History Scholars Honored
Winners t n the 36th annual Constitution Contest sponsored b y Mel Tierny Post 247, American Legion, are Jeffrey Tone ' 7 1 , t h i r d place, John Barzditis 7 0 , f i r s t place, and Jay La Jone 7 1 , second place. Also shown are M r . Zurek and Cmdr. Yonan of Post 247 who served on the examining committee.
Complex Leader Elections Completed in Homerooms In the recent complex leader From a field of three opponspeeches many varied ideas ents, Ted Johnson, Sandi Erick• were suggested. Points men- son, and Tom Fulton, Rob Losstioned included an open cam- man was selected by the stupus, an all-student lounge, dis- dents in C-114 to serve as comcussions of Coimcil business and plex leader next year. 'other issues in homeroom, and In C-122 Jan Burke was electimprovement and expanded use ed over RusseU Streau. of the suggestion box method In C-12S, Bob Greising was of student participation in SC. elected in a contest with Jean Two candidates expressed Erickson and Chuck Schaefer. their views on developing a Randy Ruck will serve as Cmore perfect democracy within 129's complex leader for the 70the school and granting more 71 school year. His opponents responsibility to the students. were Bill Dickens and Neal In C-101, Nora Rowley was Lohuis. elected in a race with Judy Because he was unopposed, Ross, Vicld Sparks, and Tim Jeff Lee will once again be the Semrau. complex leader in C-134. Scott Peterson is tentatively The students of C-140 elected next year's complex leader in Jan McAuUff over Kevin DonC-103. He defeated Steve Ama- nelly, Marcie Barnard, and Sue dor. Rodelius. In the contest between Kathy Rich Tasted was elected the 'Redmann and Beth Timme in complex leader in C-147 in the C-108, Beth Timme was de- race with Garrett Walters and carled the victor. Michelle D'Hooge.
AFS Announces Program Changes; Picks South Students to Go Abroad AFS has planned some changes in its program for next year, according to Pat Bak, this year's chairman. Usually AFS holds one fundraising drive per year, during AFS week in January. Next year, there will be two, one during AFS week and one during • Americans Abroad Week. Americans Abroad is the program which sends American students .to other countries to study. As in AFS week, there will be an assembly for those students who wish to hear what it is like to live in a foreign country. Barb Hoffman, this year's AFS student, who is presently staying in Germany, and Maria Westermeir, next year's AFS choice, will speak at that assembly. The Americans Abroad assembly is tentatively scheduled for the third week in September. Maria Westermetr has no idea right now as to where she will
go on the Americans Abroad program. She will be notified sometime in May, about two weeks before she goes. Whereever she goes, she will spend only the summer there. After she is notified as to where her destination is, Maria will go to New York with all the other Americans Abroad students from around the country. There she will be given a crash course in the language and customs of the country she is visiting. Said Maria, "They have to teach you everything in about ten days." Maria would like to visit Europe, particularly Austria or Switzerland. She already speaks Spanish, however, and might like to go to a Spanish-speaking country. Steve Olsen '71, also has "about an 80 per cent chance" of being sent to Europe or South America with AFS, according to Pat Bak.
The Maine South Social Science Awards Night was held Wednesday, May 6, in the a torium. The winners of the 36th CMIstitution Contest Awards were John Barzditis '70, first place; Jay LaJone '71, second place; and Jeffrey Tone '71, third place. John received a $300 scholarship. Jay and Jeff received $30 and $25, respectively. The awards were presented by Mel Tierney Post 247, American Legion. Norman Ellstrand '70, Tri-S president, was presented with a Social Science Service Award. Bruce Little '72, won the Tri-S Faces in History Award by identifying 86 of the 100 faces in the news. Jay LaJone also won the Best
Volume 6, No. 13
is directed toward this goal. Mr. Joseph Elliott, math department chairman, said, "The effort put forth throughout the year is shown by the AP test scores." The comi^eted exams are sent to Princeton, New Jersey, for scoring. Teachers chosen to evaluate the tests spend a week in Princeton doing so. In English, seven different teachers read each test and a composite evaluation is made. A student's score is sent to the college of his choice, and that college decides how much credit to give him, Mr. Marian Davis, English
1970 A m e r i c a n History Scholar Jay La Jone ' 7 1 . Jay was also named the Maine South representat i v e to Boys' State this sumnter.
Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge,
May 15,1970
Students Simulate International Conflicts On Saturday, May 23, tri-S will once again sponsor a simulation to be open to all students at Maine South. All students desiring to participate in this year's simulation should form a country and register on or before the simulation meeting to be held Tuesday, May 19. Other students can participate by themselves and should also register by this meeting. Simulation is a complex game which attempts to simulate political conditions in the world, pitting each country against every other country. Each country has different resources which are chosen before the simulation itself begins. Countries maintain their existence and stay powerful through how skillfully they form alliances and apportion their resources. Assassinations and war are important part of the game, as is the World Press which dis-
tributes information and acts as a force for good to uphold the honesty and integrity of all participants. Several minor changes wUl be incorporated in this year's simulation. All countries will, for the first time, have countries named after existing countries and have resources based on the actual resources of the country they are named for. This year, also, the composition of each country will differ from previous years. Countries will consist of five members. As tentatively scheduled, two people who apply first will be issued a country to which another team of two students will be assigned in addition to a domestic opposition leader. The game itself is divided into several periods of one hour each. Each period each country reapportions its resources. Results of war are also announced at the end of each period.
Simulation central provides the central organization of the game, along with the World Press. Simulation Central serves primarily to organize couriers between countries and to process the manifold forms received from each country. Lunch will be held in the teacher's lounge with each student supplying his own lunch. At that time results of the Tri-S officer elections for next year will be announced. This year several students from Maine East and possibly Maine West will be in the simulation, returning a favor of several years ago when many South students were in a simulation at Maine East. Tliis year's simulation is being run by Bill Dickens '72 with Jeff Lee '71 serving as publicity chairman, and Mr. Eric Edstrom acting as advisor and sponsor.
Sore, Aching Feet Triumphant! Sixty thousand wwalkers participated in the five Illinois Hunger Hikes on May 3, and they earned more than a million and a half dollars. The 800 Maine South marchers were involved in the largest hike of the day, the Skokie Hike for the Hungry, which had 30,000 walkers. At 8 a.m., after being entertained by a rock group, the people left Niles North, fresh, de-
Placement Courses Zero in on Exams Advanced Placement Examinations will be held the week of May 18. All students enrolled in *AP English, Biology II AP or Chemistry II AP are required to take these tests, and students ,in AP Math, AP U.S. History or European History AP are expected to do so. AP exams aUow students to earn college credit while still in high school. Some students have earned enough semester hours to be considered sophomores in college when they are incoming freshmen. In all AP courses, the exam is an integral part of the course. All the work throughout the year
American History Scholar Award as well as being named the Maine South representative to Boys' State this summer. Individual certificates for outstanding work in Social Science were awarded to 248 students. Juniors led the list of honors with 121. Seniors were awarded 87, Sophomores in World History collected 21 and Freshmen received 19 awards. Mr. Otto M. Kohler Jr., chairman of the Social Science Department, explained, "Teachers in 24 social science courses selected among straight "A" students for those deserving special recognition. A .'•pecial award of 24 cans of "Orange Crush" was given to Mr. Eric Edstrom, leaving Maine South to become Chairman of the Social Science department at Maine West.
department chairman, said, "We have been administering the AP English exams for 11 years and have found that smaller colleges tend to be more strict in awarding credit than the Big 10 schools." Student reactions to AP exams are varied. "I don't like them because they wreck the course. Everyone is always concerned through out the year about the assignments' bearings on the AP exam." "I'm glad I'm taking the AP exams because it wiU cut down on the number of courses I will have to take in college, and I'll be able to graduate sooner."
termined, and prepared for a long walk. They were laughing, then, and singing, riding tricycles, other peoples' backs, leading little red wagons and Indian-type litters. A Confederate flag whipped loudly in the wind over the unending sea of heads. Each marcher had a walkcarl to be produced at each of the 16 checkpoints. A walkcard consisted of a list of the walker's sponsors, who had pledged an average of 25 cents per mile, a map of the 30 mile route, and 16 squares, each representative of a checkpoint. When the walker attained a checkpoint, he produced his walkcard, sweaty and creased, and it was dutifully stamped with the silhouette of a bare foot. The average worth of each walker was $1.75 per mile. 42.5 per cent of the money collected will go overseas to aid in the reconstruction of Columbia. An equal amount will be divided between the American Indian Center, Northwest Suburban Day Care Center, and Marillac House of Chicago. The remaining money has been dedicated to the construction of a day-care center in Des Plaines and other concerns of the im-
mediate vicinity. Medication, food, and drink were offered by volunteers at the checkpoints and along the route by residents of the area. Drop outs were scarce. Only one-tenth of the marchers did not finish the Skokie march. Most drop-outs occurred at the thirteenth checkpoint, situated overlooking L a k e Michigan. At 3 p.m. the line of walkers covered eight miles. One trackman from Maine West had gone the whole way in three hours, and a 48 year old jogger covered it in four. The last stragglers arrived back at Niles North at 10:30 p.m. Upon the walker's return, if he was among the first 500, a card was presented to him which read: "Having walked 30 miles, is a member of the P.W.A., Professional Walker Association." The ridiculous little card seemed inadequate and absurd to many of the tired marchers. Perhaps a brass band, a Gargantuan banner — but to the triumphant walkers, a patch of grass, a drink of water, and the omnipotent walk card clutched still secure would have to do until their legs came to life again and their feet quit their scolding.
