K ATO Reimagine ever yd ay lu xur y w it h a choice of cur ved cor ners , a grand double chaise and seamless modular flex ibilit y S T R I K I N G I N S I M PL I C I T Y


O u r r u g s l i e l i g ht ly o n t h i s e a r t h .

SU B S C R IBE to Au stralian Hou se & G ard en A N D R E C E I V E a GIF T f rom Greg Natale

HU RRY! OF F ER E N DS Aug ust 14 , 2022 Your subscription includes + BON US g if t f rom Greg Nat a le, va lued at over $200 + 12 IS SU ES for $74.99 v ia aut omat ic renewa l + SAV E 30% of f the ret a i l pr ice + FREE DEL I V ERY of the maga z ine Already a subscriber? R enew your subscr ipt ion t o receive this of fer Fo r Te r m s a n d C o n d i t i o n s , v i s i t m a g s h o p c o m a u / p / M 2 28 H G N P l e a s e s e e c o n te n t s p a g e fo r l o c a t i o n of o u r P r i va c y N o t i c e I f yo u do n o t w a n t yo u r i nfo r m a t i o n p ro v i d e d to a n y o rg a n i s a t i o n n o t a s s o c i a te d w i t h t h i s of fe r, p l e a s e i n d i c a te t h i s c l e a r l y a t t i m e of o rd e r o r n o t i f y t h e P ro m o te r i n w r i t i n g O f fe r va l i d f ro m 1 8 / 07/ 2 0 2 2 to 1 4 / 0 8 / 2 0 2 2 to A u s t ra l i a n re s i d e n t s o n l y S a v i n g s a re b a s e d o n re ta i l c o v e r p r i c e of $ 8 9 0 T h e of fe r i n c l u d e s a g i f t f ro m G re g N a ta l e va l u e d a t o v e r $ 20 0 w i t h a n y $ 74 9 9 1 2 i s s u e s u b s c r i p t i o n P l e a s e a l l o w 4 6 w e e ks fo r d e l i v e r y o f b o n u s g i f t B o n u s g i f t i s s e n t to p u rc h a s e r o f t h e s u b s c r i p t i o n S u b s c r i p t i o n c o p i e s d o n o t re c e i v e fre e g i f t s o f fe re d a t re ta i l A u to m a t i c re n e w a l : Af te r t h e fi r s t p a y m e n t o f $ 74 9 9 fo r 1 2 i s s u e s , t h e s u b s c r i p t i o n w i l l a u to m a t i c a l l y re n e w a n d b e b i l l e d a s $ 74 9 9 e ve r y 1 2 i s s u e s ( y e a r l y ) t h e re a f te r u n t i l c a n c e l l e d M AG S HOP.C OM . AU/ P/ M 22 8HG N 1 3 6 1 16 A N D QUO T E M 22 8HG N Choose beaut if u l bed linen in double, queen or k ing si zes, whi le st ock s la st $200 VA LUED at over

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P i c t u r e d i s t h e 2 0 2 1 R o o m o f t h e Y e a r, d e s i g n e d b y A l e x a n d e r & C o . P h o t o g r a p h b y A n s o n S m a r t . Are you a design professional with an exciting new residential projec t to share? Now is the time to enter H&G’s Top 50 Rooms competition, showcasing the best of the best. C A L L F O R E N T R I E S How to enter Please note, our entr y process has changed this year. You will now find the entr y forms and guidelines for submissions via the link below: https://form jotform com/221531050172844 For fur ther details, call (02) 9282 8456 or email House&GardenTop50Rooms@aremedia.com.au A fee of $50 + GST per entr y applies (you may enter multiple categories a $50 + GST fee will apply to each entr y) ● Best Kitchen ● Best Bathroom ● Best Indoor Outdoor Connection ● Best Bedroom ● Best Use of Materials ● Best Use of Sof t Furnishings ● Best Laundr y ● Best Use of Colour Submissions open! Together with leading retailer Winning Appliances, H&G is delighted to announce that entries are open for the 2022 Top 50 Rooms showcase. Now in its 24th year, Top 50 Rooms celebrates the hear t lif ting beauty and power of a well designed room We are seeking a diverse range of room designs that together display the pinnacle of skill, quality and creativity in Australian interiors today Entries close Friday August 26, 2022 with the 50 best projec ts to appear in the November 2022 issue of H&G. 2022 c ategor ies We are seeking entries in the following 8 categories:

AUGUS T A lit tle bit c ountr y Cover stories 23 110+ pages of remarkable rural retreats 37 K i t c h e n d re s s i n g : D e c o r a t i n g f o r f o o d i e s 67 A little bit countr y People 23 Global Roaming Textile designer Tigger Hall loves the fabric of life in the NSW Southern Highl ands 194 The Creative Type Meet architec t Carl a Middleton, whose passion has evolved into a great career. Decorating 37 Fashion Plates Fine china that’s as beautiful to look at as it is to use 45 Sofa, So Good Expert tips for picking and accessorising your dream sofa. Houses 68 Its Own Tale An extensively renovated 1880s cottage honours the past yet looks to the future. 84 Head For The Hills This spec tacul ar farmhouse is an antidote to city life 98 Age Appropriate Ever y thing old is new again in a Geelong renovation. 110 States Of Grace Modern cl assic American style makes itself right at home in this corner of Vic toria 124 A New View An open minded Ball arat homeowner embraces a brilliant design for her tricky site 134 Green Dream We head to coastal Gippsl and to see a high achiever in sustainable building and good looks 144 Connected Wisdom Together or apar t, this beach house of fers both 156 Away From It All A stone’s throw from Bass Strait, a lovingly hand built cabin is simple and simply stunning. P h o t o g r a p h b y T o m F e r g u s o n .

Gardens 1 6 9 Free And Easy Faced with a bl ank canvas, l andscaping exper tise creates a masterpiece in central Vic toria 1 76 Starring Scene Mountain views from a swimming pool are just some of the attractions in this lovely outdoor zone 1 8 2 Peace Seeker Explore a tranquil garden on the Mornington Peninsul a 1 8 9 You Beauty Hardy Australian natives s avour their time in the winter sun. For our readers 6 Subscribe to H&G this month and receive 12 issues for $74.99 plus a bonus gif t from Greg Natale 10 Call For Entries Designers and architec ts, get your H&G Top 50 Rooms submissions ready 18 Your H&G Readers’ letters. 190 Where To Buy Seen something you like? Find your nearest stockist here 191 Privacy Notice P h o t o g r a p h b y T o m F e r g u s o n . On our cover A superb blend of traditional touches defines the open plan kitchen of this home in central Vic toria. Turn to page 68 to read more. Photograph by Mar tina Gemmola

C r a f t e d f o r l i f e M a d e f o r l i v i n g Fre e d o m Awa rd e d five s ta r s fo r Q u a l i t y, Va l u e, Cu s to m e r S e r vi ce, a n d Ove ra l l S a t i s fa c t i o n. Cosy u p to Australia’s #1

Tanya Buchanan, Editor in Chief “If you have ha ker ing there’s rea t o
P h o t o g r a p h b y K r i s t i n a S o l j o .
E D I TO R ’ S L E T T E R H G
for r ural reloc ation,
I love the houses in this issue and admire the determination and drive behind the various homeowners’ rural adventures Our cover house in country Victoria, owned by Darren and Donna, ticks just about every box I have on my dream house list (page 68). It has an impressive and picturesque storybook facade. The collected finds the couple have unearthed on their travels, both here and abroad, have been imaginatively incorporated with flair and savoir faire There are cinematic views from multiple viewing points throughout the residence The eclectic curation of the spaces is surprising and exciting without being over the top, and every room feels like it is waiting to look after you or host an interesting tête à tête. Darren sums it up perfectly, saying: “We have always created our own interiors in a style that works for us We never strove for perfection ”
C OOK Olive Branch cast iron 30cm shallow casserole, $660; lecreuset com au WA LK Millicent yearling leather boots in Black, $595; rmwilliams com au SLEEP Australian House & Garden ‘ Sandy Cape’ linen quilt cover set in Shrub, $269 95/king; myer com au V IE W
F or many of us, the lure of open spaces and the unspoiled beauty of the country seems to be getting stronger and stronger I know a lot of readers will be taking some time this year to reassess where they live, how they blend work and life is it ‘bleisure’ or ‘bleasure’? We are all trying to make some clever and solid life decisions. And it is not that easy apparently, a number of us are experiencing post Covid brain fog and are unable to process as well as we used to! Making a tree change or sea change is a monumental decision, and just how do you make it? I guess it’s easier if you know a town because it’s where you grew up, or you have friends and family who are established there And now, if you have a hankering for rural relocation, there’s really no excuse not to give it a shot We have been sitting on technology not using it to its full capability and now it has been unleashed so that work does not have to be metro or even office based in lots of vocations. Many careers can be conducted from the middle of a paddock or an olive grove!
Awakening #3 Red Ridge ar twork by Joseph McGlennon, $6000; michaelreidsouthern highlands com au W E A R Feuille Mor te felt hat in Sage, $565; phylli com au
On the topic of clever collecting, decorative china is back did it ever go away? On one of my regular vintage antiquing excursions, I was talking to the team at Mitchell Road Antique & Design Centre in Sydney and, evidently, floral china is hot, hot hot. They can’t get enough to satisfy their porcelain obsessed customers Our talented stylist Sophie Wilson has styled some refreshing and gorgeous pages of beautiful pieces to inspire your culinary curation (page 37). I love the mix of old and new don’t be afraid to elevate what you have with new pieces, or give an old kitchen dresser a shiny new life with a coat of paint Your precious teacups will thank you! Enjoy the issue I am heading out to Orange on the NSW Central Tablelands for the coming weekend, for a little refreshing country air
lly no excuse not

The posts that made your month . This ingenious build on a dif ficult site took the fanc y of Facebookers, a modern take on a traditional design lit up Instagram, and an inspired use of bathroom space appealed to Pinners.
H G L E T T E R S Pinterest Instagram Facebook L e t t e r s m a y b e e d i t e d f o r l e n g t h a n d c l a r i t y . 18 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N T i m i n g i s e ve r y t h i n g , a s t h e y s ay a n d t h e Ju l y e d i t i o n o f H & G l a n d e d a t e x a c t l y t h e r i g h t m o m e n t f o r m e A r e n o v a t i o n p l a n n e d f o r o u r 2 0 p l u s y e a r o l d k i t c h e n , a l i v i n g /d i n i n g a r e a a n d a b a t h r o o m m e a n t H & G o ff e r e d m e a w e a l t h o f i d e a s a n d i n d e e d gave m e t h e e n c o u r a ge m e n t t o p l o u g h a h e a d ! S o t h a n k y o u , H & G A u d re y , Ya r ra v i l l e , V i c t o r i a W R I T E I N T O W I N
Ellen Braddy, Gordon Park, Queensland B E A U T I F U L S U R P R I S E S I am a renter in an aged care facility and there is not a person who comes through my door that doesn’t go, “Wow, that’s not what I expected!”
You see, I spend many hours sitting (as I’m forced to do these days) and happily perusing your beautiful magazine, where I get ideas to make my place a tranquil space I have been a renter for many a year but have never let that stop me making a beautiful surround that I can call home I love every moment I spend going through the pages of H&G Thank you so much Barbara Br yant Rycroft, Jesmond, NSW
The author of each let ter published receives $50. Our favour ite al so win s a pr ize. This month, Audrey receives a D aydreamer cu shion, valued at $89, and a Pebble B each throw, valued at $229, both cour tes y of Koala; koala.com /en au. Email your let ter to H&G @aremedia com au or post to Your H&G, P O B ox 4 088, Sydney, N SW 1028 P lea se include your full name and address to be considered for publication R H& G Facebook facebook.com/ australianhouseandgarden Highlights from each issue plus links to tours of our favourite homes Instagram @houseandgarden View the most inspirational images of the month from H&G headquar ters and out and about Pinterest pinterest.com.au/ houseandgardenau Pic ture per fec t images from our pages and sensational produc ts to covet.
How refreshingly daring, inspiring and honest for H&G to feature the magnificence of white in your June edition I found that the pages of light filled decor ideas (‘Blanc Canvas’) were a delightful counterpoint to a bleak, wintry day Editor Tanya’s nod to Dulux Natural White as her favourite white is now my chosen ‘blanc canvas ’ , for crispness’ sake!
H^G s o c i a l
B R I G H T F U T U R E I’ve been a H&G reader for some time now, but my interest in your magazine has spiked recently because I have purchased my own home I’ve been soaking in every detail of every page The images are inspirational, but I find myself drawn to each homeowner ’ s story and journey I particularly loved the June issue’s focus on all things white, as there was something on every page for me to note. It’s going to take my husband and I some time to renovate and redecorate, but I know I’m in good hands with my monthly copy of H&G Laura Fleming, Highbur y, SA T I M E S C H A N G E Sitting and reading H&G over lunch, I’m reminded of how life has changed Gone are the days when H&G travelled with me in the car and was read in between school pick ups, swimming lessons and sports training sessions all three of my children now drive Now I can choose my time to have a cuppa and read H&G What’s still the same is how much I look for ward to it Andrea Francis, Plenty, Victoria F R E S H T A K E

There are people who love to express themselves through colour and there are people who use neutral colours to allow their furniture and ar twork to express their style instead If you ’ re in the neutral backdrop camp, you ’ re cer tainly not alone Using a neutral colour scheme inside is the ideal way to build your home narrative through sof t furnishings, furniture, homewares, ar twork or architec ture
e a u t i f u l n e u t r a l p a i n t c o l o u r c a n p r o v i d e t h e p e r f e c t c a nv a s t o e x p r e s s y o u r i n t e r i o r a n d e x t e r i o r s ty l e . S o w h a t ’ s t h e s e c r e t t o ge tt i n g i t r i g h t ? S T A T E Y O U R S T Y L E O N T H E WA L L S D U LU X W I N T ER T ER R AC E I N D U LU X WA S H & W E A R ® B R A N D P R O M O T I O N W hen cho osing your paint co l our rem emb er to take into co nsideratio n the ro l e of natura l and ar ti f icia l light and how you u se this space Tr y your D u lu x C o l our s in your ho m e w ith a D u lu x S ampl e Pot o r D u lu x C o l our S ticker I f you ’ re not co nf ident w ith your choice, you can a lso seek e x p er t adv ice by b o o k ing a D u lu x C o l our D e signer at du lu x.co m.au o r by ca lling 13 25 25. I N S I DE A DV IC E D U LU X W I N T E R T E R R A C E D U LU X H O G B R I S T L E ® H A L F D U LU X D E S K A U D U LU X W H I T E E XC H A N G E H A L F D U LU X F E AT H E R S O F T D U LU X T E R R A C E W H I T E O N T H E WA L L D U LU X H O G B R I S T L E® H A L F I N D U LU X WA S H & W E A R ®
Tapping into the popul arity of neutrals, Dulux have made it easier than ever to find you per fec t shade by curating a selec tion of neutrals within the Dulux Most Loved Interior Colours. Featuring just under 100 colours, the collec tion covers ever y thing from warm whites to cool greys and ever y thing in between
When choosing your neutral, be clear about whether your space needs a ‘ warm ’ or ‘cool’ colour. Warm neutral hues create inviting, cosy interior spaces and can help of fset rooms with less light Their toasty base will demonstrate yellow, brown and orange under tones In contrast, cool toned hues create simple, cl assic found ations for you to add your personal style These colours can have blueish, grey and sometimes green under tones which gives them a sophisticated edge and works well with light filled spaces b
F i n d m o r e D u l u c o l o u r i n s p i r a t i o n a t d u l u x . c o m . a u

ONLY $39. 99 On sa le now AVA I L A B L E AT A R E M E D I A B O O K S .C O M . AU A N D W H E R E A L L G O O D B O O K S A R E S O L D australianhouseandgarden houseandgarden homestolove com au Published by Are Media Pty Ltd (ABN 053 273 546), 54 Park Street, Sydney, NSW 2000 The trademark AUSTRALIAN HOUSE & GARDEN is the property of Are Media Pty Ltd and s used under licence © 2022 All rights reser ved Prepress by SBM Pr nted by IVE, 1/83 Derby Street, Silver water, NSW 2128 National distribution by Are D rect; (02) 9972 8800 ISSN 0004 931X No material may be reproduced n part or in who e without written consent from the copyright holders Are Media does not accept respons bility for damage to or oss of freelance material submitted for publication Allow several weeks for acceptance or return For enquiries regarding subscriptions cal 136 116 Monday Friday 8am 6pm AEST email magshop@magshop com au or mai letters to: Austra ian House & Garden Reply Paid 3508 Sydney NSW 2001 or subscribe online at magshop com au/hg Subscription rate * : Australia $105 60 (one year 12 issues); NZ A$120 (one year 12 issues); other countries A$180 (one year 12 issues) All overseas subscr pt ons sent air speed *Recommended price Austra ian House & Garden E D I T O R I A L Editor in chief Tanya Buchanan Creative director Antonietta Panuccio Deputy editor Elizabeth Wilson Chief copy editor Sarah Pickette Senior content/production editor Tamarah Pienaar Editorial coordinator Anna Campbell A R T & S T Y L E Ar t director Shayne Bur ton Stylist Sophie Wilson Junior designer Saf fron Sylvester Prepress specialist Matus Kundrat C O N T R I B U T O R S Annika Baker, Karin Bochnik, Fiona Brockhof f, Jackie Br ygel, Yvette Caprioglio, Earl Car ter, Darren Christison, Daniel Corden, Stephen Craf ti, Tom Ferguson, Felix Forest, Mar tina Gemmola, Nic Gossage, Marnie Hawson, Belle Hemming, Nathan Hendr y, Tammy Huynh, Matt Laing, Pavarne Lamber t, Bea Lambos, Alana Landsberr y, Olga Lewis, Georgia Madden, Shannon McGrath, Kate Nixon, Nonci Nyoni, Chris Pearson, Carli Philips, Sue Ramsey, Prue Ruscoe, Brittany Smith, Dianna Snape, Kristina Soljo, Rhiannon Taylor, Andrea Tomaz A D V E R T I S I N G & P R O D U C T I O N G ro u p c a t e go r y m a n a ge r R hy l H e a ve n e r (02) 8114 9 42 0 Adv e r t i s in g p ro du c t i o n m a n a ge r Kate O r sb o r n (02) 928 2 8 3 6 4 B r a n d e x e c u t i v e A m e l i a Pate r s o n (02) 928 2 8 03 8 S a l e s dir e c to r, a ge n c y a n d dir e c t NS W, V i c to r i a , S A & WA Karen Holmes (02) 9282 8733 V i c to r i a h e a d of dir e c t s a l e s Demi Mar telo ( 0 3 ) 9 8 2 3 6 3 6 8 Q u e e n s l a n d h e a d of s a l e s Judy Taylor ( 0 7 ) 3 1 0 1 6 6 3 6 Pro du c t i o n c o n t ro l l e r Sally Jef fer ys Adv e r t i s in g p ro du c t i o n c o n t ro l l e r Dominic Roy (02) 9282 8691 S e ni o r e v e n t m a n a ge r Cate Gazal (02) 8226 9342 M A R K E T I N G & C I R C U L A T I O N Ma rk e t in g dir e c to r Louise Cankett C ir c u l a t i o n a n d in s i gh t s m a n a ge r Nicole Pearson D a t a a n d di s t r ib u t i o n m a n a ge r Joshua Blanshard S u b s c r ip t i o n s c a m p a i g n m a n a ge r Jesvin Vincent Ma rk e t in g e n qu ir i e s homes@aremedia com au A R E M E D I A C O R P O R A T E C h i e f e x e c u t iv e of f i c e r Jane Huxley Fin a n c e dir e c to r Marena Paul G ro u p p u b li s h e r h o m e s Shane Sutton D ir e c to r of s a l e s Andrew Cook C u s to m e r dir e c to r Sally Eagle B u s in e s s m a n a ge r Georgina Bromfield S y n di c a t i o n s syndication@aremedia com au Ne w Z e a l a n d e n qu ir i e s + 6 1 2 9 2 8 2 8 5 0 5 S U B S C R I P T I O N S A L E S & E N Q U I R I E S Magshop GP O Box 5252, Sydney, NSW 2000, Australia Phone 136 116 (Mon Fri, 8am 6pm AEST) Web magshop com au All other Australian House & Garden enquiries: (02) 9282 8456


AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 23 AT H O M E W I T H H G Past and present, plus travels far and wide, are all inter woven in the exquisitely detailed home of textile designer Tigger Hall. S T O R Y C h r i s P e a r s o n | S T Y L I N G S o p h i e W i l s o n P H O T O G R A P H Y N i c G o s s a g e GL OBA L ROA MI NG Tigger takes a moment to contemplate all her handiwork and what she has achieved Chairs, Le Forge. Cushions in Old Block and Honesty fabrics by Nine Muses, and centre cushions in Kilim by Maison de Vacances House painted a Murobond custom colour Shutters are Por ter ’ s Paints Newpor t Blue H a i r a n d m a k e u p b y A n n e t t e M c K e n z i e .

Self described ‘textile maverick’ Tigger Hall is a passionate collector, gathering objects and ideas from her life, past a n d p r e s e n t , a n d w e a v i n g t h e m together into a richly layered tapestry
“I have collections from all over the world,” she says “These objects are imbued with the memories and connections to people and places. I also love a sense of surprise in a home, some little thing to make you smile and look again ”
On a recent trip to Paris, Tigger squeezed two zinc finials into her bag and they now grace her roofline, the final flourish on her renovated home in NSW’s Southern Highlands.
This repurposed home, a once modest 1970s bungalow, makes everyone “look again” It stirred strong emotions when the design doyenne first saw it in 2020. “On a rainy day, my daughter and I inspected five places and this was the last,” says Tigger “As we walked up the stairs, the house felt kind, like we’d known each other forever ” In its scale and its sense of the bohemian, it evoked homes of her youth. Most striking was the spacious living area, boasting a five metre pitched ceiling with exposed beams “I like high ceilings, because they make the spirit soar, ” explains Tigger. “I grew up in homes with huge scale and I remember visiting my cousins’ grand homes in England and France This lofty room also echoes the gums outside ” And, with its deep verandahs draped in wisteria, the house recalled avant garde family homes, with their steady flow of visitors “Homes of my childhood were full of craft and colour, where we sewed, embroidered and painted, and shared music and stories,” she says. “I love entertaining, with live music and poetry readings, for which I thought this space would be perfect ” But the house needed her deft interior designer touch to make it home. Strangely, there were no doors connecting that huge open plan to the garden, while other rooms felt poky and the tired decor needed a pick me up Tigger retained the existing T shaped floor plan, with the living area at the top of the ‘T’ and a wing consisting of four bedrooms enclosed by a verandah on three sides In the living room, she repainted the exposed beams white and installed two salvaged round windows, “ very old, from Argentina, to draw the eye up into the pitch and to bring in more light”. She also added an ornate limestone mantel and extended the room by adding two balconies, with french doors and railings, again from Argentina, “which arrived in various states of disrepair”. >

AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 25 AT H O M E W I T H H G
Two new balconies of f the living room look out into the bush canopy The house is painted a Murobond custom colour O P P O S I T E The back terrace displays a tablecloth from the new Collette Dinnigan and Tigger Hall Homewares collaboration. Cushions in Damask outdoor fabric in Cardamom, George Spencer Designs. Ceramics from Puglia, Collette Dinnigan. Salvaged pavers.

