Ski Club Plans To Return To Wilmot Slopes Soon
iwur Vol. 3, No. 3
Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III.
November 4, 1966
V-Show Portrays TV Shows Television programs will be • the theme for this year's VShow, Spirit of '67. The show will portray a typical day of television broadcasting. Suggestions for acts and appropriate music were distributed along with tryout application sheets at an organizational meeting held October 27. Tryout applications are still available in PA 101. Applications must be turned in to PA 101, Mr. Hal Chastain's office, by Wednesday, November 23, to help determine the tryout schedule.
Seniors List Cast, Crew for 'Wind' Mr. Donald Martello, director of this year's Senior Class play, Inherit the Wind, has announced cast and crew members. Matthew Harrison Brady, the prosecuting attorney in the trial, will be played by Bob Landeck '67. Don Anderson '67 has the part of Henry Drummond, defense attorney. Randy Salo '67 win play the sneering newspaperman, E. K. Hombeck. Mrs. Brady will be portrayed by Anita H(wford '67. Rachel Brown, who is in love .with the man on trial, wiU be played by Carla Oleck '68. Marty Bussert '68 has the part of Bert Cates, a teacher on trial • for teaching the theory of evolution. Steve Crowe '67 will play Reverend Jeremiah Brown, the smaU-town minister. Crew heads include Barbara Prykan '67, costumes; Carol Lee '68, make-up; Lee Brainerd '68, • house manager of the ushers, John Wittenmeier '68, construction; Kathy Rud '67 and Edie Mangun '67, painting; Jack Miller '67, lights; Rodney Rieger '67, sound; Marilynn Connors '67 and Kim Waldron '68, properties; Judy Munsen '67 and Pat Price '67, publicity; and Sue Bowen '67, coordinator (d ticket sales. - Although Inherit the Wind is not history, it is based on the actual Scopes "Monkey Trial" about a man who broke the law 'by telling his students of the theory of evolution.
Act tryouts will begin December 5 and continue for two weeks. Students should tryout when they are scheduled. Tryouts for dance chorus will take place the week of November 15. Any music needed for V-Show acts must be approved by Mr. McLean, music director, before tryouts. A list of music available in orchestration suitable for the stage band will be posted outside Mr. Gordon McLean's office, PA 107. Members of a group trying out for the show will be judged on an individual, as well as a group basis. Even though the whole group may not be accepted, individual members of the group may be chosen to participate in V-Show. A group selected to be part of the cast may also perform an act in V-Show completely different from the one performed at tryouts. Several positions on the V-
South Predicts Victors In Mock Election Nov. 7 Mock elections, soonsored by Tri-S and the social science department will be held Monday, November 7. All students displaying identification cards are eligible to vote. Voting will take place in study
7500 Films, 730 Equipment Items, AV Staff Responsibility Each Year Through the student AudioVisual staff, sponsored by Mr. Pool, over 130 pieces of equipment are made available to 170 teachers on the staff. The boys are selected for Audio-Visual staff at the end of their freshman year. To be eligible, a boy must have a B average. If chosen, he begins his sophomore year spending one study period a day working in the Audio-Visual department. No pay is involved in this service during school hours, but the staff also serves at night school and after-school programs for which they are paid. Over fifty 16 mm. sound movies, varying from ten to thirty minutes in length, are handled each week by the Audio-Visual staff. The district recently purchased 130 new films, and annually Maine South rents about fifteen hundred films which are used in all departments. Some of the equipment used by the -Audio-Visual staff consists of eighteen 16 mm. movie projectors, 18 record players, more than 30 tape recorders, and 30 overhead projectors. Student chief is Craig Moen '67; assistant department man-
English Profs Advise Conference To assist the Wisconsin Council of Teachers of English in expanding and improving their programs for accelerated English students, Mr. Marian Davis. • English department chairman, and Mr. Gene Hass, Advanced Placement teacher at South, acted as consultants at a recent conference on Academically Talented Students. Mr. Davis and Mr. Hass discussed with the conference members problems associated . with accelerated English programs as they have seen them here at South and previously at Maine East and West. Problems discussed included areas such as which students should be placed in the accelerated program each year, which students should rontinue the classes each year, and what percenta''p o' advanced placement students actually receive advanced standing in college.
Show writing staff have not yet been filled. Students interested in applying for a position on the writing staff should pick up an application in PA 101. V-Show production dates are Thursday, Friday, Saturday, and Sunday, February 23 to 26. AH students are encouraged to try out for the V-Show, the dance chorus, or any one of the production staffs, said Mr. Chastain.
Other areas of discussion included the selection of materials and texts for the courses and methods used to encourage students to work in depth rather than simply to increase the quantity of their work. "Most Maine South students who complete the AP English course at South can expect to receive at least one year of advanced standing in college," Mr. Davis said. Dr. Harlan Hanson, National Director of Advanced Placement program within the College Entrance Examination Board, told the conference that colleges which have had the most experience with AP students are granting more and more advanced standing. Smaller schools and others w'-o hive not haM as much ex perience with AP students are still reluctant to grant advanced standing.
