m i s . Dci^ ROAD • PARK RiDor. It t.iNOis 60068
APRII 20. 2007
is in the air
"Peter Pan" flies In onto the stage This Issue: PAGE 2
V o l . 43. No. 12
"Tribune" columnisf Rick Alorrissey visits South
"Cirmdhouse" is worth the price of admission
ReflccriiTj on thel):i\ii Silence
GitJs' Softbdl hopes to recapture | (lonfetence tide
'^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ APRIL
20, 2007 • VOL. 43, No. 12
"Peter Pan" off to aflyingstart Mr. Muzinski, the director of the play, said. "This is a childhood fantasy come to life, and we're especialK excited because six of the This year's spring musical, "Peter Pan," is cast members get to fly." sure to win the audience • ^ In addition to the over with a stellar cast. hard work of the Junior Kara Konken plays actors, the play needs the role of Peter Pan, senior the help and hard Alex lorio plays Wendy, work of crews, such and junior Will Pierce is the as stage crew, which infamous Captain Hook. is responsible for The amount of hard changing and creating work and dedication that the sets, and lighting goes into the production crew, which gives may sometimes slip our important cues to the minds as we observe the actors and adds to the actors and crew perform effect ofthe production, smoothly. However, the in addition, sound truth is that there is a crew, costume crew, tremendous amount of and make-up crew patience. determination, complete the overall and effort that creates the theater effect that believable atmosphere of viewers receive. every school production. This musical is very The cast members of "Peter Pan " get into character at rehearsal. This year's student unique because of the director, junior Maija flying equipment that Gustin said, "It's been a lot of hard work new generation of children. will be used. There is only one company in the [putting the play together], but 1 really enjoy Junior cast-member Stephanie Jozwiak. one United States that can rig theatrical stages for doing it. With such a big cast, it's been hard of the Lost Boys in the play, revealed a similar flying numbers. There can be a maximum of getting people to communicate with each other sentiment, saying. "It's been fun being in my four flying mechanisms used at once: one that and work together, but everyone is starting to first show, and working with such talented and moves the depth of the stage, one that moves get into their characters, and it's working out the width of the stage, and two that great." move the height of the stage. Even though a large cast creates The harnesses used may pose communication issues, many studnets have a problem for actors because they had the opportunity to participate in a fine arts are expected to act and sing while production. This musical has three ensembles: suspended in the air. At the time of the pirates, the Indians, and the Lost Boys. publication, the students hadn't yet Many of the Indians are dancers in other practiced with the equipment. facets of Maine South and the community, The students are enthusiatic to and they add a new depth to the abilities of fl\ in the musical, especially Kara the cast. Konken. because she played a Lost Various cast members have made Boy in a "Peter Pan" production in similar observations, claiming that however fourth grade. "I alvvaNS loved the challenging their part is. they really love what Man. Martin Peter Pan and 1 am they are doing, and each is putting his or her excited to have this opportunity," best foot forward. said Konken. Junior Will Pierce claims. "Pla\ ing Captain Everyone is ver\ enthusiastic Hook is the hardest thing I've ever done." about the performance and working Alex lorio, who was cast as Wend>. gushes. really hard, so be sure to check it "It's really fun. Everyone loves it. ["Peter out. Performances will be held Pan"] is a classic and you come to love it all on Friday. April 27 at 7:30 pm. Au'.\ hirio renearses Iter role as \\ciHiy. over again when you see it and perform in it." Saturday. April 28 at 7:30 pm. Tinkerbell will be played by Scott Herman, enthusiastic people has enhanced my theater Sunday. April 29 at 2:00 pm. Friday. May 4 at as he controls a liaht. 7:30 pm, and Saturday, May 5 at 7:30 pm. experience." h\ Nickv Priovolos
Recently, a Tinkerbell spinoff, which has been produced by Disne\ and the movie "Finding Neveriand" have caught the public's eye and have repopularized Peter Pan for a
•> i .  V
20. 2007 • VOL. 43. No. 12
Passport problems put vacations on hold
hy Annette Dean When an applicant called the Information particular da\ in late March, the second floor As the memories of spring break begin Center, he would be greeted b\ a recorded was crowded with nearl\ 400 people. They to fade, both Maine South students and statT message stating that the Information Center waited for as long as eight hours before either are beginning to look forward to summer had been receiving a surplus of calls, and it receiving a passport or being informed that vacations. directed the applicant to be patient. After their passport was not in the building, but that However, there is one thing that could listening to another similar message, the phone it would be there in a few days, and that the\ put that well-deserved vacation on hold: a call would then be disconnected. should either return then or have it Fed-Exed passport. Ever If an to their house. da\. there ai, applicant was Perhaps the most frustrating aspect of long lines of lucky enough to this nightmare for man\ applicants was the people through get through on knowledge that their passport had been in the the Kluczynsk. the phone line. Kluczynski Federal Building all da\. and it still F e d e r a l he would have took employees eight hours to find it. Others Building, been forced to were disapointed w ith the lack of organization, waiting for wait on hold for at the Klucz\nski Federal Building. A few a passpon. multiple hours employees could be seen doing nothing, while Many of them while "Spring" they claimed to be searching for applicants" submitted then from "The Four records. applications ai Seasons" was In response to the problems with the least six weeks played over and passport application process, the Department ago and were over again. Once a of Homeland Security has anounced a proposal assured by the live person finally that, if approved, would permit American and photo h\ Aiint'ltf ItetiH employees ai appeared on the Canadian children under the age of 15 with The processing time for passport applications has the Passport other line, he or parental consent and a certified copy of their greatly increased due to the Western Hemisphere Travel Acceptance she would instruct birth certificate to cross land or sea borders. Initiative Agencies that the applicant to The proposal would also allow Americans their applications would arrive on time, and pav an additiona 60 dollars to expedite the and Canadians between the ages of 16 and that there was no need to expedite them. 18. traveling with public or private school application. So why didn't these passports arrive on groups, religious groups, social and cultural The operator would then direct the time? On January 23. 2007. the first phase applicant to an automated phone line in order organizations, or athletic teams, to cross land of the Western Hemisphere Travel Initiative to and sea borders, schedule an ' '' went into effect, requiring all United States appointment at a with a certified citizens traveling to anv other country by air. Regional Passport copy of their including Canada. Mexico. Central and South Agency, in order birth certificate, America, the Caribbean, and Bermuda, to have to ensure that the as long as there a passport. The second phase of the Western passport is an adult would Hemisphere Travel Initative will require all be s u p e r v i sor expedited. United States citizens traveling to another However. present. during country by land or sea to have a passport. The Spring One thing Break, Initiative has caused the number of passport appointments were can be learned applications to increase to more than one not available for from all of this: million even, month. anyone planing nearly two weeks, Although the State Department had b\ a summer which time been planning for this surplus in applications most applicants had vaction should for two years by hiring additional staff and already planned to apply for a increasing hours, their preparations were not depart. This forced passport as soon nearly enough to keep up with the demand. many applicants to as possible, Throughout the month of March, long lines of Processing times for regular applications have just show up at the and expedite passport applicants filled the Kluczynski Federal jumped from six weeks to ten. and times for Kluczynski Federal it if necessary. Building daily. expedited applications have increased from Building and hope The State two weeks to four. for the best. Department has stated that it still takes The State Department website directs After arriving at the Kluczynski Federal approximently 10 weeks for regular applicants who are departing within 14 days to Building, applicants were directed to the applications. However, they have reduced the call the National Passport Information Center eighteenth floor, if the\ had an appointment, time for expeditied applications to two weeks. and talk with an operator. However, during the or the second floor, if they did not. However, Once they apply, applicants should continually height of the crisis, the phone lines were of many applicants who had appointments were check the status of their application to ensure little assistance. later sent down to the second floor. On any that it remains on time.
