Vol 3 issue 2

Page 1

Parade, Game, Dance Highlight Homecoming

Jeanie Chamberlain

Chris Gehmlich

Climaxing a busy Homecoming week will be tomorrow's parade, football game against Glenbrook North, crowning of the queen, and "Through the Lookiig Glass", the Homecoming dance. Following the theme of "Once . Upon A Homecoming," the Senior Class has been building their float, "Winnie the Pooh Bears

Down on the Spartans." at 1112 South Western. "We Nose We'U Win," the Junior Class float based on the story of Pinnochio, is being built at 2110 Talcott Road. At 1400 Devon, the Sophomore Class float "Stomp Glenbrook," using the idea of "The Old Woman Who Lived in a Shoe" is being built. "Cinderella" is the fairy tale that the Freshman Class used for their float, "Cinder Hawks Sweep Spartans" at 1216 South Western. The Pep Club float at 1851 Norman will have an original fairy tale. Floatbuilding will be from 4 p.m. to 10 p.m. tonight. . . . Parade Features Floats Homecoming parade featuring the floats, queen candidates, the Maine South Marching Band, the cheerleaders, and Maine South's foreign exchange students will form at Roosevelt School. The parade beginning at 9 a.m. will proceed north on Prospect Avenue, past the City Hall to the viaduct, and then down Prairie Avenue. The band will play a Sousa march, "King Cotton." At the assembly on Monday, October 3, the eleven Homecoming Queen candidates were introduced to the student body. Voting took place during the lunch periods. Members of the football and cross country teams and their coaches were recognized. Final elections for Homecoming Queen were held during homeroom on Tuesday, October 4. The five girls who will be the queen and court are: Jeanie Chamberlain, Chris Gehmlich, Lynn Hagen, Jody Poyer, and Karen Smith. . . . Queen Will Be Announced At the half-time of the football game against Glenbrook North, which will begin at noon, the winning floats and the Homecoming Queen will be announced. Following these announcements, the Pom Pon Squad will do a routine to "Don't Fence Me In", and the band will do one to "Spanish Flea." "Through the Looking Glass", the Homecoming Dance sponsored by the Senior Class, will be held on Saturday October 8 from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. in the spectator gym. The crowning of the Homecoming Queen will take place at the dance. Tickets are on sale during the lunch periods today for $2 per couple.

Senior Play Has Tryouts Tryouts for the senior class play, Inherit the Wind, will begin Monday, October 10, in Room PA-101 immediately after school. Open tryouts will continue until October 12. Many male parts will be featured in Inherit the Wind, since the play is based on the trial of a biology teacher who broke the law by teaching his students the theory of evolution. "I especially wish to emphasize," stated Mr. Donald K. Martello, director, "that tryouts are open to all students." Inherit the Wind is required reading this year for juniors. Scripts of the play are available in the drama office, PA101, or can be purchased in the bookstore. Crew applications will also be available in the drama office starting Monday, October 17.

Mrs, Stuart Goes To Convention Mrs. Helen Stuart, Maine South Career Counselor, will attend the Association of College Admissions Counselors convention in Washington DC. Thursday October 6 through Sunday, October 9. This convention gives counselors an opportunity to discover the latest information on the many colleges and universities throughout the United States. The hundreds of college repre sentatives and admissions directors will set up displays and booths to which the counselors may come and ask questions about the colleges represented. From the information received, Mrs. Stuart will fill out a card on each college to be used when a student wishes information on a college. The cards contain the names of the Director of Admissions and the representative and information on requirements, admissions policies, cost, scholarships, curriculum, and other information. Mrs. Stuart also attended, along with many other Maine South counselors, the Illinois Guidance and Personnel Association convention at the PickCongress Hotel in Chicago on Friday, September 30 and October 1. Information from research on guidance, counseling, and social work was furnished by speakers Dr. Fritz Redl, authority on guidance and counseling, and Mr. Red Motley.

Jody Poyer

Lynn Hagen

WU^ Vol. 3, No. 2

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, ill.

