Vol 36 issue 6

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SOUTHWORDS Vol. 37. Issue 6

Maine South Hiah Sch<H>l • 1111 S. Dee Rt)ad • Park Ridse. ILWXXiX

November 19. 1999

I t ^ s about time NEWS •Band-o-rama—p.




•Alcohol Breathalyzer—p.


•V-show Trunk—p. 3 COMMENTTARY •Voices in my head—p. 4 •Social Drain is beyond ghetto—p. 5 •Searching for a perfect world—p. 5 •Letters to the editor—p. 6 FEATURES •Thanksgiving—p.


•Milli Vanilli-p. 8 »Cold and flu season-p. 8 •Maine Township-p. 9 SPORTS •Walter Payton, Girls' swimming —p. 10 •Girls' cross country, football—p. 11 •Boys' cross country— •Boys' soccer—p. 12

pl2 The comedy troop. Trunk, is working hard the help make this year's V-show the best ever. More inside about Trunk as well as Footlighters. photo by Megan Price





horns up!

by Maura Collins The opening number of Band-0-Rama, a marching band rendition of The Time Warp, was only appropriate given that the event fell on Halloween Eve. Hundreds of fans packed the spec gym Saturday Night for Band-0-Rama, a fundraiser for the Maine South band and an event that signifies the end of the marching band season. Marching Band, which includes all band ensembles as well as the Color Guard, begins a few weeks before school and continues through the last football game, with the exception of a few Hohday performances. Band-0 Rama is a chance for the highlights of these performances to be compiled into one show, complete with appearances from the Varsity and JV Hawkettes, the Color Guard, The Drum Line and the Percussion Ensemble.

The highlight of the evening is always "lead-the-band", where people bid for the chance to "conduct" the band. This year rather than an ignorant adult conducting the band, the winners of the three auctions made their children in the band do the conducting. Seniors Bill Heerman, Adrienne Pontarelli and freshman Elizabeth Ortega won the honors while members of the band staff dressed them up in silly clothes. The evening concluded with Ode to Joy and then a scatter to the traditional block "M" formation for Hail to the Hawks. Mr. Michael Pressler, Mr. Lief Hall and Mr. Darren Scorza direct the band. Miss Lisa Greene coaches the color guard. Be sure to see the Marching Band at the Holiday performance in uptown Park Ridge and at South Park the day after Thanksgiving.

The white lines all over the parking lot by the P. A. wing aren't there just because Mr. Pressler needs an extra guide in order to park his car. There are white lines every eight 22.5 inch steps, or every five yards, forming a football field. For two hours every Monday night and during first and second period every day, the band can be seen here practicing for parades and halftime shows. "Lead the Band" photo by Eileen Collins

Light on their feet by Lauren Hurley For those students who have never spent more than a passing period in the performance art wing, the role of a Footlighter may be unclear. Footlighters are the Maine South jtudents that sing, dance, and basically warm up the audience. The Footlighters have a history of opening and closing the V-show every year. This year they are going to delight the crowd with a special rendition of the Muppet Show theme song. For the students that are confused, according to a Mr. Homer J. Simpson, a Muppet is not a quite a mop and not quite a puppet. Back to the real question...Why the name Footlighterl Actually it is a theater term. In most theater companies across the country, there are lights in the stage facing toward the performers. Eventually they were

head hghts would wash out the colors in actors' faces, footlights would warm them up. Foothghters warm up the crowd in the same way. They get the audience in the mood for a fabulous show. Leading these Lighters into a dancing frenzy are the much appreciated V-Show directors: Antonello DiBennedetto, Kate Magnuson, Martha Douglass, Dan Smart, Tracy Foltz, Kevin Goss, and Andy Douglass. In the end, though, their dedication and perfectionism has paid off. The students are psyched to V-Show 2000 looks to be the best year yet. The choreography is hilarious and the singing ability, well, at the very least, will be loud. At the end of [the show, don't forget to join in the| traditional singing of "Gonna uild A Mountain" with Foothghters and the rest of the cast. photo by Eileen Collins

dubbed foodights for obvious reasons. These hghts are used to ehminate shadows and create a time of day. Also, because the over-

News 3 swear it's Binaca What do you think, Maine South? NEWS COMMENTARY'

by Megan Gibbons You are at a school dance. The guy next to you has been drinking. He wobbles back and forth as his girlfriend strains to keep him from fallling down. What can be done about this? Several schools are taking a new role in the fight against student drinking. Schools such as Prospect and Hersey have purchased the new high tech Passive Alcohol Sensor (PASni) to weed out drinkers that could end up posing a threat to the student body. The PASin is a savior to teahers and hall monitors; now they can be sure a student is drunk and seek immediate disciplinary action. Tlie new sensor can detect alcohol behind mouthwashes, breath mints or sprays, and cough drops. At zero-tolerance schools, anyone who appears to have been drinking, is at risk of being tested for alcohol. How ever, with this technology comes controversy. Some school officials compare this situation with students carrying guns to school. If someone poses a threat to those aroimd them, they should be dealt with ac cordingly. Perhaps this opportunity to get caught will cause an awakening in the students. Those of us who have been here long enough have experienced it at least once. How safe do you feel when you know the guy next to you is totally drunk? Knowing that people have no regard for others around them when they are drinking has to cause some support for the sensor. The sensor can become a sense of security among the student body, the students can feel safe. With the knowledge of the possibility of being caught, maybe drinking will decline all together. America has metal detectors for fear of weapons in schools, they have zero tolerance policies against drugs so strict that smallest break can cause punishment. Why is it that controversy has risen over the sensors to prevent alcohol in schools. Just like guns and drugs, it poses a danger to the school. The PASni can revolutionize the concept of drinking within schools, it can create a safe, stable atmosphere for all students. However like all things it can cause controversy as well. So for those who are finding it an invasion of privacy, think of themselves if the situation is flipped, do the\ want to be thev guv in the other car.

