Vol 34 issue 4

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Volume 34, Issue 4 October 24,1997

South word S

Maine South H.S. Park Ridge. IL

Health Unlimited hosts Hoops for Heart by Lynn Janik Heart disease is the leading cause of death in the United States. This week Health Unlimited sponsored an event that allowed Maine South students to make a very important difference. Health Unlimited began this year with their annual Hoops for Heart competition. Hoops for Heart is run by the American Heart Association. This year's competition was held on October 21st and 22nd from 7:00 to 7:30 a.m., and took place in the Spectator Gym. Every Maine South club and sports team was encouraged to participate in this worthwhile event. Each team was made up of three group representatives. These players "spot shot" basketballs for a designated amount of time. Their goal was to make die most baskets. Each team collected the pledges based on these three shooters. Individual prizes were awarded based on the money raised.These prizes included shirts, shorts and jackets from the American Heart Association, along with a team prize of $125 from Health Unlimited to the winning team. In the past years this activity has helped raise as much as $1800 for the American Heart Association. This year Health Unlimited set a goal of $2000. The Hoops for Heart Competition offered Maine South students with an excellent opportunity to help their community. Many Maine South student organizations took advantage of that opportunity. This year Health Unlimited is lead by co-presidents Suzie Scazylo and Nick Schmidt and sponsor Mrs. Vainowski.

Commended students announced Twelve Maine South students have been named Conunended Stiidents in die 1998 National Merit Scholarship Program. A Lettter of Commendation from the school and the National Merit Scholarship Corporation, which conducts the program, will be presented to each of these scholastically talented teachers by Dr. Cachur. Approximately 35,000 Commended Students are being honored across the country for tteir exceptional academic promise. Although they will not continue in the competition for Merit Scholarship awards to be offerMl next spring, they are placed among ttie top five percent of mcsre than amiUion ^udaits who entered the 1998 Merit Program by taking the 1997 Preliminary SAT/National Merit Scholarship QuaUfyingT^t. Maine Soulh's Commended S o ^ n t s are Erica Bailey, Robert Bello, Maureen Gunning, Vishal Kamani, Radley Kanaszyc, Ali Khan, Marc Olzeski, Kathryn Spindler, Andrew Trenkle, Alison Upton. Nicholas Vassilos and Karin Vonesh.

American Heart Association.


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Grad credit change proposed Social science credits may be increased by Neno Djordjevic In a move that Maine South Student Council officials call "unprecedented," the District 207 Board of Education has officially asked the Student Council for its input on a controversial issue. The topic that will be discussed on Monday, October 27 at 7:00 p.m. is the Social Science department's request that the graduation requirement for Social Science credits be raised from 2 to 2.5. The department

claims that such a move would help raise district IGAP scores on the state-wide history test. "The Board of Education will hold a special Education Committee meeting on October 27 to receive input concerning the request," read an official statement from Merilee McCracken, the Secretary of the Board. The Student Council has said that they remain dedicated to researching student opinions about such an increase before taking an official stand on the issue.

Nutritionist to address Varsity Club by Karin Vonesh On Thursday, November 6, at 7:00 a.m.. Varsity Club will present Eileen Walt, a nutritionist. Walt works at Lutheran General Hospital. Her audience will include all Varsity Club members and other interested female athletes. Walt will concentrate on nutrition for athletes, paying special concern to the issues brought up by female athletes and coaches here at Maine South. In the past Varsity Club has had much success with speakers. Last year the club hosted an inspirational speech by Lea Love-

less, a former Olympic swimmer who currently teaches and coaches swimming at Lake Forest High School. The club strives to perform this service to the school every year. This nutrition presentation will surely prove helpful and informative for all who attend. The presentation of this speaker is Varsity Club's first school-wide activity this year, and will continue to serve the school throughout the year. President Lynn Bielski will lead the club this year, joined by the sponsor Dr. Allen.

