Vol 02, Issue 01

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Dr. Watson Announces 9 Merit Semi - Finalists Dr. Clyde K. Watson, principal, announced today that nine Maine South seniors have been named Semifinalists in the 196566 Merit Scholarship competition. The students cited for their high achievement, are Joann Engelke, Bill Fitch, Charles Harris, Linda Lucas, Martha Mosher, Betty Parkhurst, Linnea Priest, Jim Reeder, and Sue Sasser. They are among the highestscoring students in the state of Illinois on the National Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test, administered last March in over 17,600 schools in the nation. More than 14,000 Semifinalists were appointed across the counDr. Clyde K. Watson, principal, congratulates Maine South's semi-finalists in the Natry. tional Merit Scholarship Qualifying Test. Finalists will be selected on the basis of their To become Finalists, the stuscores on the Scholastic Apptitude Tests. The semi-finalists are (from left) Joann dents must substantiate their Engelke, Bill Fitch, Linnea Priest, Chuck Harris, Betty Parkhurst, Jim Reeder, Linda qualifying test performance on a second examination, submit Lucas, Martha Mosher, and Sue Sasser. recommendations by t h e i r schools, and fulfill routine requirements. All National Merit Scholars for 1966 will then be selected from the Finalist group. To increase their opportunities for financial assistance if they need it, NMSC sends the names of Semifinalists to all regionally accredited colleges and universities and to other scholarshipVol. 2, No. 1 Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III. September 24,1965 granting agencies and sources of financial aid. At least 97 per cent of past Semifinalists have become Finalists. Each Finalist receives a Certificate of Merit in recognition of his outstanding performance in the program. Finalists Cast announcements for this '66, who will play Helen's moth- the round, with the audience year's Thespian play, The Mir- er Kate; Don Anderson, '67, sitting on all four sides of the acle Worker, were made Mon- who will portray Captain Keller; stage. This will provide for a day, September 20. Steve Crow, '67, who will play better view of the performers The part of the young Helen her arrogant brother, James; by all spectators, as no memKeller will be played by Ellen and Linda Reidland, '67, who ber of the audience will be sitMohill, '69. Carla Oleck, '68, has the role of her Aunt Ev. ting more than four rows from will portray Helen's teacher, The National Honor Society Other roles will be taken by the acting area. Annie Sullivan. The set was designed by Mr. has begun a search for former Judy Munsen, '67, who will play The Keller family will be the part of Viney; Christi Cou- Hal Chastain, who will also di- honor graduates of the nations' played by Marybeth Gaudette, villion, '69, who will portray rect the show. Mr. Martello will schools who have since achieved Martha; Randy Salo, '67, who be technical director of the distinction in their private lives. has the role of Percy; Terry play. News Notes, the newspaper Students assisting with the pro- for the society, has issued an Maloney '66, who will play Anagnos; and Jeff Kroon, '67, duction are Donna Pomeraning, appeal to all high school chapwho will act as the Keller's '66, student director; Mary Ker- ters to submit names of honor ner, '68, prompter; and Dave society members living in their Linnea Priest, Gail Griffiths, family doctor. Judy Projahn, Derek Gilna, and Parts of the blind girls in Mallow, '66, stage manager. communities who have been Karen Decanini attended the The Miracle Worker will be successful citizens in profession45th annual convention of the played by Cindy Barbalace, '67, Fugitives Headline al, technical, humanitarian, civIllinois State High School Press Angie Cesario, '66, Debbie Moric, military, political, commerKick-off Dance Association on September 17-18 ton, '69, Pat Price, '67, Jean cial, or artistic fields. at the University of Illinois, Schneller, '69, and Francine Mrs. Aida Farmer, National The Kick-Off Dance will be Champaign-Urbana. Spacek, '69. held on October 2, the night Honor Society sponsor at Maine The purpose of the convention The voices of Jane Page, '66, after Maine South's first home Township High School South, was to give advice to high Sue Gaskill, '66, Peggy Bussert, football game. asks that any citizen of Park school newspaper editors on '66, and Doug Olsen, '67, will Although the dress will be Ridge or Maine South student news writing, feature writing, be used in the play. Sunday dress, the dance has who knows of such an honor page layout, headline writing, The Miracle Worker, unlike been changed to a jitney where graduate should call or write sports writing, and good edit- any play previously presented couples or singles may attend. to her so that the person's ing. at South, will be performed in The Fugitives will provide both name and achievements may popular fast songs and some be submitted to the national office. slow numbers. According to News Notes, only Admission will be $1.25 for couples and 75 cents for one those members who h a v e achieved distinction at the state, person. •


