Vol 9 issue 4

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Diane Wins NCTE Award

The Rainmaker

Diane M. Scott '73 has been cited as one of the outstanding high school students of English in the country. The National Council of Teachers of English has named her a 1972 winner in its annual Achievement Awards competition. Last spring, the English department of Maine South nominated Diane to represent

Swim Marathon Set For Tonight

Scott King '73 as " P o p " Curry and Kathy Davlin '73 as Lizzie Curry enact a serious moment in South's arena play.

Vol. 9, No. 4

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. 60068

Oct. 27, 1972

South Debaters Join Union Maine South's Debate Team has joined the newly formed Interstate Debate Union. The IDU League includes twelve schools from the metropolitan area which will host league tournaments throughout the year. This year's debate topic is Resolved: That Governmental Financial Support for all Public Elementary and Secondary Education in the United States Should Be Provided Exclusively by the Federal Government. Debate season begins for the Maine South team on Nov. 4 when they travel to Carthage College in Kenosha, Wis. Tlieir season will end in late April. "The debate tournaments are usually held on Saturdays, but

some will be two-day tourneys," said Bill Baumgartner '73, one of the "lettermen" on the squad. Bill exfrfained that on the twoday sessions there will be six preliminary debates or rounds, whEe on one-day tourneys there are only four preliminary rounds. In both cases one elimination round is held. The debaters will participate in three league tournaments and a large number of non-league events. Wiimers of the League championship will be determined after all teams have completed their twelve league rounds on the basis of most rounds won by school teams. Members of the debate team spent part of their summer preparing material for the com-

MS Hockey Club Not Really South's "In no manner of speaking is there or was there ever a Maine South Hockey Club," said Mr. Bemie Brady, Athletic Director. Tlirough South students and local newspapers has spread a rumor about a new "Maine South Hockey Club." A controversy has arisen over the

Concerts . • . Quicksilver Messenger Service, Wishbone Ash, Aragon, Sunday at 7 p.m. Kinks, Auditorium, Oct. 31 at 8 p.m. Four Seasons, Arie Crown, Nov. 11 at 8:30 p.m. John Mayall, Arie Crown, Nov. 11 at 8:30 p.m. The Hollies, Auditorium, Nov. 12 at 7 p.m. Deep Purple, Amphitheater. Nov. 17 at 8 p.m. Uriah Heep, Auditorium, Nov. 21 and 22 at 8 p.m. Chicago, .Arie Crown. Nov. 22-28 with all shows at 8 p.m. Jethro TuU, Chicago Stadium, at 8 p.m. on Nov. 15 and 16. Tickets for all shows are available at Ticketron.

use of the school's name for the club. Mr. Brady continued, "A few weeks ago the formers of the club came to us and asked if we could sponsor their group. We informed them that we would look into it and get back to them soon." "After hearing from the State High School Commission, we came to the conclusion that South could definitely not handle the club due to financial and personnel difficulties. We then informed the club sponsors of our findings, but we now see that they are stiU calling themselves Hawks," Mr. Brady concluded. Club member Brian Nolan '73 commented, "All the other teams are using the name of their school, so I think it's only fair that we should be able to." Another member, who asked that his name not be used, said. "They talk about school spirit. The school can't afford to sponsor a team, so the kids decided to go out and do it on their own, just so our school would be represented. It's just a matter of pride that we should use South's name," he concluded.

ing debates by attending debate workshops. Jim Scott '73, Bill Baumgartner '73 and Paula Uscian '73 attended Northwestern University. Tim Kelly '75 and Mark Junge '74 went to Southern Illinois University. Laura Mangun '75, Carol Uschett '74, Cheryl Anderson '73 and David Cartwright '74 attended the Championship Debate Institute at George Williams College. Other debaters on the team with at least one year's experience are Jack Garon '73, Bob Lee '74, Mary Smith '75 and Bob Brocato '74. In the structured format of formal debate, each team member carefully prepares a negative and an affirmative case. He is required to debate both sides at each tournament.

War Ends? BULLETIN: As we went to press, Tokyo, Japan news media had announced that a peace treaty to end the Vietnam war will be signed Tuesday.

The Maine South pool area is the "place to be" after school today as swimmers take their marks in the first "Swim Marathon" in South's history. Starting time is 4 p.m. today and 9 a.m. tomorrow. A goal of $6000 is becoming more of a reality for the swim team, as $2000 has already been turned in to swim headquarters. The marathon is being undertaken to purchase a kyroscope, a computerized swimming timer. The maximum number of lengths a swimmer can swim is 200. Similar to The Hike For Hungry, the s w i m m e r s are pledged a certain amount of money per length. A swimmer, however, can swim the maximum of 200 lengths only once. Mr. Arthur Johnson, varsity swim coach, is expecting more than 30 teachers and nearly 150 swimmers to participate in the Marathon. As an extra promotion for the Marathon, Miss Judy Ford Johnson, a student teacher at South and Miss America of 1969, has consented to swim. Other groups swimming in the Marathon include the Maine South swim teams, swim clubs and the school cheerleaders. The coaches of the Maine South swim teams would like to thank all the students and teachers for their efforts and contributions.

