Vol 38 issue 10

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SOUTH maine


FEBRUARY 8, 2002



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10 <; n ijVOL. t h 38,FNO. ^«^

Talent brews at Coffee House

In This Issue:







Summer renovations*

by Caroline Kim As Maine South students arrive on the first day of the 2002-2003 school year, they will notice changes to the building structure. In the January Board Meeting, the issue of how to accommodate for the increasing number of students was discussed. Dr. Cachur stated, "We already have approximately 2,400 students and expect an increase of 400-500 students over the next few years." Maine South is increasing by 80-90 students each year. Consequently, the school has already gone over the maximum usage of 85 percent of the regular classrooms during a period. The present status is at 87 percent of the classrooms being used. The science classrooms' usage percentage is even higher at 91-92 percent. In order to meet the needs of the student increase and overcrowding, there is a need for 15-18 additional regular classrooms and 2-3 science classrooms. The possibilities are to remodel, make additions to the building, or to perform both tasks. The Board was presented with two plans: one short-term and one long-term. The short-term plan was to do internal remod-

eling. This would allow the school to accommodate the increase for at least the next three school years, however the internal remodeling would only provide an extra eight or nine classrooms. By doing so, more time can be allotted to devise a way to further expand the school. The long-term plan is to make additions to the building to compensate for the inability to expand to the level that is needed internally. Both plans were approved, and construction will begin as soon as the 2001-2002 school year ends. The construction is predicted to end by the time school resumes in August 2002. The approved plan consist of several renovations within the school. To start off, the wood shop in the V-wing, which is not in use, will be transformed, and the business lab which used to be in room Al01 and two new classrooms will take its place. This will allow for the Business and Applied Technology Department to have its classes within the same wing. Room AlOl will then be made into two separate classrooms. Like the wood shop, no more large-group

Vaudeville revised

by Valerie Kaczmarek As it may be known, the Orchesis show, "Vaudeville Revised" took place on January 25-26, 2002. The audiences at both shows were very responsive, especially the Friday night crowd where many students came to cheer on their friends. The show had a great opening as the Advanced Dance P. E. class took the stage and performed the two pieces they worked on for several months: When it Rains and Achoooohca. The audience got a kick out of both creatively choreographed pieces, especially when Diana Marciniec jumps off the stage in the "sneeze dance." The first half of the show consisted of the Orchesis dance members performing to songs such as N'Sync's Dirty Pop, Frank

Sinatra's Luck Be a Lady, and Madonna's Frozen. The second half presented an array of dances including a modem piece by guest choreographer Sarita Smith Childs. The dancers posed as angels, Ghostbusters, and hip-hoppers. Awards were given out at the Saturday afternoon show to recognize outstanding dancers and dances. The Dancer Awara ana Senior Award both went to Heather Zimny. Kristin Burke received the Rookie of the Year award. Choreography awards went to Alex Czahor, Kristin Burke Elena Tinaglia, and Krista Bjeleopetrovich for their exceptional dances. Overall, the show went well and captured the variety aspect of old time Vaudeville.

discussion rooms will exist any more either. Rooms CI00 and CMS will no longer have sloped floors because it will be leveled off. Consequently, each room will consist of two classrooms with a folding wall as a divider in case there is a need to occupy the entire space of both. A folding wall divider will also be added to room CI01 to make another classroom. Furthermore, the science computer lab on the A-wing third floor will be a regular biology room. Some computers will remain in the room, but others will be moved to other science rooms. Thus, there will be a total of nine additional classrooms at the start of the new school year. Not many people may notice these new classrooms unless a student has a class in one of them, but another more evident change will be present. The cafeteria, which has long been very hot during summer and early fall days, will have air-conditioning. However with all these renovations b ^ ing made, the costs will not be low. l l estimated price determined by the administration is $879,000. In order to decide which construction company will be making the changes at Maine South, bids by each company need to be made. The Board's site-inconstruction fund will then cover the costs. Although the new additions seem to be beneficial as they increase the number of classrooms without adding to the congestion of the A-wing, there are some disadvantages. Maine West also got a proposal approved to make additions to the school and part of the funds available for renovations will go there. More evident disadvantages will be the noise that may interfere with summer school and the disappearance of large-group instruction classrooms. Furthermore, all the available space left in the present Maine South building will be used. Therefore, the only choice left is to make external additions. The alternatives so far are to add to the A-wing or the cafeteria, but no definite decisions have been made. As the administration works with a little more time during the short-term solutii they will continue to brainstorm ways* expand the space of the school. For now, those returning next year can expect to see more students, feel the nice cool cafeteria, and enjoy the newly created classrooms.