Ski Club is growing by leaps and bounds. In its first year at Maine South, Ski Club had 40 members. Last year two hundred members swelled the club to a large-scale organization. "This year, the club expects a membership of up to four hundred snow-happy students!" said Mr. Gary Hahn sponsor. Ski Club is starting early in anticipation of its big season. Elected officers are: president, Andrew Heubner '68; vice-president, Steve Randahl '68; secretary, Judy Van Auken '68; treasurer, Larry Wickmann '68; and Sargent-at-Arms, Larry Lykowski '68. Ski Club dues are $2.50, which any student may pay in the bookstore. Members receive a patch saying "Maine South Ski Club" on payment of their dues, and are eligible to participate
ager is Fred Sasser '68. Vincent Pinelli '68 and Wes Embery '68 are staff assistants. The sophomore service staff is composed of six boys. Stated Mr. Pool, sponsor, "Extensive audio-visual service is possible only through this dedicated, highly responsible student staff."
Parking Stickers Will Aid Drivers "Parking stickers must be displayed on all cars using the student parking lot!" Mr. John Minerick, safety and drivers' education department chairman, stated. "Last year's s q u a r e stickers are acceptable, and the new triangular ones are available in Room V-112." Parking stickers protect students, he added. If the lights are left on or a car is damaged, the Driver's Education Department uses the number on the sticker to locate and notify the driver. This is why Mr. Minerick emphasizes the necessity of parking stickers. "Sticker checks have been and will continue to be made, .so get a sticker!" he said. Also, there are only 248 parking spaces to accommodate over one thousand Maine South drivers. Mr. Minerick feels that this could cause a space problem, and enlists the aid of all students to make the parking lot safer and more organized. "This means," he added, "no backing into parking spaces, parking only between the lines, and going the right direction in one way lanes."
Theater Club Tells Election of Officers Theater Club, for juniors and seniors, has elected officers for this year. They are Marilyn Johnson '68, president; Nancy Hediin '67, vice-president; Marilyn Connors '67, secretarytreasurer; and Pat Ludwig '68, business manager. Plans for the Odd Couple, the first scheduled play for this year, will be announced later.
halls and outside the cafeterias during all lunch periods. Purpose of the mock election is to teach students active involvement in politics, to see to •what extent students reflect the public opinion, and to stimulate interest in political procedures. Ballots will be facsimiles of those to be used in the general election Tuesday, November 8. They will include the names of candidates for national, state, and county offices. Floyd T. FuUe, candidate for re-election for Cook County Commissioner, and John Carroll, candidate for State Senator, presented the Republican platform on Tuesday, November 1 after school. On Thursday, November 3, Mayor Nicholas Blase spoke on the Democratic views. Sue Bennett and D i c k Katschke headed the Republican committee, and Matt Bunyan was chairman of the Democratic committee. This year's election will differ from the election of 1964 in that there will be no debate, registration, or campaigning. Matt Bunyan, head of the Democratic committee, stated, "Regardless of what party you belong to, show up at the polls to vote."
Language Room Goes Electronic A new electronic classroom for teaching German 1, 11, and IV and Ruissian II, III, and IV will soon be in operation. Designed to supplement the language laboratories, the new classroom consists of listening apparatus suspended from the ceiling. A large tape recorder, and control consul, similar to those used in the present language labs, allows the instructor full control of what each student hears. When not in use the hearing apparatus is retracted to the ceiling. The room can then be used for other methods of instruction. The aural-oral method o f teaching and learning is used by the new language classes. Students learn the language by hearing and speaking rather than from simply reading the language. Students listen to words and sentences from the tape recorder and then repeat or imitate the sounds. Grading is based upon correctness of word meaning and pronunciation.
in planning skiing trips. The plans include trips to Wilmot every Friday when there is snow. Skiiers will leave school at 4 p.m. and return at 11:30 p.m. Cost will be $5, half of what it costs to ski alone. Students with their own equipment can ski for $2.50. In addition, Mr. Hahn will give free lessons to students who have never skied before, or who need help. "Just give us snow, and we'll ski every week-end!" exclaimed Mr. Hahn. Plans for several weekend ski trips are also in the making. Students who are not members of ski club can go on both these and the Friday night Wilmot trips. Ski Club hopes to have over 250 participants on each trip. Mr. Hahn invites all interested students to talk to him in room C-140, and get the details. "There is room for every interested student to ski, so come on out! As soon as the snow starts, we'll start!" emphasized Mr. Hahn.
Theme Set For Musical The Sound of Music will be Maine South's spring musical, announced Mr. Lloyd Spear, music department chairman. The Sound of Music portrays the early life of Baroness Maria Von Trapp and the Trapp Family Singers, prior to World War
n. Tryouts for llie Sound of Music will be held in January. The show will employ a cast of 25 with the major roles double-cast. The musical will be given on April 27, 28, 29, and 30, under the sponsorship of the Maine South Music Boosters. "It will be another in succession of fine musicals at Maine South following outstanding performances of Oklahoma a n d Kiss Me Kate," said Mr. Si>ear. General and musical director will be Mr. Spear. Stage director will be Mr. Donald Martello; vocal director, Mr. Irwin Bell; technical directors, Mr. Hal Chastain and Mr. Daniel Padberg; assistant musical director, Mr. Walter Flechsig; and choreographer. Miss Barbara Bobrich.
