Vol 5 issue 11

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138 on High Honor Roll at End of Third Quarter One hundred and thirty-eight made the High Honor Roll for the third quarter. The senior and junior classes were first with thirty-five students each. The freshman class having thirty-three students, and the sopho ty-three students, and the sophomores with thirty-one. Senior students making the High Honor Roll include Chris Abele, Paul Alfassa, D i a n e Bond. Diane Briars, Janis Brockhoff, Meg Cannon, Trudy Ciecko, Karen Cloud, Terry Dalton, Andrew Ekman, Robert Felice, Bonnie Finn, Ken Foley, Erik Graff, Judy Harlan, and John Heaney. Continuing the list are Janice Johnson, Marybeth Lake. Martha Lund, Margerie McBride. Nancy McCarthy, Gary McClelland, Joel Morris, Wendy Munster, Kathy Ohare, John Ongman, Sarah Penny, Nancy Phillips, John Priest, Guy Riddle. Kathleen Roer, and Melissa Siebert. Concluding are Bill Silberman, Bob Spicer, and Nancy Stinton. Juniors on the list are Tom Alf, Nina Bernard, Sue Chastain, Allen Cherry, Celeste Ciarmoli, Alice Conners, Deborah Devaney, Mary Dulisch, Tom Elberfeld, Norm Ellstrand, Claudia Gaeding, Paul Geishecker, Cliff Geschke, Debra Graham, Aiver Grislis, and Roger Hofeldt. Included are Barbara Hoffman, Terese Jennings, Debra King. Gary King, Tom Klancnik, Richard Koeim, V'esna Nes-

kow, Kathryn Novak, Georgeann Pallo. Melanie Pankow, Elizabeth Pendzich, Karen Ritts, Andrea Sampracos, Alison Seno, Jerome Shemechko. Pat Stelcher, Henry Warchall. John Welzenback. and Dana Winikates. Sophomores honored are Don Algrim. Bill Barmeier, Nancy Benjamin, Richard Bressler, Marcia Brinkerhoff, Jill Burgess. Marcia Carney, Robert Castle, David Cook, Debra Cook, Kathy Craine, Doreen Downer, Karen Drummond, Scott Fauth, Thomas Fluhler, and Linden Frakes. Others are Pam Golasz, Connie Hirsch, Garrick Jennings, Gwen Kettelson, Carla Krummel. Jay LaJone, Steve Olson, Scott Peterson, Richard Reinke, Eleanor Rowley, Robert Sellinger. Paul Steinbach, James Sullivan, Ann Tomasiewicz, and Jeff Tone. Freshmen on the list include John Bokosky, Jim Bruce, Tom Bush, Jill Chamberlain, Greg Ciezadlo, Ann Flannery, Robert Flowers, Diane Harpling, Margaret Hawkins, Shirley Huxtable, Judy Iwata, Elizabeth Kerr, Dianne Kinast, Janice Klich, and John Koulos. Continuing the list are Mary Beth Krebs, Alan Lindquisl, Bruce LitUe, Neal Lohuis. Eileen Lynch, Sarah Matson, Laurel Mester, Gary Parsons, Michalina Pendzich, Carol Ross, Nancy Ruthenbeck, Pam Sakowicz, Tom Seidel, Chris Shaw, Joseph Spatafora, Mark Van Etten, and Diane Wille.

'Granny' Given Honored at April 25 Performance of 'My Fair Lady' "ITie April 25 performance of My Fair Lady will be dedicated to a retiring teacher who was an important member of the team of directors who started the Broadway musicals in the Maine Township high schools. Mrs. Ruth Given, a counselor, will be the recipient of the honors by the students and faculty who are participating in the show. "We are extremely regretful that Mrs. Given will be leaving us," commented Dr. Clyde K. Watson. "Mrs. Given has put her fine mark of directorship on hundreds of students who have attended the Maine Schools." Joining the staff of Maine East in 1957 as an instructor of English, Mrs. Given immediately made her debut as a successful director of the school's Variety Show and brought it to prominence.

HLUCRK Volume 5, No. 11

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III.

Seniors, Juniors Elected National Honor Society National Honor Society has accepted 125 new members for 1969. The senior class contributed 99 members, including: Gelaine Aaland. Christine Abele, Elaine Alzos, Laura Amador, Angela Amalo, Christine Baltzor, Diane Bond, Gail Braunsdorf, Diane Briars. Kenneth Brocker, Janis Brockhoff, Robert Brunetti, and Constance Bry niczka. New members also include: Margaret Cannon, Marny Carlson, Barbara Childs, Trudy Cicko, Violet Cline, Karon Cloud, Ellen Consdorf, Russell Consdorf, Laurence Cramer, Diane Dale, Beverly DeSurdis, Charles Dolan, and Craig Eggleston. Continuing the list are: Andrew Ekman, Allyn Eriksen, Marjoric Evenson, Patricia Ewing, Robert Felice, Marilee Fess, Martha Finfrock, Bonnie Finn, Linda Fischrup, Debra Fowler, D a v i d Franzblau, Steven Gabbert, and John Gilles. Other seniors include: Kathleen Goll, Margaret Hass, James Hcnshaw, David Hicks, Mary Hoppe, Patricia Houldsworth, Carl Johnson, Janice .Johnson. Jeffrey Johnson, Kathy Johnson, Michael Jordan, John Kasper and Howard Keenan. Additional members include: Neils Kruse, Janet Kusiciel, Carol Leichtfuss, Kathryn Lewis, James Liptrap, Patrick Mahoney, Margerie McBride, Nancy McCarthy, Gary Mc Clel-

