Viet Veteran Discusses Vietnam-People^ Country Viet Nam must have been the furthest thing from Andy Haben's mind when he played bassoon in Mr. Spyear's band back in 1965, but here he is, back visiting his old school after serving one year in that far-off jungle. Pfc. Haben entered the Army in August of 1965. His first phase of Army life was at Fort Knox, Kentucky where he underwent basic training. Fort Sill, Oklahoma was his next station for advanced training. His last phase of seven month training was completed at Fort Benning, Georgia where he attended Paratrooper "Jump School."
Jeannie Hosey, President of Pep Club, hands candy-selling contest winner Joe Stagg, '69, the $45 cash prize as runners-up look o n . Joe won the contest by selling 21 boxes of candy. Second, t h i r d , and fourth place winners, who are Val Bruhn, '68, Pat Fanning, '70, and Linda Boidy, '67, also received cash prizes. Congratulations to them and to Pep Club for a successful candy d r i v e l
Summer School Reg i strati on Set For Next Week Mr. James L. Coburn, director of Maine South Summer School, has announced the following registration schedule for the summer school program: April 12, 13, and 14 is typing courses, April 17, 18 and 19 for United States History, April 24 through May 12 for driver education, and general registration will begin on April 20. If a student is to register for a second subject together with typing or United States History, he may register for both sub•jects on the above scheduled days. Registrations will be accepted in the personnel office. Students or parents of students may register from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. Driver education application will be taken in Room V-112 from 8 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. on the above scheduled dates. June 12 is the opening date for summer school. The first semester ends on July 7 and the second semester ends on August 4. Students may be enrolled in most coures for one or both semesters. Most courses are $18 per semeter and are available from 8 a.m. to 11 a.m. or from 9:30 a.m. to 12:25 p.m. During summer sessions the regular •school bus schedule is in effect. Mr. Coburn emphasized that Summer school means getting • ahead. He said, "Colleges are full and are thereafter more selective than ever before. Each year students must present better high school credentials — more courses, better grades. Our summer program can help the high school student meet additional college requirements. Jobs may be plentiful, but the jobs are for the best qualified, . and the best education. Students may receive credit for additional courses without full academic schedule required during the school year. More time can be devoted to summer courses. Since 1957, knowledge and technology have doubled. Today there is more to learn, and the more to read than ever before." Summer courses are designed to take advantage of the summer months. Several course offerings are not offered during the regular school year. Some of these special courses include the following: reading improvement, summer school art, English IV Composition and Rhetoric, English Review, shop courses, home economics, journalism, and music appreciation.
In March of 1966 Andy was assigned as an artillery man in the 101st Air Borne Division, 1st Brigade stationed in Viet Nam. Andy's brigade, whUe engaging the Viet Cong in Operation Hawthorne, earned the Presidential Unit Citation for outstanding valor as a unit. Asked about the country and the people of Viet Nam, Andy
iSoiSb/onli fS Volume 3, No. 11
AAainei Township High School South, P a r k Ridge, III.
A p r i l 7, 1967
Gary, Ralph Place First, 2nd In Constitution Test Gary Johnson '68 and Ralph Berke '67 placed first and second in the 32nd Annual Constitution Contest, the second part of which was held Wednesday, April 5. The first part of this examination, a written exam, was held in March. The seven students who had the highest scores competed in the o r a l examination April 5. These students were questioned by a panel of six American Legionaires who are versed on the Constitution.
The seven students w e r e Ralph Berke '67, Gary Johnson '68, Randy McClure '68, Greg Parsons '67, Geoff Priest '68, David Switzer '68, and Nancy Saxman '68. "It is interesting to note that out of these seven students, five of them are juniors," stated Mr. Otto Kohler, chairman of the Social Science department. The prizes for this year's contest are $300 for first place winner and $150 for second place winner. Both students wiU receive this money when they pro-
Lake Michigan' Subject Of Debbie's Composition Lake Michigan is the subject of the article by Debbie La Dolce '68, which was recently published in the Chicago Tribune's "Voice of Youth" column, -•^n accelerated student, Debbie wrote on the thoughtlessness of people towards nature. "I love to walk along Lake Michigan on a gray fall day when all the summer soldiers have abandoned her. The small polished pieces of weathered quartz half-hidden in the sand gleam like crystal. The winds contest to see which can bend the barren trees closest to the earth, and the waves race in like stallions with white caps for manes. The grass, uncut, stands here and there in clumps, bowed over like little old men, and driftwood lies about, broken and scattered into fine polished slivers of old silver. As waves pound the piling with the dull roar of a wild beast, the air is effervescent with spray. "Man has been here, too. Cigarette butts sprout among the sand. The biting wind carries with it a faint scent from the lake. Half-rusted beer cans offer mute advertising that John H. was at the pier. Smashed
jagged pieces of a bottle lie in guerilla-like readiness near a half-rotted fish, staring upward glassy-eyed, dead of the water it lived in. "What once was, still remains, hidden in the waste. What is, is unfortunately far more obvious signs of ordinary human thoughtlessness c o m m i t t e d everyday by hundreds of John H's. Yet how much longer can people be thoughtless?"