October 7, 1966

Five Seniors Semifinalists In National Merit Exam Steven Duerksen '67, Steven Hyde '67, Douglas Olsen '67 (transferred), Marjorie Press '67, Gail Swinnerton '67, and Richard Witt '67 have placed as Semifinalists in the 1966-67 Merit Scholarship competition. Twenty-two other Maine South seniors have received Letters of Commendation. The Semifinalists are some of the highest-scoring students in Illinois on the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test given last spring in 17,500 schools nationwide. Semifinalists are representative of the country's most intellectually able young people according to Mr. John M. Stalnaker, president of the National Merit Scholarship Corporation. "From them will

come much of our future leadership." . . . 4,000 Semifinalists More than four thousand Semifinalists have been appointed across the nation. The 38 thousand students receiving Letters of Commendation rank just below Semifinalists. The commended s t u d e n t s scored in the upper two percent of students graduating from high school in 1967. "The outstanding record made by these students in a national competition deserves public recognition," said Mr. Stalnaker. . . . 22 Students Commended Seniors receiving Letters of Commendation are: Paul Anderson, Brian Berger, Ralph Berke, Joyce Bussell, Marion Gordon,

Marcia Jackisch, Jeffrey Krausman, Colleen Lynch, Robert Marmaduke, J a m e s McCullough, Kathleen Metz, Craig Moen, William Murphy, Susan Olsen. Thomas Petty, Judith Projahn, Rodney Rieger, Stephen SchoHield, Mark Schrag, Julia Vantellingen, Glenn Waitkoff, and Francis Zilla. The Semifinalists may become Finalists by being endorsed by their schools, repeating their high grades on a second exami nation, and submitting information about their achievements and interests. Merit Scholars will be selected from these Finalists. Although students receiving. Letters of Commendation may advance no further in the Merit Program, their names are reported to other scholarshipgranting agencies and the colleges they named as first and second choices on the NMSQT. . . . Semifinalists Names Sent The NMSC sends the names 1 "* \M of Semifinalists to all regional&^ ly accredited colleges and universities and to scholarshipgranting agencies and other / sources of financial aid. In selecting Merit Scholars high school grades, creative acsSteRjA*'•.*'(:.':• > ^ complishments, leadership abilities, school citizenship, and test scores are evaluated. Each Merit Scholarship covers the four undergraduate ll f years of college. Money awarded is determined by the winner's need. A student financialH ly able to attend the college of his choice may receive as little Pictured above is Dr. Watson (left) congratulating as S400 for four years. The National M e r i t Semi-finalists (Standing I. to r.) Richard normal maximum is $6,000 or Sl,500 per year. W i t t , Gail Swinnerton, Steve Duerksen, Margie Press, . . . Many Scholarships Available and Steve Hyde. Not pictured is Doug Olsen, another semi-finalist who has recently moved to California. Finalists are eligible for scholarships from NMSC and about 340 corporations, foundations, colleges, unions, trusts, professional associations, other organizations, and individuals. Students chosen as Finalists homerooms," said Judy Jack- time of order and $2.25 in the will be announced about May 3, son, sales manager. spring. 1967. The exact number of Sales of Eyries last week awards will depend upon sponEyrie for 1967 will have seven reached a total of 1,950 copies, color pictures with spot color on sor support. Last year over a small increase over last fourteen pages. 2,250 Merit Scholarships were year's sales, Judy said. "We are designing this year's awarded, 17 hundred of them Dates for the special extra book to be casual and collegiate by sponsors. sale wUl be announced next in style and pictorial coverage," In past programs at least 97 week. Students who were un- remarked Barb Walker, co-orpercent of the Semifinalists able to purchase an Eyrie last dinating editor. have become Finalists. Each week will be able to do so at Finalist receives a Certificate Barb added that Eyrie will the regular price of $4 at the contain 224 pages, 16 pages of Merit for his performance in the program. time of order or $2.25 at the more than last year's.



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Eyrie Reopens Book Sales Plans for a second sales campaign after Homecoming for Eyrie were announced today by Barb Walker and Judy Jackson, co-editors. "Although we don't usually hold a second sales period, we are doing so this time because many upperclassmen came to us after the sales closed last week complaining that Eyrie salesmen never had time to reach all the students in some

Karen Smith

Pag* 2

October 7, 19M



Seniors, Juniors Must Consider College Careers

Members of " T h e Curious Savage" cast listen attentively as Dick Katschke '67, portrays Hannibal playing his violin. Pictured f r o m I. to r. are Dick Katschke '67, Anita Hosford '67, Carla Oleck '68, M a r t y Bussert '68, Alan Holfeldt '67, Steve Crowe '67, Don Anderson '67, and Martha Hale '68.

