Mikva and Young: Candidates Debate Issues A debate between the candidates for the Tenth district representative to Congress was recently held at Trinity Lutheran Church in Des Plaines. Incumbent Abner J. Mikva met with Republican candidate Samuel H. Young to discuss and contrast views on political issues. Each candidate was given ten minutes to give an opening statement and three minutes of rebuttal on his opponent's statement. Written questions were then submitted by tie audience for discussion by the candidates. In his opening statement, Mr. Yoimg gave his stand on the presidential race, saying that "Nixon has done more to end this war than any Democrat in this room," and "Mr. McGovem is playing the game of 'promise the voter anything to get his vote'." He also mentioned that government spending would be a major issue in not only the presidential campaign, but the congressional race as well. Congressman Mikva gave his opinions on what he believed to be some major campaign issues. His statements included, "Get out of Vietnam now!" and "In these coming years, a congressman must be able to use independent judgment and vote as his conscience dictates." He was also in favor of compensation for victims of crime, and ap>propriation of a greater percentage of government spending to education and health. The first question read was directed to Mr. Young: "What should be done about present day ethics in government?" Mr. Young said that the primary respcmsibility was that of the voter. "Know the candidate you're voting for," was his reirfy. iMr. Mikva added that he wants public officials to disclose their net income and worth. He said that he has already done so. Congressman Mikva was then asked about his opinion on aid to non-public schools. Mr. Mikva stated that he was against government aid to noo-public schools, and that it vidated the separation between church and state. Mr. Young was also against aid to private schools, but added that he favors tax
credit to persons paying tuition to private schools. Mr. Mikva was asked to give his opinion on the validity of the death penalty. He felt that the death penalty did not offer a strong deterrent against the crimes it punished. He also stated that the death penalty "hampers judicial process because no judge wants to be the
Polls Close October 10 Here's some info that potential voters wUl need to know if they are planning to vote in 72. Obviously, a student must be 18 before Nov. 17. .Another requirement is that a voter must have lived in his precinct before Oct. 7. .After you've gotten yourself clear concerning the above qualifications, you're ready to register. If you intend to vote, you must register. The last day for registration is Oct. 10. Registration is now taking place at all local precinct polling places. The Park Ridge City Hall is open for registration. '72 can be your year, if you're 18, that is. You have two responsibilities. First, go to your nearest polling place and register by Oct. 10. Finally, get out and exercise your right to vote on Nov. 7, 1972!
people, among them women and children. Mr. Yoimg was asked what could be done about the noise pollution levels, particularly in the vicinity of O'Hare Airport. Mr. Young said that a new engine has been developed and fitted with a device to eliminate a good portion of the noise.
®^ii©ia Vol. 9, No. 2
Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, I I I . 60068
Sept. 29, 1972
Internship Program Launches Government Classes Into Politics This election year, the Maine South Social Science Department is giving credit to students active in political work. An internship program has been set up for students in government classes. This program has been developed in conjunction with the campaigns of Senator Charles Percy, Congressman Roman Pucinski. Congressman Abner Mikva, and Mr. Sam Yoimg. When asked about her opinion of the internship program, one interested senior replied, "It's really a great way to get experience in campaigning." Students wishing to work for any other candidate must do so through the regular organizations. If a student wishes to substitute his work on the internship program for the major research assignment on politics, he must follow certain rules: He must spend an average of three hours a week canvassing for his candidate. He should canvass politely. He must prepare and hand in to his teacher a written summary of what he learned.
T. Rex Performs Tonight TONIGHT: T. Rex, Auditorium, Sept. 30 at 7 p.m. Guess Who, Arie Crown, Oct. 13 at 8 p.m. The Lettermen, Auditorium, Oct. 20, 21 at 8:30 p.m. America, Auditorium, Oct. 23
last hand between a prisoner and death" and that "therefore it slows justice." Mr. Young said, however, that he does favor the death penalty for certain crimes. He gave, as examples, public bombings, kidnappings, and air piracy in which one individual takes into his own hands the lives of hundreds of innocent
and 24 at 8 p.m. Four Seasons, Arie Crown, Nov. 11 at 8:30 p.m. John Mayall, Arie Crown, Nov. 11 at 8:30 p.m. The Hollies, Auditorium, Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. Deep Purple, Amphitheater, Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. Uriah Heep, Auditorium, Nov. 21, 22 at 8 p.m. Chicago, Arie Crown, Nov. 2228 with all shows at 8 p.m. Tickets for all shows are available at Ticketron outlets. AMUSEMENTS: Ringling Brothers and Bamum and Bailey CHrcus, Oct. 323 at the Amphitheatre. Reserved seats for $6, $5, $4, $3. Tickets are now on sale at all Ticketron outlets or by mail.
