\ olume 32, Issue 9 kJanuarv 27, 1995
Maine South H.S Park Ridge, XL
A.P. Hawks take State
by Steve Zibrat The A.P. Hawks Constitution team took first place in the State Constitution Competition held Jan. 6 at Illinois State University. The day before the competition the 29 seniors on the team made the trip down to the campus. After spending several hours relaxing and eating dinner, the team met with their coach and eighth period AP. government teacher, Mr. Patton Feichter, and their adviser, Mrs. Nancy Canova, in order to begin final preparations for the next day's appearance before a panel of judges. Team members stayed awake until early Saturday morning trying to perfect prepared speeches and to discuss possible free-response questions. The team was split up into six groups, called units. Each unit is comprised of four or five people, who are given a topic to work on, such as civil liberties or federalism. Three Ktions accompany each topic, for each of th the unit must prepare a four-minute oral presentation that all the members participate in. They then have to be knowledgeable enough about all three aspects of their topic to endure a six-minutefree-responseperiod after the formal presentation. The team's work culminated at the state competition as the judging began. The judges, a mixture of professors, lawyers and others knowledgeable on the subject of the Constitution, sat in panels of three to question the units. Even though they were the only school present at the competition, the judges comphmented the A.P. Hawks on their ability
to respond to questions and offered advice on areas where improvements could be made. Witnessing his team's performance led Feichter to say that 'This is the best team I ever had," a statement supported by the scores given to this year's teams, the highest out of any previous AP. Hawks team. The Constitution Team will travel to Washington, D.C. in April to compete against the best teams from every state, as well as the District of Columbia and Puerto Rico. The A.P. Hawks will face at least two days of competition, and possibly a third day on Capitol Hill if they score as one of the top ten teams. When questioned about his team's chances in Washington, Feichter said, "This is the team of destiny, the team that can win the championship." During the time not spent in competition or
preparation, the team will take a tour ot the capital, including areas of the Capitol Building and the White House which are closed to most tourists. Feichter hopes to arrange meetings with such public officials as Congressman Hyde, Senator Paul Simon, members of the Supreme Court and Abner Mikvah, counselor to the President. The A.P. Hawks might also have the chance to meet with the First Lady, South graduate Hillary Rodham Clinton. In addition. Congressman Hyde is planning to volunteer his time to come to Maine South and help the team prepare for nationals. Several team members will also appear on a television program called The Hyde Report, seen on local cable television stations.
by Steve Chiagouris bv Steve Chiaeouris Thurs., Jan. 4 marked the end of a longrevered tradition at Maine South: M-Club initiation. The day began with the school's top male athletes singing Christmas carols and wearing suits, knowing that they would not be allowed to speak for the rest of the day. As the day wore on, the vow of silence was removed, since ; who were already M-Club members had lethod of punishing those who talked. The end of this tradition was handed down by the administrative council. Mr. Adamo, vice-principal of South and a member of the
council, cited several reasons for the initiation' s demise, including lllinois's hazing law. (Hazing is defined as the act of initiating or disciphning fellow students by means of horseplay, practical jokes and tricks, often in the nature of humiliating or painful ordeals.) Adamo also cited incidents of initiates in dresses, of broken windows and of unmentionable pranks, as well as the fact that some students might not join the club due to the initiation. M-Club sponsor Mr. Dave Inserra agreed, saying "Each year there are five or six atheletes who tell me they won't join because of the ini-
I • initiation has helped tiation." He argued that to perpetuate negative views of athletes. The third reason cited by Adamo regarded the M-Club's lack of activity during the year. Inserra added that he disliked the fact that the focal point of the year had become the initiation. M-Club president Ray Albin said, "the initiation provided a dose of humanity to athletes to help keep 'em in place." Several athletes complained they felt disappointed at the end of a tradition they had looked forward to with anticipation.
