Southwords, Eyrie Announce Editors, Staff Next year's editors of the yearbook Eyrie, and Southwords were announced at the annual
Quill and Scroll banquet on April 13. The Eyrie editors for next
Academic Team Wins In the past several weeks Maine South's It's Academic team consisting of Andrea SaEllstrand 70, Tom Klancnik '70, and alternates Terry Jennings '70, and Dana Winnikates '70 has experienced xmparaUeled success and as a result will compete in the semi-final round of competition Sunday evening May 24 at the NBC studios in Chicago. Mr. Daniel Silkowski is the team's sponsor. If the team wins Sunday they will participate in the final round Monday May 25 against the two other semi-final winners.
A limited number of tickets for the bus will soon go on sale in the bookstore for one dollar for all students desiring to go to the tournament. For further information concerning time of departure and other information, students should listen to the daily bulletin. An old match will be televised Saturday May 2 at five PM on channel five. Maine South has previously won two tournaments, beating Niles West and Wheeling in the first contest and Eisenhower and Crystal Lake in the second, both by substantial margins.
year include; Heidi Hubbell, classes; Allen Rutzen, faculty and administration; Steve Bayers, sports; and Barb Brezinski, activities and honors. Continuing the list are Carol Schalk, ID (captions); Lynne Poggensee, copy; Leslie Quinn, photo; Sue Clark, lay out; and Donna Peak, production manager. The editor-in-chief is Beth Timme.
Volume 6, No. 11
Southword's new editors are Sandy Verlench, photo; Mary Hester, art; and Tom Bush, sports. Other editors include Mary Beth Krebs, news; Jane O'Donnell, features; and Carla Krummel, news bureau. Next year's editor-in chief is Audrey Alstadt. The new assistant editors are Bruce Little and Sue Chan, news; Rita Hollerbaeh, fea-
tures; Pam Sakowicz, news bureau; and Cathy Clarry, sportsT Next year's news reporters include: Scott Graham, Michalina Pendzich, Bill Sensenbrenner, Kristine Lindgren, Eileen Lynch, and Pam Sakowicz. Feature wTiters are Nancy Mellon and Pat Luvisi. Sports writers include Tom Lanctot and Rick Kulik.
Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III.
April 17, 1970
Barmeier Proposes Ideas To Improve SC Operation
Members of It's Academic practice with (I to r) Sponsor Mr. Dan Silkowski, Norman Ellstrand, Andrea Sampracos and Tom Klancnik.
Students Choose Littell To Serve as Treasurer Dave Littell, next year's treasurer of Student Council, proposes ideas not only for improvement of the treasury system but also for Student Council in general. Dave feels that a rough budget at the beginning of the school year would permit council to know how much money to spend on outside projects in addition to regular events. Each time money is taken from the treasury, a form to the bookstore is fiUed out and given to a secretary, who then informs the Student Coimcil treasurer. Dave suggests that another form be filled out by the person drawing the money so that the treasurer can be directly notified. He proposes that the Council's upper house and lower house vote separately. At the present, both houses have been voting together. Dave thinks a division of the houses would allow more time for discussion and more careful consideration on an issue such as appropriating funds.
Outside of the treasury, he hopes to have student delegates sit in on school board meetings as observers. Dave also suggests a "discipline committee" to work with the administration and to observe how other schools discipline students.
Cast Evaluates Theme of Musical The Maine South production of South Pacific will open on Friday, April 24. The annual spring musical will play for three nights on that weekend and also on May 1, 2, and 3. The spring musical is meant to be an enjoyable production. According to some of its cast members, the message that South Pacific carries is almost more important than the show itself. Said Margie Gibson, who plays Bloody Mary for three of the show's six nights: "South Pacific does more than merely entertain. It's the theme of the show that's important." Paulette Piazza, who shares
Specifics For Jr, Prom Announced This year's junior prom, L'air du Temps or Essence of Time, will be held on May 16 from 8 to 11 PM. Tickets will go on sale for $3.50 per couple on May 5 in the cafeteria and necklaces will also be given. L'air du Temps will differ from previous ones in that a rock group, the Lincoln Park Zoo, has been chosen to play. Decorations will accent the French theme. Anyone interested in assisting in the decorating can come to the gymnasium on Friday, May 15 from 6 PM on, or on Saturday, May 16 from 9 AM. Final plans for the prom are being made by the Junior Class
"I am not proposing things that can not be done, nor am I proposing vague ideas without plans to support them," stated Bill Barmeier, recently elected vice-president of Student Council. Bill suggests four major ideas which he hopes to see at South. He feels that supplementing the library and classrooms with material outside of school such as speakers, video tapes and booklets would greatly benefit students. An area where students can receive help in homework during school hours is another idea Bill supports. He suggests that one room be set aside for students who are working on joint projects, meeting with teachers and tutoring. Bill proposes a means by which students can better plan their course load for the next school year. How the work in a particular course will be presented, how much work is required and specifically what areas will be covered are questions which students could have
Council and sponsors Mr. John Heuman and Mrs. Karen Siebolt. Junior class officers include President Terry Reeder, Vicepresident Bill Barmeier, Secretary Connie Hirsch and Treasurer Jeff Eckdahl. Committee chairmen for the junior prom include; Bids, Bob Greising and Donna Huber; Band, Jan Burke; Decorations, Bill Barmeier, Mary Herman and Cathy Sojoquist; Refreshments, Amy Ellsworth and Bob Bush; Art, Jan and Jill McAuUff and Claudia Lovelette; Publicity, Dorene Downer and Mary Hester.
