Vol 38 issue 6

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NOX'FMBLR 21, 2001

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<; n ij VOL. t h 38,r""^^ NO. 6



Putting ttie 'V'in V-Stiom

A M Emily T^¥yiil\} Haak J-irtnh- ^^^^^ by This year's V-Show is on the road to definite success. The theme for the 2002 V-Show, "Contents May Be Hot," is inspired by McDonald's coffee cup warnings and other similar sayings. The entire show revolves around this plot; it promises to be an amusing and comical production. The show has many different people from all comers of the school participating: the German Club, a jug gling act, and everything in between are involved. Some acts inw e l u d e breakdancing, vocal ensembles, stage band, dance groups, bands, prose, flag core and many more. Also, as always the witty Trunk adds extra laughs to the show between the acts. The show will definitely keep its viewers entertained with its eclectic numbers. What makes the V-show unique is that it is almost entirely run by students. While Mr. Muszynkski, Mr. Sanchez, Mr. Davis, Mrs. Harrison, and Mrs. McClenegan oversee the show's production, the musical di-


rectors and the junior and senior directors, as well as the stage manager and student council representatives, put a lot of time and effort into the making of the show. The Trunk staff also contrib « Z^'^SA. utes to the show

b y writing many of the comedy skits. This year's student V show staff consists of the following: Drew Huening, Chrissy Schaefer, Adrianna Kesala, Elyse Russo, Marko Tomic, Emily Haak, Britt Frederiksen, Will Schmidt, Megcn Briars, Jim Puis, Ian Beacraft, Matt Heerman, Alison Jasinowski, and Nicole Corcoran. All of the groups involved with the VShow are working hard to ensure its success. The V-Show first gets its energy from

the Footlighters who sing and dance at the beginning of the show. They meet twice a week to work out their moves. The stage band has had music specially arranged by the show's music directors, and they have been rehearsing it vigorously. Trunk has been meeting closely with its writing staff to ensure that they provide as much comedic relief as they can. All of the acts have been to act rehearsals to fine-tune their performances, and the crew has been working tirelessly to put together an awesome set. The VS how takes

place t h year on tl 29th and 30th of November, and the 1st of December, at 7:30 p.m. each night. Tickets will be 5»p sold during lunch periods outside of the student cafeteria and at the student council office. Be sure to buy tickets early-the show will definitely sell out. ^





November 21, 1877-Thomas Edison announces his "talking machine" invention. November 21,1902- The first night football game is held (Philadelphia Athletics beat Kanaweola AC, 39-0). November 21, 1935- The first commercial plane crossing over the Pacific Ocean is achieved by China CUpper. November 21,1952- The first U.S. postage stamp in two colors is introduced.


November 21, 1990- The Declaration of "End of Cold War" is signed in Paris.




A dance collaboration

by Caroline Kim Last year the advanced dance class, instructed by Ms. Sinclair, got together with senior citizens from the Niles and Park Ridge Senior Centers for an exchange of dance backgrounds. The senior citizens taught the students how to do dances such


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the song, "New York, New York." The song had been chosen in appropriateness to the site of the events. Roberta Garippo mentioned, "The ladies looked very excited to be there and young at heart. We all had fun working with them,

Various gestures and words were used as symbols throughout the dance. The primary gestures were salutes, handshakes, hands over hearts, and peace signs. All the gestures were indicative of patriotism. Hands placed over hearts came







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The senior citizens and advanced dam c class place their hands over their hearts in "The Land Where My Father Died. "

as the waltz and the Charleston. In return, the dance students performed a dance combination that they had worked on during class. This year, in reaction to the events on September 11,2001, the senior citizens and the advanced dance class worked together again. On October 29, 2001 at 12:40 p.m. an informal performance was held in the auditorium. Though the show consisted only of three dances, they had been thoughtfully choreographed. The first performance was made by eight elderly ladies who were dressed in black and sported top hats. They did a line dance to

and we shared a lot of laughs. " Then, the advanced dance class performed a routine entitled, "When it Rains" to the song, "Singing in the Rain." This is to be their act for the V-show as well. As the last combination, the senior citizens and the advanced dance class students combined their skills for the song, "The Land Where My Father Died." The dance was choreographed in reaction to September 11 tragedy by Ms. Sinclair. The overall objective of the dance was to honor the victims of the tragedy and salute the actions of the courageous people who gave their lives to save others.


from the pledge of the allegiance and handshakes signified respect and the sealing of a deal. Likewise, words from the pledge of allegiance were shouted sporadically in a format called "cut-ups." The normal format of the pledge was taken apart to have a different meaning, but at the same time be similar to the original meaning. A viewer of the performance noted that the dance was very moving. Through this collaboration of the senior citizens and the advanced dance class, the artistic movements of dance were used to depict the tragedy of September 11, 2001, beautifully.

