Vol 8 issue 9

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Suspension Plan Submitted to Board student Cooncil's new disciplinary proposal designed to clarify the existing suspention system will be submitted to the Executive Board on Tuesday. According to Bill Baumgartner, C-122 Complex Leader,

"There was a need to get in writing a minimum of due process guarantee." Lynne LaJone, Student Council secretary, added, "We have to provide for appeals before punishment whenever possible."

Students Offer Reaction to Coalition and Youth Paper When News & Views first appeared, many thought it would flop, as did the Anteater. Others thought it would serve as an outlet for informing students of the progress being made by the Park Ridge Youth Coalition. The Coalition has been sufficiently covered elsewhere, however, including announcements made at the end of the daily bulletin. Now, many students are questioning the newsletter's purpose. "If kids wanted to know what was going on at the meetings, they'd attend them," says one senior. "1 read Mie issue. They asked for articles or anything anyone might have to print. I see it as a creative writing magazine," .stated one freshman. For some students, its purpose seems to be that of a bulletin of information concerning students. One student offered an idea: "Since South words has failed as a paper for open debate between students and faculty, perhaps this newsletter could serve that purpose. If the faculty let

us in on some of their views, a lot more things could be done around here." The newsletter came out at the same time the Coalition got on its feet. The editors have not restricted their paper only to Coalition news, however. As John Sasser, one of the News & Views . organizers, said, "Southwords has too many restrictions. This community paper will give the student a chance to react to the changes, faculty or anything of importance that bothers them." John, like many of the News & Views staff, is deeply involved with the Youth Coalition. The main issue now confronting the Coalition is finding a building for the estabUsbment of a youth center. One obstacle is money. The Coalition has begun an appeal to clubs and members of the community in an attempt to form the Community Service Board of Trustees. As stated by Eric Graff, Coalition member, "This board is an attempt to unite, in a coordinate effort, all civic-minded organizations in a common contract for social change."

Cast and Crew Members Remark on Upcoming Play This year's Senior Qass Play, Arthur Miller's Death of a Salesman, will be presented in the Maine South auditorium on Feb. 17, 18 and 19. The cast will include Rick Spatafora '72 in the lead as WiUy Loman, with S a n d y Schramel '72, Dick Stinson '72 and Rick Tinaglia '73 in other major roles. Mr. Donald Martello, director, feels that this year is a good time to present the play because this is sometimes referred to as the age of the so-called "big business machine." "Today it's easy for a man to completely lose himself in his business," he pointed out, "and Death of a Salesman is the story of just such a man." Some members of the cast interpret the play differently. Sandy Schramel felt that the message within the play is that "There is a fine line between what is real and what is fantasy. For a person to have a fantasy is fine, but no one person has the right to control another's dreams." Rick Tinaglia added that "Willy's theory is that if you

are well liked, you will automatically be a success in life. The play proves the inconsistencies of that behef." According to Rick Spatafora, this year's play might be one of the most difficult plays Maine South has ever attempted. Rick also mentioned that he was having a little difficulty memorizing his lines, although he was not sure whether or not a certain degree of outside pressure might be the cause. Rick added that, "It's always hard to play someone much older than yourseU, particularly when the character has had the hard experiences in life that WiUy has." Cast members John Kersting and Kim Burson seemed to agree that the major problem with the play lay in the dramatization of the parts. "It's hard," Kim said, "to get into the mood and the feeling behind the characters." Tickets went on sale Feb. 1, at the price of $1 for students and $1.50 for adults. Some profits from the play will be used to assist the senior prom fund.

Rick Spatafora and Ann Flannery rehearse a scene from this year's senior class play, "Death of a Salesman."

Under the existing suspension system, all students may be suspended immediately. The new proposal states that a student shall be liable for immediate suspension and appeal subsequent to serving the suspension if: • He is accused of an act of violence. • He is accused of an infraction for which he has been referred twice within the same school year. • The dean ascertains that in the absence of immediate suspension he is likely to create school or classroom disruption by his continued presence due to gross insubordination or misconduct. • He is accused of an infraction for which a previous accusation is in the process of being appealed. • He admits his guilt. "In all other cases," the pro-

Vol. 8, No. 9

posals states, "suspensions will start the following school day to permit arrangements for a parent conference." According to Mr. Robert V. Simonson, assistant principal, "contact, usually by phone, is made whenever possible. A letter explaining the suspension and appeals process is mailed to the parents at the end of the day. If possible, the contact is made both ways." Parents will be able to request a formal or informal review or no review at all. The formal review "will be with a hearing officer appointed by the district, and board action may uphold, overturn or add to the suspension." The informal review will be a conference with parent, dean, and student. If the parents fail to request a review within five calendar

days, it will constitute a waiver of review. Students whose suspensions may be overturned will be allowed "to make up schopl work and not have the suspension indicated on the school record." All decisions made by the Executive Board and Student Council concerning the new disciplinary procedure proposal will be subject to agreement with Senate Bill 694 and school board policy. This proposal was first worked out by Student Council and Mr. Simonson. A first draft was then submitted to the Executive Board, through Mr. Simonson, for comments and suggestions. Later, it was sent back to Student Council. After amending and approving the procedure last Wednesday, SC will submit the final draft to the Executive Board.

