Sf-PTtMBi-R 10,2004
n i l S. DEE R(>\V> • PARK RIDGH, ILI INOIH 60068
VOL. 4 1 , No. i
NEWS SEPTEMBER 10 • VOL. 4 1 , No. 1
Trying to spice up your club life* by Annie Eriksson Club name: TOFYS/ Teens Organized For Youth Service Age: In the double digits Co-presidents: Mark Fullman and Annie Eriksson Favorite color: Green Favorite foods: Salted pretzel rods, pizza, and pop Favorite teacher: Mrs. Deines Favorite holiday: Earth Day Hobbies/Activities: Giving away free t-shirts, highway clcan-up, volleyball, "painting the town red," promoting organ donation awareness, making posters, karaoke, collecting canned foods and pop tabs.
pickle-ball, badminton, ultimate Frisbee, marching in the Memorial Day Parade, and much more... T.O.F.Y.S.. short for Teens Organized for Youth Service, is a city-sponsored club. That means any student of Maine South or any Park Ridge teenager can join. If you"re interested in having bundles of fun and participating in min-service projects, then T.O.F.Y.S. is definitely your type of ice cream sundae. There are no written contracts or membership feeds. You become a member by partaking in any T.O.F.Y.S. event ranging from simply attending meetings, to aiding with "Toys for Tots" during
the holidays, to even playing in pickle-ball tournaments. We are always open for new toppings, by which I mean ideas of activities on which to embark. And this year, one of our year-long activities will include collecting pop tabs to be donated to the Ronald McDonald house Charity. Look for our collection boxes in the library and room A215. Keep your ears open for our announcements during "Hawk Talk." T.O.F.Y.S. meetings are held almost every Monday at 1:30 P.M. in the faculty lounge. If you would like to investigate more about T.O.F.Y.S., please check out our website, www.tofys.com.
New bleachers are here by Johnny Sole The new and improved There are four different ways to enter. In the past, fans were tightly squeezed into the press box. Now, that area is larger and more comfortable, allowing for an increased crowd capacity The cost of the bleachers totaled $800,000. The money was provided by the government. The school gets grant money every year for safety-related issues. Maine South had been
saving up this money from the government to for the completion of this project. The old bleachers served the Maine South community for over thirty-five years. They have been here since the first home football game.The school replaced ten bleachers last year because some almost collapsed with the huge crowds that frequented the sporting events last year.
For the safety of the fans, the school contacted Southern Bleachers from G r a J j a ^ ^ Texas. From March through the summer!^P^^ worked and finished just one week ago. The materials used are expected to last a long time. Mr. Claypool loves them, and feels they look great. The Wilson Field experience is expected to be much more enjoyable.
Charley's destruction by Colleen Finlay No phone. No running water. No food and no refrigeration. For the thousands who have lost their homes to Hurricane Charley, this
was a reality. Hurricane Charley, which struck the Florida coast Friday, August 14, caused the death of at least 27 people, and 25 of Florida's 67 counties were designated federal disaster areas. The storm hit Florida with winds reaching 145 mph, and surges of seawater were anywhere from 13 feet to 15 feet. Charley hit the ocean and made landfall again in South Carolina. It swept into North Carolina and up the eastern seaboard before being downgraded to a tropical storm. In the end, besides many deaths in Florida, four people were killed in Cuba and one in Jamaica.
The most direct effect of Charley were the people made homeless when their homes were demolished. The storm destroyed 12.019 homes and left 19.095 others with major damage, according to the American Red Cross. Shelters were overflowing with victims. About 557 people were staying in 17 shelters in the disaster area. Perhaps the group most painfully hit has been the elderly population in Florida. Many of these people refused to leave their homes and risked being injured rather than evacuating to shelters. Emergency aid and help has poured in from all over the country to help the residents displaced from their homes yet many arestill without the basic essentials. Fire departments from all over, even
from Illinois, have responded with men and equipment. The chance for all to help is plentiful. The American Red Cross is accepting monetary donations to help the homeless, and the Salvation .'Xrmy is accepting clothes and supplies for the victims. In Park Ridge we have an opportunity to help every time we visit our local Jewel on Busse Highway. Eadj aclyif the cashiers has a donl^ can for people to contribute to the relief fund. This is a wonderful way in which we as students can show our compassion and sympathy for the thousands affected by this storm. A small donation can make a big difference in someone else's life.
10, 2004ÂŤ VOL. 41, NO. 1
•f\. race to remember by Kelly Spreitzer Did you know that 18.30 year-olds account for 50 million votes?The few in the Maine South community that are turning 18 by November 2nd should take advantage of the voting this year. This is considering 18 year olds have been able to vote for only 33 years. George W. Bush and John Kerry are both very dignified people, and with that attribute they can also be very different with their beliefs and ethics. First is the education issue. John Kerry, along with his running mate John Edwards, want every child to graduate high school and go to college . He also wants to start a National Education Trust Fund to ensure that these students always get the funding that they need for their education. Kerry also wants to initiate the "School's Open 'Til Six" plan. 3.5 million dren will be offered participation in grams until 6 P.M. at school and be provided with transportation as well. Kerry also wants to give every family up to $4,000 in tuition as Opportunity Tax credit.
George W. Bush also weighs in on the gay couples. Bush, on the other hand, is school issues. Bush signed the No Child Left strongly opposes gay marriages; he backs the Behind Act. but he has not fully funded that constitutional amendment that bans the samelegislation. This program will sex marriage. ideally be launched fully, but when Both men weigh in on and who will enforce it is still to the Death Penalty. be decided. Kerry disagrees with Another issue America faces the Death Penalty. He today is the jobs America is losing thinks it's inhumane, and every year. there are other actions for Kerry wants to help punishment. entrepreneurs, people that are Bush fully supports the starting their own business. Kerry Death Penalty. He would also like to be involved in responded that the Death the training of workers. Though not Penalty is humane, and the directly, he would still like to convicted deserve the oversee it. Kerry would also set up treatment. infrastructure jobs to increase the The 2004 Democratic Rudolph Giuliani speaks at the job deficit. Convention was held in Republican National Convention There have been tax cuts in 2001 Boston, Massachusetts and in 2003. Bush is benefiting from from July 26-29. Some this because he is getting America jobs again. influential people that attended were Barak There has been an increase in jobs after 9/11, Obama, Ronald Regan Jr., and others. and it seems like there wil be a bright future The 2004 Republican Convention was held for all of us. in New York City from August 29- September Lately, America has been facing the same 2. Attendees include Rudolph Giuliani, former sex marriage ordeal. Kerry doesn't condone mayor of New York City, John McCain, and gay marriage, but he supports benefits for other liberals.