Cast and Production Dates Set For The Miracle Worker'

are eligible for the scholarships sponsored by NMSC and over 280 corporations, foundations, colleges, unions, trusts, professional associations, other organizations, and individuals. Names of the Merit Scholars chosen from among the Finalists will be announced about April 27, 1966. The exact number will depend on the extent of sponsor support. In 1965, over 2000 Merit Scholarships were awarded. High school grades, creative accomplishments, leadership qualities, extracurricular activities, and school citizenship of the students are evaluated, along with test scores, in selecting Merit Scholars. Each Merit Scholarship is a four-year award covering the undergraduate college years. Amount of financial aid is determined by the winner's need, up to a maximum of $6000 for the four years in most cases. For the student already financially able to attend the college of his choice, the award is $400 for the four years. Winners choose their own colleges and courses of study. More than 11,000 students won Merit Scholarships in the first decade of the program, which was founded in 1955 with grants from the Ford Foundation and the Carnegie Corporation of New York. About $42 million in financial assistance to Merit Scholars and their colleges has been expended or committed through the program thus far.

Honor Society Pursues Former Honor Grads

Editors Attend ISHSPA Confab

Students from Maine Attend Courses at French University

On August 11, twenty-five day, six days a week. The Maine Township students and courses included instruction in their chaperones returned from French conversation, grammar, their forty-day " F r e n c h literature and cultural backAbroad" trip. The trip was or- ground. The classes were inganized by Mr. Paul Griffith, teresting because they were a French teacher at South. Mr. made up of students from all Griffith and Mr. Reid Lewis, a parts of the world. former student teacher at South, Classes were held in the mornwere the chaperones. ing, which left afternoons free After leaving O'Hare Airport for swimming, boating, tennis, by jet on July 4, the group riding, cycling, and practicing spent two days in New York, French on local townspeople, where they saw the World's who cordially invited the stuFair, and four days in London dents into their homes. A study before reaching France. The hall was held during the evefirst stop was the town of Saint- ning. Malo, where the group attended The Maine students stayed at courses at the international summer school for four weeks the Lyc'ee Technique, a modern at the University of Rennes. technical high school. All the The climax of the trip was a students agreed that the cooking at the school lived up to the five day visit to Paris. Before leaving, the group was reputation of world-renowned given a two-and-one-half week French cooking. summer school course to preProbably one of the most enpare them for the French way joyable aspects of the trip was of life to which they would soon the warm feeling shared bebe exposed. tween the Maine group and a The students were required club of about sixty French to attend the University of youths who befriended the Saint-Malo for three hours a Maine group in Saint-Malo.

regional, or national level should be recommended. Mrs. Farmer is interested as well in local graduates who have since achieved distinction in the Chicago area. All reports submitted should include the candidates name, address, place of graduation from school, and a summary of achievements. If the graduate is deceased, such information should be included. The National Honor Society has chapters in over 12,500 public and private schools. Over 390,000 students were named to the society last spring. Records of the society reveal that over five million people have been initiated into the society in its history. It is believed that many of these talented individuals who received recognition and encouragement by their election to membership in the society have since achieved distinction.

It's Academic' Team Chosen Alan Harris, Jim McClure, and Derek Gilna have been chosen for Maine South's It's Academic team this year. Alternates are Jim Reeder, Linnea Priest, Margaret Grant, and Bill Fitch. The program will be filmed at NBC studios in the Merchandise Mart in mid-October and will be shown a week or two later. "Since the team last year performed so well in the first round, we have to live up to it," stated Mr. Gerhard Rempel, sponsor. "We have a better chance this year because the team is very well balanced. One student is good in mathematics, one in English, and one in history." Mr. Rempel emphasized, "It is significiant that those students interested in academics should be recognized. It is just as important to have competition in the academic fields as in muscular or vocal proficiency."

Representing Maine South on "It's Academic" will be (left, front) Margaret Grant, alternate; Alan Harris, captain; Linnea Priest, alternate; Jim McClure, team member; Jim Reeder, alternate; and Bill Fitch, alternate. Derek Gilna, team member, is not pictured.