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068

Feb. 4,1972

Varied Committees Ready South For Accreditation Exams Soon South students shouldn't be surprised to see inquisitive strangers soon. Evaluations of all aspects of the school are coming up in the near future. State accreditation, under the jurisdiction of the Superintendent of Public Instruction, will be conducted from Feb. 8-10. Vocational and technical evaluation is slated from Feb. 15 to Feb. 17. In both cases, inspectors will observe classes and speak with teachers and students. Currently Maine South is also preparing for a third evaluation of the school as a whole. This examination will be conducted by the North Central Association. Such accreditation will be accepted at colleges as proof of a valid high school education. Procedures for evaluation entail two steps. The first is a selfevaluation. Curriculum committees and general committees of faculty and administrators, as well as some parents and teachers, are formed. Each department forms its own curriculum committee. Every teacher in a particular department is asked to evaluate all aspects of his teaching, including such diverse elements as class size, student opportunity and materials used to teach. Departments also consider educational philosophy. Mr. Otto Kohler, social science department chairman, has already chosen two students, Roberta Piccoli '73 and Cindy Sopata '74, to participate in his department's study. He added that he intends to choose one or two more sophomores or juniors. Chairman of the language department. Miss Marion Fisher, has not asked any students to help with her evaluation efforts. "We can have students," she stated. "If I knew that any students wanted to be on committee, and that they'd be willing to meet when we met, they could come." Three students have been included on the art department committee, and five others will serve on a subcommittee. General committees will investigate other aspects of the school ranging from Physical

Facilities, headed by Mr. H. Klipstein, to Purposes and Objectives, chaired by Mr. Kenneth Reese. Seven years ago, when the school was first evaluated, the Innovative Programs Committee, headed by Mr. Donald Rakowsky, did not exist. Currentiy, this group is evaluating such ideas as work programs, humanities, and large group instruction in math, science and social science. Mr. James Bonney, head of the Community, Student a n d School Committee has been coordinating surveys of student.

faculty and parental opinion. Ten per cent of the parents, all faculty members and the entire sophomore class received the quesionnaires on which this study will be based. Dr. Clyde K. Watson, principal, is looking forward to the second section of the evaluation when teams of educaters from The actual NCA evaluation begins in Feb. 1973. Dr. Watson expects an outstanding change between the first evaluation, made when South first opened, and the upcoming one.

South's SC Members React to Unexpected Resignation "I never expected it," commented Bill Dickens, Student CouncU President on last Monday's resignation of Mike Goerrs, SC vice-president Mike gave personal reasons for resigning, saying he needed more time for his responsibilities, and therefore decided to drop his Student Council position. One factor in resigning has been, Mike stated, the limitations placed upon the office. Bill said, "I'm disappointed in that. Mike never complained to me and never let me know how he felt about the office." Bill Baumgartner, C-122 complex leader, felt that SC does have structural limitations such as the case of vice-president and that "the office is simply to replace the president when he is absent." He has suggested that one way to place more responsibility upon the vicepresident is to have the two SC houses meet on different days rather than on one particular day. As in Maine East's SC, the vice-president can preside over the upper house; the president, over the lower house. "Mike's resigning would not be justified if he had resigned because of the nature of the office itself," stated Garret Walters, C-147 complex leader. "But it is justified because he thinks

that he is not doing a sufficient job with all his other commitments." Garrett also believed that the office holds no real power or responsibility. Lynne La Jone, SC secretary, disagreed with Garrett in the amount of power the office holds. She commented, "As vicepresident, you have opportunities to introduce ideas immediately to the student body through the homeroom representative." She stressed that communication, giving ideas back to the students, is a major aspect of the office. Lyim agreed with Mike in that a student can do as much in SC as he does out of SC, but she pointed out that any proposals must always be approved by SC. Both Lynne and Jay Rasmussen, SC treasurer, are presently taking over the vice-president's duties. Steve Amador, SC organizations chairman, has stated that if SC wanted a vice-president now, someone would be elected from present SC members. "Otherwise," Steve continued, "we would just wait until all the officers are inaugurated next April."

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February 4, 1972



Concert, Album Build 'Speedwagon' Name by Mike Springston Last December Mountain was scheduled to do a show in Chicago at the Auditorium with the local group R.E.O. Speedwagon. Because of stories in the local papers concerning Mountain's suit against another local group, Mountain Bus, Mountain was forced to cancel. The audience was given a coice of taking a refund for their tickets or hearing R.E.O. Speedwagon play an extended set. Speedwagon's local popularity was shown by the fact that half the audience gave up their refund and stayed. R.E.O. Speedwagon's first album, R.E.O. S p e e d w a g o n (Epic), shows why some people would pay as much as $6.50 to

see a relatively unknown band. Side one opens with "Gypsy Women's Passion," a heavy, fast-paced number that's the best on the album. It's followed by "157 Riverside Avenue," a rocker that features Neil Doughty on piano. The last two songs, unfortunately, don't hold up as weU. "Anti-Establishment Man" follows "157 Riverside Avenue" and is in the same mood, though not as well done. "Lay me Down" closing the side is the worst song on the side, done in a Leon Russell style. Side two opens with "Sophisticated Lady," another fastpaced rocker. "Five Men Were Killed Today" is the softest and worst song on the album, but