M-Club initiation dropped
Janiiary 27; T?g?r
Don't touch that dial by Katie Burns The ticket flapped on the windshield unnoticed for three blocks, a vulture certain to feast upon its teenage victim sooner or later. Later came. The driver of the car pulled over and whipped the offending piece of paper from beneath the wiper. She scanned it, then tossed it to me. The fine was $20 for violating a zone posted "NO PARKING fi-om 8:00 to 4:00, except for Saturday, Sunday, and holidays." This was Martin Luther King Day, though, a legal federal holiday. The stony-faced policeman at the police office told us, in sparse and final terms, that only city holidays applied to parking signs. Upstairs, my friend forked over two tens to the clerk. I then politely (I hope) asked for a list of official city holidays, but the clerk could not supply me with one. 1 went home to complain to my mother, the recipient of my frequent feelings of injustice She informed me, laughing, that everybody knew that parking signs referred only to city holidays. 1 informed her, growling, that teenagers didn't always know these things. I reflected that, as a teenager, 1 feel I've been set in front of a giant chessboard with an adult on the other side. I don't even know the names of the pieces, much less the rules of the game... and as soon as I learn a legal move, a pawn attacks me from the diagonal and takes away any advantage I may have gained. The day after the parking fiasco, my fiiend's mother gave me a ride to school and a clipping from the paper. I read with interest the article about the new parking holidays. From the revmting of the city charter in 1974 until 8:00 p.m. M. L. King evening. Park Ridge had no legal parking holidays. For years, adults have parked in "NO PARKING - excepting holidays" areas on Christmas, New Year's, Memorial Day, the 4th of July, Labor Day, and Thanksgiving, the new legal holidays. They were unticketed by kindly officers who knew everyone assumed city holidays covered these dates. The adults were unwittingly as clueless about parking on these holidays as two teenagers were about paiicing on M.L. King Day. I rethought my position on teenagerhood. Teens are indeed part of a game they don't understand. Yet, so are the adults, and the rules - whether they be laws or unspoken expectancies - constantly change. The incident that cost my friend S20 and myself some indignity was only a small example of this, but a good one. The game that is living remains uncertain to every generation.
by Kevin Byrne ...And welcome back to the show. In case you just tuned in, you are listening to 100.9, WORY, the exclusive radio station for Maine South administrators and parents. I am your DJ (not VJ) Kevin J. J. Byrne, the sane mouth of Maine South, the man with a plan if you understand, the bub at the hub with the low down on our high school's hoe down, coming right to you with a special little segment I like to call the semester in review. Since the beginning of the school year, Maine South has looked less like the high school of America's first lady and more like the high school on America's Most Wanted. The vandalism episode, although slight, was a display unprecedented in the several years of my high school experience. The whole incident was an odd sundae topped off with whipped cream, chopped nuts, and just a dash of expulsion. Was expelling the students the right decision? I wish someone could answer that Along a similar vein, there are several other students with court cases floating around in our legal system facing state and federal charges. And those plucky youngsters are only the ones that got caught. On a lighter topic, Maine South became a smoke free environment. Beginning this semester, employers and visitors had to leave school grounds to have a Marlboro moment.
But this rarely prevented those who know how from doing you-know-what everybodyknows-where. Deterrents such as stricter penalties, counseling sessions, and national smoke-out days have made only a small dent in the number of teachers who smoke. It really is tragic, the examples those teachers are leaving on the young, impressionable minds of the students. The late, great Jimi Hendrix once wrote, "Happiness is such a drag." And he ended up choking to death on his own vomit. Let this be a lesson to you, smokers. In another bold administrative maneuver this semester. Big Johnson Tshirts got the ax. The controversial and innuendo-filled phallic fabrics have followed the dinosaur, the dodo bird and jackets into Maine South extinction. After the rule was passed, school officials Bobbin and McCarthy gave their full support to the decision to get rid of the offensive garments. No suprise there. Well, 1 can see by the old clock on the wall that my time here is up. Too bad I didn't get to thank the soccer team for the half day. In summation, the semester was like a roller coaster side show: most people got used t o ^ ^ some students became accidents w a i t i n g ^ ^ happen, and some were caught in the act wim^ nowhere to go. And now 1 have to go, but please keep listening to WORY: the station that plays all the misses.