Posswords October 7 — home football game-against Maine North-12:00 p.m. October 9-Columbus Day-no school October 11-Homecoming A ssembly • Spectator gym-8:10 a.m. All senior girls be sure to sign the petitions being circulated to save the Senior—Facultv Teal (See Glena Chance, Carol Kemerer, or Lynn Frystak to sign.)
He must hand in a time sheet signed by a supervisory official from campaign headquarters. Any student can work for a candidate, but only seniors virill get class credit. The Social Science Department sees its internship program as "an opportunity to see politics on a 'grass root' level," according to Mr. Kenneth Faiilhaber, an accelerated government teacher. "The kids will see that the success or failure of campaigns comes from the amount of volunteer work put in individual precincts," he continued. Mr. Faulhaber also commented, "It appears to me some of the candidates are trying to relate to the 18-year-old vote through student campaign workers." He estimated the percentage of students participating from accelerated classes at 25 per cent. Many students also seem to think that the program is worthwhile. "More and more young people are taking an active interest in politics because they know it's the most effective way to change things they don't like," said Stan Weiner, chairman of Students for Mikva. "The Mikva campaign offers a unique opportunity for the politically interested student to have an impact on American government," remarked Bill Baumgartner '73, student coordinator for Mikva at Maine South. A student can do many things if he wishes to work on a political campaign: He can go from door-to-door with literature backing the candidate of his choice. He can make phone calls, go to high schools and colleges, or
go from door-to-door to recruit people into registering to vote. He can welcome candidates at rallies or at airports, or he can donate money to the candidate's .'unds. "Participating in local campaigns will give students good experience in 'grass root' politics. We hope the internship program will have a profound effect on students," concluded Mr, Patton Feichter, social science teacher.
However, the federal government and the F.A.A. need to cooperate to help limit the use of the airport to planes fitted with the new engine. It m i ^ t also be necessary, he added, to "limit the use of O'Hare by jets to before 11 p.m." I > Mr. Mikva added that he has asked the department of public health to check on "the safety of present noise polluticm levels." Mr. Young was asked his opinion on the POW situation. He replied by saying that he is "all for getting out of Vietnam as soon as ptossible, but that we must also do w'hat is best for our men." He said that if we were to get out of Vietnam now, we would have no guarantee that we would get our prisoners back. We certainly must not depend on North Vietnam "to return the POW's to us out of graciousness." Mr. Mikva replied by saying that "certainly we will not depend on North Vietnam's graciousness," but that if the U.S. backed out. North Vietnam would lose their bargaining arguments. In rebuttal, Mr. Young simply asked if it were morally correct to have the U.S. back out and let South Vietnamese men die rather than risk American lives. Further debates are scheduled between Congressman Mikva and Mr. Young. For place and time, see the September 15 Southwords or call 679-6450.
'Optic Nerve' On Stage How do you see yourself? How do other people see you? Optic Nerve, Spirit of '73, Maine South's Variety Show, is an insight into man and the judgment of others. Optic Nerve, however, deals not only with how people see other people. "It is also how Americans see other Americans throughout history," adds Mr. Donald Martello, faculty director. Although it is now too late to try out for this year's VShow cast, crew applications will be avaUable after the cast is chosen. V-Show Trunk will again be added. "Trunk is formed by a core of players who show special talent in drama, music, or
dancing," explains Mr. Martello. Trunk presents original acts that deal with the theme of V-Show and presents the bulk of blackout comedy. Trunk members are also used when needed in certain acts. Student directors for V-Show include Marti Glendening '73, Sally Wallace '74, and Bob Lecmard '74. Dee McNamara '74 is the Assistant Student director. The productiwi is sponsored by Student Council and is presented by the Maine South Drama Department. Optic Nerve is relevant to today because "people are letting out their feelings more and are therefore more oi)en with themselves and others," explains Marti Glendening.
Deph Has Fiddler; Needs Accordionist A few changes have been instituted in the Music Department this year. Mr. Lloyd Spear, music dept. chairman, announced a change in directorial duties for Fiddler on the Roof. Mr. Harold Chastain has asked to be relieved of duties as stage director. "This is due mainly to his involvement in Educational TV," stated Mr. Spear. Mr. Irwin Bell of the Music Department will assume Mr. Chastain's duties. Mr. Bell worked this past summer at the University of Illinois in the field of musicals. Continued on p. 4
M r . Samuel H. Young, 10th District Republican congressional candidate, answers a question during his debate w i t h Congressman Abner Milcva, Democratic candidate.
