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The Editors by Anne Edison-Swift The books are new, the notebooks pristine. The pencils are sharpened. Tabula rasa. For now the teachers don't know that you're a slacker. They also don't know that you're brilliant. You don't know what she expects in an essay. He can't pronounce your last name. It's the start of the new school year and all the potential is overwhelming. For those of us geared to the rhythms of an academic calendar it is August and September, not January, that hold the promise of new starts, new beginnings. So it makes sense for us to observe New Year customs and festivities now-why wait? In that spirit, I have made a few New School Year Resolutions, including: * I will not chew off the ends of pens. * I will be nice to freshmen. * I will begin work on college applications now . . . OK, maybe next month. * I will put due dates in my Chandlers. * I will open my Chandlers daily. * Each day I will make it a point to appreciate someone for something. * I will try not to gossip, even when others have gossiped unto me. * I will stay healthy. This is a MUST. The Attendance Review Board knows where I hve. * I will help bring the Constitution Team to victory. Go A.R Hawks! * I will write letters to Anne and Lisa, * I will decide what is worth fighting for. * I will wear my I.D. Creatively decorated, of course. * I will try to remember not to take myself too seriously. That's the short list. I may have gone through the trouble of writing some of mine out, but I'm sure all of you reading this— whether ye be freshman, sophomore, junior or senior—also have goals in mind for the New School Year. I hope that you nurture all of yoior inner-optimists this year, and succeed in ways you can't even begin to predict now. I also hope that when the time comes for me to write my last Property of the Editors I will be able to brandish a festive, un-chewed pen and say, "I made it!" Perh^s I will find a suitably inspiring quote from my Chandlers, too.
Something old, something new by Anna Mieszaniec So, you're a freshman. To me, this brings back feelings of fear and apprehension-Will I fit in? What is Ufe like at this end of the world? Well, there are many things that are similar and so many that are different. For instance, you still have to take all those classes that you have enjoyed thus far, like Math, Science and Health. But, now you have a greater choice of courses. You are given a relative degree of liberty to choose your elective courses. Don't be afraid to try something new, photography forr instance, and be open to the possibility that it might be something that you will enjoy. Remember, the next four years are a time of exploration for you. It is important that you learn more about your interests as well as your talents. Why, you may ask? Simply so that you may be better prepared for your next journey in the long, winding tunnel of life. Be yourself. Don't be put off by what others around you might say: do what you feel like doing. Most importantly, you shouldn't lose sight of who you are. As in Jr. High, there are social cUques at Maine South, but that doesn't mean that you have to be an exact carbon copy of their members. No, I'm not saying that it isn't important to fit in. What I'm saying is this. Don't accommodate yourself to a particular group's interests so that you can be popular.
Remember, you can be yourself and s t r i ^ ^ to attain your personal goals without f c ^ V ing left out. Set goals for yourself. Though it m a ^ ^ seem that college is a far distance ahead, ^ B is truly just around the comer, ready to sneak up upon you. Don't disregard freshman year and blow off your academics. Make sure you keep yom- grades up so that by the time senior year comes rolling around (which I must say will quickly come) you are not left with lousy grades. However, I think the key is to remember that high school is also a time to enjoy yourself. They are the best years of one's Ufe: a transitory period between childhood and adulthood. Make sure you don't forget to get involved in extracurricular activities. The memories you forge in high school will linger forever. Don't be lazy! Get active and have fun. But whatever you do, do it for yourself. Don't get good grades because you think your parents might ground you if you don't; do it because you know you can better yourself. Why waste the chance at being a wellrounded person, who grows both intellectj^^ ally and socially? Life moves by q u i c k l ^ ^ Don't let it make circles around you. Have the strength and courage to be yourself a i j ^ ^ explore both within and without. ^ ^
Hey You! Southwords wants to hear your thoughts!! Drop off your commentaries in the Southwords room, or talk to Katie or Dan.
