Souths Library System Returns to Original Form The administration has revoked the new library system which went into effect last February 2. Announcements were beard over the bulletin prior to spring vacation saying that the academic discussion areas in the library were being reconverted to quiet areas. No talking Is now permitted in the library. Hie administration explained its move by saying that classrooms in the library area had been disturbed by noise from the academic discussion areas. The bulletin message said that the library staff was "sorry that the student body could not handle the privilege" of discussion areas. The new system has been a subject of controversy ever since it was put into effect. When first announced, the proposal was condemned by the sophomore, junior and senior class presidents over closed circuit television. At the time, Warren Yamakoshi, jimior class president, labelled the change "a step in the wrong direction." Ted Berg, Student Council president, said, "I want to point out that in our original proposal Council said that these were bad places to have discussion areas, because they are eventually to become resource centers. "The fact that these areas were closed down is not a reflection on the students' respon-
sibility," Berg also commented. "It simply shows poor planning by the administration." Berg had spoken of the new library system at the election assembly, saying that "Student Council wants no part of the administration's library plan." He said that he had never expected the new system to be successful. Berg also pointed out that the administration a n d Student Council were now faced with another problem. "By putting in this new system," Ted said, "the administration recognized the need at Maine South for discussion areas. Now that they've gotten rid of these, where are they going to put the new ones?" The original Student Council proposal for a frosh-soph lounge was Berg's suggestion for settling the question of discussion areas. "Their plan failed," said Berg. "Why can't they at least let us try ours?" Berg thought that the library system as it stands now is "the poorest to date." Freshman and sophomores are allowed only one library period and have no lounge to go to. Juniors and seniors, although they have a lounge, are still only permitted one period in the library per day. The present system is similar to the library set-up used in previous years, where students were given a card and allotted one period a day in which to use the library.
Vol. 7, No. 14
Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068
'Hunger Hike' Planning Begins; Walk Cards in P.O. Soon As many as 50,000 students from the northwestern suburbs are expected to "hike for the hungry" on Sunday, May 9. Although the actual starting time and route for this year's hike are still being planned, it will probably begin between 7 and 8 a.m. at Niles North and will cover 30 miles. Last May 3, 24,000 walkers participated in Project '70's Niles-Skokie "Walk For Development." The hikers earned a total of $278,159, the most of all the Illinois hikes. Bill Barmeier, Maine South's representative to the hike, described this year's hike as "super-organized." According to Bill it will be on a much larger scale than last year's. In planning a walk, local communities map out a route usually 20 to 30 miles long. Each walker is responsible for obtaining sponsors who pledge
Cast and Crew of 'Brigadoon' Strive To Convey A Concrete Feeling of Love "Anything is possible if you love someone. This is the main theme we are trying to convey," commented Nora Donahue, student director of Brigadoon, this year's musical. Cathy Cox, who will play Fiona on May 1, 7 and 9, commented, "'The actual storyline of Brigadoon is so unbelievable that the actors have to strive doubly hard to bring across their characters as real people and to make the theme of love more concrete." Mr. Lloyd Spear, music director, said, "The songs and theme of Brigadoon convey the light feeling of love which is very relevant to today. In this respect, I hope that it will attract more students to the play." Miss Barbara Bobricb, choreographer f o r Brigadoon, stated that Brigadoon is different than any other she has done because "the dancing
comes right out of the play and helps to convey the emotions of the characters." Miss Bobrich' will have ten boys and ten girls in the dance chorus. The girls will do mostly baUet steps to convey the mood of the play. The boys will perform dances from "The
April 16,1971
Scottish Board of Highland Dancing," which are actual dances from Scotland, where the play is set. Mrs. P. Atkins, in charge of costumes for Brigadoon, said, "By making the costumes authentic, we hope to aid the actors in feeling their parts."
a certain amount of money for every mile completed by the walker. After the hike, the walkers collect from their sponsors. Walk cards will be available in the P.O. and the bookstore sometime before the end of April. The cards will contain all the necessary information for the walker. The money collected from this year's hike wUl be divided three ways. A domestic project will receive 42Vi per cent, an international poverty project, 42'/^ per cent, and 15 per cent will go to the Foundation and Young World Development for administrational and educational expenses. The 1971 Walk Weekend has many objectives. One purpose of the walk is to raise money for domestic and international affairs. Another is to give the American people an opportunity to express their concern for the world's poor. Perhaps the most important goal of the walk is to make public the need to combat hunger and poverty throughout the world. On May 4, a movie will be shown in the auditorium all periods except during lunch periods for students having full study periods. Produced by the Hike for Hunger people, it will show what it is like to participate in the hike. "The film should be very effective in getting people to hike," Bill said. Bill stressed the point that anyone can participate in the walk and that adults are welcome. "We want a lot of hikers," Bill said. Students reacting to last
year's hike felt it was "a lot of fun" and well-worth the sore feet. One girl commented, "It gave me the opportunity to meet kids from other schools."