Volunteer fair success Maine South has organized many volun- throughout the day to meet with sponsors of tary activities in the past. Clubs such as Key several local volunteer organizations: The Club, Amnesty International, and Brother- American Red Cross, The Holy Family Hoshood are only three examples of all the com- pital and Holy Family Medical Center, munity service Maine South has to oifer Maine Township GIFTS, The Salvation On October 30, Maine South held its in- Army, and Resurrection Nursing and Rehab augural Volunteer Service Fair. The fair tar- Center. geted Maine South sophomores and juniors The Maine South sponsored organizain an attempt to raise awareness and encour- tions. Brotherhood, Key Club, and TOFYS, age volunteering amongst Maine South stu- were also in attendance. Students were given dents. the opportunity to ask questions of the sponMrs. JoAnn Bondi and the Social Science sors regarding their agencies and sign up for Department sponsored the fair, and Rob volunteer services. Kiepura was the student coordinator. SophoThe fair was a success for both students more and junior Social Science teachers and volunteer sponsors. Rob Kiepura, who brought their classes down to C-101 was resjxjnsible for coordinating the event.

said, "I was very happy to see so many students getting interested and asking questions of the sponsors. They were also pleased to meet so many young people who were interested in getting involved in their community. I would also like to extend my sincere thanks to Mrs. Bondi. Without her help the fair would not have been possible." Over 500 students attended the fair and many were able to sign up for upcoming events sponsored by the represented organizations. Hopefully, the fair will become an annual event that will continue to educate Maine South students about the many different volunteer opportunities that exist in the Chicagoland area.

4 Commentary


Student Point by Megan Gibbons Aunt Sally pinching your cheeks. Uncle Henry going on and on about the time he got hit during the war, and Grandma Harriet reminding you that a little bit of make-up every now and again won't hurt— these are all your favorite pieces of Thanksgiving. Over the years, that seemingly endless evening surrounded by those that annoy us the most has become nothing more than a hassle. Yet, it seems that we are all missing something incredibly important. I'm going to go ahead and give you the generic definition, one we have all heard a thousand times as we were making our little hand turkeys in fourth grade. But truly. Thanksgiving is about being thankful, counting our blessings for all of the wonders in our lives. And after all that has gone on. Number One on our hst of things to be thankful for is family. Each and every one of us should be thankful for whatever ounce of family we can call our own. On this day of thanks, cast off the fact that your grandma keeps reminding you iust how pretty you "could" be, or the fact that your uncle keeps yelling at you to pour the wine correctly. Try to look past the boring stories your grandpa keeps telling and soak in the wonder of this amazing person who sits before you. Remember all of the wonderful aspects of your life, the times when your mother would rub your head as you could not sleep, or the times your father would rake all the leaves into giant piles just so you could bask in the magnificence of fall. I know that so many of the marvelous moments of our lives have past, and all to quickly these flashes of happiness are gone. But today, be thankful you ever had them. Try to remember the sadness of their loss, but revel in the fact that you got to hold them once. On this Thanksgiving take a tight grasp of the things you have around you, smile, and say thank you. Ignore the obnoxious parts that have annoyed you every single year, and find the extraordinary parts that.make you the luckiest person on continued on page 6

The Pledge of Allegiance: by Claire Bartel Park Ridge public grade school children recite the Pledge of Allegiance every day. While in public grade school myself, I learned that reciting the Pledge was not required by the school administration but rather expected by it. Now, a junior in high school, I also expect myself as well as the rest of the nation to recite the Pledge of Allegiance daily. The Pledge of Allegiance to the flag of t h e United States •cy^1 is an oath of loyalty to the n a tional emblem and to the nation it

dents are not only learning but also showing their patriotism. The Pledge originated by a proclamation of President Benjamin Harrison and was first recited by pubUc school students on October 12, 1892. President Harrison believed that the Pledge had a place in school. It still does today. By teaching the future generations of America what the nation is and what it stands for, a deeper sense of patriotism and a better understanding of t h e


