Vol 28 issue 4

Page 1

Volume 2S, issue 4 October 25,1991

South wordS

>l.iiiie Soudi II. S. P.irk Rif!j;e, U.

Dark of the Moon opens at South by Carolyn Chandler and Ann Gortner As October nears its wicked and horrific end, the Maine South Drama Department is in the process of preparing a very appropriate play. Howard Richardson and William Bemey's bewitching drama, "Dark of the Moon" was chosen as the first production of the 1991-92 season. It is a deep folk tale of a simple society. The play is based on a mountain folk ballad which is sung, along with various other folk songs, during the course of this piece. The tale revolves around two lovers from different backgrounds: thefirst,a witch from Old Baldy Mountain; the other, a small-town girl from a mountain community. The conflict between their love and the intense religious fervor of the village builds to the climax. "Dark of the Moon" is directed by Mr. John • Muszynski and senior Carolyn Chandler. The *play consists of a large cast, including Rob Janas as the witch-boy John, Jennifer English as his lover Barbara Allen, Nate Hultman as Preacher Haggler, and Kirsten Carlson and Nadia Todorovic as the witches. The set, designed by Mr. Pat Sanchez, introduces a unique new openness to the stage, which incorporates a feeling of the distances onefindsin the mountains. This is accomplished by building parts of the stage over the customary seating area and having the audience placed on stage so as to face the back of the auditorium. The dedicated crew puts together all the aspects of the production under the guidance of stage manager Chrisla Poskozim, sound

Jenny Black and Nate Hultman rehearse their lines with Jennie English, playing the role of a " bewitched" Barbara Allen, in the play Dark ofthe Moon, which opened last night at Maine South.

head Yasmine Kiss, lighting head Mike Brown, painting head Karen Neuman, and the aformentioned crew supervisor, Pat Sanchez. The play has been enjoyed by the entire cast and crew, as is illustrated by the enthusiastic comments of senior Rob Janas: "This play is packed with universal meaning. It really comments effectively on religious fanaticism, and on how an extreme in faith can lead to the destruction and corruption of an

imagination." Jennie English, also a senior, states that, "when looked at, this play shows how society's pressures can ruin even the most perfect relationship." The performance dates for this show are October24th, 25th, and 26th at 8:00 P.M. The cast and crew expect Maine South's production to be an excellent interpretation of this masterpiece.

What is the sound of silence near O'Hare? by Jennifer Johnson Disagreement is the word members of the Suburban O'Hare Commission are using to explain their thoughts on the Federal Aviation Administration's National Noise Policy for airplanes. The policy, which was issued September 24th, requires airlines to have quieter aircraft by the year 2000 to help reduce the serious problem of jet noise, announced Secretary of Transportation Samuel Skinner. Members of the Suburban O'Hare Commission say that converting to newer planes alone will not be enough to reduce jet

noise here at O'Hare or anywhere else. Chairman of the O'Hare Commision, John Geils, claims that the area will still be plagued by airplane noise. Administfator of the Federal Aviation Administration, James Bussey says the National Noise Policy will help, not hurt the problem of airline noise. He claims the policy "will result in quieter airports and a smoothly functioning air transportaation system, both of whcih are a virtue to the nation's well being." Chairman John Geils disagrees. "Anyone who lives with the misery of airport noise knows that when the jets keep flying over every few minutes, it does not

matter whether it's a newer or older jet," Geils said. "The disruption of everyday life and sleep is inhumane. That is why blocking new runways at O'Hare remains as crucial as ever." The new runways at O'Hare are a concern of the suburban officials who hope Governor Jim Edgar supports their hopes to prevent new runways. New runways which would worsen the noise problem by adding more and more planes to the skies. Instead of new runways, Charles Zettek, vice-chairman for the Suburban O'Hare Commission, and other SOC members would continued on page 6





