Vol 8 issue 6

Page 1


SAT Tests Set for Sat. Home varsity basketball game tonight at 6:45 against Glenbrook North. The varsity swim team will compete at South twice this weekend: tonight at 7 against Prospect and tomorrow at 1:30 against Hersey. There is a gymnastics meet at Maine East tonight at 7:30. Senior SAT tests are tomorrow at 8 a.m. Achievement tests are at 1 p.m. The home wrestling meet is at 1:30 versus Maine East. V-Show performances are tonight and tomorrow night at 8 p.m., Saturday and Sunday afternoons at 2:30 p.m. The AFS assembly is Dec. 7 at 8:10 a.m. Dec. 7 at 4:30 p.m. there is a swim meet here against Glenbrook North. There is a gymnastics meet at Hersey at 6:30 on Dec. 7. AFS week is Dec. 6—10. Dec. 9 there is a fencing meet at Marshall. The wrestling meet against Glenbrook North is at 6:30 p.m. on Dec. 10. Dec. II at 1:30 there is a swim meet here against St. Patrick's. The basketball game at Niles North is at 6:45 on Dec. 11. The Boy's Club Christmas Formal is at 8 p.m. on Dec. 11 in the cafeteria. The m u s i c department's Christmas Concerts are on Dec. 12 at 2 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. BS&C, a Junior .Achievement corporation, is selling handmade belts for $3.50. The money is used for the expansion of the JA program. Belts are available from Larry Piano '72, Lynn Ellinger '73, Wilma Neuman '72, or other members of the company. Students who would like to participate in Junior Achievement should contact the district headquarters in Des Plaines.

