Volume 30, issue 8 .January 28, 1994
South wordS
Maine South H.S. Park Ridjje. II.
Art Club paints the town... by Dana Wade Art Club is an organization of approximately thirty artistically talented students. The primary goal of the club is to gather the school's finest artists together to stimulate creative ideas. With a group of five new officers, Dana Wade (president), Kristen Kubik (vice president), Maggie Sadowicz (secretary), Suzanne Pfister (treasurer), and Tom Edison (Committee Chairman), Art Club is producing many innovative, interesting ideas. As a result, the club has accomplished a considerable amount this year. It has experienced continuous growth in recent years: two years ago Art Club met one time per year; last year, several times; and this year, once each week. Last year. Art Club's major activity was the painting of a mural in the "Save the Earth" .contest at Harlem and Irving Plaza. Four 'members. Miles Maniaci, Dana Wade, Kristen Kubik, and Tom Edison, spent several after school hours painting the large mural. It depicted the Earth with a lion's face in the center and fire-like images of animals reaching out. This year, the club plans to work on another mural, this time for a wall in the Maine South cafeteria. The last time the wall was painted was 1978, so the Club hopes for new
Members of Art Club help paint Maine Sooth's mural at Harlem Irving Plaza last year. From left: Dana Wade, Miles Maniaci, Kristen Kubik, and Tom Edison. and interesting ideas. However, because most members have different tastes, it is difficult to decide on one idea. The Art Club mural will be painted in the near future. During December, Art Club held its sec-
ond annual Fimo Bead Necklace Fundraiser. Although members enjoyed making the necklaces, they did not generate as much revenue as expected. To compensate for the loss, they will make and sell silk screened shirts.
New year brings new rules of the road by Jay Loos The Spring Legislative Session will put Those who are under the age of 21 may find into effect a bill concerning the transportation that with the beginning of the new year, some of alcohol. The bill authorizes the Secretary of State to suspend the driving privilege of a of the "rules of the road" have changed. Effective January 1, 1994 those who vio- person who is under 21 and is illegally translate provisions of the Liquor ConQ-ol Act of porting alcohol. Under this bill, if a person is convicted for 1934 may be subject to suspension of their license for two to twelve months. The Liquor a second time, the Secretary of State has the Contol Act relates to the possession of opened right to refuse to issue a driver's license or or unopened alcohol when the driver is under permit to the offender. Revocation is a minithe age of 21 and is in actual physical control mum ofone year, a penalty many students feel is unjust. Becky Sztele, a freshman at Carmel of the car. As a drug free school commitee member, High School, jokingly said of the decision, .Ms. Jill O'Neil states, "I applaud the State "It'sfinefor me, but it may mean no license for 'Legislature for taking a tough stand against my friends." Agnes Szelag, a senior at Glenbrook North teenage drinking and driving. Perhaps stricter penalties will deter teens from making poor High School, commented, "I think it's horrible. What if you take your parents' car and decisions."
they don't tell you that there is something in the trunk? I think it's bad that kids have liquor when they're driving, but license suspension for having closed alcohol is a little severe." In other news also affecting young drivers, those under the age of 18 who plan to enroll in Driver's Education at either a pubhc or private school will have to satisfy the requirement passed by the Illinois House of Representatives. House Amendment Number One, which amends the School Code, requires students to successfully complete the previous two semesters of school work prior to enrollment in a driver's education course. Karen Hibbeler, Maine South freshman, said of this law, "It doesn't really affect me because I won't be sixteen until the summer before my junior year anyway."
Finals finally finished? The person at Maine South that openly approves of racism, sexism, or any other -ism is rare. So why is there so much racist, sexist, and other -ist "humor"? The common response to criticism of an -ism joke is "It's only a joke!" Does this really justify anything? How many blonds of any intelligence can be heard telling "blond" jokes? How many females can be heard telling "male chauvinist" jokes? How many Polish people can be heard telling "Polish" jokes? If such jokes were told only for humor, everyone would be telling them. If someone jokes about something like this, he is doing one of four things: trying to be clever, trying to hurt others, trying to express unwanted views without being shot down, or trying to relieve insecurities. To tell a joke, or to say anything, merely to sound clever is not a good way to get along in life. If Joe tells people only what they want to hear, nothing is accomplished. He might as well sit with a person for an hour or two and smile a whole lot at them. To tell an -ism joke to put someone down is cruel. Thepersonatthebuttofthe joke has no way to make a comeback, unless by resorting to the same methods. Joe's telling of a joke about a whole group of people to get at one person is also illogical, especially if Joe doesn't believe what he is saying. Telling a joke to show a point of view without truly stating it is cowardice. If someone is offended, Joe just says, "It was only a joke" and he is home free in most cases. If the offended someone persists, Joe can always make him a laughingstock for being so upset over what was "just a joke." Doing this, he excapes comment on his "-ism." Making fun of another group to feel less insecure is selfish. Joe has brown hair, so he tells blond jokes, making an innocent blond victiminsecure. Where is the sense in this? Is Joe really less insecure? Some people will agree that racist jokes are unfair, but find sexist humor acceptable. Some find both racist and sexist jokes unacceptable, but find blond jokes to be hilarious. Is it a matter of degree? I think not. The premise of any -ism joke is to make fun of a group of people through a harmful stereotype. Is this ever acceptable and does this ever help rather than harm anyone? Remember this: the next time Joe tells an -ism joke, you might be at the other end. By the way, if there really are any Joe Shmoe's out there, no offense was intended.
