Spirit of 6 8 Cast To Portray Political World More than two hundred Maine South students wUI participate in Spirit of '68, this y e a r s Variety Show. V-Show cast is as follows: Chris Agoranos, Paul . ^ a s s a , Tom Allin, Elaine Alzos, Marilyn .Andrews, Judy Aswege, Bev Baren. Connie Borre. Nancy Barry, Debbie Bean. HoUy Benson, Joni Benson, BUI Berg. Sandy Berg, and Tracey Berry. The cast also includes; Martine Bethards, Cyndie Board, Lee Brainerd, Audrey Breckan, Lisa Bright, JoAnn Burval, Sally Busse. Marty Bussert, Brad Butz, Nick Campo, Meg Cannon. Tom Carlson, Cassie Chauvin. Bev Chapin, and Sue Chastain. Continuing the list are: Dave Chittum, Terry Cole, Nancy Comfort. Diane Compton, Liz Condi, Alice Connors, Bob Cowie, Debby Crowley, Donna Cuttone, Sue DeSalvo. Bonnie DeValle, Barb DiLorenzo, Barb Eastman. Rick Edstrom. and Jamie Engermen. Other participants are: Carol Eriksen. Linda Erikson. Margie Evenson, April Everding, Sue Fahden, Charlie Farley, Judy Felix, Kathy Feller, Marilee Fess, Bonnie Finn, Barb Fischer, Betsy Fischer, Bonnie Fouth, Karen Frindell, and Karol FrindeU. Also Marcia Gazel, Larry Getz. Kay Glader, Sue Glader,
South Number 1 In Ward's Booth "We're Number 1 " is the cry of the Maine South Hawks and once again we are number 1. Maine South will be featured January 11 through January 18 as Montgomery Ward's first School of the Week at the Randhurst shopping center. Linda Mannzelman and Eileen Doelman, Montgomery Ward pacesetter models nominated Maine South. The booth, located on the first floor, will be decorated in red and white. The booth will feature photos of sports, V-show. dramas, and other activities. All schools in the immediate area will t>e participating. '"It is a good opportunity for all students to see how other schools differ from ours in sports, drama, and activities," Eileen said.
Debbie Graham, Cindy Grawin, Gene Gray, Linda Griffiths, Jeff Grimell, Dolph Haas. John Hader, Lisa Hadley, Martha Hale, Nancy Hall, and Ann Hammond will be in the cast. The cast list continues with: Mike Hardin, Sue Hardin, Judy Harlan. Sue Hendricks, Chris Hookanson. Pal Hurley, Chuck Jackson. Jan Jacobson, Theresa Jensen, and Jan Johnson. Other cast members are: Linda .-V. Johnson, Linda S. Johnson. Marilyn Johnson. Bill Jones, Sue Kazuk, Mary Kerner, Connie King, Debby King, Tom Klancnik, Bev Kosar. Debby Kreuz. Peggy Kungle, Ann Jup-
Volume 4, No. 7
Mr. William Kopp. the teacher, feels that the main advantage is the extra time avail-
Band To Perform At- Lincoln School A select group of fifty students from Maine South's Concert Band will present two concerts on January 23 at the Lin coin Junior High assemblies. The program will feature music from Maine South's Winter Concert scheduled for January, as well as other selections. Two soloists will be featured along with the band as accompaniment. Tania Nelson "68 will perform "Carnical of Venice" arranged by Fredick Wilkens on the flute. Dale Sopocy '68 will perform a trombone solo by .Arthur Pryor.
are: Rachel Nelson, Nancy Neuhardt, Janet Nicholas, Kay Nordskog, Chris Nowak, Pam Nystul. Lisa Oblander, Kathy O'Hare, Carla Oleck, Jane Olson, Marti Olson, Beth Onderdonk, J<An Ongman, Sue Osborne, and Marion Otto. Also participating in the show are: Marie Pabich. Meg Patchette, Larry Peak, Debbie Phillips, Janet Phillips, Nancy Pio, Sam Piraino, Mike Pohlman, Linda Powers, Kathy Prestholdt, Molly Reus, Robert Rheinhold, Debbie Richards, John Richmond, and Karen Ritts. The cast also includes: Jeanne
Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, ill.
January 12, 1968
Rogers, Mimi Ruggeri, Chuck Ri^sell, Cindy Satterfield, Bill Schuessler, Chris Seng, Nancy Sensenbrenner, Bill Silberman, Roger Simke, Gay Simpson, Bill Skibbe, John Saggett, Dale Sopocy, Francine Spacek, and Margo Spencer. Other students participating are: Kathy Spotts, Ramsey Stade, Joe Stagg, John Stagg, Natalie Steinbach, Carol Steinhauser, Nancy Stinton, Helen Stout, Map- Stout, Carol Stover, Pete Swii^nerton, Judy Sowa, Peg Teevan, Bill Timmer, Wayne Torp, and Ann Tracey. The list concludes with: Kathy VanderMeulen, N a n c y Vee, Claire Watson, Diane Weintholder, John Welzenbach, Cindy White, Warren 'Whitely, Bev. Williams, Craig Wilson, Nancy Woercz, Nancy Wohlers, Marilyn Woytowicz, Kyle Wuherman, Sue Young, and Chuck Zdeb. This list does not include the names of the regular acts such as Choir and Pom Pom. More students will be added to the cast if they are needed. Mr. Martello thanks everyone for trying out.
