Wendy, Nancy Lead Class of 6 8 To Honor Wendy Carlsen, Valedictorian, ' and Nancy Petersen, Salutatorian, today led the graduating class of l%8, the largest class ever to graduate from Maine South, through the Honors Assembly. Wendy will continue her education at Augustana College in Rock Island, Illinois, where she • will major in mathematics smd biology. She received a scholarship from Augustana to help finance her education. This year Wendy's courses included A? English, AP Biology, AP Calculus, government, and Economics. She received a history award in Government and a Biology award. Wendy has been on the Southwords staff for two years. During her junior year she was a reporter. This year she served as News Editor. As a freshman, Wendy received a Science award in Biology. She also participated in Student Council and Pep Club. Wendy was class treasurer for her sophomore and junior years.
She also participated in Project Share her sophomore year. As a junior, Wendy received a French award and was elected to both Quill and Scroll and National Honor Society. She also appeared in V-Show. Nancy Petersen, Salutatorian, plans to major in medical technology at Miami University in Miami, Ohio. She received a scholarship from the Univeristy. Nancy took AP English, Mathematical Analysis, AP Biology, and Government and Democracy this year. She received awards in AP Biology and Government. This year Nancy was Features Editor of Southwords. She has been on the staff since her sophomore year when she received a journalism award for her work. Nancy has been a Marlin member for two years. In her junior year she was elected to both Quill and Scroll and National Honor Society. For- three years Nancy has been a member of Home Ec Club. Last year she served as
publicity chairman and this year as Secretary. She was in V-Show last year. This year Nancy is a senior leader. Freshman year she was on GAA Board and Pep Club Council. She also received a Biology award freshman year and U.S. History honors her junior. During the Honors Assembly Geoff Priest was recognized as National Merit Scholar. Department awards were presented to Karen Waldmann, Art; Margaret Aliprandi, Business Education; Susan Nagel, English; Blair Eastman, Home Economics; Curtis Breckan, Industrial Education; Susan Grainger, Language; Paul Mitchell, Mathematics; Wayne Miller, Music; Katherine Fullerton, Girls' Physical Education; Douglas Bonjour, Boys' Physical Education; Geoffrey Priest, Science; and Gary T. Johnson, Social Science. Good Will awards were presented to Valerie Bruhn, Beverly Hoffman, Marilyn Johnson, Christine Nowak, Carla
Valedictorian Wendy Carlson
Salutatorian Nancy Petersen
Oleck, Ruth Schlosser and Nancy Wohlers. Boys receiving Good Will awards were John Davis, Charley Farley, Michael Masoncup, Thomas McClayton, Wayne Miller, Henry Perez, and David Switzer. Ana Maria Verger was pre-
sented an honorary Good Will Award. College and Unitersity Merit Scholarship awards were presented to Jeanette Dziedzina, Kenneth Matson, Randolph McClure, Nancy Petersen, Geoffrey Priest, and Jeffrey Walter.
Group Initiates, Awards Currertt Members
iSouf^mrdirs Volume 4, No. 15
Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III.
June 3, 1968
Thespians Initiate 84 Members Name Carla O. Best Thespian Carla Oleck w a s named Outstanding Thespian for 1968 at the Thespian Awards and Initiation night on May 24. The dramatic society presented 22 special trophies to performers and back stage personnel for their efforts in the year's productions and initiated 84 members to the society. The trophy for Production went to Kurt Steinhauser, for Stage Manager to Mary Kristmann; for Scenic Design to Karen Waldmann, for Technical to Fred Sasser, and for Service to John Wittenmeier. Trophies for acting were presented to Wayne Miller for his roles in Diary of Anne Frank and Music Man, to Marilyn Hauber for the same productions, to Ellen Mohill for her roles in Diary of Anne Frank and The Miracle Worker, to Larry Getz a special Comedy award for his role in My Sister Eileen, and to Marty Bussort a Character Actor award for Diary of Anne Frank. Other awards for work on The Diary of Anne Frank included Publicity, Debbie Morton; Sound, Vine Pinelli; Lighting, Dick Heron; Properties, Jane Olsen.
Department Award Art Karen Waldmann
Best Thespian Carla Oleck
Drama Production Trophy Kurt Steinhauser
Awards for My Sister Eileen went to Jackie Emo for Printing; to Marilyn Johnson as Student Director and for the same for the production of Music Man. Charley Farley was presented a trophy for his Writing for the V-show. Laurie Dambrosio was given an award for her work in properties for Music Man. Pat Hurley received the same award
for her efforts in Miracle Worker. Howard Heenan was given an award for Construction. Dave Chastain was given a special award for Freshmen. The Thespian society also awarded medals for outstanding service to Heather Hayes, Margie Beckman, and J e a n n i e Schroeder for Makc-Up.
Department Award Business Education Margaret Aliprandi
Department Award English Susan Nagle
(CONTiNi'Ei-) ON ^.^aE 2)
Music Department awards wore presented to outstanding seniors at the Music Department Awards banquet on May 22. Linnea Sauter received the National S c h o o l Orchestra Award from Mr. Lloyd Spear director of the Orchestra. Dale Sopocy was awarded the John Phillip Sousa Award by Mr. Gordon E. McLean, director of the bands. Dale plays trombone in the Concert Band. Martha Hale received the National School Choral Award from choral director Mr. Irwin Bell. Arion Awards were presented in the areas of Chorus, Band and Orchestra by Mr. Bell, Mr. McLean, and Mr. Walter M. Flechsig. Betsy Fisher and Grechen Van Natta recieved honors for choral participation. Bob Cowie and Russ Larsen recieved honors for band, and Kayleen Nordskog was honored for orchestra. Vickie Walley and Laurie Shedden each recieved Inspiration Awards. The Tri-M "Top Notcher" Award went to Wayne Miller. Members of Tri-M voted on this award earlier in May. Seventeen new Tri-M members were initiated. They are Bruce Anderson, Larry Barcheski, Chris Been, Jan Brockhoff, Maruy Carlson, Larry Frakes, Judy Harlan, Sarah Johnson, Diane Latta, Michael Littwin, Kim McPheeters, David Newton, Liz Nusser, Kenneth Oberg, John Stagg, Mary Stout, and Karen Sundberg. Tri-M officers for 1968-1969 are: President, Joel Morris; Vice-President, Linda Johnson; Secretary, Kathy Goll; and Treasurer, Kathy Schmunk.
Present officers of Tri-M are: President Wayne Miller; vicePresident, Marilyn Johnson; Secretary, Gretchen Van Natta; Treasurer, Tania Nelson; Publicity Chairman, Martha Hale; Sergeant-At-Arms, David Larson; Chaplain, Betsy Fisher; and historian, Kayleen Nordskog.
Department Award Home Economics Blair Eastmem
Department Award Industrial Education Curtis Breckan
Beth Lake Joins Astro Workshop Amazed but excited was the reaction of Marybeth Lake when she found she had been accepted in the Astro-Science Workshop, a course open to students of the greater Chicago area who have demonstrated a special ability and interest in astronomy and the related sciences. The program, under the auspices of the National Science Foundation, conducted a battery of tests and interviews in their search for 50 select students interested in astronomy. The students will meet every Saturday morning during the school year at the Adler Planetarium. Through the lab sessions conducted at each meeting, they will be introduced to and will dicsover astronomical problems and relationships. The other half of each session will be open for round table discussions, enabling each student to talk with nationally known astronomers. Field trips are also made to observatories and research centers. Under his own guidance, each student will undertake a research project and upon completion, present a short paper.
Page 2
June 3,1968
Begin Constructing Little Maine South' Maine South has contributed $1000, through tfte Brotherhood Society project of bricks, to bricks, to build a "Little Maine South" in the west central portion of India. The Oxford School Service Club of Hartford, Connecticut, contributed $88. Twenty-five years ago the village of Rajaluadi did not exist. The farmers lived in the village of Sillad and walked to their fields every day. As the village grew, the farmers found it more convenient to live on their land instead of in Sillad. A community was formed about two miles from Sillad, and it became the present village of Rajaluadi. The people of Rajaluadi, India, are either shepherds or farmers. Rajaluadi is located in the Ghat region of Western India. The population is about 400, living within about 90 houses. Agriculture is the main source of income, and the farmers raise mostly sorgum and vegetables. Goats, calves, and buffalo are herded. The vUlage is located about one-half mile from a national highway that connects the city of Awangabad to the Ajanta canen, which is only twenty miles north of Rajaluadi. Compared to most villages in India, Rajaluadi is strikingly different. It is a well-planned village although small, and the houses cover an area in a quadrangular shape. During the rainy season from June to September, the road connecting Rajaluadi with Sillad and the main road is more often washed out, making it impossible for the motorized vehicles to pass. The people themselves own no motorized vehicles, so it really offers only a small amount of discomfort. The people of Rajaluadi speak the language Marathi. At present approximately forty chil-
Artist water color of the future "Little Maine South" in Rajaluadi, India.
dren from the village attend the village school. It is a one-room building donated, rent free, by Sitaram Go Daji. It is dark, lacking adequate light and ventilation, and it is much to small for even an enrollment of onehalf the present size. Rajaluadi is a growing community. It has not been able to build a schoolhouse for its citizens because the farmers are poor, and the farms are actually a few acres per family. The farmers are able to grow adequate food to feed the family, but can rarely grow enough for extra money. Donald Schatzberg, Peace Corps volunteer, explains in his letter about Rajaluadi, to Mr.
to Rajaluadi to show the people where they are getting their school budding from. Contact Mr. Ken Faulhaber, Brotherhood faculty sponsor, or Ty Sigmund '69, Brotherhood president, for further information on sending materials on Maine South and Park Ridge to India.
