Election, Assembly, Projects Highlight Brotherhood Week
Miss Ohlmacher, Home Economics Department chairman, presents a charm to Lynne Matousek as Maine South's Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow. M r s . Lorence (left), home economics teacher, and Lynne's mother (right) who works in the school library look on.
Lynne Is South's Winner In Homemaking Contest Lynne Matousek '68 has been named Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow for Maine South. Lynne's achievement has made her eligible for state and national scholarship awards and also has earned her a specially designed silver charm from General Mills, sponsor of the Betty Crocker Search for the American Homemaker of Tomorrow program. Contrary to what most people think, Lynne did not enter any recipe. Competition was a standardized written test. "I thought it was really hard!" commented Lynne. Lynne will compete with other semi-finalists from Illinois for the State Homemaker of Tomorrow title and a runnerup position. The state winner will receive a $1,500 college scholarship, and her school will be awarded a complete set of the Encyclopaedia Britannica. The runnerup will earn a $500 educational grant. The Betty Crocker Homemaker of Tomorrow from Illinois, together with those from all other states, each accompanied by a school advisor, will join iu an expense paid tour of Colonial Williamsburg, Virginia,
and Washington. D C , next spring. The national winner, the 1968 .•\11-American Homemaker of Tomorrow, will be announced at a dinner in Minneapolis, Minnesota, home of General Mills. Inc. She will be chosen from state Homemakers of Tomorrow on the basis of her original test score plus personal observation and interviews during the tour. Her scholarship will be increased to $5,000. Second, third, and fourth ranking national winners will have their original scholarship grants increased to S4,000, S3,000, and $2,000, respectively.
Brotherhood Week, February 19 to February 23, promises to be an unusually exciting and productive week this year. This week has been set aside to stress the ideals of brotherhood and to honor those students who have shown themselves to be good natured, unprejudiced, school spirited, dependable and, perhaps most important, leaders in brotherhood. These students, six from each class, will be honored at an allschool assembly on Thursday, February 22. Each day Monday through Friday will be devoted to one aspect of brotherhood and will consist of activities to stress the importance of brotherhood in the school, community, and world. Although Brotherhood Week is the week of February 19 through the 23, nominations and elections will take place earlier. Nominations will be held on February 8, elections on February 15, and an assembly on February 22. Each homeroom nominated
iod in lecture hall C-100. Tickets will be distributed to all ninth period study hall teachers who will in turn distribute the tickets to interested students in their study hall. A fundraising campaign will be one of Brotherhood's projects for the coming semester. The goal is $1000 for the building of a Peace Corps school. The money collected will be sent to the Peace Corps who will select a site to build. The school will be for the surrounding villagers who are in need of a school. "Too many students look upon the election as a popularity contest," remarked Mr. Faulhaber. "The award is given for outstanding contributions at South toward creating teamwork and unity among fellow students." Although hopes are high that Brotherhood Week will be a successful week this year, it can only serve as a reminder and a time to renew our resolutions to practice brotherhood throughout the year.
wumrJ^^ ^s Volume 4, No. 9
Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, ill.
February 9, 1968
Sophomores Lead Semester A Honor Roll Fony-seven sophomores led a total of 141 students who qualified for the high honor roll by achieving an A average for this .semester. Thirty-six seniors, Thirty-eight juniors, and twenty freshmen complete the total. This semester 576 students ranked on the B honor roll. In all, 286 boys made the honor rolls, compared with 431 girls. Seniors on the high honor roll are: Bill Blunck. Wendy Carlsen. Linda Carney, Chris Eide,
Ed Erickson, Natalie Geremia, Sontag, Dave Switzer, Richard Sue Grainger, Gcorgene Gray, Webb, and Diane Willey. Narda Greising, Sylvia Grislis, Juniors include: Diane Bond, Deby Hannibal, Mike Hardin, Diane Briars. Alan Burgess, Linda Hogan, John 11 o 1 d e n, Meg Cannon, Trudy Ciecko, TerGary T. Johnson, Sarah John- ry Dalton, Tom Dent, Gayle son, Mary Kerner, Marcia Dyrness, Andy Ekamn, Margie Krahl, Debbie La Dolce, Linda Evenson, Bob Pelice, Ken FolListon, Linda Lynch, Roy Marey, Glenn Hofeldt, Rich Hyde. tino, Wayne Miller, Paul MilchCarl Johnson. Jan Kusiciel, ell, Sue Nagel, Jane Olsen, Sue Marybeth Lake. Carol LeichtPeavoy, Nancy Petersen, Geoff fuss, Kay Lewis, Margie McPriest, Jean Schroder, Wes Bride, Gary Mc Clelland, Ellen Scott, Walt