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September 24,1965


Southwords Represents You It is traditional for the first editorial of the school year to explain the purposes and policies of the school newspaper. Therefore, we on Southwords would like to take this opportunity to clarify our position. The main function of a newspaper is to carry news to the reader. As we perform this function, we try to foster the communication between the students, faculty, administration, and community. We hope to improve school spirit and unity by helping our readers to know and understand what is going on in their school. Our editorial policy will also be devoted to improvement in the school. We shall praise

that which we feel contributes to the quality of the school; and we shall condemn that which we feel detracts from the quality. But, because the newspaper is for the students and not just for our editorial staff, we would like to encourage student participation in this facet of school life. Suggestions or complaints may be submitted to V-107 in the form of letters to the editor. (Names will be withheld from publication on request, but all letters must be signed. We reserve the right to edit all letters.) Please help us to better the school by giving us your opinions. Your school is only what you make of it. Hans Grabbe, Maine South's foreign exchange student, stands with his new "brother" Doug Olsen. Hans came from Germany about a month ago and is staying with the Olsens.


Have Courage Frosh; Your Chance Will Come BY JUDY PROJAHN

"Say Hunk, I know the freshmen are getting smaller every year, but this is RIDICULOUS!"

Our European Travelers Combine Culture and Fun London, Paris, Florence, Rome, Venice. These are just a few of the cities visited by the students studying "Humanities Abroad" this summer, the tremendous new course which was offered this year for the first time. The course, taught by Mr. Paul Healy assisted by Miss Hazel Anderson of Maine East, was designed to acquaint the students with Europe through the study of history, literature, art, architecture, drama, music, and other phases of culture, as well as the personal dynamics of living together for 35 days and associating with foreign people. During the two weeks of preliminary study, lectures were given by Mr. Healy, supplemented by movies and class discussions. After two weeks of classroom activity, fourteen students and twelve faculty members left the United States by plane and arrived in London less than seven hours later. They were met by a bus which took them to Oxford and Stratford, where they saw a Shakespearean drama. In England, the group boarded a lovely ferry boat which took them to Belgium, where they visited Brussels. Later they went on to visit Switzerland, Germany, France, and Italy. Many of the students agree that Italy was the high point of the trip, for here they were able to see many of the art treasures they had discussed in class, including works of DaVinci and Michaelangelo. Every evening while on the trip, the students and teachers would meet to discuss the day's sightseeing. These meetings lasted approximately one hour, and helped the students to remember many of the important facts they learned.

"Although we were learning all the time," said Sue Menchetti, '66, the trip was not all work. We had time for recreation, too. such as talks with Europeans about their countries, and a beach party with some kids we met in Italy." After a five-week stay in Europe, the group returned home and spent another two weeks in the classroom, discussing their journey and comparing their impressions of Europe. The students from South: Debbie Cook, Judy Johnson, S u e Stybr, Diane Olenicicki, Sue Mechetti, Vicki Marti, and Chris Weuhrman, as well as those from East who took the course, feel that the trip was one of the highlights of their high school years.

Quotes Go On Display The response to the "Quotation of the Week" last spring was so overwhelming that Mr. Kohler and Mr. Davis, of the history and English departments, have agreed to continue to select a quotation each week and to place it in the window of the Key Club Bookstore on the south side of the library. They will be placed in the window at 8 a.m. each Monday morning, or as soon thereafter as circumstances permit. The quotations will be unidentified. The first student who gives the name of the author, and whatever other information is called for, to either Mr. Kohler or Mr. Davis in Room A-209 will receive his choice — free — of any paperback book available in the Key Club collection.

The Southwords staff would like to take this opportunity to welcome the Class of 1969 to Maine South. We realize that the days of wine and roses may not be upon you at the moment, but conditions will improve. Just because the gymsuit your mother told you that you would grow into makes you look like a deflated blimp, do not despair! Don't worry because people chuckle behind your back, trip you in the halls, and call you a dumb frosh. After all, nobody's perfect. By and by, the rest of the school will learn to appreciate the freshmen and give you the respect that you deserve. Then they will chuckle in front of you, trip you in the halls, and call you a dumb frosh. When you fight your way through that surging flow of humanity all the way to the third floor of A-wing before you realize that this is the day your class has language lab, you must try to overcome the urge to lie down and give yourself up to the mob. Buck up! There are a thousand bright sides to the situation—all of which escape me at the moment. Just remember that the sophomores laugh because they see themselves as the frosh of last year, the juniors chuckle because they are certainly not to be outdone by the sophomores, and the wise and ancient seniors smile to see the folly of their distant childhood. Be patient. Soon you will join the ranks of the gigglers, but until then, be brave! and welcome to Maine.