Seniors Apply Now

May Cancel 'Bloodrock' Unless 2000 tickets are sold by the end of today, the rock group Bloodrock probably wUl not perform Tuesday, Dec. 21, as scheduled. Only 364 tickets had been sold in the school bookstore and Key Vol. 8, No. 6 Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068 Dec. 3, 1971 Club's Paperback Bookstore as of Tuesday, Nov. 30. In addition. Student Coiucil has bought 200. Mr. Robert V. Simonson, assistant principal, commented Last Wednesday night, at the lack of funds, public interest, meeting for this purpose is that 2500 tickets sold at three dollars each are needed to cover Edison Park Home there was a and a location for the center. scheduled for next week. the anticipated cost of the conyouth meeting. It's purpose: to A location for the center is Fund Raising had one solucert. work towards a youth center for still uncertain. Many factors, tion. They are holding a combiall the youth in Park Ridge. According to district policy, a nation bake, garage, and rum- such as the legal research and At the meeting on Nov. 16, mage sale, on Dec. 11, at Jor- funds, must still be considered. group must be able to cover all During the last hour of the costs of such a project before a separate groups drew up a state- gensen Hall, in the Methodist meeting there was a heated dis- contract can be signed. ment of what they would like to Church. There will also be a achieve. Afterwards, everyone concert there on Dec. 8 (Al cussion on what factors the cenThis ruling is a direct result ter would greatly affect—mean- of the Maine East concert two got together and drew up a final Jahn). ing the freaks, straights, and definition of what was wanted. Public Relations has solved greasers. It is important to years ago.East's Student CounIt is stated as follows: cil signed a contract with perthe problem of reaching the pubthe point that there is no former Stevie Wonder but ticket "The most pressing material lic. There will be an open meet- stress at any particular faction; sales failed to even cover the goal is a youth center to be ing, on Dec. 16, at Roosevelt aim PRYC is looking at Park Ridge cost of the concert. East's Councreated and controlled by those Grade School. The meeting was youth a group, not in stereo- cil is still in debt. who use it or by their repre- originally intended for the alder- types. as The will be for all, sentatives. This center is to ac- men and mayor, but anyone where they center Mr. Simonson explained, "If may go for different commodate a free, nightly drop- concerned (parents!) is wel- activities, counseling, students could not cover the exor just to in center as well as various come. penses of a signed contract, the rap. other activities that have been district would have to pay with It was important for this orOther dates of importance mentioned as very important by tax money." individuals or may be thought ganization to have a name, so are: He also stated that the disDec. 2 — Community Commitof later. Tliis center will be after much discussion and detrict is responsible to the citbate, the name produced was tee for Coalition (C.C.C.) 7 p.m. open to all high-school age or izens of the community and older and will be sponsored by the Park Ridge Youth Coalition at 1131 S. Home. could meet some opposition to Dec. 6 — News & Views, 7 such adults responsible to those who (abbreviated PRYC). use of taxes. p.m.. 800 S. Adline (Sasser's). Before presenting their views attend. During the day this cenSteve Colnitis and Warren Further dates of meetings will ter may be available to the com- to the public, a basic structure Yamakoshi, Senior Class Counor program must be set up. A be announced. munity (clubs, etc.)." cil members, are directing the class project. Then five committees were set Steve stated, "I'm disappointup to work on their own before ed in the apathy of the students. the next meeting. The commitThis concert is somewhere to go tees were voluntary. Anyone and something to do, but many could sign up for Pubhcity, Pubkids don't seem to realize it." lic Relations, Fund Raising, Part of the problem in selling Legal Research or Location Retickets, Steve believes, has been search. Three coordinators were elected to ensure order at the The administration has given ature. In addition a course is the lack of local advertising. meetings: Bill Schroeder, Mar- its approval to put into effect now offered which will study The administration has allowed tin Steinfels and Eric Graff. many major changes in the the Bible from a literary point promotion only in each of the four Maine schools. At the meeting on Wednesday English curriculum. Next year of view. He thinks that lack of studentInformation on the sophomore night, the groups reported what sophomores, juniors and seniors they had accomplished. T h e will have a wide variety of one and junior courses wiU be of- to-student communication with main problems seemed to be a semester courses to choose fered on Dec. 10. Freshmen and the other schools is another facfrom. The choices result from sophomores will be asked to tor accounting for low ticket the introduction of a program submit the courses they plan sales. According to Mr. Simonson, designed by a committee head- to take through their junior ed by Mr. Marian Davis, Eng- year to help in registration and assistant principals of the Maine hsh Department Chairman. planning. This will not be a schools have seen no great demands for tickets. Replacing t h e traditional final registration. "Only a last minute change in Students failing any course courses ambiguously named English 2, 3 and 4, will be a will not be allowed to repeat, attitude in the students could choice of several one semester rather they will be required to save the concert now," Steve courses. Each course will be choose a new course to make added. Park Ridge Kiwanis Club will rated on a one to five scale up the credit. He and Warren may ask for sponsor the representatives. on its difficulty with five being Three years of English will an extension of the selling perSix Congressional Seminars the most difficult. still be required for graduation. iod. run from Jan. 30 to July 30. Next year's sophomores and They present a concentrated juniors will be able to choose study of federal government, from the same list of courses. particularly Congress. Because of early registration Each day, student groups by the juniors, however, next meet with Congressmen, sen- year's senior courses will be ators, Cabinet members and restricted to seniors. Starting other government officials to the following year, there will "Students are the only ones people, Mr. Wuehrmann stated. exchange questions and an- be no grade level distinction who One obstacle to approval of can take a 'no' vote and swers. for any of the new courses of- change it into a 'yes' vote," the referendum are the older Students also attend classes fered to sophomores, juniors said Mr. William Wuehrmann of people without children of high conducted by Congressional and seniors. Mr. Davis hopes the District 207 Board of Edu- school age. They may not wish aides. Congressional committee for guidance to assist the stu- cation. to spend money on something meetings. House and Senate dent greatly in choosing the Mr. Wuehrmann was speaking they are not directly using, or chamber sessions and an Em- difficulty of his courses. in reference to the District 207 may have a negative feeling tobassy reception. wards young people. English 1 will be retained for tax referendum on Dec. 4. During 1972 the Congression- freshmen as a full year course. It is here that Mr. WuehrThe referendum asks for a al Seminars will focus on the up- Mr. Davis looks for this course lax increase in order to main- mann feels students can change to provide a basic background tain the present quality of the the tide of the referendum. coming Presidential election. Mr. Kohler, commenting on of skills in langauge, composi- Maine Township high schools. "In the last referendum," he the Workshops, said, "T h e tion, reading and literature. He "The object of the referen- related, "well-dressed, w e 11Workshops provide an unparal- does not plan to change the dum," Mr. Wuehrmann believes, mannered students met voters leled opportunity to learn how accelerated-AP program noting "is to tell taxpayers we need at the polling places," he said. national government operates the excellent results it is achiev- more money in order to run "Polite young people came to and how the student can per- ing. things the way they have been help senior citizens out of their sonally influence legislation. The seniors course offerings run in the past." cars, and show everyone where Mary Beth Krebs spent 12 have already been announced. He thinks it would be unfair days in Washington last sum- According to Mr. Kenneth Beat- if, because of lack of funds, stu- tn register." Mr. Wuehrmann feels that a mer at the Workshop. Mary Beth ty, committee member, courses dents now entering the Maine felt that the workshop was "a retain some areas covered in schools receive an education of good impression of students can fantastic first-hand learning ex- previous senior English courses a lesser quality than the present change a "no" vote into "yes." perience." except that the new courses seniors. He explained that some, "No grade pressure existed; will be aimed toward specific In effect, taxpayers are thus though by no means all, older each of us was totally sub- interests and needs of seniors. voting on whether to maintain people, don't see why they merged in government," comThe senior courses will in- the present quality of education should spend their money on mented Mary Beth. clude two creative writing for future students. "Perhaps ill-mannered, unkempt young Mary Beth also added, "1 was courses (one prerequisite to the Mr. Wuehrmann offered, "tax people. able to meet and really get to other), individualized reading, payers don't want this kind of PoUmg places are open from know kids from every socio-eco- rhetoric and composition, con- education for future students." noon to 7 p.m. on Dec. 4 at nomic background, giving me a temporary hterature, satire and Students are needed to dispel the Maine high schools. Everybetter perspective on problems humor, language and man and the image a few young people one over 18 who is a registered we discuss^." heroes and anti-heroes in liter- have created among some older voter can vote.

