Vol 35 issue 8 (2)

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Vol. }(•< Issue S

Maine .Soiiih \\\M\\ SCIKMII '


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Operation "Dough"-Nation

Food Drive A Success I this page Scholastic Bowl Does Great! page 8 IMEA All-State Musiciansi page 9 Band- Pride of the Southt ^; paee y


Lauren ffurJey^opinions on Christmas page 3 Tanya Gluz/orman's New Year's Resololution Survey! page 3

FEATURES News On Nt page 5 Holiday Traditions


'ocus on Mrs. Caitova page?


...^ «^:--^(ijj;s Basketball Comes in 2nd th Schaumburg Tournament page 12 Wrestling Hopes to Dominate the Mats

pmU9 Swimmers Start Season with Strong Performacnes page 12

Emily Smyvie, Bill Heerman, Liz Maratea and Liz Ori count the food donations in the student council office. Photo by Maura Collins by Christy Stevens Operation Dough Nation was Maine South's Food Drive slogan this year. The drive, sponsored by Student Council, tried to increase the efforts this year. The food drive began last Monday with huge success. Along with the drive came fierce class compjetition. Each year, all class levels fight to be the class with the most number of contributions. The daily contribution was recorded each day in the cafeteria, announcing to the school who was in the lead. The addition of the faculty to the competition added some heat to the students to keep up.

The food drive also tried to help inspire students by setting up "special days" such as Sticker Day and Double Dollar Day. Another incentive for students to donate is by making pennies negative points. The students could then still donate and, at the same time, bring down their biggest competitor. The drop off for food was in the bookstore and the student council office. Both money and food was collected during lunch periods. All donations go to Marillac House, Little Sisters of the poor and the Park Ridge Food Pantry to help those organizations help others throughout the up)coming winter.

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The Editors by Anna Kurtz Midnight, October 31st. No, batman, put your cape away, I'm not talking about Halloween. Does anyone else feel as if "the holiday season" starts not in December, but the minute the last trick-or-treater leaves the front steps? Each year it seems as if my neighbors put up their outside lights a few days earlier. Coming from a family where Christmas is kept to the traditional "12 days," I wish our culture could limit the season to no more than a tasteful 25. This would eliminate much holiday stress as well as the whining and complaining which goes along with it. Do I sound like a stressed shopper? Have I had enough candy canes? Am I going to swear off "Silent Night" and "Deck the Halls?" Not any time soon. I'm no Ebenezer Scrooge (but I've always had a thing for the Grinch.) This is my favorite time of year. It's just that I miss looking forward to looking forward to Christmas. But when it comes right down to it, what would Christmas be without the stress? The other day I saw an ad for Amazon, com. "Do all your shopping at home from the computer, hassle-free." There are so many different offers for shopping online; wouldn't this "world of opportunity" make holiday decisions so much easier? I really don't think so. It has been awhile since I thought more about what I wanted for Christmas than what presents I wanted to give to others. F ve realized that for me the anticipation of the holiday season comes with planning gifts for my friends and family. There is no way that the "Christmas-y feeling" would be the same if I tried to avoid the grueling task of shopping, deciding, buying, returning, buying again, wrapping and, of course, returning again. That process is just as much of a tradition as putting up the tree on Christmas Eve. As much as I wish society would be less over eager about getting the holidays started, the season only begins when you want it to. Last year I knew it was Christmas time at the Maine South holiday concert. As I watched the expressions on the faces in the audience change as we sang "O Holy Night," I believed they felt it too. This year it could happen at any time. I'll keep you posted.