\The year according to Southwords
Best Movie
Forrest Gump
the last Southfest
baggy grunge Soundgarden I r shorts
Pulp Fiction Natural Born Killers
the V-Show the last Southfest
those plastic barrettes
Agnes Natalie^ M!i<e Aiison
iMaine South] Worst Clothing! Best Band Trend Event
A Perfect \ Wheeling World I soccer game Shawshank
Star Wars m the
Redemptioni auditorium ;! Shawshank i BYOLS Katie I Redemption^ (Star Wars)
Forrest Gump
Forrest Gump
Best ' Best Ad Misc. Campaign "A11111111-
i g h t y then"
World Cup
The Tick
Taster's Choice
plaid kilts
Grateful Dead
David Callahan
Big Johnson
Peter Gabriel
Pepperidge Fann Goldfish
Taster's Choice
grunge suspenders I on females
U2 Yanni 1^'"^^^,%,,
Beach Taster's VoUeyball Choice Fyedka
knee-high Fiddler on the ^ ^ , Roof |ScoBowl| nylons orchestra knee high rebirth of school opening Tony socks with Green Day I (to the Bennett skirt i administration) Catholic school Wynton New Trier! uniforms i Marsalis MS vs. Kelly News at M9 septet
Taster's Choice T^ j Prodiji g > W Taster's Choice Red Dog Beer
^ a c k of pace kills Pack the Place by Heather Anichini Ezra Pound once said, "the history of excellence is the history of masterwork, not failures, or mediocrity." For the last 31 years Maine South has pushed to live up to its history of excellence in education through masterwork. In the academic arena, there is no denying that the school as a whole as well as its teachers and students have managed to live up to this standard. Scores on standardized tests, performance levels in Advanced Placement courses, and the numbers of college-bound seniors help prove that the high expectation of the commitment to academic success has been met Unfortunately, in recent years, the drive toward excellence in arenas beyond the traditional areas of learning has become mediocre at best. When I first came to Maine South four years ago, I was impressed by the sheer number of activities in which a student could participate. Everything ft-om athletics to drama to publications was available if a student took the initiative to become involved. In addition, for those who could not make a longterm commitment, there were a number of ^chool-sponsored events they could attend or 'participate in. For example, the Homecoming
carnival was scheduled for the evening before the game with the firelight rally to follow. Everyone had the opportunity to attend, well after practices or rehearsals ended. The firelightrally was actually held byfirelight,notas the sun was still shining on the horizon. That same year the winter assembly provided an opportunity for any student to perform in a lip synch contest representing their class in fi-ont of the entire school. Granted, it was not a hotly contended three point shoot-out or a precision kick routine but it was sure fun to watch. Southfest was still alive that year too, and while attendance was low, the event was held for those students who did attend. The day was a fun-filled alternative to classroom study and those who stayed home missed out. In the last four years, each of the events I found so rewarding my freshman year has somehow been altered or completely abandoned, and this year there is another to add to the list There will be no dance after the Pack the Place games Feb 3. While this is not necessarily a permanent change, it is a disappointment to me. After all, I am a senior; it would have been my last opportunity to participate in the evening, and I was looking forward to it As the president of Varsity Club I found the cancellation particularly upsetting
because the club usually does the publicity, decorates the cafeteria, and serves the food for the event Many of the club members were awaiting the poster-making parties, the streamer-hanging marathons, and even the drink pouring that the event representsfor the club. The night was our chance to demonstrate our school spirit, not only while the basketball team played, but also when the game ended. The Pack the Place dance certainly isn't Homecoming, and no one will suffer greviously due to its cancellation, but many of us will miss our last opportunity to participate in the event as it was: a game or two, maybe a wrestling meet, and then the dance in the cafeteria. In recent years, Maine South has moved further and further away from its tradition of excellence in areas beyond the academic. Perhaps it is time for everyone to consider what is truly important not the numbers of those who don't participate in these events, but the numbers that do. Those of us who relished the activities once offered long for the days of Homecoming carnivals, Southfests, and dances after Pack the Place. Unfortunately, until success is measured by the masterwork of those who do participate, mediocrity will continue to flomish.
Christmas bombs alleviate boredom
by Dan Maigler It was a bomb. It had to be a bomb. The brightly coloredribbonand sweet little Santa wrapping paper did nothing to deceive me; I had recieved a bomb for Christmas. One might ask me why I simply didn't toss it out into the snow the moment I heard it ticking and felt its unnatural heft. One might also wonder about recieving a gift from my estranged Uncle Hugo whom no one had seen or heard from since the World Trade Center bombing. I had my reasons for keeping this gift, though. I needed it for insurance. I knew that the monotony and boredom that stemmed from the holiday season might be too much for me and that if worst came to worst I would open Uncle Hugo's bomb. Don't get me wrong. I love the holidays. I'm usually atwitter with Christmas cheer, and I love carols so much that not only do I sing them in English, Spanish and Italian, but I do it in the middle of July. I love snow, /inter, and thick wool sweaters. I love the Flea of Santa Claus, mistletoe, and the anguish of waiting until Thanksgiving to put up decorations. I love the spiritual feeling of giving and the commercial spending bonanza. I even love the tradition of happiness and fun that has always accompanied Christmas.