By Vanessa Marcol Everyone has heard the rumors that second semester finals may be cancelled for seniors with a certain GPA or a certain grade in a class. Alas, I have no new news to report. I only hope to help the administration come to a final decision regarding this pertinent matter. Second semester finals for seniors are not a good idea for a variety of reasons. Summer begins in June and the weather gradually begins to improve in April. Most of us have not had an opportunity to enjoy the outdoors since the end of August when school started. Not only is the weather brightening up and getting warmer, but most of the seniors have already made their post-graduation plans. Those planning to work will have jobs lined up, and those going to college will have been admitted by the end of the school year. Second semester finals won't have much of an effect on admission. If finals won't have any impact, they shouldn't be given. Also, school is only supposed to be one part of life. Life has so much to offer, and if we are only allowed to have time for school and homework and tests, we cannot take advantage of everything out beyond the scope of the school world. Maine South will still remain dear to us even if it does not take up all of our time—maybe we'll have even fonder memories that way. Homework, though, is not the only factor preventing "seniors from having some time for fun. College applications have taken up many weekend hours and days-off, and financial aid forms continue to do so. Although administrators may not remember how much fun they had filling out their college applications, let me jog their memories. First of all, most schools require at least one essay, and some require as many as three or four. Composing and typing masterpieces that make admissions officers fall off their seats is not easy. Neither is ranking all of one's activities in order of their personal
importance. Now, we come to the most "fun" of all— financial aid forms. The applicant must complete not only theFAFandFAFSAforms, but also individual school forms. If, God forbid, your parents have a partnership in a business or own one, another form awaits you. If your parents are divorced, yet another supplement must reach the Office of Financial Aid, in addition to all the copies of 1992 tax forms that must be mailed. Of course, when you're finished with taxes from 1993, those forms must also be mailed in. Overwhelming, isn't it? After all this work, do seniors really deserve to go through more torture (i.e. studying for second semester finals)? As I mentioned before, all the students enrolled in AP classes will have AP exams to study for and take in May. Worrying about these is more important than eighdi semester grades. College credit, or maybe even advanced standing, awaits some seniors. That may mean saving lots of money in tuition and earning an early degree. Eighth semester finals should not be abolished completely. Teachers should still offer them to those students who hope to improve their grades. To those of us getting Bs or better in classes, however, finals should not be mandatory. And forcing finals on students whom schools or employers have already accepted is a hopeless task. After working harder than they ever have in their lives, seniors want an opportunity to have fun before leaving for college and leaving friends behind, only to see them at the first class reunion in ten years. Wouldn't it be wonderful if, while clinking glasses filled with punch, the Class of '94 remembered how great the administrators that year had been? Fond memories of unforced eighth-semester finals would warm many hearts with the thought that Maine South had not abandoned its longstanding "tradition of excellence."
I ired of music? Looking for a different M-a\e of trivia? Then lei's see how muchyou kni)^: about Chicago. 1 ) Where did the first muclcar cham reac tion take place? a ) Under the bleachers at Wrigley Field, b j Under the staiiium at the University of Chicago.
'•Wf^WtMoA Chicago the "Hog butcha for ihc world"? a.) Jim Morrison b.) Carl Sandburg 3.) In which direction does the Chicago River flow? a.) Forwards b.) Bacfc^vards 4.) The animals in from of the Art Institute are a.) Lions b.) Tigers c.) and Bears, oh mv!