More than just a judge confirmed by Imran Siddiqui Now, as the nation slops reeling from the Clarence Thomas hearings, perhaps it's a good time to step back and assess what was learned from this "high-tech lynching". Even though the main lessons learned from this public spectacle seem to deal with sexual harrassment, just as important are the new perspectives gained with regard to the press. Yes, the press. This simple word generates much emotion in many people, ranging from respect to contempt for the establishment known as the press. The latter feeling is the one most often heard by the general public. Most public officials, one time or another in their lives, end up lambasting the press for what the public officials believe to be scandalous and sensational reporting — basically accusing the press of something akin to yellow journalism. While this may be true in many instances, a lot of the most vehemently opposed stories are actually pieces of information important enough to warrant public notice due to their effect on U.S. citizens. This adverse reaction of public officials to stories released by the press can be seen throughout the history of journalism, and indeed we only have to look back a few hundred years to see how these pieces of "scandalous" news have changed history. Perhaps one of the most famous pieces of "politically incorrect" press has been Common Sense, by Thomas Paine. Before this pamphlet was released, the American colonists really couldn' t care less about the British oppression; rather, because of their ignorance of governments and civil rights, they just viewed oppression as another facet of life in the 18th century. However, because of its language and its power to stir up the common man. Common Sense became a rabble-rousing device, stirring up the common man to support a revolution they never even knew existed. This kind of political revelation, which whisks away the veil of ignorance from the common man, is not an isolated incident. Another example of the press enlightening the general public about the fallacies of government occurred during the Nixon administration. If it weren't for the exhaustive investigative reporting of Woodward and Bernstein, which was vehemently opposed by the Nixon administration, no part of the Watergate scandal would have been uncovered, and Nixon might have gotten away with one of the worst scandals of political history. This trend of revelatory pieces by the

American press has continued today, and can easily be seen in the recent nomination hearings of Clarence Thomas. When Anita Hill's allegations came out in the press, and when the hearings were widely publicized in the national media, the call went out once again for the media to be censured." However, regardless of the outcry against the press, many members of the Senate Judiciary Panel made a complete turnabout during the Thomas hearings. Throughout the widely televised hearings, senators routinely quoted news sources as accurate and dependable sources of data on the whole incident. While on the one hand, ideologically conservative congressmen were condemning the leak as a blatant disregard of confidentiality; on the other hand, ideologically liberal congressmen were praising the press leaks as a positive step in the right direction towards revealing to the public the truth behind the allegations. However, you can be sure that if the press leaks were potentially detrimental for the liberals and beneficial for the conservatives, the outcry coming out of Capitol Hill would be the exact opposite of what it was with this incident. So who should decide what the press should be allowed to print? Should the press submit to the will of the government and only print those stories which they want? What about all the accusations of yellow journalism? If we look at this from an unbiased point of view, we might be forced to agree with those who, citing the rabble-rousing tendencies of the press, believe that the government should have a hand in what the press prints. However, we must remember that the "rabble" which the press is rousing is the common man; the


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common man who pays his taxes, the common man who serves his country, and the common man who elects the politicians. If the press is not free to enlighten the common man as to the diseased state of the government, then who is? Any step taken to censure the press is inevitably just the first step by the government on the path towards dictatorial policies. However, the accusations of yellow journalism cannot just be shrugged off These accusations are often true, and regardless of the integrity of many newspapers, sensational garbage will always be printed. Sure, some measures should be taken within the journalistic community to rate newspapers and perhaps even to censure them, but that is as far as it should go. No matter how worthless much of the news printed today actually is, a small percentage of it is and always will be of great use to the public, and for that reason the press should not be censured. It is the duty of the press to present to'the public the facts about their country, and even if these facts are sometimes overshadowed by journalistic garbage, the government should not have the right to take away from us knowledge that can be beneficial to the public, while detrimental to the elected officials. Thus, even though the Thomas hearings may have given impetus to the drive to rein in the press, a quick scan over U.S. history and over these hearings show how integral the press is in assuring not only the liberty of the American people, but also the integrity of the government. Perhaps Thomas Jefferson summed it up best when he state, "Our liberty depends on freedom of the press, and that cannot be limited without being lost."






Putting the Supreme back in the Supreme Court by Nate Hultman Amid all the furor and melodrama of tha Clarence Thomas nomination battle during the past weeks, millions of scandal-hungry citizens have forfeited the pleasure of watching Donahue and Jenny Jones in order to do their part in the democratic television process. The Thomas hearings even beat the baseball playoffs in the ratings. No question about it: for America to miss discussions on homosexual priests who buy flea-and-tick collars for their neighbors' dogs, or to forgo watching riveting edge-of-your-seat baseball games, this must be a tremendously big deal. Yet one may wonder just where George Bush's prudence was when he nominated Thomas to the Supreme Court. George, George, George! George has been a most naughty president Clarence was good, I'll give him that, but not good enough. He, like others before him, just did not have that vital quality of nothingness so important to a modem public figure. Oh, he tried, and tried valiantly, to have no opinion and no memoarable aspects, but, alas, he failed. When will George leam that mere mortals like Clarence will just not cut it in the world of Congress? Probably never. Thus, it is up to me, the enlightened commentator, to solve this problem brilliantly and efficiently. It just disappoints me to know that the human race could not figure this out on their own. Oh, well, just think of it as a gift for the vast entertainment that the Clarence Experience has given me. The answer is so obvious that I still cannot believe that Mr. Bush missed it nominate God. God has what it takes. I mean, why not let the Supreme Judge himself have a crack at the action? The Senate Judiciary Committee would have to try really hard to find any of God's mistakes. The Creation of Man wouldn't be a workable option because that would implicate themselves as well. And, as far as the Senate confirmation, how could George lose? It's a sure-fire political victory. Nobody would vote against God. It would be political suicide: SENATOR: Well, I don't know. This God person doesn't seem to have the caliber of character necessary for the U.S. Supreme Court I'll have to vote no. SENATE PRESIDENT: Duly noted. Senator. (God points finger at Senator) SENATOR: Arrrgh! poof! (Senator van-