Comraentary Steps toward a better! by Dan Schwartz I have a message I would like to direct to the upperclassmen, specifically seniors. It is something I think is a worthwhile subject for discussion, and I invite all of you to think about it. The message is this: upperclassmen can make or break a freshman's year. I know this is not entirely the case, but in many ways it is. Thinking back to when I was a freshman, I remember, by the end of the year, not particularly liking many of the seniors I was surrounded by (note: most of my evidence will stem from my experiences in band, since that is where most of my encounters with older kids take place). There were a few I felt I could look up to and aspire to be hke, but for the I most part, I had no great desire to emulate them or their behavior. Likewise, they made no real effort to get friendly with me, and my initial efforts to get closer to them were essentially in vain. Because of this, I felt
myself growing further and further away from the seniors (even though we were never close). As a consequence of all this, my freshman year, while enjoyable, wasn't as good as I feel it would have been had I been closer to the older kids. This feeling was confirmed during my sophomore year when the seniors were very friendly to the freshmen, and the freshmen responded by being pretty enjoyable to be around (so said the seniors). The freshmen whom I asked said that their year was all the more fulfilling because they had seniors who were friendly and fun to be around. So with all this in mind, I ask you upperclassmen, seniors in particular, to make an effort to get to know some freshmen this year. You don't know what kinds of people the young'uns are, and you won't unless you get to know them. Also, don't say "if they
And the winner Katie Thompson Best Eyes...Best Personality...Most Likley to Succeed. Before this school year ends, every orginaization from the marching band to the senior class will honor their peers with these various titles. End of the year superlatives have become quite a tradition here at Maine South and in the frenzy of nominations, the label "most changed" seems to apply to more than a select few. The superlative, rather than being bestowed upon an individual, should be awarded to every person at our school. While your friends from freshman year may always have the same smile or the same wacky laugh, four years of high school are an inevitable recipie for change. Last year, Southwards published an article stating that 74% of all freshmen athletes do not continue in their sport for all four years. Similarly, organizations such as class council, music ensembles, and other clubs rarey retain the exact same group of students for their entire high school careers.
A change in activities results from shifting interests, priorities, and friends. I spent my freshman year lettering in track and I imagined myself repeating the task three more times. By junior year, I had left my spot on the team for a chance to be involved with the musical, build a Rube Goldberg machine, and go out for ice cream more often. For a few short weeks, I felt like a quitter. Then I realized that I was in the same position as most of my peers. How many seniors can look to this weekend and imagine themselves doing the exact same thing that they did on Friday night as a freshman? How many can say that thay have exactly the same friends? Or even the same haircut? Every senior has to admit to being at least a little more mature than they were this time four years ago. So to the freshmen, look ahead to the future and begin to realize all of the options that are open to you. Above all, recognize the potential for change, accept it, and look forward to it.
want to be with us, they'll come to us." This might be true, but don't force the freshmen to make it that way. They might be afraid to make the first move, or they might overshoot, try too hard and end up looking bad. Either way, everybody loses. So seniors, make the first move, make the effort. You will probably end up meeting some really cool individuals.
A small world after all by Anna Kurtz Last spring I made sure I informed my favorite teacher (in math, a subject I happen to despise) that I wished she would have chosen English as her subject; then we would have understood each other even better. When I told her to read Jane Eyre over the summer (thinking that she might realize her true calling) she shocked me by admitting it was her favorite book. WAIT a second, I thought. Math teachers can read?!? Everyone can remember the teacher-inthe-closet scenario from grade school. The afternoon bell rings, the students leave, the teacher encloses herself in the tall, narrow closet and patiently waits for morning. It was impossible to visualize a teacher having a life. Back then life fit so easily into separate compartments. A third grader cannot imagine anyone they know—teachers, friends, relatives—as existing when they are not around. A child sees only through his own eyes, neglecting to realize the thousands of differing perspectives on his world. Granted, that the grade school world is small. But over the years the blinders fade away. As one meets people from c!' orts of places it isn't as odd to be friends with soi^.^one who isn't your own age, to have an "adult" conversation with your parents or even, strange as it seems, to discuss life with a teacher. After awhile the meeting of different worlds, which would have seemed a catastrophe when you were seven, is a pleasant surprise at seventeen. As you discover your own place in the world the places others hold become apparent as well. The seemingly random aspects of Ufe all fall into place when hnks of family, school and friendship are formed. In the end it appears that the world has in reality gotten smaller.
4 Entertainment Editors'
It's not over yet! Three more weeks of summer mean three more weeks of fun Coming back to school may mean weekday curfews, homework, and weekends that suddenly seem less exciting than those long summer nights, but there are still tons of fun activities to take advantage of before this season ends. Check out our favorite ideas for the next few warm weekends... Oksana Japenese Gardens are located just behind the Museum of Science and Industry. A large cedar entrance leads visitors into a maze of paths through varying mini-landscapes. Spencer Marina City Bowl, at 3325 N. Southport, certainly beats Forest Vue with its downtown location, and the prices are just as good; just $2 a lane and $1.50 for shoes. Navigate the North Branch of the Chicago River and other Chicago waterways from the Chicagoland Canoe Base on Narragansett. A call to 312-777-1489 can rent a canoe for about $30 dollars for the first day.