Tigger used rec ycled parquetr y and ornate joiner y to give the kitchen a vintage ambience Antique Queen Ann style pedestal table and Dutch chairs Stove, Aga Walls and joiner y in Dulux Natural White Flooring, rec ycled 1880s parquetr y from Argentina O P P O S I T E Between the living and kitchen/dining area, Tigger installed antique Argentinian doors. “Living in the Southern Highlands, smaller spaces are better,” she says. “I like rooms to connec t but not be open plan.” Antique Queen Ann style pedestal table and Dutch style chairs The dogs are Max (lef t) and Juno >

AT H O M E W I T H H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 27

s ,
She remodelled her kitchen around a new Aga. “I love how delicious everything tastes when cooked by radiant heat in the old fashioned way, ” says Tigger Beside the kitchen, in what had been the laundry, she extended out onto the verandah to create a library or snug. A pair of French doors, literally from Paris, sit at one end, while a sense of cosiness and familiarity is created by her own custom wallpaper and 1880s parquetry, rebirthed from a bank in Buenos Aires. “It has a wonderful sense of age and beautiful oak patina,” she says “It arrived in tubs, black with age a friend and I laid it ourselves ” Leading off the living area, the hallway to the bedrooms felt low in comparison, s o Tig g e r a s ke d h e r eve r re s o u rc e f u l builders, Brendan Sheather and Michael Rudge, for a lightwell in the ceiling with an oval detail in the pitch “I love natural materials and am a fan of sustainability, giving salvaged materials a new home,” s h e s ay s “ T h e i r m a g i c h a n d s m a d e ever ything, both new and recycled, fit just beautifully ” In the garage, she created a studio with a coffered ceiling and panelling, where she works on her signature fabric range, Nine Muses Textiles, for which she draws inspiration from her travels and from mentors such as designers Nina Campbell and Kit Kemp In time, she plans to run workshops on the property so others can share her passion Tigger’s distinctive textiles are peppered around the interiors, creating an in situ showroom “I have created a house for my textiles, in a mix and match of colours and patterns,” she says “It proves you can blend any number of patterns, as long as they are in a similar hue, so nothing jars ” Her favourite hues, calming sea glass blue and vibrant red, are instantly apparent “My homes are full of textures,” says Tigger “Everything is tactile, with a sense of history. I have curated furniture from previous houses, including items bought a t a u c t i o n , i t e m s f r o m m y t r a v e l heirlooms and new pieces I love being the keeper of these treasures ” They include art by her great grandfather, Lindsay Bernard Hall, gracing the walls. But while inspiration comes from far and wide, this home remains firmly rooted to its location. “ Thos e finials look s o striking against the gum trees,” she says. Ha D P d d Pr @t d
Ti g g e r
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H G AT H O M E W I T H 28 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N
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e s ig n .

H T Also
The living room sofa, with an antique embroidered Suzani, was found at the Grand Bazaar in Istanbul Armchairs in Pagoda fabric, Gastón y Daniela Georgian stool in Miao Squared fabric, Arjumand’s World Ottoman in Lanai fabric in Peat, Rose Tarlow. Cof fee table, Nyar y ES. In the background, antique cabinet. Ar tworks by Norman Lindsay (centre) and Garr y Shead (on either side) rug Salvaged round window from Argentina O S I T E L E F T In the entr y, Tigger paints a whimsical tree growing up onto the ceiling Rococo console with marble top and Georgian mirror, both antique T E R I G in the living room, cur tains in Mander Duck Egg fabric, Penny Morrison. On the balcony, outdoor chair, Le Forge Outdoor table, Lydie du Bray

H G AT H O M E W I T H 30 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N

In the librar y/snug, the trelliage design wallcovering was created by Tigger for Nine Muses. Console, a Georgian card table. Bronze lamps, Por ta Romana Ceramics on table collec ted on overseas trips Ar twork by Willy Sheather O P P O S I T E In another corner, antique chair in Chiltern fabric by Fermoie, with cushion in fabric by Kit Kemp, Chelsea Textiles Old sofa with linen cover, with cushions in Aralia fabric by Svenskt Tenn and Royal Velvet by Maison de Vacances Side table, Graham Geddes Antiques Face vase, gif t from a friend Cornice is Por ter ’ s Paints Hamptons Blue 1880s parquetr y flooring from Argentina Ar tworks by Tigger Hall, Jörg Schmeisser and Alisa Teletovic >

In Tigger ’ s studio, the opposite end from where she paints and creates Nine Muses. Daybed bought in France. Cushions in Svenskt Tenn and a fabric bought at Charleston in the UK , “ my favourite house ever ” Kelim picked up many years ago in a market Panelled walls in Resene Biscotti full and quar ter strength Wall brackets, Tigger Hall Design All ar tworks by Tigger TO P R I G H T The mirror in the main bathroom was an antique find Cur tains in Nushka fabric, Nine Muses Washington basin and tapware, Heritage Building Centre Cabinet, Jacobs Joiner y & Cabinets A B OV E L E F T
Headboard upholstered in Riband fabric, Nine Muses Bedside table, Chelsea Textiles Cushions in Joseph’s Floral fabric, Nine Muses, and Kilim fabric, Maison de Vacances. Eiderdown duvet in Ocelot fabric, Nine Muses. Sconce, Visual Comfor t. Cur tains in Primula Medallion fabric, Nine Muses. Walls in Por ter ’ s Paints Chint z Grey. River at Bolero ar twork by James Meverley. Other ar twork, family piece. A B OV E R I G H T A small study has a sofa in Carskiey ‘Broad Stripe’ fabric by Fermoie Ottoman in Roche fabric in Ochre, Paolo Moschino Fez wallpaper in Paprika, Guy Goodfellow Collec tion Table, vases and ar tworks, old family pieces Lampshade covered in Malachite fabric, Nine Muses Cur tain in Paisley fabric, Nine Muses O P P O S I T E Juno on the verandah of f the living room, with antique doors from Edward Clark Antiques Montrose floor lamp, Tekna Zinc planters, Leonard Joel >

AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 33 AT H O M E W I T H H G

H G AT H O M E W I T H 34 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N F I R S T H O M E Y O U O W N E D ? ‘Kelmscott’ in Tecoma, Melbourne, a gorgeous home built by a shipwright in 1880 and set in a half hectare of English garden This house and garden remind me of it B U C K E T L I S T D E S T I NAT I O N ? Horse riding in Argentina over the top and into Chile I rode the last portion of the Camino de Finisterre in Portugal with my sister a few years ago it was wonder ful S I G NAT U R E D I S H Y O U A R E K N O W N F O R ? Any thing by chef Yotam Ottolenghi, cooked in my fabulous Aga (5). D R E A M R E S TAU R A N T TA B L E ? Aria in Sydney The view of the Opera House and Harbour Bridge never fails to surprise Matt Moran always delivers deliciousness It’s a great place to take overseas guests A RT I S T Y O U M O S T A D M I R E ? My great grandfather Lindsay Bernard Hall (2). I just want to paint like him!
FAV O U R I T E M O V I E ? Out of Af rica I love the scene where the love interest Denys Hatton, played by Robert Redford, says, “Imagine that This is the first time any monkeys have heard Mozart.” And I loved the tenacity of heroine Karen Blixen (Mer yl Streep)
FAV O U R I T E FA S H I O N L A B E L S ? Etro (1) I love the layering of colour and pattern My favourite shirt is from Humanoid World easy to layer and great for travel Oroton so chic, with lovely quality fabrics
FAV O U R I T E K I T K E M P D E S I G N / I N T E R I O R ? The Drawing Room at the Firmdale Hotel’s Number Sixteen (3) It’s a fun filled flourish of colour, pattern and natural motifs # L I F E & S T Y L E “I WANT TO PAINT GREAT GRANDFATHER.” Tigger Hall shares some f irsts and favourite things... P
FAV O U R I T E C O L O U R ? Sea glass, the colour between the sky and the sea So gentle and uplif ting, and a fabulous colour to bounce of f “ I L O V E A VA S E F U L L O F ” Beautiful, plump and per fumed David Austin roses from the garden C L O T H I N G I T E M Y O U R E LY O N ? My lovely camel cashmere turtleneck from Woven Store especially handy in the Highlands
W H AT I S Y O U R C U R R E N T FAV O U R I T E A M O N G Y O U R O W N N I N E M U S E S D E S I G N S ? Tree of Life in colour Ceil. I love it for the sense of freedom and exploration of historical floral textiles it is a bit mad Or Antique Indianne, which I painted from an old Indian textile It still makes me smile and resonates with memories of India
h o t o g r a p h y b y N i c G o s s a g e ( t o p r i g h t ) a n d S i m o n B r o w n P h o t o g r a p h y ( 3 ) A r t w o r k s b y A l l y s o n R e y n o l d s ( 3 ) E t r o s i l k s h i r t , $ 1 2 1 0 , M o d a O p e r a n d i ( 1 ) . e R 3 S e r i e s 1 0 0 3 i c o o k e r, $ 1 8 , 9 9 0 , A g a ( 5 ) . P r i v a t e C o l l e c t i o n T u b e r o s e G a r d e n i a E D P ( 7 5 m l ) , $ 2 5 0 , E s t é e L a u d e r . 26 3 4 5 1 7
P I E C E O F M U S I C Y O U C A N ’ T B E W I T H O U T ? I can listen to Kardajala Kirridarra all day My daughter, Beatrice Lewis, composed the music, wrote the songs and sang with these girls. They are magical.
W H AT A R E Y O U C U R R E N T LY R E A D I N G ? Where the Crawdads Sing by Delia Owens. The heroine is a fascinating spirit. D R E A M C A R ? I’m researching a hybrid or an electric I drove a Volkswagen ID3 electric car (4) around London recently and loved it. M O S T I N S P I R AT I O NA L D E S I G N E R ? Marion Hall Best I grew up with her stippled walls and fabulous colours I don’t always live it, but she inspires me ever y day with her individuality and braver y. D E S I G N E R H O M E WA R E I T E M Y O U C O V E T ? Collette Dinnigan Ceramics from Puglia (6). We are launching a homewares collection together in July at Decor + Design.
FAV O U R I T E S C E N T ? It would have to be Estée Lauder ’ s Private Collection Tuberose Gardenia (7).

S Y D N E Y 2 6 9 M I L I TA RY ROA D C R E M O R N E T 0 2 9 9 0 8 2 6 6 0 M E L B O U R N E 6 8 1 C H A P E L S T R E E T S O U T H YA R R A T 0 3 9 8 2 6 8 7 7 7 P E R T H I N N E R S P A C E 0 8 9 3 2 2 6 6 6 4 | H O B A R T F E A T H E R S T O N I N T E R I O R S 0 3 6 2 3 4 6 1 7 7 F A N U L I . C O M F F 0 8 2 2 h A N I C O N I N D E S I G N . C E L E B R A T I N G 2 0 Y E A R S O F T H E S U S H I T A B L E

Room for Freshness, Everywhere T h e s o p h i st i c at e d I C N h 5 1 0 3 f i t s s e a m l e s s ly i nt o yo u r k i t c h e n : E l e g a nt , s l i m , f u l l of i n n ovat i ve fe at u re s S t o re yo u r favo u r i t e f r u i t s a n d ve g et a b l e s i n t h e E a s y Fre s h s afe w h e re t h ey st ay a s f re s h a s a t t h e m a r ke t s t a n d Discover our new f u l l y i n t e g ra t e d appliances at home.liebherr.com.au Refrigeration and freezing

S t y l i n g b y S o p h i e W i l s o n . P h o t o g r a p h b y A l a n a L a n d s b e r r y .
D e c o r a t i n g R A T I V E P R E S E N T A T I O N F O R C U L I N A R Y A C C O U T R E M E N T S Vintage buf fet and hutch sourced from Gumtree. 1960s French rattan easy chairs, $4200/pair, Par terre. O N WA L L Deuce Oliva ar twork (lef t) and Before Dinner ar twork, both by Vynka Hallam, $1995 each, Vynka’s Ar t Wall painted Dulux Natural White I N C A B I N E T, TO P R OW Fro m l e f t Wonderlust Pink Lotus teacup and saucer sets, $139 each, Wedgwood Limone platter, $280, Alex and Trahanas Antique glazed jugs, $220 each, Water Tiger M I D D L E R OW Fro m l e f t Arancia platter, $280, Alex and Trahanas Mar tini glasses, $59 each, Maison Balzac Tamegroute pedestal bowl, $90, Love Af ter Love Wonderlust Waterlily teacup and saucer sets, $139 each, Wedgwood. B OT TO M R OW Fro m l e f t Villeroy & Boch ‘French Garden Fleurence’ salad plate, $59.95, David Jones. Capri da Paolino side plate, $119/set of 4, No 22. French Garden Fleurence salad plate, and Capri da Paolino side plate, as before O N B E N C H Fro m l e f t Flowers, Grandiflora Palm jug, P OA, Xavier Furniture Antique brass bamboo dish, $399, Alfresco Emporium Green ceramic pineapple, P OA, Xavier Furniture Petit Pom Pom candlestick, $69, and Grand Pom Pom candlestick, $79, Maison Balzac O N F L O O R Afghan Bohemia handspun wool rug, 200x300cm, $4900, Cadr ys

H G D E C O RAT I N G 38 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N F A S H I O N P L A T E S Ser ve up depth, colour and pattern: a great wall of china brings fresh new appeal to a much-loved decorating technique. S T Y L I N G S o p h i e W i l s o n | P H O T O G R A P H Y A l a n a L a n d s b e r r y

C L O C K W I S E F R O M TO P L E F T New Lily of the Valley decorative plate, $300, Dior Fresh Simple bowl, P OA, Xavier Furniture Ralph Lauren ‘Garden Vine’ dinner plate, $89, Palmer & Penn. Cur ve bowl, $66, Maison et Jardin. Capri Da Paolino Green dinner plate, $129/set of 4, No22. Delmare small plate, $45, Par terre. Chinoiserie White 27cm plate, $79.95, Jasper Conran for Wedgwood. Tulip marble platter, $399, Maison et Jardin Ralph Lauren Home ‘Faded Peony ’ salad plate, $77, and ‘Garden Vine’ dinner plate, $89, both Palmer & Penn Perosa fruit bowl stand, $460, Alex and Trahanas Ralph Lauren Home ‘Faded Peony ’ salad plate, $77, Palmer & Penn Cabbage 19cm plate, $45, Par terre Peacock Dots & Dashes sugar bowl, $560/tea set (includes sugar bowl, teapot and milk jug), Love Af ter Love Ralph Lauren Home ‘Faded Peony ’ sugar pot, $150, Palmer & Penn Tamegroute pedestal bowl, $90, Love Af ter Love O P P O S I T E Raja sideboard, $1499, Lounge Lovers Antique High Hat chair, $1800/pair, Water Tiger. O N WA L L Fro m to p l e f t Boråstapeter ‘Countr yside Morning’ wallpaper, $165/10m roll, Wallpaper Direc t. Foret 29cm plates, $135 each, hare and stag 15.5cm plates, $55 each, all Par terre. Green Stripe pasta bowl, $89, Alex and Trahanas. Cabbage 19cm plate, $45, Par terre Scalloped dinner plate, $95, Alex and Trahanas O N S I D E B OA R D Fro m l e f t Timor vessel, $875, Par terre Antique glazed jug, $220, Water Tiger Scalloped platter, $280, Alex and Trahanas Pineapple bowl, P OA, Xavier Furniture Perosa fruit bowl stand, $460, Alex and Trahanas Love Ally Sunday ‘ Swirl’ taper candles, $49/pair, No22 Brass Tree candlesticks, from $249, Alfresco Emporium 24cm bowl, $66, Maison et Jardin O N C H A I R Fresh Simple bowl, P OA, Xavier Furniture >S
t y l i s t ’ s a s s i s t a n t s N o n c i N y o n i & P a v a r n e L a m b e r t .

TO P S H E L F Fro m l e f t Olio sugar bowl, $99 95 (includes matching creamer), and Olio 21cm jug, $99 95, both Royal Doulton Ear th bowls, $126 95/ set of 4, and plates, $126.95/set of 4, Rober t Gordon Australia. Rattan vases, stylist’s own. S E C O N D S H E L F Fro m l e f t Masala bowls, $155 each, Water Tiger. Table of Plenty water jug, $44.95, Rober t Gordon Australia. Josee pillar candles, $60 each, Love Af ter Love. Indian brass kettle, $120, Few & Far. T H I R D S H E L F Fro m l e f t Wooden bowl with rings, $76, Love Af ter Love. Indian fruit tray, $165, and antique Chinese oil basket, $275, both Water Tiger Relic side plates, $13 50 each, Freedom B OT TO M S H E L F Masala bowls (shallow), $155 each, and teak bowls (deep), $220 each, all Water Tiger O P P O S I T E Almirah vintage Indian glass cabinet, $2830, Few & Far Avocado Tree print and Banana Plant print, $320 each (framed), Love Af ter Love F O R E G R O U N D Fro m l e f t Nigel fruit bowl, $139, and Clementine vessel, $129, both McMullin & Co Australian House & Garden ‘Bayside’ knitted cushion in Moonbeam, $59.95, Myer. Jimmy occasional chair, $599, Freedom. Habitat ‘ Tallow ’ cushion in Natural, $39.95, Pillow Talk. Bar t vessel, $349, McMullin & Co. Amara Afghan handspun wool and hemp rug, 200x300cm, $7500, Cadr ys. I N C A B I N E T, TO P S H E L F Fro m l e f t Garden Party sundae bowls, $39 95/pair, Robert Gordon Australia Marble lotus plate, $180, Water Tiger Maison water jug, $52 95, French Knot Carron footed bowl, $229, Maison et Jardin Indian mor tar and pestle, $55, Few & Far Gravity coupe bowl, $39 95, and footed compor t, $39 95, both Maxwell & Williams S E C O N D S H E L F Fro m l e f t Dragonfly desser t bowls, $15 95 each, French Knot Marble Lotus leaf bowls, $99 each, Few & Far Lotus plate, as before Garden Par ty condiment bowls, $19 95/pair, and cake stand, $69 95, Rober t Gordon Australia Couronne jeweller y bowl, $152, Love Af ter Love. Carron sauce bowl, $259, Maison et Jardin. T H I R D S H E L F Fro m l e f t Lotus plates, as before. Appetiser plate, $55, Love Af ter Love. Vienna side plates, $17.95 each, French Knot. W27 Carron footed bowl, $459, Maison et Jardin. Vienna soup/desser t bowls, $20 95 each, French Knot B OT TO M S H E L F Fro m l e f t Clementine bowls, $99 each (small), and $169 (large), all McMullin & Co >

D E C O RAT I N G H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 41

C L O C K W I S E F R O M TO P L E F T Dynasty 21cm plate, $74.95, Alfresco Emporium. Capri Da Paulino dinner plate, $129/set of 4, No22. Ralph Lauren Home ‘Ralph’s’ canapé plate, $195/set of 4, Palmer & Penn Spode ‘Blue Italian’ dinner plate, $74 95, Villeroy & Boch ‘Old Luxembourg’ salad plate, $59 95, and ‘Old Luxembourg’ oval platter, $219, all David Jones Ralph Lauren Home ‘Faded Peony ’ dinner plate, $89, Palmer & Penn Spode ‘Blue Italian’ footed cake plate, $167, David Jones Dynasty Blue & White 37cm plate, $59 95, and Dynasty Spring Garden Bird 7cm bowl, $2 95, both Alfresco Emporium Spode ‘Blue Italian’ dinner plate, $74 95, and Villeroy & Boch ‘Old Luxembourg’ salad plate, $59.95, both David Jones. Capri Da Paulino side plate, $119/set of 4, No22. Dynasty Spring Garden 16cm plate, $7.95, Alfresco Emporium. Villeroy & Boch ‘Old Luxembourg’ salad plate, $59.95, David Jones. Dragonfly side plate, $19.95, French Knot. O P P O S I T E Morris Wallpapers ‘ Willow Boughs’ wallpaper in Delf t, $243/10m roll, Wallpaper Direc t Hamptons Classic librar y bookshelf, $920, French Knot F O R E G R O U N D Fro m l e f t Theodore Alexander ‘Blue Henhouse’ vase, $970, and ‘Paradise’ vase, $970, both Laura Kincade Hudson Furniture ‘Florida’ armchair, $1199, Alfresco Emporium Muse ‘ Valencia’ velvet cushion in Natural, $69 95, Pillow Talk Amara Afghan handspun wool and hemp rug, 200x300cm, $7500, Cadr ys I N C A B I N E T, TO P S H E L F Fro m l e f t Bohemia lidded jars, P OA, Xavier Furniture Dynasty Spring Garden 25cm plate, $24.95, Alfresco Emporium. Sousaku pear ornament, P OA, and Cherr y Blossom round lidded jar, P OA, Xavier Furniture. S E C O N D S H E L F Fro m l e f t Dash mugs in Navy, $62 each, Love Af ter Love. Capri Da Paulino dinner plate, $129/set of 4, No22. Hibiscus teapot, $349, Wedgwood Blue & White Fig temple jar, P OA, and Cherr y Blossom tall lidded jar, P OA, both Xavier Furniture T H I R D S H E L F Ralph Lauren Home ‘Faded Peony ’ dinner plates, $89 each, Palmer & Penn B OT TO M S H E L F Dynasty Bamboo ser ving bowl, $249, Alfresco Emporium Original Blossom ser ving bowl, P OA, Xavier Furniture Fo r W h e r e to B uy, s e e p a ge 190 #

D E C O RAT I N G H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 43

AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 45 A S K A N E X P E RT H G S O F A , S O G O O D Ask an e x per t It’s the season for staying in, which means it’s also the per fect time to explore the latest sofas and how to style them, writes Kate Nixon. The luxurious Lola hand dyed leather 3 seater sofa, $3999 from Freedom, is available as shown here in Taupe and five other ear thy Pshades h o t o g r a p h y b y N a t h a n H e n d r y .