ishes into nothingness, leaving behind the stench and wispy gray smoke of burnt designer suit bought at "Hey! It's Not My Money!" Congressional discount store.) Ha. Just see who votes for him at the next election. Blackmail is way out What are they going to do, threaten to expose the meaning of life? I think not. Even party alignments would be irrelevant because everybody knows God's a socialist And so what if he smoked grass in the 60's? Everybody else did. Also, once God is in, just think of all the heated theoretical arguments that would be avoided. For example: JUSTICE SCALIA: This is absurdity! The defendant is obviously at fault Just look at the evidence—the car, the black marker, the little ketchup packets — JUSTICE REHNQUIST: But you neglect the fact that my mother's car is also yellow. You're just a tommy-gun-hefting pinstriped bad excuse for a mafia hit-man. JUSTICE SCALIA: Well you're a wimpy, degenerate, expletive, expletive, expletiving expletive windbag. I bet Quayle could beat you up. JUSTICE REHNQUIST: Could not. JUSTICE SCALIA: Could too.

JUSTICE REHNQUIST: Could not! JUSTICE O'CONNOR: Gentlemen, gentlemen.... Why don't we let God settle this for us? GOD: I say we break for lunch. Last one to the Cafe le Cheque du Rubbere is a rotten banana. JUSTICE SCALIA: Good idear, O Lord! As you can see, this would give maximum taxpayer bang for the buck as well as solving some of the most perplexing legal questions facing our modem technological society. In addition to all the resulting political popularity. President Bush could reap monetary profits as well. He could demand the rights to God's memoirs in return for the nomination to a secure, well-paying job. Also, he could arrange to have God play Jeopardy and take some of his winnings. The Pentagon football pool would even have to award all their weekly prizes to George after he mysteriously guesses the outcomes of every NFL game from now until etemity. So, now that the pain and horror of this taxing scandal is behind us, we can finally lay down our burdens of citizenship and watch Jenny Jones, returning to the less upsetting issues of dog-collar-buying homosexual priests.




I O C T O B E R 2 5 , 1991

Just read the writing on the walls a guide to the mysterious teen subculture by Jenny Braun and Dan Dace ach school is said to have a student body exclusive to itself, a gathering of individuals which, collectively, gives the school a distinctive character. If this is true, then Maine South must have a student body which is unique among all other schools in the area. How are we perceived? What is our student body like, anyway? To answer these questions, it is necessary to look deep inside. We must probe to the heart, to the very bowels of the school. We must look at the bathrooms. It has also been said that man does his best thinking there while— well, maybe not, but much has been said and written about the political and intellectual scribblings of such great universities as UCLA or Harvard. Likewise, schools struggling with racial or religious issues invariably reflect their anger and frustration on the John walls. So what better way tofindout how Maine South expresses itself than to analyze our very own graffiti. Webster's New World Dictionary defines graffiti as "a crude inscription or drawing on a wall or other public surface." Maine South has plenty of inscriptions that fit the definition, despite the efforts of our custodial staff, which labors long hours to remove them. "Graffiti cleaning is extremely time consuming and costly," says Mr. Bob Yoshioka, head of maintenance at Maine South. Still, in those brief moments between the pen and the sponge, Maine South's scribblings speak to whoever has the time or the stomach to read them. Most graffiti in girls' bathrooms tends toward the romantic, with "I love" so-and-so written well over a hundred times in four centers area lavatories. The details of the inscription vary slightly. Sometimes the words are accompanied by a date or a number of months the couple

have been dating. In the bathroom near the PA wing, there were 50 more examples of the love proclaimed to Bob, Ralph, Clark, et al. In this particular bathroom, "I love Pat" has been semi-permanently added to the decor by being etched into a mirror. On a clear day in the bathroom near the cafeteria, only twenty or thirty lovestruck scrawlings can be seen between the clouds of smoke, evidence perhaps that cafeteria food is only half as romantic as whatever the drama wing has to offer. Boys' bathrooms offered quite a different literary fare, including 16 unprintable thoughts about sex, a nude female rendering of dubious anatomical correctness, and four phone numbers that probably wouldn't live up to the expectations of eager callers. Additionally, five general insults to another student could be found, as well as five gang-related wriungs; a quote from one of the many literary geniuses of our time, Axl Rose; a rhyme about regularity; and this poem: I love summer school I love summer school Why am I hear I really dont know So I'll shoot a deer. So what does all this say about our student body? Will history remember us as romantic, insecure, intellectual hunters who enjoy callmg and drawing naked women while occasionally breaking into verse about failing classes and faltering consupation? If so, maybe we need more than an Excellence in Education award to set the rest of the worid straight.

