Vol 5 issue 10

Page 1

2 History Teachers Recognized with Honors Mr. Kenneth Faulhaber. Mr. Kenneth Faulhaber, instructor in the social science department here at South, recently received an appointment as a William Robertson Coe Fellow at Stanford university, Palo Alto, California, for the summer of 1969. Out of one thousand applicants, Mr. Faulhaber is one of sixteen high school teachers in the entire nation chosen for this fellowship award. The award is given, according to George Knowles, Stanford's program director, to those high school teachers who show "intellectual maturity, personal accomplishment in the classroom, and the promise of a successful teaching career." As a Coe Fellow, Mr. Faulhaber will study in the areas of American history and American studies from June 23 to Aug. 16. He will have an opportunity for concentrated readings, lectures, seminars, and discussions with outstanding American historians and with other Coe Fellows. Mr. Faulhaber. who holds his Master's Degree from Northwestern university and is a

only for his own personal accomplishment in obtaining the fellowship, but also, for his contribution to academic excellence in American history instruction here at Maine South. I am certain that his students in September will profit from his summer work," he concluded.

Mr. Kenneth Faulhaber member of Phi Beta Kappa, has taught United States history and an accelerated Government/ Democracy course at South for the past two years. "The William Robertson Coe Fellowship is the most outstanding award obtainable by a high school teacher for summer study in American history," stated Mr. Otto Kohler, social science department chairman, "Mr. Faulhaber is to be commended and congratulated not

Mr. Eric Edstrom.. . Mr. Eric Edstrom, history instructor at Maine South, has been appointed to the Executive Committee of the Illinois Conference of History Teachers, through the recommendation of State Historian, William K. Alderber and Secretary of the American History Association, Mrs. Oliver. Mr. Edstrom has been active in the American History Association, having done some writings for them on occasions. The Illinois Conference of History Teachers is organized in such a manner, so that the history Teachers, of both high schools and universities, can meet to discuss some of the problems involved in the teaching of history. At these meetings an attempt is made to solve


M r . Eric Edstrom these problems by bringing up the development of new ideas and techniques. When discussing the problems oi teaching, Mr. Edstrom said, "There is tremendous amount of controversy concerned, when dealing with issues which involved such controversial matters as race problems, political

views, sex education, and the social revolution. The way in which these subjects are dealt \ÂŤth also presents certain difficulties. "It is hard for an instructor 10 teach a class without showing any preference to a particular point of \iew, which may influence the students," explained Mr. Edstrom. He went on to say that despite what many people think, historians are playing an important role now, in today's society. Journalists and those who are objectively recording the situations occuring now, are portraying a role of a historian," stated Mr. Edstrom. Mr. Edstrom concluded by explaining, "the historian notes the social revolution in line of what has happened in the past, and he must relate the past to the present in order to make life worth while. Some logical and reasonable patterns must be resolved, so that the world will be a place in which we are able to live."


Disciplinary Limits Set

HLUCPK Volume 5, No. 10

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge,

March 7, 1969

4 2 Soph Lead High Honor Roll At the End of First Semester One-hundred and fifty-six Maine South students are on the high honor roll for the first semester. Six-hundred and forty six students made the " B " honor roll. The sophomores had the highest number on the high honor roll with 42 students. The seniors and juniors both had 39 students on the high honor roll. The high honor roll has 36 freshmen on it. In all there were 96 girls on the high honor roll and 60 boys. The sophomores on the high honor roll are: William Barmeier, Nancy Benjamin, Philip Bethards, Richard Bressler. Barbara 3rezinski, M a r c i a Brinkerhaff, Jill Borgess. Marcia Carney, Robert CasUe. David Cook, Debra Cook, Richard Davis, Doreen Downer, Scott Fauth, Linden Frakes, and Pamela Golasz.

Other sophomores who made the high honor roll are: Robert Greising, Connie Hirsch, Rita HoUerbach, Garrick Jennings, Carla Krummel, Jay La Jone, Claudia Lovelette, Georgia Marner. Michael Martin, Rachel Nelson. John O'Reilly, Scott Peterson, Carol Poorker, Richard Reinne, Kristine Roer, and Eleanor Rowley. The list of sophomores who made the high honor roll con eludes with: Sharon Schiule, Marsha Schniedwind, Robert Sellinger, Paul Steinbach, James Sullivan, A n n Tom-

asiewicz, Jcffery Tone, Phyul Wonplachecke, Maria Westermeier, and Robert Wolter. Seniors who made the high honor roll arc: Chrsline Abcle. Paul Alfassa, Diane Bond, Janis Brockhoff, Margaret Cannon, Trudy Ciecko, Karen Cloud, Ellen Consdorf, Terry Dalton, Andrew Ekman, Marjorie Evenson, Robert Felice, Bonnie Finn, Erik Graff, Judith Harlan, and Glenn Hofeldt. Seniors on the high honor roll also include: Carl Johnson, John Kasper, Howard Keenan, Mary(CONTINUED ON I'AGE 2)