these situations the students were asked whether they would support or not suppKMl testing in three different ways: on a completely random basis, on every student entering, or only on students who were suspected to have been drinking. The results are based on percentages of the 150 students surveyed.

by Meghan McCall Recently, a survey was conducted in which random Maine South students were asked whether they would support alcohol breathalyzer testing in various situations. These situations were: firstly, on an average school day, and then at school functions such as dances or sporting events. For each of

Testing on a Normal School Day on suspecte| students

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Testing at School



on suspectec students on every student entering randomly

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lighter bar% of students who don't support darker bar%of students who support

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Not your average storage chest by Sam Fuller Following tedious practice , tenacious brainstorming, and many great moments, this year's Trunk group hopes to please the crowd with their amazing humor in the V-show. One may ask, what is trunk? Trunk is the comedy troop that| performs in betweeni acts the

show. Trunk graces the stage after each act to ensure the audience's enjoyment and keep their attention while the acts are being set up. This year's Trunk group is made up of Greg Feighereisel, Amanda Oravec, Antonello DiBennedetto, Gwen Fisher, Nicki James, Sam Fuller, Tim _ Schneider, Jenny Sherman, John Dee, Katie Hagerty, Ian Beaucraft, Shannon Joyce, Abby Sapp, Tony Allegretti and Maharah Backus. Each animated member plans to make V-Show 1999 the best yet. At last, there will be no shark this year, so go visit :N-.'^

the extrava-

gant V-show.

property ot

The Editors Payton does not deserve a careiss mistake by Maura Collins Walter Payton died Monday, November 1, 1999. He also died on Sunday afternoon, according to WFAN, a sports radio station in New York and Sunday morning if you go by a report from WYSP in Philadelphia. How many times can a person die within a two day time period? Both of these radio stations gambled the "news" of the death of an athlete with a media reputation of being the first to announce a "fact." Both radio stations suffered from their own carelessness by reporting unverified information, false leads, and rumors. Unfortunately for these two radio stations, the matter is made even worse because of the national follow that the story of Walter Payton carries and the sympathy people feel for anyone close to Payton, or even Payton himself. Imagine if you are lying on your deathbed and you hear on the radio that you are dead. What, are you supposed to pinch yourself to make sure it isn't true? Everyone makes mistakes, there could even be a mistake in Southwards, although I highly doubt it. The problem comes in however, when a careless mistake is the result of letting prestige and reputation get in

the way of good judgement. How many times a day do people kick t h e m s e l v e s while thinking, "If I only did , I wouldn't be stuck in this situation right now?" What would the world come to if good judgement were replaced with undeserved prominence? The truth would become something to laugh about at the dinner table, or worse yet, it would become something so taboo that even the most pretentious person wouldn't know how to define it. Maybe if WFAN New York and WYSP Philadephia spent more time verifying and broadcasting factual events a.k.a. events which have already happened instead of trying to predict the future, they wouldn't be in such an embarrassing position and wouldn't lose any prestige.

Voices in my head: POV & DMV

by Lauren Hurley

Author's Note: Say no to notes. This work does not promote the writing of notes or the receiving of notes in any way...especially during class time. Dear Delia, Dear DeUa, Don't worry, everyone is on the edge, like Thanks for the balloons today. I can hardly believe that I am finally sixteen. It last week. Guy made a mean comment to has not registered in my brain yet. I still feel me. We were talking about what people were fifteen. I woke up this morning aware of my involved in, and I said that all the awards birthday, and I thought, "I do not feel any given to jocks for the same sport should not older." Instead of a teenage girl, I felt more be in their Senior Biography. Then he barked like a doll. something along the lines of how I am only involved in drama. That really hurt. Not just any type of doll, mind you, but (Who throws his shoe? Honestly!). At first I one of those hollow wooden ones. Rememwas so mad, I mean how dare he! He knows ber on Seasame Street there were those of all the things I am involved in. How inwooden, stackable dolls that looked like sensitive! I did not talk to him for a week. grandmothers from the "old country"? Okay, a day. Actually, it was an hour. Then I That's me. I can only explain it like this: thought there was some truth to his jest. I we don't change just because of one day in need to expand my horizons. I had had this the 365 that are constantly progressing, stigma against the Hawks, which I decided rather, we build our existence on top of exwas unhealthy. If periences. Inside of me are all the ages I have been since I was bom, not just sixteen. What Guy can be Mr. Athletic and join Trunk, do you think? certainly I can be a better person as well. I think I will try my hand at a few intramuralsi -Lauren at first, and maybe go out for a sport in' Dear Lauren, You're welcome and you think too much. spring. -Lauren Sorry, I'm just a Uttle mad right now because I had problems at the DMV last night. I had Dear Lauren, Sounds like you are on the right track. I to wait in line for two hours and then they said they had enough road tests for the day. know Guy can be annoying, but I still like Then I had to stay up late doing my home- him anyway. I think it's his eyes. He has work, because I had to practice for the four these deep brown eyes that sparkle. It's like he has so much Ufe in him and it's unable to acts I have in the V-Show. Things are getting so hectic lately, I feel get out so it stays behind his eyes. It is weird, like I cannot come up for breath. I am sorry; I will admit, but I call them as I see them. Good luck when you try to go to the DMV, it's your day, so I won't ruin it. you will need it. -Delia -Delia

