Vol 43 issue 11

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43. No. l |


NEWS FEATURES ENTERTAINMENT In Refereodnm foreign Language 300 pleases the Park Ridge week is n hu2c masses. This sfaces chook.^i| succcbIssue: PAGE 3 PAGE 4 PAGE 6

COMMENTARY Are kids being protected in Illinois?!!^

PAGE 1 1

See 2007-2008 Staff application on pages 7-8.

SPORTS Gitk'soccac starts anc^er^a^n. p «(&MMM4I*

PAGE 1 4


CORRECTION: These articles were accidentally omitted from the March 9 issue ofSoiithwords


23, 2007 • VOL. 43, No.

The train departs, full of food and success

by Keller Hunger/ore/ Recently. Student Council asked Maine South to "choo-choo-choose to give food,"" and that"s exactly what they did. This year's Food Drive was an overwhelming success. First and foremost, the food drive would not have been possible without the hard-working members of Student Council, especially the Food Drive/Social Chairpersons. Ashley Welenc and Laura Sheehan. They all spent a lot of time on the Food Drive, and under the chairs" organization, it was a huge success. Also, Student Council would like to thank all the teachers who promoted the Food Dinve—they played a huge role in making this happen. Advertising was, as usual, the most important part. Student Council members spent many meetings making posters, banners. and even t-shirts to get the word out—and the work seriously paid off. With the club competition fi-om last year in mind, Student Council got thinking about

other ways clubs could be involved without competing against each other. With the help of ideas from English teacher Mr. Marsicano. the Council developed community involvement with "Adopt a Block,"" in which clubs and sports wanting to participate were assigned blocks in Park Ridge, asked to deliver fliers to them, and then collect food from them Saturday. Februar> 17 and bring it back to the cafeteria. An anonymous citizen put this note in one of their food bags: "Congratulations to any teen out in this weather, doing a great thing for those in need! Be proud of yourself. " This year was a trial-run for this idea and it worked very well. In the coming years. Student Council hopes to work out the kinks and get more clubs and more of Park Ridge involved. Student Council wanted to send a special thanks to boy"s baseball. National Honor Society, Brotherhood, Varsity Club. Campaign for Action. Hawkeyes. hadininton. and chccrlcadinu for participaiiny:

thev collected 1.152 food items from the community. Student Council also turned back to the inschool class competition. It ran for two weeks - thanks to an unfortunately placed snow day - which allowed many more students to bring in food. On Thursday February 22 alone, 906 cans were brought in. While the painted train on the front windows followed the overall total, the four trains in the cafeteria display case have been depicting the classes" standings, and here are the final results: sophomores came in first with 931 cans: freshmen came in second with 797 cans; seniors came in third with 615 cans; and juniors came in fourth with 379 cans. Congratulations, sophomores. In total, 2,722 cans were collected in the class competition. This brings the grand total to 3,874 food items. That is amazing for the number of new ideas that Student Council tried out for this food drive.

CAD designs models Preventing Child Abduction in Uganda By Sasha Johnson someone being tortured. using 3D printer Joseph Kony. Perhaps it"s just a name. They are called "invisible children"

by Andrew Zwicky Many Maine .South students in the CAD program have come up with creative ideas that could replace products found in stores. Thanks to the purchase of a new computer. CAD students are now able to bring their ideas to life. Using this software, students can create models of these objects on the computer, then analyze and improve them. Up until now, Maine South Students have been able to recreate very intricate models, but have been unable to compare them with the originals. The new 3-D printer uses a moving head that dispenses hot plastic in many layers to create objects based on student design. A student can send a model to the printer, and the printer will lay out how much material is needed, how many lavers it will take, and how long it will take to successfully print the object. Each object is created by having the head move around and print out layers of plastic that represent each layer of the object. The machine builds the layers on top of the previous one until the object is complete. This technologv has been used in industr} for man\ years, but is onh recently becoming affordable. The purpose of such a machine is to make rapid prototypes. Industrial companies can use these to see if their design is indeed what they want in their product. If the> were to forgo this step, and there was a problem, it could cost them thousands of dollars.

one that might be unfamiliar to the average Maine South student. In some parts of the world, when his name is spoken, fear rushes through the veins of children and parents alike, knowing the capability of his wrath, lie is the leader of the Lord"s Resistance Army (LRA) in Uganda, a rebel army battling the government for the past 17 years. Since he is unable to find volunteers to create an army he has devised a plan to abduct vulnerable children. Five-to-twelve year-olds are his prime victims, since they can be molded easiK, cany weapons, and sneak into schools or building to capture more soldiers. He is a man that lurks in the bushes, with his victims, who are beginning training. After being kidnapped from their homes, these children become captives, roped to other victims in a line. Once they arrive at the camps, they are inducted to the LRA by severe beatings or rape. It is believed that this will cause the children to become immune to violence and fight for their cause. In order to survive, the children do as they are told. They are forced to kill or be killed. Fear is an understatement; these kids, are forced to kill others or watch In ihc past. .Maine iouui lias Had an agreement with Oakton Community College to use their printer However, students had to wait to see their models. The district opted for

since no one knows the exact number that are hidden in the bushes. There are no records of the nanies of children that are captive in the LRA. The children of Uganda hide from Joseph Kony and his child soldiers so as not to meet the same fate that so many of their comrades have endured. To protect themselves from becoming Mr Kony"s victim, they seek shelter in local facilities guarded by men armed w ith AK-47s. Some of these areas arc miles awa\ from the homes of these children. invisible Children is an organization that was created when three men from California went on a trip to Uganda and documented what they saw on their Journey. They are hosting an event called "Displace Me"" on April 28. where participants walk to the designated area, armed with a sleeping bag, paper and pencils. Last years event had huge turn out of 80,000 people. The participants mimic the journey that the children in Gulu make everv night walking for them. People write letters during the event to government officials sharing thier concerns for human rights. For more information visit the invisible children website, wwvv.lnvisiblechildren.org its own primer lo pro\ idc quick uirnarouiid \OY students enrolled in CAD classes. The printer will be traveling between Maine South, Maine East, and Maine West this year.