Skawski, Colleen Mohill, Debbie Morion, Kathy O'Hare. John Ongman, Sarah Penny, Nancy Phillips, Bryan Priest, Ralph Remus, Guy Riddle, Tom Savage, Kathy Schmunk, Jean Schneller, Brad Shafer, John Skawski, Judy Sowa, Jim Stinson, and Mike Venson. Eight boys competed for the The large sophomore reprerole of Harold Hill. Tom Meyer, sentation includes: Bill Alzos, who played Captain Von Trapp Nina Bernard, Mark Bixby. in the Sound of Music last year, Margaret CahiU, Donna Ca.stle, claimed that the competition Debbie Devaney, Jim Doubler, was rough. "The fast talking Mary Dulisch, Norm Ellstrand, will take work to coordinate. Claudia Gaeding, Paul GeisheckThe part of Harold Hill is very er. Cliff Geschke, Cindy Golddemanding." Bill Alzos stated that the "show would be good because the competition was .so rough." Sam Piraino emphasized, "Harold Hill must sell the .show. We need about six Harold Hills and twelve Marian Paroos." Prospective candidates and Reaction to the try-outs was varied. Carla Oleck '68, who Student Council must begin preparing for the upcoming elecplayed Elsa Schroeder in last tions for president and secreyear's musical has been in many tary. other productions. She stated This year, if more than three that tryouts are exciting. "I'm candidates run for each office, not really scared as much as a primary election will be held. excited." In order to qualify for the priDebbie Mueller 70, who sang mary election, a student must in the nun's chorus last year be a junior, obtain his counclaimed it was "scary to sing selor's recommendation, have when the boys were around." a 2.5 grade average, and comJean Forrest '71 was "more plete a petition with the signanervous during the class comtures of 200 students from any petition." of the four classes. Also this Mr. Bell told the group "We year, ilue to the new constituhave all heard some pretty ter- tion, no.previous experience on rific singing today! Competition Class Council or Student Coimhas been keen and the talent cil is required. far above average. We cannot Petitions may be picked up help but have a great show." in the Personnel Office starting The ca.st will be announced Monday, February 19, and are in about ten days after more d"" no later than 3:45 p.m. Wednesday, February 21. final tryouts.
Competition Keen for Singing Parts In ' 6 8 Spring Musical 'Music Man' Competition for choral positions in The .Music Man, this year's spring musical at Maine South began erly Saturday morning, Februar>- 3. Three hundred singers had tried out during the previous week in music classes. One hundred twenty vied for 36 positions. During the tryouts singers were rated on a point basis compiled from class tryouts and this competition. Mr. Lloyd
three boys and three girls from their respective classes on February 8. All nominees on the final ballot must have been nominated by at least three different homerooms. On the following Thursday. February 15. final elections will take place. Each homeroom will vote by placing six corresponding numbers of their favorite nominees in the left hand corner of an IBM card. Students will vote only for the nominees of their respective class. A Brotherhood Assembly will be held in the morning of February 22. Washington's Birthday. Mr. John Troike. chairman of the statewide program of delinquency prevention and of rehabilitation, will be the guest speaker. Mother's Club will bestow awards to the students in the top five percent of the senior class. Also. Brotherhood Awards will be given to three boys and three girls from each class. On the same day, a film entitled "On Learning Prejudice" will be shown during ninth i>er-
Spear, chairman of the music department; Mr. Irwin Bell, choral director; Mr. Walter Flechsig, vocal director; and Mr. Donald Martello, dramatics director judged the competition. The singers competed on parts from "Wells Fargo Wagon." "The ability to sing high notes is necessary for a person to qualify for the singing chorus," stated Mr. Bell.
Pictured above are some of the 120 students who tried out last Saturday for vocal roles in " T h e Music M a n , " this year's musical. The final cast w i l l be announced next week.
ing, Aivar Grislis, Roger Hofeldt, Barb Hoffman, Bob Huxlablc, AUen Iverson, Debbie King, Gary King, Tom Klancnik, Maren Klich, Bill Kuhn, Roberta Little, Bill Malik, Gayle McLaughlin, Mike Murzyn, Vesna Neskow, Kathy N o v a k , George Oil. Georgeann Pallo, Melanie Pankow, Elizabeth Pendzich, Gale Roth, Andrea Sampracos, Jerome Shemechko, Ramsey Stade, Kathy Thies, Irene Totoraitis, Nancy TreÂťler, Steve Trytten, Barb Turley, Marie Valus, Mark Walker, Henry Warchall, John Welzenbach, and Dana Winikates. The freshman on the high honor roll include: Bill Barmeier, Nancy Benjamin, Marcia Brinkerhoff, Jill Burgess, Marcia Carney, Debra Cook, Kathy Craine, Scott Fauth, Jean Forrest, Linden Frakes, Bob Greising, Mary Hester, Connie Hirsch, Rita Hollerbach, Carla Krummel, Claudia Lovelette, Gwen Miller, Ed Peterson, Ann Tomasiewicz and Jeff Tone.