Maine South Hosts Sectional Dramatic Contest Tonight and tomorrow, Maine South will host twelve schools in the annual sectional dramatics contest. The first and second place winners will be eligi-

ble to advance to state competition at the Illinois State University campus on March 28 and 29. Each of the twelve delegations will present a cutting from a

Chris Been, Kathy Goll Solo in Concert T\vo soloists, Chris Been '69, performing on the piano and Kathy Goll '69, performing on the piccolo, will be featured in the Concert Orchestra's spring concert which wiU be held

Chris Been

Last week the United States Supreme Court set disciplinary limits for school officials. School children in Iowa had been prohibited from wearing symbols of protest of the Viet Nam war. The Court decided that freedom of speech had been restricted. Justice Abe Fortas declared that "apprehesion of disturbance" should not prohibit freedom of speech. We agree that free speech should not be prohibited within the school. Freedom of expression is the privilege to voice opinions without infringing upon the rights of others. The right of free speech does not, however, place students on a level equal with that of the administration. We note with apprehension the growth of the idea that students can force the administration to answer for its actions either in Student Council or in private conferences. It seems that loud mouths hide closed minds. Any thinking student would realize that members of the administration are already responsible to parents, tax-payers, and state officials. As long as public school students are educated with public funds, they must function within the framework specified by the tax-payers. As Justice Hugo Black stated in dissenting the Supreme Court decision, "The original idea of schools, which I do not believe is yet abandoned as worthless or out of date, was that children had not yet reached the point of experience and wisdom which enabled them to teach all of their elders." The task of the administration is difficult enough without the Supreme Court hindering disciplinary action. Students are sent to school to be educated, not to become loudspeakers of propaganda under the guise of free speech and in the name of "liberal progress."

March 9 at 3:30 p.m. in the Maine South auditorium. Chris will appear in the Schumann Piano Concerto. A student of Edouard Van Parys, Chris has been studying piano for five years. During his high school career, he has been orchestra pianist and assistant librarian. The Concerto for Piccolo and String Orchestra by Vivaldi will be performed by Kathy. New orchestra gowns which were provided by the Maine South Music Boosters will be used for the first time at this concert. Mrs. Karen Siel)olt, home economics teacher, as well as Kathy Goll '69, Susan Hannibal '70, and Jeanne SchncUer '69, served as advisers to the .Music Boosters Commitee on the purchase of the fifty new formals. The orchestra, under the direction of Mr. Lloyd Spsar and Mr. Angelo Rico, will complete

the concert with Handel's "Royal Fireworks Suite," Nelhybel's "Movement for Orchestra," and selections from the upcoming spring musical, My Fair Lady.

i Kathy Goll

play. Forty minutes are allotted from the opening curtain to the closing curtain. Cuttings may be taken from any length play, they may be either serious or comic in nature, but cannot ho a musical presentation. Three judges, chosen by this year's local manager, Mr. Hal Chastain, will rank all cuttings in the order of excellence of performance. The rankings are tabulated and the cutting whose sum of ranking is smallest is the winner of the contest; the cutting with the next to the smallest sum is awarded second place. Judges from any district contest are not eligible to judge the same event in the sectional contest. Judging is based on five points — choice of play (meaning good theater should be used), direction, staging, acting, and audience appeal (which stems from the question "to what degree does the production make you forget critical questions and let you simply enjoy the play?") Interpretation, scenery, characterizaUon and facial expression as well as costumes, property, lighting and make-up are sharply scrutinized.

Entertainment between the completion of the performances and the results from the judges is customary. Mr. Martello is organizing a forty minute version of Spirit of '69, this year's V-Show, including the pit band as sectional entertainment. Serving as guides and hosts for the contest are Thespian members and initiates. "We are hoping to create a friendly homey atmosphere in which these people can give their best dramatics possible" stated Howard Keenan, Thespain president. Schools are coming to this sectional contest from as far away as Waukegan. "For this reason" commented Mr. Chastain, "whether they win or not, we want to make this the most worthwhile and enjoyable contest they have attended. Maine South, under the dition of Mr. Chastain, is in charge of all 1969 Sectional Speech Contest events. Individual events are planned for March 1 at Maine East, Debate at Maine West on March 8, and Dramatics for Maine South also tomorrow. All students interested are encouraged to attend these performances, which are open to the public.


