Vol 8 issue 15

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South words and Eyrie Appoint New Editors New staff positions for Soutbwords and Eyrie were announced at the Quill and Scroll banquet last Tuesday. The banquet is held annually to honor those who have contributed significantly to school publications. Judy Daly is Southwords' new editor-in-chief, and Eyrie's editor-in-chief for next year is Amy Brinkerhoff. Judy, in addition to being a member of the current news staff, also wrote 'Shortwords.' Southwords' editors for '72-'73 are: News-in-Depth, Cindy So-

pata; News, Barb Grabowski; Sports, Mark Mangold; Art, Pat Hester; and News Bureau, Kris Lindgren. New Eyrie editors are: Index, Teri Rupp; Classes, Pat Byrne; Sports, Rocco Rotunno; Special Events, Cathy Krol; Music, Tana Larson; Academics, Heidi Hubbell; Girls' Sports, Loretta Sauter; ID, Bill Schalk; Copy, Carol Kosick; Layout, Julie Sorensen; Photo, Donna Thor; Clubs, Jeff Smith. Next year's assistant editors

for Southwords are: Jim Thompson and Judy Kranz (News), Jack Garon (Sports), and Randy Gluss (News Bureau). Reporters for '72-'73 will be chosen after the completion of this week's trial issue. According to Mr. Ken Beatty, Southwords' sponsor, photographers are needed for next year's staff. Anyone interested should see Mr. Beatty in V106, the Southwords Office. Both new and old Quill and Scroll members were honored

at the banquet. To qualify for membership in Quill and Scroll, an honorary journalistic society, a student must be in the upper third of his class and have made significant contributions to the school publications. Old Quill and Scroll members are: Tom Bush, Mike Charewicz, Sue Clark, Bob Flowers, Mary Beth Krebs, Tom Lanetot, Kris Lindgren, Bruce Little, Eileen Lynch, Mike Maloney, Sarah Matson, L>Tine Poggensee, Pam Sakowicz, and Carol Schalk.

New members are: Steve Amador, Ann Benedek, Amy Brinkerhoff, Jim Bruce, Ann Carlson, Sue Chan, Nancy Cook, Judy Daly, Ann Flannery, Barb Grabowski. Heidi Hubbell, Carol Kosick, Judy Kranz and Lisa Piasecki. Also selected for membership were: Debbie Roberts, Betsy Rossen, Rocco Rotunno, Mike Rusin, Jeff Smith, Cindy Sopata, Julie Sorensen, Mike Springston, Kathy Taylor and Donna Thor.

GRA Presents New Banners

Shown here with the banners are M r . Bernard Brady, athletic department chairman; Andrea Canpo, Pep Club President; Diane Wille, GRA President, and Mr. O. K. Wilson, retiring chairman.

South Students Offer to President's Recent President Nixon's recent blockade of North Vietnam caused much controvery around school as well as around the world. A poll of Maine South students showed overwhelming support for this recent measure. Comments varied from "it's stupid" to "It's about time." Other more grandiose views reflected the same thoughts. "Knowing full well that the people of this country support a program of gradual and unconditional withdrawal, he has returned to the honorable victory concept for the conflict in South East Asia," stated Jim Scott '73. Coinciding with Jim's opinion was William Baumgartner '73. "One of the most inept moves in a legion of inept moves," was his reaction to the blockade. "I agree with McGovem," stated Scott King '73. Scott felt that in addition to a flirtation with World War III, Nixon bypassed conventional methods of consulting Congress before making a decision so directly affecting world peace. Support was expressed by Bon^ nie Zabelin 12. "I think he's doing the right thing. His choice may be unpopular, but he's doing what this country needs," she said. The majority of opinions echoed along this vein. Instead of apathy and ignorance, strong opinions were prevalent among those questioned. Arm Brumbach '74, stated her idea strongly when she said:

Reactions Blockade

"I think it's unfair to blockade one little country. We should blockade the whole world; block, block, block. Then we should bomb everything; bomb, bomb, bomb. Not all students were as vocal as Ann. With a poll of thirty students, five were undecided or confused. Seventeen supported the blockades and eight oppose it.