3 April 17 city election update NEWS


23, 2007 • VOL. 43. No. 11

b) Annette Dean

The abundance of campaign posters filling Park Ridge lawns is onK one of many signs of the upcoming election that will take place on April 17. Many of the items on the ballot will not only affect the city of Park Ridge as a whole, but Maine South students as well. Undoubtedly the issue that has received the most attention as of late is the District 64 referendum. District 64 is asking voters to support a referendum that would increase Park Ridge taxes by 44 cents for two years. and allow the schools to continue oflFering certain programs. The increase would cost approximately 335 dollars a year for taxpayers owning a 400,000 dollar home. This is the first time that the district has asked Park Ridge residents to increase taxes in 10 years. Many Park Ridge homeowners are wondering why the district is in need of additional funds when taxes in Park Ridge are so high. The district has explained this discrepancy by citing the Property Tax Extension Limitation Law. which prevents the district fi-om receiving more funds even when taxes are increasing. The voters, however, can approve an increase in taxes through a

referendum, like the one that will appear on the April 17 ballot. If taxpayers reject the referendum, the district will need to make 1.2 million dollars in cuts. They will make these cuts fi-om the programs that are not mandated by the state, which could include the gifted program, academic achievement programs for second and third graders. Instrumental Music for fourth through eighth graders, along with administration reduction, which could possibly include LRC staff. The district is also looking at cutting art. general music, foreign language, and physical education. If the referendum is passed, current class sizes will be lowered and maintained. The tax increase would also allow the District to maintain all current programs and meet its fund balance goal by 2010. The District also conducted a telephone survey. 53.7 percent of participants supported the referendum, at the onset of the survey. However, that rose to 55.3 percent at the end of the survey. Another issue facing the voters on April 17 will be the school board election for District 207. Three seats on the board will be up for election. One of the seats is that of retiring board member Roger Crawford, who has served three terms on the Board of Education. Two incumbents. Joann Braam

and Donna Pellar. are also seeking reelection. They will face competition from challengers Carl Mann. Julian Resales, and Sean Sullivan. The General Caucus of Districts 64 and 207, an organization made up of 40 communitybased groups, has endorsed Carl Mann and Julian Rosales. Those elected to the school board will serve four-year terms expiring in 2011. All of the candidates from the District 64 and District 207 election spoke at a forum on March 19, where the discussed the issues facing Districts 64 and 207. All of the alderman races are sure to be highly contested, since the number of aldermen in Park Ridge was reduced from 14 to 7 in the last election. One of those running for Alderman is Mr. Bob Kristie, retired Park Ridge police officer, who now works security part-time at Maine South. Mr. Kristie is running in the seventh ward against incumbent Frank Wsol, and Jorge Zavala. Others running for alderman include David Schmidt in the first ward: incumbent, Richard DePietro in the second ward: Donald Bach in the third ward; Patrick McConville, and incumbant James Allegretti, in the fourth ward: Robert Ryan, Judy Barclay, and Charles Baldacchino in the fifth ward; and incumbent Rex Parker and Thomas Carey in the sixth ward.

Dropping standardized test scores by Nicky Priovolos To the chagrin of many Illinois teachers and state officials, the standardized test scores of Illinois high-school students have plummeted. Specifically, the number of high school juniors with passing PSAE scores has plunged to 54.3 percent. It may not seem like much; however, this 0.6 percent decrease unbalanced the scales. Almost half of the juniors who take the state-wide test fail it. To put this number into perspective, 77 percent of the elementary school students who take the ISAT received passing scores. ACT scores have been rising steadily, with more passing scores than in previous years. On the other hand. Bill Gates told the Chicago Tribune on March 13. "International tests have found our fourth graders among the top students in the world in science and aboveaverage in math. By eighth grade, they have moved closer to the middle of the pack. By 12'''

grade, U.S. students score near the bottom of all industrialized nations.'" So why do high school students perform poorly on certain standardized tests? The reason for this drop in the test scores of high school students has been attributed to a variety of causes. One such cause is the compilation of the scores of special education children with scores of other students. 21.5 percent of the special education students who took it, recieved passing scores on the reading part of the PSAE, and 18.5 percent scored a passing grade on the math section of the PSAE. Contrarily, of the other juniors who took the test, about 79.4 percent passed. Some school officials blame students for not caring enough about the test. It is understood that, at least at Maine South, that is not true: the worries and preparations for junior tests border on obsession. Others claim that teachers are at fault, because they put more emphasis on

the ACT subjects rather than PSAE-type questions. Another reason for the drop supposedly stems from student's fatigue because the PSAE is taken after the ACT. The overall breakdown of Illinois PSAE scores for 2006 is as follows: of those who took the reading test. 58.4 percent passed. 53.7 percent of Illinois high school students passed the math section of the PSAE. Composite PSAE science passing scores were lagging a little, with 50.8 percent of test scored a passing grade. Northside College Prep, Payton College Prep, Young Magnet, New Trier, Hinsdale Central, Deerfield. Stevenson. Nafjerville Central. Glenbrook North and Naperville North were among the top-scoring high schools in the state. The state and federal government, as well as school principals and teachers, are working on a variety of methods to increase Illinois high school students' standardized test scores.



23, 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 11

Foreign Language Week successful by Erin Klein

Sophomore Lesia Witkowsk} saw "In good turnout. As the week went on. more and Ju]\." She was surprised with how it went, more people came. I was \ er\ happ\ w ith it."" saying "I During the week of March 5-9. Maine Many of the students eno r i g i n a l l y South celebrated foreign language week. Ac- joyed the four foreign lanwent betivities for the week included foreign language guage films that were aired cause I had to films, a Countries and Connections Contest. Monday through Thursda\. lor m\ class, and a Flag Contest. The films were "Life is but I actually Stacey Svetlichna\a won the prize for the Beautiful" (Italian). "Paended up enpel de Paloma" Countries and Conjoying it. I (Spanish), "In nections contest. went with a July" (German) and Nicole Ennaj tew friends, and "Les Chowon the Flag Conand it was ristes" (French). test. The Countries un." Freshman and Connection The stuRobert Cardecontest entaileu phnlo In Keh< \ ( . r a l l S d e ntS W'hO nas, who saw naming or finding Students get ready for the showing of one of the saw the films the French film. out the city or place "Les Choristes," successful foreign films featured this year at and particiof origin of the artiMaine South. pated in the stated. "I liked facts located in the activities all agreed that the\ were looking that there were subtitles. I don't display case in the take French so without them I forward to next \ear. A-Wing. The Flag would ha\e been lost." Contest involved Sophomore Laura Walsh also recognizing flags SOUTH WORDS saw the "Les Choristes" and really from several SpanA student-prcxiuced newspaper of: enjoyed it. saving "In the mo\ie. ish-speaking counMaine South High School Matthieu comes to Fond de I'Etang, tries. ' 1111 South Dee Road The sponsors of Stacks of pizza sponsored by Span- a schtxil for troubled youth after Park Ridge, IL 60068 the week were very ish Club awaited those who came to failing at all his other jobs and is a pleased with how watch the Spanish film. prefect. There he teaches the boys Signed letters to the editor should be delivit went. Mr. Broska. Spanish teacher and club to sing and about life and love. It ered to r(K>m V-131 or given to a member of sponsor, stated. "It was a success. We had a was realK inspiring, and I lo\ed it." the editorial stafl. SOUTHWORDS reserves the right to edit material for clarity and brevity and to reject obscene/libelous submissions.

