Vol 7 issue 11

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Students Enthusiastic Over Spring Musical Brigadoon "Brigadoon is a classic. What makes it special is the choral music is much fuller and richer. There is more harmony than "There is something about a unison," said Mr. Irwin Bell, musical that is so exciting. This Choral director of Brigadoon. is only the first week but alSome of the male leads in the ready everyone working on Brigadoon is so enthusiastic cast are suddenly confronted about it," said Kyle Conforti '71 with the Scottish dancing they wiU have to do in their roles. who plays Meg. When Steve Monz '71, who plays Brigadoon is the story of a Charlie, was asked about how village that appears in Scotland he was going to do the Russian for one day in every hundred splits, he answered," About the years. The reason is that in the thing I'm going to split is 170O's a witch scare made the only reverend pray to God to keep my pants." The cast of Brigadoon: his village from corruption. In 1950 the village appears and a Tommy is Steve Miller '72 and man from New York who is on Mike Skibbe '71; Fiona is Deba hunting trip sees it through bie Johnson '71 and Cathy Cox the mists but cannot locate it on '71. Jeff is played by BiU Senthe map. He enters the town senbrenner '72 and John Johnand meets a girl, Fiona, and son '71; Charlie is Steve Monz falls in love with her, but he is '71 and Scott Fauth '71. engaged to another girl in New Continuing the list is Margie York and returns to her. After Gibson '72 and Kyle Conforti being back in New York for '71 playing Meg; Jean is Barb awhile he realizes that he still Agosta '72 and Luann Porter loves Fiona and goes back to '72; Harry is Phil Bethards '71; find her. The village is gone Mr. Lundie is Dave Marshall when he returns. Suddenly the '71; Jane will be Karen Hauber town appears and he finds '73 and Sue Rodelius '72; and Fiona. In the end it is explained Frank is Chris Mahaffey '71. that only the spirit of love could The rest of the parts will be bring Brigadoon alive. cast from the chorus. Sets are rising and rehearsals begin Monday for the spring musical Brigadoon.

Vol. 7, No. 11

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, I I I . 60068

M a r . 5,1971

Voters Acquainted with Machines On election day, the Maine South student will be confronted with a new method of voting— the voting machine. First, the voter will walk up to a table where he will present his I.D. and be checked off on a master print-out sheet. He will then be directed to a booth according to alphabetical order. Next, he closes the booth curtains with a red lever. In front of him, the names of the candidates are arranged according to office and party. If the student wishes to vote a straight ticket, he pulls the large silver level on top of that parties' column. If the voter wishes to split his ticket, he can either flip the levers individually or pull the straight ticket lever and then pull up the candidates from that party that he does not wish to vote for and pull alternate levers. For a write-in candidate, the voter pushes the write-in release lever and opens a door and writes in his choice. Last, the student pushes the curtain release lever and walks out of the booth. The machines cost 24 dollars to rent at 40 dollars per machine. The county clerk will send two men on election day to service the machines. The penalty for willful vandalism will be $500 and six months in jail.

Southwords Wants You "Guess what! I've got a new pen name!" "Really? What is it?" "Bic Clic." If you think that's funny, you're potential Southwords material. According to Mr. Ken Beatty, faculty sponsor, f e a t u r e s writers, news reporters, artists and photographers are all needed to fill staff positions which will be vacated by seniors at the end of this year. The procedure for applying for a job on staff was described by Audrey Altstadt, this year's editor. "The first step is to come to the Southwords office in V-106," she said. The applicant will then receive three teacher r e c o mmendations which must be filled out by his English teacher. counselor and one other teacher. Once the completed recommendations are returned to the office, the applicant receives a copy of the Southwords style book. "The student should study the style book and then come in to take the style test," Audrey explained. A passing grade on the style test is an 85. "Each applicant will have three opportimities to pass the style test," Audrey noted. After completing these qualications, the applicant will be accepted for a trial of three issues. After that period, the editorial board wiU evaluate the student's performance and determine if he will be accepted on a permanent basis. "I've really enjoyed working on the paper," one staff mem' her noted. "I think anyone who likes to write and meet peoj^e really should come down and apply."

