Vol 32 issue 9

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Issue 9, Volume 32 December 22,1995

South wordS

Maine South H.S. Park Ridge, IL

Religious celebrations in school To be protected, or to be protected from? by Natalie Mazzuca When one considers the issue of safety, protection from thought does not necessarily come to mind. With signs of the holiday season omnipresent in the halls and classrooms of Maine South, the question of students' safety from the religious ideas that are the basis for these winter festivites is raised. The overwhelming majority of festivities at Maine South are Christmas-related. With the nearing of winter break, the plastic tree is pulled out in the library and adorned with ornaments. Paper decorations cover the windows of the health and attendance offices. Foreign language classes sing Christmas carols. The winter hohdays concert is always full of Christmas music, and at the end, the choirs .and orchestra traditionally perform "A Triblute of Carols." Santa has also made appearances at Spanish and French club activities. Although the majority seem to feel that the decor that dots the school is harmless, a vocal few find the decorations offensive and a threat to the learning environment. Any sort of representation of the various religious celebrations, they feel, is not proper in an institution that is meant to teach all views and ideas equally and without bias. Some take it a step further saying that even if all winter holidays, such as Christmas, Chanukah and Kwanzaa, were represented justly, the fact that a religion was being indirectiy "taught" to students in a


Administrators Clifford Adamo, Kenneth Reese, and Ralph Borowiak trim the trtt. Southwordsy?/e photo public school is a violation of the separation of the "Fall Carnival." church and state. Many in the district see the whole matter in So then, why not keep any sort of holiday a different light. They feel that the subject has orcelebration absent from the school? This been taken to extremes. The learning environsituation is best exemphfied by the current ment is no longer clean from prejudices, but policy in the Grayslake school district. overly sanitized to the point of causing new Gray slake, faced with the same concerns from ones from lack of awareness of other cultures. students and parents, took a politically correct The concensus is to keep holidays in school, route. The district felt that the only way to just to represent all opinions and beliefs as fairly resolve the situation was to censor all equally as possible. holidays. In turn, the winter holidays concert Most students agree with this in regards to was moved from December to January and the the decorations at Maine South. Janet Lucchfestivities were renamed "Winter Carnival." esi, a junior, says, "Holidays are part of our Not only December hohdays were affected, culture as much as anything else. Our beliefs however. Valentine's Day is now deemed make us who we are and should not be re"Friendship Day," and Halloween is called (see Celebrations continued on page 6)

Student Council helps Maine South share by Jennie Palermo The spirit of the holidays often leaves many students with feelings of generosity and compassion, especially towards those less fortunate. At Maine South, these emotions of giving are illustrated through the actions of the Student Council. During the week of December 11-15, Smdent Council sponsored its annual food drice. This year, it was named SHARE, which stands for Students Helping And Reaching ' Everyone. As in previous years, SHARE was a comf)etition between the classes, to see which class could raise the most money, which was converted to points.

Pennies counted as negative points, and all other forms of money, as well as canned food donations, counted as positive points for each class's total. On Wednesday, Double Dollar Day, points counted for twice their original value, encouraging students to bring donations. Friday was deemed Double Dollar Day II in hopes of generating more money. This year the money raised went to local charities and groups. These included the Marillac House, Little Sisters of the Poor in Palatine, and the Maine Township Food Pantry, which are all organizations that work to help the poor. Under the direction of junior Larry

Logsdon, the Public Relations Committee posted signs encouraging all students to participate in the food drive. Special announcements were even made on Tuesday and Thursday reminding students about Double Dollar Day on Wednesday and Friday. The food drive itself was under the direction of sophomore Meghan O'Neill and the Social Committee. Her responsibilities included planning, counting each day's earnings, and changing the "thermometer" total each day. With the goal of the food drive set at $5,000, Student Council's SHARE activity was a large success due to the effort of all workers and contributors involved.