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20. 2007 • VOL. 43. No. 12
Springing back to break br Erin Klein
While we all enjoyed our week off from school, spring break unfortunately came to an end April 2. With this, many students returned to school sporting fresh tans from tropica! vacations with families or with friends. Keely Patt. a sophomore who stayed in town over break, described the experience in Park Ridge, saying, "It really, really [stunk], I kept getting calls from people on vacation, which
Daily Dose of Reality by Leah Artwick
made being home less bearable. I got up early one morning to go running and saw not one person and maybe five cars drive b\. even in the uptown area. It was like a ghost town." While Park Ridge may have seemed empty, this was not completely the case. In a nonscientific poll conducted of 68 Maine South students of all grades, 82 percent of them traveled somewhere over the break. "I went to Cancun. Mexico over spring break, and it was so much fun. I went with my sisters and five of their friends and practically cried getting back on the airplane," sophomore Lesia Witkowsky said about her spring break trip. In traveling to Mexico, she was not alone. According to the U.S. Department of State, over 100,000 American teenagers and young adults travel to resort areas throughout Mexico over Spring Break each year. For these man}, students, safety might not have been the number one priority on their list, but it definitely should have been kept in mind. The U.S. Consulate in Merida. Mexico—whose territory includes Cancun—said that, during the eight-week spring break period in 2002, U.S. students accounted for two deaths, 360 arrests, four injuries that required medical evacuations out of the area, one rape, and 495 reports of lost or stolen property. Freshman twins Dannv and Mo Kaitis traveled to Paris, France over break. "It was amazing, except rainy and wet. Everywhere you went there was a landmark: the Louvre. Eiffel Tower, Notre Dame Cathedral, and Versailles. I ate at the top of the Eiffel Tower, which was really amazing. We were there visiting my sister who was studying abroad." said the Kaitis twins. Maine South teacher Mr. Fallico sponsored a trip to Ecuador. Amy KeameN took advantage of this opportunity and w ent on the trip. Recalling the vacation, she stated, "It was the best trip of m\ life. We went on ever\ adventure you could imagine. Everyone was so great, and I got to knovN [everyone on the trip] well. We went white-water rafting, horseback riding, visited an orphanage and spoke to the kids in Spanish: it was all just amazing." Students in Italian 3 and 4 were invited to take a trip to Italy. The trip, which began in Verona, went to Venice. San Gimignano. Florence, and ended in Rome, takes place everv
two years. "We were there for seven days. My favorite part was Venice and the Basilica, but I really loved being in another country where I could actually understand the language." said junior Meredith Bonk, who joined 41 others on the trip. Junior Maggie Wave took advantage of the week off and used it to look at schools. "I visited Indiana University. University of Wisconsin at Madison, Illinois Wesleyan, and U of 1. My favorites were Indiana and U of I. We looked at all of them in three days, which was a lot of time driving." said Wave. Whether one stayed home or traveled, spring break was a great week. And fortunately, there are now less than 40 school days left this school year.
SOUTH WORDS A student-produced newspaper of:
Maine South High School 1111 South Dee Road Park Ridge, IL 60068 Signed letters to the editor should be delivered to room V-131 or gi^en to a member of the editorial staff. SOUTHWORDS reserves the right to edit material for clarity and brevity and to reject obscene/libelous submissions. Hditdrs-in-Chicf News Editors Features Fxiilors Entertainment Editors Commentar\ Editors Sports Editors Prcxluction Editor Photographers
Staff Artists
Alexa Karas Kelse> Keith Annette Dean Nick\ Prio\oios Kutherine (jaud\n Anna Wolonciej Marl) Diamond Ron Eeiereisel Bellina Chang Joe Micotto Meghan 0"Keefe Nick R\ter Joshua Sissman Carleton Gartner Kelsey Grandi Chelsea Zivkovic Leah Artwick GinaTingas Ke\ in Verrc Mr. Ellefson Mr. Stathakis
20. 2007 • VOL. 43. No. 12
Cute Knut: Germany's newest cele-bear-ty hv Anna Wolonciej
attention at Berlin Zoo. a radical group led b> ing in more profits. Frank Albrecht declared that Knut is better off Knut's popularitv. however, is spreading wav bevond the fence of the zoo. A French On December 5, 2006. a bab> polar bear dead than being raised b\ humans. Albrecht magazine has declared "Knutmania" in Gerwas bom in the Berlin Zoo for the first time was quoted b\ a German tabloid saving that in thirtN years. Most of the time, occurrences the zoo was violating legislation by keeping many. However, the little polar bear has tons such as this one don't interest man\ people him alive and treating him as a domestic ani- of fans in other places. Even in the U.S.. Knut's pictures have been the most popular outside of the zoological communit\. How- mal. After receiving a lot of criticism. Albrecht ever. Knut. the four-month-old polar bear cub. claimed he does not have ties with anv radical and emailed for over two months according to Yahoo! News. is taking his German homeland and the rest of animal rights group and that he onlv said that it is not appropriate Knut is the world b\ storm. getting time in Knut was born to two polar bears. Tosca for humans to raise the recording and Lars, raised in captivit\ at the Berlin Zoo. wild animals, like Knut. studio as well. His mother. Tosca. had also been a circus perOn March 23. ^ ^^^ '% Nine-year-old former. Tosca had a difficult gestation time Kitty recently and zoologists agree that this was one of the 2007. Knut mad. 7 | | k , ^ ,mg recorded a reasons whv the 20-year-old mother rejected his first public apsong called People» Knut and his twin brother immediateK after pearance. "Knut. der birth. Knut's twin bother died after just four all over the world kleine Eisshort days, while Knut had to be put into an have been waiting bar." which for this because incubator for 44 rough days. means "Knut, Despite Knut"s gloomy beginning, he many have been the small poKnut"s bounced back quickly and is as healthy as any tracking lar bear." This cub being raised by his mother. Since Knut short but eventful y I'lif'tt' ntiirtcs\ ('/ 11 u 11 t»t h the most life online. Yahoo! was kept inside until late March, the zoo keeppopular of the ers, and primarily Thomas Dorfiein who is News, for example, On March 2J. 2(X)7. Knut made his public debut. many Knut Knufs official "foster father." have been mak- constantly tracked ing sure that Knut gets ail of his "bear" neces- the daily doings of the bear. Also, many peo- songs. However. Knut's fame also has a more sesities. Dorfiein has been providing Knut with ple felt sympathy for the adorable, almost orlove and care since his birth. To comfort Knut phaned bear who nearly found himself amidst rious purpose. On December 26. 2006 polar bears became the first species to go on the en' • ~ controversy over his life. after the separation from his mother. Dorfiein an anim ' People from dangered list because of global warming. The slept next to ill over Germa- German Environment Minister. Sigmar Gabrihim and played nv flocked to see el, officially adopted Knut in hope of raising Elvis Presley Knut roam on awareness that Knut's kind is in great danger, songs on his the zoo rocks, mainly because of human induced changes in guitar to put stick his face in the environment. him to sleep. Because of this, Knut made it onto the the pond, and Knut has bite his foster cover of this May's "Vanity Fair Green Issue" a verv large father's shoes. along with environmental activist Leonardo wooden crate Media from all DiCaprio after having a close-up on the cover that serves as over the world of "Vanity Fair's" German counterpart. Phohome inside the also came to tographer Annie Leibovitz. who has taken piczoo complex. capture the 19- tures of celebrities like John Lennon and Yoko This box is pound bear's Ono in the past, is now also responsible for complete with first venture out taking photos of this furrv. rising star. many stutTed Knut is not going to be the baby that most in public. Many animals includchildren took people fell in love with for much longer. Curing a dog that is larger than Kniit was rejected by his mother, and as a result is being advantage of the rently, his foster father is slowly beginning to raised by Thomas Dorfiein. field trips their separate Knut from his old familiar routine in him. pictures of order to make Knut more autonomous. Many schools funded to see the beloved Knut. grown-up polar bears, and a bearskin rug. Since Knut's debut, over 300.000 people people argue that Knut will be forgotten as Knufs day consists of constant grooming and playing time with his foster father. He also have come to the Berlin Zoo. On Easter week- soon as he grows out of his "cute phase" and gets fed a milk and meat mixture manv times end alone, about 125.000 people visited the turns into a fiercer animal. However, for now, a day to substitute the food he would have re- zoo. With such great rates of attendance, the "Knutmania" is here and hopefully it will stock of the Berlin Zoo went up. Knut also be- serve as a reminder that people have to act in ceived from his mother. Although Knut is receiving prime care and came an official trademark of the zoo, brins- order to save this great species.