Page 2
September 29, 1972
The Exorcist' Not Just Another Ghost Story Millions of people were weteyed after reading one of the best sellers of the year — Love Story. Others were fascinated by the superb writing and detail in Mario Puzo's The Godfather. This same public while reading the biography could hardly fight back the tears Brian's Song. The Exorcist, a relatively new novel by William Peter Blatty, does net rely on people's emotions in order to get a point across. Rather, it relates an incident which is so remarkab e that the reader cannot help but react in fear. Basel on a true story heard by Blatty in 1949, the novel centers around an a c t r e s s daughter- who is believed to be possessed by demons. T h e book, in fri^tening detail, recounts the events of this young girl's ordeal. The reader, almost entranced by the novel, encounters page after page of demonic occurrences. Distorticm of the girl's physical characteristis, her sudden outbursts of obscenities, her violent tantrums and her powerful ability to destroy are described so vividly that it
makes one almost want to leave a light on before going to bed. According to Blatty the major objective of the novel is to "persuade those who do not believe that there is a cause to be made for the supernatural and to offer the possibility that there is a supernatural force of evil at work in the universe whose game olan is to convince us that it does not exst." .^nd Blatty does a good job of persuading. Throush t h e characters of Chris MacNeil, the girl's mother, and Damien Karras, a Catholic priest, Blatty suggests that demonic possession is more apt to occur in individuals who are weak spiritually or who have been questioning the existence of super-natural beings. However, Blatty also points out that evil can be destroyed by direct confrontation with its natural rival — good. In The Exorcist, Father Merrin, a priest, who has performed several exorcisms, represents a force more powerful than the devil.
Another underlining message can be found in the Exorcist. Indirectly Blatty criticizes the church for its stubbornness to admit that evil can become a force more powerful than organized religion. Throughout the novel, he describes the red-tape that Karras undergoes before the exorcism is finally
approved by his superiors. Even then, its almost too late. The Exorcist is pterhaps one of the finest literary masterpieces of the year. Although its contents seem too shocking to believe, it forces the reader to take a realistic look at a topic which has been equated «ith fantasy in the past.
Deep End Has New Name Only by Lynn Mason Remember how you couldn't wait for the weekend so you could go to the Deep End? Remember how you ran home Friday night to re-tease your hair or put on your chinos? Well, maybe the Deep End is gone . . .but Papa Jo's is here! "Where did the Deep End go," you ask. It aU started when the so-called "greasers" made it hard for the so-called "freaks" to be there. So the freaks found a place of their own and the Deep End was left for the greasers. Soon the Deep End was losing business. As time went on, the groups got worse and the kids got
younger and younger. Suddenly, it was gone. Someone else took it over and transformed it into Papa Jo's. The manager, it seems (I couldn't locate him when I was there), is a young teacher from Maine West. Oh, the changes he's made. Now, if you walk into the place, you can get food, if you can see to eat it; dance, if you can find the space; or just listen to the music, if and when they have good groups. But, let's face it. Ihe fancy sign, the new front, they don't change the fact that it's the Deep End with a new face. Sure, it'll get more money from the food service. They'll be able
% Campaigner's Motives Questioned •Judy Kranz As the '72 election comes closer and closer, many Maine South students disiriay Percy buttons and Mikva stickers on their folders. Young (or Congressman and Nixon in '72 posters are decorating government and history classes. Students
speak of the precinct they are canvassing and of the candidate debates. Are students really as interested as they appear to be? Are students campaigning because they want to? How many are really intrigued by politics?
Then, too, how many students are campaigning in lieu of writing a report? Some government teachers have proposed that students campaign instead of writing a report on a candidate. The report includes the candidate's goals and ideas and his
Hard To Know True or False Language is man's most effective device for communicating his thoughts, ideas and opinions. Without it, we would become beings of little significance, incapable of changing or improving our immediate environment. In a school with an enroUment of 3520, South has a tremendous potential for utilizing the gift of speech. But there are 3520 mouths which when opened, can express the opinions of many who have been silent too long. Not silent in the sense of verbal communication, that is. Between classes the halls vibrate with the sound of people communicating. However, much
of this communication undermines the true purpose of the language. Southwords, in an attempt to channel much of this communication through the printed word, started to do a story on a "rule" students had heard concerning smoking. The generally found assumption was that a student, if suspected of smoking by its telltale odor, could be convicted. When a member of oar staff asked the administration a'oout this rule, he received replies like "ridiculous and "absurd." In fact no such rule exists, or was even considered by the administration. Although that bit of informa-
Don't look for The Exorcist on the fiction shelf with other ghost stories, because you won't find it there. If you don't have the time to read the book, at least see the movie version that will be coming out soon. You're in store for a real shocker.