I Commentary]

PropertV °^ THE EDITORS by Elizabeth Gibbons October has been named breast cancer awareness month in the United States. During this thirty day period, there is a heightened awareness of the disease which strikes millions of women around the world. Pink ribbons are displayed in support of the victims and the search for a cure. Magazines and newspapers nationwide have been carrying feature stories about the disease itself and its survivors. Similarly, radio shows and television programs have addressed the issue. HBO aired a two hour documentary and CBS's Murphy Brown was recently diagnosed. Clearly, much of America is involved in the fight against breast cancer. One in eight women will develop breast cancer at some point in her life. Think about those statistics. The fact that if, for example, you are on a team of thirty or so girls, about four of them will develop this form of cancer is incredibly frightening. Chances are great that someone you know will be affected if that is not already the case as 180,000 American women are diagnosed each year and two million have already been treated or are currently in treatment. Yet, many women are neglecting the steps necessary to prevent the disease or lessen its effects despite the statistics. Early detection is key when it comes to any type of cancer. In the case of breast cancer this early detection often comes in the form of mammograms. These x-rays show growths up to two years before they can be detected by a woman or her doctor. All women, beginning at age forty should have yearly mammograms as age brings an increased risk of development. Those with risk factors such as a family or personal history of the disease or delayed or no child bearing need to begin getting manmiograms at an even younger age. So, as the United Stated recognizes Breast Cancer Awareness month, heighten your awareness of the disease. Support the search for a cure, support victims and most importantly, protect the ones you love. Encourage mothers, aunts, grandmothers and adult firiends to get a mammogram; it may save their lives.

The Silo Experience by Dan Schwartz In the spirit of Halloween and just because I thought it would be cool, I went with some friends to a "haunted house" named SILO X. As this "top secret" site was built at the DuPage County Fairgrounds, finding it was quite an adventure. So I beg of you, my readers: take Mannheim. It's much easier. At any rate, the attraction was supposed to have been a nuclear missile silo which suffered a meltdown. Indeed the place had quite a military air to it, aside from the occasional concession stand. After first going through a dark, green, foggy maze, the eight of us, in a quasi conga line (because, hey, it was kinda creepy) emerged to the actual silo area, or the barracks, or whatever. Half the group became convinced that we had taken a wrong turn somewhere in the dark maze and went back, leaving only four


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of us. We pressed on courageously, each offering in our benevolence, to allow one another to go first. We were greeted by another maze, which had, at nearly every turn, a quite realistic "soldier" plastered to the wall and/ or mutilated. Every now and then we were "greeted" by a "victim" who would jump out and frighten us. Some of the acting was quite genuine while other actors would come into the light and smile at us, kind of ruining the effect. Then they would politely beseech us to help them or to flee. Some of these poor souls had been drafted into service at such a young age that they still had braces. Tragic. When we emerged, we were wished a safe trip back by the "guard" at the gate and we went home. It was fun, but considering the twelve dollars it set us back, the evening might have been better spent setting up our new computer.


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Seven years...a movie review by Annie Kehoe Ever hear of Heinrich Harrar, Germany's top mountain climber way back when? Probably not- -unless you've paid your $7.50 and, after almost three hours, can still remember Brad Pitt's character's name. I went to this movie, having seen the gorgeous previews, full of magical hope. Seven Years in Tibet is one of my favorite books, and I was anxious to see what the movie industry could do for it. Well, I left the theater very confused. Not until I got home did I decide that I could recommend the movie. My uncertainty came not from the filmmakers or actors, but from the actual text. You see, the book isn't really supposed to be a classic story; it is merely the factual memoirs of a headstrong Austrian who makes an incredible journey. Heinrich Harrar, the obvious author, had not

had any previous writing experience when he wrote his book. I think the producers saw his story as having great potential, and then 'adopted' it, took it under their wing, and planned to make it a beautiful classic. Not to say that they failed. On the contrary, I found the movie very touching and very real. Brad Pin shines and despite a slight problem with an Austrian accent, makes the movie lovable, laughable and believable. As for the producer/directors, they made this story as beautiful and as gripping as one man's memoirs could ever be portrayed. Yes! I recommend this film to those who are going to see it for more reason than to see a bleached Brad. I recommend this film to those who understand they are not going to see some shmutzy fairy tale, but a Hollywooded docimientary of an exu-aordinary Ufe.