mThespian Coffee House by Sarah Schmidt Maine South's chapter of the International Thespian Society does much more than merely act. On January 18, 2002, the sixth annual Thespian Coffee House was held backstage in the Watson Auditorium. The Thespians sponsored a variety night where talented teachers graced an audience of students and faculty alike. Various acts, which included a vocal act with Mr. Barbas, Mr. Matan and Mrs. Webber, and a riveting tale by Mrs. Mclenaghan, entertained a lively crowd. The thespians provided baked goods along with refreshments of apple cider, tea, hot chocolate, and of course, coffee. Students munched away at the goods as they watched their teachers perform. Brittany Busby, vice-president of the Thespian Society had this to say of the evening: "It was a fun-filled occasion for all who attended. It is always a riot to see your teachers in a different light on Stage, performing their talents." Thanks to the talents of staff members such as Mr. Pressler, Mr. Deger, Ms. Grzeskiewsica, Mrs. Heyden, and Ms. Ross, the show was a success. It would also not have been possible if it weren't for Thes-

pian sponsors, Mr. Patrick Sanchez and Mr. John Muszynski. They, along with Thes-

pian officers in the pre-show setup and the post show clean up, set the

mood for the coffee house atmosphere. Busby also noted, "The small coffee tables and colored lights transformed the busy back stage into a Bohemiem coffee house. It was a great night." Perhaps the most rewarding asjjcct of the Coffee House is the tradition behind it. Every year different teachers participate in the coffee house. Therefore, over a student's four years at Maine South a wide variety of teachers' acts can be seen as they cross the Maine South stage. Each year students become more amazed at the astounding talent Maine South's faculty holds. Some yearly favorite acts include Mr. Lonergan's and Mr. Kerth's band (which this year included new English teachers Mr. Paul Bellisario and Mr. Matt Ellefson), Mr. Deger's comedy, and Mrs. McCleneghan's talented storytelling. The thespian officers, Stephanie Potakis, Brittany Busby, Marko Tomic, Sarah Schmidt, Allison Montgomery, and Nichole Corcoran, were pleased with the attendance and hope the show will continue to be as successful in the following years. Highlights of the night can be viewed in the glass showcase outside of PA 101.

Students of the month Art: Christopher Bennett, Nicholas Dehning, Rachel Kalom, John Markowski, Ashley Rezaeizadeh, Abby Sapp Broadcasting: Megan Brady, Eric Brooks, Kevin Coffey, Katie Eichstaedt Business: Steve Milazzo, Jaclyn Psaltis, James Spann, Jamie Tinaglia Driver Education: Mike Lazarski, Christina Pilati English: Amelia Angelo, Claire Bartel, Michal Bartusiewicz, Jessica Bumight, Lisa Currey, Austin Gibbons, Will Haley, Susan Hampe, Joseph Hattam, Emily Hayden, Phil Keith, Madeline Kiem, Jenny Lagattuta, Tina Lukas, Jenni Mancusco, Christine Newsome, Sarah Nicholus, Erin Sexton, Erica Unischas,

Brent Ukich Family and Consumer Science: Janette Lau, Renee Slugocki, Tanya Tabic, Shanoa Villalobos Foreign Language: Monica Benson, Nicole Calabrese, Melanie Clark, Genevieve Kahrilas, Karen McCann, Stephanie Nickele, Diana Panek, Tiffany Pontrelli Health: Hannah Kralovec Math: Jacquelyn Arvidson, Marco Bartolomei, Brittany Cash, Hubert Cios, Stacey Pullman, Alexander Gersch, Kimberly Gotches, Kaitlin Moran, Timothy Sliwinski Music: Jessica Cohen, Stephanie Potakis, Lee Regner, Chris Reyes Physical Education: Joseph Brutto, Kristin Burke, Michael Cabaj, Christian Cwik,

Nicholas Gallo-Carden, Theresa Losuriello, Diana Marciniec, Michael Mulvany, Timothy Murray, Nicole Tonioni, Caithn Wolf Social Science: Elizabeth Abezetian, Kristen Burke, Justin Burton, Ellen Dwyer, David Kazarian, Madeleine Kiem, Rebekah Kronborg-Mogil, Kristin Runyon, Lauren Savastio, Paige Smith, Robert Sosnowski, Pat Stuckey, Michael Verre Science: Craig Conrad, Alexander Huening, Killeen Hultgren, Madolyn Machon, Justin Meredith, Marina Peri, Kathryn Solari, Jennifer Szaflarski, Nicole Wasiewicz Technology: Christine Cooper, Thomas Gonzalez, Robert Nowak, Frank Pagone

4 Commentary

mc editorsj by Megan Gibbons I was thinking about Valentine's Day recently, weeks before the dreaded February 14, and I began to think. I was sure that I would hear my mind grumbling as it had all my high school years before, but something was different, the thought of Valentines Day was not as bad as I had expected it to be. Where I was sure I would hear that little voice inside my head remind me of how empty my life was with no one to share this day with, instead I found a smile. The little red hearts in a passing window lit up my face and moments and memories of my life flooded over me and I reahzed just how full my life really was. Every Valentine's Day since my first, my Papa had sent a special valentine addressed to my sister and myself, and as I looked at the window, the moments of the happiness they brought me came rushing back. I remember running to the mailbox to find a big pink envelope with just my name on it. I remember opening the big card and seeing my Papa's perfect signature and then duct taping it to my wall so that I could look at it every night. Naturally, as I got older, the duct taping stopped, but each valentine never failed to warm me. I treasure each and every one of these valentines, for even though they do not come anymore and I do not get to smile at my Papa's signature, my heart still knows of his love. Now, I am not saying that the day would not be even that much more extortionary if there was that special someone to surprise you with a flower or a few kind words, but I guess I discovered that it does not have to be quite as bad as so many of us make it out to be. There are several other pieces of our lives that let us know how much we are loved. Recognize the love that friends can share; try not to let amazing friendships go unnoticed. Look to the love of your parents emd be grateful that they put up with all that you do with such amazing devotion in their hearts. I am sure that it will still be rough for those of us who will not have a rose to carry, and of course there will be a longing for someone to embrace. But try not to disregard that which has forever brought love to your life, rather embrace it.