Have you ever experienced that sinking feeling? by Jack Parrino % > P V h no, not the flashing W » • bright lights." That is what many speeding drivers say periodically throughout their lives. The speeder pulls over and waits for the "man in blue" to approach the vehicle. Many speeding tickets are written each year in the suburbs. Among the leaders, are Schaumburg, Oak Lawn, and Hoffman Estates. It is very tempting to start the car, begin to drive, and gradually pass the speed limit. According to senior Angelo Rago, "Ten miles per hour over the speed limit won't hurt any-


one, and I frequently do just that." "A lot of the time, the reason I speed is because I want to keep up with the flow of traffic," says senior Paul Luka, "you feel like you're going too slow when people are passing you, even though you're going the speed limit." According to senior Kieth Westman, "Doing 45 in a 35 will definitely play." Many people speed because they may be in a hurry. "Each officer has what is called a hot spot," says Detective Coffman of the Park Ridge Police Department "Many officers like to patrol Dee road right by Maine South." "When I was on the street I particularly pa-

trolled on Greenwood between Northwest Highway and Oakton. I also patrolled on Cumberiand by Mary Seat of Wisdom." said Detective Coffman. The hot spots seemed to be varied throughout the city. "Devon is another hot spot in Park Ridge," said Coffman. "It's mostly personal preference as to where a police officer chooses to patrol and radar." So when theflashingred and white lights appear behind you, pull over and take your punishment like a human being. You may have just been caught in a hot spot.



^Medusa's housing to a new beat by Dan Dace and Karl Flener . he rumor that the club "Medusa's" ^ is closing for good in Ctotober has proven to be false, at least for the time being. According to employee Karl Hener, "Medusa's will not be closing for another eight months, and then it will only close so that we can move." Medusa's is officially being forced toclose because of an expired lease. This raises the question of, "Why not renew?" Owner Dave Shelton said that some of the reasons for not renewing are the worsening of the neighborhood, the poor parking, and the management's desire to expand to a larger location. However, these may not be the only reasons. "I believe one of the reasons to be pressure from the neighborhood," said junior Tony Lanahan, a four year regular. Medusa's is located at 3257 North Sheffield, at the intersections of Sheffield and chool streets in Chicago. This being mainly yuppie" area, Medusa's may be attracting the type of crowd locals consider to be threatening. Some of the more conservative people may be shocked by the mohawks and leather jackets that much of the punk crowd sports.



Medusa' s is an alternative dance and social club that has gone under its present name for eight years. When it first opened, it attracted a hard core punk crowd. Since then, the scene has slightly changed. The downstairs speakers that once barked out Pail Head and Ministry now pound the rythymic beats of house music. The upstairs, commonly known as the video room, has stood the test of time and remains almost unchanged., playing music ranging from the Cure to Public Enemy to Metallica. With the change in music came a change in crowds. Once being dominated by punk and alternative attitudes, house dancers have taken over the floor. Some regulars who didn't like the change left never to return. Others changed along with the crowd. Still others refuse to change or leave, and instead find refuge in the upper level. Many of the older regulars often move onto the other alternative bars such as the Smart Bar, Shelter, Ka-Boom, and Cairo. They use Medusa's as a stepping stone to these bars, many of which cater to the over-2I crowd. Medusa's officials say that the club will close in about a year, but will re-open in a new Medusa's, at the corner of Sheffield and School city location that is close to public transporta- Streets, has become a popular night spot for teens of all sorts. lion.

