Vol 3 issue 15

Page 1

Margie, Gail Lead Class of 1967 To Honors

Valedictorian Margie Press

Salutatorian Gail Swinnerton

Margie Press, Valedictorian, and Gail Swinnerton, Salutatorian, today led the graduating class of 1967, 660 strong, through the longest list of honors and special awards yet received at a Maine South Honors Assembly. Twelve seniors were named as top scholars for the class of '67. They are Mark Schrag, Steve Hyde, Jean Hosey, Tom Petty, Julie van Tellingen, Greg Parsons, John Jeffrey Reinke, Connie Healy, Dianne Broman, Gail Griffiths, Steve Duerksen, and Judy Projahn. Margie will continue her sludiis next year at Radcliffe College in Cambridge, Massachusetts, where she will study to be a teacher. Margie received a National Merit Scholarship to

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Volume 3, No. 15

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III.

June 5,1967

help finance her education. This year Margie's courses included AP English, Chemistry II, AP European History, analytical geometry, and public speaking. She received a science award in Chemistry II. Margie was Student Producer of V-Show and Organizations Chairman of Student Council this year. She was a member of the It's Academic Team, National Honor Society, Pep Club, Sigma Chi Sigma, and Ski Club. One of the highlights of Margie's senior year was being chosen as Park Ridge Junior Miss and attending the state Junior Miss Pageant in which she was a finalist. Next year Gail will major in languages at Bennington College in Bennington, Vermont. She received a scholarship from Be nington as well as a National Merit scholarship. Gail took AP Englisli, Chemistry II, calculus, and Spanish II this year. She received a language award in Spanish. Her major interest is music. She played bass clarinet in Concert Band for three years and has been a member of Tri-M since her sophomore year. Three students. Margie Press, Gail Swinnerton, and Richard Witt were recognized as National Merit Scholars. Departmental awards were presented to Ken Hopkins, Art; Judy Projahn, English; Jan Christopher, Home Economics; Arnold Miller, Industrial Education; Gail Griffiths, Language; Jeff Reinke, Mathematics; Joseph Hermann, Music; Kay Watson, Girls' Physical Education; Russ Kwech, Boys' P h y s i c a l Education; Mark Schrag, Science; and Ralph

Berke and Jean Hosey, Social Science. Good Will awards were presented to Linda Boidy, Sally Emerson, Jean Hosey, Kathy Meu, Georgia Soruika, Pat Standa, and Kay Watson. Boys receiving Good Will awards were Don Anderson, Bill Murphy. Gregg Neptune, John Ptrie, Mark Schrag, Tom Whitson, and Dave Wintergersl. Honorary Good Will awards were presented to AFS students Gloria Reves and Nitaya Saiubol. M-Club presented the outstanding athlete award to Rusty Siebold. Mother's Club scholarships were presented to Don Anderson, Tom Beck, Chris Geisler, Jean Hosey, Mary Anne Jaine, Tom Lynch, Warren Miller, Gregg Moutoux, Robert Peterson, Laura Pudelwitts, Marilyn Stahnke, Pat Standa, Greg Weathers and Mary Zeller. Other scholarship awards included: Park Ridge Art League to Kris Dernehl and Ken Hopkins; Girls' Club to Kathy Mcfarland; Business Club to Jeff Pedersen, Thespian Society to Don Anderson and Judy Munsen; Jaycees' Work Program to Dave Reed; Gwen Lynch Memorial to Pat Standa. Randy O'Hare received the National Mathematics Contest medal; John Beton received the Kirk Miller Memorial Physics award; and Mark Schrag received the Lutheran General Hospital Service League award. Book awards were Harvard Book Club of Chicago, John Davis; Dartmouth Alumni Association, Wayne Miller; and Affiliated Book Club award, Jane Dunn.

Thespian Society Honors Members For Excellence

Kay Watson is shown receiving the $25 Alma Mater award from Kathy Metz as Julie Johnson, Jeff Reinke, and Randy O'Hare, the Senior Class officers look on. M r . Spear is at the piano.

Kay Wins Award for Song A $25 award was presented to Kay Watson '67 at the Senior Honors Assembly for writing the new lyrics for the Maine South Alma Mater. Kay wrote the Alma Mater in conjunction with a contest sponsored by the senior class with the help of Mr. Lloyd Spear, chairman of the music department. • At a meeting in early April,

the senior class council chose the music from three possible scores. The music selected was composed by Mr. Spear. The contest was then opened to the student body to write the lyrics for the .Alma Mater. All entries were turned in to the Music Department where names were removed and each copy assigned a number. On May U, Mr. Spear; Mr. Marlin Davis, chairman of the

English Department; Miss Ann Finneran and Mr. Robert Craddock, sponsors of the senior class; and JuUe Johnson, Kathy Metz, and Jeff Reinke, senior class officers, met to choose the winning lyrics. Each of the seventeen entries was reviewed for qualities such as context, literary form and style, and adaptability to the music.

Don Anderson '67 was named Outstanding Thespian for 1967 at the Thespian Awards and Initiation night on May 26. The dramatic society initiated 103 new members and presented 12 special trophies to performers and back stage personnel for their work in the year's productions. Trophies for acting were presented to Randy Salo '67 for his role in Inherit the Wind; to Marilyn Johnson '68 for her portrayal of F a i r y M a y in The Curious Savage; to Bob Landeck '67 for his role as Mathew HarrLson Brady in Inherit the Wind; and to Judy Munsen '67 for tlie title role in The Curious Savage. A special trophy for general service to dramatics was presented to Barb Olsen '67. Carol Lee '68 received a trophy for her work on make-up for Inherit the Wind. Jack MUler '67 received a trophy for

Don Anderson

imaginative use of lights in Inherit the Wind. J. P. Sally '67 received a trophy for his technical work on the Spirit of '67. For their work on The Sound of Music Linda Reidland '67 as stage manager, Anita Hosford (CONTINUEa) ON PAGE 8)

Department Award Art

Department Award English

Departmertt Award Home Economics

Department Award Industrial Education

Department Award Language

Ken Hopkins

Judy Projahn

Jan Christopher

Arnold Miller

Gail Griffiths


Page 2

June 5, 1967


Class of '67 Holds Scholarship Kiosk Reunion 'I- 1


Upon returning to Maine South for the ten-year reunion of the Class of 1967, we are greeted with many familiar faces and memories of events long past. Among the first we see as we enter the school grounds are the parking lot monitors, Jim Raymond and Tom Beck. At the sound of screeching brakes, we turn to see a paisley 442 driven by Mike "Golden Oratory" Ewing, guest speaker at the banquet. As we approach the school, we notice a new addition to the lagoon: a giant statue, somewhat resembling the Colossus of Rhodes, astride a huge plaque bearing the single word, "Disperse." On our way to the library, we see a huge construction site. Jeannie Hosey informs us that just as Maine South was built on a garbage dump, so Maine North-West is being constructed on top of Maine South's cafeteria. Soon we see the scholarship kiosk, where the party is to be held. The kiosk is elaborately decorated in shades of puce and fuschia, as designed by Margo Decicco and Barb Prykan. As we enter the kiosk, we are greeted hospitably with a warm handshake from Pegg Ratcliffe and an affectionate hug from Andy Larsen. Standing just inside the door are lobbyists Gregg Moutoux and Pat Pierce, officials of the Women's Soccer Board, they are watching their star team

Friendship Drive Passes $900 Complex C-140, Mr. Gary Hahn, and complex C-134, Mrs. Barbara Sides, were the winners in the Brotherhood Friendship Kit Drive. C-140 was the winner by $5 and the complex collected a total of $180.31. The entire school collected over $900, which exceeded the amount predicted. Friendship Kit bags are being shipped to children in Vietnam by the Mid-America Chapter of the Red Cross Youth. The chapter hopes to ship 50,000 kits before June 30. The kit bags consist of bright colored bags containing such items as water colors, sketch pads, jigsaw puzzles, balls, mirros, and plastic toys. Each bag is equivalent to about $2, Maine South will ship 225 kit bags this year, and two school kits next year. Each school kit is about $100 and contains school supplies, such as balls, paper, and slates for use in writing. Brotherhood Society is also sponsoring a volunteer Red Cross program to aid the handicapped and mentally retarded children in hospitals. Officers of Brotherhood next year are Dave Switzer, president; Jim Luety, vice-president; and Pat Townsley, secretarytreasurer.