South Names Cowie, Childs Semifinalists Bob Cowie '68 and Ralph Childs "68 are Maine South's Americans Abroad candidates for next summer's program. Bob remarked, "It will be an honor, a lot of fun, and a good experience if we are chosen. I think that AFS is a very good program that encourages teenage ambassadors to learn about people of different cultures." An adult screening committee judged the applicants on academic record, social life, family background, a variety of interests, health record, a n d adaptability to situations. The names will be sent to the American Field Service headquarters in New York where the final decision will be made as to whether the boys go abroad next summer to any of the 40 participating countries. Ralph stated, "When I found that 1 hart been rhosen as one of the AFS semi-finalists, I was honored and excited. I feel that it would be a wonderful experience to be chosen to go to any one of the countries."
Pag* 2
November 4, 1966
Marching Band Creates
P l a y S t i m u l a t e s S o u t h P r i d e Eye-Catching Routines Last weekend saw the curtain fall on the final performance of The Curious Savage. This play was in all respects a delightful experience, and, hopefully, an indication of the dramatic productions to come. The entire cast and crew are to be congratulated on a truly fine performance. Many members of the cast were fairly new to the Maine South stage. Marti Olson 70 will certainly prove an asset in future productions. Her performance as Miss WUhelmina was excellent. Alan HoKeldt '67 and Mary Kerner '68 are two upperclassmen who also turned in fine performances. This was their first appearance in dramatic roles as well. We were pleased to see the consistently fine work of Judy Munsen '67, who had the lead in "The Lesson", a one-act play presented last spring. Judy, as Mrs. Savage, gave a wonderful interpretation of a lovable old woman whose only vice was excessive generosity. Dick Katschke '67, Steve Crowe '67, and Marty Bussert '68 once again exhibited the talent which has earned them roles in the past. Another newcomer to the dramatic stage was Marilyn Johnson '68 who gave a fantastic portrayal of Fairy May. She skillfully captured the innocent simplicity of a mentally disturbed young girl whose only real desire is to be loved. We hope to see her
talent on the Maine South stage in the near future. A veteran performer who gave an especially fine performance was Anita Hosford '67. She played the difficult character of Mrs. Paddy, whose only speech was to recite the things she hates. Her final speech in which she admits that she loves Mrs. Savage and breaks her long-standing silence was a great emotional experience and moved much of the audience. We commend Anita on a real acting triumph. Bob Landeck '67 and Martha Hale '68 complete the list of outstanding cast members. Bob has been cast in a leading role in Inherit the Wind, and we are anticipating another fine performance. Martha, although a newcomer to the dramatic stage, displayed her talents in V-Show and Kiss Me Kate last year. The fine direction of Carla Oleck '68 and the excellent stage direction of Don Anderson '67 combined this cast into a finished performance. The Curious Savage was well worth seeing. Although it is too late to see it now, we feel assured that you wUl find the same consistent quality in all Maine South productions. They are more than just plays that somebody else puts on. They are experiences in which every member of the audience participates. The Curious Savage was a credit to Maine South.
By Pat Price Half-time spectacle at Maine South Home football games is more eye-catching than ever this year. The Marching Band in red, black, and white, under the direction of Mr. Gordon McLean, has presented fine music, magnificent formations, drills, and dance steps. Credit for this record must be divided between the 96 members of the concert band, and Mr. McLean. From the organization of the half-time show until the final performance, these two factions must work as a team, planning and rehearsing each note and step until they are blended into a whole. . . . McLean Chooses Theme The process begins when Mr. McLean chooses the theme for the half-time entertainments. He makes certain it is popular and enjoyable as well as adaptable to the use of a marching band. In the past themes for halftime shows have included Mary Poppins, Music from Musicals, The Spanish Flea, and recently, a Scottish Highlander routine. Mr. McLean chooses music appropriate to the theme. If the music library does not contain the proper music or arrange-
Public Opinion Poll
Will Emotion Affect Upcoming Election? Does the personal life and appearance of a candidate influence the outcome of an election? With election day only five days away, this question is on many people's minds. In the Southword's Opinion Poll, 83 per cent of the students felt that the outcome of an election is influenced by a candidate's personal life. Twentyseven per cent felt that it is not. Diane Willey '68 feels that the personal life of a candidate must influence the way a person votes. "The voter is at a disadvantage because he knows nothing about the candidate except what he reads. A pleasant face, or a well-known name, can be a determining factor." Barb Walker '67 added, "I feel that the personal life and appearance of a candidate should be considered in conjunction with his public life and political platform, since private life often reflects the candidate's character." . . . Publicity Affects Voter "Public knowledge of a candidate's life results in a personal relationship between the voter and the candidate. The extent of this knowledge plays a major role in the outcome of an election," was the opinoin of Mark Nordskog '67. Students are divided in their opinion of the extent to which