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May 15, 1970
Music, Art, Drama Highlight Art
One of many contributions that will be on sale at Art Fair, (Photo by Robbie Polos)
An Art Festival will be held at Maine South on May 22, 23 and 24. The art, music and drama departments will be involved. Activities include the Sprii^ Music Festival on Friday night at 8 p.m. The Maine South Girls Chorus, Girls Glee, and Boys Chorus will sing several selections. The Beginning and Intermediate Orchestras and the Intermediate and Cadet Bands will also perform. The Art Fair is scheduled for Saturday, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. It will be held by the pond in front of the school. If it rains, the fair will be moved to the corridors. The Art Department and Art Club sponsor the fair; and over 100 studets will exhibit and sell their work, which may include wall hangings, ceramics, jewelry, oils, photographs, silk screens, glass sculptures, wood cairvings and other
media. Students will demonstrate wood carving, pottery, flower making and cefamic techniques. Continuous entertainment will be provided by groups such as the Jefferson Ice Co., The Nu and various duos and trios. The photography students will take pictures of people who would like to pose in antique cars.
Activities on Sunday will include dramatic readings and pantomine directed by Mr. Don Martello. The program will start at 2:30 p.m. The Orchesls modern dance club will perform two numbers. The club sponsor is Mrs. Renee Babka. Mr. Gordon McLean will direct the stage band in six numbers.
New BUI Ends Draft Exemptions Recently President Nixon has proposed to Congress a biU which will eliminate several deferments in the draft system in order to make the present conscription system more fair. One factor that has made the lottery system less fair is that since many men could remain safe by qualifying for one of the deferments, the scale of lottery
numbers in various local draft boards has had to climb higher to accommodate for all the deferments. Another factor reducing the equatibility of the lottery system is that in some local boards the scale of lottery numbers would be much higher than in others. President Nixon has eliminated occupational agriculture and fatherhood deferments. The student deferments require congressional approval, and Nixon has sought to end two student deferments: one for undergraduates in bachelor's programs Senior Gail Hofmann present- Swim Festival held in Oregon and the other for students in ed a solo at the Midwest Swim on November 7. Following that, junior colleges and technical Festival in Evanston from April she will go on to South Carolina, schools who are not going for a 22 to 26. presenting a solo in which she bachelor's degree. Gail first performed in the will portray a spider. GaU has Under the current system, 1.8 preliminaries and after being been doing research on the spid- million students hold deferselected for the festival, still er to gain an understanding of ments, 23,000 agricultural workcontinued to work and improve its movements to aid her in her ers hold exemptions, and about on her act. Her solo, entitled portrayal of it. 4 million men are deferred be"Destiny of a Warrior," was Gail has been an enthusiastic cause of dependents. judged by five critics. She re- member of Marlin Swim Club As of last Thursday, when Nixceived two second class honors for four years. In this year's and three third class honors. show, "In Retrospect" she pre- on annonuced his proposed plans Her averaged scores resulted sented her solo, "Destiny of a for eliminating deferments, men attending college as undergradin a third class rating. Warrior" and performed a duet uates working toward a bacheGail's next swim competition with Jan Engelen, entitled "On- lor's degree will be able to rewill take place at the Soatheast ly the Strong Survive." tain their deferments as long as they continue to be full-time students and make progress toward a bachelor's degree. The same holds true for men attending junior college or tech- _ nical school as of Thursday. Men who were only planning to attend college for work toward only a bachelor's degree, or a junior college or technical school can only obtain a deferment if they actually start attending school before Congress passes Nixon's proposal to do away with student deferments. If these men are ordered for induction while they are still in school or training program, it will be delayed until the end of appropriate breaking point in the school semester or "an appropriate breaking point in an apprentice training program." The most important effect that the new elimination of deferments will have on men of draft age is that many more men will have to rely only on their lottery number to determine if they will be drafted. The over-all result of the eliClothing II and III fashion show will be held on May 27 mination of deferments is that in the auditorium; everyone is invited to attend. Models the present conscription system include Carol Schaik, Carol Steinhauser, and Jo Wilderwill now be based more upon spin. chance than privilege.
Gail Travels To Oregon For Nov. Swim Festival
Art entertainment will include Marty Petersen, Tom Rogers, Jim Spec, and Connie Merrill.