Savage' Cast Speaks Out Cast members are already busy rehearsing for Maine South's second theater-in-theround production, The Curious Savage. They represent a wide range of interests and experience in the theater. The Curious Savage tells about Mrs. Savage's experiences at the Cloisters, a home for disturbed people. The Savage children had sent their mother there, hoping this would stop her from setting up a fund to help people do all the foolish things they dream of doing. . . . Judy portrays widow Ethel Savage, the wealthy and eccentric widow, is portrayed by Judy Munsen '67. She enjoys her part as Mrs. Savage "because she is so warm and real and is completely an individual." Judy added, "It is a challenge to walk and talk like an elderly woman and still show that she is young at heart." Mary Kerner '68, will play the part of Mrs. Savage's daughter Lily Belle. Mary has had roles in several non-school theater productions in addition to her activities in orchestra and Contest Speakers Club. She commented, "It is a pleasure to work on a play that is so humorous and yet which has such a warm message."

"As Senator Titus Savage I play an overbearing and demanding man, "stated Steve Crowe '67. Last year Steve had the role of James Keller in The Miracle Worker. . . . Judge buys office Playing the role of Judge Samuel Savage is Marty Bussert '68. He appeared in last year's musical Kiss Me Kate and in Arsenic and Old Lace. Marty summed up his part in this way, "Judge Savage bought his way into office, so I will try to portray him as a person of little ability. It seems as if his decisions are always reversed." Marilyn Johnson '68, portrays Fairy May, one of the guests at the Cloisters. She expressed her feelings about her first acting role, "The excitement of turning a ficticious personality into reality is both enjoyable and difficult. There are so many opportunities for personal expression — that is what I enjoy most of all." Dick Katschke '67, who plays the part of Hannibal, has appeared in Arsenic and Old Lace, Kiss Me Kate, and several local theater productions. His part requires some knowledge of the violin. Since he has never even held one before, he feels his part should be "quite interesting."

M a i nest ream

Homecoming Week Draws To Harrowing Conclusion by Judy Projahn Tomorrow we will see the spectacular floats that are the result of extensive work and enthusiasm on the part of Maine South students. In watching the parade no one would believe the confusion from which these masterpieces arose. Approximately six weeks before homecoming, the floats were born amid the commotion of a council meeting. No matter what the council. Pep Club, class, or otherwise, the conversation ran much the same. "We gotta have a theme. Now I want all of you to go back and ask the kids if they've got any ideas for a theme." A week later, the same council would meet again only to hear this revered exclamation, "What d'ya mean, nobody's got an idea for a theme!" By some miracle, a theme is usually found, and some artistic member of the group is drafted to make a sketch of the float. Materials can then be purchased. Economy prevails. "Where can we get 84 hundred napkins cheap? I think somebody works somewhere where

we can get them for half price. We have to appoint a committee to look into napkins." The napkins and the theme are then combined in the process of a mass hysteria known as floatbuilding. This involves forty million people going in thirty million different directions toward one objective. That objective may sometimes become rather hazy, but adults are always present to remind the floatbuilders. Having begun the float, the councils enlist in a sort of Russian roulette called, "Whose car do we use this year?" Parents seem hesitant to offer their cars, but the students will not use just any car. It must be a flashy convertible. This stems from the philosophy that if the float is a failure, at least the car will be a success. So when you see the floats tomorrow, remember the work that went into them. If you were one of the many who helped to build them, we thank you, we congratulate you, and we wish you many years of cheap napkins and flashy convertibles.

. . . Martha's first role Portraying Florence is Martha Hale's '68, first acting role. She feels "it is a real challenge to learn all the lines and the actions that accompany them." Jeffrey is played by Bob Landeck '67. He voiced his opinion of the show, "It is sure to be one of Maine South's biggest successes of the year." Anita Hosford '67, considers her part as Mrs. Paddy quite challenging "since it requires reacting and showing emotions without speaking." Besides appearing in productions of several local theater companies, .^nita has worked backstage and is a member and past president of Contest Speakers Club. Miss WUhelmina is portrayed by Marti Olson '70. As a freshman, this is her first role in a school production. She finds it "very exciting and full of surprises." Alan Holfeldt '67, who has also appeared in Arsenic and Old Lace, will play the role of Dr. Emmet. . . . Don switches jol>s Don Anderson '67. stage manager, has shed his role as actor to work behind the scenes. He played the alternate roles of All Hakim and Curly in Oklahoma, Captain Keller in The Miracle Worker, and Fred Graham in Kiss Me Kate. Student director of The Curious Savage is Carla Oleck '68. Her experience in the theater includes the roles of Aunt Eller in Oklahoma, and Ann Sullivan in The Miracle Worker. Carla's other activities include secretary of Thespian Society, Concert Choir, Contest Speakers Club, and National Forensic League. She stated, "My specific job is serving as a link between Mr. Chastain and the cast."

