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Name of the game : I SELL BUTTER I SELL HONEY Numbers of participants : Min.5 players Materials : Handkerchief Rules of the game : Players sit as to form a circle. Midwife begins to hover by taking a handkerchief to his/her hand. Begins to croon the lyrical twister in the form “I sell butter I sell honey, my master died I sell, my master’ s root is yellow, what if I sell it is 15 lira. Lily mily, watch your back carefully”. Midwife drops the handkerchief to back of one of the players while he/she hovers. If the player realises the handkerchief, takes it and begins to cease after the midwife. Midwife hovers the circle once again and sits that players place. If the player unrealised the handkerchief, midwife takes it and begins to hit the back of that player. The player then stands up and runs the circle in front of the midwife and sits back to own place. So the play goes on.



Name of the game : BLIND MAN’S BUFF Numbers of participants : Min.5 players Materials : Scarf Rules of the game : Eyes of the player has tied up with a cloth or a handkerchief. Eneough secured that the player can’ t see anywhere and nobody; everybody walk and touch by circling the player. Blind Man tries to catch them, if he/she catches one of them, he/she tries to recognize and tells the name by touching the face–arms and body. If he/she tells the a wrong name, he/she continues to be the Blind Man, if tells the right name, the cought one becomes the new Blind Man in this case.



Name of the game : HOPSCOTCH Numbers of participants : Min.2 players Materials : Chalk , stone Rules of the game : As it is played on one foot, the name of it is Hopscotch. Squares or circles are drawn on the floor/ground with chalk. Lines are drawn in joined shape. Numbers are written in the squares/circles from 1 to 8 in general. Player places the slider disc on to the first square/circle as not to place it on the line and without stepping on the dics’ section, continues on tripping up to the 8TH section. After reaching to the 8TH square/circle, the player stands on this two feet. Later on the player turns back and goes to the beginning doing the same. When the player comes to the 2ND square/circle, kneels down on his/her single foot and takes the disc from the first square/circle and trips over the first square/circle without stepping on it. Play goes in the same routine from 1 to 8 and in the second run played vice versa.



Name of the game : NINE STONES Numbers of participants : 8 - 10 players Materials : Stones , a ball Rules of the game : Played with 8–10 players. Firstly two groups are formed. Each group consists of 4–5 players. Then normal weighed stones – generally small marble stones are used – are set up overlapping. Player chosen the midwife tries to knock over the stones with a ball from a certain distance. Midwife has to run away as soon he/she knocks down the stones. The ball this time is on the hands of the other group and this group tries the stones not to be overlapped by midwife his/her group. When midwife and his/her group completes the overlap of the stones without knocking by the ball, they beat the other team 1 to 0.



Name of the game : MERCHANT ; OPEN THE DOOR Numbers of participants : 6 - 10 players Materials : Chalk Rules of the game : Two players choose code names for themselves. Then faced with each other and grasp hands in order to form the door of the play. Other players make a row. By saying “Merchant; open the door� they walk through the midwives. Midwives hold their hands and let the player go in, whisper their code names to the eyes of the player, ask to choose one of it. By told code names randomly, each midwife forms his/her team. This continues until the last player. Soon a line is drawn on the floor/ground, each team takes their place. All the players grasp with each other from their waists. First players hold hands by placing their foot on the line, and the groups begin to fetch each other. When a group fetches the other to their line, they win.



Name of the game : SNAP UP CORNER Numbers of participants : 4 – 6 players Materials : Corners Rules of the game : As places like streets, outer doors of the buildings, two trees or window sides are more opulent; it is especially played at the streets. “Snap Up Corner” is played with a few people. Midwife stands more than in the middle compared with the players. Players try to change their places with each other in order to avoid from caught by the midwife. Player who has caught by midwife during this place interchange, looses his/her spot/corner and becomes the midwife. Players pretend that they are changing their spots/corners in order to cheat the midwife. This play is very entertaining.



Name of the game : TISSUE SNATCH Numbers of participants : 10 players Materials : A tissue , chalk Rules of the game : Tissue Snatch is played between the two groups having equal amount of players. Teams, leaving 20 – 25 meters of distance in between, line in parties. 50 cm diameter of a circle is drawn in the middle of the distance and a tissue or another material is put on the middle of the circle. A referee or a captain is choosen. This referee/captain could stand in the mid of the circle and handle the tissue/material. When the referee/captain shouts like “fifths”, the fifth players of the teams run to snatch the tissue/material, the player who gets the tissue/material runs away and the other tries to catch him/her. If tissue/material snatched player returns to team without caught by the other player, makes the team win 1 point. It the other player catches the tissue/material snatched player, his/her team looses 1 point. Upon the tissue/material snatched player’ s return to team without being caught, referee/captain shouts another number and the play goes on. The more point gained team wins the play.



Name of the game : BALL STRUCK Numbers of participants : Min. 6 players Materials : A ball Rules of the game : Two player from the first team exchangingly places by line in order to hit the opposing team’ s players with the ball. Aim of the bll shooter team players is to hit the opposing players while they try to escape from a ball hit. If one of the opposing player is hit by ball, he/she becomes the sideliner. If ball throwing team could hit all players of the opposing team, they have got the right to play in–line, if they don’ t they continue on as bthe ball thrower team. (P. S. If the players of in–line team could be able to catch the thrown ball without dropping it on the ground/floor, they won a soul. They continue to be in–line player as they won more souls by catching the ball.)