Beyond Cynicism

by Ron Feiereisel

Editors-in-Chief News Eiditors Features Editors Entertainment Editors Commentar\ fiditors Sports Editors Production Editor Photographers

Staff Artists


Alexa Karas Kelsey Keith Annette Dean Nick) Priovolos Kalherine Gaudyn Anna Wolonciej Marty Diamond Ron Feiereisel Betlina Chang Joe Micotto Meghan O'Keefe Nick Ryter Joshua Sissman Carlelon Gartner Kelsev Grand! Chelsea Zi\ km ic Leah Artw ick GinaTingas KcN in Verre Mr. Ellefson Mr. Stathakis

5 Architectural gem not forever FEATURES


23. 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 11

by Jacqueline O Rellly For 84 >ears. an architecturally fascinating house stood at 535 Cedar Court. On March 5, the house was demolished, a mere five days after it was put on the Most Endangered Historic Places in Illinois list. The house was one-fifth of a five-house cul-de-sac. in which each house played an important role in the overall design. The house, along with the other four, was designed by Barry Byrne—a former student of famous architect Frank Lloyd Wright—with help from sculptor Alfonso Innelli. His designs, including the homes on Cedar Court, were often inspired

by German and Dutch sty les. The house was torn down due to tremendous obstacles that came up for the owners during the renovation of the house. The\ opted to knock down the house and replace it with one similar to the original. Despite their attempts to preserve what they could, they have not received a positive reaction from the surrounding community. "It is a significant building that is being lost on probably one of the most unique streets in the community." says Jim Peters, Director of Planning for Landmarks Illinois. T h e r e w e r e n u m e r o u s p l e a s by preservationists and community members to

keep the Byrne design standing, but they were disappointed. This is largely because Park Ridge doesn't have a preservation ordinance that would protect important buildings, such as the Byrne house, from being demolished. While the city has considered passing such an ordinance in the past, they found there was never enough support from city council. They also feel it is not their place to get involved in matters involving private property. Many people are disappointed by the demolition of 535 Cedar Court. One would hope that this tragic situation could spark a community movement to establish a preservation ordinance.

Feeling trapped in Park Ridge? by Karen Peri lie

can head down to Navy Pier's IIM AX Theater, now showing "300" and, opening March 30th. •'Lions 3D," just in time for the last weekend of break. Check out the coupons at navypier. com in order to save some money. Do whatever you need to do—whether that means babysitting the siblings or emptying your piggybank—in order to treat yourself to an amazing meal at Fogo de Chao. Not only does this Brazilian steakhouse give you that exotic, vacation-like feel you've been missing, the food is to die for. For those who aren't familiar with Brazilian steakhouses. they are unlike any other restaurants you've been to. While sitting at your table, you can choose to eat some of the deliciously addictive, butterv rolls, or you can head over to the extensive salad bar for some salad fixings with some unusual twists

plus seafood and other appetizers. When you feel like you're ready for the main course—the meat—you turn the small paper disk next to your plate to green. Waiters come by your table with delicious plates of chicken, steak, kabobs, lamb, and other delicious entrees, and you pick which ones you would like to try. When you're finally full, you turn your disk over to red to relax and chat with your table. A hint: while dinner is a little pricey at 50 dollars, lunch is only 30 dollars. For a meal like that, it's worth the price. Though it's not always a destination of choice. Park Ridge is still a good place to be over spring break. You can have a lot of fun around town and try some new exciting things. Who knows; with some amazing spring weather, you may even get a little bit of a tan.

You're going to visit your grandparents in Utah? Awesome. You're going on a week-long camping trip with no toilets or cell phones? I'm so jealous. You're visiting a state penitentiary? Hey, can I come with? Doesn't it seem like anywhere is better than Park Ridge for the week of spring break? Before you volunteer to go with your friend on a cross-country nursing home tour, remember to give the PR a little credit. If you're staying around town this spring break, there are plenty of things to do. If you need a break from Uptown Park Ridge and you've already been to Laser Quest once this week, check out Putting Edge by Harlem Irving Plaza for a one-of-a-kind, glow-in-thedark golfing experience. You can play golf on several levels around glow in the dark obstacles, of course with your cool glow-in-the-dark ball. One round of golf is only $8.40. and the second round is four dollars. Another advantage is that, sitk^ers, acztoms, mitsiciauns, a n d otlter taJentedi ymtOm while you're waiting to play, you can indulge p i e t o p e r f o r m at t h e b r e a k f a s t . in some beverages and food and play some "Dtits will b e h e l d after Spring Bi' of the arcade games, which include DDR and glow-in-the-dark air hockey. Some great movies are coming out over THIi BREAKFAST WILL TAKE VIACE ON TIIlIttSDAY MAY break and, with such variety, everyone can 3 1 , 2 0 0 7 r U O M « - l l A.II. find something that they like, from horror fans Off-campus buffet to comedy lovers. You can stop by and catch Senior Superlative the matinee show at Crowne Theatre for just Senior Acts $5.75. If you want to try something new, you




23, 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 11

Film version of "300" captures Miller's epic vision ^v Ron Feiereisel

iririri^ Frank Miller is probably one of the most brilliant and progressive minds working in the comics industry. His body of work is nothing if not stellar. It includes not only "SOO," and the "Sin City" series, but character redefining work with formerly defunct heroes such as Batman ("The Dark Knight Returns") and Daredevil—he penned the Elektra story arc, collected in the "Daredevil Visionaries: Frank Miller, Volume 2." It was only natural that when a movie based on " 3 0 0 " was announced, a lot of nervous buzz circulated within the comic book community, but little was heard of it in main stream media until a couple of months before the film actually was released. The media blitz generated a tremendous amount of hype, some would say too much hype, for a film that was released so early in the year—usually a time reserved for movies that studio heads don't have much faith in—and was based on a comic book. Thankfully, "300" lives up to that hype. "300" is based on the legendary 480 B.C battle of Thermopylae, where 300 Spartan warriors faced the gargantuan Persian Army, under the command of the so called "god-king" Xerxes. The arc of the film is simplistic, but in this case, lack of complexity works for the overall quality of the picture. Miller and Snyder instead focus on telling a very traditional (albeit bloody) story, while focusing on a few key ideas, the most important of which is the Spartans' choice to remainfi-eemen rather than become subordinate to a tyrant. Miller's graphic novel has a wonderful, straight-forward appeal to it; Miller sets out to tell a stor>. and does so, very effectively. The overall amount of material in the graphic novel, however, isn't enough to sustain a full, twohour motion picture. It would have probably clocked in at some where around forty minutes, roughly the same length as one of the segments from "Sin City." Snyder, who also wrote the film, fills the remaining time by exploring some