More than just a passing fancy by Nick Cicinelli aseball cards have been around for many years, starting in 1941 when a company called Bowman brought thefirstset of cards to the market. Even before this, tobacco cards were going around, the most famous being the quarter of a million dollar Wagner tobacco card back in the 1800's. If people back in the forties orfiftiestook baseball cards as seriously as people in the eighties and nineties do, the amount of money these people would have today would be unbelievable. About ten years ago, baseball cards took a swing from being a fun hobby to being an investment. Before this happened most people didn't reaUze how much their cards would be worth. For example, back in the fifties a Bowman Ted Williams card wasn't I worth much more than the cost of the material it was printed on. However, if the purchaser had kept it until now its worth would be $550.00! Even the worst baseball players of that time have value - about S12 a card. Yet another classic example is the 1956 Topps Mickey Mantle. Having this card is like

having S750.00 stashed in your house - but unlike money, the longer it is kept, the more it is worth. Now, if a person was smart enough to keep the whole set, the cash would beflowing.The 1951 Bowman complete set of 324 cards is worth (take a deep breath) $17,000! You could buy a nice car with that set You could give your thanks to the players who made this money for you, like Yogi Bera (S450), Roy Campanella (S275), Duke Snider ($225), and Ted Williams (S550). There are certain guidelines that your card must follow. They must be in mint condition; no bent or ripped edges, no cracks in the card, etc. The worth of the card can fall considerably if the condition is bad. One indication that the popularity of card collecting has increased is that card companies are making millions of sets and make more every year! As long as the value of the cards keeps increasing, so will the purchasing of cards. Who knows? Maybe there will be another set someday that has the same value as the 1951 Bowman set or as a Mickey Mantle card.

Southwards Svulhwi/rihhthi sliiflcnl pr ixliuid lU'M'-iMiHi r)f Maine .South HijihSthnol, I l l l s O , i K d l\irk Rklgc, II fdOOfhS) 1 ("Itcik to lluMdtloi shniilil he <lclivi.Ttd to l o o m \ 1.^0 or >;iM n to ,i imiiilHr of theeditori.il >it.itTt)cl()w Snuih^onh ri'>(r\<vthe right to edit litltiitDiit.iiiiin^ohvitn) ui hl)ilou$ material

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Eleven MS students commended Eleven Maine South students have been named Commended Students in the National Merit Scholarship Program, principal Thomas Cachur announced recently. James Lin, Michael Brudzinski, Thomas Dula, Michael Palac, Michael Ogorek, James Lawson, Heather Cannon, Jennifer Edlund, Sarah Wanat, Suzanne Auge, and Alex Hrynewych were named among the 35,000 Commended Students throughout the nation for their outstanding performance on the 1990 Preliminary Scholastic Aptitude Test/National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (PSAT/NMSQT), which was the route of entry to the 1992 Merit Program. Commended Students have shown exceptional academic promise, by placing among the top five percent of more than one milUon program entrants, but their qualifying test scores are slightly below the level required to continue in the 1992 competition for Merit Scholarships. An officer of NMSC stated, "The high performance of the young people honored as Commended Students in the Merit Program is

Maine South Principal Thomas Cachur (left) and Director of Student Personnel Services Kenneth Reese (right) Join commended students (top) James Lin, Michael Brudzinski, Thomas Dula, Mike Palac, Mike Ogorek, (bottom) James Lawson, Heather Cannon, Jennifer Edlund, Sarah Wanat, Suzanne Auge, and Alex Hrj-newych.

' indicative of outstanding scholastic ability. We hope that recognition of these students will increase their motivation to make the best use of their talents and to develop skills that our nation will need in the future.

"Being named a Commended Student in this keen competition is a credit to these young men and women as well as to their schools, which play a key role in their development."

O'hare Airport noise problem, cont'd continued from page 1 rather see a third airport be built to reduce noise and congestioon in the skies. Student Nick Cicinelli concers. "I have a T.V. in my room without a remote, and since my house is right near the airport, I can't hear my T.V. So I say build that third airport!" Suburban O'Hare Commissioon members are not the only one complaning of airplane noise. Anyone living in the O'Hare vicinity is constantly plauged by the roar of jests flying

over. "Personally, I don't like airplane noise because the [airplanes] always seem to be going over when you are talking to someone or listing to something," says Amy Mossan, a Maine South student and Park Ridge resident. "The noise is especially bad in the summertime when you have to keep all the windows open." Other Maine South students agree. "It's a pain because it interrupts phone calls and tele-

vision. It's a bother," remarks Monica Zemaier. "It's mostly a pain when you're talking on the phone," Colleen Brennan re' marks. "You have to wait until the plane * passes, otherwise you can't hear what the other person is saying." Yet, even if the National Noise Policy does go into effect, it will be at least ten years before there will be any drastic change in the noisf of airplanes flying overhead