SC Candidate Petitions Available February 19 Starting Monday, February 26, and ending Thursday, February 29, each class will have a homeroom assembly which will provide each candidate with an opportunity to introduce himself. Thursday, March 1, the primary election will be held. This will narrow the number of candidates to three for each office. A formal all-school nomination assembly will be held Wednesday, March 6. Candidates will deliver their formal speeches the following week at an all-school election assembly on Wednesday, March 13. The election for the offices of president and secretary of Student Council will be held on Thursday, March 14, during the lunch periods, and after school. The names of the president and secrelary will be announced the following week.
February 9, 1968
Pag* 2
Pom Pon Squad, Cheerleaders Promote Spirit " 1 , 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8. . ." can be heard loud and clear every Tuesday through Friday in front of the cafeterias. What is this? Counting is the favorite past time of the Maine South Pom
Pon Squad. "The Hawkettes. is their title, pom pon is what they do," explained Miss Barbara Bobrich, faculty sponsor of the squad. As most everyone knows, girls
Elementary School District Referendum Affects South In a referendum to be held February 24, voters of Elementary School District 64 will be asked to approve an increase in Education and Building Funds for the system. Failure to pass a similar referendum last fall has forced the District 64 Board of Education to initiate strict economy measures and reductions in the educational program for the 1968-1969 school year. They say even more drastic reductions will be necessary if the February tax referendum is not approved. These measures will take effect next year regardless of passage of the February referendum: elimination of two elementary and three junior high classrooms and teachers; reductions in the art, French, physical education, and music programs; an increase in the fees for band, orchestra, and texts; and elimination of an intern psychologist. How will these proposed changes affect us at South? We of Southwords are concerned about several possible detrimental effects. Fewer teachers and classrooms will mean larger classes —and larger classes will mean a reduction in the individual attention and instruction a grade-school student will receive. This reduction can cause a crucial loss in a student's abiUty when he reaches high school. The public usually views education in one of two ways. One side feels that schooling should concentrate only on the three R's, while the other feels that subjects such as music, art, French, and physical education are an essential part of every child's education, for they contribute to his development as a total person. We feel that these additional subjects are invaluable in the personal satisfaction, poise, dicipline, and cultural background they provide. Due to curtailments in the elementary program, future students at South may be ill-prepared in these areas. Our music, art, and athletic programs will suffer due to reduced grade school experience and participation. More importantly, each student will suffer an individual loss. If the level of education suffers at the elementary level, we will suffer too. We feel that South could not be doing the fine job in the many fields that it is doing now without the strong foundation provided by elementary education. Long range effects of the reductions will be a reduced program for us at South and a serious setback for individual physical and academic growth. Failure to pass the February 24 referendum will mean more drastic cuts—and an even greater loss of educational opportunities. We hope that such a setback can and will be stopped.
on the pom pon squad perform between half-time of the varsity football and basketball games. For each routine, most of which last two or three minutes, the girls practice four days a week from 5 to 5:30 p.m. learning and perfecting each individual step to make an impressive routine. Despite all these practices, however, the girls agree, "All of the hard work is worth it, because once we get out there we all relax and enjoy the audience responce." Many people wonder how the girls can smile so much while performing. Marny Carlson '69, said, "We usually make up something funny about the steps during practice, and we think about that and laugh." If they are not laughing about the steps, they are laughing at the audience and the way the onlookers sit glued in their seats watching the special attraction of the game. "We try to wear some kind of different costume as often as possible. For instance, they have cowboy outfits, the regular uniforms, and Hawaiian costumes. During Christmas, the white pom pons are sprayed green," explained Miss Bobrich. Practices can be hectic, but, says Luz Montero '68, captain of the squad. "The girls usually catch on quickly, because in try-outs they are judged on whether or not they can learn quickly. Once in a while they get noisy, but they are easy to handle. The other girls are often very helpful when we are thinking of new steps. Everybody works together, and everyone's opinion is respected." The Hawkettes have about fifteen or twenty routines to choose from for performances. There are possibly many more, because each routine can be done to up to ten different songs, with only a slight change. The squad learns a new routine every year, however, for Homecoming, V-Show. and the dance chorus in the spring mxisical. Steps from the choreography, done by Miss Bobrich, are used the next year in making up new routines. Miss Bobrich creates the routines. The routines are taught by either Miss Bobrich or girls who have been on the squad a year. Tlie Hawkettes have per-