Consider Area Youth Centers

English Dept. Adopts New Curriculum Plan

2 Students Will Receive Washington Fellowships The Social Science Department has announced it will award fellowships to the Washington Woricshops for 1972. According to Mr. Otto Kohlcr, department chairman, any senior enrolled in a government course, including Government/ Democracy Ace. and .AP European History, can apply. Applications will be available in the department office, A-217, on Mon., Dec. 6, at 8 a.m. Two representatives will be selected by a committee of instructors appointed by Mr. Kohler. The $225 fellowships cover tuition, room, board and fees for one week. Students must make their own travel arrangements.

Mary B«th Krebs, 1971 representative t o the Washington Workshops, discusses her experiences in the Congressional Senninar.

Mr. Weuhrmann: Students Must Win Votes for Levy

Pag* 2


December 3, 1971

Encounter Training

SC Happy To Discover 'Warm Fuzzies' By Ann Flannery I had been warned that this was an "unwritable" story. My counselor informed me that it would have taken him a year to express his reactions to the experience. A friend cautioned that I would never be able to put it all into words. I wasn't convinced. I believe them now, as I try to express just what happened at and what benefits were gained from the encounter training received by Student Council at Forest Hospital. This experience must simply be undertaken to be believed. Actually, the day started out very simply as we arrived sepaterly at the hospital's Postgraduate Center. We were sent to the auditorium, a large, carpeted room with slightly raised stage, numerous chairs, mostly stacked, and dim, warm, lights. Our supervisor. Dr. Robert Willford, introduced himself and Bill, along with three others, who stayed with us all day. Then we began to talk about people and feelings. We started to experience feelings doing simple exercises about meeting other people. First, we just looked at them as we talked with a partner about ourselves. After that, we joined with another group of two for more talk. In new partnerships, we discussed identity. Then, in various other combinations of two and four, we tried to notice things aout each other, to communicate with our backs to each other and with our eyes closed. Meanwhile, no great lightning bolts of awareness struck. Everyone still felt slightly foolish, as though nothing was being accomplished. At this point we broke into groups of eight and told each other just how we felt about one another: positive, negative, distant or close. This complete honesty was disarming and started to crumble the barriers we had brought with us. I, as well as the others, began to realize how much positivie feelings from unexpected places, from people who had

been just names before meant suddenly, the actions that had been games before became a search for the positive in people because of the lift of answering positive feelings. Next, our now open group explored their fantasies in pairs, in groups, and under the influence of a tropical aviary of bird sounds. We stretched the tension out of our bodies by exercise as the group leaders dimmed the lights. The only failure of the whole afternoon came when we tried a group fantasy, a string of words supposedly forming a story, which came out hilarious since no one seemed to take it seriously. Perhaps, however, not everything could be all serious. After lunch, we tried non-

verbal communication and trust games. These included a sighted partner leading a blindfolded one around, one partner falling and the other one catching him, and a partner or group member neither aiding or resisting as his libms were gently lifted. An aura of trust in each other filled the whole groups as we began to care for other people and to guard them from harm. After more trust games, more involved but also non-verbal, we all heard a story about "warm fuzzies," or positive feelings. Fuzzies exist in unlimited supply and should be given to others and received in return. No doubt a fairy tale would have made us giggle that morning, but by the end of the day

we found it perfect. As we embraced, warmly and trustingly, no one wanted to leave and break the magic spell of positive feelings. My only disappointment Tuesday afternoon was that I didn't relate to more new people: 1 only made three real friends. Dr. Willford asked, as our

Breaking Cultural Custom: ' 2 0 0 Motels' Creative Film By Mike Springston Over the past few years when talentless, unimaginative groups like the .Archies. Grand Funk

Campus Verdict: Winning Loss .Judy Daly It looks like this is about it for South as far as open campus is concerned — at least for awhile. Maybe future Maine students will be luckier than we are, • Now that the open campus issue has t>een decided, attention has been shifted to the upcoming referendum. Posters reminding students of its importance have been displayed in the halls for several weeks now. Voters will decide Saturday if they will raise the tax rate to meet the district's 10 per cent deficit. While some may consider this a decision of little significance, the outcome could have many effects on the school's curriculum and outside activities. Classroom size is pretty full now. If this referendum fails, students should expect to see a classroom population explosion by September. • Inside sources indicate that the proposed smoking lounge is dead. As with open campus, wo tried. • Students seemed to be fairly excited over the prospect of having Bloodrock here at South. Unfortunately, ticket sales proved differently, falling short of the number needed to sign the contract. The date of the concert or the price of the tickets might explain the poor response. Bloodrock could appear, however, if Student Council, the administration and the Senior Class are willing to give it another try.


Aftermath of Student Apathy: Activities Die We blame our teachers when we fail a class. We blame poor speakers for our own poor behavior at assemblies. We blamed our parents because we didn't get the kind of open campus we wanted. We blame the custodial staff because our garbage accumulates in the loimge all day. Maybe we'll even blame "ignorant voters" if tomorrow's referendum fails. Thus we follow a predictable pattern of immaturity, putting the blame for our own failings on others — whether or not they are in the least bit responsible.