the role of Bloody Mary with Margie, said, "The theme is one of overcoming the values a person is taught as a child and learning to really get to know people." Tom Meyer, '70, said that prejudice is a theme that runs throughout South Pacific. Nellie has to overcome her feelings about Emile's Polynesian children before she can love him. Cable must also conquer his original feelings when he falls in love with a native girl. Marti Olsen, who plays Nellie, said, "It just shows how different people must overcome their different prejudices." According to a number of the members of the cast, the song, "You've Got to Be Carefully Taught" which is heard in South Pacific, is a good example of the show's message. Said Paulette Piazza: "The song shows how the values some one carries for a lifetime are given to him as a little child, and that sometimes he never even thinks about them." Margie Gibson felt that the message was summed up in a line spoken by Emile in the course of the show, "Emile says, '1 know what you're against, but what are you for." I think that line says something about the whole play, and maybe about the whole world today."
answered by one central source of information. He does not care to see Student Council continually complaining to the administration over one topic. Bill thinks that Student Council should bring su
gestions rather than complaints to the administration. An expanded Co-Fac, larger off-council and a better organized upper house are other ideas which Bill hopes to bring into Council.
South Will "Hike For Hungry'Ml During Nationwide Walk Program This year Maine South will participate in her second Hike for the Hungry, scheduled to take place on Sunday, May 3. Hikers will begin at Old Orchard shopping center and continue for 30 miles along a circular route, ending up at Old Orchard again. Opening ceremonies for the Hike will begin at 8 a.m., but registration of walk cards will be from 7 until noon. Walkers may drop out at any of 15 checkpoints and be taken back to the shopping center. Project '70, agroup of interested students at Niles West, is in charge of the hike for this area. Hikes will be occurring nationwide, with six in Illinois. They are all under the auspices of Uie American Freedom From Hunger Foundation, a nonprofit organization created by President Kennedy in 1961. Each hiker will obtain a "walk card" and a "Sponsor Information Sheet" from his Council representative, or at a forum scheduled for Monday afternoon
in C-108. Then the walker solicits people to sponsor him. These sponsors will pledge a certain amount for each mile walked by the hiker; no amount is too large or too small. At each checkpoint, the marcher will have his walk card stamped. Then, after the Hike, the hiker presents his stamped walk card to his sponsors and mails his money to the bank designated on the back of the walk card. Steve Trytten, 70, is the head of the Hike at South and a Committee head for the overall Hike. Steve expects as many as 500 marchers from Maine. The walk will probably involve 10,000 marchers raising approximately $100,000. The Hike is being advertised with leaflets, walkcards, and "Hunger Hurts" buttons. Project '70 has received personal endorsements from such people as Rep. Abner Mikva, Senators George McGovem and Charles Percy, Mayor Daley, President Nixon, and others.
Treasury Expects Reforms In the most recent Student Council elections the office of Treasurer was for the first time filled through an all-school vote. This fact and the campaign waged between Dave Littell and Jeff Lee has sparked some debate over the office of treasurer itself concerning the responsibilities and duties of the office. In light of current interest in this office Southwords feels it appropriate to examine the treasurer's role. Financial concerns occupy a good deal of Council's time. Hazing one of the largest treasuries in the school (as much as $7,000 has been in the treasury at times this year) Council has great responsibility in handling the use of these fimds. Most of the income is realized from VShow and used for a number of activities including the A.F.S. program, Homecoming, etc. Appropriations are made by the vote of the Council, and this is usually required for most expenditures. The Constitution provides on-
ly that the treasurer "will keep an accurate record of all financial matters of the council." Outside of this no other specific powers or duties are delegated to the treasurer. Current Treasurer Bill Mellberg says that this situation is somewhat frustrating. Bill stated, "I think everyone in Council knows this office needs to be greatly reformed. The problems are very basic and could be rectified by making more provisions for the treasurer in our consitution. One of the greatest problem is keeping an accurate fix on finances smce most requisitions do not go through the treasurer. In addition, the Council voted early last year against allowing the treasurer to prepare a budget for Council. This situation is changing somewhat. Now with the election over and the campaign rhetoric finished, it should be of interest to see what action Council takes on this matter.