f Commentary \~^ ^

by Cyrus Wilson After the Southwards special football issue was published, I was happy to hear that most people enjoyed the coverage of our football team's success. Unfortunately, some believed that the football team did not deserve all the recognition that it received. I, however, think that the football team deserved the acknowedgment, but that other teams with similar successes should also be recognized Though the problem would seem to be that Maine South does not value other acivities enough, it is actually larger than Maine South but may be solved by changes in the schools. Before solving the problem, we must iden tify it. While Maine South, and most other schools, place tremendous emphasis on activities like football, they do not give equal recognition to other atletic and academic teams. In celebration of the football team's achievements, Maine South held two assemblies, Southwords published a special issue, and Park Ridge had a parade. Although Hawkettes, First Aid Team, Constitution Team, and Science Olympiad have also re cently won state championships, their sue cesses have been ignored. While the football trophy has a special place in a trophy case, the Science Olympiad trophy is collecting dust behind a pile of junk in a science office Maine South's imbalance is a symptom of a problem with society, an imbalance of inter est. While the football players should be praised for their exceptional abilities, football and other sports are only forms of entertain ment in the professional world. First Aid Team, Constitution Team, and Science Olym piad should be recognized because the profes sional equivalents, the people who save lives, the politicians who govern lives, and the in ventors of technology who improve lives, are extremely important. People who consistently watch sports events and discuss them with friends, but ignore the laws governing them or the developments that will help them are rep resentative of our society's problem. Fortunately, treating the symptoms might help relieve the problem. If schools emphasize all important activities, the students will de velop a lifelong interest. Perhaps people will stop complaining about the government and do something to fix it. Maybe they will not allow technology to be used for malevolent purposes, but instead learn to control it Football is a wonderful activity because it teaches the importance of dedication, motivation, and teamwork, important qualities in the professional world. We should treat other activities, other members of the Maine South team, equally, promoting teamwork throughout the school.

Letters to the Editor^ Editors and staff of Southwords: Cigars and roses to all of you for a great special edition-the football special! It was an "inspired effort" (as we say in football!). Everything about the issue was specialfrom the format to the great pictures to the finest examples of writing I have read in a long, proud history of Sowr/iworieiy. Needless to say, we the football team and coaches, are proud to be the subjects of this masterpiece. You guys have done yourselves proud too. TTianks for your attention. I am saving my copy for memories. Boffo, guys. Agreat job. -Coach Hopkins

Dear Editors, It was so ironic to read in the November 22 issue on sexual harassment. The reason it was so ironic is because two days earlier I had been sexually harassed in the hall.

My harassers were behind me; I was walking alone and there weren't many people in the hall. I was so embarassed that I could not turn around. The harassers persisted in lewd and sexual comments and advances. I just wanted to foi^el the whole thing, but I can't. It is comforting to see that the deans feel strongly against harassment, but that does not make it easier to report. If I couldn't even tell my parents, how could I tell a dean? No one can understand how I feel without having been through it. It is the most demeaning attack on another human being. I am writing this to let people know that harassment at Maine South is not just an article; I am a student and it happened to me. I hope others are encouraged to take the deans' advice and report it immediately. -Name withheld by request

The Unsung Champion By Steve Tallungen My friends, I speak to you today about a subject which greatly concerns me. There has been a great injustice done unto us. We at this school have been rightfully praising our conquering heros, the varsity football team, for bringing home the division 5AIHSA Championship. We have been treating them hke well deserved kings. They should well indeed be celebrated, but, they best not forget a small yet crucial person who is at all the games and is as deserving of praise as they are. I am speaking, of course, of the ball boy, Nick Castellanos. He has received no recognition or praise from anyone in the school even though he is a most pertinant part of the game. Nick has been overlooked constantly since that beautiful game against Mount Carmel. He has not been recognized in anything from speeches to assembUes. At one point I thought Coach Hopkins was going to mention him at the welcome back rally in the fieldhouse directly after the game. My ears perked up as he began to thank people who he fought to get on the sidelines because they were so important. I thought Nick would finally be recognized. But alas, his name was to be left unsaid and unheard in the remaining weeks...until now.

You may not realize how important a ball boy is to individual games and the season overall. Without the ball boy, the ball would freeze to the hardness of a rock, stinging the hands of the receiver. When the ball is wet or muddy, the ball boy towels off the ball to decrease the likelihood of a fumble, missed snap, or the possibility of a slipped up throw. A ball warmer is a necessary part of every game played. Nick not only kept the fantastic play consistent throughout the season with his sideline chores, but also rallied school spirt for each game. I recall that after the Fenwick game he almost could not perform a scene in that night's V-Show. You see, he could not speak very loud due to the excessive yelling he did to rally his team's spirts at this game. While we sit back and watch them celebrate our varsity football team, I ask you to look at one who helped them get there. I say, "Show me a championship football team, a n ^ ^ rilshowyoua great ball boy!" If y ou see N i t ^ ^ ^ Castellanos in the halls, stop, shake his h a n ^ ^ and say, "I appreciate the job you do." After all, he is a human being, a great guy, and, gosh damit, he deserves it.