History Club Shov/s Flick Attention all tree lovers: Trees are being cut down in Quetico National Park (that's a no-no!). To protest this action, you can write to R. T. Thompson, Secretary of Quetico Advisory Committee, Dept. of Lands and Forest, Fort Francis, Ontario, Canada. History Club will present a Nickelodeon on April 20 in C127 at 3:45. A W. C. Fields short and Chicago will be shown. The cost is a nickel for non-members. Admission for members is free. Odyssey in Sound, this year's Marlin show, is April 22-24 at 8 p.m., and April 25 at 2 p.m. Tickets are $1.50. Home-Ec club will have a barbecue on April 21 in V-118 at 3:45. Cost is 75 cents. Election of officers will be held. German Club will hold a movie and dinner on April 24. Meetings are scheduled for May 6 and 20 in A-206 at 3:45. Brotherhood Society will go to Gateway House on April 29. The Boys' Club concert scheduled for April 16 has been postponed until May 29. Tickets are $1 (reserved seats)." It will be held in the auditorium.
A Thousand Eyes
Students Speak on Calendar Change Recently flie District 207 calendar was changed so that Christmas vacation is extended to two weeks by shortening the summer vacation. Maine South students had various opinions about the change. "It works out fine for me. I'd rather have a longer Christmas vacation. Usually it's nice here." John Mulopulos '72. "We should have everjthing during the summer. You have no place to go in the winter. You can't ride a bike or motor cycle during the winter." Bill Brand '73. "We need a longer Christmas vacation. By the time you get to Christmas you're tired of school and need the time off. In the summer you're tired of vacation." Debbie Shipp '72. "It's better to add a week onto Christmas. Summer at the end starts to drag anyway. A week isn't enough anyway. School is too much for me period," Rob
Linke '72. "If you take all the study halls instead and put them all together and put them on the end of summer it would be better yet," Bill Petersen '73. "I like having three months solid off during the summer because I'm used to it. I can have a job and earn some money during the summer. I suppose you don't notice the few days they take off at the beginning and the end away," Rick Spatafora '72. "I like long vacations during Christmas but I don't pay that much attention. But I cannot see myself going to school until June 14 and coming back in August." Nora Donahue '71. "I think that everybody would agree that we wish summer vacation was here now since it is getting warm out and spring is here. Nobody feels like doing schoolwork now and if we had to wait any longer for summer vacation it would be pretty bad.
Besides most kids haven't got anything to do during the winter months hence a longer winter vacation would be a waste," Peter Vredenburgh '71. "The change is a good one because one week off of summer will hardly do anything. Besides, one week on Christmas will extend a vacation to Florida or something," Don Berg '72. "I'd rather have a longer summer vacation because it's too cold in winter." Nancy Lang '73. "Forget it. Summer's more fun." Bev Johnson '73. "I don't like the idea of shortening summer vacation and lengthening Christmas vacation because the summer weather is nicer and there's much more to do." Cliff Brush '74. "You have a greater sense of freedom in the summer. It's like a tradition. A week goes by so fast that it doesn't even seem like a vacation." Liz Kaplinski '72.
The night has a thousand eyes. And the day but one; Yet the light of the bright world dies With the dying sun. The mind has a thousand eyes. And the heart but one; Yet the light of a whole life dies When love is done. 窶認rancis William Bourdillon
Page 2
April 16,1971
Selective Service Manual Issued To Schools To provide high school educators and students with more advanced draft information, Cook County Schools Superintendent Robert P. Hanrahan has issued to the guidance counselors of all Cook County suburban high schools and junior colleges a Selective Service System Manual on the draft and legal alternatives to the draft. Mr. Kenneth Reese, Career Counselor at Maine South, has received this material and is available for "draft information" in the Career Resource Center. The manual or guide identifies the military obligations, legal opportunities and legal options for draft-age men. The section on legal alternatives to induction explains voluntary enlistment, deferments and exceptions. Illegal alternatives include refusing to cooperate, leaving the coimtry and refusing to submit for induction. Of particular interest to Maine South senior boys is that "every male citizen must
register with his local selective service board within five days following his 18th birthday." The local Selective Service Board is located at 1920 Waukegan Road, Glenview, Illinois — Phone 729-0970. Each registrant must have with him some verification of birthdate. Another point of interest is deferment. Upon registration an 18-year-old high school student will normally be deferred until he graduates, ceases to pursue his school work satisfactorily or reaches the age of 20, whichever comes first. A college student, provided he is satisfactorily pursuing a full-time curriculum leading to a baccalaureate degree, can be deferred, upon request, until he graduates, reaches age 24, fails to advance with his class or drops out of school. A student pursuing a fulltime course of study in a trade, technical, vocational or business school will be deferred until he has completed his training or drops out of school. Likewise, a student pursuing
Neglect of Council Plans Hampers Library Reforms The library at Maine Souti> is in need of effective change. The students earnestly wish to improve the library, but it appears the administration fails to recognize this. In attempting to bring the library up to date, the administration has bypassed the students' wishes. The failure of the academic discussion areas in the library is an example of the little progress we are making. If the administrators truly want to solve the problems in the library, they ought to call in SC and work out a plan to suit both sides. SC has already given the administration one plan for a better library—the self-structured, free-time proposal. The plan was vetoed in place of the plan for academic discussion areas. The administration said that its plan was already formulated when the SC proposal was submitted. If this is true, they should have revealed the plan then and worked with SC over the problem. An effective alternative plan might have resulted. c In place of any attempts to work out a better plan with SC, the administration put its own plan into effect. This plan was rejected by the class presidents and SC as being doomed to failure. The plan called for quiet talking, but even quiet talking by a filled discussion area was enough to disturb the adjacent classrooms. The class presidents warned against this when they announced the plan to the homerooms. They were proven correct when the academic discussion areas closed this week for those very reasons. The library will never be revised if this poor planning continues. Or is the administration going to let the library return permanently to the way it was? They can if they want it to be noisy and crowded, and are willing to accept a more crowded lounge and less studying in the study halls again. SC has offered its plans. It will repeat these plans or offer new ones if necessary. SC wants a better library and is ready to work for that goal. If the administration wants progress, it should take advantage of SC. Thev should consider the merits of its ideas instead of rejecteing them as "childish and irrational." All we can lose is a noisy and crowded library.
