Volume 31. issue 16 Mav 12. 1995
Maine South H.S. Park Ridge. IL
Footloose and fancy free by Heather Anichini "Footloose," the Celebration '95 postprom party will be held from 12:30-6:00a.m. on May 21 at the Dhnois Center in downtown Chicago. The party is for all seniors, whether they attend prom or not. Students who choose to attend will board buses leaving from Maine South at 12:30a.m. When they arrive at the Center they will be treated to entertainment including a climbing wall, two swimming pools, a travelling magician, two caricature artists, a DJ, karaoke and sumo wrestling. Throughout the evening, prizes will be raffled off to those in attendance, such as a 15" color TV, a $100 gift certificate to United Audio Centers and a cruise for two on the Spirit of Chicago. The early morning hours will feature a buffet style breakfast.
Student Council president Kevin O'Neill and class president Dan Panattoni present the "Top Ten Reasons to Attend 'Footloose:'" 10. The Illinois Center has been declared an O.J. Free Zone 9. Entertainment includes padded sumo wresding, a magician, hourly badminton demonstrations, and for everyone- cow tipping. 8. The thrill of switching around the letters in "Celebration" to spell "bra let icon." 7. It's pure chewing satisfaction. Food this year will include miles of all-y ou-can-eat subs and gallons of all-you-can-drink soda. 6. This year will feature stupid parapro tricks. 5. The math team will calculate the length of a bungy cord needed to enable a person to jump from the top of the climbing wall and come within 1/4 of an inch of the ground. Dr.
Cachur will test the calculations. Should the team be off, it will recalculate and Mr. Adamo will take the plunge. 4. Not only is the Illinois Center a block off the magnificent mile; it's 23 more magnificent miles away from Action Ridge. 3. Originally the price was S250, but you have grown on us so we've lowered it to an insane $15. 2. If someone else from Maine South gets to the White House, you can honestly say you spent the night with them. 1. The chance to see Officer Francis slow dancing with his walkie-talkie. Any senior interested in attending the event can purchase his or her ticket for $ 15 at the Celebration table outside the cafeteria. All those attending must bring their ticket and a signed permission slip in order to board the bus.
Phe best of times and the worst of times by Steve Zibrat The A.P. Hawks have returned from the National Constitution Competition in Washington, D.C. For two days, the Hawks made oral presentations and fielded questions about Constitutional issues ranging from the right to bear arms to the rights of the accused to the philosophy of the founding fathers. Each of the panels of three judges was complementary of the presentations and suggested other questions to consider in the future. Although the Hawks did not make the list of the top ten teams in the nation, one of the units received special recognition as the best Unit 1 in the nation. Coach Patton Feichter said that this "is the best team that I've ever had. The disapointment felt by the team seemed to inspire closeness." Team member Devan Patel agreed. "The initial disappointment brought the team much closer together than any victory would have. After awhile, though, we realized that there was no disappointment at all. We may not ^ ^ / e proven how good we are to Maine South, ^OTt we did prove it to ourselves. This really is all that matters. Besides," he said, "it was worth it to see Feichter crowd-surf." In addition to the competition itself, the
team took advantage of special meetings and tours arranged by Feichter. The Hawks met with Hillary Clinton at the White House where she shared with them her views on education as well as some of her memories from her time at Maine South. "There was a nervous buzz in the room before she came in, but it was cool to actually talk with her," team member Jenny Sass said. Shortly before they returned home, the Hawks also met with Abner Mikvah, counsel
to the President, who answered questions regarding Constitutional rights and the President's proposed bills to combat terrorism. The team took special tours of the White House, the State Department and the Capitol, with the last being led by a historian specializing in the building. Six of the Hawks, one member from each unit, also had a chance to appear on television with Congressman Henry Hyde.