Maine South in the competition. The school was allotted seven entries, one junior for every 500 students in the total school enrollment, according to Mr. Morton Davis, English department chairman. After nomination, each student submitted samples of his best writing, including an autobiographical sketch, and wTOte a one-hour impromptu essay. These materials were evaluated by state judging teams, and college and high school English teachers directed by the state coordinators. The nati(Hi*s schools participating in the program nominated approximately 7200 juniors for the NCTE citations. Of that number, only about 870 finalists were chosen. They represent schools from 50 states, the District of Columbia, and American preparatory schools abroad. In announcing the winners, Robert F. Hogan, Executive Secretary of the National Council of Teachers of English, said that the Council recommends these students, now seniors, for college scholarship in 1973, should they need such assistance. The NCTE sends all winners and runners-up certificates of recognition and also honors their h i ^ school English departments with certificates of merit. Miss Pauline Yates, Mrs. Mary Anna Mohr and Robert Hunt have been Diane's English instructors at Maine South.

Wins Story Award Barbara Wideberg, a '72 graduate of Maine South, won first place in level III of the national Virginia Hardy's Oven Short Story Contest. Her story was selected from among the entries from high school students across the United States to win a $100 Savings Bcmd.

Judy Ann Ford Johnson Student Teacher Here The Maine South Girls' Physical Education Department has a little more glamour in it this year. Mrs. Judy Ann Ford Johnson, Miss America 1969, is student teaching here. Representing the state of Illinois in the pageant, Mrs. Johnson is perhaps best rememibered for her graceful movements in her trampoline routine. She is currently attending the University of Illinois, has an undeclared minor, and is working at her major: teaching Physical Education. Mrs. Johnson enjoys her position. "I'm interested in sports and enjoy working with young people," she explains. Mrs. Johnson also feels lucky that she is student teaching at Maine South. "It's a beautiful school," she commented, "I en-

joy the classes, and the kids are nice." Although she has kept in touch with a few other contestants from the 1969 Miss America pageant, she has not kept any particularly close ties because the contestants live in many different areas of the coimtry. Mrs. Johnson will complete her education at the University of lUinois in January. Asked about future plans, she replied, "I don't know. I plan to graduate and to teach sometime." Mrs. Johnson feels that being chosen as Miss America was a valuable experience. "Besides earning a $10,000 scholarship, I travelled constantly for a whole year. I learned much about other people and myself."

Is Quad Council Fulfilling Its Purpose? To some students, the term Quad Council means very little. The idea behind the Quad Council is to bring Student Council officers of the four Maine schools together. They would work to solve the problems that exist on the district level. Dan Grippo, President of Student Council at Maine East, hopes that the Quad Council "will unify the four Student Councils in the Maine district." But what has the Quad Council actually accomplished in its quest for unification? Nothing, at least not yet. .At the end of the last school year. Student Council officers and advisors worked on a constitution for the Quad Council.

This proposed constitution was submitted to Dr. Short, the Superintendent of Schools, and it was rejected. Quad Council hoped because they were working to solve the problems that exist on the district level, they would be able to take their ideas directly to the district head. Dr. Short. In addition, Quad Council members hoped a student would be permitted to sit in on school board meetings. According to Dr. Short and the administrators had ideas quite to the contrary. They felt that Quad Council's ideas first should be taken to the principals of the individual schools, thereby making the principals

the first ones aware of any changes that might affect their schools. Administrators were unwilling to have a student at the school board meetings, but felt that a representative of the administration should be present at all Quad Council meetings. Dr. Short and administrators are still awaiting the presentation of a revised constitution. If Quad Council ever does become official, among the things they want to discuss are smoking lounges, a student bill of rights, student exchanges among the Maine schools on a day basis, and a concert to which any Maine I.D. would be a ticket of admission.

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October 27, 1972

Says To Check Out Other Side Of Papa Joe's by Lynn Mason '73 It's hassle time again. True, there are two sides to every story. So. . .to be perfectly fair, I will name a few things that the Deep End has accomplished. Let's see now. Judy Daly and I went to Papa Joe's about a week ago. Mr. Vic Giovamiini, the present owner, sat us down and pulled out his notebook. In it were articles and letters, among them some from the Park Rdge Police Department, complimenting the Deep End.