Student Opinion

Standing strong* by Ian Fidler The Twin Towers always stood strongly— when looking at them, I saw two powerful buildings symbolic of America's strength. Yet as they fell before me on television, I asked myself "Will the United States fall with it?" I traveled to New York just two months after the terrorist acts of September 11* took the Worid Trade Center and thousands of lives with it. It was on this trip that I realized the state in which our country stands. The second I saw the World Trade Center memorial, I felt the immensity of our country's pain. I saw children staring at pictures of their fathers, realizing their hero would never return. I saw husbands or wives gazing at the ruins and envisioning the tragic moment that took his or her loved one away, tearing families apart. I saw older parents looking at pictures of their children and seeing that the children they brought into this world with love were taken out of it with hatred. I looked at what the entire world now knows to be "ground zero," the site where the Trade Center once stood so strong now covered in dirt and dust. Cranes worked

throughout the night, cleaning the rubble left behind. New York fire stations listed the names of brave men and women lost. Red, white, and blue flew throughout the city, making it look as strong as ever. While this was probably my tenth time traveling to New York, something had changed for me. On past trips, interactions with the people always verified that New York's were rugged, cocky, and times even a little arrogant. From the Yankees and Knicks to tthh ^ downtown subw New York was the cit; :it^^ Chicagoans loved to hate—I jumped on that bandwagon with gusto. This time, however, the people were different. Every time we would ask a typical tourist question, they would finish a response with "Thanks for coming." Riding the subway, people would immediately rise to offer my grandparents their seats. New York, and the people who call it home, was a new city filled with compassionate and patriotic citizens. When the World Trade Center came tc crashing end, I asked myself "Would the United States be able to survive?" Now I know, not only has it survived, it is stronger than ever.

Commentary 5


Restaurant Review

Hidden authentic cuisine El Gordo's brings excellent Mexican food to Polish neighborhood One of the most famous Mexican Restaurants in the area has to be El Gordo's (a.k.a. "The Fat Guy")- This handy but tiny takeout restaurant is a few steps from street level, located on 5746 W. Belmont in a local Chicago neighborhood. Only street parking is available and finding a spot can be quite a nuisance; this restaurant, however, can be accessed by city bus (77-Belmont, 85-Central) and also has very accommodating wheelchair access. Seating about 100 people. El Gordo's has a clean and modern look with choices of either counters or wooden tables with stools. Shades of brown and gold |enhance the floors and walls of the restaurant that has been in operation for almost three generations. Black and white photos depict scenes of Chimayo, a town in northern New Mexico. El Gordo's is very busy and with the mix of Latin music playing in the background, one can understand the constant noise. This restaurant depicts Southwestern fast food done well: meat fillings are cooked as you watch; fresh lettuce and ripe chopped tomatoes garnish the tacos, burritos, tostadas, and enchiladas. Portions are large: the burrito (an estimated ten inches in length) could feed two. For the main entree there are generous portions of cubed steak with a hint of chili powder and cumin in the burrito which are cooled by sour cream, cilantro, beans, letktuce, and tomatoes. Chicken enchiladas, packed with meat and cheese, sport a tangy red sauce. The enchiladas as well as the taco, burrito, or tostada plates are accompanied by flavorful refried beans, decent rice, a small seilad of

lettuce and tomato, and a soft drink. Take your choice of hot sauces: red or green and to go with these spicy but yet dehcious meals, one must have something to drink. I recommend the watermelon, pineapple, or horchata (almond-flavored) soft drinks that are more authentic and tastier choices than the sodas offered. No alcohol is served. Menu items are subject to change. For instance, during one visit we tried to order a torta (a sandwich of chicken or breaded steak) plus a flan and a sweet rice pudding for dessert, but none of those items were available. T h e s e dishes are fit to feed a king with very reasonable prices: Guacamole and chips, S5.45; nachos, $8; tacos, $2.35-$2.50; "plates," S6.95-$9.45; desserts, $2.75; drinks, $1.29-$ 1.69. The staff behind the counter is ready with smiles, but perfect communication may take several tries. A customer may have to wait for the fresh fillings to be cooked or the guacamole to be assembled. Overall, I was extremely pleased with the service and food. This restaurant is excellent in almost every perspective. Says Harwood Heights resident Susan Harris, 'This has got to be the best Mexican restaurant this side of 26th street! The food is delicious, the decor is authentic, and the service is tops! "This is a predominately Polish business area, and when Mexican (neighborhoods collide with it) in the area to patronize this restaurant, you know it's got to be good." -Darrell Kassis