New Campus Crush •Cindy Sopata A recent survey shows that ecology has replaced sex as a number one topic of interest at a certain university. Now ecology is important, but spending Saturday nights taking the metal rings off the tops of disposable bottles just doesn't turn me on. When girls get together, do they discuss the newspapers collected or the guy who comes to take the papers? Do guys brag to each other about how many newspapers they picked up last week? Everything you ever wanted to know about colored tissue paper but were afraid to ask? The pros and cons to pre-marital organic gardening? Will he respect me if I use Tide XK? When a guy and girl are out together, do they discuss the role of the tsetse fly in today's society? On hot summer days do they go to the beach and watch the scum form? We do. Humans c o u 1 d n' t have changed that much. These students just realize that ecology affects every phase of their lives, even sex. After all, what's going to happen when all the forest preserves disappear?

What about moon lit strolls on oil-slicked beaches? Terms of endearment in 1940 movies could become real putdowns. Telling someone on campus they have sky-blue eyes could ruin a relationship. What are the Top Ten songs of this university? "Fallout Keeps Falling on My Head?" Did they turn the lines of "Jean" into "Jean, Jean, roses are dead, and all the leaves have gangrene?" "Alice's Recycled Restaurant?" "On a Clear Day You Can See Your Feet?" "We Shall Be Overcome?" Some songs will remain old favorites, like "Where Have All the Flowers gone?" or "Mississippi Mud." Is a controversial n o v e l Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch? How about Five Little Peppers and How They Grew? I stiU don't believe that when guys use the word "stacked" they're referring to papers. When they say excess packaging, are they talking about toothpaste containers or your weight problem? Thank goodness our values haven't been distorted here at Maine South.

"Prison Women" gets things going again. It's a fast rocker with a country twang that again features Doughty on piano. The album closes with a long jam. "Dead at Last." This final track showcases the talents of each group member. The high points are Alan Gratzer's drum

solo and a flute cut that could easily be mistaken for Jethro Tull. Guitarist Gary Richrath, bassist Gregg Philbin and Doughty are all at their finest. Terry Luttrell's vocals sound too much like Mark Famer's, however, and start getting on your nerves after a while.

Open Letter

Council Veep Explains His Resignation: Own Activities, Not SC Inertia, Cause Dear Editor, I think it's only right to explain to everyone why I resigned as Vice-President of Student Council. The decision to resign was not a hasty one; I thought the entire situation over carefully and decided that resigning was the best alternative. To begin with, I was not accomplishing much. I was doing as much in Council as any Vice-President ever has, but what does a Vice-President do? His responsibilities are almost nil: he presides over a Student Council meeting every other week, runs upper house meetings when they occur and organizes a Co-Fac session every other month. 1 did not feel that I could accomplish much. People have told me that it was my fault, that the office

could have become whatever I made of it. I don't believe I could have made more out of it. I could have worked on more Council legislation, but I'm still working on it now and that is not part of the office. I could have called more upper house meetings, but the overwhelming response I received in regard to upper house meetings earlier in the year was negative; no one wanted to have such a meeting. I could have called more Co-Facs, but I almost had to beg to get enough monitors for the last one. In short, I did not feel that I was, or could be. effective. This train of thought led me to the effectiveness of Council as a whole. For buying afterburners, bicycle racks and other

Open Letter

Frosh Says Free-Form Term Needed South Experience Dear Editor, A new idea in education is being tried by several schools in our area. It is known under several names — "interim" and "experience in free form education" are two of them. But, whatever the name, the idea is to have students and faculty take part in a concentrated course of study, skill or experience in a field out of the ordinary ccrriculum. Both New Trier East a n d Notre Dame have undertaken such programs between semesters this year. At New Trier


East over 400 mini-courses are offered — from "Comic Book History" and "Karate" to "Paleolithic Cave Art" and Basic Mountain Climbing Skills." The idea is to offer what students ask for; then, let them help plan the program, and see how much they learn. In planning, and even teaching, some courses, students can learn how the educational process works, as well as have opportunities for exciting new learning experiences. Let's try it at South. Sincerely, Tom Quinn President, Freshman Class

SC Choice: Action or Talk T'«'y^!;?'*= Student Council has countered previous Southwords criticism of its inactivity by claiming a list of intangible accomplishments. And it remains nothing more than a claim — an unproved, unsubstantiated assertion. The proof of such intangible accomplishments, like greater student-administration rapport and greater cooperation within Council as a result of encounter sessions, must lie in tangible attempts at and accomplishments of change. Attempts and accomplishments that SC has not made thus far. However, in the proposal now before Council for the establishment of an appeals board, Southwords sees an opportunity for substantiation of SC's claims. If Council can get the administration to agree, at least on a trial basis, to the formation of an appeals board, Southwords will be among the first to agree that SC has indeed accomnlished something — tangibly and intan eibly. Council members will show those they represent that their new interoersonal awareness has united them if thev can coooerate in molding this nrooosal and in getting it before the administration — now.