This year I realized, as I opened bushel after bushel of immaculately wrapped packages concealing Hanes tighty whitey briefs or really festive pairs of my deceased uncle's boxers (which, until recently, I wore with pride), that the tradition of fun was gone. Through our entire family celebration I was surrounded by screaming children, and was painted red by the excess layers of lipstick donned by my dear matriarchal relatives. I was revolted by the vision of people I once considered role models popping pickled herring and pork rinds into their mouths and washing them down with an Old Fashion or a Highball. Thefinalstroke came with the opening of gifts. Gone were the fun presents of yesteryear like G.I. Joe guys. Transformers, real metal Tonka trucks, plastic swords. Legos, balls of every size and shape, and mind numbing amounts of board games like Monopoly, Candy Land and Chutes and Ladders. Instead of these quickly destroyed, low function, fun, exciting gifts I found warm clothes, organizational devices and books. They may make the quality of our life better but they don't enhance our enjoyment of the moment. Needless to say, my most treasured gifts were given to me by my girlfriend. The coloring book and
crayons I receivedfi-omher showed me that there was fun left in the holidays. Unfortunately, it reached me too late. Before my curmudgeony old heart could be softened by the true meaning of Christmas, I opened Uncle Hugo's ticking box. After gathering around me the most annoying of my relatives I slowly pulled the glisteningribbon.Tension gripped my stomach like a vice and I could feel every muscle in my body tighten as I slowly lifted the lid. I felt the trip wire beginning to catch and Irippedthe top clear off, unleashing an explosion of crushingly minimal proportions. I gazed around the room shocked and disappointed that I was still alive. To my great chagrin my relatives weren't even maimed enough to need a trip to the hospital. What 1 saw instead was a room covered in underwear. It covered the chandelier, the Christmas tree, the turkey, the furniture, all of my nephews. I learned a lot of lessons this winter break: 1.) It is possible to make an underwear bomb, 2.) The fun hasn't gone out of Christmas, and 3.) Little kids have short attention spans; thus, it's easy to steal their toys. So go out and have yourself a merry little Christmas by taking all the toys you want from the neighborhood kids, and bring a little magic back to your winter.
Dealing with the truths of rape by Heather Anichini Picture this: you are babysitting for a neighbor's two little children. Their father arrives, intoxicated, and insists upon driving you home. Tired, and not really wanting to walk home, you accept. It's a short drive and he seems to be sobering up. As you approach the street toward your home, however, he does not turn. You casually point out the error, but he keeps driving. The next thing you know he has driven to an abondoned wooded area where he rapes you by knife point. Then he throws you back into the car and drops you off in front of your house, topless, bruised, and covered in mud. You run into your house screaming and crying, hardly able to make your mother understand what has happened. She tells you to forget it, embarrassed by what others might think if they heard the story. Every year an estimated 155,000 women experience similiar scenarios, raped by strangers, family members, or aquaintances. Often, they do not know where to turn for help; they fear what will happen if they report the rape. Many feel too dirty or embarrassed to talk about the ordeal, even with their closest friends or family memebers. For men who are raped there are added difficulties.They might think that coming forward could make them seem weak or defenseless or cause them to be ridiculed. It estimated that these fears keep more than 50% of all rape victims from reporting the
crime to the police. Unfortunately, that descision could affect others. Nearly 75% of all rapists are repeat offenders. Rape, defined in law books as "carnal -50% are by someone the victim knowledge through use of force or threat of knows force," is one of the most difficult crimes to prevent from occurring. Psychologists main- -25% are committed with a weapon tain that a rapist commits the crime not be- -25% are committed in the victim's cause of sexual drive, but because of an agreshome sive nature and a desire for dominance. -50% occur in public places Pamela Roth, author of A Rape Culture, states: "Rape is a crime that will not be -90% involve alchohol stopped by legalizing prostitution, or making -50% are not reported to the police sex more readily available... rape will stop when victims report the crime and prosecute -71% are performed in groups their attacker. Only when people realize that -71% are planned being raped is not the fault of the victim can -33% of all women are raped in their the crime be prevented." lifetime While everyone should take precautions such as walking in groups at night and avoid- -10% of allmen are raped in their lifeing abandoned areas will help protect potentime tial victims ft'om any violent crime, they should also know what to do if a rape occurs. -51% of rapists are white Caucasians If one is raped, it is of vital importance that he -47% of rapists are African American or she get to a hospital immediately. A trained -47% of all rape cases are dismissed staff will help the victim heal not only the physical scars but also the mental wounds that -75%of all rapists committ their first rape by age 16 remain after such an attack. According to the National Crime Statistics Board, 85% of the victims who do not seek help after the attack Informationfor this article obtainedfrom a attempt or committ suicide. Acting rationally report by Alec Schuetter, FBI Crime reports, after an attack and prosecuting the attacker and Rape Victims Advocates. could save another person's life.