Grant Park's Music Festival runs through the end of August. A list of the planned concerts and times can be obtained by calling 312-819-0614. The Taste of Austin is scheduled for the beginning of September and will feature food booths throughout Columbus Park. Call 312-921-2121 for a more precise date. Chinatown's annual Double-Ten Parade will run the first Sunday in October on Wentworth, between 24th PI. and Cermak. If all else fails. Navy Pier is sure to provide some entertainment. The giant Ferris Wheel still runs through the next month. Also see the movies featured at the I-Max theatre, Friday and Saturday nights feature popular new releases. Call Navy Pier or look in the newspaper for show times. The Friday section of the Chicago Tribune is always an excellent source for more information on fun things to do when you want to escape Action Ridge.
Answers to the Quiz....(don't teE your dentist!!) I.Skittles 2.Snickers 3.Kit Kat 4.Twi2zIers 5.Starburst 6.Klosdike Bar 7.Twix 8.M&M 9. Mounds and Almond Joy 10. Ocean Spray 11. Reeses
12. Butterfmger 13. Tootsie Pop 14. Doublemint Gum 15. Hundred Grand 16, Cinnaburst, Starburst 17. Big Red Gum 18. Smint 19. Jolly Ranchers 20. Dr. Pepper 21. Lucky Charms 22. Chips Ahoy Cookies
How many cavities do you have? Test your suger knowledge! I. Taste the rainbow! 2. satisfies! 3. Give me a break, give me of| break... 4. Makes mouths happy! 5. Catch the wave. 6. What would you do for a ? 7. Two for me, none for you. 8. Candy for the millinium. 9. Somethimes you feel like a nut, sometimes you don't. 10. Crave the wave. II. There's no wrong way to eat a 12. Don't lay a finger on my . 13. How many licks does it take to get to the center of a . 14. Double your refreshment. 15. What would you do with a ? 16. Bite the Burst. 17. Kiss a little longer... 18. No , no kiss. 19. The taste of fruit squared. 20. This is the taste. 21. They're magically delicious. 22. A thousand chips delicious.
Features 5
So, you want to get involved? Brotherhood by Christina Anderson Brotherhood is Maine South's community service organization. Under the sponsorship of Ms. Albright, Ms. O'Malley, Mr. Male and Mr. Parrilli, over a hundred members take part in a variety of projects and activities. Although it may sound like a lot of work, it is also a lot of fun. Participating in the activites means meeting new jjeople, helping others in need and adding positive experiences to one's high school memories. One of the most frequent activities Brotherhood participates in is preparing and serving food at the REST Shelter in Chicago. About sixteen people go there once a month on a Friday evening. Last year we also delivered flowers to the elderly in nursing homes and ran a school-wide food drive for an AIDS Shelter. Christmas in April, another of our activities, is a program where volunteers repair run-down houses in the Chicago area. Last year we helped an elderly woman fix up her house in the southwest suburbs. We also participated in walk-a-thons to raise money for the REST Shelter and Pathway to Promise. In June, the Chicago Cares Serve-a-thon included 150 projects to improve the city. We were each assigned to a project, which included repairing shelters, planting trees, cleaning parks, painting classrooms, or rehabing playgrounds. Our last activity of the year was the Brotherhood Car Wash here at Maine South. We donated the money earned to charitable organizations. Usually, each member participates in many, but not all, of the activites offered. We also hold monthly meetings in the cafeteria at 7:15 in the mornings. To join Brotherhood you must write three brief essays concerning your previous service experiences and why you would like to be a member. The sponsors try to select as many applicants as possible, so everyone has a chance. Please consider joining Brotherhood if you would like to make a difference in someone's life. Hope to see you there! Come and cheer on the Hawks!
Reaching by Amy Byrge Reaching Foreign Language Magazine is a student-produced publication of stories, f)oems, dialogues, crossword puzzles, and canoons. This magazine enables the student to recognize and appreciate distinct cultures as well as read and write in foreign languages. The staff participates in the many steps of the publication process, all while making new friends. The process includes selecting work, coordinating the sequence of selections, preparing page layouts, and pasting. It is a thrill to read the final draft of "Reaching"! The entire process is a worthwhile experience for all involved. We ask all students taking a foreign language to join us in the production of our next issue of "Reaching".
