Vol 02, Issue 04

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Speech Group Presents Book To Library

Maine South To Offer Humanities Abroad in ' 6 6 Humanities Abroad, the social science course which features a 45-day tour of Europe, will be offered again to Maine South students next summer. The course to be taught during the summer of '66 will include preliminary classroom lectures on European culture, plus several added tour features, including visits to East and West Berlin, Stonehenge, and the cathedral at Canterbury. Eight European countries will be visited: England, Belgium, the Netherlands, Germany, Austria, Italy, Switzerland, and France. Students and their chaperones will also visit those points of interest which were enjoyed by

Members of the "It's Academic" team recently presented the Maine South library 'with a copy of "Kennedy."

*SoufhcjorJs Vol. 2, No. 4

Maine Township High School South, Park Ridge, III.

November 12, 1956

From Finals to You

Spirit of # 66 To Trace Highlights of Lifetime The first organizational meeting for this year's V-show, The Spirit of '66, was held on Tuesday, November 9. The theme for the show will be the cycle of a man's life from birth until death. Suggestions for acts were distributed along with try-

Brother's Letter Causes Petitions

Grades Go Electronically Have you ever wondered what happens from the time you take that last quarter final until the time your homeroom teacher hands you that familiar white slip of paper? Each student has one IBM card, called a student grade card, for each of his subjects.

Stamp and Coin Auction Nov. 24 Stamp and Coin Club, sponsored by Mr. Donald Rakowsky, biology teacher, invites all interested students to attend an auction of stamps and coins on Wednesday, November 24, after school in Room A-313. Persons interested in selling their coins and stamps must submit them to the grading committee in Room A-313 one - week before the auction, in order to judge the entries on their condition and value. Mr. Rakowsky will serve as auctioneer. Recently elected officers of the club are Bill Ikler, '66, president; Ron Diener, '67, vicepresident; and Paul Miller, '69, secretary-treasurer.

Sigma Chi Adds New Members Sigma Chi Sigma, Maine South's honorary reading society is welcoming new members. Students may try out during any • of their free periods by going to the reading clinic, Room C-117, and taking the required test. The test consists of an examination on vocabulary, comprehension, and speed. After taking the test, the student will be informed by Miss Case, sponsor of Sigma Chi Sigma, if he has been accepted as a member. The club has planned several projects for the future. Plans have been made to tape a text. book, which would be used at the Hadley School for the Blind. The taping will be done by a committee of Sigma Chi Sigma . members. A cubcake sale has been planned for late in November, and candy bars will be sold by the club in February.

Because her brother had written her and asked for something to show that people care One card is sent to each teacher, tribution. One copy is sent to and know that the soldiers are on which he marks the grade the counselor for his own files, there, Cathy Daly, '66, has cirwith an IBM electrographic pen- and two copies go to the stu- culated nine petitions concerncil. By noon on Monday, No- dent's homeroom where one is ing the support of United States vember 8, teachers have marked issued to the student after the servicemen in Viet Nam. They have been circulating at the cards and returned them other is taken home, signed, and to the office. returned. The permanent rec- Maine South for the last week. file, the dean's office, and Each petition has anywhere . . . Sent to Maine East ord the student accounting office from 200 to 450 names. After the grade cards are in"People who have signed bespected to make sure each one each receive one copy. lieve in the effort the soldiers is filled out correctly, they are The student grade cards are sent to the Data Processing used for additional purposes af- are putting forth to prevent Center. Two other sets of cards ter the report cards are printed. Communism's spread, but don't —the master deck with infor- Individual class rosters by actually believe in the war," mation about the student, and a teachers, subject, and period are Cathy said. Cathy, sponsor of the petitions, set containing the parents' name printed each quarter containing and address of each student- a record of each student in the plans to send them to the First are sent to the center. class and his grade for that Calvary Division in care of her brother. A sorting machine combines course. Cathy says, "The boys over the subject grade cards, the The A and B honor roles, the there feel it's their own permaster cards, and the parents' failure list, and the list for in- sonal fight and are greatly agname and address cards for complete grades are also com- gravated by the draft card each student. The grades are piled with the aid of the grade burners and protesters. They then compiled and printed on cards. take these actions like insults the report card. Each semester the master aimed at them alone." . . . Make 6 Copies cards are used to position each The purpose of these petitions Six copies of the report card student according to his class is to boost morale. Cathy hopes are made and separated for dis- rank. she can help.