Pag* 2

March 7, 1M9

Three Juniors Vie for Council Presidency by Audrey Altstadt "My platform centers around the idea that many of our problems are imaginary and caused by lack of trust and understanding," said Bill Mellberg, candidate for Student Council president. Bill said, "We don't have a lack of communication avenues, we're just not using the ones we have available. We have to stop shouting at one another and start talking." Another main point in Bill's campaign is "we cannot force demands upon the administration. Let's be practical, it only causes resentment." He thinks that the Student Council president should not only approach the administration with the requests of the student body, but also report back to the students whatever the administration has to say. The president, in other words, should be the chief mediator between the administration and the student body. Bill feels his lack of past experience on SC will certainly be somewhat of a handicap. He also feels, however, that such handicaps can be quickly overcome. "I think I could be a full-time president," he said. "For ray platform, that would be a must." One of the devices Bill would use to communicate with the entire student body would be a series of editorials heard over the PA system during homeroom. Both the administration and the student body would use this system. In this way, all students could be informed of every side of any issue, especially those concerning school and district policy. Opinions could be obtained by taking a poll. If the administration does not approve the students' requests, BiU does not feel that great pressure is the answer. Rather, he feels that "since the function of the administration is to lead the school and carry out the rules of the district, the students should accept the Administration's decision. "All we can reasonably do is keep asking." However, Bill feels that if the entire student body would get involved and begin discussions on a "logical and mature level", the administration would not refuse any reasonable request. Bill feels that a key point in his platform is building a more favorable image of the school and its students. This image could be achieved by Council's entance in to community activities. It is very important, Bill feels, to get "the administration's respect and the public's support. On a long term basis, these things would be of great value." Two issues presently receiving attention are the possibility

Bill Mellberg

of having a smoking lounge and a more extensive system of student monitoring. Concerning the student smoking lounge, Bill said, "It's illegal, anyhow. It wouldn't benefit that many. Besides, you're in pretty bad shape if you can't be without a smoke aU day." He does favor an enlarged program of student monitoring. In such a program, student monitors would be used in studyhalls and the cafeteria as well as in the halls. His campaign manager is Tom Meyer '70. His four campaign headquarters are in the homes of Dick Smaus '70 at 729 Fairview, Steve Trytten '70 1848 Stewart, Pat Stelcher 1808 S. Vine and Chuck Schaefer '71 900 W. Devon. Others in his campaign include Mark Walker '70, Roger Hofeldt '70, and Dick Yost '71.

Tim Petersen by John Barzditis "I believe students should have the rights which are constitutionally theirs," emphasized Tim Petersen, candidate for SC president, before a group of South students. Tim announced his candidacy for SC president because he considered it his duty to stand up and provide a voice for a cause in which he believes: the right of students to enjoy the blessings of liberty as granted in the Constitution. Tim further stressed that. "We are forced to live under rules and regulations in which we have no voice, not even the right to express our opinions. We must start now to change this policy." After having experienced administration rules for three years, Tim points out examples in school life in which students are unable to exercise what he considers to be basic rights; one of which is the freedom of speech. In outlining the more "flagrant violations," Tim cites the lack of freedom of speech in Student Council, the necessity of having all petitions viewed by the administration, the virtual repression of student papers and the requirement of all citizens wanting to speak before a group of students, to be screened by the administration. Tim points to the case of Hank Kupjack as an example of what has happened to one student at Maine South who attempted to exercise what Tim feels were his legitimate rights. Tim states that Hank, as a conscientious and concerned member of SC, attempting to initiate discussion concerning a topic deemed by the administration as tat)00. The result was inevitable. Hank was removed from SC by the SC officers under the direction of the faculty sponsors." Tim is concerned that another facet of the right of free speech.

the right of self-expression, is being denied to the student body. The right to dress as the individual sees fit is regarded by Tim as an important aspect of the right and freedom of self expression. The attempt of the administration to dictate to a student what he can and cannot wear is condemned by Tim as a gross violation of fundamental rights. In summing up his views Tim states, "As long as dress does not disrupt the educational process I do not see why it should be of any concern to the administration. Dress is a form of self-expression, and personal preferences should be guaranteed along with all our other constitutional rights." Tim has found that the administration differs primarily in basic belief with him in feeling that they should have the primary role in directing the lives of the individual student. It is Tim's firm belief that, "By the time a person is in high school, it is reasonable to assume that he has achieved or is achieving the ability to reason for himself. As a reasoning individual, a student has the ability to make decisions for himself, and any attempt to interfere in decisions facing the individual student is an insult to the integrity and intelligence of the student." In further support of this point, Tim adds the fact that schools exist solely and entirely for the good of the student. The student should be able to have a voice in what is being run for his own sake. Tim feels the administration's responsibility should be confined to the maintenance of the school building and the running of classes, while students should have control over all policies effecting them. To return fundamental rights to the student and to insure student's rights are n e v e r trampled again, Tim will attempt to position a student representative in the school board to voice student opinions. Tim stresses this point of his plan, saying, "The administration has lost respect for the position of the student and it is time we show them that we have a voice in the school." Tim feels that through the combined power of every student at Maine South, organized in one solid, united front, these goals can be attained. With an aroused student body behind him, Tim feels that the restoration of student rights could soon be accomphshed. He feels that if students would unite and do this, the common goals they all aspire toward could be achieved. It is Tim's opinion that such a movement could easily be accomplished within the framework of the law, but we will use every tactic which the administration uses against us to achieve our ends." Tim's activities include involvement in the Ski Club and

being a foimder and active member of the Russian Club. Realizing his lack of council experience, Tim, has, for a period of months, been actively attending council meetings and has gained substantial knowledge of coimcil's operation and problems. Discussing his qualifications Tim has stated "While perhaps I have not had the council experience of other candidates, my candidacy is important because I am the only candidate criisading for the cause of student rights." Serving as Tim's campaign managers are Andy Stanger '70 and Erik Graff *69.