land, Kathleen Mc Lennan, Kim Mc Phoeters, Ellen Mohill. and Teri Moore. Continuing the senior list are: Joel Morris. Wendy Munster, Michael Nowak. Beth Onderdonk, Kenneth Palmer, Margaret Patchett, Sarah Penny, Thomas Pomorski. John Priest, Ralph Remus, George Rieger, Kathleen Roer. and Thomas Savage. Also on the list are: Joy Schaefer, Kathleen Schmunk, Jean Schneller, Anna Schwartz, James Shafer, Melissa Siebert, Arthur Sigmund, John Skwski, Robert Sorensen, Robert Spicer, John Stagg, Natalie Steinbach, and James Stinson. Finishing the list of seniors are: Michael Strelka, Karen Sundbcrg, T h o m a s Valenti, Michael Venson, Patricia Werstein, Lynn Westberg, Kathy Wheeler, and Dedorah Wickersham. The junior class had a total of 26 members elected to the society. They include: Deborah Devaney, Mary Dulisch, Norman Ellstrand, Claudia Gaeding. Clifford Geschke, Cynthia Golding, Aivar Grislis, Roger Hofeldl. Barbara Hoffman. Robert Huxtable, Debra King, Gary King, and Maren Klich. Ending the list of juniors are: William Kuhn, Vesna Neskow. Kathryn Novak, Melanie Pankow, Ehzabeth Pendzich, Andrea Sampracos, Ramsey Stade,

Katherine Thies, Irene Totoraitis. Barbara Turley. Mark Walker. Henry Warchall, and Dana Winikates. Newly elected juniors wiU have a meeting May 6, after school, to elect the officers for next year. On Friday May 2 the new members will officially be installed, in the auditorium. The speaker will be a scientist from a local company. To be eligible for membership a senior must have at least a 3.0 or B average, and have taken no less than four full credit courses in each of the seven semesters. Juniors who rank in the upper five per cent of their class are eligible for membership provided they have no grade lower than a B in all courses. The entire faculty then votes on the candidates on the basis of scholarship, character, service, and leadership. National Honor Society is mainly a recognition organization where a student is recognized for his academic abilities as well as personal capabilities. The society has successfully sponsored the tutoring program. So many requests were made for tutors that students other than society members were required. The society has also sponsored the Lost and Found department, and the tutoring program for underprivileged children at Hull House.

Joseph Peacock Elected Mayor M r s . Ruth Given At the invitation of Lloyd Spear, then chairman of the music department at Maine East, Mrs. Given became a stage director for the first Boardway musical to be presented at that school, The King and I, in 1962,

In last Tuesday's municipal elections Joe Peacock, Better Government Party candidate for mayor won decisively over Alan Kidston, Ridge Party candidate for mayor and leader of the Ridge Party. The Better Government Party also won the offices of City Clerk, Treasurer, and seven out of eight aldermanic seats.

About half of Park Ridge's registered voters turned out to give Mr. Peacock a 6496 to 4421 vote victory. Incumbents Paul Badger and Nate Lester of the Better Government Party won over Willard Rowe and Loren Young of the Ridge Party for the offices of City Clerk and Treasurer. A vote to increase the library tax was defeated.

Students 'Found Surprises' in Nursery School A surprise was in store for any wrestler who wished to use the Wrestling gym March 24, through 28 and April 7, through 11. Instead of being met by the pungent odor of rubber mats and a 90 degrees heat wave, he was instead greeted by a large and varied variety of preschoolers, mvolved in the Psychology Nursery School. The familiar red rubber mats had been replaced by blocks, dolls, a puppet house, trucks, and pictures of Donald Duck and Mickey Mouse. The school operated in two shifts; thirteen morning children and twelve in the afternoon. Activities varied, according to periods. The children participated in everything from free play 10 art activities, to puppet shows. The children ranging from the ages of two and onehalf to four and one-half were challenged by all types of play. Hie two weÂŤk observation coincided with a month long study of child development. The social and physical development at each age level was carefully

April 18,1969

watched and observed. The students took on the roll of teacher. By working with the children the "teachers" had a chance to use the guidance techniques that were studied beforehand. Free play saw the children engaged in a variety of activities: puppet shows, playing house, building blocks, playing ball, and running around the room. In the second week of Nursery school the children discovered the record player and musical instruments. Each child would get his favorite instrument and march around the room in a circle for at least a half-an-hour. To the observers the time span often seemed much longer. What the fascination found in this activity by the children was still remains a mystery. Perhaps the children's favorite activity was snack time. Juice and cookies were served by the students to the children. Many students' expressions indicated that they heartily wished they could participate in this favorite activity too.

Regardless of the opinion the student had when venturing upon this new and 'exciting' experience in working with children; most found their attitudes expressed in one of these two

sentences: "Oh, I loved it! 1 wish we could have it every morning!!!" or more frequently, "The Nursery school was fun while it lasted; but I'm glad its over."