Favors Upper-class Lounge Maine South's first senior lounge was not exactly a roaring success. It was closed for a time because of gambling. Many arguments were raised against it. However, there are many more benefits than detriments to a senior lounge. Recently, the possibility of extending the privilege to lower-classmen has been discussed. Southwords feels that if the lounge privilege is extended, it should be extended only to juniors, not to the rest of the student body. Some students, including seniors, are too immature to control their own behavior. These students, however, are not a majority and should have privileges revoked. Their behavior should not cause the closing of the lounge. In extreme cases, such as damage to the cafeteria or violation of state or federal laws, the lounge should be closed immediately. Benefits far outweigh the detriments of a senior lounge. Seniors are under greater pressure than other students because of the emphasis on college or job preparation in addition to their studies. A lounge, as well as being a place to have an extra, or late, meal is a good place to have a discussion that is not directed, as in most classrooms. Discussion can be extremely valuable. Often, a student can learn by talking to others, not just by reading and stud5dng what is printed in books. Many seniors have said the lounge alleviates their feeling of confinement. As well as not having to go to study haU, one may study in the lounge where he has more room. Since many people do not study in study halls, anyway, their sitting in a homeroom complex does not benefit anyone. Free discussion could benefit several people. The lounge also affords the opportunity to talk to people you might not otherwise see. If discussions are held during morning study time, students need-not use evening time for this, and therefore could devote more time to homework. For these reasons, the lounge is a good thing. However, upper-classmen are generally under greater pressure than underclassmen. Because tifie lounge is a privilege, Southwords feels is should be reserved until the latter school years so that it is more valued, thus reducing the chances that the privilege will be abused. Also, Maine South does not have sufficient room for an all-student lounge. Although students might be allowed to go outside, most of the school year is too cold to allow students to be outside.
Southwords Tha oTflcUl ttiKlcnt nÂŤws|tip*r of Main* Township High S<hoo< South, Park Rldga, lilinols. Writtan and aditad 14 timat aach yaar by ahidant* of tha high school. Subscriptions Inciudad with activity tickal, purchasad saparataly at S2 par yaar, or Individually lor 10c. (Pricad highar lor Issuas ol mora than 4 pagas.)
New Staff This ussue of Southwords has been prepared by Mr. Beatty's Journalism classes and edited by next years editors: Editorin-Chief, Audrey Altstadt; News Editor, Mary Beth Krebs; Features Editor, Jane O'Donnell; Sports Editor, Tom Bush; Art Editor, Mary Hester; and Photo Editor, Sandy Verlench.
Open Letter
Campus Rioting Discussed Editor: I feel compeled to speak out about the recent college rioting effected by the deaths of four Kent State students. Thus far, all the usually biased news reports have been given, and all the typically slanted newspaper articles have been written. All condemn the "murderous, barbaric, and cold-blooded" shootings of four innocent students by national guardsmen. All accounts strive to depict the incidents as totally unnecessary and uncalled for. But someone in the film news department of a local television
network must have slipped, because on a recent newscast the viewer could witness the vicious rock and brick throwing, the repeated ignorance of radicals to warnings of authorities, and the wanton destruction of campus buildings. Also, a few days ago, coroner's evidence was brought forth, substantially proving that a few of the deadly bullets fired weren't even the National Guard's. In stating these facts, I am in no way attempting to minimize the atrocity of these deaths, nor am I attempting to justify the actions of those
guards who might have killed ^ the students. But the fact remains that these deaths and all the ensuing violence across the nation could have been avoided i if it were not for the vehement arousing and encouraging of obviously outside agitators. Herein I contend, that to eliminate the violent protests, while preserving the right to peaceful dissent, we must eliminate all external agitation for anarchy, and let the actual college student of today, be he conservative, moderate, or liberal, act and speak 'JI his own way. BiL Spicer
May 15, 1970
Page 3
Complex Leaders Evaluate Council: Grade It B+ by Jeff Lee and Chris Mahaffey As we near the end of the school year, Southwords would like to comment on the progress and efforts of Student Council. First of all, we would like to commend Dr. Clyde K. Watson and President John Welzenbach for their excellent efforts in
making sure they had regular conferences and made every effort to bring the administration and the students closer together. Several plans which were discussed in last year's election were successfully accomplished. The most prominent of these was the Optional Attendence As-
sembly program which is now in use by many South students. Some other achievements are the revised Dress Code, which Council is partly responsible for, and new discipline rules, such as the abolition of 2 per cent reduction of grades for suspension. Council does many things which the student body never
May Calendar Features Cookie Drive, Marlin Clinic, Art Festival, Awards Brotherhood Society will sponsor a cookie drive this coming Monday, May 18. Cookies and candy will be sold at the main exits. Mr. Skip Wagoner's second period speech class will sponsor a book drive from June 1 to June 5. Boxes will be in all homerooms to collect books (textbooks preferred) for inner city school children. Marlin clinics are coming up soon! Newly elected officers of GRA are Mary Hester, president; Sharon Gearhart, vice-president; Cathy Sjoquist, secretary;
Claire Nelson, intraraurals chairman; Terry Laverty, treasurer. All students are invited to participate in Tri-S's Simulation on May 23. New officers of Home-Ec Club are Phyllis Von Plachecki, president; Diane Pestka, vice-president; Cathy Foley, secretary; Debby Hancock, treasurer; Cindy Ferro, public relations. All members are invited to the Debate Club Banquet to be held Thursday, May 28, at Scanda House. The cost is $2.40, which should be paid in the bookstore when signing up. Next year's officers will be announced at the
banquet. The Art Festival will be held May 22, 23, and 24. Everyone interested in going to summer school is encouraged to sign up as soon as possible, before the classes are filled. Summer school begins June 15. The annual Thespian awards banquet will be held May 29 in the cafeteria. All interested students can sign up in the bookstore. The ticket is $3. All awards will be presented in the auditorium after the banquet, and new members will be initiated. Tri-M plans a barbecue for June 3. The Music Department presents the annual Spring Concert May 15 at 8 p.m. in the auditorium. Maine South competes in the semi-finals of It's Academic, on May 24 and if successful moves into another competition on May 25. Senior wills are due in V-107 Monday, May 18.