Blast from the (near) past by A. Milnamow and B. O'Neill What with it being December and all, we decided that now would be the best time for a year-in-review article. This has been an exciting year in American history, filled with highs and lows, laden with hope and despair. Of course, so has every other year. But here are a few major and not-so-major events that make this the year that it was, specifically, 1995. By no means is this to be considered a completly comprehensive overview of the year, but it is close. January- O.J. Simpson trial begins, captivating Americans for weeks, until, collectively, they realized it was boring and turned back to professional wrestling. February- Declaring, "I'm Back!" Michael Jordan returns. This causes Orlando Magic superstar Shaquille O'Neal to write a powerful, moving rap song about his pain.

announce their move back to Oakland after over a decade in L.A. Oakland fans are thrilled at their chance to be rude and obnoxious on national television again. April-Baseball strike ends to the delight of three, perhaps four old guys. The Federal building in Oklahoma City is bombed. June-Scott O'Grady, American pilot, is shot down in Bosnia. For his courage, he is made an ail-American hero, not to mention given an Honorary membership in the Society of Guys Who Eat Ants. July- Heat Wave sweeps the nation, killing more than 500 in Chicago alone. August- Jerry Garcia, lead singer of The Grateful Dead, dies. This greatly sorrows the thousands of Deadheads who had followed the band for 30 years.

March-The L.A. Raiders football team September- The O.J. Simpson trial finally

comes to a close. O.J. is found not guilty. The nation breathes a sigh of relief their faith renewed in the American judicial system when a clearly innocent man was allowed to go free. October- A fatal bus crash occurs in Fox River Grove, Illinois. Seven children are killed. Because of this, the nation looks closely at its railroad crossings and the hazards that go with them. November-Maine South wins the 5 A football Championship. This isn't really national news, but it is super-cool. Israeli Prime Minister Yitzak Rabin is asassinated by a countryman. Howevr, the Mideast Peace process goes on, and it now has a martyr. December-President Bill Clinton sends troops to Bosnia, hoping to help keep peace there. This is the most controversial move of the Clinton administration. In related news, "Calvin and Hobbes" creator Bill Watterson retires at the end of the month. /^ N

Your Predictions by Alison Milnamow With the holidays fast approaching, the holiday spirit seems to be everywhere. Yes, "in the air there's a feeling of Christmas." But, it's not only in the air; it's in the trees, on lamp posts, on the lawns; it'severywhere. The festive decorations of the season have invaded. The decorations range from tasteful to terribly tacky, and there is a stop in between to suit everyone. At this time of year Michigan Avenue is beautiful. The twinkling lights that fill the trees and serve as a guide for lost shoppers seem to set the city aglow in good cheer. The lights that decorate your everyday neighborhood trees don't have quite the same effect. Every neighborhood has houses decorated with lights. Every house looks a little different depending on how the decorators choose to arrange the lights. Although they come in a full array of colors; Red, green, a really eerie shade of blue, and multi-color, the colors do have their limits. I suppose this is why the lights offer display options. Will it be chasing or blinking? My neighbors tend to go for that really annoying on-off-on-off feature that Ughts up the entire block. I realize it is a bad thing

when all the lights in my house have been turned off, yet my room is still lit every four seconds. Plastic figurines are also a common sight among lawns of the city. Admittedly, some things do look cute in their plastic form. Little Frosty the Snowman and Santa Claus make the transition into plastic quite nicely. Some things, though, just shouldn't make the leap between real and plastic, plastic Nativities being the greatest offenders. It's not that I see anything wrong with displaying the nativity scene in front of your house. After all, most churches do this. But, when the lights go out, and Mary, Jesus, and Joseph are left sitting on the lawn glowing hke the neon lights of Las Vegas, something has been lost Glowing just isn' t natural. People in early times did not know that the holy family was "special" because they glowed in the dark. If they had radiated, the shepherds wouldn't have needed the star. The shepherds could have seen the glow from the stable for miles. As your family decorates the house for the hohdays, keep in mind that Christmas should be the season of love, hope, and light, but not lighted nativities.

We here at the Southwords Commentary section want to hear what you think is going to happen in the upcoming year. If you have any thoughts or predictions please drop them off in V-131, which is located right next to the Health Room. Please keep them to these categories. -News -Sports -Politics -Maine South -Other


These can be as funny or outrageous as you want, but remember that Southwords reserves the right to edit obscene or libelous material. Thanks!