Department A w a r d Mathematics Jeff Reinke

members Carol Van Natta, Barb Naieway, Natalie Paul, Chris Talchlk, and Linda Theis, perfect an intricate play which they will use in next week's game against the East Side Chip (off the old block). A few feet away, Lynn Hagen is crowning her successor, Joanne Rosensteil, "Miss Sunny Side Up", as runners-up Betty Fields, Gail Mazer, and Barb Sensenbrenner look on, turning green, supposedly with envy. Watching the proceedings are Matt Bunyan and Steve Hyde, dressed in Ivy League suits and conservative ties. We found ourselves stuck in one place, as the kiosk was a little crowded, being occupied, according to Tim Mellon's second rough estimate, by over 600 people. However we can still see Judy Jackson and Sue Uaake supervising Bruce Howie as he draws cartoons for the reunion yearbook. Among his models are jolly Jan Christopher, who is jumping jovially for joy, Sallie Thompson, who is busily composing sonnets, and Bill Sterba with his beautiful teeth. Rich Maerk is sitting on the bench, waiting. Several students are recalling the "Senior Superlative Awards" of ten years ago, such as Jay Beaumont, voted "Most Likely to Receive a May Basket", Nancy Tracy, "Most Likely to go Bald"; "Most Fickle", Dick Wenz; "Most Subdued", Kristie Pedersen; and the "True Blue Award" to John McCallum. Heading the list of "Best Dressed Awards" were Pat Price, "Best Dressed E a r s " ; "Best Dressed Legs" to Linda Reidland; and Greg Parsons, who received the "Best Dressed Feet" award. Barb Walker, editor of FORTY-THREE magazine, is interviewing Robin Wilkinson, librarian, and Jim Mc Cullough, pauper, while Barb Ulvilden copyreads over her shoulder. While this was going on, Judy Projahn, Roller Derby champion, was being applauded smilingly by Nancy De Biasi. Feeling a sudden draft, we look upward to see Linda Petrick unexpectedly drop in on the reunion clutching her umbrella. She lands on the shoulders of Ralph Berke, panelist on "What's My Line", who is unsuccessfully trying to guess Joanne Hoff's occupation. Tom Petty, Joanne's manager, is watchfully standing by trying to conceal the fact that she is actually a center for the Chicago Bulls. In what might be called "The Authors' Corner" we find Harold Kiriluk, Jim Goodale, and Mark Romness discussing their latest work, Being an Albino for Fun and Profit, while Sue Bennett promotes her book. My Life As an Exotic Dancer. Kathy King, bendy-action rifle at her side, is hawking copies of her bestseller, Double Up for Safety, as Sharon Strother looks up the word secretary in the

Department A w a r d Music Joe Hermann

dictionary. Hmmmmmm . . . . see Lynch. Colleen Lynch, mistress of ceremonies, has just finished leading the group in the pledge, and is introducing Mark Schrag, who will tell funny punny jokes. At the Speakers' table are Jcrtm J. Reinke, wheeler dealer, who has recently sold Manhattan back to the Indians at a small loss, and Jeff Krausman and Scott Kaufman, the first two humans ever to be joined as Siamese twins, who have since received the joint title of "Mr. Wonderful of 1977".

Diane Willey

Shorthand Rate A Plus Plus Plus Diane Willey '68 recently completed a steno time test on which she received the score of 140 words a minute—a score which falls far above the 100 words per minute which is the requirement for an A in Steno 1. Mrs. Mabel Harken, Diane's stenography teacher, c o mmented. "This was a very remarkable, outstanding job. Learning shorthand is like learning a foreign language and Diane's high dictation speed shows that she is capable of mastering a very difficult subject." When asked how she was able to achieve such a rapid rate, Diane said, "It was made possible by the steno-electronic equipment. The four channel dictation makes it possible for every student to work at her own speed." Diane ranks sixth in her class with an A average. She is a junior leader, a member of Sigma Chi Sigma, and was elected to National Honor Society this year. Diane also received a Spanish Department Award this year for her high ability in Spanish. Earlier in the year she received a third place in the regionals of the Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portugese contest. The NATS? contest was held at the Chicago campus and covered Spanish grammar, comprehension, and vocabulary. In the future Diane plans a career that combines foreign language and secretarial skills.

Department A w a r d G i r l s ' Physical Ed Kay Watson

Unfortunately, rowdies are bound to spoU any event, so John Archibald is taking disciplinary measures against such well-known troublemakers as Bob Wenz, Gail Griffiths, Gary Muka, and Linda Patchett. Roaring into the kiosk and almost knocking John down are the Suzuki Seven, a motorcycle gang of fierce watermelon thieves. Led by Ted "Wild WUd" Whltson, called "Wild " by his friends, other members of the heartless gang include Tom "Lefty" Lynch. Pete "Ruthless" Ranallo, Jeff "Killer" Kroon, and Dave "Legs" Wintergerst, Wild's bodyguard, who has a gun concealed in his crutch. Riding along behind are Wonder Wron Wronski and Dianne "Farina" Broman. Bob Lane is advertising his new barbershop with the help of Bill " P i p " Weurhman and Jack Eichler. Nearby is Don Lossman, world-famous broad jumper, who was last seen vaulting over Linda Boidy, Jeannie Chamberlain, Sue Conforti, Roni Sklba, Sue Scfaneller, and Roxanne Schuessler. Lenwe Lindeman is leading spectators Mary Lou Kilinski, Kris Demehl, Sue Braun, Chris Geisler, and Pat Standa in the throbbing cry of "Go, Golden Boy, Go". Debi Hall, walking on stilts, is having an interesting chat with Bill Murphy's knee, while blushing Randy O'Hare is hesitant to explain her error. The entertainment, anxiously awaited by all, is ready to begin. First on the program is Nitti's Folhes, a rythmic review hy such lovelies as Sandy Drnek, Ivy Letschka, Connie Brandt, and Sallie Sensenbrenner. Rick Seabolt, unfortunately is missing the fun because he is asleep in his carrel. "Basoonist in the Basement", a one-act operetta by Joe Hermann, is about to go onstage. Jack Miller and Edie .Mangun are patching the curtain while Dick Katschke is making last minute script revisions only seconds before the overture, a piccolo solo by MarUyn Conners. Anita Hosford and Don .Anderson, stars of the show, are eagerly passing out autographs signed "Mr. and Mrs. Theatre" to their admiring throng of Meg Williams and Chris Matthiesen. At last comes the climax of the evening. The string quartet, known as "The Mellow Fellows" comes out on stage and its members. Rusty Siebold on

the cello. Bob Simpson with his viola, Charles Sippel in the first and only violin, and last but certainly not least, Ted Solomon on the harp, begin to set up their instruments. As they be- . gin the strains of "The Bush League" Symphony by Gunnar Rutkowsky in honor of Kirk Waberzeck, we hear Kathy Metz giggle in time to the music. Reverend Mark Nordskog and Carol Niemann are doing a mean frug in the comer. Other couples on the dance floor, doing a sedate waltz, are Lew Graham and Jeanie Weinthaler, Terry Johnson and Jim Popp, Gail Swin- " nert4Hi and J. P. Sally, John Pirie and Linda Malby, as Cathy Raimondi and Chris Weinke request the lovely ballad "Smoke Gets in Your Eyes." .As the applause dies down, we realize that it is time to leave • when we hear the first stirring notes of the hymn Kay Watson has composed in honor of the reunion. The authoress is lead-' ing a tearful choral group of Paula Lindgren, Laiuie Dunlop, Marcia Le Sage, Sue Kott, and Julie Johnson in song as Fred Jaeger accompanies them on the Jew's harp. Gregg Neptune's appropriate facial expressions are adding to the audience's appreciative enjoyment. While sadly leaving the scholarship kiosk, first established as a Maine South reaction center by Eileen Heath, we find our . former foreign exchange students, Nitaya Saiubol and Gloria Reyes, standing at the doorway. Asking them, "What impressed you most about this event?", we received the thrilling reply, "Nothing." We know that Georgia Soriuka is to be thanked for her organization of this reunion. Our last glimpse of the kiosk reveals Margie Press and Beth Splinter, Georgia's galley slaves, picking up" the many memos she has written to them. The last sound we hear is the crack of a whip. As we walk to the bus con-' course, we find Bob Landeck cxtoUing the virtues of the statue of Mr. Pool, which Marcia Gibbons has since painted iridescent orange. We regretfully return to the South parking lot, and leaving by the only' open gate, we hear the words. "Let this reMaine in our memories always", as the roar of the Suzuki Seven fades in t h e ' distance. May the forest preserve them forever.

Ralph Childs AFS Rep, to France Ralph Childs '68 was recently notified that he will represent Maine South as an AFS Americans Abroad student for the summer in France. Ralph will spend the summer with the Jacques Dumoutier family in NeuiUy, France, which is located on the Seine River a few mUes outside of Paris. His AFS brother will be Jean-Luc who is 18 years old, and he will have two sisters,

Chantal who is 16 and MarieLaure who is 12. The family has' a s u m m e r home in Provence, about eight kilometers from the Mediterranean Sea. . Ralph will leave for New York by place on June 20. He will take a ten-day trip by boat to Rotterdam, Netherlands, and then proceed to Paris for two days of orientation. He will return to Park Ridge on September 8.