If you like hard rock and boogie and have a chance to catch R.E.O. S p e e d w a g o n around Chicago, you should. Another album like their first and they'll stop being a warmup group and start being headliners.

Council will best illustrate that it has estabUshed rapport with the administration by testing that rapport. Use it to get an appeals board set up — or at least to get the administration talking about the idea. More important than fliis proof of intangible accomplishments is the tangible gain that the new appeals board will bring. Every student, except those that never break a school rule fand how many of those are there?), would profit from this change in the disciplinary system. He would be out from under the present system, which he can only call unfair, and face to face with a svstem he can deal with. The responsibility for establishing this board, however, does not lie only with council. It lies also with the remaining students who must demand that SC take the action to win it. Demand doesn't mean sitting by. being nacified with an emotion-charged list of excuses. This year's Council took office with the rPDutation of our radical saviors. Tt'p time student"? make clear that they've had enough radical-rowdv sneeches and that they're ready and waiting for some salvation.

accessories for the school, for organizing student activities and for coordinating student action to a cerain degree. Council is effective. But for a change in the suspension system at South, for a move towards a freer educational atmosphere or for any significant change in the educational system, Council can do little. The administration could do more, but it :s responsible to the school board. Any significant change must emanate from the school board, and for a proposal to reach it, parental support is necessary. I do not believe that Council is effective in gaining parental support. To return to my personal decision, though. Council takes time. This year 1 overloaded myself, taking on five solids, getting involved in drama, working on WMTH and getting a part-time job. As a result, I have been producing mediocre work in most areas. Council was not my first activity to go, for I have already dropped out of drama, but I am still too pressed for time. Also, now that Council is out of my schedule, I can get to my job by 2:15 on the days I work. Thus, my resignation was not a condemnation of Student Council or of the administration. People have read their own idiosyncracies into my action: those who hate Council say I resigned because I hated Council; those who think Council does nothing say I resigned because Council does nothing; those who do not believe reform is possible through the "system" say I resigned because I saw that reform was not possible through the "system." I resigned for my own reasons. I believed, and still believe, that it was the wisest decision I could have made. Michael Goerss

From Junkies

by Eileen Lynch & Betsy Rossen After recently listening to an in-depth analysis of Don McLean's "American Pie" on Chicago radio, Harvey Hawk concluded that he can do the same for his Maine South buddies. A glance at the latest record survey revealed the obvious choice for surveillance, the Partridge Family biggy, "It's One of Those Nights." It's quite clear to Harvey that David Cassidy and gang are singing about drug abuse. "And you sit in the dark/And say to yourself 'I miss her.' " How obvious can it be that "her" is simply the shortened form of "heroin"? And someday is really hooked when they say "Hey couldn't I live without it?" Only Shirley Jones knows for sure. The second verse offers most conclusive evidence for Harvey's case. "And so it goes it's a cold in the nose, It's a pain in the neck. It'll make you a wreck if (CONTINUED ON PAGE V

Th« offlclil itudtnl n<wtp«p«r o< M i i n t Township High School South, Pork Ridgt, llllnoii, MOU. W r i t t M and tdiltd 15 t i m t * ooch y t t r by ttudtnti of tho high school. SubKriptions Includid with activity tickit, purchasad uparatoty at f ] par yaar, or Individually lor 10c. (Pricad highar tor l»wa« of mora than 4 Pf*.)

Editor-tn-Chief Blary BeUi Kreba News Editor Bruce Little lo-Depth Editor Tom Bush Sports Editor Tom Lanctot Art-Photo Editor Betiy Roaaen Assistant Editors Sue Chan. Cathy Clarry. Bob Flowers. Randy Glusa, Kris Lindgren Reporters Jim Bruce, Judy Daly, Ann Flannery. Barb Graliowski, Scott Graham, Judy Kranz. Eileen Lynch, Mark Mangold, Lynn M a s o n , Lisa PiasecU, Mary Rebedeau. Nancy Ruaone. MUte Rusin. Cindy Sopata. Mike Springston. Jlra Ttiompaon C^artoonlsts Margy Hawkins, Fat Hester Photographers Norbert Becker, Len Koroskl. Mike Maloacy. Sandy Veriench. Tom Wright Student News Bureau . Pam Sakowlcx sponsor Ken Beatty

February 4, 1972


Page 3

School Board Will Pass on Programs, Budget At the Board of Education meeting scheduled for Mon., Feb. 21, recommendations for next year's budget for the four Maine schools will be made. Although no decisions concerning next year's budget have yet been made, Dr. Clyde K.