Electronic Hall To Spark Up Talks Teachers in the Maine South history department feel that technology can be used to increase student interest in classes. In an attempt to prove this fact, lecture hall, C-127 is being used as an experimental room for new jlectronic devices. The equipment being used has been designed and built by the department with the help of the expert custodial staff. This experiment, which is constantly undergoing change and improvement, is designed to allow
Basketball Teams To Hold Tourney
complete control of all sound and light from the lectern. Because of the foresight of this school's designers, C-127 is perfectly adaptable to the new devices. The controlled equipment includes: light dimmers; a dropping wall screen, overhead projector, and its large stationary screen, a projection booth with the operation of an "off," "forward," "reverse," and "focus" controller, fading, an effect produced by two projectors alternating light projection; a public address system for large classes; remote con-
trolled tape-recorders; telelecture, a lecture on the telephone from outside the classroom which allows questions from the class to be answered; and sophisticated radio equipment from which foreign programs can bo heard, live, or on tape. The department has equipment for making its own slides and therefore most visual presentations are made by the teachers themselves. All of the remote controlled devices are controlled by computer relays and a basic control current of 24 volts.
The girls' basketball tournament will be held on Tuesday. January 23, from 7 to 9:30 p.m. in the spectator gym. Players representing e a c h class will participate against the other classes in a playoff tournament. The girls have been practicing after school for the past two months. The annual Faculty All-Star game will be played Tuesday, January 16, after school in the west spectator gym. Everyone is invited to attend.
60-Mfnute Science Class May Improve Instruction A trial class in Physical Science is being conducted in order to determine whether an extra 20 minutes a day will improve the over-all preparation of students for future science courses.
jack, and Mary Laenerty. Also: Ray Lang, Russ Larson, Sue Lawrence, Sally LeBlanc, Kay Lewis, Patty Limperes, Mike Littwin, Karen Loew, Lynn Lohre, Donna Lyons, Connie Mack, Patty Magnusan, Mary Malloy, Pam Mannhardt, and Chris Marshall. The cast also includes: Jean McAndrew, Gary McOUend, Maribeth Meier, 'Wayne Miller, Jeanette Minutillo, Leslie Moak, Joel Morris, Debbie Morton, Debbie Mueller, Dean Muka, Mary Murphy, Joe Musemeci, Carol Muzzey, Chris Nagle, and Pam Navratil. Other members ni the V-Show
able for the students in the laboratory. A regular 40-minute period does not allow ample time for problems and/or questions relating to the laboratory work. Mr. C. Lane Anderson, a physical science teacher, agrees that the trial class seems to have an advantage over the regular 40-minute classes because additional time will allow a more thorough investigation of the experiments, ample time to set-up and clean-up, and more time for discussion. He also stated that because physical science gives such a comprehensive background in science, all students would benefit from this additional time. Mr. J. Ronald Teller, science department chairman, states, "Even though we feel the class is going to show a marked improvement in the teaching of physical science, we will not be able to offer the course on a one-and-one-half period basis next year because of laboratory space limitations. If the course lives up to our expectations, we hope to offer it after the building addition is completed."
M r . Otto Kohler, c h a i r m a n of the social science dep a r t m e n t is shown readjusting an electronic device in the social studies electronic classroom.
Technology can be used to improve education and its use is pracitcal in about two-fifths of a students time. Certain types of students definitely benefit from this kind of teaching.
Feb, 1 Deadline For State Grants students interested in the new Illinois state Scholarship Committee Grant Program covering college tuition costs are reminded by Mr. Sherman Roth, career counselor, that February 1 is the application deadline. "This grant program gives financial aid to many families in this area," Mr. Roth said. "The problem is that too many people feel they cannot qualify for scholarships because they think they cannot show financial need." The grant program offers financial aid whenever an imdue strain is placed upon the family budget by college costs. Total family income may be misleading since other factors are also considered in awarding these grants. "Another advantage to this grant program is that there are no pretest programs involved such as the ACT or SAT tests. A student simply has to be accepted in good standing by any approved Illinois college or university," Mr. Roth added. Further information about this grant program and application procedures may be obtained from Mr. Roth and all counselors.
Club Members See Food Demonstration Sigma Omicron O m i c r o n members, their mothers, and several women faculty members attended a baking demonstration Tuesday evening January 9 in the Home Ec kitchens. Mr. Walter Zawacki. baker at the Bethany Methodist Home and Hospital, decorated seven cakes. He demonstrated various decorating techniques and discussed the steps involved in preparing icing and utensils for effective decorating results.