Southwords Tke official student newspaper of Maine Township High South, Park Ridge, lUlnoU. Written and edited hi-weekly by students of the high school. Sutwchptlons Included with activity ticket or purchased separately al J2 per year. Editors-in-chief Gail Griffiths, Judy Projahn News Editor . Sue Moore Features Editor Carol Niemann Sports Editor Gary Muka Art Editor Bruce Howie Assistant Editors Vicki Lester, Jim CDonnell, Nancy Petersen, Pat Shall. Kathy Harrer. Reporters Wendy Carlsen, Chris Eide, Sue Hendricks. Pal Johnstone, Pat Kokonas, Sue .Nagel, S e Pea\ oy. Sarah Penny. Pat Price. Photographen . Ralph BarrdJtis. Fred
Sludenl News Bureau Editor ., Bn-b Uvild— Advisor M-. Kennefi Beatty
Valerie Percy's murder will influence her father's election. John Hamilton '67 feels that there will be little or no effect. "Douglas himself saw this might have been a threat and quickly acted with a shrewd as well as honorable deed; the suspension of campaigning. Thus, canceling the affect of the murder on the election." . . . People Too Emotional Kathy Harrer "68, holds an opposite opinion. "Emotional appeal is stronger than true political conviction. People are very emotional, for the most part, and tend to lean towards people who have their sympathies. People tend to judge others not by their inner worth, but by the way they outwardly appear." John Szajna '69 said, "When sorrow and tragedy strike a candidate, the voters are somewhat influenced even though they try to cover it up." "Percy definitely has an edge because of the slaying of his daughter. However, I don't believe the death of his daugher accounts for his rise in support as much as the way he has handled himself," emphasized Mark Schrag '67. . . . Many Sympathy Voters Georgene Gray '68, feels that Percy will receive many sympathy votes, but these votes will not be numerous enough to sway the election one way or another. "Marriage and divorce, etc. give the voter an idea of how well the candidate gets along with others and assumes responsibility," replied N a n c y Wohlers '68. "His appearance reflects his attitude and favorable or unfavorable mannerisms." Along this same line John Barzditus '70 said, "Some candidate's appearance reflects his characteristics and strong or weak points." According to Jim Maloney '68, "Most people just read the papers to find what the candidates think." He prefers to "see what the man's qualifications are, not what's happened to his family or what kind of an actor he is." Agreeing with this point of
view was Jim Niemann '70 who stated, "The thinking public does not take such matters into consideration when voting. Instead, they look at a candidates qualifications, experience, and beliefs." . . . Actor Is "A Doll " Ronald Reagan's acting career is a basis of much controversy. For Linda Liston '68. "Ronald Reagan is a handsome doll." She stated, "I know if I were old enough to vote he could influence me. His mastery of words, the glittering personality from his acting career contrast favorably to those who don't have his experience." Anita Hosford '67 feels, "Because people generally feel that acting is not too respectable a profession, they will vote for the opposing candidate; not because he is the better qualified of the two, but because he is more like the voter himself, and is not the enigmatic figure an actor is."
. . . What Does He Stand For? Jan Okulanis '67 thinks that it is very imwise for voters to let such matters influence them. She says, "If more people took an interest in what the candidate stands for instead of the candidate himself, our government would probably have less conflict among its members, thus a better organized government." Kay Lewis '69 expressed somewhat the same opinion when she said, "Most people don't realize that a candidate's appearance and personal life have very little to do with how well he can fill his office." Walter Skawski '68 stated, "Many believe a good official is merely one that is not corrupt. Many people would sooner elect an honest celebrity on the basis of his fame than an able public official." Julie Ellis '70 summed up the general feeling when she stated, "It all depends on the voter."
M a i nest ream
Don't Mock Mock Election by Judy Projahn At the present time, elections are in the news. Maine South has seen fit to have a repeat performance of the presidential mock election in 1964 by staging a senatorial race this year. Aside from the fact that these elections sometimes breed student animosity, I feel that it is a generally good idea to prepare students to make intelligent decisions where matters of government are concerned. It is too often the case that newspapers are not quite as neutral as they should be. A Republican oriented paper will refer to Percy as dynamic and Douglas as doddering. The Democratic papers term Douglas 'experienced" a n d Percy "expendable." Therefore, the public opinion is not really public at all, but merely a mirror of the paper it reads. The mock election has hope'ully teen kept witUn the bounds of proper politicing. Accosting
students in the hall and pelting them with a deluge of nondescript pamphlets is definitely not the way to instruct them in competent choice-making. Students must be encouraged to make their own decisions, and not rely on the thoughts of Mommy or Daddy or Best Friend. Neither should they ignore the opinions of others. Most of us will be able to vote within the next decade. We may pooh-pooh this situation thinking that ten years is a long time off. It's not. Now is the time to understand the doctrines of political parties and candidates, as weU as to define your own. The close-your-eyesandpick-a-name method is outdated. I will vacate my soapbox with a final thought: If you take the time to study for a test that will last forty minutes, then take the time to study a candidate who may last six years. Vote next Monday.