May 12, I W S :
Just for the waste of it by Katie Bums I used to know everything. Well, I can't say I knew exactly everything. I didn't know the secrets to nuclear fusion or to unaided flight. However, I had the basics of life down pat. Unfortunately, I misplaced my all-encompassing knowledge between losing my unfounded junior-year self assurance and finding my long-lost sense of fallibility. Senior year began beautifully. I knew what I wanted to do with my last year of high school, with my life. I knew my beliefs and my opinions. I knew what was right, but more importantly what was wrong. I knew, as I stated before, everything. Nevertheless, as my college search and college-prep classes with my college-bound friends continued, I began to lose confidence in my grand knowledge. My mail threatened, verbally and quite loudly, to drown me. The sheer number of schools was overwhelming, as was the range of college prices and programs. As I considered the options for my future, from college to career, I had a realization. The world out there is big, and Maine South is only the tip of what is here a pretty well-concealed iceburg. Life here is no less part of the "real world" for being such a small part of it, but it is a limited portion. There are so many people and experiences that I haven't even seen, and perhaps never will. How could I know everything after seventeen years of life, or ever? How could I know my opinions were right or my plans best? My classes only re-emphasized my doubts. The amount of knowledge in the world was presented to me in calculus and physics side by side with the concept of infinity. I didn't know the secrets of nuclear fusion, but I also was blank on the workings of a radio. I'd learned of many philosophies, but discovered even more in my reading. Yet, in the end I decided that I should go ahead and hold my beliefs, make my plans, follow my personal sense of right and wrong. However, I also concluded that I should keep my mind receptive to the ideas of others. No more would I take part in arguments, if I could break long habit, where two brick walls stood solidly against one another. Now I'd look at the writing on that opposing wall and read if I'd been missing an idea that made sense to me or, at least, read why the idea made sense to others. I no longer know everything. But I think I've gained an open mind, a mind that cannot hold everything, but one that can regard the entire iceburg.
by Brian O'Neill If you want my opinion, they should be strung up by their entrails, have their mothers spit down their throats, and their brains left for large lizards to eat and then die. No, I'm not talking about those guys. (You know, those guys.) I'm talking about the kind of people who write commercials. Not the tame kind of commercials like for contact lens solution, but the innovative (read: stupid) advertisements for everything else. Now I know that advertisement has been an easy and well-worn subject for wimpy little critics on their computers, but there is a reason for this. As a great philosopher once said, "They really bite the big one." The only bearable commercial is the clever one for the Emergency Broadcast System. It may be a long, continuous beep, but at least is isn't grown men cross dressing. Which brings me to beer commercials. Surely you have all seen the one wherein four large men dress up as women to play pool so they can win the beer that is being advertised. Eeeaugh. And if that wasn't bad enough, in the new addition they are all wearing bikinis. Pardon me if I have typos due to the voilent flashbaks just thinking of this causes. I have no idea who thought of this. I have to conclude that it was someone from a rival beer company, one where they can only afford commercials in which they talk about how real their commercials are. He must have come up with the idea, hoping commercials of this sort would deter people from drinking the rival beer. Remeber the days when beer commercials only had "burly men shaking each other's hands?" (With sincere, heartfelt and numerous apologies to Dave Barry.) Now, we have Zima commercials. These used to be watchable, but that was only because of the guy's hat. Now they are people in black and white doing silly things in slow motion, and then laughing a lot. In one, they break a whole bundle of dishes in a restaurant. This is usually considered "bad." But in this commercial, they laugh, and then presumably a waitress comes over and gives
them another round of Zima, commei( the unique bottle, and then (slowly) tells ttiem to feel free to break anything else, so as long as they don't cross dress. I could go on for days commenting on beer commercials, but then I wouldn't be able to vent my rage on the Pringles guy. I hate the Pringles guy. I like Pringles. I hate the Pringles guy. The only thing that would make him enjoyable and pleasant to the viewer is if he suddenly got mauled by leopards. The people who wrote this commercial got this kid who had an IQ so low he would perkily sing about the greasiness ratio between Pringles and other chips. But that is not all. He sings about how many Pringles are in a can, how nice the can is, how fresh it keeps the Pringles, and while doing this he violently shakes his head and gives big grins, as if saying, "I am really glad that these Pringles are fresh, and I have something attached to my neck." This poor kid is blond, blue-eyed and really dumb. If people in the thirties saw this kid, they would have let Hitler create his master race because they would have dumbed themselves out within three months. I know I didn't comment on every commercial ever made. Or even five of t h e n ^ ^ t I think I made my point. I don't hke c o n H ^ cials. I don't know if it is me, and if I'm the only one who feels this way, I guess it only means one thing. You people are all morons. If you like seeing men in bikinis, you are a total idiot, and maybe you should get mauled by leopards. As the late Bill Hicks once said, "If you are in advertising, kill yourself. I'm not kidding, this is not a joke, you are evil, kill yourself." I fully agree, and not just because Bill Hicks is bigger than me. I'm sure there are many people in advertising who could hurt me. But I'm not scared, they're probably too busy to waste their time on me. They're probably too busy thinking up one where a magical car helps save people from the black plague in the eighteenth century, and then they all sing about how happy they are about freshness, in slow motion.
Don't touch me. I'm Irish. by Kevin O'Brion There is a little lesson that needs to be learned by the students of Maine South. People who are of Irish ancestry are not automatically happy, beer-swilling rhymesters. We have the right to be just as cynical and bitter as the rest of the populus. And we will exercise that right. I am amazed, don't ask why, that students so easily fall into misconceptions about others.