Mother Duck Promenades with her nine children.
Probably on her way to Home Ec class.
Lee Brainerd is the "Lady in Red" at Senior Red and White day.
Thespians Award Honors (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1)
Medals went to Carol Mickelson, House Management; Jim Luety, four years of dance chorus; John Welzenback Performance; Nina Musso and Kathy Steinberger for Choreography and to Lee Brainerd for All Around Service.
Girl's Elect Officers
ii New Girls' club officers for 1968-69 are (standing) Debby King, treasurer; Meg Cannon, vice-president; and Carol Eriksen, secretary. Seated in Andrea Sampracos, president.
Department Award Language Sue Grainger
Ken Faulhaber, Brotherhood Sponsor, "When the village leaders heard I was going around the villages to find a suitable place for an SPD project, they didn't even wait for me to come to their village." "They came to me and asked me to come and see their village," he continued. "I went the next day and was met by villagers with such enthusiasm as I had not seen in the many other villages I had been to. "They explained that although they were poor, they wanted a school enough to go to great lengths to get it." However, the village needed money to build the foundation. The men explained that they
would get rocks from a quarry on the other side of the mountain. Men began volunteering their oxcarts for transportation. Litaran Go Daji was unanimously elected coordinator of the work. "He is a young man greatly concerned with the community," said Mr. Schatzberg. "He owns probably the largest amount of land. He is the one who approached me in the first place." "The village needs a symbol of accomplishment, a greater sense of pride in their community," stated Mr. Schatzberg in his letter. This village will set an example for all other small, surrounding villages, an ideal village with a good system of sanitation also. The day after the two-room schoolhouse is finished, there will be two teachers. The village expects an enrollment of eighty to one hundred pupils in the primary school. Children will come not only from Rajaluadi, but from neighboring villages. The school is expected to be completed in June if all goes according to plans. The men of the village will also use the new building as a meeting house at night. The Peace Corps volunteer requests that any materials from and about Maine South be sent
Department Award Mathematics Paul Mitchell
At the Honors Assembly the Society will also present a Thespian Scholarship. Each one of the 84 initiates to the Thespians had earned ten points in dramatic productions as a prerequisite to membership. One point represents a minimum of ten hours work on a production. Each production task is assigned a maximum number of points with no production exceeding ten points. Sponsors of Thespians keep a record of each participant's accomplishments. Once a student has become a Thespian, he receives a star award for each ten points earned. After earning four stars or fifty points, the student is elevated to the position of Honor Thespian. Dick Heron received his one hundred tenth point after four years on Maine South Productions. Dick has taken part in every dramatic production presented at this school since it opened. Howard Keenan. Carla Oleck, Guy Riddle, Fred Sasser, Kurt Steinhauser, Karen Waldmann, and John Wittenmeier were elevated to the position of Honor Thespians with sixty or more points, the highest award Thespian Society can present. Special citations were presented to head custodian Raleigh Klipstein and custodian Sig Jenson for cooperation and help in the year's productions.
Department Award Music Wayne Miller
Mother Duck Returns, Raises S in Art Court Maine South is once more proud to announce the birth of baby ducks in the art court. On May 15, nine little ducks hatched in the nest outside the window of Mrs. Clausen, secretary for Dr. Watson. For three years in a row now, the art court has been turned into a maternity ward. Mrs. Clausen thinks this duck is the same one that came two years ago. because these ducks used the same nest, while the one last year made a new one. The ducks this year will be banded for the first time, so that they will be recognizable if they come back again. The ducks will be kept for
Department Award Girls' Physical Ed Katherine Fullerton
about two months, until they can take care of themselves. When they are ready to leave, the custodians will lead them through the buEding and out the , front door where they will be able to join the drake in the front pond. One unhatched egg still remains in the nest. Editors note: Since the writing of this story one of the ducklings drowned in their small pool. Littlest of the group, this one had come to near disaster the previous day but was rescued by Mr. Barker and nursed . back to seeming health by Mrs. Tillmans, the switchboard operator.
Department Award Boys' Physical Ed Douglas Bonjour
June 3, 1968
Page 3
'We, The Senior Class, Do Hereby Bequeath...' I, Miss Hogan, being of arbitrary body and despotic mind, do hereby bestow the following on Mr. Timothy H. Little in the hope that he will become truly inspired to write the definitive history of Portugal as a Western European power: 1. One Mortimer Barteue,. 2. One Hungarian brownie with Magyar punch. 3. One board game entitled "From Sin to Success in Renaissance Europe." 4. One future Yale student who does two isometrics during World War II. 5. One French Revolution resistance movement dress. 6. One more student who can cover 100 yards in less than 5 seconds. 7. One soft foam pad for the floor between rows 3 and 4. 8. One tablet of blank paper to answer the pressing questions: "Why is Russia so big?". I, Mike Cunningham, being of sound mind and body in spite of 4 years at Maine South, will my uncanny ability to get caught every time I cut to Angelo Cichino, the Junior who has shown a vast potential in that specialized field. I also will my ability to not live up to my potential to any outstanding Junior who shows promise of not making the grade. I, Steven Geisler, do NOT will Lenore Raia to anyone who will be at South next year. I, Roy Martino, do hereby will to Budd Bowen and George Evcrding, future Varsity Basketball Managers, one box of Di-Gel for Dave "Moby" Butz, a half a box of Compoz for Coach Brady, my well-used • "Great in 68" button, and all the managerial moves which I had at my command in the '67'68 season. I, Bruce Anderson, hereby will the cafeteria food to North Viet Nam where it can do some good in our war effort. I, Cathy Jo Mayla, will Mrs. Schultz peace of mind now and forever. And to all the future officers of the Riding Club, I will all the troubles of the club. Being of fishy mind and very fed-up body, I, Jim O'Donnell, will two coho salmon lures to any ambitious fisherman who wants to look for them off the left side of Montrose Pier. I, Wayne Miller, being of sound mind and mediocre body do bequeath my booming voice to Dean Simonson in exchange for his bull horn. I, Michael Pohlman, being of sound and disposing mind and memory, and considering the uncertainty of life after High School, do make, publish and declare this to be my last will and testament as follows: I hereby bequeath to Mike Venson my only possession, my greasy comb. I, Diane Willey, for many months buried in lost and never found items, leave the entire mound (3,000 grammar books, 4,000 notebooks, 5,000 single gloves, and anything else you can name but what people ask for) to any NHS member who
Department A w a r d Science Geoffrey Priest
can open the door with the key. I, Anonymous, being considered totally insane, do hereby bequest to the Dean one sign to read as follows: To ere is human: to forgive is devine. I, Walt Skawski, being of never, never mind do hereby will my brother John a partially used imagination, if the paranoids have not taken it already. I, Sandi Lee, being of somewhat sound mind and body do will my navy blue practice shorts with the broken zipper, and my black-stock Athletic shirt to the Jr. members of the squad who can really aprepciate their value. Also one pair of green fingerprints and one pair of scissors for anyone who might need to trim their pom-pons at the last minute. We, Karen Waldmann and Jackie Emo, being of no minds and overworked (?) bodies (at least they're tired), wUl to Mr. Padberg several cans of rotten paint (any color; and two deteriorating drops; and to the GREAT Maine South crew, we will Mr. Padberg being of failing and equally as tired body and hope they break a leg or two next year. I, Ruthie Schlesser, will my reputation as GTS (Goodie Two Shoes) to any underclass girl who wants a pat on the back. We, Chris Makrey and Jan DiDomenico, being of warped minds and gorgeous bods, do hereby bequeath to C h u c k Francis a lifetime supply of colored chalk, 1 large can of air freshener to clear the stench of the smelly graph stencU, one primary spelling book, and an adding machine. I, Carol Adkins, hereby bequeath to one Mr. Little the best in the series of Nancy Drew: "The Secret of the Golden Pavlion," I, Mike Muscahal, do hereby bequeath nothing to nobody, because when I go, I'm taking it all with me. I, Bob Shannon, no longer of sound mind after 3 years in America, will to the next Australian to come to Maine South the ability and fortitude to put up with Americans before he can get used to such people as Jim Kreutzer, Jim Barret, Lee Magas, Don Dumich and Jim Heitman. I also will to this same poor person the experience to pass Bill Schuessler's rigid Americanization tests and now tell this newcomer to give up in his futile fight against corruption. Also I will to Dave Litell my tennis position and wish him better luck against Bishop. I, Neva Towne, being of absent mind and body by Fisher, do hereby bequeath my auto notebook with large color illustrations of hydraulic value lifters, my oversized shop coat number B-20, the extra and leftover auto parts (including piston, 5 rings, 2 gears, 10 washers, and a few bearings), and what is left of my giant
