Vol 8 issue 3

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Board To Make Decision on Campus Report The final hearings on the proposal of open campus at Maine South have been held and the decision now rests with the school board who have to take into account the hearings and the results of the ad hoc committee on open campus.

Other Schools How is open campus working out at schools that have it? Results vary. The following selected quotes are taken from high school visitation repwrts prepared by a ten man ad hoc committee on open campus. First of all, what type of open campus does each of the schools have? At Hinsdale South and Niles East, any student may spend his free time where he pleases. At Willowbrook and Niles North, any student with passing grades may go where he desires. Niles West and Hinsdale Central students are not allowed off school grounds. Only juniors and seniors with a •B' average may participate in open campus at Hinsdale Central. Has drug abuse increased

since the initiation of the program? Hinsdale Central reports "no significant increase — problem exists as before." According to the principal of Hinsdale South, "incidence has increased, but to attribute increase solely to open campus is questionable." Niles East, West, and North had "no valid data." Traffic safety and vandalism are reported as "no problem" at Hinsdale Central. At Hinsdale South the number of traffic accidents has increased. While there is less school vandalism, there has been an increase in s h o p l i f t i n g in surrounding

Vol. 8, No. 3

stores. Niles East area residents report "damage to lawns due to loitering." What effect has open campus had on extracurricular activities? There is no change at Hinsdale Central. At Hinsdale South, participation "decreased somewhat with early dismissal." At Niles East "attendance dropped, but is slowly returning." Niles West reports attendance as "very poor." How has open campus affected the academic achievements of the students? "The opportunity for individual study has increased" at Hinsdale Central. At Hinsdale South, "moti-

vated students perform well; however, students in the lower 20 per cent have difficulty and their academic achievements suffer." At Niles East and West there has been no change. Niles North reports a "considerable drop first quarter, but grades were up again at semester." Obviously, open campus has had different effects on different schools. It would seem that how open campus affects a school has something to do with unique factors of the school itself and the form of open campus tried.

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068

Oct. 15, 1971

Students Choosing Homecoming Queen Homecoming returns to Maine South this weekend, along with the task of choosing a homecoming queen. Thirteen senior girls — Ann Benedek, Sue Bisbee, Jean Erickson, Terri Guerin, Sue Holz, Karen Magnuson, Laurie Mester, LuAnn Porter, Julie Redfern. Barb Steffen, Carolyn Tommasone, Cheiyl Vedrine and Carol Wirth — received the required nominations from two homerooms. This is the second largest group of semifinalists in Maine South's history. Five semifinalists — Sue Holz, Karen Magnuson, LuAnn Porter, Barb Steffen and Carol Wirth — have been chosen finalists in the homecoming queen contest. One of these girls, who are interview below, will be the homecoming queen and will be crowned at the homecoming game. The other four girls will form her court. Sue Holz Sue Holz has participated in various activities including cheerleading. Brotherhood Society, Student Council. Treble Choir, V-Show and Campus Life. This is Sue's second year as secretary of Brotherhood Society and social committee chair-

Su« Holz

Karen Magnuson

man of Student Council. Though still undecided. Sue is thinkin;^ about a health career in either physical or occupational therapy. Ulinois Wesleyan University and Augustana College are high on her list of possible college choices. When asked about the proposed homecoming theme Rah Rah Wonderland, Suzy commented, "Bein.? a member of Student Council I hear both sides. I can see how some kids wanted the theme to be different, but if some took it offensively then the theme should have been changed." Karen Magnuson Karen Magnuson would like to be a nurse and attend St. Mary's of Notre Dame. For the past three years, she has been a member of the Brotherhood Society and the V-Show cast. Karen has also been involved in cheerleading. Student and Class Councils, Pep Club and the dance chorus for the spring musical. She is presently a senior leader and is beginning her fourth year in Campus Life. When asked about homecoming thems, Karen commented, "I don't feel that Rah Rah Wonderland was good in the traditional sense of homecoming themes. Building floats and a dance around such a theme would have been very difficult." Karen felt that a theme of i famous quotes would have provided for more variety in the floats. LuAnn Porter LuAnn Porter, a three-year member of pom-pon squad, is currently co-captain in charge of training. She also has participated in Pep Club. Campus Life, Young Life and Class Council. LuAnn has been involved in