POLLMS, AA/0 ALL THtO^ DO lb 5i/y/6? ^




• When the District 207 Board of Education reached its decision on open campus for the Maine schools, many students expressed mixed reactions about it. Many said it didn't go far enough, while others saw it as a step in the right direction. Most seniors weren't aroused by it because it won't effect them anyway. Tlie local papers saw it as a compromise between adults and the students. Now that all the discussion and argument is over, I wonder if any of our efforts really accomplished anything. The major objective of open campus is to give students the freedom to leave the campus during study and lunch periods. The only radical change that the Board instituted was the "late arrival system." Most students already have early dismissal. Op«n campus would have pleased the majority of the students. Unfortunately, next year only a limited number of students will benefit by the new system. • Despite this failure in attaining an open campus for South students, I think a definite goal was achieved. For once, adults and students were able to get together and sensibly discuss a proposal. Although voices were sometimes raised above a normal speaking tone, most people were willing to listen and discuss both the pros and cons of open campus.

awareness increased, that we take away at least one thought. Too often he said, the way a person feels depends on the way those around him feel. Consequently, people were always manipulating other people just to feel good.

But Southwords is curious at this point. Just who will we say is responsible for the cancellation of the Bloodrock concert? Who has to answer for the fact that no South students will be participating in the Americans Abroad program this year? How come we received no letters to the editor this week? Why did the removal of the Senior Class president pass unchallenged? Just who are we going to choose for our scapegoat now? Maybe now's the time to realize that we've run out of scapegoats. Let's face it. Nobody's to blame but students — you, me, and the guy sitting between us right now. We're the ones who have complaints and, hopefully, suggestions — which we don't bother to present to Council, Southwords, or Triangle of Power, We're the very people who didn't bother to volunteer for AFS so that more qualified candidates could have been presented to the office in New York. We're the students who wouldn't or didn't bother to go out and buy and sell tickets for the Bloodrock concert. What makes us look even worse is to hear our complaints, demands, criticisms: Give us a lounge, a concert. Give us extracurricular activities. We're young, active, perceptive people who want to be involved. That is, to be quite frank, a lot of bull. We can mouth and sing all the prettv little phrases we want to; until we actually go out and do something, we're not going to prove to one solitary soul, let alone ourselves, that we really do "give a damn."

Railroad, and the Jackson Five were dominating the record industry, Frank Zappa and the Mothers of Invention were building up a strong following despite such handicaps as creativity and talent, Zappa has taken these handicaps to the movies and has turned out one of the funniest movies since the Marx Brothers and W, C, Fields roamed the screen. Like the movies of his predecessors, Zappa's 200 Motels is not restricted by plot. All it contains is a lot of freaky visual effects, some of the funniest, raanchiest humor this side of cheech and chong and a lot of Mothers' music that suffers when compared with the happenings on the screen. The main characters are Ringo Starr as Larry the Dwarf, Keith Moon, Who drummer, as a strung-out groupie harpist, Theodore Bikel as a narrator. The Mothers play themselves, as do the Royal Philharmonic Orchestra, Some of the funnier scenes are a cartoon called "Dental Hygiene Dilemma" where the character chooses the devil over Donovan and, after smoking a rolled-up bath towel, steals everything in the room. In yet another, Larry the Dwarf takes the audience on a tour of a government re-orientation center for classical musicians. The center comes complete with barbed-wire, watchdogs, and armed guards. Some of the special effects are really mind-blowing if you're in the proper frame of mind, but a word of warning: Don't see this movie unless you have enough time to see it a couple of times. You'll want to see it again after the first show and enjoy it more the second and third times you see it. unless you object to raunchy humor that pokes fun at everything except motherhood and apple pie (Frank must have run out of film).

Si^^^thu^or^gt Th» oHiciil studtnl ii«wip«p«r o< M<in« Township High School SouHt, Park Rids*. Illinsii, uet*. WrifHn and oditad IS timos *«ch ytar by tludtntt of the high Khaol. SubKiiplioxs includtd with activity ticktt, purchaMd toparatoty at M par yaar, • r Individually for 10c. (Prkad Mslxr tor i u u a * ol moro tlian 4 p a f t t . )

Editor-m<;hlef Mary Beth Krtba Nevts Editor Tom Baib Spotta Editor Tom Luctot Ait-Plioto Ediiar B«tay Roaacn Anlstaiit Editon Sac Chan, Cathy Clarry, Bob Flowen. Randy Gluaa, Kris Lindgrcn Reporters — Jim Bruce, Judy Daly. Ann Flannery. Barb GrabowaU. ScoU Graham, Judy Kranx. Eileen Lynch. Mark Mantold. Lynn M a s o n . Uaa Piaaecki, Nancy Ruaooe. Mike Riuin, Cindy Sopata, Btike Springston. Jim ThompMU Cartoonists

Marcy HawUna, Pat Hester Photograpbers Nortiert Becker, L n KorosU. MUie Maloney. Sandy Verlench. Tom Wriffat Studeitf News Bureau , Para Sakowicz Sponsor Ken Beatty

r 3, 1971


Page 3

Nostalgic V-Show Picks Elephant's Memories Remember when you first saw the Beatles on Ed Sullivan? Remember Motown and the Supremes, hula-hoops and skateboards? This year's V-Show will combine memories from past musicals performed at South as well as a journey back through three generations. New electronic techniques such as strobes, kaleidoscopes and color organs will be used and 200 pictures will be flashed on the screen as a special effect. Tom Edinger '72, a member of sound crew for the show, explained that the only real difficulty this year is setting up enough microphones on stage so the cast can be clearly heard. Tom said that this year a

"Rhapsody in B l u e " is expertly handled by our Brazilian g u e s t , Nieta Silva.

new tape deck will be used along with mikes borrowed from the drama department. "Although not many sound effects are used in variety shows, we do use effects such as thunder, trains and even switch board operators," said Tom. Other acts will include an Afro dance with an authentic Watusi Drum Ensemble, transitions in fashions and music and a new approach called Tnmk, consisting of singers, actors and performers. Involvement again is stressed with a cast and crew of just under 500. Variety will be stressed with twirling, comedy and vocal acts. Tickets are on sale in the cafeteria for $1.75. Performances are Dec. 2, 3 and 4 at 8 p.m. and Dec. 4 and 5 at 2:30 p.m.