Everybody has seen the Sesame Street episode about why it is bad to stereotype, but for some reason it is going on in a high school. This is unfortunate, because you not o ^ close yourself to different people by as'j ing things about them but also can rel re3^ cheese some jjeople off. So quit asking me for a four leaf clover, stop trying to get me to do a jig, and don't rub my head for luck!
] Commentary
Modest proposal: flush the assembly by Laura Batt The dreaded day comes three times a year. First period ends early; hoards of reluctant students slowly spill into the Spectator Gym. Once the homeroom teachers have checked off their names, they have fulfilled their mandatory attendance requirement. They are now sentenced to the solid wooden bleachers for the hour and a half long Activities Assembly. A few of the only times that the restless audience settles down are during the pledge of allegiance and the Assembly-ending pie throwing contest. Other than these rare times, a sinusoidal roar can be traced throughout the Gym. The mounting noises peak during the long-prepared speeches of their peers. "Why should we care that the Freshman D Field Hockey team is 2-11?" they ask, slightly confused. After all of the sports presentations have been made, the teachers rise, massage their rear ends and complain about all of the problems shortened periods cause. Mingling with their groans are those of the students with 6-B lunches who face the grim reality of no food until later than 1:00 p.m. ^ B T h e s e assemblies in their current states ^waste much more time than they are worth. As a student member of the Interscholastic Board for the Betterment of Borden-inducing Ac-
tivities, I would like to suggest an idea that might save students and teachers alike from the tedium of the current tri-annual gatherings. I propose that members of each sports team be given a full day to educate and entertain their fellow classmates. A fellow board memijer. Bertha Moskawitz of New Trier High School, brought up the subject at the last I.B.B.B.A. meeting. She said that N.T. replaced their assemblies with full-day activities a few years ago, and that the number of National Merit scholars has more than tripled since. During the course of the day, there would be free food in the cafeteria, Hawkette shows every hour, and an ongoing throw-the-pie-atyour-favorite-administrator contest. (A recent Chicago Magazine survey revealed that Maine Township has one of the lowest student-to-administrator ratios in all of Chicagoland, which means that there would be plenty of targets for whipped cream and lemon meringue enthusiasts.) In addition, the host sports team would have open mike all day, could play whatever music they liked, or could even talk about their sport, if so desired. The "team of the day" would also offer open sport facilities and lessons to whatever students were interested. For example, at New Trier, on the swim team's day, the two pools and also all toilets
were open to interested students. Another exciting feature of the days could be open basketball courts for anyone who should want to try his hand at a few three-pointers. This idea may sound like it would just worsen the moaning of those teachers who are plagued by too many shortened periods, but in a sense, the sports days would be more fair than the traditional assemblies. Teachers would not have to worry whether classes held during lunch periods would recieve an unfair edge over shortened classes. No classes at all would be taught, thereby eliminating arguments such as one coming from an early morning Physics student: "But the 5-6aaa class had more time to review for the te-est." Let no one speak to me of rubbish such as school spirit, careful planning, an assembly suggestion box, student acknowledgements, or Maine South pride. I can only hope that if this proposal were passed that it might relieve students from the boredom and headaches current Activities Assemblies cause. Although I am strongly in favor of this proposal, it is sad that I would not be affected much if it did go into effect. I am currently not burdened with a 6-B lunch, nor do I have any desire to swim in a toilet. Most importantly, I would in no way have Bertha Moskawitz think that I actually listened to one of her ideas.