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April 17, 1970
Practical Humorisf Turns Serious Defines Sin
Peg Bracken, who wrote the I Hate to Cookbook, considers cooking almost a sin. Almost, but not reaUy. In a recently published article, the practical humorist, turned serious, outlined exactly what she considers almost sinful. To modern youth, significant meeting can be found in her words as she lists what a sin is: 1—Pretending to know what you do not know. 2—Not saying 'I don't agree with you' and why, when it's a matter worth taking a stand on. 3—Poking hungrily, unasked into someone's psyche. (It is better to accept the facade, for most of us go to great trouble building and maintaining one.) 4—Being too positive your way is the only way. 5—Accepting praise for work you didn't do. 6—Not listening at least once when someone tries to teU you something he considers important.
7—Unloading one's own shabby prejudices on children. 8—Withering a newlrorn idea with a laugh or a look. ft—Announcing a fine intention and relaxing permanently in the glow of having announced it. 10—Lumping people together. 11—Reading or talking or thinking too much at the fourth grade level if one is at the fifth grade level, or at the junior level if one is at the senior level. 12—Laughing at someone if he doesn't know why (and often even if he does.) 13—Shutting the mind to something before you try it, or try to understand it. 14—Telling people they can at least be clean when they don't have enough to eat. 15—Being so brave — people choke on the pity they're full of and don't know what to do with. (It's often more gallant to cry a little.) 16—Banning book or burning
books. 17—Paying anyone else less than a white man for precisely the same work.
Let them laugh! He's more famous than they'll ever be. Everybody knows about Calrk Kent, mild-mannered reporter for a great metropolitan newspaper. His neighbors thought he was deranged. But so what? Just because he tried to jump off skyscrapers and change clothes in phonebooths (a step toward the "new morality") doesn't mean he was a nut. That was just his way of fighting for truth, justice and the American way. Don't they know that? You think the SDS is formidable? What about the Spinach Conspiracy? It was started by adults to coerce minors into gulleting that most hated of vegetables—spinach. The conspiracy was code named Popeye.
Teachers, are you looking for the kid in freshman English, first row center, who hasn't shown up for class yet? Students, are you wondering where your French notebook, that somehow escaped from the top of your locker, ran off to? The answer to these and many other puzzling questions can be found in C-127 A. Along with the lost freshman who nobody wants to find and that mystical wonder with Houdinical powers is your French notebook, fifty pairs of glasses (which could explain why there has been a rash of people walking into windows) a copy of Sister Sally's Sinister Son-
Fortunately, these dullards have been canned. After a few doses of Mr. Spock, Flash turns your stomach. Exterminators have dispelled all rumors of indestructable rodents. However, for all you traditionalist conservatives who still cling to childhood fantasies (Mighty, Flash, Super and Spiro) you can still "turn on", T%' that is, and watch Garfield Goose and Captain Kangaroo. They have been around quite a while and may remind you of the days when the superheroes were around. Gar and the Captain may not exactly be the rough, tough indestructable heroes of yesterday, but they won't fill the heads of the kiddies of America with ideas of violence, bloodshed and defense of principles.
Southwords Denies Censorship In the Student Council vice-presidential speeches presented to the separate classes, one candidate said that the school paper only expresses the opinions of the administration; that it should be made truly independent of the administration and the school district, and should become the voice of the students. Not being a member of the Southwords staff, it would be hard for this student or any other student to share our point of view. Outsiders have some strange ideas about how we formulate our policies, and that is probably our mistake for not being more explicit earher in the year. Legally, the power of the publisher rests with the administration and the school board—although ethically the staff and advisor have the responsibility. Because of our legal status with the administration and the possible controls they could exercise, the paper is often referred to as the "puppet of the administration." We would like to point out that people can agree on a topic and still remain entirely separate. There is no censorship of the paper, and the administrators do not review our articles unless we choose to let them do so. (Which we do only to clarify some details or to check our accuracy.) The paper is, however, controlled by the conscience of the staff. We carefully consider each issue brought to our attention and comment on it as we see fit. We do not attack administrators, faculty members or students in our writing. We have no desire to intentionally cause any embarrassment to any person. (This is precisely the reason we avoid gossip columns.) We are of the opinion that no individual would Uke anything derogatory printed about himself if he said or did something others disliked. We are also legally bound
20—Believing t h a t nightly newscasts reflect the whole* world as it is, and despairing accordingly.
Losers: Check Lost and Found
"Sub-Heroes" Replace "Super-Heroes" By Audrey Altstadt As a child, how deveoted were you to Flash Gordon and the gauig? If you were really "a lover", you watch the reruns on Sunday mornings no matter what your psychiatrist says. If ever. Heaven forbid. Dale Arden were to faU off a cliff or Flash were to get his with a superwhatsis, come to think of it, that would have been a good change of pace; anyway, if that ever happens and you weren't watching, you'd never know. Horrors! As a big fan, you are cut to the quick to discover thai Mighty Mouse reruns are not to be had. You feel your world of lollipops and candybars is dying a stale, moldly death when you hear dispicable brigands ridicule Superman.