Commentary |
To get the most out of school, just graduate in six years By Mall Farrell Counselor: How are you today? Did you bring your list of courses you plan to take next year? Student: Here they are—English, math, history of the Western World, Spanish II, chemistry, consumer ed., oral communications, band, driver's ed., health, and P.E. Counselor: Is that all?! Student No, I know that if I want to be an architect, I should take mechanical drawing, computer-aided drafting, and possibly an art class or two. But I'm also considering a career in finance, and for that I need a few business courses like statistics and economics. Then again, a career in international business also interests me, so throw in a second language and more social sciences. Counselor: How many years do you plan to spend in high school? Student Well, yes, I have been struggling to fit all this in. But you see, over half of all college students spend five to six years in college because they keep changing their
majors. Ifigure,why not experiment in high school while it's tuition-free? Counselor: You have the right idea about discovering your interests. However, there are only eight periods in the schoolday. Student: I really think that this is a problem. I've already lost ten pounds this year without a lunch period. Counselor: Well, if you keep it up you can wrestle in the ninety-five-pounds-and-under category. The team could really use you. Student: Funny. But seriously, don'tother students have this problem? I'm sure there are students interested in drama, band, or art with this same problem. Counselor: You're right; there are others, mostly upper-classmen. Student: Well, if other students have this problem, can't the administration do something? For example, what about a nine-period day like the school used to have? That way we could take our solids with time left for electives. Or, maybe there could be more semester courses to choose from.
Counselor: Perhaps you could take summer school. Student: Oh, sure, I heard about summer school. The line to sign up for oral communications and consumer education started at 5:30 in the morning. By 6:30, two hundred people were waiting outside the cafeteria. Maine South has already determined, however, that only one hundred students could take the classes. Why can't we make classes according to how many students apply? I think Maine South is the only school I know where students want to line up to go to school in summer. Counselor: All I can tell you is that change takes time. Until something changes, you will just have to skip all the electives that make Maine South such a great school. But hey, there's always Drivers Ed. Student: So I can't do anything to take the electives that all my teachers say will improve my education. Counselor: You could always take six years to graduate.
Clinton vs. Zhirinovsky: wtio's more fiuman? by Chuck Kaufman On the front page of its January 9 issue, the Chicago Tribune included a photograph of President Clinton and his brother Roger. To the left of the frame stood President Clinton taking a last glance back at onlookers before leaving Hot Springs, Arkansas, where he had just buried his mother. Upon seeing President Clinton's face, the emotion it conveyed immediately struck me. His eyes and face flushed, Clinton's lips were turned down in a painful frown as he bit his lower lip in an apparent attempt to hold back tears. Roger Clinton stood at the President's side, his head tilted slightly, returning a half hug from his brother. Below the photograph, the caption "Emotional Farewell" appeared in bold letters. The struggle that gripped the president's face between his responsibility to be a strong leader and his human nature to show emotion, made the image memorable. Today's leaders show their human sides so infrequently that one can easily forget that leaders are inherently human. Even when alleged candid shots do appear, the cynical among us (including myselO quickly yell "Set-up!" and dismiss them altogether. The media tends to focus on
shots of Premier X shaking hands with Prime Minister Y at some conference in Malta or somewhere. As a result, readers or listeners receive no evidence that some of the political "elite" in this world just might have feelings, too. After thinking for a few days that maybe the world is not such abadplaceafterall, I saw an interesting interview on the NBC national news. NBC interviewed Vladimir Zhirinovsky, the Russian nationalist who surprised many people when he received a large number of votes in the recent Russian election. Mr. Zhirinovsky has boasted of considering the use of nuclear weapons in land disputes with former Soviet republics. He has also expressed a desire to regain Alaska from the United States. During the interview, Mr. Zhirinovsky, along with his wife and his advisers, ate lunch in a fancy restaurant and answered several questions during a four-minute spot. When asked what he would say in a meeting with President Clinton, Mr. Zhirinovsky responded that he would like to face Clinton in a one-on-one battle with sticks in the snow. (I suppose we must assume that the translator was not just making that up for fun.) In
addition, while one of his aides played with a cat in the background, Mr. Zhirinovsky criticized American society because Americans sing about pet foods in television commercials. When questioned about his anti-Semitism, Zhirinovsky claimed that his beliefs had been exaggerated. He contended that his only bad feelings had arisen from watching all the "Jews on T.V." reporting horrible world events with smiles on their faces. Throughout the interview, heflailedhis arms around and constantly looked about the table at his aides for approval. I am not sure what kind of message Mr. Zhirinovsky tried to send in that interview. All I learned was that he is arrogant, bigoted, unintelligent, and obnoxious. His body language showed the "confidence" he tried to display during the interview to be nothing more than nervous insecurity. These two instances made the differences between President Clinton and Mr. Zhirinovsky crystal-clear. Clinton came across as someone who feels emotion and who, in larger sense, can be trusted. Mr. Zhirinovsky, however, lacked the slightest glimmer of reason or true feeling. I find frightening the fact that people actually cast votes for him.