BUSH College Tuition
State Scholar's Program- Reward low-income students based on their advanced curriculum with extra college tuition.
Believes in teaching abstinence as the primary way to prevent unwanted pregnancies. He increased the federal budget by $140 million for abstiiience-onl_\ programs. He instituted the No Child Left Behind Act, Religfon in Schools which has a provision thai connects the amount of federal funding to the school's acknowledgment of students' constitutional right to school prayer L'pholds the Detense ot .Mamage Act (backs states Gay Marriage not to recognize same sex marriages as legal in other states) and supports the formation of a Constitutional amendment defining marriage as a union between a man and a woman. He went to Iraq to find weapons of mass destruction that he claimed were a direct threat to America and to War in Iraq rid the world of teirorism. He has yet to find those weapons and still stands behind his decision to go to war. Sex Education
Km FY Serx'icc for College program- S 3.2 billion plan that would provide high school student's paid tuition to a state school for four years in exchange for two years of national service like the Police Corps. Abstinence-only programs as well as contra>.epcive education should be equally taught in schools.
Wants very strict separation between church and state: opposes prayer in public schools and doesn't want tax money to pay for education in religious schools. Fel^oIlall\ opposes ga\ nianiage, but is against the Defense of Marriage Act and supports civil unions for same sex couples.
First. Kerry supported the war, but now is strongly against it. In order to deal with the war. he would like to send more troops to Iraq to secure the newly established government.
10, 2004 • VOL. 41, No. l5
Degrading, violent... but always fui^ by James Manias Who doesn't remember the golden years of Physical Education? When running laps was still punishment and free day was everyday. And there was only one real sport: dodgeball. Ok, so maybe dodgeball wasn't the only real sport. But it was fun, right? One might remember the faces, the grimaces of pain, still untouched by acne and shaving cream; the glory of a caught ball; this is competition in its most raw form. Even in third grade, heroes were forged on the court. But as time went on, the dodgeballers dissolved. The ferocity was forgotten. And school administrators condemned the game as degrading and violent. Overlooked by the public eye until the recent movie starring Ben Stiller, dodgeball clubs have been springing up in park districts around the country. Moms and dads, teens, fourth graders, all want in on the action. "It doesn't take the best athlete to play. Usually it's the least athletic-looking player that is the best on the team," says Nick Troy of the
Schaumburg Park District, whose dodgeball tournaments attract teams from all over the state. "It goes from the dumb game of dodgeball to areal competition." Yet dodgeball remains an overlooked recreation. Why? It has a small professional league. It has no media, no star players. It has still not developed into a real, recognized sport. Technically, sports in general don't get any simpler than dodgeball. Obtain ball; hit opponent. It almost makes you wonder why dodgeball wasn't the first sport ever. Instead, it's remembered by scholars as one of the first methods of execution. The ADF (American Dodgeball Federation) has posted on its Website a complete list of rules, as well as a list of important events in the dodgeball world. For more about American Dodgeball Federation and its dodgeball resources, visit www.americandodgeball.com. "What makes dodgeball so great is that anyone can play," says Mr. Ellefson, who remembers playing the game in grade school. "If you can throw a ball, you can play dodgeball." "Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story" fo-. cuses on this point. Six "regular joes" team up to play the game and save their gym from commercial evolution. The appeal of the movie,
Yellow has never looked so good by Lisa Masuoka Have you seen anyone wearing yellow bracelets around school? Even though it looks like the newest fashion statement, it really represents something powerful. These bracelets were inspired bjfeLance Armstrong, the cyclist who was diagnosed with cancer in 1996. Armstrong started his cycling career at a young age. He won the Iron Kids Triathlon at age 13. Armstrong qualified for the Junior Worid Champs in 1989. By 1991, he was the U.S. National Amateur Champion, he later became a professional cyclist. In 1996, he was the No. 1 ranked cyclist in the world. Suddenly, though, Armstrong's thoughts and dreams changed, and he was forced off his bike because of pain. Armstrong was diagnosed with testicular cancer, which later spread to his lungs and brain. He went thought chemotherapy and got better quickly. While treating his cancer, he formed the Lance Armstrong Foundation to battle cancer and to live strong through educa-
tion, advocacy, public health programs, and research grants. Finally, Armstrong was looking to get back on his bike. He didn't just do it overnight. It took him time to gain back the physical and emotional power to be a competitor and champion again. Eventually, Lance Armstrong became an international hero. He gave people the strength to fight this horrible disease. These $1 bands go to the Lance Armstrong Foundation to help people with cancer research. LIVE STRONG is printed on every one of the bands. It's Lance's message, his way of saying don't let anything get you down because you have the power to do anything. Lance had the determination to win six Tour de France Championships. He wants us to have the strength to follow our dreams and never give up no matter what. More information is available at http:// www.wearyellow.com.
besides its many funny moments, lies in the audience's fond memories of the childhood game. It seems that everybody loves dodgeball. Regulation dodgeball is played on a volleyball court, minus the net. According to the ADF's official rules of play, there are six players on each side of the court at the start of each game. There are six balls on the court at all times- four standard (8.5") and two "Stingers" (5"). The balls are foam, and are covered in rubber or rhino skin. Dodgeball is cheap to maintain, since there is no equipment besides the balls. And dodgeball is fun. Now if only players had a place to play. If open to everyone, dodgeball would be a great after-school activity. It would keep us off the streets, and out of trouble. Maine South might benefit from dodgeball. A club added to the many extra-curricular activities couldn't hurt. The idea is set; all it needs is some interest.