Students of the Month of September named Students of the Month for the month of September are: Art: April Aiossa, Joshua Anderson, Mark Guunann, and EUzabeih Steinfels. Business: Jenny Rhee, Trisha Stankiewicz, Beth Heidkamp, Jeanine Pugliani, Nicola Ballico, Cale Schuman, and Jessica Levas. Drivers Education: David Palac, Tracy Van Craenenbroeck, and Erica Bondarowicz. English: Alison Adlaf, Matthew Bialko, Elizabeth Gnatek, Grace Greco, Dan Kronenfeld, Louis Matassa, Trisha Melendy, Megan Miller, Liliana Minkowycz, Michael Palac, Robert Perry, Harry Petruleas, Scou Sebo, Joan Trailov, Lora Urquhart, Lou Scafa, Georgia Vlachogiannis, Laura Wolfe, Anne 2k)ellner, and Edward Ward. Foreign Language: Candice Abreau, Ali-

son Adlaf, Christopher Brueck, Denise DaliPhysical Education: Clancy Evans, John candro, Philip DiMartino, Stevo Kotur, Mi- Caliendo, Gina Dumelle, Curt Conway, Crischael Palac, Alison Phillips, Kyung Woon ten McGrath, Joan Hoffman, Kenneth Berg, Yoo. Trine Hovda, Sae Tsukahara, and ChristoHealth: Dawn LaBrose. pher Semel. Home Economics: Renee Russo, Kristin Science: Joe Arcuri, Wendi Herzog,, Reardon, Shannon Hominick, Elizabeth Heather Anichini, Bella Patel, Liliana Stepp, and Lisa Cannella. Minkowycz, Theodora Kokkalias, Sae Industrial Education: Scott KlucR)el,Tsukahara, Mike Brudzinski, Candy Abreu,, Matthew Maier, Robert Webb, Christopher Elizabeth Heidkamp, Stephanie Poulos, Carrion, and Peter Partipilo. Brian Walsh, Misti Georgiopolis, D.J. PuckMath: Charles Jacobson, Jill Romund, eu, and Stephan Zibrat.. John Buonsanie, Meg Sheehan, Mary Curran, Social Science: Raymond Albin, Cheryl ^ Barbara Duncan, Janet Gluchman, Lisa Alexander, Ann Gortner, Jodi Jacobson, Ja" Jozwiak, Brooke Swanson, Dana LaBrose, son Riesinger, Inuan Siddiqui, and Brian and Joseph Arcuri. Walsh. Music: Paul Kim, Robert Janas, and Erik Speech/Drama: Yasmine Kiss, Kathryn Brandenburger. Kazmierski.



tGolfers lower scores in finale For the first time in years, the golf team surpassed all expectations and qualified as a team for the sectional meet, held at the Buffalo Grove Golf Club. To reach the sectional meet, the Hawks placed in the top four teams, with an exceptional showing of both skill and effort at the Cog Hill Golf Club on October 8. The Hawks were led by juniors Marc Mazzuca and Jeremy Ichen, who both scored an 84. Also adding to the Hawks' conquest was senior Jordan Amos, with and 86, and Jared Jacobson and Todd Ofenloch who both posted 93's. As well as the entire team qualifying for the sectional meet. Marc Mazzuca and Jeremv Ichen qualified as individuals,

giving the two golfers the opportunity to make Jordan Amos led the South squad with an a run for not only the team state champion- 18 hole score of 80, giving him a sixth place ship, but the individual championship. overall finish. In a sudden-death playoff, Later, coach Ron Ross commented on the teammate Jeremy Ichen captured the tenth advice which he had given his players: "I told place medal following a round of 85, Marc the golfers to just play conservatively and Mazzuca and John Stenholt also played well steadily; to stay below the hole and they in the meet. would be all right" Entering the sectional meet, the Hawks Besides an exceptional finish in the re- had high expectations. Although they played gional tournament, the Hawks also had a decently, the Hawks' scored were not low strong finish in the Central Suburban League enough to qualify for the slate meet. Jeremy South Conference meet The Hawks cumula- Ichen played exceptionally well with a score tive team score of 346 catapulted the team to of 81, but the strong competition lowered the third place, behing Glenbrook South and New cut-off line forthe individual statetoumament Trier. to 79.

Runners stride into post season The Maine South Boys Varsity Cross Country Team has successfully completed task one in their list of running chores. They have gone undefeated with a 9-0 overall, and a 7-0 conference record, this was completed with a spectacular one point victory over Glenbrook South, ranked fifth in the state. Andy Gallios continued his successful |Streak by winning the race by over twenty secwbnds. Chris Brandenburg pulled infifthwith Mike Raida, Jason Wynne, and Pat Maloney finishing seventh, eighth, and tenth respectively to clinch the win. With this win Maine South has at least assured themselves a tie for the conference championship, but a victory

over New Irier at the conference meet will clinch their triumph. The conference championship would be Maine South's second task followed by making it past the regional and sectional competitions to the state meet. This might prove very difficult due to the sudden injury of Chris Brandenburg. Lacking this strong competitor, Maine South is looking for strong contributions from sophomores Jamie Brammeir and Jason Wynne. Yet even with the injury, the team leader, Andy Gallios, remains confident of the team's ability to win a conference championship and secure a place in the sectional and state meets.