Commeiitary 5 Sod3.1 ÂŁDr3 in is iDGyond g/netto by Britt Frederiksen I was recently invited to a band rehearsal. An old friend demanded my presence, so as an excuse to talk with him again, I thought I would go. I made my way into a small, blue room with padded walls that was cluttered with different amplifiers, microphones, guitars, empty Sprite cans, and sheet music. "Where should I, uh, sit?" I was under the impression that my friends were another typical high school "garage band", and that their idea of rehearsal would be playing covers of someone else's music, laughing at mistakes they made and tuning their guitars that would drown out the singer's voice more than make music. I have been to other band rehearsals before, bands that had talent somewhere inside, but never quite had the nerve to let it out, and other bands that were just working because there was nothing else to do. I had also, as it turned out, had the wrong impression. The second the practice began I could hear the music through the players, not from the instruments, and I could feel the focus suspended on the sound waves as they were thrown at me. This, I thought, is

not a joke. They are serious. As much as a shock as it was. Social Drain (Pat O'Hem, Matt McHugh and Mike Doubek) was hungry for my advice and input, and hungry for each other's ideas for their latest album. Beyond Ghetto. Instead of gossiping through their time they centered only on their art. And it was art. I had never known that these people were dedicated, focused or talented in these ways. I had never seen this side to them at all. It is unbelievable to think that I have "known" these people for a large part of my life, and yet, their true selves have remained buried under school and other people for such a long time. It is unbehevable to think that the real people that were somewhere inside these human bodies had remained hiddenfromme for years. I could not help feeling a little honored to have been let in on this part of their lives. For some reason they knew that I would want to hear their music and find the new people in the old. It is not often that someone opens new doors to anyone and allows them through. Hidden talents are hard to find, and hard to be allowed to find. It seems that school

eats up what talents we have that are apparent, and whatever is left inside us is what really means so much, probably because it was the only thing that we could mask; the only thing we have left. We let some people in right away, some people who can be trusted, but when we see that without opening up to the world our talents are wasted we can only show our true selves. It feels like these people were "holding out on me" for a while, but I realize that it was hard to start making their art, and hard to start doing what they wanted to do. These are not the only talented artists at Maine South, or in Park Ridge, and these are not the last, either. Bands with talent are not as apparent, but, like Social Drain, do exist although we may not Talents do not stop with music, either, they extend to art, dance, drama, sports not played at school, writing, and so many other abihties (including but not limited to patting one's head while rubbing one's stomach). The more we search for the genius in people, the less we will find it. We can only wait for people to reveal their gifts. They do exist, and they do want recognition.

Searching for a perfect world fry Tom Forde Two years ago, I lost a very close fiiend. It was, in a way, worse dian if my fiiend had died. After the loss of my best friend, I vowed that when I meet new people who mean as much to me as that person had, I would hold on to them.I have, however, lost frienships despite this oath. I thought I had learned from my first misrake when losing that friend, yet, I had mistaken learning for overcompensating. I am the kind of person who strives for perfection in a perfect party, a perfect English paper, or a perfect relationship. Lately,though, I have learned that none of those things really exist and to strive for them is a waste of time. First, to strive for a perfect anything makes everything less than this seem insufficient. I tried so hard to keep perfect that I forgot to leave room to breathe. I know that it is human nature to want to keep something that is special, but what I had to learn is where or when I stepped over the line. My horoscope said

that as a Virgo, I would always want things to be perfect It was right for once. I, as many teenagers, recently went through and am currently getting over a down period. A period in which I felt nothing was right. A period where I would put on a smile and pretend my life was great. Every high school student has done this. We push down our problems until finally we explode at an innocent bystander. In this case, I exploded at the wonderful girl who sits next to me in chorus. Problems sometimes are not meant to be worked out. Still, I seek out answers, and I will continue to look for answers to sometimes impossible questions. What about giving up? In my mind, giving up is never an option. A few days ago I received a quote from that wonderful girl who sits next to me in chorus: Never say good-bye if you still want to try; never give up Lf you still feel you can go on; never say you do not need a person anymore if you cannot let go. I sat and actually pondered

these words. It was probably the best quote that could ever relate to my point of view. I think a lot of people could take these words to heart and gain something from them. Too often we cannot find the courage to try to make a situation better and forget about it because it is easier. It may be that much easier now, but believe me, in the long run, you will save a lot of pain if you try and resolve rather than forget. My life is still pretty confusing. Each day seems to open up a new issue. Each day I hear about who is dating whom, who said what about so-and-so, or who talked behind my bacL I now realize that despite the craziness of my life, about teenage life, about perfection, affection, friendship, I am in control of this drama. Take control. Do not let opportunities pass you by because of fear. Do not fear losing a fiiendship, but do not take one for granted. Do not forget to be yourself undemeath the brand name labels. It you are not yourself, then who are you?