O) 13

It's a choice between slap bracelets, which were the highlight of my first grade year, or CDs, because I would die without my rock 'n' roll. - Tricia Diduch, '02

CD >

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The Thermos® bottle; it keeps hot things hot and cold things cold. How does it know? - Mike Andrews, Faculty




The World Wide Web, because there's a lot of information out there and you can use it to communicate with your friends. Claire Elderidn, 04

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Student Opinion

To expand or not to expan* by Alison Balaskovits If you have driven around Park Ridge lately, you will probably notice those small red signs, "No O'Hare Expansion" on one side and "Build the Third Airport" on the other. One who is not up to date with what is going on over at O'Hare would probably wonder what those signs are meant, for. Both Mayor Daley and Governor Ryan have been at each other's throats over O'Hare expansion and whether or not to build a third airport in a different suburb. If O'Hare does expand, it means a few problems for the residents living near the airport: noise, pollution and property troubles. Many already know of the noise of the continual flights moving in and out of one of the nation's busiest airports. On top of that, the air around the airport is already filthy enough without having tc add more runways and planes. Mayor Daley argues that adding runways will help businesses by dealing with chronic delays for which O'Hare is famous, "This is all compromise," said Daley, "There isn't any 100 percent either way." But are the delays bad enough to the point where suburbia would have to deal with even more noise and pollution? Would it not be nice to just go outside and hear some or-

ganic birds rather than the mechanical ones? Mayor Daley has a plan to invest S450 million to soundproof homes and schools near the airport. This is quite and undertaking. It seems that all the ends are being tied

up, but for how long? In addition to that, expanding the airport would lower property values, and 500 or so homes would have to be demolished to gain way for the expansion. The town that would be hurt the most is local Bensenville. There are 500 families that would have to be moved from their homes and relocated. In reality, who really wants their home demolished and then moved to an unfamiliar place?

In retrospect, expanding O'Hare will boost the economy, provide more jobs for a variety of businesses, and will help the unemployed. It sounds good, right? However, all of these good things have a bitter side to it. Adding to the airport means more planes, and more planes mean more pollution and more noise. The pollution around the gates of the airport is already five times higher than normal. Think of a business man who goes off to work and gets inconvenienced by flight delays. Then think of the people who live around O'Hare having to deal with the noise, pollution that blackens their lungs, and having to move-all so that the businessman will not be is convenienced. It just doesn't seem fair. Why not build an airport in a place where people would actually want it? Say for example, Gary, Indiana, a place that has long wanted to be on the map. It could use a kick in its economy, and it is not that far from Chicago. Or why not expand a different airport? An airport, for example, that has less property around it. Once people see these numerous red signs, it becomes clear that change is just not welcomed.

:Features 7


Ski away your stress

by Scott Cameron I never liked school buses. Bright yellow ones with brown fake-leather upholstery torn open by school kids, mismatched patches glued on the back of seats with a little too much glue, four letter words scratched into the patches with pens, and seatbelts with red straps and metal buckles stuffed down through the seats. But every weekend for the last three years I looked forward to getting on a school bus. It was not going to stop and drop me off at my house; rather, it was a Ski Club bus going to drop me off at what I consider my true homethe mountains. The hills in Wisconsin are not exactly mountains, but when covered with snow, they transform into a winter playground perfect for skiing and snowboarding. Ski Club makes trips to local ski areas once every two weeks during the ski season (12/7-3/3) al-

temating Fridays and Saturdays. Friday night trips leave at approximately 3:30 and return around midnight. Saturday trips leave at 7:00 am and retum in the late evening (usually around 8:00 pm). This year Friday night trips will be to Wilmot or Alpine Valley, both two hours away. On Saturdays, Ski Club makes a three-hour trek to Chestnut or Tyrol. March 1 -3 ends the ski year with a bang on a weekend trip to the Upper Peninsula (UP) of Michigan. The Michigan trip is by far the biggest and craziest trip of the year. As the weather begins to warm, around eighty Ski Club members jump in coach buses and head north. Once there, members stay in their own cabins with friends. The weather varies each year and the necessary clothing may range from shorts to winter jackets, ski Club may not have weekly cultural

From your Valentine by Eileen Collins Many people believe that the history if Valentine's Day begins with St. Valentine. However, the tradition began as early as AD 496. It was called the Lupercian festival and it was a time to meet and court a prospective mate. Pope Gelasius outlawed the festival, but replaced it with a similar mid-February festival. The pope wanted the festival to celebrate love. He needed to find a saint who would represent a Christian love. The martyred Bishop Valentine was chosen to be the patron saint of love. Saint Valentine was chosen after he was beheaded for helping young lovers marry against the will of the em peror. While in jail, Valentine fell in love with one of the daughters of a jailer. His last message to her was signed, I "From your Valentine." Over time the celebration of true love became known as Valentine's Day. The day is traditionally February fourteenth, which is the day Valentine was executed. The very first Valentine's Day card ever

known to be sent was done so by Charles duke of Orleans in 1415 to his wife. Today milUons of people send cards. The only holiday that attracts more mail is Christmas. Although Valentine's Day celebrates love throughout the world, different countries have different traditions. In Britain and Italy unmarried women get up before sunrise and stand by their window. Tradition says that the first man to walk by will marry them within a year. In Denmark people send snowdrops, or pressed white flowers, to their friends. Men send gaekkebrevs which are valentine jokes. The sender does not sign the valentine and it is a riddle for the lady to solve. Many countries celebrate Valentine's Day in the same way America does. Students decorate a box and pass out valentine's to all the kids in their class. Maine South has created traditions of its own. Some send valentines, and of course there is the celebrations at Girls' Choice.