As olher psychology studcn:. _ t j , ^ : ve, children enjoy working w i t h Play-Doh.

group of

The primary issue in this campaign, as in the campaign of two years ago, was over commercial development in downtown Park Ridge. The Better Government Party successfully argued that revitalization of the downtown area is necessary to provide urgently needed income for the schools and city to relieve the huge burden of the taxpayers. In opposition the Ridge Party argued that expanded development of the downtown area will provide enough problems to outweigh any advantages it might create. Other minor issues included debate over the advisory referendum on downtown heights, the Greenwood underpass, the current traffic survey, the role of the zoning board, plan commission, and city manager in determining municipal policy, the extent to which the former council met the city's problems, and the role of party politics in city government. Since 1950 Mr. Peacock has served as president of the Peacock Business Press, Inc., a publisher of trade magazines. Peacock Business Press is located on Prospect across from the Post Office. Mr. Peacock has summed up his qualifications by stating "For twenty years I've had a double stake in Park Ridge—as a resident and as the owner of a private business in Park Ridge. It's my desire to make a concrete contribution to Park Ridge in the form of time, executive know-how, and progressive planning."

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April 18, 1969

Elocutionist Trains Urchin In 'My Fair Lady My Fair Lady, this year's spring musical, portrays the efforts of Higgins, a gentleman elocutionist, to train a street urchin. Eliza Doolittle. in the basics of proper speech and sophistication. It is based on a Greek myth and on George Bernard Shaw's play Pygmalion. Sue Chastain '70 and Joyce Carlson '70 are double-cast in the role of Eliza Doolittle. Bill Alzos '70 and Tom Meyer '70 portray Henry Higgins.

Pictured above are Tom Hicks, Sam Piraino, and Dan Cinelli singing "With a Little Bit oF Luck."

Stage Transformed To London The construction crew for My Fair Lady has worked on building sets since February for the upcoming performances. Guy Riddle '69, has supervised construction of the six sets which comprise the backdrops and scenery. The sets, which must transform the Maine South stage into scenes of London, were all designed by Mr. Daniel Padberg, drama instructor. They include an English pub, the Covent Gardens theatre. Wimple Street, a Conservatory, and the study in Henry Higgins' house. The study is used in the majority of the scenes. It is the largest set, consisting of three big units. A balcony overlooks center stage. Stairs leading up to the balcony are located at stage left. Stage right can be turned around to double as the conservatory. This technique

was employed by Mr, Padberg in tlie Music Man last year, when the interior and exterior of the Paroo home were on a revolving base. To achieve the effect of spaciousness, the walls of the study are actually sixteen feet high. Construction materials a r e varied. Frames are made of wood. Plaster of Paris covers some of these frames. Paint and cardboard are also utilized. Guy Riddle, construction crew head, commented on the progress of the sets saying, "We started work on the backdrops immediately after V-Show. We worked over Easter vacation and continued every day while rehearsals were going on. We've put a lot of time and energy into the construction element of My Fair Lady. I've been really pleased with the success we've had and the professional look we've achieved with these sets."

According to Sue, Eliza is, "an ignorant but proud girl who has a warmth and tenderness which helps her, with the right training, to become a lady." Sue has appeared in Sound of Music, a.s the Mother Abbess, and in Music Man. She has also been in David and Lisa, The Crucible, Inherit the Wind, VShow, a n d Summer Drama Workshop. The British and Cockney accents are confusing. Laughingly, she says she is afraid she'll talk British or Cockney in her classes. "Even though it is hard now," she feels it will become ea.sier, "when I am more familiar with it." "The costumes are really great." she continued.

"They have been designed from those worn in the movie production of My Fair Lady." Sue is especially glad to have been given the opportunity to sing so much in her role. She is looking forward to the work because "the harder you work on a .show, tiie more fun you have." "Eliza is a vivacious, fun-loving girl whose inner-self doesn't come out until it is encouraged by Higgins," according to Joyce Carlson. Joyce is especially excited by the opportunity to sing the songs. She concurs with Sue in tliat the Cockney accent wiU be difficult to master. Joyce was in the chorus for the Music Man last year. "It's going to be a hard role, and I'm going to have to put ever>'thing into it," she concluded. "Henry Higgins is a spoiled baby; he's babied by his mother and must always have his way. He's obnoxious and conceited, but," says Bill Alzos, "he's lovable." Bill had the lead role of Harold Hill in the .Music Man last year, and was a member of the Chordbusters in VShow. "Singing with an accent is going to be hard," he says. "You can't think about the accent when you're concentrating on everything else."