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20. 2007 • Vol.. 43. No. 12
Forever remembered for fashion
hy Courtney Viiiopal
Sometimes a great movie is remembered for the amazing writing. Sometimes it"s remembered for the outstanding ensemble cast or for redefining the limits of society. Then, there are the movies that are remembered for the outfits that the characters wear just as much or even more than any other element of the film. Over time, certain actors and actresses have become icons through their outfits. The clothes they wore defined the characters they played and also sparked huge trends in the fashion industr\. One of the most memorable movie fashion icons would have to be Diane Keaton in "Annie Hall." She made menswear look fashionable and accessible to women everywhere in Woody Allen"s classic film. The way she wore men's ties, vests, pants, and hats was effortless and totally unique. lt"s said that Ralph Lauren even helped with the costuming for the movie. "Annie Hall" paved the way for the menswear trend that is often seen both on and off the runways today. Although many women attempt the menswear look, no one can pull it off quite like Keaton. Although criticized often by the fashion police. Keaton still favors the eclectic tomboy look on the red carpet today.
Although maybe not quite as memorable as Annie Hall. Alicia Silverstone defined everything cool in nineties fashion in her movie. "Clueless." In the hit film. Silverstone's character, Cher, trotted her way to school in the most fabulous blazers and shortest minis of the time. Cher knew how to put an outfit together, especiall) with the help of her computer, which would warn her if an outfit was a mismatch. Although those ver\' nineties platforms that Silverstone's wore may look ridiculous now, in 1995, everyone was wearing them, and thafs probablv largeK because of "Clueless." Cher"s devotion to fashion was quite admirable in a time where flannel shirts and clunky boots ruled the world. John Travolta onlv needed one outfit to make him a star in "Saturday Night Fever." and that was the iconic white suit. With one pose, a million polyester ensembles were launched. While the movie captured the disco era, the white suit captured all the fashion that went along with the time. If Travolta showed up to the Oscars in a white suit today, he'd be put on the worst dressed list. In the 70's, however, his white-on-white suit was beyond cool. Another actor whose fashion started huge trends was James Dean. Known as the
"Original Bad Bo\ of Hollywood." he brought a whole new look to Hollywood in his movie, "Rebel Without A Cause." Everything Dean wore looked cool, including jeans, plain white tees, and an unforgettable leather jacket. The edgy look was different from anything that had been seen on screen before, and before long, devoted fans everywhere traded in their trousers for notably cooler threads. Perhaps the most influential movie fashion icon of all time is Audrey Hepburn. There are no words to describe how timeless, classic, and utterly influential Hepburn's fashion was in "Breakfast At Tiffan\ 's." The film may be even better known for the fashion than for its plot. Although Hepburn didn't have a ridiculous number of outfit changes in the movie, everything she wore was completely original, and many of her looks are still seen on women today. The most famous outfit probably occurs at the beginning, when Hepburn walks down the street in a black Givenchy gown, looking in the windows at Tiffany's and eating her breakfast. The best part of Hepburn's fashion was that it was everyday elegance. The actress looked like she had dressed up for a movie premiere every time she walked down the street. It was icons like Hepbum. Keaton, and other memorable movie stars that set ofifa frenzy with their fashion and would be forever remembered for it.
"Tribune'' columnist Rick Morrissey visits South by Ale.xa Karas A few weeks ago. Maine South and Maine West students were fortunate to have sports columnist Rick Morrissey speak about journalism and sports writing. Morrissey spoke about the path he took to get to his current position, the pressures of working as a journalist, and the uncertain future of newspapers. It was as ifyou were reading one of his sports columns: the atmosphere was relaxed, but also educational and informative. He spoke briefly of the road he took to his current position at the "Chicago Tribune." He started as a writer for Fenwick High School's newspaper, continued as a journalism major at Northwestern University, struggled through publications in Indiana and the South, wrote for the "Rocky Mountain News" covering the Denver Broncos, and finally returned back to the paper he always dreamed about writing for, the "Chicago Tribune." Before becoming a columnist, he covered many sports as a beat writer, including Northwestern basketball and
football. Morrissey has also attended five Olympics and numerous Super Bowls. Talking from experience, Morrissey made it clear that "Journalism is not a traditional job." He has to deal with a lot of traveling, positive and negative feedback, and stressful deadlines. He gave an example of a White Sox game when he wrote an article for if the\ won. lost, or even tied because his deadline was approaching faster than the game was ending. Most of the papers the following da\ were printed with the correct article, but some, including the ones delivered in his neighborhood, included the wrong one. Always trv ing to advance one step in front of the competition. Morrissey explained that man\ rivalries evolve as reporters tr\ to print the most current and breaking news. He also explained how it was difficult to be objective at first, especially when dealing with teams from his hometown. Morrissey admits that writers want games to end a certain way. hoping for the better stor%. For example, w hen the Bears were 7-0, the more heartwarming
story could have been that they continued winning, but an even better article may be the loss after such a long run. One has to remember that writing is used to produce a product and to get consumers to like what you are offering. The future of newspapers and writing was a common theme in Morrissey's presentation. He explained how the Internet is taking over and how more and more people are getting their news from alternate sources. "Writing has become a lot more shrill." said Morrissey. "The Internet is ver> in your face: subtletv is lost in it. Maybe it is the way the culture is changing." However, he still believes that the future of newspapers will continue to thrive and the "Tribune" will continue to deliverthe news to its valued customers. "What else would you have to read on the toilet?" Morrissey joked. Morrissey left the students with several pieces of advice on writing, but one seemed to stick out; "[Writing] is sort of like lifting weights. You don't get stronger unless you lift weights regularly. You don't become a better writer unless you write regularly."