breakfasts or candy sales, but it is one of the only clubs to hold true to its name- it takes students skiing. Any club that lets students enjoy the greatest sport on earth is a club worth belonging to. Looking back on three years of ski trips with the Ski Club, the long bus rides have proven to be nearly as entertaining as the skiing. After two weeks of school, the trips are meant to vent stress and have fun. Step onto one of the buses and you will see a group of kids proving this claim. But no matter how fun the bus rides are, deep down the soul of Ski Club hes in the act of skiing itself. For some, skiing is about showing off, for others it is about making it to the bottom of a run in one piece, and yet for all it is about having a good time. It is about being a kid again. Childhood games die, swinging on continued on page 8 — — —^ SIVTIWIKDS A student-produced newspaper of:

Maine South High School 1111 South Dee Road Park Ridge, IL 60068 Letters to the editor should be delivered to \ room V-131 or given to a member of the edi- \ torial staff. SOUTHWORDS reserves the) right to edit material for clarity and brevity \ and to reject obscene/libelous submissions. Editors-in-Chief News Editors Commentary Editors Features Editors Sports Editors Production Editors Core Photographers Core Staff Artist Advisor V.

Britt Frederiksen Megan Gibbons Monica Bysiecki CaroHne Kim \ Deanna Oleske l Tracy Schmidt Eileen Collins Emily Haak Austin Gibbons Kristi Katz Jim Puis Dan Saavedra Rachel Kalom Salena Retsos T.R. Kerth

8 Features!


Not getting enough zzz's?. by Emily Haak It's finally the new semester, and many students are filled with hopes of budgeting their time better, staying on top of school work, and most of all, getting more sleep. This goal seems to be universal, and if it's not, perhaps it should be on account of the 2,000 plus sleep deprived mummies who shuffle through the hallways five days a week. Yes, many start off with these lofty goals, but with deadlines, activities and demands looming over their heads, few obtain it. As the year gets more hectic during the second semester, many students fall back into the rut they found themselves in first semester: sleep deprivation. But before you decide to pull an allnighter to finish that project, there are some facts that you should consider. Although it may seem to be so, being frightfully tired during the day and snoozing during 6th period are not the worst symptoms of sleep deprivation. New research has been published spreading word of the disturbing short-term effects, and the downright serious and frightening effects of chronic sleep deprivation. According to Dr. Alan Green, adolescents need over nine hours of sleep a night. Studies show, however, that few teenagers actually sleep the recommended amount, and as many as a quarter report sleeping less than

seven hours a night. While seven hours a night is enough to get by, it is certainly not enough to maintain a healthy body. Short-term sleep deprivation has been linked to many common side effects that many high-schoolers are all too well aquatinted with. They include daytime fatigue, emotional mood swings, irritability, poor impulse control and poor decision making skills. Many high school students decide that those symptoms are a small price to pay for keeping up in the highly competitive and demanding school atmosphere. Many adolescents do not know what's really going on inside of their body, though. According to the University of Chicago Medical Center, getting four hours of sleep a night for just one week is enough to disturb many basic metabolic functions. The body can't store or process carbohydrates very well, and has a difficult time regulating hormone secretion. In fact, some of the body's processes actually resemble the early stages of diabetes. For example, it takes the body 40% longer to regulate blood sugar when sleep deprived. All of that can happen after just one week of sleep deprivation. Long term symptoms are even worse. By choosing to stay up the extra two hours in order to finish their homework, teens are putting themselves at a much higher risk for very serious health disorders

later in life. Chronic sleep deprivation has been linked to many alarming diseases. In fact, one is at a significantly higher risk of developing "old age" diseases if he has chronic sleep loss. These diseases include hypertension, heart disease, stroke, diabetes, obesity and memory loss. By staying up late, students run much greater of a risk than they realize. In light of recent research, it is fair to say that teenagers should be much less willing to disregard their sleep needs to meet with demands placed on them by school. While in the short term a student could get two points more by cramming for a test, they run the risk of serious diseases later in life. (Continued from p. 7) swings grows old, riding bikes loses its touch and suddenly you are left with work, school and television. Pretty soon you will graduate and, if it's not this way already, everything will be about working. You wiljj be working a job to make money, and working out to stay in shape. I have never seen my ten-year-old brother stay up until 3:00am studying. I have never seen him take an hour out of his day to take a trip to the gym. I have never seen him get up at six in the morning to go running. Why do you? Stop working all the time and start having some fun while your knees still work. You could go play tag or cops and robbers with your siblings, but you will probably look and feel a little strange. Arcing turns down the fall line, crashing down into innocent bystanders at the bottom of the hill, and riding up a lift with three of your friends or three strangers are only a few reasons why you should drop everything right now and go skiing. Abercrombie and Fitch have declared skiing to be cool by printing shirts with images of skiers and the names of fictitious ski patrols and competitions. Your money would be better spent on a ski trip with Ski Club. That day skiing or board- ^ ^ ing will ride on your soul better than an)^^P overpriced shirt ever will. The fact is, we did not need a trendy clothing company to tell us that skiing is cool, it already was. Check for yourself.


