Vol 43 issue 10

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MARCH 9. 2007

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Vo!. 43. No. I


C h i c £ ^ Metro History E t o "^^

Jump starfTour college career ^^pA^

Reno 911! review §

Chief lUiniwek controverst? comes to a close

B<^'swirrutiing mdfees a strcjog finish





PAGE 1 4



43, No.

Amnesty display case censored Guantanamo Bay. The first photograph was of prisoners with bags over their heads, chained Recently, there was a rather unusually to trucks flying the American flag. The other decorated display case in the A-wing of Maine photographs portrayed a soldier pointing his South. Where there were once pictures chosen gun at the head of a prisoner, and two soldiers by Amnesty International were signs stating, dragging a prisoner across the street. "Under construction due to censorship." Soon after the display was completed, AroundJanuary24, the photographs were Amnesty International removed. A department prepared a display case chair, representing several raising the question teachers, had contacted Mr. "Is this the America ClaypoolandMrs.Rutschke. you believe in?" asking that the photographs Amnesty International be removed from the display is a political action case. Their reasons were organization that works that the pictures were too to raise awareness graphic and disrespectful about various issues of American soldiers. Mr. involving human rights Claypool and Mrs. Rutschke through letter-writing agreed. campaigns and protests. "The message that The Maine South club [Amnesty International] pholo by Alexa Karas is sponsored by Emma was trying to get across The signs in the display case read Visee and led by the [of the misfreatment of Under Construction due to censorpresident, junior Nadia prisoners of war] can ship. Askar. be done differently," stated Mrs. Rutschke The display case in the A-wing was an regarding the incident. effort to raise awareness about the mistreatment What some members of the faculty found of prisoners of war. Designed by vice president offensive was the manner in which the flag Lindsey Ruiz, it included facts concerning was portrayed. They also protested the display American treatment of prisoners of war as of the faces of the American soldiers. well as three depictions of American actions in "The identities of American soldiers by Katherine Gaudyn

should have been protected," said Mrs. Rutschke. According to NadiaAskar, the photographs were meant to spread awareness and were serving their purpose. "People need to know about it," said Askar regarding the mistreatment of prisoners by American soldiers. "People are in denial." Amnesty International contends it would have been willing to adjust or change the pictures to make them less objectionable had they been given the opportunity. However, what its officers and sponsor are most concerned about was that the pictures were removed without their knowledge. They were later informed by school administrators in an email that the display had been changed. As a result of the incident, school administrators have taken steps to prevent similar situations in the future. Prior to Amnesty International's display case, all posters, advertisements, etc. had to be approved by Dr. Garlasco before going up around the school. But what went into display cases did not. The school has now amended its rules to necessitate Dr. Garlasco's approval on materials in display cases as well. The members ofAmnesty International are currently working to replace the pictures and further educate Maine South High School on the abuse of prisoners of war. Dr. Garlasco simply has to approve of their methods in the future.

Maine South sends seven to IMEA by Alexandra Wojciechowski

Just as student athletes have their state championship, student musicians have something of their own, too. Young musicians attend the IMEA All-State Conference in Peoria if they qualify—a prestigious honor. IMEA (Illinois Music Educators' Association) All-State Conference is at first a competition for the students. At the beginning of the year, IMEA Disfrict was held, where student musicians had to pass a blind audition to be accepted to play with others in the music district. District 7. Once a student has made District IMEA, they may audition again to be chosen for IMEA All-State, where their competitors are from their district and all over the state. IMEA All-State has many of the best players from the whole state. Only a few hundred students attend while thousands and thousands auditioned. This year. School District 207 sent a total of

ten, a strong amount of student representatives, to IMEA. Maine South, West, and East sent seven, two and one, respectively. From Maine South, Meredith Bonk and Bobby Hemphill took part in the All-State Choir, Ellen Mangan (harp) in All-State Orchestra, Keith Nelson in Honors Choir, Dan Bergren (double bass) and Tim Berg (percussion) in Honors Orchestra, and Alex Wojciechowski in the Future Music Educators Seminar (FMES). While the students were busy with rehearsals and practicing (or seminars, lectures, and reviews), teachers, professors, and other music educators were around mingling and getting business done, in the Convention Center. Inside, there were booths for music companies. The FMES department was extremely small. Members attended various lessons, and meetings. Several of them focused on elementary and secondary education. There was one on sound recording

technology for those who plan to work in a recording studio. Students got to see some basics maneuvers and learned what was important for succeeding in the field. It is hard to get a job as a recording artist but the tips that were given were key, and having a musical background was something promising. The most moving of all the seminars was the one on special music education The hours were filled with stories that warmed your heart on how music can enrich anyone's and everyone's life. Students learned a story about a man who is around the age of 29, and has cerebral palsy. He has an IQ of a three year old. cannot hold a conversation, and is blind. However, there is one thing he can do. He can play the piano at professional level, if not better. Not only can he play well, but he can dictate anything that he hears, and he owes it all to his patient music teacher. IMEA was more than just a competition. It was an experience.


9. 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 10


Maine South History Fair a success by Bess Featherstone

On Fridav. Februar> 16. the third annual Maine South History Fair was held in the Maine South library. This fair was the first of five stages for Maine South participants in the Chicago Metro Historv Fair. Students would then move on to a regional competition where they join with other schools' contestants. Along with Maine South. 200 other schools in the Chicago area enter the fair.

workshops at the Chicago Metro History Eiducation Center so that the\ advance to the next level," said Michael Biondo of the Social Science Department at Maine South. Projects are judged by a team of two people. Each person scores the project based on knowledge, analysis, quality of source material, and quality of presentation. The two scores are then averaged together for a final score. Out of 130 museum exhibits and 35 documentaries at Niles North, four projects from

of Maryland this June," said Mr. Biondo. The fair is sponsored bv the Chicago Metro Historv Education Center, a non-profit program working for Chicago and its suburbs to educate students on Chicago's historx. The program also runs workshops for teachers and works to develop history curriculum. TheChicagoMetroHistorvMucationCenter says that, in general, students who participate in the History Fair will be applying nine of the state goals and Illinois Learning Standards while in the process of making their jp r o j e c t s . "I did my [project with Allison Groessl on the Chicago [Bears," said iuniorSamantha ISodini when asked about her experience with the Chicago Metro History Fair. "From I that, I not only learned about

To enter, a student creates a museum exhibit, research paper, or documentary on the chosen theme with the option phoU) h\ Alexa Karas of working individuall> Maine South have Students observe a project or in a group. This year's advanced to the at the Historx Fair. theme is "Triumph city-wide competition. and Tragedy" in Chicago History. This will be held Wednesday, Apri The fair is open to all Social Science 18. At this level, students have the students. This year, there were 65 projects ability to apply for a 1,500 dollar submitted by 113 students from Maine South, scholarship at DePaul, Loyola, and with topics such as Fort Dearborn, The Second Roosevelt Universities, along with City, and many others. Sixteen of these projects other cash prizes available at this level. photo b\ Alexa Karas For projects that then adv ance to the were chosen to move on to the regional One of the projects entered the Bears, competition at Niles North High School. state level, there are scholarships awarded in the History Fair. but about "The goal of the students is to continue based on the topic of the project. However, the history to revise and edit their projects based on the "the ultimate goal is to advance to the National of Chicago too. I think that I've definitely feedback of teachers, judges, and possibly History Day competition at the University benefited from entering this competition."