How does your birth order affect you? by Eric Payne, Candace Ulrich. and Jenny Utz Seventeen-year-old Ken is a high achiever; he's motivated, responsible, and does well in school. His fourteen-year-old sister Karen, the middle child, is the opposite. She is more easygoing, popular, and can be somewhat rebellious. The baby of the family, ten-yearold Lisa, is less independent than the others. She is shy, irresponsible, and manipulative. How is it that three people who grew up in tlie same family together can be so different? Many psychologists believe that one's order in the family shapes who they are. Your birth order has, in many ways, affected how you act today. Take Ken for example. Like most firstboms he received exclusive attention from his parents. Being his parents' first child, he served as the "guinea pig." Inexperienced parents tend to monitor their first child very closely so that they can be sure they are not doing anything wrong. As a result, first born children develop high verbal skills and become almost adult-like. Firstborns often have a high sense of responsibility and drive toward achievement. This is because they are the focus of their parents' attention. By doing well in school and in other areas of life, these kids are trying to make their parents proud. This may explain why firstborns are most likely to go on to college and graduate school. When a second child is bom, the first child may want to keep his parents pleased, so he develops very conscientious and responsible behaviors. This may also lead to rivalry between the two children and could cause the firstbom to become intense, driven, and angry. Middle children, psychologists say, tend to "elbow their way through life." They are caught between a "big shot" older sibling and a "cuddly baby." This may make it hard for the middle child to get his or her parents' attention. Parents also tend to be more relaxed with their second child. In a study comparing mothers' care of their firstborn children with the care of their second-boms, it was discovered that mothers spend less time in social activities and caretaking with their secondborn. Without the same pressure that the firstborn received, middles tend to have more freedom to be sociable and involved with people. Because they are caught between an older and younger sibling, the middle child becomes a good compromiser. A downside of being a middle child is that they don't always feel a sense of belonging and are constantly searching for recognition.
The youngest child in a fam ily may become either gentle and playful or shy and anxious, depending on his or her home environment. Youngest children are most often referred to as "the baby of the family" and this name may be carried with them into adulthood. At this point, the parents have realized that this will be their last child and they may feel the need to keep the child a baby forever. This can lead to the child becoming very spoiled. The youngest gets used to being taken care of and in result may become very reliant on others, sometimes manipulating others into doing things for them. Tamara Borck, a youngest child, feels that her parents try to baby her too much. "They want to keep me a kid forever, so they are much stricter with me than they were with my siblings," she explains. "Also, my brother and sister tell me that I'm spoiled." Only children fit a profile much similar to those of firstborns and the youngest child. Like the youngest, they can be spoiled, but like firstborns they too tend to be very adult-like since they primarily interact with adults. Since they don't have siblings, only children are often without playmates early on in life and they tend to develop less social skills. A good quality of only children is that they are very independent, possibly because they have never had any siblings to rely on. Nicole Grosse feels that being an only child has its advantages and disadvantages. "I like having the house to myself, but sometimes I wish I had an older brother or sister," she says. One's birth order may not only affect their personality but may affect their career choices and future social life as well. For example, firstboms are more likely to be scientists. In fact, 21 out of the 23 first astronouts in the United States were either firstboms or only
children. Firstboms are also more likely to become famous in their line of work. Of all the United States presidents, 52% were firstboms. OUier famous firstboms include Sally Ride, Steven Speilberg, and Bill Cosby, just to name a few. Birth order may also help predict who could be the best match for a spouse. A marriage between two firstboms could tum into a huge power struggle, each one fighting for control. A more suitable match might be a firstbom and a later born since often the firstbom is used to taking control while the later bom is used to being taken care of. However, Linda Musun Baskett, a psychologist at the University of Arkansas at Little Rock, has discovered that beliefs about birth order may only be stereotypes that are passed on from one generation to the next. Baskett questioned over 275 people—half with children and die other half childless—to list fifty adjectives to describe what they thought oldest, youngest, and only children were like. According to the survey, oldest children were praised the most and both parents and. childless couples recorded similar responses' to what they felt middle, youngest, and only children were like. This observation led Baskett to theorize that the responses were based on sterotypes raUier than on a child's actual behavior. Although studies have been done on how birth order may affect one's personality, these profiles may not fit everyone since environment and how far apart two siblings are in age can alter these results. However, your position on the family tree might just be the reason why you have the personality that you do and why you are so different compared to your other siblings. •:••
f No School!!!!] ^
Thanks to the frigid weather, Maine South students got a second chance at winter vacation. Although the frosty subzero temperatures prevented students from playing in the snow, they did postpone fmais, allowing ^all to suffer the agony of finals at 1 much more relaxed pace, sjhank you Mother Nature.
