'Meetings Are Empty; Concerts Are Crowed'
Vol. 8, No. 14
Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068
May 5,1972
Last Sunday there was a general meeting of the Park Ridge Youth Coalition at the Edison Park Home. Among other things discussed, three new "at-large" members were elected for a term of four months. Previous terms were of two-month duration. Amy Mc-
New Compressed Schedule Planned Compressed scheduling will be adopted next year to allow a maximum number of juniors and seniors freedom to leave seventh period. This year, students could petition for late arrival and early dismissal. Mr. Robert Barker, assistant principal, said these
privUeges will be given this year if they fit into the schedule. According to Mr. Barker, the new scheduling gives particular attention to avoiding any period and a half classes (not including labsl and junior and senior classes during eighth and ninth period.
AP Fever Hitting School Is Pressure Worth It? by Ann Flannery Why are some South students getting bleary over books when finals are over a month away? Why are seniors trying to remember everything they ever knew about English, while juniors review every U.S. History fact they can think of? The answer to these and other perplexing questions will appear for the uninformed, here in Soothwords. AH of that feverish study is preparation for Advance Placement tests. Occurring at various times during the week of May 15—19, those comprehensive three-hour tests are enough to strike fear into the hearts of even the most dedicated scholar. Pressured students, when asked if AP's are worth all the effort, have varied responses. Lisa Piasecki '72, feels that AP courses allow her to study a subject in depth. In AP U.S. History, Wally Kuntz '73 feels that, despite the pace and worry, AP courses are "fine as is, but I realize that some are taught by different teachers and I'd like to be able to pick." An unidentified senior toiler stated, "I'll know how I feel about AP's after I get the results of the tests. Until then, I'm not sure if it is worth the effort." Howard Bumson '72 felt that AP's were worth it "if you're learning something you want to learn. . .so I'm wasting my time." He suggested Music Theory AP for students who were not really interested in U.S. or European History, English, biology, chemistry, calculus or foreign languages, all of which are offered at South. Other suggestions for new AP courses were geology, anthropology, and Probability and Statistics. Teachers who n m these college-level courses and prepare their students for the compulsory exam are also probably responsible, by example, for the tremendous enthusiasm shown by most AP'ers. According to Mr. Daniel Silkowski, beared sage of South and English IV AP instructor, the best aspect of the course he teaches is that it "offers self-realization and literary appreciation at its finest. " This, he feels, is coupled with a bonus of freedom in rate, expression, and self-interest. Also enthusiastic, Mr. John Wilkerson, U.S. History \P, feels that while too much stress is put on the AP Test, rather than what students can learn, the students learn well anyway. "I enjoy AP and find it my biggest challenge. I find that the students' ideas stimulate me, and I think I learn as much
from them as they do from me." Mr. Wilkerson would like to see changes made which would enable the course to be run more like a college course, with class meeting every three days and having independent research the other two. Mr. Donald Rakowsky, Biology II AP, would like even further change, such as direct college credit at a local junior college. Students seem to find the AP pressure worthwhile. They can receive college credit while still in high school, and have a chance to do some serious concentration on areas of interest. Teachers seem to find even the extra work involved worthwhile and to enjoy AP classes. Beware until May 20 of the legion of AP worriers, South. And legion, remember, Mr. Ken Reese in the Career Resource Center suggests that you relax and get a good night's sleep before the tests. One last word of advice comes from Mr. David Paisley, Math IV AP. He suggests: "Don't lose your cool!"
Mr. Robert Simonson, assistant principal, feels the new program provides better use of free time during the school day than a system which requires everyone staying in a study hall. Freshmen and sophomores must have one period of studybefore they can go into a compressed program. "Compressed scheduling allows the student the maximum economy of his in-school time," said Mr. Barker. He does not feel such a program will create a problem because "instead of spreading it out, it's being compressed. It should not cause problems for either the students or the school." Students involved in the athletic program can request to be released at the end of seventh period and return in time for their program. They may also request to stay at school. Work program students will run on basically the same schedule because their program is already compressed to only the mornings. Lounge rules will remain the same next year although they may be subject to review. The administration will not know about plans for the learning resource centers until they complete the entire scheulde. "We must have room for second and third period late-arrival homerooms," Mr. Barker said. "Lunch will still be included in the schedule," he added. Buses will run toward the end of first and second periods for late arrival, as well as the regular time. Mr. Barker said that the late-arrival scheduling was
not as popular as early dismissal. The Board of Education has not made any releases concerning renewed open campus talks. Lynne LaJone, Student Council secretary feels the new program isn't as much as SC hoped to get from the district towards open campus. "Complete open campus would have been better, but hopefully we can still keep working so that kids can leave during their free periods," she said. Lynne added that "if the only way to get kids involved in the different school activities is to lock them up in school, then the activity isn't worth it." Bill Dickens, Student Council president, feels the new schedule doesn't change the atmosphere of school, whereas open campus would.