i>efpmher 22,1*W5


Breakin' up is hard to do by Beth Aiossa and Ryan Tyrrell Jenny and Mike met their sophomore year in Mr. Bostic's geometry class. They were immediately attracted to one another. Flirting, followed by phone calls, began their relationship. Jenny and Mike held a monogamous relationship for ten months. They went out on weekends and called each other every night. Wonderful at first, the relationship now lacked something. One day, Jenny, with the trusted advice of her friends, called Mike. "All we ever do is fight. I don't think we should see each other anymore," she said. And that was that. Mike, in shock, got angry and did not understand. Although fictional, Jenny and Mike's relationship is very common among Maine South students. Ofthe students surveyed, 93% have been involved in a romantic relationship lasting more than a week. According to this survey, 60% of all high school relationships are ended by the female. Breaking up is such a frequent occurrence, yet no one truly knows how to go about it. Dr. Jay Kyp-Johnson, Maine South psychologist, says, "It's best to be honest and to narrow down the problems. It may hurt the other person, but it is best for him [or her] to know the truth. That way they can deal with the pain better." If one is in a relationship and wants out, it is best to break up right away. That way fights that lead to regret and hatred can be avoided. When the student body was asked to describe their current association with their longest relationship's ex, 50% of them claimed that they are still friends, and 29% say the relationship is nonexistent. Another 12% are now enemies, and another 9% say that the breakee is not yet over the breaker.

What if you are unsure about breaking up? Kyp-Johnson suggests that you ask yourself questions. For example, does the relationship make you feel good inside? Do you like who you are when you are with the other person? Can you talk about problems and be honest with the other person? And finally, are you attracted to the other person? Although it might be easier to do over the phone, breaking up is best done in person. This forces eye contact, and the possibility of someone hanging up is not a factor. No one knows the right or wrong way to break up. The most effective method depends on the people and relationship involved. Sometimes knowing which one to use is difficult. Michelle: "I went out with Matt for two years. The relationship was good for the majority ofthe time. Towards the end, though, everything went down the drain." Matt lost his job and got kicked out of his house within a short period of time. Michelle and her mother took him in. "He had his own bed in the room next to mine. He ate our food, drove our car, and not

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once did he make an effort to get his life b a S ^ in order. I feel that he used us at his own convenience." Matt shocked Michelle and her mother when he announced he was going to live in Seattle with his dad. "It was a hard transition from him living right here in my house to him living thousands of miles away. But I was comforted by the fact that he called everyday and we spoke of future plans, like me going there to live with him for college. Two weeks later he called and said, 'This long distance thing just ain't gonna happen.'" Michelle was devastated. "Just like that! After all we had been through; all I had done for him."

"My friends told me that we were too wrapped up in each other. I didn't really understand; I thought that this was the way it was supposed to be." The phone call put Michelle in a state from which she had a hard time recovering. "I couldn't eat or sleep for days. I refused to bathe or go to school. I was in a state of shock! It wasn't until one of my close friends came over, made me clean myself up, picked out a clean outfit, and dragged me out the front door that I began to recover. "Matt still calls me occasionally. It's a really good feeling to be completely over him. I have now been in a new relationship for almost ten months, and life goes on." Ryan: "Eric and I never really met, we just smiled at each other in the halls. My friends and I referred to him as the 'cute skater kid.' Finally a mutual friend brought us both out to dinner. I was so nervous I couldn't eat. I could hardly talk." The first few months flew by. They had a very intimate relationship. However, friends of both Eric and Ryan soon began to feel neglected. "All I thought about was Eric; I was infatuated. My friends told me that we were too wrapped up in each other. I didn't really( understand; I thought that this was the way it was supposed to be." They often discussed the future. They both



school heartbreak elieved they would get married some day. "I was insecure and liked having a planned future. But after about two years I began to question if I really loved him and wanted to spend the rest of my life with him." At that point, she began to see signs that the relationship was ending. "When the weekends would come, I preferred going out with my friends. When he started realizing this, he would get angry. I couldn't help my feelings but it wasn't fair to keep dragging him along. The last thing I wanted to do was hurt him." After two and a half years, they broke up. A few days later, after talking on the phone every day, they got back together. "It was habit to call him every day. I still wanted to be close to him and it was hard to break away." ' I But a month later she did, for good. "I needed to get on with my life and figure out who I am. However, I do not regret my relationship at all. I wish my head had dropped out of the clouds sooner. I think differently about relationships now than I did freshman year. I now believe high school is a time for ^ ^ aating and getting to know many different ople and not getting so serious with one." The biggest effects a person will feel after a relationship has ended are grief and loss," explains Kyp-Johnson. "The four general stages of loss if the breakup is normal are shock, numbness, depression, and anger. After this comes recovery. This entire process can take several months." If you are dumped and do not understand why, the best thing to do is ask questions. Try not to get caught up with trying to convince the person that you can change; instead, think of it as a learning experience. Next time you will be aware of possible problems. Do not be afraid to ask friends for some extra time out. Try not to stay home alone long enough to dwell on your ex. One of the hardest things to deal with after the breakup is breaking the habit of a relationship. After a lengthy relationship, calling your ex is almost automatic. Get your mind off it by doing things to pass the time—working, exercising, reading, whatever does the trick. Everyone has his own way of dealing with a breakup situation. For some, though, the recovery process is skewed. For these people, feelings of love and betrayal can lead them to a lifestyle of obsession. Dr. Susan Farward explains in her book. Obsessive Love, "Obsessors have their own way of processing information. They don't allow evidence of their lover's disinterest to