Remodeled Scheduling Program To Be Put in Effect Next Year Recently applications were mailed to students concerning next year's compressed schedulirig program. Students could petition for either late arrival or early dismissal. Several changes have been introduced into next year's program. Students who petitioned prior to the March deadline for late arrival will have a later homeroom hour providing they don't have a class at that time. Due to few late arrival applicants,

students will have to furnish their own transportation. Each homeroom will be 15 minutes long except for homeroom guidance which will be longer. The bulletin will be read each homeroom period. For added convenience, all late arrival lockers will be located near C-147. This has been designated as the special "latearrival" homeroom area. According to Mr. Robert Simonson, assistant principal, a

Students Discover Threshold' As a Place For Weekend Fun The Threshold Coffee House, located in the field house at Hinkley field, is open again. The coffee house, manned by 14 students, is supervised by adult directors. Donated by the Park Ridge Park District, the center will be open both Saturday and Friday evenings. Encouraging students to "drop in, relax," and just rap. the doors will be open from 8-11 p.m. A donation of 50 cents is collected at the door. Members of the staff are there to advise and counsel students. A 3i!iaU stage is open to anyone who "is willing to give it a try." .Vccording to Mark Herdrickson, a sophomore at Trinity College, the main objective behind the coffee house is to relate Christ in today's life. Nancy Smith, '73, saw the coffee house as a place to meet new people.

Richard Fergison described it "the place where it's at!" Although attendance has been considerably low since its reopening, the staff feels that it is important for the house to remain open. "We fulfill a need," stated staff member Karen Hansen. Perhaps the only restriction in attendance is that students

be ."-ophomores or older. Most students interviewed had a favorable opinion of the coffee house. However, some criticism came from Shelia Patterson and Amy McClure, '75. "A Drop in center for Park Ridge youth is great. However a free coffee house would be better for tlie kids who can't afford the donation," they said.

History Scholar and Contest Winners Announced

Mel Tierney, Post No. 247 Commander, congratulates constitution winners from left; Pam Sakowicz, second place; Bill Baumgartner, first place; and Mary Beth Krebs, third place winner.

Honors accumulated for some South students last week. Leading the list at the Social Science awards night, Roberta Piccoli '73, received the award for best American History scholar. She joined Mary Beth Krebs '72, and Jay LaJone '71, previous scholars who spoke at the assembly. As an innovation this year, a new Social Science Education award was presented by Otto Kohler, Department Chairman, to former Mayor W. Bert Ball. According to Mr. Kohler, this annual award was given to Mr. Ball in acknowledgement of his many contributions to b o t h Maine South and the Social Sci-

ence Department. First place in the Constitution contest went to Bill Baumgartner '73, who received an award of $200. Pam Sakowicz '72, and Mary Beth Krebs '72, second and third place winners, were awarded $150 respectively. The awards were contributed by the American Legion and the Mel Teirney Post, who also ran the contest. For the secoi.d year in a row, Tom Lanctot '72, won the Faces in History contest. He collected a $25 bond for his efforts. Departmental Service .-Awards were given to Dianne Kinast '72, and Lynne LaJone '72.

homeroom was needed that was in a convenient location and away from most classrooms to avoid unnecessary disturbances. "Because C-147 is located near the lounge, it will prevent noise problems in the halls," Mr. Simonson explained. Because of austerity and the added complexity of compressing schedules, classes will be larger and fixed. Schedule changes will not be provided. Freshmen and sophomores are required to have a supervised study period prior to lounge or early dismissal in the scheduling program. Although austerity has limited many offerings, every effort has been made to schedule students into classes they have requested. Departments have arranged classes to create fewer conflicts while compressing. Scheduling of classes will have first priority. Therefore, some students may have chosen classes precedent over their scheduling petition. Several alternatives are still open to students during their free periods. Resource centers will be located in the library. The centers will be: C-106, English center; C-132, Science center; and C-137 mathematics and jcience center. A student indoor and outdoor lounge will be open during periods 1-3 and 7-9. Upperclassmen will have priority during the first three periods. Due to the crowding, underclassmen will have lounge during the remaining three periods. "Since upperclassmen h a v e been here longer than freshmen and sophomores, they should have first priority. They are also more mature. However, lounge should not be thought of as a reward, but as a privilege," Mr. Simonson said Department student-teacher work areas will be designated by departments. Quiet work areas will be located in each student's regular study hall. .An estimate of about 100 students have applied for compressed .schedule. Early dismissals out r.umber late arrival petitions. "Next year we will be on a tight schedule. However, if we all cooperate and work together, Maine South will be a school to be proud of," Mr. Simonson reflected.