Although it may seem premature, the time has come for all juniors and seniors to give careful consideration to their college educations. First admission dates have already passed for many midwestern colleges and universities. To be admitted to Uie college of your choice, it is necessary to apply in the near future. Seniors who wish to apply to a college can usually obtain an application by writing to the Office of Admissions. After completion, the application should be submitted to the registrar in the Personnel Office. She will attach a transcript of grades to the application if it is necessarj' and obtain any needed recommendations. The first application is processed free of charge, all others costing 50 cents. Juniors should t)egin to select the university to which they will apply next year. They should take full advantage of college nights, visitations of coUege representatives, the library's collection of college catalogs, and the advice of Mrs. Helen Stuart, college counselor, in choosing the college or university which will best prepare them for their future careers.

Student Council Outlines Intended Projects, Plans Bill Murphy, president, and Georgia Soruika, secretary, announced this years plans for Student Council. "We want to concentrate on the projects already handled by Council," said Bill, "and do something different and successfull with each of these." . . . Elections Changed One example of change was the way in which Homecoming elections were handled. All nominees wore corsages, and their pictures were posted along the library windows. There was one voting to limit the court to five girls, and then a second to select the order of the court. The queen wiU be announced at the Homecoming game, but the coronation will take place at the dance. Council is also going to try to improve on the communications between students and Council. A revised representation sustem will be put into effect based on the organization of the school. Bill said, "More effective communications will be brought forth by training the representatives to get a more avid response from the students." He said that council must reach each student in some way, no matter how^ small, and make him a part of the school and of Council. The constitution is definitely going to be revised this year to make it more flexible and applicable to the situation at South. The former representative system and the consUlution was brought from Maine East.

Council feels that this method of operation was unsatisfactory and stagnating. . . . SC plans dance How does a Tri School Dance sound? There is hope of combining Maine East, Maine West, and Maine South for such a dance sometime in November. This would replace the Thanksgiving Dance which we have had in the past. Another major aspect of effect is the Student Council office. Previously SC has been operating from an unfurnished, unequipped storage room in cafeteria C-101. The office will be . remodeled this year, and the communications will be resolved. Busy Signal is coming in mid • October. It will be done by computer. This year it will contain more pages and will be sold at a lower price. . . . Members attend Workshop Council sent 30 delegates to . the Mid C e n t r a l Suburban League District Fall Workshop. This is more than they have sent in the past years. SC • hopes to have members of South's council run for district and state offices in the State Student Council. Participation in local and state activities will also be boosted. Georgia thinks this is going. to t>e a successful year. She said, "In addition to encouragement, we have received help, interest, and comments from people outside Council. "Student Council is trying to do the things the students want to do, such as the Tri School Dance." Georgia continued, "School spirit has been much better, and I hope it continues to improve."

Southwords Th« official student newspaper o{ Maint Township High South, Park Ri<Ue. UUnius. Written and edited bi-weekly by students ot the high school. Subscriptions included with activity ticket or purchased separately at S2 per year. EkUIorslnK:hie( Gail Griffiths, Judy Projahn News Editor Sue Moore Features Editor Carol Niemann Sporu Editor Gary Muka Art Editor . Bruce Howie Assistant Editors

Above is the Maine South Varsity Cheerleading Squad (I. to r.) Jeanie Chamberlain, Sue Schneller, Laurie Sheflden, Ron! Skiba, Roxanne Schuessler, Linda Boidy, Sue Conforti, Lenore Lindeman.

VicM Lester,

Jim CDonnell. Nancy Petersen, Pal ShaU, Kathy Harrcr. Reporters Wendy CarUen. Chris Eide. Sue Hendricks. Pat Johnstone, Pal Kokonas, Sue Nagel, Sue Peavoy. Sarah Penny. Pat Price. Photographers Ralph BarzdiUa, Fred Powers. John Richmond Student News Bureau Editor ... . Barb Uvllder Advisor . . . Mr. Kenneth Beatty

October 7, 1966



'A Wonderful Experience'

Miss Angoli Visits Korea Miss Margaret Angoli, English teacher, spent last summer in Korea as one of the two Illinois representatives at the World Confederation of the Organization of the Teaching Profession. Seventy other teachers from the United Slates and representatives from ninety-four countries, including E u r o p e , Australia, South America and Africa, attended the conference. Miss Angoli and Miss Ruth Broon, president of the Illinois Association of English Teachers, stayed in Seoul, Korea, from August 1 to 10. . . . Meets Dr. Yim While attending a reception in Seoul, Miss Angoli met Dr. Louise Yim, president of the University of Korea. She also received a personal invitation to visit the American Embassy, where she met the Ambassador and other dignitaries of the country. During their tour of Korea the teachers visited grade schools.