6 C ommontaj

Letters to the Editor What is art? This letter is in response to Mr. Ted Kocher's article, "Modern What?" As I read through his piece the question that popped into my head a myriad of times was: "What is art?" Through Mr. Kocher would most likey disagree with this statement because of its speaker, Andy Warhol once said, "Art is anything you can get away with." The phrase he spoke is even a little too general and indefinite for a man known for his innovative prints and esoteric lifestyle. Quoting Dennis J. Sporre in his book Perceiving the Arts, a better question might be, "What is a work of art? A work of art is one person's vision of human reality (emotions, ideas, values, religions, political beliefs, etc.) which is expressed in a particular medium and shared with others." So let us evaluate the only example Mr. Kocher provided us with in his article of this fecal -artistic expression, The Piss-Christ. Does it profess a person's vision of human reality? Yes, it gives a very definate feelings toward religion. Is it expressed in a particular medium? Well, many people, including myself, might not agree with that medium, but yes, it is. Has it been shared with others? You bet. So the question still remains, "Is it a work of art?" My opinion is yes. No, we may not think it is beau-

tiful. It has, however, invoked a very definite emotion and fire in many people. Artists should be free to express themselves as they feel they need to. Jac Jemc

Freedom of expression The commentary, "Modem What?", which appeared in your October 29, 1999 issue, can be most precisely categorized as misinformed. Mr. Kocher's view of art does not take into consideration that art must first and foremost be nonrestrictive. Simply defined, this means that anything — yes, ANYTHING— that an artist deems as an aesthetic expression must be viewed as such. Although some works of art may be aesthetically displeasing or personally disturbing, these expressions must be allowed to live; creativity must not be stifled. After all, people are not required to buy an work of art that they do not like. Specifically, Mr. Kocher is not being asked to spend a single cent on a work of art that displeased him. The arts must never be perceived as being so restrictive in thought or snobbish in character that only the classics are considered as "'real' art" or as artistic expressions that possess value. Please remember that a simple artistic expression such as a child's poem, a child's song, or a child's

painting has the potential to be as emotionally moving as artistically significant as a Shakespeare sonnet, a Beethoven symphony, or a Michelangelo fresco. Mr. Kocher's commentary also presents inaccurate information. The Piss-Christ is not a "popular modern artwork." At best, it might be considered as notorious. This work of art, in which a crucifix has been placed upside-down in a container of urine, has received much notoriety from critics who continually mention it in their commentaries. Many works of art have displeased audiences at their unveiling or premier. One example is Igor Stravinsky's Le Sacre du Printemps (The Rites of Spring). The ballet score contains corrosive dissonances, bi-tonal blocks of sound, and rapid metrical changes that, at the time, seemingly defied performance. Although the score stands today as one of the most daring creations of the modem musical mind, the audience, at the premier on May 29, 1913, found the music to be "barbaric and beyond endurance." Audience members were so enraged that they stormed the streets of Paris and rioted. A second example exists closer to home. Pablo Picasso's untitled sculpture received a similar unfavorable response when it was unveiled in

Chicago on August 15, 1967. The sculpture was ridiculed because of its abstract subject matter. Bemused, viewers could not decide if it was animal, human, beast, or combination. Today, the sculpture — arguably the most recognized artwork in the city — tmly defines Chicago as an urban center which fosters monumental works of pubUc art. Just as speech must be uninhibited, art must be nonrestrictive. Speech, such as commentaries which appear in newspapers, must be allowed to be printed. Similarly, artwork, such as the PissChrist, must be allowed to be produced.

Wacko of the week award In Granite City, IL, seven-year-old Derek Moss was suspended from school because a janitor observed the boy with a very, very deadly weapon: a nail clipper. Its a good thing schools are cracking down on therightkind of violence in school. The safety of America's children is in good hands. Source: John Kass, Chicago Tribune, Thursday November 4, 1999

Mr David J. Danckwart

Corrections The following smdents were omitted from the October 29,1999 issue of Southwards in the News section announcements of the Students of the Month. Southwords apologizes for the omission. September Social Science Students of the Month: Economics: Joanna Doerfler United States History: Donely Forrest Advanced Placement European History: Natalie Kmk Government Democracy Accelerated: Hannah Megacz World Cultures: Cory MoUet, Sara Prieto United States History Accelerated: Elizabeth Pahlke Advarwed Placement Government: Edward Uliassi

eatures 7

Thanksgiving: established 1939 by Nicole Penn It's true that what Americans consider to be the first Thanksgiving happened in 1621, but it was not made an official holiday until 1863. The official day was not even set until 1939. The first Thanksgiving was merely a three day long celebration of the harvest. The holiday itself evolved out of a routine Puritan religious observation, irregularly declared and celebrated some time in autumn. The first national Thanksgiving was declared in 1777 by the Continental Congress. Later, in 1863, when two days of Thanksgiving were announced, one celebrating the victory at Gettysburg on August sixth and the other celebrating the Pilgrims Thanksgiving on the last Thursday of November. The real Thanksgiving (in 1621) was depicted in 1777 as more of a day of games and feasting- more or less of what Thanksgiving is today. However, when the Victorians were looking for the historical antecedent of the contemporary Thanksgiving hohday, the Pilgram festival with hospitality toards the Native Americans seemed perfect. The fact that the 1621 Thanksgiving had not been a Thanksgiving in the Pilgrims' own eyes, seemed irrelevant. The Pilgrim Harvest celebration quickly became the "First Thanksgiving." The importance of Thanksgiving did not really occur to the nation until the 1900s. At that time the familiar illustrations of Pilgrims (or generic 17th century Puritans) and Native Americans sitting down to dinner in peace appeared widely in calendar art and on patriotic murals. The actual date of the original TTiMiksgiving in 1621 is some unknown date be-

tween September 21 and November 9. Abraham Lincoln set the date in 1863 to correlate the landing of the Mayflower at Cape Cod, which occurred on November 21, 1620. Thanksgiving is now the fourth Thursday of November. In 1939,President Franklin Roosevelt changed the date from Abraham Lincoln's original Thanksgiving date of the last Thursday of November. The change was made because that Thursday was usually the fifth Thursday of the month and became too close to Christmas, which was difficult for businesses. By 1920, when the Pilgrims' 300th an-


niversary celebration elevated them to the pinnacle of their fame, their role as Thanksgiving icons and the "spiritual ancestors" of all Americans became permanently fixed in the American psyche. Today, the event that is known as the "fu-st Thanksgiving" is neither the first occurrence of our modem American holiday, nor was it even a 'Thanksgiving' in the eyes of the Pilgrams who celebrated it. Consequentiy, the Thanksgiving we celebrate today was not even established until 1939. source: The First Thanksgiving: Mayflower Homepage