ments, Mr. McLean secures them for the library from commercial sources. In this way he not only increases the size of the band music library b u t . also gets the best possible music for presentation in the half-time show. . . . Plot Movement on Chart After the theme and music are ascertained, Mr. McLean begins work on the formation," dance steps, and drills. He plots the formations and driUs on a chart, and makes up the dance , steps himself. When these plans are finalized he dittos the charts and lists, presents each member with a copy, teaches them the music, and shows them the dance steps. From there, under Mr. McLean's direction, the members take over. They fastidiously rehearse the music and practice the steps and formations. When perfected, they put them together and rehearse the entire show. The band is divided into ranks of eight musicians. Each rank has a leader. The leaders decide the best ways to get into . and out of a formation. Each band member practices his music individually before the band practices together. The band spends a period and a half each day rehearsing. To this time is added dress rehearsal before the game and several music rehearsals after school. AU the rehearsals point toward developing band showmanship. . . . Band Seeks Flash Among the things the band strives to achieve is its own flashy style. The members work, for conformity in the carriage of instruments and a high kneestep, a style which demands a high level of energy. The only thing that is unchanged from game to game in the band's repertoire is the pregame presentation of the flag with the color guard. The band perfects this routine at the be-, ginning of the year, and does not change its presentation. "We have the most elaborate display for flag presentation" that I've seen," commented Mr. McLean. . . . Pom Pon Adds Spice The Pom Pon squad, under Miss Barbara Bobrich, is also a major part of the half-time show. Mr. McLean and Miss' Bobrich select music to which the squad will perform at the game. Miss Bobrich works, out the dance steps, and the squad practices the routine each night after school. While the band is on the field, Jeff Kroon '67 is in charge of its actions. As drum major, Jeff says, "We practice on a . parking lot instead of a football field; therefore, the band must make instant adjustments during the show itself. My job is to see that these adjustments are made correctly, as well as to set the tempo for the march and music." . . . Feature Drake U. Band Drake University band from Des Moines, Iowa, will be featured at half-time tomorrow taking some of the burden off' the shoulders of the Maine South marchers. Mr. McLean is hoping that ' the band can learn a few tricks of the trade from the high stepping Drake performers. After ihe football game, the band will be host to the Drake musicians at a pot-luck dinner here at South.
November 4, 1966
Argentine Amity Scholar Visits Spanish Classes A native of Argentina, Mr. Carlos Facello, on tour of United States through the Amity Institute Scholarship program, visited Maine South recently. Maine Township is not on the Amity Program tour, but, as a favor, Mr. Facello spoke to five Spanish classes during his one day visit. Mr. Facello, a junior at the University of Cordoba, is studying to obtain a doctorate in Ian-
M r . Carlos Facello
Parents To Visit Teachers, School Maine South's fall PTC Open Houses for parents wiU be held on Tuesday, November 8, and Wednesday, November 16, from 7 to 10 p.m. Parents with last names beginning with A-L are scheduled 'to come November 8 and parents with last names beginning with M-Z are scheduled to come November 16. Open House provides a chance for parents to meet and discuss their children's progress with their teachers. To help direct, there will be .maps, room directories, and Girls' Club guides. Coffee and cake will be served all evening in the student cafeteria.
Carthage College Hosts Debate Squads , The Debate Squad will go to Carthage College on November 5 for its next tournament. The question is Resolved: The "Foreign Aid program of the United States should be limited to non-military assistance. Competition in the debate will be composed of fifteen schools from Illinois and ten schools from Wisconsin. '
Jim Barmeier '67 and Linda Carney '68 will compose the affirmative team and Scott Bremer '68 and Gary Johnson '68 *the negative.
Home Ec Members Plan '66 Pizza Sale Home Ee Club, now known as Sigma Omicron Omicron, will .hold the annual Pepsi-Pizza sale on November 9, after school in the cafeteria. For 35 cents, students may purchase a pizza made by club members, and a Pepsi. On Saturday, November 12, Home Ec Club members will visit the campus of Northern Illinois University for an introduction to careers in the field of Home Economics.
guage. His home is in Nogoyo, province of Entre Rios. Mr. Facello applied to come to the United States as a teacher's aid in an agency at Nogoyo last March. On the basis of his grades, an examination, and two letters of reference, he was selected as an Amity Scholar and notified in April that he was to spend a year in the United States along with four other Argentine students. Mr. FaceUo was pleased with this opportunity to see the United States. Although he has only been here since July, he speaks English well, which was his main reason for wanting to come. Mr. Facello also wished to observe North American customs and people, both of which impressed him favorably. Mr. Facello said that the biggest difference between Argentina and the United States is found in the cities. The architecture is different, Argentine buildings being more ornate and traditional. The cities themselves seem to be different. American cities appear to him impersonal and a bit depressing because they are all alike. He described Argentine cities as being "warm and open." The city Mr. Facello liked best in the United States was Miami, because it is "bright and tropical". The educational system of Argentina is also different from ours, though not as radically as the cities, Mr. Facello commented. In Argentina education in the elementary grades, constituting students from age six through thirteen, is compulsory. On the basis of his ability, the student selects a "college." A "College' is comparable to our high school. Mr. Facello finds the United States an exciting place to visit. He feels that he is not returning as much as he is learning, though he has been serving as a teacher's aid and a model for Spanish pronunciation since July.