SOUTHWOROS A student-produced newspaper of:
Maine South High School n i l South Dee Road Park Ridge, IL 60068 Signed letters to the editor should be delivered to room V-131 or given to a member of the editorial staff. SOUTIIWORDS reserves the right to edit material for clarity and brevity and to reject obscene/libelous submisEditors-in-Chief News Editors Features Editor Entertainment Editor Commentary Editors
Sports Editors
Carly Calkins Kate Funkhouser Ashley Rezaiezadeh Alex Schallmo John Mai lory Erik John.son Melissa Hansen Mike Bielaczyc Rebecca Christopher Corinne Ullrich Kelsey I ^ h
Greg Mi^HIl Production Editors Core Photographers Core Staff Artist Advisors
Bobby Crismyrc Katie Katz Audrey Russell Jon Markowski Mr. Stathakis ' Mr. Ellefson
10,2004 • VOL. 41, No. 1
•Gas guzzling leads to bloated prices by Erik Johnson No one really likes paying for gas. One Maine South senior in particular complains to anyone who will listen about how terrible it is to fill up his tank of gas. "It costs me almost $20 every time 1fillup the [gosh darned] tank," he raves. "Sometimes. I just drive the car until it has almost no gas and wait for my parents to fill it up." Although this is a period of low inflation and a strengthening economy, the price of gas regularly hits new and astonishing highs. Gas and other oil-based products occupy such an important place in our lives that we can"t afford to ignore them. As author Daniel Yergin put it in his book, "The Prize", "Ours is a century in which every facet of our civilization has been transformed by the modem and mesmerizing alchemy of petroleum. Ours truly is the age of oil." _ Yet few actually understand how oil is pro^ H : e d and refined. It is easy to blame Citgo, snell, and Marathon for high gas prices. Yet it is the producers around the world who actually control pricing. According to Colin J. Campbell, author of "The End of Cheap Oil" in the June 2004 issue of "National Geographic", "The world can still produce so much crude that the current price of about $30 for a 42-gallon barrel would plummet if the Organization of Pe-
troleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) did not limit production." The price could plummet so low that a bottle of water could cost more. So why does the price of gas stay so high? OPEC controls the supply of oil based on worldwide demand, a demand that has been rising steadily over the years. According to Brad Johnson, Project Manager at the BP oil refinery in Whiting. Indiana. "The current price of crude oil is due to the massive increase in consumption in Asia. China in particular is consuming phenomenal amounts of oil." It is a simple issue of supply and demand; when demand rises, prices rise as well. Still, there is more to this situation. Mr. Johnson also cites government regulations as a major contribution to cost as companies have to spend millions to meet the regulations. Also federal and state taxes can make up 25%-50% of gasoline prices. However, these regulations help protect the environment and provide essential revenue for the government. Unfortunately, this is not going to be a temporary problem. Everyone knows that the supply of oil in the world is finite, and that with careful use it could last a long time. The problem is that the worldwide consumption is escalating at such an alarming rate. According to National Geographic, United States oil consumption is expected to rise 50% in the next 20 years. Other countries are growing at similarly alarming rates.
Therefore, some other form of energy must be used. Many tout ethanol or fuel cells as the alternative energy source to save mankind, but they have many drawbacks as well. The problem is that these are not often economical. Mr. Johnson states that ethanol is only a competitive option because of large government subsidies. Fuel cells are also expensive. Electric cars suffer from a lack of range and recharging stations. So what can be done? As an individual, you can purchase more efficient and economical cars and try to drive only when it is necessary. This is an obvious step to help keep your personal gas costs down. However, as a country, the United States needs to lower its oil consumption. Europeans and Japanese consumers own fewer cars that are far more efficient and they drive them less often than Americans. If American consumers began to take such an attitude towards the conservation of oil, politicians and automobile manufacturers would begin to encourage more conservation and less wanton waste. Oil not only provides the gas to power cars, but the plastics to make everything from water bottles to PlayStations and countless other products. There is only so much of it available, and until there is a viable way to replace oil and all of the products it supplies, it is obviously one of the most important natural resources on the earth.
'..." by Jonathan Markowski
10, 2 0 0 4 •
The new Southwords regim#
by John Mallory It's pretty hard to fill the shoes of a man that held the same position for 33 years. In fact, it will take two people to fill them. Mr. Ellefson and Mr. Stathakis from the English department will take over as the advisors of Southwords, replacing the legendary T.R. Kerth. Of course, they were both quick to compliment Mr. Kerth. "He had this paper set up like a well oiled machine," Mr. Ellefson said. "I don't think you can really fill his shoes; you can only just do your own thing and hope it goes well." "He left quite a legacy, and we just hope to keep this running as smoothly has he had it when he left," Mr. Stathakis added. Both of these sponsors want to take the paper go in new directions. "We want to take the writing to an even higher level," Mr. Ellefson said. "We ultimately want to win awards, and it has to
start somewhere. It's important that this be as close to a real newspaper as possible." "We really want to make this paper more student-centered." Mr Stathakis said. "We want to make a paper that all ofthe students will talk about and be excited about when it comes out on Fridays." Along with Mr Kerth leaving, a new staff of writers and editors was hired. This puts huge pressure not only on the staff members to get everything up and running on time, but also on the advisors. They will have to train a new staff and hope that everything gets off on the right foot. "We hired people with great personalties, a lot of enthusiasm, and a great work ethic," Mr. Ellefson said. "We hired people that we're confident in." "I think it's a great core staff," Mr. Stathakis said, "and 1 think that that will just invite even more ofthe same type of students to be a part of Southwords." As is human natur, both of these men to have concerns coming into the experience.