hears about, but which do affect them. Early this year. Council completely revised their By-Laws, which made several important changes, including election of Vice-President and Treasurer by popular vote, and allowing for write-in votes. Several important appropriations were made this year, including $200 to the Brotherhood Society and Boy's Club. WMTH recieved $216, for the purchase of two new microphones designed especially for basketball games. Approximately $150 was spent for the two new hall clocks which are now in use here by the kitchen entrance. This year saw a different approach to collecting money for AFS. Instead of simply collecting in homeroom, Pat Bak, Chairman, held a Poster Power Campaign. Enlargements of photos were made and every enlargement gave AFS one dollar. This, plus a limited collection, gave AFS the necessary amount to complete the drive for next year's AFS student. A Constitutional amendment was approved by Council which called for immediate homeroom elections for vacancies of representatives. Prior to this time. Council was to elect the person to fill this seat. Another amendment which was defeated in Council was sent to the student body in a referendum and was passed with a vote of 4 to 1. This amendment dealt with the recall of representatives by their constituents. This gave the students
the right to elect new representatives if they were dissatisfied with their present representatives. This amendment will go into effect on September 1, 1970. There were many items which Council did not act upon, and some of these were the main gripes from the students. The most prominent of these were the library and cafeteria situations. Council did have a conference with the cafeteria dietician. However, nothing was accomplished and the situation has not improved. The library problem was "semi-tackled" by Council, when Council met with Mr. Pool. Once again, nothing constructive came out of this effort. Discipline and eighth semester finals were two other items which Council tried to act upon, but met with administration disapproval. Hopefully, these issues will be dealt with next year. The most important thing that developed this year in Council was the fact that Council achieved unity, harmony and a set of goals to improve the school. It is quite evident that this will carry on to next year and possibly future Councils. We feel, as members of Student Council, that the students can look forward to an active Council receptive to student's needs. On the whole, we feel that Council deserves a B plus and hearty congratulations for their efforts this year. We wish next year's Council and officers the best of luck so that they may carry on where the Welzenbach administration has left off.
Choirs To Feature Pop Songs
South's favorite ducklings, born Mother's Day, take a first swim in their wading pool on the art court.
A Time for Living is Eyrie Theme Miss Carol Singer, sponsor of the yearbook, was unable to announce a specific date for the arrival of this year's Eyrie. "I won't know until they get here," she said. It is, however, expected to be distributed in time for senior finals. The distribution of this year's Eyrie will be similar to last year's procedure. When acquiring their book, students are to report to the center spectator gym before homeroom. In order to claim their books, students must present their I.D.s along with their receipts. Any student who has lost his receipt should contact Miss Singer ninth period in C-138. The theme of this year's Eyrie is A Time For Living, which deals with life in the world as well as life at Maine South.
The number of full-colored pictures will be increased to three, and the size will change to 9 by 12. No extra books will be available.
The Concert Choir, Treble Choir and Girls' Glee will present the annual Spring Concert on Friday, May 15, at 8 p.m. in the Maine South auditorium. In the first portion of the concert, the 80 voice choir, xmder the direction of Mr. Irwin Bell, will present "Hallelujah" from The Mount of Olives by Beethoven, "How Lovely Is Thy Dwelling Place" by Brahms, and the "Ode to the Virginia Voyage" by Randall Thompson. â&#x20AC;˘The last section of the concert will be performed in formal wear with each girl holding a single rose. Popular music to be sung by the choir will include "Goin' Out of My Head," "Aquarius," and "The Brotherhood of Man." The Girls' Ensemble will perform "More,"
ful concerts of the year, faculty and students will be admitted with I.D. or activity tickets.