If the living area sets the scene of an interior, the sofa is the undisputed star of the show A subtle shif t in seat or back height, arm thickness, sprung or loose cushion upholster y can change the tone of a home entirely Consider your style carefully as this will be a piece you may live with for decades. Comfor t is crucial, and fabric choice even more so if you share your home with children and pets Measure up your living space and tr y taping out your preferred dimensions on the floor; this will help you better understand the scale and propor tions You should look for longevity and luxur y in this investment piece, and pair it with statement armchairs, cof fee or side tables Scatter cushions and throws are your go to accessories take colour cues from an ar twork or an area rug in the room > Estancia Leather Co’s ‘Mulberr y ’ leather 3 seater sofa in Chocolate Brown, from $5995 at Coco Republic, features narrow channel detailing P h o t o g r a p h y c o u r t e s y o f C o c o R e p u b l i c
H G A S K A N E X P E RT 46 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N

ƑūNjîŕūîŒǜūūƑƙ ČūŞ îƭ q/g~À¤s/ ʈ ¬Þ's/Þ >óİĒŭš æóĉĒİš Ĉśĺį Ũďó Ɯĺĺś ŭŘƿ /ƭƑūƎĚîŠ ~îŒ ǜūūƑ îŠē ŏūĿŠĚƑ Nj ĿŠ 'îŠĿƙ Ø ĿƥĚ

A S K A N E X P E RT H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 49 Fresh id ea s & ea sy upd ates
● Outdoor fabrics can be a smar t choice for indoor upholster y in high traf fic locations. Take sample swatches home to check against your wall and floor finishes
● Look at your room ’ s layout and traf fic flow, to determine if a standard or sec tional style of sofa will suit it best >
● If your existing sofa suits your style and scale, you can replace cushion inser ts and reupholster for a satisfying refresh. Consider foam core seat cushions with a plush feather/down wrap and feather/fibre back cushions for sof tness and suppor t.
T H I S I M AG E For a dif ferent sofa profile, and to maximise your seating options, the Fleur range from King has a folding backrest that can be raised or lowered to suit your wishes. The 3 seater costs from $6027, the 2 seater is from $4814. The range also includes chaises, lounge chairs and ottomans. A B OV E The sinuous cur ves of the Deep fabric 3 seater sofa in Dove, $8014 from Natuzzi, pick up nicely on the room ’ s arched door Pway h o t o g r a p h y b y F e l i x F o r e s t ( b o t t o m ) .
● Where possible, tr y before you buy A sofa is one piece of furniture well wor th a showroom visit, to fully understand its comfor t and quality.
● Consider your home’s available access for deliver y, including door widths, stair well or lif t dimensions. Need to squeeze a large sofa through? Some legs can be unscrewed and doors removed from their hinges

H G A S K A N E X P E RT 50 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N 1 2 5 3 4 Best seat in the house Whether you have room to spread out or need a solution for a compact space, there’s a sofa that’s right for you. Source book ● Studio Cavit The place to source impor ted classic US sofa brands such as Baker, Decca and McGuire studiocavit.com ● Cromwell An Australian business impor ting and distributing an extensive collec tion of elegant sofas. cromwellaustralia com au ● Arthur G Australian made furniture with a 10 year struc tural guarantee and customisable designs arthurg com au ● Maker & Son 100 per cent natural, ethically designed furniture made by hand, using traditional methods, by skilled local craftspeople. makerandson.com.au Reap th e reward s myFreedom is a free to join Freedom membership program that has rewards vouchers, extended change of mind returns and warranties, free metro online deliveries for homewares purchased (over $50) and VIP access to events and member exclusive promotions www f reedom com au/ myf reedom benef its and rewards 1 Flexform ‘Asolo’ fabric 3 seater sofa in Emerald (255cm), $22,950 (excludes accent cushions), Fanuli. 2 Kandos linen 3 seater sofa in Natural (270cm), $3499, Provincial Home Living. 3 Cypress fabric 3 seater sofa in Stone (225cm), $4790, Contents International Design 4 Salsie French seam 3 seater sofa in Dalton Natural (240cm), $1999, Freedom 5 Mia leather 3 seater sofa with chaise in Glacier (320cm), $4499, Domayne TO P L E F T The Sorrento modular sofa in Bendigo Tan leather and Hinterland ar twork, both from Freedom, work well together #

When choosing your neutral, be clear about whether your space needs a ‘ warm ’ or ‘cool’ colour. Warm neutral hues create inviting, cosy interior spaces and can help of fset rooms with less light Their toasty base will demonstrate yellow, brown and orange under tones In contrast, cool toned hues create simple, cl assic found ations for you to add your personal style These colours can have blueish, grey and sometimes green under tones which gives them a sophisticated edge and works well with light filled spaces b
Tapping into the popul arity of neutrals, Dulux have made it easier than ever to find you per fec t shade by curating a selec tion of neutrals within the Dulux Most Loved Interior Colours. Featuring just under 100 colours, the collec tion covers ever y thing from warm whites to cool greys and ever y thing in between
e a u t i f u l n e u t r a l p a i n t c o l o u r c a n p r o v i d e t h e p e r f e c t c a nv a s t o e x p r e s s y o u r i n t e r i o r a n d e x t e r i o r s ty l e . S o w h a t ’ s t h e s e c r e t t o ge tt i n g i t r i g h t ? S T A T E Y O U R S T Y L E O N T H E WA L L S D U LU X W I N T ER T ER R AC E I N D U LU X WA S H & W E A R ® B R A N D P R O M O T I O N W hen cho osing your paint co l our rem emb er to take into co nsideratio n the ro l e of natura l and ar ti f icia l light and how you u se this space Tr y your D u lu x C o l our s in your ho m e w ith a D u lu x S ampl e Pot o r D u lu x C o l our S ticker I f you ’ re not co nf ident w ith your choice, you can a lso seek e x p er t adv ice by b o o k ing a D u lu x C o l our D e signer at du lu x.co m.au o r by ca lling 13 25 25. I N S I DE A DV IC E D U LU X W I N T E R T E R R A C E D U LU X H O G B R I S T L E ® H A L F D U LU X D E S K A U D U LU X W H I T E E XC H A N G E H A L F D U LU X F E AT H E R S O F T D U LU X T E R R A C E W H I T E O N T H E WA L L D U LU X H O G B R I S T L E® H A L F I N D U LU X WA S H & W E A R ®
There are people who love to express themselves through colour and there are people who use neutral colours to allow their furniture and ar twork to express their style instead If you ’ re in the neutral backdrop camp, you ’ re cer tainly not alone Using a neutral colour scheme inside is the ideal way to build your home narrative through sof t furnishings, furniture, homewares, ar twork or architec ture
F i n d m o r e D u l u c o l o u r i n s p i r a t i o n a t d u l u x . c o m . a u

The LG WashTower™ is a smar t, s tacked washer dr yer solution for large families This 17kg front load washer and 10 s tar energy rated 10kg heat pump dr yer combo has a built in AI smar t s ys tem featuring Fabric Sensors, Smar t Learner technology and Smar t Pairing* to optimise ever y c ycle The sleek, integrated unit has a simple, centrally located, combined control panel with multiple washing and dr ying options to respond to ever y laundr y need And because it ’s wi fi enabled, you can s tar t a program when you’re out and be aler ted when it ’s done For the ultimate laundr y upgrade, The St yler is the finishing touch. Sleek, s treamlined upright design uses the power of s team and gentle heat to refresh items bet ween washes, greatly reducing odours and minimising allergens. W W T 1 7 1 0 B L G W A S H T O W E R ™ 1 7 KG F R O N T L O A D W A S H E R + 1 0 KG H E AT P U M P D R Y E R C O M B O I N B L A C K S T E E L $ 4 9 9 9 ; S 5 M B L G S T Y L E R 5 M I R R O R D O O R S T E A M C L O T H I N G C A R E S Y S T E M $ 3 2 9 9 P o w e r C o m b i n a t i o n E m b r a c e t h e p o w e r o f t e c h n o l o g y a n d s u s t a i n a b l e d e s i g n f o r y o u r b e s t w a s h i n g a n d d r y i n g s o l u t i o n s e v e r. H A R V E Y N O R M A N Wash Smarter H A R V E Y N O R M A N C O M A U online | mobile | in store

* LG ThinQ ® app available on Andro d or iOS smar tphones Compat ble smar tphone with Android 4 1 2 (Jellybean) or later or iOS 9 or ater required for LG Th nQ ® app Phone and Home W Fi Data connec tion and produc t registrat on on the ThinQ ® app required Smar t features and voice assistant produc t may var y by countr y and model Check with your local retailer or LG for ser vice availabilit y Features and ser vices may be changed by LG without notice Google and Google Home are trademarks of Google LLC Amazon, Alexa, Echo and al related logos and motion marks are trademarks of Amazon com, Inc or ts affiliates Vo ce enabled smar t speaker device is not included

C e r t i f i e d B y W o o l m a r k Confidently wash your wool and silk items with the AEG 10kg 9000 front loader, cer tified by Woolmark. AutoDose technology combines detergent s and sof teners with water before they enter the drum, with precise dosing for less wastage. The PlusSteam c ycle reduces wrinkles and ironing time, and the Ultra quick program washes a 3kg load in just 20 minutes. Also carr ying the Woolmark tick, the AEG 8kg 3D Scan Heat Pump Dr yer gently dries using humidit y sensing technology that monitors the c ycle and helps protec t delicate tex tiles 3D Scan Technology uses sensors to detec t moisture 5cm deep into clothes, ensuring they are dried with precision and care L F 9 C 1 61 2 A Q A E G 1 0 KG 9 0 0 0 S E R I E S A U T O D O S E F R O N T L O A D W A S H I N G M A C H I N E $ 2 7 9 9 ; T 8 D H C 8 7 6 C A E G 8 KG 9 0 0 0 S E R I E S 3 D S C A N H E AT P U M P D R Y E R $ 2 5 9 9 .

9 S t a r E n e r g y R a t i n g Known for qualit y and reliabilit y, Miele’s st ylish, stackable washer and dr yer are also space savers. Choose from 12 wash programs to care for all your fabric s, from the speedy 49 minute PowerWash to the sof test handwash c ycle for woollens Miele's signature honeycomb drum design helps to ensure the wash c ycle is as gentle as possible. CapDosing ensures detergent is precisely measured for the best result s with minimal wastage. For precise and economical dr ying, the Miele 8kg heat pump dr yer delivers with a nine star energy rating. Choose from 12 precision dr ying programs and enjoy t wo fresh signature scent s to fragrance your laundr y Miele’s heat pump condensation capture technology protec t s your home from excess ambient moisture without the need for venting. WDD320 MIE LE 8KG POWE RWA SH FRONT LOADING WA SHING MACHINE $2249; T WD4 40WP MIE LE 8KG 9 STAR ECOSPE E D HE AT PUMP DRYE R $2149; W T V512 WA SHE R DRYE R STACKIN G KIT $229. Wash Smarter H A R V E Y N O R M A N C O M A U online | mobile | in store

S t r o n g a n d S e n s i t i v e A s le ek , innovat i ve design featuring s t ainles s s te el inner and outer drums , p lus t he unique Ste el S eal door, makes t he A S KO Lo gic washer a more hygienic alternat i ve to ot her washer s using rub b er or p las t ic I deal for allerg y and as t hma su fferer s, this machine has S ensit i ve Choice accre dit at ion w hile a spacious 1 0 kg capacit y allow s for t horou gh, de ep cleaning of large items such as b lanket s and b e d ding For dr y ing, t he ele gant l y designe d A S KO 1 0 kg heat p ump dr yer offer s s t y lish convenience at your fi nger t ips t hank s to an eas y touch LE D disp lay panel B oas t ing a nine s t ar energ y rat ing, hand y interior light and ant i t angle mot ion t hat also re duces creasing, it ’s eas y on you and on your p ower bill. W4 1 0 4 C W A S KO L O G I C 1 0 KG P R O H O M E W A S H E R W I T H X L T U B ( W H I T E ) $ 2 6 9 9 ; T4 1 0 H D.W A S KO L O G I C 1 0 KG P R O H O M E H E AT P U M P D R Y E R ( W H I T E ) $ 2 8 9 9 Wash Smarter H A R V E Y N O R M A N C O M A U online | mobile | in store

S t e a m a n d R e f r e s h Fisher & Pay ke l’s Ac t i ve I nte llig ence™ te chno l o g y removes t he gu es s wor k by t ail or in g d eterg ent d ose an d a djus t in g wash t imes to sui t each l oa d, f rom ac t i vewear to d e lic ates B r in g light l y wor n cl ot hes or mus t y gar ment s back to life w i t h t he washin g machine's 20 minu te Steam Ref resh c ycle t hat f reshens w i t hou t a f ull wash c ycle, usin g s team to re du ce creasin g an d ironin g t ime. You c an also dr y w i t h confi dence thank s to TangleProtec t te chno l o g y, an d ke ep your sp or t s sho es f rom r unnin g in circles cour tes y of t he convenient dr y in g r ack W H 1 1 6 0 F G 2 F R O N T L O A D E R W A S H I N G M A C H I N E 1 1 KG A C T I V E I N T E L L I G E N C E ™ , S T E A M C A R E $ 2 0 9 9 ; D H 9 0 6 0 F S G 1 H E AT P U M P C O N D E N S I N G D R Y E R 9 KG S T E A M C A R E $ 2 6 9 9

G r e a t f o r F a m i l i e s Big families equal big loads of laundr y, so a 16kg capacit y makes this front loader a smar t choice Samsung BubbleWash™ technology pre mixes detergent with air and water at the star t of a c ycle while AI Wash sensors calculate optimal water and detergent levels for the best result s The power ful Hygiene Steam Cycle refreshes quilt s and removes must y odours with ease, deeply infusing your wash with steam to help reduce up to 99.9% of common bac teria and allergens Dr ying is smar ter and gentler with hybrid heat pump technology The AI Dr y System uses nine sensor technology that monitors the temperature and humidit y in the drum to optimise dr ying per formance and care for fabrics. Sanitise both wet and dr y clothes with the high temperature Hygiene Care+ c ycle Sanitise and refresh your suit s, woollens and precious fabrics like a pro with the smar t and st ylish Samsung AirDresser clothing care system Almost like having a dr y cleaner in your home, Jet Steam and WrinkleCare use a combination of steam and air to deodorise and smooth out creases in clothes so they’re quickly ready to wear W F 1 6 T 9 5 0 0 G V S A M S U N G 1 6 KG B U B B L E W A S H F R O N T L O A D W A S H I N G M A C H I N E $1 9 9 9 ; D V 1 0 T 9 7 2 0 S V S A M S U N G 1 0 KG H Y B R I D H E AT P U M P D R Y E R I N B L A C K S TA I N L E S S $ 2 1 9 9 ; D F 6 0 R 8 2 0 0 H G / N Z S A M S U N G B E S P O K E A I R D R E S S E R C H A R C O A L $ 2 8 9 9

H A R V E Y N O R M A N C O M A U online | mobile | in store Wash Smarter

I n t u i t i v e a n d I n t e l l i g e n t Boasting a five star energy rating, the Elec trolux 10kg wi fi enabled washer features AutoDose detergent dispensing technology that prevent s wear and tear and fading. Choose from 15 wash programs for all your laundr y needs including ultra gentle delicate care, heav y soil power washing and a vapour refresh c ycle that de creases and deodorises On the dr ying front, an energy efficient eight star rating and Advanced Sensor Dr y feature that prevent s over dr ying make the wi fi enabled Elec trolux Heat Pump Dr yer a power saving superstar. 3DSense technology measures humidit y and dampness, adjusting dr ying time to ensure all fabric t ypes are handled according to their specific needs E W F 1 0 4 1 R 9 W B E L E C T R O L U X 1 0 KG A U T O D O S E W I F I F R O N T L O A D W A S H I N G M A C H I N E $1 5 9 9 ; E D H 9 0 3 R 9 W B 9 KG H E AT P U M P D R Y E R , W I F I E N A B L E D 3 D $1 9 9 9 .

T h e Q u i e t A c h i e v e r With German engineering behind the EcoSilence Drive motor, the Bosch 10kg washer is an all round quiet achiever. The SpeedPer fec t high per formance program delivers a fas ter wash and four AntiStain programs make juggling multiple loads of laundr y easier for bus y people on the go. The Bosch heat pump dr yer boas t s a sizeable 8kg capacit y and impressive 10 s tar energy rating Fas t Dr yer technology dries clothes quickly and efficiently, automatically s topping when it senses the load is complete AntiV ibration side walls deliver s tabilit y and exceptional noise control for whisper quiet operation. W A X 3 2 M 4 1 A U B O S C H 1 0 KG S E R I E S 8 F R O N T L O A D W A S H I N G M A C H I N E $ 2 4 9 9 ; W T X 8 8 M 2 0 A U B O S C H 8 KG S E R I E S 8 1 0 S TA R H E AT P U M P T U M B L E D R Y E R $ 2 3 9 9 Wash Smarter H A R V E Y N O R M A N C O M A U online | mobile | in store

S t a i n R e m o v a l I n n o v a t i o n Combining a Dynamic Inver ter motor and Digital Motion technology, the Ariston 8kg front load washing machine with Steam A ssist takes the pain out of stain removal with 10 unique movement s to shif t the most stubborn marks Don’t sweat it if you drop a sock the handy Stop and Add feature let s you pop in any stragglers during a c ycle Ariston’s 8kg heat pump dr yer makes dr ying winter woollens easy, with Woolmark Care cer tification and a choice of 15 programs to dr y and refresh all your fabrics N 8 4 W A U A R I S T O N 8 KG F R O N T L O A D W A S H I N G M A C H I N E W I T H S T E A M A S S I S T $1 0 9 9 ; N 1 1 H P LW A U A R I S T O N 8 KG H E AT P U M P D R Y E R W I T H W O O L M A R K C A R E $1 5 4 9 ; O A L U 0 1 S TA C K I N G K I T W I T H P U L L O U T S H E L F $1 4 9 . H A R V E Y N O R M A N C O M A U online | mobile | in store Wash Smarter

F u l l L o a d , 6 0 M i n u t e s The Westinghouse Easycare front load washing machine makes shor t work of big basket s Westinghouse's Full Load 60 let s you wash 8kg in 60 minutes without compromise The Plus Hygiene program uses water vapour to neutralise common allergens and bac teria, making it ideal for families with allergies and asthma Together with the seven star energy efficienc y rating of the Westinghouse 8kg EasyCare 500 Series heat pump dr yer, which protec t s your clothes with a combination of low temperature dr ying and SensorDr y technology to monitor c ycle time, you can save time, energy and effor t with ever y load W W F 8 0 2 4 M 5 W A W E S T I N G H O U S E 8 KG E A S YC A R E F R O N T L O A D W A S H I N G M A C H I N E $ 8 9 9 ; W D H 8 0 4 N 7 W A W E S T I N G H O U S E 8 KG E A S YC A R E 5 0 0 S E R I E S H E AT P U M P D R Y E R $1 2 9 9 .

S t y l i s h l y E f f i c i e n t Rather spend less time on laundr y? Haier understands, so they’ve built an Express 15 minute wash feature into their new 7 5kg front loader, as well as a Speed Up func tion that reduces the time of most wash cycles With 12 wash cycles including a Sanitise option, which kills 99.99% of bac teria, and a steam Refresh cycle Equally convenient, with 12 dr y cycles including the Express 30, the Haier 8kg heat pump dr yer boasts an eight star energy rating It offers a gentler dr ying heat using heat pump technology and finishes automatically when it senses a load is per fec tly dr y. The Made to Match Haier models are wi fi enabled so you can tick off your laundr y list even when you’re away from home HWF75AN1 HAIER 7 5KG FRONT LOAD WASHING MACHINE WITH WI FI COMPATIBILIT Y $749; HDHP80AN1 HAIER 8KG HEAT PUMP DRYER $1349 ALSO AVAIL ABLE IN DARK.

SHOP ONLINE WITH YOUR LOCAL STORE HN.COM.AU OR CALL 1300 464 278 Har vey Norman ® stores are oper ated by independent fr anchisees Images are for illustr ative purposes only Promotion ends 31/12 /22 Wash Smarter T h e P e r f e c t P a i r This 2022 Hisense PureJet Washer and Dr yer are the per fec t pair to tackle just about any laundr y problem The Hisense 10kg front loader is a heav y lif ter and per fec t for big families, featuring it s power ful Pure Jet wash system, Allergy Steam and even a 15 minute quick wash program for loads up to 1kg It pairs per fec tly with the Hisense heat pump dr yer, boasting Power Air flow with an industr y leading five air outlet s and the 30 Minute Power Dr y program for light loads It's a power ful dr ying per formance you can rely on H I S E N S E H W F Y 1 0 1 4 1 0 KG F R O N T L O A D W A S H E R I N W H I T E $ 9 4 9 ; H I S E N S E H D F Y 9 0 H 9 KG H E AT P U M P D R Y E R I N W H I T E $1 2 9 9 .

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H o u s e s B A S K I N T H E P E A C E O F A C O U N T R Y H O M E There’s charm in spades at this meticulously updated 1880s cottage in Vic toria’s Central Highlands From wrought iron balconies to welcoming interiors, ever y element has been beautifully considered To see more, turn the page... P h o t o g r a p h b y M a r t i n a G e m m o l a .

The ar twork on the right is an image from The P iano film by Grant Matthews Other ar twork, ar tist unknown
H G H O U S E S E X T E R I O R French 18th centur y gates sourced from Conley & Co open to reveal a wrought iron Juliette balcony from Izzi & Popo. It’s framed by shutters in Dulux Kermit. Custom copper canopy by Stephen Plunkett. Table, Zacher Antiques. Urns, Graham Geddes Antiques. L O F T O p p o s it e This room looks out to pencil pine topped hills The grey chaise chair and cream chair are by US furniture brand Room & Board Cushion, Botanika Kyneton Vintage side tables Nepalese rug French doors in Haymes Paint Argyle Brown

AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 69 Stories of people and place have informed the warm approach the owners of this home in countr y Victoria took to their renovation. S T O R Y Y v e t t e C a p r i o g l i o | S T Y L I N G O l g a L e w i s | P H O T O G R A P H Y Ma r t i n a G e m m o l a ITS OW N TA L E

H G H O U S E S 70 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N

Vases on plinths, unknown origin. >
L I V I N G Ar tworks by Indigenous ar tists Minnie P werle (lef t) and Violet Petyarre flank a photograph of Lucretia Borgia (above the fireplace) by Heather Dinas Blue velvet sofa, Room & Board Vintage sofa reupholstered in striped fabric. Chaise, bureau to lef t of fireplace and antique cabinet (right wall), all Zacher Antiques
The chandelier and German meissen lamps on the bureau were bought by the owners in Paris Saarinen ‘ Tulip’ marble side table. Vintage rug. American oak floors.