Clure, Duffy Goerss, and Jeff Lee are the new members. The Coalition also met with an attorney and a broker, who prefers anonymity, who will handle the lease for the youth center. At the concert Friday night, April 28, profits were $150.10. Eric Graff states, "Although the meetings are kind of empty, the concerts are always full. Last Friday about 400 people were there." The Coalition's calendar of events is as follows: On May II there will be a meeting, at 631 Wisner, of all youth groups to discuss plans for a forest preserve clean-up. Samuel Beckett's play Krapp's Last Tape, An .Absurdist's Drama will be performed on May 25, 26 and 27, at 8 p.m., at the First United Methodist Church in Jorgensen Hall. The tickets are $1 for students and $1.50 for adults. The third annual Duchy of New Brunowick Ball will be held on May 27, at the Stockyards Inn downtown. The $10 ticket covers a three-course meal plus entertainment, including the reception for the Duke of New Brunswick. The ball wiU be "covered by all the society columns." If interested, contact Helen or Bob Rowe, at Bob Rowe's Evening Pipe Shop, 8238077.
Walk for Development Is Sunday The walk for development, "Put a LitUe Heart in Your Sole," will step off this Sunday at 8 a.m. Registration starts at 6:30 a.m. According to Marne Weise '73, Maine South school representative to Project '70, students at Maine South have used about 3,000 walk cards. Walkers can also bring newspapers to the Niles North parking lot be be recycled. Young World Development, part of the American Freedom from Hunger Foundation, helps different groups of kids get involved and form groups like Project '70. Money from the hike goes to the American Freedom
from Hunger Foundatin, domestic projects and foreign projects. Projects must first be approved by the Attorney General and the American Freedom from Hunger Foundation. Reports are filed later about where the money went. The New World Center at 6742 Kilpa trick, Lincolnwood, Illinois, has started a community library at the center. People can learn about social projects and get the community involved in them. Also, the walk office has volunteer summer jobs available. Mame feels the "hike for the hungry" is a good thing because it benefits so many people.
Co-ed Dorms Have Both Good, Bad Aspects Are co-educational dorms in college a worthwhile i d e a ? Maine South students and teachers showed a wide variance of opinion on dorms where both sexes share the same floor. Mr. Robert Hunt. English teacher, wants to go back to school. He explained, "When I went to school, women had to keep hours. I wish I were a lot younger now." Mrs. Marion Fisher, language department chairman, doesn't approve at all. "I see no good reason for it," she commented. "I like the idea of boys and girls sharing cafeteria or lounge, however. They can eat together and get to toiow each other." Mr. Micheal Andrews, math teacher, sees little difference in apartment dwelling and co-ed dorms. "If individuals are mature enough to live in an apartment," he said, "they should be mature enough to live in a co-ed dorm. "After all," he continued, "dorms are like apartments with common bathroom facilities." Mr. Andrews is "more or less in favor if a student can be mature enough to keep out of academic or social trouble." \Mien confronted with t h e question of co-ed dorms, Mr. Otto Kohler. social science department chairman, laughed. "Some of ray best friends are women, but I wouldn't necessarily want one moving in next door to me," be commented.
Mr. Kohler continued, "Coed dorms would make things very complicated." He was still laughing at the end of the interview. Ms. Maryanna Mohr, English teacher, commented, "I think co-ed dorms are a good idea, depending upon how they're structured. I would want to be able to have privacy." Mr. Darrel Dickey, m a t h teacher, was concerned with bothering other people on the floor. He explained, "Co-ed dorms need to be considered in the context of visiting privileges. I am opposed to 24hour visiting privileges because it takes away from privacy." "There should be a limitation of night visiting hours," he summarized, "in consideration of other people on the floor." Mr. David Paisley, math teacher, would like to see a "definite separation point between the girls' part of the dorm and the boys' part." He would also like "some sort of regulation of hours." Mr. William Lange, biology teacher, called co-ed dorms a "good experimental idea and a good living experience." "If good student leaders and dorm supervisors who can talk freely with real understanding are available," he continued, "I think co-ed dorms can be a good way to know people because you're around them 24 hours a day." Mr. Kenneth Reese, career counselor, thought of co-ed
dorms as a "sort of passe' thing." "Most colleges have some sort of open hours," he explained. "It was a fad. I think it will run its course." Mr. Reese continued, "Many kids want independence and a choice. Once they are in the dorm and know they can visit other rooms, it loses its appeal." Ms. Marion Schultz, German teacher, found it "a very difficult question to answer." "I have never Uved in a coed dorm," she stated, "but I think it would be an inconvenience. Young people have to decide for themselves."
Students too have different opinions. Bill Schroeder '72 called dorms "Great — a different experience, like a famUy." Steve Sarcia '72 didn't like the idea. "It would make girls too much like sisters," he said. Lonie Cole '72 thought that the dorms would "restrict everyone's freedom." George Kay '72 signed up for a co-ed dorm. "I think it will be quieter than all boys," he explained. Maybe Ms. Schultz summed it up when she said, "Like everything in life, there are advantages and disadvantages."
Trial Issue Will Be New Experiment irt Journalism The May 19 issue of Southwords will be an experiment in student journalism. According to Mary Beth Krebs, editor-in-chief, "Tlus is a trial issue. It will be run entirely by next year's editorial board and students who are interested in reporter positions next year." The purpose of this trial issue is to give applicants a chance to work on the paper without making a commitment. Unlike previous years,they will not have to fill out an application or take a style test. "This way," said Mary Beth,
"reporters will know whether they like Soulhwords or not before they are committed to it for a whole year." Students who are interested in working on this trial issue should contact Mary Beth or Mr. Ken Beatty, Southwords sponsor, in V-106 before or after school or during ninth period. Tom Lanctot, sports editor, concluded by saying, "This is the best way to get experience in reporting. Kids that sign up will probably find it more interesting than they've ever expected it to be."