Watson, principal, stated, "We are expected to come up with recommendations as to how much may be taken out of the budget." Administrators and faculty members are meeting almost daily and are going over all departments. The elimination of

small classes, the increase in class size and the possibility of having all programs, such as the V-Show and spring musical, pay for themselves, are all being considered. Job descriptions of every staff member are also being studied

Project 7 0 Allots Walk Funds Project '70, which organized cent to international projects, the North Suburban Walk for and 42.5 per cent to the doDevelopment last May 9, re- mestic projects serving theChicently issued information con- cago area. The American Freedom from cerning the distribution of the Hunger Foundation, which re1971 walk funds. The 100,000 young people and ceived $62,250, is a non-profit, adults who walked raised $415,- nonsectarian organization that 000 to support an attack on in- supports programs to combat ternational and domestic pov- the causes of hunger. "It plays a great part in the United erty. Of the $415,000 raised, 15 per States overall response to the cent went to the American Free- challenge of world hunger," dom from Hunger Foundation, commented a Project '70 memsponsor of the walk, 42.5 per ber.

•TED Scores Show South Declines in Spelling Ability According to the Iowa Test of Educational Development, spelling scores have dropped in District 207. The norm scores on spelling are now almost at the national level of 50 per cent. Students take the ITED as freshmen and seniors in the fall. When Maine South seniors were tested in the seven basic areas, the strongest gain was in English usage of grammar. The weakest area of the seven was in spelling. Mr. Marlon Davis, English department chairman, sees a number of reasons for the spelling problem. This includes the students' attitude that teachers tend to be more permissive. Also, he feels students are not considering spelling that important. "It ruins good writing," Mr. Davis said. Some English teachers have taken steps to help remedy the situation. Mr. William Drennan, sophomore English teacher and Mr. John Doherty, senior English teacher, held spell downs between their classes. Mr. Thomas Kerth feels one of the best ways of learning vocabulary is to take words out of compositions that are misspelled and work on them. He said that the problems that students have could possibly stem from poor auditory discrimation or lack of visual discrimination. Mr. Kerth said that a broad spelling program where all students go through and learn all the words is not the answer. Teachers should make an effort to learn what visual and audio discrimination problems a student has and work from there. Another English teacher, Miss

Lucille Wright, employs vocabulary in helping students spell. She restricts the number of spelling errors on a composition to cut down on errors. Maine South has consistently equaled or surpassed the district percentile in the seven areas on the ITED. This year, the norm scores have dropped considerably. If they wish, students can obtain help in the English learning resource center.


it gets ya." Any self-respecting health class student recognizes these as symptoms of withdrawal. Furthermore, Cassidy hears a voice say "You got no choice," meaning his is obviously a physical addiction. No aspect of the drug scene is left untouched, as the third verse indicates: "Suddenly she's crashing through my mind/Like waves upon the shore." Rather a bad trip, eh? For that matter, the whole song is.

How does Maine Sooth compare to high schools in Brazil? Nieta Silva, this year's AFS student, can answer that question. One difference between the schools is laxity. "Brazilian schools," Nieta noted, "are more liberal on every point. For example you go to school when you want. You don't need a

Lynne LaJone '72 w i l l receive the DAR's Good Citizen Award.

pass to get through the halls. You don't need a pass in case the teacher doesn't believe you." In this respect, Nieta believes Brazilian schools to be better than those in the U.S. Schools in Brazil don't re quire education up to a certain age. Nieta thinks the U.S. system is better. "There should be an age requirement," she stated. "I gues.s one of the reasons that the United States is a powerful country is because everyone gets so much education." "One way U.S. high schools are better than Brazilian high schools is the different subjects they offer." Nieta continued, "For example, a student can take drama and chemistry. In Brazil, we have high schools for specific subjects where we go from 7:30 a.m. to noon. "The attitude toward schooling is different in Brazil than it is here," Nieta related. "Because you don't have to go in Brazil, the kids who go are there because they really like school." Nieta was used to taking finals before she came to Maine South. "We have tests every month in all our subjects. Then

tention, thus bringing down the quality of education. Also, the elimination of small classes could mean some courses will disappear completely. Dr. Watson feels that it is important for a school system to offer a varied curriculum. A final decision concerning the district's program for next year will be made sometime after the Feb. 21 board meeting.

Bio Club Officer Says Buy After-Burners, Cut Smoke Russ Jordan, Biology Club president, has proposed to Student Council a plan to lessen the amount of pollution from the three incinerators in the kitchen, cafeteria and A-wing. The plan suggests the purchase of an "afterburner" for each incinerator. -An after-burner, according to Russ, is a "super-heater" or a secondary burner. It breaks the garbage into its basic components. This burner would eliminate the black smoke coming from the incinerators along with the smell. An after-burner w o u l d completely burn all matter and result in more ash, with less matter becoming smoke. The cost for the after-burners and installation is $3000. Under the proposed plan. Council would pay either $600 every year for 5 years or $500 for 6 years. If this plan is accepted by SC, after-burners could be installed dxu-ing spring vacation or, at the latest, next fall. Among the bumables at South are lunch dishes, plastic dinnerware, wood from drama sets, carpets and ^ym items. At present, Maine South does not meet the Department of Environmental Control's standards, although still holding a permit for the incmerators. One requirement South fails to meet is that incinerators should burn at 1400 degrees F. The after-burner would bum at this required temperature. Russ points out that if after-