Stagers To Present 'Wizard' The Center Stagers will present The Wizard of Oz on November 26, 27, and 28. This drama group is sponsored by the Park Ridge Park District and is composed mainly of Maine South students. Performances will be at 8 p.m. Friday and Saturday, November 26 and 27. There will be two matinees on Saturday and Sunday, November 27 and 28, at 2 p.m. The Saturday matinee is sold out, and a few tickets remain for the Sunday performance. All performances will be held in the auditorium of Roosevelt School. Tickets are available from any member of Center Stagers, at the Globe Music Center, or at the door. The cost is $1 for adults and 75 cents for children. The lead of Dorothy is played by Peggy Bussert, '65, who had the female lead in Oklahoma. Dick Katschke, '67, plays the Scarecrow; Rich Fess, '66, the Tin Woodsman; and Jeff Kroon, '67, the Lion. All three cast members have had previous experience in Maine South productions.

Other roles in the play include Cathy Knell, '68, as the Wicked Witch of the West; Sue Nagel, '68, as the Good Witch of the East; Lee Brainerd, '68, as Auntie Em; and Ted Donahue, '67, as Uncle Henry. The Wizard of Oz will be played by Doug Olsen, '67. Other members of the group have been cast as monkeys,

last year's Humanities Abroad students. These include a Shakespearean play at Stratford, and famous centers of art in Italy and France. The total cost of the trip will be $1,265. This fee includes all group transportation by plane, train, and bus, sightseeing fees, hotel fees, tips, and three meals a day. All students and parents of students interested in the course should attend a meeting at Maine South in Room C-100 on Wednesday, December 1, at 7:30 p.m. The course will be discussed by Mr. Paul Healy, Maine East English teacher, who will teach the course and travel through Europe with the students.

guards, Munchkins, and trees. The dance numbers for these characters have been choreographed by Jan Goble, who is also choreographer for V-Show. Center Stagers are under the direction of Mrs. Ethel Libkin. The assistant is Diane Reporto, '66. Stage manager is John McCallum, '67, and Bob Opel, '66, is musical director.

out application sheets, which are available in PA-101, Mr. Chastain's office, must be submitted by November 24. Tryouts will begin on December 6 and will continue for two weeks. Any music needed for V-Show acts should be checked on the list outside Mr. McLean's office, PA-107. The music on this list is available in orchestration suitable for the stage band. Members of a group trying out for the show will be judged on an individual basis, as well as part of the group. Even though the whole group may not be accepted, individual members of the group may be chosen to participate in V-Show. Students who do not make the cast will be encouraged to apply for positions on production crews. Production dates are Thursday, Friday, and Saturday nights, and Sunday afternoon, February 24-27. All students are encouraged to try out for the V-Show, the dance chorus, or any one of the production staffs.

Junior A Go-Go To Be Nov. 13 Junior a Go-Go, the Junior Class party, will be held this Saturday, November 13, in the spectator gym from 8 p.m. to 11 p.m. School dress will be appropriate and admission will be free to all juniors. Students must present I.D. cards. The Fugitives, J. P. Sally, '67, Jim Johnson, '67, Jim Busse, '68, and Dave Switzer, '68, will provide discotheque dance music and colored lights will illuminate raised dance platforms, for dancing in the go-go style. Cokes will be sold by junior girls of the Business Club at the concession stand. Mr. Robert Craddock and Miss Ann Finneran, junior class sponsors commented, "We hope all the juniors will turn out for their class party, Junior a Go-Go, and make it a great success."

Staff Wants Creative Arts

The Good Witch of the West greets Dorothy in the Center Stager production of "The Wizard of Oz." Players in the foreground from left to right are: Ted Donahue, '67, Sue Nagel, '68, Peggy Bussert, '66, and Marty Bussert, '69.

Southwords would appreciate creative material, especially for the Christmas issue. Poems, essays, and short stories of under 500 words may be submitted. All articles must be signed, but names will be withheld on request. Material must be turned in to V-107 by Wednesday, December 8. Student comments would also be appreciated in the form of letters to the editor. These also must be signed.