Student director Nancy Mellon is the storyteller for this year's show.

Sue Clark and Nancy Cook are joggers on a coast-tocoast t r e k .

Ann Sensenbrenner a n d Barry Schroeder dance up a storm to " P e t e r G u n n . "

Creating a "Star-Spangled Spectacular" are the Hawkettes, the Maine South Pom Pon g i r l s .





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Page 4

December 3, 1971


Don't You Remember When...

Communicating love through song and actions is " W h a t the World Needs Now

Those four l a d s f r o m Liverpool are played by B r a d Henrickson, J W a l l , Dave Benjamin and

A call goes out to all " B i g Spenders" in the audience.

Al Jahn.

AAatt Bisbee assumes an Ed Sullivan guise for a " r e a l l y big s h o w . "

The Motown sound of the Supremes is crooned by Cheryl B e a n and Sue Rodeliuf.

Maine South personalities are portrayed as students think " I f I w e r e not a student here . . . "

of 72

M r . McLean and the hard-working stage band provide much of the music for the production.

Twirler Krista McLean entertains w i t h her routine to " I Love a P a r a d e . "

DMwmber 3, 1971


Page 5

School Board Members Hail Partial Open Campus Plan Why not an open campus for South? Such factors as the increase in vandalism, truancy and drop-outs seriously influenced the board's decision. In * place of open campus, the board has suggested a "flexible schedule system." How students handle this next year could determine whether open campus will ever become a reality here at South. Mr. Roy Makela of the District 207 school board described the recent decision as a "step towards open campus." Entitled "Student Use of Free Time" the policy requires that students be in attendance five clock hours. Each student arrives at school for his first

Council Buys 2 0 0 Tickets Student Council twice over the past week took measures to assist the Senior Class in meeting its quota of 2,500 tickets sold to the Bloodrock Concert by today. Yet the effort may be stifled by the lack of approval from the executive board. On Nov. 22, Council voted to appropriate $300 to buy 100 tickets to the concert with a motion by Al Jahn, C-129 senior representative. The motion was passed over the objection of many, with Bill Baumgartner, C-122 complex leader, the major voice. Baum. gartner said that the concert was the Senior Class' responsibility and did not call for a risk of Student Council finances. On Nov. 29, Howard Burnson, C-135 complex leader, moved to appropriate $300 more f o r another set of 100 tickets, pointing out that the concert was falling far short in its ticket sales. Burnson said the success of the concert was the concern of the entire school, not just the Senior Class which sponsors it. Baumgartner again objected, but the motion was passed. At the Dec. 1 meeting. Jay Rasmussen, treasurer, pointed • out that the money had not yet been sent to the Senior Class despite the fact that the Senior Class had delivered the tickets. ' Rasmussen pointed out that all expenditures over $500 must be approved by the executive board. As of that meeting the Student Council sponsors had not submitted the $600 appropriation to the board for approval. Rasmussen did not expect the senior class to have their final decision by today.

period; homeroom will be altered accordingly. If a student has class second period, homeroom will begin the last 15 minutes of first period. Homeroom will begin at 8:10 a.m. for students who have a class first period. Students having homeroom at the same time will meet in the same homeroom. Students will not necessarily be in the same homeroom as they were the preceding year. Counselors will make announcements to each homeroom twice daily. According to Prin-

cipal Clyde K. Watson, most counselors don't seem to mind the extra work. Having homeroom before a student's first class is a good buffer for late buses. "The school would rather have a student late for homeroom than for one of his classes," Dr. Watson said. Under this new system, a student is free to structure his own free time. Activities will be available in designated areas of the building. However, freshmen and sophomores must remain in one full study hall. "Everyone needs certain direction. By a student's second Classical, Carols year, he should have acquired Comprise Concert good study habits," Dr. Watson This year's Christmas Con- said. The board believes the froshcert, featuring all performing groups in the Maine South mu- soph study hall will make availsic department except the band, able to the student the matevail be held Sunday, Dec. 12. rials and the help he needs in The performances will fea- his first years. Mr. Makela believes that out ture classical music and conclude with the traditional carols of this type of open campus should come different types of led by the choir. Among the orchestra's selec- activities of educational value, tions, under the direction o! chosen by the students themMr. Lloyd Spear, will be two selves. ballet numbers from TchaikovThe upcoming referendum sky's Nutcracker Suite. could seriously alter next year's The Concert Choir, directed system. Right now the situaby Mr. Irwin Bell, will include tion looks flexible. However, in its presentation "And the the board is working with the Glory of the Lord" from Han- administration to come up with del's Messiah and "Twas the suggestions if the referendum does fail. Night Before Christmas." A total open campus was not Mr. Spear, music department chairman, emphasized that "We approved by the board for sevwould like to see more students eral reasons. Mr. Wesley Hartparticipate in these concerts." zell, another board member, Free tickets will be available felt that this type of open camin the music office (PA-110) pus was chosen out of considfor both the 2 p.m. and 4:30 eration for the community's feelings. p.m. concerts.