To achieve the look of the 1910's needed for the musical, the committee went rummaging for clothes to convert. They began with old formals or old clothes donated fo this purpose and changed their look to fulfill their needs. "We spent much time getting books from the library" stated Mrs. Taz Iwata, a member of

the committee. "Magazines, old newspapers, and papers about the costuming of the original movie version of My Fair Lady have helped immeasurably." Many of the colorful costumes were made from scratch. One original dress, however, from the 1910 era was obtained. A few alterations were made on the dress which will be used as Mrs. Higgins' afternoon tea dress in the play. Hats, parasols, and, in some cases, coats, are being made to match the different outfits. Old hats were renovated by the women who used stuffing to give them new body. Dowels, round sticks, and old lace netting were acquired to make matching par-

Letter to the Editor

Court Decision Discussed Dear Editor, After the editorial concerning discliplinary limits in the last issue of Southwords, I think a few words of the opposing viewpoint should be presented. In the same decision that the editorial referred to as "hindering disciplinary action," t h e Supreme Court also ruled "conduct which naturally disrupts class work or involves substantial disorder or invasion of the rights of others is not protected by the Constitution." The Supreme Court, in this decision, clearly does not go any further than simply to guarantee the rights of students as citizens to express themselves in an orderly manner. The decision is no blank check for disruption, nor does it in any way imply that students should be placed on a

level equal with that of the administration. The editorial also stated "the task of the administration is difficult enough without the Supreme Court hindering t h e school in its disciplinary action. By making such action subject to the laws of our nation, the school is being overzealous in its disciplinary action. If the school administration cannot maintain discipline within the law, then there is something wrong with the school administration. The only idea the Supreme Court supports is the idea that students, as citizens, have the same right to express themselves as all other citizens of the United States. Rich Hyde

Bill is enthused about the Ascot race scene of the play. "The costuming is gorgeous, and expensive," he said. Tom Meyer declared Henry Higgins an "aristocratic gentleman, rather proud and very witty and clever. Henry believes that men are more intellectual and compatible t h a n women because women are unpredictable and impractical. This is a demanding part. I mu.st keep up the self-centered outlook assumed by Henry. He treats Eliza like dirt purposely, to make her like he wants her." Tom has appeared in Sound of Music as Captain Von Trapp, the Music Man, V-Show, and David and Lisa. He has also participated in Summer Drama Workshop. "We have a strong cast which will enable us to give an excellent show. The play and songs are well-written. The whole show is going to be great!" he concluded. My Fair Lady will be presented on April 18, 19, 20, 25, 26, and 27. Evening performances start at 8 p.m. Sunday matinees begin at 3 p.m. Remaining tickets may be purchased for S2.00 in front of the Bookstore.

Diversity Characterizes Dances Under the direction of Miss Barbara Bobrich, head choreographer, the dance chorus for My Fair Lady practices each day after school. Members of dance chorus this year are: Vicki Grant '69, Barb Berger '69, Jan Poyer '70, Candy Collins '70, Donna Erickson '70, Luanne Porter '72, Ken Lossman '69, Chuck Zdeb '69, Mark Walker '70. Glen Henning "70. John Welzenbach '70, and Bill Barmicr '71.

Commenting on the reduced size of the chorus. Miss Bobrich stated, "There are limited dance setiuences in the show; therefore, a smaller number of dancers are needed." Included in the dance numbers for the musical are can-cans, polkas, a sweeper's dance, a busker's dance, "the Ascot Gavot", and an Embassy Ball. The waltz done at the ball is, according to Miss Bobrich, a "lost art." —

Costume Committee Achieves '1910 Look' With the coming of My Fair Lady, this year's spring musical, crews have been busily at work. The costume committee, approximately eight women from the community, under the direction of Mrs. Sieboldt, South clothing teacher, has made numerous advances.


asols. As Mrs. Iwata explained, "The then p>opular hobble skirt and cocoon look gave the women a chance to strut in very small steps, walking like peacocks while showing off their costumes." The hobble skirt consisted of a skirt gathered at the knee.

with a tight fit from the knee to the floor. The cocoon look, prevalent in many of that era's coats, was tight below the hip, and loose from there up giving the illusion of a cocoon. "The boys' outfits," explained Mrs. Iwata, " a r e the then prevalent cockney outfits—many tails, some ascots and vests."


Letters Promote Opinion The staff of Southwords received a great deal of verbal reaction to our editorial concerning freedom of speech, but a strange lack of written opinion. In addition to the one open letter printed below, we received some challenges concerning our editorial policies. Our challenger stated, "If Southwords is truly the 'official student newspaper of Maine South,' are we to assume that all students agree with the stands it takes?" No. We do not expect that all students or faculty members will agree with the editors. An editorial is an expression of opinion. We invite open letters on controversial issues. We reserve the right, however, to give priority to news reporting. We were asked, "Does Southwords frequently make space available for dissenting opinions?' Throughout the year we have received six open letters, and have printed five of them. The sixth contained inaccurate information. Southwords is not read by a member of the administration before it is published. Faculty and student news sources check stories for accuracy, but the paper is not censored. Letters to the editor do not reflect editorial opinion. They reflect the ideas of the individual author, whether or not written in the defense of a group. Students have complained that the columns of Southwords lack controversy. A newspajier's primary role is to report controversy, not to make it. We wish that students would utilize the idea of open letters more willingly. We agree with our challenger who wrote, "Those who would deny freedom of speech are afraid of what might be said." Keep those cards and letters coming . . .