Searching for Pierre Roustan Junior Pierre Roustan recently won the class C chess championship at the United States National High School Tournament. To claim the national title, Roustan had to defeat seven players from other schools across the country. By chance, he faced and defeated three members of the Arizona state championship team. Chess team sponsor and librarian Mrs. Ruth Jacobsen said that players Roustan faced in the last stages of the National Tournament were "there for blood just as much as Pierre." Each stage was harder than the last, and in the seventh and final round Roustan, with a 60 record in the tournament, played the only other undefeated chessman and won. Roustan learned the game of chess from his father four years ago. Roustan said his father IS "master-strong as a kid," and taught him ?e fundamental moves and strategies of the game. His freshman year, Roustan played fifth board for the Maine South chess team; he moved up to third board the next year, and this season played at the number one spot. As Roustan played more, he developed a unique
style of chess, and was strong enough to beat his dad for the first time last summer. Teammate Scott Schwemin said that Roustan is "eager to accept the pressure" that comes with playing first board. "[Pressure] doesn't bother his game," Jacobsen said. She said Roustan has built up a library of 40 chess books and has studied them on his own. "By doing this, he has found similarities in apparently different games and is able to transfer fluidly from one kind of game to another." According to Jacobsen, Roustan ties techniques such as King-Indians and SiciUan together, surprising many opponents with his complex games. Roustan is "like a magician coming out with magical moves to trick his opponents, " said teammate Greg Cukier. From each game, players draw experience that can be stored, tagged and recalled in subsequent matches. Roustan said he concentrates on "executing moves, planning strategy, setting traps and making threats." One aspect of the game that Roustan needs to work on is time. In most high school chess
matches, each opponent has one hour and loses the match if his time runs out before a checkmate is called. Roustan has been trying to "increase sharpness and work faster, thinking up tactics without wasting time." Jacobsen says he continues to improve managing time. Although the Roustan household subscribes to Chess Life magazine, chess does not encompass all of the champion's time. He also plays video games, competes in gymnastics, writes novels, is a member of the Maine South Band, participates in piano contests and works at McDonald's. Roustan does find time to travel with his parents and brother to tournaments around the nation, and has played in the U.S. and New York Opens. Often Roustan plays adults in these games, and remembers especially playing an 89-year-old man, whom he beat. One misgiving Roustan has is that the South chess team is not sponsored by the district board, and receives minimal funding. Money was provided for the transportation to the state meet, but Roustan and Cukier were not sponsored at the national meet.
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Worlds melded via enhancing exchange by Maureen Gill and Kevin O'Neill On April 12 six Maine South Student Council members and their sponsor, Ms. Schultze, participated in a student exchange at Providence St. Mel's. The private inner city school is well known for its academic excellence despite its location in one of the most gang infested areas of Chicago. Each Maine South student was paired with a St. Mel's student and went with him or her to classes throughout the day. Many of those who visited were allowed to participate in classes, playing games, answering questions, and getting involved in class discussions. This participation was not the best part of the visit, however. Students who participated in the exchange were allowed to see that the enforcement of strict regulations, the overall atmosphere of the school and, most importantly, the students' desire to be there is what makes Providence St. Mel's such an incredible success despite its location. Each day at school begins as parents watch their children enter the building safely, cautious of the two rival gangs in the vicinity. First period is preceeded by a moment of silence and the recitation of the school's mission statement. At Providence St. Mel's silence means silence and everyone recites the statement without fail. Students know that they face severe penalties for not following the rules. For example, students are fined and given Saturday detentions for being tardy, walking on the grass and having any food, even candy and gum, outside the cafeteria. For cutting even one class, students are no longer considered part of the school and must pay a re-registration fee of $20 in addition to having a conference with the pricipal and their
parents before they can be considered for readmittance.
"...While it's true that students at Providence St. Mels do not have a pond, a library, high tech labs, or a swimming pool, they do have the most important thing in educationthe desire to learn." Even with such inconveniences, the students possess a unique respect and pride toward the school. This is no suprise, because as mentioned earlier, each student wants to be there. They enjoy school and make the most of what they have.
Compared to Maine South, however, they do not have much. No clubs or organizations exist, and the school only competes in three sports: basketball, football and track. Nonetheless, display cases are filled with Class A Championships and successes in academics and athletics continue to accumulate. Expectations are set for all students and their dedication is recognized. The s c l ^ ^ boasts a 99% graduation rate and R o ^ B Reagan visited twice during his presidency to commend the students. While it is true that students at Providence St. Mel's do not have a pond, a library, high tech labs, or a swimming pool, they do have the most important thing in education- the desire to learn. After what proved to be a most educational tnp to the school, those who participated came away with a new respect for the students they had met. In addition, many realized that success is not dependent on money or the availability ofspecific learning material; it is based upon a fundamental desire for knowledge that was exemplified by the Providence students. Of course, the learning experience did not stop there. The following week several Providence St. Mel's students visited Maine South. Many were impressed by the size of the school and the availability of the newest technological advances. In addition, they were amazed at the "laid back" rules and regulations here at South. Hopefully, their visit here was as educational for them as the trip to St. Mel's was for Maine South students. It was a lesson^|^ educational methods, in school pride a n a ^ ^ the ability of man to overcome even the most difficult situation. Certainly, it was an experience those who participated in will not soon forget.