What do you think about that? by Tim Bawunis Moyra couldn't wait for her family to open the large cardboard box containing the new computer they had just bought. Mustapha, the sales representative at Starguide Communications and Home Entertainment Accessories, was most helpful and articulate in informing the Smith family as to what type of computer would best suit their needs. They bought the most expensive one in the store. It was months before Moyra and her younger brother could convince their parents that, as she worded it, "...owning a computer was essential for obtaining the skills necessary to be competitive in the jobmarket of the twenty first century." Her parents not only bought that line, they bought the computer. As soon as the box was brought inside, safely hidden from the view of the outside world, the Smith family tore into it. As if a pack of disgruntled hyenas had just entered the room, every plastic bag was ripped open, every cable unwrapped, every piece of styrofoam tossed aside, until finally, when the smoke cleared and the dust settled, Moyra and her family were left standing in the living room amidst a vast sea of wires.


chips, screws, disks and other various components. None, of course, knew the names and/or functions of the pieces of metal and plastic upon which they gazed; they knew only that it was imperative that they did not break anything and so were afraid to move even an inch firom their current position. The process of putting this monstrosity together was largely one of trial and error. There was a fair amount of "That doesn't go there you idiot!" and "You've got it plugged into the wrong port." along with the occasional "Is this a speaker or a microphone?" Mrs. Smith stormed out of the house three times throughout the course of the evening, each time screaming at her husband that he didn't know what he was doing and that there had better not be chaos when she got back. When the ordeal came finally and mercifully to an end, Mr. Smith wip)ed the sweat from his brow and casually laid the users manual, still in its original plastic shrink-wrap, on a shelf for future reference. It was a few days before anyone in the Smith family actually turned on their computer. Mrs. Smith wouldn't have any part of it. Moyra's younger brother just liked the smell of the new plastic. Mr. Smith, on the

A Letter to the Editor

I have enjoyed Southwords since freshman year, li has always made math class more entertaining. However, the reason why I am writing to you is iKcause one of your articles upset me for the first tinae ever. The Article about the fall play excluded ail mention of the stage crew. Without the stage crew, there would be no sets, l i ^ t s , sound, props, costumes, make-up or publicity. In particular, I would like to mention that Lee Adlaf and Mary Stankiewicz on constnictioa, Brenden Hennigan on lighte, Kate Ristau on painting, Heidi Banon and Allison Stanhope on costumes, Heidi Krug on fMPops. Brenda Metelka and Mike Walters on sound, Cory Kabat and Dave Nolan on publicity and Alison Upton on make-i^> have all worked very hard and have done a wonderful job as crew heads. I realize that stage crew is easy to overiook because we are not supposed to be noticed during performances. However, stage crew works just as long and hard as the actors and we feel our presence should be recognized. As you watched this year's faU play, you may not have been aware that every time you saw a light go on, or every time you heard a sound effect, you were enjoying the many hours of effort put in by our Stage Crew. Keri Travis

other hand, would just stand a yard or two away from it, and pace back and forth nervously, as if he were a commanding general, meticulously planning the strategy for attack on an enemy base. At one point, he actually did gather the courage to approach the beast. Slowly and deliberately, he reached out a quivering hand to the power button, touched it with one finger, and then scampered quickly back to a safe distance. He did not actually apply enough pressure to turn the computer on, but it was a start. At this point, you the reader may be asking yourself, what is the author of this article trying to say? Is he speaking for or against modem technology? Does he have a message for humanity, or is he just telling a story? As the author of this article, my answer to you, the reader, would be this: there is no easy answer to the question of whether or not those of us who live in a technological society are truly happier than the citizens of, say, an agrarian society, or a warring tribal society. It is up to you, the reader, not to get swept away mindlessly in a sea of change, and likewise not to be senselessly afraid of the unknown. Having access to the internet wasn't as vindicating for Mr. and Mrs. Smith as they had hoped it would be. They have in fact put themselves in a very dangerous position. One must learn to drive, before they decide to log onto the information super-highway. As it stands, Moyra's younger brother Kevin is the only member of the family who takes full advantage of the internet and all of its virtues. He spends many hours contentedly fiddling with the hardware. But is the Smith family really happy? Is Moyra happy? Are Mr. and Mrs. Smith happy? Is Kevin happy? What are the sources of pleasure and of pain in their hves? What about in your life? Is your nose clear? Is your chair comfortable? What about your shoes? You see, hfe need be only as complex as we make it. You have to decide. You have to decide! The Smith family now has a web page at http//www.godhelpus.com/