Nancy Boidy '69 shows concern over Hawk performance. formed to such songs as "Bill Bailey," "Spanish Flea," and "Swanee," which is one of the songs for this year's V-Show. This year the squad will be in a type of minstrel show, wearing top hats and using tambourines. Maine South's four cheerleading squads are also busy practicing and learning new cheers. The Varsity squad has created a new victory cheer, because they did not have one before. Most cheers, however, remain the same from year to year, because it is too hard for the crowd to follow the cheerleaders if they are changed too often. The varsity squad has created new cheers to be done in the middle of the court during halftime and time outs. Even these remain similar, possibly with the same words but with the actions changed so that the crowd can follow along. Mrs. Judy Gordon, sponsor of the four cheerleading squads explained about the cheers, "Each year we take a close look at all of our cheers. Words and motions should be short, simple, and precise. If need be, we revise the cheers as they are practiced." "When a girl tries out. she must make up an original cheer, which we try to incorporate into the best cheers. The
U. of III. Offers Variety of Opportunities College presents important decisions and many problems to high school students. Applications must be made earlier and entrance requirements are higher than ever before. Before their junior year students are hearing lectures on colleges, junior colleges, and trade schools. Many questions are raised during discussions and lectures such as: How mueh will college cost? How do I apply? Will I get in? University of Illinois at Urbana receives many applications from Maine Township students, but how does a student know whether this is the right school for him? University of Illinois at Urbana is a school of more than 20 thousand undergraduate students, making it one of the largest universities in the United States. The size does have advantages. U. of I. is able to offer almost any desired curriculum, with 13 degree-granting colleges and schools, one two-year institute, and numerous special bureaus. The college of education, the college of liberal arts, and sciences, and the college of
law are just three of the available curriculums at U. of I. Controversial figures and nationally-known entertainers are frequent visitors to the U. of I campus. They perform or present lectures which any student may attend free of charge or for a small fee. Because it is a state-supported school, cost for attending the University of Illinois is lower than for most private colleges. Typical cost for one year at the University of Illinois is between $1400 and $1800. Last year ihe typical cost was $1400, which included tuition, room and board, and books. Many scholarships are available to students in need of financial aid to help with college costs. These scholarships include state scholarships; special scholarships, such as for teacher education; and the new state grants, which are based solely on need, not test scores. Students who wish more information about financial aid should see Mr. Roth in the personnel office. To apply for admission to University of Illinois, a student must address a letter to the Cfficc of Admissions and Rec-
ords, requesting an appbcation. He must then fill out the application, and turn it into the Registrar in the personnel office, who will forward the application and grade transcript to the University of Illinois. No applications were accepted before September 25 this year. Those applications received between September 25 and November 3 were acted upon so that the applicant knew whether or not he was accepted by December 6. "ITiere were two more notification dates after December 2. Deadline for the last period was February 2. Applications received after February 2 are acted upon on a first come, first served basis, commonly called the "rolling admission plan." Decisions as to whether to admit a student to the University are based on class rank, ACT scores, and specific grades in various subject areas. Students who did not have their ACT scores sent to the Univer sity of Illinois must write to the ACT center and have their scores forwarded. No student's application will be acted upon until the University receives all •egistraUon material.
If a student is accepted at the University, he will receive a notice of his acceptance and housing forms to fill out. Single, double, and triple rooms are available. Students may also request a specific roommate, but only mutual requests can be honored. After a student is accepted, he often wonders whether he will be able to keep up with others at the school. In this year's freshman class at the University of Illinois, the average ACT composite score was 26. The average freshman graduated in the 87th percentile of his senior class. University of Illinois not only offers a wide range of subjects but also offers various other opportunities to the students. It has the second largest college library in America. The Mini Union, which is open to all students, has twenty bowling lanes and a billiard room. Five different food service facilities are open daily in the Union, including a snack bar and a cafeteria. Lounges for visiting or studying and an art gallery with both student and professional artwork can also be found in the lUini Union.
Karen Sundberg '69 yells It up for the Hawks.
Vicki Grant '69 and Pat Konapka '68 practice a pom pom routine. girls also devote one practice session a week during the winter for the purpose of changing or making up new cheers." Tryouts are also of interest and confusion to many. Mrs. Gordon explained about try-outs, "There are three days of clinics open to everyone. This time is spent in teaching cheers, stunts, and jumps. There are three required cheers, four jumps, a cartwheel, round-off, handspring, and splits, plus the original cheer." A preliminary tryout is held after the clinics, and some girls progress to the final try-outs where they repeat the requirements for a panel of judges comprised of the present senior varsity cheerleaders, presidents of major organizations, and members of the faculty and administration. Clinics will be held April 1, 2, and 8. Preliminary tryouts are on April 10 and finals on April 11. Cheerleading squads at Maine South include varsity, juniorvarsity, sophomore, and freshman. Each squad is required to cheer at all home and away games of football and basketball, and as many other meets of other sports as possible.