Changing driving laws for teens by Annette Dean

Due to the recent increase in car accidents involving teens, Illinois Secretary of State Jesse White is proposing a new law that would increase the restrictions placed on drivers under the age of 21. The law was created based on the recommendations of Jesse White's Teen Driver Safety Task Force. 'This is a very comprehensive proposal with many tough, yet sensible, new rules for our teen drivers. But they are being proposed with the sole purpose of reducing teen driving crashes and fatalities," said White. One of the changes proposed under the new law calls for new drivers to ha\ e a permit for nine months rather than the current three

months before they can apply for their driver's license. The Secretary of State's office believes that this proposal would better prepare new drivers for the variety of weather conditions found in Illinois. While drivers under the age of 18 are currently prohibited from driving after curfew, this new law would prohibit drivers under the age of 18 from driving after 10 pm on weekdays and 11 pm on weekends. In support of this proposal, the Secretary of State's office cited a Johns Hopkins University study that teens are three times more likely to be involved in a fatal car crash between 10 pm and midnight, than from 6 am to 10 pm. The same study also prompted the commission to recommend that the law require new teen drivers to wait for 12

months rather than the current 6 months before being allowed to have more than one unrelated teenage passenger in their car at a time. Other proposals in the law call for an increase in penalties for those under the age of 21 convicted of a moving violation, and the ticketing of passengers in addition to drivers violating passenger restriction laws. Despite the support from the Secretary of State's office, many teens fear that the laws are too harsh and unfairly target teens. Some believe that if the Secretary of States office wants to increase driving regulations, that the new laws should apply to everyone and not just teenagers. This legislation still has to pass through the State legislature and the Governor's office before it can become law.



2007 • VOL. 43, No. 10

Making the most of your summer by Erin Klein

in Costa Rica, Argentina, Tanzania, Senegal, Nusa Penida, Vietnam, El Salvador, and CamWith the harsh winter weather that doesn't bodia, just to name a few. Language-learnseem to be going away, it's hard to believe that ing programs are offered for approximatel> summer is just around the comer and that it's one month, and students can choose to live in already time to be thinking about what you're France, Spain, Argentina, or Costa Rica while going to be doing. For our parents, summer learning French or Spanish. Through Putne> 's was a time of laying out in the sun, first jobs, Excel program, students can attend college in and afternoons filled with pickup baseball Paris. Oxford. Madrid. India or China and take games. Summers for many teens nowadays actual college level courses. More information are far less laid back, especially with the race can be found on Putney at wvvvv.goputney. to get into college getting harder and harder. com. To add to the extensive list of extracurriculars Many of the nation's top colleges offer many teens already do, some are getting in- pre-college programs for rising sophomores, volved with pre-college programs at some of juniors, and seniors. Harvard, Yale, Brown, the nation's top universities and summer com- Johns Hopkins, George Washington, Georgemunity service. town, Stanford, Washington University, and For those interested in foreign cultures and UCLA are just a few. At Harvard, students can volunteering. Visions Service Adventures and take real college courses for college credits Putney Student Travel are perfect matches. and live on campus, giving the experience of Visions offers trips in the US to Alaska. Mis- actual college life. Classes are offered in two sissippi, Montana, and internationally to the sessions: June 25-July 20 and July 23-August British Virgin Islands, the Dominican Re- 17. More than 250 courses are offered, as well public. Ecuador, Guadalupe, Nicaragua, and as weekend trips and workshops on campus. Peru. In groups of seventeen to twenty-five More information can be. found on the web at students and four to six student leaders, you www.summer.harvard.edu. would be volunteering in helping build homes Programs at University of Chicago, Stanand learning about cultures different than your ford, UCLA, Georgetown Universit>, and own. These programs are three to four weeks Washington University are very similar to in length, vary in cost and are open to rising what is offered at Harvard. More informajuniors and seniors. More information can tion on each of these can be found at summer. be found at wwvv.VisionsServiceAdventures. uchicago.edu. summer.stanford.edu, ucollege. com. wustl.edu/hssp, summerschool.georgetown. Putney, on the other hand, offers commu- edu, or summer.ucla.edu. The program dates nity service opportunities, language-learn- and costs at each of these colleges varies, but ing programs, cultural exploration courses they all offer room, board, and four credit and Excel college programs at spots all over courses. the globe. Community service opportunities George Washington University in Washinclude working in Malawi to prevent HIV/ ington, D.C. also offers credit courses, but AIDS, helping to teach elementary school stu- they are only open to current juniors. Besides dents in India, and other service opportunities these. GW offers 10-dav minicourses either in

^ATTENTIONS SENIORS: e v s , •sm<g|r'&*^j ai<£tei>ri5, ikitls(ic^ aiid bfiter talextted people to peirfovnt at tbe brealciast. Try-outs ivill be Held aifter Spring BreaJc. T n e brealcfasf will t a k e place on ThursciaLj K-iaij ?^1, ZOOJ 5-1! a.m. Off-campus buffet Senior Superlative Senior Acts

Photojournalism. Election Politics. Law and Evidence, or Biomedical Engineering. These are held June 17-June 27 and open to rising sophomores through seniors. If none of these seem to suit you, volunteers.org lists man> volunteer opportunities available to youth, including working at summer camps for Easter Seals and many other organizations. In addition to this. Center for Talented Youth offers programs to students at Johns Hopkins, Princeton, and at Dublin College in Ireland. More information on these can be found at cty.jhu.edu and dcu.ie/ctyi. Qualifying ACT, SAT, or PSAT scores are necessary for the Center for Talented Youth Programs. With all of these organizations and colleges offering programs to high school students, there is definitely something out there for you. Summer is just around the corner and the quest to get into college is getting tougher and tougher. This summer might just be the one to give yourself an edge and have some SOUTHWORDS A student-produced newspaper of:

Maine South High School 1111 South Dee Road Park Ridge, IL 60068 Signed letters to the editor should be delivered to room V-131 or given to a member of the editorial staff. SOUTHWORDS reserves the right to edit material far clarity and brevity and to reject obscene/libclous submissions. Editors-in-Chief News Editors Features Editors Entertainment Editors Commentarv lEditors Sports Editors Production Editor Photographers

Staff Artists


Aiexa Karas Kelsey Keith Annette Dean Nicky F*riovolos Katherine Gaudyn Anna Wolonciej Mart> Diamond Ron Feiereisel Bettina Chang Joe Micotto Meghan O'Keefe Nick Ryter Joshua Sissman Carleton Gartner Kelsey Grand! Chelsea Zivkovic Leah Artwick Gina Tingas Kevin Verre Mr. Ellefson Mr. Stathakis


9, 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 10


Scenes from students' snow days doesn't come around too often. Many South students chose to take The last time there was an article about snow advantage of the day off by playing in the days, we didn't have one. This time, thankfully, snow. Park Ridge's Centennial Hill was a ver>' we did. popular destination. Onefi-eshmanstated. "My On February 13, a blanket of snow covered friends and 1 spent the day at Centennial Hill. It Park Ridge and the rest was awesome. of the Chicagoland area. We spent the Maine South students and e n t i r e day staff awoke to find big sledding and snowflakes falling to the goofing off in ground. While conditions the snow. The weren't nearly as bad or only thing we dangerous as they were worried about back on December 1 — the was running day many Maine South over the little students and staff felt kids on the school should have been hill." cancelled — a snow day There were was still declared. Many also students people thought the reason Conditions on the February 13 snow day were who wanted to very similar to those on December 1. District 207 announced a spend the day snow day was because it received so much in the snow but not at a place as crowded grief after not having one two months earlier. as Centennial Hill. That's when people got No matter what the reasoning behind it was, creative. Junior Ann Merrell and her fi-iends students took advantage of this opportunity that decided to play snow football. Merrell said, "It by Jacqueline O' Reilly

was realK fun until you got knocked down into the snow ten times: then it was just cold." One student decided to use the surplus of snow in her back yard to make snow cones. She had all her friends over, and they enjoyed the frozen treats without being frozen themselves. However, the cold air and constantly falling snow convinced some people to stay inside. Still, they, too, found a wa> to enjoy their snow day. Nick Kohler and his friends huddled inside near a heater, popped in a movie, and ordered Chinese food. "It was nice being warm inside instead of freezing in the cold. The only problem we encountered was when the heater popped an aerobics ball in the room," Kohler explains. While the Maine South student body split on whether to spend the snow day inside or out, each and every student did one thing: sleep in. It's a good thing Maine South students took advantage the way they did because it's probably not going to happen again while they're at Maine South. After all, it's still District 207.