symbolizes. A 11 citizens in America should b e willing to recite this pledge each day if asked to do so. Everything the Pledge refers to is something that makes America what it is. For instance: America, a republic, which the colonists fought for long ago in unlikely conditions. The Pledge describes our nation: one that provides a united home as well as equal freedom and justice. Anyone who desires to reside in the United States and reap the benefits of its government and society should be willing to recite why they choose to live here. Children growing up in a public school system should be taught the characteristics of their country. By reciting the Pledge, stu-

which lUUnh:^


same time. In my classroom, each student stood and boldly proclaimed the Pledge; this had not been done in class since the end of sixth grade. Upon completion, it aroused great discussion. It turned out that everyone had missed the sense of unity. That students missed feeling apart of the United States. I once read an article that stated, "It is more patriotic to stand up for your right^|^ than to stand up for the Pledge." In r e ^ ^ sponse: It is much more patriotic to stand and recite the Pledge to your flag that represents everything your country stands for—and only then, gain your rights.


iCommentary 5

•Student Counter Point

'To stand or not to stand? by Melina Bartolomei I started saying the Pledge of Allegiance tirely believe. Immediately following my when I was in the first grade. The daily, mo- decision, a teacher yelled at me as well as notonous scene repeated every morning had other classmates who had also done the same. never been something that I entirely appreWas yelling at us for not standing a punciated. Since I was old enough to realize it, ishment? Forcing us to do something that we I had always felt a little bit uneasy reciting did not want to? No one should force another it. What exindividual actly was I to do ftS G.l.OOE 'ACTlOvi F I & U R e s - P L \ c.»r THe SHELVf* VV4 saying and THE W A K E O P T H E T % i e « o m s T A T T A C K S O * I SCPT-H, something MATTEl. T-ISVJ To Kte«> y p K/ITH T H t T H c K ^ ^ j . . why was I he or she saying this? does not However, want to do. one day when To me, I was old it seemed enough to unwe'd be derstand punished these words, I any route really conwe chose: centrated on we would what I was be punsaying. Doished for it ing so alcomes lowed me to down to realize that I the bottom, did not bethe main lieve in or question to even support be asked is the Pledge of simple: Allegiance. Why must T h e we be phrase that forced to struck me recite most was something "One nation, that we under God." don't beEven though I lieve in? do believe in A deciGod, that sion made does not by the Sumean everyp r e m e one in this naC o u r t tion or the world, for that matter, does. I made in 1943 states that one has the right to believe America, the nation of the biggest decide for himself whether or not he would cultural diversity, should be the first to real- like to state the pledge. ize and understand this. With this in mind, I wish that most people With the exception of a dramatic dance who are openly against reciting the pledge for class, I have been opposed to saying the would remember that they have the right to pledge since freshman year. I rise out of re- remain silent. spect when asked to rise for certain events In actuality, I wish for more than "most such as assemblies. However at a recent as- people" to realize this. I hope that everyone sembly I decided not to stand up— not to will realize that he has the right to stand. Or rise and recite something that I did not en- to remain seated.

Yeah, dude! It gives a daily reminder of what this country is about. - Dan Mathisen, '03

I have no problem with it; promoting school unity doesn't hurt. - Matt Granger, '02

It shows our spirit in a positive way, giving respect to the nation in a time of need. - Becky Corkiii, '04

I think it's good because after what happened, it's patriotic and unifying. - Sam Aiossa, '05

6 Commentary;


•Staff Review

Editor's Pic of the Week

(continuedfrom page 4) earth. Don't focus on the aspects of the evening that have you looking towards the window as an escape, but instead find the pieces that which makes your heart sing. As we are all well too aware, time with family is a horrible thing to waste, soak up what you can now. Celebrate what makes your life worth it, life moves too fast to let these moments pass you by.

Professor for the woria by Britt Frederiksen In today's terror-ridden world, we edl need the advice of a sage who has seen humanity at its worst and understands survival. We need advice from a man who survived Auschwitz and Buschenwald at fifteen, from a man who saw his father die days before their concentration camp was liberated, and from a man whose efforts towards world peace gained him standing as the most important Jewish scholar of the twentieth century. Through the Dawn Schuman Institute for Jewish Education and Temple Sholom of Chicago Elie Wiesel, Nobel Peace Prize Laureate and winner of the Presidential Medal of Freedom gave a lecture on Sunday, November 4, 2001. His objective was not to darken our image of today's horrors but to light a sense of hope after the attacks of September 11 and those more recently in Israel. The lecture was plarmed almost a year in advance under the title "Israel in Crisis: What Would Hillel Say to Jews Today?" Professor Weisel was forced to rewrite his original speech, however, to center not around a Jewish state in crisis but around an entire world in crisis. Weisel began his speech centered around Hillel as planned, and certainly dealt with how Jews can cope with the changed world, but Weisel made considerable room to speak of his reactions