ceed on to higher education. The Legionaries who gave the oral examination were: Commander Alexander M. Harley, Mr. Paul Schmelzer, past commander Lawrence Kusek, past commander William S u n dmacher, p a s t commander George Williams, and Mr. William Zurek. "The Constitution is one of our basic American documents and should be studied tlioroughly by every student at Maine South. The contest is an excellent means of interesting the students to study this document on their own," commented Mr. Kohler.
Apply Now For English Abroad Applications, are now avaDable from counselors for English Abroad, the first summer school course in England which is offered in cooperation with the Council for Study Abroad and organized by Miss Ann Carswell, English teacher. The eight week program which stresses "Our English Heritage" includes two weeks of predeparture orientation from June 19 to June 30. July 8 to August 19 will be spent abroad, with two weeks of travel and touring and four weeks of classroom work in an English high school. The itinerary provides for round-trip transatlantic transportation by jet, five days of sightseeing in London, two days in Stratford with attendance at performances of the Royal Shakespeare Company, f o u r weeks of classes at Nelson, and excursions to Windsor Castle, Oxford, the Lake district, and other locations. The return trip will be from Paris, where students will spend several days visiting the Louvre, Versailles, and other places.
said, "It's not a bad place — very colorful and exciting — but eventually you get tired of being there. The people are quite interesting and the kids are like kids anywhere else — a little hungrier maybe. "As for the Viet Cong," Andy continued, "they will not attack the U. S. troops unless the odds are 60 to 40 in their favor. It became a little frustrating when small units of V.C. would hit and run." Having completed his tour of duty in Viet Nam, Andy expects to be shipped to Germany after his leave and to complete his Army career in 15 months.
Key Club Heads Book Project Next week, Maine South students will experience a new idea in reading, courtesy of Key Club. The club is donating 100 paperback books to be r e a d during study halls in counseling units C-108. C-114, C-140. Mrs. Laura Johnson, Mr. John Krews and Mr. Stuart Dinken, in conjunction with the school reading committee, organized the new reading program. The program provides each homeroom study hall with 50 different paperbacks which can be checked out with the study hall teacher during study periods. The books selected have been taken from the list of books most popular with high school students. The books are meant to be what the students want and enjoy reading. The aim of the book project, according to Key Club sponsor, Mr. Dinken, " . . . is to interest more and more students in reading."
Ralph Named AFS Finalist Ralph Childs "68 has been selected by American Field Service headquarters in New York as a findist in the Americans Abroad Summer Program for 1967. Ralph is not assured that he will be sent to a foreign country for the summer. According to Mrs. Lewis Spencer, AFS Americans Abroad co-ordinator, only about 74 per cent of the nation's finalists can be placed with families since there are not enough foreign homes open in the program to host all of them. The final step consists of sending Ralph's papers to AFS chapters abroad and matching him with a family in any one of the countries of the world which are participating in the AFS program. Ralph will be notified by June 19 whether or not he has been formally accepted as a participant in the program.
Ralph Childs
Page 2
April 7,1967
Coeducational Gym: Where Boys Are by Judy Projahn Spring brings spring fever, senioritis, and countless other minor evils of the season. But the best of these is undoubtedly co-educational gym. The freshmen thrill to the ethnic pleasures of square dancing, while sophomores are on a more cultured level with social dancing. The juniors and seniors, however, are by far the most fortunate. We get that dual delight of voUeyball and roller skating. The experience of co-educational volleyball is unique. In the first place, it exposes the students to public display in their fetching gym attire. In most cases this is not a desirable situation. Four years of hard wear have turned most gymsuits from the crisp, colorful uniforms of yesterday into the moth-eaten faded rags of today. Certainly co-ed gym is not
designed to bolster the student ego. In the second place there is the small and insignificant matter of ability where the actual game of volleyball is concerned. Boys are positive that girls are little better than under average oafs when it somes to getting that ball over the "net. I must admit that the feminine players sometimes hesitate to rush into the center of action for fear of breaking a nail or mussing their hair. However, there are many girls who wiU respond effectively to a crisis and throw caution to the wind for a game-saving return. The boys just never seem to see these. In our volleyball class, we have an amazingly co-ordinated team—amazing, that is, for any team that I've ever been on. We practice several secrets of success. First, the boys should
Volleyball is just one of the four activities which Maine South students participate in during two weeks of coeducational recreation.