Don't be a turkey Many of the dishes that Americans enjoy today were not at the table of the Pilgrims and the Native Americans. True, that many have improvised what is served, but many dishes that were thought to be served at the fu-st Thanksgiving, were in fact not. Pumpkin pie, ham, sweet potatoes, com on the cob, and cranberry sauce were some of the dishes of today that people would like to believe were at the original feast. However, the dishes that were served there include the following: FISH: cod, bass, herring, shad, bluefish, and lots of eel. SEAFOOD: clams, lobsters, mussel, and some oysters. BIRDS: wild turkey, goose, duck, crane, swan, partridge, and eagle. OTHER MEAT: venison and chicken. GRAIN: wheat flour, Indian com, and com meal, barley (for beer). FRUITS: raspberries, strawberries, grapes, plums, cherries, and blueberries. VEGETABLES: peas, squashes, and beans. NUTS: walnuts, chestnuts, acorns, hickory nuts, and ground nuts. HERBS and SEASONINGS: onions, radishes, lettuce, carrots, and cabbage. OTHER: maple syrup, honey, and eggs. That was the feast. Obvious changes in todays menu would be such things as eagle for example. However, it is important to remember what the Pilgrams ate and how they celebrated what is now known today as Thanksgiving.

Senior Activities: •Varsity Football •Varsity Baseball •Intermural Basketball •M-Oub •P£. Leader •Adaptive P.E, Leader

Mike Kain

Focus on Student Excellence

Teacher's Comments: "Mike's steadfast coramitrnent to doing what is right and trying iiis best at everything he does is the perfect picture of Hawic Pride. Mike has been a leader by example in the P.E. Leaders program. He dedicated his sixth period for the last two years to help out with the Adaptive P-E. class. His perseverence and detennination have been an inspriation have been an inspiration to his teammates and coaches." —Mr, David Inserra


If they can do it, why can't Milli Vanilli? by Dan Haas During the past few years, American society has endured a music that beats to a different drum. With the rising popularity of groups such as Limp Bizkit, N'Sync, 98 Degrees, and Backstreet Boys, many have grown to the liking of what is known as 'corporate generated' music. These bands or groups were created by companies, not by five guys wailing on guitars back in high school. Nine years ago, today, two guys by the names of Fabrice Morvan and Rob Pilatus were stripped of their Grammy for 'Best New Artist' for not creating what the American Music Industry thought was 'music'. The two were called Milli Vanilli and earlier that year, they were busted for lipsynching their hit album Girl You Know It's True. Morvan and Pilatus started out as two homeless kids who met on the streets of Munich, Germany in the late 1980s. They decided to join together to form a dance act that later became a prodigy in the German's club scene. The two caught the eye of record producer Frank Farian. He eventually signed Morvan and Pilatus and promised them a hit single along with international fame. The two were everything Farian thought Europe and the rest of the world wanted. They had great dance moves, long hair, and great bodies. The only thing missing was the two didn't have great voices. Farian called the duo Milli Vanilli. They eventually went on to sell over ten miUion records and score five Top Five singles. The crossover of hip-hop presented by Milli Vanilh's music was introducing mainstream radio listeners to remixing, synthesizers, and other computer generated beats. Many began to question was really was true 'music'. It seem that music making in the 80's and 90's has had to do with more image than hitting an impossible guitar chord. Every song is a collection of different tracks by different musicians. These are then edited together by producers, and then carried out by flashy performers. The cause of MiUi Vanilli's downfall was odd. Farian forced them by contract to lip synch. They were terrific performers, almost too good. In 1988, Farian released singles by Milli Vanilli called "Girl You Know It's True" and "Blame it on the Rain." He then

sent them on tour. The concerts sold out all over the world. They eventually went on to win the 1990 Grammy Award as Best New Artist. Morvan and Pilatus knew they couldn't do this forever, and keep getting away with lip-synching. They threatened Farian that they would announce their lip synching if he didn't let them sing on their next album. The two artists were tired of not being able to show their true talent. Farian decided to take matters into his own hands. He held a press conference and announced the inauthentic music and claimed to be unaware of the whole matter. Milli VaniUi's career was over. The two decided to give back the Grammy Award,

which was later taken away and strippel from the records. Should their Grammy have been taken away? They seem to be doing what everyone else is doing today. Should everyone who has purchased Brittany Spears' albums given back some of their money because she doesn't write any of her own lyrics or music? Back in 1990, everyone who bought Girl You Know It's True was awarded three dollars back that came out of Milli Vanilli's pocket. So what is true and talented music ? It appears that today the pubhc has lost some of its focus on true music and has turned itself to more corporate generated bands.