Holly jolly rainstorm


by Katie Thompson seriousness of my dad's commands and No one in my family seemed to notice absurdity of our predicament. After a few that we were the only people in the middle final wild hacks at of the vast field and that the sky was dark- the thick stump, we ening quickly. On an early Sunday morn- t r i u m p h a n t l y ing, my dad woke my whole family up be- screamed "Timber!" fore the sun rose to drive two hours into When we arrived Michigan to cut down our Christmas tree. back at the building, I'll admit to being weary about driving for bewildered employhours to saw down a tree and my sister, ees looked at us in Clare, nearly refused to go at all. By the time disbelief. We we were out the door it was clear that some stumbled through serious rain was probable. the doorway just as As we trudged through the acres of fresh the first rumblings of thunder were heard in evergreens, we found ourselves farfromany the distance. buildings or our car. A few drops of rain fell, While we sipped hot cocoa and pushed but my parents were determined to find a dripping hair out of our eyes, reality retree. Within a minute, the rain was much turned. I began to worry about how much harder. It didn't take long for us to realize time I would have to do some work when I that we needed to make up our mind, saw got home and Clare started to complain down the tree and run as fast as we could about the trip, saying she would just stay back to the lodge. As my dad pointed to a home next year. We both realized how ritowering blue spruce, my youngest sister diculous we looked and longed for some dry cheered him on. Clare and I tried to hold clothing. But even though it didn't last very back the branches as he began to saw. Five long, that moment in the rain helped us t^ minutes later, no progress was made and our remember the true meaning of this seaso: jeans had all soaked through. My mom and Schoolwork, friends and commitmentsi a t ^ my little sister decided to head back to a times overwhelm both of us. We lose sight warm, dry room as my dad muttered some- of how lucky we are to be able to share the thing and stopped sawing. same silliness, laughter and memories. The Clare dropped to her knees and began to rain made us forget, for just a moment, all of the saw and things that then solicwe worited my I ^ B H ^ ML ried about help with ^ for the rest the other .:. ;ji"^j^^H^iiiS of the year. end of the •f ^ ^ M^^ _ ^^W No matter saw. As I how much k n e l t I.;- • 1 ^ we comdown, my plain about knees sunk ' it, Clare into the f '^•••^' V ^ ^ ^ B 9 and I will soggy mud probably and evernever forg r e e n -<-. get sawing branches down that scratched Christmas my already tree toraw hands. My dad suggested that we go find one of gether. No matter how you celebrate this the professionals to finish the job and to my holiday season, try to forget about the d a ^ ^ k surprise Clare objected, saying that we were to day concerns that surface throughout t h l ^ ^ almost done. In spite of the cold rain, my year. Happiness and laughter can be found sister and I could not stop laughing. We felt in even the most unusual situations, and like little kids in the rain, laughing at the we've got the tree to prove it.


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Merry Kri$$mess to all by Lauren Hurley The holiday season is upon us. And December is becoming as overcrowded as our planet is. Too much Christmas is packed into too few days. It is a truism that Christmas is not about material things, but it is also becoming true that there is a general discomfort, and uneasiness in even wishing someone a "Merry Chirstmas" without fear of offending someone or sounding archaic, dated, or incorrect. I am sick of what December has morphed into: a hodgepodge of holiday hoopla. It is a strange amalgam of Angels and Auras, Snowmen and Santas, and Kwanzaa (about harvests), a nod to the major religions (quickly and furtively) and, of course, let's not leave out Festivus. It's a big grab bag of

fragments that is offered up to us to reach in, grab a handful, spend some money, and get over it. One year from now, December 1999, the specter of the Y2K computer bug will loom large. I suggest that not only do the computers act as if it is 1900, but so do we. It would not be all that bad to return to a simpler time, when simple ideas brought profound consequences. In order for our society to survive, we need a framework for shared values and shared ideas. I beheve that certain things are timeless and can never become outdated. Things Uke self-respect and honor and duty and honesty. These twinkle brighter than any hokey lawn decoration! Here's a thought to ponder: as Decem-

ber becomes glutted and increasingly frenzied, something has to give. As a Catholic, I propose we do our part and move Christmas to March, which is probably a more accurate historical marker of Christ's birthday anyway. Leave the X in December's Xmas: it's time for a re-evaluation of what is meaningful and what is merely frantic shopaholism. For me, p)eace on Earth, good will to men sings out over the din in the malls , crossing cultural and religious boundaries with a call to seek the extraordinary in ourselves, to rise above the petty and the mundane. Over the next few weeks, try to keep your sanity! Keep your eyes on what really matters and don't sink into this swirling, chaotic, peppermint blob called Kri$$mess.