Lu Ann Porter

Barb Steffen

Carol Wirth

music since her freshman year and is presently a member of Concert Choir. As a Star Thespian, she has also been active in the drama department, having performed in V-Show and spring musical for the past three years. Indiana University and Colorado College are on LuAnn's list of college choices, with a possible major in sociology or psychology and a minor in dance and music. Talking about what she considered an appropriate homecoming theme, LuAnn said. "We need a theme that will make everyone want to work together, not one that will tear the classes apart." Barb Steffen Barb Steffen has been a cheerleader and a member of Pep Club for four years. She is also active in Brotherhood Society, Class Council, Home Ec Club and senior leaders. Barb's past activities include Student Council and V-Show. Having chosen guidance counseling as a possible career. Barb plans to go to college at either St. Mary's in South Bend or Southern Illinois University. Living Unity groups, a branch of Campus Life, were cited by Barb as important forces shaping her outlook. She found that she could apply what she learned there to things she encountered every day. When asked her thoughts about Rah Rah Wonderland as a homecoming theme. Barb commented, "I thought it could have been good, but it was just an idea, and there weren't any practical Uiemes you could use for floats." If she could have chosen the homecoming theme. Barb would have selected either Hard Guy Comics or Famous Quotes. Carol Wirth Carol Wirth, a member of Pep Club and the pom-pon squad, has also found the time to participate in Class Council, V-Show and Campus Life. She is presently a senior leader and has maintained « B honor roll standing. Carol would like to attend either the University of Illinois or Indiana University. Psychology and elementary education are possible career choices. When asked whether any one thing had influenced her life, Carol cited Campus Life. She stated. "Campus Life has deepened my awareness of religion and has introduced me to another aspect of life."

Definitions During its investigation, the ad hoc committee found that the term "open campus" has a variety of meanings for different individuals. Each school visited by the committee had its own way of interpreting and incorporating an applicable open campus. Literally, "open campus" means that students have the freedom to leave the campus or come to school at any time providing they attend assigned classes. This can also be termed "total open campus." Schools under the above system include Hinsdale South, Willowbrook High. Niles East, Niles North and York High. Although attendance in homeroom, study hall and lunch periods is volimtary, classroom attendance is mandatory. Students are free to leave the campus for lunch or to remain in school grounds during their lunch period. At New Trier High Scho<rf, "open lunch" has been instituted. Under this program, students are required to attend homeroom, study halls a n d classes, but juniors and seniors are free to leave for lunch. Students are not obligated to be at school until their first class begins or at 9:45 a.m., whichever comes first. Upperclassmen may leave after their last class. Although some schools do not permit students to leave the campus, designated areas have been set aside on the campus where students can go during their free time. At Oak Park and River Forest High School, juniors and seniors choose how and where to spend free time during their study halls.

St-udies at Home Along with visiting o t h e r schools, the ad hoc committee on open campus made studies of the four Maine high schools listing areas of concern, studying the present systems and taking in the proposals of each high school. The committee took into account four proposals, including two from Maine South: Student Council's "Self Structured Free Time" proposal from last year and a statement from the Exei utive Board against open campus. Much of the Student Council's stand from last year has already been put into effect. The Executive Board h a s listed 16 reasons for their stand against open campus, with the main ones being lack of control, decline in activities and grades and safety hazards. The board felt that, "the whole concept of 'open campus" is selfdefeating since the students best equipped to handle such responsibility would be those least likely to avail themselves of it due to their self-discipline." The board also took into account a proposal from the Maine East Student Council w h i c h drew up its proposal after conducting a study of its own of five area high schools with open can»pus. The basic difference between the Maine East proposal and South's "Self-Structured Free Time" is that East's calls for students being able to leave the campus during free time. Mame North Student Council proposed that students leave the building during free time, but not the campus. Maine West did not offer any proposal. The committee also took into account several areas of concern, areas which a student might reach by walking in a 40-minute period. South's list included the forest preserve, the pond, the residential areas, local restaurants, downtown P a r k Ridge, local elementary and junior high schools and traffic around the school.