'Go, Hawks, go" — as long as it's on the field. "It was the proper method to Students coming and going be implemented at the time," would spend half their time out of school," he said. Mr. Hartzell said. According to Mr. Hartzell the Although students were not board will continue to study given the freedom to leave the possibilities of an open school grounds, Mr. Wuehrcampus for South. "If students mann doesn't think the students exhibit maturity with next wasted time fighting a lost year's system, maybe they will cause. be given more freedom," he "The entire eight months said. spent investigating open camMr. John Means, also a board pus were incredibly valuable. member, stated why he felt If anything was improved, it open campus was turned down. was the understanding between "Basically the board felt that the students and the adminisno effective purpose comes tration," he noted. from a total open campus. Now it's practically open campus. Parents and most other people seem satisfied with an open (CONTINUED FROM PACK 2) campus on campus," he said. Board president Mr. William I know I learned that any posWuehrmann said that the flex- itive feelings should start inside, ible schedule system was initi- be expressed to others, and will ated to lessen the administra- then be returned, stronger than tion's burden of keeping track ever. of the students. My friends were right; this is Dr. Watson was not in favor not the full story. Encounter is of an open campus for South. an experience, and can only be "We have a 15 million dollar experienced. I hope that everyplant. The objective is to try one will soon be involved in it to provide every way for a and have "warm fuzzies" in student to take advantage of it. abundance.

Feeling 'Fuzzy"

SC Accounts for $ 5 0 0 Appropriations In September, Student Council's treasury contained $2600.93. Since then, the treasury has spent more than $500. A $74.65 fee was charged for making a schedule for the American Field Service student, Nieta Silva. The Park Ridge Chapter of AFS received $184.19 to cover expenses for the AFS student and the society. On District 207 Teachers' Appreciation Day. $86.15 was spent for rolls and coffee for the teachers. Student Council appropriated $50 to WMTH for new records. Lumber for V-Sbow cost $185.80. V-Show is sponsored by Student Council and they receive several thousand dollars from the performances.

Gale Sayers, speaker for the Homecoming Assembly, was paid $100, which he donated to his favorite charity. Another Homecoming expenditure was $3.75 for Pom-Pon to cover the cost of the antenna tops stolen from cars in the parade. The group that played for the homecoming assembly received $35. An annual fee of $25 must be paid to belong to the National Association of Student Councils, of which South's Council is a member. Costs that have not yet gone through the District office include $125 for the performance of the Soul Concern. April Everding, last year's

, Ridge Jr. MISS, Court from South

Junior M i « Margie Gibson (center) witii her court (clockwise from upper left) Pam Sakowicz, Ann Flannery, Mary Beth Krebs and Lynne Poggensee.

Margie Gibson '72 is the 1971 Park Ridge Junior Miss. Margie will go on to compete in the state pageant in Berwyn the week of Dec. 27. Her coiui. consists of four other senior girls: Ann Flannery, first runner-up and winner of the talent award; Pam Sakowicz, second runner-up; Mary Beth Krebs, third runnerup; Lynne Poggensee, fourth runner-up. The girls were chosen from sixteen finalists from Maine East and Maine South at the annual Junior Miss pageant last Friday. The girls performed a talent presentation and gave a talk on their favorite sport in the competition. The Park Ridge Jaycees are the sponsors of the Park Ridge Junior Miss Pageant.

Homecoming Queen, received $110 for her plane fare from Arkansas. Student Council also recently purchased 100 to 200 tickets from the Senior Class for the Bloodrock concert in order to help reach the goal of 2500 tickets by deadline.

Council donated $200 to the American Civil Liberties Union to help it out of its poor financial state. An unknown amount will go to Forest Hospital for a program of sensitivity training open to all interested students and Council members.

2 AFS Finalists Chosen; Rejected by Organization This year's finalists from Maine South in the Americans Abroad program are juniors Marilyn Smith and Joe Hermes. Both were recently informed, however, that AFS international headquarters in New York had turned down their applications. Both Marilyn and Joe became interested in the organization from the AFS assembly their freshman year. By participating in the program, Marilyn had hoped "to better understand problems facing people in other countries" and to better understand herself. She added, "Living in a foreign country can be an education in itself." Marilyn is taking her third year of French and had applied for the winter program in the Northern Hemisphere. Joe is now taking his third year of German and had hoped to go to Germany. When asked about his part in the program, Joe said that he hoped to benefit Maine South by "coming back with a fresh knowledge of a foreign country and its people." This year's AFS chairman, Cheryl Anderson, felt that an important aspect of AFS is

"that it helps to break down personal prejudices people in different lands hold against each other." Cheryl plans to hold several general fimd-raising and publicity campaigns to benefit the AFS organization.