A Little Bit of Germany Has Come to Maine South Have you seen Maine South's newest student? He's 179 centimeters tall and has brown hair and blue-gray eyes. Who is this boy who speaks German more fluently than English? What is he doing at Maine? On June 13, 1965, Hans-Jurgen Grabbe, living in Detmold, Germany, was notified that he had been chosen to come to the United States as a foreign exchange student sponsored by the American Field Service. He is now living in the home of Doug Olsen and is attending Maine South. Detmold, a city of 80,000 people, is located in the German state of North-Rhine-Westphalia. It was built 1000 years ago around a medieval fortress and at one time was surrounded by a wall. Detmold is a cultural center with a philharmonic orchestra and a university for the study of the performing arts. When Hans left Germany he also left his family behind. His father teaches economics and banking, and his mother teaches in an elementary school. The only other member of the family is Hans' sister, Gisela, age 15. Hans' school in Germany, c a l l e d Leopoldinum, differs greatly from Maine South. It is 450 years old and the entire student body consists of 550 boys. The students attend school from 7:45 a.m. to 1:10 p.m. The boys are given no

choice of subjects and each of them must take religion, Ger- • man, art, geography, music, history, English, French, Latin, math, biology, chemistry, physics, philosophy, and physical ed- ' ucation. Hans was chosen over 2,500 other German students, which is quite an accomplishment. The first step was a series of tests including such subjects a^ politics and American music. Following this, 20 students attended a two-day conference at which Hans gave a speech on the economic and social conditions in South America. A year after he applied, Hans was sent to Berlin for another conference to learn about the ' political situation in Germany and West Berlin. At this conference, the A.F.S. students put on a show of creative sketches and imitations at which Hans was the emcee. On June 13, he was notified that he ahd five other students had been chosen from the 25 semi-finalists to go to the United States. Hans sailed from Germany on August 3, and arrived in Park Ridge on Thursday, August 12. Hans' courses at Maine include U.S. History AP, speech, democracy, government, college trigonometry, and English literature. He is also a member of • Student Council. And just in case you haven't figured it out yet, Hans is 6 feet tall. '

New Teachers Join South Staff Maine South has added 37 new teachers to its staff. For the next eight issues, an article will be focused on introducing five new teachers to the school. Heading the list is Miss Joyce Albrecht, physical education instructor for sophomores, juniors, and seniors. Miss Albrecht is a graduate of the Illinois State University, and she has taught in an elementary school and at Northern Illinois University at DeKalb. Currently, Miss Albrecht is the sponsor of GAA intramural field hockey. Mr. Fred Bacon teaches Art I, Art III, and Sketching. Mr. Bacon studied at the Art Institute in Chicago, Lake Forest College, and the Illinois Institute of Technology. He taught art classes at Maine East for three years before coming to South. Miss Helen Boardman is a first and second year French teacher, and is also engaged in the M.A.T. program at Northwestern University. She received her B.A. at De Pauw University at Greencastle, Indi-

Maine South has five new teachers: (from left) Mr. Ray Brinker, Miss Linda Brent, Miss Joyce Albrecht, and Mr. Fred Bacon. Not in the picture is Miss Helen Boardman.

ana; and this is the first school at which she is teaching. Miss Linda Brent is instructor for bookkeeping and Typing I. She is a graduate of the University of Illinois, where she majored in business. Before coming here. Miss Brent taught Beginning Typing and Introduction to Business for a year in Waukegan. Mr. Ray Brinker teaches

Fundamentals of Algebra, Intermediate Algebra, and Trigonometry. His studies include University of Illinois, North Cen- * tral College, Wheaton College, Southern Illinois University, and Illinois Institute of Technology, 9 in all of which he majored in math. Mr. Brinker has taught two years of math at Southern Illinois University and two years at Calumet City. I