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October 15, 1971

Real Hawk Boosters

Practice As W e Preach Judy Daly It seems that one of the greatest complaints among those who profess to be concerned is that homecoming will come off without its usual theme. When we all knew that Rah Rah Wonderland might be inappropriate as a Homecoming theme, why didn't we select one more suitable? What did each of us do, or more important, what did we do collectively, to let Student Council know that we were dissatisfied with their choice? We who did nothing are similiar to voters who don't go to the polls but later complain about the election results. Because we did not show our concern, there will be no theme this year. This same lack of concern is evident in our reaction to the messy lounge sitiation. While we blithely ignored the sloppy conditions in the lounge, the administration was far ahead of us by seriously considering closing it.

Apparently none of us cared enough to remedy what was obviously a bad situation. While we shook our heads at its dirty condition, none of us lifted a hand to eliminate the disgraceful abuse. In fact, by doing nothing, we condoned what was happening. Perhaps some of us, if we were honest, would even admit to our own participation in the littering. It is interesting to note that we are the ones who want voting priveleges and a voice in national affairs. We talk and complain about the polluted world we live in, yet we ignore it here in school. We tell eich other how great it would be to have open campus, but how many of us cared enough to voice our opinions at the open campus meetings? We can talk about problems all we want. However, when it comes right down to it, do we care enough to do anything about them? Are we the new establishment?

The highest reward for man's toil is not what he gets for it but what he becomes by it. John Ruskin


Open Letter

Today: Float-building 'Aunf Mame' Nexf Week: 2 Student Holidays

Usage Of Numbers For ID Shows Souths Impersonality

Today is the last day of homecoming floatbuilding. All classes as well as various clubs ask for your help. Performances of the arena play Auntie Mame are on Oct. 15, 16, 21. 22 and 23. Tickets are on sale during all lunch periods in the cafeteria. Cost is $1.50 for adults and $1 for students. Senior ACT tests start at 8 a.m. on Oct. 16. PSAT tests for juniors start at 8 a.m. on Oct. 23. The Senior-Faculty Tea is on Oct. 28. The tea is for senior girls and their favorite teachers. No school for students on Oct. 22, Institute Day. Teachers, however, will attend various classes and workshops. Mr. Lloyd Spear, chairman of the music department, has arranged for Dr. Sidney Fox to address English, music, and social science teachers on "From Bach to Rock." Veterans' Day, Oct. 25, is a free day for students and teachers. Local History Society plans a general meeting soon. Junior members of the club enrolled in U.S. History visited Galena, 111., on Oct. 12. Seniors will visit Springfield on Oct. 20. Mr. Ken Reese, career counselor, urges all students to ap-

ply for Illinois State Scholarships. These scholarships may be used only in an Illinois college or university. Deadline is today. The Maine South varsity cross country team will soon be entering state and local competition. On Oct. 23 the Hawks will face Maine West in the conference meet. Three days later the district meet will be held.

Th« officlil studtfit nrw>p<p*r ot Maine Townthip High School South, Park Ridge, lllinoii, MOM. Written and edited 15 timet each year by students o< the high school. Sub«criptioni included with activity ticket, purchased separately at $2 per year, or Individually for lOc. (Priced higher for issues of more than 4 pages.) Editor-in-Chief Mary Beth Krebs News Editor Tom Bush Sports Editor Tom Linctot Art-Photo Editor Betsy Rossen Asaistant Editors Sue Cliait. Cathy Clarry. Bob Flowers. Randy Gluss. Kris Undgren student News Bureau . Pam Sakowicz Spotiser Ken Beatty

Dear Editor: I am a freshman this year, and I have n«<iced that Maine South is a very impersonal school. I especially noticed this when I looked at the picttire of the National Merit Semifinalists of Maine South. The attempt to recognize these students was imsuccessftil. Not many people know their

friends by their student numbers. Impersonal as this school is, I was happy to see that one person at Maine South has not lost his identity. I was glad to see that Dr. Watson had his name printed and not his Social Security number. Inmate Number 15093 (Eileen Connor)


Pythagorean Theorem for South When a Southwords reporter goes out to cover his beat, the most important instructions he receives from his editor are "Get all sides of your story." In too many instances, however, we've noticed that "all sides" is quickly interpreted as "both sides" by the reporter and the people he interviews. A feeling of polarization is growing at Maine South; a feeling that there are only two ways of looking at an issue: the administration's way and the students' way. Southwords reports these dominant attitudes, as well as the facts behind them, in the hope that some reconciliation will be affected. We believe that when each faction open-mindedly reads what the other is saying, meaningful compromise solutions are reached. Editorially, Southwords supports any action or organization which will similarly help achieve clear communication. Triangle of Power is such an organization.