Southwords The official student newspaper of Maine Township High SouUi. Park Rtd«e. Ulinois. Written and edited bi-weekty by ntudentii of the hlfh school. SubicripUons Included with activity Ucket or purchased separately at t3 per year. Editor-io-chlff Sue Moore News Editor Wendy Carlsen Features Editor Nancy Petersen Sports Editor .. Jim O'Donnell Copy Editor Cheryl Traveri Art Editor AUyn Erguen Photo Editor ^ Ralph Bariditis .Assistant Editors Sue Hendricks. Jim Huater, Sarah Penny Rerorters Lisa CasUe, Karen Ooud. Phyllis ESiret. Bill Griffilhs. Pal Kokonas. Cathy Mabrey. Jim Niemann, Dale TrisChan. Deb Verlench. Terry Dalton, Linda Zink, Betty Gutzmer, Sue Peavoy. Cartoonisu Steve Trytten. Dave Chlttum. Patricia Stetcher. Photofraphers .. Andy Ekman, John Richmond, Joel Shetton Student News Bureau Editor Cyndio Stcrretl Advisor Mr. Kenneth Bcatty
February 9, 1968
Page 3
Election Politics Come Alive as V-Show Nears Spirit of '68—Politics, this year's V-Show has every indication of being one of the finest ever, in the tradition of past shows here at Maine South. Consisting of four segments, the show' will be divided into two acts, each containing two segments. The first segment will be called "Convention." It shall begin with opening speeches at both the Democratic and Republican conventions. The segment will feature everything from California politics and Charlie Brown running for Pres-
ident to (by special arrangement) Hawaiian dancers from the 50th state. "Administration" is the name of the second segment of Act I. In this segment, a transition takes place with skits ranging from Lady Bird and her "Beautification of America Program" and a White House Wedding to acts and comedy skits on ghetto life. Family, citizens, and social aspects of politics are depicted in the third segment entitled "Local Politics." Just some of
the many acts in this section deal with a song by ladies of the John Birch Society, two acts from the South for KKK. a protest group with both hippies and non-hippies, and the Girls' Pom Pon Squad performing two southern numbers. Some of the acts dealing with family and social politics will be orations and a skit about lowering the voting age to ISVi for teenagers. "Past and Future" is the theme of the fourth segment of the show. A few of the acts in the future are a takeoff on girls being drafted and going to boot camp, and an invasion on the moon by the Cheerleaders. Some going back in time will depict Mark Twain when he ran for political office, and via flashback, impressions of some actors during a political party in New York City. The finale fo the show will feature the song "Impossible Dream" from the play "Man of La Mancha." Also featured will be the traditional grand finale with the entire cast of
over 300 people singing "Gonna Build A Mountain." According to some of the many act captains, there are not many problems encountered. Beth Onderdonk '69, act captain of the "Beautify America" take off stated, "We have had no problems because everyone in our act is willing to work hard to make our act a good one." Nancy Neauhart '68, captain of the "Children's Skit" had this to say, "Our act gets along just fine! Everyone on V-Show is very helpful and kind." Jan Jacobson '69 and Barb Fisher '69 also echoed Beth's and Nancy's views. Jan stated, "Although we have had to change the words and dance to our act a few times, we haven't encountered any other problems. V-Show is a wonderful and exciting experience for all who participate." Barb added, "V-Show is an experience that is worthwhile. It not only gives stage experience, but it also increases one's
ability to work with other people." Mr. Daniel Padberg, technical director, stated, "I have had exceptional help this year from my two student technical directors, Jane Olsen '68 and Karen Waldmann '68. We promise many unusual lighting effects." Mr. Donald Martello, director, stated, "I think V-Show is going to be different from ones in the past. We have tried desparately to stick ol the theme of politics so that just about every act relates to the central theme." Continuing, he added, "I have been very fortunate this year in having two very able student directors, Carla Oleck '68 and Marty Bussert '68. Throughout the show, there is a good cross section of vocal acts, music and dancing. We have had tremendous cooperation from Miss Judy Fine, choreographer." Concluding, Mr. Martello stated, "All and all, I hope it will be an exceptional show. All we need now is five full houses to make it complete."
W h a t Is Student Government?
Stories To Explore Council Role
The Dance Chorus, with top hat in hand, might be campaigning for its favorite candidate during rehearsals for the upcoming V-Show.
Merit Qualifying Exam To Be Held February 2 7 Students who expect to enter college in 1969 are eligible to participate in the 1968-69 National Merit Scholarship Program. The first step for students who wish to enter this nationwide competition is to take the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test (NMSQT). The test will be given at Maine South on Tuesday, February 27. A $1.00 fee for those participating must be paid in the Maine South bookstore. Upon payment of this fee, the students will receive a booklet describing the test and the Merit Program. When the NMSQT scores are reported, each participating student will receive a handbook to help him evaluate his scores, compare his performance with that of other high school students across the country, and give him information on choosing a college and financing his education. The handbook and other interpretive materials are furnished as a part of reporting the test results. The highest-scoring students in each state will be named semi-finalists and will be eliible for Merit Scholarship consideration.
Seniors To Order '68 Announcements Senior graduation announcements may be ordered between February 13 and 16 in homeroom or in the bookstore. Four types of stationary may be ordered: announcements, personal cards, thank you notes, and informal notes. A memory book is given with an order of one hundred or more personal cards. Six styles of cards are available. For further information check the bookstore window.
In addition to the National Merit Scholarships financed by NMSC, more than 350 business corporations, foundations, colleges, professional associations, unions, trusts, other organizations, and individuals offer scholarships through the Merit program. About 15,800 students have won Merit Scholarships in the 12 Merit Programs to date. Twenty-four hundred scholarships were awarded in 1967.