John Welzenbach by Bill Griffiths "Student Council has two basic purposes: to represent the students in dealing with the administration, and functioning for the student body and coordinating school activities," said John Welzenbach, a candidate for Student Council president. "In order for SC to do these things efficiently it needs realistic ideas, not talk or idle promises." In keeping with this idea John has spent several hours in conference with administration and faculty members to make certain that his plans can bo carried through completely and in accordance with school policy. He has detailed programs designed to meet SC's specific problems. Many of them can be initiated this year. John proposes that "the Library .Advisory Committee must be continued to allow the inflow of student suggestions to the library staff. As a member of this committee I am arranging for a special privilege card to be issued to honor roll students in order that they might be able to use the library during any free period." Continuing, John explained, "Most fund raising drives should be replaced by community service projects such as tutoring for the Vista Citizen

Corps instead of collecting from the students." "Changes should be made in the representative system and the role of the president. Representatives should be elected from their respective homeroom groups. On the basis of their merits and ideas. This system would insure reports to each homeroom group. The president should not simply oversee Council, but see that the channels of communications are kept open and used to their potential. John further believes that "every facet of communication must be used to involve the students in Council. Suggestion boxes will be placed in every homeroom and operated by the complex leader. Student opinion polls and questionaires must be adopted to obtain a reflection of student thought on various issues. Results of such polls will be published and made available to all students. It should be publicized that just like any other student the SC representatives have phones and their numbers should be issued at the beginning of the year along with the officers' so individual problems c a n be looked into by the representative and a direct reply can be provided. In-school gripe sessions should be inaugurated to allow extensive contact between students, council, and administration. Whenever the need arises, a room will be scheduled for the use of Council every period of the day. Students can come to that room during any free period and discuss any problems with Council members and whichever faculty and administration member are there." "The term trust and understanding has come up in this campaign, but we can't have trust if we don't know what the other parties are thinking, and we can't have understanding unless we understand the extent of their thinking. With the specific ideas I have suggested, we can take the first steps towards achieving this understanding." John has been involved in SC as a representative during his first two years at South, and is presently complex leader for C103. He is treasurer of Thespian Society and a member of Brotherhood since his sophomore year. Campaign headquarters for John are at the homes of Bev Baren, 515 Grand blvd.; Debbie Larson, 600 N. Seminary; and Kay Lewis, 733 S. Hamlin.

Southwords The oHicial student iicMsiiaper of Maine Township High South, rark Ridlie. Illinois. WriUen and edited bi-weekly by students of the high school. SubscripUons included with activity ticket or purchased separately at S2 per year. Editor-in-chiel News Editor

Seniors Tie Juniors on Honor Roll (CONTINUED FROM PAGE 1)

Beth Lake, Sarah Linquist. Martha Lund, Margerie Mc Bride, Gary Mc Clelland, Joel Morris, W e n d y Mxmster, M i c h a e l iNowak. Kathleen O'Hare, Beth Onderdonk, J o h n Ongman, Sarah Penny, and Nancy Phillips. The list of seniors who are on the high honor roll concludes with: John Priest, Guy Riddle, Thomas Savage, Jean Schneller, Melissa Siebert, and Nancy Stinton. The list of juniors who made the high honor roU begins with: Thomas Alf, Nina Bernard, Donna Castle, Susan Chastain, Allen Cherry, Celest Ciarmoli,

Alice Conners, Donna Cuttone, Deborah Davaney, Mary Dulisch. Norman EUstrand, Claudia Gaeding. Clifford Geschke, Cynthia Golding, and D e b r a Graham. Other juniors who are on the honor roll are: Aviar Grislis, Nancy Herrmenn, Roger Hofeldt, Barbara Hoffman, Robert Huxtable, Gary King. William Kuhn, Vesna Neskow, Kathryn Novak. Melanie Pankow. Elizabeth Pendzich. Karen Ritts, Andrew Sampracos. Alison Seno, Ramsey Stade, and Carol Steinhauser. The list of juniors on the high honor roll concludes with: 1 CONTINUED ON PACE 3)

Features Editor Sporu Editor Art Editor Photo Editor

Samh Penny Karen Cloud Sue Hendricks Jim Buiter AUyn Eriksen Joel Shclton

Assistant Editors Terry Dalton, BiH GriffUbs. PbylUs Ehret Reporters Rich Hyde, Donna Tumbarello. Audrey Altstadt. Linda Zlnk. Jane O'Donncll. Jeanne Rogers. Hobble L'E%perance, John Barzditia, D e b Veriench. Melissa Siebert. Allen Lauterhach. Pat l.uvisi. Roger Hofeldt. Steve Bloomdnhl. Cartoonisu Photographer