always make difficult recoveries and impossible returns from any part of the court. Second, the girls should not be blamed for any mishap. Third, any girl expected to hit the ball should be backed up by at least two boys in the event that the ball is just impossible for her to reach. All in aU, the boys on our team have been extremely accommodating and have ignored our inept attempts at playing. I, for one, am grateful. Next week we will have roUer skating. Roller skating is another fiasco in my book. I have never been able to roUer skate, and I doubt that I shall ever learn. Somewhere along the way it has lost its significance in the master plan of my life. I do not plan to roller skate as a lifetime career. However, since seventh grade, the educational system has seen fit to make me give it the annual college try. As a rule, I don't mind looking dumb, but a seventeen year old person who is incapable of executing a childhood sport is in for the worst moment of her life. People are nice to me, they try to help, and they almost never roll over me whUe I am lying on the floor, but that unmistakable look of pity is there. As this is my last year, and since I am not aware of any college requiring rollerskating for graduation, I shall spend one last week quietly stumbling around the gym holding on to the wall for preservation. Co-educational gym has its good and bad points. I think it's s u p p o s e d to teach one sportsmanship and peaceful coexistence. Personally, I feel I could have managed without the aid of a volleyball. However, this is undoubtedly a great leap forward in making well adjusted citizens out of us all. . . .if we don't all break our necks on those crazy roller skates.
"Aw, did poor little Harvey-warvy fall down 'n go boom?"
South Student Council May Die of Indifference This year, Maine South students have been deprived erf the Student Council election. This pitiful situation is the result of no other cause than a tremendous wave of student apathy. The election of Student Council officers by the students is a privilege. It is a privilege of which we have proved luiworthy. It is true that requirements for office greatly restrict the number of possible candidates. Several people who would have nm were eliminated because of their failure to fulfill one or more of these requirements. However, there were students who were eligible to run and who simply chose not to do so. Every year, the Student Council is plagued with complaints. And yet only two people were wiUing to take the responsibility of finding solutions for those problems. Somehow, student government has become so unimportant to us that we could not find two more interested students among us. Last year, we had three candidates for the presidency, and two for secretary. It is interesting to note that a comparable number of students were eligible to run this year. They just didn't care. It's not their fault that they were uninterested. We, as a student body, have the responsibility to generate the interest and the respect inherent to the success of any government. Without those attributes, the system is bound to fail. It will die of indifference. It is time that we stop destrojing by complaint and start to build by support. If we don't, declared elections like this one will become the rule rather than the exception. We cannot afford to treat so Ughtly the responsibility and the privilege of our student government.
SC Elections Create Controversy, Criticism Is the Junior Class really robbing Maine South of an election? Does Student Council need a revision of its rules and regulations? These two questions have been hotly disputed throughout the school for the last two weeks since it became apparent that there was only one candidate aach for the offices of Student Council president and secretary. The pro-SC and anti-SC enthusiasts are having a fieldday arguing about what some people have called "The Great Election Scandal." Critics, skeptics, and cynics have been calling it a natural occurence, "Just what we deserved." Some have said that the SC rules are too strict in calling for a 2.5 grade average and four months of SC experience. Others have accused the juniors of political deals. But what is the real issue? According to J. Jeffery Reinke, president of the Senior Class and the Maine South chapter of the National Honor Society, the problem is school spirit. He said, "All year long there has been a lack of interest and participation in all-school events, as witnessed by the attempt for a Tri-School dance. "The attitude of most students toward school events has damaged their spirit concerning the school as a whole. Is it any wonder that there is little interest in running for office if the students react so negatively to the efforts of Student Council?