1 Features!
ocus on student excellence... opportunity to highlight all of the "Focus on Student Excellence" nominees not previously covered due to space limitations. All of the students are worthy recipients and deserve credit for what they have done at Maine South. Heather Anichini: "Always positive, always understanding, always working, always leading by example... she invariably has her work done to a degree far beyond what is required and has time for people who need her direction and support." -Mr. Hunt Kevin Byrne: "Kevin is President of International Thespian Society Troupe 2554. His planning, organization and leadership make this organization work. Kevin is also a true leader in class. Always striving for higher levels of discussion and setting an example for the rest of the class." —Mr. Muszynski Jeff Carrion: "Jeff always gives 100% plus in all his band related activities. He is a leader by example and a caring person. He also has a great sense of humor. I am constanly impressed with him as a person I like a great deal." —Mr. Pressler Steve Cliiagouris: "Steve sets out to do well in everything he does, and through his git work ethic usually comes through. In the he could always be depended on; he is bright, curious and constantly in search to understand and better himself." -Mr. Deger Emily Demonte: "Emily has been a member of the Orchesis Dance Company for four years.... She has dedicated herself to improving the status of the company. She utilizes her creative mind to challenge the company and help it to grow." —Ms. Sinclair Joe Dietlin: "Outstanding leadership ability, great maturity and sense of responsibility. He has been very involved in student council. Joe is well liked by the student; they listen to him." —Mr.Feichter
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Jim Frey: "Jim has helped the students in WMTH Radio/TV in many ways. He has started a project to re-record much of the music and sound effects. He has taught many students how to use the studios and equipment, including parents and a Cub Scout Troupe." -Mr. Bielak Maureen Gill: "Determined and dedicated student who is always willing to 'go the extra mile' in order to help someone else or help in a project or activity that benefits the school. She is caring, independent and mature." —Mr. McCann Anna Kafel: "Anna is outgoing, conscientious, sensitive, concerned, inquisitive and quite talented. She always strives to do well. She leads by example. She has a caring, mature response in all of her communications, both verbally and visually." —Mr. Cobb Sam Kupsco: "Sam is not only an intelligent and insightful English student, she is also a caring and concerned friend to all in our class. Her modesty and devotion help others see her maturity and standards." -Mr. Male Doug McDowell: "Doug has shown leadership through his class projects, his portfolio presentation, his service to the art department and assistance with the Artist in Residence and Art Exhibition programs." —Mr. Cobb Michael O'Malley: "Michael has been highly motivated to do excellent broadcast work and help others use equipment and complete their projects. Michael has edited the Maine South Magazine of student projects." -Mr. Bielak Brian O'Neill: "Brian has been an excellent WMTH sports director. He comes in for five hours to broadcast each game. He selects and supervises a crew of announcers and does an excellent job announcing." -Mr. Bielak Claire Pawolski: "Claire is an exceptional leader by example, by accomplishment and
by attitude. Her strong work ethic enables her to maximize her talents in the classroom and on the court.... With all the accomplishments she has received she remains most concerned about her team's successes and working with others to achieve excellence." —Mr. Deines Joe Rodino: "Joe Rodino personifies the ultimate in a student athlete. Joe's leadership qualities on the playing field as well as in the classroom are second to none. Joe sets lofty goals for himself and uses pure pride and determination to achieve those goals.... Pure and simple, Joe Rodino will succeed in any endeavor he sets his mind to." —Mr. Dietz Kate Rowland: "Kate is dependable, responsible and willing to go above and beyond what is asked of her. She is well respected by her teachers and her peers." —Mrs. Kawalek Rebecca Ryan: "Becky volunteers her time in the writing lab, assists classmates with imporving their writing skills and learning about a variety of subjects... and always takes the time to listen to, support, advise and cheer friends, family, teachers.... She goes out of her way to help others inside and outside of the classroom." —Rachel Sommerville Jennifer M. Schuberth: "Jennifer has always shown leadership in her art classes (by example), over the past four years. She has been self-motivated and goal oriented from freshman year on, always caring, moral and mature for her years." —Mr. Cobb Peter Sczelina: "Peter is kind, helpful and willing to always let others receive praise and attention. The same behavior and attitude is shown on the soccer field... Although opportunities to score are limitless, Peter sets others up to be successful." Rick Tosch: "Rick pushes himself to exceed in academics. He really works hard. In addition, he is an athlete. Whenever I ask him, he tutors other students in math." -Mr. Kohls
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Senior to study at Sorbonne ^v by Katie Bums Bums Senior Steve Zibrat was awarded a scholarship to study at the Sorbonne University in Paris this summer from June 28 to Aug. 8. Zibrat took his first step toward receiving the scholarship by participating in this year's National French Contest. Zibrat missed only three questions on the hour long test, scoring the highest in the large Chicago/Northern Illinois chapter, and potentially the highest in the nation. After tabulation of the results, eight to 10 of the highest regional scorers were invited to a scholarship interview at the Alliance Francaise de Chicago, an organization devoted to promoting French language and culture. In preparation for the interview, Zibrat and
the other finalists considered for the scholarship were asked to write a one to two-page essay in French about themselves. A panel of four native sf)eakers then used the essay as a springboard for the half-hour long interview conducted entirely in French. After careful consideration, Zibrat was selected to receive the prestigious scholarship from both the Alliance Francaise and the French government. The scholarship includes the cost of a round trip flight; a single student room, board and tuition for coursework at the Sorbonne. The Sorbonne is one of the most internationally recognizable of France's universities, and Zibrat's coursework there will count for college credit in the U. S.