filter through their denial. Instead of learning from experience, they remain convinced that sooner or later their target's resistance will break down." Marie: "Mark and I dated for almost a year. We went to school dances, camping trips, and to family parties together. We were seldom seen apart. But the relationship became too deep for me. When I started to neglect my friends, I realized that I had to break up with him. He seemed to take it quite well, much to my surprise." Marie and Mark still spent lot of time together as friends. He would often ask whether she still had feelings for him. "He began to call me all the time and demand to know what I was up to. He was convinced that I was seeing someone else, and he made threats that if he found out who the other guy was that he'd beat him up. He would also show up at my house uninvited. He'd drive around to all my usual hangouts looking for me. I got scared. When I would no longer answer his phone calls he'd send letters. One night, he threw rocks at my bedroom window for five hours trying to get me to come out and talk to him." Marie was embarrassed that Mark was pursuing her so obsessively. She felt she had to hide what Mark was doing from herparents. The worst was yet to come. "I was with my two best friends one evening when the phone rang. It was Mark requesting that the four of us meet at Field School in the middle of the night. It was supposed to be sort of a friend reunion; we used to sneak out and go there a lot." Mark had sounded excited about some surprise that he just had to show his friends. They waited at the meeting spot until Mark arrived. "The second I saw the look on his face, I knew that there was only trouble to come." For hours, Mark described the torment that Marie had put him through and how he had no choice but to kill himself to end his suffering. "He said that before the sun came up he would be dead. At around four am, he took off miming and we knew we couldn't stop him. The three of us ran back to my house and called Mark's parents. I kept thinking, 'He's dead now, oh my God he's dead!'" Mark's parents called the Park Ridge Police immediately. Mark was found in his van, alive, with a razor blade in his hand. He was taken to Lutheran General Hospital where he was admitted for psychiatric help. "I can't help but feel guilty for all that has happened, but I've learned to understand that

Mark has a lot of problems that led him to such suicidal tendencies." Farward explains Mark's behavior: "Whether obsession is acted on through selfpunshiment or acted out through pursuit, obsessive behavior is always self-defeating. Sooner or later, all obsessive lovers are forced to confront the negative effects of their behavior, and when they do the resultant frustration and humiliation often turns to rage. For all too many obsessive lovers, the rage sets the stage for revenge." Liz: "Chuck and I had a unique relationship. It was an emotional roller coaster that reached the highest of highs and the absolute lowest of lows. Eventually, the good times went rotten. For nearly three months I suffered in the relationship. I was terrified to break up with him for fear that his emotional instability could create danger. In the heat of an argument in which he was claiming me to be a flirtatious b , I snapped. 'Charles, I can't take this craziness anymore! I can no longer be your girlfriend!' I know that I went about it the wrong way, considering that it was over the phone, but I was afraid to do it in person. I had seen his violent nature and there was no way I was going to take any chances." Liz spent the next couple of months trying to be friends with Charles. They had good times just hanging out with other friends. Then she started to hear rumors that he was convinced Liz still loved him and that she was going to beg for him to go out with her again. "I knew that I had to distance myself from Chuck when he started telling people that I was still his girlfriend. I didn't see him or hear from him for months. I was shocked to come home from school one day to find that a letter from him came in the mail. It was five disturbing pages of how he was going to kill the both of us. I quote, 'My New Year's resolution is to put three slugs in your head: one for breaking up with me; two is for not giving me a second chance; and three for treating me like sh— for the past several months.' It goes on to tell sick jokes about me in a body bag and how scary it must be to know that no matter where I am he could find me." Liz also received threats from Charles on the phone shortly thereafter. The law stepped in at that point, finally setting her mind at ease. Kyp-Johnson summarizes his thoughts on teenage breakups with a few words of advice: "Kids need to keep it cool and not get so involved. People change so much daily, especially in high school, that it is hard to maintain a relationship. But, you can't stop people from falling in love."