Teens today too full of themselves?

by Nicky Priovolos

Most teenagers today attribute their moodiness to their lack of sleep. However, according to the Chicago Tribune, a recent study refutes this excuse and says that an increasingly narcissistic attitude is the cause of unhappiness in America's younger generations. Scientists from the University of Michigan conducted a recent study that accuses college students of being extremely narcissistic in proportion to the young adults of twenty-five years ago. Although this is hard to believe, as the students of Maine South have continuously shown their support and interest in the fates of others through participation in various charity events, food and supply drives and other ways, there is evidence that the theory is also applicable to high-schoolers. This self-absorption is considered to be a response to our new best friends: our computers. With MySpace and Facebook, teens are spending more and more time updating their pictures and writing their blogs about themselves. According to the study, young adults are

becoming less interested in other people and what they have to say, and more concerned with their own character. The conclusion that "Generation Y," as this group of teens has been called, is very egotistic was drawn by San Diego State professor Jean Twenge, in collaboration with other experts in psychology from the University of Michigan, University of Georgia, and University of South Alabama. The group of researchers gathered information from over 15,000 college students in the past 20 years. The students were asked to take a Narcissistic Personality Inventory. The questionnaire requested the students to respond to certain assertions, including whether or not the world would be a better place if they ruled it, whether or not they enjoy being the center of attention, and whether or not they believe that they are special. The conclusion was that there has been an almost 70 percent increase in the number of students who showed signs of narcissism. The effects of this rising egocentrism are defined through our moods as well as our behavior and interaction with others. Unhappiness and misery are some of the ways

that narcissism is affecting America's youth. Research by Jean Twenge reveals that being self-centered causes people to be unhappy. The self-absorption causes us to feel that things are not good enough the way that they are and that we are the only ones that can fix them. While that is a good motivator to some extent, on a larger scale, in her book "Generation Me: Why Today's Young Americans are More Confident, Assertive, Entitled-and More Miserable Than Ever Before," Twenge alleges that it is limiting teenagers' ability to accept things the way they are and be happy with them. Similarly, their relationships are also hurt by this narcissism. People are less willing to cooperate with others and quick to dismiss other opinions as wrong as a result of their conceit. Maine South students have shown time and again that they are not the usual teens. Despite our comfortable living, we make an effort to lend our time and strength to help others. There are a variety of services, including Amnesty International, Key Club, Campaign for Action and C.E.C. Each club has many caring members who dedicate themselves to improving the lives of others.

6 Justice, four decades later? FEATURES


by Ashley Koda

"Freedom Summer" came all too quickly for the whites in Mississppi as they tried their hardest to keep blacks segregated fi-om their own kind. On May 2, 1964, two black nineteen-yearolds by the names of Henry Dee and Charles Moore were stopped by a white man in a Volkswagen Beetle and were offered a ride. They politely declined, knowing that any interaction with whites would make it seem as if they were activists trying to free their people from racism in the South. The KKK was very dominant in their hometown of Meadville, and blacks feared for their lives as America tried to change the course of this racist society. Dee and Moore disappeared soon after they were seen speaking with the man in the Beetle. More than two months later, some of the remains of a black man came to the surface in an isolated section of the Mississippi River approximately 90 miles from Meadville. There

was an identification card in the pocket of the man's pants, and as it happened, this man was Charles Moore. The FBI began working on this case, and it was another two months before any clues came their way. An anonymous informant, who was so afraid of the KKK that he refused to give out his name to anyone except for his two FBI handlers, began giving them information on Dee and Moore's disappearance. The FBI gave him the code name JN-30R. He described to them how Dee and Moore were brutally beaten with a bean pole, tied to a Jeep engine block, and thrown into the river alive. He then led to them to the location in which they found Dee's remains still attached to the engine block. Although it was obvious that JN-30R's information was completely accurate, the powerful fear that the town had of the KKK forced the investigation to come to an end. By 1977, the FBI files on this case had been destroyed. In 2000, the investigation was reopened.

9, 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 10

There was evidence that copies of the destroyed files may have survived. Of the two FBI handlers that knew JN-30R's real identity, only one of them was still alive. He was Special Agent Clarence Prospere, and he wouldn't allow himself to be interviewed on this secretive matter, even thirty-six years after the fact. Several weeks later, a package arrived at the doorstep of the reporter that had seen Special Agent Prospere. It contained a 900-page FBI file on the Dee-Moore disappearance. Ernest Gilbert was mentioned twice throughout, and the reporter had the hunch that this could be JN30R. After many phone calls, the man agreed to be interviewed, and he had confessed to being the anonymous informant. He was hesitant at first, but he later agreed to speak in front of the cameras. The investigation was officially back on track, and six years later, a suspect was found. Former Klansman James Ford Scale, 71, of Roxie, Mississippi, was indicted by a grand jury, appearing in court on January 24, 2007. He pleaded not guilty. The outcome of this frial is yet to come.

Beyond Cynicism OOF!

by Ron Feiereiseli










9,2007 • V O L 43, No. 10

"Reno 911!"filmhits more than misses by Ron Feiereisel

Etepartmcnt, led bv no-nonsense Lieutenant Jim Dangle (Thomas Lennon), headed to Miami for a police conference. Upon arrival. the\ run into trouble w hen they find out that their department The Comedy CentraJ series "Reno 911!" is is not in the system, and they can't be admitted a spoof of the infamous Fox police ride-along into the convention center show "Cops." where the officers thai Ihe camera The next da>.the\ show up to the convention men follow are about as dumb as the perps the> center onlj to find out that every other police bust. The show"s qualitv \aries widel> from officer in Miami has been exposed to a episfxJe to episode—some arc brilliant, others dangerous toxic chemical b} waj of a bioare obvious clunkers, while a few fall right in terrorist attack. Acting mayor Jeff Spoder between the two extremes. (Patton Oswalt) calls on them to take care of The fact thai "Reno 911!" made it to the Miami while he works to find a vaccine. silverscreen is somewhat of a surprise, because Within hours, the Reno Sherrifrs Department there's reallj no reason for it to have been screws things up because thej're. well, idiots. turned into a feature film. Spooling a mo\ ie There's an o\ erall plot that seems to be resolved is one thing, but spoofing a television show in the end of the movie, but. as previously stated. , it's irrelevant because it's so absurd. The movie's (and show's) humor works best when it's just randomly funny, especially during the various house calls thai the officers go on. 1 hese are so funny because they show just how ridiculously awful the deputies are at their jobs. Mosi of the stuff thai they try to add to the plot actually isn't that funny, and when the characters are trying to interact with each 2 other outside of in the squad car. there's nothing very memorable about it. It's only when they're interacting with other dumb characters thai the movie becomes really p^..,«.r,^ofra„..<onu„o.;. f""")'- A sequcncc where Deputies Jones and Garcia (Cedric Yarbrough and Carlos Dangle and Junior patrolling Miami. Ala/.raqui, respectively) roll up to a house is another. to find an alligator in a pHX)l and then get into The television "Reno 911!" has a low-budgei an argument with a neighbor is particularly feel to it, something that a movie (however memorable because it amounts to nothing more small that actual budget may be) seems to than idiots being idiots. undermine. The frequent commercial breaks In the translation from television to screen. and the three act. wrapped up in a half-hour the show loses a lot of the censorship that was plot seems to keep the show from losing itself present in the broadcast version. Sometimes in its ow n tw isted reality and becoming too self- this lack of censorship is funny; other times, it indulgent. It also helps the prtxlucers disguise leads to nothing more than gratuitous, unfunny the fact that each show basically has no plot. stuff that should have probably been left on the The mo\'ie, while funny, makes these flaws cutting room flcxir. Generally, il's the p<.iintless more obvious. The viewers must go into the nudity that keeps things from becoming funny. mo\ ie prepared for these things, and generally It's unnecessary, and there's often no real joke they probably do. but this mo\ ie really doesn't loiL seem like it would sell with people who aren't "Reno 911!: Miami" is probably best suited familiar with the show. Once the viewer for fans of the show who really like the series, dismisses the plot and sees the film for what and even then, it's really only w orth the matinee it is—a loosely connected collection of short price or a DVD rental. It's often funny, but even sketches—some funny, others not—the movie still it just feels like a two-part episode of the actually holds up pretty well. series. The level of humor is the same, and il's " M i a m i " finds the Reno Sherriff's just as hit-or-miss as the series.