Students and teachers of one school were called back into sion for one day so that the visiting teachers could view a Korean school in operation. Com municating with the children was no problem, for Korean children are taught English from seventh to twelfth grade. . . . Teachers Exchange Ideas Korean and American teachers also exchanged ideas about educational policies at the conference. Miss Angoli noticed that Korean children and adults are extremely polite to each other and to their elders. People courteously rose from their seats and offered them to her. "Seoul is a city of contrast, with men pulling carts and motorized buses operating on the same street," said Miss Angoli of the capital of Korea. It is also contrasted by two forms of dress, traditional dress and modern fashions, which are worn by the younger generation. She also stated that Seoul is

NHS Updates Land-use Map; Tutors Students National Honor Society is based on a four point goal: service, scholarship, leadership, and character. Last year its service project was "Project Share", a tutoring program for the underpriviledged children of Chicago in the Englewood area. This year they are sponsoring a service project in Park Ridge. The society will help the city bring the land-use map up to date. The laud-use map shows how each piece of land is being used, whether for business or for a residential unit. . . . Hettrick Trains Group Volunteers from the student body at South along with the members of National Honor Society will participate in this program. Two training classes will be conducted by Mr. Charles Hettrick, assistant city

Girls Tennis Team Opens New Season The Maine Township Girls' Tennis Team won a meet with Forestview of Arlington Heights, Thursday, September 29, by a score of 5-1. In previous meets, the team beat Maine East 4-0, and lied Niles West 3-3. The girls' tennis team has six more meets scheduled this fall. Meets will be played with Glenbrook South, Niles East, Niles North, Maine West, Glenbrook North, and Evanston.

manager, in the city council chambers on October 15 and 22 from 10 to 11 a.m. Instruction, information, and procedures will be given at these meetings. On October 29 and November 9 the workers will begin their assignment of examining and stating the use of the land from a visual inspection. From the data which the students collect, the map will be revised, and a new design will be presented which will enable future revision to be carried out more easily. . . . NHS Tutors Students Tutoring by the National Honor Society is in its third year at South. This service may be obtained from National Honor Society members for a nominal fee of $1.50 per hour. Mrs. Aida Farmer, sponsor, said, "By the second week of school, we had already received requests for tutors from students who felt they needed help." She added, "Results in past years have been very satisfactory. We feel this is an outstanding contribution made by National Honor Society, and one that meets a student's needs." Election of new members by the faculty will take place in February, and it will be followed by a tea in the home economics living room to express appreciation to the faculty on the part of National Honor Society members.

quite clean, contrary to what has been reported. "Much of the news of antiAmericanism that is heard in the United States is false, because it is issued from Communist-controlled newspapers," Miss Angoli reported. There is a midnight curfew for everyone, because the Communists are so close to Seoul. She stated, "We are desperately wanted and needed to stem Communism in the Far East." "A wonderful experience," is Miss Angoli's comment concerning her five-week stay in the Far East. She hopes other teachers might also have this opportunity.

The varsity debate squad at South this year is Gary Johnson '68, J i m Barmeier '67, Scott Bremer '68, and Linda Carney '68.

Arena Play Offers Challenges; Curious Savage' Crew Prepares The Curious Savage, presented in the arena style, offers unique challenges for the actors and stage crews. Because the audience is only two and a half feet away from the actors, it feels closer to the play and is more involved with the lives of the characters. Actors most use more careful facial expressions and actions in the theater-in-the-round than they would if the play were done in the proscenium style. Since there are people on all sides, the actor will always have his back to someone. His back must be able to show the same emotion as his face. . . . Actors need concentration Carla Oleck '68, student director of The Curious Savage, commented on another quality an actor needs. "The actor in a theater-in-the-round production must have a high power of concentration so that he may look at the audience and yet not see it. If he did actually recognize anyone, he would break the illusion he is creating." Because of a limited stage, stylized scenery is used to give

Soufh Goes 'Mad' For Paperbacks This month's best-seller list from the Paperback Bookstore have been released. They are: 1. Mad, 2 The Cross and the Switchblade, 3. Of Mice and Men, 4. Witches' Brew, 5. Peanuts, 6. Andy Capp, 7. Bridge On the River Kwai, 8. Man With the Golden Gun, 9. Copenhagen Affair, and 10. Tales to be Told in the Dark.