18—Preventing anyone from growing up. 19—Spoiling something that belongs to someone else.
not to libel, which is to injure the image of any person in the eyes of others. Therefore, we deal with issues and not individuals. The freedom we have in our democracy rests on the principal that for any action we take we are held totally accountable and must accept the responsibilities and consequences which accompany it. We operate as a free and responsible press aiming to display respect, fair play, and loyalty. Because we are responsible, we have no fear of legal or personal retribution for the articles we write, and consequently, print the names of all staff members in every issue space permits. We do not feel that silence can cure controversy and; we welcome open letters. Aside from the requirements printed in another issue, there are two reasons letters are most often refused. One of these is not that we do not agree with the standpoint the student takes. If the letter inaccurately represents the facts it will be rejected. Secondly, a letter using profanities will not be printed. We shoose not to publish obscenities. (Even though the Supreme Court vaguely describes them as only those words or phrases which debase, degrade, or dehumanize). It is not that we are trying to shelter the student body from vile language, (for it sometimes runs so rampant around the school that even if one tries it is a battle to keep it out of his vocabulary), but we write at a level of usage which does not find profane language proper. A letter using this type of language will not be edited because we wish to accurately represent the character of the author—we simply ask the student to withdraw the words or we will scrao the letter. Following these premises we aim to arouse, inform, and perpetrate South's goals of excellence in scholarship and citizenship.
nets, the only copy of the only book ever banished from the paperback bookstore because of its content (sexy stories about Sally's sister, Suzi). A copy of that helpful wonder, the Maine South Student Handbook, a junior history term paper, A Profile of Charles De Gaulle, w h i c h concentrates mainly on his nose and how it got that way, and one green alligator shoe live there, too. In order to get the true character of C-127A, I interviewed some of the tenants. The green alligator shoe felt "the students who run this treat me
as if I were a real heel. They don't even have the decency to exercise me. I get awful stiff just sitting on the shelf listening to the gossip of the other homeless waifs." The Frenchbook's reaction to living in C-127A was quite different; "It is really a relief to get out of that locker. Why with ail that paper and other garbage crammed in, a book could suffocate!" If any of these items sound familiar, or if you think that you could gain experience from reading Sister Sal come visit the menagerie in C-127A.
Open Letter
Bus Service Annoys Soph Editor: Many people think that a bus company is supposed to serve the public. I think that the bus company for this school is doing a poor job. Some buses are on time, but Bus 27, for one, leaves early or leaves some students behind. During the winter, when a bus is the only transportation home, buses are crowded. Bus 27 has often driven away and left five or ten people waiting there to get on. "This sometimes happens two or three times a week. The people who miss Bus 27 must take Bus 29 (which follows a route two blocks down from Bus 27.) This overloads Bus 29. Lately, Bus 27 has been leaving after only three or four minutes from the last dismissal bell. "Oie students who have a 9th period class in the A-wing have a hard time getting from their class to their locker and back to their bus. The students in homeroom C-147 have an especially hard time. It is almost
impossible to run in the crowded halls of Maine South without knocking someone over. One way to prevent overcrowding would be to make more bus routes. Bus drivers should realize that it takes at least five minutes to reach the bus. Many other buses are overcrowded. Instead of h a v i n g crowded, late buses, provisions should be made for prompt, adequate bus service. Glenda Fick '72
PX Policy Questioned Dear Editor: Why is it that students are allowed excused absences to go on vacations when students having their parents' consent cannot get an excused absence to go to the Moratorium rally? Is this policy fair? (signed) Robert Huxtable
70 Springfield Government Tour The 1970 Springfield Government Tour for seniors currently enrolled in government is April 29. Students will visit the offices of the governor and of the sec-
Study Halls Ideally, study halls are for studying and completing homework. For many students who participate in extracurricular activities, this is a must, noted Mr. Andrew Bitta, dean of boys. Athletes often have no time for studying after school and must get their homework done before they go home. If students with five solids did all their homework after school, they would be working for an estimated seven hours. Mr. Bitta cites discipline as a major factor in using study halls. Students who discipline themselves, Mr. Bitta claims, are those that most often succeed in school. After conditioning liimseU to study hall and realing its value, a student can look forward to it. One student commented that study halls are usually used for relaxlTig; homework is only a second thought. Many students complain that study halls are not ccmducive to study. They distract students and waste time. This criticism extends to library carrels.
retary of state. A tour of the state capitol, the Centennial Building, and the Lincoln memorials is also scheduled. If the legislature is not meeting, a trip to New Salem, a replica of a town during Lincoln's time, wUl be made. According to Mr. Otto Kohler, social science department chairman, "It is important for students to see their state government in action. Many people know very little about it."