Apparently a few people had some difficulty with Southwords' identification quiz in the last issue. For all those who had a little trouble with the deciphering, South's National Merit semifinalists are (standing I. to r.) Margy Hawkins, Diane Harpling, Mary Beth Krebs, Ann Flannery, Jill Chamberlain, Jan Vokoun, Debby Hooper, Dianne Kinast, Lynne Poggensee, Scott Graham, Diane Wille, Marianne Zdeblick. Seated are Mike Goerss, Rick Spatafora, Gary Parsons, Bruce Little and J i m Bruce. Offering his congratulations is Dr. Clyde Watson, principal, who was pleased to announce that the 17 semifinalists give South more than half the 33 finalists in District 207.

Because Triangle uniquely blends administration, faculty and students, it has a unique potential for uniting these entities in a cohesive unit. Southwords believes that the following proposals will best empower Triangle to achieve that potential: • General election of four student representatives. If the student representatives to Triangle are really representatives, they must be elected by their peers. Furthermore, they should represent a wide cross-section of student opinion. This can best be achieved in a general schoolwide election. • More representation from the administration. Just as all students and all teachers do not hold common views, we do not believe that all administrators hold common views. A single administration representative on Triangle is unfair to the administration as well as the students. At least one more representative from the administration should be included in Triangle. He need not come from the Executive Committee. • Triangle needs a chairman to coordinate its activities. We believe that this chairman can be either a student, a teacher or an administrator, but that he should be elected by the members of Triangle. • From among its memtiers. Triangle should also choose a secretary. That secretary should keep minutes and release those minutes to organizations within South as well as student and community publications. • Triangle should serve as a "conference committee" when administration and Student Council are deadlocked. Because Triangle is representative of the people who make up the administration and SC and yet still independent of both groups, it might be singularly effective in hammering out a new proposal acceptable to both. It would not, however, have power to suggest such revised Council policy to the administration; that responsibility would remain with SC. • Any proposal which Triangle fashions when acting as an independent body should be presented to the administration by Triangle itself. The proposal should not go through Council. • If possible, all Triangle meetings should be "open observation" meetings which anyone may attend. As many meetings as possible should be "open participation" meetings at which people not on Triangle would be able to speak. Such meetings could be conducted according to the procedure followed at District 207's open campus meetings. In supporting Triangle, in supporting compromise solutions to polarization. Southwords is not asking students, administrators or teachers to sacrifice any of their principles. Compromise calling for such sacrifice is not meaningful compromise. Meaningful compromise does entail re-examination of priorities on all sides — something long overdue at South.

October 15, 1971


Page 3

Students Seek Christ in Campus Life I O-OT

'r CUT FOK iioMOK S a i t T U j/^WD I'M


[ G(/eSS ! CM ?AS<? M A jÂŁsi!S

"Campus Life is a way I can talk to kids and tell them about Christ," commented Steve Amador 72. Such communication with Christ and Christians on an individual basis is part of the purpose of Campus Life. Getting involved by meeting new people, learning about Christ and discussing relevant topics is also included in the program. Campus Life is a nation-wide, independent, inter-denominational organization, and each club, although made up of students from a particular high school, is sponsored only by Campus Life, not the school. The Campus Life program

Council Turns Down Funds For Soul Concern' Concert Soul Concern will not play at Maine South this year, as proposed to Student Council by Steve Amador, Council's Organizations Chairman. The musical group would have performed for two periods someday between Nov. 16 and 23 in the auditorium. Consisting of seven college students who sing for school assemblies, the Soul Concern is presently touring the country. The three girls and four boys in the group play the drums, organ, bass guitar and string guitar. Although their program is based on love and loving others, it contains mainly popular music. Steve's proposal for inviting Soul Concern to appear at South was defeated because of cost. Steve commented, "Apparently Student Council doesn't feel that the group is worth the $200 or that the students wouldn't appreciate the Soul Concern."