"Aaahchoo!" byAmyGrzenia

and flu virus that circulate throughout t h ^ ^ ^ year. "Aahchoo!" "Bless you!" If you are planning on receiving the shot, it is best to be vaccinated between Septem"Thank you." You may have to hear these words more ber and January. The shot is recommended to people over the age of 65, pregnant than once in the women, medical procourse of a day durfessionals and theii ing the course of this Tips to avoid tfae cold and fiu viruses: season. Yes, it is now • Keep away from people who have a cold families, and anyone or flu. with a weakened imcold and fiu season. mune system. It may be known • Do not smoke. to some as the runny • Wash your hands more fkequently. There are some nose, coughing, lack • Eal fimts and vegetables. side effects to the of sleep, aching, or shot. It may cause a time-away-from- If you do catch one of the viruses: sore arm, and flu-like work or school sea- • Drink a lot of fluids. symptoms. If you are son. The cold and flu • Purchase an over-the-counter medicine allergic to chicken season usually begins to lessen symptoms. eggs or have a fever in December and it over 102 degrees, you peaks between Janu- Scary fact: On average, 20,000 people should talk to youi die each year from the flu or its complica- doctor before receivary and March. ing the shot. Some people may tions. run to their local phyEveryone suffers sician to receive the flu shot, thinking this from this dreaded season , but f)eople are simple vaccination will save them from the preparing for it. Stocking up on the extraagony of having this easily transferred vi- soft tissue and chicken soup might just b a | ^ rus. The problem with the vaccine is that it some of the precautions people are going tc ^ ^ is made from a inactive or killed virus and it take. Until then, enjoy the off-season before only prevents one strain of the disease. There cold and flu season comes. It's right around are hundreds of different strains of the cold the comer.

Focus on faculty by Lindsey Krukowski Every time she walks down the halls of Maine South, Mrs. Deines always wears a smile and her Hawk pride. She is very deserving of her title as co-sponsor of Pep Council, or Hawk Eyes as they are also known. Mrs. Deines spreads Hawk spirit all over Maine South. Before moving to Chicago to attend Northwestern University, Mrs. Deines lived in New York. At Northwestern, she majored in Chinese History. She says that in college, "I was involved in a lot of student protests and involvement that helped shape me and what I think of government. What people didn't understand about student activists during the 1970s was that we didn't hate our country, it was just the opposite: we didn't think our country was living up to what we wanted from it. Teachers that went to college between 1967-1972 have a passion we've never lost. We're very concerned with faimess and student rights; there's still a httle bit of student activist still inside of us." While in school, she student taught at Maine East. After graduating, Mrs. Deines egan teaching at Ridgewood High School. She taught at Ridgewood from 1971-1980. During her time there, she had her two sons. Both sons went to Maine South, and one of them now teaches at Lincobi Middle School. From 1980-1986, Mrs. Deines took time off from teaching to be with her children.

Sandra Deines She says, "It's hard to go from seeing so many kids and so many people everyday to being with one baby. It was weird to me." She kept herself busy during this time assisting Scott-Foresman publishing company in writing United States History books.

Once Mrs. Deines began teaching again, she started at Maine East. She taught there from 1986 until 1989, when she transferred to Maine South. In her years of teaching, Mrs. Deines says, "I've probably taught every social science course offered. I originally taught World Cultures since I majored in Chinese History. Over the years, my courses have evolved and now I teach U.S. History and Accelerated Government." Mrs. Deines spends a great deal of her time involved in both school and commu-

nity activities. During her early years at Maine South, she helped with costumes foi V-Show for four years. She was also a Brotherhood sponsor for seven years. She is now a co-sponsor of Pep Council. Mrs. Deines' involvement extends outside of school to her community. She is a member of the Park Ridge Youth Commission, which is a board of volunteers who ftm and approve the activities of Teens Organized For Youth Services, or TOFYS. She has also been affiliated with members of TOFYS through Maine South for six years now. Other organizations that she donates her time to are the Drug Free Schools Conmiittee, which sold red t-shirts on days before basketball games last year and sponsored the car crash before prom, and the teachers' union, in which she helps to organize campaign efforts for candidates supporting educational issues. She also spends a great dea] of time working for politics. She has worked on campaigns almost her entire adult life and particularly enjoys working on state and local elections. With all of this going on in her life, it is very difficult to imagine that Mrs. Deines has any free time at all. However she says that with both of her sons grown up, she has more free time than she is accustomed to. She says, "I haven't had any free time in 12 years. Now that the boys are gone, I'm trying to decide what to do with my free time!"

Students learn about Maine Township by Elizabeth Ori What is a township? It is defined as a primary unit of local govemment which has powers to levy taxes, pass local ordinances and regulations, provide for various services and elect officials. On Tuesday November 2, forty-five students representing the three Maine Schools (South, East, and West) were introduced to that definition. However, only through the days proceedings were they able to truly understand its meaning and effect. Maine Townships boundaries encompass approximately thirty-six square miles in an area. Counseling is provided for seniors, ouths, families of the disabled , and those ho are abuse victims. Referral programs are offered. An emergency food pantry is available to those is crisis. Holiday baskets and food certificates from local stores are


donated. Financial assistance is given to those not eUgible for other welfare programs. Transportation is offered to disabled at minimal rates. Maintenance of roads and snow removal is provided for. Recycling collections are taken. Those and many more services exist and function due to the work of Maine Township. In addition the township provides grants to outside programs which provide citizens with aid. On Govemment Day, a group of students visited a couple of those agencies. One agency was called the Avenues of Independence. This program which provides job and residential training to mentally disabled persons. It has existed since 1953 and succeeds in obtaining work opportunities for its chents while strengthening their self-esteem. Students appeared to be pleased with the fact

that they knew where their money was going. Along with bus trips to local conmiunity— programs, the smdents performed a mock board meeting and role played as citizens and agencies asking for the board for money. Not only could the students see the difficulty the real board members have, but they felt the frustration of the agencies as well. This day served a lot of purposes for the students besides getting out of school. It opened the eyes of the students to the city's local agencies and their importance for the people of the city. If students got to know their board members they would be able to understand more where the students are coming from. That is their job- to serve the students. And that is what a township is.