Funds will also be provided ito Zibra^ror travel within France during his stay. Mme Nica, Maine South's French teacher, commented on Zibrat's personal drive and dedication. Zibrat, due to schedule conflicts, was unable to move from French 3 to French 4 this past year. He therefore decided to retake French 3, completing extra work to receive French 4 credit. Nica lauded Zibrat's out of class reading and his work above and beyond that required. The Alliance was established in 1897 and has headquarters in downtown Chicago, where it furnishes "a meeting and gathering place for those who love France." Zibrat has accepted the Sorbonne scholarship and leaves for France in June.
Feichter represents U.S. abroad by Steve Chiagouris This summer, a Maine South teacher will travel to Prague as an American educational representative. Social Science teacher Mr. Patton Feichter will travel with 15 university professors and representatives from most of the satellite states of the former USSR. The Eastern and Western European representatives are meeting with Americans at the Prague Headquarters for Radio for Europe in the Czech Repub-
lic to discuss the fostering of Democratic ideals and practices. The five-day event this June will be comprised of major speakers and small group discussion. Some of the more notable speakers include Vaclav Hobble, president of the Czech Republic; Vice President Al Gore, Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich and Senator Mark Hatfield. This June, however, is only the first half of
Author visits Maine Soutli Maine South was recently treated to an appearance by author Harry Mark Petrakis. Petrakis is widely known for his stories about real life and Greek culture. Many of Petrakis's works are studied in American Literature classes. Mr. Petrakis told students the work needed to bring a story from an idea, into a finished story. He offered advice to all writers by stating that writing should come from Ife experiences and that no life can ever be boring.
12 String Orchestra Concert 12, 15-19 A.P. Testing 16 Thespian Awards 17 Social Science Awards 19 Choral Concert 20 Senior Prom 23 Music Awards 24 Senior Honors
SouthwordS Southwards is the stndent-produced newspaper of Maine Sontii High School, 1111 S. Dee Rd., Park Ridge, IL (60068). Letters to the editor should be delivered to room V-130 or given to a member of the editorial staff. Southwards reserves the right to edit obscene or libelous materiaL
Upcoming Events at Maine Soutii May May May May May May May May
Feichter's upcoming international experience. He helped write National Standards for Civic Education and will also host Latvian representatives next year. "This is an important investment in the future of the U.S. It is in our best i n t e r e ^ ^ promote democracy in the world," F e i ^ B said. "They have lived for so many years under authoritarian rule. They have no knowledge of democratic institutions. What we take for granted, they must now learn," he said.
May 26 May 29 May 30 May 31 June 1 June 2 June 4 June 9
Band Pops Concert Memorial Day-No School Jazz in the Art Court Spring Sports Awards Baccalaureate Senior Breakfast Commencement School Dismissed
Editors-ln-Cliiet™._._~. ——Katie Bums Andrea Wells News editors Alison Adiaf Jane Quaiver Commentary editors-^. » Kevin Byrne Agnes Milewsld Features editors -Heather Anichini Cyrus Wilson Sports editors.. —Natalie Mazzuca Billy OKeefe Tim Thein Production editor. -Laura Ban J»aul Berkq Photographers —_. Tobty Schmiu.f — M a ^ e Sadowicz Artists.-. Mike Segawa T. R. Kcrth Adviser..