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November 12, 1965



If Each One Really Cared Perhaps this school could be a better place if more people were emotionally involved in it. If more of the students really cared about their courses, the classes would be more enjoyable and everyone would gain. If every teacher cared about the students as individuals and about their intellectual development, maybe the students could be stimulated to better achievement. If the rule-makers tried to see things from the individual's viewpoint, if the rulemakers really cared enough when the student complained about or resented restrictions, if the rule-makers took time to explain, maybe the individual would try to see things

from the rule-makers' viewpoint. If students cared enough about each other to really be friendly and to really help each other out, maybe a lot of the cliquishness, selfishness, and snobbery would disappear. We would really have school spirit. If everybody really cared, this school could be our nation's finest in spirit and in intellectual achievement, instead of the dull, college-student factory the students and community have made it. Maybe then we could concentrate on learning—learning to think, to act independently, and to live—instead of just existing.

New, Unique Facilities Make Business Dept. State Leader "The business education program at Maine South ranks among the best in the state," commented Mr. Oliver Brown, department chairman. South's business education department has many unique and modern facilities to help the students learn and practice their office skills. One class, for instance, is equipped completely with electric typewriters, another with new manuals. In the steno lab a student can listen to dictation tapes at any one of four speeds with the use of special tape recorders and earphones. "This way each student is able to work at his own individual speed," said Mr. Brown. This teaching technique makes it possible for students of different abilities to work to their fullest capacities. . . . Office Practice Provided The office practice room is a feature which provides practical training for prospective office workers. This room, equipped with all the facilities of a modern business office, is used to provide practice for students wishing to enter secretarial and clerical work. . . . Instruction Center Unique "The Business Education Department instruction center is unique in this field of education," Mr. Brown said. This

center contains an office for each teacher for use for conferences and interviews. Also in the instruction center are study carrels where students can make up work and practice their skills. Soundproof booths can be used by business education students for dictating and trans-

Eyrie Editor Spends Summer As Senate Page; Plans Return

Allan Harris

It's Not Phobia, Really! She Just Dislikes Cats By Claudia Nusser You got a new cat? That's nice. It's cute. No, I don't want to hold it. No, just keep it away from me. I know it's a small cat. I don't care if it doesn't bite! No, I've got nothing against your cat. I'm not chicken! I just don't feel like holding it. Maybe I'll drop it. All right! All right! So I hate your cat. Now are you happy? I know I have no reason to hate your cat. It's just that I hate cats in general. All my life I've hated cats. Well, not all my life. I guess I was about five or six. I don't know how old really. I was younger than I am now. How's that? Anyhow, my girl friend across the alley—no, you don't know her—my girl friend across the alley had a cat. It looked kind of like yours. I don't know how I can remember what the cat looked like when I was five or six! All cats look the same to me. Let me finish! Anyway, I liked her cat. No, I don't like her cat anymore. But it was cute, like yours. So I guess I grabbed it

cribing. According to Mr. B r o w n , "Many more students should take business education courses in high school along with academic subjects so that they will have some salable skill by the time they graduate from Maine."

wrong or something, and it bit my thumb. Sure, I was supposed to know how to hold a cat when I was five or six. No, I didn't have to get shots or anything, but it just had an effect on me, that's all. I'm not crazy! No, I know all cats won't bite my thumb, but you never know. I don't care if your cat doesn't have rabies; I still won't hold it! What do you mean, you hate my dog?

Southwords The official student newspaper of Maine Township High School South. Park Ridge. Illinois. Written and edited biweekly by students of the high school Subscriptions included with activity ticket or purchased separately at $2 per year. Editor-in chief Linnea Priest News Editor Gail Griffiths Features Editor Judy Projahn Sports Editor Derek Gilna Art Editor Bruce Howie Copy Editor Maggie Friend Assistant Peggy Kerr Reporters Sue Gunn, Pat Johnstone, Gary Muka. Carol Niemann, Claudia Nusser, Margie Press, Linda Reidland, Tillie Sullivan. Nancy Petersen, Vickie Lester, Sue Moore. Photo Editor Eric Carlson Photographers Fred Poweri. Ralph Barzditis. Ken Isaacson

This past summer, Alan Harris '66, spent two months in Washington D.C. working as a page in the United States Senate. One of Alan's many duties as a page was to find out what bills and ammendments had been passed or rejected the previous day and to remove these from the senator's desk. He replaced these with the pending bills and calendar for the day. Alan was also expected to obtain various committee reports and file the Congressional Record from the day before. During the afternoon when the Senate was in session, the pages answered the phone and ran errands for the senators. They worked until the Senate adjourned which was rarely before 5 p.m. and quite frequently not until 8 p.m. The pages' main duty was to serve the senators in any way they could. Alan hopes to work in Washington again next summer as a Senator's staff member. Alan is editor of the Eyrie, a member of varsity crosscountry team, and a highjumper on the varsity track team.