stevc Trytten. Palricia Stelcher Bob Bertsche

Student News Bureau Editor •... Cathy Mabrey A'l^'isor

Mr. Kenneth BeiUy


March 7, 1969

Page 3

Julie Fleetwood and Robbie Little Explain Platforms

Julie Fleetwood By BUI Griffiths "Since Student Council came into existence at Maine South and has seemed to be ineffective in achieving its purpose, the members of SC and the student body have lumped all the problems together and labeled them 'lack of communication." "I do not feel that this is SC's primary difficulty, but that the failure of the officers to keep their campaign promises is the problem. The students have elected the candidates with the best sounding solutions to Council's problems, but during their time of office the yviolate the students' trust by not fulfilling their promises. "My basic goal therefore will be to complete the programs I suggest in my platform. To insure this aim I have checked into every one of my plans for its practicality, usefulness, and drawbacks," explained Juhe Fleetwood, candidate for Student Council secretary. Outlining her plans for next year, Julie said, "An unlimited Off-Council should be encouraged, so that anyone submitting an application will be accepted. SC meetings should bo scheduled whenever necessary from

one to five days each week depending on the work load. "A system of graduated privileges should be instituted for each of the four classes. Complex leaders are suffcient for checking to see that reports are made and should be used for that purpose instead of organizing a new committee. Executive Board of SC should include complex leaders as well as the committee chairmen so they could report on upcoming SC plans which SC members are not always informed of. Continuing, Julie feels that "the Library Advisory Committee's activities should be extended and have some influence in the choice of new material in the library. After talking with members of the faculty I have found that additional library hours have been tried before in the district and the cost has been prohibitive. "I fully recognize that more SC issues should be opened to the student body to get their opinions and perhaps solutions to problems which SC alone canot solve. "Opinion polls will be used for this purpose whenever necessary. Some of these opinions could then be discussed at Council-Faculty meetings such as were held this year, only expanded to include representative students from each class, faculty, and members of the administration. "Monthly reports of SC's business will be mimeographed and posted in each complex after being read to the students of the complex. " C l o s e d circuit television broadcasts for SC scheduled for this year were found to be impossible due to the cost and 12 liours of production time required to make such a program, consequently I cannot propose such reports for next year."

Concluding, Julie stated, "I am extremely concerned about Council and feel strongly that with the combined efforts of a responsible SC and student support it can improve Maine South." Julie enjoys working and corresponding with others and feels that these are essential quaUties for a secretary to have. She is a member of Brotherhood Society, Class Council, Student Council (for which she has done all official typing this year besides serving as a representative) and her church youth group. Julie has been a member of GRA since her freshman year, and is now its president. Ken Lossman and Jeannie Paige are her campaign managers, and her campaign headquarters are at the home of Joanne Rees, 831 S. Aldine and at office no. 6 in the Pickwick Building.

Roberta Little by Mary Beth Krebs An even better council, good communication with the student body and efficient organization are the main issues in Robbie Little's campaign for secretary of Student Council.

Many times Student Council is criticized for not representing the opinions of the student body and working for the changes that they want. It is in speaking for the student body and voicing their views to the administration that Council must work the hardest," she explains. "Council must gain the confidence of the student body by more efficient operation and better reporting. The president and secretary should report directly to the students at frequent intervals. "The most important thing however is that the students must care. Students who want changes must show that they are in the majority and really want these changes. Then, and only then, can the officers of student council accomplish anything. They must function knowing they have the mandate of the students behind them." Robbie's platform also calls for a larger Off-Council, as a check committee, and distribution of the student voice to different groups of people in the school. She adds, "Complex leaders must think of themselves as leaders and work as such; representatives must be made to realize that they are in council to serve the student body, not to enjoy themselves. This is where Council must be changed the most. The 'spirit' of council must be changed." Robbie outlines several projects to look forward to next year. These include: 1) Opening of the Maine South library two or three nights a week for those who do not find the allotted time during the day sufficient to use the facilities; 2) High honor roll cards used as permanent hall passes, begining with seniors and gradually expanding to other classmen; 3) Optional attendance at assemblies, with a study hall ar-

ranged for those students who do not wish to attend; 4) Optional eighth semester finals for those seniors passing the last three quarters; 5) An increased monitoring system, beginning with student monitoring in the cafeteria. As a footnote to these ideas, Robbie adds, "Anyone running for any student Council office must realize that they cannot demand anything from the administration, and consequently cannot promise anything to the student body. All they can promise is that they will work for certain things through the proper channels. Robbie and her campaign manager, Patty Ewing, have outlined a campaign to garland the school with blue and orange, Robbie's colors. Their slogan "Think Big, Vole Little" will appear on posters, "fact sheets" about Robbie, and possibly on hand stamps. Campaign headquarters are at the homes of Bonnie DaValle's, 808 S. Hamlin, and Patty Ewing, 730 N. Washington Freshmen with any questions or suggestions or Robbie's platform or campaign can talk to Sue Holz, Carol Mizer, Sue Sandberg, and Jeff Schumaker, while Jan and Jill McAuliff and Scott Peterson are open to comments from sophomores. Juniors are encouraged to talk to Bonnie DaValle. Robbie's representatives in the senior class are Patty Ewing, Linna Ramlow, and Ty Sigmund. In conclusion, Robbie said) "A secretary is more than just someone who takes down minutes and writes letters. A secretary is expected to do this and do it well and efficiently. A secretary should also be a leader. It's taken five long years to build up the present rapport S. C. has with the administration. I want to keep that ball rolling."