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May 19, 1972

New Jeff Beck LP Judged A Letdown Jeff Beck is the kind of performer you either love or hate. Even those who are really into the Jeff Beck Group will be disappointed with his latest album. This release, which is untitled except for a picture of an orange that appears over the group's name, does not live up to the fine musical promise of Beck's earlier releases. The old Jeff Beck group, with Rod Stewart as the lead singer, was one of the tightest bands around. Beck-Ola and Truth, the two albums they put out, managed to be both entertaining and musically creative at the same time. The new Jeff Beck Group has released one previous album, Rough and Ready. That was an extraordinary LP and both music critics and other bands praised the new group as one of the best performing today. The new album is a letdown. That surprises me, too, because I have heard nothing but good things about the concert given by the Jeff Beck Group at the Arie Crown last Saturday. Some people were comparing Beck to Jimi Hendrix, and some even said that he is a better guitarist than the last Mr. Hendrix. I noticed, however, that

the praise was for Beck himself and not for the group. Beck shines on the LP, too, but the group as a whole is not as good as it was in the past. Bob Tench, the new lead singer, suffers in comparison to Rod Stewart. His style of blues is not as suited to Beck's driving guitar as Stewart's was. The lead singer is very noticeable even in an instrument-oriented group like this one, and Tench weakens the group on this album. Some of the cuts are very good, though. "Going Down," the first selection on the second side, is vintage Beck. He rips loose with his guitar, and Max Middleton does a surprisingly adept job backing him up on the piano. Middleton is so good, in fact, that I suspect Beck will soon get rid of him. He cannot stand other great talents playing in the same group with him. That was why he dumped Stewart. Another good tune is "Highways," and it is also another showpiece for Beck's guitar. "Ice Cream Cakes," "Sugar Cane," and "Definitely Maybe" are old-fashioned bluesy tunes where Beck does his best work. His solo on "Ice Cream Cakes"

is especially good, and is probably the best song in the album, liie point is that the good songs are the ones where Jeff Beck completely dominates the rest of the group. The group itself, so good on Rough and Ready, lets its namesake take over on this LP. Middleton does a number of good things on the piano, but even he and Beck cannot salvage some of the

really jwor songs on the album. "I Got to Have a Song" is the worst of the group's mediocre songs that make up the remainder of the album. Written by Stene Wonder, the song is performed by lead singer Tench as if he were trying to sound like Wonder singing. Beck has always been a creative musician, and it is not like him to imitate any other


Priorities: The Souls of Young Folk Judy Kranz While the radio flashed news of the attempt on Wallace's life, some Maine South students were wondering whether their pink or blue formal would be appropriate for the prom. Still others were wondering if they would get the car that particular evening. Others were wishing they had done their math instead of listening to their Jethro TuU album. Surely, Maine South students aren't apathetic, for they do have outside interests. I am, though, questioning our priorities. If what to wear or the score of the Sox game are our gravest problems, then the world must be in pretty good shape. However, we all know it isn't. Our generation faces the problems of pollution, population and war. Two years ago the student body participated in an ecology day. However, two years later, we are still asking ourselves the same questions. Questions like: How long will water be pure enough to drink? Or: When will the air smother and choke us? The world's size is increasing every day. When we become the leaders of the nation, we'll be face to face with the problem of clothing, feeding and caring for millions or people. Sound very exciting? To many students, Viet Nam is too far away for them to be concerned about it. Unless, of course you're 18 or have a friend or boyfriend with a low draft number. It is ironic that while our country might be on the

verge of another world war, we seem only concerned about the number of school days remaining on the school calendar. In our generation we have seen a president, a civil rights leader and a presidential candidate assasinated. Just a few days ago, another candidate was shot. What's wrong with the world? One day a Maine South student, maybe even a friend of yours will be running for a government office. Will we be concerned then if he is shot while campaigning? I'm not saying we should go out and make all the world's wrongs right. That's too great a job for anyone to undertake. However, we should familiarize ourselves with the problems we face now and are about to face. So while we're worrying about prom dresses, grades or dates a whole nation is looking towards us for guidance. Are we too self-centered to stop worrying about Sie unimportant and start caring about our real problems?

Youth Coa/ftfon Plans Concerts The Park Ridge Youth Coalition held a general meeting on Thursday, May 11. Although people from Mary Seat of Wisdom, Community Church and St. Andrew's Lutheran Church attended, the small turn-out forced the postponement of topics scheduled for discussion. Regarding the new center, the Coalition is still awaiting the settlement of paper work. The lawyer secured by the Coalition has been working on the trust papers. However, the papers are still subject to negotiation. Hoping for the finalization of the lease in one or two weeks, the Coalition is still open for further lease proposals. The Coalition has also written and edited a brochure. Aside from giving details on future activities and programs, the brochure explains the history of the Coalition. Although the brochure is still to be printed, it will be distributed soon. Future events scheduled by the Coalition include performances of Samuel Beckett's play Krapp's Last Tape. Performances will be May 25, 26 and 27 at 8 p.m. at the First Methodist Church. Perhaps the most promising of the Coalition's events are the upcoming concerts. Scheduled for appearance at the F i r s t Methodist Church is Ray Lang's Body Group. Also appearing will be the Full Spirit. Admission is 50 cents. The Secoecense, the jazz group now playing at Kingston Mines, will perform sometime during June at Jorgensen. Although full details on the other concerts are not available, wait for the one scheduled for May 28 at St. Paul's Church.