Pep Council by April Valle If you have ever wondered what is behind all of those fired-up faces of the fearless Hawk jocks and jockettes, well let me tell you! It is the pep, the dedication, the smiles, and the cheering of the Pep Council Hawkeyes! With the enthusiasm of Mrs. Denies and Ms. Koshgarian, Pep Council has proven to be a huge success that will continue to keep up the energy and spirit in the halls of Maine
Quote of the Day
Far better it is to dare mighty things, to win glorious triumphs, even though checkered by failure, than to take ranks with those poor spirits who neither enjoy much nor suffer much, because they live in the gray twilight that knows not victory nor defeat. —Theodore Roosevelt
99 South. With the effort of our members at weekly meetings, we are able to create all those eyecatching signs and locker tags. So if you are ready to cheer our Hawks to victory with high hopes and high spirits, join Pep Council because it is the place to be! As a full fledged Hawkeye, you will not only experience the pleasure of boosting Hawk pride but also make friendships that last a lifetime!
6 Features Class Council by Katie Marcucci An organization that is sure to get everyone involved is Class Council. Each of the four levels has different individual responsibilities that contribute to the overall experience at Maine South. From dances to fund-raisers, the elected officers lead their peers through a year of hard work that will create a multitude of memories. The officers alone cannot create the memories; they need the help of their classmates to build class pride. One can show their class pride by attending the weekly meetings. By having a voice in one's class functions, you can have an impact on your high school experience. So listen for your class's meeting day in the bulletin, grab a friend and go!
Eyrie by Dana Barabas Did you ever stop to think about how the yearbook gets put together? I know that everyone has been staying awake pondering this question, so I'll put to rest all your uneasiness. Beginning in August, members of the Eyrie staff attend a computer workshop where we learn about the new technologies of yearbook publishing, get a chance to look at yearbooks from other schools, and meet with a graphic artist to discuss cover ideas. As the school year begins, the entire staff starts works diligently in C138 to meet their deadlines. The hum of the printer and the
Student Council by Brian Pick One of the most active organizations around Maine South is Student Council. Under the guidance of Mr. Feichter and Ms. Schultze, the Council meets every Wednesday and Friday to plan activities and make decisions affecting all students. Early in the year, a countless number of hours are spent planning for the Homecoming Activities. Student Council organizes and runs everything from the queen elections and the window decorating to the assembly and the parade. In addition to sponsoring the school V-Show in November, the Council has collected tons of food and money for charity during the annual Food Drive. Most importantly, Student Council represents the views and opinions of the student body. The Council is one link between the student body and the administration. All freshmen that like to get involved and are interested in helping out this year are invited to pick up a Homeroom Representative application. We have tons of fun and you are sure to meet a lot of interesting people. Plus, it is a great way to show your Hawk pride and to get involved at Maine South.
Fine Arts by Christy Stevens Are you looking for something to dJ Maine South's drama department is the place for you. Our fine arts program has | ^ ^ variety of activities for a variety of p e o p l e ^ ^ From dancing and singing on the stage to slaving away behind the scenes, there is a place for everyone here. Every year our theater department puts on three productions: the Fall play, the Spring play, and the musical. The stage is also used to have our Student Council/ Drama Department V-Show. Besides having the opportunity to audition for the school's productions on stage, other options are open as well. What would our musicals be like without an orchestra pit to play accompanying notes? And what's V-Show without a stage band? Most importantly, we have a stage crew who designs and builds our sets, props, and costumes. All of these separate (but equal) parts combine to give Maine South the acclaimed reputation for their theater departtiecj^^ ment. If you have free time, come checjj out this active section of the school. Ta some time to be a part of Maine South'?" Thespian Society.
Equinox by Lindsey Krukowski frustration of trying to size a picture is drowned out by the laughter that is always coming from the Eyrie office. Each member has a specific section on which he works- from layouts to candids to putting I.D.s on the pictures. As they complete their section, they then assist others with proofreading or placing layouts on the computer. Under the guidence of Mrs. Glunz, the entire staff works well together and feverishly to create a book that captures the spirit of Maine South. After many months, the yearbook finally arrives. The hard work pays off at the chaotic book distribution as students scramble to find pictures of themselves as well as their friends. A great sense of accomplishment is felt by the entire staff as we see the student body looking through and signing the books. Hopefully we have achieved our goal of putting a year's worth of memories into 240 pages.