New on "Casino Royale" Daniel Craig exceeded many viewer's expectations when he stepped into the shoes (and tuxedo) of James Bond. ITic movie is excellent, and effectively made the James Bond film franchise a darker, more realistic, and ultimately more fulfilling experience. Available on DVD March 13.

"Blood Diamond" w?!; *•. Ihough it didn't win any of the five Academy Awards it was nominated for. "Blood Diamond" is still a very well made movie. Leonardo DiCaprio gives a strong prefonnance as a mercenary c-aught up in the conflict diamond trade during the civil war in Sierra Leone. Djimon Hounsou also gives an intense preformance, worthy of his Best Supporting actor nomination. Available March 20.


E]NfmRfl ?tiiift:^^'^i MARCH

9,2007 • VOL. 43, No. 10

Name brand clothes: worth the price? hy Courtney Vinopal agrees much more with the price of the flats If you covet name brand pieces, I imagine from Target. shopping can get pretty pricey sometimes. I think one of the reasons most name-brand Walking through Marshall Field's (oops.. clothes are so expensive is their popularity. Macy's) the other day. I was in awe of how Honestly, are North Face jackets really worth pricey some designer items can get. It's not 165 dollars? Were Ugg boots always upwards like I'm oblivious to the fact that name-brand of 120 dollar? Once clothes become less "in." clothes can be very expensive, but I often forget their value decreases. However, by that time no just how costly they are because I don't usually one really wants the clothes anyway. buy them. Another reason for some clothing being This is the question that comes up into so pricey is the way it's made. For example, my head when I see 170 dollar Seven For All American Apparel tees are 15 dollars, which Mankind jeans: are these clothes really worth isn't the cheapest price for a t-shirt. The reason the price? Amercan Apparel charges more, though, is When 1 walk through abnost any mainstream because their garments are sweatshop free. store now. I often see velour sweats that look Basically, the more well made the gannent. the almost just like Juicy sweats, minus the "J" more expensive it is. Jeans can get outrageously zipper. Of course, the "faux Juicy" sweats are expensive, and this is mostly becausejeans can only a fraction of the price. While it would be be produced in many different ways. If some great to have a pair of 200 dollar plus True proccesses take longer and require more work Religion jeans, if you put a pair of designer without machines, the price goes up. Certain jeans next to certain jeans from Old Navy, I jeans cost around 1.000 dollars. No matter how couldn't tell the difference. And even though well made jeans are, you would have to really London Sole flats are adorable, my mother like them to pay that much.

Another example of better-made items costing more? Just look at the difference between a knock-off bag and a real one. On a knock-off bag. the material will most likely be much more chintzy, and the bag won't be crafted as well, hence the knock-oft'bag costing so much less. From far away, though, the bags look the same. Even though some brand-name items aren't worth the price, I'd say that others are a good investment. If a pair of 200 dollar jeans fits you really well, it may be a good idea to buy them and then have them for a really long time. If the fabric is sturdy, they won't fade as fast. Also, bags are items that may be worth the splurge. A designer bag will alwaysfityou, and, if you make the right choice, always be cute. Plus, you'll be supporting the designer by not buying cheap knock-offs. Whether it's jeans, bags, or jackets, investment buys definitely take a lot more strategic planning and a lot more money. However, the buy may last you a lifetime, and that's priceless.

Emo: where it comes from, what it is by Katrina Underwood Stereotypes are a big part of society and are unfortunately found in high schools everywhere. People continue to label others based on outward appearances such as clothing style, interest in hobbies, and music interests. Everyone knows the typical stereotypes; punk, prep, goth, geek, etc. But Emo? What is emo? The dictionar> states that emo is a genre of rock music. Society seems to classify emo as a young group of musicians who wear skin-tight jeans and are very emotional. The term "emo" began in Washington, DC around 1985. Ian MacKave and Guy Picciotto were both involved with the music scene in Washington and wanted to take a new approach to music. They decided to step away fi-om the main style of music at that time and advance their style with a much more personal sound. This new sound resulted in the time-changing bands Fire Party, Rites of Spring, One Last Wish, and Embrace. The summer of 1985 became known by those in the music scene as "Revolution Summer." In the early 1990s. the term "emo" started to be used to describe indie rock bands such as Texas Is the Reason and Sunny Day Real

Estate. The term was being used for bands that were more mellow in their music as opposed to hectic. These bands were much more tame on stage compared to the earlier emo bands, which were often reckless. Towards the end of the 1990s. emo and mainstream music began to meree but thev still held their own in different

"Society seems to classify emo as a young group of musicians who wear skin-tight jeans and are very emotional.

categories. Today the music that is put into the categorv emo is constantly changing. Many categorize today's emo groups as bands that include API, Bright Eyes. Fall Out Boy. Death Cab For Cutie. Hawthorne Heights, Panic! At the Disco. Taking Back Sunday. My Chemical Romance.

Motion City Soundtrack. The Used. Stor>' of the Year, From First to Last, The Starting Line. Senses Fail, The Academy Is, and Dashboard Confessional. People often defend the music that they listen to from being put into such a category, but why not just listen to the music instead of stamping a label on it? Though the culture of emo is constantly changing and will continue to do so, none of the meanings of the word were intended by a recognized creator, Guy Picciotto. In an interview by Mark Prindle, Picciotto was asked how he felt about creating the emo genre and he said. "I don't recognize that attribution. I've never recognized 'emo' as a genre of music. I always thought it was the most [worst] term ever. I know there is this generic commonplace that every band that gets labeled with that term hates it. They feel scandalized by it. But honestly. 1 just thought that all the bands I played in were punk rock bands. The reason I think it's so stupid is that—^what, like the Bad Brains weren't emotional?" To further understand the meaning of emo you can check out a humorous video called "How to be Emo," by Christian Andrew Bretzy on Youtube.com.