;Features 9

Good pranks, bad pranks

by Jaclyn Scatena and Stephanie Caito Some pranks come with tradition and In a recent survey of every grade level at When most people hear the word "prank," they think of something funny that good spirit, especially at Maine South. When Maine South it was discovered that ninetyhas happened to them or something funny driving through Park Ridge people can wit- eight percent of students had participated in they have done to somebody else. What ness these "good" pranks in the toilet paper a prank, either as the initiator or the victim. many people do not realize is that there are hanging on the trees on many houses. Dana Although statistics claim that males are more about 140,000 people arrested each year for Peterson, a sophomore member of the likely to pull pranks, the females at Maine Hawkette squad says, "T.p.-ing is one of the South are equally as guilty. having this kind of "fun." About one month ago, Vincent, a seven- best parts of the competition season. We Some people prank as a joke, but others have a lot of fun and have cruel intentions. At Maine South sevteen-year-old, and his it really gets us enty-six percent of the pranks students friend, William, were both pumped." charged with one felony pulled were jokes, but the other twenty-four count and twenty misdeBesides for rea- percent had an unkind purpose. Top Five Reason Teenmeanor counts for things sons of tradition, Pranks are also getting more violent than agers Perform Pranks: they considered harmless people like to prank funny. Teens will bash in windows, key cars, pranks. The prank mainly for a good laugh. "We or pop tires for amusement. Many students 1. They do it for attention. consisted of bashing in were all just driving believe these kinds of pranks are adrenaline 2. They do it to impress oth- around one night be- rushes. mailboxes. The thought that this prank may send cause there was nothAdults, on the other hand, respond difers. them to jail and ruin their ing to do," says one ferently. Some people refuse to answer calls 3. They do it for their repufuture never crossed either anonymous student. that show up as unknown on Caller I.D. tation. of the boys' minds. Under "Then my friend saw Other people have their phone company 4. They do it to hurt some the United States law this this sign and it said block these calls so they don't have to deal one else. I prank could send the boys something we with unnessesary games. to prison for up to three thought was funny. When Maine South students were asked 5. They do it because they years. We decided to take it why they performed these pranks most reare bored. In 1997 law enforceand put it in the back sponded they do it because tl ey have nothment agencies made apof my car. All of a ing better to do. It seems thai the exciting proximately 137,000 arrests of teenagers sudden, we were on a hunt for anything we life we all lead in Park Ridge is leading to under the age of 18 for vandalism many high could find. Eventually my car became full, pranks that are slowly crossing the line. school students would consider pranks. so we had to stop in front of a friend's house. Pranks can be a fun way to entertain yourEighty-eight percent of the teens arrested We unloaded everything on her front lawn. self in "Action Ridge," but they can also turn were males. The peak age of arrests for teen- Later I called her, and she acted Uke noth- into cruel jokes. As long as they are harmage pranks is 16. ing was unusual. I found this suspicious, but less, a simple prank is not that terrible. Just An anonymous senior at Maine South when I looked outside it all made sense. She do not let it get out of control and do not take it too far. recalls a prank the he and his friends pulled. had turned the prank against me." "It wasn't planned out or anything like that," he says. "We just did it. We went by Prank Percents a friend's house and walked in the door. In a few minutes we figured out nobody was home so we decided to put all of the things in the fridge on the back lawn. The neighbors saw us, called the police, and we all 25%^-^ got taken away in the paddy wagon." Prank phone calls can get teens into a Toilet Paper B lot of trouble as well. Once a customer calls their phone company to find out who is Phone Calls • pranking them they must press charges. Egging D Phone pranks are very common 'throughout high schools. Phone pranking 23%^^____^_JP^ is the most common form of pranking at Maine South. Students even admitted to pranking businesses as well as other people.