the effect of different sets. Half sets, such as a bookcase with only a few lower shelves or a half door, must be used so that the view of the audience is not blocked. The audience must use imagination and the aid of the actors' pantomime to complete the half sets. . . . Added care needed Added care must be taken in preparing the sets and makeup because the audience is so close. All of the properties and sets must be in good condition and painted so that they look real. If the play calls for a paper with a specific headline it must have that particular headline because some people are close enough to read it. More than just gray hair and wrinkles are needed to make a high school girl look like an old

Art Club Makes Wisconsin Trip Georgene Gray '68 president, Gail Braunsdorf '69 program chairman, and Diane Bond '69 secretary-treasurer, are the new officers of Art Club. Plans are in the making for a trip October 22 to Spring Green, Wisconsin to visit House on the Rock, owned by a Madison sculptor, and Taliesin East. Governor Dodge Park will be the site of a picnic lunch. Money for the trip was partially earned by a taffy apple sale. Members of Art Club will be joined by students from the architecture and design classes.

Stagebillers Select Officers; Plan Year Stagebillers, one of M a i n e South's theater clubs, recently held an organizational meeting to elect officers and to make plans to see Dr. Zhivago October 13. New officers are Pal Sullivan '69, president; and Marge McBride '69, secretary. Membership is open to all freshmen and .sophomores. Fifty cents registration fee is required at the fir.st play or movie. Stagebillers is organized on a pay-as-you go basis when you want to go on a trip. This enables many more people to take full advantage of the opportunity open to them.

Latin Club To Hold Picnic, initiation Cowboy outfits w i l l be worn by the Pom Pom girls at the Homecoming game tomorrow. This year's squad includes (left to right) Pat Standa, Luz Montero, Pat Konopka, Sue Braun, Narda Greising, Barb Sensenbrenner, Vicki Grant, Debby Butler, Linda Smith, M a r y Kilinski, Georgann Greshiw, A p r i l Aloisio, Merry Shute, Pat E w i n g , Lenore Raia, and Chris Geister. The cowboy suits are part of a new routine the squad has worked out for the song " D o n ' t Fence Me I n . "

Latin Club, sponsored by Miss Marion Fisher, is having a picnic and initiation October 12 after school in the forest preserves across Dee Road. All former and prospective members are invited to attend.

woman. Shadowing must be used effectively. Make-up must be more subtle in the arena. Members of the production staff are: Fran Spacek '69, prompter; Edie Mangun '67, tickets; and Karen Waldman '68, house manager. . . . Crew heads named Crew heads are: Dick Heron '68, construction; Lee Brainerd '68, and Pat Price '67, properties; J. P. SaUy '67, Ughts; Randy Salo '67, sound; Myra Tinnes '67. make-up; Barb Prykan '67, programs; Barb Olsen '67, costumes; and Diane Bauman '67, and Carol Nieman '67, publicity. The play will be presented Friday and Saturday, October 21 and 22, and Thursday, Friday, and Saturday, October 27, 28, and 29, at 8 p.m. Tickets will go on sale Monday, October 10 at $1.25 for adults and $1.00 for Maine South students with a student identification card. This is the first time that Maine South students will be given a special reduced price.

Squad Debates On Foreign Aid The Varsity Debate Squad will attend a cross-examination style debate at A r l i n g t o n Heights on October 15. Jim Barmeier '67 and Linda Carney '68 will represent the affirmative side of the question while Scott Bremer '68 and Gary Johnson '68 will represent the negative side. The topic for debate is "Resolved: That the Foreign Aid Program of the United States should be limited to nonmilitary assistance." Mr. Hoag, sponsor of Debate Club, would like all students to understand that there is now a regular debate class, in addition to the Debate Club, which has a one-half credit attached to it. It is not necessary for a student who wants to belong to the Debate Club to take the course, and those who take the course do not have to join Debate Club. Students who wish to participate in debating are encouraged to join the club before the end of the first quarter when the constitution for the club is to be completed. There will be special sessions on the Wednesday or Thursday of each week for aspiring members to receive help with their material.

Club Sells Apples To Purchase Trees Biology Club will hold a taffy apple sale October 12 to raise money to buy trees for the school grounds.