to terrorism and his hope for a better world. A speech centered on Jewish crisis philosophy, Wiesel's delivery expressed a strong hope that the world will soon learn tolerance, understanding, patience and solidarity. Calling on Jewish teachers and peacekeepers from Hillel to S h i m o n Peres, Professor Wiesel revealed the trend for Jews to "come together" in crises. He brought topics from all of his forty-plus books, his ex^ tensive tra^ els, and his" work for human rights to hammer his point home: in a crisis, humans of all religions must find strength in numbers. Professor Wiesel gave a strong message in his speech: not to lose hope, not to lose faith, and not to lose one another. Wiesel spoke of the incredible acts of selfless American firefighters and volunteers on September 11 saying, "If humanity is capable of that, how can I lose hope in humanity?" Because Wiesel has effectively looked death in the eyes, his ability to remain strong despite terror should instill faith in even the most frightened Americans. Opportunities to hear Professor Wies| are rare and golden. Contact the DawT Schuman Institute, Temple Sholom or Boston University for information regarding future lecture opportunities with Professor Wiesel.

;Features 7


An unsung hawk

by Steph by Steph Caccomo ^^^^ On Friday, November 2, 2001, Ms. Can- of several faculty members who have renon was presented with Student Council's ceived this recenty created award. Unsung Hawk Award. The award was presented to her in the morning after their usual meeting. Ms. Cannon reacted much the same way as other recipients of this award. First, she was shocked, then she was teary-eyed, and then she was all smiles. Pictures were taken and personal thanks was given by most students. It was a very festive moment as the students thanked Ms. Cannon for all her hard work. As many students know, Ms. Cannon is here from morning till night helping students with their post high-school endeavors. Saavedra, Student Council president, presents Ms. Her energetic spirit and willwith the Unsung Hawk Award. |ingness to help students has made her well-known and respected by stuA few years ago. Student Council dedents and faculty alike. cided to create this award for faculty memFor all these reasons and more, Ms. Can- bers who have given much of their time and non received this honored award. She is one effort to the school, and have not received

much recognition. This award is to honor and recognize any faculty member who is deserving. It is not a teacher of the year award; it is more a award recoanizing someone who means a great deal and may have been overlooked. Now, each quarter, a different faculty member is nominated and voted on by Student Council to receive the award. As Sarah Schmidt, Student Council Secretary points out, "It is a great way to thank the people who are behind the scenes making everything possible for the students. And when we see their [recipient's] reactions, we know they appreciate the recognition also." This is a great way to recogCannon nize a faculty member who has done something special. If you feel a certain faculty member is especially helpful, yet under-appreciated, nominate him or her for the Unsung Hawk award. Just tell a Student Council member.

Let's talk about it By Anna Marzullo Do you know now dark and quiet it is at five o'clock in the morning? Do you want to find out? Of course, there is more to Speech team than seeing the sunrise on a Saturday morning (in twenty-degree weather). There is the joy of transporting an enthralled audience to another world or another mind with a well-presented poem or prose speech. There is the challenge of single-handedly portraying multiple characters, instantly changing from personality to personality. There is the thrill of stepping up in front of a group of total strangers and, I on a moment's notice, reaching a reserve of knowledge you didn't even know you had, all while facing the general public's number one fear: public speaking. If you love to talk, if you love the idea of stretching your mind one step further, or if

you missed the auditions for Fear Factor and have nothing else to do on a Saturday morning. Speech Team is for you. You will choose one or two events to specialize in, ranging from an original persuasive speech to acting out a dramatic duet. Meetings are arranged on a convenient basis for you, and you will work on your event with one of out sponsors, Mrs. Metzinger, Mr. Guccione, or Mr. Alario.

Finally, you will be able to compete and succeed in your event at a meet taking place at a variety of schools on occasional Saturdays. Not only would you have fun on Speach Team, you would learn a lot of life skills. Speaking is very important no matter what job you plan to have after graduation. Speech team is a fantastic way to spend your time, you meet new people, improve your speaking skills, overcome any fears of public speaking, and have a great time all the while.