The money which Soul Concern makes is not the group's profit but covers the cost of moving their equipment and other expenses. According to Steve. "We'll still try to get them to play; we are confident that Student Council v.'ill change their minds or else student opinion will force Council to change." The Soul Concern is sponsored by Campus Life, an independent youth organization which is represented locally, nationally and internationally. Dave "Veerman, Campus Lite sponsor, originally "wanted the group to play during an allschool assembly." Dave feels that this way all students would have the chance to hear the Soul Concern. However, Mr. Robert Simonson, assistant principal, commented that an all-school assembly would "take too much school time, twenty minutes get-

ting in and twenty minutes getting out." Mr. Simonson said, "Since our enrollment is up tliis year, it is harder to move a mass of students from one section of the school to another." "It's fine with us," said Mr. Simonson. "if Student Council should want this group to appear." If students should decide that they want the group, they would probably appear only for two periods, however. Anyone who has free time or a music class during these periods could see the Soul Concern.

Choir, Orchestra Present First of Concert Series Sunday, Oct. 31, the Maine South Concert Orchestra and Concert Choir will present the first in a series of concerts sponsored by the South's music department.

South Produces 'Auntie Mame': Well Cast, Well Performed by Lynn Mason Although Auntie Mame, written by Jerome E. Lawrence and Robert E. Lee, is the first production on the Maine South stage this year, it is by no means an amateurish production. The cast and crew, under Mr. Hal Chastain, producer, continue the fine tradition of the drama department with this arena play. The play is well cast, as is evident in its performance. Everyone reacts to one another in character, though at times an actor appears to have been replaced by a wax figure until he is given a line. Dismissing the Scottich ac-

cent of an Irishman named Brian O'Bannion. portrayed by Mike Goerss '72. the play proceeds without further difficulty. Experience is obvious in the characters of Mame. played by Katy Davlin '73 and Mr. Babcock, portrayed by Rick Spatafora '72. Katy uses facial expression to full capacity, carrying across the personality of a freespirited, uninhibited woman. Everyone loves her except Mr. Babcock, the very proper and dignified gentleman. Babcock is appalled by the way in which Mame wishes to bring up her nephew Patrick, played by Bob Leonard '74. As Babcock, Rick has the use of

Tense is the word for this confrontation between Katy Davlin and Rick Spatafora in a scene from 'Auntie Mame.'

operates on foiu- levels: Campus Life meetings. Insight meetings. Living Unit Groups and appointments. Campus Life is an informal meeting centered around a Campus Life director. Stress is placed upon involvement in games and discussions to which the staff member applies Christianity. Dave Veerman, Campus Life director at South, believes that "These meetings are successful because they give kids a chance to discuss, to have parties which parents don't worry about and to meet people with whom they can discuss problems objectively." Campus Life meetings at South, averaging 300 students per meeting, are considered large. Dave feels that the number of new people at meetings, a good reaction to and positive attitude toward the program, the growing interest in Christianity and the increasing number of kids making counseling appointments with Campus Life staff members point to this success. Chuck Logsdon 72 views the Campus Life meeting as "a place where I can first get to know kids and then tell them about Christ." Insight meetings place emphasis ui)on in-depth Bible study. Discussion is deeper and more serious than that at the general meetings and topics are considered from a Christian perspective. Insight meetings at South

his emotions on command, giving a touch of life to the play during his fits of anger. Mame's closest friend. Vera, played by Teresa Pfister '73, is a typical actress of the time, possessing the self-love and indulgence commonly associated with entertainers. Auntie Mame is basically the story of a woman trying to rise above the disheartening pressures of the Depression by perpetually trying to "Live, live, live." She almost goes under, but is saved by the oilman Beauregard Jackson Picketi Burnside, porti-ayed by Bill Sensenbrenner '72. Burnside sweeps Mame off her feet; then he too loses footing and leaves her a widow. Mame should not be taken for a scatter-brained female. She is a very clever woman, as she illustrates when she "innocently" rids her nephew of his future bride who is a "top drawer, really top drawer " snob from Connecticut. This older Patrick is played by Dick Stinson '72. Bob Leonard reappears later in the play as Mame's grandnephew Michael who can expect an extraordinary future when Auntie Mame says she will "open up doors" for him. .411 in all. the audience can expect an excellent and most enjoyable performance on either Oct. 15, 16. 21. 22 or 23.