of the book's supporting characters, namely the Spartan Queen, Gorgo. Surprisingly, her sub-plot, concerning politics in Sparta while King Leonidas is battling Xerxes, actually fits very well into Miller's original work. It fleshes it out and gives it more depth. The performances of the film, taken out of context in the 30-second television spots, may seem way over the top. Gerard Butler, who plays King Leonidas, howling "This is Sparta!" at the top of his lungs seems almost laughable on TV. but when it comes to the overall scope and tone of the film, the yelling and machismo fit perfectly. Butler's performance, while admittedly over the top.

phok> CUUllL.sX i.'l

Leonidas roars at advancing Persians. is almost necessary given the straight forward nature of the movie. This excitement is increased by the film's score. The music of "300" is verv operatic, very over the top theatrical, especially the arrangements that play during the battle sequences. Coupled with the use of slowmotion photography, each of the Spartans' hacks and slashes seems in itself epic. In one of the film's most exciting sequences. Leonidas and his Spartans take on an advancing contingent of Persian warriors: what would be a simple tracking shot is made more exhilarating when all of the aforementioned cinematic elements come together. The music roars as Leonidas moves across the screen, and as he cuts down Persian after Persian, the camera pushes in and the slow motion kicks in. Each time this happens, the viewer anticipates the hit, and waiting for that hit makes it that much more gratifying. Like the adaptation of Miller's "Sin City,"

the success of the picture is due to the tremendous respect that the director, Zack Snyder, pays to the source material. Though "300" is not the framefor-frame adaptation of the graphic novel as "Sin City" was, Snyder replicates many of the panels from the graphic novel and captures Miller's unique visual style, making the entire experience more authentic. The movie only has a few real flaws. While the performances work for the film, they are very much over the top, and the characters aren't very complex. Rather, the characters serve the plot and work to highlight the film's themes. Also, it is hard for the viewer to emotionally connect to characters other than Leonidas because there are so many of them. Individual characters are lost in the confusion of the battle. These flaws, however, don't affect the overall quality of the picture to a significant degree. There's enough really good stuff in "300" to offset them. Next up for Zack Snyder is the adaptation of Alan Moore's "Watchmen." which among comic book enthusiasts ranks as one of the finest works ever produced. Hopefully Snyder's adaptation of that graphic novel will be as enthralling as "300." The respect given to the source material and the . 1 Uc n [omakJCs. c» >m visual flair that accompanies the film make it very fulfilling, and deserving of all the hype. In the end. "300" is intense, exciting, and most of all, worth the wait.

New on "ChUdrenofMen" Set in London in a d\stopian future w here \\ omen are no longer able to have babies, "Children of Men" works on two levels, as a science fiction adventure, and as an understated emotional drama. Clive Owen shines and leads a great cast, including Michael Caine and Julianne Moore. An engaging stor\ and excellent cinematography make this film a must see. Available March 27.

2007-2008 SouTHwoRD.s APPI MARCH


23,2007 • VOL. 43, No. 11


2007-200 J QOUTHWORDS ^1



Staff Application _. class of. 1. wish to become a Southwards staff member for the 20072008 school year. In completing this application. I agree to conduct myself as a responsible member of the student body.

Email address: 1st period teacher: 3rd period teacher:. My cumulative GPA is semester GPA is

My most recent

Current English teacher: Extracurricular Activities I will be involved with next year:

I am most interested in the following position(s): {select no more than two from each

Editorial Staff News editor Features editor Entertainment editor Commentary editor .Sports editor Production/Graphic design editor


Writing Staff News Features Entertainment Commentary Sports Photographer* Artist/Cartoonist* *Please include portfolio, if possible

I will fulfill the following requiremenls: 1. 1 will .submit the names of these facuitj' memtwrs who know me well and can speak for m\ qualificalions: Counselor En gl ish Other teacher (use ari/phoio teacher if applying for artist/photographer) 2. 1 w ill maintain a minimum " C average in my academic course work. .^. I w ill read and follow the staff manual.

signature with date PLEASE RETURN COMPLETED .\PPLICAT I O N S 1 0 V131 OR X SOL THWORDS EDITOR BEFORE Wednesday. April n .


23, 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 11

What does it take to be on the Southwards staff? This pulloul is the application for the 20072008 Soudwords staff. A description is given for each of the positions. The staff consists of two editors-in-chief, two news editors, two features editors, two entertainment editors, two commentary editors, two sports editors, artists, production editors, graphic designers, and photographers, as well as several staff writers and freelance writers for each section. Editors need good proofreading skills as well as the ability to work with students collaboratively. Editors must be approachable and never condescending. All positions require enthusiasm and consistent contributions: students applying must be willing to spend time and effort on their work, and must also be able to do so in a timely manner, as meeting deadlines is vital. For more information on any staff position, e-mail any of the editors-in-chief or advisors.

News The News section covers developing stories ranging from school happenings to international issues. News writers need to be informed about school and national issues and need to feel comfortable interviewing people. Staff and fi-eelance writers alike need to be able to write objectively and with finesse. News editors need to keep up-to-date on news inside and outside of school. Editors must also be ready to fact-check articles. The News section is also in charge of the cover page, so one must have knowledge of what will be appearing in the other sections of the paper.

Features The Features section contains the widest variety of articles and focuses on less-timely, broader, but relevant social issues. Features writers need to be inventive, in that finding an interesting topic to report about can sometimes be challenging. A good Features section focuses less on objectivity and more on relevance. Features editors need to be well-rounded and ready to condense and edit articles fairly. Factchecking is necessan. but the most emphasis is placed on relevance.



The Entertainment section contains reviews and articles related to art. music, literature, restaurants, and anything else that might be considered entertaining. Entertainment writers need to stay infomied of the school's fine art events. Also, unique lo the Entertainment section, writers specializing in a specific genre (music, TV. etc.) are welcome. Entertainment editors need to be knowledgeable about popular recreation and open to trying new things to write about. The Entertainment staff creates any games featured in the newspaper.

Photographers must be ready to take pictures at any time and must be ready to take specific pictures by a set deadline. Photographers must also have flexible schedules, since they may have to attend awayfrom-school events. Owning a digital camera is strongly preferred, but not required.