tion left us without a story, it did give us an idea for this editorial. More important however, it made us realize our responsibility to you as a reader of Southwords. In the August edition of Reader's Digest, Charles Malek points out that man, even with his ability to communicate with other human beings, has great ditliculty in distinguishing the true from the false. We have no longer become masters of the language, but slaves to it. The smoking rule is not an isolated incident. Lately t h e trend among many students and even teachers has been to remain silent when asked to express their ideas and opinions to an inquiring reporter. Perhaps many are hesitant because they no longer know what to believe. If this editorial sounds like a lecture, we apologize. However, we realize that many of you are tired of being fed with bits of information like the "smoking rule." It is also frustrating for a reporter to cover a story that is non-existent. The question is, how do we stop it? Instead of merely repeating it, begin to question. Our language is equipped with grammatical devices other than the period. It's hard enough to get to know students in a school as large as South, let alone all the news occurring within the building. However, if we don't begin to differentiate the true from the false, we wiU nr.t only be doing ourselves an injustice, but also the language.
chances for election. Campaigning includes at least three hoiu-s a week of door bell ringing, convincing, and selling the candidate. Ilie choice of campaigning instead of writing a report may be selfish, but the gains of participating in a campaign will be numerous. Some students will possibly have the chance to meet and speak with people of different economic and social levels. A door-to-door conflict between the campaigner and the potential voter may help both to think logically and to evaluate the issues when they are forced to think and discuss these issues. Through campaigning, one is able to meet and get to know new people. Abo, you might get to understand the technical aspects of politics. How many students are interested in the campaign becaise they are truly concerned about the government and the world they shall soon control? Are some students interested because they are 18 and will be old enough to vote by election day? How many 18-yearolds will vote? How many will sit back and say they don't have the time, or say they cant figure out which candidate to vote for because the issues are too confusing? By campaigning, the younger generation can disprove parental ideas that the young aren't interested in government. The 18-year-old vote was instead a worthwhile addition to the Constitution. We are interested enough to give our time to help elect someone who is really representative of all people, both the young and the old. Should students sit back and say there is no reason to campaign? I, alone, couldn't turn the election over to the candidate of my choice. Alone, you probably couldn't benefit a candidate's cause, but groups of one could and do help candidates find potential voters and remind these people to vote on election day. It's never too late to get out to campaign for your man.
to keep the place looking nice. As time goes on they might even find some good groups. But, who's going to go there? Most kids don't want to mess around with these little groups. They want to see Chicago or Moc^y Blues. If anyone wants to hear musi«, they can turn on the radio. Ihe only people left are, of course, the mem- . bers of the Junior High. The opinions of the place that I've heard so far haven't been good. fc "When I w a s there, t w o groups were playing. The second one w a s pretty good, b u t anything would have been better than the first. They were the biggest bunch of 'fags' I ever saw," says Debbie Manika '73. "They have a lot of tables, a dancing area about the size of a watch and a bar in the back. It's so dark in there, people probably lose themselves," states Jim Wall '73. Catching bits of conversation from the parents in the neighborhood, I find they still think of it as the sore spot in Park Ridge. Mr. Otto Kohler, social science department chairman, refers to it as "that place." If the past is any indication, we'd all better wish good luck to Papa Jo's. It's going to need it.
Europe Has Job for You Princeton University has a program called Jobs Europe, guaranteeing students 18 to 29 years of age jobs in Switzerland, England and Belgium. Summer, FaU, Winter a n d Spring jobs are available for general help. For further information send a stamped selfaddressed business size envelope to Jobs Europe, Box 44188, Panorama City, California 914188.