The orchestra, directed by Mr. Lloyd Spear, will open the concert with the Brandenburg Concerto No. 3 by J. S. Bach and the Mozart Piano Concerto No. 12, featuring Marian Sagona '72 as soloist. Concert Choir will follow, singing a variety of classical and modern music, including "The Heavens are Telling" by Hayden, "Hosanna in Ecelsis" by Charles Gounod and "Oh! Lemuel" by Stephen Foster. The concert will begin at 3:30 p.m. Students and faculty will be admitted upon presentation of I.D. cards.

draw about 75 students. Chuck commented, " I go to Insight to grow spiritually and to learn. Many churches today are not that relevant; all they do is give sermons once a week. Campus Life stresses the importance of individual, daily Bible study along with Christian fellowship." In the Living Unit Group, also known as LUG, staff members are involved with students on a more personal level. The groups are smaller, with approximately ten students and one staff member. Although the leader always prepares a lesson, participants can discuss either the lesson or a problem which one of them may have. Occasionally, the leader holds a Bible study. "LUG is the most beneficial part of the program for me," stated Lynn Bergeson 72. "There you get really close to people and can prav with them. Reinforcement, sharing experiences and learning are things which I get from these meetings." Since staff involvement on a personal level is an important part of the program, Dave emphasizes individual counseling appointments. Students can make appointments with a staff member or a staff member with a student. Staff members will also make parent calls if requested by the student. "Sometimes, parents misunderstand the Campus Life program," staled Dave, "so I explain it to them." Steve commented on the people who attended the meetings. "Some kids think that only 'rah-rahs,' as some call them, along with a few 'straight' kids and 'freaks' come. But you get to know the people so well that the superficial group classifications are gone. I see the person, not the people he hangs around with." Dave added, "The types of students attending the meetings vary according to schools. Kids at South meetings roughly represent a good cross section of the student body." Campus Life is completely supported by voluntary contributions. Parents, churches, civic groups and businessmen share the financial responsibility. The North Area Campus Life meeting will be held Monday, Oct. 18 in the Washington Grade School gymnasium.


"Master of Reality' Shows Sabbath' Best When Loud By Mike Springston What can you say about a group that uses ten amplifiers on just two musicians? That they're loud. Yes, Black Sabbath is loud. They also have strange views on religion and a third album that is probably their best. Master of Reality (Warner Brothers) contains some pretty poor musicianship, but the writing and ten amps more than adequately make up for it. The first song on the album, "Sweet Left," is a tender love story written by lead singer Ozzy Osboume. "The whole tone of the song is reminiscent of the Beatles' "Lucy in the Sky." "After Forever," the next song, was v/ritten by lead guitarist Tony lommi. It has a "Jesus Freak" atmosphere and knocks people who belittle Jesus Christ. Side one closes with "Children of the Grave," a very

heavy revolution song. "Lord of this World" opens side two. It is another great song, talking about selling your soul and other Black Sabbatli cliches. "Solitude," the next song, is the softest and worst of the entire album. Black Sabbath is not very effective at a low volume. The final song on the album "Into the Void," is the best. Musically it is the most solid song on the album and best expresses Sabbath's pessimistic point of view. Bassist Geezer Butler and drummer Bill Ward arc at their loudest. The album contains a free poster of the group in a forest, where they seem to be quite at home. PARADE Tomorrow 9:30 a.m. Caesar's Salad 8 p.m.