10 ^p"''^^'


One for the record books by Alan Zarychta

With the end of the swim season looming and sectionals not far off in the distance, the boys' swim team has kicked it up a notch for the final push to the end. The boys swam against state-ranked New Trier and put forth a good showing despite the final score. Many of the boys had personal bests and truly showed the Trevians what they were made out of. The Hawks also faired quite well at the Glenbrook South Titan Relays. The boys had a strong showing once again and came out with great times. On the dual meet scene, they beat Niles West 99-87. The Hawks made history the following day winning the Conant Cougar Invitational for the first time in Maine South history. The swim team also showed its great strength in their dual meet against Glenbrook South with a victory of 120-66. The team swam a very strong meet in their win over Niles West. Both teams were fairly well matched and the Hawks knew that the winner would be determined by heart and not strength alone. There were many personal best times swam during the course of the evening. It was also senior night where Maine South bid fair well to their seven seniors. The 200 yd. medley relay of Will Kruesi, Adam Cien, Mark Kruk, and Alan Zarychta took first place with a time of

Congratulations! Boys' Varsity Soccer Team National Soccer Coaches Association High School Academic Team Award They received the award for maintaining a 3.25 G.P.A. and are the sole representitive of Illinois.

1:50.84. Kruesi took first place in the 200 yd. individual medley in a time of 2:13.02, and Jon Michaels took first place in the 50 yd. freestyle with a time of 22.98. The 200 yd. and 400 yd. freestyle relays of Kruesi, Kruk, Kevin Pick, and Michaels both took first place. The meet came down to the very end and the Hawks earned a well-deserved victory. It was an evening of great swims and a chance to say good-bye to the seven seniors, Rob Barret, Drew Huening, Bill House, Brian Kura, Michaels, Don Nielsen, and Marce Rivera. Each swimmer is very gratefiil for all of the seniors' contributions and have decided they will miss them greatly. The following day the team faced strong competition at the 13* annual Conant Cougar Invitational against Conant, Mundelein, Schaumburg, Downers Grove North, and University High. The boys really stepped it up when they realized their chances of winning the entire invitational. And that is just what they did. A multitude of medals were won on all levels by different swimmers; the victory was truly a team effort. The 200 yd. medley relay of Peter Prezkota, Doug Simkins, Zarychta, and Brian Kura took first place. Kruesi won the 100 yd. freestyle. The 200 yd. freestyle relay of Bill House, Mike

Baier, Barret, and Kura, along with the relay of Huening, Cien, Steve Beil, and J.P. Allen both took first place in their respective classes. Nielsen won the backstroke, and Cien won the breaststroke. The freshman 400 yd. freestyle relay of Chris Bennet, Ryan Morrisoe, Frank McCourtney, and Kyle Thompson, along with the relay of Dan Mathisen, Beil, Nielsen, and Alex O'Connor both won their respective class races as well. The meet was an outstanding effort on all parts and ended with the celebratory jump into the water. It was a great day for Hawk swimmers. The boys team took a huge step at the invitational, and accomplished an amazing feat. The Hawks swim team now only has the conference and sectional meets to look forward to. The boys have been working hard all season and are soon to begin their tapers for big meets. That's right this means the traditional bleaching and dying of hair only to shave it off the next week. Not to mer tion, the boys are all very excited aboc breaking out the Lady Bics and shaving those handsome legs. TThe boys are looking with great anticiapation to new hair color and team success. Look for the Hawk Swimmers; you won't be able to miss them in the halls.

A >A/in for coach by Mike Zuhr

The boys' basketball teeim may not have an improving record, however at the recent home game against arch enemy New Trier, the Hawks impressed the large crowd on hand. The Hawks battled with the Trevians were riding the backs of seniors Bryan Smaha and Gregg Kane, keeping close with them for a majority of the four quarters. Late free throws however, iced the game for New Trier. The Hawks may have lost the game but won the respect and the hearts of many Hawk fans. The game was typical of the Hawks season, running with the team basket for basket, and then losing in the games final minutes. Against Fremd the following night, the Hawks found themselves again in a close fight. This time, the Hawks were able to scratch and claw to a victory. Bryan Smaha led the team with 22 points, while Gregg

Kane added 13. And each player got to enjoy the game and the hospitality of the Fremd cheerleaders. This victory was important not only to the players, but most importantly to head coach Dave Scott, whose wife is the assistant principal at Fremd. Coach Scott brought home the bragging rights that night. Due to Coach Scott's joy, he delayed the bus ride home and allowed the varsity squad to peek in at Fremd's dance marathon to get a little taste of Fremd and relish their victory. The Hawks now turn to conference games against Glenbrook South, Niles West, and Waukegan, along with a tough cross conference game against Prospect. T Hawks are looking to use each of the games to build momentum into the playoffs. The season is far from over and the Hawks think they will be rightfully rewarded with wins in the playoffs.


Sports 11


Girls take the court by Kim Talaga The Maine South girls' varsity basketball team has experienced a couple of rough weeks. Despite their setbacks, they refuse to give up. In the Sweet 16 Tournament, Lake Zurich, Maine West, and Fenwick defeated the Hawks. All of the defeats were at the hands of the states' top-ranked teams. Fenwick, last years state champions, only pulled away with a two-point victory in the last few seconds of the game. Never giving up, the Hawks have kept up each game within ten points )and they keep on persevering. Another tough defeat was against Schaumburg. Though losing by only one point, the team does not look down on that game because Liz Bondi scored her onethousandth-career point, giving the Hawks ^ ^