a full-time course of study in a two-year junior college program or recognized apprenticeship program may be deferred until completion of his program. However, now pending is a Presidential request to end
Two weeks before spring vacation, committee chairmen elections were held during the Student Council meetings third period. Those committee chairmen elected are listed as follows: AFS...Cheryl Anderson Assembly...Jim Scott Organizations...Steve Amador Public Relations...Tom Bush
Social...Sue Holz Service Corps...Bruce Rovre Traffic Court...Mike Rusin Sportsmanship...Nancy Cook V-Show...Judy Iwata Chris Mahaffey, this year's Organizations Chairman on Student Council, ran the elections. Each potential candidate for office of committee chairman was to fill out a petition. Re-
Open Letter
Students For SC Proposals Dear Editor, In the March 26 issue of Southwords, Miss Marion Fisher wrote a letter condemning the behavior of Student Coimcil. Some of the vague charges she spoke of were answered with more vague charges on her part. She said that students asking to run their own student government was "obviously chilish." By making this request, the students were asserting their independence from the adult sponsors. To me, this shows a greater degree of maturity because they are not relying on the adults completely for guidance. The second policy the students asked for was a proposal that Student Council members be exempt from punishment for statements made against administrators in Council. Miss Fisher said that the proposal asked for SC members to be exempt from all disciplinary action. She also called the second request childish, but why? National legislators have the same privilege. I agree with Miss Fisher's last statement: "Let us work together and be guided by reason." But each side must learn to give in. If the administration refuses to compromise along with the students, a polarization will take place. The administra-
tors will be on one side enforcing ridiculous rules while the students are on the opposite side making ridiculous demands. If the administration would consider the enormous student support for Ted Berg's assembly speech, they would realize that the students as a whole are backing the proposals Council submitted. Because the students are the largest group of people in the school, maybe their suggestions should be given more than token consideration. If we are to truly "work together and be guided by reason," the students must be given some voice in running Maine South. Bruce Jackson '71
Grade Policy Condemned Dear Editor, About four weeks ago Southwords had an advertisement for future staff members because of the number of graduates. There was only one qualification though and that was a B average. A B average in a school such as Maine South is quite an accomplishment, so the chances
South Maturity Questioned Dear Editor, I feel Southwords and many others have been unfair in judging the maturity of South's students. The students are no less mature than the administration itself. As for the attitude toward students during the election assembly: everyone was getting rest-
ing the student body itself and the system of government in the school. Many beneficial things and many new and friendly relationships can occur if BOTH sides work together. All it is really is one side learning to accept the other and vice-versa. Also, both sides must learn to "swallow some pride," now and then. If the Board and the administration can achieve the respect of the other's opinions and reasons, we're on our way to success! Joseph Nicolan '73
quirements for eligibility were that a student must be a sophomore or a junior and in good scholastic standing. Each candidate that handed in a petition and filled the necessary requirements were instructed to appear before Council third period on the day which Council was to elect the chairman of the committee for which he was running. Each candidate gave a speech. The candidates were sent out of the room. Debate among memmers followed. Final voting by members took place after debate. Some SC members and chairmen candidates felt that the way the candidates were introduced and the election was handled precipitated the frequency of a "popularity contest." One student remarked, "Many SC members tried to railroad people in." Another candidate said, "There was a lot of tension during the whole election for each position." Chris Mahaffey asserted that the lack of time may have caused arguments. "During one committee election we had to continue recognizing people during voting because it was getting close to the end of the period."