As Mr. Hommerding says, "Where else could you pull around 1,000 kids off the streets and keep them out of trouble while keeping them entertained?" The Deep End sponsored many scholarships, of various kinds, which were awarded to needy students. They also hosted many dance contests, which in most cases awarded money prizes. Papa Joe's success, on the other hand, does not depend

solely upon organized events or entertainers. If you want to rap with some of the teachers, many Maine South teachers frequent the place. Its night life is limited to the older kids, but their concession stand is open daily to anyone. A few things bothered me, though. Some students came up to me and asked why did Mr. Hommerding quit if the Deep End was doing such a great job? As Mr. Giovannini explained, ''We are not in this


The 'Candidate' in '72? Judy Kranz 1%e Candidate is a movie every student interested in politics and every potential voter should see. "The Candidate," staging Robert Redford is the story of a man with definite ideas and feelings, who becomes a candidate who utters many words but says nothing. Can this really happen to today's politician? If so whose fault is it? McKay, piaye i by Robert Redford, is asked by a campaign manager to run for Senator of California. The manager wants McKay to run, so the opponant loses strength. He talks McKay into running by saying McKay is free to say anything or express any opinion. After the primary, McKay is losing. In the beginning, his

manager hadn't expected to win, but then he hadn't expected a face-losing defeat. He tells McKay to tone down his ideas, so that McKay won't lose so many voters. Before long, McKay is saying nothing, though he's gaining more votes and wins the e.ection. Why did he win the election? He won for his good looks and easy going personality. People forced McKay to change his ideas and campaign rather than change themselves. The people should have formed ideas for example on pollution and supported a candidate that favored their ideas. Instead the people forced McKay to change — to become a nothing, neutral candidate. McKay's manager also forced

McKay to lessen the intensity of his views, so McKay wouldn't lose face in the election due to few supporters. Do the people really want candidates that say nothing? I doubt they do. For candidates who say nothing, do nothing. What can we as students do to see that this story won't be present today? We can demand that politicians clearly state their views and ideas. We can and should become interested in politics by campaigning which allows us to understand political workings and the candidates. As voters, we can give our support to candidates that utter mere than mere words. The Candidate was a good movie, but let's hope it isn't a story of today.

to make money. If I were, I'd quit right now." Mr. Hommerding quit because he got tired of convincing many cynical people how good the place was. People would look at the kids hanging around the outside and call it a few choice words. Then Mr. Hommerding would say, "Whv don't you come in and

Abner tAikva Speaks to Government Students Congressman Abner Mikva, incumbent from the Tenth Congressional District, spoke to government students on Oct. 20. He discussed and answered questions on topics ranging from legalization of marijuana to welfare and inflation. Congressman M i k v a has sen'ed on various committees in the House of Representatives. He was a member of the Illinois State Legislature from 1956 to 1968, then became Congressman. The discussion opened with comments concerning dishonesty in government. Mikva agrees that there are grounds for believing public officials are lying to the public. He included the comment that the level of corruption in the Nixon administration is substantial. Mikva cited the case of ITT where ITT received a favorable settlement in an anti-trust suit in return for support for the Republican party- "The ccmdoning of those activities is more disturbing than the activities themselves. They are condoned


Cream and Mountain Impersonated in WBL Album By Mike Springston West, Bruce, and Laing is made up of two former members cf Mountain and one member from Cream. If you do not know anything else about the group, you probably know that. Every commercial and story about the band contains that fact. Tht group even plays old Mountain and Cream songs in concert. It should come as no surprise to anyone then, that West, Bruce

and Laing sound a lot like Mountain in some places, and Cream in others. This will be a major factor in determining whether or not you like the album. If you liked Cream and Mountain, you wLU probably like West, Bruce, and Laing's album Why Dontcha. If you do not like Cream and Mountain, you might as well stop reading this story here, because you probably will not agree with a word I say.

The title track, "Why Dontcha" opens side one. With Leslie West, the guitarist, on vocals, the song sounds a lot like Mountain, only heavier. Jack Bruce's bass has a strong influence on this scng as it does with the rest of the album. Bruce takes over on vocals and various keyboard instruments for the second song, Out Into the Fields. This is a softer song and has pretty much the same effect as the quiet songs


Potential Voter Takes Seat Among Silent Majority The Nov. 7 national election will have special meaning for a minority of students here at South. Although 50 students are eligible to vote, only a fraction of these 18 year-olds have registered and are anxiously awaiting their first visit to the polls. It would be unfair as well as incorrect to assume by these figures that South students are apathetic about the upcoming election. In early September many students volunteered their services in various campaign headquarters. Unfortunately, many of these volunteers are not eligible to vote in the '72 election. While we're on the subject of campaigning, Southwords would like to commend the social science department for their efforts to get students involved in this year's election. Through their cooperation and encouragement, students gained experience in politics and at the same time received extra credit for their work. Students are by no means uninformed about the issues facing this year's election. Newspapers are filled with campaign promises and information concerning each candidate's political platform. Southwords, in the past two issues, has carried several

articles on the congressional and senatorial races in an attempt to inform students of the men behind these issues. Abner J. Mikva, incumbent from the tenth congressional district, recently spoke to South government students. Debates between candidates for political office have been frequent and open to the pubUc Ask any student his opinion of the legalization of marijuana, the war in Vietnam, inflation, welfare, corruption in government or other pertinent issues. Both pro and con opinions can be found in every comer of the camus. Therefore, Southwords feels that it would be inappropriate to publicly endorse certain candidates for political office. It is our belief that students are supphed with enough essential information and are intelligent enough to make their own decisions when voting. In fact, this was the reason behind the institution of the 18-year-old vote. Although you might not be an active participant in this year's ehction, it doesn't mean that you are a part of the silent minority. By judging the statistics, it appears that those who are eligible to vote fit more appropriately into this category.

