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October 15, 16, 18 at 7:30, October 19 at 2:00
• The Diary of Anne Frank
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The Editors by Margaret Byrne I have power. Not power to stop time or the Earth's rotation, but the power to influence people's lives. I can hurt someone with words or punches; I can make someone smile with a compliment. I can accomplish things and sometimes even make them go my way. It has taken me almost four years to realize the potential of myself and of my fellow peers. After I have done my time at Maine South, I will look back on four pivotal years of my Ufe. I will think of the fiin times I had with my friends and all that I have learned. But also, I will think about the stupid, insignificant restrictions that made my life more difficult on a daily basis. High school has been a spin-off of ShockWave since my first day. But without anyone riding it, it wouldn't run. WE have made the school what it is today. We, us, have shaped the school to what it is. Think of the power we have! I look at interest groups across the world and see how much they have accomplished, good and bad, and I am disappointed that we haven't taken full advantage of what we have at our disposal. The Martin Luther King movement, for example, started the ball rolling on civil rights. A huge group of people, over time, changed the way millions lived on a day to day basis. There are many things within the walls of Maine South that I wish were different, and I know that many of my fellow students would agree with me on many of the issues in question. But still nothing is done. The administration isn't going to dissolve. We have to exist with some guidelines, but many things have been installed in our world here that we could do something about. Senior exemptions, for example. I showed up at the board meeting where they discussed this idea, only to see minimal student support. This decision concerns you and your life. Why didn't we do anything? We have numbers. Nothing can be ignored if it is coiningfi-oma thousand impatient fourteen to eightee-year-olds. In my opinion we should get our acts together and deal with the problems that we face. Working together would make our lives as students more pleasant. I think that if we tried, we could make our years at Maine South even better.
State of the Arts? by Dan Schwartz Within the last two weeks I have seen two no hope for the arts in America. The most movies, very different in their intents, pur- descriptive, succinct, and honest evaluation poses and styles. The first was "Urban Leg- of this movie I can present is to call it a end," which, just as the reviewers say, is an- steaming fetid heap of cinematic compost. In direct contrast there is "What Dreams other cookie-cutter-slasher flick. The second May Come," which makes the viewer think was "What Dreams May Come," an ambiand question issues tious, abstract and such as death, the afemotionally epic terlife, religion, and drama. the purpose of life in "Urban Legend" the first place. The was not intended to be title itself comes from an intellectual movie, If you have a commenShakespeare, and the and in this respect it whole film is centered succeeded enortary you want to share, around ideas premously. It was obvifeel free to contact sented in Hamlet's "to ously written for Katie or Dan, or drop it be or not to be" solilopeople who are the reasons for stereooff at the Southwords quy. types about America's I would not call it office. youth and concerns great literature or even for the future of our a great movie, but it nation. People who don't want to be enter- did make me think a great deal. There were tained by something that makes them think elements of the film I disliked and disagreec^^ about anything, and seek only to be paci- with, but most of these were choices the writ^^B fied (whether they know it or not) by the ers and director made to create their vision. Robin Williams, who plays the central charmedia. The movie is based on the idea of a se- acter, dies and goes to "heaven," leaving berial killer who uses urban legends as the hind his wife, who is his soul mate. He must blueprints for his murders. This premise reconcile being away from her and The film could, I suppose, provide some interesting works with the idea that each person's possibilities since much of the plot action heaven is created by him or her, so everymust be built around existing cliches. The thing that takes place there is of his or her writers could theoretically use that fact to own creation. This creates an interesting paradox in build an element of satire into the piece and jest at the stereotypes they are using, but they that some people would obviously have to be in more than one person's paradise. I don't. The writers present everything with a don't know how that would work, and that straight face, and it all comes out seeming thought upset me to some degree during the contrived and ridiculous. The characters are movie. The heaven that Williams' character also stereotypes: the independant, beautiful inhabits is a painting which his wife drew, heroine; the slutty goth-girl roommate; the and it provides some of the most amazing snowboarding frat-boy; the elderly, conser- and breathtaking scenery in movie history. The movie made me question my relivative, vaguely British dean of the school. These characters are also too cliched to be gious beliefs and made me think hard about believable, at least the way the actors por- the question of an afterlife. The combinatray them. Many are not even presented tion of this and the visual effects left me both skillfully enough to seem like characters in upset and awestruck, and I could not make a story, let alone people. They seem like a solid call as to my overall opinion of the cardboard cut-outs of the characters they film. But it reassured me that there an people out there who demand intelligent en represent. This film made me want to crawl into a tertainment, and we aren't necessarily as bad cave and wait for the next intellectual off as "Urban Legend" made me think we rennaisance. It made me feel that there is are.