oDXJ7-0XrJL>/iD. Th« oHIcial iHidMil n««npap«r of M*int Township High School South, Park Ridst, lllinoli, «0M«. Writtwi «nd wlited 15 t i m n u c h y*«r by sivdontt of H M high tchool. Subicrlpliofli includtd with octlvily ticktt, puixh*Md M p i r d t l y «t t l ptr y w r , or Individuolly lor 10c. <Prictd hlghtr ler issuM of mora than 4 p«gn.>
Edltar.in.Chief Judy Daly News Editor Barb Grabowskl In-DcpUi Editor Cindy Sopata Sports Editor Mark Mangold Art Editor Pat Heater Assistant Editors Randy GIuss. Judy Kranz, Jim Thompson Reporters Ellen Bush, Priscilla Condon. Eileen Dougherty, Mark Lovelace, Lynn Mason. Mollie Meehan. Christina Pendiich, Carrie Reckert. Nancy Rosone. Mary Spills. Mike Springston, Pat Tully. Doris Urban, Paula Usclan, Dan McGrath. Sharon Blattner, Karia Jennings. Joe Nlcolau Cartoonists Pat Hester, Mary Spills Pbot<«raphen Jilt Berry. Steve Moorman. Lorette Sullivan, Cralf KielhoCer Stttdeot Newi Bureau . Kris Lindgren Spooaor Ken Beatty
September 29, 1972
Page 3
Racing, Digging, Sailing, Dancing-Teachers Do Relax Relaxation is at a premium for teachers as well as for students. Contrary to the teacher image, they do not relax by • correcting themes or formulating tests. The famous Mr. Patton Feichter (by his own admission) of the social science department does not unwind by submerging himself in school work. He said, "I like to play tennis and chess and have a few beers. I used to play golf, but I burned my clubs after the faculty golf tournament. In the winter I go scuba diving under the ice in Devil's Lake. Sometimes I participate in intellectual discussions. But I mostly enjoy digging in the ground for bones." Miss Lucille Wri^t, an English teacher, has a unique way of relaxing. Miss Wright commented, "I go to plays — lots of them — about one every two weeks. Within the last year, I've been to plays in New York; " Hannibal, Missouri; Stratford, Connecticut; Boulder, Colorado; and of course, Chicago." 4 In the girl's physical education department. Miss Dawn Butler said, "I relax by driving racing cars, snow skiing, and painting." Most teachers participate in less adventurous activities. Music is a common faculty interest. Mr. John LaFruit of the math department said, "I like
to play the guitar and I also sing in a chorus." Mr. Milton Nelson, a social science teacher, commented, "Music is my extra-curricular activity. I listen to my stereo collection of classical music. When I'm not listening to my records, I play my violin." Mr. Nelson continued, "I also like to go to symphonies and lyrie operas." Another music lover is Mrs. Gloria De Giorgio of the language department. "When I get home, my first source of relaxation is taking off my shoes," she said. "Then I play cassette tapes. I can bsten to them by the hour." Besides doing wooiworking projects, Mr. Donald Olson commented, "I enjoy listening to chorale music. Religious chorale music is the best." Sitting in school all week is enough to drive some faculty members outdoors in their free time. Mr. Marian Davis, the English department chairman, commented, "I Uke to go camping. Just getting away from the city is relaxing." In the sciene department. Mr. Donald Rakowsky explained, "I relax by doing work that's different from my routine. For the last two years I've been buflding a cabin in Wisconsin. I work on it only during weekends, so it's taking a long time."
Sports are another popular pastime among teachers. Mr. Elbert Smith, Dean of Students, commented, "Since I used to be a coach, I like ball games — all kinds. I try to see as many as I can." Mr. Jerrol Windbigler, a science teacher, said, "I enjoy reading historical novels. But I also relax by playing ping-pong, fishing, and watching Monday night football." In the social science department, Mr. Robert Shultz said, "I believe in a sound body. Consequently I get up every day at 5:30 a.m. and jog one mile. When I have leisure time, I scuba dive, play tennis, golf, and badminton."
Mr. William Mann, a boys' physical education teacher, is another believer in physical fitness. He explained, "I exercise daily by running the mile and lifting weights. I keep in shape by boating, swimming, and bike riding. After all, if I teach fitness, I must practice it." "Fishing, sailing, and playing tennis relax me," stated science teacher Mr. Les Kent. "I especially like gardening, fixing up the house, and building out of wood." Mr. Oliver Brown, the busin e s s education department chaiiman, said, "Besides watching sporting events, I love to work with tools. I'm a do-ityourselfer."
Homecoming Week Planning Underway You don't have to be a rahrah to display your school spirit during Homecoming season. Homecoming can be that time of year when students drop classifications and join in for fun and excitement with their fellow classmates. This year a full schedule of activities is planned for Homecoming week by both Class and Student Councils. Senior class council will meet each Wednesday, ninth period, in C145. Debbie Manika, Senior Class president, says, "All students interested in helping out with any of the Homecoming activities should attend their class Council meetings." One of the major changes in this year's activities is a
shortened float building period, October 10 through 12, from 4 to 7:30 p.m. Since this change gives students only three days to bmld their prize-winning floats, all help from students is welcome. In addition to float building, an hour of sure entertainment will be provided by Student Council on October 11 at the annual Homecoming Assembly. Don't forget the Homecoming game on Saturday, October 14 at noon. Hopefully you'll all be there with your red balloons and loudest voices, anticipating that first touchdown over the Maine West Warriors. Finally, t h e Homecoming Dance is at 8:00 p.m. in the glamorous spectator gym.