Vicki Grant has been in dance chorus for four years. Dance numbers in My Fair Lady are particularly fun for her because they portray a diversity of char" acters, ranging from street urchins to aristocrats. "Miss Bobrich makes the waltz fun to do." says Vicki "It sure isn't as bad as in eighth grade ballroom!" 'Vicki's costume for the busker's • dance is authentic. "They really do wear buttons sewn all over their clothes," she said. Vicki enjoys dancing in the musical this year because dance numbers call for both the traditional lifts, such as in the can-can. and a variety of stunts, such as cartwheels. Mark Walker has appeared in three musicals as a member of the dance chorus. "This is one of the easier shows as far as the dancing is concerned," according to Mark. The most difficult stunts in My Fair Lady are the barrel rolls in "Get Me to The Church On Time." "Every move must be precise, as there is little room to work in," he said. Neverthele.ss, Mark enjoys these hard numbers because a person can "let go" more easily. According to Mark, waltzing in patterns during the Embassy Ball scene is most impressive from the audience standpoint. "Miss Bobrich really works hard on the dance numbers," he said. "She makes us work until we get them perfect. She's pretty strict, but that's why they are so great."

Southwords The official student newspaper of Maine Township High South. Park Ridge. Illinois. Written and edited bi-weekly by students of the high school. Subscriptions Included with activity ticket or purchased separately at $2 p^-r year. Editor-ln.-chie( Sarah Penny News Editor Karen Cloud Features Editor Sue Hendricks Sports E<litor Jim Huster Art Editor . , „ . , . , ~ . « AUyn Eriksen Photo Editor . r . , . . , . « . . Joel Shelton Assistant E>Iitors Terry Dalton. BiU Griffiths. PhylUs Ehret Reporters Rich Hyde, D<?nna TumbarcUo. Audrey Altstadt. Linda Zink, Jane O'Donnell. Jeanne Rogers. Robbie L'Ksperance. John Barzditis. D e b Verlencb, Melissa Siebert. Allen Laulerbach, Pat Luvlsi. Roger Hofeldt, Steve Bloomdohl. Cailoomsu Steve Trylten, Patricia Stelcher Photographer Bob Bertsche Student News Burnu Editor Cathy Mibrey Advisor .. Mr. Kenneth Beatty

April 18, 1969


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Seminar Projects Revealed If you have a genuine interest in science and would enjoy an opportunity to explore your interest, Science Seminar may be the answer. "This course," said Mr. Rakowsky, science teacher at Maine South, "is primarily interested in providing a chance for students to work more extensively than they are allowed to in a classroom situation. In science seminar a student has more individual time and study. He is entirely on his own." "The primary pre-requisite is an enthusiastic interest, but a student must also possess the ability to be persistent and accept responsibility," Mr. Rakowsky added. Self-discipline is another essential, for no one forces a student in seminar to achieve any particular goals. No grade is accredited, hxxi a mention of p a r ticipation in the course does appear on the student's transcript. This year some of the projects which the students have been involved in, included such varied categories as; glassblowing, chemical analysis, polarography physiology, e x p e r i m e n t a tion with a laser, and finally.

a device which utilizes flame to reproduce sound. Enrolled in seminar this semester are: Audrey Altstadt '71, Mike Ebert '70, Norman EUstrand '70, Dan Glienna '69, Tom Hesketh '71, Tom Klancnik '70, Steve Kusiciel '71, Paul Lundberg '70, Peter Maningas '71, Mike Murzyn '70, Mike Pakucko '70, John Pelligrini '69. Chris Porter '70, Henry Warchall '70, Jim Warchall '71. and Bob Wolter '71. Steve Kusiciel spends ninth period working on the construction of a nuclear magnetic resonance device. This instrument is used to analyze chemicals in solution and define the structures of its atoms. "Its like a mass spectrograph,"- said Jim Warchall, another student in the seminar. Jim's project consists of heating crystals until their "lattice structure" is broken down. The crystals are then bombarded with electrons by means of a high voltage current. The solid then turns various colors "due to the lodging of electrons in the imperfection of the crystal lattice." Henry Warchall is presently

experimenting in the field of communication. He is using a helium-neon gas laser to send communications. His purpose is accomplished by modulating the laser's beam. Other Science Seminar projects include Mike Ebert's study of the physiology of the muscles and nerves based on his work with frogs. John Pellegrini is studying air polution and measures amounts of sulfur dioxide in the air. Another experiment is one dealing with the effects of psychological stimuli on plants. Mike Murzyn is attempting to grow two plants, one whose container is marked "prayer" and to which he "prays". The othex is marked "no prayer" and this one is a control. Along with Mike Murzyn, Pete Maningas is also working in the area of biology. Fruit flies and bacteria are worked with by Chris Porter, Bob Wolter, and Audrey Altstadt. The students working in electronics and various related fields are Dan Glienna, Tom Klancnik, Guy Riddle, and Mike Pakucko and Paul Lundburg. In the area of chemistry Tom Hesketh and Norm EUstrand are working.