It would discourage anyone." Bill Murphy, this year's Student Council President, had this to say about the election: "The Junior Class had 19 persons eligible to run for the offices of President and Secretary, yet out of these, only two wanted the jobs badly enough to run for them. This reflects the lack of spirit that has been prominent in intra-school events all year. It's a shame that this attitude prevails, and every student at Maine South shares the blame." Kathy Metz, vice-president of the Senior Class and upperhouse member of SC, commented, "I think it's a pity that there's so much apathy in the school, and I think that something should be done about it. However, I think that the week before elections is too late to start an action to change the rules. Where were the people who are complaining now about the lack of election activity and about the rules at the beginning of the year when the constitution was being revised? Where will they be next y e a r ? " Dave Switzer, president of the Junior Class also had a comment on the election situation. He said, "It's too bad that no one ran against John Davis, but I think that he'U make a really good president. T h e school misses the fun of election skits and campaigning, but it is ridiculous to blame it on the Junior Class. The school itself lacks interest in Student Council, and must take the blame.
The people who criticize the rules now are doing no good, and those who would label the Junior Class a political conspiracy, don't know what they're talking about." Nancy Wohlers, the new Student Council secretary, made this comment: "I feel badly that the elections had to be so lifeless this year, but I also feel strongly that it is the fault of neither Student Council nor the Junior Class, but of the entire student body. Competition is important, but it must always be supported by interest, and interest seems to be low at this time. I'll do my best to promote spirit and interest in SC and in the school, but I can't do it by myself." John Davis, the new SC President, also expressed disappointment in the elections: "Elections provide good experience for all involved. Nancy and I will have to work hard to prove ourselves, harder than previous Student Council officers, because we were not elected. I intend to work very, very hard to build school spirit and interest in Student Council, and with the help of the student body, I am confident that this can be accomplished. I would like for every student to feel proud and happy when he says, 'I go to Maine South.' And even though I'm disappointed in the lack of competitive spirit at this time, I am grateful for the chance to work for a better Maine South." Is Student Council too rigid in
its qualifications for office? Is the Junior Class responsible for ruining election week? "Hie leaders of the school at this Ume say, "NO!" In any event, further dispute seems superfluous. Students are asked to turn their efforts from destructive criticism to constructive action. Interested students will find that off-council and committee chairman positions are open on Student Council, and that these require no grade-point or SC experience.
Southwords The ftffidaJ student newspaper of Blaine Township High South, Park Ridge. nUnois. Written and edited bi-weekly by students of the high school. SulÂťcriptions included with activity ticket or purchased separ* ately at $2 per year. Editors-iD^rhlef Gall Griffiths. Judy Proiahn News Editor Sue Moore Features Editor . . . . . . Carol Niemann Sports Editor Gary Muka .^^t Editor Bruce Howie -\ssistant Editors Vicki Lester. Jim O'Donnell. Nancy Petersen. Pat Shall. Kathy Harrer. Reporters Wendy Carlsen. Chris Etde. Sue Hendricks. Pat Johnstone. Pat Kokonas. Sue ' Nagel. Sue Pcavoy. Sarah Penny. Pat Price. Gary Govanus. Photographers Ralph BarzdlUs. John Richmond Student News Bureau Editor Barb Ulvilden Advisor Mr Kenneth Beatty
Adventurous Students Search For Ideal Date by Jim O'Donnell Last Saturday night, students were treated to a Maine South first, that is those who showed up. For the first time in its long history, Maine South held a computer dance. At long last, boys and girls alike would be able to find out just who their ideal dates were In many cases, this proved to be very interesting. In going about finding one's date, one first had to fight his way through a mass of humanity to get to a table where the number on one's ticket was matched to his date's number. Supposedly, a person could then consult a sheet which would convert his date's number to his date's name. It did
not help matters any when someone walked off with the name sheet. Even after a person found his date, the problems were not over. Many a boy was disappointed to find out that there were not enough blondes to fill all the requests. In some cases, a person found who his date was to be, only to learn that either he or she had ' left already or had not showed up at all. A few people were lucky enough to have their dates going steady with someone else. The night was not without its bits of humor either. One greedy M-Club man was not satisfied with just one ideal date. Before the night was over, this lucky person accumulated six different ideal dates.
April 7,1967
Pag« 3
John, Nancy Reveal Aims For Student Council John Davis Plans Constifufion Change Better communication w i t h students and faculty, increased publicity for Student Council act i v i t i e s, and constitutional changes highlight the goals John Davis, named new S t u d e n t Council president, hopes to achieve next year. "One thing I would like to start next year," stated John, "is a quarterly speech given by the president with the purpose of summarizing SC activities and events. These reports would inform those students who cannot attend the meetings of what Council has and is trying to accomplish." "Student Council should continue to sponsor a series of informal discussion groups i n which interested students and faculty members can talk over suggestions or complaints about school affairs," John added. Speech improvement sessions for SC representatives and after school SC meetings open to all students are included in John's plans for better communication between SC and the st\ident body. "I would like to see more SC legislation brought to the homerooms for a vote. This would give the student body a greater voice in school government and also serve as a check on SC representatives. The SC executive board should check on
John Davis a weekly basis that the representatives are giving comprehensive homeroom reports," said John. John sees a need to increase publicity for SC activities like the elections. Meet Your Candidate meetings, and special projects next year, thus increasing student participation. John would like to have a trophy awarded to the winner of the Maine South-Maine West football game to increase school spirit. The winning school would keep the trophy for one year. Presentation of the trophy could be coordinated with an allschool sports assembly.