Letters to frhe Editor

Sub Teacher Gives Dorm Lowdown Dear Editor: It seems that the idea of coeducational dormitories h a s


Be a Part of Your Paper Trying to write our first editorial proved to be a harder task than was expected. With the end of the school year approaching, everything of value that needs to be said has, in fact, been said. By now, the smoking lounge, open campus and the appeals board are "lameduck" issues. However, there is one issue remaining, namely, the next issue of Southwords. A student newspaper cannot be nui solely by its four editors. Obviously, half a dozen students cannot represent the interest of 3400 individuals. We don't want Southwords to become another Pravda. To prevent a non-representative paper next year, more students are needed to work on it. Granted, you may at this time have valid reasons for not becoming a trial applicant. Spring fever, lack of time and mainly misconceptions of a reporter are possible explanations. Reporters don't have to be literary geniuses or straight A material. The only qualification is desire. Southwords is grateful for those students

performer. When the rest of the group does that, it hurts the whole album. The new Jeff Beck album is definitely a disappointment. Hopefully, they only let up for a while. I still expect good things from Jeff Beck.

who worked on the trial issue. However, the door is still open to interested students. If you weren't a trial applicant, you can still become a part of your paper. Those of you who are unable to become a part of the actual staff can indirectly offer valuable assistance. Your comments, suggestions and letters to the editor are necessary feedback. If next year's newspaper isn't what we'd hke it to be, we'll have only ourselves to blame. A plentiful supply of carbons, paper and typewriters will be useless without reporters. Unfortunately, we can't use physical force to get more applicants. Seeing that Southwords is a student newspaper, it is as much your responsibility as it is ours. The only channel for effective communication between the faculty and the student body is the school newspaper. Therefore, we need more reporters to find out how you feel about certain issues that will effect you as a student. Without them we might not be able to hear your side of the story. Southwords can be your channel for change. Use it!!!!

stirred up some controversy here at South. While reading the opinions of both teachers and students, I decided that a few facts to Southwords were in order. While attending college, I had the opportunity to be a Resident-Aid. (i.e. I was in charge of one floor in the dorm.) Placed in a closed dorm my first semester, I found the surroundings loud and rowdy. 1 was always breaking up one thing or another. This was due, in part, to the lack of restrictions in all male or female dorms. During my second semester I was moved into a dorm which had limited visitation. This was quite an experience Finally. I moved into a co-ed dorm. My responsibilities were the same as before: Keep order, prevent alcohol and drug use in the dorm, air student complaints to other students and administrators and generally proctor the area. Things worked out fine. Women and men respected each other's rights. The dorm was extremely clean and quiet, language presented no problem and the big concern, privacy, proved to be a needless worry. Unfortunately, privacy was in abundance!

In conclusion, for those of you who are worried and/or hopeful about po-ed dorms and wild orgies, you can forget it. There are none. How do I know? How else? I looked for them! Mr. John Archibald

^outRu>orb$ Th« oMicId studtnt n*w>pap«r of Maine Tswnthip High Schocl South, Park Rids*, Hllnsii, iOOM. Writtan and aditad is timai aach yaar by itudanH of Iha high >choal. Subacrlptiont Includad with aclivlty tickal, purchaMd uparately at it par yaar/ or Individually for 10c. (Prkad highar for i u u t i of mora than 4 pagas.)

Editor-in-Chief Mar; Beth Krebs News Editor Bruce LitUe InDepth Editor Tom Bush Sports Editor . . . . . . . . . . . Tom Lanctot ArtPhoto Editor Betsy Roasen Assistant Editors

Sue Chan,

Cathy Clarry, Bob Flowers, Randy Gluss. Kris Undsren Reporters Jim Bruce. Judy Daly, Ann Flannery. Barb Grabowski. Scott Graham, Judy Kranz. Eileen Lynch, Marit Mangold, Lynn M a s o n , Lisa riasecki. Mury Reb«deau. Nancy Rusone. Mike Rusin, Cindy Sopata. Mike Springston. Jim Thompson Cartoonists Margy Hawkins. Pat Heater Photographers Norbert Becker. Len Koroskl, Mike Maloney, Sandy Vtrlench. Tom Wright Student News Bureau . Pam Sakowln Ken Beatty


May 19, 1972

Page 3

Art Fair Begins Saturday Rock, western and folk music, films of the 1920's and 30's, artists sketching portraits and cavorting clowns will highlight the fourth annual Maine South Art Fair. This Saturday, May 20, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. some 100 high school students will display and sell their works around the pond in front of the school. Last year's fair netted about $1500. Judges will award ribbons in ceramics, sculpture, photography, paintings, paints and drawings, mixed media and original art work. Some of the more unusual exhibits will include: paper sculpture, collages, copper enameling, relief etchings, acrylics, macrame and weaving and surrealistic oO paintings. Sponsored by the Art Department and Art Club, the fair is ooen to all Maine South students.