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by Kristi Katz The Maine South girls' gymnastics team has kept its fantasic season rolling all the way through regionals. The team placed third overall at regionals, with a few outstanding performances. Kira Fedyniak, placing fifth, is looking to do well in her beam and bar exercises at the upcoming sectional meet. Joanna Ortega also did extremely well at the regional meet, placing eighth individually. Ortega is looking to advance in her beam routine at sectionals. The girls also dominated at the Niles North Invitational. The team, beating out Maine West, Leyden, and Niles North, captured the team title with 96.30 points. Fedyniak captured a pair of individual championships as well, in both the uneven parallel bars and the balance beam. Ortega gave another outstanding performance, capturing a fourth place finish in the all-around performance. Monica Rangel and Sylvia Rinali also gave solid performances, Rangel placing fourth on the floor exercise and Rinali placing seventh on the floor. Even though the season is winding down, the girls continue to give their best and try their hardest, with the state finals in mind. Coach Kawalek sums up the season, as she says, "The girls have all worked extremely hard, and their hard work is paying off."

Hawk Highlights

Boys' Basketball

Feb. 8 vs. Niles West 6:00PM


@ Niles West 6:00PM


@ IHSA State Sectionals

Feb. 9

Feb. i o

F e b . 11

Feb. 12. @ Maine West 6:00PM

@IHSA Regionals @ IHSA State Sectionals @ IHSA State Sectionals

Girls'Gymnastics Boys'Swimming

the moral victory. The roads have been bumpy, but the Hawks have come out on top. They proved to themselves that they still had the heart when they def e a t e d Libertyville on their home court. A g a i n s t Glenbrook South the Hawks honored their seniors as they played their last home conference game. As the regular season comes to a close, the team is very proud of their accomplishments. Their ability to succeed is shown in their season's record and the team plans to strive to become even better as the state playoffs begin. For all who have missed seeing Chicagoland's best basketball players, there will be another opportunity as the girls host their first state playoff game.

Sectional best

@ CSL South Conference

Boys'Track Girls'Track ^

vs. Simeon/St. Viator/Jones


2U02, SPORTS Boys' Basketball • Girls' Basketball • Indoor Track • Boys' Swimming • Girls' Gymnastics • Wrestling

\A/rostlors "Do I.T." by Matt Recsetar What is "I.T.?" Often times people find themselves wondering what it is coach Fallico is saying when he yells "Do I.T.!" This stands for something the wrestlers all know and respect, I.T. is Indiviudal and Team. Wrestling is both of these things, and everyone on the team knows that in the sport of wrestling, good things happen when both aspects of the sport are understood. The great work of the Hawks these past few weeks has really helped demonstrate that the wrestlers are doing exactly that. The "Best Ever" Hawks are still on the go, promoting their record-tying 21-3 dual meet record.

Fallico (130 lbs.), Jason Caudill (140 lbs.), and Bernard Olzewski (145 lbs.) due to illness, Andy Feeney and Sean Higgins were able to fill in. With great shoes to fill both

On January 26 at the CSL conference tournament, the Hawks posted three champions including Adam Showalter (IBOlbs.), Jim Denk (160 | j ^ ^ ^ Showalterprtactices his manuvers on his lbs.), and Pat Maloney (171 lbs.). Jim Denk wrestled taintlessly, defeating rival Feeny and Higgins wrestled extremely well, Brett Neuberg of Glenbrook North in double winning their matches. The tournament was overtime for the chcunpionship. Sam Strain a huge success, and the coaches were de(135 lbs.) was dynamic throughout his lighted. match, closing a close second. Alex Chavez With conference out of the way, the (215 lbs.) took a tough third, while Joe Hawks continued to work hard focusing on Stritzel (Hwt.) and Dan Tedeschi at a higher the most important tournament of the seaweight (119 lbs.) took fourth, and Matt son, the IHSA Regional, which took place Recestar (152 lbs.) and James Doyle (103 on February 3. The wrestling motto "I.T." lbs.) took easy fifths. was at its peak this weekend as both indiThough the Hawks were missing Nick vidual and team efforts were key to regional

success. Captain's Showalter, Strain, Recsetar, Denk, Maloney, and Libby knew that this week would take all of their undivided efforts and leadership in order for their efforts and the attention of the team to be prosperous. They ^ worked hard to bring the team together and had big hopes heading into regionals. At the IHSA Regional, the top three individuals in each weight class qualified individually to the IHSA Sectional, which will take place this Saturday February 9. Here each wrestler will be given the opportunity to advance to the IHSA state t o i i ^ ^ nament which will take p l a ^ ^ ^ the weekend of February 16. In additon, the team champions at the regional qualified for team sectionals which will take place following the individual state tournament. At that time, the mighty Hawks will have a chance to improve their record to "Best Ever" status as well as qualify for the IHSA team state finals. The Hawks have held big hopes for their 2002 season, as the vital meets of the season fall into sight, the Hawks are ready to prove their dreams a reality.

Pat Maloney and Jim Denk Jim Record: 17-2 Weight: 160 lbs. 4 years on varsity, will finish career with second most wins in school history.

Pat Record: 19-1 Weight: 171 lbs. Prestigous Batavia Tournament Champion. Recipi ent of Black Hat Award.


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