Open Letter
Open Letter
Cooperation Needed To Succeed that the student body is, and that they should have the right to decide on certain student rights, privileges and types of atmospheres the students should be allowed to work, study and learn in. But the real point is, "a civil war does in fact, exist in U.S. high schools, between the students and the administrators." We also know that neither side seems willing to give in. But the solution to this "civil war," is really quite simple; a student Board of Representatives that would work together with the administration to solve issues involv-
is a serious action. It will almost certainly mean indictment and prosecution which are likely to result in a felony conWction and jail sentence. Unquestionably a young man's future will be seriously affected by such a decision."
SC Comments on Own Elections
Open Letter
I should like to submit an article that is of great concern to the American high school student. That topic is the governing body of high schools throughout the nation, and is commonly referred to as "The Administration." First, one may argue that the administrations in U.S. high schools are too strict and tothe-1 e 11 e r. Also, the students cannot voice their opinions or their sides and beliefs because they will be shouted dovra immediately. Others will argue that the administrators are not the ones learning, but
undergraduate deferments and, therefore, the above beyondhigh-school educational deferments are subject to cancellation by-Congress. A warning is also sounded: "Avoidance of military service
less. The faculty was just as restless and were making unpleasant remarks about some of the candidates. Naturally, the students' unrest was noticed more. In the March 26 edition of Southwords there was an article on "love-making in the hall." I'll agree that the deans have a point and that this is wrong but their reason to backup their beliefs has to be a joke. "The jealousy aroused when a boy finds his girl with someone else would precipitate fights." Wednesday the temperature got up to the seventies, and it was a beautiful day to be outdoors. Many of us hurried to eat our lunches so we could go outside and enjoy the beautiful weather. Someone had a football, and it was good to get a little exercise between classes. The game was soon broken up by Dean Smith, and the football was taken away. Here are three examples of the school's maturity. Now, Soadiwords and "others," who do you think are the mature ones? Lynette Kemp '73
of a student to represent and construct his own school's paper is a difficulty. It doesn't seem logical that a student with good grades be the only one to receive permission to speak his mind. There are a lot of us that just don't have it, but we do have ideas and only wish to get the opportunity to express ourselves. 1 understand that you can not throw in anything, but if it is good and presents a current problem, give the person a chance. This is the school paper; it should represent students. There should not be a set standard to which a student must excel just to relate his feelings to others. I realize that any student can wTite in but still not every student can design and set up the paper the way he wants to. I respect the Southwords staff and its ideas. They have been noted for their good publications and articles. I think Southwords should express the school as a whole and give each individual his own say so no matter what his scholastic ability is. Bob Olker '73
SouHiwordls T h * aHlclal ttudant n*wtp«p«r «l Main* Townihlp High School South, Park RIdga, Illinois, «OMt. WrlHtn and tdlttd IS t l m i t «ach y«ar by ttudanti o< tha high tchool. Subacriptiont Includod with activity tickat, purchaaad saparalaly at n par yaar, or IndivMualty for 10c. (Pricad highar far laiua* ot mora than 4 pagas.)
BdUor-in<:hie{ News EdUor Feature* Editor Sporta Edttor Art EdHar
Audrey Altatadt Uary Botti Kreba Jane OOloimeU Tun Baah ManrBwIvr
Photo Bator Sandr* VerlaBeh AaaUtant EdUora Susanna Ctaan, Cathy Clarry, Cathy Cox, Rita HoUerbach, Bruce LUUe, Betsy Roasen. Pam Sakowlcx Ken Beatty
Page 3
April 16,1971
Music Appreciation Class Finds Classical Instruments Interesting Illustrating John Keats' quotation "Nothing ever becomes real till it is experienced" is Mr. Lloyd Spear's seventh period Music Appreciation class. Twenty-four students, most of them far from long-hair maestros or likely-to-be professional musicians, are learning to play violin or some other such instrument. Stringed instruments are practical because many students can use them %vithout the problem of mouthpiece sterilization.
he says it is a difficult instrument, he plans to buy one of his own. Admitting that he has never really liked classical music, he says he now finds himself beginning to appreciate it. Alfredo Jahn 72, another enthusiastic member of the class, says violin playing has increased his understanding of classical music enough that he genuinely enjoyed the Chicago Symphony Orchestra perform-
This innovati(Hi introduced just this semester gives students who would rarely have the chance to play a classical instrument, such as a violin, the opporttmity of acquiring the "feel" of instrumental music and of understanding the demanding techniques of playing symphony instruments. During practice on Tuesdays and Thursdays, these non-musicians have learned such basic fundamentals as open strings, scales and finger coordination. So enthusiastic is Bill Green '71 about the violin that, though
Thespians To Give Children's Play Jerome'
Lot Monitors
The Thespian officers, Jan Knapp '71, Nancy Mellon '72, Mary Dickson '72, Ann Carlson '72 and Dick Stinson '72, jointly decided to present this play. When asked why they chose children's theatre, Jan Knapp, president, commented, "We wanted to do something so that all the Thespians could become one company. Also, we wanted to provide interest and incentive for younger kids in the field of drama — give little kids a chance to enjoy theatre." The original book Jerome is a fifteen page children's story. The Thespian officers received permission from the publisher to write a script based on the story, adding dialog and creating characters. The officers wrote several original songs for the play. The music is rock, with a lot of moody blues. The play will also include a Temptations song and a couple of other hit songs.