According to Mr. Joseph Stilp, Art Department chairman, the fair is "one of the most successful events of the year for art students and shows their creative expression and communication of their feelings and ideas." Officers of the Art Club are Mr. Richard Mastrolonardo,

Calendar Senior Week MAY 22—Greaser Day 23—Summer '42 24—Faculty Day 25—Little Kid and Bike Day 26—Beach Dav *iiMiiiiiiHiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiii

Newly-Elected Officers Introduce Varied Proposals The new Student Council officers have been active in introducing several new proposals into council these past few weeks. One of the first proposals was the approval of the constitution of the newly-organized Quad Council. The Quad Council consists of representatives from all Maine Township schools who meet and exchange ideas about what's happening in the various schools. However, the main obstacle in the approval of the constitution has been the lack of a quorum Slated Cheryl Anderson, Student Council Vice-President, "We can't pass anything without the attendance of at least two-thirds of the members." To solve this problem. Student Council has gotten in touch with absent representatives. Another new proposal is the

idea of placing a non-voting student representative on the Board of Education. If this proposal is passed, it must be approved by principal Clyde K. Watson and the Board before it can be put into effect. A major concern of Student Council has been the many renresentative posts left unfilled. Several homerooms lack as many as three representatives. Jan Daly, Student Council Secretary, suggested, "One idea to fill these pof-ilions has been to open up the elections again in tlie fall for unrepresented homerooms." The Student Council officers are looking for suggestions on how to spend next year's money. Said Jan, "Since it is the student's money, they should have seme voice in spending it." Other ideas included installing new bicycle racks and widening the sidewalks around the cafeteria.

Sponsor; Margo Butz, President; Rita Hall, Vice-President; Jack Holmen, Treasurer; and Lisa Velte, Secretary. Films are courtesy of Norbert Becker, Photo Club president.

Boy's State Rep. Representing Maine South this year at Boys State will be Jim Scott and alternates Bill Baumgartner and John Bma '73. Jim was selected from the top 15 boys in History classes, by the social science department. He is being sponsored by the Mel Tiemey Post 247, of the American Legion of Park Ridge. Boys Stale is a course in practical civics. It is a plan for training aspects of citizenship. The boys, called "citizens," are placed in mythical cities and counties and are assigned to mythical "Federalists" and "Nationalist" parties. The citizen partakes in electing all city officials and partakes in civics and law. Jim will stay in Springfield from June 18 to 24.

Juniors Like Semi-Formal From; Senior Front Final Dance of Year Each year, near the end of April, most high school students begin to think about their dating situation and their prospects for attending the prom. It has been customary in the past that about 100 couples attend the Junior Prom and about 400 couples attend the Senior Prom. This year the Junior class decided to make its prom semiformal. This move could possibly account for the largest ticket sale for any Junior Prom at Maine South. Boys were no longer obligated to wear tuxedoes, while girls could still get dressed up in their long dresses and not feel out of place. Some Juniors feel the prom

doesn't mean as much when its semi-formal, but Pete Lannon, '73 likes the idea. "I can save the money for the tux and spend it on the chick," Pete said. But Pete, along with many other Juniors would like to continue to see the Senior Prom as a formal affair. Janet Harpham, Judy Kasper, Debbie Manika, Candy Slaters, Andrew Tibbitts, and Debby Woxberg were all nominated for Junior Prom Queen. Mike Meier escorted queen, Debby Woxberg, to the prom. The Senior Prom, will be held on June 9 at the Orrington Park Hotel in Evanston. The Senior Class Council is planning on this

