Vol 38 issue 11

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SOUTH maine

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FEBRUARY' 22, 2002



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NO. 11 <; n II VOL t h 38, F^^i^

A Divine Drama

In This Issue:








A Gavel-bangin' weekend by Alex Dorow Deluxe four-star hotel accommodations, moming, a mountain of luggage and snack searched before departing. three days without your parents, constant in- food blocked traffic flow in the hallway outFriday through Sunday was filled with teraction with friends, dinner at a new res- side the attendance office. Soon the bus ar- debate. Meetings covered an entire day with taurant each night, meeting new people from rived, and they were on their way downtown. breaks in between. On certain evenings comacross the nation, and non-stop mittee meetings lasted until •••li^'- --'sjMMP' debate. 11:30p.m. and were very intense up until that point. Guest speakNo, this is not the milhonaire ers, fictitious conflicts, or a chairlifestyle; it is Model United Na I 1 person banging his gavel and protions of the University of Chiclaiming "Decorum," which is cago. Here, over two thousand the official way to say silence, high school students from all greeted each committee. across the United States and Mexico join one of sixteen comAs a break from all the hard mittees to discuss issues affect- M0^ ^pr ;^|§K * • work, a delegate dance was ing the actual United Nations. thrown on Saturday night and Each school represents a nation blaring music could be heard or two and discusses the issues throughout the Palmer House. A facing that nation. Attempts are . ' ' ^ ^ sea of students flooded the hotel / ^ made to solve problems by satishallways. It is safe to say the regu1 Maine South's Model UN participants pose for a group picture. 1 fying each nation's needs through lar hotel patrons were not enjoythe use of debate and discussion. Then reso- After unloading their luggage in the gor- ing the weekend as much as Model UN was. lutions are passed by a majority vote. It is a geous guest rooms, (some complete with two Before long, Sunday rolled around, and task that requires the entire weekend to com- bathrooms and fireplaces), it was time to get it was time to pack up and head home, plete. serious. The participants divided into their spite being worn out and lacking sleep, tW were not quite ready to depart. Sadly, it was This year Maine South once again took committee groups and went off. time to return, and time to face their nepart in the University of Chicago's 14th anEach committee had anywhere from glected homework. nual Model United Nations hosted at the thirty to over one hundred tw *jity nations Palmer House in the heart of Chicago. Over represented, and the committees covered Maine South's Model UN once again had thirty sophomore, junior, and senior stu- topics such as education, politics, world a very productive conference and managed dents, along with sponsors Mrs. McGowan health, starvation, economics, and many not to drive their sponsors crazy. It was a and Mrs. Savard, took part. Although they more. It was Maine South's responsibility weekend where the students not only got to were forced to postpone their much-antici- to represent the nations of Georgia and the know the twists and turns of their nations pated trip by one day due to an unwanted Central African Republic. In order to be but the personaUties of thousands of students snowstorm, their excitement and energy con- knowledgeable about their nations in debate, from across the continent as well. The probtinued to run high. many months of preparation were com- lems solved, the friendships made, and the As they arrived at school early Friday pleted. Each topic was thoroughly re- memories shared will remain forever




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February 22, 1732 - George Washington is bom. February 22, 1860 - The first orgzinized baseball game is played in San Francisco, CaUfomia. February 22, 1923 - The transcontinental airmail service begins. February 22, 1924 - President Calvin Coolidge makes the first presidential radio address.





/T The Maine South Fine Arts Department presents the winter play...

The Diviners

A new I.D. policy by Lauren Savastio Last weekend, at Girls' Choice, I.D.s were once again required upon enterance to the dance for the second time this year. Although most attendees willingly abided by this new regulation, the reasoning behind it was questioned. This same requirement posed a bit of a dilemma at the after-finals Hoe Down, when various students were turned away because they lacked proper identification. "I was just angry because I saw one of my teachers, who knows I go here, so I do not understand why I could not get in," mentioned Bethany Suwinski, who was unable to enter, cowgirl outfit and all, because she forgot her I.D. card. However, Bethany along with many other students understood the justification behind I.D.s at the Hoe Down, as it is a dance that has always been exclusive to Maine South students. These are the individuals who have just completed a rather strenuous week of

testing, and who are entitled to the post celebration. But Girls' Choice has never been limited to individuals p)ossessing Maine South I.D.s, and still isn't. Boyfriends and girlfriends came home from colleges and dates from other schools still attended, and all had a good time. So why did every couple have to produce a photo I.D. in addition to at least one matching Maine South card? "Safety is the primary issue. If something were to have happened, we would have been able to identify who was in our gym. We were responsible for everyone in there," explained Assistant Principal, Dr Garlasco. It is also interesting to note that this rule has already been implemented at many other high schools. Dr. Garlasco further explained that I.D.s will again be required at Junior Prom. The identification cards will not be a necessary accessory at Senior Prom, however, because it is off school property.