Nieta Compares U.S., Brazilian Schools, Says Laxity, Variety Distirtctive

LaJone Named DAR 'Citizen' Lynne LaJone has been selected by the senior class and the faculty as the senior girl who will receive the 1972 DAR Good Citizen Award. The award is presented annually by the Daughters of the American Revolution to the senior girl who best displays such qualities as "leadership and patriotism," Lynn said. Lynne will now proceed to a statewide Good Citizen competition. The state winner will be chosen on the basis of a written exam which Lynne said "covered the kinds of things a good citizen is supposed to know." The state winner will be named February 20. Lynne is Student Council secretary.

Two international projects divided $176,375. The International Institute for Rural Reconstruction, the first of these projects, helps organize and develop rural rebuilding movements. The IIRR received $103,408, which funded programs in the Philippines, Guatemala a n d Thailand. Civic leaders, various specialists and college students who live in the villages guide these people toward development. The Peace Corps' S c h o o l Partnership Program, the second international recipient, gained $72,967, which will be used to purchase building materials for schools in overseas communities. Projects in Kenya, Upper Volta, Niger, Peru and the Philippines all received funds. Eight projects in the Chicago area received funds taken from the $176,375 given to domestic projects. Among them are the Fifth City Preschool, Respond Now, the Day Care Crises Council of the Chicago Area, and the Lakeview Pantry. Senior Marianne Zdeblick hiked all thirty miles and collected over $100. When asked why she participated in the hike, Marianne commented, "I felt the walk was for a good cause, and I also wanted to help prove that kids can work together to help others." Lynne LaJone, Student Coun cil secretary and hike participant, stated, "The Walk for Development showed what good organization can accomplish. This walk could very well be the starting point for other worthwhile groups." For more information about the projects and the proposed '72 Hunger Hike, students should contact Sharon Starkston at 9663251.

with the idea that some duties cculd be combined, thus reducing personnel. When asked what effect changes brought about by failure of the referendum might have, Dr. Watson commented, "The quality of aducation in the district will definitely be hurt." Dr. Watson went on to say that an increase in class size will mean that every student will receive less individual at-

Maine South's AFS student Nieta Silva expresses her views on life in an American high school. we have one big test at the semester which covers all our subjects. But if you are getting an A or B, you don't have to take the test at the end of the second semester." Nieta ended with an overall impression of Maine South. "I really like Maine South. It's a fantastic school with fantastic teachers. It is different from Brazil, but I'm accustomed to it now. It's different, but I like it."

burners didn't help control pollution, Joseph Coder, the company from whom SC would purchase the burner, would never have gotten a permit from the state or the Environmental Control Board. "This is not only an easy way to stop air pollution, but it is also practical," Russ stated. He continued, "obviously, the airport pollutes more than our school, but it is impractical to close the airport." "We can all help in our own way," observed Russ. "One way is to sign the petitions that are being passed around. By signing, students show that they want to do something about pollution and that they are willing to spend the money in Student Council's Treasury for afterburners." Those with any questions or those who would like to help may contact Russ at 823-6324. SC is now considering purchasing the after-burners.

Brotherhood Holds Assembly On February 24 Brotherhood Society will sponsor "Brotherhood Week" from Feb. 20 to Feb. 25. The highlight of the week will be the Brotherhood Assembly on Feb. 24, when new members of the society from each class will be initiated. Three boys and three girls from each class will be selected. Students are chosen on the basis of leadership, class spirit and fellowship. The election is not meant to be a popularity contest. Nominations for new members will be held Feb. 10 in homeroom. Final elections will take place Feb. 17. Entertainment at the assembly will be provided by Margie Gibson '72. Dr. Paul Mundy, professor of sociology at Loyola University, will be the main speaker. Dr. Mundy has been active in the National Conference for Christians and Jews. The topic of his speech will be "Brotherhood means respect." A Brotherhood Drive will also take place during the week. Present Brotherhood members will collect donations during homeroom beginning Feb. 20. The money will be donated to the Americans For Children's Relief. This organization provides medical aid for needy children around the world. At present, the Brotherhood Society has 35 members. In the past, it has sponsored such activities as a field trip to Gateway House, bake sales and drives for various other OTganizations. According to Mrs. Barbara Kuhn, Brotherhood sponsor, "Brotherhood Week" is a significant week in the year. "It should be an opportunity to remind us to be tolerant and respectful of other's ideas," she explained.

P«g» 4


February 4, 1972

Netmen Shoot for Undefeated Season The Varsity Cagers continued to dominate the conference by romping to two uncontested victories in the last two weeks. The first victory came at the expense of the Niles West Indians. In what most called a 'showdown' as both teams were unbeaten in conference action, the Hawks made it no contest as they sprinted away to the 89-42 victory.