Work Well According to Mr. Elbert Smith, dean of students, the T.V. monitors in the South parking lot have significantly reduced auto-thefts, noise disturbances and non-school traffic. Mr. Smith stated that the cameras "are very effective." The number of classroom disturbances by speeding cars as well as the number of unauthorized students leaving t h e building has been reduced. Mr. Smith thought that monitors were needed in the northeast lot, but no further plans are being made because the monitors are "very expensive" and it would cost a great deal of money for more of them. Other schools in the district have not made plans for any monitors.
Jerome, the story of a frog that wants to become a prince, is an up and coming production of Maine South's Thespian Troupe 2554. Played by Katy Davlin '73, Jerome travels to a village and wants to become their prince. The people assign Jerome three princely deeds so that he can prove his suitability for the position. In the end, Jerome finds out that he can do anything and be anyone he wants without having to look the part.
Slump Reducing Openings "Students looking for summer jobs will really have to search," commented Mr. Kenneth Reese, South's career counselor. He continued, "Judging from the number of requests about job openings and the actual number of positions available, summer job opportunities seem to be very poor." Although some jobs are available at large shopping centers in the area, transportation may become a problem, pointed out Mr. Reese. According to Mr. Daniel Bailee, head counselor of the Illinois State Employment Service in Des Plaines, only 10 positions are available for every 500 students. Last summer, 10 out of every 100 students could find work. The small number of openings is due to the present economic slump. Because of this slow-down, students looking for work will face a highly competitive labor market. "In order to obtain employment, the student will have to consider lower salary levels and more menial jobs and work at a lesser skill level. Most important is appearance, especially in boys. Good grooming plays an important role in obtaining a job. Long hair may hinder a person's being hired."
He suggested that those who wish to work take the lowerpaying jobs. He believes that students who wait for usually non-existent, better-paying jobs and then return to apply for the lower position will find it already filled. Although paying jobs are scarce, Mr. Bailee pointed out that volunteer services are always needed and that students could obtain some working experience. Students can volunteer at hospitals, nursing homes and in other areas which serve the public. Students seeking employment for the summer can contact Mr. Reese in the Career Resource Center or the state employment service at 601 Lee Street in Des Plaines.
ance the class attended last Tuesday. He also finds himself listening to the background music of T.V. programs. Mr. Spear is grateful, in tliis day of guitars, banjos, drums and horns, for such enthusiara for the difficult, but magnificent instrument — the violin. He knows, too, that knowledge of the violin increases appreciation of classical music.
Ann Carlson, scribe of the Thespian troupe, will be choreographing the show. Ann explained the problem she will have. "My leg is in a cast, so I'll have to write down all the dance steps and teach them to someone else in the company." Ann noted that "It will have to be a person that knows
Al Jahn 72 playing the creased his of classical
has found that violin has irv understanding music.
something about my dancing style, because it's hard to explain the steps without demonstrating. The Thespian officers together are in charge of the production. Jan Knapp explained, "The sets are simple, but are full of color and imagination." When the basic de-
signs of the sets are completed, the other people in the company will be able to suggest ideas. Jerome will be performed for the grammar schools in this district on three weekends in May. The exact dates and times are not determined yet.
Hepatitis Bugs Some South Students A number of ailments plague South students every year. Many of these are as familiar as the common cold. This year, however, several cases of lesser known hepatitis have been reported, raising questions about what this disease is. Random House Dictionary defines hepatitis as "inflammation of the liver." Actually, this contagious disease, which has recently become quite prevalent, involves much more. Yes, hepatitis is damage to the liver. The liver's cellular structure deteriorates much in the same manner as a piece of rotting meat in hot weather. This condition is known as neucrosis. Symptoms of the disease include an enlarged liver, pain in the same area, usually jaundice, fever and prostration. The disease is contagious by contact— especially viral hepatitis. Various ways of contacting the disease is by coming in contact with an infected individual, bacteria, and transfusions of plasma or serum. The infected blood carries the disease which did not show in the donor. Recently a doctor was found guilty for having sold infected blood which, when administered to the patient, produced the disease in that individual. How-
ever, to run tests to clear the blood would cost from $600-$700 for each bottle. The disease responds to an injection of gamma globulan and can be cured with plenty of rest. Contrary to what is often thought, hepatitis is not caused by another infection mononucleosis, more commonly known as mono. Mono is an infection in which the percentage of single nuclei cells known as lympho-
cytes are increased in the blood. This contagious infection shows symptoms of sore throat, fever and prostration. With a 4-6 week rest and proper medication, mono is selflimiting. Hepatitis does not result directly from mono. The body may be run down from mono, its defenses weakened leaving room for almost any virus to infect it. Hepatitis may just happen to be one hanging around.