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Are you a true Gymnasts struggle versus East 0 sports fan? "So, you think you're a sports aficionado. Sure, you've jumped on and off the Bulls bandwagon for the past couple years. You have great things to say about Jordan now, but were you supporting his decision when he retired? You knew all the words to the "Super Bowl Shuffle," but now you wouldn't be seen at Soldiers Field. You even became a "lifelong" Sox fan after those new hats. Wimpy and Hawk, and the "Big Hurt." But do you really know the Bear facts about Chicago sports? Well, now is your chance to prove yourself to the sporting world. The first Maine South student who can correctly answer the following fifteen questions can pick up two Cubs tickets and a parking pass from Southwords editor Tim Thein. 1. What number will Bear RB Rashaan Salaam be wearing next year? 2. Who was the last Cub to throw a nohitter? 3. Which three Bulls jerseys are hanging in the United Center rafters? 4. How many active Bears are currently playing from the 1985 team? Who were the top three vote-getters the Illinois Mr. Basketball Award in 1991? 6. When was the last time the Cubs started off 4-0? 7. Jay Berwanger, the recipient of the first Heisman Trophy, attended which college? 8. Which Chicago-area high school did Isiah "Zeke" Thomas attend? 9. Blackhawk star Jeremy Roenick enrolled at a certain college for one semester before playing with the Hawks. Which college was it? 10. Before tennis star Jimmy Connors thrilled the crowds at Flushing Meadows at the U.S. Open, he advanced to the state quarterfinals playing for what Illinois High School? 11. Which famous PGA golfer/instructor lived in Park Ridge? 12. Exactly how thick (in inches) is the ice at the United Center? 13. The 1990 PGA U.S. Open was won by Hale Irwin. Where was the tournament held? 14. Before Wimbledon semi-finalist Todd Martin joined the ATP Tour, he ^ed termis at which Illinois university? "J. ITiis famous Weber High School alum has gone on to coach some of the best talent in the nation. Can you name him? Turn entries into Southwords before 5/17
by Steve Madura The last few meets have been close ones for the boys' gymnastics team. The varsity squad has had three chances to demolish crosstown rival Maine East, but this goal was never reached. The first of these chances was at the regular season dual meet where the Hawks lost to the Demons by fourth-tenths of a point. The meet started off well with junior Steve Madura scoring an 8.4 on the floor exercise, good enough to grab honors on the wall of high scores in the Maine South fieldhouse. After that, though, the team lost their momentum, which cost them the meet. The team's next chance came at the John Crest Invitational at Niles North. All the team could do was hope for the best when allarounder Brad Galvin became ill and couldn't compete in two events. The team still managed to come within one point of topping Maine East.
The last upset the Hawks faced was at the conference meet at Niles West. With the whole team ready to compete, hopes of overcoming the Demons were high. But even as the team performed well, the scores did not show it. Adam Megacz had an excellent routine on the pommel horse, only to receive a disappointing 4.5 The team's hope is not lost, however. They have one more chance to beat the Demons at the York Regional meet. This is the last chance the Hawks have to compete as a whole. After that, it is up to those individuals who make it to Sectionals.
Track and Field Vince Colliu-a and the 800m relay teams set meet records on the sophomore level at the Morton Invite, but it wasn't enough as South lost, 304-296. The Hawks also finished sixth in the annual Glenbrook North Spartan Relays.
Tennis anxious for postseason play to begin by Mike DeNardis The Maine South Tennis team is off to another solid spring. The team has accumulated an incredible 8-1 record and is eagerly anticipating postseason play. Leading the way for the singles players is freshman Bob Kurek, who has an overall record of 13-4 and has established himself as a force to be reckoned with. Other singles players contributing are Wes Crampton, Brian "Teen" Wolfe and Graham Fisher. The doubles are led by Tim Thein and â&#x20AC;˘w-w
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Matt Bialko who have accumulated a 9-0 record and are looking to make another impressive showing at state. The other doubles teams looking towards state are Hyun Kim and Mike DeNardis (8-3) and Tony Saracco and Rich Stasica (5-0). Thejunior varsity team is also out to an 81 start and are led by Neal Sipkovsky at number one singles. The Hawks are looking for a solid showing at conference today and are hoping to place at least three doubles teams in the state competition.