Aftergame dance

Watson Auditorium

February 21, 22 & 23 7:30pm $4.00 \

by Jenna Felts For those who didn't feel like Girls' Choice was enough dancing, there is another opportunity to break out the dancing shoes. This evening, February 22, 2002, a dance will be held in the student cafeteria and will be open to Maine South students only. The dance will be held following the boys' basketball game and senior night against the Evanston Wildkits. The dance is in celebration of a great season by the boys' basketball team and is an opportunity to bring Maine South students together. To attend the dance this evening, a school I.D. will be required, and all previously existing dance rules will still apply. The dance wil be from 9:00p.m to 11:00p.m., and there is no admission fee. Slightly different from Maine South

dances in the past, however, at this particular dance there will be live music. Maine South's own local bands that performed in the Variety Show 2001 will be present, and a DJ will be featured. It is an amazing opportunity to get out and hear the wonderful talent that Maine South houses. The dance will feature not only great local bands but also a DJ to keep the music going while the bands prepare. Local ska band 10 Miles to Trent will play the first set, followed by DJ Ian Beacraft, and the closing set will be played by Silver Lining. The game will be held in the Spectator Gym at 8:00p.m. and the dance will be immediately following. Those students wishing to dance the night away should be sure to get out to the cafeteria. Not only will there be great dancing but great music as well.

4 Commentary! the editofg I by Megan Gibbons In spite of all the trouble and contro versy that is circling around the Pairs Fig ure Skating competetion of the 2002 Winter Olympics, I witnessed something extraordinary as I sat and watched last night. As I sit here writing this it is only three days into competition and I cannot be sure what the outcome of all of the disputes will be, yet I have already been privileged enough to see the true grace of sport. The fight for the gold in pairs figure skating was going to be a tough one, as the pair from Canada looked to dethrone the Rus sians from their near four decade control of the gold. The night was filled with breathtaking performances, as both teams had worked endlessly for that moment upon the highest pedestal. In the end it seemed, as the crowd stood for their performance and all skaters present seemed to agree, that the Canadians had taken the gold. Yet something else lay in the cards. The gold went instead to the Russians and the Canadians were left with only a silver. As the night unfolded, there were no calls to fight or great anger towards the Russians. There were simply tears, a soft smile, and acceptance of the decision made. Now I cannot say what will take place after this paper goes to press, perhaps there will be cries to the media and fights over the heartbreak, but that night, all I could be was in awe of what I saw. This moment brought forth the essence of true sportsmanship. They both knew that they gave every ounce of themselves to that performance and there was nothing more that could be done. They accepted their defeat with elegance, their spirits content. They let the Russians stand proud as their anthem was played and walked quietly off the podium, disappointed yet entirely at ease. They may have walked off with a silver medal, but they laid the example for what sportsmanship and athleticism truly is. For all those who have faced defeat or perhaps will some day, the Canadian pair figure skaters have made us all understand, that no matter the outcome of any endeavor, so long as you gave your all and laid out everything that you could, you have succeeded. There may be tears and disappointment, yet there can be no regret.


•Student Opinion-

How much is too much?* by Caroline Kim How long ago were students able to walk around their schools without worrying about possible terrorist activities or violence occurring at school? As the saying goes, "What is this world coming to?" Patrick Bryant, a junior at Palatine High School during the 2000-2001 school year, was expelled exactly one year ago because he had pictures of weapons in his locker. A Cook County Circuit judge, however, overturned the expulsion on February 1, 2002. As a result, the District 211 Board of Education finally allowed him to return to Palatine High School on Thursday, February 7 after having attended an alternate school for the past year. Bryant's father stated that he might take legal action against the district because his son's civil rights had been violated. If the people of the world were not so paranoid about violence occurring, would these extreme measures have been taken? Although it is evident that more safety precautions need to be taken since the attacks of September 11, it seems the measures are becoming more and more extreme. Before Columbine and other school shootings, no student would have been expelled for merely keeping pictures of weapons in his locker. The student might have gotten a detention or a suspension if after being questioned, it was clear that his pictures were not necessary in school. If pictures of weapons are banned, will literature containing weapons be next? If so, students will be expelled for reading Romeo and