"I've never really been a journalist before. I've always had an interest in it, so a big fear was not knowing what I was doing," Mr. Ellefson said. "Trying to make a good newspaper that Maine South really deserves is a daunting task." Mr Stathakis said. The appearance of the paper has changed greatly. In addition to hiring a new staff, both Mr. Ellefson and Mr. Stathakis came in during the summer with some ofthe editors to change the templates and layout ofthe paper. "We had some ideas, but the staff members pretty much did everything," Mr Ellefson said. "We want to make this paper more visual." It may be difficult to run the paper in the beginning, but the advisors and all ofthe staff members are excited about the paper getting off to a good start. "What we're trying to do is to improve the quality of articles, make the paper more visual, and set a precedent for the next 33 years," 1 Funkhouser, co-editor-in-chief, said. "I^ ' % scary task, but hopefully it will be fun, too"
T h e opening of a new millennium by Vince Ziols "Millennium Park will be a worthy creation for all time. It will define Chicago to the entire world as America's greatest city," said one prominent civic leader, after the opening ofthe New Millennium Park on Michigan Avenue. Millennium Park has been open to the public since July 16*. Many have already had the pleasure of visiting this beautiful place. This Park has already made huge news all across the United States. There are attractions such as the Jay Pritzker Pavilion which is a 120 foot high headdress that can be seen from around the city and on the beach. It has 4,000 seats and a lawn that can be used for more than 7,000 people. This unique theater with its "open air roof has speakers on it so even people sitting on the back ofthe lawn feel like they are only a few feet from the music. Another attraction to be seen is the BP Bridge that stretches over Columbus Drive and
gives a new look to the skyscrapers of One such piece is a highly talked about Chicago. Its unique shape connects sculpture known as, "Cloud Gate." Millennium Park to its big brother Grant Park. It is in the shape of a bean, with mirrors on With its many areas to sit and relax all sides. If you walk under the "Cloud Gate," Millennium Park has you can look up at the become a hot place stainless steal beam and for the public. Also at the people standing its many programs next to you. will make you leave Despite being built so wanting more. recently, Millenium park If you want to will soon be improved. cool off but don't Soon there will be some want to go deal with renovations happening the hassle of sand in to Millennium Park. your shoes, they also These renovations will have two 50 foot consist of adding an ice towers that have rink, where the price is water streaming only S5 for a pair of photo courtesy oj down from them. If skates. There will alsa www.miUennium-park.org this isn't enough, an indoor theater wn! they also display plays and concerts will pictures of citizens of Chicago underneath the be performed. running water Even if you don't care to get So if a relative is coming to visit or you just wet, it is a true site to see. are tired of sitting around, come and see There are even pieces of art on display for Millennium Park. It is one trip to Chicago that the public. you'll be glad you took.
10, 2004 • VOL. 41, NO. 1
blithering snakes s t r e t c h and strike
By Joe Blanski For those of you unaware of whals going on in Seattle, with the death of grudge, the ground for a new musical revolution has come. It's not one particular genre that comes out of there though; it's many bands with many new sounds. Out of these, one of the most exciting is Jade Tree Records" These Arms Are Snakes. The band's success is no wonder, really, with an amazing and capturing Live show' and two amazing EPs. Their first live show sold out and they have an ever-growing reputation.
Helping the band even more are the histories of its musicians. The band started in 2001 when members of Minnesota's premier hardcore band Kill Sadie and the art-rockers of Botch broke up and some of each bands" members played together. Eventually they decided to form a band. These Arms Are Snakes. Mixing sounds and doing what they were restricted • n in their previous bands, they decided to ce music that they would like, something
how they always borrow an amazing one that that has been can pull off the fast and noisy beat. As a whole, hard to come the band brings a new edge to 80's DC punk by for them. with its Mars Volta-likc twists. They perform The result is an amazing show thai leaves an audience blown shocking. away and exhausted, yet panting for more. The band These Arms Are Snakes are quick and to the delivers a point in live shows and records. Currently, the hiirsh, progresquartet is on the road promoting their forthcomsive, hardcore ing, 11 track album Oxeneers or "The Lion sound backed Sleeps When Its Antelope Goes Home" (CD by bittersweet and Vinyl to be released September 16 by Jade lyrics. Often, Tree Records). Hearing some of it live only the guitar is proves that the new album will be tighter, more improvised composed, and the lyrics easier to hear. This and the lyrics Phoro of Snare courtesy altered. On w^^'H.llieseami.saivsiiakes.comfollow up is the fulfillment and expansion of last year's "This Is Meant To Hurl You" debut. stage, singer Steve Snare hangs and grabs onto anything he The album won'i be in your mainstream record can, including even the audience sometimes. .stores (Best Buy or FYE). Either order it online, An always moving, shouting, whispering, and find a record store with a wide selection, or pick grumbling figure. Snare is the key to their pres- it up early when they perfonn ai The Bottom ence. Guitarist Ryan Frederiksen changes ped- Lounge on September 16(18 and over, openals constantly while sometimes running to a ing for Engine Down. $8 in advance or SIO at keyboard. Joe Cook is a bassist who actually the door, 7:30 pm). For more information, visit does his job by being an instrument of his own. They don't have a stable drummer, but some- www.thesearmsaresnakes.com.
A course in summer movies 101 By Melissa Hansen I have never seen as many movies in such a short span of time as I did this summer. Anyone that knows me is well aware that I believe the best policy for movie-going is to wait until it comes out on video and get it from the library. However, I discovered that— surprise, surprise—not everyone shares my point of view and many friends called me up to go see a movie still in theaters. It was a shock indeed. In the end, 1 said yes, hoping to broaden my spectrum of movie appreciation and get a chance to pig out on popcorn. Other than the popcorn fest, however, I have observed several facts that I would not be aware of had I not pn coerced into movie-going. In case some Fyou had the chance to keep your wallets full and not memorize the Crown Theatre's theme song, I've decided to impart them onto you. I. Lancelot is a horse. Forget all your Arthurian mythology knowledge. He's an equine that talks.
2. Of course a cab driver can kill a trained assassin. He's from California. 3. Spider-man 2 hath rocked my socks. 4. Movies are much funnier when one is ready to conk out with exhaustion. 5. Chad Michael Murray is way too old for Hilary Duff. 6. Yes, robots can become sentient life forms. Does anyone waich Star Trek? 7. My socks hath been rocked by Spiderman 2. 8. Yes, the super-size pofxrom is bigger and has free refills. But it'll more likely make you sick than be worth the extra two dollars. 9. If James Gardener cries, I cry. 10. If you have a movie about tigers, the ideal song to play during the trailer is one by BBMak. 11. Do not throw pennies at other members in your movie-going group. There will be retaliation. 12. James Marsden without the Cyclops visor is exceptionally good-looking. 13. Alien vs. Predator is probably less entertaining than Barney vs. Elmo would be. 14. Loud speakers + big screen = *melts in
seat* 15. Happy endings are as satisfying as angsty ones. Thus you must agree my summer was wellspent. Now please excuse me while I sell off my brother's Playstation to accommodate my new seeing-movies-at-theaters obsession before he notices it's cone.