Math Teachers Attend Meeting Three Maine South mathematics teachers attended the aimual state meeting of Illinois Council of Teachers of Mathematics October 14 and 15. Held at the University of Illinois, the conference provided discussions for mathematics teachers of all levels. Attending the meeting were Mr. Charles Francis, Mr. David Paisley, and Mr. Joseph Elliot, math department chairman. At this conference, teachers discussed such topics as factoring and fractions, developing pre-number concepts, u s i n g mathematics films creatively, and the ruler and protractor. During each session, one general topic was discussed by a speaker, and later, discussion was opened to all teachers present.
As M r s . Savage, Judy Munsen '67, suppresses a chuckle, her daughter L i l y Belle, M a r y Kerner '68, cries out " Y o u ' r e throwing darts at M Y p i c t u r e l " Action is f r o m the recent production of the arena play " T h e Curious Savage."
SC Plans 'Signal', Dance; Supports Dciyis at Parley student Council has b e e n working to prepare for the Northeast District Fall Convention, the Fourteenth Annual High School Intergroup Relations Conference, the new Busy Signal, and the Tri-S c h o o 1 Dance. On Saturday, November 19, SC will send 15 delegates to the Northeast District Fall Convention at Bloom Township High School to campaign for John Davis '68 who is running for president of the Northeast District. This district composed of over 80 schools in the area is one of the nine districts of the Illinois Association of Student Councils. At the convention there will be speakers on the theme, "Sign Posts of the Future," election of officers, and discussion groups held for the purpose of exchanging ideas among the district schools. Maine South will submit a display, "Hall of Ideas," depicting Council projects at South. . . . SC Attends Convention Several members of SC and the social science department will attend the Fourteenth Annual High School Intergroup Relations Conference on Friday, November 11 at Thornton Township High School which is annually attended by over 15 thousand delegates from the greater Chicagoland area. Dr. William Graham Cole, President of Lake Forest College, wiU speak on the theme: "Man, What Are You Scared Of?" Also featured at the conference wUl be a panel on civil rights, and a dramatic presentation by the Spartan Players from Hales Franciscan High School. . . . Busy Signal on Sale Busy Signal 1966-67, Maine South's all-school phone book, will be on sale next week during lunch periods outside the cafeteria for 50 cents. The book contains a list of all students' names, addresses, phone numbers, and homeroom codes (necessary for sending Christmas
Drake Band Plays at Niles Game The Drake University Marching Band will perform at half time of the game between the Maine South Hawks and the Niles North football teams on November 5. The Maine South Marching Band will host the Drake band al a pot luck supper in the Maine South cafeteria Saturday evening. On Sunday, November 6, the Drake band will perform the same routine at half time of the televised game between the Chi-
cago Bears and Detroit Lions professional football teams. These will be the only two appearances by this marching unit in the Chicago area. The Maine South Concert Band elected officers in October. The new president is Joe Hermann: the vice-president is Jeff Kroon, who is also the marching band drum major; the secretary is Marion Gordon; and the property manager is Kay Watson. All four officers are seniors.
cards through the Boys' Club Post Office). It also contains a map of the Central Suburban Conference schools, a calendar of events, list of homeroom teachers and counselors, major club officers, class officers, Student Council members, and the school administration. . . . Plan Tri-School Dance Plans are underway for the Tri-School Dance to be held Saturday, November 19 from 8 to 11:30 p.m. in South's Spectator Gym. All students from Maine South, Maine East, and Maine West are invited. Tickets will be on sale next week during lunch periods for $2 per couple. One person in each couple must attend Maine.
German Club Elects Officers German Club, one of the largest language clubs in Maine South, will meet this year on the first and third Thursday of every month. Any person in German now or who has taken it previously is eligible for membership. Dues of $1 per year is the only other requirement. Officers, elected last year, are Julie Johnson, president; Peggy McLagan, secretary; Bob Denny, vice-president; and Jim Scherffius, treasurer.
Council Meetings Âťen to School Op< Junior Class is holding open class council meetings on every first and third Tuesday each month this year. Meetings will be held in lecture hall C-100, and all juniors are encouraged to come and help plan the prom and the other activities. Ideas are also needed for the approaching homecoming week; all interested juniors should plan to attend.
"\ hate everything in the world, but most of all I hate . . . " exclaims M r s . Paddy, Anita Hosford '67, in her tirade against the world in " T h e Curious Savage."