M r . Stephan Ellenwood stands in front of a special screen in the electronic classroom.
Mr. Henry Peavy, head chef at the Bethany Home and- Hospital, demonstrated how to carve table decorations, such as flowers and swans, from vegetables. He also showed how to make hors d'oeurves and a decorative fruit salad.
Pag* 2
January 12, 1968
Mary Kerner Pageant Finalist "The Pageant was simply a tremendous experience," exc l a i m e d Mary Kerner '68, Fourth Runner-up in the Illinois Junior Miss Pageant. Beginning on December 26, the five day pageant was held at the Mill Run Playhouse in Niles. The girls stayed at the Leaning Tower YMCA. The 28 girls, representing local pageants from the entire state, commuted by bus with a police escort. Two preliminary performances were given on Thursday and Friday night in preparation for the Saturday night finals. Contestants spent Tuesday and Wednesday in rehearsals for the shows and interviews with the judges. The girls were divided into talent and choreography groups for alternate night performances. Two choreography numbers included "Youth Fitness" which demonstrated acrobatic talents and stamina. Mary danced a solo which she choreographed herself in the "Poise and Appearance" number. Twice each evening the girls paraded past the judges in their formats. Thursday, Friday, and Saturday involved day-long rehearsals for the final show. Saturday night the ten finalists were announced. Each gave her four minute talent presentation and answered a general question. Mary presented an original monolog which she adapted from Jean Kerr. "Help For the Future" portrayed a Junior Miss looking toward college, marriage and child raising. The monologue dealt with the problems of putting a seven year old boy to bed. Contestants were questioned by the judges. Mary was asked, "What is the biggest problem America faces today?" she replied, "The biggest problem Americans have to face today is learning to get along with each other, because when we can get along with each other we will be able to get along with other nations of the world. This will lead to ultimate peace." Most of the questions involved superlatives; "What is the greatest sacrifice you have ever
made," "What is the most significant thing that has happened to you?" "What is the thing you like to do least?" Mary was first runner-up for the Scott Paper Company Party Planning Award — Miss Hostess. She received an engraved silver tray. The theme of her party was "Aloha" — a senior girls' farewell before college. Girls were judged on a percentage basis. The interview was worth 35 per cent; scholastic record, 15 per cent; poise and appearance, 15 per cent; youth fitness, 15 per cent; and creative and performing arts, 20 per cent. Mental alertness, depth of knowledge and reason, personality, a sense of values, responsibility, sincerity, expression, presentation, awareness, wholesome competitiveness, refinement, activity, and interest were included in the evaluation.
Mary admitted that the emotional strain was great. Due to the continuous judging and performing, the girls were allowed only to .see their parents for about two minutes after the preliminary performances. "The girls were wonderful. The friendships I made during the five days that we lived together helped me develop into a better person. They were all intelligent, outgoing, wellrounded people. I learned how to handle my.self in all sorts of situations, to be more aware of the world, and to express myself better," Mary commented.
Three valedictorians and eight straight A students were among the contestants. A professor from Barrett College examined the scholastic records of the contestants, including IQ scores, grades, class rank, hoflors, accelerated courses, .and College Board scores. Awards were given to the two girls with the highest scholastic ranking. Next year Mary will return to the pageant along with the Illinois Junior Miss Queen and the other runners-up. They will help the contestants prepare for the pageant and run errands for them. "I'm really looking forward to going again next year," she exclaimed.
" M a y I see your ID card? I don't believe you've ever eaten lunch here this period."