Southwords Tht official studml newspapir of Maing Township High School South, Parit Ridst, Illinois. Writttn and edited 14 limes each year by students of the high school. Subscriptions Included with activity ticket, purchased separately at %2 per year, or Individually for 10c. (Priced higher (or issues of more than 4 pages.)
Editor-in-Chief Bill GriftiUu News Editor Robin L'Esperance , Features Editor Audrey Altstadt Sports Editor Allen Lauterbaeh Art Editor Patricia Stelcher Photo Editor Sandra Verlench Assistant Editors Jane CDonnell, , Mary Hester, Rita Hollerbach, Steve Trytten Reporters Tom Bush. John Barzditis, Susanna Chan, Margy Hawklna, Mary Beth Kreba, Carta Krummel. Bruce Little, Pat Luvisi. Michalina Pendzich. Sports Writers Mike Murzyn, Roger Hofeldt. BiU Malik. Cartoonists Mary Hester, Dave Carlaon. Chuck Russeli Photographers Ken Rud, Peter Wong. BiU Tandy, Bob Bertsche. Bill Reynolds
April 17, 1970
Page 3
Marlin Announces Theme, Soloists Of Annual Show, 'In Retrospect' Marlin Swim Club will present its sixth annual show, In Retrospect, in the Maine South Pool on May 7, 8, and 9 at 8 p.m. and on May 10 at 2 p.m. The 1400 tickets will be available the bookstore or from any Marlin Club member at $1.25 each. Each year this money goes into the club treasury, to be used to buy costumes for the next year's show. Preparations for this year's show began last November, according to Miss Butler, sponsor, when the club met to discuss the theme. "Ideas and music which can be used with the ideas are presented. The following week we have another meeting and vote." Miss Butler said that this year's theme is reflected in the acts, which include a toy soldier number, an act called "The Happy Times from the record of
the same name, a duet which portrays a puppet show seen as a child, and otiiers. In January lead parts for In Retrospect were cast. L e a d parts are all solos, duets, trios, and quintets. The following girls were selected: Soloists are Gale Roth, Chris Hookanson, and Debbie Graham. Lisa Gravernorst, Pattie Limperes, Donna Markus, Donna Senf, Jan Engelen, Gail Hofmann, Linda Currier, and Mary Jane Hanke all appear in duets. Trio parts are Marcy De Biaii. Donna Griebel, Ann Tracy, Robin L'Esperance, Gale Pearson, and Cec Smith. The quintet includes Kim Collins, Grace Hanger, Marsha Schniedwind, Sue Schniedwind, and Vicki Sorenson. These girls select their own costumes and themes and also
One of two trios participating in "In Retrospect" include (I to r) Robin L'Esperance, Gale Pearson and Cec Smith. The other trio includes Marcy DiBiasi, Donna Griebel and Ann Tracy.
Deans State Policies Involved With Smoking "There is no more smoking going on now than usual and there has been no change in policy toward smoking," Elbert Smith, dean of students recently said. "We are always trying to prevent fire and damage to the building," Miss Roberta Illiff, dean of girls said in response to whether there has been a "crackdown" on smoking in and aroimd school. "There has been no talk about a crackdown, we are just continuing as we always have in trying to prevent fire in the building," Miss Iliff said. Mr. Smitb noted that the number of suspensions due to smoking had not been any greater last month than in previous months. During March, 17 students were suspended for smoking. The state of Illinois more or less leaves the ruling about smoking up to the individual school boards, ours ruling that there shall be no smoking in school. Aside from possible fire damage and disobeyance of rules, smoking's damage to health was cited as another major reason for concern by the deans. Noting that after January 1, 1971, no more commercials by tobacco companies will be aired on TV or radio, Mr. Smith predicted that in 25 years smoking will not be popular and glamorized as it is today. Student reaction to the smoking issue is varied, ranging
from, "It's just about the most stupid thing a person can do" to "I don't see where the administration has any right to tell us if we can smoke." John Welzenbaeh, president of Student Council, although not advocating smoking, stated that it might be helpful to designate an area of the parking lot for smoking purposes to "keep the washrooms clear." The deans feel that the suspension system is effective in preventing further s m o k i n g abuses. "Most students who are once in detention do not repeat, so the system works," Miss Iliff said. Said Mr. Smith, "the habit is expensive, offensive and unclean. I hope that soon smoking will cease to be glamorized and that people will realize its dangers."