Southwards Staff's Movie of the Summer
Spider-Man 2
10, 2004 • VOL. 41,
Metallica falls short o f reputatioi# ^^^^
I By Bobby Crismyre
Don't get me wrong. I support any person's attempt to grow and find happiness. As a often harsh critic, I have to say that the best rock and roll is produced by angry adolescent artists. When attending a metal concert, the last thing you want is a calm, safe place. Several songs into the sold out Metallica show at the Allstate Arena on August 21, James Hetfield said, "My plan tonight is to get the anger out... this is a safe place to get it out and leave it." One major flaw of the nearly two hour set was that the band—all of whom had been famously benefitted by the therapy sessions, portrayed in the music video of "Some Kind of Monster"—were not angry enough to make the experience worthwhile. The set started with a duo of "Blackend" and "Justice for All" leading to "Fight Fire with Fire," moving the audience and picking up where opening act Godsmack had left off. These songs—the same ones that had made the band a pioneering group in their genre— were well executed by the band, including new bassist Rob Taijillo. over the mid-arena stage
Photo courtesy of www.launch.com that revolved slowly over the course of the show. This high point was destroyed by the next group of songs from the band's new album including "St. Anger," "Frantic," and "Some Kind of Monster." The only thinsg keeping the audience pumped were the frequent explosions and clouds of flames erupting from the comers of the stage. I almost felt like screaming out during the middle these new songs, when Hetfield asked the crowd if they were ready to sing along, "No!" If we wanted to wave lighters in the air, we would have seen Creed. Most old-school
Metallica fans want heav7 metal at a Metallica concert. Furthering the annoyance was drummer Lars Ulrich's showboating. He spent more time exchanging high-fives with the first few rows of audience members than actually playing the dnims. Also many critics have noticed that his speed has slowed down over the past few t ( ^ ^ Maybe this is because he is forty, or b e c ^ ^ he spends too much time thinking about his multi-million dollar art collection. The band could definitely benefit from a lot less self-love and a little more fiiry as promised by Hetfield.
The Perfect Summer Night
MR. SMITH goes to
W.\SHiNGTON \kTi« R*sn:\vAHrr tM:
Photo courtesy of www.imdb.cain
by Kristen Allen It's July 27th, 2004 and I just got back home from Grant Park. What an adventure Ihat was. I went with some of my friends to see Mr Smith Goes to Washington. Sure, that doesn't sound like a very exciting movie, and to be completely honesL it really wasn't. But it really doesn't matter whether or not the movie was exciting because the night was. I have had so much fun tonight and the classic movie was only a small part of it. 1 left my house around 6:00 p.m. with blankets, cards, and food. My friends and I headed downtown to get good seats so that we could see the movie. When we arrived at Grant Park, we spread out our blankets and had ourselves a little picnic. The movie didn't start until 8:30, so we had plenty of time. After eating and just goofing around for a while, the movie finally started. Before we knew it, the movie had ended and
we were excited for the next time we could come back. It was so cool to be outside having a picnic and to be able to watch a movie all at the same time. Every summer on Tuesday nights. Grant Park sets up a big movie screen and plays a movie. It is pan of an outdoor film festival. It starts in July and goes until the end of August. This year they showed older movies from the 50's and 60's—ones that we would never go rem but now have an opportunity to see. When you are able to go downtown and see a cla.ssic movie outside, it doesn't matter if it's good. It's like you are in a movie. Just picture yourself here next s u m m e r : ^ ^ temperature is 68 degrees and you just p u M r on your sweatshirt. You are with your friends all huddled together, having fun and chatting away. Slowly the sun sets and the movie starts. You have a content smile on your face. It is a perfect summer night.
COMMENTAR' ShPTr\iHi;RlO, 2 0 0 4 • V O L . 4 1 , N o . 1
Interest over apathy Summer bliss b\ Carlv Calkins
Summer is a special time because it can be whatever a person makes of it. For those who like uniformity year after year, those three short months can be spent doing the same wonderful things that make summer what it is: working a minimum-wage job, laying out at a pool, spending time at a vacation house, or reading. However, even though summer is synonymous with annual things, there are always those certain events, spectacular and unprecedented, that make h summer slightly difiFcrcnt from the last. For me, that one climactic event happened in July when I met the band Incubus after their concert at the Allstate Arena. The night was a complete surprise—I was picked up early from work to go unknowingly—and because of its spontaneity, the thrill was that much greater. The concert was incredible, with the performance doing complete justice to the band's latest album, "A Crow Left of the Murder," and all of their previous work. Not only was Brandon Boyd's singing infectious, but also each member of the band showed undeniable talent and originality in segments of on-stage improvisation. After the concert, my friends and I waited a bit to get the slightest glimpse of the band members, not thinking we'd even be awarded that, despite our after-party passes. However, sure enough, as we waited outside by the tour buses, Incubus came out and made our summers. Not only were my friends and 1 able to get a picture with the band, but also they included us in their post-concert celebration, giving us ^ ^ e e t-shirts, bottled water, and unforgettable ^Bnversation. Thinking back on that night and my elated emotions, 1 would wish that for anyone. Now as the school year begins, I hope that everyone had a blissful summer and holds within themselves happy, unique memories from the summer of 2004.
by Anna Wolonciej We all flip through the channels on TV or in the newspaper and look at only what interests us. Now, I agree that we all have different interests, but are we being careless or truly ignorant? According to polls taken in 2003. teenagers in the United States are the least informed of all nation's teenagers. Personally, 1 think we should have a much greater awareness of our country and the whole world. We should be able to build our own opinions and not believe everything in "The Enquirer." Let's face it, Britney's latest marriage is not what's making the world go 'round. There are more important issues we should be concerned with, such as the upcoming election or the war in Iraq. Most people, for example, claim that the war in Iraq does not have anything to do with them, but this is far from the truth. People are still being recruited, soldiers are still dying, and families are still being torn apart. Sure, this
might not be happening to us personally, but we have to show compassion and respect to those who are going through such tragedy. Besides, being informed never hurt anyone. No one is asking you to become the next Mother Theresa, but it would be a good thing to take some action. For example, you can send some necessities to Florida's hurricane victims. Little things can definitely make this world a better place. Our priorities are not in order most of the time, and we forget what's really important. Don't get me wrong, I am not saying you should stay home and cry over the misfortune of the starving kids in Somalia. However, wc should acknowledge that many people in the world are not as lucky as we are. We can't take everything for granted and assume that we will never need working knowledge of our world. Watching CNN once in a while could help us become more alert and up to date. Perhaps by doing so, we can all learn to care.