c t
Pop Quiz 1 Answers 1) b
3) b
2) b
4) a
1 correct: 2 correct: 3 correct: 4 correct:
Whtre do you live? You're kidding, right? You must be suburban Born and bred in Chi-town
Experimental generation: the integration debate continues
by Jane Quaiver When my parents decided to pack up the family and move to Park Ridge some six years ago, they told us the reason for this was so that we could attend better schools. But what constitutes a better school? One that educates and prepares students for a life in the highly competitive workforce, right? One that not only teaches out of books but also teaches the importance of teamwork, cooperation, and expression of one's own thoughts? Most schools strive to educate their students the very best that they can. But many schools are missing an important factor in education: learning about different cultures. Books can only teach so much about culture, but they can't replace knowlege from personal experience. Historical facts can only teach one so much about current events. As teenagers we are impressionable; we need this time in our lives to learn about diversity. Integration has been a heated discussion since the early sixties when bussing was the controversy of the decade. Many had mixed feelings over whether bussing white children to predominantly black schools and vice versa would have a positive effect on the minds of the children of the first equal rights generation. The topic has been debated everywhere. No certain answer as to whether the bussing program has been beneficial has ever really resulted from the discussions; responses are usually based on a person's individual feelings. Although the equal rights movement has been around for thirty years, racism today is still a common occurance. Many are still angered by the Rodney King and Reginald Denny beatings, as well as the unusual torturing of a
Southern black man in which two white men were convicted of setting him on fire. Just two weeks ago, on the observance of Martin Luther King Jr.'s birthday, members of the Ku Klux Klan marched on Springfield displaying their anger about the national holiday. Maine South, although in not such a violent nature, has its share of prejudice as well. Racial slurs can be heard echoing throughout the halls. One Maine South junior commented, "I hear all the comments in the hallways and I think that prejudice comes from a basic lack of respect. Just because you don't know what someone is all about doesn't mean that gives you the right to assume you are better than they are. A lot of the kids come off with an air of superiority which, in my eyes, is completely unjustified." Many students think that integrated schools are of no concern here at Maine South. A sophomore stated, "I don't think it affects us." Integrated schools are not just a product of the inner city. In fact, Taft High School is not even five miles away, yet it could seem to be a whole different world from what we experience at Maine South. "Taft is extremely different from Maine South in many aspects," a Taft senior said. "On occasion a black student might come up to you and give you some trouble just because you happen to be white. And of course there are instances where white students are white power. Usually when it is found out that a white kid is racist, both the black and white students have it out with him. Many white students won't stand for that kind of
attitude. There are a lot offights,but most are not due to racial prejudice." Taft is not a school where black kids walk down a hall against one wall and whites against the other. "I have some really great friends from all different backgrounds. Black, white, hispanic, it doesn't matter. You can find something in everyone that you agree with and if you can't agree with a skin color than you might be missing out on a whole lot more." But how does integration effect us at Maine South? "Whatever similarities and differences we have will never be known in a white school," said one teacher. "The views of these people come from other sorces such as television, which is a totally unreal sorce of information. If your first interaction with a black person doesn't occur until you are about eighteen years old, your views and opinions are pretty much already formed." Because integrating Maine South seems unlikely at this time, what are some ways that we can educate ourselves so as not to live by the stereotypes of this age? A senior stated, "We all know the history of the Europeans' struggle in America, yet all we are taught about black people was that they were slaves who were taken from Africa. If we could incorporate black history as well as those of the Mexicans, Native Americans, and others, maybe some of those ideas in our minds might be shattered and we might better understand those around us." We are still a generation in experimentation with equal rights. In order to succeed we must break the stereotypes. From the data I' ve seen so far, we've got a long way to go.
Students of the Month 'November) The Students of the Month for November are: English: Sarah Bleeden, Leticia Cardenas, Luke Fuksa, Cathy Furlong, Ryan Kelly, Anna Kulik, Mary Loise, Danijela Martic, Trisha Melendy, Sarah Nommensen, Peter Pallasch, Laura Pawola, Allison Poulos, Scott Schwemin, Lisa VanWahlde, Joanne Wasiak, Elizabeth Wilk. Driver Education: Paul Guercio, Bella Patel, Susan Sroka, Tom Vanis. Applied Technology: Thomas Elliott,
December The Students of the Month for December are: English: Larissa Anderson, Kevin Byrne, Emily Demonte, Brian Fox, Karen Goelkel, Beth Heffeman, Danielle Kain, Dan Kronenfeld, Bryan Mercado, Fran Motiwall, Becky Pontarelli, Jeffrey Pope, Mike Rowan, Matt Shemluck, Trisha Stankeiwicz, Angela Stanley, Paul Urbaszewski. Foreign Language: Brian Albin, Joseph Arcuri, Laura Batt, Lisa Byrge, Angela Dumit, Jennifer Manzi, Kathleen Walsh. Social Science: Mark Czapla, Georgia Giannakopoulos, Julie Johnson, Kathryn Kazmierski, Roxana Lulusa, Shannon Sponaugle, Michelle Troyk, William Pavichevich, Maria Poulos.