Department A w a r d Boys' Physical Ed Russell Kwech

Department A w a r d Science M a r k Schrag

Junes, 1967

Pag« 3


'We, The Senior Class, Do Hereby Bequeath../ '

We, Gail Griffiths and Judy Projahn, with ink-stained fingers, fatigued vocal chords, and tired blood that Geritol cannot cure, do hereby will to Sue Moore, next year's Southwords . editor, a perfectly organized and trained reporter staff, outstanding cooperation from the photographers, a bottle of vitamins, and an imagination so that she too will be able to exaggerate as well as we. I, Gail Griffiths, possessing unsurpassable ambular velocity, do hereby bequeath a pair of roller skates to my brother. Bill, so he can match my pace next • year as a busy Southwords reporter; and to Lyle Schrag, I leave a bridge and wrestling partner to replace the one I borrowed. I, Judith E. Projahn, being of outstanding physical coordina• tion and unique mental condition well-known to all, do hereby will to Miss Finneran and Mrs. Gordon copies of my new books, - So You Want to be an Athlete, Vaulting Made Easy, Swimming for the Perpetual Beginner, and Roller Skating for Fun and Profit. I, Cirol Niemann, being in a somewhat questionable state of mind, hereby bequeath to Jim Niemann my beloved nickname "Niem" with the hope that he may enjoy it as much as I did. I, Pat Price, do hereby and without further contemplation, - bequeath my yellow locker, my assigned seat in the reserved reading room, my ninth period headache, my 3:40 relief, to my freshman brother, Ed, who happily has three more years to figure out what to do with such a splendid inheritance. I, Barb Ulvilden, not being much of anyone, do hereby wUl to some unsuspecting and innocent Junior Leader all my sneaky, sly, crafty, mischievous, and creative talents so that she may faithfully and unerringly continue to torment and pester Miss J. Albrecht throughout the coming year. We, Judy Jackson and Barb Walker, being definitely out of it, do will the '68 Eyrie along with its decrepit Hawk's nest, ghost sheets, 30 second hula, holping record, bubble pipes— and work—to next year's fearless leader. I, Nitaya Saiubol, can't tell . you how valuable your smiles and friendship have been to me. I don't have anything except my Thai dictionary and my false teeth to give you to remember. I, Kay Watson, do hereby will to my sister, Claire Watson, my ' undisputable title of "principal's daughter," which 1 have so gallantly upheld for the past three , years. I also will to my dad, Dr. Clyde K. Watson, better known as principal of this great school, a private switchboard and telephone operator, so that

in case of another 26-inch snowstorm, we will not have to take half-hour shifts at our phone to answer the record breaking number of calls. I, Barb Walker, being sometimes almost certainly insane, do will my nicknames "Bubbles" and "Kartouche" to a junior girl in need of an alias. My purse with the famous racing stripe goes to Lyle Schrag so that his brother can look at it always. I, Richard Norman Katschke, being of wishy-washy mind and body, do hereby bequeath to next year's V-show headwriter one shoddy notebook full of unused, unwanted scripts and plenty of saccharin — sweet smiles from student directors saying, "That's not exactly what we wanted . . . but it was good!" I, Jeff Kroon, being of forgetful mind and consistantly late body, do hereby bequeath one drum major marching baton (well used and slightly broken) to one Rick Edstrom to be used for directional purposes while marching with McLean's Marching Marvels. To be included are the remains of one tube of Ben-Gay to be used generously after home football games. May God bless his weary arm. I, Jim McCullough, being of soggy mind and chlorine-dried skin, do hereby will to my brothers, Frank and Ray, a pair of goggles, a bottle of eye drops, and an easy-squeezy bottle of moisturizing cream. I, Georgia Soruika, of exhausted mind and body, will my relaxation-on-the-run schedule, my "I'm not really busy—just disorganized" badge, and all the fun and memories that accompany them to any incoming senior who thinks he can keep up the pace and graduate in good standing. I, Jim Goodale, will one great water polo team to the freshman brother of our captain, Jimmy .Popp. We the students of the 7-8A Marathon AP English Class occuring daily in the vicinity of beautiful C-105, being of collectively one sound mind, do hereby, in memory of Aristophanes, Dante, James Joyce, and Mao Tse-Tung, and as a token of our gratitude and appreciation concerning the excrementations of our knowledge in which he played such an integral part (aided by Mr. Silkowski's reserved books), bequeath to Mr. Hass this creation by an anonymous Chinese poet, in hopes that he will find room for it on his bulletin board: Mr. Hass' English Classes Last a period and a half; Students sleep; students laugh. Who will speak first? I, Terry Grawin, being close to deafness and a slightly shattered mind after a season with a particular basketball coach.

Department' Award

Social Science

Social Science Ralph Berke

Department Award Jeanie Hosey

do hereby will one set of used green camper's chairs and one set of unused referee's whistles to the lucky guy who becomes manager of the Maine South Varsity Basketball team of 1967'88. Being of deranged mind, I, Betty Fields, do hereby bequeath all of my priceless possessions. I relinquish my quiet, conventional car to the driver training department and my car's burglar alarm to Mr. Dinken along with a quarter so he too can have a shiny clean car. I leave Mrs. Gordon my gokart as a means of transportation since her V.W. blew up. I leave the attendance office my good sense of humor. I, Ken Palese, do hereby will to all underclassmen one handful of colored rocks that never quite made it to the library gravel pit. I, Toothy Ruthie Gflles> will to some needy junior my braces to be melted down for the most shiny class ring ever. We, Chris Talchik and Laurel Toussaint, will to Doug Randahl and Jim McElveen one pair of slightly used roller skates, two partially filled Get-Set bottles, an electric toothbrush guaranteed to run for at least a h " " ' hour, and our latest book. The Younger the Better. We, Barb Naleway and Robin Wilkinson, being very changeable, will our varied hair lengths and hair colors to any brave girls wishing to take our places as the masters of disguise. I, Colleen Lynch, nearing the end of a second season of following Maine South's greatest baseball team, do hereby will in turn the warm and dependable blanket which was willed to me by last year's baseball widows to any upcoming female gamefollower who fails to realize that baseball season begins long before winter ends. I. Cindy Wienckowski, do here by will my rough, red, disbpan hands to the next president of Sigma Omicron Omicron, Home Economics Club, with the hope that she will be more successful than I was at finding a clean-up committee. I, EUeen Heath, do hereby will my frequently used Junior and Senior Leader notebook 'o any frustrated Junior Leader who will find upon becoming a Senior Leader, that it provides no helping hints for co-ed gym. I, Carol Paulanskas, do hereby bequeath my "When You're out of Schmitz, you're out of gear" slogan to the girl who is fortunate enough to take Jim Schmitz to the Girls' Choice next year. I, Sioux Gaines, not being of sound mind but trying hard, do hereby will the spelling of my first name to any girl who can withstand such nicknames as "Sox," "Sighox," and many more. I, Richard Witt, do hereby bequeath eighteen Peanuts books, nine Pogo books, a collection of one year of National Review, and seventeen months of the Racing Form to any freshman who wishes to embark upon a career of high school cynicism. I, Shari Russell, do hereby bequeath all my wordly possessions to my darling baby sister, Debbi. These consist of my prize possessions, the cast I wore from co-ed roUerskating. and my paisley-painted rock in the library pit. I, Edie Mangun, with great gullability and stupidity, will backstage a second, witty Mangun, one year's supply of splinters, my swift navy blue sweatshirt, jeans, socks, and spattered shoes, several stained glass windows, a brick wall, and one big trip. I, Nancy DeBiasi, of strong will and sound appetite, do faithfully will to my good friend, Ken

Lossman, my hearty eating habits, and along with this treasured possession goes the ability to down any food in sight in record time, regardless of size or amount. I, Mike Ewing, of sound mind and tremendous body, do i"'willfully and ungraciously will my title of the fastest car in the school (4-4-2) and the possession of the quickest shift to Herb Johnson. I, Don Lossman, do hereby leave Jim Cantonis the dirty track socks Ed Ward left me last year upon his graduation. I also leave Jim my own dirty track socks. I, Brian Berger, will my two lines for next year's Senior Class play to a promising young actor, Pete Swinnerton, and my GTO for next year only (coUege freshman can't have cars) to anyone who thinks he is fast enough to overcome the console and hang on to the wheel at the same time. I, Marcia Michaelson, being of weak mind and stronger body, hereby graciously bestow upon Mr. Silkowski a potion that will exterminate all women from the face of the earth so next year he can start at the beginning to cut up the female sex with no opposition. I, Jeff Reinke, do hereby will iny G foot 4 inch frame to "Squatty-Body" Tom McClayion. I, Linda Gorczyca, do hereby will my screeching cackle to anyone who is crazy enough to want it, or who wants to give everyone around him a constant headache. I, Jeff Krausman, being of brilliant mind and beautiful body, do will my Otto Preminger directing abilities to Paul Lundberg. We, Gail Swinnerton, Sue Nettelhorst, Glennys Aaland, and Margie Press, the only girls taking Chemistry II AP, being of shaken nerves and slightly oxidized body, do hereby will our remaining glassware and the 35 boys who helped us break it to any junior girl with a sense of humor who's brave enough to take that course. I, Bob Landeck, leave to the Maine South Drama Department my long-forgotten lines to The Curious Savage and my well soiled costume from Inherit The Wind. I, Mary Kilkinski, will my brand new white Pom Pom skirt and four sets of slightly used pom pons to any girls making next year's squad. I, Chuck Richards, will my fleet feet and super speed to any junior baseball player who wishes to have astounding agility on the basepaths. I, Susan Haake, do hereby bequeath my position on the Eyrie staff to a student who has the courage, stamina, and lack of mind to enjoy staying up working the whole night before the deadline. I, Bob Witt, will to anyone brave enough to take it, my place on the losing water polo team for two years straight. I, Eric (Honey Dew) MeUen, do hereby bequeath my Beatle boots, my Mellen-Yellow pants, my lustrous wavy hair, and my amazing ability to freak out during lunch to Pete Swinnerton '68. I, Jimmy Ray, do hereby will to any able-bodied person one free milkshake made by my mommy. I, Shannon Connelly, do will to Mike Muschel the return of his Dr. Strange comic book, which he was so kind to lend me during my hour of crisis. I, Sue Schneller, will my position as V-Show captain to any future cheerleader crazy enough to try to work with 22 cheerleaders. I, Judy Munsen, do hereby will my place in restricted gym