With Student Council election coming up next month, Southwords feels that everyone needs to reevaluate his knowledge of Student Council. In the next few issues, we intend to publish a series of stories which explore some of the criticisms students have been aiming at the council as well as to explore what Council can realistically be expcted to accomplish. We suspect that the student body expects Council to have more power than it can ever hope to have. We suspect Council is ignoring some areas where they could be a more effective part of student government. We suspect these things, but we dont know these things. We want to explore the questions: Why do we have a SC in the first place? What should its powers and functions be? What has it or has it not been doing? What .should it be doing? Books on the subject of SC invariably say the reason any
Future Teachers! Apply For Career Scholarship Seniors in the upper half of the class who are definitely committed to entering a state college or university in preparation for a teaching career may be eligible for a full year scholarship under the Illinois Teacher Education Scholarship program. Nine Illinois universities are offering this scholarship to seniors planning to enroll in one of these schools. The recipients will have tuition and instruction fees paid in full. Any senior wishing to apply must write a letter to Dr. Watson in which he states his acceptance by a state college or univer.sity in their teacher training program and that he intends to teach in an Illinois public school after graduation from college. An example of a letter can be obtained from the counselors. The deadline for applications is March 15. Mr. Roth, career counselor, said, "Past experience has shown that all of our students who have qualified and who have made applications have received Teacher Education Scholarships."
Students who are entering junior colleges first, and who then plan to attend a state school in teaching programs may apply for scholarships through their junior college. Other students who have already left high school and entered college, who have since decided to change their career plans to include teaching, are also eligible for these scholarships. They may apply by writing to Dr. Watson. Further scholarship information may be found in the kiosk in the library.
Seniors May Apply For Scholarships Applications for Mothers' Club Scholarships are now available from home room counselors. Seniors in the upper half of their class and interested in scholarships to college, vocational schools, or nursing programs, should fill out an application immediately. Applications must b»e returned ^y March 1.
school has a Student Council is to provide leadership training. Our Student Council Constitution makes no mention of leadership training. Student Council states in its constitution that it proposes to: Establish a system of participation in student government; to provide a link between the student body and the faculty and between the student body and the administration; to provide for the expression of student opinion; to establish a system of centralizing and developing co-curricular activities; and to increase, protect, and foster the spirit and reputation of Maine South—all are sound and reasonable proposals. In our next issue we intend to present what the student body, teachers, administrators and Student Council members
believe the role of Council should be? What the "link" between the student body and administration should be? What do they believe student government is? State law makes the operation of a school the responsibility of the school board. It in turn appoints the school administration to carry out its educational program. What is the legal position of student government under this power structure? How much of its authority can the administration delegate to a student government? Our purpose is not to increase or change or influence these powers. Our purpose is to arrive at a badly needed understanding by all as to what limitations Council must work under as well as to explore new ways to make use of the powers it does have.
Crime Control Question A Challenge to Debaters "This year's debate question is a challenging job for both affirmative and negative debate r s , " stated Mr. William Hoag, sponsor of this year's debate team. "The establishment of uniform regulations to control criminal investigation procedures is a broad question, and a variety of cases stem from its interpretation." Maine South's varsity and junior varsity affirmative teams are using an organized crime and wiretap case. They contend that organized crime is a costly and unwanted part of the American society, and that a national law giving court controlled wiretapping to police should be allowed to combat this problem effectively. The novice affirmative teams have developed a "centralized computer" case, in which a national computer would be established to keep track of crime statistics. Mr. Hoag explained the advantage of such a system. "It takes a long time to file information by hand, and an even longer time to get important materials out to the police when they need it. Also, since criminals have centralized systems, why shouldn't the police?" "This year's question is a tougher job for the negative de-
baters," stated Mr. Hoag. "Because the topic is so broad, it is hard for the negative teams to be fully prepared. They must have some evidence for any type of case they may meet." The South negative debaters are using individual rights as the basis for opposing affirmative cases. They contend congressionally-oriented regulations are the initial step toward an undemocratic society. Devices such as wreitapping violate the individuals civil rights. The final meet of the season will be in the Interstate Debate Union tournament on February 17, at Saint Ignatius in Chicago. The varsity team will be composed of Chip Evans and John Barziditis, affirmative; and Scott Bremer and John Gilles, negative. The novice team competing will include Greg Hoag and Beverly Sims, affirmative; and John O'Reilly and Jay La Jone, negative.
V-Show Tickets Go On Sale Next Week Tickets for this year's VShow, Spirit of 68-Politics, will go on sale Wednesday, February 14 at 7:30 a.m. "They can be purchased in ticket booths in the main corridor opposite the main office for $1.75 for both students and adults.
Page 4
February 9, 1968
Hawks Battle Vikings For Championship Four months ago, Maine South rallied around its football team and sent a number of students to Deerfield to watch the Hawk gridders win a conference championship. A similar game situation ex.ists for tonight, only the battlefield will be in the Niles North gymnasium, and not the Deerfield gridiron. Maine is undefeated, and the twelfth-rated Hawks top the Central Suburban League with a 9-0 record, but the fighting
Vikings from Niles are right behind at 8-1. Since the last meeting of these two teams in which the Hawks soundly beat Niles 84-44, the Vikings have lost only once, that loss coming to Tinley Park. Overall, the Vikings maintain a 13-3 record. Niles has been looking forward to this game since the Christmas tournament, which the Vikings won. A number of optimistic fans have been predicting victory for as long as three weeks.