see the place for yourself?" And, surprisingly enough, they liked it. Mr. Giovannini said that even now, porents will come in to look the place over. Well anyway, if you have nothing to do some night, why don't you go over and check the place out

on Black Sabbath albums. It is just there to mellow out the album. The Doctor comes next and puts things back in a heavier vein. A little sloppy in some places, the song still contains the hard rock you would expect from the group, especially Jack Bruce's bass playing. Drummer Corky Laing takes over the vocals for the next song Turn me Over. It is easy to listen to, and used primarUy to show off Jack Bruce's talents on harmonica. Third Degree closes side one. It's the kind of blues song Cream used to do so well. With Bruce on vocals the band plays it to its full potential. Side two opens with Shake Ma Thing (Rollin Jack) another Mountain-type rocker. L e s l i e West then gets a chance to do a quiet song. "While you Sleep" sounds painfuUy close to a lullaby and is entirely out of place on this album. Jack Bruce gets things rolling again with his vocal and piano work on "Pleasure", a bookie. "Pleasure" it the most original song on the album and will either be the first song you get tired of or the last. "Love is Worth the Blues" effectively follows "Pleasure." It is the heaviest song on the album and in some places sounds more like Black Sabbath than anyone else. Pollution Woman closes the side and the album. It has some good parts, but it sounds like West, Bruce, and Laing just did it so Jack Bruce could try out his synthesizer. It is not up to some of the other songs on the album. All in all, Why Dontcha is a pretty good album. It won't make you forget Cream, but it's a fair substitute.

by government and public alike," he stated. A good deal of Congressman Mikva's comments were about the prisoner of war issue in Vietnam. "Hiese statements led into military spending and the economy. Mikva argued that in the pretense of saving POW's, we've been feeding the POW camps. He stated that histrary shows countries don't get back POW's in the middle of a war. "The only way to get them back is to leave. We owe them the highest loyalty to get them back." To continue his stand on Vietnam, Mikva agrees with George McGovem to pull all troops out of Vietnam in 90 days if we agree we have no other interests to protect besides POW's. Mikva feels that while fighting the war, we've neglected pressing home problems. To keep Lake Michigan from getting worse last year, the cost would have been $140 (sic) million. That is also the cost of four days bomhing in North Vietnam. The $140 million was not given for preservation of the lake. Mikva sees the way to stop inflation as full employment. A public works program can be set up for returning service men similar to the WPA of Franklin Roosevelt's administration. llie basis for reform in this country, according to Mikva, should be the nationalizing of welfare standards and providing an incentive for work. "Most 'lazy loafers' are youngsters or the elderiy. There is a group of able-bodied people «1io can WOT*."

Mikva stated that he has never been for the legalization of marijuana. He wants to see the de-criminalization of it. He doesn't feel that there is any sense in putting marijuana users in jail. It accomplishes nothing. He agrees, though, that it still should be an offense. He concluded by quoting Robert F. Kennedy. "Owe answer is to rely on youth."

'^VUSvUlVSO)^ Tht oHlclal >fud«n» n«wspap«r of M a i n * Townitiip High School South, Park Ridgt, llllnoit, M M ) . Writtm and tdircd 15 tinrws each yaar by thidcnn ot th< high tchool. Subseripliofls includtd with activity tickat, purchawd saparattly at $2 par yaar, or Individually for 10c. (Pricad highar for i u u a t of mora than 4 pagat.)

Editor-in<:hle{ News Editor In-Depth Editor Sports Editor Art E^litor AsslsUnt Editors

Judy Daly Barb GrabowsU Cindy Sopata Mark Mangold Pat Hester Randy Gluss,

Judy Kranz, Jim Ttiompson Reporters Ellen Bush, PrlscUla Condon, Eileen Dougherty. Ifark Lovelace, Lynn Mason, MoUle Meehan. Christina Pendzich. Carrie Reckert, Nancy Rosone. Mary Spills. Mike Springston. Pal TuUy. Doris Urban. Paula Uscian, Dan McGrath, Sharon Blattoer. Karla Jennings. Joe Nicolau CartoonisU Pat Hester, Mary Spills Pho<o(riq>hefS JUI Berry. Steve Moorman, Lorette Sullivan. Cralx Kielbofer Student News Bureau . Kris Llndgren Sponsor Ken Beatty