H G H O U S E S 72 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N H a i r a n d m a k e u p b y A m a n d a C l a y t o n

K I TC H E N Th i s p a ge a n d o p p o s it e b o t to m r i gh t Square Spanish tiles from Bespoke Tile & Stone contrast with existing triangle tiles around a Smeg cooker The pendants are from American brand Restoration Hardware Shaws butler ’ s sink Perrin & Rowe ‘Provence’ two hole mixer, The English Tapware Company Cream cooker (in background), Aga Tasmanian oak floors D I N I N G O p p o s it e to p l e f t a n d r i gh t Vintage copper pots bought at auc tion on a custom copper pot rack by Stephen Plunkett. Hans Wegner ‘ Wishbone’ chairs are set around a custom table. 18th centur y Swiss armoire repainted by hand in 1920s, Zacher Antiques. Belgian chandelier. Athar ar twork by Craig O’Shanesy. P O RT R A I T Owners Donna and Darren relax by the Cheminées Philippe wood fireplace Antique French chair, Zacher Antiques Rug found on a trip to Turkey > “ THE HOUSE EVOLVED ORGANICALLY DEPENDING ON OUR NEEDS, OUR FINDS AND THE WAY WE WANTED TO LIVE.” Dar re n , o w n e r

H G H O U S E S 74 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N

L I B R A RY Glass produced by Alice’s Glassworks in nearby Daylesford was used for the doors to the librar y and background sunroom and living room Leather chair bought in the 1990s from Countr y Road. French baker ’ s table and Roman bust, Obsolete store in Los Angeles French librar y ladder, Manon & Moss Desk lamp, Botanika Kyneton. Custom wall sconces. Turkish rug. Walls and cabinets are Dulux Beacon Hill >

German blue armoire bought in South Australia Pendant light, Graham Geddes Antiques Walls in Dulux Sudan Sand Boston baby grand piano H A L L L e f t Wallpaper, Natty & Polly, hung by Thistle Wallpapering. Original BTC ‘Hatton’ sconce, Dunlin. Table, Obsolete LA. Vintage objec ts. Lower wall in Wattyl Pine Ash. Door in Dulux Great Deser t M A I N B E D R O O M O p p o s it e Bed, bedside tables and linen drapes, Restoration Hardware French Belle Époque light fitting, Obsolete LA Carpet, Nebozuk Carpets Walls and cornices in Dulux Stone Harbour Ar twork, unknown ar tist
H G H O U S E S 76 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N
B o u g ht i n 19 9 9, th e h o u s e lo c ate d i n th e C e nt ral Highlands of Victoria, on the traditional lands of the Dja Dja Wurrung peoples was surrounded by a smattering of characterful outbuildings but had sat vacant for 10 years There were holes in the floorboards, where the clawfoot bath had fallen through rotting floorboards, no plasterwork or insulation, and the occasional nest of tiger snakes It presented the couple with quite a challenge and they knew from that point on it would be an ongoing project “The reason we moved to the country was to raise the kids in a rural community,” says Donna, who’d spent a lot of time in her childhood with extended family who lived in the region “That sense of community was missing in the city for us. I’ve always had a strong connection to the country; for me it was important to get out of the city and reconnect.”
With a family that would grow to seven members, the couple set out to create what was first and foremost a comfortable family home: a place where everyone could be together yet also have their own space. The garden was approached similarly, with spots created to sit and gather or to quietly solve a problem under a tree “Overall, our vision was to create a world that was ours, ” says Darren The original footprint of the cottage was 136 square metres, but now the residence is 380 square metres with five bedrooms, four bathrooms and sizeable open plan kitchen that has a central, marble topped bench There is a dining area, a library and formal living room, plus a casual loft style living room with bar upstairs. Outside, a pool has been added and several gardens have been established, including vegetable beds and a citrus >
A Melbourne couple knew from the moment th ey d rove th ro u g h th e gate s o f thi s property, and beneath its stately 100 year old cypress trees, that there was great potential in what lay before them. The secluded 1880s cottage Donna and Darren had set out to see might have been badly rundown, but it was nestled among towering bald hills and offe red a beautiful, expansive outlook.
S U N R O O M To p l e f t Limestone floor tiles have been inlaid with Italian black slate from Signorino. Chairs, Restoration Hardware.


> Dulux Half Grand Piano (ceilings and some interior walls) Wattyl Pine Ash (hallway wall) Dulux Chinchilla Chenille T HE PA L ET T E
The sconces in this guest bedroom were bought at an antique market in Buenos Aires Wallpaper, Natty & Polly. Bedhead painted Dulux Lady Fern. Framed photograph (lef t) by Christopher Tovo. Australian House & Garden ‘ Sandy Cape’ bedlinen in White, Myer. Ar twork by unknown ar tist. E N S U I T E O p p o s it e to p l e f t & b o t to m r i gh t Rak Ceramics basin, Manor House Tapware, Astra Walker Marble floor and wall tiles, Aeria Countr y Floors Custom marble framed mirror Antique Cuban marble bath, Graham Geddes Antiques Brolga Birds ar twork by Amy Johnson Spanish antique doors into ensuite, Zacher Antiques Australian House & Garden ‘Mango Accent Wood’ stool and cotton bath towel in Shrub, Myer G U E S T B E D R O O M Opposite top r ight William Morris & Co wallpaper. Australian House & Garden ‘Moreton’ tasselled cushion, Myer. Vintage bedside table. Bedside lamp from Buenos Aires antique market. Artworks by IH Cunningham (lef t) and Edward Essing. G U E S T B E D R O O M O p p o s it e b o t to m l e f t Wallpaper, Natty & Polly Custom bedhead by Stephen Plunkett Antique bedside table

H O U S E S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 79 P a i n t c o l o u r s a r e r e p r o d u c e d a s a c c u r a t e l y a s p r i n t i n g p r o c e s s e s a l l o w .

“Since everyone moved out we have more time to sit and look out to the views over coffee, debating the news and the texts the kids have sent us the night before. There isn’t a rush to be anywhere in particular any more. ”
L AU N D RY Handmade subway tiles, Aeria Countr y Floors Antioch porcelain floor tiles, S’ Tiles. Shaws laundr y basin. Australian House & Garden ‘ Tarrabool’ basket and ‘Nightclif f ’ ceramic lamp with weave shade, Myer E X T E R I O R L e f t a n d o p p o s it e In the pear garden (lef t), the fire pit was bought in Bendigo and the chairs are vintage Donna and Darren walk through the citrus and olive grove Stone walls (in foreground) by Richard Vivian
While certain rooms sit unused for short spans, waiting for guests and family to arrive, the family’s five grown up children, their partners, friends and extended family members ensure each space bursts back into life when they’re home
For Donna and Darren, their home and its gardens give them the feeling of being on holiday every day “Obviously there is a lot of work involved with maintaining the grounds and upkeep to the house, but most of it is a pleasure to carry out. It’s a life and a hobby entwined.”
H G H O U S E S 80 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N and olive grove Through their extensive travels, the couple never missed an opportunity to collect architectural pieces and myriad objects to add to their house, with many items stored in the shearing shed for years until their ‘moment’ arrived Bedside lamps were bought in Buenos Aires, wall sconces in Amalfi, doors from France and Argentina A grand chandelier discovered in Paris formed the basis around which the formal room was decorated. Self confessed ‘hotel junkies,’ the couple were inspired by the way beauty and comfort sit easily with life and all of its unexpected happenings at the hotels in which they stay “ They all seemed to have a beautiful design aesthetic balanced with a relaxed ambience and attitude, so you feel at home and that’s what we wanted,” says Donna
The late designer Stuart Rattle was a close friend of Donna a n d Da r re n ’ s a n d th ey ’d e nga g e d hi m to h el p e n su re proportions in the home were correct. He chose much of the intricate cornicing and specified details that would work with the pieces the couple had collected “It was a conversation and a collaboration between his extensive knowledge and our personal aesthetic and style. We have always created our own interiors in a style that works for us, ” says Darren. “The house reflects us and our journey to get to where we are, and who we are We never strove for perfection, so it’s timeless and charming” says Darren “It’s interesting and characterful. Nothing was ever completed straightaway but grew and evolved organically, depending on our needs, our finds and the way we wanted to live ”

THIS IS THE LIFE Homeowners Darren and Donna agree there’s an innate sense of freedom and connection that comes with living in the country They love to observe the seasons in their garden and the surrounding landscape, and to notice how each season determines how they use their house “Different light, different cycles of nature and wildlife mean we never tire of it,” says Darren

H G H O U S E S E X T E R I O R Landscape design by Darren Spiller borders a tiled pool with bluestone edging The Adirondack chairs and table were bought in the US.

AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 83 P r o d u c e d b y S a f f r o n S y l v e s t e r . 1 Vic torian era walnut cased wall clock (42cm), $600, Leonard Joel. 2 Mia walnut chair with leather seat in Utah (80cm), $3980, Fanuli 3 La Double J ‘Cubi’ fringed cotton blend cushion in Green (50x50cm), $287, MatchesFashion 4 Young Woman of P rof ile Portrait XIX late 19th centur y oil on canvas painting (67x60cm), $7431 (framed), 1stDibs 5 Provincial bleached cherr ywood commode (125x80cm), P OA, The Vault Sydney 6 Bamboo table lamp in the manner of Jacques Adnet (56cm, includes shade), $1200, The Vault Sydney 7 Hermes alabaster bust (56cm), $1485, Mercer & Lewis 8 Continental Neoclassical (circa 1820) ivor y painted and gilt recamier chaise (188cm), $23,567, 1stDibs. Fo r W h e r e to B uy, s e e p a ge 190. # 8 T H E S O U R C E Ch ara cter f ul pieces w ill always work a ch ar m in a hom e wh ere h er itage elem ents are celebrate d . 1 2 3 5 6 7 4

HE A D FOR THE HILL S A salve for hectic pace of city life, this lodge-style home on the NSW Central Tablelands wraps its owners in comfort and beauty. S T O R Y G e o r g i a Ma d d e n | S T Y L I N G O l g a L e w i s | P H O T O G R A P H Y To m Fe r g u s o n

H O U S E S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 85 E X T E R I O R The owners of this getaway in the NSW Central Tablelands chose to build their new four bedroom farmhouse in a valley not far from the proper ty ’ s original residence

E N T RY Sandstone wall lining and honed marble floors help provide a warm welcome to visitors or ‘ welcome home’ to the owners Bench seat, Provincial Home Living, with Città cushions. Trephina Gorge ar twork by Pamela Honeyfield Interior designer Linda Habak designed the black ladders, which lead to a lof t area with built in seating. Stools, Potter y Barn. Console and round mirror, Coco Republic. Lamp on console, Cafe Lighting & Living Rug, Armadillo Wall lights, Lighting Collec tive Small antler light, Rapid Ef fec ts. Vases, Rudi Rocket. Cedar on ceiling and walls (seen throughout) >

AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 87 H O U S E S H G “ T he owners wanted the house to connec t to the majestic land it sits upon. ” L I N DA H A BA K , I N T ERIOR DESIGN ER

88 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N H G H O U S E S L I V I N G Nelson sofa from Boyd Blue in Mokum ‘Allium’ fabric in Olive, James Dunlop Textiles Custom sofas (behind sofa) in Patina fabric in Limestone, Unique Fabrics. Armchairs and cof fee tables, Coco Republic. Custom linen sheers in Mokum fabric, James Dunlop Textiles Ar twork, Curatorial+Co Rug, vintage find Vases on mantel, Ondene The stairs lead to the rumpus room >

THIS IS THE LIFE An antler pendant is the centrepiece of the living area It was created by Joel Fulton of Rapid Effects, who handcrafts each of his pieces from cast off deer antlers “It’s a wonder fully sculptural piece and brings a lovely, organic feel,” says interior designer Linda Habak, who worked with the homeowners and Joel to per fect the design “ This is the largest light he has made,” she adds

B A R Onyx natural stone on the wall of this space, which leads of f the living area, brings it to life Chairs, Coco Republic Cof fee tables, Boyd Blue Vases on cof fee tables, Rudi Rocket White sculptures on top shelves by Stephanie Phillips, The DEA Store Other vessels, Rudi Rocket, Mercer & Lewis, Curatorial+Co, Water Tiger, Orient House. Rug, Armadillo. Zahara floor lamp, Cafe Lighting & Living Ray suspended pendant lights, Wever & Ducré D I N I N G O p p o s it e t o p Dining tables and Timothy Oulton dining chairs, Coco Republic Snowy Plum vase on table, BZippy S I T T I N G O p p o s it e b o t to m Timothy Oulton wing chairs, Coco Republic. Table, Boyd Blue. Rug, Armadillo.

Linda’s vision was to “create a grand countr y lodge without it being overly ‘country’, done in a very Australian way with clean lined contemporary and classic furniture, minimal patterns and beautiful, natural materials”
The area holds wonderful memories for the owners They have brought their five children to the property for some 20 years, giving themselves a much needed break from the rush of Sydney and a chance to enjoy the many pleasures of country life Now that the children are grown up and have five little ones of their own, the couple felt it was time to upgrade to a larger, more modern abode that better suited the needs of three generations “ D e s i g n i s i n o u r DNA a n d w e a r e passionate about craftsmanship,” says the homeowner “The home needed to be warm and inviting, and we wanted to give it a handcrafted feel ” They chose a secluded spot in a valley not too far from their original residence for the new four bedroom, four bathroom home Peace and quiet aside, it was the views that swayed them gently undulating hills that evoke fond memories of their North Lebanon homeland Once the design was finalised, they turned to long time friend and interior designer Linda Habak to give the interior the warm and luxurious feel they craved.
When she starts a project, for inspiration Linda generally refers to places such as Instagram. “But given the American esque lodge style and proportions for this one, I turned to old school coffee table books,” she says “Everything in the house is on a large scale and I needed to work out how to create the sense of intimacy you want in a family home I saw a big American space [in a book] with two living spaces zoned back to back and went, ‘That’s it!’ From there, we started floor planning.” > “ T he home needed to be warm and inviting, and we wanted to give it a handcraf ted feel.”
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“The house is jaw dropping in both its scale and setting,” says Linda “The pitched ceiling in the living, dining and bar area reaches over six metres at its peak, the room itself is 12 metres wide and then there is that incredible outlook “They’re a large family and this was to be a home where they could come together. The owners wanted it to feel timeless and connect with the majestic land it sits upon When it came to the furniture and finishes, they needed to be sufficiently bulletproof for young children, yet s ophisticated enough to allow for entertaining.
F rom the moment you step through the front door of this luxury farmhouse near B a t h u r s t , o n t h e N S W Central Tablelands, you get the s ens e you ’ ve arrived somewhere special. With soaring ceilings, a two metre wide sandstone fireplace and f loor to ceiling windows framing the rolling hills outside, you feel yourself instantly relax which is exactly the vibe the owners set out to create when they designed and built the home

Dulux Natural White (bedroom walls) Dulux Hog Bristle Dulux Camel Hide
K I TC H E N Amid the cedar, solid oak joiner y is hand painted white, with handles from The English Tapware Company. Avalon pendant lights, Coco Republic. Perrin & Rowe ‘Ionian’ mixer in Nickel, The English Tapware Company Oven, Smeg, Fridge, Sub Zero Rug, Armadillo Stool, Coco Republic Basket, Orient House Cor vo vase, Aerin Green bowl, Mercer & Lewis Ar twork, vintage find. R U M P U S O p p o s it e b o t to m Three bench seats double up as beds for visiting grandchildren. Feather wrapped foam seats upholstered in Mokum ‘ Tahiti’ fabric in Olive, James Dunlop Textiles Cushions, Pampa Rug, Coco Republic Of f form concrete for ceiling and polished concrete flooring

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Linda created a cosy conversation pit in front of the fire with a trio of deep seated sofas, delineated with a huge sisal rug A second seating area directly behind it provides an additional spot for guests or the extended family to relax and chat. “ The bar area beside it is really the father’s zone, ” she explains “We wanted to make it feel really special We gave it some circularity with a round custom rug and some gorgeous tub chairs that swivel around so you can stay connected with others in the room ” With up to 14 to seat for meals, some thought was required for the dining area. “We replicated an idea you often see in American mountain homes, with twin tables side by side,” says Linda “It’s the perfect solution and the owners love it.”
When the winter chill eases, the family can move outside to a wide, wraparound verandah, which comes complete with a roaring outdoor fire, and enjoy their meal or a glass of wine with a view “As for the colours in the house, we used the owner ’ s love of deep, muted green as our starting point,” says Linda “We built the rest of the scheme around it, with g o l d e n , a u t u m n al to n e s i n th e r u g s , artwork and accessories, and layers of charcoal and black that cool off the reddish tones in the cedar walls and ceiling, and help ground the vast space ” Meanwhile, she and her team gave each of the four bedrooms its own character with layers of sumptuous linen, a tactile mix of rattan and upholstered furniture, and a selection of interesting artworks, >
P a i n t c o l o u r s a r e r e p r o d u c e d a s a c c u r a t e l y a s p r i n t i n g p r o c e s s e s a l l o w .

H G H O U S E S 94 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N including photo graphi c prints of the Lebanese mountains in two of the rooms. “For the bedrooms, we took our cues from the colours used elsewhere in the house, adding in touches of pale pink and russet for softness,” she says. The result is a home that feels grand and inviting at the same time “ There’s a youthfulness, warmth and energy to it that really captures who the owners are as a family,” says Linda. “I have no doubt they’ll make wonderful memories here ” > L i n d a H a b a k D e s i g n , R o s e b e r y , N S W; l in d a h a b a k d e s ig n . c o m . a u . Rapid Ef fects, G l e n o r i e , NS W; r a p i d e ff e c t s . c o m .a u . B E D R O O M A butter fly chair from Temple & Webster, Potter y Barn bed, rug from The Rug Establishment and wall mounted baskets found in a shop in Gerringong on the NSW south coast supply colour and texture to one of the four bedrooms Bedlinen, Città and Bed Threads Cushions, Eadie Lifestyle and L&M Home Cameron side table, Cafe Lighting & Living Darc y lamp, Canvas+Sasson Bodhi bench, Potter y Barn. Vessels, Rudi Rocket. T E R R AC E Outdoor setting, Tribu ‘Elio’ background chairs and custom scatter cushions, all Cosh Living Wood fireplace Honed limestone pavers Vase on mantel, Alex and Trahanas

“My vision was to create a grand countr y lodge without it being overly ‘countr y ’ . ” L I N DA H A BA K , I N T ERIOR DESIGN ER

96 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N T HE L AYOU T E X T E R I O R The sandstone and cedar cladding that works so ef fec tively for the interiors looks just as good outside, helping the building to immediately settle into its surroundings Bed Bed Bed Bed B a t h B a t h B a t h B a t h Entr y Dining Terrace Living Bar Sitting K i t c h e n

H O U S E S H G 1 Avalon pendant light in Bronze, from $745, Coco Republic 2 Lydiates ‘Honest’ bench in oak, $4217*, The New Craf tsmen 3 Vasara oil on canvas ar twork, P OA, Pamela Honeyfield 4 Duntroon handmade bronze wall mounted light in Hexagonal Brass, $4949, Architec tural Heritage. 5 Armadillo ‘River Weave’ hemp rug in Indigo Ticking Stripe, $570, Life Interiors. 6 Atelier slipper chair in Bouclé Ivor y, from $2035, Coco Republic. 7 Tinja ‘Oiseau’ clay vase, $320, Clo Studios. 8 Lawson mangowood cof fee table, $549, Provincial Home Living Fo r W h e r e to B uy, s e e p a ge 190 # T H E S O U R C E Timber ton es an d ear thy m ater ial s set th e scen e for an all per va ding sen se of rela x ation . 1 2 34 5 6 8 7 * c u r r e n c y c o n v e r s i o n c o r r e c t a t t h e t i m e o f p r i n t i n g .

98 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N S T R E E T E N T R A N C E The home’s exterior and fence are painted Dulux Sur fmist, with window frames in Dulux Lexicon Quar ter, and front door in Dulux Monument. Bluestone pavers on path and front steps supplied by InStyle Gardens.

H O U S E S H G AGE A PPROPRI AT E Heritage at the front and contemporar y at the rear, this home in regional Victoria casually and confidently blends decades of trends. S T O R Y G e o r g i a Ma d d e n | S T Y L I N G B e a L a m b o s P H O T O G R A P H Y S h a n n o n Mc G r a t h

K I TC H E N California engineered timber flooring, Made by Storey. Island, benchtops and splashback in Elba Cielo marble by Signorino. Joiner y by SCLK , finished in Dulux Snow Season Half, and joiner y handles by Designer Door ware City Stik kitchen mixer, Brodware Bouchon bar stools, Domo Asko cooktop, Wolf oven and Qasair rangehood all from E&S
THIS IS THE LIFE For owners Felicity and Gary, nothing beats a cosy weekend at home, whether they ’ re hosting friends or enjoying family time “During winter, the indoor fire is lit, food will be slow cooking in the oven and the football is on, ” Felicity says The house has been put to use for Grand Final nights, Derby Days, New Year ’ s Eve and Christmas celebrations, with plenty more events to come.

A recommendation by their builder led the couple to architect Ben Robertson at Tecture, who had reworked several other heritage homes in the area “The house is located in a delightful, tree lined street just a few minutes’ drive from Geelong, but it hadn’t been renovated for decades and was in an awful state of repair,” says Ben. “The roof was falling apart, the kitchen was unusable, a n d th e re wa s a lo t o f wa s te d s p a c e fo r w hat wa s essentially a two bedroom bungalow ”
Alongside the additional rooms, the owners sought to create a smooth transition between the various areas of the home “They wanted the new contemporary area at the rear to speak to the traditional section at the front of the house,” says Ben
The plan was to restore the characterful front portion of the house in line with heritage regulations and knock down the rest, replacing it with a new, contemporary build “We wanted a large, modern space where we could entertain family and friends, but we also sought separate zones for us all to escape to,” says Felicity. “We’re a busy household with children of var ying ages, so it was important that the boys have somewhere quiet to study or enjoy some privacy with their friends ”
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To achieve this, Tecture retained the front of the house, turning it into a spacious main bedroom, study and guestroom with ensuite The ground floor was then transformed into a light filled open plan kitchen, living and dining area, plus a laundr y and butler’s pantr y
A new upper level with three bedrooms, a family room and bathroom for the children provided the breakout spaces Felicity and Gary craved Outside, the once barren garden became a luxe retreat with an outdoor fireplace, swimming pool and detached guest house. Complete with its own living room, bedroom, bathroom and kitchenette, this addition provided the ultimate secluded haven for sleepovers while landscaping created lush greenery to revive the garden space. >
‘U nliveable’ is how Felicity describes the rundown, postwar bungalow in Newtown, Victoria, that she and her husband Gary purchased in 2018. But the house had m a ny o t h e r f e a t u r e s i n i t s f av o u r, including a charming heritage facade, a large, north facing backyard, and a convenient proximity to the school their sons attended. With a bit of work, the couple knew it would make the perfect base for their family, which includes Sam, 19, Jimmy, 16, Grace, 3, golden retriever Ollie and cat Sox

D I N I N G Th i s p a ge a n d o p p o s it e , b o t to m r i gh t Ar twork by Lauren Danger. Custom dining table by Joel Elliott Furniture. Stefan solid oak dining chairs, Icon By Design. Bolster cushion, Jardan Table vases by Mali Taylor at Pepite Angove Street Collec tive vase sits atop a plinth in Elba Cielo marble, Signorino, same as kitchen S T U DY O p p o s it e , to p l e f t De Sede leather chair and Ligne Roset floor lamp, both Domo Platform 3 brass side table, Idle Hands Design. Tussore wool loop pile carpet in Kamala, Bremwor th.
H A L LWAY O p p o s it e , to p r i gh t The Arch bench stool, Zenn Design. Ar twork by Marcia Priestley. FA M I LY R O O M O p p o s it e , b o t to m l e f t Custom MDF joiner y in a two pack polyurethane finish in Dulux Snow Season Half

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H G H O U S E S L I V I N G La Paloma bricks in Castellana, Austral Bricks Wittman sofa and chair, HC28 cof fee tables and Ligne Roset floor lamp, all Domo Rug, Halc yon Lake Wood fireplace, Regenc y Fireplace Produc ts Custom cur tains, 3228 Blinds in fabric Zepel ‘ Sight Linen’ in Silver Wall light, Allied Maker New York Terracotta vase, Jardan > T HE PA L ET T E Dulux Vivid White (walls and ceiling) Dulux Grey Daze (doors and architraves) Dulux Snow Season Half (joiner y)

AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 105 “ We wanted a large, modern space where we could enter tain family and friends.” F EL ICI T Y, OW N ER