Department Award Social Sciertce Gary T. Johnson
sized jar of grease remover with lanolin, to the next girl to take automotive fudnamentals here at SOUTH. To my dear, little, sophomore sister, Carol, I, Barb Muzzey, gladly give my two famous nicknames Fuzz and Buzz and my fourth locker lock to the kid that stole the other three. I. Henry Perez, being of sound body and an ingeneous mind, which was able to come up with ingenious past-times for physics lectures will to any willing physics student UGH's and NVHAT's graphs plus eraser dice, race track, shop game, and countdown devices so that he may not sleep and maybe hear a thing or two. I, Rex Smith, son of Dean Smith, being of doubtful mind and body, will the impleasant task of being the ideal model of a student to the next unfortunate kid whose parent teaches at Maine south. We, Pete Swinnerton. Walt Wallace, Ed Erickson, and the numerous other radicals of the senior class being of tremendous collective mind, do leave to Rich Hyde, Erik Graff, Hank Kupjack, and any other prospective or present revolutionaries that marvelous bellious social reform spirit, 4 copies of Student Voice, "Vote for Hyde" tags, one cafeteria boycott propaganda sheet, different solidarity bookstore inflammatory articles, and the tremendously cooperative Maine South proletariat. May they all be active. Louis Kossutt lives! I, Willis Jones, being sensitive and self-conscious to prejudices of any and all kinds, and in the tradition that I have established of not offending anyone until I myself have been offended, — don't leave a thing! I, Ralph Childs, do hereby will a slightly used corkscrew from the summer of 67, to any student lucky enough to go to France. I also leave 55 pounds of overweight luggage to Judy Harlan, the AFS student from Maine for the summer of 68. I, Chuck Paul, will my freaky ideas, along with my mind, and my freaky ideals to Miss Freeman, for further study. FREAKOUT! I, Warren Pazen, hereby bequeath to my trigonometry teacher, Mr. Bostic, my slightly used toupee. I, Scott Standa, will to John Andrews my excellent driving habit and the hubcaps from my car. I, James Maloney, being of warped mind and disgustingly rowdy body do hereby wiU to John Richmond my red and blue Kazoo and all its psycehedehc attachments so that he may take over the roll of "School Rowdy." I, Gus CoUias, being of uncertain constitution, do hereby will to Audrey Altstadt my perennial objectivity, my perpetual logic, and my never-failing sketpicism, being assured that it will probably make no dif-
National Orchestra Association Award Linnea Sauter
ference since her thinking probably can not transcend the administration of environment, anyway. I, Linda Lynch, being in sound mind and body do hereby will my gorgeous seat in C-147 cafeteria overlooking the large white post to Barb Lynch, and my four-year-old holy gj'm suit to a person most in need of my generous offer, and my seat in the spectator gym from which I can only see the flag and the Pom Pon girls' pom pons to Martha Finlrock, a worthy Junior. I, Cherie Giller, of questioning mind, hereby will to any deserving junior Mr. Taylor as government teacher next year in hope that someday somebody will understand one of his "jokes." We, Sue Duzynski and Barb Weil, being of feeble mind and body, do humbly will the parties we threw every morning at Carrel No. 13 to any deserving junior. I, Barb Weil, of weak mind and red eyes, will my last ten months electric bill to any Junior taking French IV next year. I, Don Toni, will my title of "Interested Senior" bestowed upon my by Bill Jones to any junior, dumb enough to wait around after school, and be dragged into a class council meeting. We, Sue Moore, Willis Taylor LaMont Jones Jr. Esq-, Lisa Castle, Pete Swinerton, Dale Trischan, and the Marvelousbut-elusive Rabbit God, do wish to will any bad habits, good advise, or eccentricities to anyone, please do so below and any suggestions — both humorous and serious for improving Maine South need we reimind you anything you read off-color will be censored. We, the 2B-3 AP English class, being of AP-Battered minds and goody-stuffed bodies, after two years of seeking knowledge of Bill, do hereby bequeath four yellow birds, "It's Academic Games," Paradise Lost, Diggory Venn and Lucy Manette, "Roof," the famous bottle baby and a despairing yet patient Mr. Silkowski to console next year's class with "Peace, we have much to do and little time to do it in. Peace!" I, Susan Moore, do hereby authorize this as my offical will. To Hank Kupjack I will the ability to keep his clothes on and a less obnoxious disposition; to the retarded gym classes leave Melissa Siebert, Phyllis Ehert, and Jann Henricksen in hopes that they'll be in different classes; to Mr. Beatty I will one used Southwords staff, and to the library I will a new set of Library Ladies, gift-wrapped. The senior members of the Maine South Tennis Team, being the world's championship team at stuffing the most people into an Opel Kadette, hereby, bequeath to Mr. Les Kent, cur beloved coach, the follow-
National Choral Association A w a r d Martha Hale
ing: Dave Flanagan's self-made index cards on every tennis player in Illinois, Mike Masoncup's list of not-so-nice words. Bob Shannin's book entitled "How to Psyche Out Your Opponent," Don Lathrop's Immortal best seller on "How to get thrown off a tennis team three times in one year and live to tell about it," Chris Hansen's ability to get along with teammates, Roy Martino's red tennis ball to play Bemeji with next year's team with, and Jim Kruetzer's book on "How to get the brown." Finally, all of us wish you a great deal of luck for next year, because, Les, you're sure gonna need it! I, Scott Bremer, being of reasonably sound mind, do hereby bequeath to F. John Gilles the wreckage of the Maine South Debate Squad after the termination of the Bremer-Johnson Dynasty; to any brave, individualistic soul I will the title and position of Only Conservative In Tri-S (good luck); and to Kay Lewis I leave one slightly battored European History text, still bearing scars from the first Annual Advanced Placement European History Louis Kossuth Day Celebration. I, Fred Fritz, being of sound mind and body (?), do will my big gym locker, with no hooks, in the senior locker room, to any junior who will have no clothes to hang up. I, Sue Irvine, will my semipermanent seat in homeroom to some lucky senior next year who will never be able to enjoy it because they are too busy changing seats with either the sophomores or juniors. I, Theodore D. Woytowicz, after extensive counseling and excessive deliberation, have ascertained that in my emminent capacity as the only thoroughbred male of Polish extraction existing in captivity; should, through my insurmountable benevolence bequeath my soubriquet "Polack" to Joe Paczkowski. I, Mary Kristmann, being of sarcastic mind, do wUl to one Howard Keenen the title of "cynic in residence" for showing aptness, originality, and sincerity of thought. I, Jim Sherman, do hereby will that Jim (Half-Pint) Cole, the sophomore phenomonon, continue my undefeated two year record of finishing first on the warm-up lap for the Maine South Cross Country team. Being of unquestionably sound mind and a perfect physical specimen, I, John Beton, bequeath the following: 1. My button collection to Richard Hyde — if he doesn't pick them up by June 5, they will be dumped on his front lawn. 2. My White Sox tickets to anyone intelligent and wise enough to take them. 3. My simulation materials to Hank Kupjack 4. My position on the Tri-S executive board to any up-coming young radical. (CONTINUED ON PAGE C>
Sousa Band Award Dale Sopocy
Page 4
June 3, 1968
Senior MVP's Selected
Dave Larson
Mike AAasoncup
Les Mathews
Frank McCullough
Dave Miller
Paul Riis
Tom Spotts
k J&
Jeff Rehder
Jim Sherman
V A.