do their own choreography. Other acts, which include more than five people, are produced by another Marlin member, usually an officer or a senior, who selects the costumes and does the choreography for the act. In March, 20 boys tried out for the boy-girl duet and the "couples number" which are part of the show. Mike Devaney, '70, will appear with Debbie Devaney in the duet. The seven boys appearing in the couples number are: Scott Gravenhorst, Bob Pahnke, Jim Curran, Craig Glass, Mike Lennerson, Barry Markus, and Rick Jennings. The music for this number will be live, with the concert choir singing Jean. The stroking act, done to the Battle Hymn of the Republic, which took second place in international competition three years aeo, will also be featured. This act includes the 16 best strokers in Marlin Club. Special effects used in this year's s^ow will include a floating number done with hoops and black light. When asked about enthusiasm among the club members. Miss Butler stated that it is very high. "Of the 115 girls that tried out this year, only 15 girls were accepted, so it's hard to get in. It's also hard to stay in. They're allowed to miss two practices during regular practices and none while we're practicing for the show. I think they have to be enthusiastic to do this." According to Miss Butler Marlin, which is not a national club, was started at Maine South to help girls learn the skills of aquatic arts, which she defined as the "interpretation of music through movement." She said that these skills can be used all through life窶馬ot only in college, but also in the swim groups sponsored by many communities across the country. She added that the club is not co-ed because Martin's schedule conflicts with the boys' swi ming season.
Pictured are the three soloists and boy-girl duet performing for the Marlin show. They are (I to r) Mike and Debby Devaney, Gale Roth, Chris Hookanson and Debbie Graham.
Chris Elected For DAR Annual Patriot's Award Chris Nagle '70 has been selected from the senior girls to receive the Daughters of the American Revolution "Good Citizen Award." Earlier in the school year, seniors voted for three girls who showed patriotism, dependability, service, and leadership. The faculty then chose Chris to represent South at the state DAR convention in Chicago. On March 14, a luncheon was held at the Palmer House. Girls who received the DAR awards had an opportunity to meet each other. Each girl had filled out a questionnaire to the DAR state chairman. One girl from each of the five state districts was chosen on the basis of her service to her school, community, and family. The state winner, who won the $100 state scholarship, was selected from these
Administrators Working For 1970 Commencement Although commencement and related activities do not take place until late spring, planning for the 1970 program is already
Teacher Plans Projects Individualistic is one word that describes the ideas of Mike Deines, student teacher at Maine South and senior at Northwestern University. Mr. Deines, who was planning to be a math teacher, finally decided to teach English when he entered Northwestern because "English is more selfexpressive." When asked his impressions of his student teaching position, Mr. Deins replied, "Whew " "Student teaching is enjoyable and exciting; however, it is also a lot of work. I'm responsible not only to myself, but also to 120 students." Mr. Deines' interestes are numerous and varied. Football, skiing, hunting, fishing, and just being outdoors are some activities Mr. Deines enjoys.
"I also enjoy a cigar once in a while; it's healthy for you." "I like to experience things and learn all the time. You have to get something out of every day, or the day is wasted. Even if you thought you really didn't do well on a particular day, you still learned something - not to make those same mistakes again." "You have to live life to the brim and use your potential to its fullest." "We all know people we admire. These people have some fine qualities which we try to acquire; however, there is no single ideal person. There are only individual people with individual characteristics." "I don't care if I make money. AU I want is to be content with myself - then I'm happy."
12 Seniors Named Merit Finalists All twelve students from Maine South who were named semi-finalists in the National Merit Scholarship Program last fall have been named Finalists. Those students are Jim Doubler, Norman EUstrand, Clifford Geschke, Aivar Grislis, Barbara Hoffman, Robert Huxtable, Tom Klancnik, Gary King, Vesna Neskow, Steve Trytten, Henry Warschall, and Dana Winikates, all seniors. To become a finalist students were required to take the Schol-
arship Aptitude Test of the College Entrance Examination Board and obtain comparable results with the National Merit Examination administered last year. Each Semifinalist also had to provide the National Merit Corporation with an endorsement by the school and with biographical data concerning his achievements and interests. Every Finalist is eligible for consideration for one of the $1,000 National Merit Scholarships, allocated by states and
five girls. She has competed nationally for another scholarship. Chris will receive a pin, a book about the nation's capitol, "In Washington," and a certificate at the Honors assembly near the end of the school year. Chris was elected into Brotherhood Society freshman year. During her sophomore year, she was the class secretary and a Students Council representative. She was also Spirit Queen. Chris was president of her junior class and was admitted into Thespian Society. She participated in last year's musical, "My Fair Lady" and became a member of Concert Choir. Chris is vice-president of the senior class and became a member of the National Honor Society this year. She is also in the cast of this year's musical, "South Pacific." Chris has been in every V-Show since her sophomore year.
awarded on the basis of ability and promise. AU Finalists would receive Merit Scholarships if finds were not limited. Many Finalists wiU also be considered for the four-year Merit Scholarships provided by some 400 corporations, foundations, unions, trusts, colleges, professional associations and other organizations and individuals. Each Finalist will also receive a Certificate of Merit in recognition of his outstanding performance in the program.