Equinox is Maine South's creative writing magazine featuring art, photography, poetry and prose submitted by students. The judges evaluate the writing before decisions are made on which works are published. Any member of the sudent body is able to have a position as a judge. The art editors are responsible for selecting art and photography for publication in the magazine. The literary editors make the the final decisions on which works are included in the magazine. Sponsors Ms. Albright and Ms. O'Malley are always available to answer any questions and help students out at meetings after school each Thursday. Students interested in applying to become Equinox editors positions should talk to Ms. O'Malley or Ms. Albright in the Enghsh department and listen for updates and i n f o ^ ^ mation about meetings during homeroon^^^ Students interested in submitting their works should drop then off in the Englis^ lis^ department or the library.
Features 1
First Aid Team by Jennifer Barrett You might be asking yourself, "We have a First Aid Team at this school? Is it new this year?" Yes, we have a First Aid Team, and no, it's not new. First Aid Team is an organization, sponsored by Mrs. Vainowski, which allows freshmen through seniors to come together to leam about First Aid and CPR. Last year, boy scouts from Carpenter came to Maine South to fulfill a badge requirement. We showed them basic First Aid and gave them an opportunity to leam about CPR. The boys enjoyed the experience, and the First Aid team had a wonderful time as well. This year the First Aid Team will partake in BAT- Basic Aid Training: this is a six hour course that teaches the fundamentals of First Aid. In order to teach this class, the First Aid Team will have to complete an Instructor Canidate Training program. With the knowledge from the ICT and First Aid, we will be able to go out into the community and work our magic!
Scholastic Bowl by Katie Marcucci "Name four of the five Presidents who graduated from Harvard.", or, "Name five NHL teams who have won the most Stanley Cups." Obscure facts? Maybe. However, these are just a sampling of the questions that the Scholastic Bowl team faces. Coached by Mr. Lowry and Mr. Bleeden, the Scholastic Bowl team kicks off their season in October and ends it with the Conference meet in March. Although Alex Trebek does not make an appearance, the meet is best described as a high-school version of Jeopardy. The members of the team work together to earn points for Maine South by demonstrating their knowledge in the areas of sports, science, history, math, and literature. After extensively using one's brain, there is time to refuel and get to know the competitors from the other schools. Scholastic Bowl is not only allows one to exercise their brain but also allws the armchair Jeopardy player a chance to buzz in. Quick reflexes are not necessary to join, just the desire to have fun!
Orchesis by Lindsey Krukowski Orchesis is the Maine South Dance Company composed of dedicated, hardworking dancers. Orchesis gives its members opportunities to choreograph their own dances, teach other members of the club, and leam from others as well. The company meets after school on Tuesdays and Thursdays to prepare for their annual dance show in January. They also usually perform in the Homecoming parade each year. But, the fact that their show is in January does not mean they do not meet any more after that. They also enjoy the field trips they take after January's show. Last year, they took trips to Columbia College to perform in the Young Artist's Showcase, participated in the Illinois Dance Festival, and went to classes at the Joel Hall Dance Studio. For anyone interested in becoming a member of the company, auditions take place in September each year. For more information, contact Mrs. Sinclair-Day.
M-Club by Brian Price For all the male athletes with a varsity letter, there is the M-Club. No, it is not simply the 'jock club', as many believe it to be. It has bi-weekly meetings and hosts many functions which help to bring Hawk pride to the students of Maine South. There is the M-ClubA^arsity Qub picnic, however, the pinnacle of the year is the M-Club versus Faculty basketball and volleyball games, which were won last year by the Faculty. The M-Club also participates in non-athletic activities for the students' benefit. The annual wreath sale is used to make money for the club. This money is either given back to M-Club members in the form of scholarships, or donated to different organizations throughout the school. Mr. Inserra, the club's sponsor, devotes time and energy to keep everyone organized and full of Hawk spirit. This year's officer's will be Brett Harman, President; John Moran, Vice President; Brian Price, Secretary; Eric Pick and Sean Story, Recruiters. These fine leaders are sure to uphold the pride and spirit always associated with the M-Club.