106 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N M A I N E N S U I T E Ab o v e , l e f t a n d r i gh t Ar tessare Elba wall/floor tiles, Ar tedomus Benchtop in Elba Cielo marble, Signorino. Ver tic yl under counter basins, Kohler. Halo Progressive wall mixer set and City Plus shower rose in Brushed Nickel PVD, Brodware. Compac t 02 wall sconce, Snelling Studio. Custom mirrored cabinet designed by Ben Rober tson Moda Teresa freestanding bath, ACS Designer Bathrooms R E A R E X T E R I O R Charred timber exterior cladding and custom fixed window screens, EcoTimber Malmo outdoor dining setting, Coco Republic Aluminium doors in Dulux Black Satin Landscape designed by Bethany Williamson Landscape Architec t Landscaping carried out by InStyle Gardens M A I N B E D R O O M O p p o s it e Formakami pendant light and Caravaggio wall light, both Cult Design. Lincoln bedhead, Heatherly Design. Bedlinen is from Cultiver and Bed Threads.

in ” > Te c t ure , C olling w oo d , V i c to r i a; (03)
285 4 o r te c t ure .c o m .au . Built By W il son , G e e l o n g, V i c to r i a; 0419 139 32 4 o r b uiltb y w il so n .c o m .
H O U S E S H G “ T he house is func tional, modern and stylish.”
F EL ICI T Y, OW N ER Careful thought has been given to materials and how they represent the next chapter in the home’s story. A garage door in charred timber creates a bold contrast against the whitewashed weatherboards that appear on the facade Inside, classic grey and white marble is used extensively throughout, from the kitchen island and splashback to a joinery piece that runs from a plinth in the living room to a daybed in the dining room, creating a sense of cohesion between spaces
Using traditional materials in unexpected ways, such as a white brick fireplace in the living room, adds moments of drama that both hint at the period in which the house was built and thrust the place into the present day “The straight lay of the brickwork on the fireplace brings a really graphic and contemporary edge to the space, ” says Ben. As for a favourite feature, Felicity struggles to pick just one “The high ceilings, the abundance of light and storage, the huge windows that provide views out to the heritage palm trees,” she says. “The house is functional, modern and stylish, while also liveable and comfortable. It’s a space can relax 9417

G U E S T H O U S E Custom external screens in charred timber cladding to match facade Bluestone pavers, supplied by InStyle Gardens T HE L AYOU T G ro u n d fl o o r Firs t fl o o r Bath Bath Study Bed P a n t r y Kitchen Garage PLiving ool Bed Bath Dining LLiving ’ d r y Bed Bed Bed Family Bed Entr y

H O U S E S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 109 P r o d u c e d b y S a f f r o n S y l v e s t e r . * C u r r e n c y c o n v e r s i o n c o r r e c t a t t i m e o f p r i n t . 1 Concentric wall light, around $2075*, Allied Maker. 2 Pinstripe pillowcases, $79.90/pair, I Love Linen 3 Looking Out From the Edge ar twork by Ben Waters, $960, Michael Reid Nor thern Beaches 4 Nau ‘Nami’ armchair, from $5740, Cult Design 5 Tinja ‘Blanche’ tall vase, $410, Clo Studios 6 Tinja ‘Blanche’ large pot, $450, Clo Studios 7 Byredo ‘Black Saf fron’ eau de par fum, $341, Mecca 8 Ar tisan ‘Aged Smoked & Limed’ European oak flooring, $126 50/m2, Royal Oak Floors 9 Monreale dining table by Antonio Citterio for Flexform, $31,500, Fanuli. 1 0 Bouchon stool, $290, P4. Fo r W h e r e to B uy, s e e p a ge 190. # T H E S O U R C E Clean lin es an d cla ssic te x tures are id eal choices for a hom e th at ef for tlessly c ombin es tra dition al an d mod er n . 2 3 4 5 6 8 9 7 10 1

110 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N H G H O U S E S GARDEN Sage, basil, snow peas and green beans thrive in the raised beds, while pencil pines frame expansive views of rolling countr yside. EXTERIOR The home is clad in Hardie Plank weatherboards in Dulux Antique White Sandstone walling, Pyrenees Quarries English box balls, with magnolia gems behind them, and the English box hedge with white iceberg roses are hardy options for the exposed location. Construction by A& A Dodemaide Builder.

A humble countr y cottage has grown to become an American-inspired entertainer’s dream, where family and friends are welcomed with open arms.
S T O R Y C h r i s P e a r s o n | P H O T O G R A P H Y S h a n n o n Mc G r a t h S TAT E S OF GR AC E

When the couple bought the eight hectare property near Daylesford as a weekend getaway in 2008, they were smitten with those vistas, which change with the months and the time of day However, a 1980s cottage on the site belied the splendour spread out beyond “It had poor insulation, rotting weatherboards, no proper laundry and no distinct front entrance,” says the owner. And, instead of a garden, there were just paddocks which would later prove fertile ground ripe for a passionate gardener
“We designed the house to flow, with a large kitchen and multifunctional living spaces in the centre,” explains the owner “These areas are zoned so that when we have large gatherings, we aren’t in each other’s way For that reason, too, we included our own private wing.”
inking into their well upholstered sofas, the owners of this hilltop homestead in central Victoria can truly unwind as they enjoy pastoral p a n o ra m a s o f ro l l i n g c o u nt r ys i d e Fo r a n
112 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N H G H O U S E S
But for the couple and their teenage son and daughter (who are now aged 28 and 25 respectively), it clearly had a certain something, helped by spectacular views to the Grampians 130 kilometres away on the horizon “With its sense of calm, we could see potential for a special retreat, a gathering place for extended family, with wonderful gardens,” says the owner. “We bought it on the spot.” As they settled into the space, they wanted the house to up its game “Our children and their families live interstate and overseas, so being able to spend quality extended time with them, staying here with us, became important.”
immersive sense of place, interior designer Diane Bergeron has filled the interiors with sky blues, cumulus whites and leaf y greens, as well as florals and earthy textures, allowing inside and out to meld seamlessly
Finally, with their adult children firmly in their mind, they added guest quarters in the form of a second two storey wing on the southern side, with two bedrooms downstairs and a family room above In the process, the house grew exponentially, with a tripling of the floor area from 180 square metres to 550 square metres
From 2014, the couple began a three stage renovation, designed by themselves with the help of a draughtsperson First, they built a two storey northern wing housing two bedrooms (separated by a courtyard), plus a library and study on the f loor above. After that, they turned their attention to the existing house, which they gutted and converted into their new open plan living areas

LIVING/DINING Custom sofa in Lexington reverse fabric in Windsor, Diane Bergeron Francoise dining chairs and block rec ycled elm dining table, Schots Home Emporium FOYER O p p o s it e to p Atticus bench seat and Salon round dining table, Canvas + Sasson White Night Hydrangea ar twork by Sophie Lawrence. KITCHEN O p p o s it e b o t to m Pasadena leather saddle stools, Abide Interiors. Benchtop in Caesarstone Raven Ralph Lauren ‘Fulton’ pendants, The Montauk Lighting Co Joiner y by JSK Mar tin Cabinetr y & Design

H G H O U S E S 114 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N SNUG Custom sofa, as before British Colonial director ’ s chairs and Belgrave Grand wall unit, Xavier Furniture. Argyle cof fee table, Lincoln Brooks Sisal rug, Floor Space Artworks, owners ’ own FAMILY ROOM O p p o s it e to p Custom media cabinet by JSK Mar tin Cabinetr y & Design. BREAKFAST ROOM O p p o s it e b o t to m Outdoor teak dining table, Portofino Custom cushion and bolster, Schumacher Nantucket throw, Diane Bergeron. Custom roman blinds in Park Avenue Petite fabric, in colour Moss, Diane Bergeron Vintage botanical prints, art com

The owner wanted “something enduring, that won’t date” And, with the generous grounds, she can also indulge her passion for gardening, making that prized indoor outdoor connection complete “While we live in Melbourne half of the week, our heart is here,” she says, savouring the 360 degree views from her favourite space, the cocooning family room, with its pitched ceiling. “We escape here at every opportunity and plan to move in permanently
In 2018, they brought Diane on board, initially for the interiors, but she also played a role in the overall design from then on “Originally, it was her Hamptons style that appealed to us, ” says the owner “But it became much more It has been her creativity, her ability to see beyond the obvious, her collaborative approach and the fact she really listened to what we wanted that drew us in ”
” > D i a n e B e r ge ro n , C o l l i n g w o o d , V i c t o r i a ; 13 0 0 12 5 2 2 2 o r di an eb e r ge ro n .c o m .au
To evoke that inspiration, she selected classic, timeless finishes, including panelled joinery, V groove cladding, roman blinds, polished floorboards, sisal rugs and chunky linens, then added a variety of different sized artworks and antiques for “the feeling of the house evolving over time rather than being newly designed”
Diane ensured the vast f loor area, which could have appeared intimidating, remained homely and welcoming “The house seems large and sprawling, but all the rooms are used and are very practical,” she says. “With so many zones, even with a large group of guests, you can always find a place to relax quietly without having to retreat to a guest room for alone time.”
Her signature “modern classic American style”, a fresh take on Hamptons, colonial New England, Cape Cod and Nantucket all temptingly and irresistibly melded into one, fitted neatly with the couple’s aesthetic vision “We like things warm and cosy, with lots of ambient lighting and soft furnishings,” says the owner. “We wanted texture and warm, natural colours that play off the garden and the view And we asked for lots of blue because the house is at the top of a hill, we are looking at sky all the time ”
Diane has lovingly drawn on her US origins for the overall look. “It has an American East Coast country house feel,” she says, “maybe something you’d see in the Adirondacks [mountains in upstate New York] We used a calming colour palette that is light and cheerful, and pattern. We mixed stripes, florals and geometrics in the window treatments and upholstery, with wallpaper for whimsy and warmth ”

MAIN BEDROOM Custom headboard in Mulberr y Reverse fabric, Diane Bergeron Algiers bedside table, Lincoln Brooks Grass cloth wallpaper, Phillip Jef fries Portland wall sconce, in brass, Emac & Law ton Table lamp, vintage Artworks, owners ’ own Custom ottoman, Schumacher Newland ceramic table lamp, Emac & Law ton. Custom curtains in Astor Stripe fabric, Diane Bergeron. >

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THIS IS THE LIFE With the owners ’ wing at one end and guest quarters at the other, this house is geared for sharing Family and friends come together in the common areas, but can then disperse for valuable quiet time The owners congregate in the family room, with the fire going in the cooler months, but, come summer, they spill on to the patio and barbecue area with guests > OUTDOOR AREA Generous verandahs provide plenty of opportunities to enjoy the great outdoors with good company, including Lulu, the Brittany spaniel. Porto Portuguese splashback tiles, Old World Tiles Weber barbecue in custom joiner y Qasair rangehood Sandhurst outdoor wall sconce, in Antique Brass, Emac & Law ton. Reclaimed teak dining table and Verdun chairs, Early Settler Outdoor cushion, Potter y Barn Portofino outdoor teak occasional chair, Xavier Furniture


H G H O U S E S 120 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N P OWDER ROOM Ab o v e l e f t Imperial Bathrooms ‘Heyford’ basin, English Tapware Company. Soho wall light, Emac & Law ton. Astor wallpaper in Sea Glass, Diane Bergeron. FAMILY ROOM Righ t a n d a b o v e r i gh t Bridget chair and ottoman by Diane Bergeron for Arthur G, Diane Bergeron Custom rug, Diane Bergeron Fireplace, Lopi Artwork owners ’ own Zulu modular sofa, Uniqwa Collections Custom cushions, Diane Bergeron and Carolina Ir ving Textiles Custom flat weave wool rug, Diane Bergeron. Riverside lantern, The Montauk Lighting Co. GARDEN Lavender surrounds the poolhouse, which is clad in Hardie Plank weatherboards in Dulux Antique White > T HE PA L ET T E Dulux Antique White (weatherboards) Dulux Balsa Stone Dulux Lexicon Quar ter P a i n t c o l o u r s a r e r e p r o d u c e d a s a c c u r a t e l y a s p r i n t i n g p r o c e s s e s a l l o w .

Cellar LMud aundr y BGarage ath Entr y Bath Bed Living/ snug Dining Bed K i t c h e n P a n t r y G ro u n d fl o o r Bath Bed Bed Bath Firs t fl o o r Study Family T HE L AYOU T

H G H O U S E S 122 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N
P OOL Both the pool and the garden enjoy sweeping nearly 360 degree vistas Antigua outdoor occasional chair and ottoman, Xavier Furniture Lauren’s Navy Stripe market umbrella, Business & Pleasure Co Pool coping in local Castlemaine sandstone, P yrenees Quarries. GARDEN The owner has lovingly tended the garden over the years to achieve this stunning result An aggregate path and an arch of climbing roses lead from the house to the pool and poolhouse

7 1 Three light iron and brass pendant light, $2330, Lighting Collec tive 2 Fig temple jar in Blue and White, $359, Xavier. 3 Aura waf fle towels in White, from $24, Domayne. 4 Tuscan Tablescape oil painting, $450, Vintage Ar t. 5 La Cornue Cornufé 110cm dual fuel range cooker in Paris Blue, from $20,575, Andi Co 6 Astor wallpaper in Sea Glass, $218 (61 5cmx10 05m roll), Diane Bergeron 7 Pop ‘Double Gourd’ lamp base in Jungle Green, $849, Bragg & Co 8 Ikat silk scatter cushion in Light Blue, $279, Diane Bergeron 9 Asha nested side tables, $1155, Boyd Blue Fo r W h e r e to B uy, s e e p a ge 190. # T H E S O U R C E Blu e an d white fabr ic s an d a ccessor ies, pun ctu ate d w ith a hint of g reen , work togeth er to c reate a Hampton s feel . 1 2 3 4 5 8 9 6 P r o d u c e d b y S a f f r o n S y l v e s t e r .

124 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N H G H O U S E S E X T E R I O R A Lysaght metal roof defines this home in Ballarat, Vic toria. Onyx wall light, Unios Custom made Cor ten steel letterbox

Being receptive to her architect’s ideas has reaped huge rewards for the owner of this home in Ballarat, Victoria. S T O R Y C a r l i Ph i l i p s | S T Y L I N G K a r i n B o c h n i k P H O T O G R A P H Y R h i a n n o n Ta y l o r A N E W V IE W

There were some significant challenges, including the steepness of the land, the proximity to Marita’s neighbours and a narrow face to the street. Richard’s main goal was to create a home that would feel private and rural, despite being surrounded by looming buildings in a very suburban area
Originally, there was talk about exploring a double storey building in the centre of the 605 square metre property, but it would have been domineering and the view may have been compromised When Richard started sketching and playing with the forms, a distorted H shaped plan started to evolve, with two separate pavilions linked by a central courtyard. Because the block was so steep, Richard designed the footprint to split over three levels so that as the house steps down at the rear, the ceilings can still be high without neighbours being able to see in >
126 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N
W h en architect Richard Teed of Moby Architecture & Interiors in Ballarat was approached by local resident Marita, she had a clear vision of what she wanted her house to look like Hamptons style with provincial accents and a white rusticity
While that’s about as far from Richard’s aesthetic as you can get, he recognised the qualities and lifestyle Marita wanted and he could certainly see the site’s potential “We considered her images, but instead of a literal adaptation of them we showed her how we could achieve a contemporary resolution,” says Richard. “We could see how she wanted to live and what she wanted, rather than just the look We exposed her to a style she hadn’t considered before but embraced ”

H O U S E S H G L O U N G E The green tones in the Halc yon Lake rug and HC28 sofa from Domo of fset the white walls and Elysée armchairs, also from Domo. Engineered European oak flooring in Ash Grey from Tait Flooring Miniforms soda tables, James Richardson Furniture Ceramics (on table) by Bettina Willner. Studio Ciao striped planter, SBW Australia. Pendant, The Society Inc by Sibella Cour t Wall light, Unios Ar twork byTarli Glover

Bed THIS IS THE LIFE “I really love how simple, clever and sculptural this house is there’s nothing contrived or pretentious about it,” says a clearly delighted Marita “ The size of the block and its significant steepness could have been a curse but Richard seized and celebrated it To be honest, the house still catches me by surprise It really does give me so much joy.”
K I TC H E N Black is a brilliant choice here, delivered via Venette laminate in Black Matte from Poly tec (joiner y door fronts), hardwood in a black ash shiplap profile and Paperock benchtops in Solid Arrow linear pendant, Unios Dita stools, Grazia & Co Kol dining table and Halo dining chairs (in background dining area), SBW Australia Sculpture on shelf, Jan Vogelpoel Looking through the shelves to the living area, the ar twork is Horizon 2049 by Daniel Anderson, Studio Galler y Icon tapware, Astra Walker. Cooktop and oven, Asko. White vessel (rear shelf nook), Simone Karras.

Hidden behind the entry wall is a door made from solid vertical spotted gum in a shiplap profile, wrapping around on all sides to create a hidden office pod Because Marita is a journalist and has potentially sensitive information in there, it’s easy to lock up and close off From the middle entryway point, the house splits into two arms there’s no choice but to go down the private path, or public part The adjacent, eastern wing of the house unfolds into a semi private living area, where Marita sometimes holds meetings. Although it’s fairly narrow, it gets light all day. Because it’s a tech free zone, it’s beautiful and quietly calm with only bookcases and a piano The footprint was actually the result of a happy accident “ The builder mistakenly set the slab at the wrong level and built a step up to this room, but we nutted it out and I think it now actually works really well,” says Richard. A long corridor ensues, with a path of two bedrooms separated by a bathroom and, at the back, the master bedroom Back at the entry, the alternative route is a step down to the western wing, which opens into the kitchen with a view down the house to the sunken living room and raked ceiling. Marita did a complete turnaround with the colour palette. “She originally really wanted light and bright, but we thought it could be banal and flat, so we explored black timber boards with feature grade and lots of knots with movement through the grain,” says Richard. “There are long, horizontal lines through the vertical elements We basically did anything to give it texture.” Open shelves between the dining and living divide the spaces. “ Yes, there’s division but it’s transparent and has depth,” he adds Although it’s a suburban area, it was very important to try to block out the “suburban mess ” . “We designed windows low to the garden and windows high to the sky,” says Richard. “This draws the eye up or down but not across We did whatever we could to create a connection to the outdoors and avoid a direct view of the neighbours Focusing downwards means Marita’s garden is visible instead of the greater surroundings. In this area she got her provincial landscaping there are lots of topiary balls!”
The house may look completely different to the initial pictures that Marita had showed Richard, but she enjoyed the project so much she’s already talking about perhaps selling it so the pair can work on something else together. “She was an amazing client who came to me with a strong idea but was totally up for the process, ” explains Richard “Now the project is over, she has a hankering for contemporary architecture. Next time she wants to go the whole hog all industrial. She’s come a long way. This building has enabled her to grow and really appreciate modern design ” B a l l a r a t , c a; 0421 573 1 46 or m ob yarchite c t ure .c om
.au .
> Moby Architecture & Interiors,
H O U S E S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 129
V i
t o r i

H G H O U S E S 130 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N T HE L AYOU T Entr y Garage Laundr y Mud Kitchen Dining Courtyard Living Of fice Lounge Bed Bed Bed Bath Bath

L I V I N G Th i s i m a ge a n d o p p o s i t e Togo sofas, Domo. Baxter ‘Nepal’ armchair, Space. Miniforms ‘Chaps’ marble tables and Studio Henr y Wilson bronze light (on table), James Richardson Furniture Scope wall lights, Unios Clover rug in Birch, Bayliss C O U RT YA R D B o t to m Tribu teak dining table, Cosh Living The wall adjoining the home’s two wings is painted Cutek Black Ash >

Haymes Paint Magnolia Moonlight (exterior walls) Cutek Black Ash (cour tyard wall) Por ter ’ s Paints White Rhino M A I N B E D R O O M The same Poly tec black laminate used in the kitchen reappears, with oak door pulls from Kethy, as does the shiplap hardwood HC28 armchair, Domo. Pendant, The Society Inc by Sibella Cour t. Iris wall light, Unios. Mirror, GlobeWest. Bedlinen and Studio Henr y Wilson lamp, In Bed. Cur tains, Veri Shades. European oak bench seat. B AT H R O O M Icon tapware and basin, Astra Walker. Melamine joiner y. Vessel on bench, In Bed Mild steel shelf in Dulux Metalshield Vessel on shelf by Bettina Willner Iris wall light, Unios

H O U S E S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 133 1 Sur face sconce in Bronze (35x30cm), $1840, Studio Henr y Wilson. 2 Dylan mirror in Black (120cm), $249, Freedom. 3 Muses II unglazed ceramic planter by Tatsiana Shevarenkova (26cm), $1200, Saint Cloche. 4 Veneta cof fee table in Calacatta Viola marble (137 2cm), from $4995, Coco Republic 5 SP01 ‘Michelle’ barstool in Carbon Stained Ash & Satin Black (81 5cm), $880, Space 6 19 69 ‘ Villa Nellcôte’ EDP, $259/100ml, St Agni 7 Marcello Land Abstract print (145 8x104 8cm), $1575 (framed), Designer Boys Ar t 8 Thea Coconut eyelet cur tains (300cm pole width x 213cm drop), $568 80/pair (custom sizes available), Tuiss Blinds Online 9 Organic cotton face towel in Black & White Wave (par t of a set), $70/set of 3, Loom Towels. 1 0 Amanti boucle chair in Belair Snow (80x76cm), $1950, Heatherly Design. Fo r W h e r e to B uy, s e e p a ge 190. # T H E S O U R C E Monochrom e pieces of fer in stant impa ct an d by opting for gentle sh apes you c an en sure th ey won ’ t over power. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 P a i n t c o l o u r s a r e r e p r o d u c e d a s a c c u r a t e l y a s p r i n t i n g p r o c e s s e s a l l o w . P r o d u c e d b y S a f f r o n S y l v e s t e r .