Magazine Ready Within 2 Weeks Graffiti, this year's creative writing magazine, wUl make its appearance in two weeks. Graffiti wiU be distributed in the English classes where it was sold. Students must present their receipts in order to receive their copies. Any problems concerning lost receipts should be brought to Mr. Ken Beatty in V-107. There will be extra copies for sale in the cafeteria for those students who did not purchase one previously.
Drama Classes Present Spoon River Anthology By unanimous choice of the Drama II classes. Spoon River Anthology will be presented for the third time on the Maine South stage. Mr. Don Martello and Mr. Skip Wagoner are directing the show, which will be presented on May 20 at 7:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Tickets went on sale today. A combination reader and chamber's theater wiU be used. In readers theater, the players have their scripts with them on
stage. However, chamber's theater permits the actors to express themselves with movement and costume. Guitar music and singing will be supplied by Margie Gibson and former mem bers of the Drama II classes. Spoon River Anthology was originally published by Edgar Lee Masters as a collection of two hundred epitaphs of the people living in Spoon River. The
Tri-M Chooses New Members Tri-M, Modem Music Masters Society, initiated 34 students Tuesday, May 12. The initiation ceremony was conducted by the club officers. A musical program followed with Jan Phillips performing a flute solo, Chuck Brenner performing a violin solo, and a vocal ensemble singing under the direction of Mr. Irwin Bell. Alexander M. Harley, founder of the organization in 1936, was present. Initiates from Girls' G l e e
and the Boys' Ensemble will sing "Step to the Rear" from the Broadway musical How Now Dow Jones. The Girls' Ensemble will perform the "Serenade" by Schubert, with the German solo by Sue Chastain. The Treble Choir, imder the direction of Mr. Walter Fleshsig will sing "He Watching Over Israel" by Mendelssohn and "The Lord Is My Shepherd" by Schubert. Also included in their portion of the concert will be the popular selection "Love Is A Many Splendored Thing." Girls' Glee, also under the direction of Mr. Flechsig will sing "Calm as the Night" by Bohm, "Black Is the Color of My True Love's Hair" and " 'Til There Was You" from The Music Man. Truly one of the most beauti-
were: Mary Klippstein '71, Marilee Macon '72, Jan Dwyer '72, Margie Gibson '72, and Georgia Marker '71. Initiates from Concert Band were: Krista McLean '72, Pat Groziak '72, Mark Van Etten '72, Nadya Nelson '72, Karen Eide '72, Steve Monz '71, Doug Carroll '72, and "nm George '71. Initiates from Concert Orchestra were: Janice Klich '72, John Koulos '72, Marian Sagona '72, and Betsy Kerr '72. Initiates from Concert CbiAr
were: Donna Anderson '71, Nancy Barry '71, Karen Brocker '71, Gary Cartwright '72, Andrea Ehrhardt '71, Betty Jo Fisher '71, Jean Forrest '71, Ed Hahn '72, Bill Hakes '70, Joanne Harstick '70, Debra Johnson '71, Dave Marshall '71, Bob Matsuoka '72, Nancy Nickerson '71, Carol Nocchi '70, Keith Shalk '72, and Bill Sensenbrenner '72. Tri-M is planning a barbeque for all members June 3.
characters speak their epitaphs from the graveyard. The Drama II classes will use 60 or 70 of the poems, similar to the Broadway production. The characters included range from the town drunk to the mayor. Mr. Martello said, "Masters was trying to show that a small town is just
the whole world in a small area, because it has the same range of human emotions." Because English classes are reading Spoon River, Mr. Martello expects a. larger audience than ever. The money from the ticket sales will be used to buy play books and other materials for the drama department.
Claire Wins Scholarship Claire Watson '70 was recently awarded a $50 scholarship by the home-economics club. Each year the club gives the scholarship to a senior member. Mrs. Petka, the teacher who presented the award, said, "This years winner has participated in the club activities, fulfilled all of her prescribed duties and has been an asset to the officers in every possible way." Claire will attend Western Illinois University next fall. She will be majoring in home-economics education. She tentatively plans to be a home-economics teacher with emphasis on clothing and textiles.
Claire Watson '70, 1970 winner of the Home Ec Club scholarship.
Page 4
May 15, 1970
Hawks Set for Conference Track; Murzyn, Dunn, Staunton Downstate
Bill Spicer strives for distance in the long jump during the Glenbrook North-Nlies North meet.