High Resolution by Tanya Gluzerman So, the holiday season is coming up sooner than many can believe. Before we know it, we'll be ringing in the new year, but before we decide to put on our party hats and watch the silver ball drop at Time Square, maybe we should think about what we are going to do differently in 1999. What are we going to do to make this last year

before the millennium different from the others? To give you some ideas on what your resolution might be, here is a top ten list which was made by a survey taken by some fellow students at Maine South. They were asked what their , resolutions might be when the clock strikes twelve. Will they actually keep them? Who knows, but at least they might motivate you to make one of your own. 1. To get a boyfriend/girlfriend. 2. To stop biting my nails or other annoying habits. 3. To do my homework early for a change so I can go to bed at a reasonable hour 4. To not reach for that candy bar thinking "one more won't kill me..." 5. To learn how to drive without getting

pulled over. 6. To quit smoking. 7. To keep my grades up or at least pass the next grade. 8. To stop drinking. 9. To finally create an exercise plan and actually stick to it. 10. To stop comparing myself to others, because there will always be someone a little better as well as a little worse than me. Happy New Year Maine South!!

Another look at Thanks By Margaret Byrne This is a response to Dan Schwartz's Giving Thanks article of November 25.1 am the "friend" Schwartz went with to his mother's recent place of employment. I feel qualified to respond to the article because at the time it was printed, I had probably spent more days at the school as a volunteer tutor for the primary and upper grades than Dan's mom, and a whole lot more time than the two hours Mrs. Schwartz's son spent there. In the article's second sentence, this high school student already feels qualified to explain the hiring and firing policies of the Chicago Public Schools. From that point on, the presumtuousness of the article increases. How could he even think, say and, more importantly, publish these statements based on two hours concerning personal family lives and a community he knows nothing about? As 'Giving Thanks' states, Schwartz saw 'attempts to brighten the corridors with murals and students projects' when he

walked through the doors of Chopin School. My friends and I saw the same handmade banners and student projects as a sign of pride and accomplishment. Schwartz saw eight-year-olds stealing


professional. Schwartz went a step b e y o i ^ ^ that, indicting the entire student p o p u l o i ^ ^ and their parents as either incapable or uninterested in their children's education. These allegations were made with only a portion of an afternoon to base them on. If a student who attended another school wrote an article stereotypically characterizing Maine South students, we would be rightfully offended by it. In essence Schwartz did the same thing concerning a group of little kids who he knows nothing about. I am sure we do have a lot more things than the children at Chopin Elementary. However, I see those children be just as happy as students at our school. Schwartz's underlying point of giving thanks to our suburban, outer city lives is admirable. We should give thanks for what we have, especially around the holidays. But instead of speaking neg tively of others' lifestyles, couldn' Schwartz, in his thankful article, have found one decent thing to say about those kids and their school?

Enjoy winter break, and write commentaries for Southwordsl Talk to Katie or Dan or drop off your stories in the Southwards room. each other's toys. What he overlooked is that they are eight-year-olds acting like eightyear-olds. I saw and participated in such events five blocks away from my own elementary school. We are all entitled to opinions, Schwartz included. But opinion should be based on rational fact, not a two hour afternoon. The fact that he printed an article saying that those specific children have lost hope is un-

Features 5


A look at what's happening at area schools, . .