Juliet, The Great Gatsby, and Huckleberry Finn. Another issue aroused by all the new safety measures that seem to be in place everywhere is whether or not our rights are being violated. Some people may feel that their rights are being encroached upon even more by the government. Bryant's father had stated that his son was treated as if he was guilty until he was proven innocent, yet the U.S. Constitution states the opposite. It is tme that the world seems to be a scary place today more than ever before and that safety is a high concern, but we cannot always live in fear. We cannot go o i ^ ^ each day always r ( ^ B minded of the possibilities of the violence. Life should be spent Hving, not living in fear of dying. Thus, I fear that one day our children and our grandchildren will Uve in a world where everywhere they turn, they are met with the possibility that someone might hurt them. Then they will never be able to truly enjoy all the great things in life such as being carefree and having security in a familiar place like school. Before we know it, we may become so wrapped up in protecting ourselves that we will not realize how far the concern for safety has gone. That is not to say that the safety measures are unnecessary or ridiculous, but people need to be aware what rights we still have as citizens. We need to be aware where and when our rights are infringed upon, and we need to be aware what we sacrifice w h s ^ j ^ we substitue security for liberty. No mattS^^ what the govemment does to prevent violence, the world will not be a better, safer place to live unless people make conscious efforts to keep it that way.

Commentary 5


Student Opinion

Fight for your rights! by Jim Puis Guilford High School is a school not unlike Maine South, not unUke any of the thousands of high schools in the United States. Home to 1,170 students-almost half the size of Maine South-it is nestled in the center of a quiet suburb of New Haven, Connecticut. Something that makes this school different, however, is the decidedly uncooperative attitude of the school administration. When a new tardy policy went into effect and the students found it unfair, protests ensued; at one point last December, Adam Petrillo, the Vice President of the Senior class, handcuffed himself to a pole in the school's main lobby. He was immediately suspended for his actions; the school tried to mount charges against him for "inciting riots." He soon returned to classes, but a problem was clearly evident: the school had opened the floodgates. At a second protest near the end of school I before winter break, quite a few students held a massive sit-down in a lobby. School security officers stood poised with video cameras in hand-supplementing the numerous security cameras already present around the school-ready to catch any evidence that might be quickly used against students in an attempt to fight the protest. The demonstration was very successful until one student took it upon himself to start yelling obscenities. He was immediately arrested by local police and again charged with inciting a riot. Several GHS students set up a web site at freeadam.org as a forum for students to express their discontent with the treatment of Petrillo and other students unhappy with the policies. The name is in homage to freekevin.com, a site set up in 1996 to tell the true story of Kevin Mitnick, a computer hacker whose constitutional rights were clearly abridged when he was held for months without a trial. As a result of the various efforts of the students, the local school board has recently , started to listen to their requests at board meetings and through the Student Council. It seems this protest has been a successful one. The very fact that students were able to assert their right to Jissemble peacefully can

be considered a major victory for the rights of students everywhere. The school found out it was entirely unable to abridge the constitutional right of students to protest. These students made a stand, and it is a testament to modem democracy that their voices were heard. But two problems remain. First, it seems rather disturbing that the school administration and school board took no action in response to the students' needs until a student took it upon himself to disrupt the school day. Schools exist to educate children and provide a healthy environment in which they can grow up. Schools do not exist to beat students senselessly into submission, changing the future of America into a line of "Yes"-men. Second, one begins to wonder what the whole point of protesting is anyway. The policy in question was one under which students late to a class four or more times would be hammered with four hours of detention; a harsh, stiff penalty, to be sure, but nothing deadly. Another question is why the penalty was so unreasonable; several Guilford students commented on the fact that the only thing causing people to be late to classes is a rampant amount of socializing. The situation seems similar to Maine South: relatively long distances to travel between classes. Students at Maine South, though, generally not subject to harsh penalties, still seem to have little or no trouble making it to class on time. Were these people, then, just trying to get their way, as an extension of that to which they have become accustomed all their Uves? Is this era of teachers being students' friends creating weak children who have never learned the value of punctuality? Perhaps the real matter is simpler than this. In the end, being tardy to class will not matter. Fighting to get one's own way, ultimately, will really not matter. What is of importance is the fact that these students were willing to fight for their rights. Regardless of who is tardy to class when, the only thing really to come of this is that these students know their right: they know that they can assert their wishes.