Underground Merger Told The New Word Press, a proposed independent newspaper for this school year has merged its effort with the already present News and Views, according to John Sasser, New Word editor. Sasser took over the editorship from Bill Dickens, who quit to avoid conflict with his post as Student Council President. Sasser claimed that since both the papers are involved in the same purpose and since News and Views is already established with a post office box and a bank account, there is no need for another publication. News and Views has published three issues thus far dealing mostly with the local youth meetings.

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December 3, 1971

Cagers Battle Hersey Tomorrow After three quick non-conference victories to get the season off on the right foot, the Hawk Cagers will play their first conference contest tonight against a muscular Glenbrook North team. The Spartans are not ranked high in the conference this year, but, as Coach Brady noted, "they are primarily a football school and the basketball team is comprised mostly of football players. They may start off slow, but as the season pro-

gresses they will get better." Brady also noted that they should not be taken lightly, as in the past two years they have given the Hawks trouble. "A tough battle on the boards." That's the way Coach Brady sees tomorrow's game with the awesome Hersey Huskies. This seems to be a fairly accurate statement to make since Hersey has a front line that might send shivers up and down most pro teams' spines, with heights of 6-11, 6-8, and


Pigskin All-Conference; Jousters Defend State Title Tom Lanctot, Sports Editor

• Hawk pigskin tackle Paul Gustafson has successfully defended his All-Conference status in the Central Suburban League coaches poll. Other Hawk gridders named were linebacker Lou Coletto, halfback Pat McNamara, and ends Jay Rasmussen and Tom Spicer. Quarterback Brad Kamstedt, defensive back Jim Lange, and fullback Tony Rodham received honorable mentions. This is Gustafson's second year as an All-Conference performer. He was this season's outstanding Hawk lineman, delivering key blocks and tackles, playing on both offensive and defensive lines. While Gustafson refuses to disclose his body measurements, he is a retired wrestler and has demonstrated his massive strength on the track as well. • The Hawkettes open a three night and two afternoon stand in the auditorium this weekend. They will be the featured attraction at this year's V-Show, and I reviewed their stunning act at rehearsal earlier this week. Their nostalgic and patriotic rendition is certainly one of their most dynamic routines I have ever witnessed. There wasn't a dry eye left in the house. The squad has a grueling pom-pon schedule this season, with a road trip scheduled in January and February. Coach Barbara Bobrich is challenged with getting the squad up for each one of its demanding performances. • The varsity jousters opened their season last night at New Trier West. The swordsmen are out to defend their state championship standing. Fencing has traditionally lacked fan interest. 1 suggest combining the horseback riding club and the fencing team, using spears instead of swords, thus forming a lancing team. Fencing rules would apply, with riders attacking each other for a touch. These lancers could joust during the half of my proposed four quarters of pompon or appear as entertainment at an all school assembly.

All-Conference tackle Paul Gustirfson (72) and teammate M a r k Deran (71) pounce on a Niles West quarterback.

6-4. It is generally agreed by the players that this could be the toughest game of the season. The first three Hawk victories were fairly easy. Brady attributes this mainly to a balanced scoring attack and speed in the backcourt. "Bill Harbeck's speed at guard has been a very important factor in the team's success, thus far." The fleet-footed junior guard has 43 points in just three games. Last Saturday the Hawks took on the New Trier East Indians. When the final buzzer sounded the Hawks had themselves a 94-48 victory. New Trier held their only lead in the game at the outset of the first quarter when they sunk a free throw and led 1-0. From that point on it was all Maine South, as the Hawks scored 25 points in that first period and coasted to victory. Tom Spicer led all rebounders and point getters with 16 and 21, respectively. Jerry Jones, the only returning AllConference player followed close behind with 17 points. Bill Harbeck rippled the cords for 11.

In a game the previous Wednesday, the Hawks made numerous mistakes in the first half but came back in the half for an 83-71 victory over the Prospect Knights. The Knights exhibited hot shooting hands all night and this managed to keep them within 7 points until the very end when the Hawks sunk five unanswered buckets and squirmed out a 12 point victory. Tom Spicer was again high scoring and rebound man for the Hawks as he worked for 23 tallies and 18 captures. Senior center Tom "Peanuts" Schmelzer added 21 points, and Harbeck 16 points. Senior guard Tim Brady did not score, but did make several passes to set up his teammates for baskets late in the game. In the opener on November 19, the Hawks crushed the Crystal Lake Tigers by a score of 100-33. Todd Onderdonk pushed through points 99 and 100 with less than 10 seconds showing on the clock. Harbeck led all scorers with IC, Jones 15, and Brady collected 13.

Flexers Open Mystery Season by Bob Flowers Maine South's varsity gymnastics team tripped into its season last weekend. The Hawks did come home with a win in their non-conference meet against East Leyden, but the performances in the meet have shown that the team as a whole needs revitalization.