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May 5, 1972
'Hello, Dolly!' Continues Fine Musical Tradition Hello, Dolly!, the musical Mr. Lloyd Spear, musical director, and Mr. Hal Chastain, stage director, have long looked forward to producing, was well worth the wait. Last Sunday's performance, from the overture to the final curtain call, carried cm the fine tradition of Maine South musicals. For those not familiar with the story line. Hello, Dolly! is the story of Mrs. Dolly Levi's efforts to marry Horace Vandergelder, the well-known, halfa-millionaire, and send his money "circulating among the people like rain water." Along the way she succeeds in matching up all the other characters, and happily getting her man in the end. The many hours of hard work put in by the various crews is evident in the beautiful sets. Lavishly decorated in red velvet, complete with twinkling li^ts over the archway, the Harmonia Gardens Restaurant deserves special recognition.
All of the costumes worn by Dolly and company are colorful and well-designed, contributing to the overall atmosphere of the 1890's. A musical would not be a musical without both music and dancing, and both the choreography and scoring are expertly done. The bright, lUting melodies of Hello, Dolly!, played by the fifty-piece orchestra, fill the auditorium and set many feet tapping. The "Waiter's Gallop," performed in the Harmonia Gardens Restaurant, is very good and receives double applause from the audience. The great enthusiasm of the entire cast is especially evident in this clever, fast-moving dance. The vocal numbers, were generally well done. In several instances, however, it is difficult to hear Dolly, played by Teresa Pfister, over the orchestra, and Jan Dwyer's laryngitis somewhat spoils the songs sung by Mrs. Molloy.
Open Letter
Karen Littwin '73, does an excellent job as the young Minnie Fay. Her bubbling personality and girlish charm serve as a contrast to the generally refined actions of the beautiful Mrs. Molloy. As Horace Vandergelder, the well-known h a 1 f-a-millionaire. Chuck Burmeister '72 is very succcessful. His usually calm, phUisophical manner contrasts effectively with Dolly's vivacious and impetuous nature. Teresa Pfister '72 is a truly beautiful and warm-hearted DolTom Vinopal, Tim Caulfield, Teresa Pfister and Chuck ly Levi. Her bubbly charm is Burmeister enact a tense scene from 'Hello, Dolly!' infectious, and her enthusiasm is evident in every move. Dolly's appearance at the top of the Shortwordsstairs in the Harmonia Gardens Restaurant and the subsequent singing of the theme song could not have been surpassed, even by Carol Channing herself! All in all, this year's musical is beautifully put together, re.Judy Daly flecting the hard work of both casts and all of the students, • Once again the question of a smoking lounge is a topic of parents, and faculty members considerable debate around South. However, since an indoor smokinvolved behind the scenes. ing lounge was overruled, students are now asking for an outdoor lounge. When a questionnaire was distributed during homeroom, it looked as though something was being done to at least seriously consider the students' request. Remember how long ago the poll was taken? If you're one of those students who were anxiously awaiting the results, by now you may have forgotten about it or perhaps even world in dandy enough condi- given up hope. tion as it is? With a little over a month left in school, it is doubtful that Talking alioat dandy condi- we'll have the outdoor lounge. There is also the possibility that it tions, civilization's standby and will be a dead issue by the time we return next fall. an object of much discourse, When election results can be tallied in a week, it is surprising tradition, must not be over- that the same wasn't done concerning the lounge. looked. Uncultured barbarians I'm not blaming anyone in particular for withholding the indon't got no tradition. They only formation. On the other hand, it appears obvious that no one was got customs. Traditions have in a hurry to make public the results of a poU which effects a large formed our greatest institutions, majority of the student body. like slavery. U you're still interested or care anymore, read the results. The difference l)etween tradi- Perhaps you'll find that the survey was not only a waste of paper, tions and custom today is alarm- but also a waste of time. ingly blurred. Women fight in • First week performances of "Hello, Dolly!" have ended. If Israel's ranks and form over 85 this weekend's shows are any like the first, it would be well-worth per cent of this school's set con- the money for another ticket. struction crews. We even have • College, graduation and vacation are three words probably that crazy Chisholm character occupying the minds of every senior here at South. For many this running around. Those funny means making the final decision on what college to attend, or femmes. scrounging up enough money so they'll be able to make it through My protracted and tempestu- their first year. ous tirade is reaching interminWhile underclassmen most likely envy the seniors soon-to-be able lengths, so I will finish acquired freedom, we should remember that they really worked with one question of chilling hard to get it. implications. What if George • This Sunday both students and adults will be "hiking for Eliot had been a woman? the hungry." If you're planning to hike, pick up your card in the PO or at least sponsor another hiker. Sore feet is a small price Sincerely, Karla Jennings to pay to feed a starving world.
Poll Up in Smoke?