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September 24, 1965

Verbal Ventures

SC Deserves Your Help Student Council officers have asked for more student participation in Council. These officers were elected last year by a popular vote. Therefore, they have a right to expect student support, and the students of Maine South must comply with their request. SC can accomplish nothing unless the students contribute more than destructive criticism. Those who expend their time and energy in complaints should devote themselves to helping instead of hindering. However, before SC members can reasonably expect student cooperation, they must radically improve their attitudes of last year. Many students feel that SC is a social clique which has erected a wall around itself. They are afraid to try to penetrate this wall. Whether or not the wall is there does not matter; nothing can be accomplished unless the students feel free to communicate with SC. Consequently, the first duty of SC this year should be to tear the wall down. If SC can make the students feel that SC members are their associates, then a spirit of cooperation and unity will be much easier to establish.

SC Announces Plans; Stresses Students' Help Sue Henkin, secretary, and George Cantonis, president, have been busy planning what this year's Student Council will do. "The biggest thing this year," stated Sue, "is to improve communications among the administration, SC, and the students. We hope to do this by sending memos to all homeroom teachers to explain what Council is doing." George added, "We'll have a check to make sure all representatives are giving their homeroom reports regularly. This year we will try to use them to tell about any changes in policy by the administration."

Competition Opens For Set Designs A set decoration contest has been announced by the directors of Maine South's senior class play, Arsenic and Old Lace. Any student at South may enter a scale model of the stage setting or may present a perspective drawing of the sets. Complete instructions for the contest and the building of models may be obtained from Mr. Hal Chastain, director of speech and dramatics. Deadline for all entries is October 1. Judges will select the best entry for the December production and present the awards. They include prominent display of their model or drawings of their set, complimentary tickets, and credit toward membership in the National Thespian Society. Winner of the contest should be availabe for Saturday work session when construction of his set begins.

Gym Teachers Represent South Maine South will be represented at the Second National Institute on Girls' Sports at Michigan State University by Miss Dawn Butler and Miss Mary Barnett, members of the Girls' Physical Education staff at South. The Institute will be held from September 26 to October 1. Three o t h e r outstanding teachers chosen from Illinois will attend the Institute with Miss Butler and Miss Barnett. The Institute is sponsored by the Womens' Board of the United States Olympic Development Committee and the Division for Girls' and Womens' Sports of the American Association for Health, Physical Education and Recreation.

SC will also attempt to establish a scholarship fund similar to the one sponsored by the Mothers' Club. Although it is not yet definite, the basic plan has been approved by the administration. SC will also attempt to increase student support for the AFS program, since the school is expected to contribute $300 more than it contributed last year. Sue and George stressed the need for more student participation in SC activities. Sue stated, "Every student can make his opinions known through the suggestion box, his homeroom representative, or by attending Council meetings first period on Monday and Wednesday in C-100."

Debate Squad Announces Plans By Gary Johnson

Hopes are high for another successful debate year at Maine South. Many improvements have been made and activities are already lined up for the debaters. The debate question this year deals with labor-management relations, and our debators will be afforded an excellent opportunity to explore this subject

Yearbook Sales Begin on Time "The 1966 Eyrie will be delivered on time; it will not be late," stated Alan Harris, editor of the yearbook. This year's sales campaign will begin the week of October 4, and will last for the full week. Throughout this week the Eyrie may be purchased in homeroom or in the cafeteria during the lunch periods. Thh yearbook can be bought for S4 now, or on the installment plan of $2.25 now and $2.25 when the book is picked up at the end of the year. Homeroom pictures will be taken September 28, 29, and 30, the week prior to the sales campaign. This will be the only chance to buy the Eyrie; it will not be sold again at the end of the year. "So don't feel left out when school's end is near when everyone else is having their yearbook signed. Buy one now! "The Eyrie shows all various school activities and every student will have his picture in it at least once. Remember, Eyrie means Home of the Hawks, so be sure to buy one!" urges Alan.