Chris Zei
Dave Flannagan Dave Flannagan has played Varsity tennis for three seasons, and this year has attained the number one position in singles. He has been a keyman on past varsities which have set a tradition of winning conference honors each season for Maine. At his first singles spot, Dave has compiled a winning record v/hile facing some of the toughest competition in the state. His competition includes the number one and two singles champions for niinois. Against Glenbrook South, Dave was within two points of beating Tom Snyder, v/ho is also very highly rated. In state district competition, Dave helped the team to take the tough District trophy, but failed to qualify for state since he and Chris Hanson were beaten out in a semi-finals doubles match. The same thing happened to him in last year's competition. Dave has made many achievements in tennis here at South and has the ability to do well in future tennis competition. Paul Riis This year marked the culmination of an excellent school career in gymnastics for Paul Riis. Paul has performed well on the high bar for his last two years of varsity competition which ended with a fifth place stale finish this year. This years gymnasts won conference honors under Coach Riccitelli, and Paul played a major role in the victory with a second place conference finish. Surprisingly, Paul was only able to take a seventh in Districts before taking bis fifth in state competition. His finish in the conference in his Junior year was third. In the Thornridge Invitational, in which Paul took fifth place on the high bar, many of the finer teams in the state were represented. This consistent showing on Paul's part was a big reason that he was elected most valuable player this year by his teammates. Andy Huebner Andy Huebner '68 was voted Most Valuable Player by his teammates at the end of this year's fencing season. In the downstate competition, Andy fenced his way to being the tenth best fencer in the state. There are only 10 fencers in Illinois that Andy has never beaten. Throughout the year, Andy was first on the team. He led the team to a record of 8 wins & 4 losses and 2 ties, and contributed to Maine's seventh place finish in the slate. Out of 72 matches, Andy won 55 and lost only 17. Other team members were Dave Littell '70, Larry Lykowski, '68 Dave Hicks '69, Fred Henshaw '69, and Gary Jochim '68. The team was coached by Miss Karen Kenyon. Dave Larson Pitching was about the only strong point on our basebaU teamt his year, and so Southwords passed up several respectable hitters and bestowed the most valuable award on ace hurler Dave Larson. Finishing out the year with a bruised leg and a sore-arm, Larson nevertheless puUed up with a great earned-run average of 1.01. Unfortunately, Dave received little support at the plate, so consequently, his final record looked something like 4-3, not to mention several fine performances which do not show up in the win-loss column. In perhaps his finest effort, Dave pitched 14 innings while giving up only three hits, and in that time, he gave up only one hit in the first thirteen frames. He was finally lifted for a pinch-hitter in the fourteenth, and the Hawks went on
to lose 6 to 3. Statistic-wise, Dave made seven starts, finishing three, two of which were losses. He pitched 61 2/3 innings, giving up twenty-eight hits and nine earned runs, while striking out sixty-six. Mike Masoncnp When he was on his game, which was very often, he had the prettiest and most effective shot on the team, and so to add to the fact that he was already named team most valuable and all-conference, Mike Masoncup is Southword's choice for senior cage most valuable. This hot-shooting guard was third in team scoring behind Gary Lange and Dave Butz with 272 points, and when he was hot, he was something to watch. From his guard spot, he had possibly the best soft-shot in the conference. In one game against Niles North, he popped in five in a row from the same place, and would probably have broken twenty easily had he not fouled out early in the third quarter. His finest moment came, however, in the Waukegan sectional game when everyone on the floor was ice-cold. The game was as close as any played all season, and Waukegan even pulled ahead for awhile in the third quarter, and they possibly would have won had not Masoncup, shooting at a 58 per cent clip, put fifteen pwints, eleven in the second half to keep the Hawks in the lead for good. Les Mathews Senior Les Matthews, returning letterman of the Maine South Varsity golf team, has consistently played outstanding golf throughout this entire season. Les has been a member of the Varsity team for four years in a row. Earlier in the season Coach Louis Gartner stated that Matthews is one of the finest golfers in the state. Last Saturday Les proved this to be a fact by playing a spectacular game to gain the twelfth place position in State. Les has been playing in the 70s all season, an excellent score for high school competition. Les has been the lowest scorer, or medalist, in the majority of meets which the Hawks have participated in this year. Les also participated in State competition last year and shot a terrific round to take an eighth place with an exceptional score of 156. Matthews was hot in this year's meet also with a fine score of 160. Matthews has been the one strong factor which has held the team together and enabled it to go as far as it has this year and last. Frank McCullough Frank McCullough is Southword's choice for the honor of outstanding senior swimmer. Part of the McCullough dynasty in Maine South swimming, Frank is a four-year letterman in the sport. Frank has been selected by the team as most valuable in both his sophomore and junior years. This year, Frank scored the second highest number of points on the team. Also, he has received AU-American honors since his sophomore year in the 100 yd. backstroke, and was part of the slate champion medley relay team his junior year, in addition to being stale champ in the backstroke. In addition, Frank is a twoyear letterman in golf, and was a leader for Maine South in the recent stale golf meet. Dave Miller Dave Miller was co-selection for outstanding senior wrestler along with Jeff Rehder, as both men had almost identical records. Ihis year, Dave wrestled in
the 165 pound division, chalking up a fine record of 15 wins and 7 losses. Individual honors won by Dave this year include a third place in the Ridgewood Invitational Tournament, a first place in the Glenbrook South Tournament, a first in the Forest View Quadrangular, and a third in the district meet. Dave also was a football letterman in his senior year, play- . ing offensive guard and defensive linebacker. Jeff Rehder Jeff Rehder, the other co-selection is a two-year letterman in wrestling, having seen action in the 112 pound class and 120 pound class in the last year. He had established a fine win-loss record of 16 and 7. Among other things, Jeff won a second • place finish in the Ridgewood Invitational Tournament, a third in the Glenbrook South Tournament, and first place in districts. Jeff was also selected to the honorable mention conference team this year. In addition to wrestling, Jeff lettered in football during his senior year. Jim Sherman Jim Sherman is this year's choice for most outstanding senior in cross country. Jim, throughout most of this year's season, was the Hawk's number one runner. However, contrasting to the number one man of other teams, Jim's role consisted of consistantly leading a small group of Maine's harriers in outscoring the individual stars of the other teams. These consistant efforts on the part of Jim were in no small way responsible for the Hawks' imdefeated record in dual meets. In addition to leading the cross country team, Jim was also the fine distance man for the Hawk track team, lettering in his junior and senior years. Tom Spotts Tom Spotts, in what should be no great surprise, kicks off Southwords' list of senior most ' valuable players by unanimously taking the football award. For Tom, it is just another award, tacked on to a list already made quite long, as he has already received team MVP, along with all-conference, aU-area, all-state, and player of the year classifications. Playing halfback, he easily • took the conference scoring championship with a total of 102 points which was 54 more than Jim Schmitz, a split-end here at South who was second. In 201 carries, he gained 1364 yards, a feat right there in itself. Tom showed fine versitality on the field, running well in the open field as well as off the line. He even took a pass for a score in one game. He was most exciting, however, in Maine's Green Baytype power-sweep in which he took a hand-off or a pitch-out . and after picking up the fine blocks which the Hawk line consistently provided, he would force his way into the open despite the utmost efforts of the opposition to stop him. Chris Zei Chris Zei is Southwords' choice for outstanding senior on this year's track team. A three-year letterman in ' track, this year Chris leads the team in scoring with 184 points, far more than his closest competitor. Chris has been particularly outstanding in the dash events, taking firsts in all of them "in some meets. He was also usually the anchor man in Maine's fine 880 yd. relay team. In the 220 yd. dash Chris placed second in districts this year, and made it to the semifinals of the state meet. Displaying versitility, Chris even accumulated points in the pole vault in the indoor season.
June 3,1968
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Dave Butz Sets New State Discus Record
Maine South's Hall of Fame has existed as long as the school has, but only this year have the pictures of those qualifying for this honor appeared on the wall above the trophy case. Since then, a small population explosion has taken place. In the fall of this year, both Tom Spotts and Dave Butz were named to all-state teams by the press, but on top of that, Spotts was chosen as player of the year. Number 24 is on display there now. Following that, junior Tom Neuses became a state champion through elimination tournaments, as he took the 133 pound class crown in the state wrestling meet. Now another face has met the requirements for display in the Hall of Fame — junior Dave Butz. Dave achieved this last Saturday as he shattered the state record in the discus throw by over three and a half feet. Dave began his attack on the mark of 176 feet 8V4 inches of Ed Rogers of Bloomington in tlie Maine East Relays, when he
broke the meet record by posting a distance of 166 feet 4 inches. The following Tuesday in South's first home meet, Dave broke his own personal record by throwing 170 feet 2 inches. That Saturday, Dave broke his owTi record again in the district meet with two throws around 176 feet, one only a half an inch from the current state mark. However, he was still beaten in the finals when Arlington's Tom Chandler set an unofficial state record with a throw of 178 feet 6 inches. This left it up to his performance in the state meet, and Dave rose to the challenge by getting his record throw in the preliminaries, and adding several other excellent throws, but the amazing distance of 180 feet 4 inches stood as the new state record. Dave also saw action a week ago in the conference triangular with Niles West and New Trier West, in which he took firsts in discus with an "average" throw of 170 feet 11 inches and in shot put, which he won with a 47
Netmen Hold on to Slim Second Place at Finish As of the end of the dual meet competition, which ended last week, the tennis team was holding onto a slim second place standing. The team has lost two conference meets this season, both of them being 2-3 scores against Glenbrook South and New Trier West. These results come as a surprise when considering the outstanding potential and talent which this team had. Although the record is impressive, a sweep of the conference meets was expected. Except for the two losses, all of South's scores were shutouts and a 4-1 decision over the Warriors of Maine West. The brightest spot of the season for the Hawks was their district victory over many fine teams. Despite this victory, none of the players qualified to go down state. This situation had never occured in state competition before. For the second year, Dave Flanagan and Mike Masoncup have led the team in the singles positions. Both have done a fine job this year, with good records despite many bad breaks. Bob Shannon has done an excellent job at third singles, as
have Don Lathrop and Chris Hanson at first doubles. Roy Martino and Jim Kruetzer have accumulated many victories at second doubles. All of these players have been on the varsity for two years, six of them being lettermen. Both the varsity and sophomores will be trying to lake conference in the conference meet, which could not be covered due to printing deadlines. With a change of luck this could be done on both levels.