South Walkers Accomplish Truly Amazing Feets by Betsy Rosscn '72 Only those who have experienced intense pain, followed by luxurious relief can appreciate my delight when I realized during the May 7 Hunger Hike that I was hopelessly in love with Dr. Seholl. But my bliss was two-fold: My passions were shared by the Foot Powder King and Dr. Ben-Gay. I have calmed my heart palpitations sufficiently, however, to look back with some degree of sanity upon that day nearly two

weeks ago. My condition was far to the contrary then, as were those of my partners-in-pain, Lynne LaJone and Lynne Poggensee. Perhaps my most vivid memory of the walk (coupled with the pungent aroma of soggy sneakers) is the sight of Umbrellas on Parade down Skokie Blvd. The sprouting of 400 mushroom-shaped bumbershoots is a vision net to be missed by any funster. After a few hours of manical-

Few Students Active in Campaigns Since 1972 is an election year of major proportions, many students may be wondering how they can be involved in the campaign for their favorite candidate. According to Doug Carroll "72, all a student has to do is go to his candidate's headquarters and ask to help out. Doug and his brother Mike "73, worked on Nixon's 1968 campaign and are presently working for Sam Young's election. High school students" work usually includes typing, telephone calling and canvassing, which is extremely important in local elections. Doug stressed that it makes no difference as to what level a student begins helping out. Bill Dickens '72, however, felt that it did make a difference where a student started. He suggested that the best way to become involved in campaigns is

to start out with the smaller, local races. "This way an individual has mo"e opportunities to be recognized for his work," Bill explained. Although many students are interested in the results of the upcoming election. Doug and Bill could only specifically name 5 other Maine South students actively working on campaigns. "Park Ridge youth are not raised in a political atmosphere as opposed to North Shore schools where student political activity is more prevelent." Bill stated. Does the voting age explain why some students are not actively involved in campaigns? Bill doesn't think so. ••Just because a student can't vote is no excuse for their noninvolvcmenl in campaigns." he said.

ly clutching her belongings to protect them from the mulch of a once-clean curb, .Miss Poggensee came to a sad realization: "My hands won't work!" she announced to anyone who would listen to her. Figuring that she was a tragic young victim of arthritis, I started groping for some Anacin. The awful truth then hit Miss LaJone and I that we were also among the afflicted as we began a life-and-death struggle to peel an orange. The song "Jungle Fever" suddenly became "Swamp Fever" as we crooned "Ahh, I can peel it." Obvious choices for my 1972 Hate List are Nancy Sinatra for her immortal rendition of "These Boots Are Made for Walkin'," and the thoughtless disc jockey who insisted on playing it. Our nerves were near the breaking point, we also were in no state of mind nor body to appreciate the uproarious humor involved in watching contestants vie for the coveted "Muckiest Jeans of the Year" award. As was the case last year, I was thrilled to no end at the fabulous collection of checkpoint stamps I received. (As should be apparent to all, not much is required to impress me on a soupy Sunday.) One thing is self-evident, however: nothing can compare with the luscious tones of turquoise, lilac vermilion and basic black I acquired. Doggedly following the trail of foot powder up Sheridan Road, we Three Musketeers kept our thoughts on the marvels of once

again viewing the awe-inspiring Old Orchard shopping center. Little things do mean a lot on such days, and here is a sample of spirit-builders: 1. The sight of Lynne LaJone, that always chic SC secretary, as the Nomadic Fool, strikingly wrapped in a lovely gray blanket with a mix-or-match sweater entwined about her head. 2. The battle to decipher my garbled speech as my mind slowly deteriorated from f aligue. 3. The faint whimpers of "Mommy, where are you?" pathetically uttered by Lynne P. Pain fades a hundred times faster than memories, though. We consider ourselves fortunate and honored to have participated in such a cause.

final dance as being popular and well attended as in the past. Much conversation has been directed as to whether high school proms means as much to today's youth as they did to the past generations. A common argument is, "by the time I pay for the dinner and the tux, which is at least $25, the cost seems too steep for one night out on the town." But Art Fleming '73, thinks "the tradition is keeping up and I plan on it being fun." Jan Dwyer, '72 thinks, "the prom is great because its the last time kids are all together." But Jan is looking forward to the afterprom maybe even more than the dance. There has always been pressure on seniors to attend their prom. But Greg Ciezadlo, '72 feels one shouldn't go just for the sake of going. "You should really like the girl," he said. Angle Podrazik '72, f e e l s "Guys don't want to go with a girl unless they're going steady, but girls look forward to the prom." Angle also thinks "girls don't have to be going steady, but you shouldn't just go with anyone." Perhaps Jim Scott '73, best sums it up with the following: "People used to go because they wanted to and it was the climax of their high school social life. But I think it has lost much of its formal prestige. It is, in most cases, something people attend simply because they want to go."