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The security issues in this school are becoming ridiculuous. It's beginning to feel more like a prison than a school! -Carole Schiffman, 02

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Our job is to make sure you guys are safe. I just wish students would realize why we wear IDs; look how many people there are here. You see an ID, you know they're safe. -Diane Ross, Security

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I'm not a big fan of new security procedures - after Columbine, it's clear that even people who are supposed to be here can be dangerous. -Britt Frederiksen, '02

6 Commentary


Staff Opinion^-

Breaking into the liglit by Britt Frederiksen At the comer of Dee Road and Talcott Avenue, Maine Township High School South graduates (X) percent of its seniors each year and watches (X) percent of them go on to college. After receiving the National Award for Excellence in Education in 1988, Maine South went on to continue its long-standing tradition of strong academics combined with fierce athletic potential into the twenty-first century. When snow days strike Maine South, its students can be found in bed and on sleds at Centennial Park, where they take a much deserved break from the pressures of their high-powered high school education. When Maine South students reach their senior year, they are itching to go on to college, military or trade school and start their lives in the "real world". What Maine South students do not receive in their education is a look into the heart of education darkness. At a homogeneous school there is no way a Maine South student can have a real perspective on what life on the other side of the coin might be like. It is fair to say, too, that in a relatively well-off homogeneous neighborhood the students of Maine South cannot truly appreciate just how excellent their education is. Last Sunday, however, I can safely say I finally saw how lucky I am. At the annual Gospel Brunch benefit for the Christian Community Alternative (CCA) Academy at the House of Blues, I saw what true education is. The CCA is located in the Westside ghetto of Chicago where high school graduation rates stagger to twenty percent. Founded by Myra Sampson in 1978, the CCA sits in an abandoned bottle cap factory at Roosevelt and Pulaski. After graduating from seminary, Sampson wanted to teach in this neighborhood of Chicago that burned, literally and figuratively, in the King riots.

Giving high schoolers in this neighborhood hope is still her primary goal - consistently graduating almost ninety-five percent of the senior class each year, Sampson is proud that the CCA is a fully licensed high school in the middle of the tom-up boroughs of North Lawndale. Before attending the benefit, I had no idea the school existed. I knew the donations were going to what is commonly known as a "good cause," but I had no idea what this "cause" was. Luckily, at each seat at the brunch tables rested a small pamphlet about the miracles the CCA performs each

year The CCA information pamphlet's cover simply states "The Best High School in Illinois." The first sentences compare it to the currently top-rated schools: New Trier and St. Ignatius. Can the CCA really compare? In an abandoned bottle cap factory, can the CCA actually expect to compete with these top-rated schools with state of the art science labs and top-level professors? Yes. Through thousands of donations and their annual Gospel Brunch at the House of Blues, the CCA generates enough income to keep their ninety student school up and miming with full science and computer labs. Teens who want a way out of the ghetto apply to the CCA; Sampson finds them grant money to cover their tuition and does her best to see they reach the fabled CCA graduation ceremony. One year the school burned down and the dedicated staff and students held class in a warehouse with space heaters through the Chicago winter CCA graduates are out to change the

world. Several members of the class of 2002 are already ordained ministers who intend to go on to college and then come back to teach at the CCA, bringing hope and a way out to kids just like them. As the pamphlet itself states, "it's amazing to see a group of black guys who look for all the world like gang-bangers sitting in a physics class, paying attention and taking notes because (1) they know it's their way out and (2) they know that there's a waiting list to get in." These kids feel their sense of worth each day they walk into the windowless building at 1231 Pulaski and feel Sampson's hugs and words of hope. Talking with any CCA student is immensely rewarding they are all incredibly proud of their future and know they hav one. The Gospel choir comprised of these students and other believers rang through the House of Blues last Sunday to a crowd begging for more of their strong message punch holes in darkness. As Maine South students who so often take for granted this incredible education, right at our fingertips, it is entirely necessary that we follow the example of the CCA and drill into darkness. Without a Maine South education, where would any of us be? Would we fall, blinded by knowledge and light? Would we ever truly succeed? Would we ever make a difference? No one can say. But without any education, all of us would fail. It is time to assess what our education is really worth - and freat it that way. We too, even with our top-rated education, must make a difference, and we too must punch holes in darkness. The CCA, located in what can be de scribed as "the heart of an immense darl ness", performs a miracle every time a stJ dent graduates and escapes. We can graduate and become miracles too - if we only keep working, as Myra Sampson has, to battle the dark ignorance that plagues the world.