underway. Each year the girls of the senior class must choose a boy partner to march with. Those who do not have a boy are assigned to one. Then aU girls, except those who will speak during the program, are arranged in alphabetical order. The girls and their partners are given three assignments which include an auditorium seat, a couple number, and a seat in the spectator gym. The auditorium seat is assigned because it is the only place in the school which is large enough to hold the entire class while they organize themselves into their correct order. The couple number is for the students' place in line, and the arrangement in the spectator gym puts the students in the correct order in which their names wiU be caUed to receive their diplomas. In the past years students and parents have complained about the length of the commencement ceremonies and the crowded conditions of the spectator gym. To simplify the program, last year the students were given only their diploma covers, and were asked to report to their homeroom teachers for their dip lomas. Because the spectator gym is not large enough to accommodate everyone who wishes to see the ceremonies, the lecture rooms wiU be made available where famUy and friends can view the program on T.V. In order to participate in the commencement ceremonies, a student must have completed his fuU 16 credits including four years of gym and a quarter of safety education, a year of math and three years of English.
Pag* 4
April 17, 1970
Diamondmen Split Openers; Dealt Loss in League Play The Hawk baseball team, under the direction of new head coach George Verber, was squeezed out once again on Wednesday in the conference opener against Glenbrook South. In running the teams's overall record to 2 wins against 3 losses, they registered their third one-run loss. In losiDiS the season opener to Forest View by a 7-6 count, the Hawks blew a 3-1 firstinning lead. The damage came in the fifth inning as the Falcons chalked up five runs on the strength of five hits. A single Hawk run in the bottom of that frame was incapable of pulling them through.
Jim Cole leads the pack in his specialty, the two-mile run.
Van Proyen Refs State Basket Finals Mr. Glen Van Proyen, a South gym teacher and coach, was again selected to serve as an official at the state basketball finals. He had been picked by high school coaches out of Illinois' "five to six thousand officials" to be one of the eight referees at the state finals. He explained the choosing process. "The coaches in each regional receive lists of officials that live within 75 miles, or about 500 names. The 8 coaches of each regional then pick 20 of these and rate them 1-20. TTien all the coaches' lists for each regional are compiled and sent to the Illinois High School Association. A composite rating for the whole state is then made by the IHSA. Hie 128 highest rated officials referee at the regionals, while the top 32 move on to the sectionals. Tlie super sectionals reduce this number to 16, and the "elite 8" serve at the state finals. Van Proyen has been a referee for 15 years. He officiated at about 60 high school and small college games last winter, including a quarter-final and the semi-final round games at the finals. When asked about booing of calls, he said, "You can't be rabbit-eared." He feels that by not acting arrogant, and by listening to players and coaches, fair calls can be given. He will now continue as a scout for the L.A. Dodgers this Spring, although he will not coach South's varsity nine this season.
South's 3-run first came on a lead-off walk by Calamari, a double by Nevins, an error by the catcher and a wild pitch, another double to left by Zdeb, a balk, and a bunt sacrifice. The Hawks' first win then came agamst Glenbard West in a low-scoring contest, 3-1. The game was scoreless until the third inning when Glenbard took a 1-0 lead. The same inning, however, saw Tom Fulton hit a pinch double to drive in two runs. The final run came in the next inning when Roark tripled and then scored on a fielding erro:^. A doubleheader was played last Saturday at home against Maine East on wet and cold grounds. The opener was a real pitcher's duel which was scoreless until the tenth inning. Both East and South had managed only two hits through nine innings of play. East's third hit in the tenth was a Hawk-killer, however, as it left South tagged with a 1-0 setback. The nightcap game, in which more of the players were worked into the lineup, was a complete reverse face frm the first game, at least for the Hawks. They racked up 10 runs in comparison to a goose egg for the Demons.
After only two meets the Maine South varsity golf team has proven itself a strong conlender for both the conference and state titles this year. The team is much stronger than last year's team because the major squad members this year all saw plenty of varsity action last year. "We will have to be extra tough this year," commented coach Lou Gartner, "because the Central Suburban Conference is one of the toughest golf conferences in the state." The Hawks showed their power in the recent Maine South Invitational held at Villa Olivia. Competing against 12 other strong state contenders, the Hawks finished fifth behind New Trier East, New Trier West, Glenbrook South and Maine East. In a trian.sular on Monday, Maine South had a chance to gain revenge on Maine East.
MVP—Greg Schmelzer CAPTAIN—Mike Nevins Bob Norlander Jim Williams GYMNASTICS MVP—Jack Famey CAPTAIN—Chris Porter
WRESTLING MVP—Brian Palmer CAPTAIN—Jack Brown SWIMMING MVP—Barry Markus CAPTAIN—Barry Markus Jim Curran Craig Glass Ted Johnson
Tk. FOUR HORSEMEH Drfld. Initial Tennis Foe
Experience Helps Golfers
MVPs, Captains Chosen by Teams BASKETBALL
Kolbus singled to right in the third with the bases loaded for two runs, and Bushelle then singled in another. The seventh was the most rewarding (and longest) frame for South. Their run production matched the inning number as the East pitchers walked three batters in a row with the bases loaded. Sauter then doubled in two, and Bonk singled in one more. The tenth run was pushed across when the Demon right fielder dropped a high fly in shortright. The Hawks will be looking for a repeat of last Saturday's final performance in the remainder of their conference schedule and in the state elimination playoffs, which are conducted at the end of May.