of 10:07.5 and 10:12.2. Jim Benda took another second in the high hurdles in a time of 15.6, while Bob Spicer finished fifth in 18.2. Senior Chris Zei and junior Al Burgess finished fourth and fifth respectively in the 100 yrd. dash in times of 10.5 and 10.7. Junior Mike Strelka took another second in the 880 yd. run, being edged out by a tenth of a second at a 2:03.0 time. Sophomore Bob Cesario took a fourth in this event. The 880 yd. relay team, Bill Schuessler, Ralph Murdy, Bruce Zintz, and Chris Zei, took a sec-
Go//ers Win Uth Place
Dave Butz displays his winning f o r m in a recent home meet. feet 3V4 inch distance, to lead the Hawks in a double victory. South scored 84 points to 79 for Niles West and 58 for New ference standing in such meets ference standing in such meets to five wins and two losses. The only firsts for Maine besides those taken by Dave were taken by junior Jim Benda in the low hurdles in a time of 20.9 and by the mile relay team of senior John Rubeo and juniors Ralph Murdy, Mike Strelka, and Jim Benda. Superior depth, however, paid off for the Hawks, as they took eight seconds and five thirds. Sophomore Jim Cole and senior Pat Mountain took second and third in an extremely fast two mile rim with respective times
Unlike the Niles North game in which Coach VanProyen played only juniors and second stringers since nothing was at stake, the big boys were in there, and for the first timeein a while, the big bats responded. Henry Perez and Doug Sarcia both broke out of long slumps, each going two for three. For Perez, it was extra-sweet as his batting average had
The Maine South Varsity golf team participated in the State golf championship held at the University of Illinois Savoy course and did exceptionally well. The meet was held last Friday and Saturday afternoons. The team itself took the twelfth place position in State thanks to outstanding performances by all five team members. The number one position on the team is held by Les Matthews '68, who shot an excellent 36hole score of 160. The next position is held by Frank McCullough, '68, who also was exceptional with a 161. The remaining members of the team are seniors Rick Sanford who shot a 167, and Scott Standa and Dave Miller who each shot a 168. Matthews and McCullough, who have been outstanding golfers all season, made spectacular showings in the State competition and managed twelfth and eighteenth place positions respectively. Last week the Hawks also won
a conference meet by defeating Niles North, but they lost to New Trier West by the score of 310 to 320. This makes the Hawk's season record 5 wins and 2 losses in dual meets. The New Trier meet was the last of the season for the Hawks. Matthews was again the medalist of the meet with a commendable score of 73. On Friday, May 10, the Hawks won the privilege to participate in the State meet by defeating thirteen other schools, including Evanston, Niles North, and Maine East in the District finals held at the Chevy Chase Country Club. Matthews was again the hero as he shot a low 77 for Maine. Next Tuesday the Hawks will finish up their season by challenging all the teams in the conference for the conference championship. Coach Gartner, who is generally pleased with the teams' progress this year, has high hopes for his Hawks in this meet.
Nyren Leaves To Become Coach at Brown Coach Marvin Nyren has resigned his position to become offensive line coach at Brown University, Providence, Rhode Island, next year. Dr. Clyde K. Watson announced this week. Coach Nyren, a Maine graduate, has been head football coach at South since the school opened in 1964. "I hate to leave South," said Coach Nyren, "I've enjoyed my coaching here and have enjoyed working with the fine young men of this community. But I want to see if I can meet the chal-
lenge of college coaching. This first move as an assistant will give me a chance to learn and to try my skills." Coach Nyren's new position is an 11 month job combining coaching and recuriting high school graduates from the Chicago area. "Brown University is just beginning a rebuilding process in football. Head coach Lynn Jardone feels we are two to three years away from a top competition team," Nyren said. Brown University competes in
Diamondmen Close Out Season A most disappointing baseball season came to a close last Wednesday as the diamondmen finished the year just over.500 with a 10-9-1 mark. The year did, however, end on somewhat of a joyfull note, as the Hawks, coming off a two game losing skid, beat New Trier West 8 to 3, bringing Maine's conference record up to .500 with a 7-7 mark, good for a fourth place tie. Those eight runs represent the biggest number the Hawks have scored in one game this year, and the ten hits they knocked out in the process has not been topped all season but has been equalled once.
ond, finishing at 1:35.0. Senior John Rubeo was the only Hawk to place ni the 440 yd. dash, taking a fifth in 54.5. Junior John Zipparro and sophomore Mike Murzyn finished second and third in the mile run with times of 4:46.3 and 4:49.3. After the conclusion of all of the field events and running events, the Hawks and Niles West were tied, with only the mile relay remaining. South's team, John Rubeo, Ralph Murdy, Mike Strelka, and Jim Benda, came up with an excellent performance to win in a 3:30.9 time.
dropped all the way down to 0.98, as of one point, he went hitless in six straight games. Junior John Gawaluck kept right on slugging away as he has in the last two weeks, knocking out two in three innings. It boosted his average to .375 after twenty-four official trips which is high for the team. Recapping the season, it was a most disappointing season, as the Hawks slid from state contenders to a .500 ball club. Lack of alert play hurt the Hawks all season long, as poor base running and sloppy fielding took its toll on the loss column. Every now and then, it seemed as though the team would start to roll, but every lime another poor game would wipe out the spark. Looking forward to next year, several fine prospects will be around returning from this years campaing. John Gawaluck will return with his big stick, while Ralph Remus will be a fine mound threat. Remus finished out this season with a 5-2 record and an
excellent earned-run average of 0.79. Other names such as Mike Lange, Doug Sarcia, Mike Venson, Curt Cade could well fill the other positions.
the Ivy League, and has the same high academic standards as the other Ivy League schools. Dr. Watson praised Coach Nyren's contribution to South saying, "Marv Nyren is a leader in his field. He is not only a good coach but is also a fine leader of young men. He has the complete respect of his students. We feel his leaving is a distinct loss to the school. He will be difficult to replace. He has set a tradition of winning football for the school, and we hope it can continue." Athletic Director Olan K. Wislon commented, "Marv Nyren has done a good job and we obviously hate to lose him, but we wish him every possible success at Brown University and in his future." Coach Nyren graduated from Maine East in 1953. He attended and graduated from the Uni versity of Michigan. He stayed
one year at Michigan as a graduate assistant in coaching. He came to Maine West as assistant to Ken Olsen in 1959. Coming to Maine South as Head coach in 1964, Coach Nyren teams have compiled a winning record of 21 wins, 9 losses, and 2 ties in four years.
Mafejzel Has Top Average at Illinois
Close action f r o m South and Maine West game. Hawks finished season at 10 and 9 m a r k , and fourth place in conference.
The latest bit of news floating in from the U. of I. down at Urbana has Auggie Matejzel, the hot hitting, great fielding shortstop of two years ago, leading the Big Ten with a .405 batting average. Auggie, one of two sophomores to make the team, has banged out fifteen hits in thirtyfive trips. In case there is any doubt, this is the same Matejzel who collected five hits in ten official trips to the plate to lead Maine South in the state tournament two years ago.
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Ruth Schlosser
Anne Timme
June 3, 1968
Karen Waldman
John Wittenmeier
Staff Selects Outstanding Senior Achievers Charlie Farley In his four years at Maine South, Charlie Farley has been active in both dramatics and student government. He has been a member of Concert Choir for three years. Contest Speakers Club, National Forensic League, and Thespian Society. This year Charlie was co-head of the writing staff for V-Show and participated in several acts. He also acted as publicity and news director for the radio station WMTH, and appeared as Mayor Shinn in the spring musical Music Man. An active member of Student Council for four years, Charlie acted this year as assembly co-chairman. During both his sophomore and junior years he was Service Corps chairman. He is also a member of Brotherhood Society. Larry Getz Drama and its many activities have held special interest for Larry Getz. This year Larry is program director for the Maine South radio s t a t i o n WMTH and has participated in many sports and rock music programs. A member of Contest Speakers Club and National Forensic League, he took fifth place in the state finals for radio speaking. In the aspect of theatre, Larry appeared in The Diary of Anne Frank, My Sister Eileen,
and Music Man. He was a member of the V-Show writing staff and was cast in several acts. Singing is another one of Larry's fields, for he has been a member of both Mixed Ensemble and Concert Choir for three years. Gary Johnson Gary Johnson has led an active and busy senior year through his participation in many areas. He acted as public relations chairman of Student Council and president of Tri-S Society. He has received history honors in both AP U.S. History and -AP European History, and was last year named winner of the Constitution Contest. He has also participated in the social Science Department's Intemation Simulation. A member of the Debate Squad and National Forensic League, he presided as co-president of Debate this year. Gary was elected to National Honor Society as a junior and acted as vice-president this year. Sue Moore Susan Moore acted as editorin-chief of Southwords this year. Active in journalism for three years, she received a journalism award her sophomore year. She acted as news editor and was elected to Quill and Scroll Society her junior year. A mem-
Home Economics Club Presents Awards for Outstanding Service Sigma Omicron Omicron, the Home Economics Club, presents awards to members who rendered outstanding service to the club during the year. This year, these awards went to: Violet Cline, Candi Davis, Blair Eastman, Chris Eide, Jan Engelen, Jean Forrest, Cindy Golding, Carol Jarosz, Barb Leaf, Chris Leaf, Mary Liptrap, and Donna Lyons. Continuing the list of members receiving outstanding service awards are: Nan Mangun, Dawn Marano, Georgia Marker, Sue Murphy, Vernette Nelson, Nancy Petersen, Mary Stanton,
and Francis Varzhabedian. A scholarship is given to a graduating senior who is majoring in Home Economics at college and has contributed the greatest amount of time to the club, Sigma Omicron, Omicron. This year, a $50 scholarship went to Vernette Nelson. At the Home Economics Club dessert, held May 21, new officers for 1968-69 were announced and installed. They are Cindy Golding president; Georgia Marker, vice-president; Chris Leaf, secretary; and Laurie Hutchinson, treasurer.