;Features 7


A little bit of Germany at MS by Eileen Collins Around the beginning of August a family friend of Maine South senior Abby Policy was about to host a foreign exchange student. As she got more information, Abby realized this would be a really good experience. "It just sounded cool," she says, looking back. In mid-August Veit Jacob arrived at the Policy residence ready to spend a year in America. Veit is from Germany and had applied earlier that year for the American foreign exchange student program. After attending meetings, writing an essay, and completing a weekend orientation, he was one of the fi^'ty students selected from the one hundred finalists to come to America. "I am lucky to be placed in such a great home," Veit says. "There was a shortage of host families. I am very glad to be at Maine South." When comparing Maine South to his old school, Veit expresses his shock at its size. His high school in Germany had six hundred students ranging from fifth grade to thirteenth grade. "The school is so big, but I really Uke it here. People are very nice to me. There are a few jerks, but you find them anywhere." Veit also expressed his shock at the rumors around school. "People every, where gossip, but here many things you hear 'are untrue." Veit was, however, pleasantly surprised with many Americans. "In Germany the picture of a typical American is a fat guy eating hamburgers, drinking coke, and watch-

ing football. That is not very tme and I am sure Americans think differently of Germans." The main reason Veit came to America was to learn about the culture. After this year he will go back to Germany to finish high school; his credits will not transfer. The advantage is that college is free in Germany. "About America, I love the Simpsons. We have it dubbed in Germany, too. But in Germany people do not watch as much TV. I also like Wendy's. There is such a selection of food." Veit expressed his surprise at the variety of pop we have and the different kinds of food. "I guess the most amazing thing I have seen is green ketchup." "Another difference I notice is the size of everything. The cars in America are so big." Veit also is shocked at the size of our cities and houses. "Everything in Germany is much more spread out and low-key. Also in America everything is more hectic and fast. Everyone is always moving." Abby comments about her visit to Germany, "I can totally see what he is saying. In Germany things were much more relaxed. And about the cars, they were so tiny. The roads were so narrow, I thought we couldn't fit." Veit is here until the end of the school year. He has experienced many great and tragic things in America. "I remember the terrorist attacks were such a shock. I called home and nobody in Germany could believe what had happened. Everyone thought it was

terrible and were very depressed." People in America don't realize that the impact of September 11 was felt around the world. "Most things are the same; people are people everywhere with the same ideas and same standards." Veit has been having a great time at Maine South and couldn't imagine a better school to be in. All in all he thinks, "It's a cool country." ~\

SOIJTHWOIDS A student-produced newspaper of:

Maine South High School 1111 South Dee Road Park Ridge, IL 60068 Letters to the editor should be delivered to room V-131 or given to a member of the editorial staff. SOUTHWORDS reserves the right to edit material for clarity and brevity and to reject obscene/libelous submissions. Editors-in-Chief News Editors Commentary Editors Features Editors Sports Editors Production Editors Core Photographers Core Staff Artist Advisor

Britt Frederiksen Megan Gibbons Monica Bysiecki Caroline Kim Deanna Oleske Tracy Schmidt Eileen Collins Emily Haak Austin Gibbons Kristi Katz Jim Puis Dan Saavedra Rachel Kalom Salena Retsos T.R. Kerth

HEY YOU! If you are still interested for writing for South words this year, stop by VI31 and drop a note in the Features box.

8 Features:


2002-2003 Southwords Staff Application

_, class of. , wish to become a Southwords staff/core member I,_ for the 2002-2003 school year. In completing this application, I agree to conduct myself as a responsible member of the student body. My cumulative GPA is

My most recent semester GPA is




English Art/photo Social Science Language Extracurricular activities:

I am interested in the following core/staff positions: Core Staff _Editor-in-chief _News Editor _Features Editor _Sports Editor _Production Editor ^Commentary Editor _Photographer* Artist/Cartoonist*

Staff Sports News Features Commentary Photographer* Artists/Cartoonist*

*Please include a portfoho

I will fulfill the following requirements: 1.1 will submit the names of 3 faculty members who know me well and can speak for my qualifications: English Counselor Other teacher (use art or photo teacher if applying for artist or photographer) 2.1 will maintain a "C" average in my academic course work. 3.1 will read and follow the staff manual. signature and date PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED APPLICATION TO V-131, MR. KERTH, OR A SOUTHWORDS EDITOR BY MARCH 23.

ffpafiiiÂťP<! 9


What do Southwords sXdi^ members do? The previous page is the application for Southwards 2002-2003 staff. Since most students do not know what is involved in being a staff member, we are including a description of all staff positions. The staff is made up of editors-in-chief, news editors, commentary editors, features editors, sports editors, photographers, artists, cartoonists, and production editors. For more information on the requirements of each position, contact Mr. Kerth or any member of this year's staff. Each staff member has an important and distinct job, covering all areas of interest to students and the Maine South community.

EDITORS-IN-CHIEF Editors-in-chief (EICs) are seniors with desktop pubUshing experience. They make the final decisions on what is pubUshed in Southwards. The editors-in-chief also take i on the responsibility of writing a commentary for each issue to fill the "Property of the Editors" section of Southwards. The editors-in-chief attend Student Council meetings to be updated on school activities or appoint an editor to do so. The final and most important duty of the editors-in-chief is to review every page, every sentence, and every word of Southwards to confirm accuracy and completeness. They decide when a page is finished and place it in the box for the printer. Editors-in-chief take on a lot of responsibility and must be able to make mature decisions.

in-chief for final corrections.