The Cowboys of New Trier West were the Hawks most recent victim as the Hawks got off to a slow start, but managed to come back and win 75-49. In the New Trier game Bill Harbeck, who is coming back after a mid-season injury, got the first points of the game as he dropped an easy left hand layup off the tip. New Trier then roared right

Hawks End Conference; Tankers Plunge in Invite The Hawks swim their last two dual meets of the season this weekend, facing Niles North tonight and Maine West tomorrow afternoon. Both of these contests are away meets. Monday, Maine South will host the freshman conference meet. "We bought a nice big second place trophy for you this year," Coach Harris was told at this year's scratch meeting for the Morton West Invitational. At the meet, however, the varsity turned in a fine performance, taking first place by twenty-four points. South's medley relay of Brad Kozie '73, Ted Johnson '72, Bob McCullough '74 and Norm Pussehl '72 set a meet record with a 1:47.4. Although Norm Pussehl's time for the 50 yd. freestyle was the fastest of the meet, a judge's decision cost him first place honors. Later Pussehl came back in the 100 yd. freestyle with a 51.2, capturing the meet record in that event. Ted Johnson and C h u c k Hughes '72 took first and second place in the 100 yd. breaststroke. Other swimmers who placed high at the meet were swimmers who placed David Dale '74, third in the 200 yd. l.M. and fourth in the 100 yd. butterfly; Joe Nicolau '73, sixth in the 50 yd. and 100 yd. freestyle; Bob McCullough, third in the 100 yd. butterfly; Mike Pence '74 fifth in diving; Dane Kozie '75 third in the 400 yd. freestyle; and Brad Kozie, second in the 100 yd. backstroke. That same weekend, t h e Hawks dunked Niles West 74-21. Mike Springstoa '73, Ted Johnson, Brad Kozie, and Craig Jacobsen '73 captured first place in the 200 yd. medley relay while

teammates Dane Kozie, Brian Laughlin '74, Bob McCullough and David Dale broke the sophomore record for that event. Jim Seidel "73 and Keith Schalk '72 won the 200 yd. freestyle. Dane Kozie grabbed first in the 200 l.M. Norm Pussehl and Joe Nicolau took the 50 yd. freestyle with ease. Mike Pence placed first in the diving. Joe Nicolau and Terry Lubrano '73 slammed the 100 yd. freestyle. Jim Seidel and Keith Schalk came back and took the 400 yd. freestyle. Mike Springston and Jon Benson '72 placed first and second in the 100 yd. backstroke. Chuck Hughes and Ted Johnson cleaned up the 100 yd. breaststroke. South's 400 yd. freestyle relay of Nicolau, Jacobsen, Seidel, and Lubrano wrapped up the Hawk's victory. Freshman Dane Kozie, Mike Scotese, Ken Banks, and John Andrew set a freshman record in that event. Against last year's conference champions, New Trier West, the Hawks did surprisingly well, losing by only five points. Maine South's medley relay of Kozie, Johnson, McCullough, and Pussehl got the team off to an early lead. David Dale placed second in the 200 l.M. Norm Pussehl took the 50 yd. freestyle while Joe Nicolau followed up in third. Mike Pence finished second in the diving. Norm Pussehl and David Dale finished first and third in the 100 yd. freestyle. Brad Kozie grabbed first in the 100 yd. backstroke while Ted Johnson won the 100 yd. breaststroke. The 400 yd. freestyle relay of Brad Kozie, David Dale, Joe Nicolau and Craig Jacobsen added the final points to the Hawks score.

back and scored on a 20 foot jump shot by their leading scorer Paul Jones. From that point the score rocked and the lead changed hands several different times before the end of the first quarter when the Cowboys found themselves on top by a score of 16-15. The second quarter saw numerous turnovers and poor defense as New Trier battled the Hawks nose to nose and several times threatened to pull away. Rick Kccera and Tom Spicer managed to keep the Hawks on top with their scoring and rebounding efforts. The h o r n sounded and the Hawks were up by five, 31-26. The second half was in favor of the Hawks as they managed to outscore the Cowboys 44-23 and, after some rough going, finally coast to the 75-49 victory. Rick Kucera had 21. Tom Spicer collected 16 points and snatched 12 rebounds. Harbeck, Jerry Jones and Bob Westman each chipped in 10 points. The week before the Hawks traveled to Niles West to encounter the Indians, in what was termed to be the "first place showdown". The Indians grabbed an early lead as they scored the first twopointer of the night. They never led again, as from that point on the Hawks dominted. The hapless Indians could manage only four points in the first period, as the Hawks built

West Invitational. He believes that the state meet will be very close this year and hopes that two of his men will make it into the finals. Last Saturday in the New Trier West Invitational the foilers made their worst performance ever. In this invitational only the A-strips competed. The Maine South team con-

Senior L a r r y Robbins defeats Marshall foiler in dual me«t two weeks ago.

Senior Tom Spicer shoots one of eight shots in New T r i e r West meet. The Hawks have only six remaining regular season games. If they win all six of these games they will end up with an undefeated record of 14-0 and will win the Conference Championship for the first time without sharing it with another school. Maine South will hold regiwials this year with only four teams competing. The Hawks first game will be against Luther North.