8 Features;


Keep on Trunkin'* by Shawna Ohm What's the first thing you think of when you hear the word "trunk?" An elephant? A suitcase? For any true Hawk, trunk immediately brings to mind V-Show at Maine South. The yearly comedic act, which performs during set changes and blackout's during V-Show, satires everything from the football team, to para-pro's to the community as a whole. Headed by seniors Megen Briars and Britt Frederiksen along with sophomore Will Schmidt, trunk is a delightful blend of comedy and reality. Twice a week, trunk gets together, talks about life in general, and tries to poke fun at it. In the words of Will Schmidt, "reality is so funny 'cuz it's true." Some students come up with skit ideas based on classic comedy movies, such as Billy Madison. Some people come up with ideas because Britt Frederiksen yells at them and tells them to be funny. But mostly "trunkers" come up with ideas involving everyday Maine South life. It's not surprising that one of the favorite satirical topics is the Maine South football team, but be reassured, as one anonymous source said "it's because they're cool, I don't wanna get beat up or anything." Once the core idea for each skit is formed, people shoot out ideas for dialogue, scene and setting and mess around until they have a full fledged comedic skit. And as anyone who's seen a Maine South V-Show can attest, the results are hilarious. "It's just a bunch of crazy kids feeding off of each other" says JP Allen. Faculty su-

pervisor Mrs. McCleneghan agrees. Though she declined to comment officially, she did admit "off the record" that she had a good time. Almost all trunkers agree that the people and the teamwork of trunk are what make the final product so entertaining. Just before the show goes on, there is a trunk huddle to unite the members, and just before the huddle breaks up, the group's slogan, "trunk it!" rings throughout the backstage hallways. This year there are actually two new members of trunk. First, there is the newly instituted mascot, a plastic, oversized red duck, named, the Red Duck, or occasionally, just RD. Second, there is the imaginary character, Clayton Funk who was created just to answer questions for this article. And after all the work of creating this character to come up with insightful quotes, what was his most memorable line? "Much duct tape... miles." After watching a rehearsal for this year's trunk act, I can promise that it's going to be good. Especially in a time when life is a bit too serious, trunk is a welcome relief. It allows us to indulge our sarcastic side and make fun of things that really irk us. While always tasteful, trunk expresses the common grievances of the Maine South student in what the authorities say is a respectful way. So if you're fed up with the cattle mentality of students at Maine South, and want to vent, go see trunk. They'll address your grievÂŁinces and make you laugh at the same time.

Lastly, to get an insight into the mind of a trunker, I asked the members to tell me the top six reasons (five was too common) why they joined trunk, and... well, the rest is self- explanatory. 6- 'The voices in my head told me to." 5- "We have pasta parties... Where we eat... Pasta." 4- "Will told me I could get girls...He lied." 3- "It was either this or reo." 2- "Britt said that if I didn't join she'd beat me with a tack hammer." l-"Brussel Sprouts" And I'll leave you with one more thing. Trunk it!

Attention all faculty: Features is starting up Focus on Student Excellence again. This can1 only work if you submit nomina tions. Please nominate any senior you feel deserves to be recognized.



A student-produced newspaper of:

Maine South High School 1111 South Dee Road Park Ridge, IL 60068 Letters to the editor should be delivered to room V-131 or given to a member of the editorial staff. SOUTHWORDS reserves the right to edit material for clarity and brevity and to reject obscene/Iibelous submissions. Editors-in-Chief News Editors Commentary Editors j Features Editors j Sports Editors \ Production Editors Core Photographers i Core Staff Artist iAdvisor

Britt Frederiksen Megan Gibbons Monica Bysiecki Caroline Kim Deanna Oleske Tracy Schmidt Eileen Collins Emily Haak Austin Gibbons Kristi Kat, Jim Pu Dan Saavedra Rachel Kalom Salena Retsos TR. Kertty

:Features 9


•Thanks for giving by Lauren Savastio So what are with all those long-sleeved, green, T.O.F.Y.S. t-shirts I see throughout the h£dls? Well, as it turns out T.O.F.Y.S (Teens Organized For Youth Services) is not just another boring acronym. The City of Park Ridge gives its teens thousands of dollars to collectively spend on things like ice cream, pizza, sand volleyball tournaments, a crazy game of ultimate frisbee in the pouring rain, and much, much more. However, in order to show our thanks for this free food, and im measurable amounts of fun, T.O.F.Y.S mem-

bers give back to the city by doing numerous service projects throughout the school year. It's kind of like those symbiotic relationships we studied in Freshmen Biology—the city helps us, and we help them. Even when we're helping the community, we are still having tons of fun. For example, T.O.F.Y.S was behind the "Rocktoberfest" concert, held at the end of October, to benefit the families involved in the September 11th tragedy; it was an incredible sue-

cess. The most rewarding aspect of being a part of this organization is realizing that an even greater sense of joy comes from packing toys for little kids, than from sliding in the mud to catch a slippery Frisbee—although it's a close call. It's never too late to join, and actually, as Youth Commissioner Drew Huening would say, "You are all already members." Any teen living or going to school in Park Ridge is welcome to get his or her share of the pizza. Just look for one of the really decorative T.O.F.Y.S posters in the halls, ask Mrs. Deines, or grab a kid in one of those green t-shirts. And who knows, you may even be showing off one of your own!