lO Sports

Life's bitter-sweet by Nick DePilla His nickname was "Sweetness," but there was nothing sweet about his death. Walter Payton died at age 45 on November 1 after along bout with a rare Uver disease, primary sclerosing cholangitis (PSC). PSC scars the liver and causes cancer; the only chance for survivial is a transplant. "He was the last member of the Superbowl team that you would expect to die first," commented former teammate Emery Moorehead. There is no question why Payton was inducted into the Hall of Fame in his first year of eligibility. His 16,726 yards stand out from his glorious career. Although he broke all the records at his college. Jack son State, critics said that Payton didn't have enough competetion at ihejf"'' college level. Payton put the Bears' fears to rest by becom ing the NFL's all-time leading rusher and the Bears' alltime leader in catches with 492. Walter could do more than run and catch the ball: he also threw touchdown passes over year career. "I want to set so high that the next person that tries for it, it's going to bust his heart," Payton once remarked. And he did, Walter Payton holds the top spot in all-time total yardage with 21,264 total yards— over 3,000 more yards than his nearest threat, Jerry Rice. ; A sick Walter Payton was almost ^ scratched from the line-up on November 20, 1977 in Minnesota. But the hard-nosed running back refused to miss the game, stating htat he would know how he felt onced he touched the ball. He must have felt spectacular, because that is exactly how he played. He rushed for 275 yards, two more than O.J. Simpson's previous record. On October 7, 1984 the Bears played the Saints in Soldier Field. There was a lot of tension because Payton was Hearing Jim Brown's record. On the second play of the second half Payton ran for four yards to break the record. The quiet leader of the Bears, Payton always motivated his team before each game. He was a very unselfish player, for example he let his bneman spike the ball after every touchdown he scored. Before 1982 Payton ran behind some very poor offensive lines and yet still managed to rush for over 1,000

yards. Between 1976 and 1987 Payton ran for 1,000 yards in every full season he played. In 1982, Mike Ditka came in and challenged the other players to be in as good shape as Walter. Payton had the best work ethic, seen in his running a steep hill near his house every day. Ditka had some words of his former player and friend: "He's the best football player I've ever seen. At all positions he's the best I've ever seen. He loved to hit, anyone at anytime. No matter if it was a lineman or a hnebacker." Ditka had some more words about Payton, "There are better runners than Walter, but he's the best football player I ever . saw. To me, that's the ul^ t i m a t e compliment." ^ Walter himself would add"AmIthefast^est, no, the bigest, no, the strongest, no. But what I think I have over the others is I nk I'm the smartest." He was the smartest— he always knew when to throw a key block, or cut right, or cut left. Walter thought never to underestimate yourself or your abilities. He saw everything in slow motion when he knew where the defense r would go, where the hnebacker would cut; he saw everything. The only thing I Walter didn't see coining was PCS. *PCS was the only opponent he ouldn'tstiffarm or juke around. He touldn't put his head down and hit PCS, he could only wait, and he waited like a champion. He showed us how to handle the rare disease. Walter Payton's grace and stength will always be rememebred in our hearts. The blasts of breath that spouted through the facemask of his helmet. The number 34 on his jersey waving in the brisk Chicago wind. Stretching the ball out for an extra yard. The crushing blocks he delt to blitzing linebackers. The horse gallop in the open field for a speed burst. And most of all, the three yard leap over the line, landing head-first in the endzone. It doesn't get anysweeter than that. Sweemess, you will forever be remembered.

Girls' Swimming by Anna Tomczyk Over the past two weeks, the Hawks have seen some tough swimming competition, but the team has still come out strong. Against New Trier, one of the top teams in state, the Hawks swam well, but could not come up with a win. Many great races were accomplished. Against Niles West, the last dual meet of the 1999 season, the Hawks won easily. All members swam well and this was a great way to go into the upcoming conference and sectional meets. The following Saturday, thefi^eshmanon the team had their annual New Trier Freshman Invitational. Medals were won in the 100 breaststroke, 200 free relay and 400 free relay. Come cheer us on this Saturday at the Sectional meet at Evanston High School.

S OUTH W O R P S A student-produced nevi^p^er of:

Maine South High ScKchol . ill 1 South Dee Roaaj I Ps^k^lidge, m 6006& Lettei^^ die editor«hoald be delivered to room V-lBlor^^eDuto a,niemb«r of the editorial stafE^^UTHWORDS'^reserves the right to editloaaterial for clarity and brevity and to re^ct-^s<;:ene. or Jdbelous submis•7^-r sions. Editors-in-Chief

Michael DePilla Maura Collins News Editors Megan Gibbons Meghan McCall Commentary Editors Britt Fredrikson Lauren Hurley Features Editors Lindsey Krukowski Nicole Penn Sports Editors Sam Fuller Ellen Garmer Production Editors Ted Kocher Som Dalai Brian Anderson Dan Clyne Core Cartoonist Susan Wilson COTe Photographers Eileen Collins Megan Price Monica Haak^^^ Core Staff Artist Staff Heads Nicole Kline ^ ^ Advisor T. R. Kerth

South Stats 1,000 Number of locker signs that the Pep Council posted during the fall sports season.

150 Number of "Home of a Hawk" signs scattered strategically throughout Park Ridge.

Rank of Girls' Cross Country coach Mr. Gabauer in Illinois as the winningest head coach.

300, 320, 330 Weight in pounds benched by some of tte powerhouses of Maine South: Kevin Sherlock, Steve Natali, and Sean Story respectively.