HawK liigniignts Sport
1 Home Contest
Badminton Baseball
GBS all 10:30am
Maine W. All 4:30pm
Gymnastics Libertyville All 10am
Soccer Softball Tennis Boys' Track Girls' Track VoUeybaU
CSL Meet SA^TBA CSL Meet SA^ lOpm IHSA Sectional V St. Viator F9am
Waukegan All 4:30pm Good Council Highland Park Regina All 4:30pm JA' 4:30pm JA^ 4:30pm Fenton SA^ 4:30pm Ridgewd. Inv F/S 4:30 Ridgewd. Inv F/S 4:30 Highland Pk All 5pm
May 12,11^6
Badminton finishes '95 spring season The girls' badminton team finished their season with a win against Rolling Meadows on May 2. The Varsity Hawks surpassed the Mustangs, winning 10 matches to Rolling Meadows' five. JV made a clean sweep of the competition, winning all 15 matches played. Conference play wrapped up at the CSL meet held at Evanston on April 29 and 30. Both teams played better than teams in recent seasons, takingfifthplace in one of the hardest conferences in the state, however, only one singles player and no doubles team placed in the top three of their competitors. At #1 Varsity singles, Sandy Anselmini defeated Waukegan in the first round of competition. Anselmini faced Deerfield and lost a close match 8-11,4-11, but placed third overall due to a default by New Trier. Kristina Ho, one of four seniors leaving the team this season, easily beat Maine West her first round
(11-2, 11-1) and placed fourth at #2 singles. Placing fifth at Varsity singles were Georgia Giannakopoulosat#3.UrsulaSzczelinaat#4, Megan Manning at #9, and Chris Biala at # 10. Giannakopoulos and Sczcelina both pulled easy wins in their last matches against Maine East; Giannakopoulos scoring 11-3,11-1, and Sczcelina scoring 11-2, 11-0. Manning and Biala played close matches; Manning winning 6-11, 11-3, ll-9against Waukegan, and Biala beating Maine East 12-10, 11-9. The #1 doubles team of Anselmini and Giannakopoulos placed fourth after a win against Waukegan in the first round and losses to Deerfield and New Trier in the second and third rounds, respectively. Sarah Jarosz and Sczcelina took fifth at #2 doubles, beating Waukegan in the third round. Kristina Ho and Rubina Funteas at #3, and Manning and Biala at #5, also placed fifth at the Conference meet.
In JV singles action, Judy Kim p l ^ ^ B i close final match against Waukegan. w i i i ^ g 11-8,6-11,11-9 and placing fifth. Also taking fifth was Vanessa Winkowski at #7 singles, and at #8, Kim Schwartz took fourth place after an incredible win against Evanston. Jenny Kamin and Holly Fak both took fifth also. The only JV doubles team to place was Natalie Mazzuca and Schwartz at #3, taking fifth after losing to Glenbrook South and beating both Maine Township schools. Overall, the Varsity team finished 6-4, and the JV finished 4-6. Conference wins were few on the JV level, but Varsity finished with a much improved record of 3-4. "We dominated our non-conference opponents at both Varsity and JV levels," said assistant coach Bill Theime. Next year's team is expected to improve, with only four seniors leaving and Varsity #1,#3 and #4 singles returning.
Girls' track season hits the tape Although young, the 1995 girls' track teams have proven themselves, with both the Freshman and Varsity finishing third indoors in a tough conference. The Hawks hoped to either repeat or better this finish in the outdoor meet held at home last Friday. The underclassman turnout for this season's teams was remarkable, according to Coach Gabauer. Seventeen freshmen and many sophomores competed for the Hawks, several at the Varsity level. At Conference,
freshman Elizabeth Gibbons won both the 1,600 and the 3,200 m runs. Jenny Levar is the second-best distance runner and both she and Gibbons are 30 seconds away from state qualification. Both continue to drop time as the season progresses. Teammate Katie DuPont was also a double winner, placing first in the 300 m hurdles, and second in the 100 m high hurdles. During the season, sophomore Johanna Zumer also did well for the Hawks as the number one half-mile competitor and the
number two 2-mile runner. Underclassmen also performed well in the field. Sophomore Deirdre Larsen and her freshman sister Tara were competitii^^ll season at throwing the discus and p u t t i ^ B ^ shot. Sophomore Jamie Martello c o m p e t ^ n both tlirowing events for the Hawks, as well as running events, including hurdles. Gabauer said that she could make a "very strong pentathlete" as she continues to improve. Although freshmen and sophomores have contributed much to the Hawk track program this year, the upperclassmen cannot be overlooked. Though few in numbers, juniors and seniors on the team have performed very well. Gabauer said senior co-captains Jenny Green and Gretchen Henrickson are top ranked jumpers in the CSL North. Green, making 5'2" for the high jump, and Henrickson, at 16'8" for the long jump, could both repeal trips to the state meet. Junior Sara Payne could also qualify, according to Gabauer. Payne placed third in the 400 m at Sectionals last season, and needs a second place finish to automatically advance to the state meet. Other juniors who Gabauer said have contributed strongly for the Hawks this year are relay specialists Stephanie Chen and Tracy Stankiewicz who sometimes run as many as four relays per meet. Mary Lindgren is the team's only other senior, but due to injuries, could not participate during m u ^ ^ ' the season. Although the loss of â&#x20AC;˘â&#x20AC;˘p'-"-^^B men will be felt, the younger team members will continue to help the Hawks in the future.