Kevin Gillespie, Matthew Polley, Dustin Puckeu. Speech and Drama: Kevin Byrne, Erin Dalzell, Dan Kronenfeld. Music: Nicole Berg, Leslie Kouzes, Michael Staniec. Art: Julie Connors, William Egger, Angelo Giannnakopoulos, Jennifer Utz. Social Science: Wesley Crampton, Demetra Georgiopoulos, Vanessa Marcol, Jonathon Myalls, Vincent Panzeca, Peter Partipilo, Jason Riesinger. Foreign Language: Matthew Bialko, Anna LaFronza, Jeremy Loos, Tom Repetto, Jason Wynne. Mathematics: John Boyd, Gregory Cegielski, Michelle Dulski, Julie Johnson,
Kevin Keller, Kristin Kopij, Don Kura, Suzanne Optie, Peter Partipilo, Carrie Rice, Richard Stasica, Janine Tomko, Johanna Zumer. Science: Benjamin Rea, Mark Aittaniemi, Brian Albin, Laura Bellen, Matt Bialko, Ralph Cielocha, Jeff Jensen, Joe Kazmierski, AnnamarieKotis,ZhalehNaghibzadeh,Todd Pytel, Emily Reiman, Jillian Sigalos, Jason Trapp, Kara Vormittag. Home Economics: Sharon Black, Jennifer Gruening, Vasilliki Kokkalias, Dawn LaBrose, Audrey Rogus. Physical Education: Kathryn Herzog, Michael Kraft, Matthew Maier, Hideyasu Ohata, Paul Ostrus, Laura Schomack, Jennifer Schuberth, Mark Tallungan, Cara Tracy.
Driver Education: Emily MacArthur, loan Marinau, Alex Whamond, Susan White. Mathematics: Laura Batt, Jennifer Bode, Kathleen Bode, Bill Chrisman, Michelle Gesualdo, Tanja Jukic, Christopher Kaas, Sean Masterton, Paul Sianis, Agata Skrzypek, Sarah Smith, Alex Whamond, Kurt Zemair. Business: Leticia Cardenas, Joseph Cincinelli, Michelle Dulski, Christene Thomas. Science: Cyrus Wilson, Kate Biegler, Michelle Dulski, Christine Ferrin, Georgia Giannakopoulos, Tami Gudukas, Matt Ishu, Jenny Neisler, Julie Nichols, Allison Poulos, Jill Rosenow, Lynn Steinke, Angelina Watral, Michael Yurkus. Physical Education: Bradley Bergstrom, Jennifer Brown, Leo Dietlin, Anna Kerber,
Lori Muszynsky, Jacqueline Nichols, Benjamin Rea, Andrew Sviatko, Nicholas Verros. Health: Jennifer Pietizykowski, Annette Wyszkowski. Industrial Education: Christopher Fester, Michael Mitchell, Kari Morgan. Art: Demetra Georgiopoulos, Sheila McGuire, Rachel Reid, Jennifer Schuberth. Music: Karyn Blake, Martha Bohm, Erica Wilke. Speech and Drama: Allison Burnet, Mathew McGuire, Scott Smith.
Kaufman receives award Senior Charles Kaufman was selected from a group of recommended students as South's representative in the Principal's Leadership Award. This award is sponsered by the National Association of Secondary School Principals and Herff Jones, Inc. In order to receive the Principal's Leadership Award, the student must be in at least the top 20% of his class and must hold leadership roles in a wide variety of activities. Kaufman
has been involved in such activities as Student Council, where he resides as the Chairman of Student Issues, and National Honor Society,of which he is president. The purpose of the award is to alio w principals the opportunity to recognize a student leader. School nominees are reviewed by a panel of judges nationally. In the spring, 150 nominees will be selected to receive $1000 scholarships.
SQuthworciS Southwards Is the studcnt-producetl newspaper of Maine South High Schoul, I I I I S, Dec Rd., Park Ridge, IL (60068). UUers to the editor should be dciivercd to room V-I30 or given to a member of the editorial staff. Southwards reserves the right to edit obsranc or libelous material. Editors-in-Chief News editors Commentary editors Features editors Sports editors
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Katie Burns Charity Trelease ....Maria Poulos Andrea Wells Elizabeth WUk John Frederiksen Agnes Milewskl Jennifer .lohnson Jane Quaiver Heather Anichini Tim 'Ihcin Todd Ofenloch Cyrus V\'ilson Paul Berko Brad Haak T. R, Kerth
• • ^ ^ • ' -
Swimmers perfect in conference by Paul Berko Returning from the holiday break, the swimming Hawks have enjoyed a great deal of success. In the meet following their return, the Hawks dealt Niles North a crushing defeat, winning by a score of 129-59. Some festive results included Jack Reynold's first place finish in diving, with a score of 155.60 points. Joe Dietlin's first-place finish in the 100 yard Freestyle and the relay team's first-place finish. The team, composed of Jamie Mills, Tim Paschke, Steve Chiagouris, and Joe Dietlin helped to highligh the event. On the following day, the Hawks hosted the Hawk Relays and earned a third place finish.