Year-Round School Not Impossible Some public elementary and high schools violl be put into year-round operation this year, but it is unlikely that Maine South will join them. According to Dr. Clyde K. Watson, principal, the proposition of yearrotmd school was discussed briefly but no serious action was taken. There are three plans for year<-round school. One, the staggered plan would assign teachers and students to three consecutive 12-week quarters followed by a 12-week vacation. The 12-4 plan utilizes three 12-week quarters, each followed by a four-week vacation. Under the 45-15 plan, (used in the
Valley View District 96 in Lockport Twp.), students and teachers attend classes for 45 days with a 15-day vacation after each period. One advantage of year-round school is that building facilities would be in use year-round. Also, the crowded conditions would be relieved. Obvious disadvantages to the system would be added expense, competitive sports would have to be worked out carefully with other schools, vacations for families with more than one child in school would be difficult to plan, and students' friendships would certainly suffer.
Alberding, Smith Run for Office Mrs. Mary Alberding and Mr. Elbert Smith, Maine South administrators, both ran for office recently in the Park Board Commissioners election. Mrs. Alberding, who has had 19 years of experience in working with the parks, was one of the three commissioners elected. Before her election, Mrs. Alberding was chairman of recreation. In that post, she supervised everything from swimming to arts and crafts.
Mr. Smith, who was running in the Park Board elections for the first time, was defeated. Mrs. Alberding feels that being the only woman on the board is an important position in that she supplies a woman's point of view. She feels that more activities are needed for girls, and was the creator of the girl's gym and swim program held at night at South. Mrs. Alberding also commented that there is not enough for the teenager in Park Ridge
Senior Writes on Traffic Safety, To Receive $ 5 0 0 Scholarship Today Rita nollerbacb, Maine South senior, recently won a $500 scholarship from the Chicago Motor Club for an essay on traffic safety. Rita was among ten winners from Illinois. The 500 word essay was written on "How to Improve
Dan Mojica and Bill Green are looking forward to buying violins of their own as a result of their experiences in the course.
Teenage Traffic Safety." In this essay, Rita advocated more practice driving before licenses are given, especially under accident conditions. She also called for emphasis on the dangers of mixing drugs and alcohol with driving. Rita said that she feels stricter rules
should be made for license test requirements. She will use the scholarship at Carthage College, Kenosha, Wisconsin. Rita is receiving her award in Springfield at the State House Inn today.
to do, although other age levels have been pretty well taken care of, she said. Mrs. Alberding would like to see a high school committee get together with the park board and make plans for future activities. Both Mrs. Alberding and Mr. Smith supported the coffee house that is held on Friday nights at Hinkley Field. Mr. Smith, however, wanted to see a new field house built that would have room for indoor sports like tennis and basketball and also for concerts. Mr. Smith also stressed in his pre-election proposals that every dollar spent for recreation should be spent legitimately. He commented that for every dollar spent for recreation, four dollars is saved that would be spent when a boy goes to prison. Mr. Smith sees a four day work week coming after the end of the war when the job market is flooded and would like to see supervised recreation for this time.
April 16,1971
PagÂŤ 4
Hawks Attempt Viking Relay Title Defense Tomorrow afternoon, the Maine South trackmen will travel to Niles North for the annual Viking Relays, which the Hawks have won for the three past years. The invitational will be somewhat harder to win his year as the usual field of six teams has been expanded to twelve. Lane Tech, the Chicago Public League champions, will be entering the Viking Relays for the first time this year and pose the biggest threat to Maine South's chances at repeating, according to Hawk coach Carl Magsaman. Other teams that are looking to beat South tomorrow will be Fre;nd and Maine West. Fremd is another addition to the field this year. The Vikings of Palatine have seen the Hawks twice in the indoor season, in a dual meet and at the Blue Demon Relays, and have fallen to Maine South both times. Rival Maine West took second last year to South in the Viking Relays by the wide margin of 30 points. Prospect, Notre Dame. St. Patricks, Niles North and Glenbard West will be some of the other teams entered.