ber of the Maine Historical Society, she has participated in the Intemation Simulation for two years and last year received AP US History Honors. Sue also recived an award in German this year. During her sophomore year she participated in Project Share, a tutoring program in Chicago. Chris Nowak As publicity chairman for Senior Class Council, Chris Nowak has played an active part in all senior activities, including the Senior Class play My Sister EUeen, the Senior Prom, and graduation activities. She is a member of the Junior-Senior Leader Program. Chris has also served on Girls Club Council for three years. Henry Perez Henry Perez has combined his interest in sports with that in Boys' Club. He has been a member of both the Varsity Basketball and the Varsity Baseball Teams since his sophomore year. Last year he was elected to Brotherhood Society.
Ruth Schlosser Ruth Schlosser has been an important and active member of Class Council during her four years at Maine South. During her sophomore and junior years she served as secretary; this year she holds the office of treasurer. Ruth is a member of the Junior-Senior Leader program. She is also a member of Brotherhood Society and has served for two years on Pep Club and Girls Club. Anne Timme Anne Timme served as editor-in-chief of the yearbook Eyrie this year. Last year Ann was Girls' Sports Editor of the yearbook and was elected to Quill and Sci'oU Society. She has also been a member of Girls Glee. This year Anne received a government award. Karen Waldmann Karen Waldman has been an active member of Concert Orchestra for three years and has participated in many backstage activities for school productions. This year Karen painted a
Name I t ! Seniors Left It I, Kistsy McMuUen, will to Patti Hastland the presidency of the local "Cheerleader's Competition Organization" and do hereby will the vice-presidency of the afore mentioned to Cassie Chauvin. I, Sandy Schneider, of questionable sound mind and body, will to the up and coming senior gym class of Miss Karen Kenyon, (Grand Canyon) 1 pr. of sopping wet gym shoes, due to the water fountain, 1 air conditioned gym suit, and 1 pr. of smelly gym socks. Good luck with Karen. I, Scott Standa, do hereby will my great skill in working with fiberglas. and my driver license to Rick Pederson. I, Valerie Bmhn, wish to wiU all my tests to anyone in the lower half of their class. I, Sue Knath, in stimulated mind and nervous body do will my swimming cap, Muu-muu and portfolio (not to mention other assorted junk) to anyone,
because I'm too lazy to take it home. 1, John Dehner, being of horribly sober mind and body, do hereby will all of my art treasures to Nicki Siles, who, along with everybody else in the class except for Juan and Myself, managed to keep a straight face during Mr. Johnson's lectures. I, Sue Nagle, being of uncoched mind and rickety body, do hereby will a student lounge, blue jeans, cutlottes and an 8period day to the students of Maine South. Also, I will my name to next year's junior class. I, Dave Miller, in sound mind and tremendous body, do will my black wrestling shoes to Dan Holden who can continue the traditional wrestling image at irritating our illustrious wrestling coach, Mr. Ziemak. I, Jack Svetlik, being of soundless mind and cro-magnum body, do hereby will my bicycle and stick-on tattoes to anyone who can "Go Ape" over them.
large canvas of Abraham Lincoln for a concert honoring the Illinois Sesquicentennial. John Wittenmier The area of dramatics has an outstanding worker in John Wittenmier. He has been a member of lighting staff for four years and has helped in many school productions as well as those for outside groups. This year he served as chief engineer of WMTH, South's radio station. He has just obtained his second class license, which, according to Mr. Chastain, is quite an achievement. All together through his work backstage John has accumulated 1,000 hours of credit.
Co-Fac Project Is New Success One of Student Council's newest and most successful projects is the student Council and faculty discussions, Co-Fac. These meetings are held on a monthly basis, every period of the day. Six students and six faculty members meet in the Home Ec lounge with a very informal atmosphere. The purpose of Co-Fac discussions is to provide the teachers with an opportunity to bring out their ideas. Some of the discussions so far have included ideas on dress code, student privileges, the function, of Student Council, homeroom reports, and the relationship between students and teachers. Teachers at these meetings have suggested simple things that council might never have thought of alone. The students present at CoFac discussions report all suggestions to student council. A list of ideas is being prepared to be presented as motions and discussion early next year. Three sessions were held this year under the supervision of Mary Kemer. Next year the supervision position will be the task of SC vice-president, Jean Paige, The meetings are planned to remain informal and all teachers eventually will be invited.
June 3, 1968
Page 7
Seniors Will Scatter Across Nation This Fall Argentina Rosario-Instituto del Profesorado de Rosario: Annie Verger Arkansas Arkansas State University: Patty Kokonas Arizona University of Arizona: Martin David McGuire, Linda Smith, Susan Taaffe Northern Arizona University: Maral Vischer California Los Angeles City College: Richard Heron Colorado Colorado State University: Salle Ephland, Kris Lund
University of Colorado: Mark Mohill, Don Ayres, Dan Christensen. Heather Hayes University of Denver Sarah Johnson, Melanie Mack, Joan Manning, Bill Sehuessler, Flo Smith Connecticut Yale University: Gary T. Johnson Delaware University of Delaware: Mike Masoncup Florida Embry-Riddle Aeronautical Institute: Jim Brown, Steve Casey Florida Southern College: Kathy Feller Marymount College: Nora Fanelli Miami Dade Junior College: Tony Paternoster St. Leo College: Debbie Fersch University of Miami: Mike Curran Georgia Emory University: Roy Martinos Georgia Institute of Technology: Bruce Broaderick Illinois American Academy of Medical Technology: Leslie Appleby Art Institute of Chicago: Lynda Buckely Augustana College: Wendy Carlsen, Karen Erickson, Wayne Miller, and Kurt Steinhauser Automation Institute: Joyce Miller Blessing Hospital School of Nursing: Kathy McGuire Bradley University: Jim Biegler, John Gann, Marcia Gazel, Marilyn Johnson, Leslie Moak, Michael Plessner Bryant and Stratton: Dan De Paolis, Dave Ehrenkrook, Ben Michalko Cabrini School of Nuring: Diane Geller Career Academy: John Porter Cook County School of Nursing: Bonnie Finnegan, Roxana Russell De Paul University: Neil Koporc
Devry Institute of Technology: Alan Hallberg, Dennis Karina, Bob Larson E a s t e r n Illinois University: Jackie Emo, Jackie Grote, Gregg Zander Elmhurst College: Tom Dulisch, Was Embers, Vincent Pinelli Emmaus Bible School: Jean Rogers Evangelical School of Nursing: Gayle Peterson, Vickie Walley Eureka College: Lynda Gunsteens Harper Junior College: Linda Battaglia, Mike Beaulieu, Tracey Berry, John Blake, Connie Borre, Kathleen Clemens, Mike Cunningham, Elizabeth Eng, Bonny Fauth, Kevin Flanagan, Linda Fruhauf, Cheryl Giller, Lenore Loeding, Jim McCormick, George Mercurio, Greg Miller, Jim Nevins, Tom Partaker, Chuck Paul, Lynn Pillifant, Norm Poderazak, Allyn Roth, Dan Rueschaw, Kathy Sheehan, Lynn Suvick, Louise Thrun, James F. Wolcott Illinois Institute of Technology: Mike Disabato, Gordon Mc Kavanagh, Sherry Zeller Illinois State University: Linda Liston, Glenna Marker, Les Matthews, Dale Mirow, Rick Sanford, Rex Smith Illinois Weslyan: Tania Nelson Kendall Junior College: Betsy Holderby, Don Kaihatso Knox College: Mary Kristmann, Mike Tracy Lincoln College: Gary Ciancio, Dick Forgette, John McNulty, John Rubeo, Roger Simke. Loyola University: Linda Logli McCormick Junior College: Patt Harper, Janet Hoff Millikin University: Jordys Dellar, Linda Gray, Suzanne Luety Robert Morris Jimior College: Jim Fitzsimmons, Debi Locke Moser Secretarial School: Sue Hood National College of Education: Suzanne Wendt, Lynn Daugherty Northeastern Illinois State College: Michele Bryson, Charles Church, June PoUard, Sherry Smaha Northern Illinois University: Susan Algrim, Jim Angster, Bob Bosy, John Boyer, Lee Brainerd, Stephen Brundage, Lynn Bryson, Linda Caine, Vicki Covelli, Nora Czarda, Judy Felix, Karen FrindeU, Cindy Gernhoffer, Georgann Greshiw, Diana Hansen, Debbie Jacobsen, Bill Jares, Bob Kalke, Dave Casper, Jan Kurth, Mike Linnerud, Dennis Lundgren, Larry Lykowski, Thomas Machac, Cassandra Mason, Kris May, Karen Mizer, Kathleen Moore, Michael Muschel, Vemette Nelson, Pat O'Hare, Diana Oleksi, Margeret Pilicrini, Bonnie Powell, Karen Rusteberg, Mark Ruthenbeck, Linda Schneider, Robert Schroeder, Gloria Skaritka, Kathy Sklodowski, Linda P. Smith, Laura Straus, Neva Towne, Dale Trischan, Linda Wunderelle North Park College: Linda Lynch, Leighton H. Olsen Northwestern University: Ralph Childs, David Flanagan, Geoff Priest, Sue Nagel. Walt Skawsk , Dale Sopocy, Nancy Wohlers Monmouth College: Deb Berles, Donna Tagge Prosser Vocational School: Michael Haskins Quincy College: Mary Ellen Milligan Resurrection HosiHtal Nurses Training: Margie Baltic Roosevelt University: Rick Sankey, Walter Wallace South Chicago Community Hospital School of Nursing: Vicky Snider Southern Illinois University: Lawrence Bamhart, Margie Beckman, Curtis Breckan, Gus Gus Collias, Jon Dehner, Jan Deswik, Jeanette Dziedzina,