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October 15, 1971


Cridders Undefeated in Conference Play After easy victories in their first two conference games, the varsity Hawks homecoming opponent will be an undefeated Glenbrook North team. According to Coach Schmidt, "The winner of this game has a good chance to take conference, since every other team in our league has at least one loss." He added though, "We'll have to play a good game to come out on top." In a non-conference game two weeks ago, the Hawks dropped a defensive battle to Hersey, 7-0. Pat McNamara ran the opening kickoff back 15 yards to the 20. The first two plays from scrimmage lost a total of sLx yards before quarterback Brad Kamstedt hit end Tom Spicer for 15 yards on his first pass, one yard short of first down. Kerry Frey, kicking into a strong wind, punted to the Hawk 38. After two runs gained six yards, Hersey quarterback Brad Smith flit Kip Keonig for nine yards and a first down. A Hawk offsides penalty and two runs by back Mark Leonhard put the ball on the seven. Leonhard then, with the help of two missed tackles, ran around the right corner for the game's only touchdown. Hersey then made the conversion to end the game's scoring, 7-0. The Hav/k offense could do nothing in the first quarter despite a couple of Hersey turnovers. T(my Ruggeri recovered a Hersey fumble on a Frey punt and Spicer made an unusual interception of a Smith pass to halt a Hersey drive.

The second quarter w a s another defensive period as the Hawk offense was hurt by the loss of McNamara, who sustained an ankle injury in the first quarter, and Spicer, who also sustained a first half injury. The offense picked up in the third quarter but did nothing spectacular until Brian Nagle recovered a Hersey fumble on the Maine 20. South then moved to the Hersey 20 before fumbling. South again started moving the ball on sustained drives, but 90 degree heat and a strong Hersey defense gave Hersey the decision in what Coach Schmidt termed, "A fine defensive game." Lou Coletto paced the defense with a share in 16 tackles. Glenbrook South, last Saturday, was a different story as Nagle paced the attack with two touchdowns in a 31-6 victory. The first quarter was relatively quiet with the only scoring coming from a Nick Shlapak, 36-yd. field goal. The second quarter was also quiet until, with 5:03 left in the half, Nagle ended a South drive with a 6-yd. run for a TD. Schlapak converted and the Hawks led 10-0. Less than five minutes later, Nagle again went in from the one. A Schlapak conversion left the Hawks on top at half, 17-0. The Hawk offense, although scoreless in the third quarter, started a drive keyed by a Kamstedt to Jay Kasmus.sen pass. Carried over into the fourth quarter, this drive ended

Hawk halfback B r i a n Nagle carries the ball against a Hersey defender while lineman Neil Lohuis (54) is unable to help.

in a Tony Rodham touchdown from one yard out. Schlapak converted his tenth extra-point in as many attempts this year to make the score 24-0. Glenbrook then ruined the shut-out as fullback Sean Borre scored from two yards out. A missed conversion made it 24-6 before George Williams scored the final TD of the day, Fullerton converting, making it Maine-31, Glenbrook-6. The defense, led by Rasmussen and Coletto, had another fine game as they held Glenbrook to under 150 yards in total offense. The South defense is going to need the same support it got from the offense last Saturday if they hope to climb on top of the conference tomorrow, but Coach Schmidt feels, "With homecoming, the boys' should be up for this one."

Fullback Tony Rodham takes a Brad Kamstedt handoff as a Glenbrook South defender powers in around the end.

Harriers Fight for Conference By Bob Flowers The Maine South varsity cross country team's future success may very well have been decided by last night's dual meet with Maine West. Both teams are tied for first in CSL with perfect 6-0 records. Therefore, the victor in last night's meet can very well be the school which will take first at the upcoming conference meet on the 23d. The importance that hinges on this meet was accented by Coach John Kilcullen's comment that "the meet will determine the outcome of the conference meet." Next Tuesday the Hawks wrill compete in a triangular meet, the last conference meet of the season, with Palatine and fremd. Although Palatine is not in the district Coach Kilcullen feels the meet will hopefully "not be too difficult" for the Hawks. However, the most recent upset against the Hawks was at the Addison Trail Invitational. The Hawks placed third as they have at their other two invitationals this season. Although none of the competing teams