John also advocates several changes in the present SC constitution. One change would state that an amendment would not become a law until three weeks after its passage by the student body. "I would like to see the qualifications for candidates changed so that those students who-have been class officers would be eligible to run for SC office even if they had no experience on SC itself," John said. "I would also like to see the required grade average for candidates changed to 2.0." "It really is unfortunate that other students did not or could not run for an office. It takes a lot of fun out of elections and deprives the candidates of the experience of campaigning for an office," commented John. "I feel the junior class must take the blame for not showing more interest in SC." "I think one reason more students did not run is because they already had personal goals in mind before the SC elections, involving 51 positions throughout school usually filled by seniors." "Also, there was only a limited number of students qualified for candidacy," John added. "I do not feel the constitution should be amended to cover an individual case for one year only. A student must show a genuine interest before the elections and inquire into the necessary qualifications."
Sound Of Music' Cast Strong; Show To Be Great, Says Spear "The Sound. of Music, this year's musical, has one of the , Strongest casts ever assembled)" according to Mr. Lloyd Spear, musical director of Oie show. He added, "We anticipate . a great show, in keeping with the outstanding tradition of past shows." Members of the cast currently rehearsing on the Maine South stage include Sue Chastain '70, and Martha Hale '68, • double-cast in the role of Mother Abbess. Sue, who appeared in "Inherit the Wind" this year, said of " her role, "Mother Abbess is a strong woman who held a great love for Maria and all the nuns. Because she can see herself in Maria's place, she is able to understand Maria's point of view." • Martha, who appeared in 'Kiss Me Kate' and 'Curious Savage,' described the Abbess as "dignified, young at heart and understanding." Maria is portrayed by Paulette Lindgren '67 and Marilyn Johnson '68. Paulette had starring roles in both 'Kiss Me Kate' and 'Oklahoma!' and has participated in various other • school productions. "Maria is a sensitive, wholesome woman, who is in love with life," she said. Marilyn received her first • acting role in the 'Curious Savage' as Fairy May. "Portraying Maria is certainly a challenge, but one that I enjoy," she added. The role of Liesl is portrayed by Laurel Dunlop '67, and Cindy Board '68. Both Laurel and Cindy agreed that Liesl needed a mother and that Maria helped fill this gap. Portraying the role of Baron Von Trapp is Wayne Miller's • first major acting experience. Wayne, who appeared in the chorus for Oklahoma! and was one of the suitors in Kiss Me Kate, commented, "The Captain is a far more complex character than most people realize. Haunted by his first wife's death, he is a man desperately
searching for a new purpose to his life." Tom Meyer '67 is a newcomer to the stage. He said that the Baron acted more like a "captain of a ship, not a father. He was desperately trying to forget his first wife. Maria brought back the good memories of his wife." Don Anderson '67, cast in the role of Max, is a veteran of the Maine South stage. His list of leading roles include Curly and Ali Hakim in Oklahoma!, Fred Graram in Kiss Me Kate, and Henry Drummond in "Inherit The Wind." His accomplishments also include co-director of V-Show '67. Also appearing as Max is Gregg Neptune '67, who had a starring role in Kiss Me Kate. He said of the show, "It sells itself." Carla Oleck '68, and Mary Remer '68, portray the sophisticated and proud Elsa. In addition to her participation in various out of school plays, Carla has had leading roles in Oklahoma!, The Miracle Worker, and Inherit the Wind. "It is difficult to portray Elsa, due to the preconceived idea the audience has of her through the character projected in the movie," Mary said. "She is basically a good character, but is not quite solid enough." This year Mary appeared as Lily Belle in The Curious Savage. "I think that Elsa should be portrayed as more than a. stereotyped villainess," Carla concluded. "She is an attractive woman who loves the captain and wants to marry him so that she will have a companion in her upper class society." "Rolf is in the process of changing from a boy to a man. He is undecided in his views and easily influenced by the people around him," commented Tom Hicks '69. "Later, he turns into a machine rather than a person," Marty Bussert '68, who also portrays the role of the teenage boy Rolf, has appeared in Kiss Me Kate and Oldahoma!