Helping hands make a difference by Susie Skaczylo Once a year students at Champaign Centennial High School get together to make a difference in their community. This special day, which seems to get the entire school involved, is called "Make A Difference Day." Although it was back on October 24, the spectacular outcome of that day is still going strong. Each student who participated learned how an act of kindness can go a long way. Several clubs at Centennial planned activities to do on this day. Student council do nated items to the Men's Emergency Shelter in Champaign. They also cleaned up Centennial's parking lot. The members a club called Students for a Better World distributed flyers to the houses surround

ing the school to inform residents that they were willing to rake leaves. Another organization, Interact, donated 60 care boxes to needy places all around Champaign. In addition to the groups that participated, many individuals also lent a hand. Many students partici pated by helping their family members and their neighbors. Some also contributed to club- sponsored events by donating cans of food and other articles. Students really appreciated "Make A Difference Day." They felt that it helped out the community and displayed that they were really important to its well-being.


Maine South is also filled to the brim with service projects and out-reach activities. If you want to give some of your time and \ kindness to the community, join one. How about donating to the food drive and Brotherhood's Lego drive? How about picking up trash along the roadside with Ecology club? There are also many more activities that the school encourages, such as community service clubs as Varisty Club which volunteers at the Sjje cial Olympics. Since the hoUdays are around the comer, how about making an effort to care? Information for the article was from "The Centinal," a publication oj Champaign Centennial High School in Champaign. IL.

Todd Gierke Focus on Student Excellence


Teacher's Comments:

•M-Club •Peers Reaching Out •Varsity Basketball •WMTH

"During the past three years. I have had the opportunity to coach and teach Todd. He is a sincere and honest young man who is well organized, responsible and thorough in everything he undertakes. Todd is respected by his peers and teachers and has a positive attitude toward life. He can always be dended upon and is an excellent role model." -Mr. George Verber



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A historical lioliday Magical mistletoe by Lily Corcoran with Katie Marcucci When one sees mistletoe in the doorway, he or she feels compelled to kiss the person nearest to him or her. But why? According to Norse tradition, Frigga, the goddess of love and mother of Balder, the god of the summer, became alarmed after Balder had a dream of death. If Balder were to die, all life would cease to exist. So Frigga made a pact with every living creature, god and plant. Unfortunately Frigga overlooked the mistletoe. Loki, the god of evil, knew that Frigga had failed to make a covenant with mistletoe. He therefore tricked Hoder, the god of winter, into shooting an arrow tainted with the vile plant into Balder. B alder's death resulted in three days of morning for Frigga. During this period it is said that Frigga's tears became the white berries on the plant. Frigga, who never stopped loving her son, restored him with her love. She was so overcome with joy that she kissed anyone who came under the mistletoe tree. In eighteenth-century England mistletoe became known as the kissing ball. If a young lady standing under the mistletoe was not kissed, it was believed that she would not marry within the next year. Mistletoe is what it is today because of all the contributing cultures. Whatever personal beliefs one has in the powers of mistletoe, it is interesting to know how the tradition of kissing under it came to be.

by Katie Marcucci Some are bought from the parking lot of the Community Center. Others are personally sought out and cut down in the woods of northern Michigan. Still others are bought from the store and used year after year. These items of great popularity during the holiday season are Christmas trees. The Christmas tree did not start as a decorative touch to one's living room. It in fact started back in the sixteenth century. While the specific founder is not known, many contributed to starting this tradition. Martin Luther, the founder of the Protestant religion, cut an evergreen down because it was a symbol of everlasting life. Luther also selected the evergreen because it pointed to heaven. Another contributor to the tradition of the Christmas tree was medieval plays used to teach the illiterate people the story of Adam and Eve. In the plays the evergreen was decorated with apples to rep resent the Tree of Life. The popularity of this tradition did not catch on until the eigh teen dreds. In 1841, Prince Albert of England set up England's first Christmas tree in Windsor Castle. Adorned with candles, fruits and gingerbread, the tree