Football team emerges victorious Preceeding the Homecoming match-up with the Demons of Maine East, Coach Phil Hopkins stated that "we (the team) obviously have had to reorganize our goals....We have changed our offensive attack, we have cutback on our practice time and we are learning to work within ourselves." In the game, the Hawks' changes in their game led to theirfirstvictory of the season in a decisive game, 25-6. For thefirsttime in the season, the Hawk offense didn't give up the ball often, keeping the defense off the field and allowing them to convert on a variety of drives. Maine South's scoring was started early. Following a Maine East fumble, a strong run M Clint Faldetla gave the Hawks the early 7cad. The Hawks next score came from Quarterback Dan Lanno on a 4-yard quarterback sneak. Later Lanno again added to the Hawks' total on a 31-yard touchdown pass to Buehl Hudson. As a result of this victory-, the Hawks hope to rebound from earlier losses and have

a strong showing in the remaining games. Before the Hawks came across their first victory, though, they suffered another loss, this time in the hands of the Waukegan Bulldogs 28-15. Although the Hawks were defeated by a considerable margin, they did have a few brightspots. In {he first quarter, the Hawks completed.a long 80-yard scoring drive with a one-yard touchdownranby Clint Faldetta. But missed opportunities kept the Hawks from taking a commanding lead in the first half. In the second half, the Hawks again had another long scoring drive, this time 70-yards. The touchdown was converted on a 20-yard pass from Lanno to Hudson. Then, Lanno ended the day's scoring on a two-point conversion to Matt Urbanszewski. Following the game. Coach Hopkins commented "This is a game we should not have lost....We missed scoring from their 15and 35- yard lines. And as a result, our momentum was broken."





MS vs Glenbrook So V 27-28 S 39-20 F 38-17 MSvsDeerfield V 15-50 F 30-28 MS vs Highland Park V lO.^'? V 17-**Z

F 24-31 Addison Trail Invite V 4th (of 10) S 6th (of 10) MS vs Maine East V 20-42 MS vs Waukegan V 18-45 F 50-15 Fenwick Invite S 4th (of 9) GIRLS' CRWS COUMKY MS vs Glenbrook So V 37-21 MS vs Highland P<vk V 30-27 MSvsDeerfield V 20-42 Wheeling Invite V 9ih JV 9lh FOOTBAIT, MS vs MAINE EAST

V 25-6 S 52-6 F R A 27-0 F R B 22-12 MS vs WAUKEGAN

V 15-28 S 35-28 F R A 12-20 F R B 0-12 GOIF

MS vs Glenbrook So V 174-160 F-S 179-174 MS vs Maine West V 174-175 F-S 179-200 Conference Meet V 3rd F-S 3rd


MS vs Niles North V 175-201 F-S 183-210 MS vs Niles West V 175-174 F-S 183-196 MS vs ElmwoodPark V 175-184 S-S 183-198 ///CA


JtijA Kegtonais V 4ih (advances to Sect.) BOYS' Sorrr.p MS vs Deerfield V 3-2 JV 4-1 S 3-1 F 0-1 MS vs Waukegan V 4-0 JV 2-1 S 3-1 F 7-0 MS vs Oak Park V 2-0 JV 4-2 F 0-3 MS vs New Trier JV 0-5 S 2-0

Qivu' SwMMme

MS vs Glenbrook So V 77-108 JV 55-128 Hawk Relays V & J V 2nd GIRLS' TENMS

MS vs Rolling Meadows V 1-6 JV 2-5 MS vs Maine East V 0-7 GIRLS' VOLLEYBALL

MS vs New Trier V 15-9,15-4 JV 2-15,15-12,4-15 FrB 3-15,10-15 MS vs Maine East FrB 15-5,12-15,9-15 FrA 9-15,1-15 Discovery Tournament MS vs Byron V16-14,9-15,15-8 MS vs Glenbrook No. 16-14,15-1