Other cast members include Dick Katschke '67, as Franz, the Butler; Vicki Lester '67, as Frau Schmitt; Larry Getz '68, and Bob Landeck '67, as Herr Zeller; and Mark Nordskog '67, as Baron Elberfeld. Admiral Von Schreiver is portrayed by Jim Barmeier '67; Dan CineUi plays the role of Freidrich; and Joani Harstick '70 and Michelle Lazowski '69 are doublecast as Louisa. Other Von Trapp children i n c l u d e Kurt, played by Steve Druschitz '70, and Steve Dwyer '69; and Brigitta, portrayed by Debbie Morton '69 and Ellen Mohill '69. "The small children include Julie Bell, Kay McLean, Cathy Will and Jill Gunsteens.
Students Search For Right Words A prize of $25 dollars will be awarded to the student who can compose one or two appropriate verses for the school alma mater. Senior Class Council is offering the award. Music for the song was taken in part from a college alma mater that Mr. Lloyd Spear, music department chairman, helped to write in his college days. Mr. Spear says of the undertaking, "I know that there is a lot of talent at Maine South. You have only to look at the students' publications to see this talent. The words should be simple and versatile. The alma mater is very different from the school song. It is sentimental and hymn-like." Mr. Spear heartily encourages students to pick up a copy of the music in his office, PA-110. The verses should be completed by May 1, since Senior Class Council hopes to have it played at the graduation ceremony. Immortalize your name forever and write the verses for Maine South's alma mater!
Nancy Wohlers John has had a wide range of experience in student government. He was on the Student Advisory Council in junior high for two years. He has been on class council for two years and was sophomore class president. John also has three years experience on Student Council, including organizations and public relations committees. This year John is complex leader for C129. He has attended numerous district and tri-school conventions, including the 1966 High School Intergroup Relations Conference, and the Northeast District lASC (Illinois Association of Student Councils) convention. John also plans on attending a SC leadership camp in Colorado this summer, where he hopes to obtain valuable ideas for next year's council. John is also a member of Brotherhood Society and Interact Club. He is out for three sports, lettering this year in gymnastics, and still manages to make the honor roll.
Nancy Wohlers Sets Five Aims for '68 N a n c y Wohlers, named new Student Council secretary, has five basic aims for SC next year. Nancy wants to improve communications between SC and the student body, placing an emphasis on the duty of each council member. Having been the recording secretary of the Student Advisory Council at Emerson Junior High, Nancy has learned the importance of organization. "By giving each council member an SC notebook at the beginning of the year, representatives can have all their materials and notes together for easy reference during homeroom reports," stated Nancy. "In addition, all representatives should receive instruction on how to give effective homeroom reports."
"I would like to see monthly progress reports made by committee chairmen posted in each homeroom complex to inform those students who cannot attend the meetings about SC projects. Student evaluation sheets would also improve future projects," said Nancy. Nancy's plans for next year's Scholarship Dance include a big name band, casual dress (slacks for the girls), and possibly a visitation from a popular radio station disc jockey. Nancy added, " I would like to see next year's Scholarship Dance be one to be remembered for its fun and its large profits to go to the students in the form of scholarships." "Also, next year I would like to set up a quarterly after school meeting at which club presidents, the SC cabinet, and the administration would discuss the relationship between the various school organizations," Nancy said. "Because clubs are not given any time for homeroom reports, SC would like to encourage and publicize their projects." Donating u s e d paperback books to a needy school and raising money to help build a school in some poor area, such as Latin America, are some of Nancy's proposals for future SC service projects. "I want to encourage students to visit council meetings and personally bring in their suggestions," Nancy continued. "If more students came to the meetings, they would see that SC is not a clique." "SC's projects can only be successful with the help and enthusiasm of many students. Next year if we can have a lecture hall completely filled with eager-to-help s t u d e n t s , council will be a much greater success," added Nancy. "On behalf of the student body, the school, and myself, I regret not having any opponents. Election campaigning creates school spirit, because it involves everyone," commented Nancy. "The only effect running unopposed has on me is to make me work harder next year to prove myself to the students." Nancy has been on Student Council for two years. She is a member of SC cabinet, being the current chairman of American Field Service committee. She has attended various conventions, including the Northeast District lASC convention. Nancy is a member of class council and Girls' Club council. She serves as social co-chairman for Girls' Club, Nancy is also a junior leader and was selected as the junior Spirit Court Queen. Nancy's other activities include Marlin Swim Club, VShow, Brotherhood Society, and Eyrie staff. She is also an honorroll student.