and my fixed Yahtzee dice to Phyllis Ehret. I, Ivy Letschke, will to any remaining Maineite my tremendous driving ability with hope that they drive along the ditches and noti n them, es and not in them. Bill Skibbe and all other future Chemistry II students a one-year supply of breakage slips. I, Helene Sterrett, being of covalent mind and ionic beauty, do hereby bequeath to Bruce Zintz the fortitude to make it through next year. I, Paul McGuire, do will to Kathy Harrer my seat of authority at our 4b lunch table in hope that she will carry on our tradition of superior lunch table discussions. I, Sue Bennett, will to the future dancers of the Marlin swim shows all my water-logged h&h let shoes. I, Dick Wenz, will to Frank McCullough my natural blond hair. I, Karen Olson, do hereby will to any upcoming senior my absentmindedness that has gotten almost as far as the boys' locker room. I, Mark Scrhag, do hereby will to one Ralph Childs, AFS finalist, the opportunity to 1) exhibit extreme prowess in basketball before a group of cheering Eruopeans, 2) maneuver a bicycle through the city streets during the rush hour, and 3) choose between dramamine and handy little containers oddly enough nicknamed "Ralph bags" by travelers on the high seas. Ah, Kathy King, will mah accent to all a'y' all that talk funny. I, Ted Whitson, cheerfully will the keys to my "Blue Dart" to any junior who is crazy enough to faithfully drive on two wheels in wind, sleet, or snow. We, Rick Wilson, Bob Seidel, Warren Miller, VInce Filippini, Jim Scherffius, and Mark Romness, the senior football linemen, do hereby will the SevenMan-Sled, complete with dust, rocks, glass, and Lou "Hit and Spin" Gatta, to next year's front five: Mike Plessner, Dave Butz, Ty Sigmund, Jim Kaiser, and Bob Garcea. I, Ron! Skiba, do will to any deserving and qualified cheerleader for next year, the inheritance of the name, "Bouncy". I, Julie Van Tellingen, being of Bohemian mind and body, do hereby will my pierced earrings, incense burner, Zen Handbook, Yoga mat, Tarot cards, Ouija board, and recorder to any deserving junior girl in preparation for attending the University of Chicago. I, Dan Pittman, do humbly bequeath one pair of hand-spun Pachinko cymbals to next year's Concert Band, and all my artis tic endeavors to next year's English IV AP classes in the fervent hope that they will support the Mortimer Adler Memorial Society and Great Books Club. We, Jane Dunn and Marilyn Conners, having survived our term of office in Girls' Club, do hereby will the use of Miss Iliff's office, having been used for all Girls' Club projects, back to Miss Iliff. I, Hugh Love, do hereby will to the graduating class of 1968 my place in line to see the dean. I, Jane Dunn, do hereby will my brand new Ding-Dong School Poster Paints and super-bristle brushes to anyone bored enough to continue the task of redecorating the rock pile made famous by the Class of '67. I, Debi Hall, do hereby will my disguise as a freshman to any unfortunate senior girl less than 5 feet tall. (CONTWUED ON PAGE 5)

Pag* 4


June 5,1967

W^T^iS Rusty Siebold

Jeff Riemer

John Weiss

Senior Standouts Represent Ten Major Sports Tom Lynch If one was to take a poll to determine the one senior football player contributing most to Maine South grid success, the overwhelming majority would vote for Tom Lynch. Although football season is many months passed , most fans still remember the flashy halfback whose fortunes could often determine the all around fate of the Hawks on any given oc casion. In fact to Tom it must have seemed at times that he was singularly responsible for the success or failure of the Maine South offense. But win or lose Lynch's rugged attitude combined with his natural ability helped this fine halfback stack up more yardage than any other player on the squad. Tom's great open field running won him all conference acclaim from all over the Central Suburban League as well as at home where he thrilled Maine South crowds with his long break-away runs from scrimmage. At 170 pounds Lynch rated as one of the smallest backs in the league, but on the other hand opponents rated him as one of the hardest hitters. His speed wasn't great, but at the same time he was gone once he got into the open. Desire explaines the first paradox, for Lynch overcame lack of size with an attitutde which resembled a sort of belligerance against the opposition. His refusal to be tackled was often illustrated by second and third efforts which netted important first downs even after he seemed hopelessly trapped behind the line of scrimmage. Playing behind an inexperienced offensive line, Lynch's talents for finding the holes seem even more greatly appreciated. As for speed, Tom displayed natural moves which made up for any lack of swiftness afoot. Bob Benedict Cross Country's most valuable runner this year was Bob Benedict, who also has the honor of being the most valuable senior on the squad. Bob won this award because he is the threeyear letter man who has led the Hawk harrier-s to two conference championships in the last three years.

Last year, as a junior. Bob was the captain of the cross country team. He also was the conference champion while as a senior he finished second in individual times. Bob is also a two-year letter man in track where he is used in the distance events. In points this year Bob finished second to John Weiss. He was on the mile relay team that went down state •vith John. This year. Bob has been used by Mr. Ed Smith, track coach, as a utility runner. Bob ran the mile, half-mile. 400-yard dash, and on the mile relay team in some meets, depending on where the points were needed.

ence championship swimming team, and earning a letter besides. In other years Tom has been just as successful. He was elected as an All-American swimmer on two medley relay teams for the last two years. The medley relay team of this year not only won Tom allAmerican recognition, but won the State championship also. Tom finished fourth in the point competition in 1965-1966, and this year he earned 82Vi to earn the honor of being the senior with the most points. Tom also holds the varsity record for the 100-yard breaststroke with the time of 1:07.1.

Bob Simpson Bob Simpson was the definite choice for the most outstanding wrestler. Combining muscle with plenty of good moves and a lot of hustle. Bob chalked up the best v,in-loss record on the team with a 15-3-1 mark. In the course of the season, Bub used just about every wrestling move in the book to his advantage. Wrestling the 154-pound circuit. Bob put on such winning displays as 10 to 0, 10 to 4, and & to 2 in addition to several pins. Meet after meet, Simpson came through with key wins to spark up the team. In several meets he was one of the few Hawks to come off the mat victorious. It is interesting to note that during the first part of the season, Simpson wrestled while recovering from a broken hand sustained in one of the early football games. Bob wrestled in his characteristic winning fash ion regardless. In district competition, Simpson placed a respectable third. He was also named the team's most valuable wrestler.

Dick Johnson Dick Johnson qualified as being the outstanding senior gymnast. He worked the side horse during the season. This year, the gymnastics squad consisted of mostly juniors, who did an excellent job. Nevertheless, Dick was one of the team standouts. Coach Riccitelli described Dick as the kind of gymnast who is a great asset to a team. The coach pointed out that Dick would practice what had to be done without a lot of horseplay. Johnson can also be noticed for his great team spirit and above all, his desire to win.

Tom Torgersen Maine South's outstanding senior swimmer award goes to Tom Torgersen. This year, Tom swam the 100-yard breaststroke, and swam the breaststroke leg of the 100-yard medley relay. After coming over to Maine South in his sophomore year, Tom started his senior career off right by being on the 19641965 Des Plaines Valley Confer-

Rusty Siebold Rusty Siebold was Sonthwords' choice for outstanding golfer. He was one of the most consistent golfers on the team and the only senior returning letterman. Rusty served as a leader to the rest of the team. C o a c h Gartner pointed out that Rusty's spirit was a great lift to the team. Mr. Gartner thought that the reason for Siebold's role of leader was due to the fact that Rusty is the only senior letterman on the team. Mr. Gartner explained that this tends to give Rusty a slight edge in experience. Siebold is by far the most consistant golfer on the squad. His score was counted in the team score in every meet. He is the only one on the team that has done this.