AFS students bring the world Rahel Gazso by Rahel Gazso Hi Maine South folks! My name is Rahel Gazso. I am the Swiss AFS girl, and I am a senior here. Do you Yodel? Do you ski? Do you drink? These have been the first, and most frequently asked questions I have answered. No, I can't yodel at all (for Pete's sake), and I do not ski anymore. I am trying to ride my snowboard. The drinking age for beer in Switzerland is sixteen, however, you can't drive until you are eighteen. That's the trade off. I am living with my natural family, which includes my parents who both are 41 years old, a sister who is fourteen and a ten yearold brother, in a small town named Hinterkappelen (don't try to say it; it's probably wrong). It is really close to the capital of Switzerland, Berne. In Berne, I am attending a commercial high school, so I spend a lot of my time there. One reason for this is that most of my friends are living there and

Mikael, Rahel and Yoann the other is that I have joined two sport teams there. You just go to school for your classes. If you want to do any sport, you have to join a private club. In Switzerland, I am in a table tennis and volleyball club. The Swiss school system is very different from the American one, which I noticed on my first day at Maine South. At the dinner table of my host family, the Uptons, I

photo by Ines Tiu excaimed, "You really need something Uke a pass for just going to the washroom?!" In Swiss schools you don't have passes at all and if you are in eleventh grade, you can sign your excuses by yourself and nobody cares! You can't pick your classes; they are fixed. You don't have the same schedule everydav either Atypical school day starts at eight

Focus on Student Excellence.... Name: Graham Schmidt Grade Level: Senior

Activities: Varsity Volleyball, Model UN, 4-Star Thespian, Student Council, Constitution Team, Student of the Month, Intramurals (Volleyball), Quill and Scroll Society, President of Mu Alpha Theta, Scholastic Bowl, and Junior/ Senior Director of V-Show. Teacher's Comment: "Graham is busy....busy demonstrating exceptional qualities that make hun an excellent Maine South student; a member of the National Honor Society, a 4-Star Thespian, a Smdent Council member, an atiilete and a caring leader who devotes time in helping others. Graham Schmidt is a good person with a great attitude." -Craig R. Fallico


to the halls of Maine South o'clock and finishes at four or five. All classes are forty-five minutes long. Usually you have Wednesday afternoons off, but you have to go to school on Saturday mornings. Another big difference in the school system is the age when you graduate. I will have my final exams when I am twenty-one, then I am will be able to go to the university. The two months I have already been in America have gone-by so fast. I am having a really good time with my host family (who are, by the way, great), friends and school. I am enjoying my time here so much that I would recommend to everyone to be an exchange student. It is so much fun! Just do it!

Mikael Palo by Mikael Palo Hey Hawks!!! My name is Mikael, but you can call me Mike. I am from Sweden, but I don't know Petterfi-omlast year. Most of you probably know that Sweden is in northern Europe. I am one of the full-year exchange students. In Sweden I live in a small town on the way from Stockholm to Gothenburg. The town is called Mariestad and is about half the size of Park Ridge while the climate is about the same there as it is here. It was about a year ago that I decided to join an exchange program. I sent in the application and went to an interview. I was a bit nervous about whether I would go or not, but the interview went as I wanted to go. Sometime in June, I got the papers which stated that I was to live with the Waggoner family. I wondered quite a bit about what they were hke.