9, 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 10


Child stars' self-destruction sequence

by Meghan O 'Keefe

removal, and a trip to Wonderland rehab. From Tatum O'Neil in the '70s, to Drew I have come to expect late night stumbles Barrymore in the "SOs, to Macaulay Culkin in out of clubs such as Bungalow 8, Area, the '90s, and to Spears and Lohan in the 21st Hyde Lounge and the re-vamped SkyBar by century, all of these child stars have experienced numerous celebrities. Regulars include Paris the same downward cycle of fast fame, selfHilton, Justin Timberlake, and the infamous obsession shared by millions, identity crisis, Ms. Spears. But, when news broke that Britney substance abuse, and the trip(s) to the legendary Spears had shaved her head late one night, 1 am land of rehab. sure I wasn't the only one shocked. The media and public alike find the charming Spears' bizarre behavior has led me to personality and wondrous accomplishments of wonder what happened to this "innocent" girl the young an oh-so-enigmatic subject. They are singing about her loneliness back in the late 90's pushed into the limelight at an age when they in her notorious school-girl uniform and dainty have no sense of reality. They host Saturday little pigtails. What brings a person to literally Night Live, which has a rating of TV-14, before snatch a pair of sheers out of an incompliant even reaching the age of fourteen. They go to barber's hands in order to shave her own head clubs, where they are inevitably exposed to with numerous paparazzi watching, and then drugs and alcohol. They shop designer-only, proceed to get two tattoos before calling it a custom-made couture. Childhood is only night? maintained in age, height, and technicality Britney Spears is merely continuing and within their short lives. advancing the ominous tradition of child stars. But these child stars all arrive in adulthood She is joined in modern times by Lindsay eventually. They find themselves completely Lohan, who has been a member of Alcoholics unprepared, and at a loss for who they are when Anonymous for over a year and has had several they don't have a current album or movie title hospital stays for "exhaustion," an appendix to define them.

It may too late for Britney, who is now being called H-Thread. a play-off of her estranged husband's name K.-Fed, referring to her sanity as hanging by a thread. After two short trips to rehab facilities Crossroads (three hours) and Promises (one day), it finally stuck with her return to Promises after an ultimatum from Kevin Federline concerning custody of their two sons, Sean Preston and Jeyden James. Yet, what about the child stars who are appearing today? Will we see kids like Dakota Fanning, recent Oscar nominee Abigail Breslin, and legacy child Jaden Smith dancing on tabletops, driving backwards on the expressway, or revealing the fact that they aren't wearing any underwear to the awaiting paparazzi? They are bound to repeat the unforgiving cycle of Hollywood life unless they are able to keep themselves and their personalities, as well as their overall identities separate from their worth in Hollywood and accredited fame. Yet, in a place where size zero, plastic surgery, knowing Madonna, and Governor Schwarzenegger are considered normal, what can we expect from these young, impressionable minds?

Hallway iPod usage remedied take that iPod and its corresponding iTrip to create an iMaineSouthRadioStation. That's How many times a day do you see a friend right, we can ban all other iPods and use this in the hallway and basically shred your vocal one communal iPod so we can all listen to the chords trying to get his/her attention? You feel same music at the same time. Everyone, dust that moment of pathetic awkwardness—you offyour Walkmans and remember how to tune look around to see who's watching, just in case a hand-held radio; this phenomenon will solve you look like a loser saying "hi" to someone all of our problems. who doesn't know you. But you didn't —really! They say that music is a form of expression Just as your ego touches rock bottom, your that transcends language, so there's no need to finend turns, the gleam of a white earbud catches talk to a friend in the hallway when you know your eye, and the light dawns on you. you are listening to the exact same music as Ah, the ever-embarassing iPod-denial. Your him/her. Perhaps you could even walk in time friend wasn't ignoring you; he/she was just with the beat together, to really connect with too engrossed in those five elusive minutes of your fi-iend's soul. Nothing would build school hallway music to notice that you'd wanted to unity and Hawk Pride more than literally being hold an actual conversation. on the same foot as everyone else. Imagine: if all of Maine South could walk But think about the safety ramifications. If a Spanish club candy kid really did "beef it" in time with one another, there would be no heading into Suicide T, your fi^iend may not hallway traffic. The Suicide T would be the notice in time to avoid the accident scene. What Harmony T. and taking a left turn across a wide do we do with this problem that's sweeping corridor would be a series of do-si-do's with the people who are in the intersection. The Maine Maine South? The solution is here. We all know that South Passing Period Shuffle would last exactly somewhere in the Deans' office there is at five minutes so no one would ever be late to least one iPod (either confiscated or lost) class. Students would be more focused, because waiting to be claimed. Well, why wait? Let's there wouldn't be any pesky conversation in the by Bettina Chang

hallways to distract us from the music. Hall monitors wouldn't have to worry about trespassers on school grounds because only Maine South students would know the dance steps. Non-Hawks would stick out like Steve Urkel dancing with the Luvabulls. And of course, there would be no road rage because everyone knows that music calms your nerves. There would be fewer collisions in the hallways and fewer fights. Violence at South would decline rapidly. There are numerous reasons as to why my plan should be set into motion immediately, the horrendous traffic in the hallways being the least of our worries. With just a couple thousand Walkmans, a miraculously strong iTrip signal, and some catchy choreography, there would be no need for simple things like walking on the right side of the hallway, looking before you turn, watching where you're going, or not stopping abruptly and/or congregating in the middle of a hallway. Who needs these silly, common sense rules when we can all dance to the beat of the same music? Soon. I hope to see my vision come to life, and no one will ever have to feel the pain of an iPod-denial again.


iCOMMENTARY MARCH 9. 2007 • VOL. 43. No.

A Chief misunderstanding

hvAlexa Karas Chief llliniwek said his goodbyes on Wednesday. February 28. 2007. but his spirit will never be forgotten. After years of debating the issue with the NCAA and Native Americans, the treasured mascot retired to the regret of most students and alumnus. The University of Illinois has had Chief llliniwek as their mascot for over 80 years and have fought hard to try and keep him. However, with constant pressure and threats of not competing in some athletic events, the school was forced to surrender their stance on Chief llliniwek. If you walk the streets of UrbanaChampaign, and more specifically on campus, you will see dorms and frat houses decked out with "Save the Chief signs while showing their school colors. Which begs the question: how politically correct is too politically correct? When does tradition fall victim to the newest feelings of society? The University of Illinois' mascot has been living for 80 years, more than 70 of them without conflict. Many other college teams have been forced to abandon their mascots including the Marquette Warriors, now the

by Kelsey Keith Regardless of one"s opinions about the motives of invading Iraq, the policies of the Bush administration regarding Iraq, and the current insui^ency situation, troops deserve the nation's respect and support. Troops do not decide or determine militar>' action—they follow orders; they do their job. I cannot be upset with someone for doing what they are supposed to, especially when they are defending my freedoms and my rights at home and abroad. One has every right to be upset with the policies and actions of our government, and

Support the troops; wear red on Fridays.