FEATURES EDITORS Features editors must also be excellent English students and have a variety of interests. They have the responsibility to assign stories, photographs, cartoons, and graphics that relate to their section. Features is the most diverse section of the paper and requires creativity to hold the interest of the reader. Features stories are the stories that do not fit in any other section; they are unique and focus on sjjecial events around the school. The features editors must also proofread their three pages and submit them to the EICs for corrections.

SPORTS EDITORS Sports editors are good writers who have an interest in athletics here at South, however, they do not have to be in a sport. They are responsible for covering each spc rt at the varsity level for its entire season and covering each sport equally. Sports editors also have a responsibilty to assign photographs for the in-season sports and making sure a photo appears on the back page.They also fill in the "Hawk Highlight" box and "South Stats." They must also proofread their pages, submit them to the EICs for corrections, and enter any changes made by the EICs.

PHOTOGRAPHERS The photographers must be creative and ready to shoot pictures all the time. The pictures must be taken as soon as they are assigned and developed immediately after taken. They must also save all receipts so they can be reimbursed. Photographers must also include the names of the people of the picture and include his/her own name for credit. The photographs Southwards use are what make the school events visible to all.

ARTISTS/CARTOONISTS Artists and cartoonists must be creative and willing to draw on a moment's notice. Cartoonists must have their cartoons ready before the deadline. Also a signature must appear on his/her cartoon for credit. Cartoons are used for humor and for sidebars to an article.

PRODUCTIONEDITORS Computer, printer, and scanner skills are a must. Famiharity with Macintosh computers and Adobe Photoshop are also extremely important for production editors. They have the responsibility to fix any and all technical glitches and make sure that the paper looks organized and professional. The production editors also have the responsibility to send a copy of each issue out to other schools in the area.

N E W S E D I T O R S COMMENTARY EDITORS O T H E R D E T A I L S News editors must be good Enghsh students, with grammar proficiency. News editors must be interested in school activities. They are responsible for being up-to-date with school events and writing or assigning articles. The news editors also report the Students of the Month. News editors must kcnsure impartiality in every article written 'and verify the facts within the articles. Like all editors, news editors learn how to use Adobe PageMaker to design the pages. The news editors must finally proofread their three pages and submit them to the editors-

As with the other editors, conmientary editors are typically good English students. They are responsible for assigning stories, photographs and cartoons that relate to their section. They must also check all commentaries to make sure they are appropriate. They also must include "Property of the Editors" in their section. Commentary is also responsible for the student reviews of books, movies, and restaurants. The commentary editors must also proofread their three pages and submit them to the EICs for corrections.

Southwards holds many opportunities for the students of Maine South. It requires dedication, commitment and creativity. It's also a lot of fun to be a member of staff! The staff is a crazy-but-loveable family who will become good friends throughout the course of the year. Paste-up days are filled with excitement, debate, comedy, and tragedy. Anything is possible under Mr. Kerth's supervision. The staff is what makes Southwards happen; apply for a year full of great times and great journalism experience.

10 yrf.


Off a n d running by Jenny Heffeman It's that time again, girls' track is off and running. With two meets now under their belts, the "fast" girls of Maine South are beginning to show what they're made of. The girls got off to a great start at their first home meet against Resurrection and Good Counsel. A week later at a meet against Simeion and St. Viator, improvement was already becoming obvious. Kate Kapolnek and Mary Payne clenched significant 1st places in hurdles and the 800-meter run repectively. With times like theirs, the Hawks are looking to dominate at the upcoming Hawk Invite. This year, there are some exciting changes to the team. Thanks to a camp over the summer, f>ole vaulting has a number of new recruits in Chris Dwyer, Kelly Shlitter, and Jessica Aniol, who show real promise. Also, interest in the high jump has exploded, newcomers Axie Russell and Liz White, are

showing great improvement. Overall, enthusiasm is running high on the team as they look forward to future competition. Another new future of the track team is new coach Ms. Hatch. After Ms. Covington left last year, coaches have switched roles. Mr. Nordahl has now assumed leadership over the field events, in addition to hurdles. Ms. Hatch has since worked with the sprinters. Senior Kate Kapolnek has high hopes for the season, "I think that the girls will do extremely well this season. Right now, we are getting the team together, because a lot of the girls are coming from their winter sport. With a lot of hard practices and dedication, the Hawks will be prepared to dominate this season." However, one thing that is definitely missing from the team's exciting meets is the fans. Over the next three months, the girls will look to fill the bleachers with fans.