October 27, 1972


Page 3

'Hard-work' Key to Hawkettes' Success by Mary Spilis Hawkettes, Maine S o u t h 's Pom-Pon squad, is one of the hardest working clubs in the school. At all home baU games and guest engagements, the dancers, dressed in sparkling costumes and glowing smiles, provide professional half-time entertainment. Behind the Hawkettes' perfection, though, is ÂŁ story of self-discipline and hard work. Debbie Campbell, a senior co-captain of the Hawkettes, said, "We have to discipline ourselves because of our responsibility to the school and to each other. We're not out there to perform as individuals but to look good as a unit. Sometimes at practice we yell as if we hate each other, but mutual criticism gets us working together. It's a lot of work, but the feeling of self-satisfaction after a performance makes it all worth while." The popular myth that says a Hawkette will be benched if she gains a pound is absolutely false, according to the PomPon sponsor and choreographer, Miss Barbara Bobrich. "Some girls can gain five pounds and not show it," said Miss Bobrich. "Then other girls gain three and it hangs out right away. The weigh-ins help themselves so that their weights don't slip beyond a visible limit." Despite Miss Bobrich's nonogre outlook on over-weight Hawkettes, the girls still make sacrifices. Explained junior Hawkette Chris Laz, "We always worry about our weights. On weigh-indays, we don't eat all day." Pounds are not the only obstacles Hawkettes must overcome. Senior Hawkette Patty Guerin has trouble staying limber, especially over the summer. "I'm the only one on the squad with a bad kick," Patty commented. "During the summer 1 really had to exercise to keep in shape. Each Hawkette is assigned a new girl to practice with over the summer and that helped. But I still had a hard time when practice at school started again." Practicing is the Hawkette activity that consumes most of their time. Miss Bobrich explained.

Legal Questions Choral Concert featuring both the Concert Choir and Concert Orchestra will be held Sunday, October 29, at 3 p.m. in the Maine South auditorium. First quarter ends on Friday, November 3. SAT tests for Juniors and Seniors scheduled for Saturday, November 4, at 7:45 a.m. Varsity football battles Niles East Saturday, November 4, at 2 p.m. PTC Fall Open House for those parents whose last names begin with the letters A through L is Wednesday, Novemtoer 8 at 7 p.m. On Nov. 1, Tri-S will sponsor their mock election. Voting booths will be located outside the cafeteria all day. All students will be able to vote for President, Governor, Senator, U.S. Congressman and State Attorney. The purpose is to compare our school's results with the national results. If any student has been pondermg a legal question without getting any answers, there's a place he can write and put his mind to rest. Send your name, phone number, and most important, your question to Mr. George Martin, Cook County Legal Assistance Foundation, 19 South La Salle St., Chicago, Illinois 60603.

"Practice is Tuesday through Friday from 4 to maybe 6 p.m. During football the girls come Satiu-day at noon to practice with the band. In the basketball season, they come on Friday at 7 p.m. to practice. There are five or six basic routine steps. The rest of the dance is made up of new steps." Sewing is notorious for using up the time left over after the Hawkettes practice. Homemade costumes were started when professionally-made outfits became too expensive. Actually, the girls don't sew as often as is believed. Every year they make about two outfits. Miss Bobrich suggests the basic design, the school provides the materials, the girls sew it up, and the school takes the finished products back. Outfi's are stored and reused each year so that the girls have to do a minimum of sewing. The girls can replace parts of previous years' costumes if they want.

The work load sometimes gets junior Hawkette C a r o l Stanley dowTi. Carol said, "Sometimes it's depressing to be a substitute like me and do all the work, yet not be able to perform with the regulars. But usually I don't mind sitting out. I get a gool feel-ng when I see all the Hawkettes dancing

Boys' Locker Room Open; Gates Are Fire Hazard New gates in the boys' locker room have caused an opinion conflict between the Physical EdueaticMi Department and Student Council. Student Council contends that the barriers are a fire hazard when locked and called in a fire marshal to check. Since last week, the gates have been permanently- open. The gates, which were installed this year, evoked varied opinions from the boys. Comments ranged from "Yea, really great" to "Heck no, it's really a hassle when >x>u want to leave and you're locked in." Mr. Bemie Brady, Athletic Director, says one reason the gates were put up was to prevent cutting. "The most important reason for the gates was vandalism. Last year, boys were continually having their wallets, watches and even their clothes stolen." "The barriers," Mr. Brady continued, "prevented the icids in lounge from coming into the locker room after the bell. The closed gates eliminated the stealing and also stopped the guys from coming tardy to class." Before the gates were opened for good, the custodian installed a chain to hold the gates open after school, "nie action was taken after some boys were locked in after school as a joke by one of their friends. Mr. Parks, custodian for the

boys locker room, says the gates are "the best thing this school ever had. It kept the kids from other schools out of the locker room. I don't see why the gates should be kept open. There's been almost no stolen things since they were locked in-between the passing periods." "Also, these gates couldn't be any kind of a fire hazard," Mr. Parks commented. "I am always in the locker room with a gate key in case something did happen, and all the gym teachers and custodians have a key also. I'm really sorry to see the gates kept open." S'udent Council says the now unusable gates are there (actually, not there) for the wellbeing of the students invrfved.