Mr. Gartner commented that Rusty would be a great success on any team. Averaging out his scores, Siebold comes up with about 81. His best round this year was a 73 against New Trier West. Jeff Riemer With an abundance of senior talent at both infield and outfield positions on this year's conference championship squad, the choice of one outstanding senior baseball player would seem to be a difficult one. But a second basemen like Jeff Riemer would stand out among any group of players. This slightly built righthander transformed the second base spot from an early question mark to a Hawk strongpoint with his spray hitting and sparkling glovework, Jeff was a 30O hitter throughout most of the season before tailing off to a final batting average of .288 after a late season slump. His club leading total of 24 hits is proof of his value at the leadoff spot where he often led off the ball game by lashing the first pitch for a hit. Even at the leadoff position he tied for third on the team in runs batted in and shared the club lead in triples with Tom Tetlow with three. In the field Riemer was nearly flawless as he handled 53 chances with only 4 errors. His 53 attempts were by far the greatest number of defensive chances on the club and his .93 fielding percentage topped all infield regulars. The combination of these impressive statistics in both the field and at the plate explain the player's selection of Jeff Riemer as most valauble. John Wiess John Wiess is Maine South's star senior trackman. This year. Big John has run the quarter-mile, and was the big reason for both the 880-yard relay team and the mile-relay team going down state to Champaign last May 19 and 20. John has been out for track for the last three years and has lettered in the last two years. This year John was the high scorer for the squad, and many a conference quarter-miler can

describe what the back of John's blond head and the heel's of his purple Tokyo track spikes look like. To add to John's list of accomplishments, since the track team has moved outdoors, he has never been beaten in the quarter mile in dual meet competition. In the Invitational portion of the season, John proved his de-. sire to lead his team to victory. In the Glenbrook North Spartan Relay's, John ran the quartermile in the mile relay in the . time of 51.1 seconds. When the medlay relay was called just 10 minutes later. John had to come back and nm another quarter. John's split of 52.6 seconds showed he had the desire when he finished, but' not much else. John felt very tired that night, so tired he could not walk off the track and had to be carried. Bob Denny Bob Denny, the only starting senior on this year's varsity tennis team, is a two-year letterman in the sport. He received his letters both years while playing second doubles, winning the conference championship both years along with^ his partner. He also partici-' pated in tennis on the FroshSoph level and basketball for three years. Jeff Reinke Jeff Reinke, leader of the varsity basketball team with his> aggressive rebounding and excellent outside shooting, was a leader in school activities as well. President of his class as' a junior and senior, he was also elected to Brotherhood Society and National Honor Society. Lettering two years in basketball and elected captain while a senior, Jeff started as a center on varsity as a junior. He made a transition to forward in his senior year, and his scoring greatly increased, with outstanding performances against Prospect and Niles North. Jeff clin maxed his career in Maine's final game of the season against Notre Dame, when he was called to substitute at center and sunk five quick, successive baskets. He also lead the team in rebounding during his final season.

June 5,1967

Page 5


Old Reporter Bemoans His Loss, Youth's Gain

Coach Lou Gartner poses with his third place Golf squad.

Netmen Take League Meet In this year's state tennis meet, Maine South was represented by the varsity doubles team of Mike Masoncup '68, and Don Lathrop '68. Mike and Don qualified by taking second place in the district meet, being defeated only by the district champions from Glenbrook South. They were then paired with first place winners from another district, Malottkt and Pop•markoff from Granite City. Mike and Don were victorious in two sets, 6-2 and 6-2. They then advanced to meet Clements and Crawford from New Trier East, only to lose both sets 6-1 and 6-1. These opponents became the eventual state doubles champs. New Trier East also won the state championship. ' In conference the varsity extended its record to five victories and one loss in dual meets as they defeated Niles North 3-2. Mike Masoncup took first singles with set scores of 6-0 and 6-3. Dave Flanagan '68, at second singles, also won in two sets, 6-land 6-3. Bob Shannon

'68, at third singles, lost after going three sets, winning the first, 6-4, then losing 9-7 and 8-6. First doubles, consisting of Don Lathrop '68, and Cliris Hansen '68, won 6-1 and 6-4, while Bob Denny '67, and Roy Martino '68, were defeated at second doubles in three sets, taking the first 6-3, and then losing 6-1 and 7-5. Coach Kent's varsity netmen concluded an excellent season last Saturday when they won first place in the conference meet with 33 points. Mike Maso cup was runner up in first singles, while Bob Shannon, third singles, Don Lathrop and Chris Hansen, first doubles, and Bob Denny and Roy Martino, second doubles, all won conference championships. Both doubles teams played three sets in the finals before winning their championships. Deerfield came in second behind the Hawks with 26 points. Together with the points won at the conference meet. Maine accumulated 53 points for the season.

Senior standout John Weiss runs for South in State Meet at Champaign.

The Frosh-Soph tennis team encored the performance of the varsity as they also took the conference meet, chalking up 34 points and achieving a firstplace finish in the Central Suburban League. First-p l a c e championship.s were won by Fred Henshaw '69, playing first doubles, and Tom Pomorski '69, and Bruce Gjertsen '69, at second doubles. I, Cyndi Gercken, do hereby will my snazzy, shocking pink V-Show costume to some snazzy, shocking pink junior girl who would like to be Missed Amerika 1968. I, Bill Murphy, do hereby will my most valuable possession, "smoking powder" to Dave Larsen. Star of Tomorrow.

hy Gary Muka One hates to end a fine athletic season on an envious note, but when a spwrtswriter begins to speculate on Maine South's athletic promise for next year, the prospects are enough to make anyone green-eyed, let alone a graduating senior. To start the year on the winning side Coach Nyren will take the football field with the biggest, most experienced squad ever assembled at South. Underclassmen who held key positions on this year's squad (and there were many of them) wiU be ready to mature into conference standouts. Size should be in the Hawks favor for a change with names like Butz, Sigmund, Kaiser, and Plessner around, and Tom Tetlow and Tom Spotts, along with sensational Sophomore prospect Dave Larsen, to keep the Hawk backfield going where Tom Lynch left off. In basketball there could be no limit to how far Coach Brady and his varsity cagers could go next season. Led by all conference forwards, Gary Lange and Henry Perez, and by big Dave Butz, the squad already has the nucleus of a great one in both size and skill. Butz showed signs of coming into his own late in the season, and Lange and Perez are great frontcourt basketball players Mike Masoncup and Tom McClayton are slated for the backcourt where they both played regularly at times during the season. Combined with the JV talent that took a conference championship under Coach Schmidt this year. Coach Brady seems to have talent to burn. Names like McGuire, Holden, Larsen and Gibe are ready to step irto most varsity lineps but may have to be satisfied with a spot on the Hawk bench next season. To forget the gymnastic squad in discussing next year would be to neglect one of the greatest potentials in the school. A varsity squad made up almost entirely of juniors this year will be back next year to improve on a second place finish. Coach Ricatelli, who was prob-

ably as surprised as anyone else at the team's strong showing, will be working with an experienced group next year led by such names as Dwane Kelly, Paul Riis and John Davis. In Golf the great Les Matthews will be back to try and bring the State championship to South after this year's third place finish. In swiming the magnificent McCullough brothers, Frank and Ray, will be on hand to challenge state and national records. Its all that a sportswriter could ask for, but instead of being envious, I guess one should just wish next year's athletes good luck and hope that they all live up to their potential.

W e Seniors Bequeath... I, Lenore Lindeman, will to next year's Varsity Cheerleading captain enough Ben-Gay to remedy all the pulled legs, twisted ankles, and sore muscles that may occur at the same time and enough patience to endure the somewhat motley-looking squad at the next game. I, Pat Barcheski, will to one humble and worthy junior, my exquisite carrel overlooking our most esthetic rock garden. I, Rick Steffen, do hereby will my title of "Great Bent One" to Tom (Squatty Body) McClayton, who wishes he could fulfill the requirements. I, Jeff Kendall, will to any senior next year who plays on the JV Football team, nine and one-fourth ounces of splinters gathered from the surface of the bench during the eight games of the '66-'67 season. I, Maureen Fanning, do will to Mrs. Gordon and the future Special Activities Chairman all the joys, sorrows, and excitements of having a three-wheeled flat upon which another prizewinning Pep Club float may be built. I, Ted Solomon, will not will this will to anyone that will will a will next year, will I?

Another Season F inished; Brilliant Outlook Ahead The Hawk varsity baseball squad clinched its second s t r a i g h t Central Suburban League championship last Monday with an 8 to 3 win over Niles. A loss against Niles North on the following day gave the Hawks a 9-2-2 conference record and concluded the season with a final record of 17-3-3. Senior righthander Chuck Richards started the Niles West game being held for the first time on the Hawks home field. He christened the new Maine South diamond with a three hit performance and contributed to his own cause at the plate where he went two for four. Sloppy infield play was largely responsible for a Hawk rally in the second inning when South scored four runs on only one hit to take an early 4 to 0 lead. Niles West however came back to threaten in the remaining following innings until the Hawks opened up with one of their rare power barrages in the fifth and sixth innings. Scott Kaufman led off the fifth with a double to left center and scored later on long double by Richards which cleared the left field fence on one bounce. In the sixth, Randy O'Hare

brought another run across with a tremendous double to left center. Against Niles North, coach

Van Proyen did a little experimenting with his pitching staff at the expense of one game in the final win and loss total.