The lifestyles in the USA and Sweden are a lot different For example, we don't have a curfew in Sweden, but the driving age is 18. That doesn't suck too much, because gas is too expensive for a teenager to buy anyway. I don't know if I like the school rules here. It is too strict. In Sweden we can be in the hallways during classes, and we don't need to have a pass. We also have open campus. That's a thing I don't like about the schools here— you have to be in school all day. The difference between classes is not too big, but the schedule is bigger. We have a different schedule each day, yet the same one each week. I think I will have a great year here with all of my good Hawk friends.With your help, I will probably have the best year of my life here. If you want a lifetime experience, join an exchange program. It is not too bad. Even if you think you will miss your friends, you will make new ones. I guarantee that it will be a great experience. I love the "Chicago Hot Dawgs!!"

Yoann Godin by Yoann Godin Hi Hawks! My name is Yoann Godin. I'm an AFS student from France. I live two hours north of Paris and thirty minutes from Belgium in a little town. My parents are fifty-six and fifty-one and I have three older sibUngs. My first sister is married and has a baby; she went to Salvador for one year. My other sister and brother both came to the USA with AFS (California and Colorado).

For a long time I knew that I would live in a foreign country because my parents always wanted all of their children to have the opportunity to learn another culture and language. In Park Ridge, I'm living with the Roses, an awesome family. Maybe many of you know my host sister Alicia, who is a junior. I've already been here for two months and I can tell you that time goes by really fast when you are having fun. I really like the Chicagoland area. I have found a different style of life in school. When you are in a school in the USA, you belong to it, you have all your activities and sports with it. Whereas in France, you only go to school for study. Usually you have classes from 8:00 a.m. to I2:(X) p.m. and fi-om 2:00 p.m. to 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. and the schedule is the same every week, not every day. If you want to be involved in something, you have to be in clubs outside of school. For this, I guess I prefer the American system. At Maine South, I'm a senior involved in Concert Choir, Drama and V-show (trunk and footlighters). Thanks to the AFS program I can experience these three activities which I have never tried before. I guess I've had the most enriching two months of my Ufe. I'm sure the next eight months will be very interesting and cool as well. If you want some information about AFS, see Mrs. Beaumont in the book store. Even if you think that one year is too long, you can choose a program of three or six months. So don't hesitate. It's one of the most wonderful experiences you could have!


J News




September students of the month The September Smdents of the Month are: English: John Armour, John Bang, Jennifer Benson, Katherine Byrne, Kelly Blohm, Rob CoUura, Tanya Daum, John Economos, Jeff Frankowiak, Vanessa Kosloski, Erika Kronborg-Mogil, Shannon Maloney, Elizabeth Maratea, Brigid Matchen, Valerie Palicke, Nicole Penn, Barbara Rodecki, Craig Stankiewicz, Mike Stoltz, Tracey Travis, Stephanie Zmija. Social Science: Raul Crisan, Joe Genis, Ah Khan, Suzanne Kostolansky, Shannon Maloney, Nina Mariano, Patricia Ryan, Jennifer Sherman, Karen Weyna, Edward Ulrassi. Foreign Language: Roberto Fatta, Martin Machnica, Anna Mieszaniec, Eric Pick, Stephanie Rifkind, Timothy Seiwert, Kathren Swarzynska. Science: Tony Allegretti, John Bang, Antonello DiBenedetto, Anastasia DiSilvestro, Jessica Grogianis, Boban

Ivanovic, Katherine Marcucci, Nick Olence, Melissa Poulos, Tracy Schaal, Jennifer Sheehan, Andy Sleyko, MeUssa Thomas, Ted Uliassi, Karen Weyna. Math: Maura Collins, Elaine Erne, Laurie Evanshank, Eurice Jang, Ted Kalamaras, John Kopec, Nick Olenec, Becky Pietrzak, Robert Roman, Brendan Smaha, Adam Stec, Edward Uhassi, Sherry Vergara, David Wilson. Driver Education: Grace Jops, Paul Rogus. Intro to Business and Accounting: Theresa Dulski, Adam Stec. Applied Technology: Janusz Kopycinski, Timothy Frey, Anthony Enright Physical Education: Mikael Palo, Cohn Yarck, Brendan Smaha, Kristine Krull, Randall Tosch, George Pleshewych, Kurt Fleischmann, AUison Kain, Joseph Sergo, Daniel Totsch, Karri Nielsen, William Dushek. Health: Patrick Dorsey.