Statistics on Rape
Focus on student excellence... Name: Brian Albin
Grade Level: 10
Activities: Football; Captain sophomore year, Wrestling; Captain freshman year, Track, Orchestra, Student of the Month. Teacher's Comment: "Brian is a wonderful example of the prototype well-rounded student. Besides his work ethic, Brian brings a maturity to the classroom rarely equaled by his peers. Brian consistently completes exceptional work. What is most impressive about Brian is that he does all this while participating^ in several co-curricular activities." -Mr. Dave Claypool
Love for those who need it most by Cyrus Wilson Most Maine South students may never give consideration to the fact that some Park Ridge families participate in foster care programs. The following steps make up the genKate Rowland, a Maine South junior, eral procedure of becominga foster family. however, finds foster care to be an integral part of her daily life. The Rowland family has -Contact an organization that has foster participated in the CathoUc Charities program care programs. Two examples are forfiveyears, caring for 20 children (usually one or two at atime)during this period. DCFS and Catholic Charities. Located in downtown Chicago, Catholic -Go through the application and screening Charities runs various goodwill programs, such as giving foster care to neglected chilprocess. For a Catholic Charities famdren and donating food to those who need it. ily, this year-long process includes... The care that a Catholic Charities foster family can provide is one of four types: emer*The application. During this time, the gency, emergency medical, permanent, or family must provide six references permanent medical. that give evidence that it can provide A permanent care family is what many the proper care for a child. Also, fin- think of when hearing the words "foster care." gerprints are taken to check that the In this situation a neglected child is moved to a new home with new parents. However, if the parents have not committed crimes child is mentally or physically disabled, he such as child molestation. would be sent to a permanent medical family, *Organization visits to the family to which would provide the necessary medical make sure that it can accomododate care. Emergency families are those that care for small children. a child for a short time, during which a permanent home is found for the child. *Interviews with all family members to The Rowlands fit under the emergency allow the organization to decide category. A child who has not received whether a child wUl get proper care. adequate attention and parental care is removed from his home. He is then taken to the -After the application and screening proc- Rowland family until a permanent family is ess, a license is given to the family. A found. At that time, the child goes through a Catholic Charities family must be reli- transition period. During thistime,the child still Uves in the emergency home, but makes censed every four years. The relicensingprocess includes a visit to die house frequent visits to the permanent family. Finally, he moves to the jjermanent home. and interviews of the family members Catholic Charaties the Rowlands are to determine tiiat the family is still elicalled by Catholic Charities and notifies them gible for foster children. that a baby needs an emergency home. If they agree to care for the child, the Rowlands
Becoming a foster care family
5o The/te ARE. eNJOYINi,
receive the child, sometimes only two hours later. The child usually bears signs of neglect or abuse experienced in his previous home. Usually dressed in rags or hospital clothes, they are often extremely weak, quiet or underdeveloped because of lack of attention. Thefirstjob for the Rowland family is to give the child food, water and clothing. The State reimburses the Rowlands for the clothes they buy for the children, in addition to monthly payments for the caretiieyprovide. As important as food, however, is the love and attention that the Rowlands give the child. Whether learning to walk or gaining strength in their voices, the children usually show signs of greatchange after given parental care. Kate believes that one of the happiest moments for her family is seeing a child smile for thefirsttime. Kate recalls one baby who would not cry. The child had been conditioned tiiat way because her father only fed her attimedintervals and intentionally ignored her when she cried. Unfortunately, their was no way of knowing when the girl was hungry or sleepy. After some time with the Rowlands, she started to cry. The most common characteristic of the neglected babies is that they are immature or underdeveloped for their age. When they should be walking, they are still having trouble sitting up.Kate believes it is a joy, though, to watch them catch up when exposed to the love an attention that they did not receive previously. According to Kate, the entire family enjoys giving the children love and attention . Her house is often filled with a Uttie one to play with. For the Rowland family, a time without children is a lonely time. Though foster children sometimes cry and keep others from sleeping, they also play and smile and laugh, bringing joy to those who love them. [fKtH