Helen Keller's mother is shocked and gratified to learn that her blind, deaf daughter has finally been taught to obey her new teacher, Annie Sullivan, in "The Miracle Worker," Maine South s first arena production. Pictured are Carla Oleck '68, and Ellen Mohill, '69.

Audience Deeply Involved In 'Miracle' Says Editor By Linnea Priest From the spine-c h i l l i n g scream of Mrs. Keller upon her discovery of Helen's deafness and blindness to the triumphant scene where Helen has finally learned what a word is, the Maine South production of The Miracle Worker completely involved us. We lived the drama of The Miracle Worker instead of viewing it. The arena staging brought the audience right into the play. Involvement was impossible to escape—especially when we were pelted with fly-

ing food or accidentally sprayed with water. The cast brought the play alive. All of the members gave excellent performances. T h e moving performances of Ellen Mohill as Helen, Carla Oleck as Annie Sullivan, and Marybeth Gaudette, Don Anderson, and Steve Crowe as the Keller family were of professional quality. « The Miracle Worker was the best production Maine South has had so far. Those who missed seeing it missed much more than a piece of entertainment. They missed a piece of life.

"Why, of course we act this way at home. Sergeant!"


Teenagers Taste Can Be Bitter By Judy Projahn Teenage taste is different. Popular o p i n i o n sometimes tends to term it as insanity, nonsense, or the "herd instinct," but it really is taste. The boys and girls of our generation have their own schools of thought in regard to dress. These schools of thought, however, should not be exaggerated to the extremes. . . . That Natural Look Girls are funny. They spend hours working on themselves just so that it will look like they didn't. This is called the natural look. It means that this is the way you look all the time, and you have done absolutely nothing to change your appearance. This is delusion. Every girl knows that all the

other girls have spent just as long as she has trying to look natural. And what's worse, all the boys know it, too. Why don't we give up and just be ourselves. This is idealism. I couldn't do it either. . . . Zsa Zsa Gets Lost Of course, there are some girls who look as though Zsa Zsa Gabor got lost on her way to the set. Some day they will realize that they look as out of place as she would, but I suppose there is something to be said for looking like Zsa Zsa Gabor. There are two sides to every argument. Boys are another story, as I'm sure nearly all of us will agree. Boys believe in tight clothing. I believe in breathing. There are some who have been

able to successfully combine the two. Tight clothing is fine with me to a point. This is called knowing where to draw the line. Some of us need a few lessons in the fine art of selfrestraint. . . . Oh, Those Sheep Dogs We also have some students who are constantly forced to peer cautiously from under an abounding mop of hair. Even dogs get clipped sometimes. These people would do well to take a hint from man's best friend. Teenage clothing h a s it's faults, but then I'm no Oleg Cassini. I'm just suggesting. You can all ignore me. But the next time you go down the halls, look at the people around you. What do you think?

November 12,1965


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Fish Fascinating Fun for Phil Phil Radford '67, has been breeding gupplies ever since his dad interested him in this fascinating hobby two years ago. Breeding guppies is a long and detailed process. It begins with the selection of a goodlooking male and female fish and placing them in a breeding tank. After a few days, the two are separated and 28 days later the female has her babies. They are separated from the mother and put in a separate tank until a few weeks have


Library Says Monitors Help Study Conditions "Though the reading room monitor program is only in its second week, it is already working well and will continue to improve as the supervisors gain experience," said Mr. Robert Young, librarian, this week. The honor reading room program was originated to give Maine South students a better atmosphere in which to study, he said. "Because the reading rooms are scattered over such a large area, supervising them would interfere with the librarians availability to give reference service," Mr. Young explained. Student monitors are being used to cut down the talking which was making it difficult for the majority of students to concentrate. "The monitors are responsible for maintaining an atmosphere in which students can work without unnecessary distractions. The monitors will also

Math Club Elects Officers Newly elected officers of Math Club, sponsored by Mr. David Paisley, math teacher, are John Knebel, 67', president; Bob Marmaduke, 67', vice-president; and Pat Barcheski, 67', secretary-treasurer.

help handle the one thousand students that use the library daily," said Mr. Young. Senior boys and girls were nominated by their counselors as possible choices for monitors. These students were sent letters inviting them to apply. The teachers of those who applied were asked for recommendations. Fifty students were chosen from this group to serve as monitors.