Arena Play Judges Worth of Life By Debbie Cook That students interested in acting but previously untried can, when given the opportunity and ably directed, produce an artistic success was evident in Maine South's production of Archibald MacLeish's J.B- directed by Mr. Hal Chastain. Both Teresa Pfister '73 as Sarah and Calvin Churchman '72 as J.B., newcomers to the Maine South stage, turned in fine performances in demanding roles in a difficult play, quite successfully treading the fine line between pathos and bathos. To maintain credibility as catastrophe follows catastrophe is a test of acting ability, and J.B- is a play of catastrophes. Acting experience is evident in the excellent performance of Rick Spatafora '72 as Nickles, the Devil. Though often merely a bystander, he always maintained character, was every moment Satan in facial expression and body stance. Even his dark and long curly hair seems

in character. Likewise, blonde Jim Scott '72 does a creditable job of creating the aura of the power of God the Creator of the Universe. J.B. is a psychological play affirming the worth of life in spite of life. J.B., modern version of Job, is a successful businessman who, at tlie beginning of the play, has everything a man could desire—lovely wife, fine children, thriving business —and accepts all of it as his right, as evidence of God's goodness. Then he loses everything — children, business, and wife's kindness. As he is destroyed, he, a strong believer in justice, asks God why. Thus, the play is a psychological analysis of the eternal question of why God allows such great suffering in life. Consequently, the play is a mental exercise, most of the action taking place off-stage. Heady intellectual brew for a high school audience? Perhaps. In fact, the play was sometimes

hard to follow. What has happened to J.B.'s children was not always completely clear. Some of the messengers' lines, essential to understanding offstage happenings, were lost to the audience — as were some of J.B.'s lines, especially in the second act. More graphic makeup was needed for the audience to comprehend immediately that the last catastrophe was an explosion and fire. The three Comforters, though excellent physical representatives of their roles, uttered philosophies not readily understandable to those who had not read the play. The play was well cast. Every actor knew his job and performed sincerely. Characterization was good. Staging was suitably simple. If there was one weak spot in the play, it was the afterthe-war scene which n e e d s strengthening to provide ironic contrast for the immediately following revelation of David's

National Honor Society Election Shows Lack of Meaning for New Members Something is wrong in National Honor Society. In the recent NHS elections, several students with full academic qualifications (top five per cent of the junior class with no semester grade below B or 3.0 grade average for seniors in the top 15 per cent of the class) were not elected while students not meeting academic requirements were elected. First, little is actually known about NHS's eligibility requirements and election methods. Once a student has met the above requirements, his name is placed on a ballot. All staff members then vote on any student they feel they know well. Students are rated on character, leadership and service to the school. Teachers "rate them on a scale from one to five. There is no negative voting. Scores are tallied and averaged. A certain quota is taken from the top scores, and these people are elected to NHS. This method of selection implies that academic excellence is the first qualification. Teachers' opinions on a student's character, leadership and service determine which of these select students is elected. Since human value judgments are the de-

termining factor, someone will always consider the outcome "unfair." However, juniors who did not even meet the initial academic requirements were elected. The mistake was, therefore, obviously made before any voting was done. (No, write-ins are not allowed.) NHS should place more emphasis on the academic requirements for NHS. Being elected as a senior is ridiculously easier than being elected as a junior. Although South is allowed 15 per cent of each class, it does not have to elect a 15 per cent total — 10 or 12 per cent would be sufficient. Juniors may not have had a semester grade below a B, but a senior may have had a D and be elected if he has an overall 3.0 average. A senior who has ever had a D is not a criminal, but can hardly be considered a scholar, either. If NHS is too easy to join, being elected a member looses meaning. Although no one will really care after graduation whether you belonged to NHS, it is important now to the people involved. Membership in an "honor society" should mean more than just better-than-average grades coupled with popularity.

death, a poignant scene so wellplayed by Sarah. The family group at dinner was memorable because it is the one happy scene in the entire play. The final scene, effectively lighted, was one of J.B.'s best. .As members of the audience were heard to say, "The kids did a beautiful job, but 1 prefer a different type of play."