South Opens Radio Series WMTH, Maine Township radio station, will feature a new hourlong weekly program f r o m Maine South beginning at 2 p.m. November 1. November and December will bring the first broadcasts of folk music and musical comedies on WMTH. A sports special and a Thanksgiving special will supplement the regularly planned programs of popular, jazz, and classical music. WMTH broadcasts directly from Maine South from a studio in the PA wing. The programs are carried by telephone lines to the transmitter at Maine East. Mr. Daniel Padberg, faculty sponsor and teacher of the radio class, encourages club members and sponsors to turn in information about their activities so that the radio station can promote them.
Rifle Club Seeks Range Locof-ion Rifle Club is building its treasury and searching for locations to build a rifle range, hoping that some time in the future, Maine South will be able to have a rifle range .similar to the one built at Maine East in 1956. The 35 members of Rifle Club have been studying rifle safety and nomenclature at their regular meetings. Officers of the club are Bob Manning *68, president; Tom Dent '69, vice-president; Sue Smith '68, secretary; and Jim Waeltz '69, treasurer. At the next meeting, the club will learn prone position, sight-
ing, and trigger squeeze. Then the members will take a test of eligibility for shooting at the Maine East rifle range. The club has posed its yearly challenge to its members. They will try to shoot a bullet through a hole one-fourth inch in diameter from 50 feet. Mr. Kohler, Rifle Club sponsor stated, "Learning rifle safety and marksmanship is a wonderful activity for high school students. It develops those qualities in a high school student which are a part of the American tradition.'
Pag* 4
November 4,1966
Varsity Spirited in ' 6 6 As the first quarter of the academic year comes to a close, so does this year's edition of the Varsity football schedule, and it is time again to take this year's successes and shortcomings into consideration and obtain an overall picture of Maine South footbaU for 1966. In terms of both the team and the fans, this season would have to be described as successful for Coach Nyren and his Hawks. This is not to imply that the schedule was a series of one easy victory after another. The fans who follow the Hawks knowthat many of the season's contests were hard-fought battles where the Hawks had to be both physically and mentally alert. This might well be the most distinguishing aspect of the 1966 season. The fact is that South was tested by rugged competition week after week and still kept mentally "up" for every game. This team spirit in itself is enough to mark this year's team as a fine one. This spirit was probably the greatest contributing factor in the Hawks 4 and 3 record to date, and prob-
able third place finish in the Central Suburban Conference. . . . Come through in Clutch Throughout the season, the Hawks seemed to be able to come up with the big win that would retain Maine South's prestige as a suburban football power. After losing their opener to Wheeling, the Hawks bounced right back to trounce the Maine West Warriors in the year's greatest rivalry. At present, the Warriors are tied for the lead in the Mid Suburban Conference, so the Hawks' early victory over the Westerners speaks well for South. After losing their conference opener to a great Deerfield squad, the Hawks were again under pressure to make a respectable showing in the CSL. The Hawks responsded with a smashing 29 to 6 victory over Glenbrook North which left no doubt that South was still in the race. This game seemed to mark the turning point for the Hawks as they went on to extend their winning streak to three straight games in the next two weeks.
Sports Editorial
Harriers See Need for Uniformity on Courses The past cross country season in the Central Suburban Conference presented the runner with greater problems than simply defeating the opposing runners. Since a cross country meet is run on a two mile course through various fields and obstacles, it is essential that the host school clearly mark and explain the course to the participating teams.
Bob Benedict digs for the finish line in Niles West Meet.
If the course is particularly difficult to follow, the host school should assist visiting coaches and teams in walking through the course or at least thoroughly explaining markings before the course begins. If this is not done, one or more runners from a school could stray from the course and lose his chance at a win. The Conference meet was the crowning touch. Deerfield was host, but Glenbrook North set up the course on "neutral" ground. The farmer who owned the land plowed it up the day before the meet. No one had checked to see who owned the land. It would have been an interesting situation if the runners had been charged with trespassing. It is Southword's opinion that more stringent rules and regulations are needed. Conference schools should be regulated so that they clearly mark and explain the course for each meet to each visiting team. With regulations of this sort, the Central Suburban Confer ence could once again provide fair competition to all participants. "They could avoid the farcical mixups of the past season.
Little Hawks Trounce Niles East With Penetrating, Hybrid Offense The JV football team put on the onslaught with a five-yard a good show in their final game touchdown run. Gary Lange of the season, Monday, by maul- was good for another six points ing Niles East 54 to 0. This was on a similar run. the JV's fifth win of the seaThe second quarter saw touchson, making their overall record five, one, and one. The down passes to Mike Barret only loss came at the hands of and D a v e McGuire. Bill Schuessler, who has come Deerfield several weeks ago. through for the team all year, It is interesting to note that scored on a 25-yard dash. The all the juniors on the varsity final touchdown of the half was team were brought down to the scored after the Hawks blocked junior varsity level for the a punt deep in Niles territory. game. With this extra strength, Flaherty got his second touchthe offense scored eight touch- down of the day to wrap up the downs and probably would have sioring. scored more if the game had not been called at ths end of th? Despite some problems on ofthird quarter because of dark- fense at the beginning of ih: ness. season, the JV's, have perHawk's Jim Flaherty started formed well all year.