2 English Teachers Attend Meeting Mr. Marlin A. Davis, English department chairman, and Miss Harriet Johnson, English teacher, will attend the National Conference of Teachers of English from November 24 to November 28 in Boston. Included in the conference will be American literature study tours to Walden Pond, House of the Seven Gables, and the home of Ralph Waldo Emerson. Speakers will include the playwright Edward Albee, author of Who's Afraid of Virginia Woolf? and Supreme Court Justice William Douglas. Miss Johnson is also attending a pre-convention workshop on techniques of writing.

Good Record in 2 Meets Set by Debate Squad At a first debate tournament at Oak Lawn a varsity team won two debates and lost six while the junior varsity was successful in three debates and lost five. Mr. Rempel commented, "Particularly encouraging were the results of our negative junior varsity team, Jim Reeder and Jim McClure. This was their first tournament, yet they won three out of four debates." . . . Squad Improves The squad's record was improved at the Thorton tournament in which eight debaters were entered. Here the record was nine wins and three losses. "Again," Mr. Rempel points out, "one team did better than the rest. This time it was the affirmative team of Scott Bremer and Gary Johnson, who won three debates and lost one." "In summary," Mr. Rempel said, "These debates have shown that some of our beginning, as well as experienced debaters show definite promise." . . . Attend Student Congress Another major event for the Maine South debaters was the student congress at Thornridge High School. The congress was divided into three houses: the Senate, House of Representatives A, and House B. Attending from South were Greg Knell, Bruce McGuinn as representatives and Scott Bremer and Gary Johnson as senators. The bills and resolutions before the congress dealt with problems of local and national interest, as well as international affairs. These included lowering the voting age, abolishing the House Committee on UnAmerican Activities, recognizing the government of Red China, and withdrawing from Viet Nam.

Beat Draft Move Wrong State Juniors, Seniors Protests and sit-ins and loud demonstrations, Riots and suicides and school agitations, Draft cards all flying with flame on their wings, These are a few of my favorite things . . . Evidently, these are not some of the favorite things of Maine South's juniors and seniors, for upon being asked what they thought about the beat-the-draft movement around the country, they gave the following answers: George Cantonis, '66, "Since the draft is directly related to the Vietnamese war, they're using the presei.t protests just to get out of the draft, period." . . . Gregg Doesn't Agree Gregg Knell, '66, "I absolutely do not agree with the demon-

strators. I think these types of activities are un-American and ridiculous because there are many branches of the armed forces that don't require violence." Derek Gilna, '66, "I'm for the war and I don't agree with these kooks. If they would stop and think about it, they'd realize that the draft is only for three years. Compare that to the six to eight years in prison you could get for burning your draft card." . . . It Stinks, Says Bill Bill Murphy, '67, "I think it stinks. Take a look at the characters in these pictures of demonstrators with their beards, sweatshirts, and bare feet. I think the pictures speak for themselves." Mark Schrag, '67, "Viewing this situation with an open mind,

passed. At this time the males and females are separated. . . . Can Use Only Ten Per Cent After eight or nine months these fish are old enough for mating, but only ten per cent of them have the desired qualities. With these fish the cycle starts again. Through this process of selective breeding, Phil has developed some rather unusual fish. Common guppies have small brown tails, but Phil's guppies have red, blue, green,

it seems to me that these guys are evading their responsibilities to their country. I doubt if the protests will be of any consequence. It's loud, but that's about all." . . . A Democracy Says Rich In a different light, Rich Fess, '66, believes that, "In America, since we are a democratic society, we should be able to work peaceably for our government, if we wish, instead of being forced to fight. Actually we're accomplishing the same aim." When Rich was asked what he thought about the tactics used by the demonstrators, he replied, "I think they are going a little too far, but using any other means, it would probably take a lot longer to get their message across."