You'd better keep your shirt on by Paul Rogus Recently, I went to an Aerosmith concert with my firiends Christina, Brenden, Ryan, Scott, Tim and afiriendfrom Iowa, Maureen. The concert was the best one I've ever been to, but what was happening in our Uttle circle of friends was more interesting. Even before Maureen started going out with her ex-boyfriend, I had liked her. Not a lot, but enough. Then she started going out with this guy, so I just forgot about her. Then, at the concert, I started thinking about what might have happened if I had ever asked her out. I really didn't want to just flat out ask
should be giving it to Moe you idiot." So I took it back and put it on. Then Aerosmith played "I Don't Want to Miss a Thing," and Moe put her arms around me. I'm standing there thinking I'm in the zone or what not. Next they played "Cryin"'. It was the same thing. I was still a little unsure although everyone in the group was telling me that it was almost a sure deal. Ryan leaned over to me and said, "All she is talking about is how funny you are. What more do you need?" Aerosmi± played "Dude (Looks Like A Lady)" so I took off my hat, put it on Moe's head, put my glasses in my pocket, by Lauren Paez ripped off my Maine South, are you bored? Do you want to do someshirt and just thing new? I have just the thing for you. Listen to WMTH, started going 90.5 FM. What are the great bonuses, you ask? Well, nuts. Everyone you'll get great music, football games and a DJ who is a around me was lot of fun. Maybe if you are lucky there will be a contest screaming and or two also. Tune into Maine South's only radio station yelling. It was for the latest hits and play by play sports action. probably one of the funniest things I've ever her during a song, so I decided that maybe done in my life. if I gave hints, or if I looked for hints, I might When my headache went away from my find out the answer to my question before I brain slamming into the side of my skull even asked it. about a hundred times, Christina said, "You Christina told me that I might have a know, Moe was the first one to notice that chance with Moe because she was always you took your shirt off." asking about me. I guess Moe was asking if Ryan was sitting next to me after the conI hated her because she went out with my cert ended and said, "During the last part of best friend. Christina said that Moe was al- the concert, Moe kept saying how comfortways talking about how funny I am and stuff able your hat was." like that. Now, to me, that is sort of a hint. With all of this I thought that I was in. Christina pretty much agreed with me. What But then she walked up to our group and followed was one of the most confusing said, "Whose hat is this?" She gave it back nights of my life. to me after I claimed it. It was like a shot I started out by doing what I always do, through the heart. All of the building up that trying to be the funniest person in the group. my friends did was deflated in that one inRyan and I work well together in that ca- stant. Christina kept trying to tell me that pacity and we were making fun of all of the the only reason Moe gave the hat back was people at the concert that were either drunk because she didn't want to take it back to or stoned. Moe was laughing hysterically at Iowa with her. I just nodded my head and s and all of us were just having a really tried to forget it all. « . eat time. I'm going to visit Moe this month with I took off my hat during one of the songs Christina, Ryan and Mary. Who knows what because it was flying off and gave it to Chris- is going to happen, or not happen. Maybe tina. She gave me this look that basically when I get back I'll have something better said, "Why are you giving that to me? You to write about.
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4 C Qirtmentary Editors'
of the week
The adventure continues... This little piggy should have gone home by Anne Edison-Swift I am the Responsible Piggy, (see Southwords, October 2, pg 2.) After searching for my ID in my room, my purse, my car and the Southwords office I came to the conclusion that it was gone forever. I dutifully reported to the dean's office to receive a new one and my two detentions. Everyone I talked to was very nice about it. Dean Johnson assured me that my Hawk Honor Card privileges would not be suspended, and I was very grateful. As I walked to my first period class a friend of mine threw me my misplaced ID. Shoot. I went back to the dean's and explained my predicament. Again, Dean Johnson and the office staff were very courteous. They informed me, however, that every time a student buys a new ID when not wearing an ID, he/she will receive due punishment. No exceptions. "At least now you have an extra ID," I was told. That's true. I do have an extra ID. I also have the sinking feehng that if I'd been just a little less responsible I could have avoided this whole ordeal. If I hadn't gone to the dean's office upon missing my ID I would have been reunited with it before first period anyway. If my ID had not been found
and returned to me, and assuming I was caught in the hall ID-less, I could 1) say "Yeah. Sure. It's in my locker." and go on my merry way or 2) report to the dean's and receive the same punishment as those who went before school. I read the "Piggy" article in the last Southwords, and enjoyed it very much. Perhaps it was too subtle for me, however. I did not heed the warnings written therein. I don't want to lie. The thought of playing "Mission Impossible" in the halls, ducking and dodging to avoid paraprofessionals, does not appeal to me. But the last thing I should have done is turn myself in before the bell rang. I am not angry with Dean Johnson or the office staff. They acted fairly and respectfully. They are following the rules, just like me. The rules are the problem. I suggest that students who go to the dean's for a replacement ID before school starts be spared all but monetary punishment. If we must punish someone with detentions, and I'm not convinced we must, punish those students who are sent to the dean's office by teachers and paraprofessionals. Until these rules change, a warning to students: Responsibility and honesty WILL be punished! Do not turn yourself in!
Nothing offers better proof than first hand experience! In the last issue Southwords, the editors overlooked a major factual error in the article entitled, "Test your Springfield knowledge." The article criticized American smdents for not being able to name Springfield as
Abraham Lincoln's birAplace. As many of you may have noted Springfield actaally is NOT where the former-president was bom, rather it was where he lived for many years. Lincoln was actually bors in Kentm;ky. The editors j ^ l o g i z e for and regret this error.