Knapp First In Speaking In contest speaking sectionals, Jan Knapp '71 placed first in verse speaking and Bill Dickens '72 placed fifth in extemporaneous speaking. As a result, Jan is now eligible to compete downstate at the end of this month. Maine South's debate team will compete in the sectional contest March 6. Orchesls will present its show A Different Drummer, on March 6 at 8 p.m. and again on March 7 at 2:30 p.m. in the auditorium. Tickets, on sale now in the cafeteria, cost $1.25. A Different Drummer is the modem dance club's first show. History Club will take a tour through Chinatown on March 13. The cost is $2, payable in the bookstore. The trip, lasting from 12 p.m. until 4:30 p.m., will include a visit to the Ling Long Museum. Lunch at Gnyi Sam's, an authentic Chinese restaurant, is $2 extra. The lunch fee is not payable in the bookstore. The Southwords staff is still waiting for SC election graffiti. Those comments judged the wittiest and most amusing by the editorial staff of Southwords will be printed in the March 12 issue. The deadline for graffitti is March 8. Home-Ec Qub is at work on their service project which will take place sometime in the near future. The club's present plans are for visiting a home for the aged. GRA's annual slumber party is scheduled for the night of March 25-26.

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March 5, 1971

Co-Champion Hawks Finish Early The 1971 varsity basketball season came to a close last Wednesday night when the conference co-championship Hawks fell four points short of victory against St. Patrick's. The loss in the second round of the Maine East Regional eliminated the Hawks from the state tournament much earlier than in recent years. The Hawk record finished off at 15 and 7 with a 12 and 2 conference record. The Hawks' moment of glory came last Friday night when they knocked off rival Maine West for a tie in the conference standings the second Hawk vie-

tory over the Warriors in the season. The final tally was Maine South 72 — Maine West 63. The Hawks started out slow allowing the Warriors to jump ahead at the end of the first quarter and utilize their astounding height advantage. Consistant scoring by center Russ Hylen kept the Hawks within striking distance of the Warriors

G-Men Close 1971 Season Tonight the Maine South varsity gymnasts will complete their competition in IHSA sectionals at Elk Grove. Last week eleven Hawks of the team qualified for yesterday's and today's sectionals between eighteen schools. Last night was free exercise, side horse and high bar competition and tonight trampoline, parallel bars and rings. Coach John Riccitelli firmly feels "that at least four will get through to state competition." Tliose four are Bud Tagge on high bar, Steve Olson on tramp. Dirk Martin on parallel bars and PhU Bethards on rings. The rest of the Hawks who qualified for sectionals are James Lobue and Bill Hurlstone in free exercise, Mike Martin on high bar, Ray Kane and John Kersting on trampoline, Keith Bocek and Steve Olson on parallel bars and Jack Beaumont on rings.

Knights. Mike Bonk and Jerry Jones shared the scoring honors with 18 points apiece. Russ Hylen scored 12 points and picked off 11 rebounds. Roger Sauter followed him with 10 points. The Hawks ended their season Wednesday in a 69-65 defeat at the hands of St. Patricks'. Once again the Hawk started out on a slow note falling behind in the first quarter which ended 18-12 in favor of St. Pats'. The Hawks were down by seven at the half. At the end of third St. Pats' still held the Hawks by seven points. The Hawks finally started rallying in the fourth. With four minutes South was battling from four points behind, and with two minutes remaining they finally moved within the one basket range. But the Hawk rally fell short. Tim Semrau scored five points in the final three minutes to keep the Hawks within tying range, but victory eluded South as St. Pats' scored two free throws with 26 seconds remaining to ice their narrow victory. Hylen scored 22 points for his team followed by Bonk at 14 and Tom Spicer at 12. The Hawks also scored high in another area, fouls. Spicer, Hylen and Sauter all left the game early with five fouls.