Golden Eagles; the St. Johns" Redmen, now the Red Storm; and the Miami of Ohio Redskins, now the Red Hawks. I think proponents of the newest changes forget that teams pick mascots and symbols in order to represent them. They choose them in order to display their charisma, determination, and ferocity. That said, they are not using tribal references to mock Native Americans, they are using them to honor and respect them. The dance that Chief llliniwek used to perform in Assembly Hall was meant to remember and display admiration for the mighty members of the tribe. It was neither offensive nor disrespectful. Taking away symbols like Chief llliniwek that have been engraved in the University of Illinois for decades is not making things better, it is only disrupting the University's way of life. Speaking with my fellow classmates, I cannot find one that is in support of the change. If school officials think that they are putting a stop to racism, they are wrong. They are simply killing a tradition that has led thousands of students to support their institution and honor the warriors that help represent them.

there are ample opportunities and venues to express this dissatisfaction, but troops should not be the target of this critique. For those of us who find ourselves feeling helpless and/or disconnected from the conflict and soldiers in Iraq, the wife of a marine has created a program that allows all Americans to show a weekly outpouring of support for our troops. "Wear Red on Fridays" is an apolitical statement thats sole purpose is to "let troops in harms way know that our thoughts are with them and that they are not alone, even in the most dire of situations." "Red Shirt Fridays" started when Misty Weiser, wife of a Gunnery Sargeant stationed in Cherry Point, N.C., wanted to do something to show support for the troops after her husband's recent deployment to Iraq. It started out as just family, friends, and then a community, but "Wear red until the troops return from Iraq" has spread beyond its town of origin. As of February 16. over 1,000 shirts have been sold going as far as overseas military bases in Iraq. If you are interested in participating in this program you can either buy a "support the troops" shirt from www. freedomisnotfree.com or $14.99 or you can wear any red shirt of your choosing.



"They should keep him tx:cause he has been the mascot for such a long time." -Joe Lynch '08

"It's bad because they have had that symbol for so many years and they aren"t being mean about it." -Alexandra Szajowski '09




"My sister thinks its good because everything was on sale at the bookstore." -Christine Allegretti '08

o o -o "if the tribe said it was okay, then it wouldn't be so insulting." -Mary Price '10



9, 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 10


Who will be this year'sfinalfour teams?

by Nick Ryter I recently realized that 1 spend way too much time looking at basketball brackets in March. But here we go again, and I can't wait to see outlasts who at the big dance this season. This year's class of players are as talented a group as ever. Anyone could come forth and claim the crown, but here's who I think is destined to have a breakout march. I think the four number-one seeds are going to go to Florida, North Carolina, UCLA, and Ohio State, after their one-point win over then number one Wisconsin. But because these are the four best teams in the country right now, that doesn't put them in the Final Four, not by a long shot. The NCAA tournament is all about who gets hot at the right time. I think the Hoyas of Georgetown (22-5) are more than capable of making a run to the Final Four because they have a dominant big man in Roy use their team Hibbert and low to alter size down grab rebounds, s h o t s and held the Big They have all season East throne coach John long under III and have a Thompson including deep bench, Ewing Jr. They Patrick against good struggled in the season, teams earlier \ three ranked but defeated the s t r e t c h teams down Marquette, including pholofrom cbssp<irl\ i din Virginia, and W e s t Wright skies for the Jayhawks. Pittsburgh. I picked two Big Twelve teams in my final four. Kansas (25-4), when they're clicking, could be the best team in the country, as far as I'm concerned. All of their starters' points-per-game averages are in double figures. They have three former McDonald's All-Americans in Julian Wright, Darrell Arthur, and Mario Chalmers. Sophomore guard Brandon Rush leads the team with 13.8 points per game. The Jayhawks shoot the three very well, with Rush, Chalmers, and freshman point guard Sharron Collins. They also come strong off the bench, with forward Sasha Kaun and guard Russell Robinson. The Jayhawks beat the Florida Gators on a neutral court in overtime this season, and they lead the Big Twelve with a 12-2 conference record. Right behind them in the Big Twelve are the Aggies of Texas A&M (24-4). The Aggies, behind Player of the Year candidate Acie Law IV, beat the aforementioned Jayhawks at Kansas, 69-66. Besides Laws 17.6 points per game. A&M benefits from forwards Joseph Jones and Josh Carters, each netting themselves 13 points per game. The Aggies lost to UCLA in Los Angeles by three points 6562 but beat Kevin Durant and the Texas Longhoms by 18. 100-82. Rounding out my final four is North Carolina. 1 think the Tar Heels will win the ACC Tournament, play near home in their regional bracket, and crash the big dance to win it all in 2007. UNC plays a fast-paced game offensively, but they often stifle their opponents defensively with their fi^ont-court athelticism and back-court speed. The Heels blew out number 19 Arizona at Phoenix. 92-64, and topped Ohio State 98-89 at Chapel Hill. Look for Virginia Tech to emerge as this year's Cinderella team of the tournament. They're most impressive win this season is at UNC, 81-80. My championship game is Kansas shooting lights out to topple North Carolina.

by Tommy Joyce This year's Final Four in Atlanta should be a very entertaining one. The defending National Champion Florida Gators (25-3, 12-1) have a great chance to repeat their title-a rare feat. The Gators returned all five of their starters from last year's championship team. Their lineup features two excellent big men who can play defense and score, Al Horford (13 ppg. 2.5 blks) and Joakim Noah (12.2 ppg, 2.0 blks). The Gators also have a superb point guard, Taureen Green. He averages 13 points and 3.9 assists, while shooting 46 percent fi-om the field. 87 percent from the free throw line, and 41 percent fi-om three point range. Florida also has a quality shooting guard, Lee Humphrey, who shoots 46 percent from the three-point line. Florida's x-factor, 6-9 Corey Brewer, is scoring 13 points a game, averaging two steals, and almost six rebounds ^^^mm^^^^mmmm per game. As a team, field, tops in Division ^ ^ ^ I ^ H ^ ^ ^ ^ B I- Florida's defense is game, an outstanding championship year and balance of the will win the National

^ H B B f f m i ^ ^ K | average. With their a H S H H '^ i . ^ ^ 1 experience gained last H I H I B W i l l team, the Florida Gators 89^^^ ™-|BJg"; C h a m p i o n s h i p .

Salukis. comino out H H I ^ H ^ ^ I ^ B of one of the best midmajor conferences. '\ ' H M ^ - ^ S ^ ^ ^ ^ f f w i l l be a b l e t o advance through the U « J P K M » - I M M I ^ S tournament and into the Final Four. With '^^^**1,'^^lff/5^'^^ guard Jamaal Tatum and forward Randal Brewer leaps into the lane. F a l k n e r l e a d i n g the way, SlU will pull off several miraculous upsets over highly talented and prestigious programs. Teams will be unprepared for Southern Illinois balanced attack until the Final Four, where there Cinderella story will come to an end. Perennial powerhouse North Carolina (24-4, 10-3) will also be a force in this year's NCAA tournament. North Carolina faces quality competition all year in the Atlantic Coast Conference, which should help better prepare the players for the tournament. The Tar Heels are second in Division I, averaging 87.5 points per game. Led by sophomore Ail-American Tyler Hansbrough's 18.6 points and 7.7 rebounds per game, the team is very dangerous. The only flaw in the Tar Heels is their experience. With only two seniors on the roster, and severalft-eshmenin key places, the experience could be a factor in North Carolina advancing through the Final Four. Three of their top-four scorers arefi-eshman,and their inexperience could cost North Carolina a game in a key situation. The Ohio State Buckeyes (25-3, 13-1) also have a good chance to advance to the Final Four. They should enter the tournament fi^esh off of a Big-Ten Conference title. Outstanding freshman Greg Oden leads his team averaging a double-double. The Buckeyes also have guards Omar Cook, and Michael Conley Jr.. who can both shoot threepointers well. The Buckeyes play in the Big Ten. where this year the level of competition is down. Because of their schedule of playing less quality teams than Florida and North Carolina, the Buckeyes will be unaccustomed to their outstanding talent and high quality play and fall in the Final Four, despite exceptional performances from Greg Oden. If the best two teams in the country played right now, it would be Florida against North Carolina. UNC has talented, but inexperienced players. Florida will win because of their experience and the post presence of Al Horford and Joakim Noah.

