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DIY 52 COFFEETABLE MakeYourOwn Thehuntfortheperfectcoffeetableisofficiallyover!Easilycustomisable, itcanfitintoanyspace,withoutanyhassles

YOUWILLNEED: • Roundtray(weused a45cmhere) • 2x15mmcoppertube Cutto:8x15,5cm2x32cm • 2xcoppertube22mm Cutto:4x3cm;4x23cm; 4x10cm • 8xredcoppert-joint: 2x22mmX1x15mm ends(A) • 8xredcoppersocket 22mm(B) • 4xredcoppert-joint3x15 mmends(C) • Tubestrongglueadhesive TOOLS • Tubecutter • Ruler • Pencil • Paintandvarnish • Silkglosspaintinyour choiceofcolour • Clearlacquerspraypaint speciallyforcopper • Flatbrushwith syntheticfibre • Greymetalprimer spraypaint GARDENANDHOME.CO.ZA AUGUST2022 CONCEPT&STYLING:HUMADE,GIEKEVANLONENLOTTEDEKKER;PHOTOGRAPHY:BARTBRUSSEE,FEATURES&MORE,MAGAZINEFEATURES.CO.ZA TOPTIPS Togivethecopperits ultimateshine,itcanbe polishedwithBrasso copperpolish.Or alternativelytokeepthe shine,degreasethe coppertubesandpaint thetubesandjointswith aspecialcopperlacquer. Howtoputtogetherthe coppercoffeetablebase 1 | Ifyouhaveatraywith adiameterof45cm,usethe measuringtapetomeasure therightdistancesofthe coppertubeasmentioned above.Cuttosizewiththe tubecutter. 2 | Firstputtogetherthe4legs withthe22mmcopper tube.B+10cm+A+23cm +A+3cm+B 3 | Thenputtogetherthe4 connectingpiecesin betweenthelegsfromtube size15mm(15,5cm+C+ 15,5cm) 4 | Connectthese4connecting jointswithtwo15mm coppertubesof32cm 5 | Gluetheconnectingparts, thet-jointsandthesockets togetherwiththeBisonmax repairglue. 6 | Readthemanualwellbefore glueing.(Applytheglueonly ononeside.) 7 | Ifyouprefertochangethe colourofthetray(asdone onthepicture)firstspray paintthetraywithametal primer,thenpaint(with spraypaintorabrush)the trayinthepreferredcolour.

812 9800 or 0861 PROTEK (0861) 77 68 35, www.proteksa.co.za Enquire about our complete range in-store or contact us on 0861 PROTEK (0861 77 68 35) for more information www.protek.co.za • Carbon enriched to enhance the quality of soil • Composted poultry manure • Pathogen, parasite and weed seed free • Pelletised for easy and convenient application • Ideal for use in all seasons Gwano Pellets • 100 % organic vigour with macro and micro elements • Balanced general fertilizer for your whole garden - ideal for lawns, shrubs, fruit trees, trees, vegetables, herbs and flowering and fruit bearing plants Gro Green • Organic based and chemically enhanced with macro and micro elements • Ideal for new or established lawns, including evergreen lawns as well as evergreen plants and foliage Flower Power • Organic based and chemically enhanced with macro and micro elements • Ideal for ornamentals, including annuals and perennials, roses, shrubs, fruit trees, trees, vegetables, herbs and all flowering and fruit bearing plants and trees YOURPREPAREGARDENFORSPRING.
Registered in terms of Act 36 of 1947 Gwano Pellets: N 21 g/kg, P 32.5 g/kg, K 27.6 g/kg, Zn 2000 mg/kg, Cu 70 mg/kg, Mo 4500 mg/kg, Fe 2200 mg/kg, B 1200 mg/kg, Mn 1000 mg/kg C 350 g/kg, Group 2 fertiliser, Reg nr B4904; Flower Power: N 48 g/kg , P 10 g/kg, K 36 g/kg, Zn 61 mg/kg, Cu 17 mg/kg, Mo 22 mg/kg, Fe 869 mg/kg, B 256 mg/kg, Mn 212 mg/kg, C 296 g/kg, B4652, Group 2 fertiliser; Gro Green: N 39 g/kg, P 10 g/kg, K 40 g/kg, Zn 61 mg/kg, Cu 17 mg/kg, Mo 22 mg/kg, Fe 869 mg/kg, B 256 mg/kg, Mn 212 mg/kg, C 315 g/kg, B4655, Group 2 fertiliser; Registered by FarmWorx (Pty) Ltd, Co Reg no 2012/092415/07, P O Box 645, Heidelberg, 1438, Tel no 011 812 9800. Distributed by: Protek, a division of PE BEE Agri (Pty) Ltd, PO Box 72, Heidelberg, 1438. Tel (011)