Bunny ears by Anna Kurtz Look down at your feet. Are you wearing shoes? Do your shoes have laces? One more question. How did you tie them this morning? More importantly, why did you tie them that way? Ever since I advanced from velcro closure Reeboks to your standard Mr. Rodger's Keds, I've had concerns about the way I go about tying my shoes. Its a little embarrassing to admit but some of you have probably guessed it already. I tie my shoes the bunny ears way. Before those of you who are more sophisticated scoff at my double-loop method, let me explain. The responsibility for my handicap can be placed on my grandfather. He taught me the fundamentals as a child; how to ride a two wheeler, swim, fish, identify poison ivy and tie my shoes. Every day I spent with him I learned a httle more. The habits that were second-nature to him slowly became equally commonplace in my own life. Today, the most basic actions I perform are his legacy. Just as my grandpa's instructions are imprinted on my mind, it is likely that my children and grandchildren will inherit these same ideas from me. In ten years, I will probably be showing my own children the timehonored art of shoelace tying. Bunny ear style, of course. Do we all end up as replicas of our relatives? I wouldn't want to think that is the case. Instead I'd like to believe that we do have the power to shape our own lives, make our own decisions. However, each person that we know, especially those with whom we have lasting relationships, contribute to the formation of our personalities as well as our lifestyles. Our experiences and opinions are molded by those we share them with. "Some people come into our lives, only for a little while and leave footprints on our hearts," Walking through this life I think of my grandpa and how he tied his shoes with double bows until the day he died. I remember the great friendship and love I shared with this man. The simple ways that he influenced my life will always remain in my mind and the memories of him will not fade. So it is with every one of us. No individual that touches another's life can be forgotten. Instead httle bits and pieces of one's character remain to tell the story of a life long after it is ended.
Features 5
Community Beat by Dave Smith Residents of Park Ridge are raising an higher taxation of local business might seem Ridge, said in an interview with the Park eyebrow at the new proposed tax increase like it would have a dampening effect on Ridge Herald-Advocate, "We do not think on local sales in Park Ridge. If passed by the sales in Park Ridge. Even though that it will negatively impact retail sales." These the Park Ridge City Council, this tax will fear is not unwarranted, there is evidence to words provide a rebuttal to the worries of many in Park Ridge. Even raise the home rule sales tax though she stated that this is by .5%. This new sales tax revHome nie sales tax leventie safe for the community, she enue increase is due to the sucThe Parte Ridge C ^ Counci w i decide herself endorsed it by saying, cess of the tax increase in Monday wtfiettiertoimplement a home nde "I think it is a good idea." towns surrounding Park sales tax be^naig Jan. 1, as neighbonng With such strong conviction s d u b s have done intfiepasL Ridge. However, no one can for this new sales tax intruly be sure if the City Local option sales tax crease, Lembesis's words Council's decision for an inshould encourage the biggest crease in tax will be negligible Rate Revenue skeptics. or harmful to local sales in Aifingion Heic^its $13,032,956 .50% $3,276,338 Park Ridge. The chart accompanying Des Flames % 8.839,449 this article clearly shows that According to the Park .50% $2,203,736 Doinieis Grave $11,066,758 Park Ridge's surrounding Ridge Herald-Advocate this Bmhurst $10,827,878 neighbors have a head start new tax will bring the current .25% $1,256,291 GleiwiGW $4,661,9% on their sales tax revenues. sales tax of 7.75% to 8.25%. Mount Prospect $ 8,955,411 It might not seem like much, With towns hke Niles, a .50% $2,555,706 $16,317,116 Nqienrile but the increase would inrevenue of $12,548,175, and $12,548,175 Niles crease the city's revenue by an Schaumburg's $31,505,960 .50% $3,439,850 $7,056,967 Northbroofc approximated $250,000 every of revenue, it is evident that $ 3,173,437 Oak Park ^ear. Park Ridge's sales tax rev$3,201,896 Parte Ridge enue of $3,201,896 should If the Park Ridge City 531,505,960 Schaumburg 50% $8,157,762 grow. Council passes the tax hike, it $16,638,836 Skolde .75% $6,422,770 will not take full effect until There was little warning, $ 2,751,043 Wibnette the turn of the century. The and the idea of raising taxes reason for this delay is due to caught some of the people of *Sedes tax revenue indudes home rule s^es tax l e o a F ^ the gradual introduction of the Park Ridge off guard. Souice: Park Ridge Finance Department Pioneer PressAJiK change over the course of two However, with the reasyears. surance of Park Ridge offiGraph courtesy of Pioneer Press cials and the proof that it has The first year of the plan worked in surrounding comwill only increase the home rule sales tax by .25%; the second .25% in- contradict this popular concern. Diane munities, raising the city's sales tax revenue crease will come the following year. This Lembesis, the director of finance for Park might be the right choice for the city.
J e n n y Palm Focus on Student
Teacher's Comments:
•Photo Club President •Thespian •V-Show Trunk •Class Council •Crew Head •Eyrie Staff •Honor Roll •Hawk Honor Card
"Jenny is always willing to help other students. She helps out in the classroom doing chores without being asked. As President of Photo Club, she helps to organize meetings and teach students techniques. Jenny volunteered to photograph football games for a representative for the Chicago Tribune. This proved to be an invaluable experience for her. Jenny is a 'go-getter' and is always striving to learn." -Ms. Mary Lee Moore
There is much to do in Munich by Eric Laws on and Alex Policy When a group of Maine South students traveled to Germany for two weeks, only the poignant words of William Blake can describe such an experience, "The road of excess leads to the palace of wisdom." For the seventeen students it was nothing short of wonderful. From July 6th to July 21 St the students traveled around the beautiful land, spending time in Strasbourg, Heidelberg, the Black Forest, Munich and Karlsruhe, the city of the host students. The students stayed with German host families in Durlach, a suburb of Karlsruhe. During the week the students took day trips to some of the sights in Germany, France and Austria. On the weekends they spent time with their host families and took in the German culture. Some of the students also experienced the German night life: an openair theater, multiple discos, random cafes and the infamous "Pflug." The "Pflug," translated to "plow" in English, is one of the most visited places by Americans. Inside there is the biggest TV screen in the city. On nights of World Cup games, groups of jjeople drop everything to go watch their favorite country battle on the big screen. This quaint little pub has some of the best food in Germany, especially "Pommes" and French fries. When the students were not watching soccer, they were visiting castles in Heidelberg and the famous Neuschwanstein castle in the Bavarian Alps. Venturing over the border from Strasbourg to France, the students checked out the cathedral and the European Union Headquarters. Many of the students believe the couple of hours spent in Munich were the best part of the trip because of the "Hofbrauhaus." When asked why he liked Munich, Kurt Marquis responded, "Man, it was just cool. There was so much to see." Overall, for the students the trip was a wonderful, yet tiring, experience. The group
got to see more places in two weeks than most people get to see in a lifetime. Of course the only people who can go are those who are willing to take German
and host a German student for two weeks; this is an invaluable experience When asked if he had a good time, Michael Sebastian responded, "Indeed."