Page 6


Junes, 1967

South Praises Outstanding Student Achievers Editor's note: Each year Southwords chooses outstanding seniors who have Dot been fully recognized for their achievements to be featured in the senior issue. This year Southwords is pleased to present the title of outstanding actiiever to twelve worthy students. Southwords co-editor G a i l Griffiths, in addition to her duties on the newspaper, actively participated in Class Council

projects and the American Field Service Committee of Student Council. She is also a member of French Club, National Honor Society, Quill and Scroll, and Sigma Chi Sigma. Music has been Joe Hermann's specialty in high school. He plays in the Concert Band, Concert Orchestra, and t h e Stage Band and has participated in the spring musicals. Joe is also a member of Tri-M and Thespian Society. This year

Gail Griffiths

Judy Jackton

Joe IHermann

Kathy Meta

Jean l-to$ey

Jacic Miller

he received the John Phillip Sousa Award for outstanding playing ability and participation in a high school band. Heading the activities of Pep Club this year is Jeannie Hosey. In between her presidential duties, she participates in Marlin. National Honor Society, and Student Council Sportsmanship Committee. Eyrie managing editor Judy Jackson participated in Class Council and acted as House Manager for V-Show this year. She is also a Thespian and Quill and Scroll member. Kathy Metz served the school this year as vice-president of the Senior Class and as secretary of National Honor Society. Kathy was also chosen as Spirit Queen and a member of Brotherhood Society by the student body. Her other activities include German Club, GRA, Pep Club, V-Show, and Public Relations Committee. Jack Miller received several honors this year for his work backstage. Jack received a Thespian award for imaginative use of lights in Inherit the Wind. He has worked over 1,000 hours in various school productions, a very remarkable achievement. A member of the Audio-Visual staff for three years, Craig Moen acts as student director of the staff this year. As manager of the audio-visual office, he has been responsible for the circulation and security of about 135 p i e c e s of equipment throughout the school. Barb Olsen has worked in many areas backstage in various school productions. She received a Thespian special service award for her all around general service to dramatics. Barb is also a member of Concert Choir, Tri-M, and Thespian Society. Among her numerous activities this year, Judy Projahn acted as co-editor of Southwords and student director of V-Show. As a member of the Student Council Public Relations Committee, she worked on the Busy Signal and headed the band committee for the Senior Prom in Class Council. Her list of honors include Quill and Scroll, National Honor Soicety, Thespian Soiciety, and National Forensic League. Mark Romness was busy this year with his activities as

president of Interact Club, and a member of the Student Council Public Relations Committee, and the varsity bootball team. Mark was chosen as a Boys State representative and is also an M-Club and Brotherhood member. Providing the local newspapers with news about Maine South has been the task of Barb Ulvilden. In addition to holding the position of News Bureau editor, she acted as a gym leader.

appeared in V-Show, and was a member of German Club, Theatre Club, and Social Science Society. Her honors include Quill and Scroll and Sigma Chi Sigma. Barb Walker assumed the positions of both Eyrie editor and judging editor of the creative writing magazine. Flight, this year. Class Council, Contest Speakers Club, Latin Club, and Social Science Socjety also keep her busy.

Craig Moen

Mark Romness

Barb Olsen

Barb Ulvilden

Judy Projahn

Mother Duck Turns Art Court Into Maternity Ward South's very own duck is back again in the Art Court, ready to raise another family. She is nesting near one of the walls and has laid four eggs so far. Mrs. Virginia Clausen, secretary to Dr. Watson, was honored last spring with the presence of a duck raising her brood only one foot from her window. She isn't sure if this year's guest is the same duck that inhabited Maine South last year. "I certainly hope so, for those ducks were very dear to me," Mrs. Clausen said. Six photos of the mother and her ducklings are framed on the wall in her office. "Last spring my office was as busy as a maternity ward as teachers went in and out to take a peek at the new mother," she added. To her surprise one Monday morning last year, a duck frantically flew out from the bushes as she opened the drapes. "At

first no one believed me when I told them there was a duck living outside my window," Mrs. Clausen explained. "They had to find out for themselves." Custodians lovingly cared for the nine little ducks and their mama last year, providing them with food and even a little swimming pool to splash in. "This year the mother duck was a little late in arriving. Unfortunately the eggs will not be hatched by the time school is out." Mrs. Clausen added. When the ducks are finally able to care for themselves, the custodians must direct them out of the school area to find a new home. "Last year they tried to direct them through the school corridors and out the front door. The little ducks couldn't quite manage, and kept slipping and sliding on the newly waxed floors," she remarked. After the custodians finally carried the ducks outside, they

stayed on the front pond a few days and then disappeared. "Mother duck was quite a shrew — she never stopped yelling at her children." Mrs. Clausen stated. "All of my photos show her with her mouth open." "There was one duck that was weaker than all t h e others," she continued. "While her brothers and sisters were walking within 24 hours, this one couldn't. When the little one finally made it up the steps, all the spectators in my office proudly cheered." Sometimes the ducks would come to the window and look in at Mrs. Clausen. "I was very privileged to have them as guests last year and was hoping they would resume their old home again this year, but they are living near a different waU." Now, in addition to our distinguished moat of colored rocks in the library, we have our own family of ducks.

South's mother duck that inhabited the art court last spring proudly displays her brood. Only question—how many this year?

Junes, 1967

Page 7


Seniors To Attend Colleges Across Country Arizona Arizona State University: John Hamilton, Claudette Melone Arizona, University of: Anita Hosford Tulsa, University of: Matt Banyan California Southern California, University of: Jim McCuUough Colorado Colorado State University: William Paine • Colorado, University of: James Gearien, Jill Smiekel Denver, University of: Joann Rosenstiel, Laurel Toussaint Connecticut Connecticut College: Sue Kott Delaware Delaware, University of: Spen- University of Illinois-Urbana: cer Askfeldt Enza Amato, Jay Beaumont. Florida Brian Berger, Shannon ConEastern Airlines Apprenticeship nelly, Jeannie Chamberlain, School: Len Marienau Martha Cowan, Ed Currier, Miami, University of: Wally George Fenske, Betty Fields. Braun, Jack Eichler, Joe Keith Guzzi, Diana Harris, Nitti, Chuck Richards Fred Jaeger, Mary Jain, Mar, Sante Fe Junior College: Leslie cia Jackisch, Donald Johnson, Jerry Juszak, Paul Keckeisen, Robinson Jeff Kroon, Lenore Lindeman, St. Petersburg Junior College: Susan Lindquist, Joiin McCalWilbur Kruse lum, Paul McGuire, Dave McTampa, University of: B r a d Kenzie, Debbie Mester, WarSilbert ren Miller, Craig Moen, Illinois Susan Nettelhorst, Bob PeterAmerican Academy of F i n e son, Judy Projahn, Rodney Arts: Bob Gau Rieger, Wendy Rusteberg, American Academy of Medical Jim Scherffius, Georgia SoruTechnology: Karen Weigand ika, Linda Story, Tom TorgerAmerican Beauty School: Mary sen, Wayne Vivirito. Jeanne Bortnichak Weinlhaler American Conservatory of University of Illinois—Chicago Music: Shirley Mieritz Circle: Sue Brown, Jim ChryAmundsen Junior College: John stal. Alan Hofeldt, Ken PalBzdusek, George Coniglio ese, Dan Pittman, Laura Art Institute of Chicago: Mary Pudelwitts, Pete Ruth, MiGindele, Sue Kenealy, R o n chelle S c h i a v o n, Greg Schickel Weathers, William Westervelt, Augustana College: William AllChris Wienke egar, Paul Anderson, T o m Illinois Wesley an University: Beck, Cindy Carlson, Julie Chris Geisler, Peggy Mac Johnson, Christine Matthiesen Lagan Automation Institute of ChiHarrington Institute of Interior cago: Fran Hajek, Laura Design: Kay Krause, Barbara . Joseph, Anthony Lombardo, Prykan Linda Matan, Susan Muench Lake Forest College: L i n d a Bradley University: Bob ChrisReidland topher, Bruce Howie, Don Lutheran G e n e r a l Hospital • Olsen, Rusty Siebold School of Nursing: Beverly Bryant and Stratton College: Burns, Nancy Hoffman, ChrsConstance Mundro, Bob Littine Larson, Terry Johnson, winn, Tom Pas, Andy SchaefJoyce Paulson fer Career Academy: Sue Penkava Kendall College: Robert Cozad, Sioux Gaines, Sherman HagChicago Academy of Fine Arts: gerty, Andrea Sugnet, Linda ' Diane Lajewski, Linda SandUrsin berg University of Chicago: Steve Moore Macormac Junior College: Don Banks, Phil Radford Hyde, Julie VanTellingen " Columbia College: Larry Halek MacMurray College: Linda Lee Mayfair Junior College: Mark DePaul University: Bob GaudHachigian, Laurie Vallee cttc, Paula Lindgren Millikin University: K a t h y Harper Junior College: Rich Fullen, Robert Partaker Harrison Monmouth College: Lin ChandEastern Illinois University: ler, Lynn Roscnow, Helene Susan Hug, Carol Niemann, Sterrett, Carol VanNatta I Gary Schuber, Sharon Moody Bible Institute: Joseph Strother Elmhurst College: Greg ParRusso sons, Jim Pedersen Moser Secretarial School: Ilona • Galesburg Cottage Hospital: Greim, Janet Hopkins, Karen Wendy Guzzetta Nelson Greenville College: Dale Lu- Northern Illinois University: Patricia Barcheski, Pamela brano Belanger, Linda Boidy, Susan Illinois Masonic Hospital School Braun, Daryl Braunsdorf, of Nursing: Jan Rasmussen Gwen Bruno, Joyce Bussell, Illinois State University: Linda Charlotte Butterfield, Larry Berg, Jim Flaherty, S u s a n Carl, David De Graf, Ron Die^ Heidrich, Jeff Pedersen ner, John Featherstone, Judy Illinois Teachers College: SanFletcher, Debi Hall, Bonnie dra DePhillips, Linda GorczyHoffman, Pat Johnstone, Dick ca, Susan Hanson, Eva ShanKatschke, Robert Landeck, non Larry Larson, Vicki Lester, Colleen Lynch, Mike Mahaney, Mary McAuliff, Bob Mutter. Barb Naleway, Kerry Nolan, Nancy Rossell, Randy Salo, Sue Schroeder, Roxann Schuessler, Roni Skiba, Larry Spiege, Pat Standa, L i n d a Steiner, Kathie Teeman, Kay Watson, Dick Wenz, Cindy Wienckowski, Robin Wilkinson, Dave Wintergcrst, Bob Witt, Kathie Wyman, Mary Zeller North Park College: Carol Amstutz. Ken Hansen, Howard Hong, Karen Justice, Laura Kalhauge, RusseU Kwech. Donna Limperes, William Ondratschek, Gary P e t r i e, Linda Richardson, G e o r g e