Brotherhood helps out

by Lauren Paez h\ Lauren Pae? The annual Brotherhood Coat Drive is ooming up along with Thanksgiving. Since rnot everyone will be able to have a coat this Thanksgiving, please make a donation the week of November 12 through November 21. We are all so thankful for the man/ blessings that we have that we often forget what others do not have. Make someone's Thanksgiving truly special by donating a coat. There will be boxes set up by the English office and we will also have a meeting for bringing in coats on November 20 at 7:15 in the cafeteria. Thanks for helping! Also, to get you and your family into the spirit of the holiday, come participate in a

Thanksgiving Day tradition. The 24th Annual Turkey Trot and 8K Run and Walk will take place in Lincoln Park at 9:00 A.M on No vember 22. There are 4,500 runners that participate. When you come, don't forget to bring canned food items that will be donated to the Greater Chicago Food Depository to help Chicago's less fortunate. Each year race participants donate more than 7,000 pounds

I of canned food to the Food Depository. Many Brotherhood members will be present at the race and anyone is free to come! You can register at the race site from 7:00 A.M. to 8:45 A.M. or apply online. Another way to register is to contact either of our presidents Jess Stuckey or Lauren Paez. Brotherhood wants to wish all of you and your family a very happy Thanksgiving. Remember to think of others this holiday season.

Tine l<ey to service

by Nidhi Patel Bullwinkle, from the infamous duo Rocky and Bullwinkle, once said, "No act of kindness, no matter how small, ever goes wasted." While this duo's mighty feats of saving the world may seem a bit intimidating, if everyone made one small cind gesture, it would add up. Maine South's Key Club is designed to promote just that—students doing small acts of kindness that have a large impact.

Key Club is the high school branch of Kiwanis International. Every weekend a group of Maine South students head over to the Resurrection nursing home. By simply listening to the stories these senior citizens have kept so closely, the students realize what an incredible impact they actually have. This past week Key Club members carried around 'Trick or Treat for Unicef' boxes, collect-

ing money to aid children in need. Sending donations to the New York Relief Fund, helping with the Kiwanis Spaghetti dinner, visiting the nursing home, and visiting the elderly on their birthdays are only a few of the volunteer opportunities available through Key Club. Key Club is a great way to participate in community service. If you are interested in joining Key Club, or simply want to learn more, meetings are every Wednesday after school in CIO 1.


10 Sp"K<^


Fabulous finish

Hawks. Junior Lauran Cordaro placed 36th by Kara Collins with a time of 16:15 One of the goals of and was the second every season is to go Maine South runner. downstate. The girls' Katie Coppin (67th, cross-country team 16:45), Jestina Orworked hard to aclando (70th, 16:49), complish this goal. Mary Payne (105th, With the regional suc17:19), Kelly Haas cessfully completed, and Morgan Sokes the Hawks went on to also contributed to the Niles West for one of team's eighth place the hardest sectionals. finish. Success at this race On November 3rd, meant a trip downKim and many others state. made the trip to It was going to be Detweiller Park in extremely difficult to Peoria for the state fiqualify for state with nals. the best teams in the Coppin had another state at their sectional. great race and finished The runners were up with a time of 15:43. to the challenge. Her 90th place finish Freshman Kim placed her in the topCoppin ran an outhalf of the over 260 standing race with a runner field. Kim has time of 15:44 for 2.5 the next three years at miles, which was Maine South to look good enough for a forward to. It was a 15th place finish and great Hawk season a trip downstate. Rob Hart/Pioneer Press with a fabulous finish Many other runKim Coppin runs to a great race at and next year hopes to ners competed for the the state meet. be better than ever.

South1 Statsl



regional title attained by the girls' volleyball team.

conference chamions: boys' football and girls' cross country.

3 sectional champions: boys' soccer, girls' tennis, girls' volleyball.