Niles North will be hosting the meet on their asphalt track, which is one of the faster tracks in the area. With the top competition, the meet hosts several potential standout performancesThis however has not been the case in the past years, as cold and rainy weather have hampered times and distances. The competition will begin at noon. Next Tuesday the Hawks will open their outdoor conference title defense as they host Maine North and Niles West in a triangular. The Hawks will be starting easy as neither of these teams will be expected to pull any kind of an upset. Niles West finished seventh at the indoor conference meet while Maine North was held scoreless in their first year of competition. In recent action, the Hawks opened their outdoor season with an 89-38 win over Notre Dame. Pat McNamara scored his form of a hat-trick winning three events for the afternoon. McNamara started off with a win in the 100-yard dash in 10.6. Al Jahn and Wavne Tumminello
Soph B-Ball Commences
Maine South's varsity diamondmen travel to Skokie tonight to slug it out with the Niles North Vikings starting at 4:30. Hawk Coach George Verber feels Niles North boasts a strong team and he picked them to have a crack at the Central Suburban League title. In their game Monday, South ended in a 2-2 tie with the Glenbrook South Titans. Last Saturday, the Hawks trounced crosstown rival Maine East in a double header, 10-5 and 20-1. On Wednesday of E a s t e r Week, South picked up their first win of the season, downing Glenbard West 5-2. Two days
The Maine South So|rtiomore Baseball Team will prepare to bolster their conference record today after school in conference contest against Niles North. Dave Patterson '74 struck out 11 in a 5-1 decision over Forest View. Tony Reibel's 2-nm double was all the support he needed. Against Glenbard West, Steve Smith came on in relief to win 9-4. Bob Carey's 2 hits and 3 RBI's sparked South's offense. The Sophomores' most exciting game was a 6-5 extra-inning victory over Maine East. The Sophomores were down 5-3 going into the ninth. A walk and Rick TinagUa's single put the tying runs on. Both scored on Bruce Edstrom's single, who scored on Jim Lyon's game-winning hit. In the conference opener, the Sophomores had little trouble as Dave Patterson struck out 11 while subduing Glenbrook South 9-3. Thanks to some fine fielding by Mark Rulle and Freshman Dave Hood, Patterson had a nohitter until the last inning when two scratch hits ruined his bid. Carey's 2-run single and Mike Swider's two hits paced the attack.
teams on the home track. The final talleys were Maine South 138V2, St. Viators 41>/i, St. Patricks 38 and St. Josephs 10. The time the 880 was reached, the meet settled to a battle for second place since the Hawks were literally running away with first place. Pat McNamara was again a three time winner in the 100, 440 and 220, lowering his time in each event from the Notre Dame meet. McNamara, Tumminello and Jahn scored their second one-two-three finish in the 220 of the season. Maine South took first place in both of the hurdles, they usually win neither. Bill Wedderspoon edged out Rob Lossman as the Hawks claimed the top two places in the highs. Ray Novotny came through to win the low hurdles. Jim Staunton was double winner taking first place in both of his weight events, the shot put and the discus. Both the 880 relay team of Al Jahn, Wayne Tumminello, Jay LaJone and Ray Novotny and
the mile realy team of Tom Starck, Jim Edgecombe, LaJone and Kelly Murphy took firsts as they did against Notre Dame.
J u n i o r Jim Staunton strains to unleash the dis> cuss. Staunton recorded a throw of 156'11" in last week's meet.
Diamondmen Travel to Niles North Tonight earlier the Hawks dropped one to Forestview, 2-0. In their season opener March 31, South tied 6-6 with Lyons Township in a game called on account of darkness. The Glenbrook South game was scoreless until the top of the fourth inning when the Spartans squeeked two unearned runs by starting pitcher Jerry Jones. The Hawks came back fast in the bottom of the same inning when Joe Zdeb powered a long triple deep into center field. Zdeb then scored on a sacrifice by Dave Bergman. Jones and the defense held Glenbrook scoreless in the top
Varsity Netmen Achieve Success In Four Out of Last Six Contests The Maine South varsity tennis team has showed their prowess by winning four of their first six meets. Under the supervision of Mr. Les Kent, the varsity netmen have evolved into an improved team. Mr. Kent believes his team shows great promise for this year and looks to Dave Littell and Larry Barr for much support. Littell boasts a 7-3 record and Barr has collected a 5-3 record.
Hawk Golfers Encounter Pre-Season Competition The Maine South varsity golfers will be going to Maine East tonight for their second pre-season non-conference dual meet. Saturday morning at 9 the Hawk team will compete in the New Trier East Invitational. With the practice at these meets and that which the varsity golfers have gained at practice at Villa Olivia, Coach Ronald Ross feels that "this is certainly preparing the team for the beginning of the season with the meet at Glenbrook North on Monday." Coach Ross also went on to say, "Right now we have nine boys; however, after this week's meets six will be selected for the conference meets starting next week. It will be a toss up between the five seniors and four juniors for the first six positions." Coach Ross said, "I'm looking forward to the Glenbrook South meet." This is his first year as coach of the varsity golf team
completed the sweep with second and third places. The same three later completed a sweep of the 220 with McNamara winning, but Tumminello edging out Jahn for second place. McNamara also won the 440 ahead of second place teammate Tom Starck. Maine South's long jump contingent came through with a one-two-three finish as Ted Berg, Jon Edstrora and Brad Camp took all of the places. The bitter cold prevented any of these twenty foot jumpers from reaching that mark. Maine South's pole vaulten accounted for some trouble inflating the pole vault pit, but had no difficulty in the competition as they lofted a a sweep of the places. Rick Meyer, Rick Luft and Tom Towne finished in that order each with a height of ll'6". Towne. a sophomore, was competing in his first meet after sustaining a broken wrist in pre-season practices. Last Tuesday, Maine South prepared for Easier by trouncing three of the area Catholic
and this first meet will give an indication of the team's ability. This year's team has four returning lettermen who will try to fulfill last year's prediction that the Hawk team will be a strong, experienced and unbeatable team in 1971. Joe Comyn '71 will be leading the varsity team most of the season Coach Ross feels. The three other returning senior lettermen are Jim Anderson, Tom Crosby and Jon Ephland. The other members of the varsity golf team who had experience last year are Steve Colnitis '72, Pat Crosby '72, Howard Kosick '72, and Scott Romness '72. In their first non-conference meet on Tuesday, the Hawks were at Fremd where they lost by four strokes, 169 to 173. Although the team did not do as well as Coach Ross anticipated, he felt the change in temperature possibly had an effect.