New Guidance Plan Tried With the start of a new school year, a new guidance system was put into effect at Maine South. During the year each class will have a counseling session in their own homeroom with their counselor. This plan, known as group counseling, will include such topics as orientation to the school, basic college information, and the significance of test results. At the first of such sessions the freshmen were introduced to the school and told a little about it. Their second session included an explanation of the Iowa tests of Educational Development which they recently completed. The sophomores were given a brief introduction to the National Education Development tests, which they will be taking later in the year. Tests were also of major importance to the members of the

junior class. This year they will take the American College test, the Preliminary Scholarship Aptitude test, and National Merit Scholarship test, all of which are very important to students planning to go to college. C o l l e g e preparation was stressed to the seniors. The early admissions plan and college applications were discussed. The counseling department hopes to give Maine South students more and better counseling through this new system.

at a debate symposium to be held at St. Patrick High School. Among the speakers will be the Hon. Roman Pucinski, representative of the eleventh congressional district in Chicago. A labor leader and economist will also be featured. The Maine South Interscholastic Debate Squad is a member of the newly-formed Interstate Debate Union. This group is made up of the best debating schools in the area and is organized to promote high-quality cross-examination debating. Our varsity squad will attend the tournaments to be held throughout the year. On October 9, a two-man team will be sent to the elimination tournament for the WBBM-TV show "Rebuttal" at Northwestern University. A new addition to the squad this year is Mr. Ronald Butler, coach with Mr. Rempel. Mr. Butler graduated from the University of Nebraska where he got his Master's degree in speech. Now he is a member of our English Department. Last year the squad distinguished itself by being the only squad from Maine High School to go to state finals in the last thirty years, and according to Coach Gerhard Rempel, we

Girls To Hold Dessert Sept. 29 Maine South's Girls' Club is sponsoring the annual Freshmen Mother-Daughter Dessert on Wednesday, September 29 in the cafeteria. The dessert will be held from 7:30 to 9:30 p.m. Following the refreshments in the cafeteria, an entertainment program will be presented in the auditorium, consisting of acts prepared by the freshman girls. The purpose of the dessert is to help the girls and their mothers to become better acquainted and to introduce them to the Girls' Club.

Home Ec Club To Sell Apples Home Economics Club will hold their first taffy apple sale of the year on October 5, after school at all main exits. Money from the sale will go toward the club's upcoming field trip, fashion show, and award night.

have a good chance of repeating this performance. Mr. Rempel further states, "Although we have very good debate material this year, we can use more." Any interested student should see either of the debate coaches for more information. Those students who are not able to attend the eighth period debate class may join the afterschool group. Students should contact Mr. Rempel or Mr. Butler for admission to this group. Our first invitational tournament will be held on October 23 at Oak Lawn. Eight debaters will participate in this tournament for varsity as well as subvarsity debaters.

Boys Begin Slave Days Key Club, sponsored by Mr. Stuart A. Dinken, business education teacher, will hold their first Slave Day on October 2. Four more Slave Days will be held on October 9, 16, 23, and 30, the four remaining Saturdays in October. The boys will offer their services on these Saturdays to faculty members. Both inside and outside household jobs, such as raking leaves, washing windows, and putting up storm windows, will be done by the boys. A team of two boys will work for three hours- for the fee of $5. Proceeds will go to Key Club projects.

Library Reveals Expansion Plans Plans are being made to expand the facilities of Maine South's library, according to Mr. Robert N. Young, head librarian. A faculty library, additional books, and an increase in reserve service are among the planned improvements. Books on school administration, education, and other professional material will be available to teachers in the faculty library. The school's library now contains 10,000 books, representing an increase of 5,500 books over last June. An addition of several thousand volumes is expected this year. The reserve area will be enlarged by adding new shelves, thus enabling the library staff to provide all the reserve service teachers request.

Sophomore Class Plans Activeness "The sophomore class will be very active this year" stated Mr. Snider, sophomore class sponsor. A good example of this statement is the cupcake sale to be held on September 29. The sale is being sponsored by the sophomore class council, and the chairman is Wendy Carlson. Through this sale, the class hopes to add to the $1,300 already in the treasury. Mr. Snider also said that since the class council was elected earlier this year than it was last year, the class should be able to get an early start in more school activities.


The 1965 Pom-Pom squad is ready for next week's football opener. They are: (front row) Debbie Butler, Mary Lou Kilinski, Barb Sensenbrenner, Sylvia Domaratius, Linda Ladin, Bobbi Lambrecht, Margo Diamond, Chris Geisler. (Back row) Joanne Rosenstiel, Margi Grant, Sue Braun, Kris Dernehl, Marilyn Richardson, co-captain; Donna Hood, captain; Pat Standa and Luz Montero.