Commentarv The Commentary section is the voice of the students of Maine South. Commentary writers need to be creative and opinionated. They must be able to present an issue about which they are passionate in a professional manner. Commentary editors must be extremely careful, since editing anything about someone's opinion can be problematic. Editors must also be open-minded, since a wide variety of opinions will always exist in their section.

Sports The Sports section covers all sports at Maine South. It also features articles about professional and collegiate sports. Sports writers need to keep up-to-date on all sports at Maine South. Sports writers should be creative in their reporting on events. Accurate reporting is crucial. Sports editors have to stay on top of varsity sports happenings, as well as other sports that the editors themselves may or may not be involved in. A deep knowledge of sports— within the school and outside of the school—is a must.

Production To help with the technical aspects of putting together a newspaper, a production editor must be knowledgeable in the maintenance and operation of Macintosh computers, Macintosh operating systems, and software, as well as have skill in InDesign and Photoshop CS. Most importantly, the production editor must be willing to learn to use these programs more proficiently. The production editor should attend every meeting and paste-up—when the final components of the paper are added together—to provide the editors with technical assistance.

Staff and Freelance Writers All writers need to have a good grasp of grammar and be able to write concisely. Staff writers should have the time necessary to complete their articles: they need to be consistent and dedicated to their work. Staff writers will sign a contract to contribute either 14 articles per year (one article per issue) or nine articles per year. Though their primary contributions are towards their a.ssigned section, they may also write for other sections.

Graphic Designers Graphic designers are responsible for improving the layout of the paper and assisting the editors-in-chief and section editors with the aesthetics of the paper. They should be familiar with Photoshop and/or InDesign software.

Artist/Cartoonist Artists and cartoonists must be familiar with Photoshop software, scanner software, and InDesign (or be willing to learn the software and hardware). The ability to produce illustrations quickly and on demand is really as important as the artist's skill.

If you or anyone vou know is interested in joining 5<j«//7M'o/'a[s. give it a try. Just fill out the application on the other side of this page and get it to us by Wednesday. April 11. A writer's biggest reward is having his or her own words read.


23, 2007 • VOL. 43. No. 11


"New Magnetic Wonder" proves wondrous by Marty Diamond been at home on a demo, but not the full album. experimental tracks keep the album flowing. In a year like this, when new records start One of them. "Vocoder Ba Ba" is exactly that: But what really keeps the album together is coming out in an avalanche that doesn't stop, singing "ba ba" into a vocoder to sound cool, the multiple part songs. With one exception, none ofthesearedirectly it is hard for bands to distinguish their album but out of place. from the rest, especially if the rest are good. That said, there are still more gems on in a row. "Mellotron" parts one and two keeps Fortunately for The Apples in Stereo, their this album than weird vocal or instrumental the album going. But the true masterpieces new album, "New Magnetic Wonder." does arrangements. "7 Stars" is another example lie in "Beautiful Machine" and "NonPythagorean Composition." just that. ^ "Beautiful Machine" is a work of The album opens with the upbeat^ I orchestral masterpiece, without "Can You Feel It?" From the opening^ H ^ ^making the potentially fatal guitar to the background cowbell. ® • ^mistake of misusing the multiple something about the song creates " Hinstruments in the song, which that feeling that usually comes from ^flhas happened to many an artist. sugary pop songs. Unlike those songs, ^ The three scattered parts of however, the track comes just short "Non-Pythagorean Composition" of being saccharine and is just a great* help keep the album together, feel-good song. not because they are masterful "New Magnetic Wonder" slows music, but that they are the down a bit as it gently flows into perfect interval tracks placed at its fourth and fifth tracks, "Energy" the perfect times. While not great and "Same Old Drag." "Energy" is music on their own. they turn slightly less upbeat than the first song, the album into an experience as but manages to have some more depth I'hohi I oiirifsy (1/ ttpplesiiisieri'o.ti>iii opposed to just another album. while still keeping the tempo high. This is The Apples in Stereo's sixth studio album. "New Magnetic Wonder" is an album "Same Old Drag" stays at about the same worthy of at least trying, for almost any tempo, but with more interesting instrumental of these gems. It keeps an upbeat guitar and musical taste. The band had enough faith in composition. keyboard, which makes the listener feel good, it to put the entire album on their website so In fact, that's both a positive and a negative so they are not as saddened by the terribly there is no excuse for missing it. The album on this album. The Apples in Stereo experiment depressing lyrics. Somehow, the band strikes with a lot of different instrumental sounds. a perfect balance, making for a perfect song. has the potential to be one of the best of the While this lends to a lot of original and exciting And this song doesn't misuse the vocoder as year, but whether it achieves that goal isn't whafs important. The fact that the album is an arrangements, like the aforementioned tracks, the other vocoder-heavy track on the record. it also leads to many short, roughly 20 second The album is relatively long at 24 tracks, but experience, and not just another album, can't tracks that sound more like they would have it stays consistent throughout. Even the short. be said about many albums these days. ^ ^


The seven deadly sins of fashion by Courtney Vinopal Certain looks are always in style and certain looks w ill ne\ er be in style. Here are the se\ en worst looks out there: 1) Jeans with bleach spots in odd places— Jeans that are a completely one-color w ash look fine, but u hen the bleach monster attacks a good pair of jeans, things start to get trick). An e\ en worse look is w hen jeans are dark at the top and graduall\ become much lighter at the bottom. But the worst of all is acid wash. There are no w ords to describe the sadness in m\ heart w hen I see a pair of acid-w ash jeans. 2) An outfit that is too tight all over— When the button of \our shirt or jeans snaps, it probablv means \ou need a bigger size. Some people become confused and think that w earing smaller clothes will make them seem smaller.

5) Belly shirts and Daisy Duke shortsHowever, this is very untrue. If you keep wearing tight clothes, they'll only make \ou Enough said. look bigger. The right choice is to find clothes 6) Extremely loud prints mixed together— that fit you well, e\ en if that means buy ing the If you've e\ er tried mixing plaid w ith big polka next size up. dots. \ou'\ e probabK noticed that it just doesn't 3) Oversized jeans tucked into boots—It quite work. If you mix smaller prints together, it takes a lot of effort to find the right pair of can work, but \ou have to be very careful. Your boots to tuck jeans into. If \ou bu\ jeans that fit outfit shouldn't make people dizzy. well, they will usualh tuck in nicely. However 7) Mom jeans—There are some bad jean if you try to tuck a pair of oversized w ide-leg styles out there, but nothing is worse than jeans into boots, the result is de\astating. mom jeans. Mom jeans usuall> have a very E\er\thing bulges and the overall silhouette light wash, tapered legs, and an extremely just isn't right. high waist that reaches wa\ above the belly 4) Jean on jean combinations—Jeans are button. If you've ever seen Sally O'Mallev from fine in moderation, whether it's pants or a jacket. SNL. that's exactly what they look like. Their However, if >ou try to combine something like unattractive look is made even worse when a jean jacket and pants of the same wash into an huge t-shirts are tucked into them. These jeans don't look good on an>one. especially moms. outfit, the look is more farmer than chic.