were ranked in the top 15 in record for the 2.9 mile home state while the Hawks were course with a time of 14:41.5. ranked seventh, the team to Starck, Wright and Senf watch was Forest View. Three placed third, fourth and sixth, weeks ago Forest View over- respectively. Against Prospect came Maine West and at Addi- the Hawks won 19 to 39. and son Trail they came in first against New Trier 23 to 32. place. At the Ridgewood Invitational Senior Kevin Huffman sprint- South finished third losing to ed in for third place as the highly rated Oak Park and ProHawks first runner. Following viso West. However, the Hawks him were junior Tom Wright were triumphant since t h e y in sixth place and senior Tom downed Lane Tech after losing Starck in seventh place. Dave to that school earlier this seaSenf, Mike Maloney, Jim Schif- son in a non-conference meet. fer and Bruce McGowan placed South trounced Maine West with 31, 37, 39 and 43, respectively. a sound 36 point lead. The mam reason why the The Hawks on September 30 Hawks did not do as well as crushed both Glenbrook schools, expected at Addison Trail is beating Glenbrook South 15 to that the team had several hard 48, and Glenbrook North 22 to practices and three meets with- 34. in one week. However, in the dual meets during the week Maine South was victorious. At Maine South's cross country homecoming meet the Hawks gave a good performance against the Niles West Indians. The Hawks almost made a complete sweep of the meet with most of the team beating Niles West's fifth runner. Huffman, Starck, Senf and Wright were the lead runners. The two fastest Niles West runners placed fifth and seventh while Maloney, Schiffer, McGowan and Ray Miller finished in the top ten for Maine South The final score was Hawk T o m Wright strugMaine South 16, Niles West 45. gles to surpass another On October 4 the Hawks fourth quarter as both coaches harrier in the Ridgewood substituted freely. Thus the final trounced Prospect and New Invitational t w o weeks horn sounded and the Hawks Trier in the Hawk's first home ago. meet. Huffman set a course were once again beaten.

Sockmen Hope for East Resurgence Face Top Three Teams in State Results continued on a down- that period, the intermission figward trend for the Hawk Sock- ures stood 1-0 in favor of the men as they met three oppo- visitors from Niles West. There was no scoring in the nents and faUed to put a notch in the victory column. In the next two weeks the squad faces the top three rated teams in 111. Sportswords Last Saturday the Hawks took on the Indians of Niles West, with hopes of pulling off a big victory. The Hawk hopes, howTom Lanctot, Sports Editor ever, were dimmed by the fact that two of the front line play- • Once again, sportsfans, this reporter ers, Jeff Cragg and Gary Win- (editor) has outscooped all the major sports kowski, were out with injuries. pages! That interesting photo on your right The first period showed no is an exclusive release of Sportswords. scoring but was controlled by As you recover from the excitement, Niles as they managed to man- you wiU remember several years ago, a ipulate the ball most of that famous razor blade and shaving cream period. company paid the well known celebrityThe Hawk goalies Mike Eberle athelete in the picture $10,000 to shave off and Howie Schwan were severely tested but made some fine his spectacular Fu-Man-Chu mustache. It saves and managed to hold off was discovered, however, after the film any Niles West scoring in that was developed, that the shaving cream used by this superstar (visible in lower first period. The second period moved right) was a different brand than that made along much at the same pace by the sponsor. This set off a long series until at 7:01 Jack Peterson of of legal disputes and character assassinaNiles West put one past the out- tions on the wholesome country boy quarstretched arms of Schwan, and terback. West was on the score board. Finally, in the past week, after years After that noal the Hawks in court and thousands of dollars in legal came storming back and finally got the ball down in Niles ter- fees, Sportswords has come up with the ritory, but the Indians tenacious exclusive right to print this exciting modefense kept the Hawks from ment in sports history. This column stops at nothing to provide you with the highest penetrating the goal. Without any more scoring in quality of sports coverage.

Exclusive Picture Released; Norsemen Grid Contender

Exclusive picture released for the f i r s t t i m e . Well known athlete in picture was paid $10,000 to shave.

• An interesting gridiron contest is in the making for a week from today. Next Friday night the Maine North Norsemen march onto the Maine East field to tangle with the Maine South gridders. As some of you might know, the North varsity coach is Lou Gartner, who up until two years ago was South's sophomore grid coach and ever popular freshman P.E. teacher (you youngsters really don't know what you missed). UnderGartner this year, the Norsemen have estabhshed an impressive 3-1 record, losing only to Deerfield by four points. Last week they downed New Trier West, and apparently two other teams before then. Gartner has built a strong senior squad with a powerful passing attack. Friday's contest should be interesting considering this year's seniors are the last luiit Gartner coached at South. It has even been rumored that former gridders, who have since retired, are volunteering to suit up for the game. The Hawks can expect quite a contest from the Norsemen, but it should be no trouble for South's seniors to get up for the game.

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