Marliners Present Fantasia' "This year Marlin members will contribute unique performances in order to make their fifth annual presentation a notable experience," states Miss Dawn Butler, Marlin Swim Club sponsor. The show's tide is "Fantasia" and the acts center around legends, fables, myths, and fantasies. Nancy PhilUps '69, GaU Hofraann '70, and Debbie Devaney '70, have been selected for solo spots. Nancy will be doing her number to the music of Simon and Garfunkel's "Sounds of Si lence." Debbie will perform to "Arabian Nightjs" and Gail will do "Legend of an Indian Princess." There will be several duets, including a boy-girl duet consisting of Ann Tracy '70 and Bill Malik '70. Their act's title is "Bonnie and Clyde." The rest of the acts will consist of a trio, quartet, quintet, and numerous other larger acts. The club will be performing to music from "Sleeping Beauty," "Camelot," and "Man of LaMancha." One of the larger acts, titled "Today", is a boy-girl number. The boys that were picked to perform in this number are Barry Markus '70, Steve Seabolt '70, Mike Deaney '70, John Alberts '69, and John Gesme '69. Most of Uie acts are responsible for the music and choreography used during their per-

Ballet leg is practiced by Gail Hofmann '70 a n d Nancy Phillips '69. formances. They also pick out their own costumes. The officers, however, are each responsible for the choreography of one large act. Nancy Phillips, president, has charge of an act with black light. Mary Tracy, show chairman, is responsible for a Keystone Cop act which consists of the seniors in the club, and Chris Hookanson, assistant show chairman, will choreograph an act on unicorns. The club will be using the skindiving equipment, which was

bought for the school for the new skin-diving program this fall. Hoops and possibly flowers will also be used in the acts. A special group of strokers has been selected. They will give three performances at the University of Illinois on May 2 and 3. This group includes Chris Hookanson '70, Nancy Phillips '69. Debbie Devaney '70, Gale Roth '70, Debbie Graham '70, Donna Kuniz '72. Jan Engelen '69. Gail Hofmann '70, Mary Jane Hankc '71, Gale Pearson '71, Kathy O'Hare '69. Lynet Andersen '69. Cec Smith '70, Ann Tracy '70, Mary Tracy '69 and Julie Fleetwood '70. The whole school is invited to come and see the show which will be held May 8, 9, 10 and 11.

Shjdents who received the seven highest scores on the w r i t t e n part of the U.S. Constitution test are (back row, I. to r . ) : John Barzditis and Joel M o r r i s ; (front row, I. to r . ) : M a r k Walker, Robbie Little, Meianie Pankow, John Welzenbach, and Jay LaJone. These students w i l l compete on May 1 in oral competition. The winner w i l l receive a 300 dollar scholarship.

Recently, M r . Otto Kohler of the Social Science Department, named the top 10 U.S. History Scholars. They are ( I . to r . ) : Katie Novak, M r s . Canova, history teacher, Robbie Little, John Welzenbach, Elizabeth Pendzich, John Barzditis, Verna Neskow, Deb Devaney, A i v a r Grislis, Alan Lauterbach, and M r s . H e r m i t t e history instructor.

Officers Elected For GRA Board The Girls Recreational Association recently held the elections for the officers for next year. There was a videotape presentation in the gym classes of the speeches of the candidates on April 12. The results of the election were: Cathy Sjoquist, President; Nanette Dexter, Vice President; Mary Hester, Secretary; Sue Matthys, Treasurer; Ann Beck, Publicity Chairman; and Sylvia Parkitny, Intramural Chairman.

Future Teachers Association Held Convention In Downstate Illinois The Future Teachers Association was this year represented at the state convention of lAFT.A. The convention was held in Quincy, Illinois, on April 11 and 12. Delegates elected to represent Maine South were Pam Mannhardt, '70, treasurer; Barb Nelson, '70; and president, Marti Finfrock, '69. The delegates left for Quincy; Friday, April 11, about noon and returned Satur-

day evening. The transportation there and back was provided by FTA sponsor, Mr. Robert Beauprez. While attending the convention, the delegates listened to candidate presentations and then elected stale officers. In addition, future projects of the association were planned including arrangements for the convention next year. There are to be changes made concerning the

Inside Story on Track Team Events and Lingo By Jane O'Donnell '71 All year 'round, you may notice boys running outside in red suits. This is the track team getting in shape. I would like to explain some of the finer points of track. There are two kinds of track: indoor and outdoor. The indoor is inside a gym while the outdoor takes place outside. Indoor track ccmsists of such fantastic feats as pole vault. This isn't a Polish person trying to crack a bank safe. It is the act of getting over a bar using a pole for height. Another indoor event is the high jump. This isn't a person jumping after he's had many drinks. It is, however, a person jumping over a high bar. Outdoor track consists of

many running events. One such event is a medley relay. This consists of four men running a certain distance. The athletes hold a baton when they run which isn't what a majorette would twirl but more like a fat

Recently elected GRA officers pose in front of GRA trophy case. (I. to r . ) : Sue Matthys, Cathy Sjoquist, Sylvia P a r k i t n y , M a r y Hester, Nanette Dexter, and Ann Beck.

stick. He hands this off to the man who will run after him. If the baton is dropped, it must be picked up and then the runner can keep running. Some races have hurdles in them to make the track look like

an obstacle course. Hurdles are little bars which the runner has to jump over. There is another running event called a dash. This isn't like the soap that makes your clothes clean and bright. It is a short race. There are two hurling events in outdoor track. They are the discus and the shot put. The discus is a piece of equipment like a small flying saucer. The shot is a round ball which is deceiving because it looks light but is really rather heavy. Both objects are thrown and the person who throws the greatest distance wins. These are just some of the finer points of track. To see everything, go to a track meet and cheer on the team.

representation procedures of future conventions. In conventions to come, delegates will be selected to represent on a regional basis rather than the present method, which allows each club one delegate per each 15 members. Next year will be the first time such proceedings are conducted, and to initiate this, the convention has been invited to Maine South. This will also be the first time South has been host, but stated Marti, "The convention will be a good experience." Although the rudimentary purpose of the meeting downstate was to elect state officers, social activities were also provided. Parties were given by some of the candidates, and as Barb described it, "We had a good time and it really gets you involved." The executive committee also plays an essential part in lAFTA. The committee meets three times a year, gathering information and distributing news concerning the members of F.T.A. Said Mr. Beauprez, "The executives seek to communicate to the members throughout the United States in order to promote a better understanding among future teachers of America.

