:30 Wildcat Invite V—10:00
provided by Bill Vrbancic (14 points). Bill Schmitz, Mike Kallas, and sophomore Sean Collins. The Hawks, however, were determined to prove their true ability. They fought back and crushed Prospect, 70-58, in the second game of the tournament. Those who helped the Hawks notch their first victory of the season were Bill Vrbancic (23 points), sophomores Roy Johnson (18 points) and Buell Hudson, Paul Repak, and Jim Rushford. To round up the tournament and once again take home the first place trophy, the Hawks battled arch-rival Maine West. As in the first game, this contest went down to the wire. This time, however, Roy Johnson hit the clutch and winning shot in the last minute, and the Hawks celebrated a 60-59 victory. In addition, great efforts were turned in also by the game's lead scorers, Paul Repak and Bill Vrbancic. "That was a big win, especially with Vrbancic foul- ^— ing out with seven minutes to go," said Coach wfg Vcrbcr. The Hawks' next contest will be away tonight against conference opponent Glenbrook South.