Sustainable style triumphantly takes the lead in this ingenious and incredibly energy efficient home in coastal Victoria.
S T O R Y J a c k i e B r y g e l | S T Y L I N G B e l l e He m m i n g | P H O T O G R A P H Y Ma r n i e Ha w s o n GREE N DRE A M

H O U S E S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 135 FAC A D E The house is wrapped in radial sawn silver top ash cladding from Radial Timber Sales. Its c ypress posts are stained with Cutek Extreme CD50 oil in Black Ash while the fascia is Cemintel in Surround Whiteish Colorbond custom orb is used on both the roof (in Sur fmist) and for the garage cladding (in Midnight). Grasspave driveway pavers by National Masonr y Aluclad triple glazed windows, Logikhaus

H G H O U S E S THIS IS THE LIFE There’s no doubt that this home excels in the sustainability stakes And the local community is just as passionate as Kate and Richard are about caring for the environment “ There’s The Cape community farm, and we do a lot of wetland planting plus koala habitat care, ” s ays Kate “It’s a ver y friendly and inclusive place, full of like minded people ”

B uilding a home in South Gippsland’s The Cape, an innovative new housing estate hailed as one o f Au s t ral i a ’ s m o s t su s ta i n ab le re s i de nt i al developments, comes with clear responsibilities and requirements Not least of which is that the home must be high performing, achieving a minimum 7.5 stars for energy efficiency, as defined by the Nationwide House Energy Rating Scheme (NatHERS)
So when Kate and Richard Keech signed on and bought a parcel of land they knew every design decision would require meticulous consideration. The couple’s 720 square metre block was not only the steepest in the small coastal community, it also came with a less than desirable neighbour on its prime north side a carpark And yet Richard, an engineer and energy efficiency consultant, and Kate, an immunologist, could not have been more excited for what lay ahead “We loved the sea change aspect,” says Kate. “Our two children are grown up and we always intended to be based here. We also loved the environmental build That was really important to us ”
Fortunately, the couple found a kindred spirit in EME Design director Luke Middleton To the award winning expert in sustainable design, “rethinking the rulebook” for the project >
K I TC H E N Tasmanian oak floorboards, sealed with Bona Traf fic HD. Caesarstone benchtops in Fresh Concrete. Walls finished in Dulux Natural White Hoop Pine lining ceiling, stained with Quantum Aquaoil Joiner y is prime oak woodmat, Poly tec Sink, Aton single bowl, Franke, with Eos pull out tap Siemens StudioLine pyroly tic oven Rangehood, Miele wide induc tion cooktop with integrated down draf t extrac tion

D I N I N G A N D L I V I N G Ab o v e Sven messmate dining table and chairs, Berkowit z 3 5 seater sofa in War wick ‘Capri Forest’, East Street Furniture The Tessa swivel chair and its footstool are vintage pieces E X T E R I O R Landscaping work was carried out by The Sustainable Landscape Company A mix of endemic and native plants were utilised for their suitability to the coastal environment. E N T R A N C E O p p o s it e , to p Battens in silver top ash ser ve as a decorative feature in the entr yway. K I TC H E N O p p o s it e , b e l o w The splashback is lined with Inax ‘ Yohen YB32’ tiles from Ar tedomus Joiner y is Poly tec in Prime Oak Benchtop, Caesarstone Fresh Concrete

H O U S E S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 139 “ We wanted the house to be calm, with a consistent pale tte thoughout.” K AT E , OW N ER p rove d a s ex h i la rat i ng a s it wa s j oyf u l . “ Wo rk i ng w ith
homeowners who were already on board with our ideas made for a ver y good situation,” says Luke “We could s ee the challenges of the site. It’s an unusual block, so we had to be clever with managing the slope because of the development guidelines And then there was the carpark to the north We needed to rethink how we would plan the design But that’s the beauty of architecture, we ’ re problem solvers And Kate and Richard had done a lot of homework, too.”
A healthy living environment and regulated temperatures in an all electric home that rarely requires heating or cooling All the more critical in a region, says Luke, that is wonderfully “wild and woolly” in winter and “hot and salty” in summer “The house is almost like a sealed Esky for the extremes, but opens up as a normal Australian beach house when the >
The passive house design also features an airtight structure, strategically placed triple glazed windows, efficient thermal bridging and insulation, a 10,000 litre underground rainwater tank plumbed to the toilets and garden, a photovoltaic system and a verdant roof garden above the carport Then there’s the ‘lungs of the building’ a heat recovery ventilation system that draws in fresh, filtered air around the clock. The outcome?
While the style of the asymmetrical, gable roofed home pays homage to both traditional Australian beach houses and farmsteads, inspiration also came from further afield. “In Japanese architecture, they frame the view,” says Luke “We took those principles and decided if we could plant trees up to a certain height, and set the house in this position, we could crop the view of the carpark, capture the winter sun and provide shady summer spots with outdoor decks on both the south west and south east sides to suit the seasons ”
The result is an architecturally distinctive three bedroom home, constructed by Martin Builders Enveloped by lush greenery, the sunlit house unveils panoramic vistas of the coastline while magically obscuring the car park next door. “We were able to capture the views, but in a different way, ” says Luke “We designed a long, rectangular building that is terraced gently over the site so that we mediate the slope ”

P a i n t c o l o u r s a r e r e p r o d u c e d a s a c c u r a t e l y a s p r i n t i n g p r o c e s s e s a l l o w .
The joiner y in the house was made by Leongatha Kitchens & Bathrooms and installed by Mar tin Builders. The vanity is topped with Caesarstone Fresh Concrete. Sculptural inset basin and Luna toilet, Caroma. Methven ‘ Turoa’ tapware in brushed stainless steel, Bunnings. Fiandre fjord white tiles, Ar tedomus. Icon glass and brushed platinum shower shelf, Astra Walker. M A I N B E D R O O M / S T U DY N O O K
The Gordon bed and side tables were custom made in messmate by Nature’s Secret HE PA L ET T E
Dulux Lexicon Quar ter Dulux Natural White (interior walls) Cutek Extreme CD50 Oil in Black Ash (exterior posts)

H O U S E S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 141 T HE L AYOU T Kitchen Dining Living Bed Bath Bath L ’ d r y Entr y Bed Bed S t u d y

m .au . Mar
.au .
E X T E R I O R While all windows and doors are Aluclad (triple glazed by Logikhaus) dif ferent types were utilised, including fixed windows, tilt and turn, sliding doors and hinged doors. Greenroof on garage by Greenly. Owners Kate and Richard sit on the silver top ash deck. Exterior cladding is radial sawn silver top ash, Radial Timber Sales Heat recover y ventilation system, by Stiebel Eltron, achieves energy ef ficienc y with 90 per cent heat recover y and night ventilation for cooling, ensuring the home is a comfor table temperature all year conditions are suitable,” says Luke “It’s naturally comfortable, warm, inviting and flexible. It uses one tenth of the energy of a normal house, so it’s super effective.” As you’d expect, the materials such as raw, radial sawn silvertop board and batten cladding are highly robust and sustainable Colour makes a welcome appearance against the tactile organic base, with recurring accents of sage and forest green providing harmony while imbuing the living zones with mood and personality “We wanted the house to be very calm, with a consistent palette throughout,” says Kate Certainly, Kate and Richard couldn’t be happier to have taken such a considered approach to the design of their home “We have absolutely everything we need,” says Kate “This is our permanent home, as well as our emotional base ” M E De s ig n , Melbo ur n e , V i c to r i a; e m e d e s ig n .c o tin Build ers, St Kil d a , Victor ia; m ar t inb uil d e rs.c om

1 Cilio ‘Aida’ 10 cup stainless steel espresso maker, $287, Har vey Norman 2 Methven ‘ Turquoise MkII’ shower on rail, $279, Har vey Norman 3 Anton solid mangowood bedside table in Burnt Wax (62x56cm), $699, West Elm 4 Garrafa Estrecha glass vase in Emerald (56cm), $135, Domayne 5 Inax ‘ Yohen’ glazed ceramic border tiles in YBNA07, P OA, Ar tedomus 6 Stellar Works ‘Louisiana’ walnut chair with leather seat in Milano Black (75.5cm), $1390, Living Edge. 7 Australian House & Garden ‘Nor thern Home’ burnt wood ser ving board (32x20cm), $39.95, Myer. 8 Pebble fabric 3 seater sofa in Forest Green (211cm), $1499, Castler y. 9 Felton wall sconce in Bronze (50.8cm), $995, Coco Republic. Fo r W h e r e to B uy, s e e p a ge 190. #
P r o d u c e d b y S a f f r o n S y l v e s t e r . 4 H O U S E S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 143 T H E S O U R C E In a hom e wh ere su stain ability i s th e pr ior ity, look to well m a d e pieces th at w ill stan d th e test of tim e. 1 2 3 5 6 7 8 9

C ON N E C T E D W ISD OM D I N I N G A R E A & T E R R AC E The open plan area and adjacent terrace on the first floor embrace the proper ty ’ s enviable outlook. Scape dining chairs by Grant Featherston and The Prince American oak dining table, all Grazia & Co. Belt pendant light by Ronan & Er wan Bouroullec, Euroluce. Custom bookcase by Austin Design Associates, in Tesrol LikeWood 2D+ Polished concrete flooring Tio outdoor armchairs and low table, In Good Company

H O U S E S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 145 Brilliant spatial planning ensures this weekender, situated on Victoria’s Great Ocean Road, is as flexible as it is fabulous. S T O R Y S t e p h e n C r a f t i | P H O T O G R A P H Y D i a n n a S n a p e

146 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N H G H O U S E S L I V I N G Nikki armchairs with footstools and Ivy cof fee tables by Clare Cousins, all Grazia & Co. Wood burning fireplace, Cheminées Philippe 265 wall lamp by Paolo Rizzatta, Euroluce Rug, Armadillo The wall behind the fireplace is finished in a concrete render K I TC H E N Dita kitchen stools, Grazia & Co. Kitchen joiner y finished in LikeWood 2D+ in Genuine Oak from Tesrol Benchtops in Super White dolomite from CDK Stone Splashback tiles, Academy Tiles+Sur faces

On the first floor where the property’s panoramic co a stal v i ew s a re b e st e njoye d th e op e n pla n k itc h e n , d i n i ng a n d l iv i ng a re a f low s o u t to a 12x6 metre terrace, which is a beacon year round Its popularity is hardly surprising: the whole first floor is endowed with an idyllic outlook that couldn’t place this house anywhere but Lorne “On a clear day, yo u c a n s e e al l th e way dow n th e co a st to Portsea,” says Fiona. The inviting kitchen, at the rear of the open plan space, enjoys sea views too thanks to a slot window above the wall side bench
Fiona loves to cook , so the work surfaces were pivotal. Ultra practical stainless steel is used on the rear bench, with Super White dolomite topping and wrapping around the generous island that is strategically placed so the meal preppers always remain part of the action. Also on the upper level is the main bedroom suite, a small study, and a multipurpose room, the latter used as either a guestroom or an extra living area depending on who’s staying over On the ground floor, there are three additional bedrooms and a bunk room, bathroom and powder room, family room and kitchenette ideal for when the children and grandchildren stay The element that unifies upstairs and down is a striking stacked stone wall, a nod to the home’s location. “We wanted to ground the home in its b e a c h m e e t s b u s h s e t t i n g , ” s a y s F i o n a T h e m a t e r i a l s p a l e t t e t h r o u g h o u t i s d e l i b e r a t e l y restrained says interior designer Lauren O’Brien, who worked on the project with the homeowners’ f r i e n d a n d f o r m e r d i r e c t o r o f A u s t i n D e s i g n A s s o c i a t e s , Fi o n a A u s t i n “ We w a nt e d t o u s e materials and finishes that invited the touch,” >
F or Fiona and her husband, this beach h o u s e a t L o r n e, a l o n g Vi c t o r i a ’ s iconic Great Ocean Road, represents t o g e t h e r n e s s , p r o v i d i n g b o t h a reason and the space for family and friends to meet throughout the year Replacing a rather ordinary 1970s beach shack, t h e n e w t w o s t o r e y h o u s e b y A u s t i n D e s i g n Associates is a masterclass in thoughtful spatial p l a n n i n g E a c h l e v e l i s s e l f c o n t a i n e d y e t interconnected, allowing the living space to expand to accommodate a crowd and contract to be a cosy pad for a couple as needed. “We wanted a weekender that would suit us well into our later years, ” says Fiona “A retreat that was multigenerational and not at all precious Somewhere that everyone would feel relaxed from the moment they arrived.”

“ We wanted to ground the home in its bush-mee ts-beach se tting.” F IONA , OW N ER

H O U S E S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 149 K I TC H E N / D I N I N G / L I V I N G Ar tworks by Fiona Austin (lef t) and Nils Gunnar Zander 265 wall lamp by Paolo Rizzatta, Euroluce Har vey straight arm sofa and ottoman, Nikki armchairs with footstools, Ivy cof fee tables, Scape dining chairs, The Prince dining table and Dita kitchen stools, all Grazia & Co Rug, Armadillo Walls and ceiling clad in silver top ash >

H G H O U S E S 150 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N THIS IS THE LIFE From their first visit to the site, designers Lauren O’Brien and Fiona Austin could envis age the spectacular views that could be achieved here But since the plan was for a multigenerational house that would suit the owners into their later years, accessibility was also important The ‘self contained’ layout meets all aspects of that brief beautifully

S TA I R W E L L To p l e f t a n d o p p o s it e The feature stacked stone wall, made from Eco Outdoor ’ s Dr y Stone Walling produc t, ac ts as the spine of the home L I V I N G / M U LT I P U R P O S E To p r i gh t Ear th wall lights, Anchor Ceramics Altay armchair by Patricia Urquiola for Coedition, Hub Furniture S T U DY Eames ‘ Sof t Pad Management Chair ’ , available from Living Edge Paul Smith Edition Type 75 Anglepoise desk lamp, Cult Design Outback wool carpet in Cloud, Chaparral Carpets E X T E R I O R The exterior of the home is clad in zinc to withstand the elements >

T HE PA L ET T E Dulux Natural White (interior, main walls) MAC Suede FC Natural Grey (living room feature) Dulux Ashville
says Lauren of the choice to use predominantly natural and natural look materials Since this is a weekender, and designed to be e njoye d b y al l a g e s , it wa s i m p o r ta nt that th e finishes be easy care too, hence the use of LikeWood 2 D + , a U V s t a b l e, w o o d l o o k l a m i n a t e, fo r a l l th e b u i lt i n j o i n e r y Fo r c o n s i s te n c y, th e s a m e materials were used upstairs and down, sometimes in different hues to create slightly different moods. Lauren and Fiona Austin looked to the classics when it came to furniture selection Pieces are clean lined, with a Mid Century feel that ties in with the stacked stone feature wall. The timber finishes and leather upholstery take their colour cues from the stone, adding to the richness and layered tactility of the spaces “The shelving unit in the dining area was deliberately designed to allow the wall behind to show through,” says Lauren. Handmade ceramic lighting by local firm Anchor Ceramics, handmade Japanese wall tiles in the kitchen and bathrooms, and custom made soft furnishings in the bedrooms deliver an artisan touch. While this weekender is a world away from the beach shack that once stood on the site, there’s a palpable holiday feel throughout That feeling is in part due to the restrained materiality, but it’s also due to thoughtful inclusions that make the home more liveable There’s the mudroom that flows into a laundry, neatly tucked into space by the rear entry and kitchen, which negates the need to traipse wet swimmers, sandy towels or muddy boots through the house That generous terrace connected to the open plan area functions as an additional living space and thanks to the outdoor fireplace, the homeowners and their guests can enjoy the terrace for most of the year. “The last thing we wanted was a ‘squeaky clean’ house or somewhere that felt like a city pad This home was always designed to be a getaway for us, but also something to share with friends and family,” says Fiona “And that’s exactly what we got ” > Au st in De sig n A ssoc i ate s , B r ighto n , V i c to r i a; (03) 9592 6411 o r au st in d e s ig n .c o m .au . John O r r & S on s , Ne w to w n , V i c to r i a; @ john o r ra n d so n . M A I N B E D R O O M Ab o v e l e f t a n d o p p o s it e Ar twork by Pansy Napangati Nikki armchair with footstool, Orbit side table, Lunar mirror by Mardi Doher ty and Reeno bench, all Grazia & Co Linen cur tains, Inside Edge Outback wool carpet in Cloud, Chaparral Carpets Haiku ceiling fan, Big Ass Fans P OW D E R R O O M Inax ‘ Yohen Border ’ wall tiles, Ar tedomus Sfera 55 basin and Eccentric tapware, Rogerseller Custom wall mirror Benchtop in Quantum Quar t z Graphite Matte P a i n t c o l o u r s a r e r e p r o d u c e d a s a c c u r a t e l y a s p r i n t i n g p r o c e s s e s a l l o w .

T HE L AYOU T G ro u n d fl o o r Kitchen Entr y Garage Rumpus BBed ed Bunk Bath Kitchenette M u l t i p u r p o s e Store Store Bed Pool Alfresco Dining Living Bath S t u d y Bath Firs t fl o o r AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 153 H O U S E S H G

T E R R AC E Palm Springs sunlounger and Pillar high table, both Grazia & Co Tio easy chairs, low table and stools, all In Good Company Fireplace, Cheminées Philippe Planters, Tait BeefEater barbecue from Winning Appliances

H O U S E S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 155 1 Anglepoise ‘ Type 75’ desk lamp, $415, Cult Design 2 Two Women Dreaming ar twork by William Sandy, $4950, Ar t Mob. 3 Ivy cof fee tables by Clare Cousins, P OA, Grazia & Co. 4 Asven polyester outdoor cushion, $34.95, Freedom. 5 Rober t Gordon Australia ‘Poet’s Dream’ 1L jug, $59, Domayne 6 Luna outdoor chair, from $1300, King 7 B5 planter by Studio Ciao, from $1195, SBW Australia 8 Agra wool rug in Ar tichoke (2 4x3m), $4900, Armadillo 9 Scape dining chair by Grant Featherston, P OA, Grazia & Co Fo r W h e r e to B uy, s e e p a ge 190 # T H E S O U R C E A weeken d er i s m a d e all th e more won d er f ul w ith pieces in ton es th at referen ce th e v ie ws f rom its w in dows. P r o d u c e d b y S a f f r o n S y l v e s t e r . 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

156 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N AWAY FROM IT A LL Secluded and supremely cosy, this cabin is constructed from mostly recycled materials and proves that sometimes the simplest solutions are the best. S T O R Y J a c k i e B r y g e l | S T Y L I N G B e l l e He m m i n g | P H O T O G R A P H Y Ma r n i e Ha w s o n

Linked to the main house by duckboard walkways, the bathhouse and laundr y utilise upc ycled perspex as screens and repurposed copper sheets on the roof. Timber bistro table and chairs purchased at auc tion. The rec ycled theme continues with upc ycled metal windows used in the house.

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E X T E R I O R O p p o s it e , to p r i gh t
Fleur and Mike, parents to daughter Lili and son Mack, have never regretted their “decision of the heart”. Set on two hectares, the property is home to a menagerie of native fauna, from >
The Japanese inspired cabin has a distinc tly Australian outlook. Upc ycled metal windows sourced by the original owner, architec t Jim Commadeur, from an old school P O RT R A I T O p p o s it e , to p l e f t Homeowner Fleur. K I TC H E N O p p o s it e , b o t to m Handmade cabinetr y and an upc ycled marble benchtop feature in the kitchen The door leads to the second bedroom, an addition by Fleur and Mike C radled by farmland in Victoria’s south west Gippsland, high above the stormy seas of Bass Strait, a remarkable hideaway holds a special magic throughout the seasons There is an enchanting quality to Liptrap Loft, as it’s known to owners Fleur and Mike Leslie. Designed three decades ago by renowned climate responsive architect Jim Commadeur, this hand built, Japanese inspired cabin is joyfully quirky in style and remote in setting and it is anything but your typical weekender. Nestled among the gum trees, with its distinctive triple peaked roof, walls of resalvaged tin and plywood, external duckboard walkways and a Japanese style bathhouse with expansive repurposed horse trough bathtub, Liptrap Loft leaves an indelible impression time and again. Certainly, Fleur and Mike felt powerless to resist its charms on their first visit to the site in 2005 The couple were on the lookout for an entirely different type of property: an investment apartment in the heart of Melbourne. But once they clapped eyes on the secluded sanctuary, there was no turning back “Liptrap Loft was like no other place we’d seen, ” says Mike “It’s somewhat of a paradox between a soft charm and a bold beauty. The place is full of quirks and intrigues. From the first moment, we couldn’t stop thinking about it. It definitely wasn’t the investment property we were looking for but some decisions need to be made from instinct ”
Adds Fleur with a laugh: “Our jaws just dropped when we saw it, and that’s when our spreadsheets went out the window. We instantly fell in love with the place and the fact that it was the polar opposite to our inner city life ”

Little wonder, then, that the family cannot imagine ever parting with their beloved Liptrap Loft “It is our haven,” reflects Fleur “It invites you to slow down and really relax ”
The home itself appears in harmony with its bucolic surrounds Fittingly, there’s a ‘less is more ’ approach to Liptrap Loft it takes the concept of open plan living to the next level, with the main bedroom, kitchen, living and dining domains all in the one space Instead of focusing on independence and privacy, the space cultivates an atmosphere of sharing “We love the open plan living, particularly with two children,” says Mike “It’s a place to connect Almost everything is in the one room, which is somehow calming and simple ”
H G H O U S E S 160 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N blue tongued lizards to echidnas, wallabies, kangaroos and wombats, as well as prolific birdlife
And that is just as its forward thinking creator had intended “The house was designed over several years by Jim,” says Mike. “Locals who got to know him describe him as a pedantic craftsman, as being vehemently passionate about this plot of land, the design and each little step of the build ”
“ The black cockatoos fly through every day in squadrons, chatting happily,” says Mike, “and at dusk we usually get an air show from the darting swallows That’s the best time to roll open the big bathhouse screens and watch the wildlife from the tub ”
“There are no neighbours in sight,” says Mike “Apart from the house and farm fences, the only human made feature in the landscape is the graceful arcing tip of a distant wind turbine.”
Fleur and Mike have since added a second bedroom, furnished with two double futons, to the verandah. Meanwhile, the bathhouse and laundry are linked to the main building by external walkways
K I TC H E N , L I V I N G & D I N I N G
Far from being a cause of concern, the remoteness of the property is a major drawcard for the couple, who cherish the fact that the region remains relatively undiscovered “It’s only a couple of hours’ drive from Melbourne, but it feels miles from ever ywhere,” says Mike. “We love the rugged coastline, the stunning secluded beaches and the national parks Around half an hour’s drive gets us to Wilsons Promontory, the most beautiful place in Victoria When we host friends, we always take them to the ‘Prom’ for an incredible, no devices day out.”
“Liptrap Loft feels like a part of us, ” says Mike “It’s a place to connect. Once we ’ re here, we don’t want to leave but when we do, we ’ re far more ready to take on the world again ”
Jim Commadeur Architect, Colling wood , Victor ia; jimcommadeur c o m . a u . Liptrap Lof t is available for short term rental. For more information and to book, go to dufflebird.com.au. “It’s the polar opposite to our inner city life,” says Fleur of the secluded getaway In the open plan main space, the dining table and chairs were a local secondhand find In the living area, the sofa was found at a garage sale in Per th and recently reupholstered by Max Dunn Design Upholster y Floorboards throughout were upc ycled Wooden vessel on kitchen bench, Jakk & Co >

T HE L AYOU T “ We love the rugged coastline, the stunning secluded beaches and the national parks.” MIK E LESLIE , OW N ER Bath L’dr y Bed Kitchen Entr y Living DBed ining

THIS IS THE LIFE A glorious escape from the pace of urban life, Liptrap Loft was lovingly constructed from predominantly resalvaged materials, such as timber and tin, greatly enhancing its ‘home among the gum trees’, one of a kind appeal “It was designed to draw in the lush landscape, making the most of the soft light and beautiful aspect,” explains Mike
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H O U S E S H G S U R R O U N D S “It’s only a couple of hours’ drive from Melbourne, but it feels miles from ever ywhere,” says Mike B AT H H O U S E B e l o w, l e f t an d r i ght An upc ycled horse trough was boxed and concreted to reduce its size and water usage, then hand tiled in soothing blue shades. Upc ycled sink and tapware. The brass bath spout was gif ted by local plumber Ron Taylor Milking stool, bag and wooden ornament, Jakk & Co Vase gif ted by a friend Towels, Saardé M A I N B E D R O O M O p p o s it e Par t of the open plan living space, the star here is a four poster cast iron bed found in Jakar ta in the 1990s Mattress, Sherman. Elysian bed linen, Linen House. Side tables, Early Settler. Jug, Robert Gordon. Repurposed tin was used for the walls. >

H G H O U S E S 164 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N B E D R O O M A handmade barn door opens to reveal the space used by the couple’s two children. Handmade wooden futon bed Mattress, Sherman Cushion, Saardé T HE PA L ET T E Dulux Coyote Dulux Light Rice Por ter ’ s Paints Paloma P a i n t c o l o u r s a r e r e p r o d u c e d a s a c c u r a t e l y a s p r i n t i n g p r o c e s s e s a l l o w

1 1970s Brutalist French milking stool, P OA, The Vault Sydney. 2 Australian House & Garden ‘Esperance’ stoneware storage jar in Cream (12cm), $19 95, Myer 3 Age Repair sweet almond and sage hand cream, $38/40ml, Grown Alchemist 4 Primavera recycled teak outdoor bench (135cm), $999, Domayne 5 A New Leaf book by Pip McCormac and Jen Haslam, $59 95, Seed Heritage 6 Terrain organic cotton cushion in Sage (55x55cm), $50, Fine Day 7 The Water Monopoly ‘Rockwell’ 61cm basin in White on basin stand in Chrome (3 tap holes, excludes tapware), $2950, The English Tapware Company 8 Nava shower dropper in Brushed Nickel (60cm), $99 90, in Kingsley showerhead in Brushed Nickel, $169.90, both ABI Interiors. 9 Australian House & Garden ‘ Tarrabool’ baskets in Natural/Green, $129.95/set of 2, Myer. 1 0 Alexander iron bed in Black (excludes mattress and bedlinen), $849/queen, Provincial Home Living. Fo W e to B uy, s e e p a ge 190.
# T H E S O U R C E Un d erstate d pieces an d n atural m ater ial s are th e per fect f it for a hom e th at sits lightly in th e env ironm ent. 1 2 3 5 6 8 9 10 7 4
h e r
H G H O U S E S 166 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N P r o d u c e d b y S a f f r o n S y l v e s t e r .