Welcome back to Maine South! For those of you who are new, as well as vet eran Soutbers, here is an mcomplete list of all of the activities for the 1998-1999 school year that are available for you to participate in. Take a look and GET INVOLVED! Athletics Attendance Helpers Brotherihood Chamber Orchestra Cheerleading Chess Club/Team Child Care Occupations Class Council Color Guard ConstJtutioa Team {AP Hawks) Crew Drama
Ecology Qub Equinox Eyrie First Aid Team French Club German Club Hawkettes Health Office Helpers Health UnUraited Horseback Riding Club Italian Club Jazz Band Junior/Senior Leaders Marlins Matheletes M-Club Mock Trial Team National Forensic League Orchesis
Peers Reaching Out Pep Council Photo Club Pit Orchestra Reaching Scholastic Bowl
Science Olynipiad Ski Club Snowball Southwords Spanish Club Speech Team Student Council Swim Timers Track Tmiers Trainer's Club Tri-M Varsity Qub Vocal Jazz EnsemJble V-Show
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Trendier, cheaper I.D.s by Maura Collins Last year, the students and faculty at Maine South, East, and West were told that they would have to wear identification cards. This year the I.D. cards will sport a new, trendier look as well as a more affordable price. Just in time for the 1998-1999 school year, the flattering pictures on each students' I.D. card will be digital. This means that your picture will be taken using high-tech computer equipment. This new way of taking pictures is much less time consuming than the previous method, so you won't
have to spend all class period waiting in line for a new I.D. in the deans' office. Also, each students' name will appear even larger on the I.D. card and the cards will be double sided. Now your name and flattering picture will appear on both sides of your I.D. Everyone is still going to be required to wear their I.D. card hanging from a chain on their neck. With ail of the changes in the look of the I.D. comes a new price. The I.D.s, which are in demand, will cost a mere three dollars as opposed to last year's five dollar fee.
Construction almost complete by Kathleen Dunne As many know, last year Maine South began a major building project. The new addition on the A-wing is almost complete. The addition is scheduled to be finished January or February of this year. The construction, which was approved at a November 1997 Board of Education meeting, started in mid-November of last school year. The new A-wing was added on to accommodate for the incoming class of about 600.
It was also constructed to prepare for future classes of large numbers. The addition was designed to match the existing A-wing building and will measure 112 feet by 76 feet. The new three-story addition on Maine South will consist of eight new classrooms on the first and second floors and four new science laboratories on the third floor. The new A-Wing will soon be completed and put to use.
SOUTHWORDS A student-produced newsp^perof:
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Mmne South H i ^ Scho&l / i k l South De^Roadr;:; i PaMUdge, IL 6006^ Letters to me~eÂŁtor $faoakI^ be ddivered to room V-131 ^w^jeri to a mem^r of the editorial stafE SiEftlTHWpRDS rtserves the right to e d i ^ a t e r g d ^ r da^ity and brevity and to reject bbs<^eiifr^ef^beioiis submissions. ^ / / ' ^^ Anne Edison-Swift Anna Mieszaniec Maura Collins News Editors Kathleen Dumie Dan Schwartz Commentary Editors Katie Thompson Lindsey Knikowski Features Editors Katie Marcucci Sports Editors Anna Kurtz Brian Price Production Editor Som Dalai Ted Kocher Riotographer Nora Bums Artists Ho-Chen Liu Julie Motald Staff Heads Margaret Byrne | Susan W i l s o n ^ ^ Advisor T R. Kertt^P Editors in Chief
News 9
New parking permit policy by Kathleen Dunne Parking permits are being handled a httle differently this year. In past years, the parking permits have cost only fifteen dollars and seniors had the first claims to them. Just last year, the permits changed from window stickers to rearview mirror tags. This year it will again be shghtly different. The first change in the parking permit policy will be the cost. The school has changed the cost from fifteen to twenty dollars. Another change that will take effect this year is that the permits will be distance
based. Those with a farther distance to travel to school will have first priority. Also, those
who are carpooling will have a better chance of receiving a permit. This is a slight change from the lottery and "senior priority" policy followed in previous years.
The last change in parking permits is the behavior policy. Dean Johnson says that this year behavior records will also have an impact on how permits will be given out. One policy that remains consistent will asssure the sight of the parking permit tags hanging from rearview mirrors as they did last year. The deans believe the new policies will result in fair distribution of the permits. Despite the new changes, the deans are confident that the new policies will be a success and that the changes are for the better.