Carl Faldetta, Jeffrey HaU, Bunny Handt, Dan Haulis, Bunny Howell, Andy Huebner, Bruce Lawnieki, Mike Litwin, Pat Moimtain, Donna Norton, Cathy Paschen, Warren Pazwn, Ron Roser, Don Seelig. Dale Schuber, Art Slaters, Karen Wilson, Bruce Zintz Trinity College: Jane Svensson Tri-State College: Mike Cragg Triton College: Donald Ed Antos, Victor A. Antos, Walt Antos, Dave Brundage, John Conley, Roger Connor, John Cooke, Domenic Toni, Bill Gronhoff, Karen Haglind, John Hartl, John Hermes, Paul Huhtelin, Mark Kreuz, Jim Maloney, Jerry Perberg, Diane Poladian, Paul Ravenna, Sandy Schille, Gary Smith, Mel Valenti, and Mel Trarne. University of Illinois: (Circle Campus) Jim Barrett, John Beton, Martin Bussert, Jody D'Ambrosio, Janet Di Domenico, John Di Domenico, Sylvia D. GrisUs, Leroy Magas, Joe Musumeci, Kathernie Nuccio, Ron Plewa, Evelyn Pilcner, Ken Schoy, Randy Skiba, Craig Shaw, Gary Stancick, Robert Steffen, Diane Willey, Judy Wojeieszek, and John Zanon University of Illinois: (Champagne) Carol Adkins, Mark Anderson, Bill Blunck, Doug Bonjour, Don Braun, Nancy Conifort, John Davis, Robert DeBolt, Roberta Dohrn, Don Dumich, Susan Duzynski, Rosalyn Eadie, Jim Emerson, Ed Erickson, John Flaherty, Fred Fritz, Kenneth Garverick,
Natalie Geremia, Brian Gravenhorst, Georgene Gray, Mark Gunderson, M. William Hardin, Gary K. Johnson, Duane Kelly, Diane Kloga, Marcia Krahl, Debbie La Dolce, Gary Lange, Martin Laurent, Stephen Lietz, Bob Manning, Tom McClayton, Kitsy McMuUen, Susan Moore, Craig Netter, Jan Nottoli, Diane Pawlowski, Susan Peavoy, Henry Perez, Alice Rebechini, Nancy Saxman, Jeanie Schroeder, B o b Shannon, Merry Shute, Bill Skibbe, Tom Steinbach, Larry Sorensen, Pete Swinnerton, Peg Teevan, Janice Tomczyk, Cheryl Travers, Karen Waldmann, and Barb WeU Vocational Technical Institute: Chris Agoranos Washburn Trade School: George Smith Western Illinois University: Sue Bradtke, Nancy Calams, Jan Carlson, Vince Divincenzo, Brian French, Elita Hanger, Carol Lee, Lynne Matousek, Nancy Neuhardt, Chris Nowak, Dennis Reeder, Jeff Rehder, Ardis Rosiak, Pat Townsley, and Curt Wells Wheaton College: Lee Mclntyre, Linnea Sauter
Wilbur Wright Junior College: Pat Karl, Terrence Wignizinski Indiana Anderson College: Charlene Christensen DePauw University: Robert Cowie, Chris Eide, Glenn Larson, CoUeen Sontag University of EvansviUe: Laurie Shedden Grace College: Jim Sherman Hanover College: Chris Cole, Sue Roberts, Cyndie Sterrett Indiana University: Martha Hale, Pat Hurley, Frank McCullough Notre Dame: Jim O'Donnell Purdue University: Rick Edstrom, Fred Sasser, Judy Stagg, Nancy Stauder St. Mary's College: Martine Bethards St. Joseph: Rich Gallet Taylor University: Jim Pietrini, Brenda Wardell Valparaiso University: Terry Cole, Bev Hoffman Iowa Cornell College: Elizabeth Fisher Drake University: Russ Larsen, Warren Oakdale, Borys Slapak, Scott Roberts Iowa Central: Marie Pabich Iowa State University: Ted Woytowicz, Ann Timme, Donna Lyons, Cindy Fay University o flowa: Ruth Schlosser, Barb Muzzy, Cathy Jo Mayla, Ken Matson, Jim Kaiser, Gary Govanus, Jeff Walter, Sue Townsley, Cynthia Board Upper Iowa University: Susan Olsen, Willis Jones Iowa Wesleyan: Joan Tlnghino, Connie Alix, Nancy Harris Luther College: Mary Beyer, Susan Hanke, Sue Knuth Midwestern College: Erich Thuer Kansas College of Emporia: Gene Albert, Marty Balas, Bob Kubow, Jim MacLagan Kansas State University: Gary de Graf Kentucky Kentucky Wesleyan College: Diane Brown University of Kentucky: Bob Haglund Maryland U.S. Naval Academy: David Switzer, Tom Tetlow Massachusetts Smith College: Sue Grainger, Mary Kerner Massachusetts Institute of Technology: Paul Mitchell Michigan Adrian College: Dave Williams Albion College: Ted Potter Hope College: Marilyn Hauber, Kay Nordskog Kalamazoo College: Kurt Baumeister Michigan State University: Judy Van Auken, Ross Rubino, Gretchen Van Natta, Richard Webb University of Michigan: Jim Schmitz Northern Michigan University: Kris Wirsen Western Michigan University: Kathy Fullerton, Lydia Popuelewski Minnesota Lea College: Pat O'Malley, John Uselding St. Olaf College: Bruce Anderson, Connie Battaglia, Scott Bremer, Chris Hansen, Lynn Lohre St. Theresa's College: Patty Cavanaugh Missouri Kansas City Art Institute: Dorothy Zitzler Stephens College: Sue Brubeck Tarkio College: Brian McSweeney, Roger Smith University of Missouri: Charlie Farley, Larry Getz Westminster College: Don Coleman New Jersey Princeton: John Holden New York Cornell University: Mike Barrett
Julliard School of Music: Carl Sentell Rochester Institute of Technology: Charles Baker, Ralph Barzditis Ohio Bowling Green State University: Linda Carney Miami of Ohio: Pat Ludwig, Randy McClure, Nancy Petersen Oklahoma University of Oklahoma: Rocky Smith
Pennsylvania Pennsylvania State University: Hugho Rodham South Dakota Augustana College: John Munch Tennessee University of Tennessee: Dale Olsen Texas University of Corpus Chiisti: Suzanne Sheard Southern Methodist University: Bruce Willhite Washington University of Washington: Tom Haglund Wisconsin Beloit College: Chris Makray Carthage College: Pan Durica, Deby Hannibal, Jim Heitman, Gary Jockim, Frank Johnsen, Roger Klich, Scott Kopoian, Jim Luety, Jennifer Sandell, Cheryl Siles, Lawrence Vander Muelen, Gary Voss Lakeland College: Diane Thornton Milwaukee School of Engineering: Steve Ryan Ripon College: Shirley Darch, Sandy Lee Stout State University: Peggy Davis, Blair Eastman, Pat Lokay, Marilyn Radsek Wisconsin State University: Gail Dent, Tom Elvin, Dennis DiValerio, Craig Edstrand, Joe Roman, John Wittenmeier, Daniel Gussick, Tim Masterson, Tom Abell, Barbara Benzin, Bev Chapin, Wally Gibe, Linda Hayes, Miles Hieronymus, Pat Kartheiser, Steve Moody, Jim Sturm, Kathy Vander Meulrn, Larry Wichman University of Wisconsin: Luz Montero, Laura Loughlln, Pat Konopka, Michelle Leonard Wyoming University of Wyoming: Lynda S. Denes and Jane Olsen. WorkPeggy Aliprandi, Marie Anaclerio, Frank Barbalace, Bill Booney, Ben Brashears, Virginia Carroll, Donna Cherry, Kathy Clift, Eileen Dunn, Kathy Evett, Rita Figgea, (CONTINUED ON PAGE ÂŤ>
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June 3, 1968
13 Industrial Education Boys W i n State Honors Thirteen boys qualified for the finals of the State Industrial Education Exhibit May 16 through 18 at Western Illinois university. All thirteen came home ribbon winners. There were six first place blue ribbon winners, four second place red ribbon winners, and three honorable mention winners. To qualify for competition each boy had to receive a ribbon in the regionals at Northem Illinois university, April 25. Winners of blue ribbons were: Craig Eggleston '69 for a guitar
amplifier, Neil Kruse 'S3 for a transistor tester, Russel Majewski '70, Ronald Mundio '70, Steven Rotchford '70, and Kenneth Zahn '68 for machinists' vises. Red ribbon winners were: Michael Czamecki '68,Jan Koe '68, Andrew Kuczmarski '69, and Ralph Rozny '70 ofr machinists' vises. Those receiving Honorable Mentions were Curt Breckan '68 for a hack saw, Gary Martin for a machinists' vise, and Fred Powers for Instruction Sheets.