Scientist at Work
Science Department discovert youth secret.
There are still other teachers who spend their free time in unique ways. A health teacher, Mr. Thomas Higgins, said, "I enjoy going to antique stores and making' newer things look antique. Mr. Edwin Bleeden of the math department commented, "I like to look at collectables — not antiques, they're too expensive — just collectables. My other hobby is eating." Mr. George Green, a science teacher, said, "I learned glassblowing in college and I do it now as a hobby." Mr. Otto Kohler, social science department chairman, has another singular way of relaxing. "The only real relaxation is sleeping," he stated. "But I enjoy a change of activity. For 32 years I've enjoyed being a radio amateur. I have radio contact all over the world." Miss Paulene Yates, an English teacher, collects cat pictures and listens to semi-dassical music. "I was an undergraduate music major," she said. "I still enjoy playing the piano. My weekly relaxaticm though, is on Friday night Every Friday my friends and I go to a different restaurant for dinner." Miss Yates added, "Eventually I intend to traveL I like the grace of oriental design and decor so my first stop win be in the Far East to see it in its native setting." Finally, a few teachers have more than one unique way of relaxing. One such teacher is Mr. John Minerick, driver education department chairman. Besides collecting stamps, dancing, and driving his 1923 Model T Ford in parades, Mr. Minerick said, "I also like to travel. I've been to Europe twdce in the last three years, and I go to my cattle ranch in Arkansas quite often."
Whipped Cream Reached Great Heights in '71 Student Cafeteria Maine South students have very strong opinions about the cafeteria, ranging from, "It's okay, I guess" to a description of the food in interesting terms. These opinions have always been widely and loudly expressed, but few people ever find out what the staff members think. The most obvious school employees are the lunch-line ladies in black dresses and white aprons, ladling com or ringing up sales. What do they think about their customers? Mrs. Lasure, who took the job after her children grew up, said, "Well, most students are okay, but some are really bad. Some of them use foul language and call us names." "But if something's wrong, like prices are up," Mrs. Lasure continued, "why blame us?" After a phone call to check her ice cream figures, Mrs. Lasure finished, "We make everything but the bread, working from 8:30 to 2:30 p.m." She does not find her job dull or repetitious, and students who think the age of a pudding can be told by its rubber-like consistency will be glad to know that only deserts are kept overnight, then thrown away. Mrs. Moore, the school dietician, has an office inside the bakery. "I understand that originally a man named Hoagie devised that type of burger," Mrs. Moore explained. "It's shape and size are different from most burgers and a lot can be done with it."
Mrs. Moore says that her only problem with students is the ripping off of food in the snack bar in lounge. "It's not so bad new because they are getting caught," she said, "but if this continues, we'll have to do something about it, like closing the lounge. Most kids are okay." Mr. Fredrick Bacon, an art teacher who supervised 5A lunch last year, also considers most students all right. He had some headaches, though. "I don't know if they do it this year," he commented, "but some idiots used to spit cream from Twinkles through straws at the ceiling." A common complaint among students concerned the lack of seats. This problem is caused by people coming to lunch during their study periods. "This year the students have their lunch periods written on the back of their I.D.s, so if a supervisor spots an unfamiliar face or someone causing trouble, he can check the student's I.D.," Mr. Bacon offered. Mr. Bacon feels ambivalent toward supervising. "The job is all right," he decided, "and you can get along with almost everybody, but it cuts into a teacher's allotted free time. Supervising is necessary because of a report of dope peddlers hanging around and because of some students who get into fights." "After all," he concluded, "this is a public school. We're paid to see that students don't get hurt." So next time you are chewing another Hoagie memorial
and wondering why you are being stared at, remember that even if the food tastes strange and the teachers look mean, nobody is really out to get you. After aE, you cannot have your delicatessen and eat it too.