23, 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 11

Demise of lounge as we know it h\- Bettina Chang An announcement during morning Hawk Talk caught my ear the other day. The deans' office was warning students regarding the attendance policy in lounge and study hall. Apparently, "you must scan in with your ID during that period. Multiple une.xcused absences will result in consequences and ma\ result in loss of parking permit privileges." A couple parts of this struck me as odd, and I couldn't help but wonder about our school's very controversial attendance policies. Prior to this semester, students were unaccounted for during any lounge period. Lounge was meant as a free period for students to be able to talk, eat. or relax: however, there was no way to obtain their presence in the cafeteria between second and eighth period. When attendance machines were installed in the cafeteria this year, it was no secret that scanning in was an exercise in futility. Teachers complained about the attendance system going haywire, and the computers would at times identify students as being in two places at once. And so, though this announcement of attendance scanners finally functioning was expected, it did not come without reluctance or even scrutiny from the students. In the past, the school didn't have the capability to monitor students' attendance during lounge. Now, with the computer system and software, the school administrators do expect students to be in the cafeteria for lounge. I understand that administrators would like some proof of students being in a set location during the school day, but the whole point of lounge was that you could get other things done without worrying about attendance. Although the reasoning stands that, since we do have the machines, we might as well use them, I can't help but wonder why it was allowable for past generations of Hawks to have gone unaccounted for when we must find time to scan in every day. I don't see our class as particularly untrustworthy, and I don't think it was necessary to bring in the technology to keep tabs on a situation that never arose enough to be dealt with in the first place. As they say, if it ain't broke, don't fix it. Hawk Honor Card students are not required to scan in during their lounge periods. However, there are many other trustworthy students besides the HHC few who have legitimate reasons to not scan into lounge every day. The very construction of our school makes it

unreasonable to venture to the other end of the school just to scan in when there are various tasks around the school (nowhere near the cafeteria) that you may have to accomplish. "1 go backstage for crew and I don't want to have to get a pass to do it." said senior Sarah Collins. And who can blame her? In any given lounge period, a student may have a number of errands around the school where there is no attendance taken—the SPS office, the bookstore, crew. Southwords. etc. On a nonnal bell schedule day, you may have enough time to grab a pass from a teacher or scan in. but if it's a Collaboration Day, you'd better run— or at least wear your Wheelies to school. And when it all comes down to it, you could book it to lounge and try to maneuver your way into line before the other hundred kids do, but it better happen fast. Teachers are no longer allowing students to sign in with ten minutes left in a half-period. Of course, I'm not advocating skipping out on school or cutting classes. Administrators might think that only kids who are trying to break rules complain about the scanning-in policy. Truth be told, it's not just "bad kids" who complain. There are some minor rules that people just tend to break without thinking

"Much like the previous ID-wearing rule, though these changes in lounge attendance are well-intentioned in principle, the expectations may become too unrealistic to sustain. "

about it. Even the most law-abiding citizens can't claim to have never driven over the speed limit. But let's be honest with ourselves here. We Chicagoans are skilled at simple arithmetic, and in Chicago, even generally well-behaved citizens know to add ten to the posted speed limits. That is the speed at which we are accustomed to driving. If you don't, you will get honked at. Much like the previous ID-wearing rule, though these changes in lounge attendance are well-intentioned in principle, the expectations may become too unrealistic to sustain. As long as students are not leaving school grounds during the school day. there is no reason for them to be confined to a certain space at a

s u o "It's kind of stupid. If « e ha\e lounge last period we should be able to leave." -Nadia Askar '08




"' think it's a waste of time." -Kim Blankshain '08

O "The lines are too long and you have to wait a long time." -Jackie Rieger '09

o © 'it's totally weak. It's supposed to be a free period— there's nothing free about a six-digit number." -Gus Steiner '07


11 Jessica's Law absent in Illinois MARCH

23, 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 11

about protecting American children. But instead, we have people like Vermont judge Edward Cashman. w ho sentenced a man who With so man\ media personalities constantly systematical 1> raped a six-year-old girl over moaning about the Iraq War, few of us realize a four-year period to a meager 60-day prison a massive issue here at home. Some readers term. He claimed. "Punishment is not the may be familiar w ith a state-b> -state law called answer." It's despicable. Jessica's Law. The law was The unbalanced theor> behind named for 10-\ear-old Jessica the opposition to Jessica's Law is Lunsford. a girl who was "restorative justice." In other raped and murdered in Florida words, a rapist doesn't need se\eral \ears ago. punishment; he needs "care." In short, this law or its People who spout that sort of equivalent, would require worthless "nurture the victimizer" a minimum 2.S jears to life nonsense are beyond contempt. in prison for any first-time Removing these monsters from sexual predator who goes after societ} is the only solution. children. Govemor Biagoje\ ich Sex crimes are the most doesn't seem to think that this heinous actions imaginable, is such a great idea, as Illinois even more so when dealing is one of only eleven states that with children. Protecting Illinois have not yet passed Jessica's children should be a top priority. Law or a similar standard. "No comment"-type answers an That means that only 39 out not valid. of 50 states are looking out for American children. These Silence is not working, and imaf^e crealeii by- Michael CO\IK numbers are not good enough, Blagojevich won't budge. The States colored in black have not passed Jessica's Law. and 1 expect higher standards time has come to voice your here in Illinois. outrage. In a state that is usually The 11 remaining states that have not even touching on the issue. As much as I'd love a cut above, we deserv e to see better. Our state's passed a sufficient variant of Jessica's Law are to blame partisan media interests, this is an issue children deserve to see better. I implore you to responsibly and respectfully voice all outrage Connecticut. Idaho. Hawaii, Utah, Wyoming. that transcends part> lines. All Americans—Democrats, Republicans, to the Governor at govemor@illinois.gov. Colorado. New Jerse\, Massachusetts. Vermont, Maryland, and Illinois. I have personally e- Greens, and Independents--should care by Michael Coyne

mailed the Governor about this issue, but he has yet to respond to me, just as he refuses to talk about the issue to the public. The media has also been deafeningly silent on the topic of Jessica's Law, with only FOX New s and certain Associated Press w riters ever