G-Men Second in CSL Meet; Finish in Tie For Championship Conference competition worries are a thing of the past for the Maine South varsity gymnasts. All attention is now turned to East Leyden were the district competition will be held tonight. Then it's the state battle at Niles West next week. The Hawks completed their conference action last week in the conference meet at New Trier West. Unfortunately, they pulled up second to Niles North. Since they defeated the Vikings already this year, however, the Hawks still finished on top with Niles as co-champs of the Central Suburban Conference. But for the Maine South Gmen. it was the first bitter taste of defeat this year. The conference championship was in their grasp from last year, and they wanted it again in 1969. all for themselves. Jack F a m y especially stood out. He placed second in overall competition where a boy is

entered on five apparati and his total points are added. He also took a first on the high bar and placed in the top ten on parallel bars. Steve Olson and Ken Brocker finished one-two on the trampoline with Larry Barcheski a close fourth. Chris Porter and Ryan Fergison finished in the top ten on the side horse as did Neil Hagen and Scott Shute on the parallel bars. Hagen, in fact, placed second on P-bars despite a severe ankle injury. Overall, then, six points would have given the Hawks sole possession of the number one spot. A heartbreaking way to end a season. But for a team that was supposed to win less than half of its meets at the beginning of the year because of rebuilding, a co-champ perch at the end of the year seemed only an im-

Honor Roll List (COfmmjED FROM PAGE 2>

Patricia Stelcher, Katherine Thies, Barbara Turley, Marie Valus, Mark Walker, Henry Warchall, John Welzenbach, and Dana Winikates. Freshmen who made the high honor roll are: Diane Arnst, John Bokosky, James Bruce, Jill Chamberlain. Gregory Ciezadlo, Laura Dyck, Ann Flannery, Robert Flowers, Patricia Groziak, Diane Harpling, Daniel Havlir, Shirley Huxtable, Judy Iwata, Elizabeth Kaplinski, Dianne Kinast, and Janice Klich.

The list of freshmen on the high honor roll continues with: John Peter Koulous, Mary Beth Krebs, Lynne La Jone. Bruce Little, Neal Lohuis, Eileen Lynch, Holly McLean. Laurel Mcstcr, Gary Parsons, Michalina Pendzich. Margaret Robandt, Carol Ross, and Nancy Ruthcnbeck. The list of freshmen who made the high honor roll concludes with: Pamela Sakowicz, Carol Schalk. Thomas Seidel. Christine Shaw, Joseph Spatafora, Mark Van Etten and Diano WUlc.

possible dream. Now it is a reality. The Hawks took one-two-three on all the apparati except side horse and free exercise. Oh yes, for those of you keeping tabs on every meet, the Hawks' final win of the season came two weeks ago against Glenbrook South. The Titan team was like melting butteri as the Hawks cru.shed them 104.10 to 58.45.

The Maine South A Strip.

Foilers Look To State Competition The strongest fencing team in Maine South history has been preparing for the Illinois State Tournament to be held in Urbana tomorrow afternoon. The Hawk team boasts a 12 win and 3 loss record for the year. "Last year's team placed seventh in state competition but this year's team, with all of its talent, will certainly place higher," said the squad's coach. Miss Karen Kenyon. Individual high scores have been the main reason for the 12 and 3 record. The A strip has amassed a 73 win and 33 loss record with Dave Littell leading the team with an outstanding 31 win and 8 loss total. Other A strip individual records are Fred Henshaw's 24 and 12 total and the 20 win and 19 loss record of Dave Hicks. The B strip has a 79 win and 45 loss record. The individual scores are Greg Goodrich, 28-14; Bob Young, 25-17 and Jim Engbloom, 24-15. "Seniors Fred Henshaw, Dave

Hicks and Greg Goodrich will be making their final appearance representing Maine South at the tournament," added Miss Kenyon. "These three have been consistent in perpetuating tlie high caliber of fencing at Maine South." Future Maine South fencing teams will come out of the new junior varsity level which began competition this year. Although the number of meets have been limited, the little Hawks have won seven and lost only one thus far. Outstanding members of the juniir varsity level on the basis of wins and losses are Brian Turk and John Duncan. Other members arc Rudolph Hass, Jim Sullivan, John Johnson, Phil Frystak, Jerry Henrekin, Larry Bobbins, Bob Bucaro, Dave Ihge, Keven Loughlin and Bill Bormann. The Hawks scored a major upset two weeks ago by defeating previously unbeaten Pleasant Plains, the number one

team in the state. Here, the A strip took three out of nine bouts, but the B strip took seven out of nine for the victory. More recently, the Hawks were upset by Notre Dame, 10 to 8, in their last dual meet. Since fencing coverage has been limtied this year, here are all the previous scores for the season: Maine South 10, Notre Dame 8 Maine South 15, New Trier E. 3 Maine South 13, Foreman 5 Maine South 13, Niles East 5 Maine South 9, NUes West 9 (decided by number of touches) Maine South 16, Foreman 2 Maine South 17, New Trier East 1 Maine South 6, Marshall 12 Maine South 15, Dixon 3 Maine South 13, Niles West 5 Maine South 8, Marshall 10 Maine South 10, Pleasant Plains 8 Maine South 17, Dixon 1 Maine South 8, Notre Dame 10