The march is on for the Orange Bowl by Maura Collins For the past few weeks, when most of Maine South's student body was vacationing, the Hawk Marching Band was busy marching, and marching, and marching. The band, a combination of the Symphony and Concert bands as well as the Flute Choir, was busy preparing for their trip to Miami, Florida to march in the Orange Bowl Parade. The band, under the direction of Mr.
JV Pressler and student drum majors Alex Uzemack, Jon Dee, and Katie Hagerty, will
board busses for Miami just after Christmas on December 26, 1998. As well as marching in the Orange Bowl Parade, the band will tour Disney World, hit the beach, and attend a formal dance sponsered by the Orange Bowl. In the meantime, catch a glimpse of the famous Hawk Marching Band when they perform during halftime at all of the home football games.
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lO Sports
'98 Hawks look to carry on Maine South's strong football tradition by John Moran Despite a disappointing loss to Belvidere in the first round of last year's playoffs, Maine South's football team established an impressive school record by being the first team to complete the regular season without a loss or tie. This year's squad hopes to match that mark. The Hawks hope all of their dedication and hard work in the off-season will pay large dividends on the field this season. The 1998 Hawks will rely on many talented juniors for some muscle on the line. Among these standouts is the fleet-footed big man, Sean Story, who looks to throw some people around Wilson Field this year. The defense is anchored by returning starters Vedran Dzolovic (linebacker) and Bucky Barrett (defensive back). The offense will be led by the arm of Matt Reardon. An explosive backfield combination of Marc Szramek, Nick Norman and Mike Kavka look to put lots of points on the board this year. Come out and cheer on the Hawks as they carry on the outstanding tradition of Maine South football.
Boys' Crosscountry Preview After a disappointing fourth place finish in conference last year, the Hawk Crosscountry team hopes to return to glory in 1998. Previously, the Hawks had won five straight CSL North conference championships. This year's team will be led by several returning runners including All-Conference seniors Matt Madura, Mac Campagna and Brian Dickey. Also looking to help are seiuors Brian Wells and Paul McGuire, along with junior Liara Hickey. This team has the potential to bring back the CSL conference trophy to Maine South.
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Senior tailback Mark Szramek will look to lead the rushing attack this year. Photo courtesy of Pioneer Press
Hawk Golf drives for State in '98
by Bret Olson In 1997, the Maine South golf team finished third in both conference and regionals. After a disappointing sectional meet, the Hawks hope to bounce back in 1998 and advance to the state meet at Chestwick Country Club. Unfortunately, the 1997 Hawks Golf Team has lost Tim Magnuson and senior Matt Habettler; however, the team is proud to welcome back All-Conference MVP Eric Pick, Captain Bret Olson, Brad Metzinger, Ryan Hickok, and Patrick Terretta to give the 1998 Hawks a solid nucleaus of quality players. New additions this year to the Varsity squad could push the Hawks to the top. Pete Krol, the Sophomore MVP, should aid the varisty with its normally marginal scores. These players, along with the new
additions, will definitely make the Maine South Golf Team more effective and successful. Last year, the most successful girl golf player at Maine South was Meg Nakamura, who played on the Frosh/Sophomore Golf Team. At the end of the season, Nakamura went to the Girls' Conference meet and finished in 4th place. Meg played well in both Regionals and Sectionals to advance to the State meet. Downstate, playing with the big girls, she shot 84 and 92 to finish an excellent season. The Maine South Golf Team has a l o i ^ ^ ^ journey ahead to Chestwick. but w i ^ ^ P instense sunmier training the idea is quite possible. With the help of Coaches Ross an and^ Rodriguez, the Hawks should do well.
Sports 11
Girls' Volleyball hopes for a smashing season by Ellen Crawford With strong enthusiasm and plenty of spirit, the lady hawks are planning to fight back into the volleyball realm of success. Despite the disappointment oflast year, the upcoming fall season is looked upon with confident attitudes and hardy wills. In preparation, the majority of the volleyball players have been involved in various club teams. With a final devotion, the girls attend the Maine South volleyball camp which is held one to two weeks before try outs. Mrs. Kehoe, the new coach at Maine South, comes to the team with much previ-
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ous volleyball experience. Her commitment both to inspire and to share her technique ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^L^^~ -^^K i ^ ^ ^ ^ ^ l with the lady hawks is excitedly anticipated. A large cheering crowd is always a plus, so plan to come see the volleyball team working the passes, sets and spikes in the ^^^^^^K^M ^^^^Ttl^^^^^^^M Spec gym; seeing these girls in action is a must. You will see that this season is about' more than just spirited talk. It is a start to a brighter season, yet, perseverance is what will drive the lady hawks beyond the limits. As Mr. Franklin says, "Well done is better than well said." So, the lady Hawks are striv"^^ ing to prove their capabilities.