The Hawks defeated Fremd by five strokes, but East's four counting scores bested South's, 169 to 171. The Hawk varsity team this year holds two seniors and five juniors. The leaders, and those most depended on for consistency, are team captain Tom Grainger '70, Bob Katz '70, Joe Comyn '71 and Jim Anderson '71, all returnees from last year's unpredictable squad. Juniors Bill Harnew, Tom Crosby and Jon Ephland round out the team. In most meets all seven men see action, but only the four top scores count in the team's final total.
The Maine South varsity tennis squad will enter their toughest conference opener ever next Tuesday on their home courts when they face the Deerfield Warriors. Head Coach Kent expects Deerfield, along with New Trier West, to again lead the Central Conference and challenge in state competition, with South having a crack at third. Since coming outdoors, the team has registered a dual meet record of 3 wins and 1 loss. They are also presently engaged in the Evanston Invitational, which was called due to rain halfway through it last Saturday afternoon. It was again rained out last Monday, and was rescheduled for next Monday. The singles players this year have been Dave Littell at 1, Larry Barr, and Allen Lauterbach. Some lineup juggling has been taking place at doubles due to illness and experimentation. The two doubles teams this year have been filled by Tom Klancnik and Bill Fleischman. Steve Olson and Steve Campbell, and Rich Bressler and Rick Davis. The opening non-conference
clash was against highly-regarded New Trier East, and South managed only one victory, by Barr, at his second position. The team then rebounded with a 3-2 win over Glenbard West. Littell, Barr, and a doubles team came through. As Littell and Barr sat out on Friday against Wheeling, Lauterbach, Fleischman, and a doubles pair brought about a 3-2 victory. A third-place finish is within reach next Monday when the Evanston Invite is completed. The two New Triers are conceded the top two spots. A victorious 4-1 score was realized last Wednesday as everyone but a doubles team prevailed over their Niles East opponents. A weaker Glenbrook South team will be played next Thursday after Deerfield. The sophomore team, under Coach Lange, is likewise ahead in the win-loss column, and should contribute many good players to the future varsities. The number of district teams have been halved this season, which will mean more players will qualify for state competition.
Track Teams Optimistic The outdoor track season recently began for the Maine South cindermen. The weather gave the team a slow start, as three meets were postponed. So far the trackmen have competed in one meet, a triangular against Holy Corss and Notre Dame. Senior Jim Cole won the 2 mile in that meet with a time of 10:06.5. Kelly Murphy and Jim Edgecombe, the half milers vvlio took first and second in indoor conference, were only able to take a third and fourth in their event. Murphy had a 2:10.2 and Edgecombe a 2:12.4 for the half mile. In the final distance race, the mile, Mike Murzyn took a second with a 4:39.5 and sophomore Bill Reilly came in at 4:41.2 for a third place. In the sprints, Nick Lyons turned in what was called by Mr. KilcuUen "the best performance of the day." Nick won the quarter mile by edging out a Holy Cross sprinter in a. time of 52.8. The 880 yd. relay team did not place, as they fumbled a hand-off and dropped the batton. Maine South took first and second in the 220 yd. dash. Sophomore Pat MacNamara won the 220 yd. dash in 23.8 and Jim Doubler took second with a 23.9.
Dave Fowler won the low hurdles in 22:1 and took second in the high hurdles at 16:3. Tom Dunn, who placed consistently ahead of Dave indoors, took a third in the lows at 22:8 and a third in the highs at 16:7. In the weight events the two sophomores. Bill Green and Jim Staunton, split with a second in each event. Staunton took second in the discus with a throw of 138'3". Bill Green captured a second in the shot-put with 48, and Holy Cross 41. The final score of the meet: Maine South 73, Notre Dame 48, and Holy Corss 41. Tomorrow afternoon the Hawks will compete in the Viking relays. The meet will be held at Niles North and begin at 12:30. Sophomores also Start Past Maine West will be the first conference opponent for Maine's sophomore track team. The Warriors will host the Hawks, who finished first in the indoor conference meet last Tuesday.
The Warriors finished third in the meet, and should be lough. The Hawks saw Maine West earlier this year at the District 207 triangular and finished nine points ahead of them. West could pull an upset tho, especially with their distance runners. South will be expecting much from their long distance runners Howard, Robert Burnson, Tom Strelka, and Tom Bush. South will also be going with sprinter Al Jahn, hurdlers Neal Lohuis and Wes Otis, Field men Brad Kamp. Jon Edstrom, Kerry Frey, and Rick Luft, and weight men Bob Pinelli and Paul Guslafson.