2007 • Voi„ 42, No. 12
"Grindhouse" doesn't disappoint by Ron Feiereisei
place in ihe plot, and ties the ON erall narrative thread together. The most prominent of this sei i »i characters "Planet Terror" is the slcepv little town's tow-truck driver. Wray. plajed by Freddy Rodriguez. Rtxlriguez makes the most of the part, reallv selling the idea that evervone in town know s him. At the same time, there's a darker side "Death P r o o f to him that onlv he's aware o(. A great cast supports him. including Michael Biehn. Marlev Shelton. Michael Parks (who reprises his role from "Kill Bill In an\ other pair of directors' hands. Vol. 1" ) and most importanilv. Rose "Grindhouse" could have, and probablv w ould McGowan. who plays the gun-legged have, been some sort of cinematic disaster, bui go-go dancer. Cherrv. who just so somehou. Tarantino and Rixlriguez manage happens to be Wra\ "s old flame. As a director. Rodriguez tread similar not to screw it up. Even with a running time of o\er three hours, the film d(x.'sn't feel like narrati\c water in "From Dusk Till time wasted. In fact, the pace of the mo\ ie— Daw n." but "Planet Terror" is a better' especiallv Rodriguez's half—is fast, yet the film because of the altenlion paid to the films don't leave the audience wanting more characters. "Dusk" had Ckxjnev and of the preceding gore and senseless. o\er-the companv fiKused solelv on suniving the night, and Rodriguez capitalized on that, -lop violence. using the timeframe to create tension. Here. The movie kicks off with a fake preview directed b\ Rodriguez starring Dannv 1 rejo for the o\erall survival plot is bolstered by several a movie called simpK "Machete." Honestly, subplots that make the characters more fulh Rodriguez should think about fleshing out the realized and more emotionally resonant with character a bil more and making a full feature the audience. "Planet lerror" works as a solid from his own trailer. It .sets the pace nicely for zombie movie with much of the emotional the first feature, a sun ival horror flick aptly depth (hat is absent from recent entries into the horror genre. titled "F'lanei Terror." To bridge the gap between the two features, " In the film, a renegade outfit of soldiers Tarantino and Rodriguez enlisted the help of a releases a biological contaminant into the few of ihcir horror-director buddies and created air over a small Texas town, and a group of a group of fake mo\ ie trailers to keep audiences survivors is forced to band logelher to face the entertained during the intermission. FJi Roth. zombie-like creatures that the contaminated Rob Zombie and Hdgar Wrighi all direct fog spawns. Rodriguez takes his time al the hilariously camp> trailers, the most entertaining beginning of the feature setting up the group of of which txjing a spot for a holiday slasher flick characters, each of whom has his own unique entitled "Thanksgiving." though each of them has something funnv or w holly bi/iirre to offer. laraniino's half of "Grindhouse." "Death Proof." is the better of the tw o films, even if it ma_\ not be a wholh faithful homage to traditional grindhouse films that inspired him. Il still has Tarantino's cinematic stamp all over it. Ncarl> the fist three quarters of the film is classic Tarantino dialogue, and the shot composition and camerawork fall into the same vein as "Resen oir Dogs" and"l'ulp Fiction." "Death Pr{X)r' is a story about a psycho killer who hunts his victims in Wray and company prepare to take on ihe horde.
a stunt car that is supposedly "death proof." Kurt Ru-sscll pla\s ihe killer, who goes by the name of Stuntman Mike, and is easi l> one of the most intea'sting characters thai appears in either of the flicks. Russell is at times charming and terrifying.and is,il' ' '\ ureal whencscr he'
Kurt Russell as Stuntnuui Mike. on screen, be it running down a group of girls in his death-proof car, or chatting up women in the local watering hole. The arc of the stor>' is tough to explain without spoiling the whole of the m o v i e there s something of a twist in ihe middle of il, one that Tarantino presents with a great technique. The scene is a head on collision, but instead of show ing the scene once and letting il be. Tarantino shows the scene four times back to biick, showing whal happens to each of the cars four occupants. It's an interesting wav of presenting w hat could hav e been a less dynamic "one and done" shot. The films conclusion is easih the most rewarding pan of the experience. There's a reason that "Planet Terror" ran first. While "Planet Terror" has a slew of great zombie killing action. Tarantino's half has the more fulfilling conclusion, hence the order in w hich thev re presented. The last (and reallv onlv) extended action sequence is a car cfiase belw een a group of girls and Slunlman Mike. Tarantino's alreadv established himself as a more than competent action director—the Crazv 88 light scene from "Kill Bill" comes lo mind —but some of Ihe stuff he does with two cars and their passengers is stunning. One sequence has stunlw<imanZoe Bell (who plays herself, as a sluniw omanj cl inging to Ihe hcxxl of a speeding car while Stuntman Mike bumps his car into the girls' ride. (continued on page 9)
Ai'Rii. 20, 2007 â&#x20AC;˘ Vol.. 43. No. 12
Modest Mouse not dead in the water by Marty Diamond In 2004. Modest Mouse struck gold with their single. "Float On" oft' their hit album. "Good News for People Who Love Bad News." The album did moderately well with critics but had great commercial success, though its greatness was highly debatable. Now. Modest Mouse has struck again with "We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank." and there is almost no debating this album's greatness. The album opens w ith the loud, nauticallythemed "March Into the Sea." As is the case witli many Modest Mouse songs, the song has an odd vocal arrangement that somehow seems to work well here. It gives an energetic vibe, which is a great way to stan off the album. From there, the album flows into the band's single. "Dashboard." If "Float On" pleased fans, than this song should blow them away. Not onl> is it a better single, but it functions well as the album's second track. More evenlypaced than "March Into the Sea." it effectively grounds the band firmly in the pop-rock genre.
able to please the rock fans while satisfying almost everyone else. This is one of the greatest strengths of the album: it walks the fine line between power pop and alternative rock. Not straying directly into either, the band has a wider range to work with. It allows them to still sound like the Modest Mouse longtime fans have come to love and please new fans with an evolving sound. The album continues with intriguing tracks such as "Florida" and "Parting of the Sensory." Interesting musical work makes both songs great. "Florida" has great backup hannonies throughout the song. Without them, it would have been just another filler track, but with them, the song stands out. "Parting of the Sensory" is the same way except with a background violin instead of backup vocals. This brings up another point worth noting: Modest Mouse branches out slightly with songs like these; they sound like the band's old stuff with new elements mixed in to make the old good songs into great songs.
The ne.xt songs of merit are "Steam Engenius" and "Spitting Venom." These songs work ver> well together, the former flowing easily into the latter, even though they are very different songs. While "Steam Engenius" is a bit more ambitious musically, it doesn't succeed on the level that "Spitting Venom" does. The latter is the key track near the end of the album. As the last "anchor" track, it combines all the ambition that the rest of the album has with the better music on the album. "Invisible" ends the album terrifically as a distinctly powerful pop-rock song. It finishes off the record vsith an upbeat tone and leaves the listener in a satisfied mood. With "We Were Dead Before the Ship Even Sank." Modest Mouse achieves what they have been unable to before: create a solid album without gaps or holes where the music isn't as good. Ambition, great musical combination, and a consistent listening experience make the album succeed. It is exciting to imagine where Modest Mouse will go next.
"Shark" can handle the waters by Tom Berg Out of all the popular weekday TV shows these days, the most popular ones seem to be the crime dramas. What keeps this genre diversified is that its focus can be on many dift'erent divisions of the law. whether it be the CSI team, the defense attorney, or the police force. Many of these shows get to be ver> popular, like "Law and Order" or the "CSI" series, which have been flooding the primetime slot for more than ten years. A newcomer in the CBS crime drama portfolio is "Shark." a show based on the life and work of defense attome> -turned-prosecutor Sebastian Stark (James Woods). "Shark" has proven that it can hold its own in this overcrowded genre, while still sporting the original ideas that the genre revolves around. Stark wa.s originally a high-profile defense attorney in Los Angeles, and his clients would literalK get away with murder while he made more than enough money helping. One da\. a client who Stark had helped to free murdered another person, souring Stark on defense. He joined prosecution after this ordeal, and that's how the series began. What adds a touch of cruel humor to this show is the character that Woods plays.