Jeanette Dziedzina Is Winner Of Hammond Organ Scholarship Jeanette Dziedzina '68, has been designated by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation as the winner of the Hammond Organ Foundation Scholarship for '68 through '72. Jeanette received the award from David H. Kutner, President of Hammond Organ Company, at a luncheon in her honof at the Park Ridge Country Club, May 7. Her mother is an electric spot welder at Hammond. As a Hammond Scholar, Jeanette will attend Southern Illinois University at Carbondale,
in preparation for a career as an instructor of mentally retarded children. Jeanette was selected by the National Merit Scholarship Corporation as the top student among the eligible children of Hammond employees, on the basis of her high school grades, extracurricular activities and the National Merit examinations. For the scholarship, she hud to fill out an application and write an autobiographical essay. Her essay explained why she wishes to teach the mentally retarded.
The newly elected members of the Hawkettes pose for their first picture. The girls were selected after extensive competition the last few weeks. They are: top row, left to right: Joyce Beaumont, Cassie Kuston, Lenore Raia, Candy Collins, Jan Poyer, Pat Ewing, June Kempe; 3rd row: Donna Huber, Luann Moak, Terry Jensen, Carol Birch, Debbi Kist; 2nd row: Ruth Becker, Pat Werstein, Barb Berger, Vicky Grant, Lynda Fischrup; front row: Co-Captains April Aliosio and Marny Carlson.
Seniors Will Scatter Science Students Honored (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7) (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 7)
June Garby, Steve Geisler, Debbie Havlick, Joyce Hoff, Sue Irvine, Jim Jarosz, Pat Jennelt, Linda Johnson, Carolyn Kane, Kathy Kosieracki, Alma Krause, Sue Kukla, Peggy Kungel, Lynn Lanoue, Salle Le Blanc, Jeri Lies, Connie Mack, Carol Martin, Jane McClintock, Gene Menard, Roy Metropulos, Suzanne Miller, Carol Minor, Pat Najarian, Toni Nielsen, Deborah Nowak, Don Olinski, Geri Orrico. Penny Ottens, Sue Panek, Sue Pasko, Steve Peterson, Terese Piazza, Guy Revesz, Brian Ripley, Bruce Ross, Sue Saewert, Kathy Salerno, Kim Schaffer, Sharon Schramel, Alice Skaritka, Laura Smith, Juil Snell Carol Stromberg, Donna Suchy, Sharon Wegrzyn, Margaret Weigand, Bob Weiss, Marilyn Welson, Karen Widmark. Gary Wojtczak. Gene Wojtczak, Doug Weir, Debbie Yarbrough. TravelBob Swanson, John Brandl, Art Goezke. Armed ForcesJim Adler, Doug Chapin, Emmet Draney, Dan Glennon, Tom
Griseto, Bob Jan iTricotn R n h Kane, k'anp J a n Koe, Kfw> Tim Neuses, Mike Pohlman, Neil Reid, Steve Roberson, Wes Scott, Harry Small, Kenneth Zhen. MarriageValeire Bruhn, Judie Denten, John Headley, Jerry Davis, Barbara Butterfield, John Hughs. Herb Johnson, John Schwartz, Sue Smith, Sandy Stevenson, Joy Meyer, Sandy Schneider, Cathy Spiering.
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Outstanding students in the science courses were honored Thursday night. May 23, at a science department program. Two special awards were also presented. Guy Riddle received The Rensselaer Award and Geoffrey Priest was given the Bausch and Lomb Award. Biology I Accelerated students honored were William
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Barmeier, Marcia C a r n e y , Debra Cook, Richard Davis, Connie Hirsch, Richard Reinke, Dan Starr, Phyllis VonPlachecki, and James Warchall. Other outstanding students in Biology were Bill Alzos, Mark Bixby, Candace Collis, Mike Ebert, Carol Eriksen, Kathleen Flanagan, Maren Klich, William Kuhn, Denise LaDolce, Jim Li-
John, Tom Travel to Boys' State Recently John Gilles and Tom Schuessler were chosen to represent Maine South at the Boys' State. This American Legion sponsored project is open to junior boys only and held at the state fairgrounds b Springfield. Only boys with leadership qualities are chosen to participate. Last year nearly 1300 boys participated in the one week activity. The boys form a government, have elections, and army, police, and other such organiza-
nteract Presents Roses Tom Schuessler
John Gilles
ticns found in a state. The purpose of this program is primar ily to teach the boys citizenship and the organization of a state.
Last year Dave Switzer participated in Boys State. It will be recreated in the middle of June this year.
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trenti, Alan Moore, Mike Murzyn, Georgeann Pallo, Rodd Rasmussen. Mark Stromberg, and John Welzenbach. Biology II students who were honored were Wendy Carlsen and Nancy Petersen. Chemistry I awards were presented to accelerated students George Bosy, Normal Ellstrand, Clifford Geschke, Aivar Grislis, Irene Totoraitis, and Henry Warchall, and regular Chemistry students Don Dumich, Robert Felice, Sylvia Grislis, Robert Manning, Tom Savage and Jeffrey Walter. Academic honors in Chemistry II were given to Martin Laurent, Stephen Lietz, Paul Mitchell, and Geoffrey Priest. Earth Science students honored were Paul Miller, Kathy Parisi, and Domenic 'Toiii. General Science awards went to Therese Brady and Paul Kruper. Awards in Physical Science were given to Paula Albright, Don Algrim, Phillip Bethards, Ralph Burgess, Tom Fluhler, Steve Olson, Mike Pakucko, Judy Parker, Brian Richardson, and Robert Sellinger. Martin Laurent, Gary McClelland, John Priest, and Guy Riddle received Physics Accelerated honors. Regular Physics awards were earned by Frederick Fritz, Leroy Magas, and Kenneth Matson.
r Vote on Increase of Fund Tax
Ralph Childs ("far right), president of Interact Club and Mike Polachek (far left). Interact club member, present some of a dozen red and yellow rose bushes to M r . Robert Barker (second from right), Mr. Paul Bergstrom /'second from left) is president of the Park Ridge Rotary Club which sponsors the South chapter of Interact. The bushes will be planted at the west end of the academic building.
On Saturday, June 8 the polls will open at 9 a.m. for voting on the referendum to increase the Educational fund tax levy ceiling for Maine Township High Schools. The polls will stay open until 7 p.m. Any citizen over 21 years of age who has lived in Illinois one year. Cook County for 90 days, and in Maine Township for 30 days, and is registered voter is eligible to vote. Renters, as well as home owners, are eligible if they meet the above requirements. This increase of 21-cents will help to meet the costs of an ever-increasing student popula-
tion. "The money we're asking for on June 8 is to increase the revenue coming into our educational fund" explained Dr. Richard Short, Superintendent of the 3 Maine schools. "It will provide extra dollars by which we can meet the increasing costs of salaries, reference books and teaching material." The funds will be going to this entire cirriculum, plaimed to meet the needs of all youth; a very low dropout rate; a number of fine scholarships; and an adult evening school, to name a few. The 21-cents will accomplish many things. It will keep the teachers salaries competitive.
II will provide the teachers needed for growing enrollments. It will save the interest on tax warrants. It will provide the necessary supplies, equipment and services for a growing school system and help prevent increasing the indebtedness of the Educational Fund. The children can not wait. More teachers are required for increasing enrollments. If this increase is not granted the estimated deficit of the Fund by June 30, 1968 will be $1,500,000. This interest will have to be paid by borrowing more money on tax.