The Vikings are led by conference high scorer Bob Wilson. Wilson, who come into the last Hawk-Viking contest as high man pumped in 17 points, mostly on jumpers from the cen,ter. Rounding out the rest of the line are forwards Gary Korbus and Bill Kessel. Korbus does carry more of the scoring load than Kessel, as he popped in 15 points while pulling in 7 rebounds in the last meeting. The Vikings are not a fast team. They do not fast break, taking their time in shooting.
Gymnasts Add Another Victory; Triumph Over Glenbrook South Maine South's varsity gymnasts added another sterling performance to their season's accomplishments w h e n they trounced Glenbrook South, 79 to 53. Displaying individual standouts and depth to back them up, the Hawks have used this winning formula to build up a record of 11-0 and 4-0 in conjference. After crashing Maine West the previous week, the Hawks faced Glenbrook in a home meet last Saturday. South started off the meet right by sweeping the trampoline event, as Dean Mulcahy and Bill Kersting took first
and second, and Larry Barcheski finished fourth. The high bar event resulted in a clean sweep for the Hawks when Paul Riis, Mike Mermel, and Jack Farney took first, second, and third, respectively. Maine's one-two punch on the side horse, Don Braun and BUI Blunk, finished two and three behind an excellent individual performance by a Glenbrook man. John Davis took another first on the parallel bars while Dave Switzer took a third, However, Neil Hagen only came in sixth, and the fact that the Hawks did
not sweep this event one-twothree as they have done in the six previous meets marked it as an unusual occasion. After conceding a first in the rings, the Hawks captured the next three places, Duane Kelly, Neil Hagen, and Jim Mieszala in that order. South concluded the meet with another first in tumbling. John Headly taking the honors. Bud Hurlstone and Dean Mulcahy placed third and fourth in this event. The Hawks have two dual meets remaining, both in conference, before the big conference and district meets. Next Saturday, the Hawks will travel to Glenbrook North, a team already defeated by Glenbrook South, and then two weeks later, host Niles North, defending conference champ. Also last Saturday, the Froshsoph team lost its second meet in conference by the close margin of 68 to 64. Hit by losses of key personnel, the little Hawks have a 2-2 record in conference and a 8-2 slate overall.
Hawk coach Brady pointed out that is the reason the Vikings usually win while only scoring in the sixtys. Defensively, Niles North is on top in the conference. The Vikings play a man to man setup, while concentrating on rebounding. One of their main strategies is to dominate the defensive board, giving the opposition only one or possibly two shots. In comparison, the Vikings are not as quick or as aggressive on defense as the Hawks. A lack of speed will definitely diminish any Niles chances. In the last game, the Viking defense was certainly no puzzle for the Hawks. North's big problem will be to contain Hawk center Dave Butz. In the last game between these teams, Butz had a field night, scoring 24 points and hauling in 16 rebounds. In a futile attempt to stop Butz' drives, Niles fouled heavily, leaving three starters with four personals. Fortunately for the Vikings, Butz missed 8 out of 12 from the line that night. Stopping Butz will by no means solve the problems lor the Vikings, for closely guarding Butz. means leaving Gary Lange and Mike Masoncup easy shots. Lange is only two points shy of Butz in conference scoring, and the two of them were 1 and 2 a week ago. For the most part, Lange is deadly on turnaround jumpers and corner shots. Gary could easily explode it the Viking defense draws in to cover Butz. in the last Niles-Maine game, Mike Masoncup scored 10 points in the first quarter before hitting foul trouble and finally fouling out early in the third quarter. Finally, (he Vikings must contend with Tom McClayton and Henry Perez. McClayton has
been hot lately, scoring 29 points in the last two games, and Perez missed the last Niles contest with the flu. The last time Maine South traveled to Niles North, the Hawks won a football conference championship. HopefuUy, tonight's game will bring a similar result.
Swimmers Face Niles N . Vikings Maine South's varsity swim team will travel to Niles North this afternoon to go against one of the more highly rated teams in the conference. The team is coming off of a disastrous past weekend which found them overrun by both Glenbrook North and New Trier East, 68-37 and 74-21. A more balanced attack will be necessary for a victory over the Vikings today. Good form was displayed this past weekend against Glenbrook North and New Trier East by the McCullough brothers and Si Marttila. Marttila captured a second in the freestyle, and Ray and Frank took firsts in the backstroke and butterfly respectively. Ray set a new pool record for the 200-yard individual medley. Although the team's record may not be impressive this year, it should be noted that the teams they compete against in this area, such as New Trier, are always among the finest in the state. Maine has some fine imderclass swimmers who will aid future varsities. Barry Markus, '70, Bill Malik, '70, and Jim Current, '71, have compiled many victories this year for the froshsoph team. A good freshman squad adds to the prospects of future varsities.