"Individual" effort by Matt Recsetar It was Friday afternoon, and the Hawks were an;aous to hit the mats. Maine South's eleven sectional qualifiers were prepared, and had high expectations. On February 8 and 9, the Hawks put the individual in their "I.T." motto. In the undisputedly toughest sectional in the state, the Hawks managed to come away with two state qualifiers, Dan Tedeschi (112 lbs.) and Jim Denk (160 lbs.) The sectional included over 30 top-ten ranked wrestlers, so the competition was immense. Throughout the tournament, Denk wrestled flawlessly, showing no mercy to his helpless opponents. By evening on the second day, Denk had attained a second place finish and was on his way to state. The story goes a little differently for Tedeschi. It was the third place match, and Dan was wrestling Borek of Niles North once again for the last spot to go down state. With only a minute left in the match, Tedeschi was down 7-3. The place was full of screams especially from the Niles West bench, who were cheering for Tedeschi's opponent simply out of their dislike for Maine South. Tedeschi then head-locked the poor kid to his back and pinned him with

only 30 seconds remaining in the match. That quieted the Niles West bench for the time being. It was a glorious victory for the junior, and he will go down state once again to prove his worth. The Hawks also had five sectional finalists who placed fourth in the tournament. They were Nick Fallico (130 lbs.), Sam Strain (135 lbs.), Pat Maloney (171 lbs.), Jim Libby (189 lbs.), and Alex Chavez (215 lbs.). In addition to having the most wrestlers ever, seven, going for a place at the IHSA sectional, the Hawks have also produced a record number of 30-i- match winners. There are seven guys to be added to the hst, the most out of any Maine South wrestling team. The wrestlers whose names will be added to the 30-1- match club are Tedeschi, Showalter, Fallico, Strain, Denk, Maloney, and Chavez. Denk and Tedeschi went down to Champagne, Illinois last weekend, February 15 and 16, to carry out the "Best Ever" Hawk season. The Hawks also wrestled last Tuesday February 19, as they faced Mt. Carmel in the IHSA team sectional. The Hawks have worked hard all season; each and every member could not be more proud of theeir "Best Ever" season.



h\ Alan Alan 7yirvrhtri by Zarychta

" ^^

The time has finally come; The conference and sectional meets are in the past. The swimmers have put in a lot of hard work all season long and now it's time for the payoff. With both the junior varsity and varsity meets over, most of the swimmers are done and out of the pool, but a select group of the finest swimmers got to swim this past Saturday at the sectional meet. There were a few possible state qualifiying relays and individuals. And the team entered with great expectations. The junior varsity swimmers took third! place at their conference meet with a s c o ^ ^ ^ of 221, right behind Evanston and New ^ Trier. They all had great swims and large drops in time, especially with their newly shaved heads. A congratulations goes out to all the JV swimmers for their great efforts and to Coach Kura for a very successful season. The varsity conference meet occurred the following day at Evanston. The Hawks came in charged up knowing they had a good chance of dong very well in the very tough CSL South Division. As with the junior varsity, the varsity also had many great swims all around. The 200 yd. medley relay of Will Kruesi, Adam Cien, Kevin Pick, and Jon Michaels took third place. Michaels took fourth place in the 50 yd. freestyle and third place in the 1(X) yd. freestyle. Kiuesi took fifth place in the 1(X) yd. backstroke, and Adam Cien took sixth place in the 100 yd. breaststroke. The 200 yd. Freestyle relay of Zarychta, Pick, Kruk, and Michaels and the 400 yd. freestyle relay of J.P. Allen, Zarychta, Kruk, and Kruesi both took fourth place respectively. No matter what the results, the mem| ries and friendships won't soon fade. However, a few state qualifiers wouldn't be bad either. As Mr. Deger sums the season up best when he says, "Just go nuts guys."

Sports 11


Watch ouUhey're on a roll by Mike Zuhr "Somebody learned how to win." That's right, the boys' basketball team has won their last three games including 3 of their last 4, making each of the members proud to be a part of a great season. Big wins have come against Fremd, Prospect, and Niles West, whom all possess higher seeds in the upcoming state tournament. The Hawks now know that they are able to upset teams and will look to do so come tournament time. Against Prospect, in front of a boisterous crowd, the Hawks shocked the Knights 55-45. The Hawks were led by Bryan Smaha who stole the show lead ing all scorers with 24 points. Senad Brkic added 10 points and 6 rebounds off the bench, despite missing his imaginary dunk. Three nights later against Niles West in front of a standing room only crowd, the Hawks continued their winning ways beating the Wolves 53-46. Jamie Friel carried the Hawks netting 14, while Smaha added 10 before fouling out. Gregg Kane also provided an enforcer-like presence landing 3 elbows, two to the chin of Niles West's