October 7, 1966


Hawks Host Clenbrook By Gary Mnka A week of festive Homecoming activities will reach its climax tomorrow afternoon when many of those peculiar acting athletes in the halls exchange their red skullcaps for football helmets and square off with Glenbrook North's Spartans in this years gridiron classic. Earlier this week at the Homecoming assembly, Coach Nyren stated that with the support of the student body, the Hawk footbaU squad would do their best to make this Homecoming one to remember, and the players are out to do just that. . . . Simpson Breaks Hand Physically the Hawks are in top condition with one exception. Starting quarterback Bob Simpson suffered a badly broken hand last Saturday at Deerfield and is through for the season. But his last performance as a Hawk might well be as inspiring to the rest of the Hawk squad as all the support the student body can give. Bob suffered his broken hand early in the first quarter but elected to stay in the Uneup, not knowing the extent of the injury. He played the rest of the quarter and most of the second quarter, and with a little over seven minutes left in the half, he ran a Deerfield kickoff 80 yards to the Warrior 20 yard Une—aU with a broken hand. A Homecoming win would indeed be a fitting tribute to such an individual effort. Bob still has his one hand in the Hawk's fate though as he passes along his knowledge to his successor, Gary Lange. As

a backfield coach, Simpson will be working with Gary all week preparing for the Glenbrook contest. . . . Lange Takes Over As the backup quarterback, Lange now wiU take charge of the backfield, where he has already displayed talent worthy of his position. Filling in for the injured Simpson at Deerfield, Saturday, the tall lanky junior moved the team for two touchdowns in the second half, one on a long pass to Mike Ewing. Lange probably isn't the great running threat that Bob Simpson was, but against Deerfield he showed the all important ability to scramble for good yardage when faced with an overwhelming pass rush. Defensively the Hawks will be welcoming back to the lineup such stalwarts as Rusty Siebold, Charley Sippel, Jim Kaiser, and Jim Neuses. Siebold has recovered from a rib injury suffered early in practice, and has not played to date. Sippel, Kaiser, and Neuses, are returning after one week absences. The return of Neuses at Wingback is important since the secondary was hit the hardest by the Deerfield offense, Saturday. . . . Passing Biggest Threat There doesn't seem to be any relief in sight for the secondary either as the Glenbrook North's Spartans come in with one of the best passing teams in the conference. In winning their opener against Niles, they foiled their opponents with various forms of belly passes, or moving passes such as the roll-

Fall Sports Mean Trying Days For Female Fans by Pat Price For all girl sports fans, whether they are interested in athletics or in the boys who participate, fall is an exciting time. Why is it exciting? Because the frenzied effort to come out on top in conference is contagious. Sometimes, however, this we-must-win attitude is trying. Any girl who is dating an athlete in a fall sport is either recovering from the initial shock, or in for a big surprise. If you are not in that category, you still should know what goes on. Prepare yourselves, girls, for some very interesting facts. The first facet of any sport is practice. In case you don't know what those boys in red and white are doing running around in the forest preserve or throwing a ball around the field and jumping on the fellow who catches it, they're practicing. "Why is it necessary? I asked Al Athlete, well-known sports star here at Maine South. "Practice is necessary," replied Al in an athletic manner, "to keep in training, to co-ordinate team play, to keep the

Hawk Cheerleaders yell gamt against Deerfield.

coach happy, and to develop spirit." "Thank you, Al," said I, thinking it was a rehearsed answer. It was. Training is another term to beware of. Training to boys means a lot of exercise and sleep, and a healthy diet. To girls it means, in a word, EARLY. "We'll have to leave now. Coach says to get ten hours of sleep a night," Fred Football is known to have said to his date, Gail Girlfriend, at the Kick-Off Dance. It was 9:15 p.m., forty-five minutes after the dance had started. Yet, when I asked the girl if TRAINING and PRACTICE are worth while she replied, "Yes, if you can live through it, the pride you feel is worth it aU!" Can you help but feel the spirit that is developed by the effort to win for Maine South? I don't think so. Now that you know what goes on BEFORE the events, go TO the events, and you'll feel the pride, too!

up for South in Saturday's

out pass. Glenbrook may at first probe the Hawk line with their running game, but their real strength lies in this type of passing attack. The Spartans employ a wing T offense similar to that used by the Hawks. The Hawks have been drilling on pass defense all week and should be up to anything Glenbrook can offer tomorrow. At the line of scrimmage the big men up front will be trying to exert as much pressure on the Glenbrook quarterback as possible. One of Coach Nyren's basic complaints in Saturday's loss to Deerfield, was the poor pass rush of the Hawk line. With the line back to full strength, the squad should be much improved in this area by tomorrow. If big Dave Butz could get to the Spartan quarterback a couple times early in the game, he might begin to think twice before fading back to throw. At middle linebacker, Senior, Randy Muntean has become a real stunt man of late. His action before the ball is snapped at the line of scrimmage is not any form of offsides, as many of the opponent's fans would like to believe, but rather a simple but effective method of keeping the offensive linemen off balance. In the last few games. Randy has done an excellent job. Although not big as linebackers go, he has shown good speed, pursuit, and lateral mobility. . . . Offense Scores Well Offensively, the Hawks are trying to break open with their offense which is potentially explosive, but has yet to reach its capacity. Nevertheless the Hawk backfield has produced over 20 points in each of the last two games, which is usually enough to win any game, with a good defensive effort. Along with Senior strongboy Tom Lynch, Coach Nyren has played Shall, Spotts, and Flaherty at fullback, trying to get a good one, two punch. All are capable runners and h a v e scored touchdowns this season. Although Glenbrook is a worthy opponent, the Hawks should triumph tomorrow if their offense performs consistantly as in the past and if the Hawk defense, through the combination of a good pass rush and good coverage by the secondary, is able to contain the Spartan passing attack.