Sebastian Stark is the most sarcastic character you will see in at least the Thursday primetime slot he's in, if not the most sarcastic in the weekly lineup of shows. Ifs like if Dr. House ;ndod up in law SCIKUII liisieaci of iiiedical
tiita^e i.uuiies\
at i\ \utjo^t LUIU
James iVoods stars on CBS's "Shark" school. It adds an interesting flavorto the show, which there isn't too much of in this genre. That's not to say Stark is an insensitive character. Stark is divorced from his wife, and their only child. Julie (Danielle Panabaker). chose to live with him. Both his daughter and his prosecution team bring out the humanit\ in Woods' character, which makes him one of
those people you can love and hate at the same time. Also. Stark makes mistakes, which adds to the feeling of humanity and makes Stark a believable character. This is an important element of the crime drama genre, and James Woods does an excellent job at bringing this out at the right time. The rest of the supporting cast also does an excellent job. The rest of the prosecution team, played by several people, doesn't always put up with Stark's sarcasm, and that, among other things, leads to believable conflict within the team. Of course. Stark knows that he's nothing without his squad, and his team feels the same way about him. Stark has several rivals that he's made with his style, and they keep reappearing in the shoÂŤ. The guests on the show, whether they're criminals or witnesses, also do a great Job without getting overly dramatic or too into their pan. Overall. "Shark" is an entertaining crime drama that throws a bit of variety into the genre. Tliey could not have casted a better man for Sebastian Stark than James Woods; he plays the role perfectly, from the sarcastic wit to the more touching scenes. The supporting cast also does a great job. and the script is more than enough to keep you entertained for the hour and more.
yyuwJUByyuRusi ^^ M APRIL
20. 2007 • VOL. 43. No. 12
related to "Pulp Fiction," that appear during the the films, even if that ma\ not be the actual "Death Proof feature, in w hich the characters case. The missing reel in "Planet Terror" is the This is w here all of the laborioush crafted mention the significance of fcxit massages, refer more effective of the two, simph because it dialogue and the rich characterization of to something as a ""tast} be\ eragc," and to top il re-energizes the plot, larantino's missing reel w orks as more of a joke on the audience than larantino's "Death Prcwf pa\ off—with Bell all off. mention the Big Kahuna Burger. on the hcxxJ of the car. in peril that the\ probabl) Rodriguez's half has a couple of nods an\ thing else, but for something thai could ha\ e can't e\cn fathom, the audience is gcnuinelv to Taranlino's work, including Red Apple been annoving. the directors make il work lot worried about her. It's the same kind of thing cigarettes and a to-do list, the last item of the film. with Stuntman Mike. The pa\off with him is which simpl) sa\s: "Kill Bill." These little •fhis, coupled w ith the atmosphere created made all the more rewarding because Tarantino touches make the films more enjoxable. and b\ retromov iethealeranimatcdannouncements, takes his time de\ eloping him as a character. gi\e the audience a reason to pay a little closer as well as the fake trailers that link the mov ies together, make "Grindhouse" not onl\ tw ci great On top of all of the gcxxi stuff that RtxJrigue/ attention. and Taranti no la\ out on the tabic, the filmmakers Also, each of the films has one missing mov ies packaged together for the price of one, go the extra mile and add some in-jokes for their reel, which work to cut awa\ some of the but an immersiv e cinematic experience, rather fans. The easiest of these to spot are the ones narrative slack that could possibK bog down than watching two genre movies back to back. (continued from page 7)
Anti-war protests out of hand by Michael Coyne '"Fascist wars are nothing new! It's not just Bush, it's soldiers, too!" Such was the chant of mask-wearing war protesters in a recent demonstration in Portland, Oregon. These anti-American radicals burned American flags and American soldiers in effigy throughout their protest. It's understandable for Americans to be restless in regards to the Iraq War or the War on Terror—America's movement against al-Quaeda—in general. However, disrespecting our troops is a new low and clearly displays the epitome of ignorance in society today. And calling the Commander-in-Chief a fascist is not only disrespectful, it's absurd. Disagreement and dissent is respectable: America's system is founded on healthy debate. But juvenile, unprovoked name-calling is unacceptable. These are not acts of dissenting opinion. These are blatant attacks on America itself Unfortunately, the radicals seem to be growing in number. Additionally, many on the far-Left are supporting baseless allegations of torture in the War on Terror. At best, these individuals and protestors point to three- and four-year-old pictures of "torture" cases. To clarify, most of the pictures were of the Abu Ghraib case, in which soldiers, such as Lyddie England, improperK treated prisoners. The offenders were subsequentK prosecuted. If the government supported torture, they wouldn't prosecute the offenders, would the\ ? Most of the other photos were either blurrv or appeared to be staged, likely in yet another effort to further assault the Bush Administration. In these other photographs, it is unclear where they
were taken, faces of "soldiers" and "victims" are not visible, and the pictures prove nothing. Many of them could have been taken in a welllit garage or warehouse. It's not hard to stage a picture. The so-called "information" conveyed in the pictures can't be verified, as the pictures just happen to have initially appeared on antiWar and anti-Bush websites, such as Illuminati News, socialistparty.org.uk, MoveOn.org. and peacenowar.net, none of which are credible news sites. The bottom line is that anti-war and anti-Bush hatred and protests have devolved beyond ^ i rationality. Ifcjy This sort of j 5 j / anti-American Q m o b mm mentality is sweeping the nation: Americans are smart, but too many of us are choosing ignorance
lOOSECHANGEOIIlOin ii!iu\.\ ^ititrww lit /f''t\i'ihtin\;i''Jii.toil!
Are unti-war movies such as "Loose Change ' simply conspiracy theories? over reason. Such is also evidenced by actors such as Charlie Sheen, who has recently agreed to narrate an anti-American propaganda film entitled "Loose Change." In response to the film being justly called a conspiracy theory. Sheen attacked the official version of events by saying. "Nineteen amateurs with box cutters taking over four commercial airliners and hitting 75 percent of their targets — that feels
like a conspiracy theory." Of course, as we all know, the hijackers were not amateurs at all' the\ were trained Jihadist assassins. "Loose Change," which would be a revision of a pre-existing internet video, claims that George W. Bush orchestrated the 9/11 attacks so that he could launch the War on Terror. More absurdity: Mark Cuban, the owner of the Dallas Mavericks, will be producing the film. Perhaps this film's backers would like us to forget the fact that Khalid Shaikh Mohammed has already confessed to masterminding the attacks. AI-Quaeda's responsibility is not a debatable issue: it's fact. Moreover, the version of events portrayed in the film has already been scientifically deflated by "Popular Mechanics" in the book, "Debunking 9/11 Lies." Facts and sciences don't lie. Once again, the committed far-Left has thrown logic to the wind for the sake of defaming the President. These people need to start thinking. Asinine allegations and frivolous claims solve nothing and serve only to expose the radicals for the hate-mongering. antiAmerican fools they are. So, what's crazier, the anti-war propaganda and protests, or Hollywood personalities disavowing 9/11? Either way, the modern political spectrum is no longer about differing opinions. It's now a battle between the rational and the radical: the sane citizens and leaders, who see the dangers of terrorists and al-Quaeda and the like, and those who have become so obsessed with hurting President Bush that they could stage photographs, make propagandafi1ms, and often tell flat-out lies to try to diminish him. 1 am truly saddened at the state of America. I can only hope my peers can see through the fog of lies that looms over our nation.