WWO ?f/
November Students of the Months Art/ Photo: Christina Aulisio, Kim Haack, Michael Hominick, Tobey Schmidt Applied Technology: Kirk Alexos, Matthew Huettinger, Michael Janas Broadcasting/ Drama: Georgina Karas, Vasiliki Kokkaklias, Graham Schmidt Business: Kim Mattes, Erica Sliwa, Katherine Trahame Driver Education: Christine Battista, Anne Campion, Stephanie Chen, Alec Schuetter English: Angela Dumit, Paul Fredricksen, Jennifer Green, Jaclyn Jacobson, Diana Kostolansky, Jennifer La Fronza, Roxana Lulusa, Sheila Musurlian, Zhalek Naghibzadek, Kelly Newton, Peter Pintz, Allison Poulos,
Joe Rodino, Maggie Sadowicz, Peter Sedivy, Mike Sieczkowski, Mike Wilkening Foreign Language: George Athanasopovos, Joene Van CraenenbroeckJDyan Dalesandro, Lucas Fuksa, Jennifer Pietrzykowski, Kathryn Spindler, Jason Trapp, David Wilson Health: Paul Czapiga, Matthew Galvin Home Economics: Brooke Mohill, Diana Murges, Gina Vignola Mathematics: Amy Andrzejewski, Nick Colic, Renee Diederich, Antonio Dilorenzo, Jennifer Evola, Nicole Marte, Ryan Palmquist, Paul Pawola, Carrie Rice, Laura Schomack, Jennifer Sitarz, Kathy Szymczak, Lori Verisario
Music: Andrew Elsesser, Natalie Mazzuca, Chad Williams Physical Education: Havalah Backus, Jefferey Clapper, Joseph Kazmierski, Hyun Kim, Daniel Maigler, Patrycja Nykiel, Daniel Pacer, Emily Reiman, Timothy Zei Science: Amy Balija, Laura Batt, Laura Beckerdite, Mark Cameron, Jeff Carrion, Alicia Dicks, Naomi Fatigato, Chris LoPinto, Tim Paschke, Anna Rodecki, Demetrios Sarantopoulos, Mary Sosniak, Rachel Stein, Steve Tallungan Social Science: Ashley Collins, Julie Johnson, Mollie Manrose, Claire Pawlowski, Jennifer Pietrzykowski, Jennifer Schuberth
December Students of the Month Art/Photo: Danuta Dzierzanowska, Carey Mitchell, Jennifer Pietrzykowski Applied Technology: Michio Murakishi, Ted Renaghan, Adam Taraska Business: Lisa Chekos, Michael Gillespie, Jennifer Neisler, Christy Rea, Nichole SeUergren Driver Education: Christine Battaglia, Dominick Sannasardo, Elizabeth Schutt, Dana Siegel English: Dale Bachman, Victor De Martino, Loretta Imburgia, Lynn Janik, Katherine Korytkowski, Joanna Mueller, Jenny Neisler, Billy OKeefe, Jennifer Pietrzykowski, Samantha Romano, Brian Schmitz, Jillian Sigalos, Tracy Stankiewicz, Betty Stasinos, Cara Tracy Foreign Language: Demetria Demakis, Natalie Di Valerio, Meghan Erwin, Charles
Gosrisirikul, Robert Kurek, Melanie Mc Vey, Brenda Peters, Lamia EI Sabke, Ben Wilson Health: Danuta Dzirzanowski, Michael Wilkening Home Economics: Anthony Cinquini, Allyson Morch, Suzanne Optie Mathematics: Martin Fallon, Dina Hukic, Karen Kietzer, Heather Klaes, Annemarie Pontarelli, Lena Popovic, Michelle Rhoton, Graham Schmidt, Peter Sedivy, Matthew Simpson, Erica Vassilos, Michael Walters Music: Alison Adlaf, Lara Anderson, Natalie French Physical Education: Filip Cejovic, Karla Diestel, Heidi Funk, Brian Howe, Michael Kumiga, Monica Mc Queen, Jennifer Schrock, Cara Tracy, Kerriann Vrbancic Science: Joseph Anderlick, John Blumenshine, Nick Bolton, Maria Burton, Kevin
Pack the Place cancelled Although the Pack the Place basketball games usually draw a considerable crowd, this year many students are disappointed that the traditional Pack the Place Dance has been cancelled. The administration has decided to cancel the dance partially due to a scheduling con-
flict. The administration chose between the Pack the Place Dance and the Valentine Hop, and it was determined that it would be Pack the Place that was cancelled. The Valentine Hop will be held on the normal Pack the Place date, Feb. 3, following the basketball games.
Upcoming Events at Maine South Jan. 30 Musical Auditions Workshop Jan. 31 Jazz Bands Concert Jan. 31-Feb. 1 Musical Auditions Feb. 2-5 Model United Nations
Feb. 3 Feb. 4 Feb. 5 Feb. 6
Valentine Hop ACT Testing Winter Band Concert Musical Callbacks
Conroy, Bridget Garcia, Jamie Glowinski, Jeffrey Hejza, Holly Hameder, Lania Ho, Sarah Jarosz, Jennifer Manzi, Nancy Nussbaum, Emily Reiman, Michele Senese, Steven Zibrat Social Science: Paul Frederiksen, Daniel Maigler, Jessica Rumczikas, Peter Sedi^ Tom Wallace, Jason Wellner Speech/Drama: Peter Gross, Jon Hultgren, Sean Masterton
SouthwordS Souihwortb is the student-produced newspaper of Maine Soath Higb School, 1111 S. Dee Rd., Park Rictge, VL (60068). Letters to the editor should be delivered to rooTn V-130 or given to a member of the editorial staff. Southwords reserves the right to edit obscene or libelous material. Editors-ifl-Chief..