Quill And Scroll To Add New Members At Banquet Eight new members will be admitted to Quill and Scroll, the international honorary society for high school journalists, April 24, 6:30 p.m. at a smorgasbord banquet hosted by the Eyrie staff at Heuer's. Next year's editors for Southwords and Eyrie, the school year book, will also be announced at the banquet. New QuUl and Scroll members from Southwords are Wendy Carlsen '68, reporter; Sue Moore '68, news editor; Nancy Petersen '68, assistant features editor; Barbara Ulvilden '67, publicity editor; Patricia Price '67, reporter; and James O'Donnell '68, assistant sports editor; Dick Witt '67, editor of Flight,
the creative writing magazine; and Anne Timme '68, from Eyrie. New members will be presented with pins at the banquet. To qualify for Quill and Scroll a member of a publication must be a junior or a senior, be in the upper third of his class, and have made a significant contribution to his staff. Names of the new Southwords editors and Eyrie sections editors will be drawn from eggs contained in the yearbook's "Eyrie" (nest) presided over by the Southwords "hawk" (a stuffed toy chicken). Hostship of the annual Quill and Scroll banquet alternates between the Southwords and Eyrie staffs.
PagÂŤ 4
April 7,1967
Palatine Falls Prey To Powerful Hawkmen
Junior Dave Larsen (above), started the home opener for the Hawks but had to be relieved by Rick Steffen who got the w i n . Randy O'Hare (below), connects w i t h a fastball.
By Gary Muka Early optimism and long range speculation might have seemed a little premature on the part of Maine South baseball fans earlier in the year, but in the Hawks first game of the season Coach Van Proyen's varsity nine left little doubt that Maine South will again be the team to beat in the Central Suburban conference this year. A congregation of spirited Maine South rooters and members of the press, including Chicago newspaper photographers, were on hand Wednesday to watch the State's second best team roll over Palatine 6 to 2, and in three years the Hawks have never looked better on opening day. If this year's squad has any major weaknesses they were not in evidence on this occasion as the Hawks hit, pitched and ran their opponents into the ground to gain their first victory of the season. If the Chicago press was on hand to confirm rumors of another talented Maine South team they must have gone home favorably impressed. . . . FaU Behind Early The Hawks spotted their opponents and early two run lead when Palatine capitalized on a couple of scratch hits and the Hawk batters were taking a few innings to figure out Hahnfeldt's curve ball. Hawk starter Dave Larsen had trouble controlling his curve ball and had to be relieved by senior Rick Steffen, early in the game, but after the pitching change it was all Maine South. Scott Kaufmann led off the bottom of the fifth with a single and Wally Gibe followed with a long flyout to center. Pitcher Rick Steffen then lined a single over short which was fumbled by the left fielder, allowing Kaufmann to score and Steffen went all the way to third. Jeff Riemer executed a perfect squeeze bunt to bring in the tying run from third and the Hawks had tied up the game. The Hawkmen came back with more of the same in the next inning when Henry Perez started things off with a long double to left center. John Holden was then hit by a wild pitch and Randy O'Hare followed with a bunt single to load the bases up for Jerry Juszak. Jerry banged a double play ball to shortstop but the shortstop froze
Trackmen Go Against Wheeling In First Outdoor Meet Of Year It is that time again for students to watch out after school for low flying discuses and flashing shoes because once again it is outdoor track season at Maine South. Actually, outdoor is just a continuation of the indoor season. It is not a separate season as far as conference standings go. In addition to the array of indoor events, outdoor track features such extra-added attractions as the discus throw, the 220-yard dash, and mud in the locker room. Hawk trackmen finished out the indoor season with a three and three record and a fourth place conference standing. In addition, the Hawks finished fifth in a field of eleven in the Maine East Relays two weeks ago. Today after school, the Hawks will be pitted against Wheeling at Maine East. Earlier in the year. Wheeling edged out the Hawks by a scant three points. In the Maine East Relays,
South finished seven ahead of Wheeling. Mr. Smith, Maine South track coach, feels that with the strength of the two added events, the Hawks should win. When asked about any tough, future dual meets, Mr. Smith cited Deerfield as the team to give the Hawks the most trouble. It is interesting to note that dual meets have no influence on conference standings whatsoever. Conference standings are decided in the conference meet at the end of the season. Mr. Smith pointed out that a team uses dual meets in a preparation for the big meets like the conference, district, and state meets. Dual contests also show a teams' strengths and weaknesses. For the meets coming up, the Hawks have several men that have either performed well indoors or who have been working well in practice. Don Lossman has proven to be a top notch sprinter and
jumper. In addition to being the Hawks' number one sprinter, Don is indoor conference champ in the broad jump. For the shot put and discus, the Hawks display sophomores Dave Butz and Ty Sigmund. In the Maine East Relays, Butz was second in the shot put, while Sigmund picked up a fourth. The middle distances of 440 and 880 yards are taken in by Bob Benedict, Mike Malloy, and John Weiss. Mr. Smith explained that these men can be used interchangeably in these two events. Dave Wintergerst, when teamed with Benedict, Malloy, and Weiss, could form one of the best mile relay teams in the conference. Unfortunately, a knee injury sustained in practice will put Wintergerst out of action. Mr. Smith also pointed out that there are several other men that can be expected to perform well but have not come around as yet.