caught on with other aristocratic English families. The first Christmas tree in the U.S. appeared in 1747 in Bethlehem, Pennsylvania. This "tree" was a wooden pyramid decorated with firs, candles and apples. The first evergreen Christmas tree in America was displayed by German settlers in Pennsylvania in the 1830s. During the nineteenth century the Christmas tree gained popularity with the public. With the advent of electricity, hand-blown lights replaced the traditional candles; Thomas Edison's lab assistant strung a tree with lights in 1882. Sears, Roebuck and Company made this growing tradition a part of their mail-order catalog. In 1884, they introduced 3 ^ ^ artificial tree, w h i c l ^ ^ sold for fifty cents. Today Christmas trees can be seen in many places. Driving down major highways, one can see a plethora of tree lots. Many houses in the neighborhood have lit trees peeking through their picture windows. Marshall Fields has its tree in the ,*«» Walnut Room. Wherever a tree may stand, throughout the world, it is a symbol of many aspects of the holiday season.

Focus on faculty Mrs. Canova has been apart of the Maine Township faculty since she graduated colege. She started out teaching here but has aught at all three Maine Township high schools. Mrs. Canova really loves history. She's aught all levels of history in all levels of ligh school. She says, "History is our story. It involves •eal people. These people have the same strengths and weaknesses as you and I. Also, listory is always teaching us something." While she enoys teaching, Mrs. Canova's greatest satisfaction comes from working with the A.P. Hawks Constitution Team. She enjoys working as a coach along with Mr. Feichter because it makes the Constitution i real document for students. The team has been doing really well since Jiey started in 1991. They have won 7 state ;ompetitions. This year's team traveled to Dirkson Federal Building downtown last Friday for the state competition. Mrs. Canova's other school involvements nclude her position as assistant dean and sponsor of National Honor Society. Outside of school, she holds the position if Faculty Consultant for the College Board. This means that she grades A.P. History ex-

by Lindsey Krukowski

Photo courtesy of Eyrie ams in San Antonio, Texas every May. She's been doing this for several years and really enjoys it. She is also involved in CFVITAS, which is an international education program. The past few years she has been working with teachers from Latvia and it has been a re-

He stared down at Who-ville! The Grinch popped out his eyes! Then he shook! What he saw was a stocking surprise!

Nancy Canove warding experience for her. Before she began teaching, Mrs. Canova went to Illinois State University and got her masters degree there. She taught some college courses at ISU, which prepared her for her experience teaching here. However, she says that teaching college students is very different from teaching in a high school. Mrs. Canova is married and has a daughter who just got married. She also has a dog named Wolf. He's a small terrier, but she says he has a big heart. She also says, "He thinks he's much tougher than he really is." She enjoys being outdoors, such as gardening and walking with Wolf. She also enjoys reading, and her favorite types of books to read are historical mysteries, science fiction and fantasies. Mrs. Canova has a special fondness for Maine South because it always feels like her "home school," since this was the first school she taught at. She says that the students and staff here are very supportive. She enjoys teaching here and we enjoy having her here.

Merry Grinchmas!

Every Who down in Who-ville, the tall and the small. Was singiag! Without any presents at ail! He hadn't stopped Christmas from conaing! It came! Somehow or other, it came just the same! And the Grinch, with his Grinch-feet ice-cold in the snow. Stood puzzling and puzzling: "How could it be so?" "It came withoutribbons!It cam& without tags!" "It came without packages, boxes or bags!" And he puzzled three hours, till his puzzler was sore. Then the Grinch thought of something he hadn't before! "Maybe Christmas," he thought, "doesn't come from a store. "Maybe Christmas . . . perhaps . . . means a little bit more!"