Name of the game : STOP Numbers of participants : Min. 3 players Materials : A ball Rules of the game : This is a play that is played at outer places at good weathers with three or more players as girls and boys together. If the number of players could be more the play becomes more enjoyable. Every player chooses a nickname for him/herself or take their role in the play with their own names. Midwife takes the mid place and throws the ball to air and says the name of one player. Name’ s told player tries to catch the thrown ball. As soon he/she catches the ball yields “STOP”. Meanwhile the other players try to run as far as they can. But at the time ball master says “STOP”, all the other stop and stay where they are. The holder of the ball tries to beat the nearest player with the ball. Stopped players would not make any move. If the he/she hits, the beated player becomes midwife and throws the ball to air. If he/she could not hit, midwife role continues and by throwing the ball through air, the play continues.



Name of the game : GYROSCOPE Numbers of participants : Min. 2 players Materials : A gyroscope Rules of the game : It is made of wood in the form of an ellipse with a sharp tip. Rope is wrapped around a spinning top. One end of the rope is connected to the finger. Players toss it as quickly as possible. The winner is the one who spins the gyropcope long time. Few people can play the game at the same time. Gyroscope is adapted to the present day as Byblade.





Name of the game: PRISIONER BALL Number of participants: 14-30 Materials: A ball Rules: Two teams, each one in half court. Behind each bottom lines is “cementerio” (graveyard) area. Teams throw the ball trying to beat an opponent. The player reached is “dead” and goes to the gaveyard of the other field. This person can be safed if manages to reach some enemy. If a player catches a ball launches another team, will nos be considered “dead”, but if ball falls yes. When in a team left only a player and is not reached in 10 launches, it can recover a collegue.



Name of the game: BLIND HEN Number of participants: 3-30 Materials: Something to cover the eyes Rules: A child in the middle with the eyes covered. The others make him or her turn around while singing the song: “Blind hen, What did you lose? A needle or a thimble, Turn around, And it will be found.” The “Blind hen” should catch another pupil. The others touch the “Blind hen” to help her or him to find them, but trying not to be caught.



Name of the game: COLOUR-COLOUR Number of participants: More than 3 Materials: None Rules: A child says a color using the sentece: “Colour, colour….(green)”. Children have to go as fast as possible to touch something with this colour trying not to be caught. If somebody is caught, this person will be the one who says the next colour.



Name of the game: PIGEON Number of participants:


Materials: Elastic Ribbons. Rules: Two students hold the elastic ribbon and say “Pa-lo-mi-ta� (pigeon). They move the elastic ribbon to make it be tangled. The ribbon can also be stepped on to make it more difficult. Players have to pass from one side to the other without touching the elastic ribbon. Who touch the ribbon will be in charge of the ribbon next time



Name of the game: THE HANDKERCHIEF Number of participants: 7-21 Materials: A handkerchief Rules: Two groups, each one assigns a number to each of its members. This way both teams have the same numbers. We will make to stripes on the floor and each team is placed behind. Other participant with the handkerchief is placed in the middle and says a number. The players of each team, who have the number run to catch the handkerchief. The participant who takes the handkerchief first should run with his or her team without being caught. If you are caught you are out and if not the other player is out. The team which loses all the players first will lose the game.



Name of the game: 1, 2, 3 ENGLISH CHICK Number of participants: 5-25 Materials: None Rules: One player is placed facing the wall and the rest in the other end of the classroom, gym or ten meters distance approximately. When the player facing the wall says: “one, two, three, English chick� everybody advance. If somebody is seen moving, this person will have to go back to the starting point. The goal is to reach the wall without being seen, this student will be the next.



Name of the game: MOUSE, THE CAT IS GOING TO CATCH YOU. Number of participants: 10-20 Materials: None Rules: Players are sitting on the floor or standing up, there two versions, forming a circle. A student (mouse) runs around the circle while the others sing the song: “Mouse the cat is going to catch you, Mouse te cat is going to catch you, If it doesn´t catch you today, Tomorrow will be the date” When the song ends the “mouse” touches someone. This person (cat) must run to catch the mouse before he or she arrives to the free place leaved by the “cat”. If the cat catches the mouse the role of the mouse while change.



Name of the game: RAYUELA Number of participants: more than 1 Materials: A piece of chalk and a small stone Rules: Using a piece of chalk, you must draw on the floor the diagram which appears on the picture. First player must throw the stone into square number one, after that the player has to go and back jumping into squares using one or two feet depending on the diagram. When the player is coming back must pick up the stone and throw it outside the diagram before continue jumping. All players must do the same and one by one and when they finish number one they can continue with the rest of numbers until they arrive to ten. The winner will be the person who finishes the ten routes the first. But if somebody touches any line, jumps into the square where the stone is, or throws the stone outside the squares this person will lose the turn and he or she must try again the same route before continue.