Shewfelt, Bob Wenz Northwestern University: Glennys Aaland, Don Anderson, Ron Briars, Gary Gaudio, Connie Healy, Joanne Hoff, Helen Kern, Harold Kiriluk, John Knebel, Bib Seidel, Mark Schrag. Beth Splinter, Margaret WiUiams QUINCY COLLEGE: M a r e t a Kantorowicz, Sally Sensenbrenner Scion's School of Beauty Culture: Mary Mathison Southern Illinois University: Mary Bartell, Jane Brooks. Denise Cahill, Bart Christiansen, CoUeen Geiwitsch, James Goodale, Gary Indra, Joyce Jonasen, Jim Johnson, Brian Jonland, Michael K o p t a, George Kordecki, Ken Kosick, Andy Larson, Mike Malloy, Bruce McGuinn, Randy Muntean, Jeff Olson. Martin Paterson. Rick Steffen, L i n d a Theis, Tom Walas, Paul Wolf ram St. Vincent's Infant Nursing School: Nancy Giampa James W. Thome School of Nursing: Kathie McFarland Illinois Teachers College North: Terri Miller, Carol Paulaskas Robert Morris Junior CollegeWilliam Barker, Julie Brearton, Robert Wortman Trinity College: Marty Slusser Triton College: Jeff Riemer Wheaton College: Ralph Berke, Marcia Michaelson, N a n c y

Van Buren, Paul Weber, Janet Staley Western Illinois University: Nancee Berger, Rick Bisbee, Connie Brandt, Sue Conforti, Jane Dunn, Darlene French. Diane Huntzicker, Mary Kilinski, Thomas Lynch, Carol Mil ligan, Richard Maerk, Grega Moutoux, Diane Ness, Vic Novak. Melanie Patti, Natalie Paul, Jim Popp, Sue Schnelner, Joan Schulte, Ron Wronski Wright Junior CoUege: Jim Bauman, David Geho. Herb Krien, Chris Pappas, Barbara Schneider Indiana Anderson College: Judy Munsen DePauw University: Jim Barmeier, Dave Pokrass Hanover college: Kathy King Indiana University: Jim Raymond, Sandi Mitchell Purdue University: Janis Gabbert. Lew Graham, Cliff Haka, Nancy Hedlin, Ken Tomchuk Rose Polytechnic Institute: Chip Ward Taylor University: Marilyn Smith

Valparaiso University: Laurie Dunlop Iowa Coc College: Bob Simpson, Ted Solomon. Karen Spencer CorneU CoUege: Pete Bowen, Marilyn Conners, Drake University: Edie Friedman, Joseph Hermann, Sue Hume, Don Lossman, Bill Papastefan, Kristie Pedersen, John Pirie, Pete Ranallo, Barb yivilden Grand View Junior CollegeDoug Lardner Iowa State University: Mike Ewing, Maureen Fanning, Arnold MiUer, Gale Phillips, Gregg Possehl, Bill Wuehrmann Iowa, University of: Frank Hoyt, Barb Sensenbrenner Iowa Wesleyan College: Judy Jackson, Hal Lueder Luther CoUege: Candace Larsen, Martha Michaelson Midwestern CoUege: Bob Borman Upper Iowa University: Alan Arroyo, Debbie Korda, Roger Kramer Kansas Kansas, University Of: Marion Blomberg, Eileen Heath Massachusetts Babson Institute: Ted Whitson Harvard University: Larry Wetendorf Radcliffe C«rflege: Margie Press Michigan Hope College: Dale Patterson Michigan State University Richard Johnson, Scott Kaufman, Jeff Krausman, Kathy Metz Michigan Technological University: Jeff Rendall Michigan, University of: Marion Gordon, Sue Haake, Rick Seabolt, Glenn Waitkoff Northern Michigan University: Peg Ratliffe Western Michigan University Diane Bauman, Bob Benedict, John Erickson, Sue Sagat Minnesota Lea College: Ray Powell Macalaster CoUege: Gregg Neptune St. Cloud State College: Donna Meinhardt St. Olaf CoUege: Gail Griffiths, Karen Kildahl, Richard Lilleberg, Mark Nordskog, Mark Romness Missouri Christian CoUege: Nancy Aiken, Linda Petrick, Lynne Spawn Culver-Stockton CoUege: Susan Bennett, Bill Clark, John Sally Missouri, University of: J a n Christopher, Paula Forray, Gary Muka, Jan Okulanis, Pat Price, Steve Scholfield, Judy Siebold, Dick Witt, Frank ZiUa Southwest Missouri State: Edie Mangun Nebraska Dana CoUege: Marilyn Stahnke Hiram Scott CoUege: John Archibald New Jersey Princeton University: BiU Murphy New Mexico CoUege of Santa Fe: Bill Weiland New York CorneU University: Bob Denny, Bob Marmaduke Syracuse University: L i n d a Malby

U. S. Merchant Marine Academy: John Miller, Rick Wilson North Carolina Belmond Abbey CoUege: Mike Fitzsimmons Ohio BowUng Green State University: Chris Talchik Dayton, University of: Ruth Gilles, Bill Milligan, Ann Mullin, Joe Rehm Denhison University: Mike Tone Miami University: Keith Clotfelter, Kris Dernehl, P a t Pierce, Sallie Thompson Ohio State University: SaUy Emerson Oklahoma Central State College: Deborah Schroeder Pennsylvania Dickinson College: Barb Walker Rhode Island Brown University: Tom Petty, Jeff Reinke South Carolina Furman University: Mike ShaU South Carolina, University of: Gary Okulanis South Dakota Augustana College: Tom Paroubek, Charlie Sippel Utah Brigham Young University: Don Goff Utah, University of: Vicki Elberfeld Vermont Bennington CoUege: Gall Swinnerton Norwich University: Greg May Wisconsin Carthage CoUege: Gail Freund, Caryn Michaels Marquette University: Jeannie Hosey Milton College: Jim Colandrea, Linda Kurgan Ripon CoUege: Linda Patchett, Sarah Randahl St. Norbert College: Bill Sterba Stout State University: A n n Dickson, Mardianne Wiksten Wisconsin State University (Oshkosh): Pat Hunter, John McElveen, Pam McPheeters, Eric Mellen, Jim Munn Wisconsin S t a t e University (Platteville): George Kotecki Wiscosin S t a t e University (Whitewater): Gayle Chauvin, Larry DelFosse, Terry Grawin, Lynette Johnson, Karen Lagerlund, Diana McLaren, Tim Mellon, Carla Nicoletti, Mark Novak, Kordy Scott, Mike Seghi, Eloise Thommes Wisconsin, University of: Tom Andre, Jim Cannon, Nancy Tracy Wyoming Wyoming, University of: David Reed Eduador Central University: G l o r i a Reyes (AFS) ThaUand Julalungkron University: Nitaya Saiubol (AFS) Undecided Christy Carnehl, Sue Morris, Mark Shall ARMED FORCES Bruce Becker, George Bergner. Rich Hansen, B r u c e Hinrichsen, Kathleen Jeskey, Paul Kasper, Gary Mullett, Richard Roark, Gunnar Rutkowsky, Daniel Self, Bill Torp, John Wencel, Jeff Wright (CONTINUED ON PAGE 8)



June 5, 1967

Seniors! Plans, Plans,Plans <C0NT1NVED FROM PAGE 7>

MARRIAGE Larry Anderson, Sue Bowen, Dianne Cory, Lorraine Dandurand. Candy Johnson, Linda Kobos, Pam Koscicki, Constance Kowalewski, T a m m y Lavender, Linda Narazinski, Lois Nieman, Diane Weier, Brenda Wood TRAVEL Bob Butts, John Fantozzi, Genz, Michael Jajkowski, Sharon Kim, Donna McMurray, Richard Seleski, Richard Sorensen, John Strewe, Max Vinlov, Gary Wallem, Ron Wisner, Tom Wynn WORK Larry Anderson, Bruce Becker, George Bergner, Henry Borucki, Jane Borucki, Janice Bourland, Donna Buhr, Sue Bush, Judy Churbirka, Barbara Cudia, Mary Daley, Melanie DeBerthier, Myron Didier, Dave DiSylvestro, Dennis Dudek, Beverly Dyer, MaryEllis, Jim Fantetti, A m y Fischer, Carla Fruhauf, Chris Gehmlich, Lynn Hagen, John Hezinger, Beverly Huening, Jeanette Jagiello, Michael Jajkowski, Candy Johnson, Mary Ann Kaules, Valentina