12^ Setting up to repeat and defeat PORTS


b}' Alexa Karas This \ear you can expect to see amazing retuming talent, you can count on the same diehard fans, and you can anticipate that the boys' voile) ball team is playing with the intention to repeat. After two consecutive appearances at the state tournament, you might expect fans to be saying, "third time's a charm." However, their second appearance w as the charm that left them with a first-place victor), and they joined the ranks of the small group of Maine South teams that have won a state title. Three years ago, when Teddv Adamczyk and Kristaps Staks were chosen to play on the Varsit) level as freshmen, the) started the legacy that has become the Maine South boys' volleyball program. "When they came out as freshmen, it was something that was unheard of," said Coach Granell. The two boys added a special flair to the team, with Staks playing as starting setter and Adamcz)k in the back row. "The guys made fun of me, but 1 think they were just jealous," said Adamczyk. The team went on to lose in Sectionals that year to a tough New Trier offense. However, the following season, the Hawks got all the

way to the state tournament, onh to lose to the eventual state champions, Wheaton Warren\ ille South, in the first round. With more experience and determination to win, the Hawks won first place the following year over Naper\ ille North. "Each time we get back to the tournament we

"Everybody knows you 're number one and they are more focused on beating you." -Coach Granell are more prepared," said Granell, "The second time we were more focused." This year will be a different story. Flying under the radar for most of last season, the Hawks w ere ne\ er considered as a huge threat. However, with the title of "state champions" and w ith two retuming All-State players, they will be the team to beat. "Everybody knows you're number one and the) are more focused on beating you," said Granell. It will be difficult to replace some key

9, 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 10

positions from last )ear, including libero Cullen McChristian. "We may or may not use the libero this year because not man) can do the position justice like Cullen," said Granell. "You have to think ball first, bod) second." If the Haw ks cannot find a specific person to fill the role, the) w ill ha\ e to rel) on Adamczyk. In addition to his well-know n spiking abilities as an outside hitter. Adamczyk has expertise in the back row and will continue to play as a libero at UCLA this fall. The future looks bright w ith other retuming players including Claudius Kuzmicki, Dan Suwinski, and Ryan Haas. "There are |also| about five or six incoming freshmen who have alread) been pla)ing club who might be important in the future," said Granell. As far as what teams to look out for this season, it's all the usual suspects. New Trier has an older, taller, and more experienced group. Others include GBS, GBN. and Evanston. The best way to evaluate other competition is usually at the Dow ners Gro\ e South In\ itational, w here the top-rated teams are invited to attend. This season is definitely the one to be a part of. Become a fan and join the team as they attempt to make histor)...again.

Boys' track maintaining the legacy by Meghan O 'Keefe Boys' track has proved just how much it enjoys flexing its muscles in the first three meets of this sport's lengthy season. They've crushed the competition in all of them. In their first meet against Leyden and Marshall, the) had nearl) tripled the score of their nearest competitor, with totals of 90 points, 31 points, and 29 points for Maine South, Leyden, and Marshall, respectively. Event champions include Eric Forbes with 12' in the polevault, Marshall Dechambre with 18'2!^" in the long jump, Blake Borowski with 38'4!^" in the triple jump. Franco Cecchini in the shot put with AO'VA", Matt Maloney in the high hurdles with 7.2 seconds, David Dziubanski in the 880-run with 2:21, DeChambre in the low hurdles with 6.82 seconds, and Brett Beaugureau in the one mile with 5:16.37. Maine South also took first in the 880 relay with l:44.4ÂŤ. The freshman/sophomore team also took

first with 121 points to Leyden's 31 points and points to Fenwick's 46 points and Notre Dame's Marshall's one point, with Maine South taking three points. Maine South took first in all but first in every event excluding the shot put and three events: the two mile relay, 440-dash, and low hurdles. the 220-dash. In their third victory of the season, they beat Similar to the overwhelming victory of the first meet v\as that of the second meet. They St. Patrick and St. Joseph, claiming 86.5 points faced Fenw ick and Notre Dame. Maine South to St. Patrick's 43.5 points and St. Joseph's 26 earned 80 points, Fenwick took second with 41 points. They maintained excellence of the prior points, and Notre placed third with 34 points. meets in most events. Erik Sorensen took first Sean Byrne placed first in the pole vault with in the pole \ ault w ith 10 feet and Eric Lundt^erg 9'6". John Kead) won the high jump w ith 5'6". in the 440-dash w ith 57.04 seconds. Maloney Ryan L)nn dominated the one mile with a time also won the high and low hurdles as well as of 5:02. Maloney improved his second-place the 220-dash. DeChambre took first in the 50time to achieve first in the meet in the 220 dash. Lynn in the one mile, Byme in the triple dash w ith his time of 25.52 seconds dropping jump and high jump, and Maine South in the mile relay. to 24.90 seconds. Chance Kuykendall set the freshman/ Repeat winners were Borowski in the triple jump with an improvement of five inches, sophomore record in the triple jump with 39.4 Malone) in the high hurdles w ith a .27 second feet. Says first year head coach Brian Fee of these improvement, and Maine South in the 880. Maine South also took the Heavy Man Relay, results, "It's hard to get a good feel where guys are going to be at. We're going to give them the mile relay, and the two mile relay. Continued on page 13 The frosh/soph team also won with 104


27, 2006 • VOL. 43, No. 4


Girls' track continues emerging tradition

by Meghan O 'Keefe

In the 800-meter run. Amalia Megally and Keely Patt scored third and sixth with times of 2:35.1 and 2:49.2, respectively. Lauren Alpert ran the 400-meter dash, her premier event, with a school record-breaking time of 1:03.2, yet this only earned her second place. This extremely close race, with only a .4 second difference between first and second place, was due to Alpert's stride break after she had let two girls in front of her, forcing her to have to work to regain her loss. This effort resulted in a record, but only second place. In the 55-meter high hurdles. Alexis Gavin and Anne Mueller achieved second and fourth places with time of 10.2 seconds and 10.3 seconds, respectively. Kristen Zillmer took second in the 1,600-meter run with a time of 5:25.5, the second record for indoor girls' track of the day gained, ironically, in a second-place time. Says Downing of this phenomenon, "I don't think our school records were strong, but our runners are strong." Michelle Jaworski also placed in the 1,600-meter run with a fifth place time of 5:47.1. Maine South also took second in the 4x800 relay with 10:32.1, third in the 4x 150 relay with 128.0, and first in the 4x400 relay with 4:25.9, where they shut out the competition with a 5.2 second margin of victory. In the field, Alpert and Eskew ruled the long jump in first and second place with

15'3'/4" and I4"7", respectively. Alpert also took second in the triple jump with 3r8'/2", and Kaley Maloney took sixth as well, with 27-11.50 feet. In high jump, Abby Christiansen, a freshman, took fifth with a height of 4-04.00 feet. In the pole vault, Erin Mulligan and Maloney took fourth and fifth respectively with 7 feet and 6.5 feet respectively. Says Downing of these varied successes, "I'm okay with how we're doing. We're still trying to find our way with throws, but there weren't too many events we didn't score in. We'll see how well we do [in upcoming meets]." As Downing earlier predicted, middledistance races seem to be where the big money is. "Evident by the school records going down by Alpert and Zillmer, I'd say I was pretty accurate with the middle distances," he remarked. Another Downing observation: "There were two things I thought about at [Wheeling]: one, not many are leaving for spring, and two, there weren't many medalists who were seniors. The core of our talent is in the juniors and younger. We can always use senior leadership, though," says Downing. With strong leadership, increase focus on events, and practice, they have the power to make it farther than ever.