Dpcpmhpr 22, 1W.S

Dancing her way to success half years ago when she met her current partCathy Owsiany ner, Krystian Grabowski, who like Cathy, is 17 years old. Since then, Cathy has traveled advances to World throughout the United States, participating in about 25 competitions. Championships in Cathy's dance schedule is quite grueling. She dances with her coach, Kris ballroom dance Kasprowicz, and her partner for two to three by Denise Knipp and Brian Wolfe Dlustrating the success that many Maine South students find, senior Cathy Owsiany has recently advanced to the World Championships in ballroom dancing. Competing at the Youth Standard Level, Cathy and her partner captured first place at the Eastern Regional Amateur Dance Sport Championships, which were held in Washington D.C.. Her next competition, the World Championships, will be held in Paris, France, this April. Cathy has enjoyed dancing all of her life, but began dancing competitively three and a

hours daily at Kasper Dance Studio in Chicago. During these practices, Cathy works on dances such as the English Waltz, the Tango, the Fox Trot, and the Quick-Step. Cathy attributes her success to the chemistry that she shares with her coach and partner. Due to these strong relationships, Cathy hopes to continue dancing in college. Through her hard work and dedication Cathy has shown that she is worthy of a World Championship in balkoom dancing and that she is testimony to the success of Maine South students.

November Students of the Month English: Ruel Adaya, Matt Atwood, Laura Beckerdite, Jill Bender, Siobhan Dolan, Tim Eberline, Jason Fechner, Iwona Gonder, Josi Gonzalez, Michael Kemerer, Suzie Kostolansky, Lisa Lutzer, Drew Moffat, Matt Olinski, Claire Pawlowski, Jennifer Pietrzykowski, Patty Sherman, Christine Ryan, Jeff Vaca, Angela Baisden. Foreign Language: Brian Albin, John Armour, Laura Batt, Anne Hildebrandt, Carol Hughes, Kevin Rice, Derek Smith, Mary Sosniak, Lindsay Utz. Social Science: Sterling Chung, Ed Lara, Eric Lifton, Scott Metzger, Seiji Murakishi, Inez Tiu, Brian Wolfe. Science: Shannan Berles, Kevin Bowman, Filip Cejovic, Nick Colic, George Czerwionka, Nate Egebergh, Tim Gavin, Laura Hallgren, John Kopec, Gabriella Kusz, John Laspina, Chance Longo, Mike Pontarelli, Melissa Poulos. Sue Skaczvlo. Sumera

Vazirali, Sherry Vergara, Allison Wagoner. Mathematics: Adam Cherlin, Sharon Huelva, Vickie Kalamaras, Angela Lopez, Brigid Matchen, Jane Optie, Julie Patras, Christy Rea, Elizabeth Schutt, Scott Sobczak, Adam Stec, Beata Sztaba, Mike Wilkening. Home Economics: Jamie Cappello, Mary Friesl, Anne Rose, Karoline Salvador, Julie Sapp. Health: Jeffi^ey Chmielinski, Jamie Grossman, Karin Vonesh. Physical Education: Trisha Chmielinski, Jeffrey Clapper, Derek Cwik, Renee Diederich, Rubina Funteas, Mary Pientka, Daniel Smith, Carolyn Weritz, Julie Yattone. Applied Technology: Boris Farfan, Andrew Farrell, Keri Liebich. Keyboarding: Kurt Lenard, Angela Lopez, Scott Sobczak.

Celebrations cont from page 1 stricted in any way, regardless of what they are. No holiday should be made superior, but all should be recognized and respected." In addition to the many Christmas items, the Deans' Office and library display Channukah decorations. The goal of Mrs. Jacobsen, a librarian, is to represent all of the holidays. However, it is difficult to find decorations for some of the fests. Other efforts to achieve politically cor-

rectness have been made, such as the Christmas card exchange's name change to holiday card exchange. With students of varying faiths attending Maine South, it is often difficult to remain "safe" from the religious ideas that accompany several holidays occuring in winter. However, tolerance and respect will ensure that no one is misrepresented or left out, and that the holiday season is indeed, happy.

Driver Education: Robert Cash, Joanna Mueller, Tim Strauts, Kara Wisniewski. ^^^ Art/Photo: Melanie Lewandowski, Monic^^^ Mc Queen, Sheila Musurlian, Ethan Smith. Drama/Broadcasting: Todd Gierke, Annie Kotis, Mike Lupo. Music: Elizabeth Douglass, Beth Mc Cabe, Janine Tomko.

South wordS Southwards k the student-produced newspaper of Maine South High School, 1111 S. Dee Rd., Park Ridge, IL (60068). LeUers to the edUor should be delivered to room V-131 CH- given to a member of the editorial staff. Southwards reserves the right to edit obscene or libelous material.