The Hawks pulled out first place finishes in two events: the Crescendo Relay and the Freestyle Relay. In the Crescendo Relay, the team of Don Kura, Dietlin, Paschke, and Millsfinishedwith a time of 8:33.58. Dietlin, Jamriska, Paschke, and Mills came through with another first place finish in the Freestyle Relay. The following Tuesday, the Hawks defeated Leyden in a non-conference matchup. Phil Duszcyk ended the meet with a season best 1:13.60 in the 100 Fly. Darren Jamriska, whom coach Deger described as, "A hard worker who's really starting to improve," hit his best time in a second place finish.
In a conference meet against Highland Park, Maine South convincingly beat the Giants by a score of 101-85. Standouts in the meet included Jamie Mills who finished first in the 200 Free. The relay team of Kevin Gillespie, Diedin, Mills, and Paschke also captured first place. The Hawks were disappointed with a fourth place finish at the Glenbrook South Relays. The team of Chiagouris, Dietlin, Mills, and Paschke made their bid for a spot at the state tournament realistic. Both the Varsity and the JV swimmers are striving towards their goal of a conference championship.
Wrestlers destroy competition at Niles North by Kevin O'Neill The wrestling program at Maine South, led by head coach Dennis McCann is heading in the right direction and has earned respect as a premier winter sport. With a record of 11-5, the Varsity's winning ways have become contagious as the JV team has followed suit in its kquest to conference supremacy. Toughness 'and a winning attitude have given the Hawks a lot of momentum heading into the stretch run. After a sub-par beginning, the Hawks have caught fire and are winning as a team. A key to the team's success can be attributed to the
depth and consistency from top to bottom. An example of this team effort was shown at the Niles North Tournament where the Hawks captured the title and had three first place finishers. The champions at Niles North were the three captains: Marty Dula, Mike Komo, and Marc Helma. Marty McDonagh and Gerry Santiago each received second place honors. Coming in third place were Charlie Geist, Kevin Libby, Matt Rioch, Mike Kumiga, and Ken Schubert. Maine South played host to a triple dual with Notre Dame, Prospect, and Thornton on
the eighth of January. The Hawks defeated cross-town rivals Notre Dame and Prospect before falling to Thornton. After a big win at Highland Park, the Hawks improved their conference record to a perfect 3-0. The team's primary goal still involves winning the conference title. The J V squad, led by coach Craig Fallico, is pumped up and is not taking any prisoners. The team has compiled a near-perfect record often wins and only one loss. Both the Varsity and the JV teams are striving towards bringing home a conference title on January 29.
Basketball loses thriller to Glenbrook North by Dan Kronenfeld The boys' basketball team, plagued by injuries and poor shooting, continues to struggle in conference play. The loss of Brad Wiemerslage due to injuries has proven to be detrimental to the team. In Wiemerslage's absence, juniors, including Matt Friesl and Jason Lx)erzel, are forced to fill the void at forward. Sparked by seniors Rob Perry, T.J. Cohen, and Mike Rowan, the Hawks defeated Deerfield. The win at Deerfield was a bright spot for the Hawks. The Hawks dropped their next contest at home to a tough team from Oak Park. Maine South played host to Glenbrook North a week later and were sparked by Spiro Katerinis' 29 points, but lost the game due to lack of scoring _^in the closing minutes of overtime. Good performances were also turned in by Rob Perry 'and Joe Kain. The J V team has compiled a 3-2 record and is showing great improvement. Hopefully, the varsity team can also get back on its feet.