10 More than just a campaign issue IMMENTARY
hy Bobby Hemphill
In a city known for politicizing everything, there is one issue in DC that needs to be elevated above the level of mudslinging - that being the "support" for our troops. Our military should not be used for political gain or putdowns. \et both Republicans and Democrats are engaging in a war of words and using the militan. as leverage. This is unfair to the troops in harm"s way. and even more damaging to those families of the deceased. In regards to the actions taken by both parties, the Democrats are trying to get their act together and actually accomplish something, while the Republicans don't want to see the end of their twelve-year reign. That's understandable - no one likes to lose power. But when 50 percent (a plurality) of the people in this country see the Iraq war as "hopeless." why do the Republicans continue to stand in the Democrats" way? The Democrats have approached the Iraq
War in the wa\ thev promised in the election: setting up a timetable in order to withdraw troops. In order to force the executive branch (President Bush) to compK. the\ have looked toward cutting war spending. The Iraq War does, after all. cost approximateK one billion dollars a day. B\ cutting the mone\ suppK. the Democrats hope that President Bush has no option but to withdraw troops. Currently, though, that is not happening. Instead, funds are being shifted from muchneeded supplies (like armored tanks and bodv armor) to pay for the troops' continued presence in Iraq. Who. then, is supporting the troops? As a recent "Doonesbury" pointed out. the Democrats want the troops to come home, where their safety is guaranteed. President Bush wants to keep the troops in Iraq, in increasingly unsafe conditions with fewer supplies. My point is that the Republicans and
is almost laughable. One minute she's stone cold and creeping towards the light, and the next she is talking to Christina without any permanent brain damage. I know that TV is not supposed to be entirely realistic, but there is no way that all of these one-in-a millionhy Kclsey Keith t\pe cases and occurrences can all happen at I have been a die-hard "'Grey's Anatonn"' Seattle Grace Hospital. fan from the very beginning. I saw the pilot 1 also think the writers have backed episode when it first aired March 27. 2005. themselves into a comer with many of the and 1 have been hooked ever since. Not relationships on the show. only do I watch the show religiously, but I Now that Meredith and Derrick are finally have the paraphernalia: a Dr. McDreamy t- together, it seems as if the whole premise of the shirt. a "Seriously" coffee mug, and an "I show must change. For so long, the focus was love Grey's" pin. if and when they would ever reunite, and now As the show approaches the final stretch that they have, the show feels quite empty. of its third season. 1 regretfully must admit It could be that I just don't like Burke and that I believe the show to be on a steady Christina, but I believe their relationship to be decline towards 1 am not sure what. Despite way too superficial. They seem to have nothing its Golden Globe nominations and wins, and in common other than their competitiveness, its status as the sixth most watched program and I find their interactions quite annoying. 1 in the nation, (behind "American Idol." hope Burke breaks off the engagement; it feels "Dancing with the Stars." and "CSI"), I like he is babysitting her. feel the show has become stagnant and too I don't like George with Callie. The unrealistic. marriage seems much to quick and much to I am fed up with the far-fetched stors forced. I am hoping a separation is in the lines of the man with a bomb in his chest, works, and with the recent rendevous with Izzy cutting Denny's L-VAD wire, and lzz>, 1 think it's coming. Burke hiding his tremor. The most recent Sadly, the only story-line I like right now is stint of Meredith's near death experience Alex Karev and the injured pregnant woman.
20. 2007 â&#x20AC;˘ VOL. 43. No. 12
Democrats need to quit the mudslinging. I'm not saving that the Democrats are right to withdraw the troops using any means possible, or that the Republicans should do their best to prevent an\ action in Iraq. The best way for both sides to support our troops is to provide them with adequate suppi ies and the safest environment possible. Clearly there are discrepancies in how each side wants to achieve these goals, but ultimateK we need to remember that both parties want what they perceive to be best for this country. In staying civil, politicians should not be engaging in "jokes" regarding the militan. when try ing to criticize a viewpoint, like John Kerr>. Likewise the simple phrase "so-and-so doesn't support the troops" is anything but true. Also, protesters should not be protesting outside the funeral of a fallen soldier. All of these cross the line in politicizing the military. Soldiers put their lives in harm's way. and many have given the ultimate sacrifice. That shouldn't be politicized at all.
After establishing the role of jerky jock and losing Izzy to Deiin\. Dr. Karev has maintained a low profile for the last year. We don't know that much about his past and with the drama-filled lives of the other interns; his surface simplicity is appealing. Despite my recent disappointment, I refuse to give up on the show quite yet. But I am not the only one that has noted the stagnation of the show. "Grey's" creator Shonda Rhimes is preparing a two-hour episode for the May 3 season finale that may serve as a pilot for a spin-off show about OB/GYN Addison Montgomery, According to ABC. Addison will get an outof-town job as the season ends and the clifthanger finale will have her mulling over the offer. I don't know if this is the solution to "Grey's" current lull, but any effort is better than none. Even though "Greys" attracts 25.8 million viewers a week, the chances of a successful spin-off are rare. "Friends." one of the most successful shows in history, begat "'Joey"â&#x20AC;&#x201D;which barely lasted two seasons. Whether the spin-off goes through or not. I am hoping that the show can step it up and bring back the w itty writing and relatable characters that attracted viewers in the first place.
Ai'Rii. 20, 2007 â&#x20AC;˘ Vol.. 43, No. 12
Global warnings on global warming hy Xander Tapling Last Fridav. the United Nations issued a warning to the world that b\ 2050. I .^0 milli(in people across Asia would lose their supplv of fcxxl because of the effects of global warming. That's right: after all of the worr>ing. denving. veiling and arguing. 441 scientists pooled their research for a 1, 572 page report that basicallv says it's coming. Sure, we can alvvavs claim that it's t(xi far away to care about, but it's still a disturbing concept. The report also stated that. b\ sometime in the 2()80s. the wheat crops of Africa (their dietarv staple) might \er\ well disappear from the entire continent. Imagine driv ing through southern Illinois and looking at all the fields. Then imagine them gone. simpK gone. Prettv scar\ picture, isn't it? However. Anthonv N>ong. the lead author on the Africa chapter, said that African nations and leaders should stop relying on foreign aid and should, instead, do
more use their own countries and within their ow n checkbooks to save themselves. Ihere will be other effects besides the annihilation of certain crops in Africa. Kev in Hennessv. the author of the chapters for effects on Australia and New Zealand, warned that. "Heat waves and fires are virtualh certain to increase in intensitv and frequencx." Translation: New Zealand's and Australia's already high temperatures and dr\ weathervv ill practicallv evolv e into a field of fire. Finallv. there will be an impact in more populated parts of the w orld as well. The rep<irt staled that anvwhere from 16 to -14 million Huropeans w cnild suffer from w ater shortages bv the vear 2070. Oddh enough, there wasn't much in the report about effects on the United States. Thankfully, none of these countries are taking the threat lightlv. In Asia, there has been a recent push for improv ements in health care. fcx)d distribution, and disaster preparation in order to help safeguard dev eloping countries.
Now. two of the three steps to recovery have been met. I.) Make the public aware. 2.) Make a lot of reports with long words and lots of pages that basicallv tell us that we are in deep trouble. Time to (ill in the last part: how can we fix the damage and/or help to ease the pain? One of the few agreeable things that Hugo Chavez, the president of Venezuela, has ev er said, w as that we. as Americans, vvaste a lot of energv that other countries couldn't ev en dream of possessing. One vva\ to fix our problems, or at least to help slow the destruction, is to be more conservative with how much energy we use in order to preserve our env ironment. Also, the world needs to take resp<insibility for its env ironment and search for cleaner, more efficient fuels so that more cities don't turn into Smog-Central, like Los Angeles. These are just a few things that could be done to help the env ironment. The rest is up to \ou.