H A R D T O F I N D . C O M . A U E A S Y T O S P O I L D A D Shop unique g ifts for dad this Father’s Day


G a r d e n s Reminiscent of windswept grasslands, meadows and prairies, this garden by landscape designer Tim Pilgrim features Salvia uliginosa, Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster ’ and Foeniculum vulgare ‘Purpureum’ See more over the page P h o t o g r a p h b y M a r t i n a G e m m o l a . A B R U S H W I T H P A I N T E R L Y P L A N T I N G S

Applying an ar tist’s eye for colour and using a naturalistic plan, landscape designer and gardener Tim Pilgrim creates a cottage garden inspired by the loose beauty of meadows and prairies. Y
A n d r e a To m a z | P H O T O G R A P H Y Ma r t i n a G e m m o l a F R E E A N D E A S Y

AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 171 The path is lined with tree germander (Teucrium f ruticans) and balls of English box (Buxus semper virens), which give the garden elements a stronger definition Evergreen feather grass (Miscanthus transmorrisonensis), Buddleia davidii ‘Black Knight’, Cotinus cogg ygria ‘Grace’ and weeping pear (P yrus salicifolia) provide height, while lower perennial drif ts of Nepeta ‘ Walkers Low ’ , Sedum ‘Autumn Joy ’ , Agastache ‘Blue Boa’ and Salvia nemorosa ‘Caradonna’ fill the border.

W ith buckets of charm, great soil and a wet, cool climate that’s rather similar to the UK’s, Trentham in Victoria has plenty of beautiful cottage gardens growing in its midst But landscape designer and gardener Tim Pilgrim tried something a little different and extra special when his client, Rhonda, asked him to create a garden that would ‘ s often’ the new residence on her block of land. “Rhonda wanted a cottage garden aesthetic and she also liked the style of Dutch garden designer Piet Oudolf,” explains Tim “He does a lot of perennial mass plantings in a naturalistic style, and plants in drifts rather than blocks. I drew on those ideas and was inspired by meadows and prairies ”
With a ‘drift’ composition in mind and a big picture mindset, Tim set to work creating a garden that would fit with the house, land, town and bush beyond. “It was all about settling that contemporary Colorbond and timber house into the landscape, giving it scale,” he says “I looked at the building first, then related the garden back to it ”
Tim’s plant selections were based on climate and colours “I approached it like a palette. Like putting a painting’s colours together. I borrowed warmer oranges and reds from the landscape and tried to bring it all in closer, blur to those boundaries of where the garden begins but without forcing it ” He also chose perennials that look good into decay, ones with “interesting seed heads and structures that move well in the wind”. During spring, “the mauves, blues, whites and pinks are all singing and dancing”, according to Tim “ Then they fade out and there’s that second layer of flowerings, giving more height, tying into faded colours and overtaking anything that finishes early.” Shrubs provide evergreen interest and topiary creates “good structure in cold and restful periods when there’s not lots and lots in the garden”
Tim always tries to experiment with plant choices Typically, about 70 per cent of the plants he selects are ‘ new ’ ones he hasn’t used before. “I’m a gardener first and I just really love plants,” he says “So I want to track them down and just try them “There’s always a temptation a trap to go back to the plants you love and know will work. But it’s important for me as a designer to try new things. I always want to go into a new project excited to learn I can’t just repeat myself over and over ”

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F E AT U R E P L A N TS F L OW E R I NG PL A N T S Sedum ‘Autumn Joy’ Blue spike sage (Salvia uliginosa) DE C I DUOUS SH RU B S Cotinus cog gygria ‘Grace’
FLOWERING GRASSES Evergreen feather grass (Miscanthus transmorrisonensis)
A B OV E C l o c k w i s e f ro m to p l e f t Sedum ‘Autumn Joy ’ , blue spike sage (Salvia uliginosa), more Sedum ‘Autumn Joy ’ , and Cotinus cogg ygria ‘Grace’ and Evergreen feather grass (Miscanthus transmorrisonensis). O P P O S I T E Butter fly bush (Gaura lindheimeri), Sedum ‘Autumn Joy ’ and Nepeta ‘ Walker ’ s Low ’ thrive here Rhonda’s garden is filled with herbaceous perennials, grasses, topiar y and deciduous shrubs Interesting seed heads that look good in various states of decay were favoured by Tim, as were plants that move in the wind Tim is also ver y keen to use natives where possible “It would be irresponsible not to be interested in using natives, especially with the climate doing what it’s doing,” he says Rhonda’s garden is irrigation free and Tim feels water conser vation and environmentally aware garden planning is of vital impor tance

A B OV E C l o c k w i s e f ro m to p l e f t Never mind the Trentham weather, owner Rhonda didn’t let the frequently chilly and rainy conditions put a dampener on her desire to have an outdoor bath installed The charming outdoor tub is set among lamb’s ear (Stachys byzantina) and Sedum ‘Autumn Joy ’ Cotinus cogg ygria ‘Grace’ and Aster x f rikartii ‘Monch’ Panicum virgatum ‘Autumn Glor y ’ and Pennisetum thunbergii ‘Red Buttons’ Detail of lamb’s ear (Stachys byzantina). O P P O S I T E Butter fly bush (Gaura lindheimeri), blue spike sage (Salvia uliginosa), Calamagrostis x acutiflora ‘Karl Foerster ’ , Pennisetum thunbergii ‘Red Buttons’, tree germander (Teucrium f ruticans) and Foeniculum vulgare ‘Purpureum’.

r i a; t
Rhonda’s garden features plants from the Americas and Europe and is irrigation free “There’s good rainfall here and the soil is among the best in the country,” says Tim. “It has a metre of sandy loam and the topsoil is chocolate y and free draining.”
# T P G ard e n s , G
Although Tim’s team does a big cut back once a year, he says the garden looks good because Rhonda “does the hard yards” She doesn’t mind that at all and enjoys “the pleasure of being out there weeding” as well as just relaxing in her garden. “I like walking along the central path each day and observing the changes through the seasons, ” adds Rhonda “I sit at the top of the garden often and am always amazed at the growth The garden has provided so much pleasure to my family ” That is, of course, a huge advantage, especially since she has family right next door. “The grandkids are just over the fence,” says Tim “So they come through Nanna Rhonda’s garden and up to her house whenever they please ” uil dfo to pgar
d e n s . c o m .a u . AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 175 G A R D E N S H G
r d , V i c
Wandering around is a journey of discovery “ The winding path doesn’t give you a clear line of sight, so it’s an immersive garden. You’re drawn through it.” Venture on and you’ll find an outdoor bathtub, elevated vegie patch, a courtyard and a firepit.

y n h | P H O T O G R A P H Y D a n i e l C o r d e n & Ma t t L a i n g
The request was a pool as the centrepiece of the garden, with clear views to Mt Macedon. The rest was lef t to designer Darin Bradbur y, who delivered lashings of light, colour, and movement. Ta Hu
m m y

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Landscape designer Darin Bradbur y centred the garden around the strong axis leading to Mt Macedon The pool is at the hear t of this space, but it’s the surrounding landscape that helps it shine and form a relationship with its rural surrounds Fastigiate hornbeams give height and definition, while billowing Miscanthus ‘ Sarabande’ and Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster ’ provide texture and sof ten the overall scene

Feature plants Ground covers ● Star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) ● Lamb’s ear (Stachys byzantina) Shrubs & Perennials ● Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster ’ ● Miscanthus ‘ Sarabande’ ● Mexican sage (Salvia leucantha) ● Sedum ‘Autumn Joy ’ ● Camellia sasanqua ● English box (Buxus semper virens) Trees ● Hornbeam (Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’) An avenue of topiar y camellias leads to the pool and upper garden terrace The paving style and material flows around the pool, creating a sense of continuity and linking the house to the garden

The pool was deliberately overscaled it’s 15x5 metres to fit better into the landscape. Light grey ceramic tiles, laid in ashlar pattern, surround the pool and create a flow between the house and the outdoor areas Darin opted to keep the planting around the pool formal, to help reinforce the structure of the pool Along the edges, fastigiate hornbeams (Carpinus betulus ‘Fastigiata’) provide height and a sense of enclosure and frame the mountain views beautifully Box hedges and clipped buxus spheres maintain an air of formality while carrying the garden throughout the seasons Mexican sage (Salvia leucantha) offers seasonal interest, with its relaxed lilac panicles contrasting nicely with the green on green palette A frameless glass fence ensures there are uninterrupted views from all angles
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The symmetrical but curvaceous garden bed was Darin’s response to maintaining the formality, without the use of hard, straight angles “A rectangular area surrounded by another rectangle would make the beds stand out too much, rather than create a relationship with its surroundings,” says Darin >
T here’s no denying the ef fect of a beautifully landscaped garden, but when you also have a backdrop with mountain views, it makes for something incredibly special. The owners of this house in the Macedon Ranges, Peter and Jan Hamlyn, tend to agree Their wonder fully landscaped garden, consisting of a generous sized pool and a lush mix of seasonal foliage plants framing the view of the mountain is a magnificent sight The couple moved to the property about a year ago and the garden was ver y much a drawcard “It was wonder fully designed and per fectly framed the landscape,” says Peter This spectacular gardenscape was designed in 2018 for the previous owners by landscape designer Darin Bradbur y of Mint Landscape Design When Darin came to the project, the landscape consisted mostly of lawn with some sweeping garden beds “It was typical of an acreage home,” he says Darin was excited by the brief “ They wanted a pool as the centrepiece of the property with clear views over the water to Mt Macedon,” he says “As for the surrounding landscape, we were given the freedom to design as we pleased ”
The principal challenge faced by Darin was the sheer size of the garden. While space is traditionally a luxur y, there can be too much of a good thing “It can be dif ficult to create and define areas when there are no boundaries,” s ays Darin But where there’s a challenge, opportunity awaits When drawing up the garden, Darin took cues from the landscape “ The garden is centred along the strong, central axis down the hill,” he s ays “By designing all the elements around this, it reinforces the axis and draws you into the space ”


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Although they don’t call themselves avid gardeners, owners Peter and Jan have gained a “deep appreciation of the artistr y behind good garden design” They relish in the changes the seasons bring to the landscape “From the rich purple of the salvias to the ornamental grasses swaying in the wind, and the deep tones of autumn,” says Peter “With a little help, we enjoy pottering in our low maintenance garden ”
Mint Land scape Desig n; mintdesig n net au Frameless glass fencing ensures uninterrupted views of the garden and landscape beyond Mexican sage (Salvia leucantha) lines the inside border, while star jasmine (Trachelospermum jasminoides) festoons the exterior O P P O S I T E The owners delight in the seasonal of ferings of the garden autumn foliage trees, flowering perennials, ornamental grasses and silver foliage plants come together in a symphony of light, colour and movement.
“A spade edge along the borders was a simple but practical consideration it means that the mower is able to run along the edges without any issues ” To create a design sympathetic to its surroundings, Darin chose to use a palette of textural, billowing grasses and low growing perennials Miscanthus ‘ Sarabande’ and Calamagrostis ‘Karl Foerster ’ stand tall at the rear of the garden beds, adding texture and movement “ Their air y, golden plumes are visible from the upper terrace,” says Darin Mass plantings of Sedum ‘Autumn Joy ’ , dwar f white agapanthus, and lamb’s ear (Stachys byzantina) add seasonal interest and textural contrast “ The perennials were selected for their ability to create impact and keep it going throughout the season, ” says Darin “ They all have flowers or seed heads for a long period, extending the seasonal show ”

P E A C E S E E K E R In this extrac t from her new book, landscape designer F i o n a B ro c k h o ff shares the stor y of the garden at a serene lakeside charmer on Vic toria’s Mornington Peninsula P H O T O G R A P H Y E a r l C a r t e r

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Long flowered marlock (Eucalyptus macrandra) and black she oak (Allocasuarina littoralis) are pruned to frame views to the lake from the terrace Chef ’ s hat correa (Correa baeuerlenii) and red kangaroo paw (Anigozanthos ‘Big Red’) are included for summer colour and to attrac t birds. O P P O S I T E The laundr y doors are framed by honey myr tle (Melaleuca nesophila) and Lomandra longifolia ‘ Tanika’

The garden was designed in conjunction with the house, allowing for soil improvement Good onsite topsoil was combined with compost and manure to create a healthy planting medium, but much of the garden’s success is due to careful plant selection, including varieties that handle dr y spells as well as periods of inundation
The bold Phormium tenax ‘Anna Red’ has thrived in the wet conditions, along with honey myrtle (Melaleuca nesophila) and Poa labillardieri As the garden has grown and more shade has been created by developing tree canopies, some of the underplanting has been modified to include more shade loving plants The success of Plectranthus ambiguus ‘Nico’ and Microsorum diversifolium has allowed a continuum of low lying vegetation The eastern side of the garden includes a cherished kitchen garden of herbs and vegetables, as well as fruit trees and a chicken house and run, which are all tended by the family The western side is dominated by a large treehouse that sits high up in a pine tree, complete with a flying fox that propels you toward the centre of the lake. This is a practical, productive and fun garden for all seasons > Fion a Bro c k h off De s ig n; fi o n ab ro c k h off d e s ig n .c o m .
C entrestage at this countr y house on Victoria’s Mornington Peninsula is the lake at the bottom of the hill, an ever changing view, a welcome swimming spot and a haven for wildlife The relaxed garden rolls down to the water ’ s edge, successfully mimicking the planting of a natural lake margin or water course Plant choices are mainly Australian native and complement the Scandinavian style holiday home, which has a light, open aesthetic and is separated from the outdoors by a single step
Landscape materials were all local to Victoria and included Pyrenees slate for retaining walls and paving, local fine granitic gravel for the paths and recycled bridge timbers for steps and to define the entrance A major feature in the garden are the clumps of kangaroo paw (Anigozanthos ‘Big Red’), which flower all summer into autumn and draw in honeyeaters and other nectar feeding birds Crimson glor y vine (Vitis coignetiae) rambles over the pergola and provides welcome shade as well as brilliant autumn foliage Trees include long flowered marlock (Eucalyptus macrandra), black she oak (Allocasuarina littoralis) and the deciduous golden rain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata).
Mass planting of tussocks such as Themeda triandra ‘ True Blue’ and Lomandra longifolia ‘ Tanika’ and groundcovers including Grevillea lanigera ‘Mt Tamboritha’, which flowers throughout winter, create sof t swathes of vegetation that surround the house, connecting it strongly to the lake.

AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 185 G A R D E N S H G Sof t layers of plantings hide the house within the garden. The upper storey includes established eucalypts and pines; in the middle storey are Callistemon viminalis ‘Hannah Ray ’ , honey myr tle, black she oak and golden rain tree (Koelreuteria paniculata), underplanted with groundcovers and tussocks. B E L OW L E F T Floor to ceiling glass in the home ensures a strong indoor outdoor connec tion. B E L OW R I G H T Italian alder (Alnus cordata) and a drif t of Poa labillardiera surround a stone bath, creating a private outdoor bathing space O P P O S I T E Lining the path of Dromana gravel are Poa labillardieri, Lomandra longifolia ‘ Tanika’, red kangaroo paw (Anigozanthus ‘Big Red’) and bright green Dichondra repens

This space by the lake is a haven for peace seekers The stacked slate wall, with Correa reflexa var nummulariifolia tumbling over, encloses the area. Poa labillardieri has self sown in the gravel. Lomandra longifolia ‘ Tanika’ and Banksia spinulosa ‘Bir thday Candles’ add interest and bird attrac ting fodder to the upper level B E L OW The dining pergola is an extension of the house In time, the crimson glor y vine (Vitis coignetiae) will cover the frame to provide shade for the diners below
186 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N H G G A R D E N S
This is an edited extrac t from With Nature: The Landscapes of Fiona Brockhoff ($70, Hardie Grant Books)

Charlotte Park by Cadence & Co Photography by Pablo Veiga The COLORBOND® steel colour swatch and image shown have been reproduced to represent actual product colours as accurately as possible However, we recommend checking your chosen colour against an actual sample of the product before purchasing as varying light conditions and limitations of the printing process may affect colour tones COLORBOND® , the BlueScope brand mark and ® colour names are registered trade marks of BlueScope Steel Limited 2022 BlueScope Steel Limited ABN 16 000 011 058 All rights reserved Wonder in Windspray® C h a r l ot te P a r k by C a d e n ce & C o i s a s tu n nin g p ro p e r t y co m plete ly at h o m e in it s e nvi ro n m e n t G r a n d i n it s d i m e n s i o n s ye t warm and welcoming in it s s t yle , it is p ro u dly fi nish e d with a lin e a r CO LO R B O N D ® s te e l Windspray® roof that beautifully complements th e n atu ra l m ate ria l ch oices , while t yin g th e h o m e to it s tra n q uil su rro u n din g s Explore the full range of COLORBOND® steel colours at colorbond com/colours onder Windspray nv i ra s welcoming t it p u lin Windspray oof that beautifully c h , range COLORBOND

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Create a beautif ul lifest yle and home with these must have products.
New arrivals of fabulous mirrors and furniture by English designer Christopher Guy are now available for immediate delivery from Laura Kincade See more at laurakincade com
A modern reinterpretation of the classic Chesterfield, the Wallace Sofa, $6425 from M+Co Living, combines great design and luxurious leather to create a striking piece mcoliving com au
Xavier Furniture is the trusted brand for Australian interior designers who are sourcing quality Hamptons style furniture Create a tailored look with custom upholstered sofas and chairs xavierfurniture com au Monier Roofing is the leading brand in both terracotta and concrete roof tiles, with a proud history of protecting Australian families from harsh weather conditions for more than 100 years monier com au
The new integrated range of refrigerators from Liebherr are the epitome of German made luxury They feature Hydrobreeze, Liebherr’s most innov ative and creative freshness system yet home liebherr com au
The Luxor dining table, $7195 from Fanuli, is an all glass dining table that will become a focal point in any contemporary dining room This is not only a place to eat, but a piece to marvel at fanuli com au
The clear cafe blind from Tuiss Blinds Online is specifically designed for Australian conditions and perfect for outdoor entertaining throughout winter and all year round From $315 blindsonline com au Featuring wool fibre and additional comfort layers, the Sealy Posturepedic® Arlington Plush Mattress, available at Harvey Norman, works to maintain your body’s natural alignment as you sleep harveynorman com au Dark and moody, the Ponting Sideboard, $1999, from Provincial Home Living is ready to take centre stage in the living or dining room Discover the range instore or online provincialhomeliving com au

Wattles are the golden girls of winter Their brilliant yellow cylindrical or small pom pom flowers smother the shrubs or trees They ’ re fast growers and flower prolifically from a young age but their beauty is short lived, generally 7 to 12 years It’s a good thing, though, as they make the ideal nurse plant, providing shelter for establishing plants Give them a full sun to part shade position and well drained soil The golden wattle (A pycnantha) grows into a small tree 8 metres tall, and is a fabulous feature tree or screening plant
G A R D E N S H G AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 189
Banksias (top) are a wonder ful group, with so many worth growing One of the best is Banksia spinulosa ‘Birthday Candles’, with masses of dense burnt orange and golden yellow flowers It grows into a compact shrub 50 centimetres tall and 1 metre wide, ideal for containers, rockeries or mass planted garden beds For a larger planting, coast banksia (B integrifolia) has creamy flowers and grows to 15 metres Position in full sun or part shade and ensure well drained soil F A L S E S A R S A PA R I L L A ( HARDENBERGIA VIOLACEA)
Some of the most beautiful blooms at this time of year belong to hardy Australian natives. Ta m m y Hu y n h shares her favourites.
Caring for natives Native Australian plants give so much but demand so little Once they ’ re established, they ’ re drought tolerant and adaptable to changes with the local environment While they are tolerant of these conditions, natives perform better if watered regularly, especially during a dry spell, and fed in spring and summer with a native specific fertiliser A light prune after flowering will keep plants tidy You b e a u t y
This wonder ful, showy climber or rambler has slender stems and vibrant purple, pink or white pea shaped flowers ‘Happy Wanderer ’ is the most popular form, with lilac blooms on vigorous vines that can spread up to 5 metres. It forms a beautiful groundcover but can also climb up a trellis or along a fence Hardenbergia ‘Meema’ is more compact, growing to 50 centimetres tall and up to 2 metres wide Choose a spot in full sun to part shade and well drained soil Prune af ter flowering to help maintain size and shape
Tough and easy to grow, with beautiful flowers in winter that attract birds, bees and butter flies Their dense foliage and low mounding habit are attractive year round Flowers are available in a range of pinks, reds, sof t greens and bi colours ‘Isabell’ has pale pink flowers while ‘Canberra Bells’ has bright red and white tipped blooms Grow in full sun to part shade and lightly prune af ter flowering G R E V I L L E A ( GREVILLEA S P P. )
These are one of the most diverse flowering natives, with varied flower forms and grow th habits, ranging from groundcovers to small shrubs and trees Grevilleas (right) bloom for months and the inflorescence can resemble a spider, toothbrush or brush ‘Robyn Gordon’ is a small shrub 1 5 metres tall and wide with red blooms, while ‘Peaches and Cream’ is a medium shrub with pink and cream flowers #
A ustralian native plants are seasoned performers They ’ re often found flowering throughout the year but when little else is happening in the landscape in winter, it allows them to truly shine Native plants also invite local wildlife to your garden, offering them food and shelter when everything else is scarce. They ’ re great plants for the garden and well accustomed to the local climate, tolerating extended dry periods and requiring minimal maintenance once established WA T T L E ( ACACIA S P P )
P h o t o g r a p h s f r o m A l a m y .