Job Board Aids Motivated Students A new Job Board, located in the Career Resource Center, is a bulletin board on which parttime and full-time jobs are posted. "Through the Job Board we can assist students in the placement in jobs. The board provides students with one spot where they can find job information," stated Mr. Kenneth Reese, Career Guidance Counselor. "Students are encouraged to come in and look," explained Mr. Reese. "Jobs are always changing and many are being added." The board is in plain view so that students don't have to ask. Should a student be interested in a job, he should sign his name at the bottom of the card on the board. Then he should call or see the employer to set up an interview. If a student gets the job for which he has applied because of the Job Board, he should notify Mr. Reese, so that he can remove the order. If a student knows of a job opportunity, he should also notify Mr. Reese.
Page 4
September 29,1972
Cridders Cain Confidence for Deerfield From Swider to Lyons to touchdown! That was the mag'c that Qowed through the air in Berwyn last Saturday afternoon, where the varsity football Hawks beat the Morton East Mustangs by a modest score of 16-6. The score doesn't tell the whole tale, however, as the Scar let and White defense held Morton to just four yards rushing. While the Mustang offense cculd not seem to get anywhere throughout the game the Hawk offense only showed high points at certain times. In the lirst quarter Dave Patterson's 20 yard field goal was followed by some sharp passing by Mike Swider who ended it all in a 26 yard T.D. pass to his favorite receiver, senior Jim Lyons. The Hawks showed little more on offense until the closing minutes of the game when Swider unloaded his second touchdown pass of the afternoon, again to Lyons. It was Lyons' third touchdown in two games. The strong point in the game had to be the improvement of the ine.xperienced de ensive unit. Morton was only able to complete 9 passes in 30 attempts for 78 yards. Pete Jensen picked off two Mustang passes and assisted Mike Podosek in batting away two others. Dave Bamett, besides recovering a fumble, made 5 tackles at his halfback spot. Safety Mike Meier played a strong first half, but was ousted from the game halfway through the second half for fighting. The defensive line also seemed much improved. Bob Sagerstrom, '73, was given the "big hit of the game" award while pulling down seven Morton East ball carriers. Tackle Mike Carroll's 102° degree temperature, and white shoes didn't seem to bother him as he too had seven tackles. Dave Loria was
strong in the line as he made The mistakes were all but six tackles and harrassed Mor- rendered in the following week's ton players all day. game, but must be completely The Hawks ground game still resolved by tomorrow's game couldn't show too much for it- against highly rated Deerfield. self. All they could muster was Of Deerfield coach S c h m i d t 91 yards. Lee Carpenter and says, "1 feel very confident this Mike Walsh were the leading week that we can beat Deerground gainers for the second field, and when we do, we'll week in a row, having 38 be in the driver's seat of the conference." and 39 yards respectively. Morton's only high point came in the third pyeriod when they blocked a Dave Patterson punt Schedule and watched No. 35, Flasza run Sat., 9:30 a.m.—Frosh A & B 30 yards for their only score of football at Deerfield the afternoon. Morton cou'd not convert for the extra point and Sat. Noon—Soph football at Deerfield the Hawks managed to control the ball for the remaining few Sat. 2 p.m.—Varsity football at minutes that enabled them to Deerfield hold en for their first victory of the new season. The final score, once again, was 16-6. Fiddler on Roof In the season opener played C(Hitinued from p. 1. here at Maine South on September 16 the Hawks took on Directorial heads, other than the Wildcats of Wheeling and stage director, will remain the though they fought hard could same for Fiddler on the Roof. not pull out a victory. Mr. Spear will be music diIt was the first game for eith- rector, while Mr. Walter Flecher squad so mistakes were to sig will be vocal director for come and be expected without Fiddler on the Roof. Mr. Marmuch one could do to rectify teUo and Ms. Barbara Bobrich them. will retain their former posiThe game ended in a 14-12 de- tions as technical director and cision in favor of the Wildcats choreographer, respectively. who dominated the Hawks in Mr. Spear is looking for an every category except passing instrumentalist not ordinarily and penalties. foimd in the orchestra, an acWheeling acquired both thier cordionist, for Fiddler on the scores on short runs and in be- Roof. ing successful in their extra Anyone who is interested and point tries. can play the accordion is asked The Hawks meanwhile scored to see Mr. Spear in PA 107. on a five yard run by junior The only requirement is that Mike Walsh and a six yard the student can read music. touchdown pass from Mike Swi- "He is not required to join the der to Jim Lyons. Swider did orchestra," stated Mr. Spear. not start the game as the coaches favored the running ability of Keith Zdeb. Zdeb though injured his ribs slightly and sat out most of the game. Defensively the Hawks stand"Hie Hawk sophomore, frosh outs were Mike Carroll '73 and "A" and "B" football teams Dave Loria '73. have begun their season with mniitiitiiiiiitiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiitiiiuutMiittiiiiiuitiuuuiiiiiiuiiiiHUiiiMU>
Left side down: Debbie Woxberg, Sue Stoneberg, Karen Roche, and Kathy Poladian. Right side d o w n : Denise Garland, Cindy Cantonis, Kathy Murphy, and Sally Poyer.