Day of Silence speaks for itself by Jen Ingbretson
University of Virginia. Since then, it has been the largest student-led protest promoting diversity and tolerance. The movement has caused a What does silence mean to you? Perhaps huge impact on schools and universities about for some, it means peace and quiet. For others, discrimination and prejudices against GLBT silence can mean a lotâ&#x20AC;&#x201D;ma\ be ev en ev en. thing (Gav. Lesbian. Bisexual. Transgender) \outh. the\ believe in and are vv illing to stand up for. The ( J S A has publicized this day with Silence is often ignored by others, but for one numerous posters, fundraisers, and displavs in da\ in April each vear. silence is honored. the past. The Da\ of Silence has realK opened Regardless of class rank, social status or up people's eves to w hat it's really like to go personal beliefs, scx^ner or later, this collective through a day at Maine South and just listen to silence will hopefulK impact \our choice of vv hat is realK being said. Non-participants can words and actions against people. easilv understand the silent protest. The lesson This year, the Da\ of Silence vv as held on that observers should learn is that this silence April 18. The participants carried a card that represents the man\ people the\ will meet must remain silent everv da\ because the world does stated: "Please understand m> reasons for not not accept one aspect of vv ho they are. speaking lodav. I am participating in the Let's forget for a minute all the goodDa\ of Silence, a national \outh movement willed and tolerant lessons that are spoon-fed protesting the silence faced b\ lesbian, ga\. to us. Between Hawk Pride and teachers bisexual, and transgender people and their doing dailv rants of moral well-being, openallies. M\ delitierate silence echoes that silence. mindedness has become something obv ious but which is caused by harassment, prejudice, disregarded all too fast. The point of judging and discrimination. I believe that ending the and evaluating anvthing is to show what we silence is the first step toward fighting these deem acceptable. injustices. Think about the v oices you are not Bullying and harassment due to prejudice hearing toda\. What are \ ou going to do to end or even lack of judgment are common in high the silence?" schcxil. Not evervone is open-minded to new The Dav of Silence was started in 1996 at the ideas in the fast-changing times we live in. The
t>pical norms of societj have, in the past, taught us what is acceptable and what is not. The effect intended for non-participants in the Da> of Silence is to directlv show how a minoritv is treated unjustly. Whether constructive or not. the criticism the DOS and GSA have both received have influenced and even changed some people's opinions and beliefs. Since the (iSA began in the 200.^-2004 school Near (the GSA was re-started from the club formerlv known as SPUD), it has helped take part in the Dav of Silence to help spread tolerance and diversitv among Maine South. In the last few years, tioth students and teachers hav e noticed a significant increase in tolerance among Maine South students. The GSA has helped to influence both students and the staffs' tolerance levels. The GSA also receiv ed positiv e support from Hawk Pride and it's dev oted sponsors. The major point of noticing this da\ is not to rant and rav e, to cause all of us to suddenly hav e an epiphanv and realize past w rongdoings. or to even cause an uproar of discriminate talk. It's just to give recognition, and maybe even gain a bit more open respect for people who are not in the majoritv that celebrate prideful differences.
1 O msm APRIL
20. 2007 â&#x20AC;˘ VOL. 43. No. 12
How the West will be won
hy \ick Rytcr
hy Tommy Joyce
Just like the Colts were due to win the Super Bowl sooner or later, the Mavericks will finalK come through this \ear and win a title. Dallas was two games away from an NBA championship last year, before finals MVP Dw yane Wade took over. No pla> oftcontender comes back stronger than they were last year, while the defending champion Miami Heat look a year slower with age that is content with last years success. The Western Conference is clearK where better basketball players reside, and where their teams will have control over who takes home the hardware in 2007. The team with the best record in the East, the Detroit Pistons (50-27). would only be in fourth place in the West, behind the Mavericks (64-13). Suns (58-19), and Spurs (56-21). It took the Mavericks seven games to finish both the Spurs and Suns during last vear"s run. while the top teams in the East made it through the first two rounds fairly easy. So. while the powerhouses in the West are wearing each other down in multiple seven game series, the winner of the weaker East could possibly have a significant period of time to regroup for the finals in June. The Mavericks broke out of their post-season spell with wins over San Antonio and Phoenix in the playoffs last year Then, after the Heat exhausted them in thefinals.Aven, Johnson's regular-season team flirted with 70 wins up until April. The only other team to win 70 games in the 82 game regular season was the Chicago Bulls, who finished an unbelievable 72-10 in 1997. The Achilles heel of the high scoring Mavericks and Suns, has been their ability to stop other teams in their half-court defense because. otTensively. they each have five scorers who average in double-figures. When these teams, get together, the crowd plays a huge factor, often swinging the balance in favor of the home team. That helps Dallas, who earned home-court advantage throughout the playoffs. But the Mavericks also have accumulated 30 wins on the road, tops in the league this season. The Mavericks have improved defensively more than the Suns have. and with their elite depth, have more fouls to give towards harassing the Suns' Amare Stoudemire. Stoudemire's presence won't be enough with Dallas' seven foot combo in Erick Dampier and DeSagana Diop. Jason Terry is every bit as skilled as Steve Nash, and clutch shooter Dirk Nowitzki will play lights out. making Dallas the only team in the NBA to end their last iiame with a win.
The Chicago Bulls vs ill capture the NBA title with leading scorer Ben Gordon (21.3 points per game). Iank\ Luol Deng (19 points per game), big Ben Wallace, and three-point ace Kirk Hinrich. The\ will bring back memories of the great Michael Jordan teams of the 1990s as they bring back the glory days. The Bulls are 17-7 since the All-Star break and have risen up to the number-two seed in the Eastern Conference. This makes Chicago one of the hottest teams after the All-Star break. The Bulls stellar abilitv to pJa\ defense has helped them win the close games. Chicago has the fifth-best scoring defense in the NBA at onK 94 points per game. The Bulls point differential is another reason that the team will advance through the playoffs. They have a point dift'erential of almostftve points, also ranking in the top five in the league. The onl\ teams above them are the San Antonio Spurs. Dallas Mavericks, and Phoenix Suns. Defending Defensive Player of the Year Ben Wallace also has the ability to alter shots, grab rebounds, and get the ball to the speed\ guards to start the fast break. Wallace averages over two blocks per game and alters several other shots, which do not show up on the stat sheet. Chicago also ranks among the elite teams in opposing field goal percentage. The Bulls have the second-best percentage in the league at 43 percent. This shows that opposing teams make fewer shots against the Bulls' smothering defense, allowing for scoring opportunities on the offensive end. The Bulls' offense is also not lacking weapons, as it was for many years after the 1990s. With reliable scorers Ben Gordon. Luol Deng, and Kirk Hinrich. the Bulls' offense can compete with the opposition. Chicago also has the second best three-point percentage in the league, shooting over 40 percent as a team. This is an outstanding number in any league. Three-point shooting is a key part of the game when it comes down to the wire and the team needs a big shot. The three-point shooters can also help open up the lane for easy baskets on the inside or make momentum changing perimeter shots. Defense wins championships and the Chicago Bulls have a great defense. The Bulls have enough offensive firepower to get them over the hump to the NBA Finals. Once there, the focused Bulls squad will pull the upset over the powerful Western Conference champion Dallas Mavericks in seven games. The Bulls will win their first championship since the daNs of the sreat Michael Jordan.
pholu cuurlfsy oj Musliiiiglonpusl.cuiu
After coming so close to a championship last year. Nowitzki and the Mavricks are hungry for a title.
phalli niiirlew ojfoxsporls.cam
The Bulls guard tandem of Gordon and Hinrich want to return the Bulls to glory.