Successful closure for girls' cross-country by Maura Collins The fall toilet-paper shortage comes to an end. The girls' cross-country season officially ended last Saturday, October 29th, when the team took fourteenth place out of twenty teams at the Wheaton North Sectional Going into the race, the Hawks knew they needed to work hard to compensate for the loss of key runner Erin Maassen, whose leg injury prevented herfromrunning. The team ran well, and came out successful, beating Resurrection, Richards, Stagg, Fenwick, Queen of Peace, and Oak Lawn. In a field of about 170 runners, Morgan Sokes finished in 35th place, followed by Kelly Haas (63rd), Maura Collins (83rd), Kim Talaga (98th), Nicole Penn (I03rd) and Mary Payne (109th). The Hawks compiled an impressive average mile split of 6:36 and had an average time of 16:31 for the 2.5 mile course. According to coach George

Gabauer this was the best finish any Maine South cross-country team has had in a sectional meet since 1988. The last cross-country season of the millennium turned out to be a successful one. Coach Gabauer earned his 100th dual meet victory, placing him fifth in the state for career dual meet wins. Coach Jill Ladendorf also had a successful season, and led the freshman team to a first place finish in the conference meet. Several runners-Penn, Sokes, Haas, Collins, Nidhi Patel, Talaga, Maassen, and Chrissy Berke have Maine South course records. Two runners, Sokes and Haas, are all-conference, and several J.V. and Varsity runners were individual champions at various meets throughout this season. Seniors Jen Sagat, Meghan Sexton, and Maura CoUins will certainly miss running with the Hawks.

Number of Boys' Soccer players to reciever All-Conference mention. Charlie Zei, Ted Uliassi, John Jacobsen, and Briar O'Donnell all were chosen for the Hawks.

Football finishes season by Steve Chung The Hawks ended the season with losses to New Trier and Schaumburg. At New Trier the Hawks lost 26-21. Scores came from Bob Westman (2) and Joe Sergo. The team lost Steve Natali for the second half of the New Trier game, but he came back to play in the Hawks last game against Schaumburg. The Hawks ended the regular season in second place in the CSL South Conference. The team went into Schaumburg expecting a good game but the Saxons scored early and en. The final score was 42-21. Hawk tores came on a quarterback sneak from CO Chris Schutt, a Jim Goodrich interception, and a Corey Norman five yard run.

Maura Collins, Kim Talaga, Mary Payne, Kelly Haas, Nicole Penn, and Morgan Sokes catch their breath during a phot-op at the sectional meet. photo courtesy of Coach Gabauer

Boys' cross-country by Sean Hill Although the last two races of the season were a bit of a disappointment, this crosscountry season has been awesone. Everyone on the team improved, and became better runners. The team had a great year, and it was a lot of fun. As a team, they took fourth at the regional, and twelfth at the sectional, when the top five is what they needed to go down state as a team. We had hoped to go, but this year, it just wasn't meant to be. The biggest news of the year is the performance of Tim Seiwert. He ran well enough to make it down-state. He took tenth at the sectional with a time of 15:23. On November sixth, he will run in Peoria against all the top teams in the state. Everyone knows he is going to run well, because he

has been doing it all year. His goal for top twenty-five in the state will place him as an all-state runner. For the season, the team would like to thank anyone who actually cared about what they did, even if it was just a "good luck" in the halls. We would also like to thank Mr. Drennan for our enlightenment on running and life. We love his stories, and his drive to make us better. Next on the agenda for the runners is an excellent track season. Thanks for a great season, Tim Seiwert, Liam Hickey, Chris McGuire, Mike Begich, Scott Pullman, Sean Hill, Erich Reuhs, Adam Wolf, and Brian Dickey. Everyone will be back next year, except Tim and Liam who will be off to college.

Tim Seiwert runs a strong race at regionals. photo by Eileen Collin,

Soccer ends season o n sentimental note

by Kevin Dooley and John Jacobsen

As the '99 soccer season comes to a close, there are many great accomplishments to speak of. Though their final record may not appear very ideal, the team had some tremendous victories including those against New Trier and Lincoln-Way. In coach Spiegel's first year as varsity head coach, Maine South soccer has transformed into a simple system, that when executed correctly, can be very effectivce. He was very proud of all of the time and effort that the team put into this exciting season. A very deserving thank you goes out to all of the seniors who proved so valuable as leaders an dexamples for all who will return to the team next year. In their final season, the seniors have truly left us with a great tradition to carry on in future years. A special congratulations to John Jacobsen, Brian O'Donnell, Ted Uliasi, and Charlie Zei who were celebrated as receiving the honor of

All-Conference. The two senior captains of the team, Charhe and Ted, took complete control over the team, and always led the team in practice and in games. As they elevated their games, the rest of the team improved and always valued all that the captains gave to them. Each of the sophomores and juniors who took part in this season will never forget all that was accomplished this year. After defeating GBS in the first round of state playoffs, Maine South went into the New Trier game beheving in themselves. Following a regular season victory over the Trevians, the top team in the state, there was no doubt that they could be beaten again. After giving up two early goals, however, Maine South was left in a position where a comebaack was not likely. Nobody doubted that it could be done though, an dhte team played a great game. They showed true heart

and passion. The rest of the game remained relatively equal in play by both sides, but a goal at the end of the game made the final score 3-0. The team greatly appreciated how many fans attended the game, including the spirited pep band. The team thanks all of the famiUes as well as students who atended the games and gave their support this year. They helped make this season truly special.

Attention!! The winter sports season is coming up fast, and we need writers for girls* gymnastics, baskeUjall, wrestling, boys' swimming, and indoor track! Interested? Contact Mr. Kerth in V I 3 0 , or Ellen and Sara.

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