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September 24,1965

Hawks Jinx Wheeling 13-0 Thirteen proved to be Wheeling's unlucky number as the Varsity football team downed the Wheeling eleven by the score of 13-0 in a non-conference contest. Hawk scores came in the second and fourth quarters. In the second quarter Dick Hood ran back a Wheeling punt 35 yards for the first Hawk score. In the fourth quarter fullback Joe Cram added the second South touchdown when he scored on a one-yard plunge. The first quarter saw the ball change hands several times, neither team coming close to scoring. Maine South ran the game's opening kick-off back to their own 30-yard line and drove to one first down before being forced to punt. The ball then changed hands twice, the first quarter ending with South in possession of the football. In the opening minutes of the second quarter the Hawks retained possession of the football and moved to a first down. Dewar then passed complete to the end Montero, but as Montero was brought down the ball jarred loose and Wheeling recovered the fumble on about their own 10-yard line. The next three Wheeling plays lost a net total of six yards and Wheeling was again forced to punt. The stage was now set for the first Hawk touchdown. Wheeling's punt was short, carrying to only their own 35. End Dick Hood received the ball and went all the way for the score. Gordie William's extra point try failed. After receiving William's kickoff, Wheeling took over on their own 42 yard line. Wheeling moved to one first down before the defense forced them to once again give up the ball. The rest of the quarter was uneventful. The Hawks kicked off to start the second half, the kick carrying 40 yards to the Wheeling 20. Wheeling went through two plays from scrimage before Gordie Williams picked off an errant pass and ran it back 12 yards to about the Wheeling 35.

Wheeling once again had little luck in moving the ball out of their own territory and were forced to punt once again, having gained no yardage whatsoever on their last series of downs. Taking the ball on their 35-yard line, the Hawk offense shifted into high gear. In three running plays the Varsity backfield of Joe Cram, Ray Matthies, and Ed Walsh moved the ball for a first down. After three more running plays, quarterback Tom Dewar passed 12 yards to Fernean Montero for the second first down of the series. Two plays later Montereo was again the target as Dewar completed a 16-yarder. Dewar once again went to the air on the next play and Harmon pulled in the 22-yard toss, giving the Hawks possession of the ball first and ten on the Wheeling 8-yard-line. On the next series of downs, with fourth down and one yard to go for the touchdown, Joe Cram took the ball over for the score. William's kick was good, giving the Hawks a 13-0 lead they never relinquished. Coach Nyren commented after the game that he thought Wheeling would be stronger than they proved to be, having graduated virtually from last year's varsity. Even personnel from last year's Frosh-Soph league champs proved of little value. The heat was an obvious factor in this game, although its effect on the final outcome is debatable. The high-point in this contest was the fine performance of the defensive unit, who held Wheeling to a net total gain of only 37 yards. That averages out to about 9 yards a quarter. Next Saturday's game will be played against Palatine at Palatine. This non-conference contest will begin at 12 noon. SUMMARY 12 3 4 Maine South 0 6 7 0—13 Wheeling 0 0 0 0—0 PASSING Maine South 6-11 for 77 yds. Wheeling 4-15 for 34 yds.

FIRST DOWNS Maine South-9 (6 rushing, 2 passing, 1 pen.) Wheeling-4 (1 rushing, 1 passing, 1 pen.) TOTAL YARDS RUSHING Maine South—122 yds. in 45 att., (2.7 yds. a carry) Wheeling—3 yds. in 11 att. (10 inches a carry) TOTAL YARDAGE Maine South—199 yards Wheeling—37 yards

Coach Names '65 Tennis Team Miss Ann Finneran has chosen the new Girl's Tennis Team to compete with other schools this fall. It consists of: Cindy Gernhoffer, Sue Hume, Kay Watson, Roxann Schuessler, Gail Gericke, Sue Turnstrom, and Nancy Phillips. Other team members are Sue Grainger, Karen Erickson, Carol Mortensen, Lisa Westermeier, Judy Masterson, Eileen Heath, and Debbie La Dolce. The team's first meet will be at Maine South Tuesday, September 28, at 3:45. Maine South will play Niles East. Miss Finneran, sponsor of the team, says it promises to be a winning team.