Your vole counts ^ I by Mike Bielaczyc ^^^Bk^Bjl^ The date: Tuesday, ' ^ ^ ^ ^ » ^ August 24th, the first full day of school. The class: Government AP. The questions: How many of you are eighteen? Are you registered to vote? The answer? I don't even know how to register. If the election of 2000 taught us anything, it's that, as horribly cliched as it sounds, every vote counts. The 2000 election was held during a period of peace and prosperity - our times intensify the need to have as many people as humanly possible go out and vote this time around. I'm not here to push any sort of agenda (for now), and I don't want to tell you who to vote for (for now). The one thing I am certain of is that it would not but also be a waste for anyone eighteen and over not to vote, it would, in the realest sense of the word, be a tragedy. These truly are dark times. I don't think I could live with myself knowing that my vote could possibly have contributed to reopening the draft in a couple of years. I'll tell you this much - I am not moving to Canada any time soon, even with the free healthcare and free-thinking society. Simply put, if you're old enough to com-
plain about some guy named PICA taking slightly less than a quarter of the money out of your paycheck, you're also old enough to take part in democracy. As of August 25th, 2004,1098 U.S. soldiers and at least 1I,000 Iraqi citizens have been killed in military operations in the 9th circle of Hell. If this isn't enough to get eligible voters to register and vote, then I honestly do not know what else to offer up as motivation. It does not matter how you vote. Well, it does, but it's not the main issue. What matters is that you take the time to engage in the political activities of this country. The process of registering to vote is relatively simple, especially for young people who have access to the Internet. Sites such as www.declareyourself com and www.justvote.org offer easy-to-follow steps and all the information you need to take the first step in fully participating in your own democracy. A fifty percent voter turnout is a depressing statistic, even more depressing during these dismal times. Maine South seniors really can do their part to change this statistic. One out of every ten seniors here at Maine South is 18 and eligible to vote; for your country's sake, take the time to register to vote as soon as possible.
Battle for the books: student opinions
by Annette Dean Last Wednesday, as I was walking down the hall, I heard a girl complaining that the library wasn't open and she couldn't print an essay. We are three days into the new school year, and the new library policy (it is no longer open before or after school) is already having a negative effect on students. Even with the nine period schedule, many students do not have studies and are not able to use the library's resources. However, the library's closing will affect not just students without study periods. It is common knowledge that our generation doesn't read enough. There are students who write entire book reports from Cliff's Notes or the summary on the back of the book. If the library is closed before and after school, we may have a hard time finding books to check out. The library's closure may cause more students to resort to Cliffs Notes instead of reading books. It takes a lot less time to log on to the Internet than it does to go to the Park Ridge Public Library or a bookstore. Many times the library is used in the morning as a place to finish an assignment you forgot or legitimately didn't have time to complete. I think that teachers agree that a last minute assignment is better then none at all. Sure, some students may still be able to complete the assignment in the hall. However, the cafeteria and study halls are excessively loud, and few people actually attempt to work. The oddly studious individual may not even finish if he is distracted. I am disgusted that a school that claims to care so much about education would close such a valuable resource before and after school. I hope that once the district realizes how much the library closure will negatively affect our grades, they will consider reopening the library. Until then, get used to people complaining in the halls.
by Rebecca Christopher As summer ends and school begins, returning students can't help but notice that several things are different about Maine South. First, and most importantly, all of the lockers are red. The C-Wing floor has been retiled. All major roadways in Park Ridge become congested starting at about seven in the morning, and traffic does not move until about seven-fifty. There are fewer parapros, and for some lucky individuals, there are more class periods. When funding for an educational institution is being cut, the most logical asset to be axed first is its library of carefully amassed resources. The unfortunate truth of the matter is that a great deal of students find the library necessary. Some of these students actually read books. Some of them enjoy the airconditioned, deathly silent environment. Still more of them take pleasure in doing assigned homework. But, woefully—no longer. You may wonder what the problem is, as the library is still open, just not before or after school. However—ironically—during the school day, many students have classes scheduled. Many of these students feel obligated to attend them. Budget cuts have been artfully done thus far, until the closing of the library. There are more important things involved in the running of a school, but not many. The school is unable to staff the library—except during archaic hours in the middle of the day. What can be done, then? Will we pay librarians with chunks of our glimmering new bleachers? Students should have access to the school's resources, if not for any reason other than that they exist. The library is expensive to keep, and occupies a great deal of the school's internal floorspace. If it is not a library intended for actual use, we could do well to convert it into an expansion of the Awing hallway.
T5 O
"It's awesome!" Brittany Zingshiem -'05
0-) OH I
"The classes just keep coming." Matt Kelly -'07
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"It gives kids time to think about ditching classes." Joey Hancock -'06
o o "I didn't notice the difference." Blake Williams -"08
11 The Pledge of...whatever COMMENTARY
2004 • VOL. 41, NO. 1
by Corinne Ullrich When we were younger and we were told to get up and say the Pledge of Allegiance, we did it. It was automatic. We learneu lo recite it along with singing the alphabet and coloring within the lines. In high school, most of us groan with the effort of standing up, and some students roll their eyes, but even if some of us are mumbling, in most cases it gets said. "/ pledge allegiance to the flag of the United... " However, by the time the word 'republic' is reached, most of the students' eyes are glazed over Even though people can become huffy and defensive when the subject is brought up, as millions of Americans seemed to be when an atheist brought the issue to court because he fln't want his daughter to be forced to hear e words "under God." Most students probably don't even think about the meaning of the words. Also, even though the subject has been in the news so much recently, the majority of the people 1 asked about it didn't know that "under God" was only added in 1954 when the Eisenhower Administration took on McCarthy-like logic and decided to use it as an American child's safeguard against godless communism. It seems to me that, especially in our increasingly diversified country (which I know is difficult to realize after spending most of our year in Maine South), the concept of changing the original Pledge of Allegiancein such a way is as antiquated and useless as having children duck under desks to protect
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them from nuclear fallout. I heard the argument that people of different religions can let the word "God" mean whatever they want, but that's difficult to do when the JudeoChristian tradition is obviously being alluded to. Once again, this isn't a problem that faces an overwhelming number of students at this high school, but it doesn't take a lot of imagination to figure that it would be difficult to mentally replace "God" with "Allah" or "Satan," or "that gorgeous guy at the lunch table by the window" when an entire class is chanting it. Back before the nine period day, some homeroom teachers told students that they had a choice whether to sit down during the pledge or not. Others never let their students hear this disclaimer on their individual rights. Either way, a lot of students didn't get up, or stood up in a slumped over way with their right hand somewhere in the general area of their torso, or said it sitting down, possibly due to something ideological, but I'm sure most of them were just feeling lazy. There are some students cannot recall ever being given the option. However, even when teachers offer the option, they often make the choice conditional on the student supplying an essay supporting their choice. I don't think anyone should be asked to defend his decision on this, especially when he feels that he might be discriminated against due to his answer or his choice. This is especially relevant when a student has to spend an entire class period with and be graded by the teacher in front of whom they recite. It doesn't matter that teachers themselves can become lazy and lose interest in making students give support for their decisions on this
subject; nevertheless, I feel that they shouldn't be able to ask this of us. Some people 1 talked to said that it was a matter of respect for the rights, liberties, and advantages that American citizens have. But doesn't that mean we have the right to sit out on the Pledge of Allegiance due to religious, political or any other reasons? Aren't our liberties supposed to protect us even if we don't fully respect them, or even if we spit (literally or figuratively) on the American flag and what it represents? Certainly no student should have to explain why he chooses not to participate in this daily ritual any more than a student should be able to demand from a teacher his political beliefs or affiliation. Just because they want to safeguard against the possibility of sheer laziness doesn't mean they should be able to try to invade students' privacy. Now, I'll admit, even though people have problems with the Pledge of Allegiance, either because of the use of the phrase "under God" or because of an issue with the American government or its leaders, it's not actually that difficult to open your mouth and say. Like anything we're conditioned to memorize, the Pledge just becomes a series of syllables to rattle off. If students choose to repeat it because they believe in it or they don't see a reason why they shouldn't, of course that's not a problem. However, the same must go for the opposite choice; students must feel free and not pressured to not recite if they don't want to. This is the principle; in an era where many Americans feel that the government or outside circumstances are chipping away at accustomed liberties, even students should stand up or sit down for even their most seeminelv insienificant rights.