Frosh-Soph's Gridders Start Strong
Runners Battle Conference for Lead Unexpected success and a sizable setback. Both were encountered by the Maine South Cross Country varsity during the last two weeks as the team continues its' schedule in the Central Suburban Conference. The setback was the more recent event, and occurred in a triangular between the Hawks, Maine West and Maine North. Maine South beat the latter 2433, but lost to the Warriors 1643. These results hinder Hawk chances for the divisional championship. The highest Hawk finisher was Jim Schiffer '73 in sixth, followed by Dave Senf '74, Steve Mall '73, Jim Dohn '74, and Bob Kenutis '73. Coach Kilcullen could only shrug his shoulders
Varsity Cheerleaders
and say, "I thought we were coming along," knowing the loss would be extremely hard to overcome. The coach's hopes had been raised at the Maine West Centers Meet of the previous weekend. At this meet in which twenty-three schools participated, the Hawks had linished third. Scores were calculated from results from a race in each of five divisions. The divisions were freshman, sophomore, iiuiior varsity, B varsity, and A varsity, each higher division being more important in the final computations. The highest team finish was fifth, attained by both the sophomores and B varsity. T h e freshmens' 11th was the lowest, and fortunately the least im-
portant. Overall, Lyons LaGrange was first and Maine West was second. Coach Kilcullen said he was, "very pleased, we came to run the way we're able to run." The best individual performance came in the sophomore race where Gary Lyle finished tenth. Other good showings were Gary Cheves in the B varsity, and John Padgitt's in the junior varsity division. Senf was the top A varsity finisher. Two days before, the Hawks romped to a perfect 15-40 win over Glenbrook South. Maine South runners were the first five over the finish line, and even took the next several places, too. Senf, Schiffer, and Jim Dohn were first through third, respectively.
a combined record of five wins and no losses. The Sophs are 2-0, Freshman "A" is 2-0 and Freshman "B" is 1-0. Our Hawks have a combined total of 152 points, and yet our defensive team has held the opposition to 14 points. Freshman B coach — Kochalka attributed his teams' 36-0 win over Morton East to sparkling offense and defense shown by his squad. "I was really impressed by the performance last weekend. The offensive line scored 36 points, and the defense blocked and tackled consistently throughout the game. 1 was extremely pleased by the performance." Tom Daulkis scored 12 points to spur the offense. Other scores were — Erikson, Paulik, 1 TD apiece, Vinople, 4 extra points, and Sidel, 2 extra points. The frosh A squad has a 2-0 record. Coach Tom Ziemeck is
pleased with the performance of his squad so far. "The attitude and spirit on the team is extremely good. They want to win, that is extremely good, and extremely important to a team." Last weekend, the team beat Morton East 24-0. Sophomore coach Van Proyen also had glowing reports of his team's progress. "0 u r first game was outstanding in as much as the offense was great." "We won 42-0, against Wheeling, the key plays at key moments made that win possible." "The second game against Morton East was outstanding as far as defense. We were hitting hard, blocking hard. Overall, I'm very pleased with the performances." AU 3 coaches are looking forward to this weekend's games against Deerfield to be the key game of the season.
Pom-Pon Squad
Football Team Improving; Sockmen Need Support by Mark Mangold, Sports Editor
This week's game with Deerfield will be the telltale contest of the football season. Deerfield has been favored by most observers, to win the divisional title, but the Hawks are up for this one thanks to the enthusiasm of the coaches. The team's outlook on the remainder of the season has improved significantly with the 16-6 victor>' over the Morton East Mustangs last Saturday. It seems quite evident that the Hawks now believe in themselves. Tomorrow's game will be a rough and tough one, but with the spirit that the Hawks
now have instilled in them, I see a definite victory in sight. • The soccer squad has been having a tough go of it so far this season. After five contests Coach Tilley and his forces have yet to put a mark on the victory side. The soccer team needs your support just as much as any of the other teams do. If more people got out to the games, the team might begin to perform to their full capabilities. I've gotten quite a few reactions to my first editorial, I was pleased that most of them were positive. I know that last year's column was probably not as bad as I inferred it to be. Cut I just wanted to approach the column with a different viewpoint this year.
The Hawkettes entertain the crowd at September 16 game against Wheeling.