Pag* 4

March 7, 1969


Hawks Seek Regional Crown Tonight by Jim Huster Now the hottest team in the area, the Maine South Hawk cagers will go for their second straight regional crown tonight here on the South floor. After crushing their first two opponents in this regional, Maine has brought their win streak to ten straight games. Due to a press deadline, this article could not include results of last night's semifinal game between Maine West and Forest View. The winner of that game, though is tonight's opponent for the Hawks. As far as Maine South is concerned, however, the Hawks are heavy favorites to cop the championship. The fired-up Hawk five has reeled off backto-back wins by margins of 32 and 29 points, respectively. This momentum has also

served to advance the Hawks in the final conference standings, as the regular season ended last Friday. Two weeks ago, the Hawks took home a hard-earned 59 to 57 thriller from New Trier West. TTiis win moved the Hawks up to a tie for second with New Trier, and avanged

South's earlier 62 to 55 loss to the Cowboys, back in those dark days of January. South maintained this position last Friday when they easily disposed of Glenbrook North, 75 to 48, in the conference finale. Dave Butz, with a conference season high of 26 points and a

Schmelzer, Butz All-CSL The annual poll of Central Suburban League coaches last week found two Hawk cagers on the CSL All-Conference team, while another received honorable mention honors. Center Dave Butz made the team for the second straight year, along with junior forward Greg Schmezer. Forward Bob Nettinga made honorable mention. Dave, who had finished second in the league scoring race for two years in a row, dominated Maine's team statistics in both scoring and rebounding. The 6ft. 6 in. senior totaled 234 points in 19 conference games, while he has scored 380 in all games up to the most recent regionals. In addition, he leads the team in rebounds with 220. Greg, in his first year on varsity, has looked impressive in both scoring and rebounding. He is the team's second leading scorer with 272 in all games, while he is the third highest rebounder with 191. Greg was also one of the best defensive players in the league, as he usually drew the toughest assignments each night. Bob, in making honorable mention, was the team's third highest scorer with a total of 232 points. At 6ft. 3in., Bob was one of the strongest rebounders in the conference, and is currently second on the team with 205 rebounds. In one game with Glenbrook South, he tied a conference record by grabbing 21 rebounds.

Bob Nettinga, Greg Schmelzer and Dave Butz (I. to r.) watch shot taken by Ralph Remus (14), while Glenbrook South's Bruce Johnson (33) and Scott Buzzard (25) try to rebound.

season high of 17 rebounds, lead the rout of the Spartans. This Monday, t h e Hawks entered their own tourney in the first game, and eliminated hapless Glenbrook South, 85 to 53. With only a 37-21 halftime advantage, Maine came on strong in the second half to run the Titans off the court. Balanced scoring marked the game for South, as four men scored well into double figures. Butz again was high scorer, as he dropped in 20. Mike Kevins hit a varsity career high of 19, while Greg Schmelzer added 16 and Bob Nettinga 14. Last Wednesday night, however, was a true high point of the varsity season, when the Hawks more then ever before put in four quarters of inspired basketball to crush intra-town.ship rival Maine East, 69 to 40. This was only the second meeting in history between the two schools, and seniors remember how in the finals of the Maine East Regional of 1966, East upset the top-seeded Hawks, 46 to 45. It proved a different story in the first few minutes of this game, however. The Hawks bolted into a 8-1 lead in the first few minutes, and except for a

Neuses Edged In Overtime, 4-2 In State Championship Finals After going all the way in the state wrestling tourney, Tom Neuses' fine mat career at South suddenly came to an end in the final seconds of the first overtime of the championship bout. Moline's Dwight McHenry managed to move Tom, the state's defending 133 pound champ, into a predicament, and thus take the state 138 pound championship on a 4-2 decision. Tom had been the only one of the five Hawks who qualified for sectionals to survive the rigors of elimination in the West Leyden Sectional. Of these five, Tom Magas and Art Hader were eliminatÂŤi in the first round. Magas lost on an 8-4 decision to Lynch of Fremd, while Ashy of Palatine defeated Hader, 4-1. In addition to Neuses, though, Dan Holden at 180 and T>' Sigmund at heavyweight won first round decisions. In the next round, however, Dan lost to McNeels from Ridgewood, 9-3, and was edged by Novak of Prospe(Jt to take fourth place honors.

Ty simply could not break an old jinx in his second round, as he tied Gann of West Leyden, but lost the decision on a referee's decision. This marked the third time in a row that Ty had been eliminated from the state tourney on a referee's decision. However, Ty took the consolation bout to finish with third place honors.