13 Hawks and Rush seize victory APRIL
20. 2007 • Vol.. 43. No. 12
yard touchdown. The Rush quickK ended the 'Cats advantage The 50-yard long gridiron played host to two with an acrobatic 58-yard Jonathan Ordway major victories on Friday. March 9. A select kick return. group from the Maine South football team Sippio led off the second quarter w ith heaved their way to victors in a two-round his s e c o n d tug-of-war match, and the 2006 Arena Bowl touchdown Champion Chicago Rush brought a nail-biter reception to a screeching halt, winning 48-45. of the game to make the The house was almost full at 6:30. 30 score 24minutes before Rush game-time, when 10 South 14 over the football players filed out onto the field along Sabercats. with representatives from East Lyden High T h e School and St. Charles North High School. Rush led at Devin Hester sat in the front row, keeping halftime27an amused eye on the upcoming event, and 17, but the Rasheed Davis stepped out onto the field to picturesque execute the coin toss. g a m e South was first matched up against East almost Lyden. The difference in body size and came to an strength was obvious, with South having an unforeseen overwhelming advantage. The ten that lined end when ;• up along the rope were Mike Kendrick, Chris fire brokt. Tatlock. Conor Oenning. Frank Cecchini. Mike out in the NelK, Patrick O'Mara, Matt Saccomanno, Dan Panic broke out after fans noticed the blaze caused upper-level Smolic, Joe Calabrese. and Joe Murray. The Rush by a cameraman's carelessness. deck, causing obvious alarm Cecchini. A.K.A. "Big Frank," noticed the jumped out advantage, and simply went to the end of the to a seven point lead following a 23 yard to some fans, including this Southwards line and "anchored" the team by tying the rope touchdown strike from quarterback Matt correspondent. An observant TV cameraman around his own waist. D"Orazio to star wideout Bobby Sippio. But reacted quickly and put out the blaze with It only took about six seconds for the San Jose evened the same with a touchdown a fire extinguisher. When asked about the cause of the fire, a friendly Allstate Hawks to d r a g usher explained that an unidentified the entire Lyden cameraman hung a rag from the TV squad across the lines, causing the rag to heat up and five-yard distance. burst into flames. The potential crisis Immediately after was quelled quickly. the easy victory, St. Charles North lined The two teams stepped back onto up ready to go. St. the field seemingly asleep from their Charles had a few halftime break. Only one touchdown "big" kids on their was scored by each team in the third side—but only a quarter. few. The Hawks The Sabercats awoke from engaged in an almost their slumber in the fourth quarter 20 second battle following back to back touchdown against the boys catches by James Roe. The second from St. Charles, strike, a 12 yarder from Grieb, but the\ overcame brought the score to 38-41 with 5:58 their strength and left. hauled their way to The Rush finally responded with plwlo h\ Josh Alvarf victory. an eight-yard touchdown pass to The Chicago Kiisii line up opposite the Sabercats. Andy McCullough with 3:07 left. San Jose Maine South clinched their participation in the tug-of-war championship, from quarterback Mark Grieb to George responded too late with a five-yard touchdown which is to take place on the Rush's last home Williams. The stubborn Sabercats pounced on pass to Ben Nelson with only 0:43 left. After a game scheduled for June 23. their only lead in the game on a throw from failed onside kick, the Rush held onto the ball Thirty-five minutes later, the Rush kicked quarterback Grieb to Rodney Wright for a 43- and claimed their first victory of the season. by Josh Alvarez
off their home opener in front of an impressive crowd of 16.201 fans. The Rush, credited w ith the 2006 Arena Bowl championship, but 0-1 walking in, were ready to seize victory for the enersetic crowd.
Si-Kirsjc; SOCCER
2 0 0 7
• SOFTBALL • Bovs' TENNIS • Bo\s'
Softball begins hopeful season h}' Gina Jenero
As the Maine South girls \arsit\ softball team swoops into another spring season, high expectations have alreadv been set b\ \arsit\ coach hmm\ Paiser. Winning conterence last spring, the Hawks have a total of eight varsit> returners, along with six new players that are ready to win conference for a second year Returning players include shortstop Katie Anderson, second baseman Alicia Apa. four year \ arsity pitcher Michelle Chiaramonte. first baseman Kristen Unti. catcher Emily Hpifanio. pitcher Bailev Patt. right-fielder Jessica Cerese. and centerfielder (Jina Jenero. The newest groupof girls that will contribute to this year's team include outfielders Dana Dressner and Caitie Sanchez, first basemen Karen Solari and Natalie Buskirk. catcher Meredith Fischer, as well as third baseman
Nikki Preston. Michelle Chiaramonte was able to halt the The Haw ks" toughest opponent this \ear will Tre\ ians from scoring any more runs, allow ing once again be the Tre\ ians of New Trier. Last the teams to enter extra innings. year, the Haw ks beat New Trier twice- once in As the night grew colder and colder, the a shut out. While the Haw ks are content w ith Hawks and Trevians remained tied b\ the last year's season, they are always lcx)king to bottom of the ninth inning. B\ this time, night improve. had fallen, and the game was called on account For their first conference game, the of the darkness. The Haw ks hope to finish this Hawks traveled all the way out to New Trier game off once and for all by the end of season, on Mondav April 2. in hopes of a victorv. as nobody on the team is content w ith a tie to Fortunately, the Hawks got ahead in the third New Trier inning, w ith outstanding hits by Dana Dressner. While the Haw ks have already begun w hat Michelle Chiaramonte. Katie Anderson, and seems to be a wonderful season, in this not-soEmily Epifanio. cooperative weather, their season has much With this advantage, the Hawks cruised more in store. Approaching games include through the next couple of innings and opponents Waukegan. Maine West, and Elk did not score again until the sixth inning. Grove. Come out and support \ our Maine South Unfortunately. by the bottom of the seventh, the girls varsity softball as the\ attempt to defend Trevians dashed right back into the game and their position as CSL Conference Champions tied it up. making the score .S-.S. Senior pitcher this year.
Hawks play up, down to competition by- Nick Ryter As Maine South's baseball coach Bill Milano puts it. "The team has yet to truly put the three demensions of baseball together consistently. We started the season swinging the bats real well, but we have struggled at the plate the last three games." The offense has struggled mightily the past week of the season, averaging a mere 1.3 runs per game. In that three game stretch, they edged out Schaumburg 3-2. but dropped two consecutive games, one to Nazareth at home 5-2. and the other a 1-0 stunner to Maine East. The Hawks sent Tony Cannizaro to the mound, where he. along with the inward winds, had a hold of the Blue Demons" bats until he surrendered three consecutive hits with two outs in the fourth. Credit Cannizaro for getting himself out of the jam by striking out the side, but it wasn't before Maine East had pushed a run across the board. Cannizaro fanned eight batters on the day. gi\ ing up one hit outside of the fourth inning on his way to losing, despite throw ing
a complete game. "I thought Tony pitched a whale of a game."" said Milano after the Hawks failed to put a run
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Tony Cannizzaro domainales on the mound. on the board in the top of the seventh. "I give them credit because thev beat us. We did not
beat ourseh es more than they took care of us. It was a case of the Maine East kids making ever\ play, and getting some timely hitting, something we were definitely lacking."" Cannizaro's complete game hasn"t been the only highlight on the rubber thus far The pitching staff has stepped up w hen it seems like the bats go cold. After a five run first inning against Guerin in the third game, the pitching staff has since allowed a meager eight runs in that 25 inning span. The following game marked the end of the spring break schedule. It also presented the best opponent on paper that the Haw ks have faced all season in Schaumburg. Facing the Saxons number two pitcher, third baseman Brian Montgomery singled home centerfielder Charlie Cappozzoli to win by the slimmest of margins, 3-2. Robert Seiwert went five innings without much support from the lineup, but he got the w in in the end w hen Mark Beijlo sa\ ed the sixth 7 and se\ enth innings. Every outcome from this point forth will affect the Hawks seed in the playoffs at the seasons conclusion.