Woman's Response to 'Pursuit' Story Dear Editor, Having just read "Liberty, Pursuit of Happiness: for Women Too?," I would like to commend you on presenting true and honest opinions, and pledge my support. Being a woman, and often considered female, I have seen first hand the unfair and discriminating advantage that men have been subjected to since Eve bit the apple. The quote wiiich most aroused my vehemence was by sagacious Edward Novak: "They (women) are dumb both physically and mentally. (Right on, Eddie!) They can't even drive right. They cause more accidents than men." Manhood's most esoteric conceptions articulated! We stand behind you with humble heads and flailing feet, Mr. Novak. After all, what does Time magazine know when it says women are safer drivers than men ("Women are Safer Drivers," Time, June 13, 1969)? After all, no man participates in such infantile and audacious activities as drag racing or "chicken." But do we hotblooded honeys ever go for it! Who says women are biologically superior? Only moronic M.D.'s. Who says the female organ is the strongest human muscle? The same dense dolts. His observation alMut feminine cranial capacities is undebatable. Therefore Southwords should be scathingly disparaged for their gall in printing a picture of the two National Merit winners, who are girls. Diane Wille has the delusion of being a math and computer science major, while Marianne Zdeblick wants to be a psychologist. Who gave them such ideas, I'd like to know. Women should be forbidden to attend school so that they could get back to sewing and knitting and other essential functions. If girls were ostracized, we wouldn't have people like last year's salutatorian on the loose, and girls wouldn't outnumber boys on the high honor roll 152 to 82. Now for Todd Bresnahan, who said "Once she (woman-mother) has devoted her time to training them (her children) and they're in college, she is free to wM-k." That's mighty big of you, Todd. Imagine a woman's overpowering feelings when, at age 45 or 50 or 65, she shouts
to that warm, wonderful world: "I exist!" Today's youthful b u s i n e s s world will undoubtedly prostrate itself at her feet. After all, years of diaper-changing, gashbandaging and peanut-buttersandwich-making are invaluable assets for today's computers and complexities. She can always go to night school, too, and catch up if she has the money and hubby's blessing and can keep up with the meals and the mess. And even if she can't choose from the wide varieties of today's open market, she can say, "Well, I can always go out to the park and chase squirrels." Bob Seitz commented, "A woman's major care and purpose is her family. Many families go bad because the woman works." Sure. Any mother in Cabrini Green, deserted by her husband, will tell you that it is her duty to stay home and instruct her children on life's virtues or work and hire a maid. Women are inclined by nature to be amahs. All the alcoholics, runaways, mentally disturbed and iUfitted or imwUling mothers are really men in disguise. The insurrectionists who insist that men are also capable of loving and taking part in the wonder of a human's growth must be daffy dowagers. Men just aren't capable of emotions. Only silly frillies like Lord Byron or Bill Shakespeare were that low. If men have never raised children before, they shouldn't in the future. Isn't the
Th« oHIcUl Jtudtnf n»w»p»p«r • • Main* Townthrp High School South, Park RIdgo, llllno4i, MOM. Writtwi and oditad IS lim«> aach yaar by »udanta of tha high Khoel. Sutxcriptioflt inctudad with activity ticktt, purchaaad taparataly at «1 par yaar, or Individually for 1»c. (Prkad highar lor istu*> of mora than 4 pagai.)
Editor-in<;hle{ Mary Bctta Kreba News Editor Bruce Little In-DepUi Editor Tom B u b Sports Editor Tom Lanctot Att-Pboto Editor Betsy Rosaen Assistant Editors Sue C b u . Catliy Clarry. Bob Flowers. Randy Gluss, Kris Undjtren Reporters Jim Bruce, Judy Daly, Ann Flannery. Barb GrabowaU. Scott Graliam, Judy Kranz. Eileen Lynch, Mark Mucoid. Lynn M a s o n . U n PlaaccU. Mary Refae4 « a , Naner Rnsonc, lOke Jbulm. a n d y Sopsta. Mike ^>rinfston. Jim Tbampsaa
Better South and Paper Southwords has given extensive coverage to Student Council activities this year. Editorially, we have not only criticized, but also offered constructive suggestions to SC. We do so because we still believe that SC has a potential to change South. A large number of students don't share our optimism. In talking with them, we discover frustration and apathy. They think Council is dead. Moreover, because it is dead in their eyes, all possibility of change is also eradicated. We would argue with those who say SC "has had its day." We contest even more strongly the viewpoint that if Council goes, so goes all change at Maine South. There are other ways to accomplish change at this school. Southwords is one of them. The traditional role of a newspaper in any society, even in a school, is not only to report, but also to protest one course of action and propose another. Because we are the victims of the same apathy which has hurt SC, Southwords hasn't been able to fully realize that potential. With a large, effective staff we could. You might be the person we're looking for. We don't ask that you know how to write like Mike Royko or even that you know how to report. We're not even asking
you to fill out an application. We ask only that you be interested in joumaUsm and change at South; if you are, work on our trial issue that will come out May 19. Just walk into the Southwords office, V106, today. Monday, Tuesday, even Wednesday, either before school, after school or during ninth period. We'll give you a story assignment, and help you write it if you need it. Learn how to write headlines. Copyread. Maybe you'll discover an activity you'd like to participate in next year. If so, tell us. If you show responsibility and interest, you're hired. If you find out you hate jotu-nalism, feel free to walk right out the door. You owe it to yourself to give Southwords a try. "This year's editors, the people who write this editorial, are all seniors. We leave this place in June. We don't really have to care about what changes are made here. There are close to 2200 bodies out there, however, who have at least one, and maybe three, more years of Maine South. A few changes could be made which would make that time a little or a lot more bearable. Give Southwords a chance to get those changes for you. Give yourself a chance. Work on the trial issue.