_._ _._._._„Laura Batt Cyrus Wlbon News editors-—„„_._.. ^.—Natalie Mazzuca Kara Wipf Commentary e d i t o r s - Alison Milnamow Brian OTSeUI Features editors..™— Sean Andrews Kate Rowland Sports editors—»—~_. —_—„Chris Ryan Katie Rybalc Production editor»__~. _ Jon Dudlaic Photographers..J'aulBerko Tobey Schmidt Artist ...Maggie Sadowicz Adviser._ .T. R. Kerth




Swimmers off to a rocky start by Paul Pawola As winter break quickly approaches, the winter sports season is in full swing. The boys' swim team is no exception, having competed three times in seven days. After opening the season with losses to Schaumburg (125-58) and St. Patrick's (105-71), they came back with an impressive performance to crush Notre Dame (104-78). Against Schaumburg, only senior standout Tim Paschke was able to win an event, capturing both the 50 freestyle and the 100 butterfly. However, all was not lost as the Hawks were able to capture six second place finishes. Junior Nat Tone had two impressive swims, claiming second in both the 100 freestyle and 100 backstroke while Bryan Dayton took second in the 100 breaststroke. Other second place finishers included the 200 medley relay of Tone, Dayton, Paschke, and Paul Berko,

Adam Megacz in diving, the 200 freestyle relay of Tone, Dayton, Berko, and Paschke. The Hawks faired better against St. Patrick's, claiming four first place performances. Again Paschke won both of his events, the 50 freestyle and the 100 freestyle, swimming a time of 49.60 in the 100, a state qualifying time. The other firsts were Megacz in diving and the 200 freestyle relay consisting of sophomore Chris Ploog, Dayton, Berko, and Paschke. An impressive second place finish came from the 200 medley relay team. Exceptional performances came from Tone in the 100 backstroke, Paul Pawola in the 500 free, and Dayton in the 100 breaststroke. The 400 freestyle relay team finished second as well. Swimming in that event was George Luxton, Pawola, Berko, and Tone. After the meet. Coach Chris Deger commented that "the final score masks the

good swims we had." In the Notre Dame meet, the Hawks dominated, claiming either a first or second place in all but two events. Outstanding performances came from sophomore Dave McDowell in diving and Tone in the 50 freestyle. Luxton swam well in the 500 freestyle and Paschke had a good race in the 100 backstroke, both finishing in first place. The 400 freestyle relay team also earned a first place. Additionally the Hawks gathered a multitude of second place finishes. Included were Frank Ramierez, Joe Kazmierski, Ploog, and Pawola in the 200 medley relay, Berko in the 200 freestyle and Dayton in the 200 individual medley. Megacz in diving, Pawola in the 100 buttterfly, and Ramirez in the 500 freestyle all placed second as well. Berko, Kazmierski, Matt Wanat, and Dayton, members of the 200 freestyle relay, also swam an exceptional race.

Wrestlers learning "readiness is all" by Matt Glavin ilhc Maine South Hawks have continued ;ir wrestling tradition by competing fiercely from the start of the season. The Hawks have a dual meet record of 2-4, but all meets were close and came down to the wire. The varsity squad is lead by senior captain Ken Schubert, as well as Alex Whammond and Steve Madura. The Hawks are also blessed with a load of young talent; sophomores Scott O'Donnell and Josh D'Auira as well as freshman Brett Harmen have helped the team immensely. The Hawks sent Frank Stanke to the final of the Holy Cross Tournament and Ken Schubert to the finals of the tough and very

Basketball The Maine South boys' basketball team is jff to an exceptional start for the 1995-1996 season. The team is much improved over last y-ear and has earned many impressive victo ies. Although the Hawks lost to conference •ival Deerfield two weeks ago, they still have i record of 6-2. The team has been led by the xceptional play from Matt Hermes, Brian \ngarone and Brian Schmitz. Earlier the Hawks defeated Waukegan 71 in an exciting battle. They also placed third n the Schaumburg Toiunament at the beginling of the season. Over winter break the team ivill be competing in the Wheeling Toumanent.

competitive Prospect Tournament. "We knew that it would be rough early, having only three or four seniors in the lineup. These first couple of meets are a learning experience," said Coach McCann, "Ourmotto for the year is 'Learn early, win late' and that is exactly what we expect to do." The Hawks set pre-season goals of finishing above .500, finishing high in the conference, and placing high in the regional, all of which are still well within reach. The juniors on this team are gaining experience in every

Hawk Hi^hlifhts:

meet and they know that their work will pay off The JV and Freshman teams are also doing exceptionally well. The JV level has a dual meet record of 5-1, losing to a tough Hinsdale South team by a mere six points. Marty Kotowski has an outstanding individual record of 7-0. The freshmen are also having an outstanding year and are looking to capture the conference championship with help from standouts Nick Ferrin, Marty Machniza, and Billy Federigh.