A little bit of this and that,
by Jamie Papaoiannou There is a little something about everyone that nobody knows. Currently a Maine South Physical Education teacher, co-director of Jr./Sr. Leaders and sophomore basketball coach, Mr. Inserra is one of those people. As he hurries to dismiss his gym class, he walks chin-up and with a smile always on his face, to his office in a remote area of the school with hardly anyone around. He sits down at his desk and hurries to finish up the plays for the football game this Saturday. Inserra states, "Teamwork is a key part to sports. It helps athletes realize that they can acheive things in life." Once the sketches are complete, he swings around in his chair, puts his feet up and sits back. After a hard day of work dealing with almost 200 students, a break is well deserved. "Teaching is a profession that never stops," says Inserra. "I decided to become a teacher my sophomore year in college. I want to teach my students responsibility and teamwork," he says. As a teacher he reaches out to students and tries to help them in any way he can. "I love to get to know my students. It gives me another view of what they like to do, and it's a good topic of conversation."
Besides teaching and coaching, much of his time is also devoted to his wife and new baby girl. Being a father is "100% enjoyable," he says. "The feeling of having somebody need you so much is so rewarding." He was the youngest of seven children in his family. They were very close knit, and everything was done in a family-oriented way. "We didn't have everything handed to us, we had to create things on our own." Along with being with his family, he likes to travel a lot. "My wife is a flight attendant. We've been to Maui, Ireland and Greece to name a few places." As he spins around again to look at his basketball photos, he glances at a picture of Bobby Knight. "I believe in many of his strategies and ideas, but not to the extreme." What Bobby Knight stands for is correctâ&#x20AC;&#x201D; in achieving his goals. "In athletics, it is not anger that grabs attention, it is the discipline, values and hard work." As the day wound down, so did Mr. Inserra. When the 2:50 p.m. bell rang it was a sigh of relief for him. After all, in class he might seem like a drill sergeant, but he's a softy on the inside as he takes his lunch bag and walks out the door.
AFS brings culture to Maine Soutii Every country in the world has its own distinct culture. By experiencing different cultures, people are able to develop a respect for other cultures as well as their own. This year at Maine South the American Field Service, AFS, brought three students with distinct cultural backgrounds to the Maine South community. Bou-Young Youn and Stefanie Czwalinna m Germany and Janne Hendrickson from ^ J oorway are the three AFS students who are spending a year at Maine South. It is interesting to see the similarities and differences in the life of a high school student in the
Stefanie Czwalinna Hi, my name is Stefanie Czwalinna. I am seventeen years old and I am a foreign exchange student from Germany. I am staying with the Crawford family this year. My host sister, Ellen Crawford, is also a student at Maine South. I left my Mom, Dad and two brothers in Rodgau, the town I come from. Rodgau is a suburb of Frankfurt, and it has about 66,666 people. About five hundred people go to my school and there are about ninety people my age, thirty of which are in my class. My school day starts at 7:40 a.m. and ends at 1:00 p.m. Once I week in the afternoon I have RE. My schedule changes everyday and throughout the whole week 1 have eleven subjects. I was very busy, but I so had a lot of free time in the afternoon. At Maine South I am on the cross-country team, the German Club and in Footlighters. I am very busy, but I am really enjoying the United States.
United States and in Europe; each has their own perks and faults. Hopefully the exc h a n ge students' first hand accounts of life back home compared to life here will provide understanding as well as an appreciation for life in the United States and abroad. Again, welcome to Bou, Stefanie and Janne. Thank you for taking the time to write about your experiences; life as a Maine South student does get hectic due to all of the activities and homework. Get involved in one of the actvities here. Hope you have fun during your stay!
Janne Hendrickson My name is Janne Hendrickson. I am from Norway. I am from a district very different from Park Ridge. It is a very rural area, yet very large. I live by a Qord where the houses are built along the mountainside. On the top of the mountains there is a national park and on the other side there is Norway's second or third largest glacier. My school is in another district; it takes about twenty-five minutes on the bus to get there. Sizewise it is about one tenth the size of Maine South. Schedules are different too. Everyday we have different subjects but each week there are the same subjects.