May 5, 1972
Page 3
Cost, Size Play Role in College Choice Since freshman year, students have been reminded that college is "only a few years away." This statment had a quick and considerable impact on many students. However, for some, it isn't until junior or senior year that the word "college" becomes a frightening reality.
Choosing the "right" college requires serious consideration. According to Mr. Ken Reese, career counselor, the majority of students select a college strong in their major field of interest. Other factors such as cost, size, type and geographic location play a major role in a student's final decision.
"A student should be realistic in his choices," remarked Mr. Reese. What do South students consider when choosing a college? Answers varied from being with boyfriends and girlfriends to the attractiveness of the campus. Perhaps the most important considerations for students are
Students' Apathy Hinders Council student Council officers, while outlining their plans and goals for the coming year, pointed out student apathy and conservative school and district administrations as major hindrances to an effective Student Council. Former president Bill Dickens believes that his greatest problem was Ihe inability to change the attitude of the school, that is, the administration. "It was absolutely impossible to get anybody to do anything. Everybody's basic attitude was that of surrender and frustration." The inactivity of the students, according to Bill, is not apathy, but frustration. "Nobody sits by if they feel they have a chance of getting anything done." If any major changes are to be seen. Bill feels they will come about by strong student support in all four district schools. The Quad-Council has recently been formed to achieve better communication and cooperation between these schools. Rick Tinaglia, Student Council president, does not beheve that only the administrations were to blame. "They, of course, . have a lot to do with it, as in the case of open campus and a smoking lounge, but oUier things were also to blame." To eliminate the big apathy problem. Rick is planning an Ecology Week and a Student CouncU Week. During the recent lASC ( Illinois Association of Student Councils) convention, he learned of various councils' activities throughout the state. Although some of the activities would be
Poll Taken, Count Made
Several Weeks ago, Student Council formed a committee headed by Al Jahn '72 to take an opinion poll on the smoking lounge proposal. In its final form, the opinion poll consisted of three questions: Do you smoke? Do you think that Maine South should have outdoor smoking? and would you stop smoking in the washrooms if an outdoor lounge was established? Of the 2,235 ballots counted so far, 781 answered that they did smoke, while 1,454 answered that they did not. Although there are approximately 100 more ballots to be counted, .Al does not feel that the ratio of smokers to non-smokers will change significantly. An overwhelming number of students, both smokers and nonsmokers, would like to see outdoor smoking. 771 smokers stated that Maine South should have outdoor smoking, and 1,066 non-smokers agreed. Only 284 of the remaining students thought Maine South should not have outdoor smoking. According to the results of the opinion poll, the smoking problem in the washrooms would be cleared up if Maine South allowed outdoor smoking. 773 of the smokers answered that they would stop smoking in the washrooms, but only 8 answered that they would not.
impractical at Maine South, Rick feels that others should be tried. The Quad-Council, which Rick is supporting, is, according to him, the organization through which South can get support for certain proposed changes. Cheryl Anderson, S t u d e n t Council vice-president, also believes that the Quad-Council will be very helpful. Since every major school action is controlled by district policy, the support of all four schools is essential to achieve any change, she pointed out.
For example, placing a nonvoting student on the District Board is one of the ideas QuadCouncil is now discussing. Lynne LaJone, former secretary, pointed out one of the tangible accomplishments of the Student Council this year: the disciplinary procedure proposal. Not much more was accomplished, Lynne continued, but that was "not completely our fault." Lynne placed a Triangle of Power suggestion box in the personnel office, but very few suggestions were ever submitted.
tuition and educational benefits. "I want to go away to college later. Since I have to save the money, I want to make sure I make the right choice," said Phil Kielas. Patrick Oberg chose the University of Illinois because tuition is cheaper than it is out of state. "The University of Illinois also has a good P.E. department, which is my major," he added. Many students like Nancy Hoffman will attend a junior college until they are able to finance a university education. "I just don't have the money for Western Illinois right now. I'll attend Oakton until I have enough money," she explained. A college's distance from a student's home is another factor. "I'll be going to Southern Illinois because it's a six-hour drive and the countryside is nice. Also, state colleges are usually cheaper," reflected BUI Schroeder. Lorie Cole commented, "I'm going to the University of Wyoming because it's far away
AP Director: 'Never Quit Learning' "Friend in residence" Dr. Charles Keller, who says he has "never quit teaching or learning" came to Maine South April 26 to speak at National Honor Society initiation. From 1955 to 1957 Dr. KeUer was director of the nation's Advanced Placement program. After completing his term, he returned to his position at Williams College for one year and then went "John Haying," referring to his association with the John Hays Fellowship program. Dr. Keller says that he has changed since he was associated with the AP program. "Then I was subject-centered. Now I'm a humanities person. I'd like to see humanized, or man-centered education," he said. The change in his outlook was gradual. "It was a result of working with John Hays Fellows and becoming acquainted with what teachers could do, visiting classes all over the country and seeing that students were unhappy, looking at the rapid rate of change in the world and talking to young people who want to be tied into what they're doing," Dr. Keller explained. "I first became aware that I had changed when I visited a school in New York. The students were watching a film on Russia that demonstrated Pavlov's experiements with dogs. Then the bell rang and students rushed out of the room. It occurrjd to me that students are like Pavlov's dogs," he added. Dr. Keller believes that this situation in education could be remedied in several ways. He feels that groups of teachers should work with groups of students in blocks of time. "I support not only team teaching but also team learning," he said. Flexibility in scheduling and students who have more to say about what goes on in class are also among Dr. Keller's goals. As for the idea of an open campus. Dr. Keller commented, "Structure from without can be lessened if there is evidence of stucture from within. We can't have chaos," he emphasized. About the AP program. Dr. Keller said "It's too much like the program 1 started in 1955. The test puts too much emphasis on regurgitation. It has to be reworked and more emphasis has to be on discovery." "The purpose of the AP program isn't only to speed up education," he pointed out. "It's to make study a part of the
person" he concluded. "We're stretching out adolescence at a time when people are maturing faster. The AP program, and education in general, haven't changed to make
different kinds of experiences available," he added. "Young people are the hope of the world," Dr. Keller commented, "but don't leave out the people over 30."