The only big game that the Hawks failed to win was last week's game against Niles West. The 21 to 9 loss cost the Hawks a second place finish in the CSL and was a disappointing blow, but South can look forward to taking it out on last place Niles North, Saturday, to conclude the season with a 5 and 3 record. . . . Lynch Sparks Offense Tom Lynch proved to be by far the most exciting offensive player on the Hawk squad. He was a workhorse at halfback all season and was always near the top of the list in conference scoring. Not enough can be said about the Hawk defense. Throughout the schedule, the Hawk defense earned the reputation of being one of the toughest defenses to rim against. The greatest tribute to the Maine South defensive unit would be to say that there were no real defensive stars, but the squad worked together as a unit.
Hawks' Mark Shall powers his way for extra yardage against Glenbrook North.
Sophs Close in on Crown The sophomore football team insured themselves at least a conference co-championship by defeating Niles West Saturday, by the score of 31 to 12. The mighty sophs will be the undisputed Central Suburban Champs if they beat Niles North tomorrow. Coach Gartner doesn't expect a very tough game since Niles West, the little Hawks last victims trounced North 41 to 12, so the Hawks shouldn't have too much trouble. The game against Niles West was a perfect example of the mighty offense and the rugged defense that have been displayed by the Hawks all year. Jim Cantonis opened the scoring for the Hawks on a 5-yard plunge around the left end. Mike Janesch finished the first quarter's scoring on a 5-yard off tackle run to add six more points for the Hawks. . . .Niles Scores It wasn't until the second quarter that Niles West could put themselves on the scoreboard. A pass from Booth to SmUy gave West their touchdown. John Pappis came right back for South with the third T.D. of the night. Janesch then picked up a Cantonis pass to add the extra point. When the first half ended, the Hawks were in the lead 19 to 6. With a big lead, the Hawks started getting fancy in the third quarter. On a half back option play, Janesch threw to Pete Logan for a 62-yard touchdown. On the whole, Mr. Gartner thinks that as a balanced team, this year's sophomores are the finest South has ever had. Where there may be a little
lacking in some spots, it is more than made up for in others. Mr. Gartner commented that the main reason for the little Hawks success is the powerful offense. A big fast backfield consisting of Jim Cantonis, Dave Larson, Mike Janesch, J i m Benda, and John Pappas has brought disaster down upon foe after foe. The Sophs also have very fine ends in the forms of Peter Logan and Tom Symmes. A good offense isn't made up entirely of the boys carrying the ball. The players up on the line also have an important part in the game. Outstanding linemen are Jim Winter and Greg Vivirito. . . . Score High This year's offense certainly
has improved over last year's. Last year's team averaged only 18 points a game, while so far this season the Sophs have racked up 184 points, with an average of about 4 touchdowns a game. The offense can't take full credit for the Hawk's success, however. The defense also deserves a good pat on the back. Only 32 points have been scored against them so far. That averages out to only 4 points a game. It can be noted that the first string defense has yet to be scored upon. All of the oppo-' nent's touchdowns have come after the Hawks had a nice lead, and the second or third string was in.
Fleet-Feet Take Crown With Undefeated Record This past Cross Country season has shown the Maine South Hawks to be a stronger power than in the past three years. Reflecting the excellent record of an undefeated season and a conference co-championship, much of the team put forth fine individual effort. Eighteen varsity fleet-feet earned their "M", representing nearly half the team, for a new season high. Seniors lettering are Jim Barmier, Bob Benedict, Terry Grawin, Dick Johnson, John McCallum, Bill Murphy, John Pirie, Dave Pokrass, and Ray Powell. Miles Hiernonymus, B i l l Jares, Mark Linnerud, Tom Machac, Randy McClure, Pat
Sophomore Don Seelig runs the wall marked home course against Niles West.
Mountain, Tim Neuses, Don Seelig and Jim Sherman lettered, and return as seniors t o ' make the core of the varsity squad. Their performances this year give great hope for another conference crown next year. Along with the nine returning lettermen, Sophomores, Dave Bauman and Mike Strelka will, figure in top positions, next year. Strelka showed much promise last week when he took a first place in the conference â&#x20AC;˘ meet. WhQe the Hawk Fleet-feet figure to be a tough team next year they will be up against some rugged competition. This year's district power, Maine West, will join the Central Sub- . urban Conference next year and the warriors will probably be the toughest team for the Hawks to beat. Varsity coach Connor. predicts that they will lose some of their strength through graduation, and the race next year could very well be between the Hawks and the Warriors. Whatever the outcome, a Maine school is predicted to take the crown. Niles North, who showed so strong this season, should remain a threat with Deerfield and New Trier West rated equal in a fight for the fourth position. On the Frosh Soph level, Maine West will rate first with the Hawks a close second. Coach KilcuUen was pleased with this year's Co-championship in the conference and has hieh hopes of coming back to take it all next season.