Tribune columnist Kogan visits South He is a man that has been through a lot in his life and has the stories to back it up. Many Most suburbanites take trips to Chicago to of his stories are about times at the Billy Goat visit one of its many tourist spots, such as one on late nights or roaming the cit\. of Chicago's fine museums. Navy Pier, or the If anyone know s more about history, they new Millennium Park. However, according to would have to have been there. Kogan could Rick Kogan. writer for the "Chicago Tribune" tell you something about streets, parks, and and host of a Sunda\ morning talk show, those buildings that you would have never known parts of Chicago are phony attractions. before. For him, he says, "History can be If you happen to get a Sunda\ edition of incredibly fun." the "Chicago Tribune" make sure to look for He tells stories of people you'll never find the "ChicagoTribune Magazine" and Kogan's books on because of their madness, stories of weekly column. "Sidewalks." His column people w ho no one know s about. He has some usually centers on things not many people know of the most interesting stories you could ever about in Chicago. hear, stories of the real Chicago, not the "w hiteIf }ou ever happen to meet Rick Kogan. washed" Chicago trying to hide its seedy sideyou might be at one of his favorite spots, the the side of Al Capone, or the former Maxwell Billy Goat Ta\ em, or in a Maine South Chicago street market. Literature class onTuesda\. March 1.^. w hen he Since the age of 16. Kogan has been w riting spoke about his favorite place in the wodd. articles about Chicago, and even though he By Vince Ziols

lived there his whole life, he is still finding new things about the cit>. E\en though he's a reporter and a journalist, it doesn't mean that he can't w alk around and enjo\ Chicago on his own. The reason most people in the suburbs don't travel around the neighborhoods of the cit\ is because the\ 're afraid of the people. According to Kogan, "99 percent of people in Chicago don't want to hurt |other| people, they just want to get by." So how can we take a lesson from Mr. Kogan? Go out in the city and enjoy yourself. Go to Jackson Park and see the site of the Columbian Exposition. Head to the Pilsen neighborhood and see the art on the walls that \ arious citizens of the neighborhood put there. Take a ride to the Garfield Park Conser\ atory. Just get out and see the cit) 's history before it's not there any more, before it's "white-w ashed" from our colorful past.



23, 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 11

Referendum shows what we value hy Sarah Collins

A lot of us probably remember the first day they brought in the instruments. Cellos and basses, violins and violas, and then later saxes and oboes, trumpets and trombones. It was a heady experience, going from playing "Hot Cross Buns" on the recorder for a year and trying to learn about syncopation to having these giant instruments that we could make some real music on. For some of us, it changed our lives. For others of us, it was something new for our parents to nag us about. Either way, we all grew to hate it or love it. And even if we hated it, we're still better for it. Now, 1 know that if the new District 64 Referendum doesn't pass, they won't remove band and orchestra completely. But it will remove it from fourth and fifth grades, in addition to increasing elementary class sizes by one kid per class, middle school class sizes by three kids per class, and cutting some of the benefits for special needs students. So, kids will be saddled with solely the recorder for three tedious years, and they will miss out on a year or two of instrumental instruction while their brains are most able to learn. They will also get less attention in bigger classes, and the kids who need the most help.

hy Alexa Karas Se\ enth grade. It sounds harmless enough. It is just after sixth grade and just before eighth. There are no graduation ceremonies or surprises. The material is just a little harder than last year, but that can onl_\ be expected. However, for most of my peers and me, seventh grade was the most difficult grade. The teenage life was strange. The world of toys and tag was gone, and the transition was sometimes unbearable. The reason for this is because e\eryone was self-conscious and the word "popular" became a constant nagging on your soul. Were > our jeans popular? Was your hair done in a popular fashion? Were you using slang that was popular? lndi\ iduality was lost for some unusual reason.You weren't trN ins to be

So. on April 17, when those affected by the special needs kids, will have their services budget cuts will be able to vote for or against reduced. them, we will In t o t a l , the see what we proposed budget value more, cuts will eliminate m o n e y or 1,240.372 dollars knowledge. from the budget, Do we want and more budget Park Ridge to cuts will probably be a boring be necessary in the suburb, or do future. That means, we want it to while they might not be a boring be cutting Channels suburb with of Challenge and fantastic other programs yet. schools? The eventually they may answer is up have to. pholn cf/lirfesy (}fjf>4.t>ry to us, and Yes, the budget If budget cuts continue, more electives such as this because we, cuts would save Park musical theater workshop class may be cut. the students, Ridge taxpayers money (about 910 dollars over two years for are the ones who know the most about Park a taxpayer with a 400.000 dollar home), and Ridge schools, it is important that we vote. If you are 18 or older, or will be by April perhaps our schools do spend too much money. But look at the students who come out of 17, register to vote. Head down to City Hall, District 64. Maine South students get better or ask Mr. Scott or Mr. Trenkle nicely, then fill test scores, have better academic teams, and out the brief application, sign it, and become get into better colleges than the vast majority of a registered voter. If you can't vote, nag your other public school students. To have superior parents and their friends. Make your opinions students, money must be spent on superior known. education from a young age. yourself; \ou were trying to act like everyone else. There will undoublcdl} be several people \\ ho refute this argument saying. "I was never affected b\ popularit\." But the> are wrong. It was in the air, and it was intoxicating. Even if you didn't buy into it, popularity still affected every individual. It made fun of your clothes or your braces or your gawky height

"The world of toys and tag was gone, and the transition was sometimes unbearable." Popularity attacked you right when you were most vulnerable. But in the midst of all that, those seventh graders grev\ up and most left popularity w here it belonged: middle sch(xil. I can't help but

look around now and notice the uniqueness thai every indix idual brings to Maine South. Some people dress up everyday and some people dress down. There is long hair, short hair, and (if you are a sw immer) no hair. People participate on sports teams, in plays, and in academic organizations. It is so important to exercise who you want to be because there is no point in living if it is in a society of robots, of nameless, taceless indi\ iduals w ho wear the same clothing. It is vital to embrace the differences of others. That is one of the reasons why I can barely understand racism —because if I had the opportunity, I would meet every person and find out what makes him or her different. Individuality is what makes a person. In the past it has been argued that Maine South lacks di\ ersity; howe\ er. di\ ersity is not only the color of your skin, but how diverse your interests and opinions are. I believe that Maine South is a diverse schcx)l because of the content of the students' characters.