Scholastic Bowl is off to a fantastic start by Grant Ullrich What Maine South team competes against other schools in a Jeopardy-like competition and can be heard practicing (yelling) every Monday after school and Thursday morning in C104? Bzzz. . . The answer is Varsity Scholastic Bowl. In Scholastic Bowl two teams of five players each compete in thirty quest i o n matches. For each of the ten point "toss-up" questions there is a set of bonus questions, that goes to the team that correctiy answers the toss-up, worth twenty points total. The questions deal with Math, Science, Literature, History, Geography, popular culture and the Arts. Since there is no penalty for guessing, except that each team only gets one answer, some pretty strange answers can be heard as time runs out. The Maine South Scholastic Bowl Team is off to a good start with both the Varsity and JV teams having records of 3-1. The Varsity, led by cocaptains Grant Ullrich and Som Dalai, has crushed Maine East, Niles West and Waukegan and lost by a ten points against Maine West. The Varsity team is inspired by Coach Lowry who

constandy criticizes every mistake made by our competition and is always punctual. Maine South is looking forward to competing against Glenbrook South on December 14 and plans to beat them since their good luck charm will be present once again. Here are some sample questions from recent Varsity meets: Toss-up # 1 It is a thermodynamic function that measures randomness or disorder. For ten points, identify this property illustrated by a deck of cards being thrown into the air. Bonus # 1 Given a mountain, name the US state in which it is located for five points each. A) Mt. Hood B) Pike's Peak C) Grand Teton D) Brasstown Bald (Answers: Toss-Up: Entropy; Bonus: A Oregon; B Colorado; C Wyoming; D Georgia) Toss-Up # 2 Take the number of Brady Bunch children; add to that number the number of kids in the Huxtable family; multiply that by the total number of deadly sins; and from that number subtract the number of the silver

anniversary. For ten points, what is the result? Bonus # 2 For five points each, given an assassin from history, name the target. A) Nathuran Vinaak Godse B) Yigal Amir C) Charles Guiteau D) Sirhan Sirhan (Answers: Toss-Up: 52; Bonus: A Mahatma GANDHI; B Yitzhak RABIN; C James GARFIELD; D ROBERT KENNEDY) Only the part of the answer that is capitalized is required.

S OUTH W O R D S A student-produced newspaper of:

Maine South High School 'illl South Dee Road pQik Ridge, IL 60068 Letters to the editor sbonld be delivered to room V-13i orpveiHd amember of the editorial staffr'SpUTHWORD^ reserves the right to e<fit material for clarity and brevity and to reject obscene or/libelous submissions. Anne Edison-Swift Anna Mieszaniec Kathleen Dunne News Editors Maura Collins Commentary Editors Dan Schwartz Katie Thompson Features Editors Lindsey Krukowski Katie Marcucci Sports Editors Brian Price Anna Kurtz Production Editors Chris Buckely Som Dalai Ted Kocher Core Cartoonist Julie Motala Core Photographer Nora Bums Core Staff Artist Ho-Chen Liu Staff Heads Margaret Byrne Susan Wilson T R. Kerth Advisor Editors-in-Chief


#Band Performs at Open House by Kathy Ballard The Maine South Marching Band has been busy, as always. The weekend following Thanksgiving was filled with activities for the band. First, on Friday, November 27, the marching band played a half-hour concert in front of the park Ridge Public Library for the uptown holiday open house. The area was jam packed with fans to hear the band play festive Christmas favorites such as Rudolf the Red-nosed Reindeer and Deck the Hall. Of course, the band played Sweet Home Chicago too! That same night, they played the same concert again at the National City Bank on Devon, also in Park Ridge. The colorgaurd gave a spectacular show at the bank. On Saturday the 28th, the band marched in Marshall Field's Jingle Elf Parade. It was televised and was good practice for the band bince they will be marching in the Orange Bowl parade in Miami on December 31. The band will board busses for Florida on December 26. Several days will be spent practicing and visiting Disney World. A couple of concerts will be integrated

The color guard performs in front of the band at a Holiday performance. Photo by Eileen Collins into the trip. The actual orange Bowl Parade will be nationally televised. It's been an exciting year for the Maine South Marching Band and Colorguard.

If you have missed any of the Maine South Marching Band's performances, there is another chance by watching them on TV. Don't forget to tune in to watch the Orange Bowl Parade.