S o c c o r shio\A/clo\AAn by Stejfan Mirsky

Two and a half months ago during the preseason for soccer, Mr. Doc Sorenson asked who from the varsity team believed they could win the state championship. Only two people from the team raised their hands. Now we are all believers. Although our hopes for winning the state finals are gone, we all beUeve that we could have been there. Despite the disappointing loss in a spectacular game, against Downers Grove North, the Hawks have plenty to be proud of. Facing Maine East, Maine West, and Niles West in sectionals, not a single goal was given up by the Hawks squad. The victory over Niles West 1-0 gave Maine South the sectional championship, and won them a spot in the top sixteen teams in the state, as well as a playoff berth in the supersectional. For the supersectional title, they faced off

against a tough Downers Grove North team, a team ranked ninth in the state, as well as the winner of their sectional. They dominated this top rated team, but were also unable to score in regulation. Kenny Johnson shut them down the whole game, but North returned by shutting the Hawks down as well. Overtime came out empty as well and the game unfortunately came down to penalty kicks. In the penalty kicks the luck was no longer on the Hawks side as North won 4-3 in penalty kicks. The fans knew, the Hawks knew, even North knew that the Hawks were the better team. The boys' team took on the number 9 team in the state and tied them 0-0, took them in to overtime and tied them 0-0. Next into penalty kicks, five a piece, and they scored 3 goals, not enough to match Downers Grove North's 4 goals. So they fell 4-3 in penalty

kicks to one of the best tams in the state. Not only were the Hawks awesome in this virtually flawless game, and the countless fans guided the team with great dedication. The energy created was unbelievable. JP Allen enthusiastically played the drum and cowbell. Matt Cowie sacrificed his shirt to right one letter of Hawks on his stomach, the JV soccer team, the JV cheerleaders, and the few MS alumni all contributed to the Hawks' success. The parents were all great, as well as the rest of the student section. A special thanks should be given to the seniors of the Hawks and to the coaches, Mr. S p i e g ^ ^ Dr.Sorenson, Mr. Guslov, and Mr. S t a n ^ ^ They all made the fantastic season possible. Next year is already looming on the horizon for the Hawks, and it looks to be another classic Hawk season.

Sports 11


Swimmers finish strong

by Megan Gibbons Freshly shaven and full of nervous energy, the Maine South Girls_ Swim Team could smell the excitement as soon as they set foot inside Evanston's pool. They were ready to take to the water. All of their hard work during the season paid off, because on Saturday November 10, the girls found their success. A part of the strongest sectional in the state, with state champions New Trier, and contenders Evanston and Glenbrook North, the Hawks knew it was going to be quite a

challenge. They established some goals on the bus ride over however, and they decided they were going to break into the top 12 for each event, ensuring that Maine South would earn points for each top swimmer. The girls were able to do just that, in each individual event the girls found a Maine South spot amidst the top 12. Maine South had their shining moment as senior Natalie Kruk, sped well past the top 12 and found herself a spot in the top 6 in the 50 yard Freestyle Kruk placed 5th, among the amazingly talented field, with at time of 25.52.

The team beamed with pride as she stood on the block to accept her medal. The next smiles came from each of the relays as they broke into the top 6 as well. The 200 yard Medley Relay of Amanda Fallico, Nancy Wilkins, Kruk, and Kate Paine took 5th, the 200 yard Freestyle Relay of Wilkins, Megan Gibbons, Paine and Kruk, also landed a 5th place medal, and the 400 yard Freestyle Relay, Jessica Spitelli, Paine, Gibbons and Fallico, was proud to take home a 6th. The team ended the year on a good note, and most importantly they ended together.

^^F I LoBianco this year, as he placed 20th out of 156 total runners, in possibly the hardest sectional in the state. His finishing time was 16:21 over the 3-mile trek. It turns out he was only three places and six seconds away from the final individual qualifying spot. That elusive place and time was 17th in a time of 16:16. Overall, it was still an impressive race. The next Hawk was Austin Gibbons who finished well back in the talented field. He snagged 84th place in a time 17:23. Chris Mitchell was only nine seconds back, in 103rd place in 17:32. The final hawks were Craig Conrad (127th, 18:33), Lee Camarano (134th, 18:39), Henry Lifton

(135th, 18:39), and Mark Fulara (150th, 19:38). Despite a rough year, the squad got where they wanted to be. They were at the sectional to gain experience and knowledge for next year's Drive for Detweiler. With the loss of seniors Lobianco and McGuire, the Hawks will look to leaders Phil Keith, Gibbons, and James Ballard to lead the Hawks down to Peoria next year. And the team will be depending on the skill and hard work of the upcoming freshman and sophomores to come ready to work next year. For now, the boy's cross-country team is signing off for the 2001 season.