Name of the game: RED CROSS- GREEN CROSS Number of participants: more than 4 Materials: None Rules: By random one person is chosen to catch the others. The rest of players must run away to avoid to be trapped. If one of the players is near to the trapped, this boy or girl must shout “red cross!” as the same time as he or she stand with arms and legs open. With this action the player will be safe, but he or she cannot move again until other player go through his or her legs, shouting at the same time “green cross!” In that moment the player will be free again to run and to try to escape from the person in charge to catch the others. The person who is caught while be in charge of catching the others.



Name of the game: I’M THE QUEEN/KING OF THE SEAS Number of participants:


Materials: A rope and a handkerchief Rules: Two students move the rope. Another one jumps while singing the song: “I’m the queen/king, of the seas Now, you are going to see, going to see I throw my handkerchief to the floor, to the floor And collect it again, it again”

When the song mentions it the pupil who is jumping throw the handkerchief to the ground and collect it again without stepping on the rope. If this happens the child would take the place of one of the players who are moving the rope.





Name of the game – Paper Chase Number of participants – 3 – 20 Materials – ribbon, markers, pens, drawingpads Rules of the game: Children are divided into two groups; those who chase and those who escape. The chasing group starts off 15-30 mins after the escaping group. The objective is to find and solve all the tasks left by the first group. The tasks are organized with the use of the above materials. The escaping team wins if the tasks are not solved. The chasing team wins if they catch the escaping team before the escaping team reaches the final point of the race. To be played outdoors.



Name of the game – Blind Man’s Buff Numbers of participants – unlimited number Materials – ribbon or a piece of fabric Rules of the game: One kid is chosen to be the Blind Man’s Buff. That kid is blindfolded and stands in the middle of the circle. The remaining participants surround the Blind Man’s Buff in a circle. Next they all move around the Blind Man’s Buff 3 times and then they disperse and run away. The person who is the Blind Man’s Buff catches the next Blind Man’s Buff without taking off the blindfold and tries to guess her/his name. This continues until all players are out of the game.



Name of the game – Hopscotch Numbers of participants – 2 or more (several players) Materials – chalk, a stick, or a pebble Rules of the game: Draw a shape resembling a mushroom or a boy on the pavement or on the ground. Then divide it into 1-10 sections ( 9 squares and a circle marked with numbers from one to ten).The child who goes first throws the pebble in square number 1. If s/he aims well s/he may start hopping. Then the kid must hop onto each square with one foot in each or 2 feet on the double square. Upon reaching the “head” the kid should make a jump with a turn and return, while picking up the pebble on her/his way back. Next s/he throws the pebble aiming at the following square and so on. If the player doesn’t throw the stone onto the right square or steps on the line s/he loses her/his turn.



Name of the game – Hide and seek Numbers of participants – 2 or more (several players) Materials – no materials needed Rules of the game: One person counts off with their eyes closed, while the rest hide. At the end of the count off the person who is seeking says “ready or not here I come!” and starts looking for the others. The hidden kids must reach the base before being found by the seeker. The last person to be found is the winner of the game. The first one to be found becomes the seeker.



Name of the game – Dodgeball Numbers of participants – 2 groups (3 – 20 participants in each group) Materials – ball Rules of the game: The aim of this game is to tag people from the opposite team with a ball. The players, except for the “Mum,” are not allowed to leave their part of the field. The “Mum, positioned in the back of the field takes over every ball that leaves the opponents field, and s/he may also tag people. A tag occurs when the thrown ball hits a player from the opposite team and then falls to the ground. The tagged player leaves the field. The team left without any players looses.



Name of the game – Tag Numbers of participants – unlimited number (2 or more) Materials – scarf Rules of the game: One person becomes a tag and her/his task is to catch other players by touching the person with a hand. A tag makes a touched player another tag.



Name of the game – Chinese jump rope Numbers of participants – 3 or more Materials – rope Rules of the game: Firstly two children must put on the rope around their ankles. The third child jumps in the rope with both feet. Then the child jumps out of the rope with both legs straddling each outside the rope. Next, the child jumps from side to side. Then the child jumps on the rope. Then out again. The player jumps until he makes a mistake.



Name of the game – Tomato Numbers of participants – 2 or more Materials – no materials needed Rules of the game: Everyone sits in a circle. The person who is “the tomato” stands in the center of the circle. Each person asks him different questions. The only answer to every question can be tomato. The first person who makes the “tomato” laugh wins.



Name of the game – Sophie or Hackey sack Number of participants – unlimited Materials – sophie- a sack made of wool or a piece of cloth filled with e.g. sand Rules of the game: Sophie – supposedly this game dates back to our grandparents’ time. A few players stand in a circle and try to keep the sack off the ground for as long as possible, without using their hands. The player who keeps “the sophie” off the ground the longest, by kicking it most frequently is the winner.



Name of the game – Bottle caps race Number of participants – 2-4,5 Materials – bottle caps Rules of the game: Race-the players flip their caps onto the track one by one. The player who first reaches the finish line of the track with his/her caps is the winner. To be played outdoors- on the pavement or in the sandpit.




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