Music Depf. Presents Concerts Maine South music department will host two concerts this weekend. Tonight, the annual spring choral concert will begin at 8 p.m. Tomorrow's Pop Band Concert will begin at 7:30 p.m. At tonight's choral concert, the Maine South Concert Choir will sing a variety of classical and modern numbers. Included in the Choir's program will be De Victoria's Ave Maria, selections from the Musical Oliver and a rock cantata. Creation, featuring soloists Cheryl Bean, Bob Jares, Bob Matsuoka and Bruce Ross.

Also performing in tonight's concert will be Girl's Chorus, Treble Choir, and Boy's Chorus. Margie Gibson '72, will also solo in tonight's final choral concert for the year. At 7:30 tomorrow night, the Pop Band will give an outdoor concert, directed by Mr. Gordon McLean. The concert, scheduled to take place on the lawn in front of the school, will feature a variety of popular music, which one performer promised will make for "quite an enjoyable evening."

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May 19, 1972


Cinder men Compete for Downstate Berths South hopes to send as many as possible down to the state meet at Eastern Illino s University in Charleston on May 25, 26, and 27. The Prospect district is considered tough, especially in distance events, where it is thought to be the most competitive in the state. Track mentor Carl Magsamen feels, however, that any performer surviving the Prospect districts stands a chance to finish downstate. Many Hawks already have met state qualifications. All that remains is for them to repeat these performances at Prospect and finish in the top five. Among these performers are Tom Starck in the half mile; Pat McNamara in the quarter mile, 100 and 220-yard dashes; and Kevin Huffman in both the

With the Central Suburban League conference scalp on its belt, the Big Red Track Machine rolls to Prospect tonight for the district track contest. Twenty-three teams are represented at t"is season's district meet, including Maine East, Maine West, Elk Grove, Arlington, and Fremd. Fremd edged South out for the district title last year. Once again the Hawks will actively seek the district crown. More important, perhaps, is the individual qualification for state competition, which is decided at districts. To qualify for a spot in the state meet, a performer must either meet the pre-determined state requirement for his event and place in the top five finishers, or just place first or second in that event.

two mile and mile. Those already qualified in field events are Jim Staunton in both the shot-put and discus, Rob Lossman in the high jump, and Jon Edstrom in the long jump. The mile relay squad of Starck, McNamara, Clieves, and Maloney has also run a qualifying time. Also with a chance to break into the top five will be Rick Luft and Tom Towne in the pole vault, Wayne Lekan in the high jump, Jim Zaworski, Jack Garon, Jed Ashley, and Kerry Frey in the 880-yard relay, and Mike Carroll in the shot put. Last Saturday at Glenbrook

The steadily improving Maine South varsity tennis team looks to its conference meet tomorrow following a successful district and a split of its last four dual meets. The Hawks hosted their district last Saturday and took first place team honors for the third straight year. George Mulopolus and Bob Ellsworth were the first and second seeds, respectively, in the singles. Both advanced to the finals and thus qualified for next week's state meet in Champaign. In the doubles, both the thirdseeded team of John Mulopolus and Todd Onderdonk and the

Track International Soon; New Staff Assumes Role Tom Lanctot, Guest Correspondant

• Coming up soon is the International Track and Field Championship, June 10 at 12 p.m. on the Prospect High School track. This event, held annually, seeks to assemble the top eight performers in each track event from all across the United States. In addition, participants from Canada, Germany, and Japan will battle in the super-contest. Both standard and Olympic events will be held. This means, that in addition to contest familiar at Maine South, such activities as the intermediate hurdles, triple jump, hammer throw and javelin will be held. This will be the first time many of these events are staged in the Chicago area. In short, this meet is assembling the top track and field talent in the entire world. It is hoped that all Illinois state champions will compete. The meet, this year, is financed by Coca-Cola bottlers, and in future years the meet should be self-sustaining. Meet sponsors hope to lure as many as 10,000 spectators, and they have reserved the entire Mt. Prospect Holiday Inn for the participants. In total, the meet costs about $27,000 to produce. Two Hawk trackmen have a chance to qualify. In the opinion of head track coach Carl Magsamen, Pat McNamara could make it in the quarter mile, and Tom Starck is a possibility in the half mile. This is truly a meet of champions, and even top talent must fight to qualify. Remember, it all comes together Saturday, June 10, at Prospect High School. Tickets are available from coach Magsamen for two dollars. If the presence of the top track and field talent in the nation doesn't excite you, I have consented, free of charge, to make a personal appearance to sign autographs and mingle. Surely my presence alone is enough to draw you to what must be the supreme meet of its kind in the world. • Please excuse any errors on this page, and don't blame anything on me. This entire page was assembled by next year's sports staff, with the exception of this column and one other exceptionally well written article. The new Sports Editor, Mark Mangold will have a tough time matching my evasion of work, and my distinguished journalistic skill and tact. I return next issue, in full dictatorial control of the sports pages, promising the biggest and most memorable sports finale in Hawk history.