and I want to see the West." "I really like Indiana University because of its campus and students," stated Sue Rodelius. "It's also good academically." Stout State in Wisconsin attracted Vicki Fruechtl because of its appealing size and friendliness. Having the third best home economics department in the country. Stout State is "perrect" for Vicki, who plans to be a dietician. "Illinois State University is not only my mom's almamater, but has a good radio and T.V. department, the field I plan to major in," states James Braun. Sports influenced Peter Lazowski's choice of Columbia College in Missouri. "I was offered money to play baseball for Columbia," he said. "Western Illinois showed an interest in my athletic abilities," stated Tom Spicer. At present Tom is torn between Western and Indiana University. However, Tom prefered Western because, "a friend of mine is going there." Wheaton College is Steve Amador's choice because it offeres Steve's major. Christian education. "I'd have a hard time majoring in theology at the University of Illinois," explained Steve. Like Mary Mutert, there are many students who wiU not be attending school next fall. "I intend to work until I have enough money to finance my education," Mary said.
Austerity May Trim SC Share Of V-Show Profits in Future Student Council may lose part of its share of V-Show profits if the District 207 School Board decides to grant a larger share to the music department, Thespian Stage Fund and also to pay professional staff salaries from V-Show profits. Since the time Maine South opened, Student Council has received 70 per cent of the profits while the music department and Thespian Stage Fund each receive 15 per cent. Before the profits of V-Show are distributed, stage material bills and other necessary expenditures are paid. The School Board pays the director, technical director, music director, make-up supervisor, choreographer and costume supervisor out of its own budget. According to Dr. Clyde K. Watson, principal, the Board is considering two proposals: granting a larger share of profits to the Thespian Stage Fund and paying the professional staff salaries out of the V-Show profits. Dr. Watson stated that he was opposed to the second proposal. "All organizations that share the V-Show profits should also share the expenses for necessary supplies, sets and lumber. Beyond this, we have to look at V-Show as improving the education of the individuals taking part," he continued. However, Dr. Watson also believes that we should "take a close, hard look to see whether some of the people assigned to the show may be eliminated." As to the first proposal. Dr. Watson believes that the percentages of profit-sharing should not be changed. When Maine South opened, he said, "the arbitrary figures of 70, 15 and 15 were decided upon. "If the Thespian Stage Fund were zero or less, maybe we should grant them a larger share," Dr. Watson stated. However, he believes that there is
money in their treasury, and more money is not necessary. Dr. Watson does believe, however, that Student Council should spend its money on school or community projects. Since "every penny of the music department and Thespians' share of the profit is put back into the school," he feels Student Council should also make an attempt to benefit the school. Until the present time. Dr. Watson has not formally suggested projects that Student Council could deal with. However, he said that he would send Student Council a list of suggestions. These suggestions could include widening the sidewalk
from the cafeteria to the AWing, cementing an area for the outdoor lounge, cleaning up the school grounds, and improving the PA System in the spectator gym. "The main concern of Student Council should be the good of the student," he said. Dr. Watson also suggested that Student Council write a letter to the School Board and talk to the Board members about the situation of V-Show profits. Although Dr. Watson approves of Student Council's helping school organizations such as WMTH and Key Club, the final approval of Student Council's expenditures wUl come from the School Board.
Too Many Activities, Too Little Time, Say Students In agreement with SportsW(Mtls of April 21, many students have voiced the opinion that time, and not just athletic ability, is often a major factor in determining whether or not a student goes out for a sport. Several students who had been out for a sport in previous years decided not to participate this year. One such student stated, "My sophomore and junior year I was on the wrestling team. But often I didn't get home from practice until 7 or 7:30. That left me about three hours to eat, study my music and do my homework. It just wasn't enough." Many of the students interviewed felt that if a student was out for a sport, membership in clubs, or participation in other departments was completely over ruled. However, even these students agreed that to build a really fine time, as well as individual skills, more than just an hour or an hour and a half a night was needed for practice.