lOcToiiKR 25,1991

Volleyball riding roller coaster season Hodur and Chris Sliwa as always kept swing- important tournament on the Hawks' schedThe girls' volleyball squad is having its ing away at the liule white ball. They also had ule is the Pumpkin Tournament. OurHawks ups and downs. The Hawks faced Evanston, help from KaiherineNelson, Jenni Venctucci, are ranked 22 out 24 teams in the tournament. for their second time, and won again. The Jennie Koerber, Becky Sasso, Kirsten Hib- The Hawks are unsure about the tournament, Hawks crushed the Evanston Wildcats in two belcr, Ann Sheirdan, and Niki Ward. The next but are trying lo be optimistic. games. Seniors Sarah Wanat, Dorothy Gulik, Carohne Hodur, Beth Schroeder, Chris Sliwa, along with the help of Stacy Ladra and Jennie Koerber pounded the Wildcats. The Varsity then went on to play Maine More than halfway through the season, nolds, Jenni Myalls, and Carolyn Bilson with East, on their home court. The Hawks played the girls' swim team is doing very well. Their a lime of 2:08.00,firstin the 4 by 100 individwell, but it was not enough to win against the current record is 3-3 over all and 1-1 in Con- ual medley relay were Amy Carlson, Carolyn powerful Maine East squad. However, JV ference. Junior Varsity is performing even Bilson, Cori Barker, and Melissa Hill with a was successful in beating their opponents, better with a 4-2 record. time of4:39.73. Receiving second place in the Maine East, in three games. The JV was In their most recent dual meet, the Hawks 200 yd. butterfly relay were Melissa Hack, helped out by Traci Haas, who had 22 out of 22 serves in the court. TriciaBalagot, Larissa lost to Glenbrook South by a score of 106-77. Sue Swanson, Debbie Anselmini, and Kris Dudycz, TrishaMelendy, Jenny McCormick, In the Hawk Relays, one of the Hawks' key Cassin with a time of 2:12.91, also receiving meets, the Hawks tied Hoffman Estates, to and Ginger Tosch also helped the JV squad whom they had previously lost, for second second places were Carlson, Hack, Kostolansky, and Barker with a time of 2:26.72 in the rise to victory. place and finished just ten points behind first 200 breastsu-oke relay. Another second place Over Homecoming weekend the Var- place Lane Tech. TTie Hawks received medals sity was busy playing in the Discovery Tour- in twelve out of thirteen events; some of was taken by the 200 freestyle relay comnament at Glenbrook North. The Hawks which were, first place in the 200 yd. back- posed of Bondarowicz, Barker, Reynolds, played teams such as Crimson, Byron, Glen- stroke relay were Amy Carlson, Kate Rey- and Hill with a time of 1:50.2. brook North, Glenbrook South, and New Treir. The Hawks came away with two wins and three losses. They won to Byron and Glenbrook North, and lost to Glenbrook South, Crimson, and New Treir. Even though the ' lawks lost more games then they won The girls' cross-country team has had a rough The Hawks then went on to the Highland Park they played up to their ability. Beth Schroeder season as the Wheeling Invite proved to be Dual Meet, where the team battled Glenbropk and Dorothy Gulik both did a superb job at quite disappointing for the varsity squad. South, Highland Park, and Deerfield. Despite blocking as well as spiking. Sarah Wanat was They managed to receive tenth place out of the fact that the squad came in a discouraging all over the court digging, setting and spiking eleven, the reason mainly attributed to the third place, quite a few of the members raced the ball. Stacy Ladra did a great job digging lack of a general improvement by all in tim- well in the two-mile course: Andrea Armour and serve-receiving the ball as well. Caroline ing. in 13 minutes fiat (her best of the season), Heather Brammeier in 13 minutes and 20 seconds, Katy Michal in 13 minutes and 42 1 • • m^ J f f seconds, and Kelli Reaney in 13 minutes and f f » . . >• 59 seconds. South's cross-country team is home contest now concentrating their efforts toward the upcoming conference meet being held this Sport Fri. 10/25 Sat. 10/26 i!Mon. 10/28 Tue. 10/29 y/ed. 10/30 Saturday. IHSA

Swimmers pull together

Runners struggling to finish line,

HawK nigniignis

Boys' Cross Country Girls'Cross Country


Tennis team ends season on losing note

IHSA Regicmal GBS F/S/V-2:00


, S r ison O ^

Golf Soccer Swimming Tennis v It h II voiieyoau L_ ,

Evanston JVA'-SiSO

York JVA'-4:30

S r 'I s 0 n O ^ ! Nilei West ' CSL Invite F/JV/\/-5;00 ''•• F/JV-8:00 ^ : , 1

IHSA Re{>iona]

The girls' tennis team closed out their season with two losses. Against Rolling Meadows the Varsity squad lost 1-6. The JV squad also lost 2-5 to Rolling Meadows. The Hawks then went on to play Maine East, losing to the Demons 0-7. On Homecoming weekend both varsity and J V had their Conference meet. For varsity, Elizabeth Meyers took sixth place in singles. In JV doubles Anita Bringas and Alexis Chapel placed sixth in Conference. In singles Chris Uliassi placed sixth in Conference.

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