Speeches were a minute to three minutes in the floor debate. The speeches alternated from affirmative to negative until a vote was called. All debaters were given credit in the National Forensic League for their performances depending on the number and quality of the speeches given.

and orange tails an inch wide. He has also been working for the past two years on a strain of fish called half-blacks. The tail on this type of fish begins as white then goes into orange, light blue, dark blue, and finally black, covering t h r e e fourths of the body. It is very difficult to develop these fish because they only live for a short time. Phil is working with 50 guppies and is a member of the Midwest Guppy Club. . . . Model Cars Next Phil also has been building model cars for the past five years. He uses plastic model kits for the body of the car and adds working parts to it. A good car takes eight months to complete. Phil is now working on two more to add to his collection. Last August Phil was chosen to go to the national championships in California where he won the first prize in his division. When not working with his fish or building cars, Phil races slot cars or plays the drums.

South Staff Introduces New Faculty Members More new teachers! Mrs. Clarabeth Kerner is a counselor in C-114. Mrs. Kerner's studies include the University of Maryland, the University of Missouri at Kansas, O k l a h o m a University, and Northwestern University. She has taught English, drama, and speech at Glenview Jr. High, New Trier High School, Center High in Kansas, and has taught fifth and sixth grade in Easton, Texas. Mrs. Kerner has also been a counselor at Highland Park High School in Kansas City and at Lake Forest High School. Miss Jerelean Krehbiel teaches English I. She has studied at Southwestern College in Winfield, Kansas and graduated from the University of Wisconsin in Madison. Miss Krehbiel taught two years at Laurence

Your Lunch Finkbine? By Margie Press "Today we are interviewing Mr. Homer Finkbine, teacher supreme at Maine South. "Mr. Finkbine, what do you, as a cafeteria monitor, think about the lunchroom conditions here?" "I think that the cafeteria situation is very bad. Students leave food lying all over when they're done with lunch; something should be done to discipline them." "Do you think that having assigned seats will help?" "Yes, definitely. Maybe this way our cafeterias will stay cleaner. As I said before, the situation is deplorable." "Thank you, Mr. Finkbine, for your much needed comments on the cafeterias. "And now, let us follow mildmannered Mr. Finkbine in his duties as a cafeteria monitor. "It is awful in these lunchrooms—Mr. Finkbine was certainly right. There's food all over the floor and tables, and people are wandering f r o m table to table, leaving garbage behind wherever they go. "Mr. Finkbine, I can see why you object to our messy cafeterias—this is a terrible mess!" "What are you talking about? I'm not a cafeteria monitor until next period. This was my lunch—in the faculty cafeteria!"

High School in Laurence, Kansas before coming to South. Mr. John Krews teaches World Literature for seniors. His studies include a year at Springfield Jr. College, three years at Quincy College .where he received his B.A., and Western Illinois where he received his Masters. This is Mr. Krews' first year of teaching. He is cosponsor of Future Teachers Club. Mr. Carl Magsaman is a Driver's Education instructor here at South. Mr. Magsaman has done undergraduate work at Eastern Illinois in Kankakee and received his Masters from the University of Illinois. He taught six years at St. Pat's Central High School where he was a l s o varsity football coach for two years. Currently Mr. Magsaman is the sophomore football coach and assistant track coach.

Orchesis Picks Team Final tryouts for Orchesis, Maine South's modern dance club, were held October 28. Seven girls who participated last year plus twenty new girls were chosen for membership. Last year's members include: Marcia Gibbons, '67, president; Natalie Paul, '67, secretarypublicity chairman; Peggy Davis, '68; Sue Hood, '68; Lynn Matousek, '68; and Merry Shute, •68. New members are: Jan Biegler, '68; Charlene Christensen, '68; Sandy Drnek, '67; Maggie Friend, '66; Chris Gehmlich, '67; Vicki Grant, '69; and Marijyn Hauber, '68. Also included are: Pat Konopka, '68; Sandi Lee, '68; Chris Matthiesen, '67; Diane McLaren, '67; Sue Menchetti, '66; Nina Musso, '69; Sue Phister, '69; and Lenore Raia, '69. Concluding the list are: Nancy Prossell, '67; Karen Santino, '68; Kathy Steinberger, '69; Linda Theis, '67; and Nancy Tracy, '67. Mrs. Nancy Mueller, sponsor of Orchesis, announced that the girls will attend a workshop at the University of Illinois on November 13. Other plans include a performance in this year's V-Show.