One music student, not out for a sport, said "No matter what you decide to do here at South, be it sports, drama or music, you should be able to spend enought time at it to accomplish something." This student feels that if a student ties himself up with too many things at once, he cannot devote enough time to any one activity to develop his skills to the best of his ability. One of the biggest problems facing the incoming freshman is deciding just how much he can expect to do at once and still keep up with his work. By the time a student reaches his senior year, however, he is usually involved in a fairly wide variety of activities. One senior pointed out, "My freshman year my parents kept telling me "get involved, get involved." During my sophomore year, "When are you going to do your homework?" By my junior year, "Your grades are going down!" and now, "You're never home, You're never home!"
May 5, 1972
Maine East Relays Tonite
Dr. Clyde Watson congratulates M r . Bernle Brady on his recent appointment as athletic director and chairman of the boy's physical education department.
Brady Athletic Director Bernard C. Brady has been appointed athletic director and chairman of the boy's physical education department at Maine South, effective with the beginning of the 1972-73 school year. Brady, who is head varsity basketball coach, assistant director of intra murals, and a physical education instructor at South, will replace Olan K. Wilson, who is retiring in June. The appointment was made by Dr. Richard R. Short, Superintendent of schools. Brady joined the Maine East physical education staff in 1955, transferring to Maine South when the school opened in 1964. During his eight years as head basketbaU coach at South, his teams have run up a record of 153 wins against 42 losses, and
have won five conference championships, four regional titles, and the sectional title in 1970 which put Maine South in the Sweet Sixteen. The Maine South Squad has never placed lower than second in conference. South's new athletic director came to the district from a teaching and coaching assignment at Northwestern University. It was at Northwestern that Brady earned both his Bachelor of Arts and Master of Arts degree. While a student there, Brady played on the varsity basketball team tor four years, captain his senior year. He has previous coaching experience at Wenona High School, Wenona, Illinois, and with the United States Army in Japan.
The outdoor track season is drawing to a close in a few weeks. The next meet, the Maine East Relays, is today. Head Coach Carl Magsamen indicated that, next to state, this is the toughest meet in Illinois. Of the top teams in the state, all but one will be there. Last year's champion team, Evanston, heads a list which includes Bloom, Proviso and Glenbard. The running events will be run as relays, and only the field events will determine winners by individual rather than team efforts. South is not expecting to win the meet, but everyone's getting prepared to take another outdoor conference championship next week. Last weekend. South entered the Spartan Relays with high hopes of taking the championship. South finished in a disappointing second place behind Glenbrook North. South's best performances came in the medley relays, in which each of the four men runs a different distance. South took first in the distance medley. Tom Wright opened with a mile and got a substantial lead for Bob Kenutis, who ran a quarter mile, and Gary Cheves, who ran a half. Kevin Huffman finished with a strong two-mile, beating the old record by 9:05 seconds. The middle distance medley team took another first for South with Mike Maloney sprinting a quarter; Jack Garon, a 220; Jim Zaworski, anotlier 220, and Tom
Linkers Break Even on Fairway After a few weeks of working out in the fieldhouse practice nets, the Varsity Golf squad finally hit the fairways and so far have compiled a two wintwo loss record. In their first meet of the season, which was a dual against Niles North and Niles West, the Hawks split the decision. They downed Niles North but lost to Niles West. Surprising sophomore Steve Ebert compiled the low score for the Hawks in that first contest. The following day the Hawks were engaged in another conference match against Maine West. The Hawks managed to take that one, but Coach Ross expressed no emotion by countering with the comment, "there were no fantastic scores." On Monday of this week, the Hawks met the New Trier West Cowboys in yet another conference encounter. This time, however, the Hawks did not fare as well as they came up on the short end. "The only bright spot in that meet being junior Gary Katz' score of 41.
This past week has been about the busiest of the season for the squad as they took on Glenbrook North on Tuesday and sister school Maine North on Wednesday. The scores of these contests, however, were not available for printing. Tonight and tomorrow the Hawks will show their talents in invitationals. The Lockport Central and Wheeling tourneys promise to show some of the better teams in ttie suburban area, according to Coach Ross.
were high jumpers Rob Lossman, Jay Rassmussen, Wayne Leechan, and Paul Babanic. They took a third. John Edstrom. Brad Camp, Jay Rassmussen and Brian Murphy managed a third in long jump, in spite of Jay's injured ankle. The discus team of Jim Staunton, Mike Carroll, Tod Conforti, and Paul Gustafson, hurled to a second place. Staunton and Carroll returned to aid teammates Mike Herdrich and Ron Kilinski in the shot. Their efforts were good for a third.