some more time to develp. No one group is standing out at this point. We have a lot of developing talent on varsity." The team is being led this year for the first time by Coach Brian Fee. Coach Fee said of this endeavor, "I was excited to head a program so strong." With this change in leadership come changes in the structure of the program. Practices have been altered to encourage the maximum time spent with individual event coaches. Also the fundraiser was changed to the Track-a-thon, with proceeds going to money for equipment, as well as to Juvenile Diabetes Research. "There is an increased emphasis on building character this year," said Fee. "This carried over to the fundraiser." Fee hopes for the athletes to "become better people," by being responsible and accountable for their actions, not just at practice, but "with family, at home, in school, and in the photo b\ Carleton Gartner community." Blake Borowski gets some massive air while The group as a whole must rely on each other practicing his triple jump, an event he has been to "support and push each other at practice" nearly untouchable at this year.. since no captains have been named yet and

won't be named until they head outdoors. Fee accounts for this delay saying, "We kind of want to see who's emerging as a leader, in both positive and negative ways, and rising to the top." Injuries are one setback they will definitely need to support each other through. Mile-runner Tim O'Hara has a knee injury, an injury he also dealt with last year. Shin splints, products of the hard surface and tight space of the field house as well as the need for conditioning, are a constant plague. The team is working through it. The hopes for the team are to reach conference, win, go on to sectionals, and qualify as many athletes as possible for state. Conference shouldn't be a stretch, considering they have won it the last two years. In sectionals, they were a close second to one of the foremost teams in the stae two years back. They weren;t taking no for an aswer last year, though, and won it all at sectionals One thing is for sure about this year despite any unknowns though: "Rise or fall, we're going to do it as a team this season," says Fee.

The girls' track team achieved significant victory Saturday, February 22. 2007 at the Wildcat Invitational, hosted by Wheeling High School, when they took first place. This particular win continued an emerging tradition, which has continued for the past three years. This year, though, they dominated the other seven schools by 27 points with 120 total points, to Wheeling's 93 points, when usually the score comes down to a mere two or three points. Grant placed third with 83.5 points, then Dundee Crown with 51 points, Jacobs with 47 points, Chicago Vocational with 30 points, Regina with 26 points, and Marshall in last with 13.5 points. Maine South's superiority was shown in these irrefutable numbers. Head Coach Jeff Downing even admitted, "We faired pretty well. I was very impressed." Athletes who made the diflFerence for the team participated in a wide range of events. Kaitlin O'Shanna took second in the 3,200meter run, or the two-mile, with an impressive time of 13:30.5. First place in the 55-meter dash was Caitlin Eskew, with a time of 7.5 seconds, with freshman Elizabeth Brown taking fifth in the same event with 8.2 seconds. Eskew also placed fourth in the 200-meter dash with a time of 28.9 seconds.

Boys' Track continued






• TR.\CK • Bovs' G^MV



2 0 0 7


Swimming season wraps up the season by Josh Sissman The Hawks swim team had another challenging season, but pulled through when it mattered the most at the IHSA Sectionals at Glenbrook North High School. The Haw ks just missed third place by three points with a score of 174. even though they were seeded to get only 150 points. The Varsity team led a great season. They had high hopes going into the CSL South Conference meet at Evanston, but didn't do as well as they wanted to. They finished last to Niles West, Evanston, Glenbrook South, with New Trier in first. There were some highs though. Freshman Jared DeGrazia medaled in the 100-yard backstroke, taking fifth place. In addition, Kyle Benedix held up the Hawks dive team by only losing only one dual meet this season, to three-time state champ Wes Villaflor of Glenbrook South. At the Sectional meet, Benedix started it of by taking fifth in the diving portion, with 362.95 points. Then it was the swim team's turn. They had so many great swims that day, including many state qualifying attempts that fell just short of the goal. The medley relay placed fourth overall with a time of 1:42.87. missing state by 1.68 seconds. Also, junior Andrew McCurn, missed the state-qualifying

time for his 50 yard freestyle by 27 tenths of a second, giving him his sixth place time of 22.76 seconds. Furthermore, the 200-\ard freestyle relay just missed the state time by a miniscule 8.3 tenths of a second. Although all of these events didn't qualify for State, the Hawks took

his 100-yard freestyle. Oulvey contributed to the team's success with his ninth place finish in the 100-yard freest) ie. with a time of 52.42 seconds. Last but not least, Szpak had many good races. He took fourth in the 200-yard freestyle with a time of 1:51.99. Right after that, he took sixth in the 200-yard IM, with 2:10.17 being his time. All the seniors scored points for the Hawks and the> all beat a team seeded higher them in one of their events. They did a fantastic job. There u ere also many achievements with the underclassmen on Varsity. DeGrazia finished sixth in the 200-yard freestyle and also took seventh in the 100-yard backstroke. Right behind him was sophomore Ryan Simpson, who placed tenth in that event. To add to this pliolo coitness of Mr. De^er The boys have a group huddle before Sectionals. growing list, sophomore Mike Szpak took sixth in the 200-yard IM and ninth in the 100-yard tremendous strides that meet and had amazing breaststroke. Also in that event, junior Sean time drops and many new personal records. Halley got fifth place with an amazing time of Seniors Bob Christie, Rick Macino, Matt 1:05.51 seconds. In the 500-yard freestyle, the Michaels, Dave Oulvey, and Mark Szpak all Hawks stole both fourth and fifth place thanks swam like pros during the meet. Christie had to sophomore Kevin Thompson and junior Mike an incredible split time for his 50-yard butterf1> Kramer, whose times were 22 tenths of a second in the relay, getting a time of 26.44 seconds. apart form each other Kramer also stole ninth Macino also did phenomenal in his 100-yard in the 200-yard IM. butterfly, getting 1:03.11 and taking 12"" place The Hawks mean business in the pool, and overall. Michaels followed the trend as well. are looking for another chance at state next placing 12"" with a time of 52.79 seconds for season.

Boys' basketball soaring high throughout season By Erin Mulligan

Boys' basketball is coming to an end. So far, the team has done well, with at 15-12 record, a second winning season in a row. This hasn't happened in five years. The Varsity team opened the playoffs in the Regional semi-finals against Guerin on February 28, creaming them with a score of 73-59. Pete Bjelopetrovich led the game with 34 points. One of many accomplishments that have made them stronger was their first-time win at Downers Grove, where they maintained their record of 4-0. Other great wins were against Notre Dame with a win of -14-40 and Maine East with 51-41. This score guaranteed a 0.500 average for the second year in a row. This year's seniors who have helped this win were John Allegretti, Dan Altizer, Peter Bjelopetrovich,

Ryan Carmichael, Charlie Fagenholz, Charlie together," said Tim Mathisen Haracz, Tim Mathisen, and Senior captain Charlie Jake Wilson. Ending at the Fagenholz, a senior, unfortunately top was Carmichael, with a came down with mono in late season high and career high of January and just recently began 30 points. practicing. After a four-week In the s i x t e e n - t e a m period of not being able to practice t o u r n a m e n t , the Hawks or play, Fagenholz stated, "I'm placed fourth. This was their realh excited about coming back highest finish in three years. for the playoffs, but even though Bjelopetrovich was a key I know I won't get much playing player for that tournament and time if an\... to me that's just was honored as an outstanding as important as playing in the athlete. games." "After our last game against With Fagenholz as the starting 'elon (jarlner Maine East on Senior Night, Bjelopetrovich p7actk7s"his dunk. PO'it guard. Charlie Goro, as we went into post-season well as the team itself, had to mode. Basically, it is time for us to clean up adjust the four weeks without him and step it everything and put our final pieces of the puzzle up. From this, the team grew stronger.

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