• holdsnutrients.
• Maximisespacebyadding verticalstructuresand trellises,usingthearea underneathforotherplants.
PREPARINGBEDS Vegetablesarehungryfeeders andpreferrichfertilesoil.To avoidupsettingthebalanceof organisms,firstremovethe Itcanbedauntinggrowingyourownfoodforthefirsttime,sobeginwith oneortwobedsandlearnhowtomanagethosebeforeexpanding
• Bedsshouldrunnorth-south.
PatchfromScratch AVegetable BY JANEGRIFFITHS
• Planyourgardenonpaper.
Vegetablesideallyneedsixto eighthoursofsunaday,some morethanothers.Eggplants, tomatoesandchilliesneed morethanlettuces,rocketor spinach,whichcangetbyon fourtofivehours.Theideal locationisnorth-facing, however,aneast-orwestfacingvegetablegardenwilldo.
• makesthesoilmoist, crumblyandaerated, providingtheidealhome for billionsofbeneficial organisms.Inhumus-richsoil thereisadynamicthriving ecosystemoffungi,bacteria, algae,insectsandworms. Thesearetheworkhorses ofthesoil,andtheycan performamultitudeof beneficialfunctions. Thefirststeptoachieving healthysoilistonever usechemicalfertilisersor pesticidesasthesedestroy thisintricatebalance.The secondstepistodisturbthe soilaslittleaspossible.
• Mapthedesigninthegarden, usingstringandstakesto markthebedsandpathways.
HEALTHYSOIL Anorganicvegetablegarden beginswithsoilfullof humus.Thisbroken-down organicmatteristhelife forceofoursoilbecauseit: • absorbsandretainswater.
cottagegardens,toformal Frenchpotagers.
• causespreciousmoisture loss,meaningdissolved nutrientsarealsolost. • exposesburiedweedseeds, whichthengerminate. Sostopdigging!Thereason gardenersdigistobreakup compactedsoil.Toprevent compaction,neverstandon thesoil.Ourweightrepeatedly pressingdownleadstoitbeing compacted.Theonlytimeyou needtodigistoremovean unwanteddeep-rootedplant, toharvestrootsorwhen preparinganewbed.
• Onaslope,createterraces alongcontourstoensure water,nutrientsandseeds don’trundownhill.
Therearemanydesign choices,fromramblingwild
NO-DIGGARDENING Inmanygardensitisa traditiontodigupthesoil regularly,beatingclodswith aforkbeforeincorporating compostandmanure.But diggingisharmfultothe soilbecauseit: • destroysbeneficial organismsandupsets theirbalance.

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PHOTOGRAPHS:JANEGRIFFITHSANDKEITHKNOWLTON GARDENANDHOME.CO.ZA AUGUST2022 topsoillayerandsetaside.Dig a60cm-deeptrench,addin plentyoffertilecompostand well-rottedmanureandmix lowerlayerofsoilbackin.Put thetopsoillayerback. NO-DIGTIPS • Makebedsabout2m+1m soyoucanreachthemiddle withoutstandingonthem. • Installraisededging,high enoughtoretainenriched soilinside. • Createpathwaysabout 90cmwide. MAINTENANCE Tomaintainhighhumuslevels, regularlyaddorganicmatter (compost,well-rottedmanure andorganicmulch)tothe surface,about5cmdeep. Natureisdesignedto incorporatethisintothelower layersandinnotimeitwillbe convertedintofertilehumus. No-diggardeningmeansfewer weeds,lessmaintenance, betterwaterretentionand morefertilesoil. PLANTINGTIPS • Beginwitheasyvegetables suchaslettuce,Swisschard, rocket,radish,springonion, beans,gemsquash,cherry tomatoesandaselectionof perennialandannualherbs. • Plantavarietyofvegetables andherbsineachbed. • Plantvegetablesclose together,sowhenfull sizetheirleavesjust touchoneanother. • Includeedibleflowers (nasturtium,pansies, Californianpoppies, calendula,cornflower)to attractbeneficialinsects andleavesomevegetables andherbstoflower. No-diggardening meansfewerweedsand lessmaintenance
EXPERTCORNER Jane Griffiths Janeisatelevision producer,writer,artist andtravellerwho’s beengrowinghealthy morethan25years.Her toavegetable-growing ofreadersnowfollowing
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