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November 12,1965


Littlest Hawks Are Champs By Derek Gilna The freshman football squad won the conference title last week as they sailed past New Trier. Not enough good can be said about the fine performances of the sophomore and freshman teams, who compiled a 20 and one record overall in conference competition. The teams have good size and Maine will be a conference power for years to come if the present trend continues. The teams exhibited a mastery over all opponents little short of amazing, submerging them by margins of up to 40 points while only three touchdowns were scored against the three teams all year. The fall sports have thus come to an end and in both cross-country a n d football, Maine South has teams to be

proud of on all levels of competition. The Varsity cross country team compiled an impressive 4 and 2 record in conference competition, garnering second place in the Central Suburban Conference. Four Seniors earned letters this year, a small numeber but understandable when you consider the following fact. . . . Juniors Earn Letters Three Juniors also earned their letter, along with three outstanding sophomores. Even without these Varsity runners, the sophomores managed to finish second in their grouping, beating the conference champ in the last meet of the season. The future of Cross country is indeed bright for next year, and Maine should take the conference crown. In football, the Varsity team,

hampered by injuries to the defensive unit, compiled an unimpressive conference record. The record could not take into account the hard work and drive of the players who scrapped hard even when they were behind. Halfback Ed Walsh and Dick Hood were constant performers for the reds throughout the year, and Tom Dewar, Ray Matthies, and Joe Cram improved right up to the final game. Standouts in the defensive unit were Rom Mentgen, whose 190 pounds at the middle-linebacker slot provided some much needed heft, and Paul Phillips, who did an outstanding job at defensive end until breaking his hand in the Glenbrook South game. . . . Varsity May Improve The Varsity team looks to improve its record next year through the efforts of several juniors who played Varsity ball this season. The team will also be able to draw on the talents of a fine JV squad and a sophomore team that was conference champs.

"Catch me if you can." Quarterback Tom Dewar eludes this Niles West defender as he runs out of the pocket to the Niles 4-yard line after a 5-yard gain.

Fleet-Feet Second In Conf.

Ed Walsh scampers around right end for a 15-yard gain against Glenbrook North.

The Maine South Varsity Fleet-Feet just finished their second season last week compiling a conference record of 5 wins and 1 loss to take second honors in the Mid-Suburban Conference. Wins against Niles East, North, South, Glenbrook South, and Deerfield against only one defeat by Glenbrook North brought the Hawks to the end of their most successful season to date. . . . Syverson Sets Records The highlights of the year included Bob Benedict's first place in the conference meet and the rest of the team back-

Hawk Gridders End Season The Maine South Varsity football team ended its season last Saturday with a 27 to 7 loss at the hands of a powerful Niles West squad. Thus the Hawk gridders end the season with an overall record of 2-4-2 and a winless conference record. The season was marred by injuries that hampered the previously effective defensive unit upon which South had come to depend. South also came out on the short end of bad breaks galore and were hampered greatly by excessive penalties. The Niles team drew first blood in last Saturday's game, pushing across one score the first time they got the ball. Niles added two more touchdowns in the second period and went on to score still another in the third period. The lone Hawk score, which ended a long scoring drought, came with less than two minutes to play in the first half when quarterback Tom Dewar lobbed

a four-yard touchdown pass to right end Dick Hood. Dick had been pegged for a down and out pattern but when the flow of defenders shifted outside he cut inside to take the pass from Dewar. Dewar's pass highlighted a 65yard drive that saw Ed Walsh penetrate the defense for good yardage on end sweeps and Joe Cram and Ray Matthies gain good yardage up the middle and off tackle. The most successful plays of the drive were formulated by passes, as Tom consistently found his receivers open on the sideline and up the middle, hitting Walsh and Hood consistently. The offensive line, hampered by injuries, distinguished itself on this drive by opening several monstrous holes that the backs were quick to find. Elsewhere throughout the game it was a different story, however. Niles probably held a 20 pound weight advantage per man, and the

'She's done wonders for the team's morale!"