READ THIS: Have an opinion you're burning to share? Want to get somethinf off your chest? Commentary wants you. Your freelance articles, letters to the editor, and more are most welcome! Drop them off in V-131, the Southwords office, if you want to contribute. .
12' Hitting with a Purposes PORTS
SEPTEMBER 10, 2004 • VOL. 41, NO.
by Frank Lukes The girls Maine South tennis team is getting back in form and practicing hard to chase their goal of a state title. Back for her second year as head coach. Ms. Eckhardt is confident in the strength of her entire team. She stated, "The strength of our team is led by the players at the top and continues with the depth of the rest of the team." "The Sun Times" also has confidence in her team, ranking them #8 in the state. The Hawks have four of their six sectional players back, and seven returning varsity players. They are Megan Wisniewski, Monica
Milewski, Kathryn Koralik, Nicole Calabrese, Chris Dwyer, Axie Russell, and Kate Paczkowski. Monica Milewski is feeling good about their chances she said, "We've been working very hard, and 1 feel confident that our team can do great this season." The J.V. team is starting the season with a new coach, Mr. Schwan, who is fitting in perfectly as the assistant coach. Coach Schwan said, "I am very excited. I work with J.V. and we had a big turnout at tryouts. We had to make a major cut, and right now we have a strong group of girls." The girls started off a good season at the New Trier Invite and at their first meet at York.
A great running start by Kim Coppin The Maine South girls' cross country season is now underway, and though the meets have not yet started, the team is off to a great start. True, the team has lost several key competitors to graduation, among them Katie Coppin, Stephanie Righeimer, and Jenny Heffeman, but the shoes are quickly being filled by a record number of new faces. There are so many, in fact, that this may be one of the largest teams that Coach Gabauer has seen in the last five or six years. Returning varsity members include sophomores Laura McGinnisand Jaclyn Aniol; juniors Emma Keenan, Jessica Diffendall, and Colleen Dickman; and seniors Annie Eriksson
and Kim Coppin. Katie Seiwert, a promising new sophomore member, will also prove a great addition to the team. Last Monday, August 31, the Hawks took their first win in a duel meet versus Maine East and Maine West. The girls' varsity team defeated Maine West 21 -37 as well as Maine East 15-50. Although the JV team fell to Maine West by a mere two points (29-27), the girls.defeated Maine East by a huge margin, 15-50. This team win has placed the Maine South girls" cross country team in an excellent position in the conference standings. They look forward to a great year and continued success as the season progresses.
Game to see Girls volleyballhome game versus New Trier on Monday, September 20th at 5:00 PM. Be there!
Southwards is looking for sports writers for boys soccer and girls and boys golf. If you're interested, please stop in V131, the Southwards office.
13 t)on't panic yet, Cubdom SPORT
2004 • VOL. 41, No. 1
by Greg Mitchell For a Cubs fan, five months ago seems like an eternity. Back then the Cubs were nothing less than an unstoppable force destined to win the World Series, a team that had no apparent weakness. Shortstop was a question and so was the bench, but that didn't matter. So what if someone had told you then that the Cubs would acquire Nomar Garciaparra, the Astros" Andy Pettite and Wade Miller would both be out for season, and the Cardinals rotation would be anchored by likes of Jason Marquis and Chris Carpenter? You probably would have blissfully passed out. However these are the Cubs, a team that is synonymous with disappointment. They lost Sammy Sosa, Kerry Wood, Mark Prior, and Joe Borowski for extended periods of time and have t out over eighty different lineups. Yet the •)s find themselves very much in the hunt for October.
So the bullpen is as unstable as the old bleachers, Kerry Wood and Mark Prior together have less than 13 wins, and Sammy is batting under .260. Regardless, they are still in it, but there are a few things that are imperative for baseball on the North Side this October: Moises Alou needs to stay hot. The Cubs leftfielder carried the team in May. when Sosa went down, by hitting .301 with 6 home runs. Though he earned an All-Slar spot, he struggled in June and early July and saw his average drop to around .270. However, since the All-Star break. Alou has once again caught fire as he has hit .294 with 14 home runs and 37 RBTs. As the Cubs cleanup hitter. Alou needs to continue to hit in clutch situations. More consistency out of bullpen. The Cubs have one of the best right-handed setup men in the game in LaTroy Hawkins. What they don't have in him is an elite closer, as he has blown six saves. Kyle Farnsworth's walk to strikeout ratio is just plain awful, and he has posted an earned run average of 13.50 with runners in scoring position. Maybe moving one of the
vaunted starters to the bullpen is the answer. It worked for Arizona in 2001 with Randy Johnson and for Florida last year with Josh Beckett. The return of Sammy Sosa. You either love or hate him. but you definitely love him when he's hot. Though Sammy has shown just glimpses of his former self and has not at all earned his 16 million dollar paycheck, he can still carry the Cubs into October. If Sosa can somehow duplicate one of those twenty home run months he had in his heyday, it would make the Cubs offense lethal. Maybe the fact that he"s the third best outfielder on his team will motivate him. If the Cubs can get in to the post season their chances are good. They have a power pitching staff that is rounded out by a savvy, experienced veteran in Greg Maddux, and an offense full of veterans who have won championships in the past, including Alou. Lee. Hollandsworth. The problem is getting there. Whatever happens, wt can be assured it'll be interesting because, after all, it is the Cubs.