Hawk catcher Pet* Lazowski taking a healthy cut during Ridgewood game.


The Maine South Varsity golfers' hopes of sending a competitor or two to the state meet was shattered last Saturday as the Hawks managed to pull in a weak twelfth spot in the District meet. New Trier West, Glenbrook North, Glenbrook South, and Evanston all managed to ad-


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unranked Bill Ephland-Jim Daniel tandem were entered. The former pair advanced to the semi-finals before losing to the second-seeded team from Elmwood Park. However, the surprise of the tournament was Ephland and Daniel, who came from far behind to defeat Ridgewood's fourth-seeded entry, and then upset the top-seeded duo. With the pressure of state qualification behind them. Bill and Jim lost in the finals and settled for second place. Thus, four players will represent Maine South in the state finals. Maine South started the second half of the conference schedule two weeks ago with a narrow 3-2 vrin over Niles West. Unfortunately, when the team traveled to New Trier West, the Cowboys proved too strong. The result was a 5-0 whitewash. Last week the Hawks hosted Maine West and the results were much more satisfactory as the team beat their Des Plaines counterparts 5-0. Finishing up the conference confrontations was a meet against Glenbrook North this Tuesday. The visiting Spartans barely managed a 3-2 victory, havmg to hold off the Hawks in two overtime matches. Maine South finished the regular season in seventh place, an apparent inconsistency considering that the same team

J i m Lyons, No. 78, tries i n vain to beat a throw to second base.

won its district handily. However, the Central Suburban League is traditionally one of the toughest leagues for tennis in Illinois. Maine South's district, on the other hand, is made up of six other schools that are somewhat weaker. Thus a team like the Hawks can have an average season in its conference and still win its district rather easily. The lineup for the conference meet at Glenbrook North is George Mulopolus, Bob Ellsworth, and Jim Daniel in singles, and the doubles teams of John Mulopolus-Todd Onderdonk and Bill Ephland-Tom Fendon.

Golfmen Fall in District Competition

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ries in both the shot and the discus, with Jay Rasmussen taking fourth in the discus and Mike Carroll sixth in the shot. Huffman led off the afternoon running events by capturing the conference championship in the two mile. Starck won the half mile, shattering the conference record, while McNamara set records in both the quarter and the 100. Huffman doubled in the mile and managed a fourth, and Tom Wright followed in fifth. The mile relay team of McNamara, Cheves. Malonej', and Starck landed second, missing the injured Bill Baumgartner. Starck's split in the relay ranks him second in state.

Tennis Squad Wins Districts



South, the Hawks captured the Central Suburban League crown, leaving second place Glenbrook North far behind. A number of high individual finishes made the big win possible. During the morning, under adverse weather conditions, field and preliminary track events were held. High jumper Lossman captured a second place, edged out of first by only one inch. Pole vaulter Luft landed another second, while long leaper Jon Edstrom suffered from a knee ailment and a soggy take-off board, but still managed a fifth. Jim Staunton grabbed victo-


1 Hawk second baseman Chuck Fahrner brings down his glove in en attempt to tag Ridgewood player.

vance to this week's sectional competition. The Hawks carded a total score of 348, which, in comparison with the winning score of 303 could be considered a rather poor showing. Howie Kosick took the low score honors with an 80. I.^st Monday the Hawks encountered Deerfield in their final regular season conference meet. The Hawks finished the roimd with what was termed by Coach Ross as "three good scores," junior Gary Katz hitting a 39, Kosick 40, and Steve Colnitis a 41. These scores, however, were not good enough to bring the Hawks a victory, as Deerfield had all five of their men in the 30's. Coach Ross did not sound remorseful as he commentetl, "Deerfield is a fairly good team, and have advanced from their District to Sectionals." In non-conference competition the Hawks were entered in Lack-to-back invitationals two weeks ago. The first was the Lockport Central Invitational in which the Hawks took eighteenth out of 27 teams entered. Colnitis was low man with an 80, Kosick 83, Jim Lange and Pat Crosby 84. The Wheeling Invitational was interrupted by rain but Gary Katz shot the low score of 80.

The Hawks came in fourteenth. The Hawks will wrap up the season on Monday with the Conference Meet in which the champion of the conference will be crowned. Next year will be a rebuilding year for the Varsity as they will lose five of their top six players to graduation. Gary Katz will be the only returning regular.

Coach Cliff Adamo seems to be praying as he watches the Hawks lose to Niles West during district play.

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