Lost Books a Library Problem The Chicago Public Library is not alone in its problem of obtaining lost, stolen, and overdue books. The library here at Maine South also must deal with such a problem. The system has 17,000 books but according to Mr. Maurice S. Pool, several hundred books are lost or stolen every year, and more than a thousand have disappeared since the opening of Maine South four years ago. "Strangely enough," commented Mr. Pool, few of the students who take books think they are stealing. Most just think that they are borrowing the books indefinitely." The library has taken several steps to minimize the number of books stolen. If a student is apprehended in possession of books not checked out, he will lo.se library privileges which include restriction from going to the library reading room during study periods, and may also be put on probation or be suspended. Also, during the busiest periods, student monitors are placed at the entrance to the stacks in the library. In regard to these steps, Mr. Pool stated, "Procedures we use to minimize book losses are as effective as is compatible with free access to the library resources." Mrs. J e a n Matousek is
Realistic Evaluation of SC Criticism of Student Council reached a peak last April with the unopposed election of John Davis, president, and Nancy Wohlers, secretary. .\t that time, both officers revealed aims for this year which they felt could alleviate the apathy problems responsible for the declared election. Improved commiuiication with the student body and faculty and constitutional changes highlighted their goals. However, we feel these goals have not been fully reached. Communication between Student Council, the student body, and the faculty is still the biggest problem facing the council again this year. Last year John advocated quarterly speeches to summarize SC activities. He has not made any such speeches this semester. Instead, written summaries are posted each month on the SC bulletin board in each homeroom. We feel these summaries are inadequate, because few students read them Both John and Nancy favored numerous after-school meetings a n d discussion groups to stimulate student involvement. This year only one such meeting to discuss constitutional changes has been held, and attendence at this meeting was poor. When asked why more interesting meetings have not been held, Nancy had no answer. Faculty-SC communication shows
.^<v.'^4,:..^^ .^-'
greater promise. John has spoken at faculty meetings and has asked the faculty to evaluate council projects. Representatives this year are better prepared to give reports. A sp)eech improvement session and notebooks outlining the meetings help create organized homeroom reports. John and Nancy advocated these projects last year. The greatest area of improvement lies in constitutional revision, a project John strongly advocated last year. According to Nancy, the archaic constitution has been thoroughly updated and is now ready for student ratification. One important amendment removes the controversial "council experience" clause as a requirement for office. Now, Student Council must turn its attention from written words to action. John and Nancy must strive to achieve what last year was their most important g o a l communication. The goal is a difficult one, and needs the cooperation of the student body. In an age of highly advanced communications media, it seems strange to define Student Council's prime problem as being one of communications. This newspaper stands ready to help in any way it can. Perhaps Student Council has not made full use of the media available, or is it that they simply have nothing they wish to communicate.
charge of notifying students of overdue books. If after receiving several notices in homeroom, the student does not return a book, he is issued a slip indicating a personal confrontation with Mrs. Matousek. In regard to the library, Mr. Robert Young, head librarian stated, "We believe that the physical and academic atmossphere of the Maine South library is most conducive to learning. The very fact that most students are very reluctant to give up their library card makes it reasonable to assume that nearly everyone enjoys spending some time in the
library." According to Mr. Pool, an amnesty day similar to the one the Chicago Public Library held, has been discussed, but as yet a conclusion had not been reached. "The stealing and subsequent loss of books reflects a (Usregard for the general good since such actions deny the use of those books to the entire student body," stated Mr. Pool. "Students do not seem aware of the fact that paying for a lost book does not make up for its loss since the effect is essentially the same — the book is simply not available."
Negro Students Speak Out About School Experiences Bill Jones '68. transferred to South as a freshman on January 25, 1965. He had reason to be more than a little nervous about entering a new school, for he was to be the first Negro member of the student body. Jim Lemon, our second Negro student, entered South as a sophomore this year. Both Bill and Jim previously attended high schools in Chicago and now live at the Illinois Lutheran Welfare Association Home. How has this new school experience turned out for them? "My first day at South was a mass of confusion," Bill stated. "Everyone was very friendly and said 'Hi, I'm so-and so." By the end of the day, the only name I knew was my own." "At first I was really hung up about being the only Negro— I couldn't forget about it. Now I'm not so self-conscious about It anymore," Bill continued. Sometimes it seems to Bill that he is sort of a "novelty kick—an attraction." "At first kids go out of their way to be nice to me, but I never get to really know most of them," he said. "By the time I finally remember their name, I have no use for it." When asked if he felt his presence here had helped South. Bill answered, "I feel I've helped some and hurt some." He told about talking to one boy who thought he knew all about Negro life. 'He. like others has a false conception of the Negro way of life, which he gets from the television and general public misinformation,'" Bill explained. "In Chicago I bved a step above the slums, but I know what slums are like. I know what it is like to live in a four block area crammed with hundreds of thousands of people, I told this boy about the real way of life. In this way. by giving students an insight into the truth about Negroes, 1 feel I have helped South." Bill con eluded. Bill used to wonder why he
was so much of a novelty. "I figured kids here must have had Negro maids or cooks once. But I have found out that this isn't so—kids at South have had little contact with Negroes." "I hope I have helped South students to like people for themselves, not for what they are," he added. "Naturally, a few idiots have flung derrogatory comments at me about my race," Bill said. " I t s not these comments that bother me. What bothers me is the defiance test that some of them put up to me." "CalUng me out of my proper name, they try to see how long it will take me to blow my cool. I usually remain pretty calm about it though." Jim Lemon commented, "I was nervous about appearances at first, but I figured I could make it." "I like South a lot," he added. "I've had a few run-ins, but nothing serious. I don't feel I have been around here long enough to change any opinions kids have about Negros." Bill aptly concluded, "Being here at South has helped me, not as a Negro, but as a person."