G-Men Conference Placement Hinges On Niles Meet Tonight Currently Maine South's varsity gymnastics team is tied for second place in conference with Niles North. Tonight that second place is at slake when the Hawks travel to Niles North. While Glenbrook South leads the conference, the Hawks have a 4-1 conference record. Tonight's meet demands much of the gymnasts, and they will have to do their best of the season. The Hawks have pulled their scores up with Dirk Martin '72, Steve Schmunk '72, Rich Behnke '73 and Jim LoBue '74 being the frequent individual high scorers for the team. Tomorrow the Hawks will

Swordsmen Encounter New Trier This week the varsity fencers take on a team that dealt them one of their two losses. New Trier West. Coach John Doherty feels confident that the Hawks will win in this second chance if "all my number one men are able to fence." Coach Doherty says that his team is doing very well this year except for the New Trier

up a 14-4 lead. Rick Kucera, the hot-shooting senior guard popped in eight of those first quarter points hitting from the 25 foot range. The second quarter was more of a romp as the Hawks had built up a 42-16 advantage by the half. With Tom Spicer and Bob Westman rebounding superbly for the Hawks the fast break attack proved most effective. The second half was played out for formality's sake as a parade of subs came into the game for both squads. But before Kucera, T o m Spicer, and Jerry Jones came out, they managed to contribute this to the Hawk cause: 64 if the Hawks total 89 points. Spicer Spicer and Greg Ciezadlo each grabbed 18 rebounds, almost half the team's total. Jones took game scoring honors with 29 points, Kucera following close behind with 27. and Greg Ciezadlo each grabbed 18 rebounds, almost half the team's total. The Hawks face a double-header weekend. Their first opponent is the Niles North 'Vikings, who have a 7-2 CSL record and are tied for second place with Niles West. Tomorrow night will be a date at Glenbrook North, who the Hawks routed 110-52 in their first meeting. According to some of the players, though, "they have improved quite a bit."

sisted of Larry Robbins, Mike Rusin, and Don Clem. Against teams that the A-strip had beaten previously in meets, the Hawks were unable to come close to winning. In the first round against New Trier East, Robbins captured three bouts while Rusin and Clem were unable to clinch one. In the second round against Notre Dame the A-strip was swept as the Hawks went 0-9. The third round against Niles West allowed Rusin and Clem to win one bout each while Robbins lost all three. Robbins, who contracted a hand injury during the first three rounds, was forced to leave the meet, after the third round. In the fourth round Clem won two bouts and Rusin won one against Niles East. Finally, in the last round Rusin showed old form winning two and Clem clinched one more. Thus, the Hawks procured eleven wins which put them in last place. Coach Doherty feels that "this poor performance came as a result of overconfidence and lack of practice, and it will not be repeated downstatc." On January 25 the fencers faced Niles East, and easily downed them, 12-6.

travel to Maine West for their seventh conference meet. Maine West may also be a challenge for the Hawks since it is their second meet this weekend. The last home varsity-sophomore meet will be next Friday at 7 p.m. against Glenbrook North. Maine South's sophomore gymnastics team has a 3-2 record in conference. Although this year's team has strength, Coach Tom Higgins believes "next year's team will be stronger, since some freshmen are on

the sophomore team already." The sophomores can boast several capable individuals. Jim Kaucich is the highest scorer in conference on high bar with a score of 5.4 points. Other leading scorers on their apparatus are Mark Lundberg on rings. Matt Bisbee in tumbling, Brian Erickson on parallel bars and Mike Porter on side horse. In the last two weeks the varsity team has defeated New Trier West and Niles West. The Hawks totaled another high score against New Trier West, 110.75 to 99.92.


Indoor Track Goal Set; Swim Team Improves by Bob Flowers, Assistant Sports Editor

While the resident wit Tom Lanctot is on an escapade in Washington, D.C., all references and plugs to broad and expanding topics, such as the thorough coverage of the Hawkettes and passing mentions of Maine South female athletes, in the world of high school sports will be deleted. This week the indoor track season started. The varsity team has already set last year's achievements for this year's goals. The Hawks will reattempt to grasp both the indoor and outdoor conference championships. Coach Carl Magsaman added, "I'd be disappointed if they were not won." Wednesday the varsity defeated Niles West in the opening indoor conference meet. Despite Pat McNamara's absence and Rob Lossman's sprained ankle the team gave strong performances. Jim Staunton in shot put and Tom Towne in pole vault equaled and surpassed their best of last year, while Tom Starck and Kevin Huffman did well in distance runs. However, the meet was decided by the first place win of the mile relay giving the Hawks the win over the Indians with a score of 58 to 51. This Wednesday will be another home meet against the Glenbrook South Titans. With conference meets ending for Maine South's varsity swim team this weekend, the team has a good chance of moving into the top 15 state teams this month with some of the fast-paced swimmers such as Norm Pussehl, Ted Johnson and Brad Kozie. In case you have not been keeping tabs on the Olympics, a former Maine South graduate Gary Jonland is participating in the speed skating event in vSapporo.

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