Hawk guard Dave Jacobsen eludes St. Patricks' center for two points. Central Subu-ban L e a ^ e Varsity Basketball '71 Final SUndings W L Maine South 12 2 Maine West 12 2 Deerfield 10 4 Glenbrook South 8 6 New Trier West 7 7 Niles North 2 12 Glenbrook North 2 12 Niles North 2 12

Trackmen Eye Conference Title Hawk gymnast Bill Hurlstone executes a handstand in his free exercise routine during a recent home meet.

(Photo by Wright)

Harris' Swimmers Compete In Illinois Swimming Championships Coach Harris brought home a proud group of swimmers last weekend after the Illinois State S w i m m i n g Championships. Sixty four schools qualified swimmers for the meet, as the wave finished 32 out of all the schools who qualified or tried to qualify swimmers in previous district meets. In the state meet, sophomore Brad Kozie stroked to an 11th place finish in the 100 yd. backstroke to lead the wave's attack. Earlier this year Brad also erased Ray McCuUough's sophomore 200 yd. individual medley school record by 0:01.0, two years later Ray was state champion in that event swimming for New Trier East. After a five man swim off for 12 place, Norm Pussehl proved that he was the 12th fastest in the 50 yd. freestyle event. Ted Johnson missed the top 12 by 0:00.04 in the 100 yd. breaststroke, so he settled for 13 place and a new school record in that event. Mike Cesario just missed the cut for the top 16 divers. The wave's fifth entry was the medley relay of Brad Kozie, Ted Jc^nson, freshman Bob McCullough and Norm Pussehl who combined their talents for 15 place. The season's all over now. In Coach Harris's second year the team has swum a 9 win and 6 loss dual and triangular meet record. An 8th in conference last year to 5th out of 9 this year is just the start of this new wave. Curran, Glass, Kozie, and Pussehl set a new school record in the freestyle relay, and Ted Johnson lowered his breaststroke record on several occasions. Brad Kozie got his second sophomore record after teaming up with McCullough, Nicolau and Houlihan to set a new sophomore medley relay

until the final five minutes of the half when Maine South came alive and jumped to a 35-29 lead by the half. The first half saw several Hawk drives cut short by travelling violations. The Hawks came back in the second half and slowly buUt up their lead. Tim Semrau and Russ Hylen both left the court in the middle of the fourth period with five fouls, but left behind substantial lead. The Hawks stalled off the remaining time to add another figure to Maine South's numerous wins over rival Maine West. Russ Hylen led the team in scoring with 25 points followed by Mike Bonk with 19. Hylen also led the team in rebounds with 11. The Hawks won their first round game in the Maine East Regional over the Knights of West Leyden by a score of 65-62. The Knights jumped ahead on the first basket and led the Hawks all the way up to the middle of the fourth quarter. With three minutes remaining the Hawks held a slim 59-58 edge and decided to attempt to stall the game. South held control until the final minute when Jerry Jones and Mike Bonk boosted the Hawk score to 65 to keep South ahead of the futile last second scoring by the

record. The freshmwi along with being second in conference set a new freestyle relay record for freshmen. The varsity came home second in the Morton West Invitational and fourth out of 14 in districts. All but two C.S.L. schools sent boys down state. The team held their own against all conference schools, losing two of their four losses by a total of 0:07.