w Boys' Basketball

freshman guard. After the game head coach Dave Scott commented on how this momentum will help the team in the playoffs, where records are thrown out and everyone starts off with a clean slate. He then commented to the team, "The days are getting longer, but the practices are getting shorter." The team is positive that his comments were wise and inspiring sure to lead the team to some victories, yet they still have no clue as to what Coach Scott was trying to say. The Hawks conclude their regular season tonight as they celebrate the work of each of their seniors and face off against the top ranked Evanston Wildkits. The Wildkits will serve as a great warm-up to their upcoming tournament. It will be a rough and tough game for both sides, but the Hawks look to come out ahead and pumped for their next games. They will then travel away taking on Loyola in the first round of the state tournament, sure to be a great game. The team is looking for all Hawk fans to come out and join in the crowds to cheer them on as the team makes its playoff run.

A-/aw/c Feb. 2.2 @ Evanston 6:00PM

Feb. 23

Girls'Gymnastics Boys' Swimming


Number of wreslers with 30 wins or more this season.

1000 Record setting number of career points scored by senior basketball player Liz Bondi =^

Highlights Feb. 2 4

F e b . 25 @ IHSA Regional

Feb. 26

@IHSA Supersectional

Girls' Basketball Wrestling

South Stats

@ IHSA Team State Finals

Season Completed Season Completed


@ Wheeling Invitational


@ Wheeling Invitational -^


2m)Z SPORTS Boys' Basketball • Girls' Basketball • Indoor Track • Boys' Swimming • Girls' Gymnastics • Wrestling

No signs of slowing down Competition heats up by Austin Gibbons The track season is underway, and the boys are hard at work. Under the new leadership of Coach Tumilty, the Hawks have already won their first two meets. They won the first against Niles North and St. Ignatius, and the second against Highland Park. The Hawks recently took on the alwayspowerful Fenwick Friars and the powerful Conant squad, as well. In the first meet of the year, the Hawks ran strong facing Niles North, n the two-mile relay the Hawks team of Josh Walton, Fat Mangan, Tony LoBianco, and Austin Gibbons took second place with a time of 9:30.5. Dave Skiba won the high hurdles and the low hurdles. Shortly after, Joe Janik took the 55-meter dash in 5.8. In the 800M, Chris Mitchell upset state qualifier Adam Mormelstein with a time of 2:08.5, winning the event by two seconds. In the 400M, Tony Marcinek took first place with a 53.9, and

Kenny Johnson was right behind with a 54.4. LoBianco took a close second to state-qualifier, Kevin Mayfield, in the 1600, with a time of 4:50.3. In the closing event of the night, the 4x400 relay, Skiba, Janik, JohnSon, and Marcinek took first place. They opened the season with a strong •ime of 3:45.1. The following week the Hawks went lip against Ii g h 1a nd Park. To of)en the meet the two-mile relay of Walton, Mangan, LoBianco, and Gibbons took first place in 9:22.5. Skiba once again swept the hurdles. Janik took the 55-meter dash in 5.7, and Mitchell took the 800M once more, lowering his season best to 2:07.5. Marcinek took the 400M again with a time of 53.0, and LoBianco took first in the mile in 4:59.6. The 4x400 relay took first, blowing away their old best time by five seconds, lowering it to 3:40.8. All in all, it has been a tremendous opening for the boys' track team, and they show no signs of slowing down.

by Kim Talaga As the season comes to a close, the Maine South girls' basketball team looks back on its season with pride and satisfaction. Fighting hard and determined not to give up, the Hawks experienced many victories in their final battles. Going into the game against Niles North, a team ranked within the top fifteen, the girls knew they had to play their hardest against their fierce competition. Giving their best efforts the Hawks pulled out on top and achieved an amazing victory. The next line of business the Hawks had to take care of was conference rival Niles West, and that's just what they did. Once again, the Hawks prevailed. The girls ended the regular season on a high note. When the state tournament was arour the comer the girls practiced harder than eveP in order to be prepared for the tough competition to come. Their hard work paid off when they beat Glenbrook North, which allowed them to advance towards their biggest goal, becoming the state champions. Recently, they went up against Maine West for the Regional Title and the right to advance to the sectional. All in all the season was a success. All of the long practices and grueling scrimmages were well worth it. The girls grew so much as a team both on the court and off that this season will never be forgotten.

Kira Fedyniak Sport: Gymnastics Years on Varsity: 2 CSL South Conference Champion in floor excercise. 5th in floor exercise at Regionals Graduating year: 2004


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