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A p r i l 18, 1969


Cindermen Ready For Viking, Spartan Relays

Dave Butz, state discus champ, prepares to throw in the Notre Dame meet. Butz won the event w i t h a distance of 147'6"

Optimistic Netmen Ready For Conference Season Maine South's tennis team has gotten off to a fairly good start this season in building up a wonlost record of 8 wins and 2 losses in all meets. Although losing to two excellent teams, Lyons and New Trier East, the matches always were very close. Victories this year have come over Glenbard West, A r g o, Wheaton, Wheeling, St. Viator, Niles East, Homewood-FIos.smoor, and Riverside-Brookfield. Much of the early season action so far is inconclusive due to normal problems in getting started. However, it does appear as if the netmen are capable of making a good showing against most of the teams of the Cen tral Suburban League, and could go far with a few breaks. In a recent invitational at Evanston, Maine was set against some of the better teams in the state and again did well in many of the events by finishing in the middle of an eight team field. These teams included New Trier East and West, Evanston, and Arlington. These meets determine individual champions only, not team strength. The Hawks received several bad draws at the start, but still sal-

vaged a good score. The conference season will begin next Tuesday against Maine West on the Maine South courts. This will be followed on Thursday by a meet at Deerfield against one of the tougher teams in the league. Another very strong team this year will be New Trier West, which has a returning district champion. Jerry Karzan, a sophomore. The early season lineup for South has found Dave Littel at first singles, Fred Henshaw at second singles, and Allen Lauterbach at third singles. Only Littel has been able to make aU of the meets, and has lost to only three of the top prep players in the Chicago area. These positions have shown potential strength for the upcoming season. The doubles teams have also showTi consistently good play for these first few meets. First doubles is composed of Craig Chamberland and Paul Alfassa, with Bruce Gjertsen and Tom Pomorski at second doubles. Second doubles was the one spot salvaged against New Trier East and both positions show promise for the season.

Hawk Golfers Face Rebuilding Season Southwords is not a pessimistic newspaper, at least we try not to make it that. But things are just not looking up for this year's varsity golf squad. The season has already started. But a poor shovraig at an invitational meet held at Bartlet last week has provided little encouragement. "As of now, it hasn't been established as to who will make up the varsity squad," commented coach Lou Gartner. "Graduation really hurt us. Our top golfers of last year have all left." One of the greatest losses was Les Mathews, who was a district gold medalist for two years in succession. Frank McCullough, Tom McClayton. and Rick Stanford, who lead South to high standings in the state meet the two previous years, are also gone. Coach Gartner stated that he believes senior Jeff Thompson,

one of the few returnees from last year, will be Maine South's number one golfer this season. "Without a doubt, Jeff is our most consistent performer," he said. "We are counting heavily on him for some fine showings this year to take up some of the slack left by graduation." Budd Bowen is another senior who will probably return to the squad this year. After these two seniors come four juniors. Of these, Bob Katz and Tom Grainger will be relied upon the most, but Wayne Benedeck and John Crosby must also do well if the team is to have much success this year. According to Mr. Gartner, there is also the possibility that some sophomores will have to be brought up to the varsity. .All in all, it might be termed a rebuilding year for the golf team, and later meets will tell how successful the rebuilding has been.

The outdoor season has begun for the Maine South track team, who after a win in their only meet of the season, are preparing for three big invitationals during successive weekends. Tomorrow morning and afternoon, the Hawks will compete in the Viking Relays at Niles North. Next Friday night, South will defend the championship they won at the Spartan Relays last year at Glenbrook North. The following Friday, Maine will run in the Blue Demon relays. The outdoor season has brought the Hawks increased depth, which is vital for these large meets. Six relays are run at the Viking relays, while the Spartan Relays has ten running relays and the Maine East Relays has seven. The Hawks will be out to improve their fourth place finish in last year's Viking Relays tomorrow against five other teams. New Trier West, l a s t year's champs, Maine West, Prospect, Notre Dame, and the host school make up the rest of the field. ID this meet, the Hawks should be particularly strong in the hurdle relays, which are run with four men in shuttles. South has five strong hurdlers for these events, lead by the conference high hurdle champion, Jim Benda. South should also be strong in the 880 and mile relays and the distance runs. A week from tonight, the Hawks will enter the Spartan Relays as defending champs. In the four years that South has