Bou-Young Youn My name is Bou-Yoimg Youn but all of my friends call me "BO." I am originally Korean, but I was bom in Germany. I am staying at Emily Knoblauch's house. My first impression of Maine South was quite negative because I thought it was very strict, especially with the IDs. I already got two detentions in my first school-week because I forgot my ID. But now I am used to the school rules and, yes, I like Maine South. Maybe I am also jealous because Maine South has assembhes, dances and many opportunities for the students like sports teams, clubs, etc. My school in Germany does not have assemblies and dances. In Germany I am at the "Gymnasium"; this is the highest school level after four years elementary school. I have to go to the "Gymnasium" for nine years. I am in the eleventh grade there and here I am a senior. When I am back at home, I have to go to school for two more years because I have to collect points for my graduation. We do not have the same schedule everyday, and we only go to school until 1:00 p.m. I really admire the ambition of the students at Maine South. They try so hard and do their best to get on a team; it is really competitive! It was really hard to get in Vocal Jazz, and I am proud of myself that I made it. In Germany the students do not have this ambition. In Germany, students can get into a club whenever they want because there is a lack of interest and the teachers need students in their clubs. At Maine South I enjoy singing (hello to Mr. Dankwart), dancing (hello to Mrs. Sinclair-Day) and taking pictures in photography (hello to Mrs. Moore). I would also like to try out for the musical and the basketball team. Hugs and kisses for Emily K., Alison M., Amanda W., Margaret B., Ciara E, Jenny M., AlUson S., Shannon, SheUa and all the others I foreot.
**There never was in the world two opinions alike, no more than two hairs or two grains; the most universal quality is diversity." -Michel Montaigne (1533-1592)
8 Newi
Maine South's Teens by Katie Thompson Southwards hasn't been the only pubUcation showing off faces from Maine South; the October issue of Teen Magazine featured six MS students. The article, titled Senior Class, will run for the entire school year as it traces the paths of Maine South seniors through their last year. The magazine's coverage of a graduating class at a different school last year had received wide acclaim, inspiring the editors to use the idea again. The author, Margaret Littman, chose Maine South to feature partly because of the unusual ID pohcy and the variety and number of extra curricular activities. After the idea was cleared with Dr. Cachur, the challenge arose of how to choose six seniors to represent the school. The opportunity was open to any senior who
filled out a several page questionnaire that asked about each student's academic record, extra-curricular interests and personal facts. After that, the author tried to narrow down the responses to students who were involved in different activities and who were not necessarily in the same social groups. Approximately twenty students were called to a personal interview to talk with Littman in more detail. Finally, six varied students were chosen by the author and approved by the magazine editors. Less than a month later, newsstands across the country displayed the familiar faces of Phil Elsesser, Erika Valencia, Young Song, Holly Warchol and Franklin and Joe Ramirez. The three page article profiles each of the six seniors, including their GPAs, interests.
Cub fans shaken by playoffs? It coulda been worse! As the cool days of October bring the baseball playoffs to our TV's, this year's Chicago Cub fans feel a bit more shaken than usual. "That coulda been us," they moan as the playoffs advance. But sometimes making the playoffs can shake you more than missing them. Nine years ago tomorrow, on October 17, 1989, millions were watching the third game of the World Series between the San Francisco Giants and the Oakland Athletics when, much to their horror, the seats at Candlestick Park began to rock, light towers swayed, and 58,000 fans became eerily quiet. An earthquake measuring 6.9 on the Richter scale had hit the San Francisco Bay area at 5:04 p.m. Homes crumbled, gas lines ruptured.
"earthquake-proof structures fell and the upper section of a two-tiered freeway collapsed onto the lower level at the height of rush hour, trapping commuters in their flattened cars. The tremor and its aftershocks reached north to Sacramento and south to Los Angeles, causing an estimated 270 deaths, 3,000 injuries, and damages up to $3 billion. TV audiences stayed glued to their sets as fires burned, rescue workers went about their jobs and real stories unfolded. At the World Series game, which was postponed because of the tremors, the fans cheered when the shaking stopped. And Cub fans said, "Wow. That coulda been us." (Source: The History Channel)
What did we forget? If Southwords failed to print any newsworthy event, please let us know. Either talk to Maura Collins or Kathleen Dunne or drop a note off in VI31.
home life, senior year aspirations, and college plans. It also included color pictures of everyone. For each of the students being profiled, the series of articles not only allows them to be pubUshed nationally, but also means that each has to be followed around by photographers for some occasions. The crew even showed up to snap photos at Maine South' s Homecoming dance several weeks ago. Because the next issue of Teen that is scheduled to showcase Maine South will be printed sometime in January, the editors plan to include pictures of major events, such as Homecoming, that happen from now until that time. Who knows, maybe your own smiling face will be the next to decorate the newsstands.
SOUTHAVORPS A student-produced newsMpepof:
Maine South Higjh School / l i ^ l South De^ Roael::;
1 ^aifcfiidge, IL )6006^7 Letters to the^d|tor should be ddivered to room V-131 ofgiyen to a^memlter of the editorial staffi^^OKTHWOROS reserTes the right to edi^ffi^rtg^aHoi; clarity and brevity and to rej< i bbsceo^^eflBbelo^ suhmissioos. Anne Edison-Swift Anna Mieszaniec Kathleen Dunne News Editors Maura Collins Commentary Editors Dan Schwartz Katie Thompson Features Editors Lindsey Krukowski Katie Marcucci Sports Editors Brian Price Anna Kurtz Production Editors Chris Buckely Som Dalai Ted Kocher Julie Motala Core Cartoonist Nora Bums Core Photographer Ho-Chen Liu Core Artist Margaret Byrne Staff Heads T R . Kerth Advisor Editors-in-Chief
rNews 9
^Anne Frank hides in ll/laine South's annex by Maura Collins The Diary of Anne Frank, the fall play, is based on the diary that Anne Frank wrote during World War 11. It is about a family living in an attic to escape the Nazis during. While hiding in this attic in Amsterdam from 1942-1945, Anne Frank and her family struggle with the fear of being caught by the Nazis and emotional family problems as well as personal dilemnas. Eventually the Franks are caught and shipped off to concentration camps. Everyone but Mr. Frank dies. Mr. Frank later returns to the attic and sifts through all of his family's belongings when he comes across his daughter's diary. The play is actually the flashbacks that Mr. Frank has as he reads the diary. The cast began rehearsing on Sept. 4 immediately after they found out who made the cut. Eighty students auditioned for only ten parts. Since that time the cast and crew have put in extremely long hours rehearsand building the set after school. # According to John Muszynski, director of the play, one of the hardest things about performing a play like this is, "how real it is because the actors must portray real people in real situations." Through these challanges, however.