Home Economics: Karen Barnes, Christina Ananewycz, Krysta Liveris, Kathleen Kelly, Shannon Steriing.

New restrictions on teen drivers Teenage drivers make up just 6% of all drivers, but account for 16% of all crash fatalities. Nationally, drivers age 16 to 17 are six times more likely to be involved in an accident than all other age groups combined. Among all drivers, 16-year olds have the highest crash fatality rate and are most likely to be ticketed. In an attempt to rectify this problem, the Illinois General Assembly proposed a bill last spring that puts new requirements on teenage drivers. The law proposes a new, comprehensive driver licensing system for young drivers that requires at least twenty-five hours of be-

hind-the-wheel instruction by someone that is at least 21 years old and a three-month period with a learner's permit before a license can be granted. The seatbelt law will also be changed by the new bill. Passengers in a car driven by anyone under 18 must be limited to the number of available seatbelts, and must be buckled up. The govemer signed the bill into law on August 8. The bill goes into effect the first of the year. Information contributed by the Legislative Reportfrom Rosemary Mulligan.

November brings Day of the Dead by Jed Slaughter November 2 is Di'a de los Muertos. It may seem similar to Halloween, but in actuality it is a day for famililes to come together to remember and honor those who have died. It comes from the Aztec belief that every year the dead come back for one day and feast with the Uving. This belief has been carried on for centuries, and although the rituals have changed over the years, the basic tradition has remained the same. Day of the Dead is celebrated with various activities. Each family creates an altar

for the deceased covered with his/her favorite things, and prepares the departed's favorite meal. Houses are decorated with skeletons and paper mache. Famihes march in a procession in which many dress up as "Living Dead" to honor relatives. The community gathers together to sing and pray, then go their separate ways. Famihes spend time at night telhng stories and remembering. Although similar in appearance to Halloween, Day of the Dead is a dedication to the dead and a celebration of the Uving. It is a time to remember all those close to you and try to keep them close.

Star sighting The Major Themes in American Literature class had a bit of excitement on their field trip a few weeks ago. The field trip took them to downtown Chicago. While touring the Chicago Cultural Center, the p o u p foimd themselves in the midst of the taping of a movie. Mel Gibson and company were filming in the back alley between the buildings. The students and the chaperones watched Gibson being beaten up by several Asian men in a fight scene. "We were pushing our faces against the glass to see him," says junior Andrea Lifton. "When we walked by, we screamed, 'Mel, Mel!' but he didn't hear us." The field trip served to be not only educational but also exciting for these lucky M ^ e South students. "It was definitely the highlight of thefieldtrip," comments Lifton.

SouthwordS Southwotds is the smdem-produced newspaper of Maine South High Schooin n S. Dee Rd, P a t Ridge E, (60068). L«Me«toaieeditorshouW bedelivatidtorooinV-Ul or givtai to a member oftheediiorialsraff. Souihwoids n5scfves«her#t to edit matenal forclariiy and brevity and to regect obscene or Ubeious submissions. EditoK-ia-anc£.„„

Newseditots Coimneiaatyeditors...._ Ffeamres editors SP<»« editors Produaion editor. J*°tograph«s

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SushilaDaW Hiaaheth Gibbons _... Anne Edison-Swift KarinVonedi .ImiBflioums Jeffaapper Anna Mieszaniec Susan Wilson XynnJanik Brian I^ce JVtetHaak .....KaieBoychuck InesTiu Mike Tomassi AnnieKehoc Margaret Byrne Alison Miinamow .TJR.Katb

Cross country undefeated in conference by Anna Kurtz The 1997-98 season for girls' cross country is almost at an end. With the Regional meet on October 25th, the Hawks plan to run their best in order to advance to Sectionals the following Saturday. That possibility notwithstanding, each member of this year's team will look back on the season with pride in their accomplishments, especially their unmarked dual meet record. Although the junior varsity season is already over, they proved themselves a dedicated

group of runners who will be able and willing to catch up to the varsity pack next year. Though only the top seven can be contenders in the last few meets the Hawks are ready to finish off this season knowing that next year there will be just as many goals to achieve and victories to be won. In the Addison Trails Invitational on October 11, the Hawks finished with an overall fifth place. On the varsity level, Ehzabeth Gibbons finished in 10th place with a time of 12:20, followed by Gina Kremer (12:45),