Kizak. Constance Kowalewski, Tammy Lavender, Ivy Letschka, Beverly Liner, Viola Little, Sharon Martig, M a r y Lou McMullin, Jim Meyer, Trudee Nelson, Barbara Olsen, Karen Olson, Pam Najarian, Allan Pasko, Linda Pfeiffer, Steve Quaiver, Cathy Raimondi, Carol Bobbins, Shari Russell, Cheryl Shanahan, J e a n Shoemaker, Patricia Sobczak, Linda Steineder, Holly Stiegmann, Tom Thomas, J u d y Thompson, Susan Tumstrom, Beth Voges, Diane Weier, Diane Weier, Barb Weigand, Terry Willard, Ron Wisner UNDECIDED Larry Bartell, Lynne Beier, William Betts, Sam Brusceato, Martha Buckley, Joanne Calabrese, Paul Crippen, Rosari Cullen, Bob Dorko, Randy Gilliss, Ruth Hadley, Jim Hong, Mike Lemme, Hugh Love, Darwin Lubrano, Linda McKeown, Wayne Mette, Jim Neuses, Kathy Pakucko. Bill Rogers, Kathy Rud, Pat Ryan, Frank Sagona. Ken Skaalen, John Straka, Jeff Vastine,john Weiss, Tom Wilde, James Wolcott, Fred Zei

Little Oscars Presented I CONTINUED FROM PAGE I)

'67 as Student director, and Mary Kristmann '68 for properties each received a trophy. Set decorations trophies were presented to Edie Mangun '67 and Kathy Rud '67 for their creative painting of sets for Inherit the Wind and The Sound of Music. Don Anderson's list of achivements which won him the top Thespian award included the role of Henry Drummond in Inherit the Wind, the role of Max Detweiler in The Sound of Music, stage manager for The Curious Savage, student director for V-Show. and president of Thespian Society for 1966-67. As president, Don initiated a Thespian newsletter to be mailed each quarter to graduates of the Maine South troupe. In other years at South. Don had roles in the musicals Oklahoma and Kiss Me Kate and a role in The Miracle Worker as well as serving on the construction crew of Arsenic and Old Lace. In presenting the award to Don, Mr. Hal Chastian, Thespian sponsor, said, "Don demanded excellence of himself and encouraged and assisted others toward excellence. In presenting this award, the society tries to recognize in the student a willingness to show

Members of the newly chosen Maine South Pom Pom Squad for '&7-'68 are (top row, I. to r . ) : June Kempe '69, A p r i l Aloisio '69, M a r r y Shute '68, Sandi Lee '68, Cassie Kustcn '69, Lenore Raia '69, Pat Ewing '69, Pat Werstein '69, Georgann Greshiw '68; (bottom r o w ) : Joyce Beaumont '69, Barb B e r g e r ' 6 9 , Vickie Grant'69, Pat Konopka '68, Luz Montero '68, Marney Carlson '69, Narda Greising '68, Linda Smith '68, and Linda Fischrup '69.

Gloria Reyes, Nitaya Saiebol Say Farewell and Thank You

Dear Friends: It is nearly time for me to return home to leave you. I can't tell you how I feel when I think about it. I know only it is sad and happy together. I have to leave my school, Maine South. It was a really great experience and the time moved too fast for me. Since I have been here, I feel like we both exchange something to each other. They are gift, special gift, exchanged between the United States and We exchanged smiles Sponsors of Thespians keep a Thailand. friendliness that I can rerecord of each participant's ac- and complishments. Once a student member forever. I will miss my parent here. has become a Thespian, he receives a star award for each Every morning my mother say, ten points earned. After earning "Nit, time to get up." No one four stars or fifty points, the wake me in Thailand. I will student is elevated to the posi- miss my sister, Julie. No one will teach me how to play card tion of Honor Thespian. Jack Miller received his one anymore. I will miss my school, study hundredth point after three years on Maine South produc- hall, and some of my friend who kidding me by calling me tions. "This point total must be "Nit-Wit." the word very close to a national record," "Nit-Wit" isInaThailand voice of a little Mr. Chastain said. pretty bird. 1 didn't mind when Don Anderson, Edie Mangun, they call me like that. I met Barb Olsen, and Dick Heron many things here so funny for were elevated to the position of me. Honor Thespians with fifty or I like many thing here that more points. we don't have in Thailand, espeSpecial citations were pre- cially hamburger and potato sented to head custodian chip. I love blue eyes, because Raleigh Klipstein and custodian we only have brown. I liked Sig Jenson for their coopera- the snow (I saw so much), but tion and assistance in the year's I wish I could see a tornado. productions. I don't like formal party, but

that he realized he has much to learn. Don has epitomized this concept in that he has constant ly tried to improve." Each of the 103 initiates to Thespians had earned ten points in dramatic productions as a prerequisite to membership. One point represents a minimum of ten hours work on a production. Each production task is assigned a maximum number of points with no production exceeding ten points.

Pictured are recent winners in local and state competition w i t h projects f r o m the Industrial Education department. Front row, left to right: Bob Olson; Curt Breckau, Outstanding A w a r d ; Paul Ravenna, Outstanding A w a r d ; Tom Griseto, Outstanding A w a r d ; Bruce Chandler; and Gale Phillips. Back r o w : L a r r y Anderson; Jack B r o w n ; Brad Shafer; Tom Vatenti, Outstanding A w a r d ; Bart Christiansen; Bill Wuerhmann; Bill Rogers; Gary W a l l e n ; Ted Woytoywicz; John Wencel; M i k e W a l l ; Fred Powers, OutstarKiing A w a r d ; Fred Beyers, Outstanding A w a r d ; and Neils Kruse, Outstanding.

I do like having boys in school. In Thailand the boys go to other school. I don't like playing volleyball with the boys. They are too strong, and I am afraid. I wish I could ride my bicycle to school, but you don't do that here. Something different is in Thailand I wear size 48 shoe but here it is just seven and one-half. My language was so different from English. I didn't quite understand everything here, because American use many slang. I have a story so funny that I will never forget. A boy said to me "Hello, Baby." I got mad because I thought he meant I am a little child. I socked his stomach and told him I am not a baby. I was upset about that all day. Mom laughed when she knew that. In V-Show I really had a good time to be with many friends, goof around with them getting to know more and more friends. In ba.sketball team for GRA I had really nice senior friends. Even if I got sick and couldn't go to practice they still say, "never mind." I will never forget the nurse room with the big tea pot, and many of my teacher that were real nice to me. I can't tell how valuable your smiles were, more valuable untU I can't write down in words. They still stay in my heart. I will leave here very soon. I am not sure I will have chance to come again or not. Next Christmas please help me ask Santa Claus to send me an airplane ticket and I will come to see you. Even if it is only one year to me, it is just the most valuable experience or dream. I knew many friends in may hair's colmany friends in many hair's colwould like to say goodbye to everyone from my heart. 1 will miss you always. Think about me sometime even if 1 am not the first person that you think about, but don't forget to include me as the last person. What can I say? Nitaya Saiubol Dear Students: There have been so many interesting experiences for me this year that I cannot really say that there is only one thing that has been more outstanding than the rest. Coming to a school completely different than my own was by itself something special. As I told you in ray speech, my school was a private Catholic school of girls and the

study programs are different. At the beginning it was difficult to get accustimed to it here, and there are still some little things that seem strange to me. I am always asked what impressed me most in the United States. The answer is that nothing really did. I knew almost what to expect because I have studied, read, and heard very much about this country. What 1 did not know before were just small things that only surprised me a little. One thing 1 liked very much is all the clubs and extra-curricular activities that there are in school. There is something for everybody; there are sports,, arts, science, etc. I participated in some of them, and I enjoyed it very much. Student Council was of course the principal thing I participated in, and even though many people criticize it, I think you have a won-, derful Student Council. For The Sound of Music I worked backstage in properties. For the first time I realized how much work was involved to have the sets arranged as beautifully as they were for the play. During V-Show I used to complain for having to stay late for rehearsals. After workuig backstage, I knew that I had been silly in doing it, because the' work done by every member of the crew was much harder an^ required more responsibility, learned a lot from that worB What I liked best was the school itself and all of you students here. I have met many of you, and from each and every one I have nothing but good memories. I am very fond of this school and proud of attending it. It is wonderful to feel that now I am part of the school. During every game in which Maine South participated, I wor-' ried about the winners. Every lime we won I rejoiced as much as everybody else, and every loss made me sad. Now the school year is almost over. I am sure the seniors are happy and sad at the same time. That is also how I feel. Happy to return home and see my family and friends again, but sad because it is the end of high school — one step more in my life and a very important one. It also means leaving my .American family, the school, and this wonderful year that you have given me and helped to make a memorable one. Thank you for all, and may God bless you always. Gloria Reyes

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