perfectly." Being captain of the squad is even more work as senior Karen Littwin testified. "I design costumes, decide routine, decide which alternates to use, measure costume material, and make sure everyone knows what she's doing. The hard work is worth it when I see everything operate smoothly together." Hawketting also has its outside effects on the girls. Senior Nancy Sundberg commented, "In school, people I've never seen before say hello to me. At home, I have less time to do homework, so I'm more inclined to do it." Sophomore Becky Pruess added, "People look up to you, but they also think you're stuck up. You have to be twice as friendly to change your image." Cindy Graf '73, concluded, "Contrary to what people think, being a Hawkette doesn't necessarily mean I get dates. Just being a Hawkette occupies lots of my time." For all female readers who have not been seared off by the previous paragraphs, here are a few requirements to be a Hawkette: You must have a C average. You need good rhythm. You do not need dance training. You must be limber, coordinated, and light on your feet. For the few girls who have all the above attributes, here Plan Accounting Film A short color film entitled "Why Not Accounting?" will be presented Thursday, Nov, 9, during periods one and three in Lecture Hall C-145. This movie is one part of a program for students interested in accounting. All interested students are encouraged to attend.

are some tips cm tryouts in the spring: Be distinct in your footwork. Mistakes are not important; it's how you cover for them that counts. Point your toes, especially when you kick. Those girls who still want to try out may, at this time next year, be able to understand the feeling junior Kathy Flarity described. "Hawketting is like s h o w business. You get cold from nervousness and worry about s t a g e fright," commented Kathy. "Then you're out on the field and you can't mess up. You've heard the music so many times that your body moves without thinking. Then it's over and you know the crowd enjoyed you."

New Bike Racks The District 207 School Board spent approximately $450 on bicycle theft prevention by purchasing five new bicycle racks for South students. "It won't solve everything, but it should surely help" stated Elbert Smith, Dean of Students. WiUi 14 bikes already stolen this year, the school is making a serious attempt to cut down bike thefts. Mr. Smith noted a few things a student can do to save his bike from theft. 1) Keep your bike at the racks or the fence immediately adjacent to the racks. 2) Keep your bike away from behind the field house and along the field. 3) Keep your bike locked at all times and get a high-grade cast iron lock, which is difficult to cut. During the last week in October if a student's bike isn't locked or parked in the right place, it will be removed and put on the racks or in the dean's office.

South Students Win Votes for Percy Over 30 South students are presently involved in the campaign for Senator Charles H. Percy, according to Mr. Patton Feicliter, an area co-ordinator for the campaign and Social Science teacher. "For the last several weeks," Mr. Feichter said, "the students have been going door-todoor to make sure all eligible v-oters are registered to vote. As of October 11, they are working on the voter canvass, asking people if Ihey are voting for Percy. "On the day of the election, these same students will check to see if the people who have pledged votes to Percy have voted. If they have not, the student workers will call to make sure they come out to vote in time," continued Mr. Feichter. The Percy campaign is being handled almost entirely on a volunteer basis. "This is a non-

partisan campaign." Mr. Feichter said. "These students are not working for the Republican party, but for Percy, the man." According to a pamphlet put out by the people for Percy campaign, the volunteer campaign will "provide the focal point for the Percy campaign effort in their own communities ...by hosting coffees, distruting literature on the issues, and conducting "bumper-branding drive." "The Commnnity Campaign Centers comiarse a statewide network of commimity and home headquarters. Volunteers, operating frcÂŤn these headquarters, will canvass voters to register new arrivals to Illinois and young voters newly enfranchised, to communicate the Percy record, and to get out the vote on election day." Thus, in joining the people for Percy campaign, South stu-

dents are becoming a part of this vast network of volunteers, Percy's stand on the Vietnam war.still probably one of the biggest issues of the '73 election, is made quite clear in "The Percy Record on Vietnam," which is available at the Percy campaign headquarters at 705 Center St. in Des Plaines. Briefly, it states that Percy is for the withdrawal of U.S. troop>s from Vietnam with the condition that our POW's be released. "He voted to allow further funds for U.S. forces in Indochina to be used only for the piirposes of withdrawal, except for actions necessary to protect our men against imminent danger as they are withdrawn. Percy has also cosponsored the all-volunteer army legislation and voted for amendments to the draft extension bill to upgrade the pay

and training of draftees and to limit the extension of the draft to no more than one year." Most students going door-todoor for the campaign are asked to go in pairs for the sake of safety, Mr. Feichter said. However, even voter registration can have its trying moments. Robert Ogle '73, met with one woman who expressed quite emphatically that she "would vote for all the Republicans except Percy because she felt he, as a liberal would ruin the country. Some young campaigners have also been known to be chased for a block by verbal abuse from seething members of the opposite party. From the number of students taking part in the campaign, however, the rewards must far outweigh the trials of the door-to-door campaign.