Wrestlers Victorious Again On All Four Class Levels Chris Zei breaks the tape for the Hawks in the 50-yard dash, w i t h a good t i m e of 5.8. Zei also took the 440 and pole vault events.
Trackmen Begin Season With Defeat To Niles W . The indoor track season opened last Tuesday afternoon for the Hawks as they faced conference rival Niles West, only to be edged out by three points, 56-53. Niles entered this as their third meet of the year while it was the first for South, and, close as the meet was, this was the deciding factor. The fleet-feet were originally going to start the season with 13 lettermen, but after a combination of injuries, ineligibility, and participation in winter sports have reduced this number to six. The Hawks now will be led by senior Bruce Zintz in broad jump and mile relay, senior Bill Schuessler in mile and four-lap relays, senior Jim Sherman, cross country MVP, in the mile run. senior Chris Zei in 50 and 440 yd. dash and pole vault, and all-conference football stars Tom Spotts in the four-lap relay, low hurdles, and high jump, and Jim Kaiser in shotput. After the completion of the winter sports season, the Hawks will be joined by four more lettermen: junior Jim Benda in tile high hurdles, junior Mike
Strclka in the mile relay, and juniors Dave Butz and Ty Sigmund in shotput and discus. The shotput-discus squad in particular will be one of the most powerful in the area joined by Kaiser and sophomore prospect Rich Maddalini. Butz himself made a trip downstatc last year and made a respectable showing in the state meet. In the first meet, South was led by Chris Zei, who took three firsts. Chris won the 50 yd. dash in a time of 5.8, the 440 yd. dash in a time of 54.8. and the pole vault as he cleared 10'6". Jim Kaiser also took an individual first in the shotput with a heave of 43'8Vi", while Rich Maddalini was right behind him with a toss of 43'2". Taking firsts also were both relay teams, Tom Spotts, Bill Schuessler, Ralph Murdy, and Bruce Zintz in the four-lap relay and Zintz, Schuessler, Murdy, and Jim Cantonis in the mile relay. Pat Mountain, Bob Cesario, and Zintz took seconds in two mUe. 880 run, and broad jump, while Jim Sherman lost a close and thrilling dual in the mile run by 1.4 seconds.
For the third consecutive week, Maine South went undefeated in wrestling on all four levels. By beating Glenbrook South, 28 to 11, the varsity moved into a tie for second place in the Central Suburban Conference. The big win came, however, two weeks ago at Maine West, when the Hawks turned back the Warriors 22 to 18. Besides putting Maine West down in third place, the victory was sweet since it was the first time the Hawks downed the Warriors in mat action. Jeff Rehder, Rick Nouses, Tom Neuses, Tom Schuessler, Dave Miller, and Ty Sigmund all contributed to the victory. Rick's win came on the only pin of the meet. Brother Tom came close but settled for a 15 to 0 decision. Sigmund's turned out to be a pressure bout, as the winner of it took the meet. Ty looked like a champ, winning 10 to 0. The final results of the Glenbrook South meet were surpris ing in that the Titans made it closer than expected. Last year, the Hawks had no trouble, winning 37 to 9. Glenbrook picked up valuable points on pins at 112 and 120, making the meet a little closer. Ralph Rozny helped close the gap with a pin at 3:07. Rozny has been giving much needed help lately, being (he only one in the first three weight classes with a record amounting to anything.
Tom Neuses picked up the other Hawk pin of the meet, sticking at 1:28 in the 133 division. Presently, Tom has the best record on the team at 161-1. Rick Neuses switched roles in this meet, and took his turn beating his man big, winning 13 (0 0. Rick and Tom have made a perfect one-two combination, as Rick also has a fine record at 15-2. At 138, Tom Schuessler makes it like a one-two-three punch with 12 wins to his credit. Schuessler won 5 to 0 against Glenbrook. and was named "Wrestler of the Week" for his efforts. Dan Holden came out victorious in a wild one at 180. as both men had the other in a
near pin at different times. Holden won 9 to 8. Tj' Sigmund's heavyweight match was not only significant because he won 3 to 0. but also in that Mr. John Kilcullen was ejected from the timekeeper's position. Mr. Kilcullen thought the Titan ^vrestler was stalling, and he made his opinion known. Apparently the ref had other ideas. For the record, a time keeper is supposed to be neutral. On the sophomore level, Don Kemp pinned in the final bout to give the Hawks a 27 to 21 victory against the Titans. The win moved the sophomores into a first place tie with none other than Glenbrook South, each team having a 5-1 record. Brian Palmer, 103-pounds. and Jack Brown, 138-pounds, also pinned for the Hawks.
Dave Miller (top) rubs his Titan opponent's head into the mat. Dave, who is really not that mean, went on to win 9 to 5, almost pinning in the t h i r d period.