Cara Cordaro (13:42), Anna Kurtz (13:44) and AsheleyKiefer (14:04). The frosh-soph level was led by Maura Collins who finished in second place widi a time of 12:59, Nicole Penn was not far behind with a time of 13:24, followed by Rebecca Boudous 13:25 and Lydia Liu 13:37. In the last dual meet of the season, at Maine West, Gibbons won the varsity race with a time of 13:50, followed by Kremer(14:ll), ColUns (14:25), Meghan Sexton (14:47) and Cordaro (15:00).

Volleyball is filled with determination by Ellen Crawford Continuously striving for a victorious fmish, the Hawks' volleyball team is building up the positive attitudes and building onto the physical preparation. Focusing on one play, one game and one match at a time, the team is making definite progress toward a more competitive level. Taking their game to an intense and consistent level is among the team's goals for the remainder of this

season. Unfortunately, the Hawks were unable to regain the momentum that was seen in the first game against Highland Park. Therefore, after the first game of strengtii and completefire,the Hawks struggled widi controlling thefinaltwo games. Not willing to give up the rest of the season, the Hawks spend their practices conditioning themselves for their upcomingrivals:Niles North, Glenbrook North, and Maine West to name

a few. Captains Kimmy Schwartz and Amy Angarone lead the girls with determination and support for one another.. The team's hard work and persistence can be seen as they are hitting the floor to dig a ball, setting a ball up withfinesseand accuracy, and spiking with all the power from within themselves as long they are toughening up mentally and physically until the very finish, they will have accomplished a lot.

Tennis lool(s to state meet witli high hopes by Alison Upton The girls' tennis team has finished off the season strong with a fourth place finish in conference. A number of girls placed in the conference meet. Elizabeth Bingier took first at first singles, Chris Goodman won fu^t at third singles and Isa Werner received third

place at second singles. The doubles team of Mary Friesl and Sarah Cohen also received a third place at third doubles. A number of players also advanced on to Sectionals. The doubles teams of Goodman and Werner and Melissa Poulos and Liz Hughes are continuing. In singles, Denise Lesniewski and

Swimming on a Hawk Highlights 10-24 10-25 winning streali Sport Boy's Cross IHSA

Bingier are also competing in Sectionals. These girls hope to advance to the state level and bring home a victory for the Hawks. The team is grateful for a successful season and hopes to continue the success next year. With the loss of eight seniors this will not be an easy task for the underclassmen. I 19-^7,

I home contest 10-28 lP-29

Country Regional by Lynn Bielski IHSA Recently, girls' swimming has been test- Girl's Cross Regional ing talent in several areas. Against High- Country land Park and Hoffman Estates, their Deerfield coaches surprised the swimmers with a cre- Football FA/B/S/V ative new lineup filled with people swimSeason endâ‚Ź d October 18 tning events they normally don't swim, and Golf surprisingly, bodi levels were victorious. In Sectionals be |in October 30 the Niles North meet, the Uneup returned to Soccer its normal state and the swimmers again won York JVA/ both levels. The divers have also been look- Swimming Glenbrook North JVA/ ing to sharpen skills and obtain high scores. The Hawks face a test of talent and skill [s tate meet bet ins October 2 3 *hen they swim against Deerfield and Tennis Evanstcin lournaGlenbrook North. They also look to win Volleyball ment I SO Hawk Relays for the third year m a row. Regional