after fieding the ball and while a run scored every Hawk advanced a base.
a perfect day for himself by playing a fine defensive game. . . . Outfield Looks Promising
. . . Kaufmann Strikes Again With a Hawk again at every base Scott Kaufmann responded with his third consecutive hit; a run two-run single up the middle. Gibe grounded into what looked like an easy force play at second but after missing the play at second Gibe was caught off first base on a throw from second for the second out. Meanwhile Juszak was advancing to third on the fielders choice and on a headsup play went all the way home while the second baseman was left holding the ball on the bag.
The problem of finding goodhitting outfielders would appear all but solved as each of the three s t a r t i n g outfielders showed aggressiveness on opening day. The outfield trio of Juszak, Holden and Gibe was hitting the ball on the nose aU day even though they didn't account for many hits in the boxscore. Coach Van Proyen was most impressed with this aggressiveness at the plate for it erased a question mark in the Hawk attack for 1967. Although this year's squad does not have last year's all around speed, the Hawk infield showed their quickness with their ability to bunt, and alertness on the basepaths.
With Steffen getting stronger by the inning, the Hawks were in complete control for the remainder of the game. The lanky senior was getting his breaking stuff over the plate and setting up opposing batters for a blazing fastball. His control was excellent as he caught the corners for most of his strikeouts or just blew the ball by the weaker batters. Again the Hawks displayed the type of defense which has come to be identified with Maine Township baseball. Infield play was nearly flawless especially behind the plate where Scott Kauffman made it
Even though Dave Larsen had his troubles in his first start he is expected to come through in fine style before the year is through. Combined with the efforts of two senior strongboys, Rick Steffen and Chuck Richards, a third starter would be a great asset. The return of Richards next week will mark the Hawk's staff as rich in depth and balance. It can also be noted that Richards and Steffen are two of the finest hitters on the team.
Golfers Set High Goals, Gartner Eyes State Title Park Ridge Country Club is the sight of the action for the Maine South varsity golf team again this year. It could also be the home of the next state championship golf team. Head-coach Lou Gartner feds that his team has a chance to take the state title. He said, "We had a real good sophomore team (last year), and this helps. With a few good breaks in the pairings of the district and state meets, we might take them." The Hawks first action will be Monday at the Park Ridge Country Club versus Wheeling. This could be the start of another 14 win-0 loss season for the Hawks, and Mr. Gartner feels that his team should take the conference championship. The Hawks, who will be led by three-letter man Rusty Siebold, and the other returning letterman Les Matthews, will face their toughest competition against N e w
Trier East, last year's champs. The sport of golf is scored on the high school level by sending seven men from both teams out on the course. Each man counts ALL of his strokes, and the five lowest scores are added together for each team. These team totals are then compared, and the team with the lowest total of points wins the meet. Mr. Gardner feels that his team has not acquired any specific trouble spots this year, but it does lack the experienced seniors it has last year. This may prove to be a deficit in the pressure-packed game of golf. If you should happen to see a group of guys walking through the building with a set of golf clubs over each arm, they are not class-cutters, or school skippers, but members of Maine South's golf team, which might be the first Hawk team to bring home the gold cup of state champions.
Led by returning lettermen. Rusty Siebold (left), and Les Matthews (right), this year's golf team is looking forward to an undefeated season. Three striper Siebold and Matthews of wrestling fame are both expected to make up for some of the inexperience on the rest of the squad. The home course for the Hawks w i l l be the Park Ridge Country Club on Prospect.