Katie Burns Andrea Wells Neves editors-.. » Afison Adlaf Jane Quaiver Commentarv editors.. Ke^1n Byrne Agnes Milewiski Features editors -—.Heather Anicbini Crrtis Wilson Sports editors™ -Natalie Mazzuca Billy OKeefe TimThein Productiofi editor.™ Laura Batt Photographers __. -.Paul Berko j Tot)e J-Schmidt ArUsls— — Maggie Sadowicz .Mike Segawa Adviser — _ T . R. Kerlh
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I4awks place third at Beach meet by Jane Quaiver At the Maine East Beach meet. South finished third with 117.1 points. Good scores came from Jackie Korus on vault (8.2) and Christina Dorow on bars (7.8). On balance beam. Heather Anichini scored 8.4 and Jane Quaiver had an 8.6. Anichini scored 8.6 on floor exercise. The Hawks had theirfirstconference win against Maine West two weeks ago. At this meet, the Hawks scored 127.8 to West's 114.5 points. This score was the girls' highest so far this year. On bars, Dorow recieved an 8.5, Beth Markowski went 7.6 and Colleen Matchen went 7.3. On vault, Sam Schumacher led the way with an 8.3. Korus and Kate Bacon had strong showings as well with an 8.0 and a 7.6 respectively. Floor exercise was the evening's strong point with a 7.9fromLaurie Strotman, a pair of 8.5's from Markowski and Quaiver and Anichini finishing strongly with an 8.6. Balance beam was dominated by the three seniors, with Matchen going 8.2, Quaiver with an 8.3, and Anichini with an 8.4. The Hawks are using the remainder of the season to polish their routines and train hard for Conference and Regionals. The conference meet is tonight at Deerfield High School.
B-ball doing well by Laura Batt With the regular season almost at a close, the Varsity girls' b ^ ^ b a l l team must keep their momentum going into postseiron play. Maine South participates in one of the most competitive Sectionals in the state, in which nine teams out of 16 have been ranked in Chicagoland's top 25 at some point this season. The Hawks have already conquered five such teams and since their health has improved, Claire Pawlowski and Joy Pavichevich returning to starting positions, the team has had a 11-2 record. All five Hawk starters are doing extremely well at their positions. Said Coach Mike Deines, "Sue [Sroka] is playing at the top of her game. Joy [Pavichevich] is playing outstanding as well. They continue to be our two top scorers and Joy is really excelling at thefreethrow line." In the fourth quarter of the Evanston game, Colleen Matchen practices on balance beam photo by Tobey Schmidt Pavichevich was 9 of 11 from the line to help the Hawks win 62-44. In the same game, Sroka had 23 points and 11 rebounds, and H^TATV Vi T rtYi 1 T /^V»+- O Pawlowski's offensive touch is starting to 1 ! iioosccntBst comeback. Against Deerfield, the junior made seven out of eight attempted baskets for 14 Sport Frx 1/27 Sat 1/28 Hon 1/30 T u a 1/31 Wed 2/1 points." On defense, Denise Pavichevich, "has CSL IHSA CSL North C^ranastijcs really matured over the season and is now Regionals Conference V Conference JV starting as point guard," said Deines. Fremd Boys' But what Deines says he is most happy SA'7;30 S/V7t30 about is that the Hawk non-starters are Maine West 4 Star Shootout Niles West Girls' averaging 14 points a game. Kate Wietzema, FA/B/J/V 7:30 V6:00 FA/B/J/V 7:00 fesketfaall Joanna Pulice, Heather Kura, Alyssa Kulak Conant Invite GBN Niles North and Lisa LaCerra are providing the kind of Swiziming SfVl-m F5:30 depth off the bench Deines had hoped for at the outt^of the season. In the Deerfield game Maine West GBNInv. JV/ KoBStling Deerfield Inv. F F/JfW 6:00 ( I ^ ^ d . Deerfield 53-29), the non-starters played the entire fourth quarter and extended Beys' ^{N/ Ridgewood the Hawks' lead by four points, still playing :::H:::.S/V.4:3D,.... Track against the Warrior starters. Girls' iFirst Meet 212 vs. GBS and New Trier The Varsity plays cross-town rival Maine Track 1 1 West today away at 7:30.