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October 27, 1972

Hawk Gridmen Co for Winning Season by Joe Paschen The sky fell on the Hawks two weeks ago, as the Maine West Warriors sooiled Maine South's Homecoming. It was the first time the Warriors had ever beaten the Hawks in varsity football action. It came with a decisive win over our Hawks which kept them in the cellar while the Warriors shared the lead in the conference with the Niles West Indians. For the Warriors it was their biggest win of the season and for the Hawks it was the hardest loss to take. The 46-9 score doesn't tell the whole story, as few games this year have. The Hawks were within reach of three scoring efforts in which they failed and the Warriors took advantage of each one. With just 9:41 left on the clock in the opening period West scored on a Myslka 40 yard run. With that the Warriors kicked off and they recovered a costly Maine South fumb'e on the receiving end. Tlje Warriors took it in for a 12-0 lead after just three minutes of play. It seemed for a while that the Hawks were going to make a comeback with a safety on a Maine West fumble, and a one yard plunge for Mike Herdrich that gave the game a new outlook. "But not for long" said the skyUue colored Warriors, who came right back with another touchdown that ended the half with a 20-9 score in favor of the enemy. The third quarter

saw good defense, but this, along with the game, all fell through with the emergence of 26 more points in the fourth and final quarter. The varsity team of Maine South is hurting though. The starting team looks more like that of a hospital. No. 1 QB Mike Swider wcke up Saturday morning with a knee spasm and along with lineman Ed Frick, who has knee troubles also, are doubtful starters for Saturday's game. Dave Bamett and Keith Skathan are also having knee troubles, but Bamett is ready for action while Junior Skathan is out for the rest of the year awaiting knee surgery. Lee Carpenter has too many headaches to run and Mike Meier's shoulder is ready again for some action. "Die Scarlet and White will need a healthy, strong, and proud team to beat this tough Niles West team who last year beat South in the last conference game for the conference crown. The good news is yet to come. In fact it came last Saturday at Niles North where the Maine South Hawks turned spoilers, in defeating the Vikings in a mud ridden Homecoming game in Skokie. The 14-12 win was one of the most needed for the Hawks, who needed to get out of the depression they were in after the Maine West game. Coach Schmidt feels the team can beat Niles West after seeing the well played game at Niles North. Pete Jensen was

Harriers Enter State Meet The end of the season is near. With only tvro meets left, sectionals and state, the Maine South varsity cross-country team will finish while still improving, and could continue the improvement over the next few years if the str<M\g sophomore teams are as successful at the varsity level. Districts were held at Elk Grove earlier this week, with the top five teams advancing to sectionals tomorrow at Barrington. Coach John KilcuUen sees a sectional berth within the team's reach. The Varsity concluded the conference season in fifth place, having finished there in both the dual meet standings and the conference meet last Saturday in Wilmette. The improvement that coach Kilcullen found was evidenced in the way his runners were competing as a unit, a sign of experience, and improved times. Maine East and Deerfield tied for first, the latter upsetting the

former in the conference meet. Maine West and New Trier West also finished ahead of t h e Hawks in the final standings, as they had done in dual meets during the season. Jim Schiffer '73, Dave Senf '74, and Bob Kenutis '73 led Maine South. In the last two duals, the Hawks had to face two of thr teams which finished ahead of them in conference standings. Deerfield overwhelmed them 19-" 40, and New Trier West won 15-48. In the latter meet, in which Maine South defeated Glenbrook North, the coach attributed some of the embarrassment to the muddy, narrow, unfamiliar paths, and the amost pitch dark at New Trier. At the Addison Trail Invitational, Maine South finished sixth. Coach Kilcullen noted that the total was not far from that of the team in second place, and was also very close to the scores of Elk Grove and Forest View, which are in the same district as the Hawks.

the big back stabber against NQes North, as he intercepted two clutch passes which stopped

two outstanding Viking drives. The first came in the second quarter when he picked off a

Bob Sagerstrom (82) is tripped on his own one yard line after a catch that brought the Homecoming crowd to their feet. (Photo by Mike Charewicz)


Dedication: You Can be Proud of It by Mark Mangold Sports Editor The football season is rapidly coming to a close. The Varsity team, I think, has done surprisingly well considering what they were up against with players quitting, getting tired of playing, etc. I, personally, did not expect this good a season out of them. Their record stands at 3 wins and 3 losses with two games remaining. The squad seems confident that a 5-3 record is feasible but they all agree that a .500 record would be nothing to be ashamed of. I couldn't agree more. I think that the players who have stuck