SouHiwords The oHici^ student newspaper ct Maine Township RU>> Sooth. Park IUd«e, nunois. WrlUen and edited U-weeJU; by students of the U l b school. Sutxcriptions Included With actiNity ticket or purdiased (aperaiely ai tZ per year. EdUor-tn-chief Sue H o n e News Editor Wendy Carlaen Features Editor Nancy PaterMD Sports Editor Jim CDoaatD Copy Edttor Cheryl TVavefi AH Editor Anyn EMdMB I>hota Editor Ralph BamBtts Assiataat EdUacs . , . . Sue Bendrida. Sarah Penny aeporten Uaa Caalle. Karen Qood. PkyDIa Ehret. BUI Grifnth. Pat Kokonaa. Cathy Mabrey. Jun Niemann, Ramiey SUdc. Dale Trischas. Betaay XHTilden, Deb Verlench. Cartoonists Steve Trytten, Pat Stdcher Photofraidiert Andy Ekman, John Richmond, Joel Shelton Student News Bureau Editor Cyndie Sterxett Advisor Hr. Kenneth Beatty
January 12, 1968
Page 3
5 Advanced History Courses Offered in '68 Present sophomores and juniors now making registration plans for next year will be able to take three years of accelerated work or two years of advanced placement work in the fields of history and social science beginning next September. Two college-level courses, one in European History for seniors and one in United States History for seniors and one in United States History for juniors, will be offered to those students who have satisfactory grade averages and who are recommended by the department and their counselor. Students who successfully complete the course can earn up to eight semester hours of a d v a n c e standing when they enter college. The History and Social Science department will also offer accelerated courses at both the junior and senior levels for those students who feel they would benefit from an enriched high school course. In the junior year, a student may elect to take an accelerated course in United States
History in place of the regular required course. "We think it particularly important in United States History that a student take accelerated work if he is qualified," said Mr. Otto Kohler. chairman of the History Department. "We want our students to be articulate and knowledgeable in assessing our American heritage and our country's ideals, and these qualities are best obtained when students find challenging work under a stimulating instructor. The days when history was taught merely as a collection of facts and dates are gone; today's emphasis is on analysis and interpretation, and we organize the courses to suit the student ability levels." South seniors may take a new accelerated course for the first time next fall. Government/ Democracy Accelerated, a year course which deals with the structure and functions of our American government and with a series of in-depth studies of selected continuing problems in our present day society, will be offered.
The formal of this course will include many outside speakers from our local, state, and federal governments, private organizations, and educational and charitable institutions. Most of these will be presented "live," but some wiU appear, via twoway telephone lecture. Films and audio-visual presentations will be used extensively in Government/Democracy Accelerated. A number of field trips to enable students to observe actual cases of topics being discussed will be offered. In both these accelerated courses, increased honor points will be given for A and B grades. In announcing these course additions, Mr. Kohler commented that they will "help provide a balanced education for our students. So many of our able students major in mathematics and science and neglect what might possible be their last chance to study in the fields of the humanities and social science." "It is the opinion of our department," continued Mr. Kohler, "that one of the most press-
Students Rehearse Play Cutting For District Drama Competition A forty minute cutting oi TTie Miracle Worker is being prepared to present in the district high school competition on February 17. The district competition includes 18 suburban schools. If the play places first in the district competition, then it will go on to the sectional finals in early March and go downstate to the finals. Each member of the cast applied to Mr. Hal Chastain. drama department chairman, who narrowed down the field to sixteen students who tried out on December 19. The cast practiced during Christmas vacation and will continue into early February. The cast includes: Ellen Mohill as Helen Keller; Carla 01eck as Anne Sullivan; Wayne Miller as Captain Keller; Marilyn Hauber as Kate Keller; John Wclzenbach as James Keller; Kay Lewis as Aunt Ev; Fran Spacek as Martha; and Jane Olsen as Viney. Members of the staff are Marty Bussert, stage manager; Mary Kristmann, assistant director; Dick Heron, lighting technician; Pat Hurley, property manager; Linda Fishrup.
make-up artist; Jan Kusiciel, wardrobe mistress; Larry Getz,
sound technician; and Kurt Steinhauser, stage crew head.
while lives in a society which is becoming increasingly oriented toward science and technology." Students interested in further information about accelerated and advanced p l a c e m e n t courses in history and the social science can contact Mr. Kohler in the department office, room A-209.
Judy To Tour World In 'Up With People' Cast Judy Aswege '69 has been selected to tour the world with the "Up With People" cast next summer. Judy will join the national cast which is currently in Latin America as soon as school is dismissed in June. She will spend at least one week in New York at an International Festival. Local "Sing-Outs" from all over the world will send representatives to this meeting. All three traveling casts will be performing at the festival. Judy is net sure which countries she will visit after the conference. Judy is currently in the Evanston Sing-Out which organized after the "Up With People" cast visited Evanston High School in December. In February the cast will present an informal show with a movie and a discussion of the Moral ReArmament program which sponsors the "Sing-Outs." The first formal Evanston "Sing-Out" will be presented in March. All of the local "SingOuts" will present a show on
the same day in each respective city in April. "We need more people in our 'Sing-Out'. We have approximately fifty singers. We meet every Monday at 7:30 p.m. in the Student Union in Evanston," Judy stated.