everyone involved has a good time. Katy Darr, a sophmore with the leading role of Anne Frank, commented "It has been good so far. Even though it was tough memorizing all of my lines, I've had a lot of fun." Antonello DiBenedetto, who portrays Mr. Van Daan, said, "Since we've been working together for the past six weeks, it feels like we've become a family, just like the actual people who lived through this experience." Jodie Kupsco, Student Assistant Director, laughed when she said, "Between Mrs. Van Daan's big hair and Margot's outstanding looks, the cast and crew have enjoyed working together and expect the show to be a huge success." The show would never be a success without an incredible set and a dedicated crew working hard behind the scenes. Mr Sanchez, the Technical Director, designed the set. What makes the set of this particular play interesting and exciting is that the audience will actually sit onstage during the performance. Instead of watching the play fi-om the normal chairs in the auditorium, about 250 chairs will be set up in what usually is the backstage area. This allows the audience to feel like thev are livine in the
attic with the Frank family and experience what this family did during the war. After six weeks of rehearsal and stage work, the play is polished and ready to go. All it needs now is an audience! Come and see the play on October 15, 16 and 18 at 7:30 p.m. and on October 19 at 2:00 p.m. Tickets can be purchased in the fine arts office or at the door on performance nights for $4.00. The performance is sure to be a memorable experience!
The Diary of Anne Frank These are just a few of the many people who have devoted much of the last six weeks to the fall play. Anne Frank Katy Darr Mr. Frank Ryan Oboza Mrs. Frank Julie Lucchesi Margot Frank Krista Luzio Miep Kristen Church Mr. Kraler Dan Schwartz Mr. Van Daan Antonello DiBenedetto 1 Mrs. Van Daan Margaret Byrne Peter Van Daan Drew Huening Mr. Dussel Tom Forde Mouschi Vinnie the Cat Asst. Director Jodie Kupsco Stage Manager Lee Adlaf Asst. Stage Manager Nora Sapieka Asst. Tech Director Brendon Hennigan Chief Screening Artists Lily Corcoran Mary Pindelski Prop Mistress Dana Bar^as Make up Artist Jenny Palm Construction Head Tom Karenke Costume Designers Erin Nugent Allison Stanhope Sound Head Mary Stankiewicz Publicity Head Courtney Norwood Master Electrition Ken Travis Director Tech Director
Katy Darr, Julie Lucchesi and Krista Luzio enact a climactic scene.Photo by Nora Bums
Mr. Muszynski Mr. Sanchez
Football team dominates Maine West by John Moron Matt Reardon's performances in the last two Maine South victories were nothing short of spectacular. In games versus Highland Park and Maine West, the senior quarterback threw eight touchdown passes, two two-point conversions and gained 440 yards through the air. He got great pass protection from Tony Grippo and the rest of the boys up front while the defense made things easier on the entire offense by maintaining great field position throughout both of these games. In the 34-6 trouncing of the Highland Park Giants, Reardon completed 13 of 26 passes for 275 yards. He found standout split end Bucky Barrett for touchdowns of 6,12, and 46 yards. He also hit speedy wideout Keith 'Tommy Waddle" Kura in stride for a 69 yard touchdown. Reardon's two two-point conversions were completed to Barrett and senior TE/WR John Moran. Rick Simnick
also scored on a 15 yard touchdown run. The Hawk defense held the little Giants first string offense to just 88 yards on the ground. The defense was led by Steve Chung, Sean Story and Kevin Geist. Both Kevin Barrett and junior Eric Novak came up with interceptions. In the Hawks 39-21 thrashing of the Maine West Warriors the same story continued. In a game that was dominated by the Hawk air attack and the rock solid defense, the Hawks found themselves without Bucky Barrett. Despite Barrett's absence, the offense continued to operate like a well-oiled machine. After the defense forced a Maine West turnover deep in Warrior territory. Matt Reardon began another stellar afternoon in which he was 6 for 9 passing with four touchdowns and 165 yards. His first touchdown pass came on a crucial fourth and long situation. Reardon connected with John
Maine South soccer tramples Trevlans by Eric Schmidt As the season comes to a close, the Hawk soccer team is gearing up for a run at the state championship. Although the Hawks aren't ranked, they have proven that they can play with anyone when the pressure is on. The Hawks won 3-0 over number seven Geneva, tied 0-0 with number three St. Charles and recently beat number two and previously unbeaten New Trier 2-0. Against the Trevians, the Hawks weren't going to be denied as they played one of their strongest games of the year. New Trier came into the game with a 12-0-3 record and was the only team left in the state without a loss. The Hawks put an end to that streak with a goal and an assist by Brian Price and a breakaway goal by Paul Johnson. A fired up Trevian squad came at the Hawks with all they could, but the Hawks were able to hold offtheir late charge and overcome a red-card to starting defender Mario DiLorenzo. In previous action, the Hawks took on conference-rival Maine East at Wilson Field. Although the Hawks had only played twice there beforehand, they lit up the scoreboard
early with a goal from senior Justin Eatherton. Seniors Barrett Kalinowski and Brian Price hooked it up in the second half as Price blasted it by the Demon keeper to seal the victory for the Hawks. On a cold and rainy day, the Hawks traveled to Highland Park to take on their CSL North rivals. The Giants were a scoring machine this season, but the Hawks were up to the challenge. Not only did the Hawks embarrass the Giants on their Homecoming, but they held them to no shots on goal. Charlie Zei finished on his penalty kick to give the Hawks a hard-fought 1-0 victory. As the playoffs near, the Hawks will turn to their forwards to provide an offensive attack. The talent of seniors Sam Porras, Justin Eatherton and Eric Tostch, juniors Kris Salvador and Kurt Marquis along with freshman James Denk provides the Hawks with a tlireat they were missing last year... scoring! Come out and support your Hawks as they prepare for the state playoffs. Games in the next week include Deerfield and Oak Park.