Netmen First at Districts South's tennis team, like the other spring sports, is in its final phase. The conference meet wUl take place tomorrow as the netters will try to gain third place in front of Maine West, who presently have a slight lead over the Hawks. In the most disastorous meet of the season South lost to the host Maine West Warriors, 4-1, with only Dave Littell winning at first singles in a close match. Monsoon-like winds at West made any play difficult to say the least. Last week, the team had two conference dual meets as a prelude to the district meet last Saturday. These two meetings were split as they realized a 3-2 victory over Niles North. The singles players of Littell, Larry Barr, and Allen Lauterbach obtained these points. The picture was not as bright last Thursday as the squad traveled to New Trier West. The biggest accomplishment of the meeting was Dave Littell extending Jerry Karzen of New Trier to 3 sets before bowing out. Karzen was the state runner-up in the state tournament last season and had obtained a number 8 rating in the nation for the 16 age level and under. The final score of that meet was 0-5. The districts, which were held at Maine South last Friday and Saturday, proved to be the highlight of the season for the team so far. The districts throughout the state are each composed of seven teams, but Walter Lutheran had earlier withdrawn from the Maine district. Of the six remaining teams. South doubled the score of its nearest competitor, Ridgewood. Four rounds composed the meet with one point awarded to each singles and doubles team for a victory in each round. The first doubles victory is worth 2 points. One of South's doubles team, Rich Bressler and Rick Davis, picked up these 2 points before losing to Ridgewood's eventual second-place finishers. South collected two first-place finishes (of the two possible) with first-place singles and doubles performances. A doubles team of Tom Klancnik and Larry Barr won the doubles final with a 5-7, 6-2, 6-3 victory. Maine finished 1-2 in the singles competition with Littell defeating Lauterbach in the finals, 6-2, 6-3. Four South players thus qualified for the state tourney, as the top two finishers qualify. The final tournament point total was Maine South, 14, Ridgewood, 7, Maine East and East Leyden. 6, Elmwood Park, 1, and West Leyden and Walt Lutheran, 0. The final conference meet of the season was won last Tuesday against Niles West, 4-1, with Dave Cook and Klancnik losing a close one in three sets.
Beside the conference meet tomorrow at Niles West, the state tourney in a week is all that remains on the schedule. Wednesday, Rich Rizzo led the chears as the varsity soundly defeated the sophomores (the coaches' match scores were not made public).
Tomorrow afternoon the Maine South cindermen will be defending their 1969 conference championship title in the 1970 CSL track meet. The conference schools will battle it out at New Trier West beginning at 1 p.m. Except for those track men who have qualified for the state meet, tomorrow's meet will end the season. In last week's District meet, Maine South was entered in a field of 23 schools rated by the coaches as one of the toughest in the state. South compiled a total of 12'/^ points. Ted Berg finished third in the long jump, missing qualifying distance for a trip downstate by one inch. A third place was also gained by the 880-yard relay team whose time was 2 tenths of a second off the state qualifying time. Pat McNamara, Nick Lyons, Steve Domeratius, and Jim Doubler ran for South. Doubler took a fifth in the 100yard dash with a 10.1. Placing and going downstate were Tom Dunn, Mike Murzyn, and Jim Staunton.
Tom Dunn tied for fifth place in the low hurdles with a time of 14.6. This enabled him to break the school record and to go downstate 5 tenths of a second below qualifying time. Dunn finished in a desperate attempt to place in the close field with a dive and fall which caused many disputed opinions among the judges. One judge believed he finished third although he was originally awarded sixth, which would have excluded him from the state meet. The tie for fifth was announced after deliberation among the judges and with South's hurding coach Ed Smith. Mike Murzyn took a fourth in the mile run with a 4:23.5. This time, six seconds below qualifying time is a new school record. Murzyn found himself thirty yards behind the pack in sixth place going into the gun lap but put on a blazing sprint to move up to fourth place and a trip downstate. Jim Cole ran state qualifying time in the 2 mile but missed going downstate as he took sixth place.
Jim Staunton threw the discuss 150 feet Va inch for third place. A throw of 150 feet is necessary for a trip to Champaign. Staunton, a sophomore, carries on a tradition of sending weight men downstate now in its fourth year. Tv Sigmund and state champ Dave Butz preceded him. Sophomore Pat McNamara finished sixth in the 220-yard dash. Only a few inches separated him from fifth, fourth, and third places. McNamara's time of 22.3 would have sent him downstate had he placed. In recent triangulars the tallies were Maine South second against Glenbrook North, and Niles North. Last Wednesday the Hawks traveled to New Trier West coming back to win against New Trier and Niles West The Hawks hope to perform as well tomorrow^ as they did in their first place finishes at the Spartan and Viking Relays earlier this season where they topped their rivals Maine West, Niles North, and Glenbrook North.