Judy Aswege '69 has been selected to participate w i t h a national " U p W i t h P e o p l e " cast.
Student Pleas For Soap For Orphans In Letter "Soap is about the most appreciated gift these kids can receive." This statement is from an American soldier's letter to a Maine South student. The "kids" he mentions are Vietnamese orphans, like those living where he is stationed in Viet Nam. The soldier goes on to ask for a soap drive, saying, "If it will help, lake down the names of all the students who contribute and I will send each of them a personal thank you. Whatever is sent will be handed out to orphans and exceptionally needy families here."
Because a simple plea like this cannot be ignored, a soap drive has been started with the help of Student Council and South words. On Monday and Tuesday, January 15 and 16, homeroom complex leaders will collect soap and soap money contributions. This drive is directed to those students who would like to help less fortunate people caught in the middle of war. Show you care about people. Thank you, Lee Brainerd '68
'Tea House of the August Moon' To be Girl's Choice Dance Theme
Talented Students Bow In Recitals Talent takes a bow in PA-109 whenever a student recital is held. Everyone is welcomed to the after-school performances that include solo, instrumental, and ensemble selections presented by music students. Usually presented monthly, the recitals have drawn audiences of from 50 to 100 people. They were started eight years ago at Maine East and brought here by Mr. Lloyd C. Spear, music department chairman, with the purpose of providing an opportunity to perform outside of music classes. The performances have been widely accepted by private and class instructors for the perform ing experience they offer the students. Programs are printed to accompany the semi-formal recitals, which usually last 30 to 40 minutes. Upcoming performances arc announced in the daily bulletin.
ing needs of our society today is to develop reflective citizens who have thought deeply about man, his history, and his aspirations. This does not mean at all that we must have science and mathematics OR history and the humanities; it means that we must have BOTH if we are to continue to live worth-
"Tea House of the August Moon" will be the theme for the Caria Oleck and Ellen Mohill w i l l soon be replaying this scene f r o m " M i r a c l e W o r k e r " in state drama competition.
Magazine Seeks 1000 Sales Goal "Right now we're in trouble. We've sold six hundred Expression '68 subscriptions in two days," said Sue Nagle, editor cf this year's creative writing magazine. "We have to sell a minimum of one thousand subscriptions, or we can't publish." T h e magazine subscription drive started in English classes on Tuesday and will continue through today. "We don't know how well .sales will go today, but so far they have been strangely spotty. In seme classes we sell 70 to 100 per cent of the students. One salesman reported a class v.'hsrein members chipped in one or two pennies each to buy a class copy. In other classes we
sell 0 per cent. It's bard to understand why it is so hard to sell something written and edited exclusively by and for students," Sue said. "We try to gel everyone to contribute material for the magazine, and we usually get lots of material from all four classes," said Mr. Beatty. sponsor. "If we don't sell our one thousand copies, we will have to leave out all illustrations first, then begin reducing the number of pages. It all snowballs. Since we already leave out much good material because we don't have enough pages, to cut out more pages because of poor sales would be a real blow."
Girls To Learn Self Defense Boys beware An experimental class of senior girls will be taught how to protect themselves during a four week course in self-defense. Miss Joyce Albrecht's eighth period senior gym class will learn the basics of self-defense, including how to fall safely. In addition to Miss Albrecht, Miss Karen Kenyon, Miss Ann Finneran, and Miss Dawn Butler are members of the adult evening school self-defense class being taught at Maine East. 'After the class is finished," said Miss Kathryn Pierce, Girl's Physical Education department, "We will evalvate the results and try to determine if we shouldoffer this course in our regular curriculum."
Girls' Choice dance to be held Saturday, February 10. Corsages for the boys must pertain to an oriental theme. Prizes will be awarded for the best corsages. Tickets will go on sale the week before the dance. The dance will be held from 8:30 to 11:30 p.m. Invitations have been sent to the parents of Girls' Club Council members and to some faculty members to chaperone the dance.* Committee chairmen for the dance are: Pat Stinson, invitations; Meg Cannon, decoratiwis; Carol Adkins, prizes; Alice Conners, refreshments; and Charlene Christiansen, bids. "This is traditionally one of the largest dances of the year, and we feel that this year's dance will be no exception. Any girl from Maine South may invite a guest. The guest does not have to be a Maine South student. Sunday dress is appropriate." said Teri Moore, president of Girls' Club.