Football looks to finish season 9-0 by Rob Collura With Maine South's high flying offense averaging just over thirty-five points a game, the defense is often overlooked. They have allowed just fifty-five points in the first seven games, ranking them first in the Central Suburban League and fourth in the entire Chicagoland area. Led by Jason Kaprowski, Tim Czerwonkia, Phil LaMonica and Kevin Barret, the defense did not allow a point in the past two weeks. On Friday October 3rd, thousands of

people showed up to see Maine West and Maine South play a highly anticipated game. The defense held reigning CSL player of the year Alex Voltaire to only six yards on six carries and forced three turnovers. Dino Gardiakos ran for 136 yards and the game winning touchdown in a 10-0 Hawk victory. The Glenbrook North Spartans then came to South for a Thursday afternoon conference game. The Hawks wasted no time, scoring all forty-seven of their points in the first half Gardiakos scored three times

while Matt Angarone, Chris Canatta and Nick Reuhs added one apiece. The defense held fast again allowing only three first downs and no points. Angarone intercepted a pass and Czerwonkia recorded two sacks in the 47-0 rout. The Hawks will finish up their season in a 1:00 p.m. contest at Deerfield. With a victory in this game the Hawks can complete the school's first ever 9-0 season and capture their sixth consecutive conference championship.

Hawks' soccer ready to soar in playoffs by Eric Schmidt If there is one word the Hawks would like to hear more often this season, it would be, "GOOOAL!" Although the Hawks have struggled on offense, they've shown improvement in the last few weeks and are hoping to peak during the state playoffs. The team continued their conference play against Highland Park with a 1-1 tie at Wilson Field. The Hawks went head to head with the undefeated Giants for almost the

entire first half With only nine seconds left, Barrett Kalinowski found the back of the net to salvage the tie. By playing well against an undefeated team the team proved that they could compete with some of the best teams in the area. The Hawks posted another tie against cross-town rival Maine East, this time by a score of 0-0. The score did not indicate the effort put forth by the midfield and forwards. Paul Johnson, Charlie Zei and Marco

Copasso have consistently controlled the ball this season and have worked hard to get the ball to Drew Moffat, Josh Klaczek, Dan Cheong and Kalinowski. The Hawk defense has been strong all year, giving up less than a goal a game, including eight shutouts. The offense is improving, and when put together with the solid defense, the Hawks will be a force to be reckoned with in the Playoffs. The next game will be on Tuesday, October 28th.

Cross country looks strong at Addison Trail Meet by Matt Wanat Although the Cross Country Team has suffered key losses to Glenbrook North and Maine West, the Hawks are still in contention for the CSL Conference title. At the Addison Trail Invite, the Hawks showed their true potential by running well in all of the races. In the open race, Craig

Stankiewicz took sixth, Dan Totsch took eleventh and newcomer Brad Shemluck took thirteenth. The Frosh-Soph squad finished in fourth place with sixth-place Adam Fabian and ninth-place Mike Jozwiak leading the way. The Varsity teamfinishedin third place behind fifth-place Mac Campagna, seventhplace Matt Madura, eleventh-place Brian

Wells and twelfth-place Brian Dickey. The Frosh-Soph squad is in a great position to win the Conference title with a 5-0 record in the CSL. The Varsity team has a harder battle, but they have confidence after recent strong showings that they can regroup and win their fifth straight Conference title.

South's first female golfer advances to State by Bret Olson In girls golf, freshman Meg Nakamura had a very successful week. She shot a 95 in the Conference meet to place ninth. In the Regional meet she posted a 91 which advanced her as an individual to the Waukegan Sectional. At the Sectional, Nakamura excelled with an 86 that put her in eighth place and assured her a spot in the State meet. This is quite an accomplishment for a freshman who is the first ever female golfer at Maine South. The boys golf team had a strong showing at the Regional competition two weeks ago. The Hawks had four scores that advanced them to Sectionals. Eric Pick led the way for the Hawks with a 75, which was good enough for a third place individual medal. Bret Olson and Matt Habetler also came in

with quality scores of 78 that put them in ninth place among individuals. Tim Magnuson's eighty-five was the fourth Hawk score. Finishing third with a score of 316, the Boys' Golf Team advanced to

Sectionals which took place last Tuesday. The Hawks' scores at Sectionals, however, were not up to par and they failed to advance to the IHSA State Meet. Pick led the team with an 83.

The Hawks' football team prepares to batUe Glenbrook North.

Phow by Ines Tiu

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