Int-ramurals Roll, Frosh Compete Intra murals continued in the past two weeks with the freshmen touch football championship being decided. Mr. Rees' sixth period class was the one to come out on the top of the heap. The members of the squad are as follows: Frank Stautfer, Bill Penkava, Bill Vannerson, Eric Spreiser, Dave Friel, George Rodelius, Brian llenegan, Lonn Naudzius, Dana 01sen, Fred Perlini, Bill Polka, Tom Vravick, Jim Conroy, John Patelski, and Mark Nelson. The junior and senior classes combined their squads and were competing this past week. Results were not available at printing time, however. The next boys' intramural event has not yet been decided and will be dependent on the weather.

out four solid years of football ought to be commended and thanked for their continuing interest in a sport that has lost much of its appeal here a South. —With the closing of the '72 fall sport season, most of the teams have done fairly well, especially the lower level squads in cross-country and football. Much hard work in the off-season will depend on the future success of the teams. During the upcoming winter season you can expect fine seasons out of the wrestling and swimming squads. The Varsity basketball squad should be the best this school has ever pul on the court, —1 received quite a few comments on my mention of the gates in the boys' locker room in my last column. About a week after this 1 was to'.d by one of the P.E. teachers that a lock and chain would be installed to hold the gate back when not locked. Upon inspection of this device I was very pleased and feel that the administration made the right decision as how to solve the problem of people being locked in. —The last football game of the year will be Saturday, November 4, against Niles East here at Maine South. On that day the football field will be dedicated and renamed as the Olan K. Wilson Field in honor of Mr. Wilson who retired as Athletic Director prior to this school year. This is a wonderful dedication to a man who did so much for this school and school system during his many years of service.

pass and ran it back sixty yards. This all with just 31 seconds remaining on the 1st half clock. The second came with 49 seconds in the game. Pete grabbed this one and let the offense stall for the last seconds of the game. Jensen also knocked down a last effort by the Vikings who passed one deep in the end zone which Jensen got a hand on. It was a muddy game that let one thing be known to all that played, "blocking is the name of the game." That's how Mike Herdrich's 43 yard run preceded Mike Walsh's 4 yard touchdown run. Some bib blocks downfield set Herdrich wide open for his big run and Walsh got in with some more big blocks by his fellow backs. Dave Patterson who started at QB for Swider had a mediocre game until he led his team with a drive that ended in a 9 yard pass to Jim Lyons for the final Hawk score. Dave FuUerton put in some fine extra-points and even made one of the finer tackles of the game on a kickoff. "A lot of starters were hurt and the boys that played in their places showed we surely are a team. They played real line." said Coach Schmidt. Pete Grigonis played Ed Prick's spot and along with Tim Starck had an outstanding defensive ballgame. Pete Lannon, middle linebacker of the team, feels that the new 5 man line is what the Hawks need to beat the Indians who run out of a wishbone formation.

Soccer Team Lose in Tourney The Maine South Soc-Men have one last chance to "pull it out of the fire" so to speak, tMiight as they enter the Central Suburban Conference Tourney along with five other teams. The first opponent is Maine East who slipped by the Havrits in their last meeting, 3-1. The goals scored by East were quite unusual as they bounced off of poles, players and referees. The Hawks had held a l-O lead up to that point. That seems to t>e one of the weaker points of the soccer team this year is that old second half letdown jinx. T h e Hawks are hoping to change that around during the tournament, however. The tournament climaxes a season of close and well played games in which the Hawks usually came out on the short end. Their conference record was a lowly 1-4. High scorers on this years' squad are by two seniors, Mike Getz, and Myxon Kaminsky.

Hawks Do Well in League

Mike Walsh (22) sweeps around end on his way to a big gain for the Hawits. (Photo by Mike Charewicz)

In the first year of organized Central Suburban League girl's interscholastic tennis, our Hawks have compiled an overall record of four wins and one loss. Also, three players, Jan Daly, Fran Samaras and Annette Charuk participated in the first state tournament ever held. Miss Joyce Albrecht, coach, commented, "This is the first time that a league has been set up the same as the boys conference. Previously, the league was set up with surrounding schools who wanted to play. It was rather unorganized. But, the public is finally beginning to realize that girl's sports is a relevant part of the extracurricular activities.

In the state tournament Annette Charuk was the singles representative from Maine South. However, she was defeated in three sets by a seeded player from Fremd Iligh School in Palatine. Jan Daly and Fran Samaras were the doubles representatives from South. They advanced to the semi-final round, but were defeated there. They are rated third or fourth in state out of a field of 220 entrants. Over-all, the team did extremely well and future Maine South girl's teams will have to work very hard to measure up to the standards set by the 72'73 team. The girl's swim team, under

the direction of Miss Jacqueline Schultz, has compiled a record of four wins and no losses. The last meet will be this afternoon. On Nov. 4, some swimmers will be sent to participate in the first girl's C.S.L. swim meet. Two swimmers in each event will be sent. "The girls have done really well so far this year," stated Miss Schultz. "This is the first year for really organized competition. The girls now have something important to swim for. Instead of swimming just for the sake of swimming, the girls can swim with the hope of capturing a league or division title."

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