Page 4
January 12, 1968
Cagers Face Niles West Tonight With last week's 102 to 57 romp over Deerfield, the varsity cagers moved into undisputed control of first place, hopefully for the rest of the season. Tonight, Niles West will meet the Hawks in the spectator gym to try to regain at least a tie for the top spot. The Indians and the Hawks both had 3-0 records until last week when "The Tribe" was beaten by the New Trier West Cowboys. Niles West is now tied with Niles North at 3-1. Niles North, who the Hawks beat 84 to 55 earlier, has played remarkable ball of late, winning their own holiday tournament by beating some fine teams. The Hawks Viking rematch in the second round could well be a big one. In third place are New Trier West and Deerfield with 2-2 records. Deerfield is much weaker than the squad that captured the crown last year. At this point, the Warriors do not appear to be in contention. New Trier West, however, should prove to be tiie team to watch in the next few weeks. The Cowboys lost to Deerfield earlier, but with the return of
their big center. New Trier has won their last two games going away, including the last one, which was a "6-61 victory over Niles West. The Hawks will face the Cowboys a week from tonight at New Trier West. Mr. Brady. Hawk head coach, cited the game as the big one in the first round of action. New Trier is a spirited team, having seniors on the squad for the first time because it is a new school. With the return of their center, the Cowboys could give the Hawks a tough game. Originally, Coach Brady picked tonight's game as the big one. but with New Trier's win over Niles, Brady projected the big one a week ahead. Niles West, however, should be by no means considered a push-over. The Indians display a scrapy team with good speed. Coach Brady expects the Indians to run with the Hawks. Hawk fans should remember, however, that Deerfield's decision to run with the Hawks proved to be their downfall, for a team must be very fast to outrun the Hawks. Even teams known for speed, like Rockford
West, failed to outrun the fleety Hawks. Coach Brady pointed out that the Indians have no big man, with the tallest player standing around 6 feet 2. The team's strength is centered around .\\ Chapman and Paul Gans, the two guards. These two have been the high scorers for the Indians so far. Up front, Niles has Mike Gregbowski. Ed Hirsch, and Paul Sortal. Gregbowski, remember, was Niles' all-conference quarter back-linebackor for football. The basic weakness in not having a big man is that there is no one to do the heavy scoring in case the outside shooters are having a bad night. The importance of a big man can best be shown in the results of the Rockford West game. Maine was having an extracold night from the floor, shooting only 41.9 per cent. Dave "Moby" Butz, however, took up the slack, and rammed through 23 points. Obviously, there is also a rebounding disadvantage for a small team. Coach Brady explained that Niles is traditionally a man-to-
man team. In addition, they usually press either man-to-man or sometimes zone. In either case, the Hawks will probably be pressed most of the game. It should be noted, however, that the Hawks have not been seriously hampered by an opposing press. Play-maker Tom McClayton has dribbled holes through any attempt of a defensive press. In past weeks, the Indians have downed some fine teams, such as West Leyden and Maine East. They have also beaten Deerfield in a cliff-hanger, Glenbrook North, and Glenbrook South. They were beaten earlier by the U.P.I.'s sixth rated Evanston Wildkits. In addition to putting the Hawks in first place, last week's Deerfield win made it ten games without a loss. As a result, the Hawks gained state recognition for the first time being rated 18 on both poles. Leading the Hawks in scoring to date is Dave Butz with 164 points. Dave is also well ahead of the team in rebounding. Gary Lange is the second behind Butz with 136 points. It
Henry Perez (35) runs into a little trouble rebounding. should be remembered, however, that Butz has played in two more games than Lange. Lange has been the most consistent scorer in the last 8 games, scoring at least sixteen point ss in all but the last contest. Mike Masoncup is third with 112 points, followed by Jim Schmit with 105, and Henry Perez with 104.
Matmen Drop Tough Meet To Talent Packed Warriors
Tom Schuessler works to break his man down in his 138 l>out. Tom joined the long list of Hawk losers as Deerfield swamped the Hawks 35 to 7.
Hawk Gymnasts in Action With Niles West Indians Maine Soutfa's varsity gymnasts start their conference season tonight in an away meet with Niles West. Their schedule has the Hawks competing in five consecutive conference meets in as many weekends starting with the Indians. South will be entering these meets after seeing action over the holidays in the Thomridge Invitational. In this meet, the Hawks took a second in a field of eleven schools, finishing behind only Hinsdale Central. Each school sent their top man to compete in each event in this meet. Maine's representative on the trampoline. Dean MiUcahy. only managed to finish eleventh. Don Braun captured third in the sidehorse event, while Paul Riis took a tie for fifth on the high bar. Captain John Davis' routine on the parallel bars earned a firstplace finish. Vince DeVincenzo finished in a tie for sixth on the rings, while John Headly took a fourth in the tumbling event. Last year, the Hawks finished the season with a fine Niles West team that had been in the running with them for the conference championship and defeated tliem in a close 68-64 contest. However, this year the Indians have been decimated by graduation, while the Hawk squad is almost identical to last year's. Therefore, the Hawks can expect to do well in tills meet. Next Friday. Maine will again be in an away conference meet.