Moran for a 27 yard score. After the defense stopped the Warriors inches short of a first down, the offense wasted little time and went right back to the air. This time Vedran Dzolovic made a spectacular 35 yard touchdown grab to extend the Hawks lead. The defense decided to put some of their own points on the board, as Kevin Geist grabbed a loose ball at midfield and took it all the way in for a score. Before the close of the half Reardon went deep to Kura for a 60 bomb that gave the Hawks a 26-0 half-time lead. Wasting little time after the half Reardon threaded the needle for his second touchdown pass to Moran. The final score of the day for the Hawks came on a 48 yard touchdown run from Mike Kavka. Randy Tosch led the defense with eight tackles and everyone chipped in as the Hawks came away with a dominating Homecoming victory over their fiercest rivals.
Girls' volleyball looking up by Kathleen Dunne Things have been turning around for Maine South's volleyball team. In several of their recent games they have come away with victories and well-played games. When put up against Deerfield, the Hawks were ready to play and came out intense. The Hawks finished off the Warriors in two games. Altogether the team attempted kills 45 times and successfully made 13 of those attempts. The Hawks also had ten blocks and an 89 serving percentage. The next game the Hawks soared in was against Maine East during Homecoming weekend. The Hawks defeated the Maine East team in two games. The team was supported by the outstanding play of Ellen Crawford as well as the serving of Amy Angarone. The team was also inspired by the defense of Marge Niemcyzk. The Hawks have several games and tournaments coming up and hope to continue with their success. Their schedule includes! at least two games every week until regionals. With the Hawk success, the girls' spirit and confidence is up and they are ready for more competition.
Golf takes CSL and Regional titles by Bret Olson Entering the conference match, the Maine South Golf Team was in a three-way tie for first with Glenbrook North and Deerfield, The Hawks have been red hot and are on a twelve match win streak. The streak continued for most of the day as the hawks played superior golf. SeniorBradMetzinger turned it on at the right time as he tied for first place with a 78. Junior Peter Krol finished witii an 81 to put him in fifth place while Eric Pick and Bret Olson shot 83, which was a tie for seventh. Fourplayers in the tap ten is always difficult to beat, and this day was no exception. This was the Hawks first conference crown since the 1994 team that finished tenth in state. J9S A week htter, the Hawks traveled to Cog ^wi:ill #3, the site of the IHSA regionals. Despite the rain, the Hawks were able to survive on another solid team effort. The victory was marked not by low individual scores, but by a solid effort as a team; no hawk finished outside the top quarter. Several teams bad extremely low individuals, but none were able to come in with a team effort as strong as Maine South's. Brad Metzinger and Eric Pick led the way with 79's to put them in eighth place. Freshman Stormin' Norman Olsen shot an 80 for 11th place. Bret Olson and Peter Krol shot 83's and Mike Kucyzinski added an 84. The regional title was a great accomplishment as coach Ross was unable to recall the last time the Hawks took home hardware fi-om the Regional tournament. The team now heads to sectionals at Buffalo Grove. If the Hawks finish in tlK top three, they would advance downstate. However, the Hawks will be playing in the toughest sectional in the state. In other acdon, Meg Nakamura will head Deerfield for the girls regional She pes to remm downstate, where she was one of the only freshman qualifiers last year. She has been improving her skills by competing with the boys all year.
Boys' cross-country team prepares for CSL meet by Craig Stankiewicz After completing a very successful 4-1 record in the CSL North with their only loss coming to ranked Maine West, the boys' cross country team looks to avenge this loss at tomorrow's conference meet. The Hawks have already been defeated by Maine West twice this season on their home course. However, they feel that Maine West is not tough enough to beat them for a third time on Maine South's course. With the conference meet being held here at Maine South the Hawks believe that they can defeat Maine West and the other four opponents that they have already beaten this season. If they succeed the team will fulfill its pre-season goal of being conference champions. Behind the running of Tim Seiwert, Matt Madura, Brian Wells, Brian Dickey, Tom Hastings and Liam Hickey the Hawks have been very successful lately. With impressive victories of 17-41, 18-42 and 19-43 over Highland Park, Niles North and Deerfied, respectively, the boys' cross country team is very confident.