In tonight's meet against Maine East, the Hawks second non-conference meet, the team will show whether or not it can off-set its initial record. Varsity coach John Riccitelli believes "The team is plagued with problems." Tonight's meet will indicate, as Coach Riccitelli says, wheth-

Grapplers Drop Mat Opener by Mike Springston After a disappointing start against the Forest View team, the Maine South wrestlers apparently have a long weekend in store for them. They take on St. Viator's tonight and Maine East tomorrow in what Coach Tom Ziemek terms "Two tough meets." The Hawks have more of the same in store for them next week when they take on West Leyden. West Leyden crushed last year's state champion last week and are going to be hard to stop. Last week South took a real beating as Forest View won, 42-14. "Forest View had a pretty good team and the kids weren't ready to wrestle," was Coach Ziemek's assessment of the meet. "Takedowns are the most important thing and the kids didn't get very many of them." The meet started off well enough as Jeff Mau '75, this week's Wrestler of the Week, beat his opponent Tom Redmond, 9-2, in the 98-lb. match. After Mike Charewicz dropped the 105 spot, 9-7, Junior Bob Olker trounced his opponent.

Greg Pfaff, 8-1 at 112. From there, though, it was all downhill. Bob Felix lost at 119, 6-2. Chuck DiFranco dropped the 126 spot, 12-2. Julian Henshaw was pinned 56 seconds into the 132 match by Forest View's Rob Caltagirone. Mark Roer sustained an injury and lost the 138 place by default. Dave Loria was pinned in 49 seconds at 145 by Gordie Moore before Tony Ruggeri tied Steve Dolphin at 155, 3-3. Mike Herdrich was pinned at 167 by Matt Cotten, 74 seconds into the second period and Jeff Shoemaker was pinned at 185 by Ed Wargo with 16 seconds left in his match. Tony Rodham then saved South some face when he pinned his heavyweight opponent, Dave Savino, with 1:10 gone in the first period. On the lower level both the sophomores and freshmen won. The sophomores are apparently continuing their winning ways from last year when, as freshmen, they posted a 14-1 record and captured the conference championship.

Swimmers Sink Lane Tech; Travel to Maine East Tonight the swim team starts a busy weekend with an away meet against Maine East. Tomorrow afternoon at 1:30, the tankers host Sullivan and Hersey in their first home meet of the year. "These meets will serve as a tune up for Tuesday's conference opener against Glenbrook North," said Coach Ben Harris. After the home meet with Glenbrook North, the varsity and sophomores take on St. Patrick next Saturday, in the home tank. The varsity squad demonstrated early season ability in its triangular with Evanston

and Lane Tech. Although the Hawks lost to Evanston, they triumphed over the Lane Tech squad by a score of 47 to 43. Lane Tech is the defending swim champ of the Chicago Public League. Last year's downstate medley relay combination of Brad Kozie 73, Ted Johnson '72, Bob McCuUough '74 and Norm Pussehl '72 got the Hawks off to an early lead, turning in a time below last year's state qualifying time. Pussehl later took first place in the 50 yd. freestyle with a time well under last year's state qualifying

Hawk forward Tom Spicer pops a jump shot during the Prospect game last Wednesday night.

mark. Distance men Mike Scotese '75 and Dane Kozie '75 picked up second and third place points in the 400 yd. freestyle event. Ted Johnson, with a state qualifying time and Chuck Highes concluded the Hawks' scoring with first and third place finishes in the 100 yd. breaststroke. On the sophomore level the Hawks were less fortunate and lost to both Lane Tech and Evanston. Mark Umbach '74 led the squad in scoring, finishing third in both the 50 yd. and 100 yd. freestyle. Brian

Loughlin placed second in the 100 yd. breaststroke. The freshman squad has shown surprising strength in its first two meets this season. The freshmen lost to New Trier East by one point. New Trier has long ranked as one of the top three teams in the state. Dane Kozie and Mike Scotese each took two firsts and a second and have since been moved up to the varsity level. Despite the loss of Kozie and Scotese to varsity, the freshmen were able to beat Evanston by a score of 48 to 47.

er adjustments in individual positions will be needed and, if necessary, complete restructuring in the degree of difficulty in the routines for some of the gymnasts. As in past seasons, the trend for the team is to begin the season sluggishly and then improve with peak performance toward the end of the season in February. This year the varsity has to cope with additional problems. A few experienced gymnasts have already quit the team. Also, the varsity is depending on sophomores to reinforce the rest of the team. The inexperienced sophomores, in Coach Riccitelli's opinion, were unable to control themselves in the varsity competition, with the exception of seasoned Jim LoBue. However, Coach Riccitelli continued, "After their initial shock they can improve tonight." After the performance in tonight's meet, the Hawks should pick up momentum so that they'll be ready for Hersey next Tuesday. Against East Leyden last week the Hawks won 109.14 to 75.04. Thirty points of the total for Maine South were gained because of forfeiture since East Leyden did not have a trampoline squad. Although this does point out that the Hawks won by a narrow margin, several individual gymnasts gave high scoring routines for the first meet of the season. Sophomore letterman Jim LoBue scored 6.8, on a 10-point scale, in his free-exercise routine. On the side horse junior Tim Wright gave the best routine on that apparatus with a score of 4.9. On the high bar senior Steve Schmunk led his section with a 6.1 score, while senior Dirk Martin gave the best routine for the team with a score of 7.6 on the parallel bars. This week, the team suffered a severe blow as bar man Schmunk Injured his hand and will miss tonight's Maine East meet. Junior Rich Behnke executed the second-best routine on the still rings with a 7.4. The team will be picking up pace in the new year. They still have to face last year's conference champ Glenbrook South two weeks from tonight in the Hawks' first home meet.

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