Hawk Soccer has their kicks in the grass by Eric Schmidt Hawk soccer is looking forward to a season of high-scoring offense and tough dekfense. This year's Hawks are determined to improve their skills so they will be contenders in the state playoffs. The strong retumling crew of seniors and juniors are ready to lead the team to a CSL North championship.
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Returning seniors are Barrett Kalinowski, Drew Moffat, Paul Johnson, Erich Totsch, Mario DiLorenzo (All-Conference and AllArea), Brian Price, Justin Eatherton and Eric Schmidt. Three returning juniors will help out the Hawk offensive attack, led by Charlie 2^i, Joe Fahrenbach and Greg Kazmierski. After months of off-season training and
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two weeks of triple sessions, the Hawks can't wait to take the field. These two last weeks helped the team reach their peak physical condition in boot camp fashion. It also helped the players obtain the necessary ball skills. With a little help from the fans, the Hawks hope to make it Downstate.
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Boys' Cross Country
Season begins 9/8
Girls' Cross Country
Season begins 9/8
Football Golf Soccer Swimming
Season begins 8/29 Crystal Lake SA'4:00
Conant/Lake Park S/V 3:30 Season begins 9/2
Season begins 9/1
Tennis Season begins 8/29 Volleyball
Season begins 9/2
Cross Country girls' state in ninety-eight? by Cara Cordaro "Gone, Fought, Won" was the motto that the girls' cross country team took the CSL North and Regional titles with last year; the team advanced to the sectional meet as well but did not extend the season through the state meet in Peoria. This year the girls are planning to make a goal of advancing to state a reahty. Although last year's MVP Elizabeth Gibbons has graduated and will be sorely missed, the remaining varsity members are more than capable of
running just as fast or faster than last season. As only one varsity runner and two junior varsity rurmers have graduated, the Hawks have considerable returning talent. At the head of the pack will be returning seniors Gina Kremer, Anna Kurtz and Cara Cordaro, juniors Meghan Sexton and Maura Collins, and sophomores Rebecca Boudos and Nicole Penn. In addition, many returning sophomores will be running with the team after exceptional performances in the spring track season; this talented
Girls' Tennis V8 by Anna Kurtz The girls' tennis team is back on the courts and ready to take on the Central Suburban League conference for yet another year. After finishing wih outstanding performances last year, the team will have to work hard to make up for graduated talent. Yet, although nine key varsity players have graduated, the remaining members have high hopes for a season just as strong as the last. Returning varsity members Laura Paine, Lauren Stanton and Emily Hughes are looking forward to leading a team that will be able to advance as far as the 1997 squad, with several players advancing to the state meet. The Hawks are ready to prove their worth against Deerfield, Loyola and New Trier this season and climb t( the top once again. Looking towards the underclassmen for talent, Maine South girls' tennis is confident that they can once again be victorious.
group includes state qualifiers Liz Pahlke and Katrina Kloess. Under the leadership of George Gabauer, these girls, along with the rest of the team, hope to run their way to a state cross country meet. After a long summer of training, girls' cross country is prepared to take the change from a 2 mi. to a 2.5 mile course in stride as they pass their competition by. The first meet is at home against Fenwick on Sept. 8th. Come see the Hawks as they run the new course for the first time.
Maura Collins ends a well run race. Southwards file photo
by Emily Smythe ^ ^ The 1998 Girls' Swim Team i ^ ^ looking forward to a promising sea-_ son. The girls hope to improve upoi^B their third place finish in the 1997 Conference meet. This goal is definitely possible. They also have set their sights on the sectional meet. Although All-Conference Jill Bender, as well as seniors Theresa House, Lynn Bielski, Colleen Barker and Karin Vonesh have moved on, several strong assets on the team remain. Varsity seniors Emily Smythe, Meghan Sarran, Erin Tyrell and Amy Goodwin have hopes to lead this year's team to State. Also vital to the swimmers' success are juniors Margie House and Nora Schultz, as well as sophomore Beth Spitelli and freshman Amanda Fallico. With this group as the core of the team, girls" swimming beUeves they will be able to rise to each challenge they'll meei