January 27,1995^
Hawks stage upset over state powerhouse by Chris LoPinto After dropping the first conference game at Highland Park, the Hawks bounced back in a big way by finishing third in the Wheeling Hardwood Classic over Christmas break. In fu'st round action, the Hawks thumped Streamwood with a score of 68-51. Chris LoPinto led all scorers with 19 points and Matt Hermes added 17. In the second round, the Hawks were pitted against a tough St Viator squad led by senior forward Quin Hayes. Behind the red-hot shooting of Matt Friesl (17 points), the Hawks mounted a 14-3 second-half run which brought the game to an even score. The big play for the Hawks was handed in by LoPinto (15 points) who hit a clutch turnaround jumper with 55 seconds left in regulation. Mark Simpson sealed the game with two clutch free throws.
In semifinal action versus conference rival Deerfield, the Warriors handed the Hawks a disappointing loss. The next day, the Hawks beat Elk Grove 61-57 in overtime to capture third place. LoPinto and Hermes led the team, combining for 35 points. Spiro Katerinis fmished the tourney as one of the assist leaders and LoPinto was named to the All-Tournament team. In their fu-st home conference game, the Hawks continued their winning ways with a victory over Niles North. The Hawks received soUd defensive efforts by guards Katerinis, Friesl and Brian Schmitz. The winning basket for the Hawks was created by Katerinis. After stealing the inbounds pass, Katerinis passed to Schmitz for an easy lay-up and gave the Hawks a two-point win. Perhaps the biggest win for the Hawks
came Jan. 13 versus ninth-ranked Deen^W. The Sun Times regards the Warriors as one of the best team s in the state. They are lead by highly-recruited sophomore Ryan Hogan. After Hermes hit a three-pointer to beat the first half buzzer, the Hawks went in to the locker room leading 27-26. In the second half, the lead went back and forth. Defensive stand-out Andy Chojnowski shut down Hogan but Mike Casey picked up the scoring slack for the Warriors. Maine South used a balanced scoring attack and was lead by Schmitz's 13 points including a clutch three-pointer in the closing minutes. The Hawks used a tenacious defense to cause several Deerfield turnovers and notch their second conference victory. "This was a great win," Katerinis said.
Wrestlers prepare for Conference showdown by Matt Glavin The Hawks have been very busy this past week in trying to make up for their first conference loss to Niles North. South took its anger out by winning a home triple-dual meet without much trouble. The Hawks continued their winning ways
by defeating Glenbrook North on Jan. 13 and placing third in the Niles North tournament the next day. Mike Komo and Matt Rioch both claimed championships while Pete Sedivy, Kevin O'Neill and Kevin Libby all took second place in their respective weight classes.
The J.V. and Freshmen teams also won over Glenbard North. The Hawks now look ahead to Highland Park, knowing they still have a good chance for the conference championship with victories over Highland Park and next W ^ K opponent, Maine West. ^ ^
Swimmers Improve conference record to 2-1 by Steve Chiagouris Since the return from the grueling practices over winter break, the boys' swim team has made many improvements. The Hawks have improved their overall record to 3-4 and their conference record is currently 2-1. The Hawks' first conference meet was a crushing 144-34 defeat of Highland Park in which they won 11 of 12 events. Individual winners were Jon Batt, Steve Chiagouris, Joe Dietlin, Don Kura and Tim Paschke. The relay winners in the 2(X)-yd. medley relay included Chiagouris, Brian Dayton, Paschke and Dietiin. The 2(X)-yd. free relay winners included Dietlin, Nat Tone, Chiagouris and Paschke. Impressive time imfrovements were recorded by all members including Batt, who showed his versatility in the distance events. Scott Kopecky and George Luxton also turned in solid efforts for the Hawks. Led by three relay teams in third place, the Hawks settled for fifth place when they hosted the Hawk Relays. The following week the Hawks were victorious over the Warriors from Maine West, 102-84. The meet was highlighted by Don Kura who swam his four personal bests in the
50- and 100-yd. backstroke as well as the 100yd. freestyle for both relay and block starts. Another swimmer bringing in seasonal best times was Jon Batt in the 200 and 100yd. free as well as in the 200 and 400yd. free relays. To fmish the week, the Hawks edged out Maine East to take fourth place at the chal-
lenging Titan Relays. Second place finishes were turned in by Chiagouris, Tone, Kura and Paschke. The freshmen showed their strength with a second place finish in the 400-yd. freshman relay. The Hawks' next meet is Jan. 27.