Students earn all-state IMEA honors Every year, musicians from high shools around the state come together and audition for a very selective state-wide music organization. The Illinois Music Educators Association listens to hundreds of audidons from students who participate in Band, Orchestra and choir. Soon, results are released and students find out if they made the group. Then a few of the very finest musicians are given another honer.

These people are named IMEA all-state musicians. All-state musicians from Maine South are Ayn Balija, Kristen Church, Owen Fisher, Ellen Gartner, Emily Knoblauch, Ted Kocher and Pete Wojtowicz. Congratulations! Shannon McCue, a freshman, made IMEA district along with 24 other Maine South musicians. She was inadvertently left out of a previous article about IMEA.

"That" Question How many times can you use the word "that" in a grammaticaJly correct sentence?

Answer: She said that diat "that" that that boy used was incorrect.

Can you think of another sentence?



Gymnastics looking forward to exciting season Beladakis had a 7.6 by Maureen Fallon on bars as well as a This year's girls' 7.9 on floor. gynmastics season has Jindoyan also comgotten off to a prompeted in floor routine, ising start. During the receiving a 7.6. The off season the team weekend of Decemworked very hard, and ber 5th the gymnasfeels prepared to meet tics team participated whatever challenges in the Rolling Meadthis year may bring. ^ ^ ows Invitational. This year the varsity They all had good team consists of a performances. strong group. Elena Maureen Fallon and Beladakis, Sarah Sarah Jindoyan both Jindoyan, Maureen scored 7.6 on floor. Fallon, Erin Tyrell, Elena Beladakis Kate Miller, Annie scored a 7.5 on bars. Oravec, Bernadette _MMSi. Kate Miller got 7.6 Jurczykowski and Maureen Fallon works on her vaulting skills. on vault, while Danielle McCollum Photo by Maura Collins Cheryl Chumura finall compete on the ished with a 7.1 on varsity level. proudly finished second, scoring 112. AlThe team's opener was on November though the meet was difficult, many of the beam. This season has gotten off to a goc^ 30th against Niles West and New Trier. girls scored well. Sarah Jindoyan received start, but the team feels there is room f( Maine South had a strong showing and a 7.8 on vault and a 7.2 on beam. Elena improvement and is willing to work.


Wrestling hoping to repeat past accomplishments by Brad Shemluck Can the Maine South wrestling program pick up where Radley Kanaszyk left off? This is the quetion of the year for Hawk wrestling.With ten returning varsity lettermen, including Nick Palumbo, Luke Murchie, Dave Evanshank, Jim Goodrich, Mike Tedeschi, Nick Sacofacus, Brad Shemluck, Sean Story, Matt "Schuenke Monster" and 1998 state qualifier Brett Harman, the Hawks are looking good. Captains Harman, Shemluck and Murchie lead the team this year as they attempt to fulfill numerous goals. Over the past two seasons Maine South wresthng has been 38-7. Maintaining this record is the first point of business. The team also hopes to wrestle for the conference and regional titles, as well as sending Hawks to sectionals and state. With the team's previous record these goals seem reachable. When three tremendous coaches are thrown into this mix, head coach Craig Fallico and assistant coaches Dennis McCann and Al Collar, the wrestling program is certainly "on the rise."

Brett Harman and Brad Shemluck practice their moves. Photo by Megan Price

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Maine South girls' basl<etbail team 2-3 in Thanksgiving tournament Girls look forward to Highland Park game

Colleen Van Hoesen smiles upon completing a pass. Photo by Megan Price

by Frances Futris After eight tough games, the Maine South girls' basketball team witnessed a taste of some fierce competition. With an opening game against Stevenson, the team realized that all opponents would want a piece of them. After the dissatisfying loss to Stevenson the Hawks rallied together for their Bison-Hawk Thanksgiving Tournament. Although they opened with a loss to New Trier, the team bounced back to defeat the state-ranked Libertyville Wildcats. In a nail biter of a game, the Hawks persevered, finally showing domination they knew they possessed. The team finished strong in the tournament with an overall record of 2-3. Colleen Van Hoesen was named to the All