Tom Neuses

Tom then moved on to the state meet at Champaign, and took his first round match when he decisioned Kozicki from Kennedy, 9-1, on Friday afternoon. In the second round that evening, Tom faced Baron of Argo, and defeated him on a 3-0 decision. The next day, Tom found himself locked in a close dual with Buzick of Pekin. The bout ended in a 4-4 tie, but Tom was awarded the bout on a referee's decision. Later that afternoon, the final showdown for the championship followed. McHenry, Tom's opponent, was riding a win streak of 32 matches along with being undefeated. Both men managed to 5-core two points in regulation time, and with that time ended, the bout ended in a 2tie. Going into overtime, neither man could score until only a few seconds remained. Then McHenry employed a cradle move that forced Tom into a predicament and gave McHenry the state title.

few moments before halftime when tlie Demons slowed the game down and began to creep up on the Hawks, the contest was never in doubt. That first quarter spurt on the part ot the Hawks also featured a tremendous personal milestone, when, with about four minutes remaining in the period, Dave Butz slammed in a layup to score his 1,001st point of his virsity career. In another consistantly fine individual performance, Dave once again lead all scorers with 21. Schmelzer, with 17, played a particularly impressive game under the offensive boards. In the other first round games, Maine East edged Glenbrook North, 63 to 59, to qualify to meet the Hawks. Forest View, though, didn't look to impressive in defeating seventh seed Conant, the ninth-place team in the Mid-Suburban League, in the final moments of the fourth quarter, 55 to 43. Maine West, though, battered Prospect, 51 to 43, as the Warriors never trailed the Knights. Maine West has been predictt ing a win in a rematch with the Hawks for quite some time, despite games in which they were defeated 64 to 54 by Glenbrook North, and 71 to 33 by Niles West. Tonight's game, therefore, could be another spirited affair between Maine Township rivals.

JVs, Frosh A Are Champs With the conclusion of the conference season last weekend, two Maine South cage teams claimed conference crowns. The Junior Varsity, by beating Glenbrook North, 67 to 55 finished as conference co-champs with Deerfield with a record of 12 wins and 2 losses. The .)Vs' overall mark was 14 and 3. This, incidentally, marked the fourth consecutive championship that Coach Bob Schmidt has won on the JV level. Bob Norlander paced the JV victory over the Spartans with 20 points, while Jim Williams added 13 and Mike Ebert and Tim Semrau hit for 10 apiece. The same morning, the South freshman A squad claimed their title with a 72 to 36 triumph over Glenbrook. Coach George Verber's squad, with a conference record of 13 wins and one loss, took the CSL title going away, as their nearest contender finished four games behind the Hawks.

Fleetfeet Run in Conference Meet Tomorrow After winning three straight dual meets, the record of the varsity Hawk fleetfeet dropped to four wins and four losses when South came out third in the District 207 triangular and then lost a narrow 55 to 54 decision to Glenbrook North last Wednesday. Maine will be out tomorrow afternoon, though, to

get back in the groove when they run in the conference meet at the Maine East fieldhouse. In the most recent meets the Hawks took a big 78 to 31 win over Glenbrook South in their first home meet two weeks ago. Jim Cole, Jim Walley, and Mike Murzyn swept the first event, the two mile run, while

Jim Benda (left) hokis a slight lead over Hansen of Maine West in the District 207 high hurdles race, while Tom Dunn (right) holds fourth place.

Jim Benda, Dave Fowler, and while Benda took the low Tom Dunn did likewise in the hurdles in another season record of 6.2. Soph Ted Berg took a high hurdles. Al Burgess and Dave Bau- first in the long jump for the man took firsts in the 50 yd. second meet in a row. dash and 880 yd. run respectively, while the four lap relay team of Bob Spicer, Burgess, Gary Smith, and Jim Doubler defeated Glenbrook's team. Benda, Burgess, and D u n n swept the low hurdles, while Bob Cesario and John Zipparro took one-two in the mile run. The mile relay team of Bauman, Nick Lyons, Ralph Murdy, and Benda beat Glenbrook by four seconds. The Hawks then took a 70 to 38 win over Morton East last week in another dual. Cole won the two mile in the team's season record time of 10:08, while Benda, Fowler, and Dunn swept the high hurdles for the third meet in a row. Burgess and Smith took one-two in the 50, Jim Cole runs in the two while the four lap relay team mile run in the Dist. 207 won again. meet. Murdy won the 440 yd. dash.

Jim Benda was the only individual winner for the Hawks in the District 207 meet, as he took the high hurdles in 6.6. The two strong Hawk relay teams also took firsts, though. In the most recent Glenbrook North meet, the Hawks built up a big lead by dominating the running events, only to lose it by their poorest showing of the year in the field events. Firsts for the Hawks were taken by Benda in the high hurdles and 440, Burgess in the 50, both relay teams, and Mike Murzyn in the 880. Cole, Walley, and Bill Swaback swept the mile run. The Haws could only manage five points in the four field events, and as a result, Glenbrook scored just enought to edge Maine. Berg took a second in the long jump, but the Hawks were shut out in the high jump and only had Mike Polachek and Ty Sigmund in third in the pole vault and shot put. Both just barely missed higher places.

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