Looking for repeat success by Brittney Zwolfer and Siobhan Mischke "Are you guys gonna be good this year?" they need. With two weeks down and a new This question has been asked a number of times coach at hand, the girls have given a lot of heart and effort into accomplishing their goals. to the girls" varsity volleyball team. The team With bruised hips, a has been occupying the gym busted chin, and for two weeks and they are pulled muscles, the excited for their first game of varsity volleyball the season on Tuesday verses team plans to continue the Maine East Blue their hard work and Demons. With seven seniors dedication. Wash, fixand seven juniors, the team it. triples, and survivor is full of flexibility and are all drills that have possibilities. been testing their Though they lost three of skills and preparing their key starters, players them for the season. such as Veronica Allen. Coming off of a Christina Solari. Patti Ristau. lirst place conference and Katie Kloess are record last year, the working to fill in the gaps. Hawks know that so. the Hawks have many teams are urning varsity players. anxious for revenge, Brittney Zwolfer. Siobhan hut they won't let that Mischke, Meghan Polston, happen. The season is and Danielle Jenero to ensure short. but very another successful season. Siobhan Mischke sets up for a hit eventful, so come The six remaining juniors finish off the team by providing the extra talent support the Hawks.
by Katie Katz Boys' golf got under way in the Fall Season; hitting the ball straight and long is what they're going for. At their first match against Lake Park, the Hawks could not hold off the Lancers. The second match was against Fremd. where the Maine South boys' came with victory in mind, which is what they accomplished. Both Varsity and J.V. won. Varsity came out with a score of 161 and J.V. came out with a score of 171. Scott Berleth is leading ofT the Varsity team; he qualified for State both as a freshman and sophomore and is working towards his third and final trip down stale. In his fourth season coaching boys' golf, Dave Scott is looking to lead his team to a success'ful season, hopefully being able to take the whole team down state. With matches coming up against New Trier, Glenbrook North, and Glenbrook South, this season will truly be a test of the Hawks" talent.
x v / j v l )^ FAL.!.
Hawks soar over "the Brook" by Steve Con to mo Plenty of hype circulated around the much anticipated home opener against the Bollingbrook Raiders, and it didn't take long for Coach Inserra's boys to respond to it. With a gloomy, overcast sky and messy turf, the Hawks took an early lead with a 47 yard touchdown run by senior running back Andy Cupp. Cupp had an outstanding day and diffused any rumors that he would take a back seat to speedy junior running back Jake Bachmeier. Junior Tyler Knight added the extra point and a 30 yard field goal on the ensuing series. It didn't take the Hawks long to regain possession. Senior receiver, Derek Walsh, caught senior quarterback Sean Price's pass in the endzone adding to the hawks lead. However, next series, it was Bolingbrook's turn to score. They did so on a 39 yard touchdown pass from Raider's QB Javon Stewert to wide open receiver Carl Fisher. But on the following kickoff, Bachmeier received the rolling kick on the twenty and went untouched. 80 yards, into the end zone. Knight again missed the extra point, which seemed crucial going into the half after Bolingbrook
photo by Audrey Russell scored twice. Desperate for points before half. Bolingbrook went for it on fourth and one on their own 33. The result was a 67 yard touch-
down sweep by running back Dale Martin. They added another six before the half on a tricky double-reverse with less than one minute remaining in the half. The momentum seemed to be in Bolingbrook's favor coming into the third quarter. Bolingbrook forced the Hawks to punt on their first possesion. After a penalty caused Tyler Knight to re-punt, the Hawks recovered a fumble on the return. The Hawks and their offense never looked back; they outscored Bolingbrook 27-10 in the final two quarters of playWalsh added another touchdown to go along with his 100 yard game. Cupp added his second TD run and also an interception in the ^ ^ ^ quarter. Price finished the day with s u ^ ^ r numbers, going 14 of 32 for only 184 yards. Despite this. Price always kept his offense on the move, and threw no interceptions. Price hardly saw a pass rush all game, thanks to a valiant effort by the offensive line led by seniors Tony CoUetti and John Kochmit. The final score was 49-32. Bolingbrook was noted as the toughest opponent on the Hawks schedule, and with New Trier losing to a weak Warren team, it should be smooth sailing for the nationally ranked Hawks into the playoffs.
Summer has ended, but the swimming continues b\ Kelsey Keith For three weeks, the Maine South girls swim team has been pulling themselves out of bed at the wee hours of the morning to get a good hour long workout in before the rigors of school start. They even return in the afternoon for another two hour practice. With many returning swimmers, the team will have a good balance between experienced veterans and newcomers. Returning seniors Leeann Olson, Erin Keating. Emily
Altman.Tracy Hedrick. Kate Nelson and Helen Sapieka. are sure to lead the team to many victories, along with the help of the strong set of juniors, Stacy Vucich. Elizabeth Williams, Laura Boysen, Lauren Zilmer, and Hannah Artwick. Joining the varsity squad are two promising freshmen, Sarah Walsh and Jill Ramirez. Last year sophomore. Colleen Muszynski. and junior, Lauren Zilmer, finished fourth at the Sectional meet in their individual events. Colleen swam the 100 yard breaststroke in 1:10.82. and Lauren had an amazing swim in
the 100 yard freestyle with a time of 54.56. This year, the team has hopes for faster races at the Conference and Sectional meets. As for the upcoming meets, the Lady Hawks will face swimming powerhouses New Trier and Evanston. Varsity coach. Mr. Deg| looking forward to the upcoming season, prises will abound this autumn." Keeping the morale and spirits high won't be a problem because the girls have a positive attitude and are looking forward to a fun season. With one meet already under their belts, the girls know what they need to do to accomplish their goals.