Chelsea Textiles chelseatextiles com Cheminées Philippe (03) 9417 3315; chemphilaust com au Christopher Tovo christopher tovo com Città cittadesign.com Clo Studios clostudios com au Coco Republic 1300 000 220; cocorepublic com au Collette Dinnigan collettedinnigan com Colorbond 1800 022 999; colorbond com Conley & Co conleyandco com Contents International Design (02) 9662 2443; contentsid com au Corten (03) 8375 7003; cor tenaustralia.com.au Cosh Living (03) 9281 1999; coshliving com au Countr y Road 1800 801 911; countr yroad com au Craig O’Shanesy saatchiar t com Cult Design 1300 768 626; cultdesign com au Cultiver cultiver com Curatorial+Co (02) 9318 1728; curatorialandco com Cutek cutek com au D David Jones 13 33 57; shop davidjones com au Designer Boys Art designerboysar t.com Designer Door ware (03) 9300 8888; designerdoor ware.com.au Diane Bergeron Design (03) 9015 7227; dianebergeron com Dior (02) 9695 4800; dior com Domayne domayne com au Domo (03) 9277 8888; domo com au Dulux 132 525; dulux com au Dunlin (02) 9907 4825; dunlinhome com au E E&S (03) 9034 9503; eands com au Eadie Lifestyle (02) 4969 8998; eadielifestyle.com.au Early Settler earlysettler com au East Street Furniture (03) 9309 1599; eastst com au EcoTimber (03) 9421 6866; ecotimbergroup com au Edward Clark Antiques (03) 9533 2088; edwardclarkantiques com Edward Essing edwardessing com Emac & Law ton (02) 9517 4455; emac law ton com au Estée Lauder 1800 061 326; esteelauder com au Euroluce (02) 9356 9900; euroluce com au F Fanuli (02) 9908 2660; fanuli com au Fermoie tiggerhalldesign com Few & Far (02) 4441 8244; fewandfar com au Fine Day 1300 798 020; fine day com Floor Space (03) 9882 2477; floorspace com au Franke 1800 339 451; franke.com.au Freedom 1300 135 588; freedom com au French Knot (02) 9146 4720; frenchknot com au G Garr y Shead philipbacongalleries com au Gastón y Daniela domestictextile com au George Spencer Designs tiggerhalldesign com GlobeWest (03) 9518 1600; globewest com au Graham Geddes Antiques (03) 9509 0308; grahamgeddesantiques.com Grandiflora (02) 9357 7902; grandiflora net Grant Matthews studiomondo com au Grazia & Co graziaandco com au Greenly greenly net au Grown Alchemist grownalchemist com Guy Goodfellow Collection guygoodfellowcollec tion com H Halc yon Lake Rugs & Carpets (03) 9421 1113; halc yonlake com Har vey Norman 1300 464 278; har veynorman com au Haymes Paint 1800 033 431;
0 9 1stDibs 1stdibs com 3228 Blinds 1300 003 228; 3228blinds com au A A& A Dodemaide Builder (03) 9327 3613 ABI Interiors (07) 5520 2775; abiinteriors.com.au Abide Interiors (07) 5325 1507; abideinteriors.com.au Academy Tiles+Sur faces (02) 9436 3566; academy tiles com au ACS Designer Bathrooms (02) 9386 9809; acsbathrooms com au Aeria Countr y Floors 0413 841 590; aeria com au Aerin 1800 061 326; esteelauder com au/aerin Aesop aesop.com.au Aga Australia (03) 9521 4965; agaaustralia.com.au Alex and Trahanas alexandtrahanas com Alfresco Emporium (02) 9919 0601; alfrescoemporium com au Alice’s Glassworks (03) 5348 2647 Alisa Teletovic alisateletovicar tist com Allied Maker New York alliedmaker com Allyson Reynolds allysonreynolds com Amy Johnson aboriginalexhibitions com au Anchor Ceramics 0413 456 981; anchorceramics com Andi Co 1800 685 899; andico com au Angove Street Collective angovestreetcollec tive com au Architectural Heritage 0412 677 125; architec turalheritage net Arjumand’s World arjumandsworld.com Armadillo (02) 9698 4043; armadillo co.com art com ar t com Art Mob ar tmob com au Artedomus (02) 9557 5060; ar tedomus com Arthur G (03) 9429 6696; ar thurg com au Asko 1300 002 756; asko com au Astra Walker (02) 8838 5100; astrawalker.com.au Austral Bricks 13 27 42; australbricks com au B Bayliss (03) 9708 6664; baylissrugs com Beacon Lighting 1300 232 266; beaconlighting com au Bed Threads bedthreads com au Berkowitz berkowit z com au Bespoke Tile & Stone (03) 9429 9588; bespoketileandstone com Bethany Williamson Landscape Architect bethanywilliamson com au Bettina Willner bettinawillner com Big Ass Fans 1300 244 277; bigassfans.com.au Bona bona net au Boyd Blue (02) 8338 8113; boydblue com Bragg & Co braggandco.com.au Bremworth 1800 251 172; bremwor th com au Brodware (02) 9421 8200; brodware com au Bunnings (03) 8831 9777; bunnings com au Business & Pleasure Co businessandpleasureco com au BZippy bzippyandcompany.com C Cadr ys (02) 9328 6144; cadr ys.com.au Caesarstone 1300 119 119; caesarstone com au Cafe Lighting & Living (02) 9756 0863; cafelighting com au Canvas+Sasson (03) 9790 1266; canvasandsasson com au Carolina Ir ving Textiles elliottclarke com au Caroma 13 14 16; caroma.com.au Castler y 1300 345 868; castler y com CDK Stone (03) 8552 6000; cdkstone com au Cemintel 1300 236 468; cemintel com au Chaparral Carpet Mills (03) 9786 3000
haymespaint com au Heather Dinas heatherdinas.com Heatherly Design (03) 5772 2089; heatherlydesign com au Heritage Building Centre (02) 9567 1322; heritagebuilding com au Hub Furniture (03) 9652 1222; hubfurniture com au I I Love Linen ilovelinen com au Icon By Design 1300 715 719; iconbydesign com au Idle Hands Design idlehands design In Bed inbedstore.com In Good Company ingoodcompany.com.au Inside Edge (03) 9686 1366; inside edge com au InStyle Gardens 0413 808 623; instylegardens com au Ivy Muse 0435 114 058; ivymuse com au Izzi & Popo (03) 9696 1771; izziandpopo com au J Jacobs Joiner y & Cabinets (02) 6040 2955 Jakk & Co jakkandco.com.au James Dunlop Textiles 1800 123 705; jamesdunloptextiles com James Hardie jameshardie com au James Meverley mutualar t com James Richardson Furniture (03) 9428 1621; jamesrichardson com au Jan Vogelpoel janvogelpoelceramics com Jardan (03) 8581 4988; jardan com au Joel Elliott Furniture joelelliottfurniture com JSK Martin Cabinetr y & Design 0417 840 807; jsmar tin com au K Kethy (02) 9542 4991; kethy com au King 1300 546 438; kingliving com au Kit Kemp kitkemp com Kohler 1300 362 284; kohler com au Koskela (02) 9280 0999; koskela com au L L&M Home (03) 9419 6800; lmhome.com.au Laura Kincade (02) 9667 4415; laurakincade.com Lauren Danger laurendanger com Le Forge Furniture & Decoration leforge com au Leila Jef freys leilajef freys com Leonard Joel (03) 9826 4333; leonardjoel com au Leongatha Kitchens & Bathrooms leongathakitchens com au W H E R E T O B U Y
Locate your nearest stockist by contac ting the following suppliers.

com au Tesrol (02) 8787 0900; tesrol com au The DEA Store (02) 9698 8150; thedeastore com The English Tapware Company 1300 016 181; englishtapware.com.au The Montauk Lighting Co montauklightingco com The New Craf tsmen thenewcraf tsmen com The Rug Establishment (07) 5450 6230; therugest com The Society Inc 0429 589 982; thesocietyinc com au The Sustainable Landscape Company (03) 9673 0330 The Vault Sydney thevaultsydney com Thistle Wallpapering 0423 854 435 Thonet 1800 800 777; thonet com au Tigger Hall Design (03) 9510 2255; tiggerhall com Tuiss Blinds Online blindsonline.com.au U Unios (08) 9248 1888; unios com Unique Fabrics (03) 9816 2000; uniquefabrics com Uniqwa Collections (07) 5596 0884; uniqwafurniture com au V Veri Shades verishades com Vintage Art Emporium vintagear temporium com Violet Petyarre mbantua.com.au Visual Comfort montauklightingco com Vynka’s Art 0403 934 574; vynkahallam com W Wallpaper Direct wallpaperdirec t com War wick Fabrics 1300 787 888; war wick com au Water Tiger 0420 855 886; water tiger com au Wattyl 13 21 01; wattyl com au Weber 1300 301 290; weberbbq com au Wedgwood 1300 852 022; wedgwood com au West Elm 1800 239 516; westelm com au Wever
AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N | 191 Life Interiors (03) 9005 8303; lifeinteriors com au Lighting Collective (02) 6685 5744; lightingcollec tive.com.au Lincoln Brooks (02) 4957 6645; lincolnbrooks com au Linen House (03) 9552 6000; linenhouse com au Living Edge 1300 132 154; livingedge com au Logikhaus 0415 962 668; logikhaus com au Loom Towels loomtowels com Lopi 1800 064 234; lopi com au Lounge Lovers 1300 738 088; loungelovers com au Love Af ter Love loveaf terlove com au Lydie du Bray (02) 4872 2844; lydiedubrayantiques com au Lysaght lysaght com M Made by Storey (03) 9486 3958; madebystorey co Maison Balzac 1300 342 662; maisonbalzac.com Maison de Vacances tiggerhalldesign.com Maison et Jardin (02) 9362 8583; maisonetjardin com au Manon & Moss (02) 6238 0906; manonandmoss com au Manor House Interiors manorhouseinteriors com au Marcia Priestley marciapriestley com MatchesFashion 1800 836 284; matchesfashion.com/au Max Dunn Design Upholster y 0447 580 571 Maxwell & Williams (03) 9318 0466; maxwellandwilliams com au McMullin & Co mcmullinandco com Mecca Cosmetica 1800 007 844; mecca com au Mercer & Lewis mercerandlewis com Michael Reid Northern Beaches (02) 8353 3500; michaelreid com au Miele 1300 464 353; shop.miele.com.au Minnie Pwerle aboriginalartdirectory com Moda Operandi modaoperandi.com Murobond 1800 199 299; murobond com au Myer 1800 811 611; myer com au N National Masonr y nationalmasonr y com au Natty & Polly nattyandpolly com au Nature’s Secret (03) 9421 1124; naturessecret com au Natuzzi Italia natuzzi.com.au Nebozuk Carpets nebozukcarpets com au Nine Muses (03) 9510 2255; ninemusestextiles.com No22 no22 com au Nyar y ES nyar y com au O Obsolete obsoleteinc com Old World Tiles (07) 3289 1434; oldworldtiles com au Orient House (02) 9660 3895; orienthouse com au P P4 p4 design Palmer & Penn (02) 9328 4800; palmerandpenn com au Pamela Honeyfield pamelahoneyfield com au Pampa pampa.com.au Paolo Moschino tiggerhalldesign com Paperock (02) 9518 0520; paperock com au Parterre (02) 9363 5874; par terre com au Penny Morrison tiggerhalldesign com Pepite pepite com au Phillip Jef fries, available from The Textile Company 1300 852 994; textilecompany com au Pillow Talk 1800 630 690; pillow talk com au Poly tec 1300 300 547; poly tec com au Porta Romana southpacific fabrics com Porter ’ s Paints 1800 656 664; por terspaints com Potter y Barn 1800 232 914; potter ybarn com au Provincial Home Living 1300 732 258; provincialhomeliving.com.au P yrenees Quarries (03) 5470 5288; pyreneesquarries.com.au Q Qasair condari com au Quantum Timber Finishes 1800 053 018; qtf com au R Radial Timber Sales (02) 9768 2100; radialtimbers com au Rapid Ef fects rapidef fec ts com au Regency Fireplace Products (03) 9799 7277; regenc y fire com au Resene 1800 738 383; resene.com.au Restoration Hardware rh com Richard Vivian 0491 150 831; dswaa org au Robert Gordon Australia (03) 5941 3144; rober tgordonaustralia com Rogerseller 1300 559 759; rogerseller com au Room & Board roomandboard com Rose Tarlow tiggerhalldesign com Royal Doulton 1300 852 022; royaldoulton.com.au Royal Oak Floors (03) 9826 3611; royaloakfloors com au Rudi Rocket 0488 990 490; @rudirocket S Saardé saarde.com Saint Cloche 0434 274 251; saintcloche com SBW Australia 1300 396 487; sbwaustralia com au Schots Home Emporium 1300 463 353; schots com au Schumacher, available from Orient House (in NSW), orienthouse com au; Grant Dorman (in Vic toria, Tasmania, WA, SA), grantdorman com au; Scott Hutton Agencies (in Queensland) (07) 3252 0911 SCLK (03) 5248 2777; sclk com au Seed Heritage 1800 118 889; seedheritage com Shaws reece com au Sherman 1300 982 325; sherman com au Siemens siemens home com au Signorino (03) 9427 9100; signorino com au Simone Karras ivymuse.com.au Smeg (02) 8667 4888; smeg com au Snelling Studio (03) 9899 0664; snellingstudio com Sophie Lawrence sophielawrencearts au Space (02) 8339 7588; spacefurniture com au St Agni st agni com Stiebel Eltron stiebel eltron com au S’ Tiles stiles4u.com.au Studio Galler y (03) 8597 9190; studiogaller ymelbourne.com.au Studio Henr y Wilson henr ywilson com au Sub Zero (02) 8767 2301; winningappliances com au Svenskt Tenn pappasven com au T Tait (03) 9419 7484; madeby tait com au Tait Flooring (03) 9822 3381; taitflooring.com.au Tarli Glover tarliglover com Taylors Plumbing taylorsplumbing net au Tekna tekna be Temple & Webster templeandwebster & Ducré wever ducre com William Morris & Co nattyandpolly com au Willy Sheather wentwor thgalleries com au Winning Appliances 1300 050 050; winningappliances com au Wolf, available from Winning Appliances (02) 8767 2301; winningappliances com au X Xavier Furniture (07) 3806 5370; xavier furniture com au Z Zacher Antiques (03) 9699 3301; zacherantiques com au Zenn Design (03) 9212 0222; zenndesign com au Zepel Fabrics 1800 651 510; zepelfabrics com P R I VAC Y N OT I C E T h i s i s s u e o f A u s t ra l ia n H o u se & G a rd e n m ag a zi n e i s p u b l i s h ed by A r e M ed i a P t y L td A r e M ed i a m a y u s e a n d d i s c l o s e yo u r i n f o r m ati o n i n acc o rda n c e w i th o u r P r i vac y Po l i c y, i n c l u d i n g to p rov i d e yo u w i th yo u r r eq u e s ted p ro duc t s o r s e r v i c e s a n d to ke e p yo u i n f o r m ed o f oth e r A r e M ed i a p u b l i cati o n s, p ro duc t s, s e r v i c e s a n d eve nt s O u r P r i vac y Po l i c y i s l o cated at a r e m ed i a c o m au /p r i vac y I t a l s o s e t s o u t o n h ow yo u c a n a c c e s s o r c o r r e c t yo u r p e r s o na l i n f o r m ati o n a n d l o d g e a c o m p l a i n t A r e M ed i a m a y d i s c l o s e yo u r p e r s o n a l i n f o r m ati o n o f f s h o r e to i t s ow n e r s, j o i nt ve ntu r e p a r tn e r s, s e r v i c e p rov i d e r s a n d ag e nt s l o cated th ro ug h o ut th e wo r l d , i n c l ud i n g i n N ew Zea l a n d , USA , th e P h i l i pp i n e s a n d th e Eu ro p ea n Un i o n I n add i ti o n, th i s i s su e m a y c o nta i n Read e r O f f e r s, b e i n g o f f e r s, c o m p e ti ti o n s o r su r vey s Read e r O f f e r s m a y r eq u i r e yo u to p rov i d e p e r s o n a l i n f o r m ati o n to e nte r o r to ta ke p a r t Pe r s o n a l i n f o r m ati o n c o l l ec ted f o r Read e r O f f e r s m a y b e d i s c l o s ed by u s to s e r v i c e p rov i d e r s a s s i s ti n g A r e M ed i a i n th e c o n duc t o f th e Read e r O f f e r a n d to oth e r o rg a n i s ati o n s p rov i d i n g s p eci a l p r ize s o r o f f e r s th at a r e p a r t o f th e Read e r O f f e r A n o pt o ut c h o i c e i s p rov i d ed w i th a Read e r O f f e r Un l e s s yo u e xe rci s e th at o pt o ut c h o i c e, p e r s o n a l i n f o r m ati o n c o l l ec ted f o r Read e r O f f e r s m a y a l s o b e d i s c l o s ed by u s to oth e r o rg a n i s ati o n s f o r u s e by th e m to i n f o r m yo u a b o ut oth e r p ro duc t s, s e r v i c e s o r eve nt s o r to g i ve to o t h e r o r g a n i s at i o n s t h at m a y u s e t h i s i n f o r m ati o n f o r t h i s p u r p o s e I f yo u r e q u i r e f u r th e r i n f o r m ati o n, p l e a s e c o n ta c t A r e M ed i a ’ s P r i vac y O f f i c e r e i th e r by e m a i l at p r i vac yo f f i c e r @ a r e m ed i a c o m au o r m a i l at P r i vac y O f f i c e r A r e M ed i a, 5 4 Pa r k S tr e e t, S yd n ey N S W 2000

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This Sydney architect is driven by the simple but life-enhancing belief that your home should be your happy place. P H O T O G R A P H Y P r u e R u s c o e C a rla Midd let on H a i r & m a k e u p b y K e l l y T a p p H G C R E AT I V E T Y P E 194 | AU S T R A L I A N H O U S E & G A R D E N

There are so many creatives I admire, including: Japanese architects Kazuyo Sejima and Sou Fujimoto; local design practices Carter Williamson Architects, Studio Bright, Austin Maynard Architects, Kennedy Nolan, Clare Cousins Architects, Edition Office, Arent&Pyke, James Garvan Architec ture, Claire Delmar, Atelier Lab, Coco Flip, Harry Seidler; ar tist Theresa Hunt and photographer Tom Ferguson. My favourite iconic design pieces? The Eames lounge chair and ottoman; the Wishbone chair by Hans Wegner; the Fritz Hansen ‘ Series 7’ chair by Arne Jacobsen; and George Nelson’s ‘Ball Bubble’ pendant. A dream project would be to design a community centre for vulnerable kids A safe place surrounded by nature # Carla Middleton; carlamiddleton com C A R L A’ S FAVO U R I T E T H I N G S
I am now in a beautiful office with an amazing team of five and couldn’t be happier I’m obsessed with architecture. I live and breathe it I could talk about it as much as I talk about my family. It is such a wonderful thing to have the trust of clients to design spaces for them What a privilege Every day in the off ice is different I am either answering emails, drawing/sketching, meeting with the team, on site or in client meetings. I have a day each week where I turn off emails and focus on design. Cultivating creativity is very important to me It is so easy to be a slave to emails, phone calls, texts and social media A stylist recently described my aesthetic as ‘Japandi’ a mixture of Japanese and Scandinavian. I definitely have a skill in reimagining the classics too I believe in quality of space over quantity A space that’s well designed has the ability to change your d aily life It doesn’t need to be huge to have an impac t, either. My prac tice’s focus is that the home should be your happy pl ace ‘Happy ’ is such a colloquial word, but it is simple and true If your home is a happy pl ace to be then my job as an architec t is pretty much done! I believe a happy home is created with an abund ance of natural light, privac y and a garden It doesn’t need to be a huge garden; a small space can be beautiful.
George Nelson designed ‘Ball Bubble’ pendant light, Living Edge Carla’s current bedside book, The Mind Strength Method, by Dr Jodie Lowinger Wishbone chair by Hans Wegner, Cult Design The Louvre Lens building design by Japanese architec ts Kazuyo Sejima and Ryue Nishizawa “It i s su ch a won der f ul thing to have the tr u st of clients to desig n spaces for them . What a pr ivilege.”
I slowly took on work as a sole practitioner, starting my practice in 2016 I loved working for myself and every aspect of it, but soon had more work than I could handle, so I engaged a team of people to develop the business and refine the brand. This was a game changer.
Other things that help are being idle, travel, collaboration and learning new skills
When I became pregnant with my first child, I took one year ’ s maternity leave but within three months I was offered a commission that I couldn’t refuse I worked like a maniac in between my baby ’ s naps and late at night. It was exhausting but I enjoyed doing two jobs.
The green wall in the background is by Garden Life Studying architecture was both pure joy and the most challenging thing I’ve ever done For the first few years at university they were training our brains to understand space. I realised that this was a huge world I just couldn’t get enough of. Architecture is a profession that can be enjoyed late into life I witnessed this at university with Glenn Murcutt He was just as obsessed with architec ture at the l ater end of his career as we were at the star t of ours. Throughout uni, I worked in small and large practices and found my passion was in residential design Af ter gradu ating from UNSW in 2009, I worked in a few different residential practices, gaining experience in all areas of running a practice.
Strategies for work life balance? This is a constant battle Delegating is a big one, and surrounding yourself with a team of people who are amazing at what they do I turn to nature to nourish my creativity.
O P P O S I T E Carla Middleton and her own happy place, her home in Sydney ’ s eastern suburbs
The biggest challenge in my career so far has been remaining true to the architec tural concept I’m an extremely empathetic person who really likes to listen to my clients Architec ture can be a tricky industr y, because we want to achieve a client’s brief but at the s ame time we are creatives who have an idea we would like to bring to fruition The client needs to be aligned with, or trusting of, the architec t to keep the concept true to the architec t’s vision I’ve become better at working with people who have the s ame values as the prac tice, so the clients value design as much as we do I love travelling, and Japan is one of my favourite places When you see the small spaces they live in and how they make tiny gardens beautiful with sculptural plants and water, it’s about coming back to the basics.
I’m proud of building a practice that now employs four talented women I love working with men, but I want to instil confidence in women to show them they can have a family and continue to work at the same time. I want to inspire women in the industry.

Charlotte Park by Cadence & Co Photography by Pablo Veiga The COLORBOND® steel colour swatch and image shown have been reproduced to represent actual product colours as accurately as possible However, we recommend checking your chosen colour against an actual sample of the product before purchasing as varying light conditions and limitations of the printing process may affect colour tones COLORBOND® , the BlueScope brand mark and ® colour names are registered trade marks of BlueScope Steel Limited 2022 BlueScope Steel Limited ABN 16 000 011 058 All rights reserved Wonder in Windspray® C h a r l ot te P a r k by C a d e n ce & C o i s a s tu n nin g p ro p e r t y co m plete ly at h o m e in it s e nvi ro n m e n t G r a n d i n it s d i m e n s i o n s ye t warm and welcoming in it s s t yle , it is p ro u dly fi nish e d with a lin e a r CO LO R B O N D ® s te e l Windspray® roof that beautifully complements th e n atu ra l m ate ria l ch oices , while t yin g th e h o m e to it s tra n q uil su rro u n din g s Explore the full range of COLORBOND® steel colours at colorbond com/colours onder Windspray nv i ra s welcoming t it p u lin Windspray oof that beautifully c h , range COLORBOND