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Even if the Hawks place second to Maine West at conference, they beheve they can fulfill a dream that started last Spring. Before school ended Coach Drennan and Coach Marino began to realize that this year's team was one of the most talented groups of runners to ever set foot at Maine South. After putting in anywhere from three hundred to over five hundred miles of running over the summer, the Hawks built a very solid base for this season. As each meet passes and the team continues to look very strong they believe more and more. If the boys' cross country team does not win conference for the fifth time in six years they still may qualify for the state meet, something no other boys' cross country team has accomplished in the history of Maine South. The boys' cross country team could use some fans besides their parents and coaches, so please consider coming out to watch the Hawks contend with Maine West for a share of the conference championship tomorrow right here on our home course.
Highlights 10/17
Boys' Cross Country
CSL North Meet
@ Niles West Invite 4:15 PM
Girls' Cross Country
CSL North Meet
@ Niles West hivite 4:15 PM
Golf Soccer
@ Niles North
A' Niles North 4:30 PM
IHSA State Finals Deerfield Fr/ JV4:30
@ Niles North Fr/JV 4:30 PM GBNJVA' 5:00
Hawk Relays JVA^ 10:00
IHSA IHSA Sectional TBA Sectional TBA
Pumpkin Tnmt V 5:00
Pumpkin Tnmt V 9:00
@ Deerfield SA^ 4:30 @ CSL Frosh Inv 5/6:30
@ Deerfield 5:00
@ Barrington Tnmt. Soph TBA
Cross Cininirv
Swimmiii!: •
X-country coming to a f i n i s h by Anna Kurtz When it comes to describing the girls' cross country team this year there is no ambivalence about using the term victorious. This year's runners have faced and defeated each and every team in the CSL North division and is going into the conference meet tomorrow with an unblemished dual meet record. The girls are hoping to add another success, winning the title hands down. They also have confidence about running good races on the next level at the regional meet next Saturday. In the last dual meet against Niles North on Tuesday Oct. 10th Maine South, although dealing with unfavorable circumstances, still won by a large margin. 9 runners placed in the top 10 for a spectacular end to their season. At the beginning of the race the first four Hawks had an impressive lead over the first Viking. Although they took a wrong turn at the end of the first half mile the top varsity runners managed to catch up with the rest of the race, fighting to get their positions back despite the extra 200+ meters they ran. Junior Maura Collins managed to work her way to the front and win the race. Seniors Gina Kremer and Cara Cordaro fared equally well, taking third and fourth. The junior varsity team also won their race against the Vikings with a shut out, earning a perfect score of 15-50. With a record of 5-1 in conference the JV team is working hard in preparation for their final meet tomorrow morning. The top seven varsity runners will be continuing in the regional and sectional meets and hope to place well enough at sectionals to go to State in November '98. A large crowd is expected on the home cross country course tomorrow morning at 9:30. Best times will be run and records set so make sure you don't miss the opportunity to watch it happen.
Tennis wins at Lake Park Quad invitational
.auren Slanlon concentrates on her game. Photo courtesy ofEyrit
by Lauren Stanton With the Maine South tennis season coming to an end, the players hope to finish with victory. After losing to Highland Park and Glenbrook North, the varsity came back with victory at the Lake Park Quad. Not one match was lost to the schools there, which included Schaumburg, Lake Park and Addison Trails, all of whom offered tough competition. With freshman Liz Bondi at first singles, senior Emily Hughes at second singles, juniors Joanna Doerfler and Angela Ganas at first doubles, seniors Laura Paine and Lauren Stanton at second doubles and juniors Katie Cimoch and Bjelopetrovich at third doubles, the entire team was victorious. The following Thursday the girls played Maine West and were successful in the c o n ^ ^ ference meet, beating them 6-1. As the se^^B son and the players begin their finishing k i c ^ ^ the team hopes for a good turnout for the conference match.
Hawk swimmers get excellent times by Emily Smythe The Maine South girls' swim team continues to drop times as their season goes into full swing. After tough meets on Sept. 22nd and 23rd they feel prepared for anything. Against GBS on the 22nd the varsity team lost 119-66. Still, many best times were swum. Junior Margie House hit an all time best of 101.98 in the 100 freestyle to take third place. Other best times were swum by senior Amy Goodwin in the 100 backstroke (108.25, 2nd), senior Erin Tyrell in the 50 free (27.47,1st), Margie Stankiewicz in the 50 and 100free(29.14,104.5), Laura Bender in the 500 free (6:42.01,3rd), Juhe Szramek also in the 500 free (6:42.33, 4th) and Amanda Fallico who took 2nd in the breastroke with a time of 1:15.06. Other top fmishes came from the medley relay and the 200 free relay, both of which took second, and from Emily Smythe who took second in the 200 individual medley (2:25.25) and won the 100 breaststroke (1:11.07.)
The next morning the hawks travelled to Downers Grove North to compete against some tough competition. Senior co-captain Meghan Sairan's presence at both meets was sorely missed due to illness. The ladyhawks swam hard and the frosh-soph team took a very impressive fourth place. Ribbon winners included Fallico who busted up the pool in the 100 breaststroke to win first, Meghan Gibbons, who took third in the 100 free and fifth in the 100 back; Polley who took fifth in the 500; Szramek, who took fifth in the 100 free and Bender who took third in the 50 free. On Oct. 2nd the Hawks had the opportunity to try out different events in their victory against Niles North. During the post Homecoming week we faced several tough teams including Hoffman Estates as well as the defending conference c h a ^ ^ ^ pions, Deerfield. As the season draws c l o s ^ ^ to the state finals, girls' swimming is preparing themselves for the vital meets they now face.