I f _ _ _ _ i1
Hawk nigniignis Sport Swimming
Fri. 1/28 Sat. 1/29 y i o n . 1 / 3 1 Deerfield 5:30
Girls' Basketball Boys' Basketball
Conant Cougar Classic 1:00 :: Molina
i Highland Prk. 7:30
7:30 Fremd 7:30
JV Conference Evans ton TEA
Gymnastics Wrestling
Deerfirfd 6:00
i i l i i Ticme acnbest
T u e . 2/1 G.B.N. 5:30 G.B.N. 7:30
W e d . 2/2
January 28,1994
Gymnasts' hopes soaring high by Jane Quaiver As a team the Maine South gymnasts have had a bittersweet season at best, but on the individual level the girls are constantly improving. At the Rolling Meadows invitational, seniors Tamara Borck and Tracy Haas scored a 7.6 and a 7.8 respectively on vault, with Amy Lyons swinging her way to a 7.4 on the uneven bars. Closely behind Lyons was sophomore Christina Dorow who managed a 6.7 despite difficulties. Leading the way for the team on the floor excercise was junior Heather Anichini, 7.7, followed by sophomore Laurie Strotman, 6.8. The team placed a disappointing thirteenth, but as one team member put it "The important thing is the experience. The team isn't going to go to sectionals, but many of us have a chance to go individually, this
kind of meet gives us the chance to see what we'll be up against." At the Conant invitational the vaulting team of Haas, Borck, and sophomore Jackie Korus had a strong showing, with a 6.9, a 7.3, and a 7.6 respectively. On bars Lyons had yet another good routine, receiving a 7.8 for her efforts. Juniors Jane Quavier, 8.3, and Colleen Matchen, 7.3, put in excellent beam performances, and the floor exercise brought impressive results with a 7.9 for Strotman, an 8.5 for Borck, and an 8.7 for Anichini. In a close meet against Highland Park the Varsity squad lost, 115.5-118.4.Floor excercise was the highlight of the evening with Quaiver, 8.2, Borck, 8.3, and Anichini, 8.5. Vault also brought good performances from Borck and Haas with an 8.0 and an 8.5 respectively. Matchen led beam with an 8.0 and
Lyons scored a 7.7 to help the Hawks on the uneven bars. At the Maine West Varsity Invitational Jessica Boudos had an impressive evening, finishing fourteenth in the all-round competition. Haas led vault with an 8.3, and Lyons soared to 7.3 on the bars. Matchen performed well, with a 7.6 on beam and Anichini danced her way to an 8.3 on the floor excercise. In a dual meet against Maine West the Varsity team won 106.9 - 104.2. Balance beam was the event of the evening with Matchen, Quavier, and Anichini each receiving 8's for their efforts. As the Conference and Sectional meets approach quickly, many of the girls are looking forward to proving that, at least as individuals, the team is moving by leaps and bounds.
Hawks win Niles North Tournament by Ellen Bacon Proving to the world, or at least the state that the Lady Hawks can play a mean game of basketball, the Maine South girls' basketball team is well on its way to a conference championship match-up with the defending Maine West Warriors. The Chicago Tribune has ranked the team 17th in state, quite an accomplishment for a team which was not expected to go anywhere this season. Much of the sudden focus on the Hawks is due to their recent streak of victories over "powerhouse" teams. It all began at the Niles North Christmas Tournament where the team took home the first place trophy as well as two all-tournament selections. Trisha Melendy and Sue
Sroka were selected by a panel of coaches because of their outstanding play throughout the championship game and the tournament. Against Glenbrook South the team played an amazing game, with sophomore Joy Pavichevich hitting a game winning jumper from the foul line to seal the 53-51 victory for the Hawks in overtime. The momentum of the victories carried over with another conference victory for the Hawks who defeated Deerfield 59-36. Melendy scored a season high of 24 points to lead the team to another victory. Coach Deines is very proud of his team and its record. He stated: " We're getting balanced scoring, balanced defense, and bal-
anced rebounding, which makes us hard to beat in almost all areas of play." Obviously, the team's hard work has been paying off With such an impressive record in conference in combination with the improvement each game, fans can look forward to excellent post season play. The junior varsity squad has also had an impressive season. It stands an excellent chance at a conference championship as well. Both freshmen teams are looking forward to victories as the end of the season draws near. If you're looking for a good basketball game, don't turn on the television. Come see the Hawks live January 29 at 6:00 against Moline.
Coach inducted into Track l-lall of Fame by Heather Anichini On Saturday January 15,1994, Ms. Schultz of the Maine South Athletic Department was inducted into the Illinois Track Coaches' Hall ofFame. The first members ofthe hall of fame were inducted in 1977, since then a committee has selected up to five deserving coaches or officials each year. The honor is bestowed upon coaches or officials who have made major contributions to the sports of track and field or cross counuy. At least twenty years of service is required to even be considered, and many inductees have served for much longer. Ms. Schultz has been the head coach of the girls' track team here at Maine South since it began over twenty years ago. When Title IX
was fu'st handed down, allowing girls to participate in interscholastic athletics, the track program was one of the first made available here at South. Due to the hard work ofthe girls and their coach, the team placed second at the fu-st ever girls' track and field state meet. They earned another second place title in the early 70's, and in 1974 the mile relay team set a national record. Along the way several conference championships were also attained. While Ms. Schultz attributes the teams' successes to the dedication of the girls, she takes great pride in the fact that she coached them on their road to victory. The ceremony which officially made her a member of the hall of fame consisted of a
dinner and a presentation of the award by the person who nominated her, Mr. Gabauer. Ms. Schultz had this to say about the honor: "It was thrilling. There's a really special feeling, being chosen by your peers." With all her achievements it is apparent that the award was well deserved. While Ms. Schultz is planning to retire as head coach after this season, she says she will always be grateful for the opportunity she had to watch the sport evolve over the last twenty years. Thanks to her dedication and to her athletes and the program, track andfieldhas played a major role in the lives of many girls here at Maine South. Ms. Shultz will be greatly missed by all.