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S/V@HP 6/7:30 pm

S/V @ Hersey 6/7:30 pm

Girls' Basketball

HPFraS/V 6/7:30 pm

FR @ MW tnmt 8 am


JVA^ Crossover 5:30pm JV @ Glenbard E V @ York Quad

Girls' Gymnastics

Boys' Indoor Track

Girls' Indoor Track





t—mt M.M.M^^WM't^M^^WM't^iy

Boys' Basketball

Boys' Swimming

Tournament team as well. Preparing for their first conference game, the Hawks' expectations were high and nothing but a win would be acceptable. The girls dominated the entire game, and by the fourth quarter, the Deerfield Warriors had no chance of catching up. Another conference win against Glenbrook North proved the team could consistently play well through the whole game. But it's not over yet. The Hawks are raising the bar at every practice and constantiy improving. They score an average of 46.5 points a game. With hard work, that number will definitely continue to swell. So come and cheer each of the girls' basketball teams to victory. Varsity plays Highland Park tonight at 7:30 p.m.

Season begins 1/18

Season begins 1/18



12/22 S/V Notre Dame 6/7:30 pm

V @ CHBC/Fenton 6 pm







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Swimmers start season with strong performances by Brian Pick the Hawks were The boys' swimming victorious. On the and diving season opened varsity level there with two strong meet perwere several imformances. On Friday pressive perforDec. 4th, hosting St. mances. Patrick, the varsity Hawks Finishing in first fell just eight points beplace were Evans in hind the Shamrocks. Junthe distance events. ior Ryan Evans captured Senior Brian Pick in the team's only first the breaststroke, as places in the 200 yard and well as junior Eric 500 yard freestyle. Pick, sophomore Matt Hoffman, SeHowever, the depth of nior Joe Kipta and the team kept the Hawks Evans in the 200 in contention until the last yard freestyle relay. relay. Despite not walking away with a victory, In a d d i t i o ^ i ^ ^ much of the team had junior diver K r i ^ ^ solid times. This bodes Salvador reigned well for the rest of the seavictorious in the son. diving event. Varsity swimmers take a break from one of their recent workouts. Posting strong Last Tuesday the Photo by Megan Price performances thus Maine South team travfar, the Hawk eled to Schaumburg to face the Saxons. Although the varsity team the Hawks were pleased with their perfor- swimmers and divers look forward to lost, the gap was a mere ten points. As mance, one of the best against Schaumburg tonight's conference crossover against Schaumburg is a very formidable opponent. in recent history. On the junior varsity level Evanston at 5:30 p.m.

Boys' Basketball soars above the rim by Eric Schmidt The Hawks had a successful start to their season with a second place finish at the Schaumburg Tournament. They cruised past Dundee-Crown by twenty-five and then defeated the mighty Thorton Wildcats, 50-41. They fell short to the host Saxons in the title game but were in the game well into the fourth quarter. Both Todd Gierke and Schmidt received All-Toumament honors. In previous action, the Hawks defeated conference crossovers Niles West and Waukegan. The inside play of Gierke, Kevin Geist, Brendan Smaha and Bret Olson was consistent in both games. Bucky Barrett has led the Hawk guard

play with the defensive support of Eric Schmidt and Brian Price and streaky shooting of John Moran. The JV team, led by the solid play of Mark Wojteczko and John Vigna, won their first game of the season as they topped Waukegan. Contrary to the title of this article, the Hawks haven't quite flown above the rim yet! But Brendan "No I Haven't Dunked Yet" Smaha has been very close to throwing one down a few times this season. For now, the Hawks will settle for their ability to tickle the twine shot after shot I Make sure you support your Hawks as they take on Notre Dame at home on Tuesday, December 22!

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