Wilson Reception Sunday; Linker Elevates Golf Swing Tom Lanctot, Sports Editor
• 1 hardly realized the widespread circulation of this column until the feedback came regarding Sportswords of April 21. For the record, some points need clarification. For one, I was not taking a slap at the South coaching staff, or at Maine South in general. I have great respect for many Hawk coaches, and I do not find all of them guilty of high crimes. Any inference or statement regarding unreasonable coaching is aimed at the exceptions and not the rule. My comment about pressure was misinterpreted by some. What I hoped it to mean was that all the requirements and responsibilities of athletic participation combine into a significant pressure. It was not meant to infer that any coaches are guilty of applying unreasonable pressure themselves while a few may. Obviously, when a player commits himself, he has the choice of following the rules or quitting. Indeed, to the coaches' credit, it is mainly the responsibility of the individual as to how successful he will be. My concern is that extra-curricular activities do not die, and students are able to have time for school work, to explore outside interests, and still be able to participate in athletics. "On to bigger and better things." • Sports history was made at the Park Ridge Country Club last week as varsity linker Steve Colnitis took a shot high off the roof of the exclusive social paradise. Colnitis, one-time Chuck Evans scholarship winner, landed one of his hacks on the balcony of the main building. Faced with losing a stroke and letting down the team, Steve heroically chose to be daring and sock one off the roof, as green chums Howie Kosick and others gaped in awe. • The Hawk Boosters are hosting an open house reception for retiring athletic director 0. K. Wilson Sunday, May 7, from .3 to 5 p.m. All parents of athletes and students both past and present are invited to attend. Last week, these same Boosters paid the first installment on a new $5300 van to be used by the school to transport teams and other small groups.
Batmen Host Maine West, Eye District Battle More than half way into the season, Maine South's varsity diamondmen will play a handful of conference games and in the meantime will start with the districts. Tonight the Hawks varsity baseball team will host another conference game against sister school Maine West. The Hawks
District Net Hopes Good South's varsity netmen so far have dropped slightly behind last season's record, but still are not doing badly. The squad, under the direction of coach Les Kent, is seventh in its conference. "Last year, we were averaging about third OT fourth in conference play out of 18 teams," Kent added. Kent contends the poor record is due "to other teams becoming better, and we are some what weaker." The racketeers have a conference record of one win and three losses, with an overall tally of three and seven. Against NUes North this week, the Hawks swept both double sets and all three single sets, giving them a shut out win, S-0. Tuesday's match with Niles
When asked who he felt had been the most consistent performer up to date, Coach Ross said, "Howie Kosick has been our most steady performer with a 41-42 average, but this is not real good for him, and he should be down around 38 or 39." When asked about the team's overall performance, thus far. Coach Ross simply said, "We have not been performing as well as we should be, but maybe with the coming of the warmer weather our performance will improve."
Stark anchoring with a spectacular half mile. Pat MacNamara's quarter mile finish, together with Jack Garon's leadoff 220, and Jim Zaworski and Jed Ashley's HO's gave South a victory in the spring medley, and a gratifying sweep of the medley events. The results of the field events were disheartening. The recordseeking pole vault team of Tom Towne, Rick Luft, Arnold Hetzel, and Tom Ruggeri was forced to settle for a second place. Also looking for a record
West was rained out, and rescheduled for Wednesday at Niles West. Before the contest, Kent observed that, "Niles West is somewhat weak, however, they do have some very strong sophomores on their team." Kent feels South is also blessed with sophomore talent. Tom Fendon and Bob Hildebran are the doubles men. The coach commented, "They have done a fantastic job, even as sophomores." .About his juniors and seniors, Kent added, "John Mulopohis has worked very hard for us this year. So has Todd Onderdonk. .Also Bill Ephland, Bob Ellsworth, and George Mulopolus. The men as a whole have put forth a lot of effort this year, which has helped the team a lot.
have totaled an overall record of eight wins and five losses and a conference record of six wins and four losses. Until last Wednesday the Hawks had held a four way tie with Maine West, Glenbrook North and New Trier West for second place in the Central Suburban League. Because of the Hawks" loss to Glenbrook North on Wednesday and the fact that the other three schools still have to play their postponed games, the Hawks are temporarily knocked out of a second place finish in conference in which Niles West is leading. Senior Greg Ciezadlo, who will be pitching toniglit against Maine West, along with sophomore Dave Patterson and seniors Steve Sarcia, Chuck Fahrner, Pete Lazowski and Bill
Hawk hurler Dave Patterson fires another heave to account for a South bat triumph.
Aimers, should give "a better ball game" and can win in Coach George Verber's opinion. Starting next week Maine South will host three days of district competition. On Monday will be Ridgewood against Maine South, Tuesday, Niles West and Luther North. Wednesday will be the championship game. If tlte Hawks are successful they will advance to regionals in Niles and later to sectionals at Maine West. Of the three last conference meets, the Niles West game on May 17 will be a home game. In the 3-2 loss to Glenbrook South on Wednesday, Glenbrook's pitcher was throwing a no-hitter until Ciezadlo made a hit in the seventh inning. Aimers hit a double with bases loaded to clinch the game with three runs. Monday's game against New Trier West resulted in another win for the Hawks with a 7-2 score. Aimers has been a "consistent outfielder" as Coach Verber commented as well as hitter along with Sarcia, Farhner, Lazowski and the team's lead hitter Patterson with an approximate .370 average. Coach Verber saw last week's Niles North game as iHX}bably
"the worst game with poor defense" besides the Hawks having three pitchers in the game. However, overshadowed by that 11-4 loss was the next game with Niles West with the Hawks "hitting at the right time" especially by sophomore Dave Hood and junior Steve Smith who scored four of the six nms in the 6-5 win. Tlie Hawks' game against Glenbrook South, Coach Verber feels, was the i>est showing with overall good performance with last year's defending champions. Maine South's batmen made quite a few hits with senior Scott Jones making the winning ran in the fifth inning which gave the Hawks the lead until the 4-1 winning finish.
South's spring roundballer is caught in a double play trap between first and second.