Diamondmen W i n State Opener Maine South's Varsity Baseball team defeated Ridgewood Monday in the first round of the District Baseball tournament by a score of 12-3. Maine will take on the winner of the Holy CrossLuther North game which will be held as soon as the weather permits. Larry Gawaluch got the win going six innings on the mound before being relieved by Larry Teschner. The Hawks led off
by loading up the bases. Jim Roark was walked to bring in the first run. Dave Bergman hit into left driving in two more. Mike Bonk reached first on a fielder's choice allowing the fourth nun, to score. The Hawks scoreor again in the second as Nevins hit a sacrifice fly to lefy driving in Gawaluch from Nevii s sacrificed again the fourh driving in Tom fulton but reached first safely
on an error.. The Hawks put the game out of reach in the seventh as they scored six runs. Dave Bergman and Mike Bonk led off with two singles to center. Teschner was walked to load up the bases. Two runs scored on a walk and on an error. Then Joe Zdeb slammed a three bagger into left and proceeded to steal home for the twelfth Hawk run. Teschner and Gawaluch struckout seven of tlie Ridgewood Rebels and walked only three giving up five hits. One passed ball was let by. The other game of the four team District is between Holy Cross, whom the press rate
first in state, and Luther North. Holy Cross is not expected to have an easy day. Maine South will have a tough job with either team. Rain has prevented that game from being played which was scheduled for Tuesday. In recent games the Hawks defeated Deerfield 10-2, lost an extra inning stand to Glenbrook North 7-6, lost to Glenbrook South 4-1, shutout Niles North 4-0, and bombed New Trier West 10-0. The Hawks are currently in third place behind Glenbrook North and Niles West. A win over NUes West next week could put South in second place.
BOX SCORE vs. RIDGEWOOD 1 2 3 4 5 6 7
Maine South Ridgewod
4 1 0 1 0 0 6 0 0 1 0 0 2 0
8 2 3 5 2
Underclassmen in M Club Display Varied Opinions Larry Gawaluch dashais for fi third base line. â&#x20AC;˘ -"
after hitting down the
Golfers Finish Second at Districts; Grainger Scores Title Defense With the conference ipeet scheduled for Monday at" the Wilmette Country Club, it lioks like the varsity golfers n^ust settle for another season of both success and frustration. The success came last weekend when the Hawks took second place in the district meet for the second consecutive year. In addition, Tom Grainger finished in first place wtih an outstanding game of 75, earning the right to represent Maine South in the state meet in Champaign next weekend. This will be Tom's second appearance in the state meet. Finishing in a tie for sixth place and shooting 81's were Tom Crosby, Joe Comyn and Jim Anderson, all juniors. The frustration this year has been the team's showing in conference competition. Not including last night's meet against Maine West, the Hawks' record stands at two wins and four
losses. Now even a first place showing in the conference meet won't significantly improve their final conference standing. The team is, however, in the position of a spoiler. A strong showing by the Hawks could upset the title plans of front-runners New Trier West and Deerfield. The team's most recent loss came against Glenrook North on Tuesday by only 4 strokes, 159-163, The loss was especially disheartening because the Spartan squad was one team the Hawks figured to beat easily this year. But to win in the CSL you must consistently shoot well under 160, something which the Hawks have not done for a long time. In other past meets, the Hawks performed well against New Trier, losing by only 7 strokes, but they couldn't do anything right against Niles West, losing by 30 strokes.
While it is considered a rarity for an athlete to letter while he is still an underclassman, nine sophomores and one freshman have already been initiated into M-Club this year. Each of these boys have competed enough times on the varsity level to have earned a letter in their respective sport. Obviously, this takes some outstanding ability, considering the tact that these boys are competing against a group of older, more experienced athletes. Says Kevin Huffman, who has lettered in both cross-country and track as a sophomore: "You're always under pressure to do well. If you weren't pretty good, you wouldn't be up there." Bill Reilly, who also is a crosscountry and track letterman, feels differently. "You're nobody special. You're just like anybody else on the team." Reilly and Huffman are both outstanding because they have earned two letters as sophomores. Another very unusual athlete is Brad Kozie, who lettered on the swim team as a freshman this year. Brad, who was second only to MVP Barry Markus in points on the swim team, felt that
swimming varsity as a freshman would help him in future years. "It gave me a lot of experience, and next year I'll know what competition I'll be up against." Joining M-Club is one benefit of competing on the varsity level as an underclassman. Said Kozie: "I was excited to get my letter. Heck, anyone would be." Both Reilly and Huffman expressed different views. Reilly felt that "it's nice to get your letter, but after a while it's no big deal." Huffman felt that there was one disadvantage in lettering as a sophomore. "A lot of guys really go all out for it, and then â&#x20AC;˘ kind of slack off after they get a letter. I don't want that to happen to me." , Besides Huffman and Reilly, the following boys have been initiated into M-Club as sophomores: Lou Collette, wrestling; Dirk Martin, Gary Borowski, John Dummer, gymnastics; and Ted Johnson, Norman Pussehl, Mike Ceasario, swimming. These sophomores have lettered in track already, but will not be initialed until next year: Jim Staunton, Pat McNamara, and Tom Starck.