23, 2007 • VOL. 44, No. 11


Badminton hoping to raise the stakes by Erin Mulligan Although the last year's freshman, JV, and Varsity squads didn't qualify for state, the team did exceptionally well. And a few individuals qualified. This year, there was a tournament against New Trier, one of Maine South's toughest competitors. The girls hope that their losses in 2006, and this recent one, will force them to grow stronger and conquer upcoming opposition. On the Varsity level. Senior Amanda White and doubles partner. Abby Hayden, won their doubles match. Hayden also finished strong winning her singles match. On the JV level, sophomore Nicole Moersch won her singles match, and sophomore Kamilla Sidiga and doubles partner, sophomore Lexi Zajdel, won their doubles match. On the freshman team.

Monica Hannan won her singles match. There have been significant victories at ail the levels on this year's team. •"The player that has improved the most since last year was Jennie Ghisolfs singles match against New Trier," Coach Kmiecik said. "She came very close to winning and it was a very good match on her part." Coach Muir-Wilson states, "Even though New Trier is one of Maine South's hardest competitors, don't think that the rest of the matches are going to be easier." It's important for each individual player on South's Varsity, JV and freshman team to improve individually on their shots and skills; however, the team also considers it equally important to improve all their players in order to improve as a team. Junior Sumayyah Baig said, "Even though it's important for all the badminton girls to work on their individual skills, its important

for one another to help out in their strengths and weaknesses in order to keep the team strong." The Freshman team will be led by Coach Diana Wood. On varsity, a big source of leadership will be the two varsity captains. Donna Ramirez and Jonelle Lee. The girls will face a tough conference meet as always this year. With big names such as Glenbrook South, Glenbrook North, and New Trier, they'll need to give it all they have this season. Upcoming meets for the team include a varsity meet in Rolling Meadows on March 24 at 8:00, a varsity meet in Schaumburg on March 31 at 8:00, a home meet on April 3 for all levels against Leyden at 4:30, and a home meet on April 5 for all levels against Maine West also at 4:30. These will serve as the pefect venues for the them to keep on improving.

Hawks reload with new arms into the number spot in the pitching rotation after being the third arm in a very strong pitching rotation a year ago. Seiwert displayed

pitches. The Hawks were also pleasantly surprised last year with the performance put forth by The Maine South Hawks baseball team won right-handed senior Andrew the Regional Championship Lieber and his ability to get this past season for the first outs by letting the defense time in 25 years. But, with the make routine plays. loss of a couple of prime- time The remaining spots will be pitchers, the Hawks face the filled with a surplus of eager, question: can they find other but the mostly unproven arms ways to win without the stellar of juniors Nick Depaul, Tony pitching of years past? Cannizzaro. Mark Balow. and To do so would require Brad White among others. The the returning members of the juniors will bring great depth to pitching staff to "step up" in virtually every position behind the words of Varsity Head the experience of 14 returning Coach Bill Milanoand Pitching seniors. Coach Jason Marsicano. The team looks forward The Hawks won't get back to attaining a regular season 14 out of 21 total wins posted record of 23 wins or more and by last year's pitching staff. growing cohesively as the 35 The players appear to have game season progresses. their work cut out for them, "Hopefully, come playol but it"s work they're eager to time, we will be playing ot get done this season. best baseball of the year, After watching his team said Milano, who is looking during the off-season months, Milano realizes that for this ^''"' '•"""" to propel the program off of the wings of last years regional team to build on a regional Alex Friel swings strongly at practice along with his tecunmates championship season. championship, "We will have to utilize /') preparation for their upcoming season. The Hawks host Rollins Meadows our speed, and a lot of pitchers eating his rubber-like arm last season, especially in a in their home opener on Saturday March 24, and up games two to three innings at a time." Left-handed senior Robert Seiwert moves win over Notre Dame, in which he threw 126 play four other games during the break. B\- Nick Rvter




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Girls' soccer gearing up for victory by Meghan O 'Keefe

forward as well. Freshman Jenna Shamky w ill be the final element to create an unstoppable force on offense. Crawford says of the team. "All the girls are hardworking. This is the most skill I've ever

way to state, following the boys' success. To do this, there will be a few obstacles they will need to o\ercome along the way. though. lt"s soccer time again, but the boys aren't For one, they will need to beat Loyola. Last the ones strapping on their cleats this time. The year, the team lost .1-2, a consequence of ha\ ing girls are readv to take their turn in the limelight a goal taken away in the this spring season. last moments of the intense Last year played match. out fairh well for this Also. Crawford wants competitive team. For to tie for first in their the first time, they conference. It's not that managed to win the he's setting his sights low. Palatine Tournament. though. It's the fact that They also placed third New Trier, state champs in conference. Yet. at lor four out of the last five Regionals, they lost w ith years, happen to play in the a score of 1-0 to Elk same conference. Grove. This loss stung a "|Nev\ Trier] is a nice little more since the team challenge but tough to win has won the Regional against." says Crawford. title in the past. They're going to get The team doesn't plan as close as they can to on settling with those that le\el though with a results. Says varsity pliolo h\ Ctirlefon (itir/ner tie. Crawford has laid out coach J.J. Crawford, "We The girls' soccer team show off their fancy feet at practice. several ways to go about would have liked to have doing this. gone a little farther." The team For one. they are going to play finished the season, though, w ith w ith low intensity defense, a different a record of 11 -7-5. sy stem from past years. He w ants to A key element to the team "s past defend as a team so the defenders success was Marina Basseas. w ho aren't tired out by having to run graduated last year after ha\ ing dow n the opposing offenders. played four years on v arsity. Fresh Also, when the ball is lost, they off of try-out week, though, there hope to counter attack, using quick seems to be emerging talent and strikes. Hopes are that these will promise for the teams future. prove effective methods in giving Players looking to lead the the girls an edge they haven't team to numerous victories this experienced to the full extent in season are forward/ midfielder past y ears. Shannon O'Hem. forward Lauren Upcoming games include an Pagone. midfielder Katie Crow ley. April ?> away game against Wheaton midfielder Grace Goro. and Academy for J V and Varsity at 4:.3() fullback Kaitlin Doherty. and 6:30, as well as an April 5 game This year, they hope to score f/tu/ti' h\ i^ilfUh <«'""<•' at home against Glenbrook North for more goals, and to increase the The team lines up for drills. JV and varsity at 4:30. strength of their dead balls, which With their fierce and talented leaders, rehad on my roster, and this is my fourth year." consist of the comer kicks and throw -ins. The team consists of eleven seniors, nine \amped strategies, and emerging athletes, this One of their main strategies is to use O'Hem. team has hopes to make an impression in a big who is starting her third year on varsity, up juniors, one sophomore, and one freshman. Goals for this season include making their way this year. front more. Pagone will complement her at

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