and win face the New Trier West Cowboys. South also defeated New Trier last year in a fairly close meet, but since New Trier had no seniors that year, their entire squad is back and therefore should be one of the roughest squads the Hawks will have to face. Future conference action following these two meets will find the Hawks against Maine West on January 26, Glenbrook South at home on February 3. and at Glenbrook North on the 10th. After t w0 nonconferencc meets, Maine will host conference power and last year's champion, Niles North. .'\lthough this year's squad has excellent depth, it has been hurt by injuries. At the start of the season. Ken Matson and Ken Lossman were lost, and are just now returning. Recently, Vince DeVincenzo and Ray Lokay suffered injuries, and will be lost for an extended period of time. Furthermore. South did not have their depth advantage at Thomridge since only one man competed in each event. In the past, many of the Hawk's points have come with second places to supplement their firsts. Getting back to dual meet action, the Hawks will once again be able to show their strength. .At the same time as the varsity is battling it out for conference, the frosh-soph team will also be competing for top honors. Lead by several strong sophomore performers, the little Hawks have a 6-0 record identical to that of the varsity's.
Maine South's varsity wrestling team was defeated Saturday by one of the toughest teams in the conference. The team lost to Deerfield by a score of 37 to 7. This is the second year in a row that the Warriors have whipped the Hawks. South fared a little better last year when they managed to score 8 points, 1 more than this year's meet. For the last two years, Deerfield has won the conference championship without ever being defeated. From the results of this last meet, it certainly appears that Deerfield will take the crown again. The loss to Deerfield practically eliminated all chances for a Hawk championship, as they have already lost to Niles North. Even though the team was defeated, three individuals stood out as exceptional wrestlers. These three wrestlers are Tom Neuses, Eric Fiesch and Ty Sigmund.
Neuses who wrestles 133 tied Scott Jacobs 4 to 4. Tom was behind but executed a reversal in the last few seconds to earn the tie. Eric Fiesch also tied his opponent 2 to 2. For his fine effort, Fiesch was named wrestler of the week. Eric's tie was like a victory for him, for he has been having troubles so far this year. Heavyweight Ty Sigmund produced the only victory of the meet for the Hawks. He beat Warrior Mark Mueller 5 to 1 in a hard fought contest. So far, Sigmund has been the most consistant wrestler on the squad losing only once That one loss was somewhat of a fluke for it went to a man Ty had beaten the night before 8 to 0. The novelty bout of the afternoon came in the 180-pound class where Dan Holden was pitted against Warrior Mike DeRivera. DeRivera, better known arotmd Deerfield as "The Stomper" was slated to pin
Holden in the first period. Before the bout ended each wrestler had, among o t h e r things, elevated the other into the air. There were no fatalities in the match, but Holden lost U to 3. Over the Christmas holidays, the wrestlers placed second in a toumement held at Glenbrook South. The Hawks finished behind Maine East, a team the Hawks beat in the opening meet of the season. Rick Neuses, Tom Neuses, and Dave Miller were champions at 127, 133, and 165 respectively. It should be noted that South finished ahead of Niles North. Earlier, Niles beat the Hawks in a dual meet, and also in the Ridgewood Invitational. The next Hawk dual meet will be tomorrow at Niles West at 2:00. Last year, the Hawks whipped the Indians 30 to 10. Hopefully, the Hawks will give a repeat performance in tomorrow's action.
Swimmers Fourth In Invitational The Maine South varsity swim team came out fourth in the Riverside Invitational swimming meet. Twenty-five schools participated in the event, which was held at Riverside-Brookfield High School. The meet took place on Saturday, January sixth. Although Rock Island ran away with the show, Maine South still put up a pretty good fight. Rock Island clearly won the Invitational with fifty two points. New Trier West's swimmers, good as they are, could muster only thirty-seven points (as compared to Rock Island's fifty-two. This is still an exceptional score, considering that each of the twenty five schools that participated averaged only nine points apiece.) Danville followed with a close third, earning thirty-four points. Maine South took fourth place with twenty-one points. This is still twelve points above the average, but thirty-two points below where we wanted to be. Next was a close grouping of schools following Maine South.
There was a tie for fifth place. Both Homcwood Flossmore and Hinsdale racked up twenty and one-half points. For sixth place was Proviso West, with twenty points. Maine West broke the sequence and took eighth place with sixteen points. Riverside Brookfield, the host, proved once again that good guys often lose, but they never get wiped out, by taking ninth place with six points. Taking fourth place puts our Mermen in the top sixteen percent, which is good at any level. The McCulloughs had a somewhat off day, earning only a first place, a second place, and a third place in the 100 yard backstroke, the 400 yard medley relay, and the 100 yard butterfly, respectively. The medley relay team consists of (1) Jim Benda (2) Si Manilla (3) Frank and (4) Ray McCuUough. Everyone did an outstanding job. The meet works like this; All the events are held and each school swims its best swimmer, or medley in that event. As for the scoring, Maine South was awarded four points for the third place, ten jroinls for the sec-
ond place an seven points for the first place. YOU FIGURE THAT OUT!
Salle Ephland yells it up for the Hawks. Maine's cheerleading squads have done a great job of rooting for Hawk teams so far this year.