In dual tennis meets three men play singles and four play doubles. There are usually three sets of singles and two sets of doubles. When two sets of a match are won the team receives one point so that the most points one team can collect is five. There is one exception, though. In some meets six sets of singles and three sets of doubles are played. In their first meet against top-ranked New Trier East the netmen failed to score a point and lost badly 9-0. Against Glenbard West the Hawks turned on their power and won 4-1. Facing a tough La Grange team the netmen smashed their opposition by beating the Lyons 7-3. The team experienced a small bit of trouble against Wheaton Central but still came out on top as they won 3-2. In the recent Evanston Invitational Maine South went down hard placing sixth out of eight teams. Dave Littell placed third in the first singles division. Larry Barr gave an excellent performance as he took second in the second singles division. Dave Cook was knocked out immediately as he lost to a tough opponent from New Trier West. In the first doubles division the team of Lindy Frakes and Rick Davis lost in the first round to the Arlington foes. In the second doubles division, however, a strong team of Rich Bressler and John Barr took second. The Hawks compiled only a score of 3.5 points and a sixth in the tournament. In their most recent home meet against Forest View the netmen won a resounding victory as they trampled their opponents 4-1.
of the fifth. In the bottom of the fifth with two out, Pat Fullen walked. After hitting a deep foul just inches foul, Zdeb also got on base. Then Bergman smashed a single into right field, scoring Fullen to lie the game. Larry Kolbus walked, loading up the bases. Hally Juell struck out to end the inning and the game. Rain had continually interrupted play and by the bottom of the fifth, darkness had set in and the field was caked with mud. As a result, the game was called after only five innings. Coach Verber felt the team did a good job in coming back against Glenbrook and tying the game but he was dissappointed in the outcome of the game. He also stated, "As soon as we can make the play when the pressure's on we'll start winning." The Maine East game was a different story as South crushed the meager opposition. East led off the scoring with two runs in the bottom of the second. South
came on strong in the top of the next inning. Zdeb walked and Bergman followed crashing a triple into right field, driving in Zdeb. Kolbus followed with a single to left sending Bergman across the plate. Greg Gann followed lining a single into left, sending home Kolbus. In the fourth. South scored again. Once again it was Zdeb, this time being driven across by a Bergman smash that was mishandled by Maine East. In the fifth, Juell singled to left, but was forced when Gann hit into a fielders choice. Kevin Klett. then sent Gann in with a smash to left while Gordy Frano drove in Klett soon after. East scrounged for three more runs in their half of the fifth. In the Hawk sixth, Bergman walked and stole second. Juell also walked. Klett then drove in both runners with a hit to left. South scored two more in the seventh to end the game's scoring.
Hawk's Track Success Induced by Experience The 1971 Maine South track team is the third championship track team for the Hawks in three years. The basic reason behind Maine South's success on the track is the ability to come up with experienced teams every year. This year's track team is the finest in the school's history so far, and it hosts a larger and more able group of returning lettermen than most opposing teams could dream of. A great majority of those who won South's 1970 conference title are back again on the 1971 team. Seniors Kelly Murphy, Jim Edgecombe, Jay LaJone, Wayne Tuminello, BiU Green, Ted Berg, Jim Waley, Dan Mojica, Craig McLaren, Butch Pietrini, John Spotts, Paul Johnson and BiU Wedderspoon provided a large bulk m the championship 1970 team and have come back to lead the 1971 team. There are even several juniors who are returning this year after competing on a championship varsity team their sophomore year. Pat McNamara will defend his conference 220 title next month, and Jim Staunton will be seeking his second trip downstate in the discuss at districts. Junior distance runners Kevin Huffman and Bill Reilly and quarter miler Tom Starck are all competing on their second varsity year. At the end of the year, Maine South will lose a group of seniors that have provided the track teams with two years of championship seasons. Yet next year the Hawks will again be welcommg back a highly experienced team. Led by McNamra and Staunton along with Starck, Huffman and Reilly, the 1972 Maine South track team could be just as experienced as the 1971 team. As every year comes by with Maine South providing a well experienced track team, there is little doubt in why Maine South has dominated the league's track competittion in the recent years.