Hawks had a difficult time containing the Niles running attack until the second half was well under way. In the Glenbrook North game, the Hawks had difficulty in sustaining their drives once they had them underway. Time and again the Hawks found themselves with third down and long yardage because of yardage stepped off against them in penalties. Also the Hawks twice lost the ball deep in Glenbrook territory when the alert Glenbrook defense picked off a Maine South pass. The Hawks fumbled twice, losing the ball both times. . . . Maine Held Scoreless Glenbrook succeeded in holding Maine South scoreless. Glenbrook North scored one touchdown in the first period and added two more in the third frame. Every extra point try was no good. In the Deerfield game, also M a i n e South's homecoming gamel Deerfield's John Lindquist, a definite candidate for all-state homors, completely dominated the game as he passed for one score and ran for three others. Lindquist consistently hit his receivers wi the long bomb which broke the back of the defense and the 185 pound quarterback also ran the ball up the middle for good yardage until the defense wised up. Taking the opening kickoff, Deerfield struck fast and hard to take a 7 to 0 lead with only six minutes expired in the first quarter. In this drive Deerfield picked up good yardage on end sweeps, using their superior size to good advantage, their quarterback outweighing our largest lineman.

ing up to tie for first place with Glenbrook North. Later, in a duel meet, The Harriers lost by only five points which assured them the second place standing. Another honor was brought by Rich Syverson who has broken two course records, one at Niles North and one at Niles West . . . Compile Good Record In non-conference meets the Fleet-Feet compiled an impressive 4-2 record against tough competition for an overall team score of nine wins and three losses. At invitationals Maine South placed high in standings at Maine West and RiversideBrookfield. The overall team record for the South runrcrs was 9-3 for a .750 average. Next years prospects are even better. The Frosh-Soph cross-country team also had a fine season and finished the season with a conference record of 5 wins and one defeat for a second place finish in the Central Suburban Conference behind Niles West. On October 19 the team defeated Glenbrook North and on October 21 triumphed in a dual meet with Glenbrook South and Niles East. Against Glenbrook South the harriers scored a 15 to 49 triumph and against Niles won 19 to 44.

The final meet of the season ended with a win over the conference champs of Niles West, as Maine dropped several of the underclassmen who had been running Varsity down to the Frosh-Soph level to shake up the pot in conference somewhat. The score of the meet was 19 to 36, Jim Sherman and Don Seelig running at the underclass level. This year's team showed promise but was harrassed by the loss of its top runners to the Varsity squad. The team was helped by Dave Bauman who progressed swiftly to end the season with a fine record. This year was successful for individuals also in their achievements. Those earning their letters were Rich Rylverson, Bob Blonn, Augie Matejzel, and Bob Nelson, all Seniors, Juniors Bob Benedict, John McCallum, and Bill Murphy, and three outstanding sophomores, Randy McClure, Don Seelig, and Jim Sherman. Of the ten lettermen, six will be returning next year to make up the core of the varsity squad along with some promising sophomores and a freshman who may join the Fleet-Feet.

JV Drops Glenbrook N.; Loses To Niles West 13-6 Maine South Junior Varsity squad winds up the season with a very misleading 2-3 conference record. Two of their losses were by 1 point margins. Last Saturday the JV squad concluded its season with a loss at the hands of the Niles West Indians 13 to 6. The week before the Hawks downed Glenbrook North 13 to 6 and two weeks ago were shut out by Deerfield 20 to 0. In the Niles game the first quarter was scoreless. In the second quarter the Hawks marched from their own 43yard line, quarterback Greg Neptune scoring from 16 yards out. The extra point try failed. . . . NUes Scores Twice All of the Niles scoring came in the last 1:20 seconds of the second quarter. On their first play from scrimmage after the South kickoff, Niles scored on an 80-yard bomb, the extra point try successful. After South had taken over, Niles intercepted a Neptune pass and the Niles man went all the way for the score. The

game ended with Niles in front 13 to 6. The first quarter of the Glenbrook game was scoreless. South broke the game open in the second quarter by putting 13 points on the Scoreboard within 40 seconds. The first score came on a Neptune pass to Jim Kendall that carried for 30 yards and the score, Muntean adding the extra point. . . . Defense Preserves Lead Glenbrook North took over after the Hawk score but South's Mike Sklena put the second Hawk score on the board by intercepting a Glenbrook pass and racing 35 yards for the score. The first quarter of the Deerfield game was also scoreless but Deerfield took a 6 to 0 half time lead when it pounced on a blocked Hawk punt in the South end zone. Maine fumbled on her own 15 yard line to set up the second Deerfield score three plays later. Deerfield added its third touchdown of the game late in the final period.

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