been running in these relays, they came in second the first three times in a row before capturing the elusive first place trophy last year. In addition to their strength in the hurdle shuttles, the Hawks have Dave Butz and Ty Sigmund, who were both part of a powerful three-man weight crew that captured firsts in the discus and shot put "relays." The only other first taken by South that year was in the four mile relay, with a team that has Jim Cole, Jim Walley, and John Zipparro back this year. Coach Ed Smith will need all the help he can get from his sprinters for the various relays and combination relays. Ralph Murdy, Al Burgess, Nick Lyons, Jim Doublcr, Steve Domaratius, Jim Benda, Bob Spicer, and Gary Smith, among others, will be available for legs of the 440, 880, mile, sprint medley, and middle distance relays. Judging from their performance in the first outdoor meet, it would appear that the Hawks will be ready for these big meets. Last week, Maine destroyed Notre Dame by a 95 to 32 score in a home meet in which the Hawks took all but two of 15 firsts. Jim Benda and Dave Butz, both double winners, paced the Hawks. Jim took the high hurdles in a 16.9 time, and won the low hurdles in 21.8, both times against a strong wind. Dave won the discus throw with a distance of 147'6", and then set

a track record with a 50*10" performance in the shot put. Other firsts were taken by Jim Cole in the two mile run (10:15.6 time), Al Burgess in the 100 yd. dash (10.8), Dave Bauman in the 880 yd. run (2:08.4), Nick Lyons in the 440 yd. dash (53.7), Mike Murzyn in the mile run (4:51.6), the 880 y i relay team of Gary Smith, Steve Domaratius, Ralph Murdy, and Jim Benda (1:35.1), and Ralph Murdy in the 220 yd. dash (24.4). Winners for the Hawks in the field events included Ted Berg in the long jump (20'3"), Mike Polachek in the pole vault (11'6"), and Butz in the shot and discus. The Hawk frosh-soph team also won big, as they trounced Notre Dame by a 91 to 36 score. Individual winners for the little Hawks were Dan Mojica in the 100 and 220, Tom Westerman in tiie high hurdles, Kelly Murphy in the 880, Jim Edgecombe in the 440, Kevin Huffman in the mile run, both 880 and mile relay teams, John Spotts in the long jump, Paul Johnson in the high jump. Gene Pietrini in the pole vault, Jim Staunton in the discus, and Bill Green, who broke the sophomore track record in the shot put at 47'1". In addition to the invitationals, the Hawks will begin the conference season next Tuesday when they run Maine West in a home meet. A week later on the 29th, South will host Deerfield and Glenbrook South in a triangular.

John Schroeder (first f r o m left), Gary Smith (second), A l Burgess (fourth), and Ralph Murdy (far r i g h t ) , run in the 100 y d . dash in the Notre Dame meet. Burgess and Murdy finished f i r s t and second.

Diamondmen Begin CSL Play Baseball season is here at South again, and this year's nine has spent the previous two weeks preparing for the conference season with a series of non-conference contests. After four of these games, the Hawks hold a won-lost record of 2 and 2. The biggest challenge to this year's team is to put all of their abilities together and produce a winning season. Last year, the Hawk team, with an abundance of talent in both the hitting and pitching departments, plodded to an uninspiring record of 10 wins and nine losses. Coach Glen Van Proyan has a total of five lettermen to lead the Hawk.s to a better showing this year. Most of this strength is centered in the infield. First baseman John Gawaluck, second baseman Doug Sarcia, and shortstop Mike Venson are all r l i i m i n g vets from last year's team, while Mike Lange returns behind the plate. These infielders are tlie neucleus of the Hawk hitting attack. In Maine's season opener against Forest View, Gawaluck and Venson each blasted a home run.

Maine is lacking in experienced outfielders, however, as graduation has taken all three of last year's starters. Regulars so far have been Dan Calamari, a junior, and senior Curt Cade. When not pitching, Ralph Remus or Greg Bechtold occupy the remaining position. Other juniors to see action in the field have been Mike Nevins. who usually starts at third base, and Jim Roark, who spells Lange at catcher. The Hawks have been hit most seriously in the pitching department by graduation, as Ralph Remus is the only returning lettcrman on the mound staff. Early in practice, Ralph suffered an ankle injury which severely affected his control in his first appearance this year. The oth;r pitchers who will support Ralph this year include seniors Greg Bechtold and Gar>- Posschl and juniors Mike Teschner, Lee Resolute, and A\ Burton. South, in their season opener, clobbered Forest View by an 18 to 2 margin in a game that featured 15 hits by Maine batsmen. The Hawks scored five in the first inning, and another five in

the second, sparked by Gawaluck's homer. Venson's three run blast was the big blow in the four-run third, while Maine scored two each in the next two innings. Mike Teschner was the starting and winning pitcher. The Hawks then faced Glenbard West, the defending champs of the West Suburban Conference, and edged the Hilltoppers 3 to 2 with a three-run rally in the top of the seventh. Sarcia's double drove in the winning run in this inning. Possehl, South's starter, was the winning pitcher. East Leyden then delt the Hawks their first loss of the year when they took advantage of Remus' wildness in the first inning to score three runs. Neither team was able to score for the rest of the game, which ended with the Hawks down 3 to 0. The Hawks then suffered a heartbreaker when Maine East broke a 2-2 tie in the bottom of the seventh on an error by Calamari to edge the Hawks, 3 to 2. Bechtold, pitching in relief, was the loser.

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