Coming off a convincing win over Maine West, the Maine South varsity trackmen enter tomorrow's conference meet at Maine East as favorites. Coach Carl Magsaman sees the Hawk's potential for the highest scoring in the middle distances and in the field events with enough needed depth supplied in the sprints and the long distances. The Hawks boast of a hoard of potential conference champions led by the mile relay team of Kelly Murphy, Tom Starck, Jim Edgecombe and Pat McNamara whose time of 3:30.5 is currently the best in the state. The Hawks biggest step on the way to the conference meet came last Saturday in the District 207 meet where Maine West fell to South, 115-77. Maine East forfieted the challenge, and


Maine South Racks Rival Maine West Eight Times Over the preceding weekend the Maine South Hawks were engaged in eight decisive contests in two of South's most successful sports. The Hawks won all of them, and they were all against Maine West. In basketball the Hawks proved that even though the Warriors had won a share of the conference title, they would have to continue as a second team to Maine South for another year. The Hawks were the only team to defeat the Warriors in the conference and they accomplished this feat twice. In the lower levels the Hawks finished off two undefeated seasons, the sophomores and the J.V.'s, against Maine West. Both freshmen levels were victorious Saturday morning giving Maine South a share in each of the five conference basketball titles. In track, the Hawks were pitted against the Warriors in the District 207 meet. In a preview of some of the action in tomorrow's conference meet, the Hawks downed the Warriors on the varsity level 115-77. The sophomores also followed suit of the varsity as did the freshmen. The freshmen fell second to Maine North, but they did manage to step ahead of Maine West. Last weekend the Maine South cage and track teams both looked West. Maine South won the series 8 to 0. What could be more fitting for South's arch-rivals? In the recent coaches poll, Mike Bonk and sophomore Jerry Jones were both seeded starting positions in the Central Suburban AU-Conference basketball team. Russ Hylen was awarded an honorable mention.

Maine North participated but failed to score. Five meet records were set in what is expected to have been the last running of the event. Jack St. John took the first one for Maine West in the two-mile. St. John who has been the leading distance runner in the conference for two years came back in the mile only to lose to upset-minded Kelly Murphy in a 4:29.5 performance. Pat McNamara set the first Hawk record in the 50 as he led Dan Mojica and Al Jahn to a one-two-three finish in 5.6 seconds. Pruitt of Maine West accounted for the last Maine West record in the low hurdles. The Hawks accounted for two other sweeps on the track. Murphy led Jay LaJone and Jim Edgecombe to the top three places as did Pat McNamara in the 440 with Tom Starck and Jay LaJone. The Hawks also won both relays. The last two records both went to South and both came in the field events. Ted Berg edged beyond 21 feet in the long jump to defeat rival Duff of Maine West for one record performance. Jim Staunton grabbed the other record with a 53 foot effort in the shot put.

Kelly Murphy pulls ahead in the 880-yard run on his way to a first place finish in the District 207 Meet.

Bill Green followed Staunton by two inches for second. Paul Johnson and Butch Pietrin each lofted 12 feet in the pole vault for first and second. Rob Loss man took second in the high jump with 5'8". The Hawks won their fifth dual meet of the season without a loss as they dumped Morton East 82-27. John Spotts led Jon Edstrom and Craig McLaren to a sweep in the long jump which was duplicated on the track by Dan Mojica, Al Jahn and Kerry Frey in the 50. Kelly Murphy and Jim Walley produced Hawk first places in the mile and two-mile. Tom Starck and Mike Maloney grabbed the first two places in the 440 as did Jim Staunton and Bill Green in the shot put. Butch Pietrini won the pole vault at 12 feet The Hawks won both relays.

Foilers Meet Marshall The varsity foilers extended their winning streak to six as they easily beat the Niles East Indians 13-5. Even without the help of Dave Littell the Hawks came on strong as A-strip won 7-2 and B-strip won 6-3. On A-strip Bob Young won all three, and John Duncan and Phil Frystak each won two out of three. B-strip's sixth position was divided between three men Bill Bornmann, Steve Perlini and Bob Bertsche. Fencing fourth and fifth position were Mike Rusin and Larry Robbins. Bornmann won his bout, Mike Rusin won two of his three and Larry Robbins beat all three of his adversaries. Steve Perlini and Bob Bertsche both lost their bouts, as the Hawks won 13-5. Today the Hawks face Marshall for the first time. The meet at Marshall what was to be in the beginning of the season was called off because of the teacher's strike in Chicago. Dave Littell should be ready for this meet in spite of a cold he contacted at a tournament last weekend.


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