A learning experience

by by Austin Gibbons As the boy's cross-country season has come to end, they have learned many important lessons. The first, don't let three out of the top five runners get hurt. The second, try not to get a hernia. Third, don't get stress fractures in the hips. And lastly, for a young team, the future starts now. As the injury laden Hawks strolled up to '^the Niles West sectional, they had two goals in mind. One, to place in the top half of the twentv-team field. Two, get senior Tony LoBia-ico down state in his final year of cross country. It was not to be, but a young team gained some much needed experience for the future. It was a close call for ^ rS! h ff %


/-/a w/c Highlights

Boys' Basketball

11/21 @ Schaumburg Tournament

Girls' Basketball



vs. Loyola/ St Laurence


Season began on 11/5


Season began on 11/19

Boys' Track Girls'Track


11/23 @ Schaumburg Tournament

11/24 @ Schaumburg Tournament

@ Buffalo Grove

@ Buffalo Grove


Season begins 1/14 Season begins 1/14 *

2001 SPORTS Football

Cross Country

Setting goals

• Soccer

• Girls' Tennis • Girls' Volleyball • Girls' Swimming

Football on its way

by Kristi Katz The Hawks finished off their regular season by capturing second place in the CSL conference. But they weren't finished yet. They had their goals set higher and they were determined to achieve them. They started off with a semi-final victory over CSL rival Glenbrook South. They finished them off in three (15-5, 6-15, 15-10). Adrianna Stasiuk had 14 kills, Jess Stuckey had 17 digs, and Mary Ristau had 20 assists. Next, the Hawks were faced with another CSL rival. New Trier, and once again, the Hawks came out on top. The Trevians put up a fight, taking the Hawks to three, 15-8, 11-15, 15-9, but the Hawks prevailed and captured their first sectional title in over twenty years. Leading the Hawks' offense was Stasuik with 14 kills. Next up was St. Charles, and the chance to go downstate. The Hawks played an outstanding match, taking St. Charles to three games. The sea of red in the stands got the team pumped up after the first game's lost, and they came from behind and won the second game. St. Charles East pulled it out in the end, but the Hawks played a phenomenal match, and are looking for more of the same success next year.

by Dave Olson The Maine South Football team is look- This time the two-point conversion failed, ing good, in its run through the playoffs so leaving the score at 12-7 Maine South. far. In the first game the Hawks took on its Stevenson was able to score again in the conference rival, Waukegan and won easily fourth quarter, even though the defense held 40-6. them on fourth down twice in a row. In the next game the Fighting Saints from With 1 minute and 31 seconds left with St. Charles came up to Maine South, but got Stevenson up by three, they had a choice to sent back crying after a 49-19 loss. Two make. Their choice was to go for it on 4th weekends ago the team had its toughest chal- and 1 at their own ten-yard line, or else to lenge yet. Stevenson brought their team to punt the ball, and leave it up to their deWilson Field, and was deterfense to stop us from marching back. mined to beat us. They They decided to try to run the ball on thought they were going to right into the line, trying to overbe able to run the ball power us. That didn't hapthrough the middle, and ^ \ pen. wear our defense out. jH k Once the Hawks "The Ruff necks could ' w got the ball bac^ not be pushed around as t.y\^^^^,^ Tony Wnek % Stevenson wished," Blake Mark Ori in Fiorito was heard saying afthe comer of the terwards. end zone, to put Stevenson took the early lead afthe Hawks up and ter a 9:37 second drive to start the game. to seal the dramatic, At the end of the first half Chris Ratajczyk come from behind victory. This means that scored on an eight yard run. The extra point the Hawks played this past Saturday for the was boinked wide left by Olson. After be- box, against Downers Grove South in the ing down for the first time ever at halftime, semifinals for the right to go to Champaign the Hawks struck back quickly in the third to play for the State Championship on quarter on a three yard run by Tony Wnek. Thanksgiving weekend.

Hawk Spotlight

Natalie Kruk P/ayer Stats Sport. Events:


50 Freestyle and 100 Butterfly

Years on Varsity: 3 years Graduating Year: 2002 "A concentration of effort and drive to achieve her poten tial fuels this wonderful young champion who is most gra cious and unpretentious. She is a role model for perseverence and evidence that dreams can be achieved." -Chris Deger

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