1 home contest

Fri 12/22 Sat 12/23 Sun 12/24 Mon 12/25 Girls'Basket- CHBCTNMT ball V7:30 Boy's BasketWheeling Toumamnet ball VTBA Girls' Maine East INV 12-29 Gymnastics 1 1 Hawk Relays 1/6 Swimming 11 •1 Girls' Track Practice Begins 1/16 Boys' Track Wrestling

1 1 Season Begins 1/31 Wauk. TNMT V9:30

Tues 12/26




Hawk gymnasts are soaring by Kate Bacon The Maine South girls' gymnastics team is finally getting well-deserved recognition. Currently undefeated in conference, and continually fulfilling team goals, the Hawks are off to a successful start. The girls won over Maine East in the first meet of the year at home. With a score of 112 for the Hawks, a precedent of success was set for the rest of the winter. The following week, the team headed off to Evanston. Although some impressive scores were achieved, disappointingly the Hawks fell four points below the Wildcats, with final scores of 126-122. Senior Beth Markowski (8.0 on beam), junior Jessica Boudos (8.3 on floor), and freshmen Danielle McCuUom (8.1 on floor) and Helena Beladakis (7.2 on bars) performed especially well in the meet. The meet was an accomplishment, because the team score was raised ten points from the previous week's score. The girls' ability to shine was demonstrated even more in the next meet. Tuesday Dec. 5 brought Highland Park to Maine South for another home competition and a conference win for the Hawks. Several individuals performed particularly well, including seniors Christian Dorow (8.0 on bars), co-captain Laurie Strotman (7.6 on beam), and junior Kate Bacon (7.8 on vault). The team also participated in both the Rolling Meadows and Conant Invitationals. Although the final outcome was not as high as

the hopes were, an impressive showing was made by many, including senior co-captain Jackie Korus (8.4 on vault), at Conant. The JV and Freshman are set for an outstanding season, both going undefeated so far, and turning in strong performances on all events. The girls have gained some valuable experience and are constantly improving. Some of this may be attributed to the out-

standing performances by individual g y n ^ ^ ^ nasts, but as coach Cain puts it, "Depth is t h W ^ key to our success this season. There is a lot of talent in different areas." And as the invaluable newcomer coach Kawalek said, "Our team shows great potential to soar to new heights." Come and see the Hawks take on Lane and Regina in their next home meet Jan. 9.

Victory for girls' basketball team by Michelle Dulski The Hawks' victory over Glenbrook North Tuesday Dec. 11 saw them enter double digits in the win column with no losses against them. On December 9, the girls' basketball team met with Glenbrook South. This game would determine if the team would continue their flawless record. With the combination of rebounds, points, and steals, the Hawks added another win to their record. After beating the Titans 52-45, the team was 9-0. Leading the team with 17 pts. and 7 rebounds was Jo Pulice. Joy and Denise Pavichevich also were high scorers and rebounders in this game, along with Renee Schaul, Alyson Lofthouse and Claire Pawlowski. The team forced GBS

to commit 20 turnovers Schaul and D. Pavichevich each had 8 pts. Joy The Hawks' second opponent in the season also scored 13 pts. against Evanston and 18 was Crane High School. Schaul was the top against Deerfield. The Hawks won 63-41 scorer with 16 pts., J. Pavichevich had 13 and against Evanston. Gina Anichini and Alyssa D. Pavichevich had 11. The Hawks crushed Kulak contributed 11 and 12 pts. The team Crane 96-36. Their 96 points established a defeated Deerfield 65-46. D. Pavichevich, new record for most points scored in a game at Schaul, and Rita Fallon were the high scorers Maine South. The previous record was 92. of that game. The team's next victory came against With such an impressive end to the season IHM. They won 86-35, with D. Pavichevich the team can head no where but up and with a leading Hawk scorers with 22 points. She also long season ahead of them the girls are ready led the team againstLake Park with 16 points. for anything. The Hawks will be playing The Hawks won 91-53. In a close game Highland Park at 7:30 on Thurs., Dec. 21 against Buffalo Grove the girls won 63-2. J. They will also be playing many games ove( Pavichevich had 23 pts. and Pawlowski, winter break. Come out and cheer the team!

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