Halfback Tom Lynch runs his patented end sweep against Deerfield.

Warriors' Aerial Attack Humbles Varsity 32-21 The Hawks varsity dropped its conference opener to Deerfield 32 to 21 Saturday, before a large crowd. The Hawks seemed to be off to a fine start when the defense recovered a Deerfield fumble deep in Deerfield territory, and then drove to the goal line where Halfback Tom Lynch went over for the score. The Hawks lead was short lived, though, as the Warriors went to the air and cashed in on two long touchdown passes, from quarterback Jeff Mason to end, Gerry Carper. With a 13 to 0 lead Deerfield returned to their ground game where they fared much better this time than at first. Bob Katz, the Deerfield Fullback scored the third Warrior touchdown at 1:41 of the second quarter to conclude the scoring for the first half. The first half proved costly for the Hawks as they lost the services of senior quarterback Bob Bimpson who suffered a broken hand. Gary Lange came

in to replace Simpson late in the second quarter. Neither team could dent the scoreboard in the third quarter, but the Hawks, with a new backfield, started to roll early in the fourth. Junior, Tom Spotts and Senior Jim Flaherty, teamed up with Lange on the first touchdown Hawk drive of the second half. Flaherty went over the middle for the score at 6:2S, and Shlapak kicked the automatic to make . the score 32 to 14. One minute later Lange connected on a 20yard pass to Mike Ewing for a touchdown, the last of the game. Deerfield kept adding to their score in the fourth quarter with touchdowns by their halfback and fullback. Junior placekicker, Borys Shlapak, kept his flawless string of P.A.T. kicks going, by booting three more against Deerfield. Borys was recently named in a Chicago paper as one of the leading kickers in the area, with six conversions in a row. He has now extended his streak to nine in a row.

Fleet-feet Edge Deerfield; Prepare for Niles North Varsity Conference play got off last Saturday with a win over Deerfield. "The score was a close 27-29 but was not a true indication of what the Hawkmen could really do. Jim Sherman '68, took first place and was followed by Don Seelig '68, Bob Benedict '67, Randy McClure '68, and Bill Murphy '67. Deerfield was rated third in the conference behind Niles North and Maine South respectively. Therefore, S o u t h should have no less than second spot in conference standings. But after last year's experience, the Fleet-feet are going to make Niles work for any points it will be able to score against South. Prospect fell victim to the Varsity fleet-feet last week 19 to 42. Running on Prospect's home course, the Hawks started with and never lost the lead. Benedict, Sherman, and Seelig ran an exceptional race and placed 1-2-3. Bob Benedict, at Riverside-

Brookfield invitational, won a fifth place trophy while both the Varsity and Frosh-Soph squads finished a respectable sixth of sixteen schools. This Thursday, the fleet-feet ran Glenbrook North, last year's conference champs, and because their eleven top runners were graduated. South was favored to win on both levels. Meets coming up are the Ridgewood Invitational where the Hawks have a chance of bringing home a trophy. The next dual meet of the season will be October 11 and is the most important meet of the season. Niles North will come to South for a meet that will probably decide the winner of the conference. Niles is tough but, the Hawks are getting in top shape and expect to win. School support and spirit could also be a factor in the result. The Frosh-Soph squad has not fared as well as the Varsity. They dropped their meets to

both Deerfield and Prospect, and now have a 1 and 4 record. Mike Strelka '69, has continued to lead the little Fleet-feet. They have shown good spirit but haven't been able to outdistance their opponents.

J.V/s Lose 9-6; Glenbrook Next The Little Hawks will go into action tomorrow against the Spartans of Glenbrook North, on a note of revenge, after being , defeated by Deerfield last week by a score of 9 to 6. This was the J.V.'s first loss of the season. Coach Van Proyen optimistically predicts that his team will beat the Spartans, if things go a litUe better on the Hawk offense. The offensive squad missed several good scoring chances in the Deerfield game which could have provided them with a win.

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