Crunch! A Wheeling back is held for no gain by alert defensive play. Wheeling was forced to punt on the next play and Hood ran back the punt for a touchdown.

Hawk Tawk

Hawks Move to Mid-Sub Conf, Support Cross Country By Derek Gilna As you probably already have realized, Maine South athletes will once again be competing in a new conference this year. Instead of the Old Des Plaines Valley League, we will now be members of the Mid-Suburban I conference, consisting of teams from many other conferences which have now been revised or abandoned. The other teams in our new conference grouping are Prospect, Glenbrook North, Glenbrook South, Deerfield, Niles North, and Niles West, another member of the

old D.P. Valley League. Before beginning to lavish praise or to stick the knife in anyone, I would like to get a few things straight. Except where severe space limitations are present, the so-called minor sports, a term which I abhor, are going to get their deserved coverage. Junior Varsity, sophomore, and Freshman sports will also get a fair share of attention. Enough, perhaps too much has been said about school spirit, how bad it is, how amazingly outstanding it is, and how surprised some people are when a

Harriers Begin Season, Stomp Wheeling Twice

f John McCallum, junior stalwart of the Varsity Cross Country team, exhibits the endurance necessary to succeed in his sport.

Maine South cross country teams started the year off right by sweeping their first meet against Wheeling on Friday the 17th of September. Hawkmen triumphed on both levels, winning Frosh-Soph 21 to 35 and Varsity 24 to 32. (low score wins) South's Bob Benedict and Dick Syversen finished one-two, respectively. Others who figured in the scoring were, Bill Murphy, John McCallum, Bob Blonn and Augie Matejzel. Despite the fact that it is playing its first full season with seniors on the squad, Wheeling was not highly rated going into the action, according to Coach Connor. Coach Connor's team also distinguished itself by placing an overall fifth, out of twenty schools represented at Maine West the following day, September 18. Jim Sherman, '68, was South's first runner in, running 26th in his heat. Bob Benedict, who turned in our second best time of the day, ran 32nd. Bob Blonn, and Don Seelig were South's third and fourth runners. Maine West took first place

out of the twenty schools attending. In view of this year's team, Coach Connor remarked that it is a basically strong team, but slightly lacking in depth. He also commented on the outstanding performances of sophomores Seelig and Sherman, who ran varsity at the Maine West meet. The team will play one more away meet against Riverside, Tuesday, September 21st, before coming home to take on Niles East, in the first home meet of the season, September 22nd.

goodly number of fans turn out for a game. In my opinion the attendance at some of our athletic events reflects the students' pride in their school and in themselves, to show rival schools and our own team that we care about what they are doing. However, let us not entirely neglect some sports in favor of others. While over two thousand spectators watched the Varsity and Junior Varsity climax their practice seasons in an inter-squad game, the physically punishing workouts of the Cross Country team were witnessed by three busloads of colored children enrolled in Project "Head Start" who had been transported to our forest preserve to frolick in supervised play. The Varsity Cross Country squad is certainly a conference contender, and the Frosh-Soph team has an excellent chance for a conference championship. They deserve our support. Saturday's football game was an eye opener in many ways. It showed the true power of the defense, which held Wheeling to only 37 yards. The offense deserves consideration, having turned in a fine performance. The ground attack in the Wheeling game was slow but steady, mainly because the other team outweighed us at nearly all positions.



Fall Sports Schedule 1965 Cross Country Palatine at Palatine. . .12 noon Saturday, Sept. 25 Prospect at Maine South. . .4 p.m. Friday, Nov. 1 Maine West at Maine West. . . 4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 5 Holy Cross at Schiller Park. . . 4 p.m. Tuesday, Nov. 12 Niles North at Niles North. . . 4:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 15 Deerfield at Deerfield. . .4:30 p.m. Friday, Nov. 15

1965 Football Palatine at Palatine. . .12 noon Saturday, Sept. 25 Prospect at Maine South. . .6 p.m. Friday, Oct. 8 Glen. South at Maine South. . . 6 p.m. Saturday, Oct. 16 Niles No. at Niles North. . .12 noon Saturday, Oct. 23 Deerfield at Maine So. . .12 noon (Homecoming) Friday, Oct. 29 Niles West at Niles West. . .12 noon Saturday, Nov. 6


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